H - h
h-1 tns. past tense. Phon: allomorphs are x-; '-; s-; š- by assimilation or dissimilation? Etym: *ki·h (P). In independent verbs this refers to a "distant" past. The degree of distance in the past of h- varies according to context and the point of view of the speaker. Forms unmarked for tense are either present tense or recent past, for example, énéméne 'he is singing' or 'he sang' (recent past). The /h-/ changes to x, ', s, or š, depending on what letter follows: x before h, ' before a vowel, s before s and t, and š before š. In dependent (conjunct) verbs this marks location and cause, as well as past tense, so there it is labeled an oblique (OBL) "tense". É-hnéméne. He sang. (note Énéméne 'He is singing' or 'He sang (recent past)'). É-xhonótovȯsesto. They cooked him. (reportative mode). É-'éenéšeohtsésesto. There were two of them. (reportative mode). É-ssévanóhoono. They slid. (preterite mode). See: h-2 ‘tense, location, cause’; -htse1 ‘future’. Category: grammar.
h-2 tns. past tense, location, cause in conjunct verbs. The /h-/ changes to x, ', s, or š, depending on what letter follows: x before h, ' before a vowel, s before s, and š before š. It is possible that this is the same block (morpheme) as h- in independent verbs. tsé-hméhotaétse because he loved us. tsé-xho'sóévȯse when they danced/where they danced. See: h-1 ‘past tense’. Category: grammar.
-h sfx. TA final. Náná'-ho. I killed him. Námanē-ho. I made him.\np allomorphs are -š and -x: Néna'-xe. You killed me. Néá'e-še. Thank you (lit. you did me well). Category: grammar.
-há1 fii. lie. Etym: *-hθen (R). See: -ehá. Category: lie.
-há2 fii. tune. Énėhešē-ha. It is that kind of song tune. Ésáanėhešė-háhane. It is not sung that way/That is the wrong tune. Éséešē-ha. It has the same tune. Éséešė-hánėstse. They have the same tunes. Category: sing.
há-3 i. much. requires a following vowel, typically e, as in háe- ?? Category: check. É-háomóhtahe. He is sick. É-háéána. He is hungry.
-ha sfx. hortative suffix. Vé'hoohto-ha! Let him look at it. Vóvóxe háevenėhešenone-ha! Good for him and his songs! (a sarcastic exclamation). Ho'éetone-ha! Let it snow! Nėhesóne-ha! Let it be so! See: ta-; -es. Category: grammar.
haa p. now. Ques: recheck gloss?? now or no?? Haa, névé'eévėhémeotȧhtséme! Now, don't be fighting one another! [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).036] Haa, taasėstse. Now, go on. Category: check.
háa- pv. much. Phon: these sequences can sound like -háe... and vice versa See: háe-.
haáahe p. hello, yes. This is a greeting among male friends. It can also be used by males for the meaning 'yes'. Some Cheyenne men avoid saying héehe'e, considering it only a female word, while other men freely say héehe'e. (another voice) Feminine héehe. Etym: cf Sioux hau male greeting. See: nóoo; héehe'e.
-háaeéno'e vii. strong drink. for example, about whiskey. É-háaeéno'e. It is a strong drink. tsé-háaeéno'e whiskey. fii: -éno'e. See: vé'ho'emahpe. Category: drink.
-háaeho'tá vii. sun beating down. Ques: hot.from.sun ?? É-háaehō'ta. The sun is beating down. (another recording) This word is said when referring to a bright, sunny day; it appears that this word refers exclusively to heat generated by the sun, whereas -háoho'tá can also refer to heat from other sources. Ého-háaehō'ta. (contracted to Éoháaehō'ta) It is very very hot. É-háaehō'ta anóse naa oha hápó'e tsėhéóhe étonéto. It is sunny outside but likewise here it's cold. Mó-háaeho'táhanéhe. It must be sunny. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather, temperature, check.
-háaenove vai. tease, play tricks, hyper. É-háaenove. He teased/he is hyper. for example, of a hyper child, or a person who plays tricks on people; can even be of a person who has died who plays tricks on peoples. See: -ná'so'eémetahe; -hé'heetovánove; -háesenove; -hoó'haenove ‘overheard playing’.
-háaenóvem vta. tease s.o., play tricks on s.o. É-háaenóvemóho. He played tricks on him. See: -ná'so'eém; -véstaenóvem; -háo'eém. Category: interpersonal.
háaenóvetane na. jokester, clown. See: méstaevėsanehe; -hoo'háenove. Plural háaenóvetaneo'o; Obviative háaenóvetanóho.
-háaeome vai. very fat. É-háaeome. He is very fat. Synonym -he'keóme. Category: appearance.
háaha'e p. yes. This word is said by males. Females (and some men) say héehe'e. Contracted háa; Feminine héehe'e. See: haáahe.
-háahe vai. smart, brave. É-háahe. He is smart. Éohkė-háaheo'o tséhoestose. The readers are smart. See: -háatamaahe; -héne'enovahe; -oto'xovahe. Category: personality.
-háahétanó vai. be feisty, act tough, act mean, want to fight. See: -háahe. É-háahétáno. He acts tough. Ho'nótaeohtóva=tā'se='ée-háahétanóvȯhtse naa mátomóxho'nótaéve-ohtóvaehoháatamaahétanóvȯhtse. They did not keep acting mean and also they did not keep acting tough. [1987:54]
-háahetanó'tov vta. Gram: ai+o want to fight s.o., act tough toward s.o. Éohkė-háahetanó'tovóho. He acts tough toward him. Hee'haho évé'šė-háahetanónoto. He is acting tough because he knows his son will back him up. For example, maybe the son is a boxer and the father wants his son to fight someone; the father is picking the fight but wants to fight through his son. Nae'ha návé'šė-háahetanonȯtse. I want to start a fight with him thinking my son will defend me. for example, because my son is a boxer. Category: violence.
háahk- i. very small.
Háahke'éveho na. Littlechief. Phon: Háahke'éveho ?? Category: check. See: Véhóéso ‘Littlechief; King’. Category: names.
-háahketa vai. be very small, be little. "teensy-weensy"; smaller than -tšėšketa. É-háahketa. He is little. See: -tšėšketa; Veho Ȯxháahketȧhtse. Category: size.
háahketa p. small, little one(s). especially of small or younger people. Antonym móma'haeta. Category: size.
háahketa p. small, little one(s). especially of small or younger people. Antonym móma'haeta.
háahp- i. large.
háahpe'- pv. large, loudly, wide. Háahpe'-éestsėstoveha! Speak louder to him! Háahpe'-nėhešeha! Say it loudly! É-háahpe'e-ónėstáóhtse. It (especially the door) opened widely.
i. É-háahpe'onova. He spoke loudly! Háahpe'-oéstónėstse! Read louder! Category: speak, degree.
-háahpe'asé vai. have a big belly. É-háahpe'āse. He has a big belly. Ého-háahpe'āse He has a really big belly. [1980:67:7] BodyPartMedial -asé.
-háahpe'átamao'ó vai. laugh loudly. É-háahpe'átamaō'o. He laughed loudly. fai: -átamao'ó; Antonym -tšėške'átamao'ó. Category: laugh.
háahpe'e p. much, a lot. Háahpe'e náheše'hāna. I ate a lot (lit. a lot that is how I ate). See: tšéške'e; háesto. Category: quantity.
-háahpe'éenóohtsé vii. snow getting deep. É-háahpe'éenóóhtse. The snow is getting deep. See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: weather, snow.
-háahpe'éenoo'e vii. deep snow. É-háahpe'éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Etym: cf *ešpa·konakye·wi (P). É-háahpe'éenoo'ehe? Is the snow deep? Ésáa-háahpe'éenoo'éhane. The snow is not deep. See: -háahpe'éenóohtsé; -tȧhpe'éenoo'e; -vóhpeenoo'e. Antonym -tšėške'éenoo'e. Phon: not vs Category: weather, snow.
-háahpe'e'hahe vai. speak loudly; holler loudly. É-háahpe'e'hahe. He is hollering. Háahpe'e'hahe! Holler loudly! (said to more than one person). Medial -e'hahe. See: -háéstá. Category: speak.
-háahpe'e'sevó vii. flow a lot. É-háahpe'e'sēvo. It is flowing a lot. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid, record.
-háahpe'emenoo'e i. be large berry-shaped. É-háahpe'emenoo'e. It is large (berry-shaped).
pv. large. Phon: not vs Category: size.
-háahpe'ene'ho'tá vii. be a big room. É-háahpe'ene'hō'ta. It is a big room. fii: -ene'ho'tá; Antonym -tšėške'ene'ho'tá. Category: size, space, room.
-háahpe'enoné vai. sing loudly. É-háahpe'enōne. He sang loudly. See: -háénoné; -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.
-háahpe'eotse vii. very wide, enlarged. for example, of a river, or of someone's heart. É-háahpe'eotse. It is enlarged. Naa móstȧ-háahpe'eotséhanéhe ó'he'e. And the river was really wide. [1987:291] See: -tȧhpe'eotse. Category: size.
-háahpe'évanené vai. fart loudly, make loud noises. refers to farts by inference. É-háahpe'évánéne. He farted loudly. Synonym -tȧhpe'évanené; fai: -évanené. See: -pánestse; -háe'šeme; -tȧhpe'évanené; -pá'panestse. Category: sounds.
-háahpe'ó vii. huge. É-háahpē'o. It is huge. See: -tȧhpe'ó; -ma'hao'ó; -vonao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-háahpe'óma'o'e vii. large ground - be. É-háahpe'óma'o'e. It is a large area of land. fii: -óma'o'e.
-háahpe'omóhtahe vai. be proud. É-háahpe'omóhtahe. He thinks he (himself) is big/he is proud. See: -háatam; -pėhévátam. Category: personality.
-háahpe'ónová vai. talk loudly. É-háahpe'ónóva. He talked loudly. See: -tȧhpe'ónová. Category: speak.
-háahpeta vai. huge. É-háahpeta. He is huge. (another recording) See: -tȧhpeta; -ma'haeta. Category: size.
-háahtomóné vai. hear something ?? É-háahtomóne. He heard unusual. ?? Ques: Ques: check translations ?? Reduplicated -hoháahtomóné. Category: check. See: -hoháahtomóné; -áahtomóné; -hoháatsestá. Category: hear.
-háahtóohe vai. make a lot of noise, noisy, sound loudly. É-háahtóohe. He is making a lot of noise. can also refer to making something sound like a bad story, for instance, about someone in the hospital. Reduplicated -hoháahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-háa'éahe vai. be old. É-háa'éahe He is old. Non-contracted -háa'éhahe. See: -éna'he. Category: ages.
-háa'éahétó vii. last for a long time. For example, of something beaded or a house. É-háa'éahéto. It lasted for a long time. Category: time.
háa'éh- i. high, far, long time. É-háa'éhoo'e. He stayed a long time. É-háa'éhahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. The combination of the initial háa'éh- 'long time' plus final -ahe results in the meaning of 'age'. So someone who is -háa'éhahe could literally be said to be of a 'long time state'. ?? Category: check. Antonym tšėhe'kéh-; Preverb háa'éše-. Category: time.
-háa'éhahe vai. old, older. É-háa'éhahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. tsé-háa'éhaestse the elder. tsé-háa'éhahese the elders. Initial háa'éh-; fai: -ahe. The combination of the initial háa'éh- 'long time' plus final -ahe results in the meaning of 'age'. So someone who is -háa'éhahe could literally be said to be of a 'long time state'. ?? contract = -háa'éahe redup=-hátaa'éhahe. Reduplicated -tó'ėhahe; Antonym -tšėhe'kéhahe; Varient: -háa'éahe. Category: ages.
-háa'éhahtóohe vai. sound for a long time. É-háa'éhahtóohe. He sounded for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final -aht'óohe. See: -vone'éhahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-háa'éhanené vai. do something for a long time. É-háa'éhanēne. He is doing something for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final -anené. Category: time, do.
-háa'éhoésé vai. hang high. É-háa'éhoése. It is hanging high. Naa móxhoháa'éhoésenȧhéhe. It (animate) was very high.
-háa'éhoéstá vii. high. especially of a hill. É-háa'éhoéstá. It is high. hétsėhéóhe tséstaanȯhó'eóétse tséx-háa'éhóésta here where we are parked on this hill. [1987:190] See: -háa'ého'oéstá; -háa'ého'omeno. Category: height.
-háa'éhóhta vai. take a long time, gone a long time. É-háa'éhóhta. He took a long time. fai: -ohtá3. See: -háa'éhoo'e; -he'éhohtá; -vone'éhohtá. Category: time.
-háa'ého'oése vai. 1 • be high, tall, hang high. Lit: high-hang for example, height of a horse, dog, cow, etc., but not a person. Tallness of a person, and animals that stand on two feet, is referred to with -háa'ėstahe. The height of a clock hanging on a wall is referred to with -hoésená. É-háa'ého'oése. He is high/tall. See: -hoése. Category: size.
2 • elevated, esteemed, important. Category: figurative.
-háa'ého'oésem vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háa'ého'oésémo. I think highly of him. Ésáa-háa'ého'oésemȧhtséheo'o. They don't think highly of themselves/they are humble. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-háa'ého'oésemȯhtahe vai. conceited. Lit: high-hang-feel É-háa'ého'oésemȯhtahe. He thinks he is pretty high (for example, he is conceited). fai: -omóhtahe. Category: hang.
-háa'ého'oéstá vii. 1 • high. Lit: high-hang for example, of a cliff (but not hill or mountain), building, high step, chair, house, wagon. É-háa'ého'oésta. It is high. Móxhehpė-háa'ého'oéstȧhanéhe. (The side of the pit) was much higher. [1987:95] See: -he'kėho'oéstá; -háoéstá.
2 • important. Category: figurative. naa máto tsé-háa'ého'oésta ȯhtséeto'sėtóxemee'ėstse and also what is very important, when it is talked about (1987:55). Category: hang.
-háa'ého'ome'sevó vii. flow wide. É-háa'ého'ome'sēvo. It is flowing wide. Móstaetó'tšėšė-háa'ého'omé'sevóhanetséhe. The water was at the widest point. [1987:276] fii: -e'sevó. Category: liquid.
-háa'ého'ómene vii. high (of a mountain or hill). É-háa'ého'ómene. It is a high hill. tséxháa'ého'ómenetse where it was a high hill. [The Big Bogeyman.096] Variant: -háa'ého'omenó. Category: environment.
-háa'ého'omenó vii. high (of a mountain or hill). used of a mountain or hill, but not of a cliff or cut bank. É-háa'ého'omēno. It is a high mountain. Hoéhose é-háa'ého'omēno. The hill is high. Étao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse tséx-háa'ého'omenotse He is going to go to the high mountains. fii: -o'omenó; Variant: -háa'ého'ómene. Category: size, environment.
-háa'ého'soo'e vai. play a long time. É-háa'ého'soo'e. He played for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final ho'sóe. Category: play.
-háa'ého'tá vii. be there a long time. É-háa'éhó'ta. It was there a long time. Category: time, check.
-háa'éhoma'o'e vii. be far; be a long ways. É-háa'éhoma'o'e. It is a long ways. fii: -óma'o'e. See: háá'ėše; -háa'esó; hohátaa'ėše. Category: distance.
-háa'éhoo'e vai. stay a long time. É-háa'éhoo'e. He stayed a long time. Násáa-háa'éhoéhe. I didn't stay a long time. Mó'éšėta'ho-háa'éhoehevóhe. They had been there for a long time. [1987:40] Phon: vs Initial háa'éh-; Reduplicated -hoháa'éhoe; Antonym -nenóvoe. See: -háa'éhohtá; -a'enoe; -hoe; -nėhe'éhoe. Category: time.
-háa'éhotoo'e vii. be a deep hole. É-háa'éhotoo'e. It (a hole) is deep. Phon: not vs Antonym -tšėške'éhotoo'e ‘be a shallow hole’. See: -tóne'éhotoo'e ‘how deep?’; -vone'éhotoo'e ‘be a very deep hole’; -tónetaa'ótoo'e ‘how deep is the hole’; -háo'étame ‘deep (of water)’. Category: size.
-háa'éhotse'ohe vai. work long hours. É-háa'éhotse'ohe. He worked long hours. Náohkė-háa'éhotse'ohe. I work long hours. Category: work.
-háa'e'hahétsėstov vta. holler at s.o. Náhéne'ēna náme'hehpėháa'e'hahétsėstóvo. I knew I could just holler louder at him. [Rebuke.022] BodyPartMedial -e'hahe.
-háa'ėsėhahtá vai. long feet - have. É-háa'ėsėhāhta. He has long feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -tó'ėsėháhta. Category: body, feet.
-háa'ėsena'éva vai. have long sleeves. É-háa'ėsena'éva. He has long sleeves ; he has long arms. Antonym -tšėhe'kėsena'éva. Category: clothing, body.
-háa'ėsetanevá vai. have a long tongue. É-háa'ėsetanēva. He has a long tongue. [Croft] Synonym -tsėhe'ėsetanevá. Category: body.
-háa'esó vii. far, long, tall. -tó'esó seems to be about a longer distance than this word; this word could be used, for example, of a table being long. É-háa'ēso. It is far away. fii: 'esó; Antonym -kásó. See: -tó'esó; -tsėhe'esó; -tsėhe'kesó; háá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Category: size, distance.
háa'es(t)- i. long. É-háa'ēso. It is far away. É-háa'ėstahe. He is tall. É-háa'ėstā'e. He has long hair.
-háa'ėstáhaotse vai. become angry. Éháa'ėstáhaotse. He became angry. Lit: short-hearted Naa nėhē'še hetane móxho-háa'ėstáhaotsėhéhe. And then the man must have gotten very angry. BodyPartMedial -htáhá. Category: emotions.
-háa'ėstahe vai. tall, long. This word can refer to either length or height. It is used of humans and other beings (for example, bears, turkeys, roosters) that stand on two feet; used of babies (because they are human) even though they do not yet stand on their feet. É-háa'ėstahe. He is tall. (another recording) É-háa'ėstȧhehe? Is he tall? Éosee-háa'ėstahe. He is very tall. Né-háa'ėstahe tséxhe'éveto. You are tall for a woman. Vé'ho'e Ȯx-háa'ėstaestse Tall Whiteman. Néhvóo'šešėstse tséno'kė-háa'ėstaestse nemo'ēško! Show me your longest finger! Synonym -tsėhe'ėstahe; Antonym -tsėhe'kėstahe; fai: -e'ėstahe. See: -hátaa'ėstó'ohe; -háa'ého'oése; -tóne'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
Háa'ėstȧhétane na. Tallman. Category: names.
-háa'ėsta'é vai. have long hair. É-háa'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Usage: probably more commonly used than -tsėhe'ėsta'é Synonym -tsėhe'ėsta'é. Category: hair.
Háa'ėsta'éhe na. Long Hair. General George Custer's Indian name. Háa'ėsta'éhe tséh-vonanėse when Custer was wiped out. Variant: Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe. Category: hair, names.
-háa'ėstanan vti. lengthen s.t. É-háa'ėstanāna. He lengthened it.
vta. lengthen s.o. É-háa'ėstananóho. He lengthened him (obv). É-háa'ėstananóho hoestoto. She lengthened the dress (obv). Ques: recheck entry?? Category: check, size.
-háa'ėstȯhosé vai. long penis. É-háá'ėstȯhóse. He has a long penis. [Croft] Medial -ohosé. Category: vulgar.
-háa'ėstó'ohe vai. be tall (of tree). The height is taller than é-tsėhe'ėstó'ohe. É-háa'ėstó'ohe. He (woody) is tall. Éstȧhósėhoháa'ėstó'ȯhesėstse tsé'tóhe hoohtsėstse. This tree really grew taller again. fai: -ó'ohe; Medial ó'(e)- 'wood'; Reduplicated -hátaa'ėstó'ohe. See: -tsėhe'ėstó'ohe; -háa'ėstahe; -háa'ého'oése; -háa'esó; -tó'ėstó'ohe. Category: wood.
-háa'ėstó'o'e vii. tall of growth. of something that grows in height. É-háa'ėstó'o'e. It is tall growth. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants, size.
-háa'ėsto'tá vii. tall, high. for example, of a building or tent (but not of a tepee, because a tepee has "standing" poles). É-háa'ėstō'ta. It is sitting tall/high. Vé'ho'éome é-háa'ėstō'ta. The tent is tall/high. fii: -o'tá. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: size, sit inan.
-háa'ėstóneehe vai. long ropelike. for example, of snakes, ropes, strings; can jokingly refer to a tall man when he is lying on the ground. É-háa'ėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is long. sétóhke tsé-háa'ėstóneestse the long rope. [1987:222-223] Medial -ón. See: -hetó'ėstóneehe. Category: ropelike.
-háa'ėstóné'o vii. grow tall. for instance, of a corn stalk. É-háa'ėstóné'o. It (or He) grew tall.
vai. grow tall. See: -hóne'ó. Category: plants.
-háa'ėstóneo'e vii. long (ropelike). É-háa'ėstóneo'e. It is long and ropelike. [1987:222] fai: -óneo'e; Medial -ón; Antonym -tšėhe'kėstóneo'e. Category: ropelike.
Háa'ėstóo'onáhe na. Longjaw. Variant: Tsėhe'ėstóo'onáhe. Category: body, names.
-háa'ėstȯxe'ohe vii. written long. for example, a Cheyenne word that has many letters. É-háa'ėstȯxe'ohe. It is a long written word. Category: write. See: -háa'esó.
háá'ėše i. long time. É-háa'éšéše. He lay for a long time. É-háa'éšenome. He slept a long time. Móx-háa'éšenomėhéhe hestsevóxéva. He must have slept for a long time in his den. Variant: háa'éh-; Reduplicated hoháa'éše. See: hehpe-; tóne'éše-; he'éše-; -he'še. Category: time.
háá'ėše p. far.
háá'ėše p. far. Éše'he háá'ėše éhoése. The clock is high up. (for example, high up on the wall). Háá'ėše éhó'ta. It is far. (said when playing horseshoes). Antonym á'e, káhkėse. Phon: vs See: vó'héé'ėse; hákó'e; hoháá'ėše; hohátaa'ėše; -háa'esó; -háa'éhoma'o'e; háa'éše-. Category: distance, horseshoes.
háa'éše- i. long.time. See: háá'ėše ‘far’.
háa'éše- pv. long time. É-háa'éšeéestse. He spoke for a long time. É-háa'éšėtaa'eve. It is a long night. tséstȧ-háa'éšetaa'eve when it was late at night. [1987:41] Héva nȧhtsevésė-háa'éševo'ėstanéhévéme. Perhaps we will live a long time. [1987:211] Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o. Only the rocks live forever. Reduplicated hoháa'éše-. Category: time.
Háá'ėše Ȯxhásėstse vai. Gram: ppl From Far Away. Rev. Alfred Habegger's Indian name. See: -háse ??. Category: check, names.
-háa'éšeméa'há vii. smell for a long time. É-háa'éšeméá'ha. It smelled for a long time. Initial háa'éše-; Final -méa'há. Category: smell, time.
-háa'éšeméa'xe vai. smell for a long time. É-háa'éšeméa'xe. He smelled for a long time. Initial háa'éše-; fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell, time.
-háa'éšenome vai. sleep a long time. É-háa'éšenome. He slept a long time. fai: -énóme. See: háa'éše-. Category: sleep, time.
-háa'éšešé vai. lie for a long time. É-háa'éšéše. He lay there for a long time. Initial háa'éše-. Category: lie.
-háa'há vii. windy. É-háá'ha. It is windy. Éo-háá'ha. It is very windy. IndepNoun háa'háeše. Category: weather, wind.
Háa'háe'ameōhtse na. Windy Walker, Windwalker. Category: names.
háa'háeše ni. wind. Personified as one of the sacred powers, as Háa'hávėháne. See: -háa'há; Háa'hávėháne. Category: weather.
háa'hávėháne na. wind, wind spirit. The wind spirit has been considered one of the sacred powers. See: ma'heono. Category: wind.
Háa'hóévá'e na. Wind Woman. Translation uncertain, possibly Wind Woman. Phon: Which pronunciation is correct, Háa'hóévá'e or Háo'hóóvá'e?? Category: check. See: Háo'hóóvá'e. Category: names.
-háá'xané vai. cry hard. É-háá'xáne. He cried hard. See: -a'xaame ‘cry’. Category: cry.
-háa'xe vai. sparkle. Hotóhkeo'o éháa'xeo'o. ?? The stars are sparkling. Ques: LP doesn't know this. ?? Category: check, celestial.
-háama'tá vti. pained by s.t., hurt to s.t. This verb does not mean to have been hurt by something, but rather that the object of the verb is the thing which hurts. The person feeling the pain is the subject of the verb. Note the difference in morphosyntax between English and Cheyenne from the same semantic roles. É-háamā'ta. He is in pain by it/he hurts by it. Ná-háamā'ta name'ko. My head hurts; I have a headache. É-háamā'ta heme'ko. His head hurts. Ná-háamā'ta naéstoo'o. I have a sore throat. vta: -háama'tov. See: -ónėšeotse; -áhanoma'tá; -távėstaóohtsé; -hó'ho'eohtsé. Category: sickness.
