Cheyenne Dictionary


E - e

-e1   sfx. local TA suffix indicating second person subject acting on first person object. Népėhévevéstȧhem-e. You helped me in a good way. Né'áahtov-e! (You pl.) listen to me! Né'áahtov-ėstse (You sg.) listen to me! Category: grammar.

1   sfx. TI object agreement marker. This theme sign indicates that the object of a verb is inanimate. Náho'eotsēsts-e. I brought it. Morph: /náho'eotesté/. Námanēsts-e. I made it. Morph: /námanesté/. Etym: *o·. See: 1 FTI. Category: grammar.

-e2   fai. sit. Énomene-e'e. He drank sitting. Émane-e'e. He drank sitting. Énémene-e'e. He sang sitting. Émésėhé'hanaa'-e. He ate sitting. Éháoenaa'-e. He prayed sitting. Éhóhta'hanee-'e. He sat telling stories. Énéše-eo'o. They are riding double. Phon: vs See: -hoo'e; -oe. Category: sit.

-e3   sfx. TA conjunct participle suffix for plural object. tsévóomóse-e'e those (an) who you (pl) see. tséméhototse-e'e those (an) who we love. Category: grammar.

-e4   sfx. voice for unspecified person acting on a third person; passive. Évóom-e. He was seen. Category: grammar.

-e4   sfx. voice for unspecified person acting on a third person, passive voice. Évóom-e. He was seen. Category: grammar.

-e5   sfx. singular noun suffix. men-e berry (cf. menȯtse 'berries'). nama'kaetáam-e my money. Category: grammar.

-e   sfx. abstract AI verb final. Náhevéškem-e. I have a grandmother. Éméseh-e. He is eating.

   sfx. obviative suffix. kȯsán-e (< /kosán -é/) sheep. Category: grammar.

   sfx. animate noun plural suffix. hováhn-e < /hováhn-é/ animals. kȯsán-e < /kosán-é/ sheep (plural). See: -o; -ét. Category: grammar.

   sfx. conjunct suffix for first person singular acting on inanimate object. Variant: . Category: grammar.

é-   pfx. conjunct prefix which functions as a complementizer for verbs of wondering meaning 'whether' or 'if'. Usage: obsolescing seems to require a following preverb, especially he'- or me'-. é-xhe'ȯhketónetȯhomó'hévȯtse however they did that dance. Éhéne'ēna é-me'tȧhešévevo. He knows what I should do. Móstato'senėhešetotóxematanó'tovȯhevovóhe é-me'évȧhešėhestanovȯse They wanted to talk about it that way, how they would get them back. [1987:52] Táaxa'e, hénová'énėse é-me'tameto? Let's see, what could I give him? [1987:184] Naa hénova'étótsénėse é-me'tameto? Now what could I give him? naa éme'nėšenėhēso neme'ko éme'néhnėšévȧhóo'ȯhtsénove and even if your head is like that, just come on back home. (1987:296). the 'whether' preverb éó- may contain this prefix also (it takes past tense as é'ó-): Násáahéne'enóhe éóto'semanėstse. I don't know if (whether) he is going to drink. Náonéstátsésta éóhetómo. I'm testing it to see if it's true. hápó'é 'é'ó-naóotsėstse móxhesétamaehevóhe likewise, "(I don't know) whether he is asleep," she was wondering about him. [1980:66:73] See: tsé-. Category: grammar.

-e   sfx. IMPV. Vé'hoohtom-e! Take it/them (said to more than one person)! Hestanom-eo'o! Take it/them then! See: -om. Category: grammar.

é-   pfx. third person independent prefix. There is no gender marked on the pronoun prefixes of Cheyenne. So the first example, below, can mean either 'He ate (or, is eating)' or 'She ate (or, is eating).'. É-mésehe. He (or She) ate. É-mésėheo'o They ate. É-tonéto. It is cold. Etym: cf. O wi·n he (pronoun) (N). See: he-4 3PS. Category: grammar.

   fna. singular animate noun final. namėšém-e my grandfather.

   sfx. locative suffix. mȧheón-e at the house. méón-e on the road. o'hé'-e at the river. ma'háhkėheomēē'e at the old people's lodge. See: -vá. Category: grammar.

-e   ep. epenthetic word-final vowel. This is an epenthetic vowel added to some verbs or nouns when the resulting last syllable of the word is voiceless. Category: check. mȧheonȯts-e houses. tséhmanės-e when he drank.

éaa   p. oh my! male exclamation. See: náoo female exclamation. Phon: may be lengthened for greater effect Variant: šéaa. Category: exclamations.

-ea'e   fii. texture, color. Évó'kom-ea'e. It is whitish in color. Éohasév-ea'e He has a sheen. Épopé'-ea'e. It has a rough texture. Étónov-éa'e. It is thick in texture. fai: -eata. Category: texture.

-eata   fai. texture, color. Évó'kom-eata. He is whitish in color. Éohasév-eata. He has a sheen. fii: -ea'e. Category: texture.

ée-   pv. about. Phon: contraction of éve- Néée-tónėšéve? What have you been doing? Né-éepėhévó'áne. You have been pronouncing well. / You have been saying good things.(??) Non-contracted éve-. Category: check.

-eé   voice. inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with stems ending in -h(n) and obviative subject. Nátaeváh-éé'e. They measured me. Étaeváh-éé'e. He was measured by him/them. Antonym  DIR. See: -āā'e. Category: grammar.

-ee   voice. inverse suffix for TA verb stems ending in -h(n). Nétaeváh-eene He measured us (incl). Category: grammar.

eee   p. hey, doubt, disclaimer. This exclamation typically serves as a putdown of someone, expressing doubt in them or in what they said. See: he'ééhe; hóome-. Category: exclamations.

-eeh   fta. abstract transitive final. Épėhév-eehóho. He treated him well. Ééš-eehóho. He raised him. Category: grammar.

éeh-   i. sharpen. See: -éstovó; -éškosó. Category: texture.

-éehahtsé   vti. sharpen s.t. É-ééháhtse. He sharpened it. for example, to sharpen a blade. vai: -éehasené. See: -eohótȧhotsėstse; -ó'a'ó; -éškȯsáxa.

-éehasené   vai. sharpen. É-éehasēne. He sharpened. [PD477] vti: -éehahtsé; IndepNoun éehasēō'o.

éehasēō'o   na. sharpening stone, whetstone, file. Plural éehaseono. Lit: sharpener vai: -éehasené. See: eohótȧhohtsėstse; ó'ėséena. Category: tools.

-eehe   fai. move camp. Ée'-eehe. He moved camp up. Eam-eehe. He moved camp along. Ého'-eehe. He arrived moving camp. Éhes-éehe. He moved camp to the ridge. Mó'ȯhkeévėhéo'enemená-eehéhevóhe vo'ėstaneo'o. The people used to go on berry picking camping trips. [1987:287] Variant: -ehe. Etym: *ikosi (R). See: -vée'e camp. Etym: cf. M peme·kosew. Category: camp.

Éehē'e   na. Camps All Over Woman. Category: names.

-ee'e   fna. feather, quill. heškóvets-ee'e porcupine quill. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -méená. Category: birds.

-één   m. snow. Éháahpe'-éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Lit: it-deep-snow-lie Émȯxe'-éenȯhnóho. He swept the snow. Lit: 3-brush-snow-by.tool-OBV IndepNoun héstā'se; fai: -ééná. Category: weather.

-ééná   fai. snow. Énȧha'-ééna. He was caught by the snow. Éáhto'-ééna. He was buried under the snow. Énėhp-ééna. He was snow-bound. Évóhp-eenaotse. There are snow drifts. Medial -één. See: -ho'éétó; -éétó; -óová; -éenoo'e. Category: snow.

-éenoo'e   fii. snow lie on ground. Éháahpe'-éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Évóhp-eenoo'e. The ground is covered with white snow. Phon: vs See: -ééná; -ho'éétó. Category: snow.

-éeoha'ov   vta. immerse s.o., dunk s.o., submerse s.o. É-éeoha'ovóho. He dunked him. Category: liquid.

-éeohová   vai. flee running. running not to be caught. É-éeohōva. He is running so as not to be caught. See: -ohová. Category: run.

-éeohtsé   vai. wander. É-éeōhtse. He is wandering. [Chief Teeth.011] Non-contracted -éveohtsé.

-éeotse   vai. dive. É-éeotse. He dove (under the water). Etym: **ko·kipalyiwa (Ch with resultative final). Naa ȯhts-éeotsévosėstse mó'ȯhketšėšeno'ma'xepoo'ȯhenėhevóhe homā'e. And when beavers dive they make a tremendous clap. [1987:277] Etym: O googi· (N) (correspondence?). See: -éohtsé wander; -ama'ó dive (flying); -nótová roam. Category: liquid, motion.

éese-   i. talk. Ééve-éeseóeo'o. They are standing talking. vai: -éestse. Category: speak.

-éesénome   vai. talk during sleep, sleep talk. É-éesénome. He talked during sleep. Éohke-éesénome. He talks during sleep. Ques: recheck Initial éese-; fai: -énóme; Synonym -éestsénome. Category: speak, sleep, check.

-éesoo'e   vai. sit talking, talk sitting, sit speaking, speak sitting. É-éesoo'e. He is sitting talking. fai: -oe. Phon: vs Category: speak, sit.

-eestsé   fti. pull s.t. Éhes-eēstsé. He pulled it. Éhests-eēstse. He wounded it by pulling. fta: -eet. Category: move.

-éestse   vai. speak, talk. É-éestse. He is speaking. The difference between -éestse and -ne'hónová is that -éestse is more purposeful, organized speaking, such as a speech that someone gives, while -ne'hónová is talking/chatting, less organized speaking. The final -ó'ané refers to the mechanics of speaking, such as pronunciation. -nestse refers to speaking a particular language. Éestsėstse! ?? Speak! Éma'xe-éestse. He is longwinded. Éoseeháa'éše-éestse. He spoke for a very long time. Énéma'ó'e-éestse. He is talking in circles; he is talking above our heads. Névááhe tsésáa'éestsééstse? Who has not spoken? tsé'-éestseto when you spoke. vta: -éestsėstov; Initial éese-. See: -éestseotse suddenly speak; -ne'hónová talk; -heve say; -het say to s.o.; -éestséstová; -ó'ané pronounce; -nestse speak a language; -háónová talkative. Etym: *ki:kitowa. Category: speak, check.

éestsé't   vta. Sóhpeéestsé'tovenáno nevo'ėstanemo! Speak through your people! [A Prayer at a Meeting.019] Category: speak.

-éestsé'tá   vti. speak s.t., tell s.t. É-éestsé'ta. He spoke it. Naa hétsetseha héne tā'se nėhéóhe nátȧho'-éestsé'ta. And that is as far as I can tell it now. [1987:100] See: -hósestá; -mé'está. Category: speak.

-éestsénome   vai. talk during sleep; sleep talk. É-éestsénome. He talked during sleep. Synonym -éesénome. Category: sleep, speak.

Éestséóhtsé'e   na. Talks While Going Woman. Category: names.

-éestseotse   vai. speak suddenly. For example, when someone suddenly speaks up to try to stop an argument. É-éestseotse. He spoke up suddenly. Ques: tséo?? See: -éestse speak. Category: speak, check.

-éestsėstáotsé'tov   vt. talk to s.o. Nátaovóe'-éestsėstáotsé'tóvo. I'll be the first one to talk to him. [Instruction to Children.010] Category: speak.

-éestsėstomev   vta. speak something to s.o. É-éestsėstomevóho. He is speaking to him. Ná-éestsėstomēvo. I told something to him. vai: -éestse. See: -het say to. Category: speak, check.

-éestsėstomósané   vai. interpret. É-éestsėstomósáne. He interpreted. Ques: check recording pronunciation?? fai: -ósané. See: -éestsėstósané; -éestsėstomótȧxevá. Category: speak, check.

éestsėstomósanéhe   na. interpreter. Plural éestsėstomósanéheo'o. See: éestsėstomótȧxevahe. Category: jobs, speak.

-éestsėstomótah   vta. speak for s.o., interpret for s.o. This word can be extended to refer to representing someone. Ques: recheck that?? É-éestsėstomótȧhóho. He interpreted for/spoke on behalf of him. for example, spoke for a mute. fta: -omótah. See: -véstȧhtóohe; -nėhestomótah. Category: speak, check.

-éestsėstomótȧxevá   vai. interpret; speak for. This can refer to interpreting or speaking for people who cannot speak for themselves, such as mutes. É-éestsėstomótȧxēva. He interpreted. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.

éestsėstomótȧxeváhe   na. interpreter. Lit: speak for-person Variant: éestsėstomósanéhe; Plural éestsėstomótȧxeváheo'o. Category: jobs.

-éestséstȯsané   vai. talk to people, speak to people. especially as in teaching. É-éestséstȯsáne. He is talking, lecturing (to people). Épȧháve-éestséstȯsáne. He (for example, a preacher) speaks well (to you). fai: -ósané; Variant: éestsėstósané. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.

-éestsėstósané   vai. speak to people; talk to people, speak to people (especially as in teaching). É-éestsėstósáne. He spoke (to people). Éohke-éestsėstósáne. He speaks (to people). [Training Young People:40] Éohketšėheše-éestsėstósaneo'o tséhátaa'éhahese. This is the way the older people talk (to you). (1987:216). fai: -ósané; Variant: -éestséstȯsané. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.

-éestsėstóseoneve   vai. instructed, spoken to. É-éestsėstóseoneve. He has been instructed. Hēā'e ésáa'-éestsėstóseonévéhe. Maybe he was never talked to. Category: speak.

eestséstotȯtse tsémȯxe'ohe   ni. dictionary. Lit: words-where they are written Category: new.

éestsestȯtse   ni. saying, word, talk. (another recording) vai: -éestse; Plural éestséstotȯtse. See: óxo-. Category: speak.

éestsestȯtse tsé'ȧseméahtove   vii. telegraph. Lit: talk where-( See: hóhta'hané-ma'kaata; ma'kaata tsé'oome.

-éestsėstov   vta. speak to s.o., talk to s.o. É-éestsėstovóho. He spoke to him. Éestsėstoveha! Speak to him! Né'-éestsėstovėstse! Talk to me! É-éestsėstóheo'o ka'ėškóneho. The children are talked to. Náohkeéve-éestsėstóvȧhtséme. We (not including you) talk to each other. Nátaévȧhé-eestsėstōvo. I apologized to him. (apology is implied; literally, I went back and talked to him). Nėstaévȧhóse-éestsėstovȧtse. I'll talk to you again. Nėstamóneévȧhóse-éestsėstóvatséme. I'm speak to you guys again soon. Nėstamóneévȧhóseméo-éestsėstóvatséme. I'll talk to you guys again soon tomorrow. Háa, naa mȧhvóonā'o hetóéva nėstaévȧhóse-éestsėstóvatséme. Yes and tomorrow evening I'll speak to you plural again. É-pėhéva'e tsé'éestsėstóvatsése. It was good talking to you guys. See: -het tell s.o.. Category: speak.

-éestséstová   vai. speak, talk. built on the root -éestse and seems to have something of a specialized meaning beyond it ?? É-éestséstóva. ?? Épȧháve-éestséstóva. He spoke well. fai: -ová. See: -éestse; -ónová. Category: speak, check.

-éestséšé   vai. lie speaking. This is about lying prone. É-éestséše. He is speaking while lying. Category: lie, speak.

-éestsétanó   vai. want to talk. É-éestsétáno. He wants to talk. Category: speak.

-éestsev   vta. speak for s.o. É-éestsevóho. He spoke for him. Ná-éestsēvo. I spoke for him. See: -éestsėstomótah. Category: speak.

éestsévȯhónestȯtse   ni. alphabet. Lit: speaking-sign (language) fai: -ohóné. See: évȯhónestȯtse. Category: write, new.

-eet   fta. pull s.o. Éhes-eetóho. He pulled him. Éhests-eetóho. He wounded him by pulling. É-péeetóho. He tore him apart. (by pulling??) Épo'-eetóho. He pulled him off. Étó'h-eetóho. He stopped him with the reins. fti: -eestsé. Category: move, check.

-éétó   fii. snow. Één-ééto. It quit snowing. Évóon-ééto. It snowed all night. Éháé-ééto. It is snowing really hard. Éam-éetootse. The snow storm went by. fai: -éená. See: -ho'éétó snow. Category: snow.

-éh   f. EP. tséxhe'nétoo-néhevetse at the gate. [Squint Eye.005]

-éh   sfx. possessed noun plural suffix. Ques: Is this an aberrant variant?? nema'kaetóhkon-éhanōtse our (incl) buckets. hestone'óon-éhévo their clothing. [Learning to Plow.010] Category: grammar, check.

-eha   sfx. imperative suffix commanding a singular address to act upon a third person. Vé'hoom-eha! Look at him! Ques: Can this be further split into -e + -ha? See: -ha. Plural -nano. Category: grammar.

-ehá   fii. fall, lie. meaning can be more abstract than English 'fall' or 'lie'. É-amēha. It is written (down). Évéhp-éha. It is empty (for example, a post office box). fai: -eše; fti: -ehahtsé; fta: -ešem. See: -há. Etym: *-hθen(e). Category: lie.

-eha   m. shoe(s), moccasin(s). E'-ėhā'ȯhtse! Put your shoes on! naa tsé'éšenétȧhéve-eha'óvȯse and ?? mo'-eha/mo'k-eha moccasin/shoe. épėhévo'k-ėhāna He has good shoes. Category: shoes, check.

-ehahtsé   fti. cause s.t. to lie, set s.t., place s.t. Evéhp-ėháhtse. He emptied it. (literally, he-empty-lie.cause-it). fii: -ehá; fai: -ehasené, šé-; fta: -ešem. Category: move.

-éhamá   m. husband. Épėhéve-éháma. ?? She has a good husband. Éháestȯhe-éháma. She has many husbands. ni: -éhame; Feminine -'évá. Category: family, marriage, check.

-éhame   na. Gram: poss husband (poss.) na-éhame my husband. (another recording) he-éháme her husband. tséhe-éhaméto the one who is my husband. tséhe-éhaméstovėstse the one who is husband. Usage: This form is largely replaced by tsévéstoemo 'the one who is my spouse,' etc. Cheyennes today often laugh when they hear this word because the word root is now used as a verb for a woman having sex. Etym: cf. M waye·wet the husband. Medial -éhamá; vai: -he-éhamé have a husband / have sex; Feminine -htse'éme. See: he'é'hame; -véstoem; -éhame. Category: family, marriage, vulgar.

éhane   na. our (inclusive) father. See: -héh. Category: relatives.

-ehasené   fai. position things, set things. Éév-ėhasēne. He scattered things / made a mess. Éhóxov-ėhasēne. He put something across. Étsėho'-ėhasēne. He has a messy room. Épe'pe'-ėhasēne. He has things scattered around. Één-ėhasēne. He stopped playing cards. fii: -ehá; fti: -ehahtsé. Category: put.

-éhe   ep. EP. This is one of several words parts that are added (epenthesized) to words for them to be grammatical. tse'némoon-éhéva with tobacco. [Gunpowder.003]

-ehe   fai. move, move camp. Éase-ehe. He is moving away. Nátao'sėheše-ehe. I'm going to move there. Náto'setsėhe'-ehe. I'm going to move over there. Étsėhe'-ėhéoohe. He moved there quickly. Mé'tó'e vé'ho'e éstaése-ehesėstse. In turn the whiteman moved in. [Drumming Owls.012] Variant: -eehe. Etym: *ehi ?. Category: camp.

éhévo   na. Gram: poss Gram: pl your (plural) father. See: -héh.

-ehné   fai. walk, go, mover. Éam-ēhne. He is walking along. Ques: Is this better analyzed as -hné? There are several movement finals. One scale along which they can be classified may be rapidity of motion. Our first guess as to the arrangement of AI finals along this scale, from slowest motion to most rapid is: -ohe; -ehné; -ohtsé; -o'ȧhéotse; -a'xe ?? All these appear to refer to movement along a surface. Movement of self through space includes finals -a'ó 'fall' ?? Other movement finals are -'há 'fly', /-ohomó'he/ 'dance', -(e)ehe 'move camp'. Etym: *ohłe· (R). See: -hné; -ohtsé1. Category: walk.

eho   na. your father. Stem -héh. Category: relatives.

-ehóhtá   fti. at s.t., to s.t., approach s.t. Ého'-ėhóhta. He arrived at it. Énóhts-ėhóhta. He approached it. Nétanóhts-ėhóhtanone! Let's come near it! Éhehpė-hóhta. He walked beyond it. fta: -ehót; Variant: -hóhtá. Category: approach.

-ehóohtá   vti. curse s.t. Refers to putting a curse on something. This is not about cursing profanity. É-ehóóhta. He put a curse on it. vta: -ehóom.

-ehóom   vta. curse s.o. refers to putting a curse on someone, not to swearing or uttering profanities at someone. É-ehóomóho. He put a curse on him. Mó'-ehóomȯhevóhe. He must have put a curse on him. Étavé'še-ehóomósesto vo'ėstanóho tséhne'éetónėstá'too'ėse They put a curse on someone that comes against them. [1987:211] vai: -ehóone. Category: speak, interpersonal.

-ehóoné   vai. put a curse on. É-ehóóne. He put a curse on (someone). Tsé-ehóonėstse éohkeévȧho'ėhótaenȯse heehóonestȯtse. The one who curses, his curse comes back on him(self). (a cultural belief). vta: -ehóom. See: -ehóosané.

ehóonéhe   na. exorcist, curser. curser in the sense of someone who pronounces a curse, not someone who utters profanities.

ehóonestȯtse   ni. curse.

-ehóonevóma'o'e   vii. condemned land; be condemned land. Lit: cursed-ground The U.S. government has condemned some land, usually to free it for some public use, and this is the term the Cheyennes use to refer to such land. É-ehóonevóma'o'e. It is condemned land. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: legal.

-ehóosané   vai. put curses on (people). É-ehóósáne. He puts curses (on people). vai: -ehóom. See: -ehóoné.

ehóosanestȯtse   ni. witchcraft.

-ehót   fta. at s.o., to s.o. Éam-ėhótóho. He walked by him. (newer pronunciation). Ého'-ėhótóho. He came to him. Énósevon-ėhoto. He crawled up to him. Één-ėhótóho. He stopped and stood by him. Ého'evon-ėhoto He arrived at him by crawling. Taa'éva mósto'seés-ėhótaehevovóhe. At night he was going to come into (their tepee). Móxho'-ėhótaehevóhe ésevone. A buffalo came to them. [1987:307] Nétanóhts-ėhótone Ma'hēō'o! Let us come near God! [Hymn 5] Móhma'xemóhee-hótaehevovóhe nótȧxévé'hó'e. So the soldiers gathered to come after (attack) them. [1987:44] fti: -hóhtá. See: -ho'ehné. Category: move. fti: -ehóhtá.

é'-   i. break. É-é'ahe. He is broken. É-é'á'o. It snapped. Etym: *pi·kw-. Category: break.

e'-   i. up, upward, uphill. Variant: e'(e)-. É-e'ȯhomo'he. He danced up. É-e'oése. He floated up. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode uphill on horseback. É-e'eehe. He moved camp uphill. See: he'āma; é'- break. Category: positions.

-é'ahe   vai. 1 • be broken. É-é'ahe. He is broken. Etym: *po·xkwesiwa (P). Synonym -óo'e'ahe, -óo'e'óe'tó. See: -ó'xahe.

2 • be broke. that is, be out of money. Category: figurative. É-é'ahe. He is broke. Ná-é'ahe. I'm broke. Usage: probably a loan transl. from English, but widely known, and also used in Indian sign language. vii: -é'ó. See: -he-ma'kaataemé. Category: break, money.

-e'a'éno'hamé   vai. drive up. É-e'a'éno'hāme. He is driving up (a hill). fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.

-e'a'éšé   vai. lie with head up. É-e'a'éše. He lay with head up. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.

-é'a'hahtsé   vti. break s.t. for example, cuts Cheyenne words short when speaking. É-é'a'hāhtse. He broke it. Éohke-é'a'hāhtse hó'ótóva. He sometimes cuts it short. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -e'a'hahtsé throw s.t. up. Category: break.

-e'a'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. up. This is about literal throwing s.t. up, not about vomiting (throwing up). É-e'a'hāhtse. He threw it up. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -é'a'hahtsé break s.t.. Category: throw.

-e'a'ham   vta. throw s.o. up. É-e'a'hamóho. He threw him up. for instance, to throw s.o. on top of a house. fta: -a'ham. See: -he'ama'ham. Category: throw.

-e'a'haso'he   vai. ride horse uphill. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode up the hill on horseback. Initial e'(e)-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.

-e'a'hasó'heohe   vai. ride horse uphill quickly. É-e'a'hasó'heohe. He rode up the hill on horseback quickly. Initial e'(e)-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.

-é'a'ó   vii. snap, break quickly. É-é'á'o. It snapped.

vai. go broke. Category: figurative. É-é'á'o. He went broke. See: -e'a'ó. Category: money, break.

-e'a'ó   vii. go up quickly. É-e'a'ónėstse. They (inanimate) went up quickly. for example, of firecracker rockets.

vai. go up quickly. É-e'ā'o. He (or It) jumped on/up quickly.

jump on, go up quickly. E'ā'ȯhtse! Jump on/up! See: -e'evonehné climb up; -é'a'ó snap; -he'ama'ó fly up; -e'ėha'ó put on shoes. Category: motion.

-e'a'ov   vta. drive up s.o. É-e'a'ovóho. He drove him up. Initial e'-; Final -a'ov. Category: livestock.

-é'a'xe   vai. broken by wind. É-é'a'xe. The wind broke him. Etym: *po·xkweʔšiwa (P). Category: wind.

-e'a'xe   vai. jump uphill, run uphill. É-e'a'xe. He ran up. tséhnėhméhaemé'e-e'a'xévȯse as they appeared running uphill. [1987:22] Initial e'-; fai: -a'xe. See: -e'e'o'ȧhéotse. Etym: cf. M espae·qsew. Category: motion.

-é'an   1 • vti. break s.t. É-é'ána. He broke it by hand. Etym: *ešpenamwa > **išpenamwa (L); *po·xkwenamwa (P).

vta. break s.o. by hand.

2 • vta. break s.o. financially. Usage: figurative; loan transl. from English É-é'anóho. He broke him money-wise. See: -é'en. Category: break, money.

-e'an   vti. put s.t. up (by hand). É-e'āna. He put it up. Etym: *ešpenamwa.

vta. put s.o. up (by hand). É-e'anóho. He put him up. Etym: *ešpene·wa. Ná-e'āno. I got him up (there). Category: move.

-é'as   vta. cut s.o. É-é'ȧsóho. He cut him. See: -é'es cut him. Category: cut.

-é'axá   vti. cut s.t. É-é'áxa. He cut it. Etym: *ki·škešamwa (P) he slices it through. Category: cut.

-e'é   fna. woman. món-é'e bride (literally, new-woman). Hotóhk-é'e Star Woman. IndepNoun he'é.

e'(e)   i. up, upward, uphill. Variant: e'-. É-e'ȯhomo'he. He danced up. É-e'oése. He floated up. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode uphill on horseback. É-e'evonēhne. He climbed up. É-e'eehe. He moved camp uphill.

pv. up, upward, uphill. É-e'eka'a'xėstse! Jump up! (for example, on board on car). Particle he'āma. See: é'- break. Category: positions.

-e'é   mbp. liver. See: he'e. Category: body.

-é'ea'onás   vta. cut s.o. at the shin. É-é'ea'onaso. He cut him at the shin. É-é'ea'onásóho. He cut him at the shin. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'ea'onáso. I cut him at the shin. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, cut.

-é'ea'onáxé   vai. fall and break shinbone, break shin from falling. É-é'ea'onáxe. He fell and broke his shinbone. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, break.

-e'eé   fii. leak. Éés-e'ēē'e. It is leaking. Één-e'ēē'e. It stopped leaking. Émȧh-e'ēē'e. It is leaking all over. Phon: vs

e'eeháséto   ni. vine. Plural e'eehásétónėstse. Usage: not widely known today See: véškee'ėstse. Category: plants.

-é'eehe   vta. Gram: PSV hung. Some Cheyennes were hanged to death, as capital punishment by the U.S. government. É-é'eehe. He was hung. vta: -é'eet. See: -e'eehe move camp uphill. Category: hang.

-e'eehe   vai. move camp uphill. É-e'eehe. He moved camp up. for example, up into the hills. Initial e'-; fai: -eehe. See: -é'eehe; -e'ehné. Category: camp.

-e'eeheohe   vai. come up hill. Móstȧho'-e'eeheohevóhe néhe tsévéstoemose he'óho. His wife came up the hill. e'eehé?? [Stamper 1991:8-10] Category: motion, check.

-é'eesé   vai. broken nose - have a. É-é'eēse. He has a broken nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: sickness, body, break, nose.

-é'eeséh(n)   vta. break nose of s.o. É-é'eesehno. He broke his (other person's) nose. É-é'eeséhnóho. He broke his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eeséhno. I broke his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose, break.

-é'eesé's   vta. cut nose of s.o. É-é'eese'so. He cut his (other person's) nose. É-é'eesé'sóho. He cut his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eesé'so. I cut his nose. Category: cut.

-é'eeséšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eeséše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes has s > š assimilation: Assimilated -é'eešéšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'eešéšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eešéše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes does not have s > š assimilation: Non-assimilated -é'eeséšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'eet   vta. hang s.o. É-é'eetóho. He hanged him. É-é'eetahtse. He hung himself. É-é'eehe. He was hanged. See: -e'kotseet hang s.o. by the neck; -hoesem1 hang up s.o.. Category: hang, violence.

-e'ehá   vii. lead up, up lie. for example, as a ladder leads a person up. É-e'ēha. It is leading up. Etym: *ešpihθenwi (P) > **išpihθenwi (P). vti: -e'ėhahtsé.

É'ėháhtá'e   na. Broken Foot Woman. Category: names.

-é'ėhahtáxé   vai. fall and break foot, break foot falling. É-é'ėhahtáxe. He fell and broke his foot. Etym: *po·xkwisite·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -é'ėškóhtavo'ešé fall and break leg. Category: fall, break.

-e'ėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. up, put up s.t. for example, set something up for climbing. É-e'ėhāhtse. He put up the ladder. É-e'ėhāhtse e'evonȯhó'e. He put up the ladder. [STORIES.TXT] Ques: check sound in recording for ėh?? Category: put.

-e'ėha'ó   vai. put on shoes; put on moccasins. É-e'ėhā'o. He put his (own) shoes on. E'ėhā'ȯhtse! Put your shoes on! Éovátonėséne-e'ėhā'o. He put his shoes on backwards. Medial -eha; vta: -e'ėha'ó'h; Antonym -né'to'é. See: -e'a'ó. Category: shoes.

-e'ėha'ó'h   vta. put shoes on s.o. É-e'ėha'o'ho. He put shoes on him. É-e'ėha'ó'hóho. He put shoes on him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'ėha'ó'ho. I put shoes on him. Synonym -e'ėha'ón; vai: -e'ėha'ó. Category: shoes.

-e'ėha'ó'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o 1 • put on shoes (or moccasins) with reference to s.o.

2 • fig., wake up early. Náno'e-e'ėha'onȯtse vóóhe. I also put on my shoes with the morning star. This is an idiom meaning "I got up (from bed) early". See: -to'é'tov wake up with s.o.. Category: celestial, shoes.

-e'ėha'ón   vta. put shoes on s.o. É-e'ėha'ono. He put shoes on him. É-e'ėha'ónóho. He put shoes on him. (newer pronunciation). E'ėha'óneha! Put his shoes on! Synonym -e'ėha'ó'h.

-é'ėhe'oná   vai. break hand. É-é'ėhe'ōna. He broke his (own) hand. Category: hands, break.

-é'ėhe'onáxé   vai. break hand from falling. É-é'ėhe'onáxe. He broke his hand from falling. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, body, fall.

-é'ėhevá'sén   vti. break tail of s.t. É-é'ėhevá'séna. He broke the tail of it. See: -po'ėhevá'sén. Category: break.

-é'ėhevá'séšé   vai. break tailbone from falling. É-é'ėhevá'séše. He fell and broke his tailbone. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: break, body.

-e'ehné   vai. walk up. É-e'ēhne. He walked up. Naa nėhē'še nátȧhóse-e'ėhnéme. And then we went up(stairs). [1987:43] Etym: *ešpikwehθe·wa (P) > **išpikwehθe·wa (L). fai: -ehné. See: -e'eohe. Category: motion.

-é'e'á   vti. break s.t. by foot. for example, to break something by kicking it. É-é'é'a. He broke it by foot. Etym: *po·xkwexkamwa (P). vta: -é'e'ov. See: -é'en; -é'e'ó'tsé; -é'evo'e'á. Category: break.

-e'e'átam   vta. consider s.o. untrustworthy, mistrust s.o. This can refer to how caregivers regard those in their care as not being careful enough about danger. They are careless and carefree, reckless. É-e'e'átamóho. He considers him untrustworthy. Category: interpersonal.

-e'e'átamáno'e   vii. dangerous. for example, of a creek, water, or an icy road. É-e'e'átamáno'e. It is dangerous. Phon: iah See: -é'e'óma'o'é. Category: environment.

-é'e'etanó   vai. feel leery. É-é'e'etāno. He feels leery. Category: emotions.

-e'e'há   vai. fly up. É-e'ē'ha. He flew up. Etym: *ešpiʔle·wa he flies high. Initial e'-; Final -e'há. See: -he'ame'há. Category: fly, birds.

-e'e'háoohe   vai. fly up quickly. É-e'e'háoohe. He flew up quickly. BodyPartMedial -e'há. Category: fly.

-é'e'ohe   vai. chopped down. for example, of a tree. É-é'e'ohe. He (a tree) was chopped down. Reduplicated -óe'e'ohe; vta: -é'oh(n)2. See: é'ȯheo'o. Category: wood, cut.

-e'e'ȯhóov   vta. motion s.o. up. É-e'e'ȯhóovóho. He motioned him up. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-e'e'o'ȧhéotse   vai. run uphill. É-e'e'o'ȧhéotse. É-e'o'ȧhéotse?? Nėhē'še néstȯxétse náhtamȧsó-e'e'o'ȧhéotséme. Then all of us rushed forward running up the hill (at the Battle of the Little Big Horn). Category: run, check.

-é'e'ó'h   vta. 1 • break s.o. É-é'e'o'ho. He broke him. É-é'e'ó'hóho. He broke him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'e'o'hamóho hemoėškōno. I broke his finger. vti: -é'e'ó'tsé. Category: break.

2 • break s.o. financially. Ná-mȧheé'e'o'ha. She completely broke me (I'm penniless). Ná-é'e'ó'hahtse. I caused myself to go broke. See: -e'ahe. Category: money.

-é'e'ó'tsé   vti. 1 • break s.t. É-é'e'ó'tse. He broke it. Ná-é'e'ó'tse. I broke it. Ná-é'e'ó'tse namotšėške. I broke my knife. Ná-é'e'ó'tóvo hemotšėške. I broke his knife. Nėstavé'e-é'e'ó'tse! Don't break it! vta: -é'e'ó'h. See: -é'en; -péevo'ėhahtsé; -oó'xeotse; -onénėxa'ó'tsé.

2 • take a break. Néta-é'e'ó'tsenone! Let's take a break! That is borrowed from English; it is literally, Let's break it! Category: figurative, break.

-e'e'óma'o'e   vii. scary area, dangerous area. Lit: broken-ground É-e'e'óma'o'e. It is a scary area. See: -e'e'átamáno'e; -naévoma'o'e. Category: environment.

-é'e'ov   vta. break s.o. É-é'e'ovóho. He broke him. Etym: *po·xkwexkawe·wa (P). vti: -é'e'á. Category: break.

-é'e'pa'onáh(n)   vta. break back of s.o. É-é'e'pa'onahno. He broke his (another person's) back. É-é'e'pa'onáhnóho. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.

-é'e'pa'oná'ov   vta. break back of s.o. by kicking. É-é'e'pa'oná'ovóho. He kicked him in the back and broke it. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.

-é'e'pe'ov   vta. break rib(s) of s.o. This can be by kicking or body action. É-é'e'pe'ovóho. ?? He broke his (other person's) ribs. Ques: check é'p?? BodyPartMedial -e'pe. Category: break, body, check.

-é'e'péšé   vai. break rib(s) from falling. É-é'e'péše. He fell and broke his (own) rib(s). BodyPartMedial -épé. Category: break, body.

-é'e'še   vai. whistle. É-é'e'še. He whistled. vta: -é'e'šetsėstov; IndepNoun é'e'šestȯtse. Etym: *kwi·škwihšwiwa (P). Category: sounds.

-é'e'šem   vta. whistle to s.o. É-é'e'šemóho. He whistled to him. Etym: *kwi·škwihšime·wa (P). See: -é'e'šétsėstov. Category: sounds.

-é'e'šenoné   vai. whistle a tune. É-é'e'šenōne. He whistled a tune. fai: -noné. Category: sounds.

