Cheyenne Dictionary



-ávȯhó'e   vai. fell (trees), cut timber. É-ávȯhó'e. He is felling trees. É-ávȯhó'eo'o. They are felling trees. Medial -ó'(e)2. Category: wood.

-é'e'ohe   vai. chopped down. for example, of a tree. É-é'e'ohe. He (a tree) was chopped down. Reduplicated -óe'e'ohe; vta: -é'oh(n)2. See: é'ȯheo'o. Category: wood, cut.

é'ėšeo'o   na. block of wood. Lit: cut thing Plural é'ėšeono; AlternatePlural é'ėšeonȯtse. may be inanimate for some speakers. See: é'ȯheo'o chip. Category: wood.

é'ȯhéó'o1   ni. wood chip, chip. Lit: cut-by.tool (thing) Phon: vs vta: -e'oh(n)2; Plural é'ȯheonȯtse; Homonym é'ȯhéó'o2 anklet. See: é'ėšeo'o; évȯhéó'o. Category: wood.

-é'oh(n)2   vta. chop down s.o., cut down s.o., fell s.o. É-é'ȯhnóho. He chopped him down. Etym: *ki·škahwe·wa (P). Ná-é'óhno. I chopped him down. vti: -é'ohá. See: é'ȯhéó'o wood chip. Category: wood.

-ésto'ó'eméohe   vai. run into a wooded area. É-ésto'ó'eméohe. He ran into a wooded area. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

-ésto'ó'eohtsé   vai. enter a wooded area. É-ésto'ó'eōhtse. He entered a wooded area. Medial -ó'(é)2. Category: wood.

évȯhéó'o   ni. wood chip. Plural évȯheonȯtse. The plural also refers to kindling. See: é'ȯhéó'o. Category: wood.

-háa'ėstó'ohe   vai. be tall (of tree). The height is taller than é-tsėhe'ėstó'ohe. É-háa'ėstó'ohe. He (woody) is tall. Éstȧhósėhoháa'ėstó'ȯhesėstse tsé'tóhe hoohtsėstse. This tree really grew taller again. fai: -ó'ohe; Medial ó'(e)- 'wood'; Reduplicated -hátaa'ėstó'ohe. See: -tsėhe'ėstó'ohe; -háa'ėstahe; -háa'ého'oése; -háa'esó; -tó'ėstó'ohe. Category: wood.

hetanemenō'e   ni. juneberry bush. Medial -ó'(e); Plural hetanémenō'ėstse. Category: wood.

hetanemenó'ėšé'e   obl. juneberry bush area. Medial -ó'(e). See: še'é. Category: wood.

-hóestó'éhne   vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, emerge from brush. É-hóestó'éhne. He came out of the forest. Éxhe'kemé'-hoestó'ėhnesėstse oeškēse. The dog came out of the bushes. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).188] Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

-hóestó'eohe   vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, go out of bounds. É-hóestó'eohe. He came out of the woods. For example, when a deer comes out of the forest or when someone goes out of bounds in a ball game. Éhnėhmé'-hoestó'eohésesto. They came out of the forest (reportative). [VISION.TXT] Medial -ó'(é)2 wood. Category: wood, basketball.

-hóestó'eohtsé   vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, emerge from brush. É-hóestó'eōhtse. He came out of the forest / bushes. Medial -ó'(é)2. Category: wood.

hó'otseonó'e   ni. backrest, willow backrest, bedstead. This is a backrest made of willows, traditionally used in a tepee. These backrests are always in pairs. Plural hó'otseonó'ėstse; Medial -ó'(e). See: hó'os-; hó'óse; hoeseonó'e; méno'ke. Category: wood, tepee.

kȧhamaxe   ni. 1 • stick. especially firewood stick. for example, for firewood; smaller piece of wood than māxe. Plural kȧhamāxėstse. AltPl=kȧhamȧxehȯtse Ques: re-record alternate plural?? Category: check. Oblique kȧhamȧxéhéva, kȧhamȧxēva. See: -kȧhamȧxévėstonane; xamaekȧhámáxėstse. Category: fire, wood.