-háama'tov vta. pained by s.o., hurt to s.o.hurt with respect to s.o. especially about having pain in an animate body part. See explanatory comment under -háama'tá. É-háama'tovóho. He hurts with respect to him (especially some animate body part). Nanėstane ná-háama'tōvo. My knee (an.) hurts. É-háama'tovóho hemo'ėškono. His finger(s) hurt(s). vti: -háama'tá. Category: sickness.
-háamóseh vta. cause intense pain for s.o. É-háamósėhóho. He is causing him intense pain. É-háamósėhaa'e. It is giving him bad pain. Category: sickness.
háanae- pv. 1 • heavy. See: -háananeta. Category: weight.
2 • respected, with responsibility, serious. É-háanaeéestsėstovóho. He is talking serious matters to him. Category: figurative. É-háanaevo'ėstanéheve. He lives a respected (lit. heavy) life. (for example, a chief or Sun Dance priest). See: háanahe. Category: ceremonial.
-háanaeéestsėstov vta. seriously talk to s.o., talk seriously to s.o. É-háanaeéestsėstovóho. He is talking serious matters to him. See: -éestsėstov. Category: speak.
-háanaestáhá vai. heavy hearted. É-háanaestáha. He is heavy-hearted. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: emotions.
-háanaevotse'ohe vai. heavy work, work with heavy responsibility. É-háanaevotse'ohe. He has a job with heavy responsibility. for instance, work done by a medicine man or a chief. Variant: -háanaotse'ohe. Category: work.
háanahe p. heavy, solemn, with responsibility. This word is often used in traditional Cheyenne prayers. Ques: háanae ?? Category: check. Háanae, Ma'hēō'o ... Heavy, God ... See: háanae- ‘heavy’. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-háananeta vai. heavy. É-háananeta. He is heavy. (another recording) fai: -eta; vii: -háananó. Category: weight.
-háananó vii. heavy. É-háanāno. It is heavy. Ésáa-háananóhane. It is not heavy. vai: -háananeta; Antonym -véhpananó. Category: weight.
-háanao'xe vai. carry heavy load. É-háanao'xe. He is carrying a heavy load. tsé-háanao'xėstse the one who carries a heavy burden. fai: -o'xe; Antonym -véhpanao'xe. See: -háano'xe. Category: carry, weight.
Háanao'xéhe na. Category: names.
-háanao'xéotse vai. carry heavy load. É-háanao'xéotse. He is carrying a heavy load. fai: -o'xe; Antonym -véhpanao'xéotse. See: -háano'xe ‘awake a long time’. Category: carry, weight.
-háanaotse'ohe vai. heavy work, work with heavy responsibility. É-háanaotse'ohe. He has a job with heavy responsibility. for instance, work done by a medicine man or a chief. Variant: -háanaevotse'óhe. Category: work.
-háano'xe vai. awake a long time. for example, to stay awake two or three nights when a child is sick. É-háano'xe. He was awake for a long time. See: -háanao'xe ‘carry a heavy load’. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-háanóno'e vii. be a mess, look messy. É-háanóno'e. It looks messy. Éosee-háanóno'e It is really a mess. for example, a toddler's scribblings on paper.
-háanóohe vai. look ?? É-háanóohe. He looks ?? Ques: É-háenóohe ?? vii: -háanóno'e. Category: check, appearance.
háao p. Grrr. "Háao!" éxhetaevóhoono. "Grrr!" she (the bear) said to them. [Bear Tepee.029] Category: exclamations.
-háaoéstóné vai. high price. É-háaoéstóne. His price is too high ; he wants a higher price. fai: -oéstóné. Category: money.
-háase'še vai. very drunk, drink much. É-háase'še. He is very drunk. Assimilated -háaše'še; fai: -asé'še. Category: drink.
-háaše'še vai. very drunk, drink much. É-háaše'še. He is very drunk. Non-assimilated -háase'še; fai: -asé'še. Category: drink.
-háatam vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háátámo. I think highly of him. É-háatamóho. He thinks highly of him. tsé-háatamȧhtsese those who think highly of themselves. Ého-háatamȧhtseo'o. They are acting tough. Phon: hpo vti: -háátsestá. Morph: /-háátam/. vai: -háatanó. High regard of self is considered quite negative within Cheyenne culture. Final -átam, -o'ót. See: -háaoem; -ono'átam; -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-háatamaahe vai. powerful, great, smart. É-háatamaahe. He is smart (or powerful). tséhešėho-háatamaaheto that you are great. [1987:233] Reduplicated -hoháatamaahe. See: -háahe. Category: personality.
-háatamaahé'tov vta. empower s.o. Ma'hēō'o ná-háatamaahé'tova. God made me powerful/strong.
-háatamaahétanó vai. act tough, act high and mighty. É-háatamaahétáno. He acted tough. Ques: which of the preceding is correct?? Ho'nótaeohtóva=tā'se='éeháahetanovȯhtse naa mátomóxho'nótaéve-ohtóvaeho-háatamaahetanóvȯhtse. They did not keep acting mean and also they did not keep acting tough. [1987:54] Reduplicated -hoháatamaahetanó. Category: emotions, check.
-háatamáno'e vii. extreme situation, rough weather (for example, stormy, muddy). Phon: iah É-háatamáno'e. It is tough weather. Phon: iah See: -hoháatamáno'e; -senóva'e. Category: weather, environment.
-háatamao'ó vai. laugh intensely. É-háatamaō'o. He is laughing intensely. Reduplicated -hoháatamaō'o. Category: laugh.
-háatanó vai. frightened, very scared, have intense feeling. É-háatāno. He is very scared. for example, to be scared that something will happen to you as punishment. vta: -háátam. See: -héhpahe; -e'tóhtahe. Category: emotions.
-háatanóotse vai. panic, frightened - become, come to a strong (usually bad) frame of mind. É-háatanóotse. He become highly agitated. Reduplicated -hoháatanóotse. Category: emotions.
-háatová vii. much smoke, big fire. É-háatōva. There is a lot of smoke. Medial -atová. See: -háotsehe. Category: smoke, fire.
-háátsestá vti. think highly of, greatly value, troubled at; amazed at s.t. É-háátsésta. He thinks highly of it. Ná-háátsésta. I think highly of it. Hápó'e éta'-háátsésta hé'tóhe ho'sóestȯtse naa némenestȯtse. Likewise he really liked this dancing and singing. Phon: hpo vta: -háatam. See: -otoétsestá; -pėhévátsestá.
-háatsėstomov vta. think highly of s.o., greatly value s.o., be struck by s.o., troubled at s.o. - be, amazed at s.o. - be. Ná-háatsėstomóvo tséhetá'ėse. I was stuck/amazed by what he said to me. For example, maybe it was the first time he had ever said such a thing to me. Category: cognition, emotions, interpersonal.
-háavo'e'ov vta. affect s.o. strongly. É-háavo'e'ovóho. He said something to him that offended him greatly. É-háavo'e'oo'e. It affected him a lot (for example, got him really mad). See: -hóevo'e'ov. Category: speak.
háe- pv. very, intense, much. É-háetonéto. It is really cold. Mó'éšė-háetonóevėhanéhe. It must have been late fall. See: hoháe- ‘very much’; osee-; háeve-; ma'xe-; nése-. Category: degree.
-háeaná vai. hungry. É-háéána. He is hungry. É-háeanao'o. They are hungry. Né-háeanahe? Are you hungry? (another recording) Ná-háéána. I am hungry. (another recording) Násáa-háeanáhe. I'm not hungry. Náho-háéána. I'm very hungry. Náosee-háéána. I'm extremely hungry. (another recording) Náoseeho-háéána. I'm very very hungry. There are a number of idiomatic ways of speaking of being very hungry; Cheyennes enjoy saying them, including these: Mónáosee-háeanȧhéhe; nȧhahpo náheše'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up. Nátó'easėhahponēne. I'm really hungry [literally, I'm about to get lock jaw (that is, clenched teeth)]. Násȯséveanáotse. I'm really hungry (so hungry I'm weak). Náoó'xéána. I'm really hungry (lit., I'm bursting with hunger). I'm really hungry (literally, I'm bursting with hunger). tséx-háéánȧse when he was hungry. fai: -aná. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; -nonótovéaná; -háóéné ‘thirsty’; -oó'xeaná; -mésėhétanó ‘want to eat’. Category: eat.
-háeanáotse vai. become hungry. Ná-háeanáotse. I got hungry. Náéšė-háeanáotse. I've already become hungry. Náxaeaéstomė-háeanáotse. I'm just hungry for nothing. ?? See: -háeaná. Category: eat, check.
-háeanávéné vai. hungry face. É-háeanávéne. He looks hungry. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-háeanot vta. beat up s.o. badly. É-háeanotóho. He really beat him up. fta: -not. See: -momé'aéveanot; -sȯsévenot. Category: violence.
-háeéétó vii. snow intensely, snow hard. É-háéééto. It is snowing really hard. Ques: É-háééto.?? fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó ‘snow’; -hoháeéetó ‘snow’. Category: snow, weather, check.
-háeéno'e vii. taste strong. É-háeéno'e. It has a strong taste (for example, chili). Reduplicated -ha'háeéno'e. Category: taste.
-háeesenehe vai. have plenty to eat, have much meat. Meat is an essential part of the Cheyenne diet. If there is plenty of meat, it is considered that there is plenty of food to eat. É-háeesenehe. He has lots of meat; he has plenty to eat. Éstanėhešėho-háeesenėhésesto. It is said they had plenty to eat (reportative). [1980:3:65] See: á'etse; oótȧháme-. Category: food, eat.
-háéétó vii. snow much. Category: check.
-háeh vta. overwhelm s.o. by startling, frighten startle s.o. É-háehóho. He startled him so much he was overwhelmed. Reduplicated -hoháeh. Etym: *se·kihe·wa. See: -tó'omáeh; -vonáeh; -háem. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-haeh na. Gram: poss paternal aunt, cross-aunt. This person is call "auntie" in English in the Cheyenne system. nȧ-háa'e my paternal aunt. (another recording) (another recording: John Standsintimber) nȧháa'e is said both for referring to a paternal aunt and for addressing her (vocative). he-haeho his/her paternal aunt(s). he-haehevóho their paternal aunt(s). Phon: apocope; vs; iah vai: -he-haehe. Etym: *nesekwihsa. Category: relatives.
háehéne'enovȧhestȯtse ni. higher education. Lit: much-learning See: -héne'enovahe. Category: school, new.
háehetóéva obl. late evening. See: hetóéva. Category: time.
-háe'ahtá vti. intensely like the taste of s.t. Ná-háé'áhta. I really like its taste. É-háé'áhta. He really likes its taste. Ého-háe'ȧhtánóvo ho'évohkȯhtse. They (especially, Cheyennes) really go for the taste of meat. fti: -'ahtá; fta: -'am. See: -pėhéve'ahtá; -váe'tá. Category: taste.
-háe'ȧsené vai. really go for the taste of drink. usually refers to the taste of alcohol. É-háé'ȧséne. He really goes for the taste of alcohol. Éhméhaeho-háe'ȧsēne. He used to really drink. [1987:200] vti: -háe'ahtá. See: -ase'še; -háoovo'he. Category: taste, drink.
-háe'at vta. like taste of s.o. É-háe'atóho. He likes the taste of him. For example, he likes the taste of a fish. See: -pėhéve'átam. Category: taste.
háe'ého'oése-éestsestȯtse ni. hard word, difficult word. Lit: high-hang-word
-háe'hahe vai. powerful voice, sing loudly, loud voice. É-háe'hahe. He has a powerful voice / he sings loudly. Medial -e'hahe. See: -tȧhpe'ónová. Category: voice.
-háe'haná vai. eat much. É-háe'hāna. He ate a lot. Ná-háe'hāna. I ate a lot. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-háe'hanáotse vai. eat much quickly. É-háe'hanáotse. He ate a lot quickly. Ná-háe'hanáotse. I ate a lot quickly. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-háe'ot vta. very much like to eat s.o., like taste of s.o. much. for example, to like the taste of fish (animate) a lot. Náoseeho-háe'otoo'o. You really like the taste of them. vti: -háe'ahtá. See: -háo'ót; -hoónȯsé'ót. Category: taste.
-háe'sevó vii. flow fast. É-háe'sēvo. It is flowing fast. fii: -e'sevó; Synonym -nėševe'sevó. Category: liquid, speed.
-háe'šeme vai. make loud noise. É-háe'šeme. He is making loud sounds. fai: -'šeme. See: -háahpe'évanené; -tȧhpe'évanené. Category: sounds.
-háe'šemétó vii. be a loud sound. É-háe'šeméto. It is a loud sound. vai: -háe'šeme. See: -évone.
-háe'xove vii. be a long time. É-háe'xove. It is a long time. Ééšė-háe'xove. It has been a long time. Éohkėsáa-háe'xóvėhane. It doesn't take a long time. Násáanȧxeévavóomóhe étanėšė-háe'xóvetse. I had not seen him for a while. Quite a while went by. [1987:173] fii: -'xove. Category: time.
-háe'xóveotse vii. be a long time. É-háe'xóveotse. It became a long time. Ésáa-háe'xóveotséhanéhetse á'e éxho'hóo'oohe. It wasn't very long after that, soon she came home. [My Testimony.056] Category: time.
háe'xóvéva obl. quite a while, much time, for a long time. tséhne'évȧhé'ȯhtsévȯse háe'xóvéva after they came back quite a while from over there. [1987:44] Antonym nenóve'xóvéva. See: háá'ėše; háa'éše-; tótseha; évaveto; ame'xóvéva; nómȯse. Category: time.
-háem vta. say something outrageous to s.o., say something outrageous about s.o. É-háemóho. He said something outrageous about him. [Whiteman and the Coyote.029] fai: -em. See: -háeh; -oo'hem; -ná'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-háeméa'há vii. smell strong, strong smell. É-háeméá'ha. It smells strong. Synonym -néseméa'há. Category: smell.
-háeméa'xe vai. smell strong, strong smell. usually a bad smell. É-háeméa'xe. He has a strong smell. Synonym -néseméa'xe; Final -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-háeméehosé vai. have a smelly penis. É-háeméehōse. He has a smelly penis. Medial -(o)hosé. Category: vulgar.
-háeméeotse vai. smell strong. usually bad smelling. É-háeméeotse. It smells strong. See: -néseméeotse. Category: smell.
-háenávem vta. say something strong about s.o. É-háenávemóho. He said something awful about him. See: -véstaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-haéné m. teary eyed. Émomáhpe'ė-haéne. He has watery eyes. Étó'ėsė-haéne. He has long tears. Énoné'k-ėhaéne. He has tear stains around his eyes. Tovó'kė-haénéhe Japanese person. See: -éné ‘eye’; -háéné ‘awful face’. Category: face, cry.
-háéné vai. awful face. for example, from being beat up really bad. É-háéné. He has an awful looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -haéné ‘teary-eyed’; -háenevoová. Category: face.
-háéné'o vai. have a shocked face, have a crying face. É-háéné'o. He has a shocked face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-háenevoová vai. face all beat up. É-háénévóóva. His face was all beat up. See: -háéné. Category: face.
-háeno'é vai. 1 • kill a lot. Lit: much-kill See: -émeno'é ‘kill on the sly’.
2 • take advantage for self. É-háenō'e. He is taking advantage for himself. for example, getting the best job for himself. fai: -no'é. See: -hestoh. Category: figurative.
-háenome vai. sleep much, sleep soundly, likes to sleep. É-háenome. He slept soundly / he is always sleeping. fai: -énóme. See: -náhkȯhénome; -he'konénome. Category: sleep.
-háenoné vai. sing loudly, loudly sing. É-háénóne. He is singing loudly. fai: -noné. See: -háahpe'enoné; -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.
-háenóno'e vii. look bad, look intense. often refers to looking bad, but can refer to being very pretty. É-háenóno'e. It looks bad. Antonym -pėhévenóno'e. See: -háenóohe; -hoháenóohe. Category: appearance.
-háenóohe1 vai. swarm, many - be. É-háenóoheo'o. They is a swarm of them (for example, many flies, people, fish). É-háenóoheo'o vé'hó'e. White people are swarming. Objects described by Éháestȯxeo'o can be counted, but with Éháenóoheo'o they are not perceived as being countable. Homonym -háenóohe2 ‘look badly beaten up’. See: -háestoxe ‘many - be’; -háetanevóo'e ‘crowded’. Category: quantity.
-háenóohe2 vai. look badly beaten up. É-háenóohe. He really looks beat up. See: -háenóohe1 ‘be many’; -hoháenóohe. Category: appearance.
-háenot vta. kill much of s.o. ??said of plural objects. É-háenotóho. He killed many of them. ?? fta: -not. Category: violence, check.
-háeoestȧho'h(n) vta. badly burn s.o. É-háeoestȧho'nóho. He suddenly badly burned him. É-háeoestȧho'he. He was suddenly badly burned. Category: sickness.
-háeoesta'há vii. windy very suddenly. É-háeoestā'ha. It was suddenly very windy / There was a sudden gust of wind. Tseovóema'xėho'ė-háeoestā'ha. First strong wind will suddenly come. Category: wind.
-háeoešešé vai. fall and get hurt badly. É-háeoešēše. He got hurt badly falling. (another recording) See: -póénešé; -áhaneše; -hoháeoešeše. Category: fall.
-háeoešėšem vta. fall and hurt s.o. badly. Ná-háeoešėšēmo namo'ēško. I fell badly and hurt my finger. See: -áhanešé. Category: fall, hands.
-háeohe vai. run fast. É-háeohe. He is running fast. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse; -háo'taoohe. Category: motion, run.
Háeohéhe na. Fast One.
Háeohe'hāme na. Fast Horse. Category: names.
Háeohémahpe ni. Rapid River, Rapid City, South Dakota. Lit: rapid-water Variant: Háeohéo'hé'e. Category: rivers, places.
Háeohémó'ėsá'e na. Fast Runner Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e; the same man (Háeohémó'ėsá'e) was sometimes called Hohnóhka-mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.
Háeohéo'hé'e ni. Rapid River. Cheyenne name for river from which Rapid City, SD, gets its name. Variant: Háeohémahpe. Category: rivers, places.
-háeohétó vii. run fast. É-háeohéto. It is running fast. for example, of a train (inanimate). Category: motion.
-háeohévo'hamé vai. have a fast horse. É-háeohévo'hāme. He has a fast horse/fast horses. fai: -o'hamé. Category: horses.
-háeohtsé vii. affect intensely. É-háeōhtse. It is working on him bad (like a drug).
-háeo'tá vii. bleed much. É-háeō'ta. It (a wound) is bleeding much. Ého-háeō'ta. It (a wound) is bleeding very much. See: -ma'éveotse; -tó'hoeotse; -hóehót.
-háeome vai. fat. É-háeome. He is fat. Usage: probably more commonly said than -éšeome See: -he'keome; -tȧhpe'asé; -éšeome. Category: size.
-háeómeotse vai. big bellied. Náma'xė-háeómeotse. I have gotten a big belly. BodyPartMedial -ome. Category: body.
Háeotȯheo'hé'e ni. Deer Fork. Lit: deep-river flows into the north fork of the Canadian River in Oklahoma. Grinnell (1906) says this is a Northern Cheyenne variant for this river name. The Southern Cheyenne name is something like Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Variant: Háo'etaméo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
-háeotse vai. worsen.
vii. worsen. É-háeotse. He/It got worse. Reduplicated -hoháeotse. Category: quality.
-háesané vai. dress flashy. É-háesāne. He is dressed flashy. fai: -sané2; Reduplicated -hoháesané. See: -pėhévėsané. Category: dress.
-háesenove vai. quick tempered. É-háesenove. He is mean / he gets mad a lot. See: -háaenove; -momáta'ehe; -momáta'eotse; -háestáhá; -háenove; -senóvahe. Category: personality.
-háesevá'se vai. have a long tail. Né-háesevá'se. You have a long tail. [The Fox and the Bear.015]
-háésta vai. scream, holler loudly, make a lot of noise. É-háésta. He screamed. Final -éstá. See: -pe'pe'éstá; -háahpe'e'hahe. Category: sounds.
-háestaená vai. have many branches. É-háestaēna. He (tree) has many branches. É-háestaenao'o. They have many branches. Variant: -háestȯhestaená. Category: trees, quantity.
-háestáha vai. cranky, tantrum - have a, pout. Lit: intense-hearted said to be an emotion for children, while -momáta'eotse is for adults; -háestáha is not as strong an emotion as -momáta'eotse. É-háestáha. He is pouting. vta: -háestáhá'tov; BodyPartMedial -htáhá. See: -áhanėstáhá; -áhanomėstáhá; -háesenove; -momáta'eotse. Category: personality, emotions.
-háestáhá'tov vta. aggravated at s.o., angry at s.o. Násó'-háestáhá'tóvo. I'm still aggravated at him. See: -momáta'eéh; -nėsétam. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-háestáháotse vai. become angry, become aggravated. É-háestáhaotse. He got aggravated. Category: emotions.
háestáhaotsé'tȯsané vai. become angry (with people). Éohkėsáa= tséstaévȧháestáhaotsé'tȯsánėse. (God) does not get angry (with people). [Former Fears.039] Category: emotions.
-háestáháotsé'tov vta. become aggravated with s.o. É-háestáhaotsé'tovóho. He became disgusted with him. Náoseema'xėho-háestáhaotsé'tóvo. I was very, very angry at him. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-háestáhem vta. aggravate s.o., tease s.o. in a mean way, ridicule s.o. É-háestáhémóho. He angered/aggravated him. fta: -em. See: -véneh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
háesto p. many. (another recording) Antonym tȯhkomo. Category: quantity.
háestoh- i. many. See: háestoxe-. Category: quantity.
-háestoha vii. be many (inanimate) in number. É-háestȯhánėstse. There are many of them (inanimate). [1987:19] mȧhtonóohtomáse tsé-háestoha ma'kaata if you (plural) would wait for bigger money. [1987:198] hená'hanehe nátȧhósenėhešėhéne'ēna é-háestoha Ma'hēō'o tséheševéstȧhémaéto That is, how I know again that there are many ways God has helped me. See: -tȯhkomohá. Category: quantity.
háestoha p. many times. (another recording) See: tónėstoha. Category: quantity.
-háestȯha'ó'sané vai. many things to do. Ná-háestȯha'ó'sáne. I had too many things to do. See: -háestȯhanené. Category: do.
-háestȯhanené vai. busy, have many things to do. É-háestȯhanēne. He had a lot of things to do. Ná-háestȯhanēne. I'm busy. Nátá'-háestȯhanēne. I'm very busy. Mónéévė-háestȯhanenėhéhe. You must have been busy. See: -heómėstȯhanené; -vone'éhanené; -tsėhetanené; -tséena'éóó'e. Category: do.
háestȯhe- pv. many. Category: quantity.
-háestȯheéhamá vai. have many husbands. can be serial husbands. É-háestȯheéháma. She has many husbands. Final -éhamá. See: -éhame. Category: quantity.
háestȯhēē'ėše many days, for many days. See: néšéé'ėše. Category: time.
-háestȯhehohtsé vai. many tracks. É-háestȯhehóhtseo'o. ?? There are many tracks from them (those who left the tracks). fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks, check.
-háestȯhé'évá vai. have many wives. can refer to having many wives at the same time or serially. É-háestȯhé'éva. He has/had many wives. É-háestȯhé'evao'o. They have many wives. Medial -'évá ‘wife’. Category: quantity, marriage.
Háestȯhé'háme na. Owns Many Horses, Many Horses. Feminine Háestȯhé'hamé'e. Category: names.
-háestȯhé'hamé vai. have many horses. É-háestȯhé'háme. He has many horses. É-háestȯhé'hameo'o. They have many horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: quantity, horses.
Háestȯhé'hamé'e na. Many Horses Woman. a woman's name. Masculine Háestȯhé'háme. Category: names.
Háestȯhe'háóhtsé'e na. Flies Many Woman. Category: names.
-háestȯhe'šeme vai. utter many sounds, have many sounds, make many sounds, sound many ways. for example, a mockingbird. É-háestȯhe'šeme. He makes many sounds. fai: -'šemé. Category: quantity, sounds.
háestȯhe'šeméhe na. mockingbird. Lit: many-sounds.making-one Plural háestȯhe'šeméheo'o; Obviative háestȯhe'šeméheho. Category: birds.
-háestȯhema'kaataamé vai. have much money. É-háestȯhema'kaataēme. He has a lot of money. See: háóovahe. Category: quantity.
Háestȯheméó'o na. Many Trails. Category: names.
Háestȯheméóná'e na. Many Trails Woman. Category: names.
Háestȯhena'hāne na. Plenty Coups, Many Kills. This was a Cheyenne name, not just a Crow name. Category: names.
Háestȯhena'hané'e na. Many Kills Woman. Category: names.
-háestȯhene'ho'tá vii. many rooms. É-háestȯhene'hō'ta. There are many rooms. fii: -ne'ho'tá.
-háestȯheno'éoohe vai. kills many quickly. É-háestȯheno'éoohe. He killed many quickly. fai: -no'é. Category: hunt, violence.