-é'e'šenonéóó'e   vai. whistle while standing. É-é'e'šenonéóó'e. He whistled standing. fai: -noné, -óé2. Phon: vs Category: sounds, stand.

é'e'šestȯtse   ni. whistle. Plural é'e'šéstotȯtse; vai: -é'e'še. See: tȧhpeno flute.

-é'e'šétsėstov   vta. whistle to s.o. for example, to call him. É-é'e'šétsėstovóho. He whistled to him. Etym: *kwi·škwihši·Ɂtawe·wa. Ná-é'e'šétsėstóvo. I whistled to him. for example, to get his attention. Kȧse'ééhe é-é'e'šétsėstóó'e. He (obv) whistled at the young woman. vai: -é'e'še. See: -é'e'šem. Category: sounds.

e'ē'ta   na. blue thrush. Plural e'e'táhne; Obviative e'e'táhne. Category: birds.

-é'eméenáxé   vai. break wing from fall, break collarbone from fall. É-é'eméenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. BodyPartMedial -méená. Category: body, break, fall.

-é'eméohe   vai. run uphill. É-e'eméohe. He ran uphill. fai: -méohe. Category: run.

-é'en   vti. break s.t. by hand. É-é'éna. He broke it by hand. Etym: *pi·kwenamwa (P) > **pi·konamwa (P/L). Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e! Don't break a bone indoors! Especially to get marrow out. This is a cultural taboo. If you break a bone indoors you might break your leg. See: -é'e'o'tsé.

vta. break s.o. by hand. É-é'enóho. He broke him by hand. Etym: *pi·kone·wa (P/L). See: -é'an. Category: break, taboo.

-é'ena'éva   vai. broken arm, cut off sleeve(s). Can refer to a broken arm or a shirt (animate) which has its sleeves ("arms") cut off. É-é'ena'éva. He has a broken arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·wa (P). Category: sickness, clothing.

-é'ena'éváxé   vai. break arm from fall. É-é'ena'éváxe. He fell and broke his (own) arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·hšinwa (P). Category: sickness, body, break.

-é'enėstané's   vta. cut s.o. at the knee. É-é'enėstane'so. He cut him at the knee. Category: cut.

-é'enėstsé'ham   vta. scare s.o. wordless. É-é'enėstsé'hamóho. He scared him wordless. Ná-é'enėstsé'hama. He scared me wordless. Final -nestse. See: -tó'omáeh. Category: interpersonal.

-é'enotovah(n)   vta. decapitate s.o., chop off head of s.o., chop off neck of s.o. É-é'enotovahno. He chopped his head off. É-é'enotováhnóho. He chopped his head off. (newer pronunciation). for example, when slaughtering a chicken. BodyPartMedial -notová. Etym: cf *ki·škikwe·ne·wa he wrings the neck of him. Category: cut.

-é'enotová's   vai. cut off head of s.o., cut neck of s.o. can refer to slitting the throat or even cutting off one's head. É-é'enotova'so. He cut his head off. É-é'enotová'sóho. He cut his head off. (newer pronunciation). É'enotová'xeha! Cut his head off! BodyPartMedial -notová neck. Category: butcher, cut.

-é'enotovávo'as   vta. cut off head of s.o. É-é'enotovávo'ȧsóho. He cut off his head. See: -é'enotová's. Category: cut.

-é'enotováxé   vai. break neck falling, fall and break neck. É-é'enotováxe. He fell and broke his neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: break, fall.

-é'eohá'á   vti. break s.t. by stepping on it. break by body; can refer to sitting on a chair and breaking it. É-é'eohá'a. He broke it. É-é'eohá'anȯtse hestse'konȯtse. He broke his legs. Category: break.

-e'eohe   vai. go up. for example, to go upstairs. É-e'eohe. He went up. Náhtaévėho'e-e'eohe. I went back up (the hill). Ta-e'eoestse! Go right up there! Final -ohe. See: -e'ehné. Category: motion.

-e'eohováoohe   vai. flee up urgently. for example, to flee up a mountain. É-e'eohováohe. He is fleeing up. Ques: É-e'eohováoohe?? Category: motion, check.

-é'eóhtá   vai. have broken leg. É-é'eóhta. He has a broken leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·wa (P). Variant: -é'ėškóhtá. Category: body, break, check.

-é'eóhtás   vta. cut off leg of s.o. É-é'eóhtȧsóho. He cut off his leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·šwe·wa (P). É-é'eóhtaxe. His leg was cut off. See: -é'eóhtáxé break leg. Category: body, cut.

-é'eóhtáxé   vai. break leg from falling. É-é'eóhtáxe. He broke his leg from falling. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá. See: -é'ėškóhtáxé fall and break leg; -é'eóhtás cut s.o. at the knee. Category: body, break, fall.

-e'eohtsé   vai. go up. É-e'eōhtse. He went up. [1987:260] See: -he'ameohtsé. Category: walk.

-é'eósé   vai. have a broken finger. É-é'eóse. He has a broken finger. Variant: -é'ėškósé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: hands, break, record.

-é'eoséšé   vai. fall and break nail, break nail falling. É-é'eoséše. He fell and broke his nail. -óséše?? of either a fingernail, toenail, or claw. Assimilated -é'eošéšé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: fall, break, check.

-é'eošéšé   vai. fall and break nail, break nail falling. É-é'eošéše. He fell and broke his nail. of either a fingernail, toenail, or claw. Non-assimilated -é'eosešé. Category: fall, break.

-e'eotse   vii. go up. This can be of a road. É-e'eotse. It (or He) goes up. Éta-e'eotse. It (or He) goes up.

vai. go up. Tae'eotsėstse! Go up! [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.124] See: -é'eotse broken.

-é'eotse   1 • become broken.

State -é'ó.vii. É-é'eotse. It (or He) broke.

vai. Namo'ēško é-é'eotse. My finger broke.

2 • vai. run out of money. Category: figurative. Ná-é'eotse. I went broke (that is, ran out of money). Reduplicated -óo'e'eotse; State -é'ahe broken. See: -oó'xeotse crack; -é'oneeotse break (ropelike); -e'eotse go up. Category: break, money.

-e'eotseh   vta. take up s.o. for example, up a hill. É-e'eotsėhóho. He took him up. Ná-e'eotsēho. I took him up. [1987:264] vti: -e'eotsestsé. Category: move.

-e'eotsestsé   vti. take up s.t. É-e'eotsēstse. He took it up. Éstaame-e'eotsėstsénȯse. He took it up. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.130] vta: -e'eotseh. Category: move.

-é'es   vta. cut s.o. É-é'ėsóho. He cut him. Etym: *ki·škešwe·wa (P). E'ėšeha! Cut him! É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. vti: -é'exá. See: -é'as cut him. Category: cut.

é'ėse   p. half. É'ėse é'amėstósemȧhtséhoo'o. Half of himself he was dragging. [1987:286]

pv. half. Náméhae-é'ėsevóvo'kahe. I was halfnaked. See: taa'é'ėse; ó'xe-.

-é'ėstȧhtoónóna   vai. have a broken backbone; have a broken spine. É-é'ėstȧhtoónóna. He has a broken spine (backbone). BodyPartMedial -htȧhtoónoná. Category: body.

-é'ėsta'né's   vta. cut umbilical cord of s.o. É-é'ėstane'so. She cut his umbilical cord. É-é'ėstané'sóho. She cut his umbilical cord. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial /-hta'né/. See: hesta'he. Category: cut, babies.

-é'ėstané'še'tovohe   vai. cut umbilical cord of babies. É-é'ėstané'še'tovohe. She (for example, midwife) cuts the umbilical cords of babies. BodyPartMedial -hta'né; Medial -óvohe. Category: babies.

-é'ėstatamóoná   vai. have a broken shoulder. É-é'ėstatamóóna. He has a broken shoulder. BodyPartMedial -htatamóoná. Category: body.

-é'ėstatamóonešé   vai. break shoulder from falling. É-é'ėstatamóonēše. He broke his shoulder from falling. Category: break, fall, body.

-é'ėstatseonáxé   vai. fall and break shoulder blade. É-é'ėstatseonáxe. He fell and broke his shoulder blade. BodyPartMedial -htatseoná. Category: body.

-e'ėsto'haha   vai. put on gloves. É-e'ėsto'haha. He put gloves on. E'ėsto'hááhtse! Put your gloves on! Variant: -e'eto'haha. See: -né'ėsto'haha. Category: clothing.

-é'ėstóo'oná   vai. have a broken chin. É-é'ėstóo'ōna. He has a broken chin/jaw. BodyPartMedial -htóo'oná. Category: sickness.

-é'ėstóo'onáxená   vai. break jaw from falling, fall and break jaw. Ná-é'ėstóo'onáxe. I broke my jaw. Medial -htóo'oná. Category: body.

-e'ėstósem   vta. drag s.o. up. for example, uphill. É-e'ėstósemóho. He dragged him (obv) up(hill). Final -stósem. Category: move.

-é'ėstsé'oonáxe   vai. fall and break elbow, break elbow falling. É-é'ėstsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. Category: body, fall, break. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná.

-é'ėstséstonáotse   vai. break ankle, ankle - break. É-é'ėstséstonáotse. He broke his ankle. Category: break.

-é'ėstséstonáxe   vai. fall and break ankle, break ankle falling. É-é'ėstséstonáxe. He fell and broke his ankle. Category: fall, break.

-é'ešé   vai. lie broken. for example, of a tree. É-é'éše. He is lying broken. Etym: *po·xkwihšinwa (P). See: -e'ešé. Category: lie.

-e'ešé   vai. lie on an incline, lean up. É-e'ēše. He lay on an incline. Etym: *išpihšinwa (L). For instance, of a tree leaning up. See: -a'kešé. Category: lie.

-é'ėšé'esé   vai. ??.rump, point rump. É-é'ėšé'ése. He pointed / swung his rump. ?? É'ȯhketo'setšėheše-é'ėšé'ėsesto tséxhoo'ėse. (The skunk; obv.) was going to swing his rump toward (the man). [1987:282] mpb: -'esé. Category: body, check.

é'ėšeo'o   na. block of wood. Lit: cut thing Plural é'ėšeono; AlternatePlural é'ėšeonȯtse. may be inanimate for some speakers. See: é'ȯheo'o chip. Category: wood.

-é'ėšéonáxé   vai. break hip by falling. É-é'ėšéonáxe. He fell and broke his hip. BodyPartMedial -šéoná. Category: fall, body.

-é'ėškóhtá   vai. have broken leg. É-é'ėškóhta. He has a broken leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·wa (P). Variant: -é'eóhtá. See: -é'ėškóhtáxe fall and break leg. Category: sickness.

-é'ėškóhtáh(n)   vta. break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtȧhnóho. He broke his (other person's) leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -(šk)óhtá. Category: break.

é'ėškóhtaotse   vai. break leg. É-é'ėškóhtaotse. He broke his leg. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.020] Category: sickness.

-é'ėškóhtavo'emas   vta. break leg of s.o. by shooting, shoot and break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧsóho. He shot and broke his (obv) leg. Mó'ée'-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧxėhéhe. His leg was broken from the gunshot. [1987:191] fta: -emas. Category: break, shoot.

-é'ėškóhtavo'ešé   vai. break leg falling. Ná-é'ėškóhtavo'ēše. I broke my leg falling. See: -é'ȧhahtáxé fall and break foot. Category: break, body.

-é'ėškóhtavo'oh(n)   vta. break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtavo'ȯhnóho. He broke his (other person's) leg(s). Ná-é'ėškóhtavo'ōhno. I broke his leg(s).

-é'ėškóhtáxé   vai. fall and break leg, break leg from falling. É-é'ėškóhtáxe. He fell and broke his leg. [1987:109] Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. See: -é'eóhtáxé fall and break leg; -é'ėškóhtá broke leg - have a. Category: body, fall.

É'ėškósá'e   na. Broken Finger Woman. Category: names.

-é'ėškósé   vai. have a broken finger. É-é'ėškóse. He has a broken finger. Variant: -é'eósé; BodyPartMedial -hkósé. Category: body.

-é'ėškȯséh(n)   vta. break finger(s) of s.o. Ná-é'ėškȯséhno. I broke his finger(s). Category: break.

-é'ėškȯsé's   vta. cut finger of s.o. É-é'ėškȯse'so. He cut his (other person's) finger. É-é'ėškȯsé'sóho. He cut his (other person's) finger. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -škosé. Etym: cf. M ki·skekasi·sosow 'he cut his nails'. Category: cut.

-e'etanó   vai. cautious, afraid. for instance, afraid to climb a tall tree. É-e'etāno. He is afraid. Ésáa'-e'etanóhe. He is not afraid / not cautious. E'etānȯhtse! Be careful! / Be cautious! See: -e'tóhtahe; e'se-1. Category: emotions.

e'etóháhe ??   ni??. cuffs. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.

-e'eto'haha   vai. put on gloves. E'eto'hááhtse! Put your gloves on! Variant: -e'ėsto'haha. Category: groom, clothing.

-é'etsénóoná   vai. have a broken wing. É-é'etsénóóna. He has a broken wing. BodyPartMedial -tsénooná. Category: body.

-é'etsénoonámas   vta. shoot and break wing of s.o. É-é'etsénoonámȧsóho. He shot and broke his wing. Mó-é'etsénoonámȧxėhéhe. He (bird) must have been shot and gotten a broken wing. Category: body, birds, break.

-é'evo'ėhahtsé   vti. break s.t. through falling. É-é'evo'ėhāhtse. He broke it through a fall. Ná-é'evo'ėhāhtse na'ahtse. I fell and broke my arm. Medial -evo'. Category: break.

-é'evo'e'á   vti. break s.t. by foot or body. for example, to break a chair. É-é'evo'ē'a. He broke it by foot or body. Ná-é'evo'ē'a nȧhtse'ko. I fell and broke my leg. Náé'evo'e'(h)anȯtse na'ȧhtsenȯtse. ?? I broke my legs. Category: check. Medial -evo'. See: -oó'xevo'oh. Category: break.

-é'evo'koh(n)   vta. 1 • break s.o. with a tool. É-é'evo'kȯhnóho. He broke him with a tool.

2 • break s.o. in a card game. Usage: likely borrowed from English Naa hāne ó'ometaa'éva á'e ná-é'evo'kȯhēē'e. But the other night they broke me right away. [1987:397.] Category: cards, figurative, break.

-e'evonehné   vai. climb up, climb on, climb aboard. É-e'evonēhne. He climbed up / climbed aboard. É-e'evonėhneo'o. They are climbing aboard. E'evonēhnėstse! Get on! (for example, to get in a car). E'evonēhne! Get on! (said to more than one person). Ta-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Tȧhé-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Maato né'-e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! Nétȧhé-e'evonėhnémáne! Let's go climbing!

vta. Note: ai+o climb on s.o. such as getting on a horse. Éé'se-e'evonėhnénoto. He is afraid to get on him. Éhótse-e'evonėhnénoto. He failed to get on him. fai: -vonehné. See: -táxevonehné climb on; -e'a'ó go up quickly; -amevonehné crawl. Category: car, motion.

-e'evoneohe   vai. climb up. É-e'evoneohe. He climbed up quickly. É'ȯhkeévȧhóse-e'evoneohesėstse. She would get back on (the travois) quickly. [1987:26] fai: -voneohe. See: -e'evonehné. Category: motion.

-e'evoneohtsé   vai. climb up. É-e'evoneōhtse. He is climbing up. Category: motion.

-e'evonȯhó'ané   vai. make steps, build steps. É-e'evonȯhó'áne. He is making steps.

e'evonȯhó'o   ni. ladder, stepladder, steps, stairway. Lit: crawl.up.thing (another recording) Plural é'evonȯhó'onȯtse; Oblique e'evonȯhó'éva; vai: -e'evonehné. See: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse. Category: tools, house.

e'evonȯhó'óne   loc. ladder.

-é'exá   vti. cut s.t. É-é'éxa. He cut it. Etym: *ki·škešamwa (P). É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. vta: -é'es. Category: cut.

-é'ėxomov   vta. cut umbilical cord of s.o. É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. Category: cut.

-é'ėxová   vai. saw. É-é'ėxóva. He sawed. fai: -ová1. See: -ó'ėxóvá; -é'xovás. Category: cut.

é'ėxovahtȯtse   ni. saw.

É'ėxováhtóva   loc. Billings, Montana. Lit: Cheyennes call Billings by this word because of sawmills previously there. É'ėxováhtóva návo'ėstanéheve. I live in Billings. See: -é'ėxová saw. Category: places.

-e'h   vta. fear s.o., afraid of s.o. É-e'hóho. He is afraid of him. Éohkeéve-e'heo'o vé'kėséhemėstaeo'o. Owls are feared. Ná-e'ha. He is afraid of me (cf. na-e'ha 'my son'). vti: -e'tá. See: e'se-1; -e'šévaen; -e'tóhtahe; -e'hahtov; náe'ha Son! (vocative); nae'ha my son. Etym: *kweʔθe·wa he fears him; *nekweʔθekwa he is afraid of me. Category: emotions.

-e'ha1   fai. fly. Éam-ē'ha. He is flying (along). Éév-é'ha. He is flying around. Hó-e'háoohe Flyingout. Etym: *iʔre· (R). Category: fly.

-e'ha2   na. Gram: poss son. na-e'ha my son. na-e'haho my sons. ná-e'ha! Son! (when speaking to him). That is pronounced the same as náe'ha 'He is afraid of me'. ne-e'ha your son. ne-e'hahēvo your (plural) son. he-e'haho his/her son(s). he-e'hahevóho their son(s). vai: -he-e'hahe have a son. See: -tsénota. Etym: cf. *wekwi's-. Category: relatives.

-e'hahamóon   na. Gram: poss nephew, stepson. he-e'hahamóono his nephew(s). (another recording) Category: relatives.

-e'hahe   m. voice. Épėhév-e'hahe. He has a nice voice. Évéhp-e'hahe. He has a low voice. Émo'ó'xo-e'hahe. He has a hoarse voice. Émȧhov-e'hahéotse. His voice became tired. Éomóm-e'hahe. He is whining. ... éheš-e'hahe. ... he has such a voice. Éénȯs-e'hahe. His voice died down. Éhá-e'hahe. He sings loudly/has a powerful voice. Category: sounds, voice.

-e'hahtáotsé'tov   vta. afraid of s.o. - become. Né-e'hahtáotsé'tovȧtse. I have become afraid of you. See: -e'h; -e'hahtov. Category: emotions, interpersonal.

-e'hahtohe   vai. timid, shy, reserved. for example, of someone who would rather be seen and not heard, or of how a man should act toward his mother-in-law. É-e'hahtohe. He is shy. vta: -e'hahtov. See: -e'tóhtahe; -hoóometahe; -tanéhe. Category: emotions.

-e'hahtóseoneve   vai. respected, revered; distant (socially). É-e'hahtóseoneve. He is respected. See: -vóoseoneve. Category: personality.

-e'hahtov   vta. respect s.o., timid toward s.o. - be. especially refers to how someone should act toward his cross-sex in-law, for example, a Ch. man should treat his mother-in-law with respect (for example, by not talking to her, not speaking badly in front of her, etc.); a woman should not speak directly to her son-in-law, etc. É-e'hahtovóho He respects/is timid toward him. Etym: *koʔθetawe·wa (P/L). naa máto kȧsovááhe tsésta-e'hahtōvȯse hevéškemo And also a young man respects his mother-in-law. [1980:80-81:25] See: -ono'átam. Category: interpersonal.

e'hanáe   fai. eat.sit. É-no'ke'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating by himself. Category: eat, sit.

-e'hanóhtahe   vai. jealous, envious. É-e'hanóhtahe. He is envious. vta: -e'hanót. See: -e'hahtov. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanóhtoomeh   vta. make jealous s.o. Náosee-e'hanóhtoomeha. He is making me wish for what he has. Néosee-e'hanóhtoomeše. You're making me jealous. for example, I see you eating some delicious food and I want some also. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-e'hanósané   vai. envy (people). É-e'hanósáne. He envies people. fai: -ósané. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanóseh   vta. make s.o. envious; make s.o. envious, make s.o. wish (for what you have). É-e'hanósėhóho. He made him wish (for what he had, for instance, a delicious steak that he was eating). Né-e'hanóšėšéme. You are making us wish (envious). See: -e'hanósem. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanósem   vta. make s.o. wish, cause s.o. to envy. É-e'hanósemóho. He is making him wish, causing him to envy him. Né-e'hanóseme. You're making me wish. for example, making me wish to eat the good food you're cooking. See: -e'hanóseh. Category: interpersonal.

-e'hanósetanó   vai. envious. É-e'hanósetāno. He is envious. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

-e'hanósetanóotse   vai. become envious. Móstaáhanee'hanósetanóotsėhéhe. He became extremely envious. [Floating Eyes: 012] Category: emotions.

-e'hanót   vta. envy s.o., be jealous of s.o. É-e'hanoto. He is jealous of him. É-e'hanótóho. He is jealous of him. (newer pronunciation). See: -nóvót. Category: interpersonal.

-é'ho'eoestoh(n)   vta. rape s.o. quickly, deflower s.o. quickly. Lit: break-suddenly-by.tool The primary meaning of -ého'eoestoh(n) and -ého'oh(n) today seems to be 'to rape s.o.', but presumably the meaning derives from the breaking of the hymen when a man deflowers a woman; Croft (1988:22:21) glossed this verb as 'deflowered' in his 1948 field notes. É-é'ho'eoestȯhnóho. He raped/deflowered her. É'-é'ho'eoestȯhnósesto. He raped her. [Croft 1988:22:21] Medial -oest. See: -é'ho'oh(n); -áva'ó'h; -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: vulgar, violence, sex.

-é'ho'oh(n)   vta. rape s.o. É-é'ho'ȯhnóho. He raped her. É-é'ho'ohe. She was raped. See: -é'ho'eoestoh(n) rape s.o. quickly; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -oó'xevo'oh(n) smash / deflower s.o.. Category: vulgar, sex, violence.

é'ke'hāso   na. plume. Variant: a'ké'háso; Contracted ké'háso. É'ke'haso éhnéesesto hemé'kóne. A feather stood on his head. [PD471 (pl: é'ke'hasonónėstse ?)] See: mee'e. Category: birds.

-é'ke'ko'tá   vii. unstable, wobbly. É-é'ke'kō'ta. It is wobbly/unstable. vai: -é'ke'koo'e; Antonym -he'kono'tá. Category: sit inan.

-é'ke'koo'e   vai. sit in an unstable fashion. É-é'ke'koo'e. He is sitting in an unstable fashion. Móstšėšetáve-é'ke'koehéhe. He was not in a very stable position. [1987:282] Phon: vs vii: -é'ke'ko'tá. Category: sit.

-e'kóeotse   vai. look out quickly. É-e'kóeotse. He looked out quickly. Táaxa'e, nátȧhé-e'kóeotse. Let me go look out. See: -e'kóo'ó. Category: sight.

-é'koetaneváetó   vai. tongue hang out. É-é'koetaneváéto. His tongue is hanging out. Variant: -é'oetaneváetó. Category: dogs.

-é'koetanevá'ó   vai. stick out tongue. É-é'koetanevá'o. He stuck his tongue out. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -tanevá. Category: body.

-é'koetanevá'tov   vta. stick out tongue at s.o. É-é'koetanevá'tovóho. He stuck his tongue out at him. Ná-é'koetanevá'tóvo. I stuck my tongue out at him. Category: body.

é'(k)om-   i. oily. É-é'komȧhá'éne. She cooked greasy (food). É-é'komahe. He is greasy. É-é'komēše. He is lying there greasy.

-é'komȧhá'éne   vai. cook greasy food. É-é'komȧhá'éne. She cooked greasy (food). Variant: -é'omȧhá'ené. Category: cook.

-é'komahe   vai. greasy. É-é'komahe. He is greasy. Category: texture.

-e'komȧho'he   vai. cooked in grease. É-é'komȧho'he. He is cooked in grease. Category: cook.

-é'komȧho'tá   vii. cooked in grease. É-é'komȧhō'ta. It is cooked in grease. Category: cook.

-é'komȧhonóné   vai. make pancakes, cook pancakes. É-é'komȧhonóne. She cooked pancakes. Lit: grease-fry Variant: -e'omȧhonóné. See: -honóné. Category: cook.

é'komȧhonoo'o   ni. pancake. Lit: grease-fried Variant: e'kȯsé'hasēō'o; Plural é'komȧhonóonȯtse. Category: food.

-é'komahtsé   vai. have a greasy mouth. É-é'komāhtse. He has a greasy mouth. Initial é'(k)om-; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth, body.

-é'koma'ó   vii. grease set. É-é'komā'o. It set as grease. Category: cook.

-é'koman   vti. grease s.t.lubricate s.t. É-é'komāna. He lubricated it. can be used to refer to lubricating a penis for sex.

vta. grease s.o.lubricate s.o. É-é'komanóho. He made him greasy. for instance, make a towel (animate) greasy. Category: vulgar.

é'kome-   i. greasy. É-é'komeméa'xe. He smells greasy.

pv. greasy.

-é'komeéno'e   vii. taste greasy. É-é'komeéno'e. It tastes greasy. Category: taste.

-é'komeesé   vai. have a greasy nose. É-é'komeēse. He has a greasy nose. Usage: humorous Category: body, nose.

-é'komėhe'oná   vai. have greasy hands. É-é'komėhe'ōna. His hands are greasy. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

É'kome'hahé'e   na. Greasy Voice Woman. Category: names.

-é'kome'haná   vai. eat greasy (food). É-é'kome'hāna. He is eating greasy (food). Variant: -é'ome'haná. Category: eat.

-é'kome'óhtané   vai. have a greasy forehead. É-é'kome'óhtáne. He has a greasy forehead. BodyPartMedial -'óhtané. Category: body.

-é'komeméa'há   vii. smell greasy. É-é'komeméá'ha. It smells greasy. Initial é'(k)ome-; Final -méa'há. Category: smell.

-é'komeméa'xe   vai. smell greasy. É-é'komeméa'xe. He smells greasy. Initial é'(k)ome-; Final -méa'xe. Category: smell.

-é'koméne   vai. have a greasy face. É-é'koméne. He has a greasy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.

-é'komenóno'e   vii. look greasy. É-é'komenóno'e. It looks greasy. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.

-é'komenóohe   vai. look greasy. É-é'komenóohe. He looks greasy. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-é'komeotse   vai. greased, lubricated, oiled. Can be said of a woman whose vagina has become lubricated, ready for sex. É-é'komeotse. It/He became greasy. See: -é'komó; -mȧhóová; -hesó'xeotse. Category: sex, vulgar.

-é'komėstséá'e   vai. greasy hair; have greasy hair. É-é'komėstséá'e. He has greasy hair. É-é'komėstséao'o. They have greasy hair. Phon: vs Category: hair.

-é'komešé   vai. lie greasy. É-é'komēše. He is lying there greasy. Category: lie.

-é'komó   vii. greasy. É-é'kómo. It is greasy. Variant: -é'omó. See: -e'komeotse. Category: texture.

é'komó'e-   pv. greasy.

É'komo'éo'hé'e   loc. Stillwater Creek, Lodgegrass, Montana, Greasy Grass River. This name for used for two rivers, one a tributary of the Cimarron River in eastern Oklahoma, the other a tributary of the Little Bighorn River in Montana. Category: rivers.

-é'kóo'ó   vai. look through, peek. The peeking can be peeking out from somewhere or peeking in, as when peeking through a curtain at someone. É-é'kóó'o. He looked through. for example, looked through the window. Éése-é'kóó'o. He peeked inside. See: -né'póo'ó; -e'kóeotse. Category: sight.

é'koo'ohtȯtse   ni. binoculars. Lit: looking.through.thing This is a single pair. Plural é'koo'óhtotȯtse. See: -tsėhetóo'ó. Category: tools.

e'(k)os-   i. turn over. É-e'kȯsēna. He turned it over by hand. É-e'kȯsevōhta. He turned it over by mouth. Variant: e'os-.

-e'kȯsé'hahtsé   vta. turn over s.o. Ques: sé' or se'?? É-e'kȯsé'háhtse He turned it over. faster action than -e'ȯsevonehné. Ques: recheck sé' pitches here and for -e'ȯsé'hahtsé and related forms?? Variant: -e'ȯsé'hahtsé; vta: -e'kȯsé'ham. Category: move, check.

-e'kȯsé'ham   vta. turn over s.o. É-e'kȯsé'hamóho. He turned him over. faster action than -e'ȯsevonehné. É-e'kȯsé'hamahtse. He turned himself over. Ques: recheck sé' pitches here and for -e'ȯsé'hahtsé and related forms?? Variant: -e'ȯsé'ham; vti: -e'kȯsé'hahtsé. Category: move, check.

e'kȯsé'hasēō'o   ni. pancake. Lit: turned.over Variant: é'komȧhonoo'o. See: e'ȯsé'hasēō'o pancake. Category: food.

-e'kȯse'ó   1 • vii. over.flip.

vai. flip over. É-e'kȯsē'o. He (or It) flipped over. Ques: kȯsé'o?? try question and pl??

2 • vai. flip over a playing card. Refers to having turned over a card but literally speaks of the player having flipped over! Category: cards, check.

-e'kȯsen   vti. turn over s.t. É-e'kȯsēna. He turned it over.

vta. turn over s.o. É-e'kȯsenóho. He turned him over. Variant: -e'ȯsen. See: -hotáavan.

-é'kota'o'h   vta. strangle. Vovónometo éstaamėhnėhée'kota'o'hósesto. First of all he walked over there and choked him. Variant: -é'kota'ó'h.

-é'kota'ó'h   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. This can refer to strangling someone to death. É-é'kota'o'ho. He strangled him. É-é'kota'ó'hóho. He strangled him. (newer pronunciation). Ques: compare ta'ó here and in the next entry?? Category: interpersonal, violence.

-é'kotan   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. É-é'kotanóho. He choked/strangled him. É-é'kotane. He was choked. See: -nėhpotóman. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-é'kotseet   vta. hang s.o. by the neck. É-é'kotseetóho. He hung him by the neck. É-é'kotseetahtse. He hung himself. See: -e'eet. Category: body, violence.

-é'kotsen   vta. embrace s.o., hug s.o. É-é'kotsenóho. He hugged him. Éame-é'kotsenóho. He is got his arm around her as he walks along. See: -é'kotseváen; -vȯsem. Category: interpersonal.

-é'kotsena'én   vta. 1 • break neck of s.o. É-é'kotsena'eno. He broke his (other person's) neck. É-é'kotsena'énóho. He broke his (other person's) neck. (newer pronunciation).

2 • attract strong affection from s.o. Category: figurative. É-é'kotsena'énáá'e. She (obv) is breaking his neck. That can be said as an idiom for 'he really likes her'. Category: interpersonal, romance.

-é'kotsenová   vai. hugger - be a. É-é'kotsenōva. He is a hugger. Éohkėsáa'ée-é'kotsenováhe. He is not a hugger. See: -é'kotseváen.

-é'kotseváen   vta. embrace s.o. quickly, hug s.o. quickly. This refers to a quicker, more energetic action than -é'kotsen. Ná-é'kotseváéno. I hugged him. Ná-é'kotseváena. He hugged me. É-é'kotseváenóho. He hugged him. Category: interpersonal.

é'kotsévó'ėstse   ni. choke weeds. Category: plants.

é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse   ni. stovepipe, chimney. Lit: stick.out-fire-thing Variant: é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o. See: hóetovánȧhnestȯtse. Category: fire, house.

é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o   ni. stovepipe. Lit: stick.out-fire-thing Variant: é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: fire.

e'néhove-   pv. upriver, upstream. Móhkee'néhovėháa'háhanéhe. The wind must blow up through the valley. [The Journey.193] Category: directions.

-e'néhovehné   vai. follow upstream, walk upstream. É-e'néhovēhne. He walked upstream. Nétanėše-e'néhovėhnema. Let's go up the valley. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -e'néhoveohtsé; e'-; néhov-. Category: motion, walk.

-e'néhoveohtsé   vai. go upstream. É-e'néhoveōhtse. He went upstream. Category: motion.

-e'néhoveohtsé'tá   vti. follow s.t. up while going along. É-e'néhoveohtsé'ta. He followed it up. See: -néh; -néhov. Category: motion.

e'néhoveo'hé'e   loc. upriver. See: he'ameo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

-e'néhovoneoohe   vai. upstream.follow. Mó'éše-e'néhovoneoohehevóhe Vétanovéo'hé'e, Óevemanaho naa Totoemanaho tséhestóhese. They went up along the Tongue River, Scabby band and Totoe band, as they were called. [A Ghost Story.004] Category: motion.

-e'néhovóom   vta. see s.o. lifted up. É-e'néhovóomóho. He saw him lifted up. Oha mámáhta mó'-e'néhovóomȯhevóhe. All he could do was watch (his father) lifted up (by the birds). [1987:315] See: -vóom.

-é'ó   vii. broken. for example, of a desk, handle, or table leg, but not of a broken window which requires the verb stem -ó'xó. É-é'ó. It is broken. vai: -é'ahe; vti: -é'evo'e'h; Inchoative -é'eotse. See: -ó'xó. Category: break.

-é'óé'o   vii. float upstream.

vai. float upstream. There can be something helping the object or person move upstream, such as wind or oars in a rowboat. É-é'óé'o. It/He is floating upstream. Final -óe'ó. Category: float.

-e'óeóó'e   vai. stand looking up. É-e'óeóó'e. He is standing looking upwards. Nátatsėheše-e'óeóó'e. I stand looking upwards toward there. Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.

-é'oeóó'e   vii. broken.stand. Ques: recheck gloss?? Phon: vs É-é'oeóó'e. It is standing broken. Hestse'ésame é'é'oeóetséneho hestsénéva. His pipestem was still in his mouth. ?? Category: stand, check.

-e'oésé   vai. float upward. É-e'oése. He floated upward/he hung upward. É-e'oéséne. They (an.) floated upward. Initial e'(e)-; vii: -e'oéstá. Category: hang.

-e'oéstá   vii. float up, hang upward. É-e'oésta. It is floating up. Étaame-e'oésta éstovóséó'o. The balloon is floating up. vai: -e'oésé. See: -hoéstá2 hang. Category: hang.

É'oestóonáhe   na. Broken Jaw. Category: names.

é'oestȯtse   na. skirt, petticoat. Lit: broken-dress he-é'oestoto her skirt. he-é'oestóvevóho their skirts. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

é'oestóveéstse'he   na. blouse. Lit: skirt-shirt See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

-é'oetaneváetó   vai. tongue hang out. É-é'oetaneváéto. His tongue is hanging out. Variant: -é'koetaneváetó. Category: dogs.

-é'ohá   vti. break s.t. by tool, chop s.t. especially, to chop something in two with a tool such as an axe. É-é'óha. He broke it by tool. Etym: *ki·škahamwa. fta: -é'oh(n). Category: break.

é'ȯhéó'o1   ni. wood chip, chip. Lit: cut-by.tool (thing) Phon: vs vta: -e'oh(n)2; Plural é'ȯheonȯtse; Homonym é'ȯhéó'o2 anklet. See: é'ėšeo'o; évȯhéó'o. Category: wood.

é'ȯhéó'o2   na. anklet. Lit: cut thing?? Plural é'ȯheonȯtse. Ques: é'ȯheo'o?? Phon: vs Ques: Check this word from Lenora Holliman with Montana Cheyennes?? Ques: Same as 'é'ȯhéó'o 'wood chip'?? Homonym é'ȯhéó'o1 wood chip. See: hoxȯhēō'o sock. Category: check, clothing.

-e'óh(n)1   vta. spray water on s.o.sprinkle water on s.o.douse s.o. É-e'ohno. He doused him. É-e'óhnóho. He doused him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'óhno. I'm sprinkling water on him. Násáa'-e'óhnȯheo'o. I did not spray them. See: -e'óoestáh(n); -e'óoestaáh(n). Category: liquid.

-é'oh(n)2   vta. chop down s.o., cut down s.o., fell s.o. É-é'ȯhnóho. He chopped him down. Etym: *ki·škahwe·wa (P). Ná-é'óhno. I chopped him down. vti: -é'ohá. See: é'ȯhéó'o wood chip. Category: wood.

-e'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go up. É-e'ȯhōhtse. His tracks go up. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-e'ȯhomo'he   vai. dance up. É-e'ȯhomo'he. He danced up. fai: -ohomó'he. See: -é'homó'he. Category: dance.

-é'ȯhomo'he   vai. demarrow, break bone to eat marrow. É-é'ȯhomo'he. He is breaking a bone (and eating the marrow). The é'- initial refers to breaking of the bone for getting the marrow. See: -tóhpȯhomo'he take out marrow from a bone; -e'ȯhomó'he dance up. Category: meat, break.

-e'ȯhoné   vai. sign up. that is, sign for someone to go up. É-e'ȯhōne. He signed (for someone) to go up. Ques: check underlying pitch on -on/-ón with plural fai: -ohoné. Category: sign, check.

-e'ȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. to go up. É-e'ȯhóovóho. He signed for him to go up. fta: -ohóov. Category: sign, interpersonal, check.