2 • penis. See: vétoo'ȯtse penis. Category: vulgar, sex.

-kȧhamȧxévėstóné   vai. make of wood. É-kȧhamȧxévėstóne. He makes (something) of wood. [pd679] Final -óné. See: manėstóné. Category: wood.

kȧhkóaxēō'o   na. board. Plural kȧhkóaxeono. See: kȧhámáxe; oomȧhoo'o; maxe. Category: wood.

-mȧhané   vai. get firewood. É-mȧháne. He is gathering firewood. Etym: *mehθehke·wa. Tȧhé-mȧhánėstse! Go get firewood! Énóhtoe-mȧhāne. He is going after firewood. Ého'óe-mȧhāne. He brought firewood. Éó'xoe-mȧhāne He chopped wood. See: -mane; -oó'xoemȧhané; maxe; -he-mȧxeme have firewood; -mȧxemá. Category: wood, fire.

-ma'xėhemȧxemé   vai. have much firewood. É-ma'xėhemȧxēme. He has lots of firewood. Category: wood.

ménó'ėšé'e   ni. 1 • chokecherry bush area, berry bush area. Medial -ó'(e)2.

2 • Willow Creek. This is a tributary of Medicine Lodge Creek in southern Kansas. Category: wood, rivers.

mótó'e   na. ash (tree). Plural móto'eo'o; Obviative motó'eho ??. Etym: *mya·la·xka (P). Category: check. This word can refer to the forked ash post used in the Sun Dance lodge. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood, trees.

-no'kó'ohe   vai. grow alone (of a tree). É-no'kó'ohe. (The tree) grew alone (by itself). fai: -ó'ohe. Category: wood.

-óe'e'ohe   vai. chopped down. É-óe'e'ȯheo'o. (The trees) were chopped down. Non-reduplicated -é'e'ohe. Phon: redup; only used with plural subjects Category: wood.

-ó'(é)2   m. wood, tree, bush. šéstót-ó'e pine tree. mót-ó'e ash (tree). homen-ó'e elm. mén-ó'ėšé'e chokecherry bush area. hoóhtsenáheón-ó'e smoke flap poles. ho'otseon-ó'e willow backrest. pó'ponȯheon-ó'e drumstick. Éávȯh-ó'e. He cut timber. Éháa'ėst-ó'ohe. He (tree or tuber) is tall. Évon-ó'éma. He was lost in thick bushes. Éséno'-ó'eōhtse. He went into the bushes. Mano'o'éo'hé'e Grove River / Smoky Hill River. See: -o'e; -ó'o'e; -ó'é6. Category: wood.

-ó'ohe   m. tree, tuber. This refers to trees and tubers such as turnips. Éhá-o'ȯheo'o. They (animate) are many in number. Énoón-o'ȯheo'o. They (trees) are dried up. Éo'hém-o'ȯheo'o mo'ȯhtá'éne. The turnips are scarce/there aren't many turnips. Éšéšk-o'ȯheo'o. They (animate) are thin (not many in number). Éno'k-ó'ohe. (The tree) grew alone (by itself). Étóne'ėst-ó'ohe? How high is he (tree)? Étó'ėst-ó'ȯheo'o. They (especially trees) are tall. Medial -ó'(e). See: -o'kohné dig for turnips. Ques: what is the common semantic element that trees and turnips share (leafy, woody?)? tree Category: wood, check.

-ó'xoemȧhané   vai. chop wood, split wood. É-ó'xoemȧhāne He chopped wood. Reduplicated -oó'xoemȧhané. See: -mȧhané. Category: wood.