-háestȯheóhtá vai. have many legs. É-háestȯheóhta. He has many legs. for example, about a centipede. Category: quantity.
háestȯheóhtáhe na. centipede. Morph: /háehtoheóhtáhé/. Lit: many legged one Plural háestȯheóhtȧheo'o; Obviative háestȯheóhtȧheho; BodyPartMedial -óhtá4. Category: bugs.
-háestȯhestaemá vai. have many lice. É-háestȯhestaēma. He has lots of bugs (lice). Category: quantity.
háestȯhestam vai. have much food. É-háestȯhestāma He has a lot of food. [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.068] Category: food.
-háestȯhestsėhóvá vai. have many possessions. É-háestȯhestsėhóva. He has many possessions. See: -htsehȯtse. Category: quantity.
-háestȯheše vai. many lie. only used with plural subjects. É-háestȯhešēne. There are many (animate) lying. Category: lie.
-háestȯhetanó vai. think many things, have many ideas, want to do lots of things. É-háestȯhetāno. He has a lot of ideas. Category: cognition.
-háestȯhevésenéha vai. have many friends. É-háestȯhevésenéha. He has lots of friends. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhevéxáha vai. have many grandchildren. É-háestȯhevéxáha. He has many grandchildren. Ques: which way is more common, this way or -ma'xė- he-véxahe?? É-háestȯhevéxahahe? Does he have many grandchildren? É-háestȯhevéxahao'o. They have many grandchildren. See: véxahe. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnévátó vii. be many things. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhnóehné vai. bear many children. usually said of women but can be said of men, also. É-háestȯhnóéhne. She has lots of children. [1987:221] fai: -óehné. See: -vonėstȯhnóehné; -he-nésone. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnó'ané vai. say many things. É-háestȯhnó'áne. He says many things. fai: -ó'ané. Category: quantity.
háestȯhno'ohe vai. be many ?? Éohkėhoháestȯhno'ȯheo'o nenésoneho. You have many children. Lit: there are many, your children?? See: -háestȯhnóehné ‘bear many children’; -háestoxe ‘be many’. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhnóohe vai. have many relatives. É-háestȯhnóohe. He has many relatives. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnóvahe vai. many groups. used only with plural subjects. É-háestȯhnóvȧheo'o. There are many groups (an). móhnėxho-háestȯhnóvȧhéstovėhanéhe hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto there were many groups (bands) of people way back there (1987:15). Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnóvátó vii. many aspects, many pieces, many parts. seems to be the idea of many parts of something. É-háestȯhnóváto. There are many different "ways". for example, many different meanings of a word. Éto'sėta'-háestȯhnóváto hová'éhe. There are going to be many things going on. ?? Ého-háestȯhnóváto éestsestȯtse. There is a lot to discuss. fai: -ónová. See: -nova ??. Category: check. See: -háestoha. Category: quantity.
háestȯhnóvave- pv. many. É-háestȯhnóvavenėstseo'o. They speak many languages. [1987:115] See: háestȯhe-. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnóvavenestse vai. speak many languages. É-háestȯhnóvavenestse. He speaks many languages. Category: speak, languages.
-háestȯhnóvavetanó vai. have many thoughts. É-háestȯhnóvavetāno. He has many thoughts. Category: cognition.
Háestó'tonȯhevéséhe na. Many Braids. Category: names.
-háestónané vai. overdressed - be, dressed outlandishly, dressed extravagantly. É-háestónáne. He is dressed outlandishly. Reduplicated -hoháestónané. See: -pėhévėsané ‘dress nicely’. Category: dress.
-háestȯxe vai. be many. only used with plural subjects. É-háestȯxeo'o. They (animate) are many in number; there are many of them. É-háestȯxevohe? Are there many (animate)? É-háestȯxevohe nevéxaho? Do you have many grandchildren? É-háestȯxevohe nȧháóhe nevóohestoto? Do you have many relatives there? Ésó'-háestȯxevohe tséohkenėhe'enėstsese? Are there still many who speak that language. Né-háestȯxemehe? Are there many of you guys? Né-háestȯxémáne. There are many of us (including you). Né-háestȯxémanehe? Are there many of us (including you)? Ná-háestȯxéme. There are many of us (excluding you). Násáa-háestȯxéhéme. We (excluding you) are not many in number. vii: -háestoha; Antonym -tȯhkomoxe. See: háesto; -tšėškomȯxe; -háenóohe; -vonėstoxe. Category: quantity.
-háestȯxe'ohe vii. much written. É-háestȯxe'ohe. There's a lot written. for example, on that paper.
-háešé vai. lie in a bad condition. É-háéše. He is lying there having been hurt badly. for example, lying there from a bad car accident. Category: lie.
-háešévaen vta. punish s.o. severely. É-háešévaenóho. He punished him severely. Ná'ȯhkė-háešévaenaeneo'o. They would punish us severely. fta: -éváen. Category: interpersonal.
-háetanahá vai. much breast milk. É-háetanāha. She has lots of breast milk. Antonym -ó'etanȧháohtsé; Medial -tanahá. Category: body.
-háetanȧháohtsé vai. lots of milk come in, have lots of milk, breasts full. É-háetanȧháóhtse. She has a lot of milk. Antonym -pónoetanȧhá'ó, ó'etanȧháohtsé; Medial -tanahá. Category: body.
-háetanevoeotse vii. become a big crowd. É-háetanevoeotse. It turned into a big crowd. (another recording) See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity, check.
-háetanevonehe vai. be a crowd. The singular is increasingly used for when there are a lot of people who come to a drug dealer. Néohkė-háetanevonėhehe? Did you have lots of company? [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.007] Ého-háetanevonehe. ?? There is a big crowd. Ého-háetanevonėheo'o ma'evé'hó'e. There were a lot of Germans. [Croft 16] vii: -háetanevóo'e. See: -tanevóo'e. Category: quantity, check.
-háetanevóo'e vii. crowd - be a. É-háetanevóo'e. It is crowded / there is a crowd. Éasė-háetanevóo'e. It is startinng to be a big crowd. É-háetanevoo'ehe? Was there a big crowd? Ésáa-háetanevoo'éhane. It is not crowded. Phon: iah; not vs fii: -tanevóo'e; vai: -háetanevonehe. See: -háenóohe1; -háestoxe; -ma'haetanevóo'e; -honátsetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
háeva'- i. loud. Variant: háev(an)-. É-háévá'o. It is very loud.
-háeva'ó vai. very loud, loud - very. É-háévá'o. It is very loud. See: -háevone. Category: sounds.
háev(an)- i. loud. Variant: háeva'-. É-háévánóhtse. He is making loud footsteps. É-háévánéne. He is making a loud noise. É-háevone. It is a loud sound/it sounded loudly. Category: sounds.
-háévanené vai. make loud noise. É-háévánéne. He is making a loud noise. Category: sounds.
-háévánohtsé vai. have loud footsteps, noisy walk, walk noisily. É-háévánóhtse. He is making loud footsteps. See: Ȯxháevánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, walk.
-háeváohe vai. throw hard. É-háeváohe. He threw (something) hard. fai: -váohe. Category: throw.
-háevavé'ėséšé vai. loud sound from buttocks hitting ground. Ná-háevavé'ėséše. I fell hard and could hear my butt hit the ground. Variant: -háevavé'ėšéše. Category: fall, sounds.
-háevavé'ėšéšé vai. make a loud sound from buttocks hitting the ground. Ná-háevavé'ėséše. I fell hard and could hear my butt hit the ground. Variant: -háevavé'ėséše. Phon: š-assim Category: fall, sounds.
-háevavetsénoona'xe vai. make much noise rustling feathers/wings. É'ȯhkė-háevavetsénooná'xeo'o. They made a lot of noise with their feathers/wings. [1987:177] BodyPartMedial -tsénooná. Category: sounds.
háeve- pv. intense. Ques: recheck gloss?? especially used in strong exclamations. See: háome-. Vóvóxe háeve-nėhešenoneha! Good for him and his songs! (sarcastic). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.122] Category: check.
-háevėhasené vai. make a lot of noise. É-háevėhasēne. He made a lot of noise. Category: sounds.
-háevéhé vai. named strongly, named fancy, named uniquely. Ého-háevéhe. He has a fancy/strong/unique name. fai: -véhé.
háevóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. fluorescent light. Category: new. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. See: vóho'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: light.
-háevo'ėho'tá vii. very hot. É-háevo'ėhō'ta. It is very hot inside. For example, inside a sweat lodge. See: -háevó'ho'ėho'tá ‘very bright’. Category: temperature.
-háevó'ho'ėho'tá vii. bright light, light - bright, bright flame, flame - bright, shine brightly. É-háevó'ho'ėhō'ta. The light/flame is bright. Antonym -anoevó'ho'kasé. See: -vó'ho'ėho'tá ‘shine’; -háevo'ėho'tá ‘very hot’. Category: light, fire.
-háevone vii. loud sound, sound loudly. É-háevone. It is a loud sound/it sounded loudly. Morph: /-háévone/. Phon: hpo Reduplicated -hoháevone; fii: -évone. See: -háeva'ó. Category: sounds.
-háha'omev ?? Category: check, check.
v. rejuvenate. tséx-háha'omevȯhtse ?? when they rejuvenated it. Category: check, ceremonial.
háhan- i. approach. É-háhanēhne. He approached/he moved closer. É-háhanehe.?? He is close. É-háhané'ovóho. He is close to him. See: nóht-.
háhane- pv. near. tsé'éšė-háhanenėhe'xóvetse when the time got near. Category: interpersonal.
-háhanehe vai. close, near. É-háhanehe.?? He is close. Ésáa-háhanéhéhe. He is not close. for example, he is not close to his family; he is not even part of his family, the way he acts. See: -káhanehe. Category: interpersonal, check.
-háhanéhétsestá vti. prefer s.t., close to s.t. - be, have more right to s.t.. É-háhanéhétsésta. He had it as something that he was close to. netao'o hová'éhe tsé-háhanéhetsėstómo my share of the belongings. [Luke 15:12] See: -pėhévátsestá. Category: cognition.
-háhanehné vai. approach, go closer. É-háhanēhne. He approached/he moved closer. Category: motion.
-háhané'ov vta. close to s.o. - be. É-háhané'ovóho. He is close to him. tséohkeéeháhané'oevose ma'heono those who are close to the spirits. [1987:41] See: -nóhtsėhót; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: interpersonal.
-háhanéohtsé vai. go near. É-háhanéóhtse. He went near. Nétavé'-háhanéóhtse! Don't go near (it)! For example, don't go near the stove. Category: walk.
-hahéa'á vti. rub s.t. (with foot or body). É-hahéá'a. He rubbed it (with his foot or body). [Croft]
-hahéa'ov vta. rub s.o. (with foot or body). É-hahéa'ovóho. He rubbed him (with his foot or body). [Croft]
-hahéan vti. rub s.t. É-hahéána. He rubbed it.
vta. rub s.o. É-hahéanóho. He rubbed him. Etym: cf. M seso·nam. See: -maméean. Category: surface.
-hahéanené vai. rub. É-hahéanēne. He is rubbing. Initial hahé(e)-; fai: -anené; vti: -hahéan. Category: surface.
hahéanēō'o ni. rubbing alcohol. Category: medicine.
hahé(e)- i. rub. Ná-hahé(e)esénahtse. I rubbed my nose. Ná-hahé(e)he'onánahtse. I rubbed my hand(s). Ná-hahéovéséno. I rubbed his hair. É-hahée'éxanénahtse. He rubbed his eyes. Ques: (RECK FORMS HERE)?? Etym: cf šešo·namwa 'he rubs it on'. Category: check.
-hahéeséšé vai. rub nose. for example, on a tree. É-hahééséše. He is rubbing his (own) nose. Phon: hle ?? Category: check, nose.
hahen- i. paint, color. É-hahénȯhnóho. He painted him. É-hahénȯhéne. He is painting. See: hahé(e)- ‘rub’. Category: colors.
-hahénohá vti. paint, paint s.t. É-hahénóha. He painted it. Etym: cf *šešo·namwa 'he rubs it on'. Category: surface.
-hahénȯhéné vai. paint, color. É-hahénȯhéne. He is painting. See: -hohtȧhévėhahénȯhené. Category: school, paint.
hahénȯhenestȯtse ni. color. for example, the color of a crayon ?? Plural hahénȯhonéstotȯtse. See: hohtȧhénestȯtse. Category: colors, check.
hahénȯhenéve'ho'e na. artist. Category: jobs.
hahénȯhénevȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. colored pencil, crayon. Lit: coloring-writing-NOM Category: school.
hahénȯhéó'o ni. paintbrush. Plural hahénȯheonȯtse. See: óovȯheo'o. Ques: LH translates this as paint?? Category: check, tools, paint.
-hahénoh(n) vta. paint s.o. É-hahénȯhnóho. He painted him. is there also -hahén 'rub by hand'?? See: -mȯxe'oh(n). Category: paint, check.
háhkota na. 1 • grasshopper. Plural háhkotaho; Obviative háhkotaho. Category: bugs.
2 • Grasshopper. Category: names.
háhnoma na. bee. Plural háhnomaho; Obviative háhnomaho. See: tȧhpe'ȧséhahnoma ‘bumblebee’; heóvėháhnoma ‘yellow wasp’. Category: bugs.
Háhnomȧhé'héhe na. Bee Woman. Category: names.
háhnomȧhéome ni. beehive. Lit: bee-lodge Category: bugs.
háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o ni. honey. Lit: bee-syrup Variant: háhnomápano'ėhasēō'o. Phon: vs See: pano'ėhasēō'o. Category: food.
háhnomápano'ėhasēō'o ni. honey. Lit: bee-syrup Variant: háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o. Phon: vs Category: food.
háhnovȧhéšé'e ni. cocklebur patch.
-háhnováseve vai. have burrs. É-háhnováseve. There are burrs on him.
háhnóváso na. Ques: ni?? wild licorice, cockleburs. Category: check. See: ma'kėháhnóváso. Category: plants.
háhnóvó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl thorny weeds like sand burrs. Category: plants.
hahóo p. thank you. (another recording) This is an intertribal word; compare Crow ahoo 'thank you'. The real Cheyenne word for thank you is néá'eše, said to one person. When Cheyennes say hahoo it is said as a regular thank you. Néá'eše is historically said for an especially deep thank you, for some very important gift or action. See: -á'eh; Néá'eše.
hahóo tséxhešemésėhéstove vii. Thanksgiving. Lit: when there is eating in a "thank you" manner Variant: hahóo tséxhešemésėhénove, hahóo tséohkėhešemésėhéstove. Category: holidays.
hahp- i. fasten, close, shut, clasp, clench. É-hahpāna. He closed it (by hand). É-hahpȧhtsená'o. His mouth is closed. É-hahpėhe'oná'o. His hand is closed. Etym: *sep- (P). See: nėhp-.
-hahpȧhtsená'o vai. shut mouth, close (one's own) mouth. É-hahpȧhtsená'o. His mouth is closed. Etym: *sepetone·xka·wa (P/L). Category: mouth.
-hahpȧhtsenáotse vai. clench mouth, shut mouth, close (one's own) mouth. É-hahpȧhtsenáotse. He shut his mouth. [pd723] BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, mouth.
-hahpa'ó vii. snap shut, close. É-hahpā'o. It (or He) snapped shut.
vai. snap shut, close. Category: motion.
-hahpa'ó'tsé vti. squeeze s.t. for example, to squeeze toothpaste out of its tube; quicker action than -hahpan. É-hahpa'ó'tse. He squeezed it. See: -hahpan.
-hahpa'xe vai. snap closed. seems especially to refer to clamping shut one's legs, probably humorous, perhaps vulgar. É-hahpa'xe. He snapped closed. Category: motion, vulgar.
-hahpa'xétó vii. snap closed. Éhoó'he-hahpa'xéto. It was heard snapping closed. for example, of a mouse trap. Category: motion.
-hahpan vti. clasp s.t., squeeze s.t. É-hahpāna. He squeezed it (in his hand). Etym: *sepenamwa (P). See: -hahpa'ó'tsé.
vta. clasp s.o., squeeze s.o. É-hahpanóho. He clasped him. Etym: *sepene·wa (P). See: -hahpoh(n).
hahpanēō'o ni. pliers (a single pair). Etym: *sepenikani (P). Plural hahpaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
hahpanováhe na. a kind of monster, crocodile. Lit: one who clamps (down) This monster was probably so named because of its fearsome clamping jaws. Category: monsters.
hahpe- pv. lead ?? Naa néhe hahpė-hotóá'e nėhéóhe é'éemámeamėhnesėstse. And that huge lead buffalo there was walking around. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).033] Category: check.
Hahpėhe'onáhe na. Closed Hand, Clenched Fist. Category: names.
-hahpėhe'oná'ó vai. clench hand, close hand. É-hahpėhe'oná'o. His hand is closed. Antonym -séhpėhe'oná'o; Medial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-hahpėhe'onáotse vai. hand clenched. É-hahpėhe'onáotse. His hand is clenched. This is especially said of someone who cannot open their hand. Category: hands.
-hahpenóhtá vti. sew s.t. É-hahpenóhta. She is sewing it up. Etym: *sepwikwa·θe·wa (P). Ná-hahpenóhtanȯtse véenȯtse. I sew tepees. fai: -nó'é; vta: -hahpenót. Category: housework, sew.
-hahpenó'é vai. sew. Lit: fasten-sew É-hahpenó'e. She is sewing. fai: -nó'é; vta: -hahpenót. Category: housework, sew.
-hahpenó'ee'e vai. sit sewing. É-hahpenó'ee'e. She is sitting sewing. Category: sew, sit.
hahpenó'estȯtse ni. sewing machine. Plural hahpenó'ėstotȯtse. Category: tools.
-hahpenó'éšé vai. lie sewing. É-hahpenó'éše. She is lying sewing. [PD653] fai: -nó'é ‘sew’. Category: lie.
-hahpenót vta. sew s.o. (especially cloth, an.) É-hahpenoto. She is sewing him. for example, she is sewing a quilt (animate). É-hahpenótóho. She is sewing him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *sepwikwa·θe·wa (P). É-hahpenoto honó'kono. She is sewing a quilt. Ná-hahpenóto. I sewed him. É-hahpenohe He (or It) is sewn. fta: -nót; vti: -hahpenóhtá; vai: -hahpenó'é. See: -he'ohe. Category: handcraft, sew.
-hahpeosé vai. pinched finger(s). É-hahpeōse. He has a pinched finger(s). vta: -hahpeosé'o'h; BodyPartMedial -osé. Category: hands.
-hahpeosé'o'h vta. pinch finger(s) of s.o., smash finger(s) of s.o. É-hahpeosé'o'hahtse. He smashed his (own) finger(s). vai: -hahpeosé. Category: hands.
-hahpeoséotse vai. pinch finger(s). É-hahpeoséotse. He pinched his finger(s). Category: sickness, hands.
-hahpeotse vii. clenched. É-hahpeotse. It (or He) is clenched.
vai. clenched.
-hahpėseestsé vti. tie s.t. for example, to tie a knot at the end. É-hahpėseēstse. He tied it. See: -mámȯhevoestsé. Category: check.
-hahpetsénooná'ó vai. have closed wings. É-hahpetsénooná'o. His wings are closed. tséx-hahpetsénooná'ȯse when his wings were closed. Category: birds.
-hahpohá vta. squeeze s.t. by tool. É-hahpōha. He squeezed it. Etym: *sepahamwa (P). vta: -hahpoh(n). See: -hahpan.
-hahpoh(n) vta. squeeze s.o. by tool. for example, to squeeze s.o. between your legs. É-hahpȯhnóho. He squeezed him. Etym: *sepahwe·wa (P). vti: -hahpohá. See: -hahpan.
-hahponené vai. 1 • clench teeth. É-hahponēne. He is clenching his teeth. Ná-hahponēne. I'm clenching my teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené ‘tooth/teeth’.
2 • very hungry. Ná-tó'easėhahponēne. I'm very hungry. Lit: I'm just about to have clenched teeth, that is, lock jaw. Category: figurative.
-hahponenéotse vai. 1 • come to have clenched teeth. É-hahponenéotse He has a clenched (or closed) jaw/he has clenched teeth.
2 • come to be very hungry. Náto'seéšė-hahponenéotse I'm so hungry my jaw almost locks. Lit: I'm going to become clench-toothed. One explanation which has been offered for the development of the idiomatic meaning is that it developed from a person's being so frustrated from hunger that his teeth are clenched. Final -onené. Category: figurative.
-hahpononenéšé vai. teeth clenched. for example, from intense cold weather. É-hahpenonéše. ?? His teeth are clenched. ?? É-hahpoenéše ?? BodyPartMedial -onené. See: -hahponené. Category: check.
-háhta vai. persist, doesn't give up, keeps begging and begging. Ésáa-háhtáhe. He doesn't give up. Naa hápó'e Ho'évȧhtamēhnėstse móxho'nó-háhtȧtse. But Walks on the Earth persisted. [Stamper 1991:2] Ques: used only in the negative Category: personality.
-hahtá mbp. foot, feet. Móma'xė-hahtáhe Big Foot. Mo'ȯhtávė-hahtátane Blackfoot. Éheše'kévė-háhta. He has dusty/dirty feet. Ééxovė-hahtáne. He has warm feet. Náná'tsė-hahtávose. I have cold feet. Éhesė-hahtáotse. He has cramps in his feet. Ékóe-hahtáxe. He bumped his foot. É-oókȯhkevėhāhta. He has dirty feet. Énae'ė-hahtaa'e.?? His foot/feet went to sleep/went numb while sitting. Étoe-hāhta. He has cold feet. Éé'ȧ-hahtáxe. He fell and broke his foot. See: -(hk)óhtá ‘leg’. Etym: cf. *-sete· (??). Category: body, feet.
-háhtse vti. scram, Look out!, Get out of the way, hightail it. said to someone standing up. Háhtsėstse! Get out of the way! Háhtome! Look out! (said to more than one person). See: -háhta. Category: motion.
hahtše p. well! Usage: archaic might be used, for example, to mean 'well, you might steal my story'. Category: exclamations.
hákó'e p. long ago, far (distance and time). (another recording) hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto long, long ago. See: háá'ėše; évaveto; tótseha. Category: time, distance.
-há'ėhá'ke vai. have thin bushy hair. old word; somewhat humorous. É-há'ėhá'ke. He has thin hair and it is all bushy. Category: hair.
-há'ené fai. cook. É-móhtóé-há'ené. She is stirring what she is cooking. for example, stirring soup. Phon: seems to be -ahá'ené for most forms; perhaps there is a phonological rule that overrides the initial -a if the last vowel of the preceding initial is -e Variant: -ahá'ené. See: -homosé; -éxȧho'he; -hoohe; -honóné. Category: cook.
-ha'háeéno'e vii. taste strong, taste spicy, spicy taste. É-ha'háeéno'e. It tastes bitter/spicy/sour (for example, lemon). tsé-ha'háeéno'e spicy stuff (for example, picante sauce). (another recording) Non-reduplicated -háeéno'e. See: -hoháeéno'e. Category: taste.
ha'háeéno'émahpe ni. vinegar. Lit: strong-taste-water Non-reduplicated -háeéno'e; Synonym tséha'háeéno'e mahpe. See: -hoháeéno'e. Category: taste, food.
Ha'háehévéno ni. Weatherford, Oklahoma. Lit: very-windy-place Category: places.
há'há'e p. tangled hair. This is an old word referring to tangled hair. See: -moméhe'xá'e. Category: hair.
-ha'háotome vai. pant ?? É-ha'háotome. He is panting. ?? Phon: non-redup Non-reduplicated -háotóme. See: -ómotóma'xe ‘pant’; -ómotome ‘pant’. Category: dogs, check.
Há'peé'e na. Torn Into Pieces Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.
há'tóhé Gram: dem Gram: inan-distal pro. that:INAN, those:INAN. This word points toward one or more inanimate things which are farther away from a speaker than with tsé'tóhe. adjectival demonstrative or substantive. Phon: often attached to a following noun há'tó=mȧhéó'o that house. Phon: typically attaches to a following word See: hé'tóhe; tá'tóhe.
-ha'xáešé vai. sparkle lie. Ques: check gloss?? É-ha'xáéše. He lay sparkling. ?? É'ȯhkėxaetšėšė-ha'xáešenásesto. They were illuminated by a jumping light. [The Snipe Man.070] Category: light, check.
hāma p. any. attaches to some preceding words as a kind of hedge. Ques: possible other glosses: innit, doubt, question nóhásėháma any way. tá'sėháma maybe; I guess; Isn't that right? heá'ėháma maybe. tósa'e hāma wherever. [The Nighthawk:4] Category: check.
hame p. wow.
-hámėstoé'tov vta. sit with reference to s.o. Category: sit.
-hámėstoeotse vai. sit down quickly. This is a quicker action than that of -hámėstoo'o. É-hámėstoeotse. He sat down quickly. Hámėstoeotsėstse! Sit down quickly! vta: -hámėstoeotsé'tov. See: -hámėstoo'e ‘sit down’; -táxe'ėséeotse ‘sit down upon quickly’. Category: motion, sit.