-é'ohtá1   vii. break from the cold. É-é'óhta. It broke from the cold. Etym: *ki·škatenwi (P). fii: -ohtá5; Homonym -é'ohtá2 have a small waist. Category: temperature.

-é'ohtá2   vai. have a small waist. É-é'óhta. He has a small waist. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2; Homonym -é'ohtá1 break from cold; Antonym -tȧhpe'asé. Category: body.

-é'óhtá3   vti. break s.t. by mouth. É-é'óhta. He broke it with his mouth. Etym: *ki·škantamwa (P). fti: -ohtá by mouth. Etym: cf. M pi·hkahtam. Category: mouth.

-e'o'ȧhéotse   vai. run uphill. É-e'o'ȧhéotse. He ran uphill. Category: run.

-e'ó'a'há   vii. blown up(hill). É-e'ó'á'ha. It was blown up(hill). Antonym -anȯhó'a'há. Category: wind.

-e'ó'a'ó   vii. driven up by wind, blown upward. for example, blown up in the air by the wind. É-e'ó'á'o. It (or He) was driven up by the wind.

vai. driven up by wind, blown upward. Category: wind.

-e'ó'a'xe   vai. blown up(hill). É-e'ó'a'xe. He was blown up(hill). Antonym -anȯhó'a'xe. Category: wind.

-e'o'amé   vai. shoot up. É-e'o'āme. He shot up in the air. vé'ho'e tsé-e'o'améstovėstse astronaut (lit., whiteman who is shot up in the air). tsé-e'o'améstove Space Shuttle, rocket.

vti. Gram: ai+o shoot s.t. up. Hé'tóhe ma'heónemaāhe éstatšėše-e'o'amenȯse Má'kó'se. Ma'ko'se shot this sacred arrow into the air. [1987:308] See: -he'amo'amé; -ho'amé. Category: shoot.

-e'ó'ehné   vai. go up by wagon. É-e'ó'éhne. He went up by wagon. Category: roll.

-é'o'emató   vii. broken growth. for example, of a willow branch. É-é'ó'émáto. It is broken growth. Medial -o'e. See: -e'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-e'ó'en   vti. roll s.t. up. É-e'ó'éna. He rolled it up.

vta. roll s.o. up, transport s.o. up. É-e'ó'enóho He rolled him up. É-e'ó'ene hooheo'o. The flag was raised. tsé'-e'ó'enėstse hooheo'o flag ceremony ?? Medial ó'-. Category: motion, roll, check.

-é'o'evo'ėhahtsé   vti. break handle of s.t. É-é'o'evo'ėhāhtse. He broke the handle of it. See: -é'o'o'e1. Category: break.

-é'o'o'e1   vii. broken at the handle. Ques: uncertain word, LP doesn't know it?? Category: check. É-é'o'o'e. ?? The (for example, ax) handle is broken. Usage: obsolescent Medial -ó'é ??. Category: check. See: -é'o'o'e2 broken vegetation; -é'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break.

-é'o'o'e2   vii. broken vegetation. for example, of a field of grass knocked over due to hail. É-é'o'o'e. The vegetation is broken. Medial -o'e5. See: -é'o'o'e1 broken handle; -é'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-é'omȧhá'ené   vai. cook greasy food. This refers to cooking greasy food, for example, fat meat, not cooking with grease. É-é'omȧhá'éne. She cooked greasy food. Variant: é'komȧhá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.

-e'omȧhonóné   vai. make pancakes. É-e'omȧhonóne. She is making pancakes. Variant: -e'komȧhononé. Category: cook.

-e'óma'ȯhené   vai. hoe. É-e'óma'ȯhēne. He is hoeing. [Planting Corn:12] ni: e'óma'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.

e'óma'ȯhēō'o   ni. hoe. Plural e'óma'ȯheonȯtse; vai: -e'óma'ȯhené. Category: tools.

-e'óma'o'e   vii. upward sloped ground. É-e'óma'o'e. It is upward sloped ground. Category: environment.

-e'óma'ȯxová   vai. till, plow. É-e'óma'ȯxōva. He is tilling. [pd1054] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.

e'óma'ȯxovahtȯtse   ni. walking plow, plow - walking. Plural e'óma'ȯxováhtotȯtse; fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.

é'omeahke   na. 1 • pitch.

2 • Oil Gum. Category: names.

É'omeéše'he   na. Greasy Moon, June. latter part of June and first part of July (possible alternative month name); probably less commonly known than Énano'eéše'he. See: Énano'eéše'he Planting Moon. Category: months.

-é'ome'ȧsené   vai. taste greasy. É-é'ome'ȧsēne. He tasted greasy. that is, what he tasted was greasy. Category: taste. Final -'ȧsené.

-é'ome'haná   vai. eat greasy (food). Náohke-é'ome'hāna. I eat greasy (food). Variant: -é'kome'haná. Category: eat.

-é'omeméa'há   vii. smell greasy. É-é'omeméá'ha. It smells greasy. Category: smell.

-é'omeméa'xe   vai. smell greasy. É-é'omeméa'xe. He smells greasy. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.

-é'oméné   vai. greasy faced. É-é'oméne. He has a greasy face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -é'koméné. Category: face.

É'ometāā'e   ni. Missouri River, Greasy River. Lit: greasy(.river) Diminutive É'ometaēso. See: Ma'xeé'ometāā'e Mississippi River; -e'komó greasy. Category: rivers.

É'ometaēso   1 • ni. Little Missouri River, Little Greasy River. Lit: greasy (dim.) Non-diminutive É'ometāā'e. Category: rivers.

2 • na. Little Missouri River. Category: names.

-é'omó   vii. greasy, oily. É-é'ómo. It is greasy. (another recording) Variant: -é'komó. See: amėške grease. Category: texture.

-é'omoestá   vai. wear a greasy dress. É-é'omoēsta. She has on a greasy dress. Final -oestá1. Category: dress.

É'omó'eo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Lodgegrass, Montana. Usage: less commonly used than variant É'komó'eo'hé'e Variant: É'komó'eo'hé'e. Category: places, rivers.

-é'omóome   vii. greasy liquid. É-é'omóome. It (for example, the soup) is greasy. Medial -óome. Category: liquid.

-é'onea'ham   vti. break s.t. ropelike.

vta. break s.o. ropelike. probably has more of a meaning of a jerking kind of breaking than does -é'ónean. É-é'onea'hamóho. He broke him. for example, he broke a strand of sinew. Medial -ón. See: -po'ónea'ham. Category: break, ropelike.

-é'ónea'ó   vii. break quickly (of something ropelike). É-é'ónéá'o. It broke.

vai. break quickly (of something ropelike). Heévaho é-é'onea'oo'o. The rope broke. Rope is grammatically animate and plural. See: -e'ónea'ó fly up (of something ropelike). Category: break, ropelike.

-e'ónea'ó   vii. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing).

vai. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing). É-e'ónéá'o. He (or It) flew up. for instance, the rope (animate) flew up in the air. See: -é'ónea'ó break (of something ropelike). Category: motion, ropelike.

-é'ónean   vti. break s.t. ropelike by hand. É-é'ónéána. He broke it.

vta. break s.o. (ropelike). É-é'oneanóho. He broke him (something animate and ropelike). Medial -ón. See: -e'ónean pull up s.t./s.o. by rope. Category: break, ropelike.

-e'ónean   vti. pull up s.t. by a rope, hoist s.t. É-e'ónéána. He hoisted it.

vta. pull up s.o. by a rope, hoist s.o. É-e'óneanóho. He hoisted him. tsé'-e'óneanėse hoohēō'o flag ceremony. Lit: up-ropelike-by.hand Initial e'-; Medial -ón; fta: -an. See: -é'ónean break s.t./s.o. ropelike. Category: move.

-e'óneanené   vai. hoist (something) ropelike. É-e'óneanēne. He hoisted. Category: move, ropelike.

-é'oneeotse   vii. break ropelike. of something ropelike. É-é'oneeotse. It/He broke.

vai. See: -é'eotse. Category: break, ropelike.

-é'ónees   vta. cut s.o. ropelike. This refers to cutting someone animate that is ropelike in shape, such as a snake or twine. Ná-é'oneesoo'o heévaho. I cut the rope. Rope is grammatically plural. É-é'oneesóho heévaho. He cut the rope. É'oneešenáno heévaho! Cut the rope! Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.

-é'oneevávo'as   vta. cut s.o. ropelike. É-é'oneevávo'ȧsóho. He cut him (obv) ropelike. That is, he cut some animate object that is ropelike, such as rope or a snake. Category: cut, ropelike.

-e'ónoo'e   vai. sit looking up. É-e'ónoo'e. He is sitting looking up. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.

e'óoestaáhe   na. Christian. Lit: baptized-person (that is, water.anointed.on.(head)-person) especially said of Mennonite Christians, but extended to other Protestants and, more recently, to Catholics. Plural e'óoestaáheo'o. E'óoestaáheono (alternate plural). Obviative e'óoestaáheho; vai: -e'óoestaáhová; vta: -e'óoestaáh(n). See: ma'heónevé'ho'e; ma'heónenótaxe. Category: church.

e'óoestaáhe-   pv. Christian. e'óoestaáhe-vo'ėstane Christian person. That word is not nearly as commonly said as e'óoestaahe. É-e'óoestaáhevo'ėstanéheve. He lives a Christian life. na: e'óoestaáhe.

-e'óoestaáhe'onah(n)   vta. pour water on the hand of s.o. É-e'óoestaáhe'onȧhnóho. He poured water on his (obv) hand. Ques: náh(n) or nȧh(n)?? BodyPartMedial -he'oná.

-e'óoestaáhe'pa'onah(n)   vta. pour water on the back of s.o. É-e'óoestaáhe'pa'onȧhnóho. He poured water on his (obv) back.

e'óoestaáhe-mano'ȧhestȯtse   ni. church (body). naa nėhē'še 1947 nánėx-hó'xėseōhtse e'óoestaáhemano'ȧhéstóva and then in 1947 I joined the Mennonite Church. [1987:116] Lit: Christian-group See: ma'heóne-éestse-mȧheo'o church building. Category: church, new.

e'óoestaáhenótaxe   na. Christian. Lit: Christian-warrior(that is, society person) Plural e'óoestaáhenótȧxeo'o; Vocative e'óoestaáhenótȧxesėstse. Category: sacred, church.

e'óoestaáhenótȧxévestȯtse   ni. church. Lit: Christian-society See: nótȧxévestȯtse. Category: church.

E'óoestaáhestȯtse   ni. baptism. See: ma'heónenótȧxévestȯtse; e'óoestaahe. Category: church.

-e'óoestaáheškóhtah(n)   vta. pour water on fingers of s.o. É-e'óoestaáheškóhtȧhnóho. He poured water on his finger(s). See: -e'ovėškóhtah(n). Category: liquid.

-e'óoestaáh(n)   vta. pour water on s.o., baptize s.o. É-e'óoestaahno. He baptized him. É-e'óoestaáhnóho. He baptized him. Ná-e'óoestaaha. He baptized me. É-e'óoestaahe. He was baptized. É-e'óoestaáhestse. He is putting (for example, scooping or patting) water on his (own) head (especially to cool himself off). vai: -e'óoestaáhová. See: -e'óoestoh(n); -e'óh(n)1. Category: church.

e'óoestaáhová   vai. baptize. Lit: put.water.on tséohke-e'óoestaáhóvȧhtse the one who baptizes. vta: -e'óoestaáh(n). See: E'óoestaahe. Category: church.

e'óoestáe-   pv. Christian.

-e'óoestoh(n)   vta. splash s.o., throw water on s.o. É-e'óoestȯhnóho. He threw a little water on him. Traditionally, uncles would do that to wake up children. Nȧhta-e'óoestōhno. I'll throw water on him. E'óoestȯheha! Throw water on him! To teach her offspring how to discipline children, a grandmother used to say the following. This clearly illustrates Cheyenne feelings about corporal punishment: Éohkėsáa'ooméheo'o ka'ėškóneho. Éohke-e'óoestȯheo'o; éohkėsáa'ónėšeotséheo'o. Ȯhvé'eoomévosėstse ka'ėškóneho éohkeononé'anȯheo'o. Don't strike (your) children. A little bit of water (should be) thrown on them; (Water) doesn't hurt them. When children are struck, they never forget it (the abusive action). See: -e'óoestaáh(n); -e'óh(n)1; -vonane'ó'h. Medial -oest.

-é'ooheva'xe   vai. cut (own) nails. É-é'ooheva'xe. He cut his (own) nails. Category: groom, cut.

-e'óo'ó   vai. look up. É-e'óó'o. He is looking up. fai: -óo'ó; vti: -e'óo'tá; vta: -e'óom; Synonym -he'amóo'ó. See: -he'atóo'ó; -e'tsėhetóo'ó; -tsėhetóo'ó. Category: sight.

-e'óó'tá   vti. look up at s.t. Ques: -e'[o[oht[a?? É-e'óó'ta. He is looking up at it. vai: -e'óo'ó; vta: -e'óom. See: -vóóhtá. Category: sight, check.

-e'óom   vta. look up at s.o. É-e'óomóho. He is looking up at him. vti: -e'óo'tá; vai: -e'óo'ó. See: -vóom; -vé'hoom. Category: sight.

e'óová'hasēō'o   ni. water pump. for example, an electric water pump. Plural e'óová'haseonȯtse. See: óová'hasēō'o; hóoováneo'o. Category: tools.

-e'óovátó   vii. water go up, go up (of water). É-e'óováto. Water is going up. (another recording) Category: liquid.

-e'ȯséhá   vti. turn over s.t. by tool. for example, to turn over a pork chop frying. É-e'ȯséha. He turned it over with a tool. E'ȯséóhtse! Turn it over! Category: move.

-e'ȯséhn   vta. turn over s.o. by tool. É-e'ȯsehno. He turned him over with a tool. É-e'ȯséhnóho. He turned him over with a tool. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'ȯséhnȯhoo'o mésėhéstoto. I turned over the potatoes. for example, turned them over in the frying pan. E'ȯséheha! Turn him over! Category: move.

-e'ȯsé'hahtsé   vti. turn over s.t. Ques: se' or sé'?? here and in related forms including vta É-e'ȯsé'háhtse. He turned it over. Variant: -e'kȯsé'hahtsé; vta: -e'kȯse'ham. Category: check.

-e'ȯsé'ham   vta. turn over s.o. É-e'ȯsé'hamahtse. He turned himself over. for example, of a baby. É-e'ȯsé'hamóho. He turned him over. Ésta-e'ȯsé'hamóhoono. He turned her over. (pret). [Croft 1988:30:19] Variant: -e'kȯsé'ham. Category: move.

e'ȯsé'hasēō'o   ni. turner, pancake turner. for example, a pancake turner. See: e'kȯsé'hasēō'o pancake. Category: tools.

-e'ȯsén   vti. turn over s.t. É-e'ȯséna. He turned it over. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯséna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! That is a cultural taboo.

vta. turn over s.o. Variant: -e'kȯsén. Category: move, taboo.

-e'ȯsévoeotse   vii. capsize, turn upside down. É-e'ȯsévoeotse. It/He capsized. Tótšėške'sémonȯtse mó'ȯhke-e'ȯsévoeotséhanevótse. Little boats turn over (in big waves).

vai. capsize. See: hotáo'ó; hotáavóé'ó. Category: liquid.

-e'ȯsevonehné   vai. turn over. É-e'ȯsevonēhne. He turned over (gradually). See: -e'kȯse'ham.

-é'otse'konán   vta. 1 • break neckbone of s.o. Ná-é'otse'konana. He broke my neck bone.

fall for s.o. (romantically). The idiomatic use of this term is apparently older than idiomatic usage of -péehahtsé and -pé'peeotse. Category: figurative, romance, break.

-é'otse'konáxé   vai. fall and break neckbone. É-é'otse'konáxe. He broke his neck from a fall. Category: break, fall, sickness.

é'otseto   p. over the hill. Néhe ná'ėstse matanáeve'ho'e tȧháóhe é'otseto móxhéstȧhehéhe. One of the policemen was from (another district) over the hill/divide. [Stamper 1991:8] See: nó'ėseto. Category: positions.

-e'pé   mbp. rib. Éé'-e'péše. He fell and broke his rib. Éé'-e'pe'ovóho. ?? He broke his (other person's) ribs. É-ónėš-e'péóhtse. He has pain in the ribs. É-pó-e'péhestse. He hit himself on his ribs. (especially said of Crows who hit themselves this way when they guess during hand games). É-póe'péše. He fell on his ribs. ni: he'pe. Category: body, check.

e's-   i. fear. Variant: e't-.

e'se-1   pv. afraid to. Ná-e'semé'ėstomēvo. I'm afraid to explain it to him. Éohkėsáa'-e'seóxȯhéhe. He says (it) without fear. (for example, someone who speaks forcefully, confident of the truth of what they are saying). vta: -e'h; Homonym -e'se-. See: -e'tóhtahe; -e'etanó. Category: emotions.

e'se-2   i. put on clothes, dress, get dressed. É-e'sėsāne. He got dressed. Mó'-e'sėháohehevóhe. They were outfitted. (1987:46). Ques: Is e'se- a preverb here?? Ques: what is the verb stem of this ex.?? This part of a verb is different from the noun hoestȯtse referring to a dress that someone wears. Homonym e'se-; na: hoestȯtse. Category: dress.

é'se   p. half, down the middle. tósa'e mó'ana'óhanetséhe é'se hestsévá'xe Somewhere that part of her tail dropped off. [BOBTAIL.TXT] Ques: recheck glosses?? See: ó'xe. Category: check.

-e'seéstse'hená   vai. put on shirt (or coat). É-e'seéstse'hēna. He put on his coat (or shirt). E'seéstse'hēnȧhtse! Put your coat on! E'seéstse'hēna! Put your coat on! (said to more than one person). Antonym -né'seéstse'hená. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing, dress.

-e'seoneve   vai. feared. É-e'seoneve. He is feared.

-e'sėsané   vai. dress. É-e'sėsāne. He is dressing. Hovéhno éme'tónove-e'sėsanénove. Put a little more clothes on. (lit. a little more there should be dressing thickly). E'sėsānėstse! Get dressed! fai: -sané2; vta: -e'sėsanén; Antonym -né'sėsané. Category: dress.

-e'sėsanén   vta. dress s.o. É-e'sėsaneno. He dressed him. É-e'sėsanénóho. He dressed him. (newer pronunciation). [1987:266] Category: dress.

-e'sėsanéoohe   vai. dress quickly. É-é'sėsanéoohe. He dressed quickly. See: -e'sėsané dress. Category: dress.

E'še'óhtanéhe   na. High Forehead. Category: names.

-e'šévaen   vta. fear s.o., afraid of s.o. more intense than -e'h. É-e'šévaenóho. He is afraid of him. Éssáatónėše-e'šévaenóhevȯsesto nótȧxé-vé'hó'e. They weren't afraid of the soldiers. [1987:282] See: -e'h. Category: interpersonal, emotions.

e't-1   i. fear. See: e's-.

e't-2   i. put on. This refers to putting on clothes. Variant: e's-. É-e'toēsta. She put on a dress. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tá   vti. be afraid of s.t. É-é'ta. He is afraid of it. Etym: *kweʔtamwa. É-e'tanȯtse ame'hahtotȯtse He is afraid of airplanes. Náohkėsó'nėšeame-ē'ta I'm still afraid of it (for example, to drive on the road). vta: -e'h.

-e'tȧhtáhá   vai. put on pants. É-e'tȧhtáha. He put his pants on. Etym: *pweʔtetaye·wa (P) he puts on his leggings. E'tȧhtááhtse! Put on your pants! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -né'tȧhtáhá. See: -ka'o'ȧhtáhá. Category: clothing, dress.

é'távo   ni. foam. Morph: /é'távó/. Etym: *pi·ʔta·wi. Usage: obsolescing Category: environment.

-e'toestá   vai. put on a dress, don a dress. É-e'toēsta. She put on a dress. Etym: *pweʔtakote·wa she puts on a skirt. Category: dress.

-e'tóhkėha'á   vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'e. É-e'tóhkėhá'a. He put his hat on. E'tóhkėhá'ȧhtse! Put your hat on! See: -e'sane; -né'tȯhkėha'a. Category: clothing, dress.

-e'tóhkėha'e   vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'á. É-e'tóhkėha'e. He put on his hat/cap. Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tóhkėha'én   vta. put hat on s.o. É-e'tóhkėha'énóho. He put a cap on him. E'tóhkėha'éneha! Put a cap on him! Cheyennes are careful to cover their babies' heads when they are out of doors. IndepNoun hóhkėha'e; Antonym -né'tȯhkėha'én. Category: dress.

-e'tóhkėha'éoohe   vai. put on a hat quickly, don a hat quickly. E'ȯhke-e'tóhkėha'éoohe. He put on his hat/cap quickly. [The Hat.013] Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tóhoná   vai. put on bracelet(s). É-e'tóhóna. She put her bracelet(s) on. E'tóhónȧhtse! Put your bracelet(s) on! IndepNoun hoho. Category: groom.

-e'tóhtahe   vai. afraid, fearful. É-e'tóhtahe. He is a fearful person. É-e'tóhtȧheo'o. They are afraid. Ná-e'tóhtahe. I'm scared. vti: -e'tá; vta: -e'h. See: -e'etanó; -e'hahtohe; e'se-1; -héhpȯhetanó. Etym: *kweʔta·tiwa (P); *kweʔta·ciwa; O gotaaji (N). Category: personality, emotions.

-e'tóhtȧhéotse   vai. become afraid. É-e'tóhtȧhéotse. He became afraid. See: -e'tóhtahe; -e'etanó; -e'hahtohe; e'se-1; -héhpȯhetanó. Category: emotions.

-e'to'ótaná   vai. put on choker, put on necklace. É-e'to'ótána. He put on a choker / necklace. E'to'ótánȧhtse! Put your choker on! fai: -o'ótaná; ni: ho'ota. Category: groom.

-e'to'ótano'hamé   vai. collar horse(s), necklace horse(s), put necklace/collar on horse(s). É-e'to'ótano'hāme. He is putting a collar on his horse(s). Variant: -ho'ótano'hamé. Category: harness, horses.

-e'tóseestá   vai. put on earrings. É-e'tóseēsta. She put on her earrings. É'tóseēstȧhtse! Put your earrings on! Category: groom.

-e'tósem   vta. drag s.o. up. É-e'tósemóho. He dragged him up. for example, to drag s.o. uphill. Category: move.

-é'tovahá   vti. stumble on s.t. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-é'tovāha. He stumbled on it. See: -é'tova'á; -hohétseše; -hotȯhtá'á. Category: check.

-é'tova'á   vti. stumble on s.t. É-é'tovā'a. He stumbled on it. For example, he stumbled on a hole in ground. See: -é'tovahá.

-é'tovan   vti. stumble over s.t. É-é'tovāna. He stumbled over it.

vta. stumble.over. Móxhósema'xeamemé'e-é'tovanȯhéhe Ma'méhá'e. Red Woman stumbled over (a gopher pile). [The Great Race.031] See: -oé'tovenestse stumble in speaking.

é'tóve   na. Gram: poss your brother-in-law (of a man). See: né'tóve my brother-in-law; hevé'tovo his brother-in-law. Category: relatives.

-e'tȯxeoná   vai. put on sock(s). É-e'tȯxȯheōna. He put his socks on. Etym: *pweʔtašikane·wa. Ques: -e'tȯxȯheoná ?? E'tȯxȯheōnȧhtse! Put your socks on! IndepNoun hoxēō'o; Antonym -né'tȯxeoná. See: -he-vȯxeone. Category: dress, clothing, check.

-e'tȯxȯheonán   vta. put sock(s) on s.o. É-e'tȯxȯheonánóho. He put socks on him. Etym: *pweʔtašikane·ne·wa. E'tȯxȯheonáneha! Put socks on him! IndepNoun hoxeo'o. Category: dress.

e'tse-   i. fail.

pv. fail. Ná-e'tsevóómo. I didn't see him/I missed him/I failed to see him. See: e'se-; hótse-; sáa-; oh-; hóove-.

-e'tsėhetóo'ó   vai. look up. É-e'tsėhetóó'o. He looked up. Phon: not vs See: -tsėhetóo'ó; -e'óo'ó. Category: sight.

-e'xoe'ó'tov   vta. peel s.o., husk s.o. É-e'xoe'ó'tovóho. He peeled him. Nėhetáa'e hestsėheva'xe náhmȧhe-e'xoe'ó'tóvónóne. From there on the tail we skinned all of that part off. [BOBTAIL.TXT]

-e'xoen   vti. peel s.t. É-e'xoēna. He peeled it.

vta. peel s.o., skin s.o. for example, done to a tree or bear. É-e'xoenóho. He peeled him. Naa éohke-e'xoeneo'o néhe méno'keo'o. And these willows are peeled. [1987:275] See: -e'xovan peel s.o.. Category: cut.

-e'xoeoešešé   vai. 1 • scratched from falling. É-e'xoeoešēše. He got scratched when he fell. See: -e'xoešé.

2 • foreskin peeled back - lie with. Category: fall, vulgar.

-e'xoešé   vai. scraped from fall. É-e'xoēše. He fell and got scraped. See: -e'xoeoešešé. Category: lie, cut.

-e'xoevo'ešé   vai. 1 • lie with foreskin peeled back.

2 • have intercourse, get screwed. refers to the skin of a penis or vulva getting peeled back during intercourse. É-e'xoevo'ēše. He/She got peeled back. See: -e'xoeoešešé. Category: sex, vulgar.

-e'xȯhosé   vai. peeled back penis - have; penis - peeled back. especially refers to an uncircumcised penis during intercourse. É-e'xȯhōse. His penis is peeled back. BodyPartMedial -ohosé. Category: vulgar, sex.

-e'xȯhoséóó'e   vai. stand with unsheathed penis. Lit: peeled-penis-stand especially of an animal such as a horse or dog. É-e'xȯhoséóó'e. He is standing with penis unsheathed. Phon: vs fai: -óé2; BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé. See: -he'konȯhoséóó'e. Category: vulgar.

-e'xȯhosévo'as   vta. circumcise s.o., cut off the foreskin of s.o. Lit: É-e'xȯhosévo'axe. He was circumcised. This word is not widely used. A euphemism for circumcision is -tsėhetaxe 'have surgery.'. BodyPartMedial -ohosé penis. See: -tsėhetaxe. Category: vulgar.

-e'xonȯhené   vai. scrape trees. É-e'xonȯhēne. He peeled bark off trees. Category: trees.

e'xonȯhēō'o   ni. scraper. See: sé'senȯhēō'o; mónáhtsėstse. Category: tools.

-e'xonoh(n)   vta. peel s.o. by tool. É-e'xonȯhnóho. He peeled him by tool. For example, he peeled a tree (animate) with a peeler. See: -e'xo'oh(n); -e'xȯhoséóó'e. Category: cut.

e'xov-   i. peel.

-e'xovan   vti. peel s.t. by hand. É-e'xovāna. He peeled it by hand.

vta. peel s.o. É-e'xovanóho. He peeled him by hand. for example, of an apple, animate. E'xovaneha! Peel him (for example, an orange)! See: -e'xoen peel s.o.; -e'xovás peel s.o.; -oo'kan pluck s.o.; -éxovan warm s.o.. Category: cut.

-e'xovas   vta. peel s.o. for example, to peel a potato or apple. É-e'xovasóho. He peeled him by cutting. É-e'xovasóho ma'xemeno. He peeled the apple by cutting. Ná-e'xovāso. I peeled him. E'xovȧseha! Peel him! E'xovȧxenáno! Peel them (an.)! Category: cook, cut.

e'xováxéó'o   ni. peeler. See: -e'xovás; É'ėxováhtóva. Category: tools.

-e'xove   fti. time. Één-e'xove. It is the end. Ékás-e'xóveotse. The time is near. Énėšev-e'xove. Time is "flying". Émón-e'xove. It is early. Category: time.

-em   fta. speak to s.o., speak about s.o. Étotóx-emóho. He discussed him. Éhávėsév-emóho. He talked badly about him. Émȧhov-emóho. He tired him by speaking. Épėhév-emóho. He spoke well of him. Etym: *im (R). fti: -está. See: -am2 speak to/about s.o.; -o'ót declare about s.o.; -hósem tell about s.o.. Category: sounds, speak.

-émá   vai. take a sweat, sweat - take a. This refers to participating in a sweat lodge ceremony. É-éma. He is taking a sweat. É-émao'o. They are taking a sweat. Ná-éma. I'm taking a sweat. É-émȧhtove. There is a sweat going on. Mónėsta-émama? Are we (incl) going to have a sweat? Náto'se-émáme. We (excl) are going to have a sweat. Néohke-émahe? Do you sweat? That is, do you regularly sweat in a sweat lodge? Náohkėsáa'-émáhe. I don't sweat. Násáa'-émáhe. I'm not sweating (in a sweat lodge) / I didn't sweat. Etym: *pi·mwa. See: -hoehasené sponsor a sweat; émaome sweat lodge; -hohpéotse sweat ; perspire. Category: ceremonial.

-émanané   vai. put on a sweat, make a sweat. É-émanāne. He put on a sweat. Variant: -émanené. Category: ceremonial.

-émanaov   vta. make a sweat lodge for s.o. É-émanaovóho. He made a sweat lodge for him. Naa nėhē'še hápó'e mó'évaévana= émanaovȯhevóhe. And then likewise (the young man) made-, made a sweat lodge for them. [Protruding Teeth.144] Category: interpersonal.

-émanené   vai. put on a sweat, make a sweat. É-émanēne. He put on a sweat. Variant: -émanané. Category: ceremonial.

émaome   ni. sweat lodge. Lit: sweat.bath-lodge (another recording) (another recording) The sweat lodge is supposed to be completely dark inside. Traditionally, children were not allowed inside the sweat lodge until after the ceremonies were completed and the blankets were lifted. (another recording) sweatlodge2.mp3. Plural émaomēnėstse; fni: -ome. Etym: *pi:mwikamikwi 'sweat lodge'. See: vonȧhéome. Category: ceremonial.

émaomē'e   na. sweat lodge woman.

-emas   fta. shoot s.o. Étó'om-emȧsóho. He shot him dead.. Éáhan-emȧsóho. He fatally shot him. Éo'ha'-emȧsóho He missed him in shooting. Éhéšk-emȧsóho. He nicked him shooting at him. [1987:191] Mó'ée'é'ėškóhtavo'-emȧxėhéhe. His leg was broken from the gunshot. Phon: the stem-final /s/ has [x] allophone preceding /e/ Variant: -mas; fti: -emȧxestá. Category: shoot.

-émátanó   vai. want to take a sweat bath. É-émátáno. He wants to take a sweat bath. See: -émá. Category: ceremonial.

-emȧxestá   fti. shoot s.t. Éo'ha'-emȧxēsta. He missed it (while shooting). fta: -emas. Category: shoot.

-émeno'é   vai. poach, kill on the sly, kill illegally. especially refers to killing someone else's cattle on the sly. É-émenō'e. He butchered illegally. Etym: *ki·minaxkye·wa. Móhéva mó'-émeno'ėhevóhe. Perhaps they killed beef on the sly. [1987:182] fai: -no'é. See: -nȯhtseno'é. Category: hunt.

-émeno'éoohe   vai. kill on the sly quickly, poach quickly, kill illegally quickly. É-émeno'éoohe. He quickly killed on the sly. fai: -no'é. Category: hunt.

-émeno'h   vta. secretly kill s.o., kill s.o. secretly. É-émeno'hóho. He killed him on the sly. vai: -émeno'é. Etym: *ki·minaθe·wa. Category: violence.

Émėškéhá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

-émetse   vai. conceal (something). É-émetse. He is concealing (something).

-émetsehné   vai. walk with something concealed. É-émétséhne. He is walking with something concealed. Etym: *ki·mwehθe·wa. Category: check.

-émevone   vii. sound barely heard. É-émevone. It (sound) is barely heard. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-émóéná   vai. pray secretly. É-émóéna. He prayed secretly. fai: -óéná. See: -háóéna pray.

-émoestotóxem   vta. secretly talk about s.o., discuss s.o. secretly. Ná-émoestotóxémo. I talked secretly about him. See: totóxem; émoose-. Category: speak.

-émȯhkóešé   vai. sneak a look; lie with eyes half-open. for example, as cats sometimes sleep. É-émȯhkóéše. He is lying looking with eyes nearly shut. (another recording) Ques: which pitch contour is correct?? See: -tótóéše. Category: lie, check.

-émȯhkóo'ó   vai. look with squinted eyes. for example, to squint, as a cat does when sleeping. É-émȯhkóó'o. He is looking with eyes nearly shut. Etym: *ki·ma·panke·wa (P). Phon: not vs Category: sight.

-émoh(n)   vta. hunt and kill s.o. É-émȯhnóho. He killed him in a hunt. Ná-émóhno. I killed (in hunt) him. for example, a deer that I hunted. vai: -émȯhóne.

-émȯhóné   vai. hunt. This is hunting for large game. The verb -nése'névá refers to hunting for small game. É-émȯhóne. He is hunting. É-émȯhóneo'o. They are hunting. Nétȧhé-emȯhónema! Let's go hunt! Éhvéesesto kȧsováaheho; éhnésȯhtȯxésesto. Éstaohkėhé-emȯhónėsesto. (Some) young men were camping; there were seven of them. They would go hunting. [1987:306] See: -nése'névá hunt for small game; -néhomo'he track; -na'tóné kill game. Category: hunt.

-émȯhóneehe   vai. camp and hunt. that is, camp while hunting. É-émȯhóneehe. He is campiing while hunting. É-émȯhóneeheo'o They are camping and hunting. fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.

émȯhónéhe   na. hunter. Plural émȯhónėheo'o; Obviative émȯhónėheho. Category: hunt.

-émȯhóne'heóneve   vai. be a hunter. É-émȯhóne'heóneve. He is a hunter. Category: hunt.

-émȯhóné'tov   vta. hunt for. tȧhéemȯhóne'tovonȯhtse váotseváhne when I go hunting for deer. [The Hunter and the Badger.59] Category: hunt.

-émȯhónétanó   vai. want to hunt. É-émȯhónétáno. He wants to hunt.

ém(ooht)-   i. secretly.

-émoohtahe   vai. be sneaky, be secretive. É-émoohtahe. He is a sneaky person. (another recording) Étá'-émoohtahe. He is very sneaky. vii: -émoosó. Category: personality.

-émoohtȧše'še   vai. drink secretly. É-émoohtȧše'še. He is a closet drinker. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink.

-émoohtátamao'ó   vai. laugh quietly, chuckle. É-émoohtátamaō'o. He is laughing quietly. fai: -átamao'ó. See: -tšėške'átamao'ó. Category: laugh.

-émoohtȯhoné   vai. sign secretly, secretly sign. É-émoohtȯhōne. He is signing secretly. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-émoohtȯhtóva'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o betray s.o. Ná-émoohtȯhtóva'tova. He betrayed me. Ná-émoohtȯhtóvanȯtse. I betrayed him. See: -hohtóvá. Category: interpersonal.

-émoohtó'ané   vai. speak quietly. for example, so you cannot be heard. É-émoohtó'áne. He spoke quietly/secretly. Category: speak.

-émoohto'eétahe   vai. secretly do (something). É-émoohto'eétahe. He secretly did (something). for example, Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. É-émoohto'eétȧheo'o. They secretly did (something). fai: -o'eétahe. See: -nėhešévé; -hešévé. Category: do.

-émoohtóna'há   vii. gentle breeze - be a, blow gently. É-émoohtóná'ha. There is a gentle breeze. Category: weather, wind.

-émoohtónová   vai. gossip quietly. É-émoohtónóva. He gossiped quietly. fai: -ónová. See: -nonaohtonová; émoose-. Category: speak.

-émoohtóse'e   vai. be illegitimately pregnant. É-émoohtóse'e. She is illegitimately pregnant. Lit: secretly-pregnant See: émoose-; -hóse'e.

-émoohtotse'ohe   vai. work sneakily, work secretively, secretively work. É-émoohtotse'ohe. He is working sneakily. Category: work.

-émoom   vta. sneak up on s.o. Ques: émóom ?? É-émoomóho. He snuck up on him. É'-émoomaehoono. He (young man, obviative) snuck up on her. (pret). Etym: *ki:ma·pame·wa 'he peeps at him' (Au). Category: check.

émoose-   pv. secretly. Ná-émooseéestsėstōvo. I spoke secretly to him. É-émoosenėhešéve. He did it secretly. É-émooseaseohe. He left secretly.

émooseamévȧho'hóvȧhtóva   ni. muffler. for a vehicle. Lit: where the vehicle sound is hidden ?? Category: check. See: éxovenotováahestȯtse muffler (clothing). Category: car, new, check.

-émooseéestse   vai. whisper. Lit: secretly-talk É-émooseéestse. He is whispering. See: -éestse. Category: speak.

émooseka'ėškóne   na. illegitimate child. See: mé'ánėstse; ka'ėškóne. Category: babies.

émoosematanaéve'ho'e   na. detective. Lit: secret-policeman Category: jobs.

émoosemé'ėstaneváhe   na. C.I.A. person. Plural émoosemé'ėstaneváhe; vai: -mé'ėstanevá. Category: jobs.