-oó'xoemȧhané   vai. chop wood. É-oó'xoemȧhāne. He is chopping firewood. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated ó'xoemȧhané. See: mȧhané; ho'óemȧhané. Category: wood, housework.

oomȧhohko   na. Gram: dim piece of lumber. a smaller board than oomȧhoo'o. Non-diminutive oomȧhoo'o. See: oomȧho'ko. Category: wood.

oomȧho'ko   na. plank. Plural oomȧhó'kono. See: oomȧhohko; oomȧhoo'o. Category: wood.

oomȧhoo'o   na. piece of lumber, board. Phon: vs Plural oomȧhóono. The plural refers to boards / pieces of lumber. See: oomȧho'ko ??. Category: check, wood.

pȧhpoekȧhamaxe   ni. flat wood, oar. Lit: flat-stick for example, for an oar. See: kȧhamaxe stick. Category: wood.

pó'ponȯheónó'e   ni. drumstick. Plural pó'ponȯheónó'ėstse. Medial -ó'(e). See: pónȯhenestȯtse coup stick; onéhavo'e drum. Category: drum, wood.

-séno'ó'eohtsé   vai. 1 • 

1 • go into the bushes. Variant: -séno'eohtsé. É-séno'ó'eōhtse. He went into the bushes. Medial -o'é3. See: -séno'eohtsé.

2 • make out. Mónėstȧ-séno'ó'eohtsémáne? Shall we go into the bushes? That is idiomatic for Shall we go make out? Category: figurative, wood.

šē'e   ni. area, grove. Plural šē'ėstse. hetanémenó'ė-šé'e juneberry bush area. váno'é-šé'e sagebrush area. tséhméstsė-še'eve at the cottonwood grove. Ééstsema'ó'ė-še'eve. It is a gopher hole area. Ho'honáéšé'e Montana (lit. rocky-area). See: -nó2. Usage: rare as a noun, but common as a noun final or in verbs Category: wood.

-šéškó'ohe   vai. sparse, thin. of trees or tubers. not used in sg. ?? É-šéško'ȯheo'o. They (woody) are sparse. Šéštótó'e é-šéško'ȯheo'o. The pine trees are sparse (there). Phon: assimilated from -séškó'ohe fai: -ó'ohe. Category: wood, check.

-ta'omó'ohe   vai. tree obstruct, bush obstruct. É-ta'omó'ȯheo'o. They (woody) are obstructing. É'ȯhkeéema'xe-ta'omó'ȯheo'o heneno. There used to be a growth of rose (bushes) obstructing. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).106] fai: -ó'ohe. Category: wood.

-tó'kėstó'ohe   vai. short. É-tó'kėstó'ohe. He (tree) is short. É-tó'kėstó'ȯheo'o. They are short. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'kėstó'ohe. Category: wood.

-tsėhe'ėstó'ohe   vai. be tall (of a tree or turnip). É-tsėhe'ėstó'ohe. He (especially a tree) is tall. Medial -ó'(e)2; Reduplicated -tó'ėstó'ohe; Final -htó'ohe. Category: wood.

-tšėhe'kėstó'ohe   vai. be short (woody). É-tšėhe'kėstó'ohe. He (woody) is short. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

Véhpȧhoo'ȯtse   1 • ni. hollow piece of wood. Plural véhpȧhootȯtse. Morph: /véhpahoot/. Etym: *wi·mpehθakwi (P). Category: wood.

2 • na. Hollow Wood. Category: names.

vé'ȯhkonóno'e   ni. some kind of pole. Category: wood.

-vóhko'an   vti. bend s.t. as wood.

vta. bend s.o. as wood. for example, bend willows (animate) for a sweat lodge. Ná-vóhkó'áno ménó'ke. I bent the willow. Éohkevá'ne-vóhko'anovo. They bend them (willows). Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

-vóhko'en   vti. bend s.t. as wood. É-vóhkó'éna. He bent it as wood. Etym: *wa·ka·xkwenamwa.

vta. bend s.o. as wood. for example, bend willows (animate) for a sweat lodge. Ná-vóhkó'éno ménó'ke. I bent the willow. É-vóhko'enóho. He bent him as wood. Etym: *wa·ka·xkwene·wa. Medial -ó'(é)2. Category: wood.

-vonó'emá   vai. lost in bushes. É-vonó'éma. He was lost in thick bushes. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

xamaekȧhámáxėstse   ni. Gram: pl ordinary firewood, cottonwood branches. Lit: ordinary sticks for example, ash or cottonwood, but not pine. See: kȧhámáxe. Category: wood.