-hámėstoeotsé'tov vta. sit down beside s.o. Éstanó'ovónee-hámėstoeotsé'toesesto. They sat down in a row beside him. [VISION.TXT] vai: -hámėstoeotse. Category: sit.
-hámėstoo'e vai. sit down (process). can be of a person or an animal such as a dog. Simplified Spelling hamstoo, humstoo. É-hámėstoo'e. He sat down. É-hámėstoeo'o. They sat down. Hámėstoo'ėstse! Sit down! Hámėstoo'e! Sit down (plural)! Phon: vs Antonym -néhoveóó'e. See: -hámėstoeotse; -táxe'ėsée'e; -amónoo'e. Category: motion, sit.
-hámėstova'ham vta. sit down s.o. by throwing action. for example, a baby, from a standing to seated position, on the floor. É-hámėstova'hamahtse. He is throwing himself back to sit down. For example, a baby throwing himself from a standing to seated position, on the floor. fta: -a'ham. Category: throw, check.
háméško1 ni. spoon. Morph: /hámehkón/. Etym: *e·mehkwa·na; *e·mohkwa·na (anim.) (Pi). Plural hámėškonȯtse; Homonym háméško2 ‘beetle’. Category: tools.
háméško2 na. beetle, stinkbug, rain bug. Morph: /hámehkón/. Variant: hámėškona; Plural hámėškono; AlternatePlural hámėškonaho; Obviative hámėškono. A number of years ago a non-Indian school teacher at Busby School took her children outside for a little field trip. They spotted an insect so the teacher asked the children what it was. One Cheyenne boy answered, "It is a spoon." The teacher told him he was wrong. But, actually, he was experiencing interference from his mother tongue, Cheyenne, in which the words for 'spoon' and 'beetle' are pronounced exactly the same. This story has been told by a Cheyenne elder to emphasize the point that it is important for teachers to understand the languages that their students deal with. Most non-Indian teachers on the Cheyenne reservation have not learned the Cheyenne language. Etym: *e·mehkwa·na 'spoon'. Homonym háméško1 ‘spoon’. Category: bugs.
hámėškona na. beetle. Usage: The pronunciation háméško is more widely used. Variant: háméško; Plural hámėškónaho; Obviative hámėškónaho. Category: bugs.
hámoht- i. erect camp.
-hámȯhtsehné vai. set up camp; pitch tent. É-hámȯhtséhne He set up camp. See: -mȯhtáeov; -tomȯhtan. Category: tepee.
hámȯhtsėhnéstóva ni. by tepees. nexa hámȯhtsėhnéstóva tsénėhe'ėsévoénėstse two tepees long-faced. That was a funny phrase said once by a lady related to a long- faced man whom she wished to shame for having beaten his wife; it means something like: "his face is so long he could pitch two tepees on it". Category: face.
hámó'e p. just like, for example, even though. Variant: hámó'ȯhtse. naa ného'éehe énóhne'kahe hámó'e móhnėševésėhestanėhéhe in spite of my father's being lame he was taken anyway (1987:45).
hámó'ȯhtse p. like, for instance, for example. Hámó'ȯhtse naa náohkeéšenėhešéve. For example, and I have done that. hámó'ȯhtse nánéehove náohkėhéne'enátanó'ta for example, I myself want to know it. [1987:43] Variant: hómó'ȯhtse. See: tā'se.
hánȧháóhe p. over there. distal; old information. See: nȧháóhe; hátȧháóhe; hénėhéóhe. Category: positions.
hánȧhéno p. over there. See: hánȧháóhe; hátȧhéno. Category: positions.
hana'háanéhe pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg there it is (proximal; old information). See: hena'háanéhe. Plural hana'háanevótse.
hana'háanetséhe pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: obv there it is (proximal; old information). Prox: hana'háanéhe.
hana'háanevótse pro. Gram: inan Gram: pl there they are (proximal; old information). Singular hana'háanéhe.
haná'hanehe pro. there it is (proximal, old information). Phon: contraction of haná'hanehe
háne dem. that. inanimate distal discourse deictic; the referent is assumed known to the speaker and hearer. háne éšeēva yesterday. háne taa'éva the other night. See: héne; há'tóhe; náhe.
-hané sfx. negative suffix for inanimate intransitive verbs. Ésáahoo'kȯhó-háne. It did not rain. Variant: -hanéh, -hane. Category: grammar.
-hane sfx. negative suffix for inanimate intransitive verbs. Usage: /-hane/ seems to be the most common recent pronunciation. In the past sometimes the /-hané/ pronunciation was heard. Ésáapėhéva'é-hane. It is not good. Ésáaho'tá-hane. It is not there. Ésáahotse'óhenovė-hane. There is not working. Variant: -hanéh, -hané. Category: grammar.
háne éšeēva obl. the other day, yesterday. Some speakers may use this for 'yesterday' but most seem to use it for 'the other day'. (another recording) Ná-háestȯhanēne háne éšeēva. I was busy yesterday. See: éšeēva; háne. Category: time.
háne taa'éva obl. the other night. Category: time.
-haneh sfx. negative suffix for II verbs. There is variation among speakers as to whether there is a word-final underlying high pitch or low pitch, -hané or -hane. Variant: -hané, -hane. Ésáaho'táhanehȯtse. They (inan) are not here/there. See: sáa-; -hé. Category: grammar.
-háne'e ni. Gram: poss nape (poss.) ma-háne'e nape. na-háne'e my nape. [Smith] Etym: nesekixkwi (P) ‘my nape’. Phon: iah Ques: are these words actually said?? BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body, check.
-hane'é mbp. nape (back of neck). Énonȯhpȧ-hane'éše. He fell backwards on his nape and his head bounced. Épóe-hane'éše. He fell and bumped his nape. Possessive -háne'e. See: -hánoe. Category: body.
hanénȯhenéve'ho'e na. artist. Category: jobs.
hánėsóvóne p. south. Usage: not well known today Grinnell 1923, Vol. i·, says this is a ceremonial term for 'south'. See: anėsóvóne; sóvóne; -ta'ehné. Category: directions.
hánoe- pv. head back. É-hánoeameōhtse. He walked with his head thrown back. See: hánȯse-; hosó-.
-hánoeohtsé vai. walk with head thrown back. É-hánoeōhtse. He walked with his head thrown back. Category: walk.
-hánȯhóenomeotse vai. 1 • fall asleep on back. É-hánȯhóenomeotse. She fell asleep on her back. This is said figuratively when her husband took off on her when she wasn't vigilant.
2 • have one's husband take off during lack of vigilance. Category: figurative. Final /-énóme/. Category: marriage.
-hánȯhóeóó'e vai. stand looking with head held back. É-hánȯhóeóó'e. He is standing looking with his head held back. Éx-hánȯhóeóehoo'o. He looked backwards(??). (pret). [Bear Tepee.110] Ques: recheck?? Category: stand, sight, check.
-hánȯhóešé vai. lie on back. É-hánȯhóéše. He is lying on his back. Synonym -hánȯšešé. Category: lie, sight.
-hánȯhónoo'e vai. sit with head back. É-hánȯhónoo'e. He is sitting with his head back. Medial -ón3; fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit.
hánoht- i. back. head posture. Etym: cf. M ae·necenaehki·hsen. See: hános-.
-hánȯhta'e'ov vta. ?? É-hánȯhta'e'ovóho. ?? Category: interpersonal.
-hánȯhtá'o vai. fall backwards. É-hánȯhtá'o. He fell backwards. [The Journey.282] fai: -a'ó. See: -ana'ó; -áva'ó; -ma'kėsta'ó. Category: motion.
-hánȯhtan vta. bend s.o. back. É-hánȯhtanóho. He bent him back.
-hánȯhtátamao'ó vai. lean backwards laughing so hard. É-hánȯhtátamaō'o. He leaned backwards laughing so hard. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: laugh.
-hánȯhtóe'ó vai. float on back, float supine. É-hánȯhtóé'o. He is floating on his back. fai: -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-hánȯhto'tsé vti. put s.t. in back. for example, to keep one's hat back on the head. É-hánȯhtó'tse. He put it in back. vti: -o'tsé2. Category: move.
-hánȯhto'xe vai. bend back with load. É-hánȯhto'xe. He is bent back carrying a load. fta: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-hánȯhtoo'e vai. sit with head back. É-hánȯhtoo'e. He is sitting with head thrown back. Phon: vs Category: sit.
hános- i. back. posture. É-hánȯsénome. He is sleeping while leaning back. See: hánoht-.
hánȯse- pv. backwards, on the back, supine. É-hánȯseovēše. He lay down on his back. Category: positions.
Hánȯseéeotse na. Dives Backwards. Category: names.
-hánȯseméohe vai. thrust back. É-hánȯseméohe. He is thrusting himself back. for example, how a baby thrusts itself back, perhaps in defiance. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.
-hánȯsénome vai. sleep leaning back. É-hánȯsénome. He is sleeping while leaning back. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hánȯseóó'e vai. backwards.lean.stand. for example, to stand leaning back against something. É-hánȯseóó'e. He leaned backwards standing.
vti. Gram: vai + o lean backwards while standing, stand leaning backwards. fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-hánȯsešé vai. lie on back, lie supine. É-hánȯséše. He is lying on his back. Móx-hánȯšėšenȧhéhe. She lay on her back. [Croft 1988:29:12] Variant: -hánȯšešé; vta: -hánȯšėšem; Synonym -hánȯheešé. Category: lie.
-hánȯsevo'e'ov vta. tip s.o. backwards. É-hánȯsevo'e'ovóho. He tipped him backwards. Category: move.
-hánȯsevo'oh(n) vta. tip s.o. backwards. É-hánȯsevo'ȯhnóho. He tipped him backwards (with a tool??) Category: move, check.
hánȯsóvóne p. east. Category: directions.
-hánȯšešé vai. lie on back, lean back. É-hánȯšéše. He is lying on his back / he is leaning back. Variant: -hánȯsešé; Synonym -hánȯhóešé. Category: lie.
-hánȯšėšem vta. lay s.o. on their back. for example, before sex. É-hánȯšėšemóho. He lay him on his (another person's) back. vai: -hánȯseše. Category: lie, sex.
-háoem vta. regard s.o. as of high value. É-háoemóho. He regards him as of high value. Náho-háoēmo mo'éhno'ha. I put a high price on the horse. Category: value.
-háoeme vii. expensive, valued highly. Lit: high-valued -háoem indicates intrinsic value; -he'amoem indicates value as from being put on a pedestal. É-háoeme. It (or He) is expensive.
vai. expensive, valued highly. tsé-háoemese the top (soldiers). [1987:46] Final -oem. See: -he'amoeme; -sóvoeme; -he'anávoeme. Category: money, value.
-háóéná vai. pray. É-háóéna. He is praying. Ná-háóéna. I prayed. É-háoenao'o. They are praying. Náohkeméo-háóéna. I pray in the morning. Nétȧ-háoenama! Let's pray! Néx-háóénȧhtse! Pray! Háóéna! Pray! (said to a group). Ééševóonā'o, ohkė-háóéna! It is already morning, pray! (said to a group). Mó'é-háóéna? Is he praying? Néto'sė-háoenahe? Are you going to pray? Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Preverb háóénáve-. See: -óéná; -háóéné; -hoóná ‘close s.t.’. Category: church, sacred, pray.
-háoenaa'e vai. pray sitting, sit praying. É-háoenaa'e. He is sitting praying. Morph: /-háóéná-e/. Phon: vs Category: sit.
háoenahtȯtse ni. prayer. Oblique háóénȧhtóva. Category: sacred, church.
háóénȧhtóva obl. in/by means of prayer.
-háoena'heóneve vai. be a prayerful person. É-háoena'heóneve. He is a prayerful person. tsé-háoena'heónevėstse the one who is a prayerful person. Category: pray.
-háóéna'tá vti. pray about something. Nétaovóe-háoena'tanone! Let's first pray about it.
-háóéná'tov vta. pray to s.o. É-háoena'tovóho. He prayed to him. Ná-háóéná'tóvo. I prayed to him. vai: -háóéná; Preverb háóénáve-. Category: speak.
háoenámȧhēō'o ni. church building. Lit: prayer-house vai: -háóéná. See: ma'heóneéestsémȧhéó'o. Category: church, new.
-háóénátanó vai. want to pray. Náháóéná-táno. I want to pray. fai: tanó. See: -háóéná ‘pray’.
háoenave- pv. prayerfully. háoenave-vo'ėstane prayerful person. Ná-háoenave-véestomēvo Ma'hēō'o. I prayerfully asked God (for something). É-háoenavevo'ėstanéheve. He lives prayerfully. Morph: /háóénáve-/.
-háoenavȯhóov vta. motion s.o. to pray. É-háoenavȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to pray. Ná-háoenavȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to pray. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign, pray.
-háoenavomotah vta. pray for s.o. É-háoenavomotȧhóho. He prayed for him. Ná-háoenavomotāho. I'm praying for him. Né-háoenavomotȧhatséme. I am praying for you (plural). Né-háoenavomotȧhatsemeno. We are praying for you. Nétamȧhe-háoenavomotȧhone! Let's all pray for him! Háoenavomotȧxeha! Pray for him! Pray for him Wayne.mp3. Néx-háoenavomotaxėstse! Pray for me! Naa tsėhéóhe náéetšėhešė-háoenavomotȧhoo'o tsé'tóhe tsėhéóhe tséhéstanovese. And I prayed for all the people here. [1987:99] Category: pray.
-háóénáxe vai. pray lying down, lie praying. É-háóénáxe. He is praying lying down. fai: -šená. Category: lie, pray.
-háóéné vai. be thirsty. É-háóéne. He is thirsty. Ná-háóéne. I'm thirsty. Usage: Many speakers today do not know this word. É-manétáno 'I want to drink' is commonly said but it usually connotes drinking an alcoholic beverage. The simplest way today to say 'I'm thirsty' is Nnáho'ahe mahpe, literally 'I want water'. Reduplicated -hoháóéné. See: -manétanó; -háóéná; -háeaná; mahpe; -ho'ahe. Category: drink.
-háoeoestoh(n) vta. hit s.o. very intensely by tool. É-háoeoestȯhnóho. He hit him very intensely with a tool. Éáá! Ého-háeoestȯhéhoo'o. My! She really got hit bad! [Croft 1988:18:17] Ques: Is this a sudden action?? Category: check.
-háoéstá vii. be highly valued, be expensive. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: value, check.
-háoho'he vai. be hot, aroused - be sexually. É-háoho'he. He is hot. Can also refer to a man or woman being sexual aroused. See: -nėšėho'he. Category: temperature.
-háoho'hová vai. heat hot. É-háoho'hōva. He made (something) hot. Néoseeheómė-háoho'hōva. You made (something) too hot. can be about a house or a sweat. Category: temperature.
-háoho'tá vii. hot. for example, of the weather or a cooking pan. É-háohō'ta. It is hot. (another recording) É-háoho'tahe? Is it hot? Ésáa-háoho'táhane. It is not hot. Mó-háoho'táhanéhe. It must be hot. Reduplicated -hoháoho'tá. See: -nėšėho'tá; -háaeho'tá; -hohpotómȧhó'ta. Category: weather, temperature.
-háohomo'he vai. dance energetically. É-háohomo'he. He is dancing energetically. E-háohomó'heo'o ka'ėškóneho. The children are dancing energetically. ?? Ques: recheck spelling?? Category: check. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-háohosé vai. very big penis - have a, penis - have a very big; have a very big penis. É-háohōse. He has a big penis. Usage: vulgar BodyPartMedial -ohosé. See: -tȧhpe'ȯhosé; -háa'ėstȯhosé; -tsėhe'ėstȯhosé. Category: vulgar.
-háohtóva vai. sell something outrageous. É-háohtóva. He sold something outrageous. Final -ohtóvá. Category: money.
háohtoveéšeēva n. great day. This is a sacred word used in some ceremonies. It means something like 'this great day set aside'. This can be prayed to the deity about "the people are given to you as your children". Category: ceremonial, time.
-háohtsétseve vai. sly, shrewd, conniving, cunning, tricky, sneaky. É-háohtsétseve. He is sly/conniving/shrewd. Ó'kȯhomeho éoseeho-háohtsétseveo'o. Coyotes are really sneaky. See: -oe'kehe; -mȧháohtsétseve. Category: personality.
-háo'ahe vai. greatly want, want - greatly. É-háo'ahe. He greatly wants (something). See: -ho'ahe.
-háo'ȧhéotse vai. greatly want - come to. É-háo'ȧhéotse. He has come to greatly want (something). Ques: run or want?? Category: check, run.
-háo'ané vai. say much, say something amazing. É-háó'áne. He said something amazing. Ého-háó'áne. He said something very amazing. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-háo'asé vii. fire burn intensely. É-háo'āse. The fire is burning intensely. Ȯhtavé'easėto'ȧsee'ėstse é'ȯhtše-oháo'āse. When the fire starts it's severe. [Prairie Fires.006] fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-háo'eéh vta. treat badly s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eeho. He treated him badly. É-háo'eéhóho. He treated him badly. (newer pronunciation). Reduplicated hoháo'eéh. See: ná'so'eém; háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.
-háo'eém vta. tease s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eemo. He teased him. É-háo'eémóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -ná'so'eém; -háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.
-háo'eétahe vai. do something shocking, do something wrong, do something spectacular. É-háo'eétahe. He did something shocking. Móné-háo'eétȧhehéhe. You must have done something shocking. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
háo'eétȧhéoohe vai. shock.do.quickly. tséstaée-háo'eétȧhéooese when he did something great. [Instruction to Children.021] Category: do.
-háo'emané vai. be bossy, rule much, make too many rules. É-háo'emāne. He is bossy. See: -mȧho'emané; -ho'emané; -hoháo'emané.
Háo'emané'e na. Bossy Woman. Category: names.
-háo'emaov vta. boss s.o. É-háo'emaovóho. He bossed him. See: -momóonáot. Category: interpersonal, check.
-háó'émáto vii. thick brush; thick weeds. É-háó'émáto. It is thick brush. Category: quantity.
-háo'enohe vai. very full (of food). É-háo'enohe. He is very full (of food). Ná-háo'enohe. I'm very full (of food). fai: -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe; -hehpo'enȯhéotse.
-háo'enȯhéotse vai. become very full (of food). É-háo'enȯhéotse. He has become very full (of food). Ná-háo'enȯhéotse. I'm very full (of food). Phon: sfr fai: -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe. Category: eat.
-háo'eóó'e vii. stand thick. Heškóvó'ėstse éohkėho-háo'eóénėstse. Horns were really thick.047. [The Rolling Head.]
vai. stand thick. É-háo'eóó'e. He (or It) is standing thick. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-háo'etame vii. deep (of water). É-háo'etame. It (water) is deep. fii: -o'(k)etame; Antonym -tšėho'ketame; Variant: -háo'otame; Synonym -vono'etame. See: -háa'éhotoo'e. Category: liquid.
Háo'etaméo'hé'e ni. Deer Fork. Lit: deep-river flows into the north fork of the Canadian River in Oklahoma. Grinnell (1906) says this is a Northern Cheyenne variant for this river name. The Southern Cheyenne name is something like Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Variant: Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
Háo'heóévá'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-háo'oe vai. very many residents - be. Only used with plural subjects. É-háo'oeo'o. Very many reside (there). Éstȧsó'hovė-háo'oeo'o vé'hó'e. The white people developed into a big city. [1987:19] Phon: vs See: -mȧhoe. Category: quantity.
-háo'oe'tó vai. many cling. This is about clinging to a bush or vine. É-háo'oe'tónėstse menȯtse. There are lots of berries (on the vines). Final -oe'tó. See: -hoe'tó; -o'hémoe'tó. Category: berries, hang.
-háo'ohe vai. many trees (or other woody plants). used only with plural subjects. É-háo'ȯheo'o. They (animate, woody) are many in number. This is of woody plants such as trees or turnips. fai: -ó'ohe. See: -háanóohe; -háestȯxe; -šéškó'ohe. Category: trees.
-háo'o'e vii. much grass. É-háo'o'e. There is lots of grass, hay. for example, after some good rains. fii: -o'o'e. Category: plants.
háo'ome- i. tragic?? Category: check. Ques: Ques: recheck segmental analysis?? Category: check. É-háo'omenehe. He is poor/destitute. É-háo'omeeotse. He is in a tragic situation. É-háo'omeetanoo'o. They are pitiful. See: hao'om- ‘calm’.
-háo'omeeotse vai. be in a tragic situation. For example, of someone who has lost their spouse or lost the use of their arms in an accident. É-háo'omeeotse. He is in a tragic situation. See: -hótoanávetanó; -hótoanáotse.
-háo'omeetanó vai. feel destitute, feel pitiful. É-háo'omeetanoo'o. They are pitiful. for example, when grieving the death of a loved one and they feel they don't have anything left. See: nėševátamahe. Category: emotions.
-háo'omenehe vai. poor, experience a difficult life, be in bad shape, poor condition. poor or of general difficult life condition. É-háo'omenehe. He is poor/destitute. The following are often said in prayer. Ná-háo'omenehe. I am poor. Ná-háo'omenėhéme. We (excl) are poor. Vovóhnėhešenáno tsé-háo'omenėhese! Take care of those who are poor! [1987:206 ; Hymn 155] fai: -o'omenehe. See: -hávėsévo'omenehe; -hésto'omenehe; -to'omenehe; -pėhévo'omenehe; -nėstamenóohéheve; -nėxȧheve. Category: money, live, check.
hao'omóht- i. calm. É-hao'omóhtahe. He is feeling calm. É-hao'omóhto'eého. He pacified him.
-hao'omóhtahe vai. calm. É-hao'omóhtahe. He is feeling calm. Ééšė-hao'omóhtahe. He is feeling better (for example, doesn't have a fever anymore). See: -háomóhtahe.
-hao'omóhto'eéh vta. pacify, pacify s.o. especially of breaking in a horse. É-hao'omóhto'eeho. He pacified him. É-hao'omóhto'eéhóho. He pacified him. (newer pronunciation). Category: horses, interpersonal.
-hao'omóhtoo'e vai. be calm, sit still. É-hao'omóhtoo'e. He is sitting calm. Éšė-hao'omóhtoo'ėstse! Sit still (for a while)! / Calm down! Phon: vs Ques: originally hao'omóhtoo'e?? Category: check. See: -he'kotoo'e; -ovánėhoo'e. Category: sit.
-hao'omó'é vai. calm down. Ééšė-hao'omó'e. He is calmed down. Ques: originally -háo'omó'e?? Category: check, emotions.
hao'omós- i. calm. É-hao'omóséše. He learned his lesson falling. Variant: hao'omóht-.
-hao'omóseh vta. finally get to s.o. É-hao'omósėhóho. He finally got to him. [pd713] Category: interpersonal.
-hao'omósešé vai. 1 • calm down falling. for example, when a child calms down after falling down after he has been running around the house so much; children lean their lesson from this. É-hao'omóséše. He calmed down after falling. See: -hestovootsé'seh; -máxeó'otse. Category: lie.
2 • die. Ééšė-hao'omóséše. He is already lying calmly. that is, he has died. See: -hovánee'e. Category: death, figurative.
-háo'ót vta. brag about s.o., boast about s.o. É-háo'oto. He bragged about him. É-háo'ótóho. He bragged about him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -o'ót. See: -háe'ót; -háátam; -pėhévo'ót. Category: speak.
-háo'otame vii. deep (of water). É-háo'otame. The water is deep. Variant: -háo'etame. Category: liquid.
-háo'pohe vai. gluttonous. É-háo'pohe. He is gluttonous. (another recording) É-háo'póheo'o. They are gluttonous. Category: eat, personality.
háo'póhetane na. glutton. Plural háo'póhetaneo'o; Obviative háo'póhetanóho. Category: personality.
-háo'potanó vai. greedy. É-háo'potāno. He is greedy. See: -háo'pohe; -hehpetanó; -hehpetse. Category: personality.
-háo'táoohe vai. run fast, move fast. É-háo'táoohe. He is fast. See: -háo'taoohe; -nėševo'ȧhéotse; -nėševeohe. Category: motion.
háo'táoohēso na. lizard, salamander. Ques: also salamander?? Lit: little fast runner (another recording) When you catch these you tie a red yarn on them then let them go for good luck. This animal is similar to a chameleon. Plural háo'táoohesono. háo'táoohésoneho lizards (alternate plural). See: heó'ȯhtáto. Obviative háo'táoohesono. See: áestóhkáhne ‘lizard’; heó'ȯhtáto ‘lizard’. Category: reptiles, animals, check.
-háo'táoohesonevóma'é vai. lizard-painted, salamander-painted. É-háo'táoohesonevómá'e. He is lizard-painted. fai: -óma'é. See: -heo'ȯhtátónevóma'é ‘lizard painted’. Category: paint.
háome- pv. intense. used to introduce strong exclamations. Háome-nėšėhoháeta'pȧhéstove! How really weak you are! [1980:33:15] See: háeve-.