-émoosenoné   vai. sing in a whisper. Lit: quietly-sing É-émoosenōne. He sang in a whisper. Category: sing.

émooséso   na. illegitimate child. Usage: not commonly used Plural émoosésono; Obviative émoosésono. See: mé'ánėstse. Category: babies.

-émoosó   vii. silent. É-émoōso. It is silent. vai: -émoohtahe.

EMPH   infix. emphasis. Phon: Some vowels are stretched longer for emphasis. For example, compare tótseha 'long ago' and tóotseha 'very long ago': tóotseha very long ago. Category: exclamations.

én-1   i. end, stop, cease, quit. É-éneotse. It ended. Ná-énomóhtahe. I stopped being sick. É-énééto. It stopped snowing. See: én-2 put down. Etym: *po·n-.

-én2   i. put down. É-énána. He put it down. See: én-1 end, stop. Etym: *po·n.

-énȧhá'ené   vai. stop cooking. É-énȧhá'éne. He stopped cooking. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: check.

-énȧhánoevȧhá'ené   vai. make gravy, make pudding. É-énȧhánoevȧhá'éne. She made gravy/pudding. Category: cook.

-énȧhánoeve   vii. be pudding, be gravy. É-énȧhánoeve. It is pudding. IndepNoun énȧháno.

-énȧhené   vai. 1 • fill. can refer to filling up one's plate. É-énȧhéne. He is filling up (his (plate with food). Énȧhéne! Fill up (said to more than one person)! That sounds very close to the word for gravy, énȧhéno. Taome-énȧhéne! Help yourself! See: énȧhéno.

2 • gas up, fuel vehicle, pay for gasoline, put gas in car. Nȧhtavésé-énȧhéne. I'll help pay for the gas. Ná-énȧháne mȧhtóhtoema'kaataeva. I put in $10 of gas. Énȧhénėstse! Put gas in! See: -enȯhomev.

énȧhenémȧhéó'o   ni. gas station, filling station. Lit: filling-house Variant: tsé'ȯhke-énȧhéstove. Category: buildings.

énȧhenestȯtse   ni. filling thing. for example, a gas funnel.

énȧhéno   ni. gravy, sauce, pudding, berry pudding. For some speakers this only refers to gravy, not to berry pudding. (another recording) Énȧhéno ná-mese. I ate gravy. Alice Russell taught the following saying to her children and grandchildren: Tséstsėhetóma'o'e náhéseéšee'e vóhkooheho naa énȧhéno návé'šeéšeenoto. This land where I grew up, from rabbits and gravy I grew up. See: -énȧhené fill. Category: food, berries, sayings.

-énȧhénoevétováto   vii. be funnel shaped. É-énȧhánoevétováto. It is funnel shaped. See: -éškȯsa'evétováto.

-énahné   vai. build a fire, set a fire. É-énáhne. He built a fire. Etym: *po·nehθe·wa. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -énȧhót. Category: fire.

-énȧho'he   vai. fever break, fever end. Lit: end-by.heat É-énȧho'he. His fever broke / his fever ended. Etym: *po·nehθaɁsowa. See: -énevo'ėho'he. Category: sickness.

-énȧhót   vta. end heat to s.o. E-énȧhótahtse éše'he. There is a sundog. Lit: The sun stopped and stood by itself ?? ȯhto'sema'xetonétoo'ėstse é-énȧhótahtse éše'he éohkeévėhenove... when it's going to turn really cold, sun dogs, it was said... [1987:207] See: -énėhót stop and stand by s.o.. Category: fire.

-énȧhtóohe   vai. stop sounding. É-énȧhtóohe. He stopped making a sound. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-éna'éno'hamé   vai. stop driving. É-éna'éno'hāme. He stopped driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.

-éna'haso'he   vai. stop riding horse. É-éna'haso'he. He stopped riding his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.

-éna'hasó'heohe   vai. stop riding on horseback. É-éna'hasó'heohe. He stopped riding on horseback quickly. tséstȧhóseé-a'hasó'heohévȯse when they stopped riding again. [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.018] fai: -a'hasó'he, -ohe. Category: horses.

-éna'he   vai. be old. É-éna'he. He is old. É-éna'heo'o. They are old. Phon: cf. é-na'he 'he was killed'; na'he 'three' tsé-éna'hese the aged ones/the elderly. See: -nonó'homȧhtahe; -háa'éhahe; -mȧhovahe. Category: ages.

éna'he-   pv. old. É-éna'hevéstoemȧhtseo'o. They were married (to each other) until old age (that is, they were lifetime partners). vai: -éna'he. Category: ages.

-éna'heotse   vai. become old. É-éna'heotse. He has become old. Category: ages.

Éna'hēso   na. Oldie. Lit: old-DIM Category: names.

-éna'hevóohe   vai. receive a life sentence, life sentenced. É-éna'hevóohe. He was given a life sentence. See: -hótoanávo'emáoohe. Category: legal.

-éna'ó'tsé   vti. turn off s.t. Ééva-éna'ó'tse. He turned it back off.

-éna'ov   vta. stop driving s.o. especially of driving livestock. É-éna'ovóho. He stopped driving him/them. Initial én-; Final -a'. Category: livestock.

-éna'ovo'hamé   vai. leave livestock. É-éna'ovo'hāme. He left horses (over there). See: -énano'hamé. Medial -o'hamé. Category: horses.

-éna'xané   vai. stop crying. É-éna'xāne. He stopped crying. fai: -a'xané. See: -éne stop crying. Category: cry.

-énan   vti. put down s.t., put away s.t., release s.t., appoint s.t., pawn s.t. É-énána. He put it away. Énánȯhtse! Let go of it! Ta-énánȯhtse! Put it away! Éva-énánȯhtse! Put it back! Táxemésėhéstóva tȧhé-énánȯhtse! Go put it on the table! Etym: *po·nenamwa he releases it.

vta. let go of s.o., put down s.o., put away s.o., release s.o., appoint s.o. É-énanóho. He put him down. Ééva-énanóho. He let him off. Náhóe'-énáno. I turned him out/turned him loose (for example, a horse)/put him out. Nėhéóhe ná-énáno. I appointed him (literally, placed him there). vai: -énanené. Etym: *po·nene·wa he releases him. See: -énanomótah; -nėhetsem; -nééh; -éneváen; -énanomóht; -énoh; -anȯhan. Category: move.

-énanené   vai. put down, let go, place, pay, give an offering (for example, in church). É-énanēne. He is giving an offering. Étȧhé-enanēne. He went to pay his bill. vti: -énan. Etym: *po·nenike·wa.

-enáno   sfx. suffix for imperative addressed to a single person to act upon plural third persons. Taohkėhéve'hoom-enáno! Go look at them! Ques: Is this morpheme -enáno or -náno?? Vovóeš-enáno! Comfort them! Tȧhé-ve'hoomenáno! Go look at them! Monėškeho né'asėtan-enáno! Pass me the beans! Ques: Vovóešemenano?? See: -náno. Category: check, grammar.

-énano'é   vai. plant. É-énanō'e. He planted. Néohke-énano'ehe? Do you plant? tsé'-énano'éstove garden (lit. where there is planting). Medial -o'é3. See: -o'eno'é. Category: plants.

énano'éénȧhéno   ni. salad dressing. See: énȧhéno.

Énano'eéše'he   na. Planting Moon, June. This is a possible alternative month name. It may originally have included the latter part of May and the first part of June. This is probably better known than É'omeéše'he. See: É'omeéše'he Greasy Moon. Category: months.

énano'éhe   na. farmer. Lit: planting-person See: énano'éve'ho'e. Category: farm.

énano'éhestȯtse   ni. seed. Lit: planting-thing Plural énano'éhestotȯtse. See: hestáheme. Category: farm.

énano'émȧhtáme   ni. vegetables. Lit: planted-food Ques: how commonly known is this word?? See: máhtáme food. Category: food, check.

-énano'émȧhtáme'haná   vai. eat vegetables. É-énano'émȧhtáme'hāna. He is eating vegetables. Category: eat, food, check.

énano'estȯtse   ni. seeder, garden, crop. Lit: planting thing Category: farm.

énano'éve'ho'e   na. Lit: planting-ve'ho'e farmer. See: énano'éhe. Category: farm.

-énano'hamé   vai. release livestock. É-énano'hāme. He let his horse(s) go. Ésta-énano'hamésesto hénėhéóhe tóxeo'hé'e. They let their horses go there by the river. [GHOST.TXT] Medial -o'hamé. See: -éna'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.

-énano'óhtá   vti. plant s.t. É-énano'óhta. He planted it.

-énano'ot   vta. plant s.o. É-énano'oto. He planted him. É-énano'ótóho. He planted him. (newer pronunciation). Category: farm, plants.

-énanomev   vta. pay for s.o. for example, paid for a horse. Ná-énanomēvo. I paid for him. É-énanomevóho. He paid for him. Etym: *po·nenamawe·wa (P). vti: -énanomóhtá. Category: money.

-énanomóhtá   vti. pay for s.t. See: -énan. É-énanomóhta. He paid for it. vta: -énanomev. Category: money.

-énanomót   vta. pay for s.o. É-énanomoto. He paid for him/them. É-énanomótóho. He paid for him/them. (newer pronunciation). See: -énanomótah.

-énanomótah   vta. pay for s.o. Lit: put down something for s.o. É-énanomótȧhóho. He paid for him. Ná-énanomótáho. I paid it for him. Náéva-énanomótáho. I paid his fine. See: -énanomót; -énan; -onénėxȯhemev.

-énȧše'še   vai. stop drinking. É-énȧše'še. ?? He stopped drinking. Category: drink, check.

-énatamao'ó   vai. stop laughing. É-énatamaō'o. He stopped laughing. Ésáatónėše-énatamao'óhe. He couldn't stop laughing. Éohkėsáa'-énatamao'óhe. He never stops laughing. Phon: not vs fai: -átamao'ó. See: -hohatse; -én. Category: laugh.

-ené1   fai. abstract AI final, detransitiving final. This final is commonly used by all speakers to destransitivize transitive verbs that end with the final -an 'by hand': Nápėhévan-ēne. I am doing something nice?? / I have a good hand (in cards). Énėše'han-ēne. He washed. Éháestȯhan-ēne. He had many things to do; his hand are full (in English idiomatic sense). Ééxan-ēne. He is prepared/he is ready. Épėhévan-ēne. He was nicely ready/prepared; He had a good hand in cards. Émȧhan-ēne. He had a full house (in cards; literally, all-do). Nána'han-ēne. I have three of a kind (in cards). Énévan-ēne. He did it four times. Énėševan-ēne He does things (for example, his work) fast. Énóvan-ēne. He is doing it slowly. He'pa'onéome étsėhetan-éne. He is doing something behind the house. This final is also used by a minority of speakers; much less commonly used than -ané. Évóós-éne. He sees. Éna's-ēne. He kills people. Évéstomós-éne. He promised. [Croft] Námȯxe'ȯh-ēne I'm drawing. Phon: might be -mȯxe'ȯhoné, which is identical in sound ?? Variant: -ané; Final -an. Etym: *ike· (R). Category: do.

-ené2   m. overnight. Náno'ke-ēne. I stayed one night. (another recording) Náno'ke-eneoo'e. ?? I stayed (sat) one night. Énéšeēne. ?? He stayed two nights. Ques: recheck pitches?? Nátanéše-ene. I stayed two nights. Éna'he-ēne. ?? He stayed three nights. Étónėstȯhé-éne? How many overnights did he stay? Nétatónėstȯhe-enō'tse? How many nights did you camp out? Nexa ma'heóne-éšeēva nátanėhestȯhe-ene. I stayed two weeks. Éohta-ēne. He stayed overnight. Etym: cf. *-ekon(ak). fii: -éno'e2. See: taa'éva; vóon-. Category: time, check.

éne-   pv. stop, end, quit, finish. É-éneéestse. He stopped speaking. É-énenéméne He stopped singing. sáa- 'not' + tónėše- '' + éne- 'stop' ( > 'not able to stop') yields a strong statement of continued action: Éssáatónėš-énee'koo'óhesėstse. He just kept looking out (reportative). Initial -én.

-ene   fii. painted. Naa móh-ma'enéhanevōtse héne kȧhamȧxehȯtse. And those sticks were painted red. [The Round-up of the Deer.021] Category: check.

-éne   vai. stop crying. Ques: Is there a verb ééne or éene ?? Énėstse! Stop crying! See: -éna'xané. Category: cry, check.

-ene   sfx. passive suffix for TA verb stems ending in -h(n) and -s with unspecified subjects and non-third person semantic objects. Nátaeváh-éne. I was measured. See: -ané; -e; -óné; -ohe. Category: grammar.

-éné   mbp. face. This medial specifically refers to the face, but sometimes it primarily refers to the eyes. Éó'ó'-éne He is blind. É-é'koméne. He has a greasy face. Kóós-éné'e Little-faced Woman. ka'-énėhótame bulldog (short-faced-dog). Éhesės-éne'še. He has twitching in his face. Énėše'šévo-éne. He washed his face. Category: body, face, eyes.

-éneaná   vai. finish eating, stop eating. É-éneāna. He finished eating. [pd426] fai: -aná. Category: eat.

-énéétó   vii. stop snowing. É-énééto. It stopped snowing. É-éneetohe? Did it quit snowing? fii: -éétó. See: -éená; -énoo'kohó; -ho'éétó. Category: weather, snow.

-éneetootse   vai. stop snowing. É-éneetootse. It stopped snowing. Ééše-éneetootse. It has stopped snowing. Category: weather, snow.

-énėhasené   vai. stop playing cards. É-énėhasēne. He stopped playing cards. fai: -ehasené. Category: cards.

-énehe   fai. taste. Épėhéve-énehe. He (for example, a melon) tastes good. Épėhéve-énėheo'o. They (an.) taste good. Éhováhe-énehe. He tastes wild. É-vé'keénehe. He tastes sweet. fii: -éno'e. See: -tóne'énehe; -tsėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-énėhot   vta. stop and stand by s.o. É-énėhoto. He stopped and stood by him. É-énėhótóho. He stopped and stood by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *po·nwehθale·wa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -énȧhót end heat to s.o.. Category: check, stand, weather.

-éne'ēē'e   vii. stop leaking. can be said of a nosebleed. É-éne'ēē'e. It stopped leaking / The nosebleed stopped. Ésáa'éne'eéhane. It did not stop leaking. Phon: vs fii: -e'eé. See: -ése'ēē'e; -mȧhe'ēē'e. Category: liquid.

-éne'há   vai. stop flying. É-éné'ha. He stopped flying. Etym: *po·niʔle·wa; cf. M po·neqnaew. Category: fly.

-éne'haná   vai. quit eating, stop eating, end eating. É-éne'hāna. He stopped eating. Etym: *po·ni'θenye·wa (P). fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.

-éne'hanáotse   vai. stop eating quickly?? Á'e ná-éne'hanáotse. Soon I stopped eating. that is, I ate fast. Category: eat, check.

-ene'ho'tá   fii. room. Éháahpe'-ene'hō'ta. It is a big room. Étšėške'-ene'hō'ta. It is a small room. Évéhp-ene'hō'ta. It (for example, a cabin) was vacant. Éneó'k-ene'hō'ta. It is a small/tight space/room. Ésó'nėheš-ene'hō'ta. It is still the same. [1987:236] É'éetsėhetónoehoo'o kȧsovááhe tséheš-ene'ho'tatse héne vee'e. The young man looked around (to see) what the size of that tepee was. [1980:65:40] Variant: -ne'ho'tá. See: -séesó; -ne'ha'e; -po'o'tá; -a'é'šene'ho'tá. Category: space, room.

-éne'sevó   vii. stop flowing, flow stop. É-éne'sēvo. It stopped flowing. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.

-éne'sevóotse   vii. stop flowing quickly, flow stop quickly. É-éne'sevóotse It (liquid) stopped flowing quickly. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.

-éne'xove   vii. end.time, be the end. É-éne'xove. It is the end. Lit: time ended tsé'-éne'xove the end. Usage: not used as much as hena'háanéhe or nėhē'še for indicating closure fii: -e'xove. See: nėhē'še; hena'háanéhe. Category: time.

Énema'heóneéšeēva   ni. Gram: obl on Monday. Usage: od (another recording) Southern Cheyennes use this word and call Tuesday no'ka éšeēva with Wednesday through Friday subsequently following with consecutively numbered names. For instance, Friday, under the Southern Cheyenne system, is neva éšeēva (lit. fourth day). See: Ma'heóneéšeēva; No'ka Éšeēva. Category: time.

-énema'heóneéšeeve   vii. Monday. É-énema'heóneéšeeve. It is Monday. Lit: be the end of the holy day tsé'-énema'heóneéšeeve when it was Monday. Usage: od Some Northern Cheyennes have used this term. Southern Cheyennes use this term and call Tuesday no'ka éšeēva with Wednesday through Friday subsequently following with consecutively numbered names. That is, for instance, Friday under the Southern Cheyenne system is nova éšeēva (lit. fourth day). See: ma'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.

-éneméohe   vai. stop running. É-éneméohe. He stopped running. fai: -méóhe. See: -éno'ȧhéotse. Category: run.

-éneno'é   vai. stop killing. É-énenō'e. He stopped killing. fai: -no'é.

-éneno'éoohe   vai. stop killing abruptly. É-éneno'éoohe. He abruptly stopped killing. fai: -no'é.

-énenoné   vai. stop singing. É-énenōne. He stopped singing. [1987:94] fai: -noné. Etym: *po·nina·ke·wa; F po·nina·ke·wa. Category: sing.

-éneohe   vai. stop running, stop moving. É-éneohe. He stopped. Etym: *po·nipahwa. Nėhéóhe étaohkėhóse-éneoheo'o. That's where they stop again. Éneoestse! Stop! Éneohe! Stop! (said to more than one person). See: nėhē'še Stop!. Category: motion.

-éneohétó   vii. stop. sometimes used for when a car stops but -énevȧho'tá may be preferred. É-éneohéto. It stopped. Hestsēsta mó-éneohétȯhanetséhe. He had a heart attack. Lit: His heart must have stopped. Nėhéóhe éhne'-éneohéto naamȧho'hestónáne. Our (excl.) car stopped there. [1987:156] Category: car.

-éneohtsé   vai. stop going. É-éneōhtse. He stopped going. Etym: *po·nipa·ta·wa; cf. M po·nepa·htaw. Category: motion.

-éneóó'e   vai. stop standing. É-éneóó'e. He stopped standing. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-éneotse   vii. end. especially of a road. É-éneotse. It is the end of the road. See: -ameotse; -aseotse.

-énėsétȯhtaa'eve   vii. be after midnight. Lit: end-midnight-be tsé'-énėsétȯhtaa'eve when it was after midnight. See: sétȯhtaa'éva. Category: time.

-énėsétovoése   vai. be afternoon. Lit: end-middle( É-énėsétovoése. It is afternoon. tsé'-énėsétovoése when it was afternoon / in the afternoon. vii: -énėsétovoésta. Category: time.

-énėsétovoésta   vii. be afternoon. Lit: end-middle( É-énėsétovoésta. It is afternoon. (another recording) vai: -énėsétovoése. Category: time.

-enėstaešeeohtsé   vii. hot and dry weather ?? É-enėstaešeeōhtse. It is hot and dry weather. ?? Category: check. Usage: obsolete See: -ó'ȧho'tá. Category: weather, check.

-énėsto'tovóehá   vii. fire go out. É-énėsto'tovóéha. The campfire went out. Category: fire.

-énėstóné   vai. end the ceremony, quit making (something). É-énėstóne. He finished doing the ceremony. [pd679] Tóne'še éto'se-énėstónėstove? When are the ceremonies going to end? See: -oestóné. Category: ceremonial.

-énėšévaen   vta. stop fighting s.o. É-énėšévaenȧhtséstove. They ceased fighting / the war ended. É-énėšévaenóho. He stopped fighting him. Ná-énėšéváéno. I quit fighting him. Ésáatónėše-énėšévaenóheho. He just couldn't stop beating him up. See: -énet; -méót. Category: violence.

-énet   vta. stop fighting s.o. É-énetȧhtseo'o. They stopped fighting. Ééše-énetȧhtséstove. The war has ended. tsé'-énetȧhtséstove when the war ended. fta: -ét fight s.o.. See: -amét; -asét; -énėšévaen; -énene'enéseh. Category: warfare.

énetȧhtsestȯtse   ni. peace. Lit: end of fighting each other Category: warfare.

-énetseotse   vii. ?? É-énetseotse. ?? See: -étseotse; -kánomeotse. Category: check.

-éneváen   1 • vti. release s.t. quickly, put down s.t. quickly, unleash s.t. quickly, leave s.t. quickly. É-éneváéna. He put it down. Éneváénȯhtse! Let go of it! Óxėse éneváénȯhtse! Put it someplace else! Návone-éneváéna. I misplaced it; got it mixed up. Tȧhé-eneváénȯtse! Go leave it there! [1987:286]

vta. release s.o. quickly, put down s.o. quickly, unleash s.o. quickly, leave s.o. quickly. Éstaméhae'-éneváenóhoono. (when) he put him down. [1987:286] Hevovetāso nává'ne-éneváéno. I just turned the tornado loose. [POWER.TXT] Category: move.

2 • vta. excrete s.t. (body waste). Usage: euphemism Tȧhé-eneváénȯhtse! Go leave it there! Émóne-éneváéna. He just farted. See: -énan. Category: body function.

-énevȧho'há   vti. turn off s.t. (with an engine). especially of turning off the engine of a vehicle. É-énevȧhō'ha. He turned it (an engine) off. Énévȧhó'hȯhtse! Turn it off! See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car.

-énevȧho'hová   vai. stop engine, turn off car. É-énevȧho'hōva. He turned off the engine (especially car engine). See: -asévȧho'hová. Category: car.

-énévȧho'tá   vii. stop (of a combustion engine). É-énévȧhó'ta. It (the engine) stopped. Category: car.

-énévánéne   vai. stop making noise. É-énévánéne. He stopped making noise. ?? fai: -anené. See: -amévanené. Category: sounds, check.

-éneváonová   vai. put s.o. there. Ques: recheck gloss? Sétóve é'ȯhke-éneváonovao'o. They put (people) in the middle. ?? Category: check.

-énevo'ėho'he   vai. fever end, fever break. É-énevo'ėho'he. His fever broke. See: -énȧho'he. Category: sickness.

-énevo'emas   vta. quit shooting at s.o., stop shooting s.o. É-énevo'emȧsóho. He stopped shooting him. [Head Chief text] Mósta-énevo'emȧxeehevóhe. They stopped shooting at him. [Head Chief text]

-énevone   vii. stop sounding. É-énevone. It stopped sounding/the sound stopped. fii: -évone. Etym: *po·nwe·we·katwi (or * po·nwe·we·wi??) (P); cf. M pu:ni·wae·hnen (correspondence?). Category: sounds.

-énevonehné   vai. stop crawling. É-énevonēhne. He stopped crawling. Category: motion.

-énevȯseve   vii.

vai. hill end be. É-énevȯseve. It is the end of a hill/mountain. tséhne'énevȯseve where the mountains end. Category: environment.

-énóéha'ené   vai. stop boating. É-énóéhá'éne. He stopped boating. fai: -óéha'ené. Category: transportation.

-énoehné   vai. end bearing children. É-énóéhne. She quit childbearing. (another recording) Etym: cf *po·no·nšye·wa (P) she stops bearing children. Nėstavé'-énoehnéme ta'e ma'taéšėhe'évoehnése! Don't stop having children until you have a girl! This is traditionally said to women; the purpose was tsetaévȧhóseametanénėstove 'to carry on our bloodline'. fai: -óehné. Category: babies.

énoehnohtsėstse   na. youngest child. Lit: end-born-person See: ma'ko'se. Category: ages.

-énóe'ó   vii. stop floating, end floating.

vai. stop floating, end floating. É-énóé'o. He (or It) stopped floating. See: -tó'hóé'ó. Category: float.

-énoeme   vii. end of the month. É-énoeme. It is the end of the month. Ééše-énoeme. It is already the end of the month. See: -má'toeme. Category: time.

-énóéná   vai. stop praying. É-énóéna. He stopped praying. fai: -óéná pray. See: -háóéna pray. Category: sacred.

-énoeotse   vii. stop floating, float and stop. É-énoeotse. It floated and came to a stop. Category: float.

-énoésé   vai. stop floating, stop hanging. É-énoése. He stopped floating. Éstaénoésenáhoono. They stopped floating. [1980:60:161] fai: -oésé. Category: float.

-énoéstá   vii. hang at the end, edge. É-énoésta. It is hanging at the end. tsé'-énoésta the edge. Lit: where it is hanging at the end for example, of a mountain. fii: -oéstá2. See: -éno'tá. Category: hang.

-énoesta'há   vii. stop wind blowing quickly. refers to wind. É-énoestā'ha. It stopped blowing quickly. Variant: -énėháa'há. See: -énoo'kohó. Category: wind.

-énoéstóne   vai. finish school, quit school, end school, school end. É-énóéstóne. He ended school. See: -má'toéstóné finish school; -hoéstóné go to school; -énȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.

-énohá   vti. dip in s.t., ladle in s.t. for example, dipping soup into a plate. É-énóha. He ladled it in. See: -énan. Category: move.

-énȯhohtsé   vai. 1 • tracks end. É-énėhóhtse. His tracks end. Ques: check all Ch 'tracks' words to determine if the Ch final is -ehohtsé or -ohohtsé?? Etym: *po·nwehθata·wa (P). See: -énȧhót end heat to s.o.; -énėhót stop and stand by s.o..

2 • die. fai: -hohtsé. Category: figurative, check.

-énȯhomev   vta. gas up for s.o. É-énȯhomevóho. He gassed up for him. Néxhé-enȯhomevėstse! Go get me some gas! See: -énȧhené. Category: car.

-énȯhomo'he   vai. stop dancing. É-énȯhomo'he. He stopped dancing. Etym: *po·nahama·sowa > ***po·nahama·Ɂswiwa ?? (P/L) he stops working on it for himself; he stops singing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.

-énȯhoo'e   vai. stop swimming, stop wading. É-énȯhoo'e. He stopped swimming. fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.

-énȯhta'hané   vai. end telling story. É-énȯhta'hāne. He ended telling the story. Násáano'mé'ėstóhe tsésta-énȯhta'hanéto. I didn't explain about it when I came to the end of my story. That is, I left something out at the end of my storytelling. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.

-énȯhtóva   vai. stop selling, end selling. É-énȯhtóva. He stopped selling. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.

-éno'ȧhéotse   vai. stop running. É-éno'ȧhéotse. He stopped running. Initial én-; Final -o'ȧhéotse. See: -éneméohe. Category: run.

-éno'asé   vii. fire die, fire go out, end burn, stop burning. É-éno'āse. The fire went out. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-éno'e1   fii. taste. Épėhéve-éno'e. It tastes good. Éaéstome-éno'e. It is flat/there's no taste to it. fai: -énehe. Etym: cf. O minopogwad 'it tastes good' (N). Category: taste.

-éno'e2   m. day, overnight. can refer to a day of the week. É-tónėstȯhe-éno'e? What day of the week is it? ?? Tónėstȯheéno'e? How many days/overnights has it been? Étano'ke-éno'e. It has been one day. Énéše-éno'e. It is the second day of the week. Étanéše-éno'e. It was two days ago. Énéve-éno'e. It was four overnights. For example, it was four overnights ago. Naa tséstanóhone-éno'etse é'évaamėhnesėstse. And on the fifth day he walked. ma'taamėstȯhe-éno'e next week. ma'tȧhóseamėstȯhe-éno'e next week. [1987:109] Phon: iah ?? check with negative or question?? See: -ené2; -éše; éšeēva. Category: time, check.

-éno'eéh   vta. 1 • stop doing (something) to s.o. É-éno'eeho. He stopped doing it to her/him. É-éno'eéhóho. He stopped doing it to her/him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -éno'eéstsé.

2 • heal s.o. É'éva-éno'eehósesto tséxhótoanáe'ėškóhtȧxenatsėse. He healed him when he had a badly broken leg. [1987:109] Usage: obsolescing

3 • end sex with s.o. Usage: Some speakers are bothered by this term, and feel it is inappropriate for referring to healing. Many speakers today avoid using this word. Its primary meaning today seems to refer to ending sex with someone. fta: -o'eéh. See: -énomóhtȧhé'seh. Category: do, sex, vulgar.

-éno'eéstomané   vai. stop doing something, heal. Usage: The meaning of 'heal' is obsolescing. É-éno'eéstómáne. He stopped doing something. tséohkėhešeéva-éno'eéstómánėse how (God) heals. [My Testimony.042] fai: -o'eéstomané; vta: -éno'eéh. See: -éno'eétahe.

éno'eéstomanestȯtse   ni. healing. Category: health.

-éno'eéstsé   vti. stop doing something to s.t., beat s.t. to death. É-éno'eēstse. He beat it to death. Nėsta-éno'eéstse! You will beat it to death! That was said to a granddaughter when she stirred gravy so long. vta: -éno'eéh. Category: do, check.

-éno'eétahe   vai. stop doing something. É-éno'eétahe. He stopped doing something. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -éno'eéstomané. Category: do.

-énó'ehné   vai. stop wagon. É-énó'éhne. He stopped going by wagon. Category: roll.

-éno'soo'e   vai. quit playing, stop playing. É-éno'soo'e. He stopped playing. fai: -o'sóe. Category: play.

-éno'tá   vii. end be at. É-énó'ta. It is at the end. tsé'-énó'ta vose at the foot of the mountain. [pd 722] See: -amo'tá; hó'óxe; -énoéstá. Category: sit inan.

-éno'tá vose   vii. foot of mountain. tsé'énó'ta vose at the foot of the mountain. Category: environment.

-éno'tová   vii. fire quit smoking, fire die. É-énó'tóva. The fire died down. fii: -o'tová. See: -éno'asé stop burning; -énotsehe stop smoking (of a person); -énȯse'ėstovóehá fire die down. Category: fire.

-énó'továeotse   vii. lights shut off quickly, fire quit smoking quickly, fire die quickly (fire??) É-éno'továeotse. The lights were shut off quickly. fii: -o'tová. Category: fire, check.

-éno'továhené   vai. firefight. É-éno'továhéne. He is firefighting. [Frances' story.007] See: -hó'továhené.

éno'továhenéhe   na. firefighter, fireman. Lit: Plural éno'továhenéheo'o. éno'továhenéheono (alternate plural). Synonym hó'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e fire man. Category: fire, jobs.

-éno'tová'o'h   vta. turn off s.o. right away, extinguish s.o. right away. for example, putting out a fire burning clothes someone is wearing. É-éno'tová'o'hóho. He extinguished him right away. Éno'tová'o'xeha! Extinguish him right away! vti: -éno'tová'o'tsé. See: -hó'tován. Category: fire.

-éno'tová'o'ham   vta. extinguish s.o. quickly. for example, to extinguish a fire that is burning a shirt (animate). É-éno'tová'o'hamóho. He extinguished him quickly. Éno'tová'o'hameha! Extinguish him quickly! ?? Category: check, fire, record.

-éno'tová'o'tsé   vti. turn off s.t. right away, extinguish s.t. right away. for example, turning off the flow of water in a hose or turning off a car. É-éno'tová'ó'tse. He turned it off right away. Éno'tová'ó'tsėstse! Turn it off right away! vta: -éno'tová'o'h; Antonym -ta'ta'o'tsé. See: -hó'tová'o'tsé extinguish s.t.. Category: car, fire.

-éno'tová'ov   vta. extinguish by foot or body. for example, of stomping out a cigarette (animate). É-éno'tová'ovóho. He stomped him out. Éno'tová'oveha nėstse'pohtȯtse! Stomp out your cigarette! Category: smoke, fire.

-éno'tován   vti. turn off s.t., extinguish s.t. É-éno'tována. He turned it (a light) off. Éno'továnȯhtse! Turn the lights off! (another recording) Synonym -hó'tován; Antonym -vó'ho'kȧsén. Category: light.

-éno'továvohtá   vti. blow out s.t. for example, to blow out a candle or a lamp flame. É-éno'továvóhta. He blew it out. for example, of a candle. Éno'továvóhtȯhtse! Blow it out! See: -hó'továvóhtá. Category: light.

-eno'tsé   fai., camp overnight. Éno'ke-enō'tse. He camped one night. This final is actually composed of a medial (??) -en (-én??) and the final -o'tsé. See: -éno'e2 overnight; -o'tsé camp. Category: time, check.

-éno'xe   vai. 1 • unload, unburden. É-éno'xe. He let off the load (from his own back or from horseback). Etym: *po·naʔšiwa (P).

2 • say confession, unload a burden at church, church - go to. Étȧhé-eno'xe. He went to say confession. Náto'sėhé-eno'xe ma'heóneéestsémȧheóne. I'm going to unload my burden at church. That can refer to saying confession to a priest. Nátȧhé-eno'xe. I'm going to unburden/I'm going to church. Nétaéšeméohé-eno'xehe? Did you already go to church this morning? Nétaéšeméohé-eno'xemehe? Did you (plural) already go to church this morning? Nátaéšeméohé-eno'xe. I already went to church this morning. Násáaméohé-eno'xéhe. I did not go to church this morning. fai: -o'xe. See: -amo'xe. Category: carry.

-éno'xe'ó'h   vta. unload pack of s.o. É-éno'xe'o'ho. He unloaded him. É-éno'xe'ó'hóho. He unloaded him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éno'xe'ó'ho. I unloaded his pack. Category: load.

-éno'xéotse   vai. unload. ȯxhoó'he-éno'xéotsesėstse vo'ėstane whenever the person unloaded the game. [The Big Bogeyman.014]

-énome   fai. sleep. Etym: *enkwa·m (R); *a·nkwa·m (P24). Épėhév-enome. He slept well. Énėsó'-enome. He is snoring. Éhehp-énome. He overslept. Éhóts-enome. He can't sleep. Ééxov-énome. He is sleeping warmly. Émomós-enome. He is moving around in his sleep. Násáamá's-énóméhe. I didn't get enough sleep. Naa mónésto'seévataa'év-énóméme? Well, are you guys going to keep sleeping (all day) until it's night? vai: -naóotse. See: -noné; -áno'xe. Category: sleep.

-énomóhtahe   vai. stop being sick. É-énomóhtahe. He got well. Category: sickness.

-énomóhtȧhé'ėstómané   vai. heal. Tȧháóhe évaveto násáahéne'enóhe oné'seómene'étamestȯtse naa máto Ma'hēō'o tséohkėhešeoné'seóme-énomóhtȧhé'ėstómánėse. Back then I didn't know real trust and (I'm going to tell) how I didn't know that God could really heal. [1987:202] vta: -énomóhtȧhé'seh. Category: sickness.

-énomóhtȧhé'seh   vta. heal s.o. Lit: cause sickness of s.o. to end É-énomóhtȧhé'sėhóho. He healed him.. [1987:202] See: -éno'eéh. Category: sickness.

-énoneanené   vai. quit stringing fence. É-énoneanēne. He quit stringing fence ; quit putting up a fence.

-énoneo'tsé   vai. end camp. É-énoneō'tse. He stopped camping. tsésta-énoneo'tséstove ?? where the camp ended. fai: -o'tsé1. Ques: recording is éneo'tsé?? Category: camp, check.

-énonová   vai. stop talking. É-énónóva. He stopped talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.

-énooesta'há   vii. end wind, wind end. Tséstaéve-énooestā'ha éssáatónėšenėhesóhane. There was no letup in the wind, it didn't quit (let up). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.120] Category: weather.

-énoohe   vai. end.jailed, end jail time. É-énoohe. He served his jail time. See: -too'ehe. Category: legal.

-énooh(n)   vta. clear off s.o. É'ȧse-énoohnovo hesta'sóho. They cleared off the snow. [1987:30] See: -énoehné end birthe. Category: move.

Énóóhtsé'e   na. Leave Everything Woman. Category: names.

-énoo'e   vai. end, be at. especially of a ridge or mountain range. É-énoo'e. He ends (there). Ho'honáá'e é-énoo'e. The mountain (lit. rock) comes to an end. Phon: vs See: -amoo'e; -pȧhponoo'e.

-énoo'kohó   vii. stop raining. É-énoo'kōho. It stopped raining. fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó rain; -énéétó stop snowing. Category: weather.

-énoomá   vai. molt. Lit: end-robe É-énoōma. He (especially a snake) is molting. Category: snakes.

-énoomaeohtsé   vii. storm stop. É-énoomaeōhtse. The storm ended. Ééšeéva-énoomaeōhtse. The storm has ended. Category: weather.

-énȯse'ėstovóehá   vii. fire burn down, die down (of a fire). É-énȯse'ėstovóéha. The fire has died down. See: -éno'tová; -hó'tová; -énȯse'ėstovoo'e; -ésenėstovoehá. Category: fire.

-énȯse'ėstovoo'e   vii. die down - fire; hot coals - be. É-énȯse'ėstovoo'e. There are hot coals. Phon: not vs Category: fire.