-háomóhtahe vai. sick. Ná-háomóhtahe. I'm sick. É-háomóhtahe. He is sick. Né-háomóhtȧhehe? Are you sick? fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhé'ov vta. cause s.o. to be sick. This is unintentional cause of sickness, such as from spoiled food; intentional cause of sickness would use the verb -háomóhtȧhé'seh. Ho'évohkȯtse ná-háomóhtȧhé'oo'e. The meat made me sick. See: -háomóhtȧhé'seh ‘cause s.o. to be sick’; -pėhéva'ov. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhé'seh vta. cause s.o. to be sick. intentional cause. É-háomóhtȧhé'sėhóho. He made him sick. See: -háomóhtȧhé'ov ‘unintentionally cause s.o. to be sick’. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhémané vai. pretend to be sick. É-háomóhtȧhémáne. He is pretending to be sick. [pd679] Final -mané.
-háomóhtȧhéotse vai. become sick. É-háomóhtȧhéotse. He is gotten sick. Category: sickness.
háomóhtȧhestȯtse ni. sickness, illness. vai: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
háomóhtȧhestȯtse tséévoésta vii. covid. See: -évoésé. Category: sickness, check.
-háomóhtȧhétanó vai. want to be sick, hypochondriac - be a. É-háomóhtȧhétáno. He is a hypochondriac. Móné-háomóhtȧhétáno? Do you want to be sick? fai: -tanó. Category: sickness.
Háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe na. Sickness. personified. Háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe, tȧhééhnėstse! Sickness, leave! Some people used to say that to sickness in someone, such as in their children. See: háomóhtȧhestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-háomóhtȧhévéné vai. sick face - have a. É-háomóhtȧhévéne. He looks sick. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sickness.
-háomóseh vta. hurt s.o. É-háomósėhóho. He hurt him. É-háomósėhaa'e. It (for example, toothache) is hurting him. vai: -homóhtahe; NonIntensive: -homóseh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-háona'he vai. bony, very skinny. É-háona'he. He is very skinny. See: -tóhkona'he. Category: size.
-háónétsestá vai. very lazy. É-háónétsésta. He is very lazy. É-háonetsėstȧsesto. They were lazy (reportative). NonIntensive: -hónétsésta. Category: personality.
-háónóto vii. very thick, dense. É-háónóto. It is very thick. Ésáa-háonotȯhane. It is not thick/it is not dense. tsé-háónóto a quarter (coin) (that which is thick). See: -tonovó; -tónótó; tonove-. Category: size.
háonov- i. thick, dense. É-háonovāna. He thickened it (for example, put another layer on the roof). Category: texture.
-háonová vai. talkative. É-háónóva He is talkative. É-háonovao'o. They are talkative. fai: -ónová; vta: -háonová'tov. See: -ne'hónová ‘chat’; -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak.
Háonovahe na. Holy God. an old ceremonial word for God; rarely used; few Cheyennes know this word today; this word is not to be used outside ceremonies; the usual word used today for God, both within ceremonies and elsewhere is Ma'hēō'o. See: Háónóváhe ‘Talkative’; Ma'hēō'o ‘God’; Nóáhe1 ‘God; Providence’. Category: sacred.
Háónóváhe na. Talkative. Indian name by which Mr. Busby was known. He was the white storekeeper for whom the village of Busby was named. He was talkative. How he was named illustrates one way people were given Indian names, especially non-Cheyennes: names were given which depicted them somehow. Cheyenne children, however, are named soon after birth, usually for a relative. See: Háonovahe ‘Holy God’. Category: names.
-háonová'tov vta. talk a lot about s.o. Ná-háónóvá'tóvo. I grumbled about him/I talked a lot about him. vai: -háonová. Category: speak.
-háonovan vti. thicken s.t. This is not thickening as when making pudding or gravy. É-háonovāna. He thickened it. For example, he put another layer on the roof. See: -tónovan. Category: texture.
háonove- pv. thickly, densely. Ésáa'éšeée-háonovemȧhoéheo'o vé'hó'e. Whitemen had not yet settled a lot. [Prairie Fires.002] Category: quality.
-háooésta vti. sell s.t. too expensively. É-háooésta. He sold it at too expensive a price. Ques: Does this literally mean 'to hang s.t. too high' or 'to count s.t. too high'? See: -hoésta1. Category: money.
-háooéstóne vai. sell too expensively. É-háooéstóne. He sells (things) at too high a price. (another recording) vti: -háooéstá. Category: money.
-háoo'kohó vii. rain hard, intensely rain. É-háoo'kōho. It is raining hard. Éo-háaoo'kōho. It is raining very hard. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.
-háoo'kȯhóotse vii. rain hard. É-háoo'kȯhóotse. It is raining hard. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.
-háóo'ó vai. see (something) amazing ?? É-háóó'o. He saw (something) amazing.?? Reduplicated -hoháóo'ó. Category: check, sight.
-háooma'há vii. big waves by wind. É-háóómá'ha. There are big waves from the wind. Éo-háóómá'ha. There are very big waves from the wind. Category: wind.
-háoome'tá vii. hot water. É-háoomē'ta. It is hot water. See: -ma'óome; -nėsóome'tá. Category: liquid.
-háóová vii. soaked.
vai. soaked. É-háóóva. He (or It) is soaked. nónóhpa nȧhtsėsáa-háóóváhe so I will not get soaked. [1987:29] fai: -óóvá. See: -háoovahe; -he'kóová. Category: liquid.
-háoovahe vai. rich. É-háoovahe. He is rich. néhe tséhešėho-háoovaestse that one who is very rich. Antonym -háo'omenehe. See: -háestȯhema'kaataamé; -háóová. Category: money.
-háoovo'he vai. drink a lot of something, addicted to drinking something. can especially refer to being addicted to drinking coffee, but there is no explicit word for coffee included with this word. É-háoovo'he. He drinks a lot of coffee. Ná-háoovo'he. I drink a lot of coffee. Né-háoovo'hehe? Do you drink a lot of coffee? É-háoovo'hehe? Does he drink a lot of coffee? Móné-háoovo'hehéhe. You must have drunk a lot of coffee. fai: -óovo'he. See: -háe'ȧsené. Category: drink, check.
-háotóma'xe vai. pant. É-háotóma'xe. He is panting. Category: dogs.
-háotome vai. pant. É-háotome. He is panting. Phon: non-redup Reduplicated -ha'háotome. See: -ómotóma'xe ‘pant’; -ómotome ‘breathe’. Category: dogs.
-háotómešé vai. lie panting. É-háotóméše. He is lying panting. Category: lie.
-háotsehe vai. smoke a lot. É-háotsehe. He smokes heavily. fai: -otsehe. See: -háatová; -he'pó. Category: smoke.
-háotse'ohe vai. work hard. É-háotse'ohe. He worked hard. Mó-háotse'óhehéhe. He must have worked hard. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: work.
-háovȧho'hová vai. loud sound from heat , noisy muffler. Néoseeho-háovȧho'hōva. Your muffler is really loud. See: -háoho'hová. Category: fire.
háovȯhnóváhe na. poor person. Plural háovȯhnóvȧhese. The plural seems to be a conjunct participle in form. See: néstóvȯhnóváhe. Category: people.
-háoxe'a'há fii. exciting movie, intense movie. É-háoxe'ā'ha. It was an exciting movie. fii: -oxe'a'há. Category: movie.
hapa p. absolutely quiet ?? Category: check. tā'se hapa éxamaehénove. "It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop." For example, when a visitor entered a crowded room where there had been animated conversation.
Hápȧhanaā'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
hápó'e p. likewise, in turn, me too, you too, too. naa hápó'e and likewise / and me too / and you too. (another recording) (another recording) hápó'e nahe me too. Nóohē'še hápó'e nėstoveha nevá'esėstse! Let's go, likwise ask someone else! Non-contracted hapó'eveta. See: máto; mé'tó'e.
hapó'eveta p. likewise. Contracted hápó'e.
hápose p. sidetracked (?? Category: check. probably variant of hópose. See: hópose.
-hásé vai. be there. Ques: recheck gloss Háá'ėše Ȯx-hásėstse From Far Away (name). "Éaa! Tósa'e néa'enė-háse?" náhéto. "Nésáatšėhe'ševóomatséhe," náhéto "My! Where have you been all the time?" I said to him. "I never see you," I said to him. [1987:174] Tósa'e tsé'hásėstse! That's the end of him! [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).075] Category: names, check.
Háse'hoveóó'e na. Victory Woman, Stands By the Fire Woman, Spears In the Ground Woman. Many speakers are unsure of the translation of this name, however, a woman with this name is quite sure of its meaning as Victory Woman. Category: names.
-hasené fai. ?? Category: check. especially used of terms for the seeds-in-basket game. Náno'kė-hasēne. I got one seed up. Nánéšė-hasēne I got two seeds up. Nána'he-hasēne I got three seeds up. Nápėhévė-hasēne I played a right game. Námȧhe-hasēne I got them all facing up. Násáatónėšė-hasenéhe. I didn't make any (seeds) up. ékó'koe-haseneo'o They are playing the seed-in-basket game. époe'-haseneo'o They are shaking the basket. See: -poe'hasené; kó'koehasenestȯtse. Category: games.
hásohko ni. Gram: dim lance. striped four times; used in Sun Dance lodge. Non-diminutive hásoo'o. See: xomoo'o ‘lance’. Category: Sun Dance.
hásoo'o ni. crowbar. Plural hásoonȯtse; Diminutive hásohko. Category: tools.
Háškóó'e na. See Far Woman. translation uncertain; said to have something to do with the meaning of 'far,' so perhaps this is actually Háá'ėškóó'e, contracted to Háškóó'e. Category: names.
-hátaa'éahe vai. be elders. only used with plural subjects. É-hátaa'éaheo'o They are elders. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hátaa'éhahe. Category: ages.
-hátaa'éhahe vai. be old; be an elder. only used with plural subjects. Phon: redup É-hátaa'éhaheo'o. They are elders. tsé-hátaa'éhahese the oldest ones. [1987:170] Non-reduplicated -háa'éhahe; Contracted -hátaa'éahe. Phon: redup See: -tó'ėhahe. Category: ages.
-hátaa'ėstó'ohe vai. tall. of trees or certain other plants, such as turnips. only used in pl. Phon: redup Medial ó'(e)-. É-hátaa'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They are tall. Non-reduplicated -háa'ėstó'ohee. See: -háa'ėstahe. Category: trees.
hátȧháóhe p. over there. distal; new location in discourse. See: tȧháóhe; hátȧhéno; hánȧháóhe; hénėhéóhe; hétsėhéóhe. Category: positions.
hátȧhéno p. over there. See: hátȧháóhe; tȧhéno. Category: positions.
hata'háanéhe pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg there it is (proximal new information). See: hena'háanéhe.
hata'háanetséhe pro. Gram: inan.-sg-obv there it is (proximal; new information).
hatá'hanéhe pro-inanimate-sg. there it is (proximal; new information). Phon: contraction of hata'háanéhe
Hátavėséveéestsé'e na. Bad Mouth Woman. Category: names.
Hátavėsévé'háme na. Bad Horse, His Bad Horse. origin of family name Bad Horse. See: Hátavėséve'haméhe; Hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse. Category: names.
Hátavėséve'haméhe na. (His) Bad Horse. See: Hátavėsévé'háme; Hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse. Category: names.
Hátavėsévé'hámėstse na. Bad Horse, His Bad Horse. See: Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Hátavėsévé'háme; Hátavėséve'haméhe. Category: names.
-hátavėsévem vta. talk bad about s.o. repeatedly. Éto'sėsáa'ée-hátavėsévemóheho hemėšemo. He won't talk bad about his father-in-law. [Family Harmony.034] Non-reduplicated -hávėsévem. Category: speak.
hátavėsévéva obl. in evil, in sin, by sin. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated havėse.
-hátávėsévo'eétahe vai. do bad repeatedly. É-hátavėsévo'eétahe. He did something bad repeatedly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hávėsévo'eétahe. See: -hé'heetovánove; -ó'ȯhto'eétahe; havėse. Category: do.
Háto'ėstséáhe na. Bushy Head, Tangle Hair, Bushy Hair. Category: names.
-háto'ėstséá'e vai. have bushy hair. É-háto'ėstséá'e. He has bushy hair. Morph: /-háto'ehtéá/. See: -pe'pe'ėstséá'e. Category: hair.
-háto'ešé vai. sprawled. É-háto'ēše. He is sprawled out. Category: fall, lie.
-háto'óomahe vai. bushy. Ques: recheck ?? É-háto'óomahe. He (tree) is bushy. [Croft] Category: check.
hato'ōxe p. outside corners, outside edges. Category: positions.
hátȯxov- i. back and forth. É'ȯhkė-hátȯxovo'ȧhéotsesėstse. He would run back and forth. [Mountain stories.072]
-hátȯxovȧhá'ené vai. carry food back and forth. É-hátȯxovȧhá'éne. She is carrying food back and forth. for instance, at a feast. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: food, cook.
-hátȯxovȧho'he vai. drive back and forth. É-hátȯxovȧho'he He is driving back and forth. Category: drive.
-hátȯxova'hahtsé vti. pass around s.t. É-hátȯxova'hāhtse. He passed it around. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.
-hátȯxova'ham vta. across.throw, pass around s.o. for example, to pass around a basketball. É-hátȯxova'hamóho. He passed him around. Hátȯxova'hama hóhtséme! Pass the ball around! fta: -a'ham. Category: basketball.
-hátȯxova'xe vai. run back and forth, run around. for example, while delivering newspapers. É-hátȯxova'xe. He is running around. See: -évo'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
hátȯxove i. back and forth. tsé-hátȯxovenėstsese interpreters.
pv. back and forth. Náohkė-hátȯxoveméohe. I run back and forth. Névé'-hátȯxovenovo'eohtséme! Don't (pl) walk back and forth eating! É-hátȯxovetsėheta'hāhtse He is swinging it back and forth. Étaévȧ-hátȯxovevovéstoemȧhtsėhevóhe. They (Sutaio and Cheyenne bands) intermarried. [1987:45] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated hóxove-.
-hátȯxovehné vai. walk back and forth, pace back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxovēhne. He walked back and forth. See: -hátȯxoveohe. Category: walk, motion.
-hátȯxove'hanáohtsé vai. 1 • walk back and forth while eating. É-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse. He walked back and forth while eating. Névé'-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse! Don't walk around while eating!
2 • eat with hands rushing back and forth. É-ohkėhátȯxove'hanáóhtse He eats fast. for example, he eats while his hands are rushing back and forth to his mouth. fai: -e'haná. Category: walk, eat.
hátȯxovenestse vai. interpret. tsé-hátȯxovenestsėstse interpreter. [The Interpreters.009] Non-reduplicated -hóxovenestse. See: -hóxovenestse.
-hátȯxoveohe vai. walk back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxoveohe. He is walking back and forth. See: -hátȯxovehné. Category: motion, walk.
-hátȯxoveohtse vai. walk back and forth. Éohkėháe-hátȯxoveohtsénove. There is walking back and forth. [Beadwork Visit.062]
hátȯxovévam vta. cause s.o. to go back and forth. Éstaáhane-hátȯxovévamaenóhoonȯtse héne hestsėhóvevótse né= kȧse'éeheho. They kept making him crawl back and forth, those things of those young ladies. [The Big Bogeyman.066] Category: interpersonal, check.
-hátȯxovȯhoo'e vai. back.and.forth.swim, back.and.forth.wade. É-hátȯxovȯhoo'e. He is swimming back and forth. fai: -ȯhoo'e.
-hátȯxovȯhta'hané vai. spread stories. Lit: across(REDUP)-story.tell É-hátȯxovȯhta'hāne. He gossips/spread stories. See: -tóxȯhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hátȯxovo'ȧhéotse vai. run back and forth. É-hátȯxovo'ȧhéotse. He is running back and forth. Category: run.
-hátȯxovó'eohtsé vai. roll back and forth. É-hátȯxovó'eōhtse. He rolled back and forth. [1987:256] Category: roll.
-hátȯxovó'eohtsétó vii. roll back and forth. Nóoo, éx-hátȯxovó'eohtsétónėse. Oh my, it rolled back and forth. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).114] Category: roll.
-hátȯxovónea'xe vai. swing back and forth, swing as a monkey. for example, as a monkey; could be in the trees or on a jungle gym. É-hátȯxovónea'xe. He is swinging back and forth. É-hótȯxovónea'xe. (variant) Final -a'xe; Medial -ón. See: -vávaahe. Category: motion.
-hátȯxovonean vti. fence s.t. in a zigzag fashion.
vta. fence s.o. in a zigzag fashion. É-hátȯxovoneane. It is a zigzagged (fence). Medial -ón.
hatse ??. ?? Category: check. hatse étatóne'éhoma'o'éhanéhe hé'tóhe hesé'ome tsétavé'šėhetáohaméstove. (?) The area, however big it was around this ridge that is how big it was as an example. [1987:95]
-hátsėstova'ehe vai. devious. Lit: two-headed É-hátsėstova'ehe. He is devious. See: -héstovetanó.
hátsėstove p. each side, both sides. Móstȧ-hátsėstovevovéhpe'éxanėhéhe. Both of his eyes (sockets) were empty. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).041]
hátsėstove- pv. each side, both sides. É-hátsėstove-pėhévátsėstánóvo. Both sides like it. See: hestove- (hést?).
-hátsėstoveóe'tov vta. stand on either side of s.o. Étšėšė-hátsėstoveóe'tovovo néhe noto. They stood on each side of that Indian. [1987:150] Non-reduplicated -héstoveóó'e. Category: stand.
-hátsėstovetanó vai. undecided. É-hátsėstovetāno. He is undecided. See: -héstovetanó. Category: emotions.
-hátsėstovoéotsé'tov vta. sit on both sides of s.o.
hátsėstovoóma p. on either shore. See: héstovoóma ‘on both shores’; hoóma ‘on the other side’. Category: positions.
hátseške na. 1 • ant. Variant: hátšeške; Simplified Spelling hajesk. This is one of many words in Cheyenne which begin with the letter /h/ but which were vowel-initial in Proto-Algonquian. It is interesting to note that h-initialization in Cheyenne was in-process barely more than 100 years ago. Hayden (1862) and Petter (1915) cite some Ch. words (which have vowel-initial PA etyma) as having initial /h/ and some without. Hayden and Petter seem to have been careful enough in their transcriptions that we can assume that omission of an initial /h/ would not be accidental. All speakers whom W. Leman has worked with since 1971 now have complete h-initialization. Note the following from Hayden (1862), which all occur with initial /h/in the present corpus (Hayden's forms are retranscribed to the current orthography, for easier comparison): o'óhomo'eo'o 'Dakotas', otóhkėsono 'Little Stars, Ogallalas', oóxe'eo'hé'e 'Lodgepole Creek', otoa'e 'male buffalo', etohko 'dish', o'enóse 'tallweed', e'ama 'above'. Cf. Hayden's transcription of initial /h/ in hóma'e 'beaver', hótame 'dog', hoestȯtse 'dress', he'ohko 'pipe', ho'ēsta 'fire', ná-hesóva 'I hiccupped', hóoma 'mosquito', háhnoma 'bee' (H. glosses as 'horse-fly'), he'e 'liver', hē'e 'woman'. Similarly, note that Petter omitted initial /h/ in 'dog' and 'ant'. Category: check. Plural hátšėškeho; Obviative hátšėškeho. Category: bugs.
2 • Ant. Category: names.
hátšeške na. ant. Variant: hátseške. Hátšėškeho éohkėhéne'enánóvo (ȯh)to'sėhoo'kȯhoo'ėstse; éohkeésevonėhneo'ohátšėškeomēē'e. Ants know when it's going to rain; they crawl into the ant lodge. [1979:204] Plural hátšėškeho; Obviative hátšėškeho; Variant: hátseške. Etym: *e·likwa (P); *e·rikwa (R). Category: names.
-hátšėškéheve vai. be an ant. É-hátšėškéheve. He is an ant. Category: bugs.
-hávėsané vai. dress very nicely, wear best clothes. É-hávėsáne. He is dressed very nicely. Náto'sė-hávėsáne. I'm going to get dressed really nicely. fai: -sané2. See: -váxéé'e. Category: dress.
havėse ni. sin, evil. Ques: is this extant or was it a missionary adaptation?? Category: check.
hávėsév- i. bad. É-hávėsévahe. He is bad/ugly. É-hávėsévoéstomo'he. He has a bad attitude. See: senóv-. Category: quality.
-hávėsévahe vai. bad. could refer to a rotten potato or apple. É-hávėsévahe. He is bad/ugly. Antonym -pėhévahe. Category: quality, appearance. See: -senóvahe; -osenove.
-hávėsévȧhé'tov vta. bad toward s.o. - be. can refer to bad feelings or actions. É-hávėsévȧhé'tovȧhtseo'o. They have bad feelings, actions, towards each other. vai: -hávėsévahe. See: -nėsétam.
-hávėsévȧho'he vai. cooked bad. É-hávėsévȧho'he. He is cooked bad. Category: cook.
-hávėsévȧho'tá vii. cooked bad. É-hávėsévȧhó'ta. It is cooked bad. Category: cook.
-hávėsévȧhtomóne vai. hear bad news. É-hávėsévȧhtomóne. He heard bad news. Antonym -pėhévȧhtomóne. Category: hear.
-hávėsévȧhtóohe vai. sound bad news. É-hávėsévȧhtóohe. He brought bad news. É-hávėsévȧhtóohe méstaa'e. The owl brought bad news. Initial hávėsév-; fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-hávėséváhtse vai. bad mouth, speak bad things. É-hávėséváhtse. He talks bad. -xónetamó'ané Category: speak.
-hávėséva'e vii. bad. É-hávėséva'e. It is bad. (another recording) Mó-hávėséva'éhanéhe. It must have been bad. Antonym -pėhéva'e. See: -senóva'e. Category: quality.
-hávėséva'éno'hamé vai. drive badly. É-hávėséva'éno'hāme. He drove badly. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hávėséva'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. badly. É-hávėséva'hāhtse. He threw it badly. Category: throw.
-hávėséva'ham vta. throw s.o. badly. É-hávėséva'hamóho. He threw him badly. for example, to throw a ball (animate) badly in baseball. Category: baseball, throw.
-hávėsévan vti. make s.t. bad. Éhóno'xė-hávėsévána. He made it worse (literally, more-bad).
vta. make s.o. bad. Antonym -pėhévan. Category: quality.
-hávėsévanené vai. have a poor hand (in cards). É-hávėsévanēne. He has a poor hand (in cards). Ná-hávėsévanēne. I have a poor hand. (in cards). Category: cards.
-hávėsévȧše'še vai. drink in a bad way. É-hávėsévȧše'še. He is drinking in a bad way. Antonym -pėhévȧše'še; Initial hávėsév-; Final -ašé'še. Category: drink.
-hávėsévátam vta. regard s.o. as bad. É-hávėsévatamóho. He thinks badly of him/he regards him as bad. [1987:232] Category: cognition.
-hávėsévatamáno'e vii. bad weather. hó'nėšė-hávėsévatamáno'e even if it is bad weather (for instance, cloudy).
-hávėsévatse'oneve vai. have a bad reputation. É-hávėsévatse'oneve. He has a bad reputation. Category: personality.
-hávėsévatsestá vti. regard s.t. as bad. É-hávėsévátsésta. He thinks badly of it. [1987:232] See: -hávėsévetanó'tá. Category: cognition.
-hávėsévátsėstȧhé'tá vti. consider s.t. bad. Naa máto hé'tóhe tsééehávėsévátsėstȧhé'to vo'ėstanóho é'ȯhkėsáaho'nėheto'ȧhéhe. And also this that people had a hateful attitude, she did not like it. [Ke'eehe.011]
hávėséve- pv. bad, badly. É-hávėséve-néstomóne. He heard bad news. Éohkė-hávėséveameōhtse. He walks badly. É-hávėsévevo'ėstanéheveo'o. They live in a bad way. for example, they "don't have it together". Category: quality.
Hávėséveéestsé'e na. Bad Talking Woman. Category: names.
-hávėséveénehe vai. taste bad. É-hávėséveénehe. He tastes bad. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.
-hávėséveéno'e vii. taste bad. É-hávėséveéno'e. It tastes bad. This is a funny conversational exchange: A: É-hávėséveéno'e vétšėškévȧhonoo'o. B: Naa éme'taomėhonohe. A: The frybread tastes bad. B: Well, fry your own! Category: taste.
-hávėséveéšeeve vii. bad weather. É-hávėséveéšeeve. There's bad weather today. Antonym -pėhéveéšeeve. Category: weather.
-hávėsévehá vii. lie bad. É-hávėsévéha. It is lying in bad shape. for example, of a car after a wreck. Category: lie.
-hávėsévėhahtá vai. have bad feet. É-hávėsévėháhta. He has bad feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet, body.
-hávėsévėhahtsé vti. wreck s.t. for instance, to damage something by dragging it. É-hávėsévėháhtse. He wrecked it. Ná-hávėsévėháhtse. I wrecked it.
Hávėsévėhane na. Evil. personified. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
-hávėséve'ahtá vti. regard s.t. as having a bad taste. É-hávėsévé'áhta. He doesn't like its taste / it tastes bad to him. Ná-hávėsévé'áhta. I don't like its taste / it tastes bad to me. Antonym -pėhéve'ahtá. Category: taste.