-énȯse'hahe   vai. voice die down. É-énȯse'hahe. His voice died down. for example, after he had been shouting. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-énotóhta   vti. release s.t. from the mouth, spit out s.t. É-énotóhta. I spit it out. Etym: *po·naθa·ntamwa (P). Náéva-énotóhta. I spit it back out. [pd723] See: -oese'haná spit. Category: mouth.

-énotóm   vta. release s.o. from the mouth. É-énotomo. He released him from his mouth. É-énotómóho. He released him from his mouth. (newer pronunciation). [PD723] Etym: *po·naθa·me·wa (P). vti: -énotóhtá; fta: -otóm.

-énotóotsé'tá   vti. spit out s.t. quickly. É-énotóotsé'ta. I spit it out quickly. Énotóotsé'tȯhtse! Spit it out quickly! See: -oese'haná spit. Category: mouth.

-énotováh(n)   vta. chop off neck of s.o. É-énotovahno. He chopped off his neck. É-énotováhnóho. He chopped off his neck. (newer pronunciation).

-énotová's   vta. cut off neck of s.o. É-énotova'so. He cut his neck off. É-énotová'sóho. He cut his neck off. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -notová. See: -é'enotová's. Category: body, cut.

-énotovávo'as   vta. cut off neck of s.o. É-énotovávo'ȧsóho. He cut off his neck. Móstaéšėto'seée'-énotovávo'ȧsȯhevóhe. He almost cut his (obv) neck off. [JOURNEY.TXT] BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: cut.

-énotsehe   vai. stop smoking; stop smoking (of a person). É-énotsehe. He stopped smoking. Etym: *po·nalwesowa; cf. M po·nanosow. fai: -otsehe. See: -éno'tová. Category: smoke.

-énotse'ohe   vai. end working, stop working. É-énotse'ohe. He stopped working. Etym: *po·naθwekya·sowa (P). Tóne'še né-énotse'ohe. When did you stop working. Ééše-énotse'óhestove. It is already time to quit working. Némónė-ho'ėhé-enotse'óhehe? Did you just get off work? See: -hotse'ohe work; -má'totse'ohe retire. Category: work.

-énotse'óheohe   vai. end work quickly. Tó'he'še ma'-énotse'óheohéto ná'ȯhkeasemaneōhtse. Many times when I ended working (my work day), I would start drinking. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.045] Category: work.

-énovȧho'tá   vii. vehicle stop. É-énovȧhō'ta. It (the vehicle) stopped. tsé'ȯhkemóhee-énovȧho'tatse ma'xeamȧho'héstotȯtse where buses stop. [Little Bear and Black Deer.041]

énovan   ni. Gram: poss our (incl.) camp, our (incl.) home. See: hévénóve his camp; hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse home.

énóve   ni. Gram: poss your.home, your home. Usage: obsolescing; this is the traditional pronunciation. Variant: énóvo. Category: house.

énóvo   ni. Gram: poss your home. Usage: obsolescing Variant: énóve.

-énovo'á'hahtsé   vti. jerk off s.t., throw off s.t. É-énova'á'háhtse. He threw it off. Category: throw.

-énovo'a'ham   vta. throw off s.o., jerk off s.o. especially a blanket. É-énovo'a'hamóho. He threw him off. É-énovo'a'hamóho hoomaho. He threw off the blanket. Náma'xe-énovo'a'hamahtse. I jerked (the blanket) off myself. [1987:195] fta: -a'ham. See: -hóvo'ėšem. Category: throw.

-énovo'an   vti. uncover s.t. É-énovo'āna. He uncovered it.

vta. uncover s.o. É-énovo'anóho. He uncovered him. Énovo'anahtsėstse! Uncover yourself! Énovo'aneha! Uncover him! Antonym -hóvo'an. See: -hotȯxan.

-énovo'é'ham   vta. throw covers off of s.o. Ná-énovo'é'hamahtse. I threw my covers off. Ques: a'ham?? Category: check.

-énȯxe'a'há   vii. movie end. Lit: end-motion.picture É-énȯxe'ā'ha. That's the end of the show. See: -mȯxe'a'ha. Category: movie.

-énȯxe'eotse   vai. end photograph. É-énȯxe'eotse. ?? Tsétó'hešeénȯxe'eotséto As soon as my picture is taken. [Wrapped Braids.009] Category: check.

-énȯxe'ėstóné   vai. stop school, drop out of school. É-énȯxe'ėstóne. He dropped out of school. tsé-énȯxe'ėstónese dropouts. [1987:61] Lit: those who quit school Category: school.

2 • vai. have a flush (in cards). Ná-énȯxe'ėstóne. I have a flush (in a game of cards). fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -énoéstóné. Category: cards.

éó-   pfx. Gram: ppl whether, if; This is a conjunct interrogative prefix (+ non-factive complement). Phon: perhaps the initial é- is a conjunct prefix by itself; cf. é- takes past tense as é'ó-. Násáahéne'enóhe éóto'semanėstse. I don't know if (whether) he is going to drink. Mókéé'e énȯhtsėstovóho Ame'ha'o éómesėstse ho'évohkȯhtse. Mokee'e asked Ame'ha'e if she is eating meat. Náonéstátsésta éóhetómo. I'm testing it to see if it's true. Násáahéne'enóhe é'ó-oomȯhtse. I don't know if he hit him. hoop's é'ó-naóotsėstse móxhesetamaehevóhe likewise, "(I don't know) whether he is asleep," she was wondering about him. [1980:66:73] Heehe máá'ėse éóve'hahtsévȯtse tsé'tóhe tséohkeéehéne'enose hová'éhe Hey, I thought we had someone along that would know something. [1987:40] éó-hetómėstove (I'm wondering) if it is the truth. See: máá'ėse.

éohótȧhohtsėstse   na. sharpening stone, whetstone, file. Plural éohótȧhohtseto; Obviative éohótȧhohtseto. See: -éehahtsé; éehasēō'o. Category: tools.

-éohová   vai. be nervous. especially of a horse, for example, that doesn't want to be caught, or a wife running from her husband, not wanting to be caught. É-éohōva. He is nervous. See: -nonótovahe. Category: horses.

-éohtsé   vai. wander; travel around. É-éóhtse. He went around. Tó'hove é-éóhtse. He is homeless. Contracted -éveohtsé. See: -éeotse; -éva'xe. Category: motion.

-eosevéoná   vai. be jealous over husband. É-eosevéóna. She is jealous over her husband. Variant: -oesevéoná. Ques: which variant is best?? See: -nóvót. Category: marriage, check.

eoto   p. forget it!, disregard. "Eoto, hémėseestse!" é'ȯhkėhetaehoono hevésenóho. "Forget about it! Come eat!" he was told by his friend. See: -vonetanó'tá.

-eotse   vai. left. refers especially to when a child is left after everyone else is gone (like when their parents are late coming to pick them up). É-eotse. ?? He was left. ?? Category: check. See: éohtsé; -éeotse; -he'eotse; -nėxȧheve. Category: check.

-es   sfx. conjunct iterative suffix. Ques: or should this be a hortative suffix?? I think so 9/24/22?? Ques: -e'ėstse or -e'ėse, as in the Floating Eyes text?? Néstsėhe'ȯhtse-e'ėse! Let him come here! [A Man who Looked for a Son-in-law] Na'éxánėstse ánėšeestanevó-ó'ėstse! Let my eyes float upward!" ohkeanȯha'hahtsévoo'ėse hová'éhe they must throw something down. [The Water Monster.034] See: -ha hortative suffix; -ėstse1 inanimate noun and verb plural suffix. Category: grammar, check.

-esé   mbp. 1 • nose. Éma'e-esévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Nátoe-ēse. My nose is cold. Étȧhpe'e-ēse. He has a big nose. Éka'e-ēse. He has a pug nose. tsėhe'ėseeséhe elephant (lit. long-nosed-one). éškȯse-esé-hotame pig (lit. short-nosed-dog). See: ma-'evo nose; -'esé buttock(s). Etym: cf. *-cya·0e·. Category: body.

2 • nose (upper front part) of a moccasin. Éna'he-eséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (especially moccasins) have three beaded rows on the "noses". Category: shoes.

ése-   i. into. Mé'tó'e vé'ho'e ésta-éseehesėstse. In turn the whiteman moved in. [Drumming Owls.012]

pv. into. É-éseé'kóó'o. He peeked inside. Etym: *pi·nci within. Category: positions.

-éseehe   vai. move into. for example, to move into a new house. É-éseehe. He moved in. Etym: *pi·nčikwesiwa (P/L). fai: -eehe.

-éseénan   vti. put s.t. into. É-éseénána. He put it in.

vta. put s.o. in. É-éseénanóho. He put him (obv) in. Éohkeméhaa'-éseénanȧhtseo'o šéenēva. They used to be buried in sandrock caves. É-éseénane vé'hoéstóva. He is laid in a coffin. See: -énan. Category: death.

-éseesé'ó   vai. nosey. Lit: into-nose-sudden.motion É-éseesé'o. He is nosey; puts his nose in other people's business. (another recording) Usage: probably a loan transl. See: -éseesémeohe; -sé'henȯhkahe. Category: nose, check.

-éseesémeohe   vai. nosey, interfere. Lit: into-nose-thrust É-éseesémeohe. He is nosey; is crashing the party. Usage: probably a loan transl. See: -éseesé'ó. Category: nose.

ésėhahtáahtsestȯtse   ni. stirrup. Lit: into.foot.thing Plural ésėhahtáahtséstotȯtse; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: horses.

-ésėhahtá'ó   vai. put foot in. É-ésėhahtá'o. He put his foot (or feet) into (something). for example, to put your feet into stirrups.

-ésėhahtáno'hamé   vai. shoe horses. Lit: into-foot-horse É-ésėhahtáno'hāme. He shoed horses. Category: horses.

-ésėhéa'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. into. É-ésėhéa'hāhtse. He threw it into. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ésėhe'oná'ó   vai. 1 • put hand into (something) quickly. É-ésėhe'oná'o. He put his hand in. Hestsénéva é-ésėhe'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.

2 • motor mouth; extremely talkative; talkative - very. idiomatic meaning from image of something getting stuck in your mouth and you just keep on talking. Category: figurative, speak, mouth.

-ésėhevá'sé'ó   vai. put tail in. É-ésėhevá'sé'o. He put his (own) tail in. Náésėhevá'sé'o. I put my tail in. [The Fox and the Bear.011]

-ésėhót   vta. come in toward s.o., enter toward s.o. É-ésėhoto. He came inside toward him. É-ésėhótóho. He came inside toward him. (newer pronunciation). Taa'éva mósto'se-ésėhótaehevovóhe. At night he was going to come into (their tepee). [1987:333] Nátaosáane-éstsėhóto. I went in to see him. [How God Helped Me Forgive] fta: -ehót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion.

ésé'e   na. Gram: poss your friend (female friend of a female). ése'eo'o your friends. See: -vésé'e. Category: relatives.

-ése'éeh   vta. eye drop s.o., put something in s.o.'s eyes for medicine. É-ése'éehóho. He put it in his eye. Ná-ése'éehahtse. I put eye drops in my eyes.. Category: eyes.

-ése'ēē'e   vii. leak. É-ése'ēē'e. It is leaking. Phon: vs fii: -e'eé. See: -éne'ēē'e; -hé'oohtsé; -mȧhe'ēē'e. Category: liquid.

ése'éesēō'o   ni. eye drops. Category: medicine.

-ésé'ha   vai. fly into. É-ésé'ha. He flew in. Etym: *pi·nčiʔle·wa (P/L). Category: fly.

-ése'hahtáotse   vai. put foot into. for example, to put your foot into a hole in ground. É-ése'hahtáotse. He put his foot into (especially a hole). See: -ésėhahtá'ó.

-ése'háoohe   vai. fly into quickly. É-ése'háoohe. He flew into quickly. Category: fly.

-ése'sēvo   vii. flow into. for instance, for water to flow into a basement. É-ése'sēvo. It is flowing into. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid.

ésemáhe   na. Gram: poss your younger sibling(s). Usage: Younger Cheyennes say nésemahe. Variant: nésemáhe. See: násemáhe my younger sibling. Category: relatives.

ésemáhehane   na. our (inclusive) younger sibling.

-éseméohe   vai. in.push, push in. É-éseméohe. He pushed/forced his way in. Heséóxe éhne'eve-éseméohéhoo'o. At the door he squeezed himself in. [The Spit Man.016] fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

Ésena'hané'e   na. Inside Kills Woman. Category: names.

éséne   na. Gram: poss your friend (male friend of a male). ésenéheo'o your friends. See: néséne my friend; -vésene. Category: interpersonal.

-éseneenáh(n)   vta. command s.o. to enter. É-éseneenahno. He commanded him to enter. É-éseneenáhnóho. He commanded him to enter. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éseneenáhno. I commanded him to enter. [pd272] Category: interpersonal, speak.

ésenéhane   na. Gram: poss our friend (male to male). See: néséne my friend. Category: interpersonal.

-ésenėstovoehá   vii. hot coals left. É-ésenėstovóéha. There are hot coals left. See: -énȯse'ėstovóehá. Category: fire.

-éseóešem   vta. throw s.o. into. É-éseóešemóho. He threw him into. That can refer to dunking a basketball (animate). Néta-éseóešemone ho'ėstáva Let's throw him into the fire! Éxaevá'ne-éseóešemóho. He dunked him (the ball, animate). Category: basketball.

-éseoha'ov   vta. corral s.o. É-éseoha'ovóho. He corralled them. Category: horses.

-éseohé'tá   vti. bring in s.t. É-éseohé'ta. He brought it in. Ne'-éseohé'tȯhtse tséhe'óhtomátse mésėhestȯtse! Bring in our leftover food! [Stamper 1991:4] Category: move.

-éseohová   vai. flee into. É-éseohōva. He fled into (some place). for instance, fleeing into a cave or a house. fai: -ohová.

-éseohtsé   vai. go into. É-éseōhtse. He went into (some place). Etym: *pi·nčipahta·wa (P/L). See: -éstsehné. Category: motion.

-éseohtséh   vta. bring in s.o. É-éseohtseho. He brought him in. É-éseohtséhóho. He brought him in. (newer pronunciation). See: -éseotseh; -ho'eotseh; -éstseohtséh. Category: move.

éseohtséheséóvó'e   ni. quicksand. Lit: go into sand See: heséóvó'e sand. Category: environment.

Éseohtsévá'e   na. Going In Woman. Category: names.

éseohtsévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl stickers. These are not burrs, but long-tailed and arrow-shaped. They stick on you as you walk through grass. Children used to throw these at each other. each other. See: heškóvó'ėstse.

-éseóó'e   1 • vai. stand inside.

2 • vii. stand inside. especially of a thorn or splinter to be under a fingernail. É-éseóó'e. He has a thorn under his fingernail. Etym: *pi·nčika·po·wa (P/L). fai: -óé. Category: stand.

éseosé'ohtȯtse   ni. thimble. Lit: into-finger-?-thing Category: handcraft.

-éseotse   vii. go in. É-éseotse. It goes in. for example, of a road that goes into a tunnel.

-éseotseh   vta. bring in s.o. for example, to have a funeral for s.o. É-éseotsėhóho. He took him in. See: -ho'eotseh; -éstseohtséh. Category: move.

-éseotsestsé   vti. bring in s.t. É-éseotsēstse. He brought it in. vta: -éseotseh. Category: move.

-eséoxa'ȯhénėstse   vii. nose beaded, beaded on the nose of moccasins. Éna'he-eséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (especially moccasins) have three beaded rows on the "noses". vai: oxa'ȯhené.

-ésėsévanóohe   vai. slide in. especially in baseball. É-ésėsévanóohe. Category: baseball.

éséso   na. Gram: poss your cousin, your sibling. See: -vésėsono ??. Category: check, relatives.

-ésėstósėhahtsé   vti. drag in s.t., tow s.t. into, pull s.t. into. For example, when a tow truck driver tows a disabled vehicle into a repair shop. É-ésėstósėháhtse. He dragged it in. Etym: *pi·ntita·tintamwa (P/L). Ques: -ésėstósėhahtsé?? fti: -stósėhahtsé; vta: -ésėstósem. See: -stósėhahtsé; -amėstósėhahtsé; -ésȯhón. Category: move, check.

-ésėstósem   vta. drag in s.o. É-ésėstósemóho. He dragged him in. fta: -stósem; vti: -ésėstósėhahtsé. Category: move.

ésėstóseohé't   vta. drag in s.o. quickly. Éstaésėstóseohé'tovósesto. He dragged him in. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.054] Category: move.

-éseva'ó   vai. jump in, in - jump. É-ésevā'o. He made his jump shot. ?? Éó'ȯse-ésevā'o. He made (it; the basketball shot) by chance. See: -éseváoohe. Category: basketball.

éseváohé-   pv. throw into. éseváohéhohtseme basketball. Lit: throw into-ball Category: basketball, check.

-éseváohe   vai. throw (s.t.) into, play basketball. This verb is used for 'play basketball' since the ball is thrown into the hoop. É-éseváohe. He threw (something) in(side). Etym: *pi·nčiwe·pahowa (P). for example, he threw it into the house. Éaéstome-éseváohe. He made a free throw. Nétȧhé-eseváohémáne! Let's go play basketball! Névááhe háestoha tsé-éseváooestse? Who (singular) made the most baskets? Éseváoestse! Shoot! (command used in playing basketball).

vti. Gram: ai+o throw.into. fai: -váohe. See: -aseváohe; -éseva'ó. Category: phys. ed., motion, basketball.

éseváohehóhtseme   na. basketball. This refers to the ball, not the game of basketball. éseváohehóhtseme tsé'évo'soévȯse when they played basketball. Lit: into-throw-ball Ques: recheck pitches?? See: hóhtséme ball. Category: phys. ed., check.

-ésevéoná   vai. jealous of spouse. É-ésevéóna. He/She is jealous of his/her spouse. Variant: -oesevéoná. Ques: which variant is best?? Category: interpersonal, marriage, check.

ésevóho'óesanestȯtse   ni. trash can. Lit: into-throw.away-thing Category: containers.

-ésevo'e'ov   vta. chase in s.o. É-ésevo'e'ovóho He chased him in. See: -éstȧxe'ov. Category: move.

-ésevo'ešé   vai. slide in. especially in baseball. É-ésevo'ēše. He slid in. Category: lie, baseball.

-ésevo'oh(n)   vta. knock in s.o.pound in s.o. by tool; slam in s.o. É-ésevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him in. Éstamȧsó-esevo'ȯhnótsenóhoono. She really pounded the (horn) in. [1987:271] Émȧhe-ésevo'ȯhnóho. He hit them all in. That word can be used in baseball for a grand slam, but is also used for vulgar humor. The vulgarity would refer to slamming one's balls (testicles) "in" during intercourse. Medial -evo'. Category: vulgar, baseball.

ésevona   n. buffalo person. Plural ésevonaho. ceremonial word for buffalo people, who participate in Sacred Buffalo Hat ceremonies. Ques: recheck singular ?? See: ésevone buffalo herd, female buffalo. Category: check, ceremonial.

Ésévóná'e   na. Buffalo Cow Woman. Category: names.

Ésevona'kēso   na. Buffalo Calf Woman. See: Mó'kėsa'késo. Category: names.

ésevone1   na. 1 • female buffalo, buffalo cow. (another recording) Etym: *ko·θwe·wa·na (P). Some say that this is the main word for buffalo in Oklahoma. It refers to a female buffalo or an entire herd of buffalo in Montana. Plural ésevono; Obviative ésevono; Masculine hotóá'e. See: hotóá'e; ésévone; méhe; ésevona.

2 • buffalo herd. Category: animals.

Sacred Buffalo Hat, Buffalo Hat, Sacred Hat. When used to mean 'Sacred Buffalo Hat', it is thought to be the older Cheyenne term in contrast with the newer usage of hóhkėha'e. Ésevone tsévóto'ėstaé'eneonéveto. The Buffalo (Hat), you who are endowed by the Creator with life-giving sustenance. (This Cheyenne word is a very sacred ceremonial term.) See: hóhkėha'e; -ésevone2 sound enter. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, animals.

-ésevone2   vii. sound enter, sound come in. É-ésevone. The sound entered. Morph: -ésévone. fii: -évone. See: ésevone1 female buffalo; -amévone sound go by. Category: sounds.

-ésevonehné   vai. crawl into. É-ésevonēhne. He crawled into. [1987:42] fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

Ésevonėhóehné'e   na. Buffalo Comes Out Woman. Category: names.

ésevoného'éeve   na. buffalo hide. See: ho'éeve. Category: material.

Ésevonemé'ėhné'e   na. Buffalo Appearing Woman. Category: names.

Ésevoneméóná'e   na. Buffalo Road Woman. Category: names.

-esó   sfx. diminutive; little. diminutive noun suffix vé'ho'kė-sono. hóhkeehe-sono little mice. póhkė-sono kitties. /-hk/ also gives diminutive meaning, for example, mȧhōō'o 'melon' vs. mȧhōhko 'little melon'; sometimes both /-só/ and /-hk/ appear in a form, for example, šé'še 'duck' vs. šé'šėškéso /šé'šehkesón/'duckling'; also there is diminutive /-'k/ for NonDiminutive /-'/. Variant = -són size. 17/Jul/2023

ésȯh-   i. push, shove. É-ésȯha'hāhtse. He shoved it.

-ésȯha'hahtsé   vti. shove s.t. É-ésȯhá'háhtse. He shoved it. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

ésȯhéó'o   na. dew cloth, lining (inside of tepee), windbreak. Some people translate this as 'windbreak'. Plural ésȯheono. Some of these are beaded. Category: tepee.

-ésoh(n)   vta. miss s.o. This especially refers to missing someone in handgame guessing. It refers to not finding the bone that someone has hidden in a handgame. A different word, -hoónȯsé'ot refers to missing someone because they have not been with you for some time. Ná-ésohe. He missed me. Ná-ésóhno. I missed him. This refers to not finding the bone that he has. É-ésȯhnóho. He missed him. That is, he missed guessing the handgame player's bone. vai: -ésȯhová. See: pónóhta for nothing; -hoónȯsé'ót miss s.o.. Category: handgame.

-ésȯhóahá'ó   vai. penetrate vagina. Ques: reck spelling ?? É-ésȯhóahá'o. He penetrated (her) vagina. BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: -ésȯhón. Category: vulgar, sex, check.

-ésȯhohá   vti. push s.t. with a tool. É-ésȯhóha. He pushed it with a tool. Category: move.

-ésȯhóh(n)   vta. push s.o. by tool. for example, pushed his car with his own car. É-ésȯhohno. He pushed him with a tool. É-ésȯhóhnóho. He pushed him with a tool. (newer pronunciation). É-ésȯhóhéé'e. He (obviative) pushed him. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'hahtsé   vti. shove s.t., push s.t. This is a faster action than -ésȯhón. É-ésȯhó'háhtse. He shoved it. vta: -ésȯhó'ham. See: -ésȯhón. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'ham   vta. shove s.o. É-ésȯhó'hamóho. He shoved him. É-ésȯhó'hamáá'e. He (obviative) shoved him. Nátaése-ésȯhó'hámo. I shoved him inside. fta: -ohó'ham; vti: -ésȯhó'háht. See: -asȯhó'ham; -ésȯhón; -anȯho'ham. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'han   vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhó'hanóho. He pushed him. Ques: (by hand ?? Category: check. See: -ésȯhón. Category: move.

-ésȯhó'ov   vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhó'ovóho. He pushed him. Tséhvó'ho'kȧsetse éstatšėheše-ésȯhó'ovósesto. He pushed him toward the light. [1980:34:26] See: -ésȯhón; -ésȯhó'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ésȯhón   vti. push s.t. for example, to push a care with your body or shoulder. É-ésȯhóna. He pushed it. Ésȯhónȯhtse! Push it! Náase-ésȯhóna. I pushed it away. Éhóxove-ésȯhóna. He pushed it across. See: -ésȯhó'hahtsé; -asevo'koh.

vta. push s.o. É-ésȯhono. He pushed him. É-ésȯhónóho. He pushed him. (newer pronunciation). É-ésȯhónáá'e. He (obviative) pushed him. Ná-ésȯhónoo'o. I pushed them (animate). Éame-ésȯhónóho hemé'ėševotamo. She is pushing her baby along. for example, in a stroller. ft: -ohón. See: -ésȯhó'ham shove s.o.; -ohó'ham shove. Category: move.

-ésȯhová   vai. miss guessing the handgame bone. É-ésȯhóva. He missed guessing the handgame bone. Antonym -mé'ȯhová; fai: -ohová. See: -nȯsȯhová; -ová; -amȯhóné. Category: games.

-(e)sóme   fai. defecate, poop, stool, feces, turd. Mónéhóts-ėsóméme? Are you guys having a hard time with bowel movements? ?? Ques: or is it Mónéhót-ȧsóméme? ?? Éhávėsévemée-some. He has a smelly stool. mée-some?? Variant: -asóme. See: -mée'kahe; -mése'ahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function, check.

ésóse   p. nevertheless. an expression meaning something like 'hard, with force'. Ésóse éto'senėšēvo. It is going to come quickly. That referred to an epidemic that was to come severely to Cheyennes, predicted by a medicine man. Variant: ósóse.

-est   sfx. iterative conjunct suffix, II plural participle suffix, plural participle suffix. Ques: analysis and segmentation uncertain: -e -ht?? Morph: -eht. ȯhnaóotse-sėstse when he sleeps. ȯhto'seaseéestsénovetse-e'ėstse at the beginning of the services (lit. speaking). [1987:150] tsépėhéva'e-e'ėstse those things (inanimate) which are good. Phon: /-eht/ becomes orthographic -e'ėstse by the phonological rule of vs (vowel-stretching) See: -oht. Category: grammar, check.

ést-   i. into. É-éstsehné. He entered.

-éstá1   fii. float up. Ques: recheck meaning and Semantic Domain Náhósémo tséh-néšeestatse he'éxánėstse. I'm telling about when his eyes floated up. [Floating Eyes (Howlingcrane).001] Category: hang.

-éstá2   fai. sound. perhaps especially a loud sound. Éhó'-ésta. He is cheering/shouting. Éhe'ha-ésta. He keeps coughing. Éhá-ésta. He screamed. Éhoó'h-ésta. He was heard from a distance. Éó'kȯhóm-ésta. He is making coyote sounds. Épe'pe'-éstao'o. They are hollering. É-mȧhéstaotseo'o. They all hollered. See: évanené; hoó'he-; -'šeme. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-está3   fti. by speech.

vti. by speech. Éhóna'ov-ēsta He added to it by speaking. Émé'-ésta. He explained it. Évon-ēsta. He removed it by speaking. Etym: *iht(am) (R); *int (P). fta: -em. Category: speak.

-éstȧhá'ené   vai. bring in food. É-éstȧhá'éne. He brought food in. É-éstȧhá'eneo'o. They are bringing in the food. Heá'ėháma nexa éohke-éstȧhá'enéstove. I think food is brought in twice (at the Sun Dance). [1987:239] That is an important part of the Sun Dance. Antonym -hóahá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, cook.

-éstȧhá'eov   vta. take food into lodge for s.o. É-éstȧhá'eovóho. He took food into the lodge for him. Éohkeévėhé-estȧhá'eóheo'o tsého'sóese. Food is taken into the (Sun Dance) lodge for the dancers. [1987:211] fta: -ahá'eov. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial.

-éstȧho'he   vai. go inside sweat lodge. É-éstȧho'he. He went inside the sweat lodge. Náta-éstȧho'hēme. We went inside the sweat lodge. Nėsta-éstȧho'hémáne. We will go inside the sweat lodge. Néto'se-éstȧho'hehe? Are you going to go into a sweat? Náto'se-éstȧho'héme. We are doing to go into a sweat. See: -émá sweat.

-éstȧho'h(n)   vta. bring s.o. in heated. É-éstȧho'nóho. He brought him in. That is especially about bringing in a rock (animate) for a sweat. Ho'honáá'e né'-éstȧho'heha! Bring in a hot rock! Ho'honáeo'o né'-éstȧho'henáno! Bring in hot rocks! Ná-éstȧho'noo'o. I brought them (heated rocks) in. É-éstȧho'heo'o. They (heated rocks??) are brought in. Ques: éstȧho'nenáno ?? Those sentences are said at sweats. Category: check.

-éstȧhonóhtá   vti. put in s.t. to bake. É-éstȧhonóhta She put it in (the oven) for baking. É-éstȧhonóhta honónėstóva She put it in the oven. Category: cook.

éstȧhonoo'o   ni. oven bread. Lit: inside(oven)-baked See: honoo'o; xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o. Category: food, check.

-éstȧhonót   vta. put s.o. in oven to bake. É-éstȧhonoto. He put him in (the oven) to bake. É-éstȧhonótóho. He put him in (the oven) to bake. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éstȧhonótoo'o mésėhéstoto. I put the potatoes in (the oven) for baking. Category: cook.

-éstȧhtsenáno'hāme   vai. put bridle on horse(s). É-éstȧhtsenáno'hāme. He bridled the horse team. Category: horses.

éstȧhtsenáno'hamestȯtse   ni. bit. Ques: includes bridle? Category: harness. Lit: into-mouth-horse-thing See: hóxȧhtsenáesto'hamestȯtse; éstȧhtsenáno'hamestȯtse.

-ésta'e'hasené   vai. ring. in horseshoes. Nexa é-ésta'e'hasēne. He got two ringers. ?? Category: check, games, horseshoes.

-ésta'éno'hamé   vai. drive in. É-ésta'éno'hāme. He drove in(to). fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.

-ésta'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. into. É-ésta'hāhtse. He threw it into. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.

-ésta'ham   vta. 1 • throw s.o. into. É-ésta'hamóho. He threw him into. tséohke-ésta'hamee'ėstse ma'éxáéne contact lenses (lit. what is put in the eye). Neše tsé'-ésta'hamevȯse énėhe'otse. When two (fingers) are stuck in (a woman's vagina) she has an orgasm. (It can be felt with the fingers.) fta: -a'ham. See: -nėheta'ham; -nėhe'otse.

2 • put s.o. in jail. É-ésta'hamóho. He put him in jail (lit., threw him in). He put him in jail (literally, threw him in). Category: sex, vulgar.

-ésta'hasené   vai. throw into. É-ésta'hasēne. He threw into. [pd1051] fai: -a'hasené. Category: throw.

-ésta'haso'he   vai. ride horse into. É-ésta'haso'he. He rode his horse into. for instance, riding into a corral. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.

-ésta'ó   vai. enter, fly in. É-éstá'o. He (or It) flew into. for example, a ball, animate, flew into the house. Éxaetae'-ésta'óho. The ball (obv) went right in (the basketball hoop) from far away.

-ésta'o'ȧhéotsé   vai. drive into. Ques: -ésto'o'ȧhéotse?? Category: check, drive, run.

-ésta'ov   vta. drive in s.o. for example, to drive cattle into a corral. É-ésta'ovóho. He drove him/them in. É-ésta'óheo'o váotseváhne. The deer were driven in. nėhéóhe móstato'setšėše-ésta'óhehevóhe tsé'tóhe there where these (deer) were going to be driven in.

-ésta'ovo'hamé   vai. corral livestock. É-ésta'ovo'hāme. He is corraling his horses. See: -éstseov; -hóesta'ham; -hone'ov; -táxe'há'tov. Category: interpersonal, motion, sayings, figurative.

-ésta'xe   vai. enter quickly, go inside quickly. a faster entry than -éstsehné. É-ésta'xe. He entered quickly. É-ésta'xeo'o. They came in quickly. Ésta'xėstse! Come in quickly! Né'-ésta'xe! Come in quickly! Ésta'xe! Come in quickly! (said to more than one person). Náéše-ésta'xe. I have come in quickly. Nééšemȧhe-ésta'xéme. You all have come in. Naa mó'-ésta'xėhevóhe hápó'e tséohkeée=tā'se = háhané'oevose ma'heono. And the sacred powers/spirits came in likewise to those who are close to them. [1987:41] Émé'e-ésta'xe. He came in into view. fai: -a'xe1; vta: -ésta'xé'tov; Antonym -hóa'xe. See: -éstsehné; -mé'a'xe.

-ésta'xé'tȯsané   vai. enter. tsé-ésta'xé'tȯsánėstse the one who had entered. [jg 7/89]

-ésta'xé'tov   vta. enter s.o. É-ésta'xé'tovóho. He entered into him. Náohkeévavéstȧhémoo'o tsé-ésta'xé'toevose hávėséve-mȧhta'sóomaho I helped those who had evil spirits in their bodies. tsé-ésta'xé'toese the one (for example, evil spirit) who had entered him. Tā'se nevá'esėstse ná-ésta'xé'tova. Like, someone entered into me. [BERTHA.TXT] Heávȯhóho é-ésta'xé'tóó'e. The devil (obv) has entered him. That can be said of a misbehaving child.

-éstan   vti. put s.t. in. É-éstána. He put it in. Etym: *pi·ntenamwa (P) he put it in.

vta. É-éstanóho. He put him in. Etym: *pi·ntene·wa (P). Final -an by hand. See: -ésto'tsé. Category: move.

-éstánóvé1   fai. live, conduct life, exist as citizen. Éam-éstánóve. ?? He goes on living. ?? tsévésė-stanovese all of the people/those who live (together). Émȧh-éstanoveo'o. They all live together. Etym: *meso·te·ne·wiwaki (P/L). Náhoónȯs-éstanove. ?? I'm living a lonely life. Évés-ėstanove. recheck pitches ?? He lived with. Návésė-stánóvémo. I live with him (for example, as a fellow citizen or neighbor). tsépȧháv-ėstanovese those who live well. [1980:45:13] tséno'-éstánóvétse which we have lived with. [1987:98] Móstamámȯhev-éstanovėhevóhe. They came to live together. [1987:100] Náhoónȯs-éstanove. I'm living a lonely life. tséévėheš-éstanovétse how we live. Náhetóta-éstanove. I have a joyful life; live joyfully. fii: -éstánóve2. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve; -ametanéné. Category: live, check.

-éstanove2   fii. live, conduct life, exist as citizen. Éam-éstanove. Life goes on. Évon-éstanove. Life is gone. "Ééševon-éstanove," éohkėhevoōne. "The (traditional) way of life is already gone," they say. [1987:10] fai: -éstánóvé1. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve; -ametanéné. Category: live.

-éstatováóó'e   vii. smoke come in. É-éstatováóó'e. Smoke is coming in. for example, it is coming into the house. Phon: vs Final -atová. See: -sé'továóé. Category: smoke.

-éstavȧhoeóó'e   vii. stand so deep. Méná'ó'ėstse hákó'e neva mó'-éstavȧhoeóehanevótse. Breastworks were four barriers deep. [1987:311] Phon: vs Category: stand, record.

-éstava'ó'h   vta. corner s.o., convince s.o. É-éstava'o'ho. He cornered him. É-éstava'ó'hóho. He cornered him. (newer pronunciation). See: -éstavan; -éstavaooha'ov; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen. Category: influence, interpersonal.

-estavan   vta. convince s.o., corner s.o., talk s.o. into something. É-estavanóho. He talked him into it. Néto'sėsáa'-éstavanaehéneo'o. They are not going to talk us into it. Ques: est?? See: -éstava'ó'h; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'e'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal, check.

-éstavaoohá'ov   vta. corner s.o. É-éstavaohá'ovóho. He cornered him. Mó'-éstavaoohá'oehevovóhe tósa'e tȧháóhe ho'honáá'e tsé'amoo'ėse. (That tribe; obv.) cornered them up somewhere near those mountains. [CLIFF.TXT:1] See: -ho'xó'a'ov; -sa'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal.

-estavaotse   vai. cornered. This especially refers to being figuratively cornered, as at a trial. É-estavaotse. He was cornered. (another recording) Ná-estavaotse. I was cornered. Éohkėsáatónėše-estaváótséhe. No matter what, he just won't give in (for example, he continually brags that he can do anything, even though others can tell that he can't and he is in emotional pain). vta: -éstavan. See: -néhnėhetameotse.

éstávóne   ni. grove. There are trees and sometimes other foliage there. It is not as thick with trees as ma'táa'e 'forest'. Éstávóne návee'e. I'm camping in the grove. See: ma'táa'e. Category: places.

-éstȧxe'ov   vta. chase in s.o. É-éstȧxe'ovóho. He chased him in. See: -ésevo'e'ov.

-éstóe'ó   vai. float in.

vii. float in. É-éstóé'o. It (or He) floated in. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.

-estoemanohe   vai. bring in water offering. Done by a lady early in the morning, for a peyote meeting; she gets a cigarette for this, and smokes it, giving little puffs of smoke to the four directions. É-estoemanohe. She brought in the water. See: -estsénené. Category: liquid.

-éstoen   vta. bring in holding s.o. É-éstoenóho. He brought him in while holding him. É-éstoeneo'o. They were brought in while held. Category: move.

-éstoeóó'e   vai. stand looking in, look in standing. É-éstoeóó'e. He is standing looking in. See: -éstonoo'e sit looking in. Final -óé2. Category: stand, sight.

-éstoéstá   vii. hang into. É-éstoésta. It is hanging into. for example, hanging into a room. Category: hang.