-hávėsévé'ȧsené vai. taste something bad. Ná-hávėsévé'ȧséne. I tasted something bad. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, taste.
-hávėséve'hahe vai. have a bad voice. Náxae-hávėséve'hahe. I just sound bad. [1987:160] Medial -e'hahe.
-hávėséve'šeme vai. make a bad sound. É-hávėséve'šeme. He is making a bad sound. Category: sounds.
-hávėséve'tov v. abuse s.o. É-hávėséve'tovóho. He abused him. See: -amo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.
-hávėsévem vta. speak badly about s.o. É-hávėsévemóho. He made a bad remark about him. fta: -em. Category: speak.
hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma na. evil spirit; demon. There does not seem to have been any aboriginal word for an evil spirit, although there were spiritlike entities which were feared such as méhneo'o and méstaeo'o. A number of new words have been suggested for 'evil spirit', such as this entry. Plural hávėsévemȧhta'sóomaho. See: mȧhta'sóoma; heávȯhéso. Category: sacred.
-hávėsévema'emá vai. have bad blood. Some people were regarded as having bad blood, for example coming from bad families; you were told not to turn toward them, not to mix with them; also, this can refer to a poor bloodline of animals, especially horses. É-hávėsévema'emao'o. They have bad blood. Medial -ma'emá.
hávėsévema'hēō'o na. evil spirit, demon. Lit: evil-god
-hávėséveméahá'éne vai. cook with bad smells. É-hávėséveméahá'éne. She is cooking making bad smells. Final -ahá'ené.
-hávėséveméa'há vii. smell bad. É-hávėséveméá'ha. It smells bad. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
-hávėséveméa'xe vai. smell bad. É-hávėséveméa'xe. He smells bad. fai: -méa'xe. See: -néseméa'xe. Category: smell.
-hávėséveméeotse vii. smell bad.
vai. smell bad. É-hávėséveméeotse. It smells bad. Category: smell.
-hávėséveméesome vai. smelly stool. É-hávėséveméesome. He has a smelly stool. fai: -esóme.
-hávėséveméo'ȯsané vai. smell foul. É-hávėséveméó'ȯsáne. He smells foul. for example, from feces or passing gas. Category: smell.
-hávėsévéné vai. bad face, ugly face. É-hávėsévéne. He has an ugly face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-hávėsévéné'o vai. make a bad face. É-hávėsévéné'o. He made a bad face. Category: face.
-hávėsévenestse vai. be a bad speaker, be a poor speaker. É-hávėsévenestse. He is a poor speaker / his speech is bad. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hávėsévenome vai. sleep badly. É-hávėsévenome. He sleeps badly. for example, kicks during sleep, or takes all the blankets. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hávėsévenoné vai. sing badly. É-hávėsévenōne. He sings badly. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-hávėsévenóno'e vii. look bad, ugly. É-hávėsévenóno'e. It looks bad. fii: -nóno'e; Antonym -pėhévenóno'e. See: -háenóno'e. Category: appearance.
-hávėsévenóohe vai. look bad, look ugly. É-hávėsévenóohe. He looks bad. fai: -nóohe; Antonym -pėhévenóohe. Category: appearance.
-hávėséveóó'e vai. stand in a bad place. É-hávėséveóó'e. He is standing in a bad place. (another recording) fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-hávėséveotse vii. turn bad, become bad, spoil. É-hávėséveotse. It spoiled. (another recording) Initial hávėsév-; Final -otse. Category: quality.
-hávėsévėsané vai. dress badly. É-hávėsévėsáne. He is dressed badly. for example, to be dressed sloppily. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-hávėsévešé vai. lie in a bad way. for example, of a dead deer that lies too long somewhere and gets rotten. É-hávėsévéše. He is lying bad. Category: lie.
-hávėsévetam vta. consider s.o. bad, regard s.o. as bad. É-hávėsévetamóho. He considers him bad. Ques: recheck pronunciation See: -hávėsévatam. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hávėsévetanó vai. feel bad (mentally), be unhappy. É-hávėsévetāno. He is unhappy/he feels (mentally) bad. (another recording) Náosee-hávėsévetāno. I'm very depressed. Antonym -pėhévetanó. See: -ánovetanó. Category: emotions, emotions.
-hávėsévetanó'tá vti. think bad about s.t., have bad feelings about s.t. Ná-hávėsévetanó'ta. I'm thinking bad about it / I have bad feelings about it. Hová'éhe násáa-hávėsévetanó'tóhe. I'm not feeling bad about anything. See: -hávėsévátsestá. Category: cognition.
-hávėsévetanóotse vai. come to feel bad (mentally). É-hávėsévetanóotse. He feels bad. Category: cognition.
-hávėséveváohe vai. throw badly. for example, throw balls instead of strikes in baseball. É-hávėséveváohe. He threw badly. fai: -váohe. Category: baseball, throw.
-hávėsévévėhané vai. drum badly, drum in an evil way. É-hávėsévévėháne. He drummed in an evil way. fai: -évėhané; Antonym -pėhévevėhané. Category: drum.
hávėsévevėhanéhe na. 1 • the evil one, an evil spirit, the devil. Plural hávėsévevėhanéheho; Obviative hávėsévevėhanéheho. See: hávėséve-mȧhta'sóoma; heávohe; hávėsévevonȯhóha'otaneváhe.
2 • the mad drummer. Ého'eohé'tóó'e hávėsévevėhanéheho. The mad drummer came to him (=he is angry.) Category: figurative.
hávėsévevonȯhóha'ósanéhe na. demon, evil spirit.
hávėsévevonȯhóha'ótaneváhe na. Evil Tempter, the devil, demon, evil spirit. See: hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma.
Hávėsévevóonā'o na. Bad Morning. See: Pȧhávevóonā'o ‘Good Morning’. Category: names.
-hávėsévoése vai. hang bad. This is about how someone is hanging, not how someone is hanging something, É-hávėsévoése. He is hanging bad. Category: hang.
-hávėsévoéstomo'he vai. bad attitude, bad personality. Éhoháe-hávėsévoéstomo'he. He has a very bad attitude. Some attitudes or actions which have been categorized under this superordinate label are (all with third person sg. subjects): énėsétsėstahe 'he spits at you; dislikes people; carries grudges'; énonó'ésta 'he talks back; sasses'; énetse'e 'he lies'; énomáhtse 'he steals'; éhoxȯhevōse 'he murdered'; événȧhéškóse 'he is stingy'; événȧhé'heóneve'he is prickly; easily offended; touchy'; ékásėstáha 'he is short-tempered'; éhoómetahe 'he holds back; doesn't mingle'; ésáananónėhéhe 'he has no pity, feelings, mercy'; éhe'konoéstomo'he 'he is hard to get along with'. Antonym -pėhévoéstomo'he. Category: personality.
-hávėsévȯhomo'he vai. dance badly. É-hávėsévȯhomo'he. He danced badly. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-hávėsévȯhoné vai. give a bad sign, sign bad. for example, to give s.o. the finger. É-hávėsévȯhóne. He gave a bad sign. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-hávėsévȯhtóvá vai. buy bad.
vti. Gram: vai + o buy s.t. bad. É-hávėsévȯhtóva. He bought something no good. Category: money.
-hávėsévo'ȧhéotse vai. run badly ?? É-hávėsévo'ȧhéotse. He is running badly. ?? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: check, run.
-hávėsévo'ané vai. talk bad. É-hávėsévó'áne. He talked bad. Category: speak.
-hávėsévo'anéoohe vai. talk bad urgently. tséméhaeheše'ée-hávėsévo'anéoohéto the way I was going to talk bad urgently. [How God Helped Me Forgive.82.]
-hávėsévo'eéh vta. badly treat s.o.do bad to s.o. É-hávėsévo'eeho. He treated him badly. É-hávėsévo'eéhóho. He treated him badly. (newer pronunciation). Né-hávėsévo'eéhahtséme. You have ruined yourselves. Ná-hávėsévo'eéháá'e. They treated me bad; they were mean to me. Névé'ée-hávėsévo'eeše! Don't do anything wrong to me! [1987:216] fta: -o'eéh; Antonym pėhévo'eéh. See: -métsėstóm; -mométsėstóm.
-hávėsévo'eéstómané vai. do evil; sin, do wrong. É-hávėsévo'eéstómáne. He did wrong/he did evil. See: -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-hávėsévo'eétahe vai. do.bad. É-hávėsévo'eétahe. He did something bad. has been used for the meaning of 'to sin'. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -hé'heetovánove; -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
hávėsévo'eétȧhé'heo'o na. sinner. Lit: bad-doer Plural hávėsévo'eétȧhé'heono; vai: -hávėsévo'eétȧhé'heóneve.
-hávėsévo'eétȧhé'heóneve vai. be a sinner, be a bad doer. É-hávėsévo'eétȧhé'heóneve. He is a person who does bad. IndepNoun hávėsévo'eétȧhé'héó'o.
-hávėsévo'emané vai. rule badly, govern badly. É-hávėsévo'emāne. He ruled badly/he governed badly. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal.
-hávėsévo'omenehe vai. experience something bad. É-hávėsévo'omenehe. He experienced something bad. Héne énėhetóseme néhe kȧsovááhe tséhešė-hávėsévo'omenéese. That's the story of the young man, that something awful had been done to him. fai: -o'omenehe; Antonym -pėhévo'omenehe. See: -háo'omenehe. Category: live.
-hávėsévo'ót vta. declare s.o. bad. Ná-hávėsévo'óto. "I can't say anything good about him." Final -o'ót. Category: speak.
-hávėsévo'tá vii. bad sit, sit bad, moldy. for example, of bread, meat, jam. É-hávėsévó'ta. It is moldy. Category: food, quality.
-hávėsévomóhtahe vai. feel bad, bad health. This refers to physical health. Ná-hávėsévomóhtahe. I feel bad. fai: -omóhtahe; Antonym -pėhévomóhtahe. See: -háomóhtahe ‘sick’. Category: health.
-hávėsévone'óné vai. evil - be, evil minded - be, terrible (as a person) - be, wicked - be. É-hávėsévone'óne. He is wicked. É-hávėsévone'óneo'o. They are evil. [Owls.004] See: -hone'á.
-hávėsévonené vai. have bad teeth. É-hávėsévonēne. He has bad teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.
-hávėsévotse'ohe vai. work badly. É-hávėsévotse'ohe. He works badly. Category: work. See: -xónetamotse'ohe.
-hávėsévotse'óhtá vti. use s.t. in a bad way. tséstavé'-hávėsévotse'óhtomevȯse but they are using it in a bad way (1987:213).
Hávevėstse na. ?? Category: check, names.
háxee'ėse na. person who is jolly, person who doesn't bother anyone, person who is not harmful (for example, a drunk).
háxȯše p. Ouch!
-hé1 sfx. negative suffix. Phon: This suffix is phonemically /-hé/ with a high pitch vowel so it contrasts with the yes/no question suffix /-he/ which has a phonemic low pitch vowel. Used in all independent verbs except II verbs; it is used along with the sáa- preverb. Násáahotse'óhé-he. I did not work. Násáahestanó-henȯtse. I did not take them (inan.). tsésáamané-hese those who do not drink. Ésáamésėhé-he. He did not eat. This may be the same suffix that occurs at the end of inferential verbs: Móhmanė-héhe. He must have drunk. Móxhavėséva'éhané-he. It must have been bad. Category: check. See: sáa- ‘NEG.SFX’; -he2 ‘INF.SFX’; ho'nó- ‘NEG’; -he ‘Q’. Category: grammar.
-hé2 sfx. inferential suffix. This may be the same suffix that occurs at the end of negative verbs except II verbs. Móhmanė-héhe. He must have drunk. Móxhavėséva'éhané-he. It must have been bad. Category: check. See: sáa- ‘NEG.SFX’; -hé1 ‘NEG.SFX’; ho'nó- ‘NEG’; -he ‘Q’. Category: grammar.
-he3 vai. say. irregular verb; cannot stand alone as a stem; high-pitched in preterit and reportative modes. É-hevoo'o. He said. É-hevoōne. They said. Ná-heve. I said. Néóxȯ-heve? What did you say? Nánė-heve I said (that). Násáa'óxȯ-héhe I didn't say anything. Ésáa'óxȯ-héhe. He didn't say anything. Ná-héme. We (excl.) said. Néhema. We (incl.) said. Né-héme. You (pl) said. tsé-héto what I said. tsé-heese what he said. tsé-hetsėse what he (obv) said. tsé-hévȯse what they said. tséoxȯ-heese that is what he said. Móstaéemé'ėstomóhehéhe héva tsétaévė-hévȯse. He was told what they said. [1987:52] Móhkėxae'éevá'nenė-hehéhe tséohkeévėhetósė-heese. He must just say those things which he always says. [1987:59] Éstaohkema'xė-héhoo'o. Wow, he (it) would holler (pret). [1987:256] Éx-hésesto. It is said they said (reportative). Móxhehéhe. He must have said. Móx-hehevóhe. They must have said. Násáanė-héhe. I did not say that. Ésáanė-héhe. He did not say that. Ésáanė-héheo'o. They did not say that. Ná-héoohe! I said it (with excitement)! vta: -het. See: he-6 ‘have’; -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
he-4 pfx. his, her, third person possessor; third person possessor prefix. he-stónaho his daughter(s). he-hevóho their father(s). he-mȧheonȯtse his houses. See: é- ‘3’; na- ‘1PS’. Etym: *we-. Category: grammar.
-he5 sfx. interrogative suffix for yes-no questions. Someone who asks a question with this suffix does not have any idea whether the answer will be yes or no. If someone thinks the answer is more likely yes, they can ask a question with the prefix mó-. Néháeana-he? Are you hungry? Nééšemésėhe-he? Did you eat yet? Étonéto-he? Is it cold? Transitive verbs that end with -a are pronounced as -aehe in yes-no questions: Néoomae-he? Did he hit you? Verbs which end with plural -o'o in the affirmative substitute -vo for -o'o before the -he question suffix: Émésėhevo-he? Did they eat? Névóomovo-he? Did you see them (animate)? TI verbs which end in -ȯtse in the affirmative and -otse in questions have this word-final phonologically as /-ot-he/: Vóvotȯtse némésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Némésenotse menȯtse? Did you eat the berries? Névóohtano-tse amȧho'héstotȯtse? Did you see cars? Cheyenne permits negative yes-no questions: Ésáanémenėhe-he? Didn't he sing? Ésáanémenėhevo-he? Didn't they sing? See: mó-. Category: grammar.
he-6 rr. have. takes a following noun stem. The resultant verb stem with he- plus noun is either AI or TA. Ques: reconsider rr for part-of-speech?? Ná-hevéxahe. I have a grandchild(ren)/I have a child(ren)-in-law. É-hestónahe. He has a daughter. Ná-hemótšeške. I have a knife. Ná-hemȧheone. I have a house. 'have' stems with deverbal nominals change the -htot of the nominal to -htov: É-heamȧho'héstove. He has a car. É-hevoestove. She has on a dress. tsé-heškéto my mother (lit. the one who I have as mother). tsé-hee'hahéstovėstse the son. Lit: the one who is had as son Névááhe tsé-he-stotseestse? Whose pet (especially horse) is that? See: -ho'tsé ‘have it’; -ho'h ‘have him’; -á'en ‘own s.t./s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession (poss.)’; hée- ‘have’. Etym: derives from PA third person possessive prefix *we-. Category: possession, check.
he-7 i. such. This is a relative initial. É-he'ėstahe. He is of such a height. Preverb heše-. See: het-.
hé-8 pv. to, for the purpose of. Tȧ-héovēšėstse! Go lie down! Néx-hé-estānȯhtse! Go get it! étȧ-hémȯxe'ėstóne He went to school/he went to write. étȧ-hémanohe He went for water. Hémėseestse Come eat! Ná-hévėstȧhéme (cf. návéstȧhéme 'we are helping') we are here to help. Tȧhé-hene'ēnȯhtse Go find out! contracts with following he or hé in some forms. É-héene'ēna (from /é-hé-héne'ená/) He came to find out. É-héestāna (from /é-hé-hestaná/) He came to get it. combines with other preverbs to create rhetorical question-like constructions, typically, with emphatic force: Móná-me'-éevéseamė-hé-tȧhoo'e ma'aataeméóne! There's no way you'll catch me riding on the train! (me'-...hé). [1987:29] Nóoo tósa'e éme'tónėšė-hé-voneotsesėstse? My, oh where could he be lost? É-me'-taome-hé-hene'enohe Find out for yourself! (for example, this could be sarcastic or used to bawl out s.o.) Nésáavé'šė-hévo'ėstanéhevėhenȯtse! Don't let it bother you! (lit. you're not alive just for him). Tȧxó'e néévė-héoxȯheve. Again you are talking (nonsense). [Croft] emphatic rhetorical questions also are created by the combination of hé- and interrogative pronouns or interrogative preverbs: Né-hétonėšéve What did you do?! (for example, I heard you did something and I'm bawling you out) / What did you do this time?! Éévė-hétonėšéve? What in the world did he do? Náne'šė-hétonėševehe! I didn't do ANYTHING! Tósa'e é-héhestȧhesėstse?! Where in the world did he come from?! (for example, the speaker is talking about s.o. who has a mean streak and is trying to figure out where they got the mean streak from). See: me'-hé; tónėšė-hé-; ne'še-; nónóhpa; hó'ko-. Etym: *wi·h; O wi·- ‘will/want to (N)’.
-hé9 sfx. agentivizer. vovéstomósané-he (cf. é-vovéstomósáne 'he taught') teacher. tsėhe'ėseesé-he elephant (lit. long-nosed-one). Heše'kévėhahtá-he Dusty Foot. See: -htȯtse ‘NOM’. Category: identity.
hé-10 i. accustomed to, used to. Ques: also 'easily'?? Ná-héose. I can stand the cold. É-héano'xe. He gets up early/he is accustomed to lack of sleep. É-hééše. He is used to lying down. See: -hó'xatam ‘accustomed to s.o.’; hó'xe- ‘accustomed to’; he-6 ‘have’. Category: check.
hé p. hey, oh. Category: exclamations.
-he isó vii. that long in time. ... é-hé'so. ... it is that long in time. Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséoxhe isotse. And then he was gone a year, that is how long. See: nėhe'xóvéva ‘at that time’. Category: time.
hé- ... tanó pv. need to. We can use the hé- preverb plus the -tanó final with a verb root between them to get a meaning similar to English 'need to' do the action of the verb which is between them: Ná-hé-naóotsé-táno. "I need to sleep." Ná-hé-mėsėhétáno. "I need to eat." Ná-hé-o'ėhné-táno. "I need to go to the bathroom."
héáá po. hey.
-he-aéname vai. have a birthday. Éhe-aéname. It is his birthday. It is his birthday. Lit: he has a year See: -éšeame; -aénamá. Category: ages.
-he-ahkame inc.n. chew gum; have gum, chew sap, sap - chew; pitch - chew. Pine tree pitch could be chewed as gum. The word for pitch has been extended to modern chewing gum. Éhe-ahkame. He is chewing gum. See: ahke ‘gum’; he-; ahkeve.
-he-ahkamétanó vai. chew cud?? É-he-ahkamétáno. He is chewing his cud. Category: livestock.
Héáhke na. (man's name). Category: names.
-heáhto'hohéstove vai. grave - have a. Lit: have a grave Hénėhéóhe móssó'-heáhto'hohéstovėhevóhe. There they (soldiers) still have their burial place. [The Birney Battle.030] See: áhto'hohestȯtse ‘grave’. Category: death.
hēā'e p. maybe, perhaps. (another recording) Hēā'e ésó'naóotse. Maybe he is still sleeping. often takes the hedging enclitic -hamá, as heá'ė=háma. can be used in alternative constructions, for example. Násáahéne'enovóhe hēā'e naa máto hēā'e ésáa'éšėhestanóhe. I don't know if he did or maybe he did not have it (heart surgery) yet. (1987:163). See: héva; tā'se; móhe; hévá-móhe; onȧháxe-; heá'ėháma.
heá'ėháma p. perhaps, maybe, I guess. Sometimes this is said as a hedge, then a response can be hēā'e. Heá'ėháma étaaseohe. Perhaps he left. See: hēā'e; -hamá; héva; onáxe-; tá'sėháma; onȧháxe-.
-héa'hahtsé vti. empty s.t.; dump out s.t., spill out s.t. (intentionally). É-héa'hāhtse. He emptied it out. Éhóe-héa'hāhtse. He threw it outside. Éésė-héa'hāhtse. He threw it into. Héa'hāhtsėstse! Empty it! See: -hée'o'tsé ‘spill s.t.’; -héhea'hahtsé; -vóho'oestsé ‘throw away s.t.’. Category: liquid.
Heā'ke na. Young Mule. Ques: Should it be Young Wolf Mule?? Category: check. Phon: short for Ho'néheā'ke Category: names.
heāma p. on the side, side, beside, alongside. Etym: *wepemenki; cf. O opime-ayi'i· (N). See: he'āma ‘up’. Category: positions.
heāma tséne'hō'ta vii. wall. Lit: on the side in the room See: he'āma tséne'hō'ta ‘ceiling’; -ne'ho'tá ‘room’. Category: house.
-heamaa'e vai. sideways.sit. É-heamaa'e. He is sitting sideways. Náohkeéeno'-heamaa'e. I regularly sit sideways. [The Nighthawk.007] See: -heamávoo'e. Category: sit.
-he-amȧho'héstove inc.n. have a car. Ná-he-amȧho'héstove. I have a car. É-he-amȧho'héstove. He has a car. See: he-6 ‘have’. Category: transportation.
-heamá'ó'tsé vti. set s.t. on its side. É-heamá'ó'tse. He set it on its side. Nétȧ-héamá'otsenone! Let's set it on its side! É-tšėške'heamá'ó'tse. He tipped it over a little. See: -he'ama'ó'tsé ‘lift s.t.’. Category: put, positions.
-heamáohtsé vai. walk sideways. É-heamáóhtse. He is walking sideways. Étaanȯhe-heamáóhtse. He walked down sideways (for example, down a rocky hill). Category: walk.
heamáome p. on the side of a dwelling. Lit: side-lodge Category: positions.
heamáomēē'e p. beside, on the side of. for example, on the side of a hill. See: heamáome ‘side of a dwelling’. Category: positions.
-heamávevonehné vai. turn on to side slowly. É-heamávevonēhne. He slowly turned on to his side. from a lying position. Category: motion.
-heamávevoneohe vai. turn on to one's side quickly. É-heamávevoneohe. He turned on to his side quickly. Category: motion.
-heamávoo'e vai. sit sideways. É-heamávoo'e. He is sitting sideways. Phon: vs Final -oe. Category: sit.
-heamáxé vai. lie on side. É-heamáxe. He is lying on his side. Etym: cf. O opimeshin (N). See: -hó'hamešé. Category: lie.
-he-amó'eneone vai. have a wagon. É-he-amó'eneone. He has a wagon. tséhmónėheamó'eneonévȯse when they first had wagons. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.046] Category: transportation, check.
-heanaeóó'e vai. weigh. É-heanaeóó'e. He weighed (himself). Ná-heanaeóó'e. I weighed (myself).
-heanaotsé vti. weigh s.t. É-heanaō'tse. He weighed it. ōtse?? Category: check.
-héano'xe vai. rise early, accustomed to lack of sleep. É-héano'xe. He is accustomed to lack of sleep / He gets up early. Initial hé-10; fai: -áno'xe. See: hé-; -héose. Category: sleep.
heávohe na. devil. Heávohe nétáxe'ėhá'tova. The devil is hanging over you (=you are in a bad mood). Heávohe hestsévá'xe éohkevé'šetsėhé'hóénóvo. The devil is touching him with his hot tail. Éhone'ovóho heávȯhóho. He is wearing the devil (can be said of a misbehaving child). Usage: Probably a loan translation from Spanish diablo 'devil', as Petter (PD372) suggests; the concept of the devil is not native to traditional Cheyenne belief systems. Plural heávȯheo'o; Obviative heávȯhóho, heávȯhevaho ??; Diminutive heávȯhéso. See: aéstomema'hēō'o. Category: sacred, check.
heávȯhenēno loc. hell. Lit: devil-place See: a'enevonėšenahtȯtse; ahtóno'omēē'e. Category: church.
heávȯhéso na. Gram: dim little devil. Plural heávȯhesono; Obviative heávȯhesono; Synonym aéstomevé'ho'e. See: hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma. Category: sacred.
-heávȯheve vai. be a devil. can be said of a misbehaving child. É-heávȯheve. He is (acting like) a devil.
-he-axaa'éheme inc.n. have a sister (of male), have a sister-in-law (of female). Éhe-axaa'éheme. He has a sister / she has a sister-in-law. tséhe-axaa'éhéméto the one who is my sister (of male). vta: -he-axaa'éhémé'tov; Possessive -axaa'éhémé. Category: relatives.
-he-axaa'éhémé'tov inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as sister (of male), have s.o. as sister-in-law (of female). Éhe-axaa'éhemenoto. He has her as sister/she has her as sister-in-law (sister's husband and husband's sister). Náhe-axaa'éhemenȯtse. She is my sister-in-law. Category: relatives. vai: -he-axaa'éhémé.
héé p. whoops. An exclamation indicating that a speaker has caught his mistake and is going to repair it. See: héhe; ótsėhámóhe; eee; he'ééhe. Category: exclamations.
heé p. hey. Category: exclamations.
hée- pv. have. var of hé- in some conjunct participles: tsé-héemȧheónėstse the one who owned the house (1987:214). Névááhe tsé-héeamȧho'héstovėstse? Whose car is that (lit. Who has/owns the car?) Névááhe tsé-héestótseestse? Whose pet (especially horse) is that? Nóoo, éstaoseehoháepėhévetanóotséhoono tsé-héenésonėhese. My, the parents (literally, those who had a child) were very happy. (1987:297). Variant: he-.
heee p. hey, oh, oops. See: héhe.
-héehá vii. spilled, lie spilled. É-hééha. It is lying there spilled. vti: -hée'o'tsé. Category: lie.
-he-éhame vai. have a husband, have sex, copulate. said of a woman. Originally this word referred to having a husband. Over time it has changed to refer to having sex. É-heéhame. She has a husband / had intercourse. tsé-heéhaméto the one who is my husband. vta: -he-éhamé'tov ‘have s.o. as husband / copulate with s.o.’; Possessive -éhame ‘husband (poss)’; IndepNoun heéháme; Antonym -he-stse'éme ‘have a wife / have intercourse’. Category: marriage, sex, relatives.
heéháme na. Gram: poss her husband. (another recording) Usage: obsolescing Originally this word meant 'her husband'. Over time it has come to sound close to the verb -he-éhame which originally meant 'have a husband' but now usually means 'have sex'. Possessive -éhame ‘husband (poss)’; vai: -he-éhame ‘have a husband / have sex’; Antonym hestse'emo ‘his wife’. Category: relatives, marriage.
-he-éhamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as husband, have sex with s.o., copulate with s.o. Náhe-éhamenȯtse. He is my husband. (also means 'I had sex with him'). Éhe-éhaménoto. She has him as husband. vai: -he-éhame ‘have a husband / have sex’; Possessive -éhame ‘husband (poss)’. Category: relatives, marriage, sex.
-he-éhamétanó vai. want to have a husband. Previously referred to wanting a husband but today it probably especially refers to wanting a man for intercourse. Éhe-éhamétáno. She wants a husband. See: -he'šétanó. Category: sex.
héehe p. hello. an older female greeting. Masculine haáahe. See: nóoo; héehe'e.
heéhe p. hey.
héehe'e p. yes. (another recording) (another recording) (another recording) The preceding recording shows that female speakers often nasalize the first two vowels of this word. héehe'e (male voice) Masculine haáahe, heehe, háaha'e. Usage: Apparently in the past this word was used only by women. Today some say men should say haáahe, although many men do say héehe'e. Antonym hová'ȧháne.
hee'hahamóono na. his/her nephew, his/her stepson. This person is a man's brother's son or a woman's sister's son. He is not called a "nephew" in English in the Cheyenne system. Instead, he can be called "son." Variant: hee'hahemóono. Usage: This is the more common pronunciation. See: hestónȧhamóono ‘his/her niece/stepdaughter’.
-he-e'hahe inc.n. have a son. É-he-e'hahe. He has a son. Etym: *wekwiʔsiwa (P). Ná-he-e'hahe. I have a son. Ná-he-e'hahénóne. He is our son. tséhe-e'hahéto the one who is my son. vta: -he-e'hahé'tov. Category: relatives.
-he-e'hahé'tov inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as son. Náhe-e'hahenȯtse. He is my son (that is, I have him as son). Éhe-e'hahénoto. He has him as son. Possessive -e'ha; vai: -he-e'hahe. Category: relatives.
hee'hahemóono na. Gram: poss his/her nephew, his/her stepson. Variant: hee'hahamóono.
hee'haho na. Gram: poss his/her son(s). Stem -e'hah. Category: relatives.
-he-e'hamóone inc.n. have a nephew, have a stepson. Éhe-e'hamóone. He has a nephew. tséhe-e'hamóonéto the one who is my nephew/stepson. Ques: original was tséhee'hahmóonéto?? See: -he-tsénotahe ‘have a nephew’. Category: check, relatives.
-he-e'hamóoné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as nephew. É-he-e'hamóonénoto. He has him as nephew. Ná-he-e'hamóonenȯtse. I have him as nephew. Ques: original was -he-e'hahamóoné'tov?? Category: relatives, check.
-hée'o'h vta. spill s.o. for example, to spill beans. É-hée'o'hóho. He spilled them. vti: hée'o't. Category: move.
-hée'o'sané vai. spill. É-hée'o'sāne. He spilled (something). vti: -hée'o'tsé; vta: -hée'o'h. Category: liquid.
-hée'o'tsé vti. spill s.t., pour s.t. liquid or another substance. É-hée'ō'tse. He spilled it. É-hée'o'tsenȯtse ȧhko'eneonȯtse. He spilled the marbles. Néx-hée'ō'tsėstse mahpe! Go pour water! vai: -hée'o'sané, -héeotse; vii: -héeotse, -héehá; vta: -hée'o'h. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: move, liquid.
-héene'ená vti. intend to know s.t. combination of the preverb hé- and verb stem -héne'ená. É-héene'ēna. He came to (purpose) know it. Initial hé-. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition.
-héene'enátanó'tá vti. know.want.to. combination of the preverb hé- and verb stem -héne'enátanó'tá. Névóešeévė-héene'enátanó'ta. You came and want to know it. Initial hé-. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition.
-héenėseméohe vai. stiffen to resist being moved. for example, stiffly arch one's (own) back. É-héenėseméohe. He is arching his back. for example, what a baby does when angry.
-héenėseóó'e vai. stand firm, brace. É-héenėseóó'e. He stood firmly holding his ground/bracing himself. This is a literal physical action, not an emotional state). Phon: vs Category: stand.
-héenotómo'ená vii. overflow. É-héenotómo'ēna. It overflowed. Variant: -héhenotómo'ená, -héheotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená ‘full’. Category: cognition.
-héeotse vii. spill. É-héeotse. It spilled. for example, of something that spilled through one's fingers. Etym: cf *si:kipite·wi.
vai. spill. É-héeotseo'o he'éhesono. The rice (animate plural) spilled. vti: -hée'o'tsé. Category: motion.
heepóháse p. ?? Ques: hee'póháse Category: check.
heesená mbp. teeth?? Ques: recheck?? See: -onéné. Category: check.
héesev- i. boil.
-héeseváen vti. take s.t. from there, snatch s.t. from there. É-héeseváéna. He grabbed it from there. Né'évȧ-héeseváénȯhtse! Go get it quickly!
vta. take s.o. from there, snatch s.o. from there, arrest s.o. from there. É-héeseváenóho. He snatched him from there. Ná-héeseváenāne. I was taken from here. for example, by the police. See: -heseváen; -hestan. Category: move.
-héesevo'há vti. boil s.t. É-héesevō'ha. He boiled it (liquid). See: -ho'oestsé; -héesevo'tá. Category: cook.
-héesevo'(hn) vta. boil s.o. É-héesevo'nóho. He boiled him. Héesevo'ho'noo'o mésėhéstoto! Boil the potatoes! [boil s.o.] Ques: vo'hó'n?? Category: cook, check.
-héesevo'tá vii. boil. É-héesevō'ta. It is boiling. See: -nėsóome'tá. Category: liquid.
héesevo'tamahpe ni. beer. Lit: bubbling-water See: po'ėho'hémahpe; vé'ho'émahpe. Category: drink.
Héesevo'tao'hé'e ni. Fountain River. Lit: bubbling-river Category: check, rivers.
-héesevóooestȧho'tá vii. boil. É-héesevóooestȧhō'ta. It is boiling. for example, a car radiator that has over-heated. Category: temperature.
-héestáhá vai. courageous, brave, bold. É-héestáha. He is courageous. BodyPartMedial -stáhá; vta: -héestáha'ov. See: -hetsevahe; -héhnovahe; -héhnovetanó. Category: personality.
-héestáha'ósané vai. embolden. Éohkė-héestáha'ósáne Ma'hēō'o. God strengthens (people). vta: -héestáha'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-héestáha'ov vta. embolden s.o., give s.o. courage. seems more the idea of causing boldness in s.o. rather than encouragement, but this latter element may be here, also, to some extent. É-héestáha'ovóho. He emboldened him. Ná-héestáha'oo'e. It strengthens me. Néx-héestáhao'ovemeno! Give us courage! Phon: hpo BodyPartMedial -stáhá; vai: -héestáhá. See: -héhnovévam; -héhnovem; - vonȯhóha'ov; -háahe. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-héestáham vta. embolden s.o. Ques: recheck stem?? Né-héestáhamohe. ?? You are brave. [The Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Category: emotions, check.
-héestan vti. come (or go) to get s.t., take s.t. - come to.
vta. come (or go) to get s.o., take s.o. - come to. É-héestāna. He came (or went) to (purpose) get it. Néx-héestānȯhtse! Go get it!; Come and get it! Phon: This is a contraction of /-hé-hestan/. See: -hestan.
heéstoonévetšėške ni. throat fat, buffalo throat. part of Sun Dance equipment. Possessive -éstoo'o ‘throat’. Category: meat, Sun Dance.
-héestovée'tov vta. sit beside s.o. É-héestovée'tovóho. He is sitting beside him. Ques: recheck for stem boundary?? [esto?? See: -héstoveé'tov. Category: sit, interpersonal, check.
-he-éstse'henove vai. have a shirt, have a coat. É-he-éstse'henove. He has a shirt on. Náhkȯhého'eeve éxhe-éstse'henóvénȯse. He used a bearskin for a coat. IndepNoun éstse'he. See: -hoestove. Category: clothing.
-héešé vai. lie accustomed. É-hééše. He is accustomed to lying. that is, to be used to lying down. Initial hé-10. Category: lie.
-he-éšeame1 vai. have a birthday. Lit: have a day Éhe-éšeame. It is his birthday (lit. he has the day). It is his birthday.. Synonym aéname. There is no traditional birthday greeting, but possible greetings have been mentioned, such as: Nėstsepėhévė-heéšeame. Happy birthday! (literally, 'you will have a good day') Happy birthday! Possibly also: Hetótaetānȯhtse, né-hešeame! Be joyful, it's your (birth)day! The following sentence could also be said as a birthday wish: Momóxė-háestoha neaénamȯtse! May you have many (more) birthdays!
have the time. Néhe-éšeamehe? Do you have the time? (that is, What time is it?) Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Usage: loan translation from English See: -he-éše'hamé ‘have a clock’. Category: ages.
hééšeame2 ni. his/her birthday. Lit: his/her day See: tséxhestáotsėse. Category: time.
-he-éše'hame vai. 1 • have a clock. Éhe-éše'hame. He has a clock.
2 • have the time. Usage: loan transl. from English Néhe-éše'hamehe? Do you have a watch? Mónéhe-éše'hame? Do you have a clock/the time? That is, "What time is it?" See: -éšeame. Category: time.
heévȧhe- pv. rope, fur. He náhkȯheheévȧhehoono éxhésesto. "Hey! Wow, (it's) bear fur," they said. [Bear Tepee.026]
Heévȧhetane na. Southern Cheyenne, Oklahoma Cheyenne. Plural Heévȧhetaneo'o. (another recording) Obviative Heévȧhetanóho. The origin of this name is debated. One suggestion is that this word was used because this band of Cheyennes were "roped in," remaining in Oklahoma when Cheyennes under the leadership of Little Wolf and Dull Knife fled north to Montana. It is more likely that the name referred to some characteristic of the southern band when the various bands were in closer proximity--perhaps a characteristic of dress. The name of this band often occurs in semantic opposition to (Notamé)ohmésėhese, the 'Northern Eaters', or 'Northern Cheyennes.' Today Oklahoma Cheyennes prefer to call themselves Tsitsistas, the same Cheyenne word Northern Cheyennes prefer to call themselves. See: -tsėhéstahe ‘be Cheyenne’; heévaho ‘rope’. Category: tribes, bands.
Heévȧhetanéka'ėškóneh na. Oklahoma child. Plural Heévȧhetanéka'ėškóneho. Category: people.
Heévȧhetané'e na. Southern Cheyenne woman. Plural Heévȧhetané'eo'o. Category: tribes.
Heévȧhetanéno ni. Gram: loc Oklahoma. Lit: rope-place (another recording) Category: places.
-heévȧhetanévaeho'tá vii. be very hot. in this heat you can see shimmering waves on the horizon. É-heévȧhetanévaehō'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.
-heévȧhetanévȧho'tá vii. be very hot. É-heévȧhetanévȧhó'ta. It is really hot. Lit: Oklahoma-hot Variant: -heévȧhetanévaeho'tá. See: -mémėstȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.
-heévȧhetanéve vai. be a SouthernCheyenne, be an Oklahoma Cheyenne. É-heévȧhetaneve. He is a Southern Cheyenne. É-heévȧhetaneve, o'xe, naa o'xe, énotameȯhmésėheve. He was a Southern Cheyenne, half, and half, he was Northern. [My Family Came Back.003]
-heévȧhetanévenestse vai. speak Southern Cheyenne. É-heévȧhetanévenestse. He speaks Southern Cheyenne. Usage: probably very few speakers would ever use such a term see discussion of dialectal differences between Montana and Oklahoma speakers under the entry kó'ko'ėhaseo'o 'clock, watch'.
Heévȧhevetanévȯhkėha'etane na. Arab. Lit: rope-rimmed-hat-person Category: nationalities.
heévaho na. Gram: pl rope, lariat. made of fibers, for example, from hemp; such as soft rope. This word is grammatically plural, probably with reference to the fibers, similar to the plurality of cloth terms and grass/weed terms. (another recording) Oblique heévȧhéva; Preverb heévȧhe-. Heévaho é-pe'pe'óneešéne. The rope is lying tangled on the ground. See: -htseévȧheme; vóhpeévaho; sétóhke; sétȯhkeho. Category: material.
-héevo'ėhahtsé vti. spill s.t. É-héevo'ėhāhtse. He spilled it. See: -hée'o'tsé; -héa'hahtsé. Category: move.
-héh na. Gram: poss father. Phon: This is an irregular stem, both for segments and pitches, for example: /-héhé/ vs. /-héhe/ This word refers to a father and paternal uncles. eho your father. heho his father(s). éhane our (incl.) father. Héhe-éšeēva Father's Day. héhevóho their father(s). vai: -héhe1 ‘have a father’; vta: -héhé'tov ‘have s.o. as a father’. See: ného'éehe ‘my father’. Category: relatives.
-hehá f. like, similar, same as, as. This final suffixes to both animate and inanimate nouns. The verb associated with such a noun must be a relative verb. He'nétooné-héha éhéso. It is like a door. Hoóhtsetsé-héha éhe'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Póesónė-héha náhešenȧhahkahe. I'm as quick as a cat. Ques: ck. pl. nouns?? See: -ahé. Category: check. See: -séesó; -séestahe; tā'se. Category: identity, quality.
-he-haehe inc.n. have a paternal aunt; have an auntie. Éhe-haehe. He has a paternal aunt ("auntie"). Etym: *wesekwihsiwa (P). tséhe-haehéto the one who is my paternal aunt ("auntie"). tséhe-haehese ?? the one who is his/her aunt. Category: relatives, check.
-he-haehé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as paternal aunt. A paternal aunt (father's sister) is the aunt that Cheyennes most commonly call "auntie" in English, as opposed to the maternal aunt, -škamóone'tov. ?? Category: check. Ná-he-haehenȯtse. She is my paternal aunt. É-he-haehénoto. He has her as paternal aunt. Né-he-haehenȯtse. She is your paternal aunt. Né-he-haehénoto. They are your paternal aunts. See: -he-škamóone'tov ‘have s.o. as maternal aunt’. Category: relatives.
hehaeho na. Gram: poss his/her paternal aunt. that is, his or her father's sister. hehaehevóho their paternal aunt(s). Stem -haeh. See: heškamóono ‘his/her maternal aunt (or stepmother)’. Category: relatives.
-héha'ó vai. rejuvenated, renewed in spirit. Ques: vti ?? Mó'ȯhkėhéha'ȯhenovóhe. They were rejuvenated. ??
-héhamóone vai. have a paternal uncle, have a stepfather. contains preverb he- 'have' coalesced with beginning of the noun stem. É-héhamóone. He has a paternal uncle. tsé-héhamóonéto the one who is my paternal uncle. See: tséhešėhéto ‘the one who is my maternal uncle’. Category: relatives.
-héhamóoné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as paternal uncle, have s.o. as stepfather. Ná-héhamóonenȯtse. I have him as paternal uncle. É-héhamóonénoto. He has him as paternal uncle ("uncle"). It is this relationship for which Cheyennes use the English term "uncle," not usually the term for maternal uncle, -šėhé'tov. See: -he-šėhé'tov ‘have s.o. as maternal uncle’. Category: relatives.
héhamóono na. his/her paternal uncle, his/her stepfather. Phon: contains third pers. poss. pfx he- coalesced with the beginning of noun stem A paternal uncle is treated as a father in the Cheyenne system and can be called "father" when speaking English. Feminine heškamóono. See: hešeho ‘his/her maternal uncle’. Category: relatives.
hehané'e loc. on the nape. Possessive -háne'e; BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body, head.
-hehe1 vai. have a father. Ná-hehe. I have a father. É-hehe. He has a father. Etym: *o·hšiwa (P) ‘he has a father’. É-héheo'o. They have a father(s). tsé-héhéto the one who is my father. tsé-héhestovėstse the one who is father. vta: -héhé'tov. See: -héh. Category: relatives.
héhe2 p. oops, oh, oops. self-corrective exclamation. See: héé; ótsėhámóhe. Category: exclamations.
-héhea'hahtsé vti. spill s.t. from shaking. É-héhea'hāhtse. He spilled it. Náma'xė-héhea'hāhtse. I spilled a lot of it. for example, I spilled coffee while the cup was shaking as I walked. Preverb hé-. See: -héa'hahtsé ‘spill s.t.’; -héheotómo'ená ‘overflow’. Category: liquid.
-héheehaénéohtsé vai. teary eyes. É-héheehaénéóhtse. He has teary/watery eyes. BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: eyes, cry.
Héheéšeēva Father's Day. Category: holidays.
-héhe'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as father. Ná-héhenȯtse. He is my father. (another recording: John Standsintimber) É-héhenoto. He has him as father. That is, he is his father. Ná-héhe'tova. I am his father. Phon: The preverb he- 'have' has coalesced with the beginning of the noun stem /-héh/'father.' vai: -héhe1 ‘have a father’. Category: relatives.
-héhema'xe vai. shaky - be. Ques: recheck with others ?? É-héhema'xe. ?? He is shaky. See: -nonoma'xe. Category: check.
-héhenotómo'ena vii. overflow, run over. É-héhenotómo'ēna. It (for example, water) ran over. Variant: -héheotómo'ená, -héenotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -ó'otómoovátó; -héheotseotse. Category: liquid.
he-hénovoo'e vai. have.home.sit. Ques: sit?? Phon: vs Category: check.
-héheotomóhtahe vai. be nauseous. É-héheotomóhtahe. He is nauseous/feels like vomiting. fai: -omóhtahe. See: -héheotseotse; -héheotómo'ená. Category: sickness.
-héheotómo'ená vii. overflow, spill over. É-héheotómo'ēna. It overflowed. for example, of a water pot. Variant: héhenotómo'ena, héenotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -héheotseotse; -táxe'sevó. Category: liquid.
-héheotóova'ó vai. spill water while walking. É-héheotóová'o. He spilled water while walking. Final -óová. Category: liquid, walk.
héheotsé-heséeo'ȯtse ni. vomiting medicine. Category: plants.
-héheotsémea'xe vai. vomit smell. É-héheotsémea'xe. He smells of vomit. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell, sickness.
-héheotseotse vai. vomit. É-héheotseotse. He vomited. See: -héheotomóhtahe; -héheotómo'ená. Category: sickness.
heheséve'oo'o na. deer leg bone pipe. made of the lower leg bone. Category: smoke.
heheso na. Gram: pl hoofs, hooves. can be prepared and eaten. Variant: hehese. Ques: LH hehese recheck ?? Singular héhese. Usage: singular is rare if used at all See: -hese ‘hoof (poss)’. Etym: cf. *mesici ‘foot’. Category: meat, check.
hehévá'xe ni. tail, tailbone, oxtail (piece of meat). Etym: cf *neso·wi 'my tail (of quadruped)' (P). Plural hehevá'xėstse; Possessive -htsėhévá'xe; BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. See: hestsėhévá'xe ‘his tail’. Category: meat, body, check.
héhevóho na. their father(s). (another recording) See: heho ‘his/her father’. Category: relatives.
héhnov- i. patient.
-héhnovahe vai. patient, unperturbed. É-héhnovahe. He is unperturbed. See: -héestáha; -oéhnovahe. Category: personality.
héhnove'ohko na. peace pipe. See: he'ohko ‘pipe’. Category: smoke.
-héhnovem vta. encourage s.o. É-héhnovemóho. He encouraged him. vai: -héhnovetanó. See: -héestáha'ov; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-héhnovetanó vai. courageous, feel encouraged, have fortitude, brave. É-héhnovetāno. He is brave. for example, when someone is scared but does something difficult anyway, such as walking across a swinging rope bridge. Héhnovetānȯhtse! Be encouraged!/Courage! (for example, said to s.o. mourning a death). See: -he'konetanó; -héestáha; -ó'tȯsétanó; -héohnétanó. Category: emotions.
-héhnovévam vta. encourage s.o., embolden s.o. É-héhnovévamóho. He encouraged him. See: -héhnovem; -héestáha'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-héhnovotse'ohe vai. work with fortitude. Some Cheyennes view whites as working this way. É-héhnovotse'ohe. He steadily (steadfastly; faithfully) works. É-héhnovotse'óheo'o. They (especially whites) work patiently/steadily/with fortitude. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -oéhnovotse'ohe. Category: whites.
heho na. Gram: poss his (or her) father(s). (another recording) héhevóho their father(s). Etym: *o·hθali. Category: relatives.
hehp- i. beyond, farther, more. É-hehpahe. He is more. Preverb hehpe-. See: hóno'xe-. Category: degree.
hehpaa'é- pv. louder. Étaéšėto'ėstó'ė-hehpaa'énonéoohe Háá'ėše Ȯxhásėstse. Mr. Habegger almost sang louder. [The Singing Contest.033]
-hehpaa'énonéoohe vai. sing louder. Étaohkeéšėto'sė-hehpaa'énonéoohe. He would just about sing louder. [The Singing Contest.033] Category: sing.
-héhpȧhahe vai. fearful, easily frightened, always scared. É-héhpȧhahe. He is easily frightened / always scared. Variant: -héhpahe. See: -ta'pahe; -ta'pȧheéné. Category: personality.
-hehpahe vai. more. for example, worth more than someone else. É-hehpahe. He is more. Etym: *wempesiwa ‘he is up’. See: -héhpahe. Category: personality.
-héhpahe vai. afraid, scared. É-héhpahe. He is a scared person. Variant: héhpȧhahe. See: -e'tóhtahe; -hehpahe; -háatanó. Category: personality.
-hehpȧhtóohe vai. thunder beyond. É-hehpȧhtóohe nonóma'e. Thunder keeps thundering. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, weather.
-hehpa'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. farther. É-hehpa'hāhtse. He threw it farther. Category: distance, throw.
-hehpa'ham vta. throw s.o. farther. É-hehpa'hamóho. He threw him (obv) farther. Category: distance, throw.
-hehpa'haso'he vai. ride horse beyond. É-hehpa'haso'he. He rode his horse beyond (a certain point). fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hehpa'ósané vai. exaggerate, tell a bigger story than someone else. for example, to tell what is called a fish story in English. É-hehpa'ósáne. He told it in a bigger way. Category: speak.
-hehpa'ov vta. drive s.o. farther. É-hehpa'ovóho. He drove him/them too far. fta: -a'ov. Category: move.
-hehpan vti. go beyond s.t., twist s.t. for example, to "stretch" the truth. É-hehpāna. He stretched it farther. Ná-hehpāna. I twisted it; stretched it beyond the way it actually is. Etym: *wempenamwa ‘he lifts it up’. Category: speak.
-hehpanené vai. beyond do something. É-hehpanēne. He is doing something beyond. Initial hehp-; Final -anené. See: -heómo'eétahe. Category: do.
-hehpao'ó vii. larger, bigger. É-hehpaō'o. It is larger (in size). tsé-hehpaō'o the one that is larger. [0620 193652.WAV@00:59] Táase tsé-hehpao'o? Which one is larger? [0620 193652.WAV@00:59] fii: -ao'ó. See: -hehpėstao'ó. Category: size.
-hehpȧsé'ham vta. give too much drink to s.o. É-hehpȧsé'hamahtse. He overdosed. É-hehpȧsé'hamóho. He gave him too much to drink. fta: -asé'ham. Category: drink.