-éstȯhomo'he   vai. dance in, grand entry. É-éstȯhomo'he. He danced in. É-éstȯhomó'heo'o. They are dancing in. [1980:67:6] fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.

-éstȯhomó'heohe   vai. dance in hurriedly, grand entry dance. This word can be used for the grand entry at a powwow. É'-éstȯhomó'heohesėstse éstovȯtse. A corn man danced in hurriedly. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.

-éstȯhoo'e   vai. swim into, wade into. swimming of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wading of people. É-éstȯhoo'e. He waded/swam into the water. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -sé'ȯhoo'e. Category: liquid.

éstȯhosé'ohtȯtse   ni. condom. Lit: into-penis-thing Plural éstȯhosé'ȯhtotȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ohosé. Category: sex.

-éstȯhta'én   vta. button s.o., bridle s.o. É-éstȯhta'eno. He buttoned him (for example, his shirt); he bridled him (a horse). É-éstȯhta'énóho. He buttoned him (for example, his shirt); he bridled him (a horse). (newer pronunciation). Éstȯhta'éneha neéstse'he! Button your shirt (animate)! BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 abdomen, stomach, intestines; IndepNoun hone'kōmo. Category: dress.

éstȯhta'énéó'o   ni. buckle. for example, of a belt. Plural éstȯhta'éneonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 abdomen, stomach, intestines. See: hoestáto belt. Category: harness, clothing.

-éstȯhta'éno'hamé   vai. hitch up horse(s). that is, hook up tugs. É-éstȯhta'éno'hāme. I hitched my team to the wagon. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 abdomen, stomach, intestines. Category: horses.

-éstȯhta'hané   vai. tell a sexy story, sexy story - tell a. Lit: (go).into-tell.story É-éstȯhta'hāne. He told a sexy story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak, vulgar, sex.

-ésto'ȧhéotse   vai. run in. É-ésto'ȧhéotse. He ran in. Neváeseo'o háestoha tsé-ésto'ȧhéotsese? Who (plural) had the most runs home? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -hóohto'ȧhéotse run home. Category: phys. ed., run.

-ésto'a'ham   vta. throw s.o. into. for example, into the bushes. É-ésto'a'hamóho. He threw him into. Ques: recheck throwhiminto.mp3 recording?? Naa tósa'e nėhéóhe nȧhtsésta'he héva éstȧxaevá'ne-ésto'a'haméhanéhe. And somewhere there my afterbirth must have just been thrown into (the bushes). [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.025] Ésto'a'hameha hóhtséme! Throw the (basket)ball in (from out of bounds)! fta: -a'ham; Medial -ó'(é)2 wood. See: -éstovóhko'a'ham. Category: throw, basketball, check.

-ésto'a'haso'he   vai. ride horse into bushes. É-ésto'a'haso'he. He rode his horse into the bushes/brush. Category: horses.

-ésto'a'ó   vii. blow in. of something blown by the wind. É-éstó'á'o. It (or He) blew in.

vai. blow in. Category: wind.

-ésto'a'xe   vai. blown in. É-ésto'a'xe. He was blown in. Héstā'se é-ésto'a'xe. The snow was blown in(side) by the wind. fai: -ó'a'xe2. Category: wind.

-ésto'an   vta. put s.o. in a group, put s.o. on a committee, put s.o. in. Can refer to putting s.o. in a ballgame. É-ésto'anóho. He put him on a committee. Category: baseball, basketball.

-ésto'ehné   vai. 1 • come into, enter. É-ésto'ēhne. He walked into / He joined the church. [Stamper 1991:6] Medial -ó'(e). See: -ésto'eohtsé; -éstsehné; -ésta'xe; -ho'xėstsehné. Category: motion.

2 • join. can refer to a person entering the military service.

-ésto'e'ó'sané   vai. play slot machines. faster action than -ésto'enené. É-ésto'e'ó'sáne. He is playing the slot machines. Medial -ó'e1 roll. See: -ésto'enené.

-ésto'e'ó'tsé   vti. roll in s.t., put s.t. into game machine slot. É-ésto'e'ó'tse. He rolled it in. See: -ésto'en. Category: games, move.

ésto'e'otse   vai. get in. Nėstsenėheše-ésto'e'otsema. We will get in on (it??) that way. See: -ésto'e'ó'tsé. Category: check.

-ésto'eman   vta. tuck in s.o. É-ésto'emanóho. He tucked him in. for example, of a shirt, animate. Ésto'emaneha neéstse'he! Tuck your shirt in!

-ésto'eméohe   vai. force way into. É-ésto'eméohe. He forced his way into. for example, to force one's way into a crowd or into a house. fai: -méohe.

-ésto'en   vti. load s.t. É-éstó'éna. He loaded it. that is, he loaded a gun with a shell. See: -éstó'en roll in s.t.. Category: load.

-éstó'en   vti. roll in s.t. To example, to take a car to a service station. É-éstó'éna. He rolled it in.

vta. roll in s.o. É-ésto'enóho. He rolled him in. For example, this could be rolling someone in on a wheelchair. See: -ésto'en load it. Category: roll, move.

-ésto'enené   vai. play slot machines, gamble. Lit: roll-in-AI.FINAL that is, roll money (especially quarters) in machines. This refers to slower action than -ésto'e'ósané. É-ésto'enēne. He is playing the slot machines. Étȧhé-esto'enēne. He went to play the slot machines. Náohkėsáavése-éstó'enenéhe. I don't play the slot machines. Medial -ó'e. See: -ésto'e'ósané. Category: roll.

-ésto'eoesta'xe   vai. enter quickly, come in quickly, drive in quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe. He entered quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe navénótse He just ran fast/drifted in to my home. É-ésto'eoesta'xe tséxhoevo. He turned in to my place (for example, with his car). Final -a'xe. Category: car, motion.

-ésto'eohétó   vii. roll in. Tséhnėšenámėsėhévȯse éhmé'eésto'eohétónėse me'ko. While they ate, a head rolled in.

-ésto'eohtsé   vai. enter, come in. É-ésto'eōhtse. He entered. tsé'ȯhkėhése-ésto'eohtséstove at the gate (lit. where people enter). Medial -ó'(e). See: -éstsehné; -ésto'eotse.

-ésto'eohtsétó   vii. enter by rolling, roll in. É-ésto'eohtséto. It rolled in. fai: -ó'(e). Category: motion.

-ésto'eóó'e   vai. stand in bushes. for example, when picking berries. É-ésto'eóó'e. He is standing in the bushes. BodyPartMedial -ó'(é)2. Category: stand.

-ésto'eotse   vii. get in. Éohkėsáa'éve-ésto'eotsėhéhane. (Liquor) can't be brought in (to the reservation). [1987:60]

vai. get in, join. É-ésto'eotse. He (or It) got in. For example, a bull got in to the pasture. oha nėstsenėheše-ésto'eotsema nėhéóhe hotsévatanóhtóva mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva that is the only way we can get in there on the claims to the Black-ésto'eohtsé Hills. [1987:20]

-ésto'ȯhené   ni. play pool, pool - play. É-ésto'ȯhēne. He is playing pool. Category: games.

ésto'ȯhenémȧhéó'o   ni. pool hall. Lit: 'knock 'em in'-house Category: buildings.

-ésto'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go into brush. É-ésto'ȯhōhtse. His tracks went into the brush. Medial -ó'(é)2; fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks, check.

-ésto'ó'a'ó   vai. jump in. for example, to jump into the paint in basketball to make a jump shot. É-ésto'ó'á'o. He jumped in. Category: basketball.

ésto'ó'e   i. into the woods. Oblique ésto'ó'éma; Medial -ó'(e)2.

-ésto'ó'ehné   vai. go into by wagon. É-ésto'ó'éhne. He drove in by wagon. for instance, drove into the corral. Category: roll.

ésto'ó'éma   loc. in the brush; into the bushes. Medial ó'(e)-;  -má.

-ésto'ó'eméohe   vai. run into a wooded area. É-ésto'ó'eméohe. He ran into a wooded area. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.

-ésto'ó'eohtsé   vai. enter a wooded area. É-ésto'ó'eōhtse. He entered a wooded area. Medial -ó'(é)2. Category: wood.

-ésto'tan   vti. place s.t. upright ?? É-ésto'tāna.?? He placed it upright. See: -tomȯseóéstsé. Category: check.

-ésto'tsé   vti. put s.t. inside. É-éstó'tse. He put it inside. Etym: *pi·ntaɁta·wa (P). fti: -o'tsé. See: -éstan. Category: move.

-éstoma'eotse   vii. cave in. É-éstoma'eotse. It caved in. Medial -óma'(e) ground, land, earth. See: -éstoohtaotse; -anoma'eotse. Category: shapes, ground.

-éstoma'oh(n)   vta. put s.o. in the ground. É-éstoma'ȯhnóho. He put him in the ground. Medial -óma'(e).

-éstonean   vti. put s.t. (ropelike) in(to).

vta. put s.o. (ropelike) in(to). for example, to put a strand of sinew through the eye of a needle. É-éstoneanóho. He put him (ropelike) into. Éstoneaneha! Put him in! Medial -ón. See: -séhponean; -sóhponean. Category: ropelike.

-éstóneešé   vai. lie into ropelike. É-éstónééše. He (rope or snake) is lying into (something). For instance, this could be of a snake lying facing into a cave. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.

-éstonené'hahtsé   vti. put s.t. in gear, shift gear of s.t. Éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in second gear! Hóse-éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in high gear! See: -éstonenén. Category: car, drive.

-éstonené'hasené   vai. shift gears, gears - shift. É-éstonené'hasēne. He shifted gears. See: nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse. Category: car.

-éstonenén   vti. shift gear of s.t., put s.t. in gear. É-éstonenéna. He put it in gear. Ééstonenénȯhtse! Put it in gear! ni: éstonenéó'o. See: -éstonené'hahtsé. Category: car, drive.

éstonenéó'o   ni. gear shift. vti: -éstonenén. Category: new, car, drive.

-éstonoo'e   vai. sit looking in. É-éstonoo'e. He is sitting looking in. for example, as a dog sits outside a door looking into the house. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.

-éstoohtaotse   vii. cave in. can be of a roof, a floor, or a spot in the ground. É-éstoohtaotse. It caved in. See: -éstoma'eotse.

-éstoo'e1   vai. sit inside. É-éstoo'e. He is sitting inside. Ná-éstoo'e. I'm sitting inside. (Sounds like one variant of 'my throat,' naéstoo'e.) Émȧhe-éstoo'e. It is all the way inside. See: naéstoo'o my throat; -éstoo'e throat.

-éstoo'e2   ni. Gram: poss throat (poss.) Variant: -éstoo'o. ma-éstoo'e throat. na-éstoo'e my throat. Morph: /ma-éhtóon/. Etym: *mekwenta·kani (Go88). Phon: apocope; vs Plural ma-éstoonȯtse; Medial -éstooná. Category: body.

-éstoo'o   ni. Gram: poss my throat. Variant: naéstoo'e. ma-éstoo'o throat. na-éstoo'o my throat. (another recording) Stem -éstoo'o. naéstoo'o is the older pronunciation, but naéstoo'e is increasingly common today. naéstoo'e sounds identical to náéstoo'e 'I'm sitting inside except for the difference in pitch on the first vowel. Na-éstoo'o náháamá'ta. My throat is sore. Variant: -éstoo'e2. Morph: /ma-éhtóon/. Phon: apocope; vs Plural ma-éstoonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -éstooná. See: maéstoo'o. Etym: *mekwenta·kani (Go88). See: heéstoonévetšėške throat fat. Category: body.

-éstooma'há   vii. water come in from wind. É-éstoomā'ha. Water came in from wind. fii: -a'há. Category: wind.

-éstooná   mbp. throat. Náó'e-éstoonáotse. My throat has gotten dry. Énetȯhke-éstoonáóhtse. He has an itchy throat. Possessive -éstoo'o. Category: body.

-estóona'ó   vai. stride off balance, run off balance. Ques: stumble?? É-estóonā'o. His stride is off balance. tsé'estóonā'o when he ran off balance. for example, when a child's feet landed here and there not matching its father's stride, also when someone runs too fast downhill and they are trying to catch their balance. Category: motion.

-éstoonean   vta. lead in s.o. especially to lead in a blind person or a horse. É-éstooneanóho. He is leading him in. See: -amóonean lead s.o. along. Category: move.

-éstóová   vii. water come in?? É-éstóóva. Water came in.?? Category: check. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.

-éstóová'o'tsé   vti. flush s.t. for example, the toilet. É-éstoová'ó'tse. He flushed it. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.

-éstoováná   vti. make flow into s.t.; guzzle s.t., irrigate s.t. for example, guzzle down some liquid, or irrigate a field. É-éstoována. He irrigated it. fii: -óová; Antonym -hóoován. Category: liquid.

-éstóovánané   vai. dialyzed - get, liquid - intravenously given. Lit: into-liquid.flow-do Náohkeéševése-éstoovánáne. I get dialyzed. See: ho'ónean. Category: sickness.

-éstoováotse   vii. water flow in, drain. É-éstoováotse. The water flowed in / the water drained. Etym: *pi·nta·pa·we·palyiwi (P/L). Lit: into-liquid-RESULT Émȧhe-éstoováotse. It completely drained. Category: liquid.

-éstoováto   vii. flow in. É-éstoováto. It flowed in. Category: liquid.

-éstoovȯsané   vai. inject, put in liquid. É-éstoovȯsāne. vȧs?? He injected/he put in liquid. Category: check, liquid.

-éstóseohé'tá   vti. ?? É-éstóseohá'ta. ?? Category: check.

éstóso   na. quiver. Etym: *pi·ntaθwa·na (P). Plural éstȯsono; Obviative éstȯsono. Usage: obsolescing See: maahe arrow. Category: warfare.

-éstótané   vai. burrow into. for example, into a cliff. É-éstótáne. He burrowed into. tséstšėšema'xeó'xeanóevetse nėhéóhe mó'-éstotanėhéhe He dug into the side of a big cliff. [1987:287] fai: -ótané.

-éstotše'še   vai. eat. Ná-éstotše'še. I'm throwing food (or drink) into my mouth. Usage: archaic; somewhat humorous now Lit: throw into mouth ?? See: -mésehe; -xo'ome. Category: eat, check.

éstov-   i. blow, inflate, blow. É-éstovōhta. He blew it by mouth. É-éstovā'a. He pumped it by foot (for example, foot pump). É-éstovósáne. He blew.

-éstová   vai. blow. É-éstóva. He blew. tséstaohketšėše-éstóvȧse as he was blowing. [1980:33:9] Etym: *po·tawe·wa.

-éstovȧhá'ené   vai. put food in to cook. É-éstovȧhá'éne. She put the food in. typically of putting meat in a pot to cook. fai: -á'ené. Category: cook.

-éstova'ham   vta. inflate s.o., pump up s.o. for example, to inflate a ball (animate). É-éstova'hamóho. He inflated him.

éstová'hasēō'o   ni. air pump. See: óová'hasēō'o. Category: tools.

-éstovan   vti. line s.t.

vta. line s.o. É-éstovanóho. She lined him. Ná-éstovāno. I lined him. for instance, to line a blanket (animate). Category: handcraft.

-éstovó   vii. sharp. É-éstóvo. It is sharp. See: -éškosó; -o'a'ó; -heškóvó. Category: texture.

-éstovóhko'a'ham   vta. throw s.o. inside. É-éstovóhko'a'hamóho. He pitched him (a ball) inside. Éstovóhko'a'hamameha! Pitch him an inside ball! See: -ésto'a'ham. Category: baseball.

-éstovóhtá   vti. blow on s.t. É-éstovóhta. He blew on it. for example, he blew on a fire. Etym: *po·tawa·tamwa (P). É-éstovóhta é'távo. He blew bubbles (foam). See: -hó'továvóhtá extinguist s.t. by blowing. Category: mouth.

-éstovȯhto'he   vai. load. Lit: into-load for example, stuffing something into a purse. É-éstovȯhto'he. She is stuffing (her purse). fai: -óvȯhto'he.

-éstovohtsé   vti. load s.t., put in s.t. É-éstóvóhtse. He put it in. É-éstovȯhtsenȯtse menȯtse hetóhkonéhéva. She put the berries in a can. Category: load.

éstovo'eha   ni. overshoe. Lit: into-shoe Plural éstovo'ėhanȯtse; Variant: éstovo'keha. Category: shoes.

éstovo'keha   ni. overshoe. Lit: into-shoe Plural éstovo'kėhanȯtse; Variant: éstov'eha. See: éxovo'keha. Category: shoes.

-éstovóma'o'e   vii. be a valley. É-éstovóma'o'e. It is a valley. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.

-éstovósané   vai. blow. É-éstovósáne. He is blowing. Etym: *po·tawa·tike·wa (P).

éstovóséó'o   ni. balloon. Lit: inflated (thing) Etym: *po·tawa·tikani (P). Plural éstovóseonȯtse. Category: play.

éstovȯtse   na. inflated.bladder. It can be used to help someone float. Plural éstovoto.

-estse1   sfx. reflexive and reciprocal suffix. This spelling of the suffix is used with transitive verb stems that end with a morphophonemic /h/ or /s/. Éa'tȯh-estse. He hit himself by accident. Náa'tȧx-estse. I accidentally cut myself. That verb stem ends with morphophonemic /s/, -a'tas 'accidentally cut s.o.'. Nátaeváh-estse. I measured myself. See: -ahtse REFL. Category: grammar.

-ėstse1   sfx. inanimate noun and verb plural suffix. Phon: parallels the conjunct II plural suffix -et éšén-ėstse days. hóhkėhá'-ėstse hats. o'hē'-ėstse rivers. Ého'tán-ėstse. They (inanimate) are (here/there). Épėhéva'én-ėstse. They (inan) are good. See: -ot; /-é/; /-o/. Category: grammar.

-estse2   sfx. suffix indicating first person acting on second person. Phon: allomorph of -atse Néoné'xȧho'h-ėstse. I burned you. See: -atse; -estse1. Category: grammar.

-éstsėhévóé'ó'tsé   vti. submerge. É-éstsėhévóé'ó'tse. He submerged it. [A Fry Bread Lesson.012]

-éstsėhévóeotse   vii. submerge, sink.

vai. submerge, sink. Éxamae'-éstsėhévoeotse. He just went under water. [The Lost Horse.025] Ques: éstsėhév or éstsév or estsév?? make dicy entries consistent?? Category: liquid, motion, check.

-éstsehné   vai. walk inside, enter. É-éstséhne. He entered. (another recording) Etym: *pi·ntwehθe·wa. Éstséhnėstse! Come in! Né'-éstséhnėstse! Come in! Éstséhne! Come in! (said to more than one person). Ta-éstséhnėstse! Go inside! Tȧhé-éstséhnėstse! Go there to enter! tsé-éstsėhnese those who went to church. Lit: those who entered -éstsehné is slower action than -ésta'xe. Antonym -hóehné. See: -ésta'xe; -ésto'eohtse; -ésta'xe. Category: walk.

-éstsėhnét   vta. enter s.o. É-éstsėhneto. He entered him. É-éstsėhnétóho. He entered him. (newer pronunciation). Category: interpersonal.

-éstsėhót   vta. go in to (see) s.o., go in toward s.o. É-éstsėhoto. He went in to (see) him. É-éstsėhótóho. He went in to (see) him. (newer pronunciation). Naa nėhē'še nátaosáaneéstsėhóto. So then I went in to see him (the judge). [How God Helped Me Forgive.75.] fta: -ehót. Category: interpersonal.

éstse'he   na. shirt, coat. namely, an upper garment. Plural éstse'heno; Obviative éstse'heno. he-éstse'heno his shirt. tónove-éstse'he coat (lit. thick-shirt). ka'e-éstse'he jacket (lit. short-shirt). tsėhe'ėse-éstse'he long coat. táho'ke-éstse'he top coat. hoo'kȯhe-éstse'he rain coat. kȧhkoneone-éstse'he thin shirt. é'oestóve-éstse'he blouse (lit. skirt-shirt). he-éstse'heno his shirt. Plural éstse'heno; Obviative éstse'heno. Morph: /éhte'hen/. Etym: cf. Ar bííxuut. See: -e'seéstse'hená. Category: clothing.

-éstse'hená   m. shirted, coated. Épėhéve-éstse'hēna. He has on a nice shirt. Category: clothing.

-éstse'henáoohe   vai. put on shirt quickly. Nátanėšee'se-éstse'henáoohe. I quickly put on a shirt. [A Fry Bread Lesson.035] Category: clothing.

éstsema'e   na. mole, gopher. For some speakers this only means 'mole', and, then, méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe would mean 'gopher'. Plural éstsémá'e; Obviative éstsémá'e. See: méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe gopher. Category: animals.

éstsema'eeséeo'ȯtse   na. chemotherapy. Lit: cancer-medicine Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, sickness.

-éstsema'eve   vai. have cancer. Lit: be "gophered" This term is based on éstsema'e 'mole, gopher' which burrows as cancer is perceived to do. É-éstsema'eve. He has cancer. See: matanaéestsema'évestȯtse breast cancer. Category: sickness.

-éstsema'éveotse   vai. gopher - become a. Nȧhtsene'-éstsema'éveotse tsėhéóhe. I will turn into a gopher here. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).044] Category: animals.

-éstsema'ó'ėše'eve   vii. gopher hole ground. É-éstsema'ó'ėše'eve. It is a gopher hole area. Móhne'ȯhkema'xe-éstsema'ó'ėše'évėhanéhe. Lots of gopher holes suddenly appeared in the ground. [1987:246] Category: animals.

-estsénané   vai. offer food or drink as sacrifice. É-estsénáne. He offered a food sacrifice. Ma'ó'ȯseo'ha'enomo máhtáme estsénaneo'o! Nevá'esėstse móháeanȧhéhe. If you drop food, make a food sacrifice! Someone must be hungry. Variant: -estsénené. See: -oestóné; -vovóe'ėstséneonévoem. Category: ceremonial.

éstsénėhé'e   ni. swamp. Phon: hl Plural éstsénėhé'ėstse. Category: environment.

éstsenėhe'éše'e   vii. swamp area - be a. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check.

-éstsenėhé'eve   vii. be a swamp. É-éstsenėhé'eve. It is a swamp. Mósta-éstsenėhé'evėhanéhe tósa'e. There was a swamp somewhere. [1987:285] Category: environment.

-estsénené   vai. offer food or drink as sacrifice. To make an offering of water; drink; or food; bless; consecrate the food. The food or drink is offered as sacrifices to the sacred powers. This is a religious ritual. Food is pointed in the four directions outside of dwelling. Such a sacrifice of food is done in the Sun Dance. É-estsénéne. He offered/sacrificed food. Hoxéhetaneo'o éohke-estséneneo'o. The Sun Dancers take food around and offer it. [1987:239] Variant: -estsénané. See: -oestóné; -vovóe'ėstséneonévoem. Category: ceremonial.

-éstseohtséh   vta. lead s.o. to do something. É-éstseohtseho. He is leading him to do it. É-éstseohtséhóho. He is leading him to do it. (newer pronunciation). É-éstseohtséháá'e heávȯhóho. The devil (obv) is leading him to do it. See: -éseohtséh; -éšenot. Category: move, interpersonal.

Éstséóhtsé'e   na. Going Into the Woods Woman. Category: names.

-éstseov   vta. enter s.o., go into s.o. É-éstseovóho. He made a home for him. ?? Category: check. Éase-éstseovāā'e Heávȯhóho. The devil (obv) is starting to control him (that is, enter him). See: -mȯhtáeov; -ésta'xé'tov; -éstsehné. Category: motion.

Éstseovóévá'e   na. Sinking Woman. Category: names.

-éstsešé   vai. lie into. É-éstséše. He is lying in. See: -éstóneeše. Category: lie.

-estsévanéeotse   vii. absorbed, soak in. É-estsévanéeotse. It soaked in/became absorbed. Category: liquid.

-éstsévaóó'e   vii. wind come in. for example, through cracks in the wall. É-éstséváóó'e. The wind came in through the cracks. generally a cold wind. Category: weather, wind.

-estsévóe'ó   vai. sink. É-éstsévóé'o. It/he sank. Ques: recheck first pitch?? Final -óe'ó. See: -amóé'ó. Category: liquid, check.

-estsévoeotse   vii. sink quickly.

vai. sink quickly. É-estsévoeotse. He (or It) sank quickly. Tā'se éxamae'estsévoeotse Vóhpe'xoénéhe. It is just like Grayface went under water. [1987:171] See: -estsévóe'ó. Category: liquid.

éš-   i. already, finish, prepare. See: éx-.

eše   ni. day. Plural éšénėstse. Morph: /éše/. Usage: This word may not be used anymore. fni: -éš. See: /-éš/; éšeēva. Etym: *ki·šwekwi; *ki·šekwi (P). Category: time.

-éše   fni. day. This final tells how many days. Words for numbers of days are composed of a number followed by this final. This final is phonologically /-éš/. Since the /š/ is word-final, words with this final undergo vowel-stretching. no'kē-ē'ėše for one day. néšé-é'ėše for two days. na'hē-ē'ėše for three days. naesóhtȯhé-é'ėše for six days. Phon: vs See: éše day; -éno'e; aa'e year. Category: time.

eše   ni. day. Plural éšénėstse; fni: -éš. See: -éš; éšeēva. Category: time.

éše-   pv. already, yet. éše- is similar to English perfective aspect, with "have" and "has". Cheyenne speakers often include éše- when translating English sentences with a simple past tense. It often is not necessary to include the English word "already" when translating a Cheyenne verb with éše- in it. Ná-éšemésehe. I have eaten. Ééše-mésehe. He has eaten. É-éšekȧse'éehéheve. She is already a young woman. É-éševóonā'o. It is already morning. É-éšetaa'eve. It is already night. éše- can occur with the preverb to'se- 'gonna', in preceding or following order: Mó'osáaneotá'méoto'éotsėhéhe tsésto'se-éševó'neotsetse He got up early when it was almost daylight. [1987:170] Násáa'-éšemésėhéhe I haven't eaten yet. Ques: Is there a semantic difference with the different orders? occurs with following pv. hó'ko-: É-éšėhó'komésehe. He HAD to eat (for example, he said he wasn't going to eat, but I told him to stay and eat, so he had to eat). Reduplicated óeše-. Etym: *ki·ši. Category: time.

-ešé   fai. lie. Phon: The ending -ná is dropped for singular subject affirmative indicative verbs. When subjects are plural the verb stem has traditionally ended with -né or -ná. When there is a singular subject and -eše is word-final it acts as if its word-final vowel is high pitched. Otherwise that /e/ vowel is low pitched. Phon: takes morpheme-initial /e/ unless the preceding stem ends in a vowel in which case that vowel is retained Éov-ēše. He lay down. Éov-ėšēne. They lay down. Many speakers now regularize that to Éovėšenao'o". Éov-ėšenao'o. They lay down. Éov-ėšenahe? Did he lay down? Náov-ėšenáme. We lay down. Éšé-éše. He was lying prone. Ésáašé-ešenáhe. He is not lying prone. Éháóéná-xe. He prayed lying down. Variant: -xe; fta: -ešem; fti: -hahté; fii: -ehá. Etym: *ihšin. Category: lie.

-éšeame   vai. have such a number birthday. Éna'he-he-éšeame. FIX?? He is three years old today. Pėhévėhe-éšeamėstse! Happy Birthday! Simplified Spelling Pevėheešeamėstse, Pavėheešeamėstse. Category: ages, check.

-éšeame   ni. Gram: poss day (possessed). na-éšeame my day. especially of my birthday. Category: time.

Éšeámėhé'e   na. Daily Woman. Category: names.

-éšeeh   vta. rear s.o., raise s.o., nurture s.o. can be of livestock, children, animate plants, etc. This has the meaning of nurture, not elevate. É-éšeehóho. He reared him. (another recording) Etym: *ki·šikihe·wa (P). É-éšeehóho hováhne. He is ranching (raising animals). Ná-éšeehoo'o mȧhóono. I raised melons. Épėhéve-éšeehe. He was brought up in a good way; he had a proper upbringing. Évé'ho'éešeehe. He was raised in the whiteman way. fai: -éšee'e; vti: -éšeestsé. Etym: cf. M ke·sekehae·w he raised him. Category: family.

-éšee'e   vai. grow. É-éšee'e. He grew up. Etym: *ki·šikiwa (P). Éase-éšee'e. He is starting to grow. Ééše-éšee'e. He has grown up. Éame-éšee'e. He is growing. Tósa'e né-éšee'e? Where did you grow up? tsémóne-éšeese young people. Phon: vs See: -asee'e; -éšeeotse; éše-; éx-; -nóvee'e; -ameéšee'e; -nėševee'e; -hóne'ó. Category: ages.

-éšee'éhahe   vai. grown age - fully, fully grown age. Ééše-éšee'éhahe. He is already of a fully grown age. See: -éšee'e; -háa'éhahe. Category: ages.

-éšee'tá   vti. grow with reference to s.t. É-éšeē'ta. He grew up to it. tsé'-éšee'tohe something you grow (or mature) by. See: éšeestsé; -ho'ée'tá.

-éšeeotse   vai. become grown up. É-éšeeotse. He grew up. See: -éšee'e. Category: ages.

-éšeestsé   vti. raise s.t. This refers to growing something not elevating it. É-éšeēstse. He raised it. Etym: *ki·šikihta·wa (P). Netao'o héne é-éšeēstse naa nééšeehaene. Everywhere (God) raised that and he raised us. [1987:117] fta: -éšeeh. Category: farm.

-éšeetȯ   vii. grow. Hésta'he mósta-éšeetȯhanéhe. The afterbirth grew. vai: -éšee'e.

-éšeetó   vii. grow, mature. É-éšeēto. It matured. Éstaohtšenėšeéšeetónėstse héne mȧhaemenȯtse. That corn matured/grew up. [Planting Corn.013] vai: -éšee'e. Category: farm.

éšeēva   obl. daytime, yesterday. Nėstsevé'-hóhta'heónáne éšeēva; nėstsepa'ke'ōna. Don't tell stories in the daytime; you'll become humpbacked. Reduplicated oéšeēva. See: eše day. Category: time.

Éšeevȧhtamēhnėstse   na. Day Walker. Category: names.

Éšéévá'e   na. Day Woman. Category: names.

Éšeevá'késo   na. Little Day Woman. Category: names.

-éšeeve   vii. be daytime. É-éšeeve. It is daytime. Etym: *ki·šekatwi. oha tā'se hápó'e vé'pėhéve-éšeevetse éme'nėhešėháa'éšėho'ȯhtseo'o but had it been a good day they would have gone further. [1987:42] Category: light.

-éšeévenome   vai. sleep during daytime. É-éšeévenome. He sleeps during the daytime. Usage: maybe not commonly said Category: sleep, time.

-éšė-heéhame   vai. be married (of a woman). Lit: already-have-husband É-éšėheéhame. She already has a husband. compáre é-éše-á'enóho he'óho 'he is married' (literally, he already owns a woman)'. See: -heéhame. Category: marriage.

-éšė-hetaneve   vai. already be a man. É-éšėhetaneve. He is already a man. See: -hetanéve. Category: ages.

-éšė-hoésé   vai. hang already. especially about the first quarter of the moon. É-éšėhoése. It is already hanging. See: -hoése1 hang. Category: moon.

éšėhó'ke-   pv. must, should, have to (emphatic). É-éšėhó'kė-ho'ēhne. He finally came (for example, after trying several times). É-éšėhó'keéšenotóho. He finally talked him into it. É-éšėhó'kemésenȯtse menȯtse He should be forced to eat berries. (Ma'háhko'e) éohke-éšėhó'kėhoxome na'tónėstovee'ėstse (The badger) must always be fed when there is a kill (1980:20:69). "É'-éšėhó'ketaomėhého'ėhnetse(?) heševóho," éxhéhoo'o oonȧha'é'héhe. "Their uncle had to come on his own," the frog said. See: éše-; hó'ke-.

-éše'hamá   m. month. Étónėstȯhe-éše'hāma? How many months old is he? / How many months pregnant is she? Éta-néveéše'hāma. He is four months old. Énėhestȯhe-éše'hāma. That's how many months she has. That is, her months are up; she is due for childbirth. Category: time.

-éše'hame   na. clock (poss), sun (poss), moon (poss). na-éše'hame my clock. [pd517] ne-éše'hamane our (incl) sun/moon. IndepNoun éše'he. Category: time.

éše'he   na. sun, month, moon, watch, clock, calendar, compass. (another recording) (another recording) (another recording) Plural éše'heo'o; Obviative éše'hóho; Oklahoma Dialect kó'ko'ėhaseon. Montana Cheyennes use this word for 'clock' and 'watch' while Okla. Cheyennes say kó'ko'ėhaseo'o 'clock' (literally, ticking thing). With regard to use of éše'he in month names, it should be noted that there is no agreed upon list of names of the months. Several names are commonly known; some have widespread agreement as having been month names; others have limited agreement (see the Cheyenne Topical Dictionary, pages 194-195). Éše'he émo'ȯhtáveotse. The sun eclipsed (lit. became black). éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east (lit. where the sun appears from). éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west (lit. where the sun disappears). Énėsto'seéšemé'éne éše'he. the sun is just about up. taa'éeše'he moon (lit. night-sun). Sometimes éše'he is used for either 'sun' or 'moon.'. É-mónahe éše'he. The moon is new (that is, it's a new moon). Matsé'omeéše'he Spring Moon. éše'he tséhoésėstse month (literally, the moon that is hanging?? Category: check. Ques: od?? Category: check. nā'ėstse éše'he one month. neše éše'heo'o two months. na'he éše'heo'o three months. neve éše'heo'o four months. noho éše'heo'o five months. naesohto éše'heo'o six months. nésohto éše'heo'o seven months. na'nohto éše'heo'o eight months. sóohto éše'heo'o nine months. Etym: *ki·šweʔθwa. Plural éše'heo'o; Obviative éše'hóho; Oklahoma Dialect kó'ko'ėhasēō'o. Montana Cheyennes use this word for 'clock' and 'watch' while Okla. Cheyennes say kó'ko'ėhaseo'o 'clock' (lit. ticking thing). With regard to use of éše'he in month names, it should be noted that there is no agreed upon list of names of the months. Several names are commonly known; some have widespread agreement as having been month names; others have limited agreement (cf. Cheyenne Topical Dictionary, pages 194-195). See: ne'eváohtséstomanestȯtse compass. Category: celestial, time.

Éše'he Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Moon. It is unclear whether this shoulld be spellled as one or two words. The pronunciation and meaning are the same. Variant: Éše'hȯhma'aestse; vai: -ma'ahe. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhmé'éhnėstse   na. Rising Sun. Usage: This is the more commn way to say this name. Variant: Éše'hȯhmé'éhne. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Moon. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Two Moon, Two Moons. name of a famous Cheyenne chief. See: Hetane Ȯhnéšesėstse; Ononevóo'xenéhe; Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Sun; Sun Walking. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Sun, Sun Walking. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Moon. Category: names.

éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse   east. Lit: where the sun appears Variant: éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėstse; Antonym éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west. See: héséne east (ceremonial). Category: directions.

éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėstse   east. Lit: where the sun appears Variant: éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse. See: héséne. Category: directions.

éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse   west. Lit: where the sun disappears Variant: éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėstse; Antonym éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east. Category: directions.

éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėstse   west. Lit: where the sun disappears Variant: éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse. Category: directions.

Éše'héméó'o   na. Sun Trail, Sun Road. See: méó'o road, trail. Category: names.

Éše'héméóná'e   na. Sun Road Woman. Category: names.

Éše'hénȧhkohe   na. Sun Bear. Category: names.

Éše'héveho   na. Sun Chief. See: veho. Category: names.

Éše'hȯhma'aestse   na. Red Moon. It is unclear whether this shoulld be spellled as one or two words. The pronunciation and meaning are the same. Variant: Éše'he Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.

Éše'hȯhma'ȧhevēno   ni. Gram: loc Hammon, Oklahoma. Lit: red-moon-place Category: places.

Éše'hȯhmé'éhne   na. Rising Sun. Variant: Éše'he Ȯhmé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Éše'hȯxháahketa   na. Little Sun. Category: names.

-éše'tov   vta. persuade s.o., influence s.o. É-éše'tovóho. He persuaded him. Ééše-éšé'tóó'e heávȯhóho. The devil has him under his control. Náéše-éše'tova. I was under his control. vti: -éšestsé. See: -éšetová'ov; -éšenot; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éšenȯxévaen. Category: influence.

-ešem   fta. cause to fall, lie. Návéhp-ėšémo. I emptied him (for example, a jug). Éohketáx-ėšemovo. They put them on top. [1987:222] Nápé-ešēmo. I made him break all to pieces (idiom, 'he romantically fell all to pieces over me'). fai: -ešená; fti: -ehahtsé; fii: -ehá.

-éšenaa'e   vai. be the last quarter moon. É-éšenaa'e. It is the last quarter moon. See: -naa'e die. Category: celestial.

-éšenohe   vta. Gram: pass 1 • agreeable, tempted, persuaded, influenced. É-éšenohe. He is agreeable/he doesn't say 'no'. Éohkėsáa'-éšenȯhéhe. He is stubborn/hard to get to/you can't prove him wrong. vta: -éšenot.

2 • not say "no". Category: influence.

-éšenot   vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o., influence s.o. usually the persuasion is to do a good thing. É-éšenotóho. He persuaded him. Nééše-éšenotohe tsésto'sevé'ȯhtsémaétse? Did you yet persuade him to go with us? Éonése-éšenotóho. He tried to persuade him. Mó'éšėto'se-éšenotaehevóhe. They almost convinced him. [Stamper 1991:8)] See: -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'é'ov; -éstavan; -éstseohtséh. Category: speak, influence.

-éšenȯxévaen   vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o. This is a faster process than -éšenot. É-éšenȯxévaenóho. He coaxed him. Ná-éšenȯxévaena heávohe. The devil persuaded me. That is, I gave in to him. Éstaéšėto'se-éšenȯxévaenósesto tsésto'sevésee'óoestaáhetsėse. He almost convinced him to be baptized. [Stamper 1991:4)] See: -éšenot; -éše'tov; -éxa'e'ov; -éstavan; -éstava'ov. Category: speak, influence.

-éšeome   vai. fat. É-éšeome. He is fat. Usage: -háeome may be more commonly said See: -he'keome; -háeome. Category: size.

-éšeómeh   vta. fatten s.o. É-éšeómėhóho. He fattened him.

-éšeotse   vii. be accomplished; happen; get done. É-éšeotse. It was accomplished. Éohke-éšeotse It happens; gets done; comes through (for example, whatever he does always works out). See: -nėheševe; -má'seotse.

-éšė-pėhéva'e   vii. be all right, already good. É-éšėpėhéva'e. It is alright now. See: -pėhéva'e. Category: quality.

-éšestsé   vti. carry s.t., lift s.t., accomplish s.t., handle s.t., do s.t. É-éšéstse. He can lift/carry it. Ná-éšéstse, I can lift/carry it. Násáataometónėše-éšėstséhe I can't do it on my own. That has a meaning similar to, 'I am powerless over it'. See: -ameotsestsé; -he'aman. vta: -éše'tov. Category: do.

-éšetanó   vai. get one's way. Ééšėho'ké-ešetāno. He didn't quit until he got his way.

éšėto'se-   pv. almost, about to. É-éšėto'semá'seotse. It is almost run out. Ná-éšeto'semá'totse'ohe. I am almost finished working. Mó-éšėto'sėhestsevévėšėhéhe. He is about to grow horns (=he is "crazy"). Phon: éše- + to'se- See: tó'e-ase-; tó'ėstó'-; éše-; to'se-. Category: time.

-éšėto'senȧha'en   vta. almost catch s.o. Ná-éšėto'senȧha'enaa'e. I almost wet my pants. Lit: It almost caught me. See: -nȧha'en. Category: body function.

-éšetova'ov   vta. crowd s.o., corner s.o. É-éšetova'ovóho. He cornered him. Ques: recheck that word and recording?? É-éšetova'ovovo. They crowded around him. Ééše-éšetova'oo'e vé'ho'émahpe. The alcohol has him in a corner. See: -éše'tov; -éšenot; -vonȯhóha'ov; -vonȯhósem; -éxa'é'ov. Category: interpersonal, check.

éškemane   na. Gram: poss our grandmother. This word includes the person spoken to. Sometimes Cheyennes have prayed to éškemane as a spirit being. Category: ceremonial, relatives.

éškeme   na. Gram: poss your grandmother, your mother-in-law. (another recording) Variant: névéškeme. Etym: *ko·hkwema (?). See: /-hkeme/; -véškeme. Category: relatives.

éškos-   i. pointed. refers to having a sharp point, for example, of a pencil or someone's nose. See: ó'a'-. Category: shapes.

-éškȯsahe   vai. pointed - be. É-éškȯsahe. He is pointed. for example, a rock. tséstšėše-éškȯsȧhetsėse where he was sharp-pointed. vii: -éškosó. Category: texture.

éškȯsa'ehe   na. pear. Lit: pointed-one Ques: or éškȯsa'éhe?? Plural éškȯsa'éheo'o; Obviative éškȯsa'émeno; Synonym éškȯsa'eme, éškȯsa'éheme. Category: check.

éškȯsa'éheme   na. pear. Plural éškȯsa'éhemeno; Synonym éškȯsa'ehe, éškȯsa'eme.

éškȯsa'eme   na. Gram: pl pear. Plural éškȯsa'émeno; Synonym éškȯsa'éheme, éškȯsa'éhe. Category: berries.

-éškȯsa'évetovátó   vii. be cone shaped. É-éškȯsa'évetováto. It is cone-shaped. See: -enȧhénoevétovátó.

-éškȯsátamao'ó   vai. screech laugh. É-éškȯsátamaō'o. He is screeching while laughing. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: laugh.

-éškȯsáxa   vti. sharpen s.t., cut s.t. to a point. É-éškȯsáxa. He cut it to a point/sharpened it. Éškȯsáxȯhtse! Sharpen it! See: -éehahtsé. Category: cut.

éškȯse-   pv. pointed; sharp (of a point, not a blade). éškȯse-eséhotame pig (lit. sharp-nosed-dog). É-éškȯsetonéto It is very (lit. sharp) cold.

Éškȯseesá'e   na. Sharp Nose Woman. Category: names.

-éškȯseesé   vai. have a pointed nose. É-éškȯseēse. He has a pointed nose. Category: nose.

-éškȯseeséhahtsé   vti. sharpen s.t., put a point on s.t. É-éškȯseeséháhtse. ?'h? He sharpened it (for example, a pencil).

Éškȯseeséhe   na. Sharp Nose. Category: names.

éškȯseeséhotame   na. pig, bacon, salt pork. Lit: sharp-nosed-dog Plural éškȯseeséhotāme; Obviative éškȯseeséhotāme. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Plural éškȯseeséhotāme; Obviative éškȯseeséhotāme. Category: animals.

éškȯseeséhotame tsékȧhkovanėstse   vai. Gram: ppl bacon. Lit: pig which is cut thin Category: meat.

éškȯseeséhotame tsévóhpoma'ȯhtsévanėstse   vai. Gram: ppl salt pork. Lit: pig which is salted Category: meat.

éškȯseeséhotaméhé'pėstse   ni. Gram: pl spare ribs. Category: meat.

éškȯseeséhotamého'évohkȯhtse   ni. pork chops, pork meat. Category: meat.

-éškȯseesé'xá   vti. sharpen s.t. to a point. É-éškȯseesé'xa. He sharpened it to a point. BodyPartMedial -esé.

éškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse   ni. pencil, pencil sharpener. Variant: mȯxe'ėstóneéškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse. Category: school.

éškȯseeséma'ēno   na. sand turtle, water turtle, soft-shelled turtle. Lit: sharp-nosed-turtle See: ma'ēno turtle. Category: reptiles.

éškȯseesénema'ke   ni. dentalium shell. Plural éškȯseesénema'keho.

éškȯseesénoma'ne   na. pike. Synonym hevéesénoma'he. Category: fish.

-éškȯseesétó   vii. have a pointed nose. Éosee'-éškȯseeséto. It (for example, a moccasin) has a really pointed nose. Category: check.

-éškȯseesévėhahtá   vai. have pointed feet. É-éškȯseesévėháhta. He has pointed feet. Mó'ȯhkeosee-éškȯseesévėhahtȧhevóhe. They must have had pointed feet. to wear such sharply pointed moccasins. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

éškȯseesévoestȯtse   na. dentalium dress. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: kémeōna dentalium shell. Category: clothing.

-éškȯse'hahe   vai. shrill voice - have a, screechy voice - have a; have a shrill voice. É-éškȯse'hahe. She has a shrill/sharp voice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.

-éškȯse'šeme   vai. scream, squeak, hoot. É-éškȯse'šeme. He screamed. for example, at a ball game. fai: -'šeme. See: -éškȯse'hahe; -éškȯsévone; -tȧhpe'e'hahe. Category: voice.

éškȯsemá'ome   ni. icicle. Lit: pointed-ice

éškȯsénéhe   na. greyhound. Lit: sharpnosed-one Plural éškȯsénėheo'o; Obviative éškȯsénėheho. Category: dogs.

-éškȯsenoné   vai. shrill sing. É-éškȯsenōne. He is singing opera as a tenor. fai: -noné. Category: sing.

-éškȯsenonéoohe   vai. sing at a high pitch. Étaáahtse'hósetšėšema'xėhe'ame-éškȯsenonéoohe. He ended his song in a real high pitch. [1987:150] Category: sing.

éškȯseome   ni. tepee. Lit: pointed-lodge Usage: less commonly used than xamaevee'e Synonym xamaevee'e. See: vee'e; xamaevee'e. Category: lodges.

éškȯsetoo'o   ni. tea kettle, teapot, coffee pot. Lit: pointed-container Variant: éškȯsetohko. Category: containers.

-éškȯsévone   vii. make a sharp noise. É-éškȯsévone. It made a sharp noise. Category: sounds.

-éškosó   vii. sharp, pointed. É-éškóso. It is sharp. for example, a knife or straight pin. Etym: cf *ki:nkanwi. See: -éstovó; -ó'a'ó. Category: texture.

éškȯsóhkėha'e   ni. reservation cap. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

-éškosoh(n)   vta. sharpen s.o. by tool. É-éškȯsȯhnóho. He sharpened him. Ésta-éškȯsȯhnósesto. (The whiteman) sharpened (the rock) to a point. [Croft 1988:27:5] Category: texture, shapes.

-éškȯso'tá   vii. sit pointed. É-éškȯsó'ta. It is sitting pointed. Vose tséssé'e-éškȯsō'ta Pointing Hill (a hill between Rosebud, Montana, and the reservation area). [GHOST.TXT] Category: sit inan.

-et1   sfx. third person obviative conjunct suffix. tséhnaóots-etsėse when he (obv) was sleeping. Category: grammar.

-ét2   fai. fight s.o. Éas-étȧhtséstove. Fighting is started. tsé'én-etȧhtséstove when the war ended. Éam-étȧhtseo'o. They are always fighting; they are fighting each other as they go along. Category: warfare.

-et2   sfx. II plural conjunct suffix. Phon: parallels the inanimate noun and independent order II verb suffix -ét (-nét??) Ques: -est?? -eht?? Ques: to parallel -es?? tséxho'ta-a'ėstse (< /té- h- -ho'tá -et/) when they (inan) were there. tséheóvo-o'ėstse those which are yellow. tsépėhéva'e-e'ėstse those which are good. See: -ėstse1 inanimate noun and verb plural suffix; -es conjunct iterative suffix. Category: grammar, check.

-eta   fai. size, weight. Étȧhp-eta. He is big. Épėhéva-eta. He is the right size. Éháanan-eta. He is heavy. Category: size, weight.

etá'-   pv. emphatic, very. Meo'o é-etá'vovóhkeotse. The road is very curvy. É-etá'háomóhtahe. He is very sick. Variant: otá'-. Category: degree.

-éta'ov   vta. crowd s.o. É-éta'ovóho. He crowded him. Etym: cf *si·nsexkawe·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.

étame   na. your cross sibling-in-law, your brother-in-law, your sister-in-law. This is a woman's husband's brother, or a man's brother's wife. (another recording) étamēvo your (plural) cross sibling-in-law. Category: relatives.

-etanéné   fai. live, be alive. Éam-etanéne. He is alive. ... é-he'éšetanéne. ... he was alive for that long. Category: live.

-eto   sfx. AI conjunct participle suffix for verbs with 2nd person singular subjects or objects.?? This is a newer suffix which is replacing -áta'e due to paradigm regularization. Névááhe tséovéstomó-eto? Who is teaching you? Variant: -áta'e. Category: grammar.

-étȯhe'hané   vai. smoke a pipe. É-étȯhe'hāne. He smoked a pipe. Étȯhe'hānėstse! Give me a smoke (slang)! [1987:205] This is traditionally considered a cultural sign of peacefulness, calm, and absence of revenge. A story is told of a chief who was notified that his son had been thrown over a cliff and died. Rather than setting out to take revenge upon the murderers of his son(in one version he actually starts looking for his weapons, but stops himself), he loaded his pipe and smoked. This is a powerful example of how chiefs were to live, and, specifically, how forgiveness and absence of revenge were illustrated. See: -éto'én; -he'pó. Category: smoke.

Étȯhovonā'e ??    Category: check.

na. (woman's name). Category: names.

éto'-   i. load, fill. as of filling a pipe, gun, or storage container. É-eto'ēha. He put it in for storage. É-éto'ehno. He filled it (an.). É-éto'éna. He loaded it. Category: containers.

-éto'éhá   vti. load s.t., fill up s.t. For example, to load something for storage. É-éto'ēha. He loaded it for storage. Hoo'henōva éohke-éto'éhénėstse. In a bag they (such as chokecherries) are stored. vta: éto'én. See: -éto'éh(n); -ó'otómo'enohtá; -hóvȯsané. Category: load.

-éto'ėhené   vai. store. É-éto'ėhēne. He stored. tséohkevé'še-éto'ėhenéstove thing by which there is storage. [A Plowing Story.018] See: -éto'éh.

éto'éhéó'o   ni. jar, canned food. Lit: loaded (thing) Plural éto'éheonȯtse jars, canned goods. See: nanévėséto. Category: load, containers.

-éto'éh(n)   vta. stuff s.o., load s.o., fill s.o. especially of loading a pipe to smoke. É-éto'ehno. He filled it (an.). É-éto'éhnóho. He filled it (an.). (newer pronunciation). É-éto'éhnȯsesto. They filled it (an.). Mó'-éto'éhohéhe. It (an.) was loaded. [1987:18] See: -éto'én. Category: load, smoke.

-éto'é'o'e   vii. loaded. of a gun.

éto'é'ó't   vti. load s.t. É-éto'é'ó'tse. He quickly loaded it. Héne nā'ėstse náhóse-éto'é'ó'tse. I quickly loaded that last (bullet).

-éto'én   1 • vti. load s.t. É-éto'éna. He loaded it. Naa mó'éšeno'ée-éto'enȯhéhe hé'tóhe hema'aataánó'e. And he already had loaded his gun. [1987:276] Éto'énȯhtse! Load it! É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded? Antonym -né'to'én.

2 • vta. load s.o. É-éto'eno. He loaded him (for example, a pipe, animate). É-éto'énóho. He loaded him. (newer pronunciation). É'ȯhkeéeve-eto'eno hestse'óhkono. He would fill his pipe. Éto'éneha! Load it (animate)! See: -étȯhe'hané; -táhovot; -éto'éh(n).

3 • vta. brainwash s.o., load s.o. with gossip. Category: figurative, smoke, load, hunt.

-éto'ene   vii. loaded. for example, of a gun (inanimate) or pipe (animate). É-éto'ene. It is loaded. É-éto'énehe? Is it loaded?

vai. Category: shoot, guns, smoke.

étovane   ni. our (incl) body. See: nétove my body. Category: body.

étove   ni. Gram: poss your body. Usage: obsolescing Ques: body or self?? possibly also means 'for your sake' (PG:10). Stem -vétove. See: é'tóve. Category: body, check.

-étovo'hamé   vai. fail to find livestock. Ná-étovo'hāme. I looked for my horses but couldn't find them. Usage: less commonly used than -étsevo'hamé Variant: -étsevo'hamé. Category: horses.

-étse'á   vti. unable to find s.t. É-étsé'a. He couldn't find it. Ná-étsé'a. I couldn't find it. vta: -étse'ov. See: hótse-.

-étse'ov   vta. unable to find s.o. É-étse'ovóho. He couldn't find him. vti: -étse'á. See: -hótse'tov.

-étsem   vta. withhold information about s.o. É-étsemóho. He withheld (some information) about him. This Cheyenne word and related words imply that what is withheld (or "denied") is true. These words typically describe that someone does not tell what is known about something. See: -étsėstomev withheld from s.o.. Category: interpersonal.

-étseotse   vai. left.out. É-étseotse. It was left out; withheld. See: -o'hémeotse; -nétseotse; -nétȯheotse; -kánomeotse.

-étsestá   vti. withhold information about s.t. É-étsésta. He hid/withheld information about it. Naa oha no'ka hová'ėhéstónėhéva éssáa'-étsėstóhénóvȯse. But one thing they did not hide. [1987:57] vai: -étsėstomo'he; vta: -étsėstomev.

-étsėstomev   vta. cover up to s.o.; keep s.t. from s.o.; refuse to tell s.o. what happened; deny to s.o. É-étsėstomevóho. He withheld information from him. Ques: PD944: keep something secret from s.o. See: -étsem. Category: interpersonal.

-étsėstomo'he   vai. keep secret, withhold information. É-étsėstomo'he. He kept (something) secret. See: -netse'e lie. Category: speak.

-étsevo'hamé   vai. fail to find livestock. É-étsevo'hāme. He failed to find his horses. Variant: -étovo'hamé. Usage: This is more commonly used than -étovo'hamé. Category: horses.

év   i. about, around, here and there. around (in sense of 'about', not related to 'round'). Preverb éve-. Etym: *ki·w-.

-ev   sfx. abstract TA final. Phon: contracts to -óe with a following -ae inverse suffix Návovéstom-ēvo. I taught him. Névovéstom-óene. He taught us (incl). Návovéstom-óó'e. They taught me. Phon: vcpr; fr(??) See: -ov; -óe; -'tov. Category: check.

éva-   i. back. É-éváóhtse. He returned. Móéše-évaohtsėhéhe éše'he.

pv. back. This means 'back' in the sense of returning. É-évȧho'ēhne. He came back. Námóne-évȧho'eohe. I just got back. É-évaameōhtse. He is walking again. (for example, after an accident). É-évaméseeotse. He came back to his senses/he sobered up. Ná-évaamėhóó'óhtse. I'm returning home. É-évavonetāno. He forgave. (literally, forgot back). É-évamámȯheveohtseo'o. They came back together/were reconciled. Ééše-évataomėhoxomahtse. He is feeding himself now. (for example, after having been sick). Nȧhta-évȧhóseevóómo. I'll see him again. Nésáa'-évatšėhe'ševóomatséhe. I haven't seen you for a long time. Násáa'éše-évatšėhe'ševóomóheo'o. I never see them anymore. É-évaénanóho. He let him off. Naa'éve'ho'e nánėheta náohketo'sėsáa'-évamanéhe vé'ho'emahpe. The doctor told me I'm not going to drink whiskey anymore. Éva-énánȯhtse! Put it back! Initial évav-. Etym: *ki·we·-. See: hóse-; éve-.

-évaen   ft. quickly. Éna'x-évaenóho. He quickly killed him. Émé'-eváenóho. He found him quickly. Étoe'š-éváéna. He tied it up quickly. Ná'ȯhkėháeš-évaenaeneo'o. They would punish us severely. Éhohtam-eváenóho. He caught up to him quickly. There are some pitch complexities in various verbs this final occurs in which are not yet understood. It appears sometimes that the phonemic shape of this final may be/-éváen/ or else that a high-pitched vowel of a preceding initial or medial may coalesce with the initial vowel of this final. Variant: -váen. See: -oese; nėševe-; -a'xe. Category: time.

-évaénan   vta. let s.o. off. can refer to letting someone off legally. É-évaénanóho. He let him off. See: -énan; -hóman. Category: legal.

-évaešé'tov   vta. revive s.o., heal s.o. É-évaešé'tovóho. He revived him. Ques: recheck pitch še't?? Naa tá'mȧhove'še é'-évaešé'toesesto. And finally they brought (Ice) back to normal. [1987:108] See: -éše'tov; -éno'eéh; -énomóhtȧhé'seh; -nėhešé'tov. Category: check.

-évahe   vai. live, exist, be at. É-évahe. He lives there. Etym: *ki·wesiwa (P) he is about, away from his kin. Hósėstse mó'=évȧhehevóhe tósa'e nėhéóhe. Some were somewhere there. (1987:3). Ma'hēō'o tsé-évaestse hoóma tȧhano God who is (who lives; exists) over there. [1987:115] See: -ametanéne; -vo'ėstanéheve; -hoo'e; -hesta.

-évȧhe'kešé   vai. 1 • stuck again.

2 • reconciled in marriage. idiomatic way of referring to someone who has reconciled to their spouse. É-évȧhe'kēše. He got stuck again. See: -he'kešé. Category: marriage.

-évȧhé't   vti. exist at (that place). tsé'-évȧhé'to tsėhéóhe A'tšemȧhoéve'ho'éno tséhenove where I live, in Round Town as it is called. [Atlantic Trip.030] Category: live.

-évȧho'he   vai. drive around, wander around from heat. É-évȧho'he. He is driving around / he is wandering around he is so hot. See: -éva'éno'hamé. Category: temperature, transportation, car.

-évȧho'tá   fii. heat of engine. Éam-évȧhó'ta. The engine is running. Category: car.

-évȧhtóohe   vai. go around hollering. É-évȧhtóohe. He goes about bawling/calling. Category: sounds.

éva'ȧs-   i. upside down, backwards, overturn, flip over, face down. É-éva'ȧséna. He turned it over. É-éva'ȧsē'o. He tumbled over. É-éva'ȧsēše. He stumbled and fell on his belly. É-éva'ȧsévoése. He (the moon) is in the last quarter. Category: positions.

éva'ȧsé-   pv. backwards, upside down, opposite. É-éva'ȧséhestáotse. He was born backwards. É-éva'ȧsépȧhoenóhta. He has it 'inside out'/colloq. he has it wrong. Category: positions.

-éva'ȧsé'ahe   vai. cartwheel, somersault. É-éva'ȧsé'ahe. He did cartwheels (or somersaults). Category: motion.

-éva'ȧsé'ó   vai. tumble over, flip over. É-éva'ȧsé'o. He tumbled over. Variant: -éva'kȧsé'ó; Initial éva'ȧs-. Category: motion.

-éva'ȧsén   vti. turn over s.t. É-éva'ȧséna. He turned it over.

vta. É-éva'ȧseno. He turned him over. É-éva'ȧsénóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -hotáavan. Category: move.

-éva'ȧsénestse   vai. talk backwards. É-éva'ȧsénestse. He talked backwards. Category: speak.

-éva'ȧséóó'e   vai. stand on head. É-éva'ȧséóó'e. He is standing on his head. Ques: séóó'e?? Ques: check all entries for spelling of glottal vowel s sequences 'ės, 'ȧs, 's?? Ques: but not the fall on belly ones?? fai: -óé. See: -éva'kȧseóé. Category: stand, head, check.

-éva'ȧsépȧhoenóhtá   vti. 1 • sew backwards. É-éva'ȧsépȧhoenóhta. He sewed it on backwards.

2 • wrong. that is, to have something backwards or "inside out". Category: figurative. See: -pȧhoenóhtá sew on s.t.. Category: sew.

-éva'ȧséšé   vai. fall face down. É-éva'ȧséše. He stumbled and fell on his belly. BodyPartMedial -asé. Ques: recheck voiceless vowel?? See: -éva'ėšešé; -éva'ešé. Category: fall, check.

éva'ȧsév-   i. opposite; upside down; backwards.

éva'ȧséve-   pv. opposite; upside down; backwards. Ééva'ȧsévė-hestáotse. He was born breach. Category: babies.

-éva'ȧsévóe'ó   vai. float face down. É-éva'ȧsévóé'o. He is floating face down. Category: liquid, float.

-éva'ȧsévoésé   vai. hang backwards, last quarter of moon, moon wane. This word traditionally referred to the last quarter or phase of the moon. This might be when Cheyennes say the moon is angry, -momáta'ehe. Ques: correct picture?? É-éva'ȧsévoése. He (moon) is in the last quarter. (another recording) tsé'-éva'ȧsévoésėstse when it is hanging down. Category: moon, check.

-éva'ȧsévó'ané   vai. pronounce backwards. É-éva'ȧsévó'áne. He said it backwards. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak, check.

-éva'ȧšešé   vai. fall face down. É-éva'ȧšēše. He stumbled and fell on his belly. Non-assimilated -éva'ȧsešé. See: -éva'ešé. Category: fall.

-éva'énėstsé'tá   vti. say opposite of s.t. É-éva'énėstsé'ta. He said its opposite (antonym). Éva'énėstsé'tȯhtse! Give the antonym! Category: speak.

-éva'éno'hamé   vai. drive around, drive here and there. É-éva'éno'hāme. He drove around. Final -a'éno'hamé. See: -évȧho'he. Category: drive.

-éva'eotse   vai. turn around, turn around and come back, change to a different way. for instance, to change to a different side in a conflict or a different way of thinking; can cover the idea of 'repent'. É-éva'eotse. He changed to a different way / he turned around and came back. See: -évaohtsé; -évaveotse; -méseeotse; -néma'eotse. Category: cognition.

-éva'ešé   vai. lie face down. É-éva'ēše. He is lying face down. Ques: lying face down?? See: -éva'ėsešé; -má'kėšešé. Category: lie, check.

-éva'evȧxévaen   vta. turn back the opposite way from s.o. example, when mad at s.o. É-éva'evȧxévaenȧhtseo'o. They have their backs turned to each other. Category: interpersonal, move.

-éva'hahtsé   vti. throw s.t. about. É-éva'hāhtse. He threw it here and there. fta: -a'hahtsé. Category: throw.

-éva'ham   vta. throw s.o. about. É-éva'hamóho. He tossed him here and there. É-éva'hame. He is tossed back and forth. fta: -a'ham. Category: throw.

-éva'haso'he   vai. ride horse about. É-éva'haso'he. He rode here and there on his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.

éva'kȧsé'hamȧhtsestȯtse kȧsé'?   ni. head down play. a kind of game ?? Category: check, games.

-éva'kȧse'ó   vai. tumble over. É-éva'kȧsé'o. He tumbled over. Variant: -éva'ȧsé'ó. Category: motion.

-éva'kȧséóó'e   vai. stand looking through one's (own) legs. especially of a child said to be énȯhtsevóomóho 'looking for' its younger sibling. É-éva'kȧséóó'e. He is standing looking through his (own) legs. Ques: séóó'e?? fai: -óé2. See: -éva'ȧséóó'e. Category: stand, check, record.

-éva'kȧséotse   vai. topple over.

vii. topple over. É-éva'kȧséotse. He (or It) toppled over. Category: motion.

-éva'ov   vta. drive s.o. here and there. É-éva'ovóho. He drove him/them here and there. For example, he drove a wild horse here and there. Initial év-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.

-éva'sévȯhtȧheve   vai. design be upside down.

vii. design be upside down. Éno'e-éva'sévȯhtȧheve. The design is upside down.

-éva'xe   vai. be on the go. É-éva'xe. He is 'on the go.'. Etym: cf *ki·weɁšiwa (P) he is blown around, about. fai: -a'xe. See: -éohtsé; -éveohtsé. Category: motion.

-évama'ená   vti. turn back s.t. (of paper). É-évama'ēna. He turned back (the page). Variant: -évavema'ená. Category: paper.

-évamámȯheveohtseo'o   vai. come back together, reconciled (especially in marriage discord). É-évamámȯheveohtseo'o. They came back together/were reconciled. Category: marriage.

-évan   vti. put s.t. here and there. É-évána. He put it here and there.

vta. put s.o. here and there. É-évanóho. He put him here and there. for example, to use a feather (animate) to dust here and there. Category: move.

Évana'hāne   na. Killsback. Category: names.

Évana'hané'e   na. Killsback Woman, Turns Kills Woman. Category: names.

-évanené   vai. reach here and there. É-évanēne. He is reaching here and there. Compare Éévanene 'He/She returned to nursing', which sounds almost exactly the same except for the penultimate pitch. See: -néne nurse. Category: do.

-évanené   fai. make sound. Éam-évánéne. He making noise while passing by. Éháahpe'-évánéne. He is making loud sounds. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

évanēō'o   ni. leftover. Plural évaneonȯtse. See: pé'heto; -he'eotse.

-évaohtsé   vai. return, go back, turn around. É-éváóhtse. He returned. Móéše-évaohtsėhéhe éše'he. The sun must be turning back. That was said when the length of sunlight in a day was getting shorter. Ta-éváóhtsėstse! Turn around! [Stamper 1991:6] See: -évaotse; -éva'eotse; -évaveotse. Etym: *ki:we·pahta·wa. Category: motion.

évaohtsé't   vta. meet s.o. Category: interpersonal.

-évaonóom   vta. call back s.o. especially from period of mourning. the "call-back" is an important community function, recognizing the mourning that the person has gone through, and inviting him back into the "normal" flow of social life. É-évaonóomeo'o. They (mourners) are called back. See: -onóom. Category: death.

-évaóta'ham   vta. stand s.o. back up. É-évaóta'hamóho. ot?? He stood him back up. Ná-évaóta'hāmo. ot?? I stood him back up. Category: move, check.

-évaotse   vii. back.become.

vai. turn back, come back. É-évaotse. He (or It) turned back. Etym: **ki·we·palyiwa (P). from Croft: náne'évaotse 'I come back (from a short trip)' vs. náne'éváóhtse 'I come back (from a long trip)'. vta: -évaotsé'tov. See: -évaohtsé; -éva'eotse; -évaveotse; -évaotseh. Category: motion.

-évaotséh   vta. return s.o. É-évaotseho. He brought him back. É-évaotséhóho. He brought him back. (newer pronunciation). See: -évaotseh. Category: move.

-évaotsé'tov   vta. meet s.o., greet s.o. This is when you know someone is coming and you go out a ways to meet them and return with them. É-évaotsé'tovóho. He went out to meet him. Ta-évaotsé'toveha! Go greet him! See: -tóo'e'ov; -másetsėstov. Category: interpersonal.

Évȧsé'óvá'e   na. Going Back to the River Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

-évȧsóvá   vai. butcher ?? É-évȧsóva. He is butchering.?? Évȧsóva! Butcher! (said to more than one person). fai: -óvá5. See: -anéhné. Category: meat, check.

Évȧsóva   na. Butcher. Category: names.

-évȧše'še   vai. drunk about. É-évȧše'še. He is going around drunk. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink.

-évatóo'énaná   vti. replace s.t. É-évatoo'énána. He replaced it. Ques: what is tóo'éna by itself?? Category: check.

-évatóoo'e   vai. replace, fill vacancy. for example, to take the place of someone who previously had that job or position. É-évatóoo'e. He is replacing (someone). É-évatóoeo'o. They are replacing. Category: work, interpersonal.

-évatóva'ov   vai. replace s.o., take the place of s.o. for example, when someone replaces a loved one who dies. É-évatóva'ovóho. He replaced him. É-évatóvá'óó'e. He (obv.) took his place. Category: interpersonal.

-évatséh   vta. bring back s.o. É-évatseho. ?? He brought him back. É-évatséhóho. He brought him back. (newer pronunciation). Category: check.

évav-   i. back. É-évava'ee'e. He is sitting backwards. Évava'ó'tsėstse! Reverse it! É-évaveotse. It is turned around. É-évaveeheo'o. They moved back. Preverb éva-.

-évava'ee'e   vai. sit backwards. É-évava'ee'e. He is sitting backwards. Phon: vs Category: sit.

-évava'éšé   vai. opposite.head.lie, lie with head at the opposite side of the bed. É-évava'éše. He is lying with his head at the opposite side of the bed. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie.

-évava'ó'tsé   vti. reverse s.t. É-évava'ó'tse. He reversed it. Évava'ó'tsėstse! Reverse it!

-évava'xe   vai. run back. É-évava'xe. He ran back. Névé'e-évava'xéme! Don't run around! (said to more than one person). That is commonly said, especially to keep children from running around inside the house. Initial évav-; Final -a'xe. Category: run.

évave-   pv. back. Ésta-évavetsėhetóo'ósesto tséhnėxhé'ȯhtsévȯse. They looked back to where they came from. [The Big Bogeyman.097] See: éva-.

-évaveehe   vai. move back. É-évaveehe. He moved back. É-évaveeheo'o. They moved back. fai: -eehe. See: -vee'e. Category: motion, camp.

-évaveehéohe   vai. move back, turn back. É-évaveehéohe. He moved back. Ésta-évaveehéohésesto hósėstse. Some of them turned back. [1987:4:21] Category: motion, camp.

-évavem   vta. cause s.o. to return by speaking. É-évavemóho. He caused him to return by speaking. Né'ȯhkeéšėhó'ko-évavemóhéne! Make him come back! [The Big Bogeyman.050]

-évavema'ená   vti. turn back s.t. (of paper). for example, to turn back to the beginning of a book. É-évavema'ēna. He turned back (the page). Variant: -évama'ená. Category: paper.

-évaveotse   vii. become reversed, turned around. This could refer to something that was said that got changed by others. É-évaveotse. It (or He) is turned around. Éta-évaveotse. It is turned around.

vai. become reversed, turned around. See: -éva'eotse; -évaohtsé; -évaotse.

-évavéstoem   vta. reconcile to s.o. (in marriage). É-évavéstoemȧhtseo'o. They are living together again (that is, are reconciled). See: -véstoem; -nanov. Category: marriage.

évaveto   p. back then, long ago. (another recording) tséohkeévėheševóóhtómo évaveto the way I saw it long ago. [1987:222] See: hákó'e; tȧháóhe; tótseha; nėhe'xóvéva. Category: time.

-évavo'ȧhéotse   vai. run about back and forth. É-évavo'ȧhéotse. He ran back and forth. Éxxaetšėšeéve-évo'ȧhéotséhoo'o ma'háhkése. The old man was just running back and forth. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: run.

-évavo'a'ham   vta. throw s.o. backwards. É-évavo'a'hamóho. He threw him backwards. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.

-évavó'ané   vai. say opposite. É-évavó'áne. He said the opposite. Category: speak.

évavo'eétahe   vai. do something backwards. É-évavo'eétahe. He did it backwards. Ná-évavo'eétahe. I did it backwards. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.

-évavo'ėhahtsé   vti. run into s.t. É-évavo'ėhāhtse. He ran into it. for example, with his car. vai: -évavo'ešé.

-évavo'ešé   vai. 1 • hit and bounce back. can also refer to getting your clothing caught on something. É-évavo'ēše. He hit (something) and bounced back. vti: -évavo'ėhahtsé. See: -hánȯhta'e'ov.

2 • come up against a barrier because you have been too stubborn and talking too much, and you get "bounced back". Category: figurative.

-évavoo'kohó   vii. rain turn back. É-évavoo'kōho. The rain turned back. for instance, the rain turned back this direction. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.

évȧxeo'o   ni. leftover piece, bit, scrap. for example, a leftover crumb of drymeat. Plural évȧxeonȯtse. See: pé'heto.

na. The animate plural especially refers to leftover pieces/scraps of cloth. évȧxeono animate plural. Category: material.

-éve   f. be. This final is used with both animate and inanimate subjects. Éhetane-ve. He is a man. Évé'ho'é-veotse. He turned into a whiteman. Éhotóa-veo'o. They are buffaloes. Éméenó-veo'o. They (an.) are feathers. tséska'ėškónėhévéto when I was a child. [Cheyenne Flood Story.001] Évo'-eve. It is cloudy. requires a preceding noun stem. Variant: -ve. Phon: The first /é/ does not appear when the preceding stem is vowel-final. Etym: *-i·wi. Category: identity.

éve-   pv. around; about; here and there. not 'around' in the sense of circular motion; for that meaning cf. néma'e-. Né-évetónėšéve? What have you been doing? Ná-éveameōhtse. I'm walking all over. É-éveéeseóeo'o. They are standing around talking. Tósa'e ma'-ée'ameohtseto, mé'etanó'tovoo'o ma'hēō'o! No matter where you are, remember God! Contracted ée-. See: néma'e-.

-éveaná   vai. rummage around for food. Lit: about-hungry for example, of a dog. É-évéána. He is rummaging around here and there for food. fai: -aná. Category: eat.

-évehá   vii. lie around. É-évéha. It is lying here and there. É-évėhánėstse. They (inan.) are lying around. See: -tsėho'ehá. Category: lie.

-évėhahtsé   vti. place s.t. here and there. É-évėháhtse. He put it here and there. Nėstsevé'-évėhahtsénóvo me'ko! Don't leave hair here and there! Category: move.

-évėhané   fai. drum. Épėhév-évėháne. He drummed well. Éhávėsév-évėháne. He drummed in an evil way. Éhoó'h-évėháne. He is overheard making hitting noises. Émátȧhév-évėháne. He is peyote-drumming. Étȧhpe'-évėháne. He drummed loudly. Étšėške'-évėháne. He drummed softly.

-évėhasené   vai. scatter things. É-évėhasēne. He scattered things / made a mess. fai: -ehasené.

-évehné   vai. walk about, roam. É-évéhne. He walked about. [1987:175] Etym: *ki·hθe·wa (P). fai: -ehné. Category: walk.

-éve'há   vai. fly about, fly around. É-évé'ha. He flew about. Netse Ȯhts-évé'hȧhtse Eagle Flies About. fai: -e'há. See: -ame'há. Category: birds, fly.

-éve'haná   vai. eat about, eat walking around. É-éve'hāna. He ate walking around. Cheyennes consider it improper to eat walking around. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.

Éve'hanáhé'e   na. Eats About Woman. Category: names.

Éve'háooestse   na. Flies About. Category: names.

-éve'háoohe   vai. fly about. É-éve'háoohe. He flew about. Category: fly.

Éve'háoohe   na. Flies About. Category: names.

Éve'háoohé'e   na. Flies About Woman. Category: names.

-éve'sevó   vii. flow about. É-éve'sēvo. Water is flowing all over. fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.

-éve'tomo'he   vai. forage, go around for a food handout. É-éve'tomo'he. He is going around asking for food. See: -véestomo'he. Category: food, eat.

-éveméohe   vai. run about. É-éveméohe. He ran about. fai: -méohe. See: -ameméohe. Category: run.

Éveméóná'e   na. Making Trails Woman. Category: names.

-évenéeotse   vai. stand around. É-évenéeotse. He stood around. See: -événéohtsé; -néeotse; -éveneotse. Category: stand.

-éveneoešešé   vai. dizzy from fall. É-éveneoešēše. He is dizzy from a fall. Category: fall.

-événéohtsé   vai. dizzy. É-événéóhtse. He is dizzy. See: -éveneotse; -évenéeotse. Category: sickness.

-éveneotse   vai. become dizzy. É-éveneotse. He got dizzy. See: -évenéeotse. Category: sickness, body function.

-évenohe   vai. search, audit, dig around. É-évenohe. He searched. Náéve-évenohe. I'm just digging around. for example, digging around in the shed. See: -éveno'tsé.

-évenȯhéoohe   vai. search quickly. É-évenȯhéoohe. He searched quickly. Nátaévetóxe-évenȯhéoohe. I searched around quickly. [Fishing.019] Category: fish.

évenȯhéve'ho'e   na. detective, FBI agent, auditor. Lit: searching-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.

-éveno'h   vta. search s.o. É-éveno'hóho. He searched him. for example, he searched in his pockets. Category: interpersonal.

-éveno'há   vti. search s.t. É-évenō'ha. He searched it.

éveno'hévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. search warrant. Category: legal.

-éveno'sané   vai. search, have a search warrant. É-éveno'sāne. He has a search warrant. See: -éveno'tsé.

-éveno'tsé   vai. 1 • graze. É-évenō'tse. He is grazing. É-éveno'tseo'o mo'éhe. Elk are grazing. Category: horses.

2 • search. especially of how an FBI agent searches. See: -évenohe.

-éveno'xe   vai. carry around. É-éveno'xe. He is carrying around (something). fai: -o'xe. See: -éveno'tsé. Category: carry.

-évenome   vai. nap (pd) ?? É-évenome. He took a nap. ?? [pd735] Etym: *ki·wenkwa·mwa (P). fai: -énome. Category: sleep, check.

-éveohtsé   vai. wander. É-éveōhtse. He is wandering around. Noncontract: éeohtsé. See: -éeotse; -tóxeohtsé. Category: motion.

-éveohtsé'tá   vti. travel s.t. Násáa'éeháomóhtȧhéhe nȧháóhe tséstaéveohtsé'tómo ho'e há'tóhe hoóma hoháa'ėše. I never was sick over there when I was traveling that land that (was) across (the ocean) far away. Category: motion.

-évesé   mbp. horn(s), antler. Ka'-évėséhe Stump Horn. No'k-évėséhe One Horn. Épėhév-évése. He has nice horns. Éka'-évése. He has short horns. Étšėhe'kės-évése. He has small horns. Énóhon-évése. He has five point antlers. See: vevėstse antler, horn; -ovésé hair. Category: animals.

-évešé   vai. lie (there), lie dead. É-évéše. He is lying there. for example, of an animal or person lying dead somewhere. Category: lie, death, check.

-évėšem   vta. lay out s.o., lay down s.o. É-évėšemóho. He is laying him out. Éohke-évėšemovo nā'ėstse naa neše éohketáxėšemovo. They put one (lodge pole) down and they put two on top. [1987:222] See: -énan; -šéešem. Category: put.

-évetan   vti. do s.t. here and there like this?? É-évetāna. He is doing it here and there like this.?? [pd398] Category: check. See: éve-. Category: do.

-évetanónaa'e   vai. meditate sitting. É-évetanónaa'e. He is meditating. [pd700] Synonym -oo'hetanónaa'e. Usage: not widely known Category: cognition, sit.

éveto   p. around. netao'o éveto all over. Usage: This word combination may have some vulgar connotations, perhaps with a connection to véveto 'horns' See: évaveto.

-évó   sfx. third person plural subject with inanimate object. tséhvóohtom-évȯse when they saw it. Vé'hoohtom-évoha! Let them look at it! tséhešėsáapėhévátsėstom-éhévȯse since they do not like it. Category: grammar.

-evó   sfx. suffix for nouns with second and third person plural possessors. nėstotséh-évo your (pl) pet. hemȧheón-évo their house. hesémon-evótse their boats. See: -ane; -ané. Category: grammar.

-evó   sfx. third person plural possessor suffix. hemȧheón-évo their house. hevóohestov-evóho their relative(s). hetáhoestov-evóho their mount(s). Category: grammar.

-évoa'xe   vai. look around nervously, look rolling eyes around. Horses do this, as well as people. É-évoa'xe. He is rolling his eyes looking around. See: -évo'a'xe squirm; -évo'ó'a'xe. Category: horses.

-évoamé   vai. groan. É-évóáme. He groaned. Variant: -évovamé. É-évoameo'o. They groaned. See: Náhkȯheósóáme; -évo'ame; -hoó'hoamé. Category: sounds.

-évoamešé   vai. lie groaning. for example, from being sick. Phon: recheck gloss?? É-évoamēše. He is tossing and turning, groaning. ?? Category: check, lie.

-évoamévenome   vai. groan during sleep. É-évoamévenome. He groaned during sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sounds.

-évóe'ó   vii. float around.

vai. float around. É-évóé'o. He (or It) is floating around. Final -óe'ó. Category: float.

-évoenóohe   vai. look around. É-évoenóohe. He is looking around. Category: sight.

-évoeóó'e   vai. stand looking around. É-évoeóó'e. He is standing looking around. Etym: *ki·wa·pika·po·wa. É-évoeóeo'o. They stood looking about. Ná-évoeóó'e. I am standing looking around. Etym: *neki·wa·pika·pi I stand looking about. fai: -óé. See: -tȯhtáa'évoeóó'e. Category: stand, sight.

-évoésé   vai. hang about, be around, hang here and there. É-évoése. He hangs about. É-évoése séo'ȯtse. The departed spirit is hanging around. É-évoéséne. They hung about. Totáhóésta éheše-évoése. He is reaching here and there for help. fai: -oésé. Category: hang.

-évoéstá   vii. hang here and there. É-évoésta. It hangs here and there. Category: hang.

-évóešé   vai. lie looking around. É-évóéše. He is lying looking around. Category: lie.

évȯhéó'o   ni. wood chip. Plural évȯheonȯtse. The plural also refers to kindling. See: é'ȯhéó'o. Category: wood.

-évo(hk)   m. meat, flesh. ho'-évohkȯtse meat. Lit: raw-meat?? See: honóvóhko drymeat. Etym: *ye·wak (P). Category: meat.

-évȯhomo'he   vai. dance around. É-évȯhomo'he. He danced around. fai: -ohomo'he. Category: dance.

-évȯhomó'heohtsé   vai. dance around. É-évȯhomó'heōhtse. He was dancing around. É-évȯhomó'heohtsesėstse. He was dancing around. [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle #2.012] Category: dance.

-évȯhóné   vai. sign. É-évȯhóne. He is signing. É-évȯhóneo'o. They are signing. néhe vé'ho'e tséohke-évȯhónėstse that whiteman who made signs. [1987:51] Éméhóhta évȯhónėstóva. He loves to sign. fai: -ohóné; vta: -évȯhóov. Category: sign.

évȯhóne-   pv. signing. É-évȯhóneovéstomósáne. He is teaching through sign language. Category: sign.

-évȯhónee'e   vai. sign sitting. É-évȯhónee'e. He is signing while sitting. Category: sit, sign.

évȯhónestȯtse   ni. sign language. fai: -ohóné. See: -naesétse; éestsévȯhónestȯtse.

-évȯhoo'e   vai. wade about, swim about. É-évȯhoo'e. He is wading/swimming about. fai: -ohoo'e. Phon: vs Category: swim.

-évȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. É-évȯhóovóho. He signed to him. Ná'év-ȯhóóvo. I signed to him. [1987:179] Móhne'ée'-évȯhóovaehevovóhe. He (obv) made signs to them. [1987:51] vai: -évȯhóne; fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-évȯhta'hané   vai. tell story here and there. É-évȯhta'hāne. He told a story here and there. tséohtše-évȯhta'hanéstove how it was talked about here and there. Category: speak.

-évȯhtovóo'ó   vai. look around. É-évȯhtovóó'o. He is looking around. [Croft] fai: -óo'ó. Category: sight.

-evo'   m. knock ??, thump ??, hit ?? Ques: segmental analysis?? Éanov-o'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Náé'-evo'ėhāhtse na'ahtse. I fell and broke my arm. éé'-evo'ē'a. He broke it. Éan-evo'emȧsóho. He shot him down. (for example, shot a vá'kȯhéáso out of a bush, or while it is flying). éan-evo'kōha. He knocked it down by tool. (for example, knocked it off a table). éan-evo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. émȧheés-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked them all in by tool. (especially grand slammed all the ball players in). éas-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him away. éáv-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. (knocked over for example, from a standing position). Category: check.

-evo'   m. knock ??, thump ??, hit ?? Ques: segmental analysis?? Éanov-o'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Náé'-evo'ėhāhtse na'ahtse. I fell and broke my arm. Éé'-evo'ē'a. He broke it. Éan-evo'emȧsóho. He shot him down. (for example, shot a vá'kȯhéáso out of a bush, or while it is flying). Éan-evo'kōha. He knocked it down by tool. (for example, knocked it off a table). Éan-evo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. Émȧheés-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked them all in by tool. (especially grand slammed all the ball players in). Éas-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him away. Éáv-evo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. (knocked over for example, from a standing position). See: -o'.

-évo'ȧhéotse   vai. run around. This does not have the meaning of running in circles but of running about, here and there. É-évo'ȧhéotse. He is running around. Kokȯhéaxáne éohkema'xe-évo'ȧhéotseo'o. The chickens are running around (for example, after their heads have been chopped off). Category: run.

-évo'a'xe   vai. squirm, toss and turn while trying to sleep. É-évo'a'xe. He is tossing and turning while trying to sleep. See: -évoa'xe; -évo'ó'a'xe. Category: sleep.

-évo'amé   vai. shoot in different directions. É-évo'āme. He shot in different directions. See: -ho'amé; -évóáme. Category: vulgar.

-évo'eméohe   vai. wiggle, toss and turn in bed. É-évo'eméohe. He is tossing and turning in bed. for example, while having trouble sleeping; can be of a child or a horse. fai: -méohe.

-évó'ená   vai. roll (on the ground). horses do this also; also said of holy-roller Pentecostals. É-évó'éna. He rolled. Medial ó'e1. See: Hotóá'ȯhtsévó'énȧhtse Rolling Bull. Category: horses.

évo'enáhe   na. holy roller. Lit: about-roll-AGT Plural évo'enáheo'o. Category: church.

-évo'enáoohe   vai. roll over. especially of a horse. É-évo'enáoohe. He rolled over. [1987:245] Category: motion.

évo'enáotse   vai. roll over. É-évo'enáotse. He rolled over. Móxhóseévo'enáotsėhéhe. She rolled over again.

-évo'énome   vai. sleep squirming. É-évo'énome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, motion.

-évo'eóó'e   vai. stand wiggling, wiggle standing. É-évo'eóó'e. He is standing wiggling. fai: -óé2. See: -évo'kó'eóó'e. Category: stand.

-évo'ešé   vai. lie rolling about. É-évo'ēše. He is lying there rolling about. Category: lie, roll.

-évo'evonehné   vai. squirm. É-évo'evonēhne. He is squirming. See: -évo'evoneohtsé.

-évo'evoneohtsé   vai. squirm. É-évo'evoneōhtse. He is squirming. See: -évo'evonehné.

-évo'kó'eóó'e   vai. stand moving around. É-évo'kó'eóó'e. He is standing moving around. That is, he isn't standing still. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: -évo'eóó'e. Category: stand.

-évo'kó'oné'eóó'e   vai. stand moving feet around. É-évo'kó'oné'eóó'e. (o'né'e??) He is standing moving his feet around. for example, fidgeting rocking on heels and moving feet around. fai: -o'né'e step. Ques: o'n[e'e?? Category: stand, check.

-évo'kó'oo'e   vai. sit fidgeting. É-évo'kó'oo'e. He is sitting fidgeting. Category: sit.

-évo'koná'ó   vai. bones piled up. for example, someone's bones piled on a funeral bier. É-évo'koná'o. His bones are piled up on a bier. See: -hotóa'koná'ó; -néveóhtáóó'e. Category: death.

-évo'ó'a'xe   vai. restless in bed, unable to lie still in bed. É-évo'ó'a'xe. He is restless in bed. See: -évoa'xe. Category: lie.

-évo'sóeh   vta. play with s.o. É-évo'sóehóho. He is playing with him. Nétȧhé-evo'sóehone hóhtséme! Let's go play ball! (a loan translation). See: -vésto'sóem.

-évo'sóeohe   vai. play quickly. Náohkevá'neévėhé-evo'sóeohe. I'm just going to play for a little while. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.077]

évo'sóesēō'o   ni. toy. Lit: play(-thing) Plural évo'sóeseonȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Category: play.

-évo'sóestsé   vti. play with s.t. É-évo'sóéstse. He played with it. É-évo'sóéstse hevoxȯtse. He is playing with his life (lit. his body). É-évo'sóéstse némenestȯtse. He played the piano. (usage here probably a loan transl.) Náohkeame-évo'sóestsénonėstse tsėhésenootȯtse. We play Cheyenne song (tapes).

-évo'sóetanó   vai. want to play. É-évo'sóétáno. He wants to play. Éssáa'éva-évo'sóetanóhe. He did not want to play. [The Snakebite.060]

-évo'soo'e   vai. play. Phon: vs É-évo'soo'e. He is playing. É-évo'sóeo'o. They are playing. Néto'se-évo'sóémáne. We are going to play. Nétȧhé-evo'sóémáne! Let's go play! Nétȧhóehé-evo'sóémáne! Let's go out and play! tsé'ȯhke-évo'sóévȯse ka'ėškóneho gym (lit. where children regularly play). Tȧhé-evo'soo'e! Go play! (said to more than one person). Éto'se-évo'sóeo'o hóhtseme. ?? They are going to play ball. Ééšėhóseévo'sóeo'o. They have played again. éseváohehóhtseme tsé'-évo'soévȯse when they played basketball. fta: -o'sóe. Category: play, check.

-évo'tavotá   vii. 1 • smoke blow back. É-évo'tavōta. The wind blew the smoke back in.

2 • backfire. É-évo'tavōta. It backfired. Category: smoke.

-evo'tó'kahe   vai. fidgety. É-evo'tó'kahe. He is fidgety. év?? See: -sáahešėtanetáhe.

-évomóhtahe   vai. restless, feel like being on the go. É-évomóhtahe. He has the urge to be 'on the go'. See: -éohtsé. Category: motion.

-évone   fii. sound. Épėhév-evone. It sounds good. Épėhéveam-évone. It is running (or idling) well (for example, car engine's sound). Éam-évone. The sound went by/along. Éne'am-évone. A sound is approaching. Éma'xepón-evone. It was a big exploding sound. Één-evone. The sound stopped. Éém-evone. It (sound) is barely heard. Éaxȧx-évone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound. Émomo'-évone. There is a noise/there is a commotion. Ékó'ko-évone. It has a ticking sound. ?? É-hoó'h-evone. It is heard making a sound. See: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-évoneahonóhta   vai. roast hanging s.t. over a fire. É-évoneahonóhta. He roasted it hanging it over the fire. Category: meat.

-évonea'xe   vai. pierced in Sun Dance while dancing hanging from pole. É-évonea'xe. He is piercing in the Sun Dance while dancing. See: -évoneehné. Category: Sun Dance.

-évoneehné   vai. pierce. especially of piercing one's chest for the Sun Dance while walking back and forth swinging from the pole. É-évónééhne. He pierced. É-évoneehneo'o. They pierced. See: -évotah(n); -évonea'xe. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance.

évoneehnėhétane   na. piercing man. A man who pierces himself for the Sun Dance. Plural évoneehnėhétaneo'o. Category: Sun Dance.

évoneehnestȯtse   ni. chest skin piercing. especially for the Sun Dance. Category: ceremonial.

-évonoo'e   vai. scan sitting, look about sitting. Náéve-évonoo'e. I have been looking around. É-évonoo'e. He scanned sitting. Medial -ón2. Morph: /-évonoe/. See: -amónoo'e sit. Phon: vs Category: sit, sight.

-évonóvá   vai. hang drymeat everywhere. É-évonóva. She hangs her drymeat everywhere. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat.

-évóo'ó   vai. look around. É-évóó'ó. He is looking around. See: -tsėhetóo'ó. Category: sight.

-évoomoehá   vii. pool around; puddle around; ponds around - be. É-évoomoēha. There are pools of water here and there. tsé'éstsenėhe'éše'e tséstšėšeéve-évoomoehatse mahpe in the swamp where there were small pools of water. [The Frog That Waved for Help.016] See: -a'kóomo. Category: liquid.

-évoováohtsé   vii. liquid flood here and there. É-évoováóhtse. Water is flooding here and there. Category: liquid.

-evotas   vta. cut off skin of s.o. Ques: reck ?? É-evotaxe. His skin was cut off. Category: cut, body, check.

-évotó'keóó'e   vai. stand unstable. É-évotó'keóó'e. He was standing and kept moving like he was about to fall down. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-évotseehe   vai. forage, search for food. É-évotseehe. He is searching for food. See: -évotsėhetȧhéóhtse. Category: food.

-évotsehe   vai. smoke designs. That is, to look up in the air while smoking making designs with your smoke. In other words, making the smoke go here and there. É-évotsehe. He is smoking making designs. É-évotsėheo'o. They are smoking making designs. fai: -otsehe. See: -háotsehe. Category: smoke.

-évotsėhetȧhéohtsé   vai. forage, go about searching for food, rustle for food. people, cats, and other animals do this. É-évotsėhetȧhéóhtse. He went looking for food. See: -évotseehe; Otséóhtsé'e. Category: cats, food.

-évotse'ohe   vai. work about. É-évotse'ohe. He does any kind of job he can get. fai: -otse'ohe. See: -hotse'óhéohtsé. Category: work.

Évotséta   na. In-Search-of-Food, Rustle. This word refers to rustling around in search of food. Ques: Winfield Woundedeye Said to be the Cheyenne word from which the current family name Russell came. Category: names.

-évovamé   vai. groan. É-évóváme. He groaned. Variant: -évoamé. See: -hoó'hoamé. Category: sounds.

-évovónováohtsé   vai. wander talking. É-évovónóváóhtse. He is wandering around while talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.

-éxȧhá'ené   vai. finish cooking. refers to a cook completing a cooking job. É-éxȧhá'éne. She finished cooking. [GHOST.TXT] Etym: ki·šese·xkwe·wa (P). Náéše-éxȧhá'éne. I'm done cooking. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -homosé; -éxȧho'he. Category: cook.

-éxȧhá'enéoohe   vai. finish cooking right away. Námėsáatónėše-éxȧhá'enéoohéhe. I would not be able to finish cooking right away. Category: cook.

-éxahe   vai. mature, ready. É-éxahe. He is mature. Etym: *ki·šesiwa. Ééše-éxahe. He is already mature. Category: personality.

éxahe   na. your grandchild, your child-in-law. Usage: This is the older way of pronouncing this word. The newer way is nevéxahe. (another recording) éxaho your grandchildren. (another recording) your grandchildren. Stem -véxahe. See: néxahe my grandchild, my hild-in-law; -véxahe grandchild, child-in-law. Category: relatives.

-éxȧho'há   vti. finish cooking s.t. É-éxȧhó'ha. He finished cooking it. Etym: *ki·šehθaɁsamwa. Mȧhe-éxȧhó'hȯhtse! Cook it all! Násáapėhéve-éxȧho'hóhe. I didn't finish cooking it good. Category: cook.

-éxȧho'he   vai. cooked done, sunburned. É-éxȧho'he. He (for example, duck) is done cooking/he got sunburned. Etym: *ki·šehθaʔsowa (P). fai: -aho'he; vta: -éxȧho'h(n). Lit: done-by.heat Category: sickness.

-éxȧho'h(n)   vta. cook s.o. done, ripen s.o. É-éxȧho'nóho. He finished cooking him. Náéše-éxȧhō'no šé'še. I have cooked the duck until it's done. vai: -éxȧho'he; vii: -éxȧho'tá. Category: cook.

éxȧho'hóváhe   na. cicada. Lit: ripener this name that they are called refers to their role (cross-pollinating) in helping plants mature. Plural éxȧho'hóvȧheo'o; Obviative éxȧho'hóvȧheho. Category: bugs.

-éxȧho'tá   vii. cooked, ripe. É-éxȧhó'ta. It is ripe (by sun or heat)/it is cooked (done). Etym: *ki·šehθaʔte·wa (P). É-éxȧho'tánėstse. They (for example, berries) are ripe. [1987:288] Category: berries. vai: -éxȧho'h(n). See: -éxa'ó.

-éxȧhoohe   vai. finish roasting. É-éxȧhoohe. He finished roasting. Móhmá'se-éxȧhoohehevóhe. They got through roasting (the meat). [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).079] Ques: recheck hó pitch on recording and rerecord See: -hoohe. Category: cook, check, record.

-éxa'é'ov   vta. convince s.o., manipulate s.o. É-éxa'é'ovóho. He convinced him. Náéšėhó'keéva-éxa'é'ova heávohe. The Devil controlled me. Reduplicated -oóxa'e'ov. See: -éxa'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éstavan; -éstova'ó'h; -oóxa'e'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.

-éxa'eov   vta. cook for s.o. Ques: éxȧha'e?? É'éxa'eóevósesto héhevóho. Their father cooked for them. [The Afterbirth Child.051] See: -homȯhtov. Category: cook, check.

-éxá'o   vii. be ripe. É-éxá'o. He/It is ripe.

vai. É-éxa'oo'o. They (an.) are ripe.

-éxa'o'e   vii. ready, fixed up, prepared. É-éxa'o'e. It is ready. [1987:297] Ques: recheck pitches?? Netao'o móstamȧhe-éxa'o'éhanéhe. It was all fixed up. [1987:297]

-éxa'ó'sané   vai. hurriedly get ready, ready - hurriedly get, prepare quickly. É-éxa'ó'sáne. He is getting ready. Móhnésta-éxa'ó'sanėhevóhe. They hurriedly got ready. [1987:41] See: éxan.

-éxa'ó'tsé   vti. prepare s.t. quickly. É-éxa'ó'tse. He got it ready quickly. See: -éxan.

-éxa'omo'he   vai. convince, persuade, get one's way, win. É-éxa'omo'he. He persuaded. [1987:183] Móstaéxa'omó'hehéhe. He persuaded and won. Category: influence.

-éxa'ov   vta. persuade s.o., convince s.o., overcome s.o. É-éxa'ovóho. He persuaded him. Násáa'-éxa'óvȧhtséhe. "I can't make up my mind." Náohke-éxa'óénóne pó'ėho'hémahpe. We already are tight from the beer. [Croft 15:] See: -éxa'é'ov. Category: influence.

-éxan   vti. prepare s.t., ready s.t. É-éxána. He prepared it. Etym: *ki·šenamwa.

vta. prepare s.o., ready s.o. É-éxanóho. He prepared him. Etym: *ki·šene·wa. See: -éxanónaov; -éxa'ó'tsé.

-éxanené   vai. ready, prepared. É-éxanēne. He is ready. Ques: check that gloss?? Ééše-éxanēne. He is ready. Éxanēnėstse! Get ready! (another recording) Éxanēne! Get ready! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Ééše-éxaneneo'o. They are ready. Né-éxanenehe? Did you get ready? fai: -anené; Reduplicated -óexanené. See: -éxa'ó'sané.

-éxanené'tá   vti. prepare s.t., ready s.t. Móhnėheše-éxanené'tȯhenovóhe. That's how they readied it. [Cheyenne Tribal History.165]

-éxanóhtá   vti. prepare. É-éxanóhta. He prepared it. Námóneéxanóhta tsé'kȧhonoo'o," éxhetaehoono. I just finished preparing pounded meat," she told him. [The Seven Young Men.074]

-éxanomev   vta. prepare something for s.o., ready something for s.o. É-éxanomevóho. He prepared it for him. See: -éxanomótah. Category: interpersonal.

-éxanomóhtá   vti. be prepared for s.t. É-éxanomóhta. He is prepared for it. Tsévéhonátamáno'e héstanova nétapȧháve-éxanomóhtanone! Let's be well-prepared for Heaven! [Hymn 91]

-éxanomótah   vta. prepare something for s.o. É-éxanomótȧhóho. He prepared it for him. See: -éxanom; -éxanomev. Category: interpersonal.

-éxanomotaxe   vai. prepare. Category: check, record.

-éxanónaov   vta. ready s.o., prepare s.o. É-éxanónaovóho. He readied him. See: -éxan.

-éxatam   vta. regard s.o. as ready. É-éxatamóho. He regarded him as ready. Etym: *ki·še·leme·wa (P). É-éxatamahtse. He regards himself ready. oha néhe tsé-éxatamȧhtsese only those who felt ready for anything. [1987:58] Mó'-éxatamȧhtsėhéhe. He was confident. [Stamper 1991:8] Final -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-éxoeno'é   vai. peel, husk. É-éxoenō'e. He is husking (corn). Category: food.

-éxoh(n)   vta. impregnate s.o. É-éxȯhnóho. He got her pregnant. See: -hóse'etaov. Category: sex.

-éxó'ané   vai. say completely. É-éxó'áne. He said (something) completely. Ésáatónėše-éxo'anéhe. He can't complete his words (or sentences) (for example, after a stroke). fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.

-éxo'asé   vii. burn. É-éxo'āse. It is on fire/the fire is burning. Éma'xe-éxo'āse. A big fire is burning. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsé'o'h   vta. set s.o. on fire. É-éxo'ȧsé'o'hóho. He set him on fire. Nėhē'še é'-éxo'ȧsé'o'hóvȯhoono. Then they set fire to him. [The Big Bogeyman.145] vti: -éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé. See: -tsé'ėšem. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé   vti. set s.t. on fire. É-éxo'ȧsé'ó'tse. He set it on fire. vta: -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. See: -éxo'ȧsén. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsén   vti. burn, burn s.t., ignite s.t.; set s.t. on fire. É-éxo'ȧséna. He set it on fire. Ná-éxo'ȧséna. I set it on fire. [Croft] Éxo'ȧsénȯhtse! Burn it!

vta. burn s.o., ignite s.o.; set s.o. on fire. É-éxo'ȧseno. He set him on fire. É-éxo'ȧsénóho. He set him on fire. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éxo'ȧséno. I set him on fire. Éxo'ȧséneha! Burn him! Éxo'ȧséneha šéštotó'e! Burn cedar! É-éxo'ȧsene šéštotó'e. Cedar is burning. vti: -éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé. See: -tsé'ėšem light s.o.. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsénahné   vai. make a fire. É-éxo'ȧsénáhne. He is making a fire. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -vó'ho'kȧsénahné. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧséotse   vii. 1 • flame, burn. É-éxo'ȧséotse. It flamed. Éohke-éxo'ȧséotse. It would flame.

vai. become angry. Étaomėhótse-éxo'ȧséotse. He is terribly angry. Lit: he almost caught on fire ?? Category: check. for example, he may be red in the face, furious, hopping up and down with anger. Category: figurative.

-éxo'eéstómané   vai. spiteful. É-éxo'eéstómáne. He is spiteful. See: -hotómo'eéstómané.

-éxo'eétahe   vai. accomplish. É-éxo'eétahe. He accomplished the task. Násáataometónėše-éxo'eétȧhéhe. I can't accomplish it on my own. tsé'ȯhke-éxo'eétȧhénove Can Do Head Start Center (lit. where it is regularly accomplished; a new word). See: vá'ȯhto'eétahe; -ma'heóno'eétahe; -ovávo'eétahe; -éšestsé. Category: do.

-éxo'ema'ov   vta. plan for s.o., make plans for s.o. É-éxo'ema'ovóho. He made plans for him. Naa mó'éšeéxo'emaehevóhe heho. And his father must have already made plans for him. [My Father's Schooling.036] See: -ho'emaov. Category: interpersonal.

-éxo'emané   vai. make plans. É-éxo'emāne. He made plans. [1987:342] See: -ho'emané.

-éxo'ená   vii. ready, filled, prepared. for example, of a suitcase that is packed, filled, prepared. É-éxo'ēna. It is packed. fii: -o'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená. Category: containers.

-éxo'enohtsé   vti. pack s.t., fill s.t., load s.t. for example, to load a suitcase or a sack. É-éxo'enōhtse. He packed it. Category: containers, load.

-éxo'o'é   vii. bloom. Ééše-éxo'ō'e. It is fully bloomed. Category: plants.

-éxo'ovo'e'tá   vti. feather s.t. Ques: ?? Ná-éxo'ovo'ē'ta namaahe. I feathered my arrow. [PD471] Category: check.

-éxo'tá   vii. already sit. É-éxó'ta. It is already sitting there. Náhtáme ééšeáahtsé'eéxó'ta. My food was already sitting out. [Frances' story.001]

-éxóne'ó   vii. grown, sprouted. Lit: finish-grow É-éxóné'o. It is grown. Final -óne'ó. See: -hóne'ó grow. Category: plants.

-éxone'ó'sestsé   vti. cause s.t. to grow. Ma'heóne-mȧhta'sóoma éohke-éxone'ó'séstse méhosanestȯtse. The Holy Spirit causes love to grow. [Gal. 5:22] See: -hóne'ó.

-éxoneoo'e   vai. sit in a row. É-éxoneoeo'o. They completed sitting in a row. tséstaéše-éxoneoévȯse after they sat down in a row. Phon: vs See: -hoo'e. Category: sit.

éxov-   i. warm. Éstse'he é-éxovahe. The coat is warm. É-éxovóome. It is warm water. É-éxovā'ha. A warm wind is blowing. Category: temperature.

-éxovahe   vai. be warm. Éstse'he é-éxovahe. The coat is warm. Etym: *ki·šo·siwa. Category: temperature.

-éxovȧho'he   vai. warm up. É-éxovȧho'he. He is warmed (himself). Category: temperature.

-éxovȧho'hee'e   vai. sit warming. É-éxovȧho'hee'e. He sat getting warm. Phon: vs See: -éxovoo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-éxovȧho'héóó'e   vai. stand warming. É-éxovȧho'héóó'e. He is standing getting warm. Phon: vs See: -éxovoo'e. Category: temperature, stand.

-éxovȧho'tá   vii. be warm. É-éxovȧhō'ta. It (for example, a house) is warm. See: -éxovó warm (of weather). Category: temperature.

-éxova'ȧsén   vti. warm s.t. up. Éxova'ȧsénȯhtse! Warm it up! (for instance, about getting the house warm). See: -éxovan. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxova'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxova'ȧsénáhne. He keeps the house warm. Variant: -éxovo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxova'há   vai. warm wind - be a. É-éxovā'ha. A warm wind is blowing. Initial éxov-; Final -a'há. Category: weather, wind.

-éxovan   vti. warm s.t. É-éxovāna. He warmed it. Etym: **ki·šo·wenamwa (P).

vta. warm s.o. É-éxovanóho. He warmed him. Etym: **ki·šo·wene·wa (P). See: -e'xovan peel s.o.. Category: temperature.

-éxovee'sėsané   vai. dress warmly, warmly dress. É-éxovee'sėsāne. He is dressed warmly. Ques: check recording?? Éxovee'sėsānėstse! Dress warmly! See: -e'sėsané; -tónovee'sėsané. Category: dress, check.

éxoveéstse'he   na. warm coat, warm shirt. Category: temperature, clothing.

-éxoveéstse'hená   vai. wear a warm coat, wear a warm shirt. É-éxoveéstse'hēna. He has on a warm coat. See: -éxovoestá. Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxovėhahtáho'he   vai. warm feet. É-éxovėhahtáho'he He warmed his feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature.

-éxovėhahtáné   vai. have warm feet. É-éxovėhahtáne. He has warm feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.

-éxovėhe'onáho'he   vai. have warm hands. É-éxovėhe'onáho'he. He has warm hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: temperature.

-éxovėhe'ona'xe   vai. warm hands. É-éxovėhe'ona'xe. He is warming his hands. for example, by rubbing them together. Né-éxovėhe'ona'xe. You're warming your hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-éxove'ėstaa'e   vai. warm ears. É-éxove'ėstaa'e. His ears are warm. Návóhkėha'e nééxove'ėstaa'e. My cap keeps my ears warm. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: ears.

-éxovénome   vai. sleep warm. É-éxovénome. He is sleeping warmly. Etym: *ki·šo·nkwa·mwa. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.

-éxovenóohe   vai. look warm. É-éxovenóohe. He looks warm. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.

-éxovenotová   vai. warm neck - have a. É-éxovenotōva. He has a warm neck. Éxovenotováhéne! Keep your (plural) necks warm! (for example, with a muffler). BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: temperature.

-éxovenotováahe   vai. warm neck - have a. Lit: warm-neck?? Category: check. Éxovenotováahe! Keep your (plural) necks warm! for example, with a muffler. Category: temperature.

éxovenotováahestȯtse   na. muffler, neck scarf. Lit: warm-neck-thing Ques: Check word with speakers?? Category: check. This is not a muffler for a car. See: émooseamévȧho'hóvȧhtóva muffler (for a vehicle). Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxoveohtsé   vii. warm.PROC. É-éxoveōhtse. It is becoming warm. Tsease-éxoveōhtse. (The weather) will start to become. Category: weather.

-éxoveóó'e   vai. stand warming up. É-éxoveóó'e. He is standing warming up. Etym: *ki·šowika·po·wa (P). fai: óé2. Category: stand, temperature, record.

-éxoveotse   vii. warm up, become warm. É-éxoveotse. It has warmed up. kómááhe ééšeévȧho'e-éxoveotse so that warm weather has returned ?? See: -éxovó warm - be. Category: weather, temperature, check.

-éxovėsan   vta. dress s.o. warmly; warmly dress s.o. É-éxovėsanóho. He dressed him warmly. Category: dress.

-éxovėsané   vai. dressed warmly. É-éxovėsāne. He is dressed warmly. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, record.

-éxovešé   vai. lie warm. for example, lie in a warm bed. É-éxovēše. He is lying warm. Etym: *ki·šowihšinwa (P). Category: temperature, lie.

-éxovó   vii. warm - be. This is warm of the weather, not of an object which is -éxovȧho'tá. É-éxóvo. It (for example, the weather) is warm. (another recording) Etym: *ki·šowe·wi (P). Ésáa'-éxovóhane. It is not warm. See: -éxoveotse warm up; -nėšėho'tá; -háoho'tá; -éxovȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.

-éxovoestá   vai. wear a warm dress. É-éxovoēsta. She is wearing a warm dress. See: hoestȯtse dress; -éxoveéstse'hená wear a warm coat. Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxovohá   vti. warm s.t. by tool. É-éxovōha. He warmed it by tool. Category: temperature.

-éxovóheehe   vai. warmly swaddled; swaddled warmly; wrapped warmly. É-éxovóheehe. He is swaddled warmly. See: -hóheehe. Category: temperature.

-éxovȯhéeóó'e   vai. stand warming, warm stand. É-éxovȯhéeóó'e. He is standing near the fire warming. Category: fire, stand, temperature.

-éxovo'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxovo'ȧsénáhne. He keeps (his house) warm. Variant: -éxova'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxovo'ėhaná   vai. wear warm shoes, wear overshoes. Lit: warm-shoed É-éxovo'ėhāna. He has got overshoes on. Category: shoes.

éxovo'keha   ni. overshoe, snow boot. Lit: warm-shoe Plural éxovo'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha shoe. Category: shoes.

-éxovoo'e   vai. sit warm. É-éxovoo'e. He is sitting warm. Etym: *ki·šowapiwa. Phon: vs fai: -oe. See: -hovȯhéoo'e. Category: temperature, sit.

-éxovóomȧho'há   vti. warm s.t. liquid. É-éxovóomȧhō'ha. He warmed up the liquid. Vá'ne-éxovóomȧho'hȯhtse! Just warm it up! See: -nėsóome'há heat s.t. liquid. Category: liquid, temperature.

-éxovóome   vii. warm water - be. É-éxovóome. It is warm water. Initial éxov-; Final -óome. Category: liquid.

-éxovotóhtá   vti. blow s.t. warm, warm s.t. by blowing. for example, blowing on ones own hands to make them warm. É-éxovotóhta. He is warming it by blowing on it. Category: temperature.