-hehpȧše'še vai. overdo drinking. É-hehpȧše'še. He overdid drinking, drank too much. Initial hehp-; fai: -ase'še. See: -nonótovȧše'še. Category: drink.
hehpe- pv. more, beyond, farther. Ná-hehpevéestomo'he. I asked for more than allowed (or that I intended to ask for). Initial hehp-. Etym: *wemp- ‘up’. See: maato; hóno'xe-.
hehpēē'ėše ni. Gram: obl beyond a day. See: névéé'ėše. Category: time.
-hehpehá vii. overlap ?? É-hehpēha. It overlaps. ?? [pd787] vai: -hehpeše. Category: lie, check.
hehpehné vai. walk further. É-hehpēhne. He walked further. Éstatšėšė-hehpėhnesėstse. He went further. [The Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Category: motion, walk.
-hehpehné éše'he vai. past noon. Ééšė-hehpēhne éše'he. It is past noon. Lit: beyond-walk sun Category: time.
-héhpėhno'eétahe vai. do something scary. É-héhpėhno'eétahe. He did something scary. Category: do.
-hehpėhóhtá vti. walk beyond s.t. É-hehpėhóhta. He walked beyond it. fti: -hóhtá; vta: -hehpėhót. See: -hehpóhtá. Category: approach.
-hehpėhót vta. walk beyond s.o. É-hehpėhoto. He walked beyond him. [PD17] É-hehpėhótóho. He walked beyond him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -hehpėhóhtá. Category: approach.
-hehpe'ėstahe vai. taller. for instance, of someone who is taller than the height of a doorway. É-hehpe'ėstahe. He is taller. fai: -'ėstahe. See: -hehpó'ėstahe. Category: height, size.
-hehpe'ėstȧhem vta. be taller than s.o. É-hehpe'ėstȧhemóho. He is taller than him. Ná-hehpe'ėstȧhēmo. I'm taller than him. Ques: recheck?? Category: height, size, check.
-hehpe'há vai. fly beyond, fly farther. É-hehpē'ha. He flew farther. Etym: *wempiʔe·wa. See: -e'e'há. Category: fly.
-hehpe'haná vai. overeat. É-hehpe'hāna. He overate. Etym: *wempiɁθenye·wa (P). fai: -e'haná. See: -háo'póhe. Category: eat.
hehpe'hanáotse vai. overeat. Móstaéšė-hehpe'hanáotsėhéhe. He overate. [The Pus Man.017] Category: eat.
-hehpe'háoohe vai. fly beyond quickly. É-hehpe'háoohe. He quickly flew beyond. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-hehpe'sevó vii. flow farther, flow beyond. É-hehpe'sēvo. It flowed farther. fii: -'sevó. Category: liquid.
hehpe'še p. farther on in time. can be a functional command; for example, 'Turn the calendar; it is not until next month!'. See: nȧhéstó'e; nėhē'še; tsėhe'še; he'še-. Category: time.
-hehpe'xove vii. be past time. Ééšė-hehpe'xove. It is past time. Category: time.
hehpe'xóvéva p. later. See: hehpeto; novėse-. Category: time.
-hehpeméohe vai. run beyond, run farther. É-hehpeméohe. He ran beyond. for example, to run past the finish line in a race. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-hehpénome vai. oversleep. É-hehpénome. He overslept. Né-hehpénomehe? Did you oversleep? Morph: /-hehpénóme/. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hehpénomeotse vai. oversleep. Ná-hehpénomeotse. I overslept. Category: sleep.
-hehpenoné vai. sing beyond, sing further. for example, to keep singing after everyone else stopped singing. É-hehpenōne. He sang beyond. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-hehpenóohe vai. more in quantity. Éto'sė-hehpenóoheo'o. There will be more (for example, people). fai: -nóohe. See: -háenóohe1. Category: quantity.
-hehpeóó'e vii. stick out farther; stand beyond.
vai. stick out farther; stand beyond. for instance, of a nail that is too long for a board it is pounded into and it sticks out some. É-hehpeóó'e. It (or He) is sticking out farther. fii: -óé2. See: -hehpe'ėstahe. Category: stand.
-hehpeotse vii. late.
vai. late. can be a condition when playing cards. É-hehpeotse. He (or It) is late. Éohkėsáa-hehpeotséhe. He is never late. See: -hestomeotse ‘hindered’; -nóvahe ‘slow’. Category: cards.
-hehpeotsé'seh vta. cause s.o. to be late. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-hehpeotsé'sėhahtse. He is too late. (caused ...??) Category: check.
-hehpepoo'ėšem vta. double dribble s.o. that is, to double dribble a ball, animate. É-hehpepoo'ėšemóho. He double dribbled him (the ball, animate). (another recording) See: -poo'ėšem.
-hehpėstao'ó vii. bigger. É-hehpėstaō'o. It is bigger. Táase tsé-hehpėstao'o? Which one is bigger? [0620 193652.WAV@00:58] See: -hehpao'ó. Category: quantity.
hehpėstoha p. more and more, so many times. See: háesto; vonoéstónėstóva. Category: quantity.
-hehpėstohá vii. more in quantity. tsé-hehpėstōha that which is larger in number. [ms 0620 193652.WAV@00:57] Táase tsé-hehpėstoha? Which one is larger in number? [ms 0620 193652.WAV@00:59] Category: quantity.
-hehpėstoxe vai. more in quantity. É-hehpėstoxeo'o. There are more of them (animate). Category: quantity.
-hehpešé vai. lie beyond, overlap. É-hehpēše. He is lying past the place where he is supposed to sleep. Etym: *wempihšinwa (P). Category: lie.
-hehpetanó vai. greedy; want more. a characteristic of the vé'ho'e. É-hehpetāno. He is greedy/he wants more. See: -hehpetsé; -háo'pohe. Category: cognition.
-hehpetanóotse vai. greedy, want more. É-hehpetanóotse. He wants more than he needs. See: -hehpetsé; -háo'pohe. Category: cognition.
hehpeto p. later, farther, a little bit more. (another recording) hehpeto tsé'éšeméoese Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe after the battle with Long Hair (Custer). [1987:59] Preverb hehpe-. See: hehpe'xóvéva; maato. Category: time, degree, quantity.
-hehpetse vai. overdo, be greedy, go beyond one's limit. a characteristic of the trickster figure, vé'ho'e, and a perceived trait of whites, who are named for the trickster. É-hehpetse. He overdid. (another recording) See: -hehpetanó.
-hehpetséotse vai. become greedy. É-hehpetséotse. He has become greedy.
-hehpóe'ó vii. float farther, float beyond.
vai. float farther, float beyond. É-hehpóé'o. He (or It) floated farther. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-hehpoeme vta. Gram: pass higher priced. É-hehpoeme. It/He is higher priced. Etym: *wempakinsowa (P). Category: money.
-hehpoése vai. hang beyond. É-hehpoése. He is hanging farther/beyond. For example, said of the sun's location in the sky past a certain time. vii: -hehpoéstá. Category: hang.
-hehpoéstá vii. hang beyond, past in time. É-hehpoésta. It is hanging beyond. for example, it's past noon. Ééšė-hehpoésta tséhno'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. Neva o'xe ééšė-hehpoésta. It is 4:30 p.m. Ééšė-hehpoésta. It is already past time. for example, already past 6 o'clock. fii: -oéstá2; vai: -hehpoésé. See: -hoéstá ‘hang’. Category: time, hang.
héhpoh- i. frighten.
héhpohe i. scared. É-héhpȯheotse. He is scared. Category: emotions.
-héhpȯheh vta. scare s.o., frighten s.o. É-héhpȯhehóho. He scared him. See: -héhpȯhem ‘scare s.o.’; -e'h ‘fear s.o.’. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-hehpȯhé'emas vta. overshoot s.o. that is, miss shooting s.o. by shooting over him. Ná-hehpȯhé'emāso. I shot over him. É-hehpȯhé'emȧsóho. He shot beyond him. fta: -emas; Antonym -pónoma'émas. Category: shoot.
-héhpȯhe'šeme vai. make scary sounds. É-héhpȯhe'šeme. He is making scary sounds. Category: sounds.
-héhpȯhem vta. scare s.o., frighten s.o. É-héhpȯhemóho. He scared him. See: -héhpȯheh ‘scare s.o.’; -e'h ‘afraid of s.o.’. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-héhpȯhénome vai. have a nightmare. Lit: frightened-sleep É-héhpȯhénome. He had a nightmare. fai: -énome. See: -nonótovénome. Category: sleep, emotions.
héhpȯhénomestȯtse ni. nightmare. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-héhpȯhenónoo'e vai. frightened while looking and sitting. É-héhpȯhenónoo'e. He is sitting looking scared. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, emotions.
-héhpȯheotse vai. scared, frightened. É-héhpȯheotse. He is scared. Category: emotions.
-héhpȯhestanevá vai. scare, frighten. É-héhpȯhestanēva. He scared. É-héhpȯhestanevao'o. They scare. See: -héhpȯhestómané. Category: emotions.
-héhpȯhestómané vai. scare, frighten. É-héhpȯhestómáne. He scared (people). Éohkė-héhpȯhestómáne. He scares (people). fai: -ómané. Category: emotions.
-héhpȯhetanó vai. scared. É-héhpȯhetāno. He is scared. See: -e'tóhtahe. Category: emotions.
-héhpȯhetanónaa'e vai. sit scared. É-héhpȯhetanónaa'e. He is sitting scared. Phon: vs Category: sit, emotions.
-héhpȯhevone vii. sound scary, scary sound. É-héhpȯhevone. hévone?? It is a scary sound. fii: -évone. Ques: -héhpȯhévone?? Category: sounds.
-héhpȯhnóo'xevá vai. scary announce, announce scary things. for example, to announce a disaster or other bad news. É-héhpȯhnóo'xēva. He is announcing something scary. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-héhpȯhnȯxe'a'há vii. scary movie. É-héhpȯhnȯxe'ā'ha. It is a scary movie.
-héhpȯho'eétahe vai. do something frightening. for example, to scare someone. É-héhpȯho'eétahe. He did something scary. Category: do.
-hehpóhtá vti. overly drink s.t., drink too much of s.t. É-hehpóhta. He drank more of it (than he should have). Lit: more by mouth Usage: can be a euphemism for getting drunk vti: -óhtá1. See: -hehpėhóhtá. Category: drink.
-hehpȯhtóvá vai. spend more, buy more. É-hehpȯhtóva. He spent more. for instance, to spend more than someone else. See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.
-hehpo'ȧhéotse vai. run farther, run beyond. Usage: This is more commonly used than -hehpeméohe. É-hehpo'ȧhéotse. He ran farther. tséstaéšė-hehpo'ȧhéotsėse when he had run farther. [Head Chief text] fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -hehpeméohe. Category: run.
-hehpo'eétahe vai. do more. for example, to do more than you're supposed to do. É-hehpo'eétahe. He did more than. See: -heómo'eétahe. Category: do.
-hehpo'enohe vai. overeat. É-hehpo'enohe. He overate. fai: -o'enohe. See: -háo'póhe; -na'h. Category: eat.
-hehpo'enȯhéotse vai. overeat. É-hehpo'enȯhéotse. He overate. Ná-hehpo'enȯhéotse. I overate. Final -o'enohe. See: -háo'pohe; -na'h.
-hehpó'ėstahe vai. taller. É-hehpó'ėstahe. He is taller. See: -hehpe'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
-hehpó'ėstȧhem vta. taller than s.o. - be. Ná-hehpó'ėstȧhema. He is taller than me. Category: size, height.
-hehpom vta. eat s.o. beyond full. É-hehpomóho. He ate him beyond the feeling of being full. Ná-hehpōmo. I ate him beyond the feeling of being full. Medial -om1. Category: eat.
-hehpotse'ohe vai. work past, work beyond. É-hehpotse'ohe. He worked beyond. to work beyond some point in time, such as the usual quitting time for work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-he-ka'ėškónėhame vai. have a child. probably especially said when not about biological relationship to a child. Éhe-ka'ėškónėhame. He has a child. See: -he-nésone. Category: family.
-he-ka'ėškónėhamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as child. Náhe-ka'ėškónėhamé'tova He has me as a child (that is, I am his child). Náhe-ka'ėškónėhamenȯtse He is my child. Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe néhe-ka'ėškónėhamé'toema we are the Savior's children.
-he-kȧse'éehéhame inc.n. have a teenage girl. Naa móxhe-kȧse'éehéhamėhevóhe. And they had a teenage daughter. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.005] Category: family.
he'-1 i. how go, how run, so go, so run. É-he'oohe. That's how he ran/went. See: hé'-; he'-. Category: grammar.
he'-2 pfx. however, whatever, whoever. only occurs in conjunct verbs. he'-tónėšenó'ėstanomevȯhtse however somehow they put it over. he'-tónėšėhesto'tonȯhomévȯse however they wove them (rafts). [1987:3:9] Násáahéne'enóhenȯtse he'-hová'ėheve. I don't know those (things) whatever they are. he'hová'ėheve whatever it is. Násáahéne'enóhe he'-tónėšévėstse. I don't know what he did. Hēā'e néne'éšėhéne'enóene he'-néevá'evėstse. Maybe he already knows about us, whoever he is. [JOURNEY.TXT] This preverb refers to something which has already been done or something which is already known but which the speaker does not understand. with preverb vé'(e)- creates something like a rhetorical question. he'-vé'tónėšévėstse He should have done it, shouldn't he? ?? Category: check. the verb of knowing may be absent but understood: Éstaohkeasėta'hasó'heohésesto tónėstóha he'-taéšeamenéévȯhtse. (I don't know) how many times they had stopped on their way. [1987:26] Méhneo'o mó'ȯhkévėhestȧhevóhe nėhe'xóvéva he'-ȯhketónėstávȯhtsené=méhneo'o. Water monsters used to exist at that time, however they look, these water monsters. [1987:253] this preverb may follow the conjunct prefix é-: Hénėhéóhe tsé'ȯhkėhéseotsévȯhomó'hévȯse éx-he'ȯhketónetȯhomó'hévȯhtse. That's where they would have the Ghost Dance, however they did that dance. [1987:28] Category: check, grammar.
hé'- i. from there. É-hé'oohe. He ran/went from there. See: he'-; hé'ohtsé. Category: grammar.
he'ahtse Gram: poss ni. his arm, his forearm. This includes the hand up to the elbow. Plural he'ȧhtsenȯtse; Stem -'ahtse. Category: body.
-he-'ȧhtsene vai. have arm(s), hand(s). Nésáa-he-'ȧhtsenéhe. You don't have hands. [PEYOTE.TXT]
he'am- i. up, above. É-he'ama'hamóho. He threw him up (into the air). É-he'ama'o'ho. He lifted him up. É-he'amāna. He raised it. Category: positions.
he'āma p. up, above. Initial e'(e)-. See: heāma ‘on the side’. Etym: *ešpemenki. Category: positions.
he'āma tséne'hō'ta vii. ceiling. Lit: above in the room See: heāma tséne'hō'ta ‘wall’; -ene'ho'tá ‘room’. Category: house.
He'ámȧhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Stands Above. Category: names.
He'ámȧhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Highwalker. Category: names.
-he'ama'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. up. É-he'ama'hāhtse. He threw it up. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -he'aman ‘raise s.t.’. Category: move.
-he'ama'ham vta. throw s.o. up. É-he'ama'hamóho. He threw him up (into the air). literally, not by vomiting. See: -e'a'ham. Category: throw.
-he'ama'ó vii. fly up.
vai. This is a quick action of some object, whether animate or inanimate, not of a bird. É-he'amā'o. He (or It) flew up. See: -e'a'ó. Category: motion.
-he'ama'ó'h vta. lift s.o. quickly, raise s.o. quickly. É-he'ama'o'ho. He lifted him up quickly. É-he'ama'ó'hóho. He lifted him up quickly. (newer pronunciation). He'ama'ó'xeha! Lift him up quickly! vti: -he'ama'ó'tsé. Category: move.
-he'ama'ó'tsé vti. lift s.t. quickly, raise s.t. quickly. quicker action than -he'aman. É-he'ama'ó'tse. He lifted it up quickly. vta: -he'ama'ó'h. See: -he'aman; -heamá'ó'tsé. Category: move.
He'amámėhné'e na. Highwalking Woman. Category: names.
-he'aman vti. raise s.t., elevate s.t., lift s.t. slower action than -he'ama'ó'tsé. É-he'amāna. He raised it. He'amānȯhtse! Raise it! (for example, a window). Éohkė-he'amanánovȯtse. They toast them (drinks). See: -he'ama'ó'tsé; -he'ama'hahtsé.
vta. lift s.o., raise s.o., elevate s.o., lift s.o. É-he'amanóho. He raised him. See: -vonóan; -ohaétan; -to'é'ham. Category: move, drink.
He'amanáhkohe na. High Bear. See: Náhkȯxháa'ého'oésėstse. Category: names.
He'amanéstoohe na. Howls Above, Howling Above. Category: names.
-he'amátam vta. regard s.o. as great. É-he'amátamóho. He regards him as great. Usage: possible new word, perhaps a loan translation from English Etym: cf *ešpe·leme·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.
He'amavéhonevėstse na. High Chief. Category: names.
He'amavé'ho'e na. Creator, Jesus. Lit: up-ve'ho'e used by Cheyennes in Petter's time; P. tried to stop its use in favor of the term Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe 'Savior'. Usage: not used today; although one elder said that Catholics use it may have been an old name for the benevolent creator. The Above Ve'ho'e (Creator; this word shows a remnant of the benevolent qualities of the legendary Algonquian culture hero; within extant folktales and recorded history the Cheyenne figure, ve'ho'e, lacks benevolent qualities and is only a trickster, greedy, etc.; the modern usage of the term ve'ho'e is for 'whiteman' who is viewed as having these just-mentioned qualities of the traditional Cheyenne culture figure, ve'ho'e; ca.1900 use of this term to refer to God or Jesus was objected to by missionary Petter because by that time a literal translation was usually given as something like 'the Whiteman above' or, perhaps, 'the Whiteman In the Sky'; see discussion in Petter's dictionary, p. 516, under entry 'God', and Grinnell, Vol. i·, p. 88). Category: sacred.
-he'amávȯhoné vai. sign up. that is, sign for someone to go up. É-he'amávȯhóne. ?? He signed for him to go up. Usage: probably a loan translation from English Synonym -e'ȯhoné; fai: -ohoné. Category: sign, check.
He'āmȧxhoéso'e na. Highwaters. Variant: He'amȧxhoéso'ėstse. Category: names.
He'āmȧxhoéso'ėstse vai. Highwaters. This word has been used to refer to "high water" pants, that is, pants whose bottom is higher than normal, as if a person were wading in high water. Variant: He'āmȧxhoéso'e. See: -so'e. Category: names.
He'amȧxhóeso'ėstse na. Highwaters. BodyPartMedial -só'e2. Category: names.
He'āmȧxhoo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Sits Above. Ques: Joe BCO Category: names.
he'ame- i. up. Éssó'-he'amena'évaooesėstse. His arm was still up in the air. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.045]
pv. up. he'ame-o'hé'e up the creek. [1987:185] É-hea'ameaseváéna. He threw it up. Category: move.
-he'ameehe vai. move up. for example, to move upstream, such as toward the Kirby area. É-he'ameehe. He moved up. Category: move.
He'ame'éxanéhe vai. Chinese person. See: Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities.
-he'ame'há vai. fly up. É-he'amē'ha. He flew up. See: -e'e'há. Category: fly.
-he'ame'hahtaa'e vai. sit with feet up. É-he'ame'hahtaa'e. He is sitting with his feet up (elevated). BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -e. Category: sit.
-he'amemȧheóneve vii. (of a house) have an upstairs. É-he'amemȧheóneve. It (house) has an upstairs (second floor). Category: house.
-he'ameméohe vai. strain to get higher. É-he'ameméohe. He is straining to get up. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
he'ameméó'o ni. Milky Way. Lit: above-road See: séotséméó'o; séáno. Category: celestial.
-he'amena'évá'ó vai. hold arm up, raise hand, raise arms up. É-he'amena'évá'o. He held his (own) arms up. He'amena'évá'ȯhtse! Raise your hand (literally, arm)! BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: body.
-he'amena'éváóó'e vai. arm stick out. Éhe'amena'éváóó'e. He stretched his hand toward the sky. éhno'-he'amena'évaooesėstse also his arm was sticking out (reportative). [1987:265] Phon: vs
-he'ameohtsé vai. 1 • go up. É-he'ameōhtse. He went up. Usage: may be new word See: -e'eohtsé; -anȯheohtsé; -sé'eohtsé.
2 • go to Busby from Lame Deer.
he'ameo'hé'e obl. upriver, upstream, up the creek, Kirby area. refers to any upstream location, but for Busby residents especially refers to the Kirby area. Antonym póno'e. See: e'néhoveo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
-he'amėškóhtohá vti. jack up wheel of s.t. É-he'amėskóhtóha. He jacked it up (to change a wheel). BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. Category: car.
-he'ameváohe vai. Gram: ai+o throw up. that is, to throw something up in the air, not to vomit. É-he'ameváohe. He threw it up. fai: -váohe. Category: throw.
-he'amevo'oh(n) vai. hit s.o. up. This can refer to hitting a fly ball in baseball. É-he'amevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him up. Ná-he'amevo'ōhno. I hit him (a ball) up. Category: baseball, move, hit.
-he'amoeme vii. expensive, raised value, pedestal value. -he'amoeme has the idea of being put up on a social pedestal. -háoeme is different in having intrinsic value. É-he'amoeme. It is expensive/he is expensive. Lit: high-valued (counted) Antonym -he'anávoeme. See: -háoeme. Category: money.
he'amóeotse vii. float up.
vai. float up. É-he'amóeotse. He (or It) floated up. [The Afterbirth Child.026] See: -óe'ó ‘float’. Category: float.
-he'amoésé vai. float up, hang up. É-he'amoése. He is hanging up (there). for example, of a crescent moon lying on its back. Éstaváhtomė-he'amoésenáhoono. They nevertheless floated upward. (pret). [1980:60:159] Antonym -anȯhoésé. Category: hang, float, moon.
-he'amoésta vai. bid on s.t. ?? Lit: hang up É-he'amoésta. He bid on it. Category: money.
-he'amoésta mȧhtsemá'eme vii. high blood pressure - have. Mȧhtsemá'eme é-he'amoésta. He has high blood pressure. Usage: loan transl. Category: sickness.
-he'amoéstomo'he vai. have a high personality. É-he'amoéstomo'he. He is a high kind of person. See: -háa'ého'oésená. Category: new, personality.
-he'amoéstsé vti. keep up s.t. É-he'amoéstse. He tied it up. Mó'ȯhkevá'nė-he'amoéstsėhéhe. He would keep (his skin tied) up. [The Scalped Man Who Died.014]
-he'amóhtahe vai. high - feel, feel high. Ná-he'amóhtahe.?? I feel high. Category: check, check.
-he'amó'a'há vii. fly up in wind. for example, of a kite. É-he'amó'á'ha. It is flying up in the wind. fii: -ó'a'há; vai: -he'amó'a'xe. Category: wind.
-he'amó'a'ham vta. throw s.o. up. especially of pitching a riser (ball). É-he'amó'a'hamóho. He pitched him (a ball, animate) a riser. He'amó'a'hamameha! Pitch him a riser! Category: baseball.
-he'amó'a'xe vii. fly up in wind. for example, of a kite. É-he'amó'a'xe. He is flying up in the wind. vii: -he'amó'a'há. Category: wind.
-he'amo'amé vai. shoot up. that is, to shoot up into the air. É-he'amo'āme. He shot up. Nėhē'še tsé'tó=má'kó'se éstȧ-he'amo'amesėstse hemaāhe. Then this Ma'ko'se shot his arrow into the air. [1987:308] Synonym -e'o'amé. Category: shoot.
-he'amó'en vti. raise s.t.
vta. raise s.o. É-he'amó'enóho. He raised him. É-he'amó'ene hooheo'o. The flag was raised. See: -e'ó'en. Category: move.
he'amo'ome- pv. above, heavenly. tsé-he'amo'omėhéhe'továtse our heavenly Father.
he'amó'ome p. heaven. Phon: iah fni: -o'ome. Category: places.
he'amo'omee-hotse'o na. angel. Lit: heavenly-worker Plural he'amo'omee-hotse'ono. Category: new.
he'amo'omēē'e ni. heaven, outer space, universe. Lit: up-region Oblique he'amo'omééno; fni: -o'omēē'e. Category: sacred, celestial.
-he'amónean vti. raise s.t. by rope. É-he'amóneāna. He pulled it up with a rope.
vta. raise s.o. by rope. É-he'amóneanóho. He pulled him up with a rope. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-he'amóneanah(n) vta. raise s.o. for example, to raise a flag. É-he'amóneanȧhnóho. He raised him (flag). He'amóneanaha hooheo'o! Raise the flag! Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-he'amóo'ó vai. look up. É-he'amóó'o. He is looking up. Phon: not vs fai: -óo'ó; Synonym -e'óo'ó. Category: sight.
-he'amóováotse vii. rise (of liquid). É-he'amóováotse. It (liquid) rose up. Nonó'hónó'e éstšėšė-he'amóováotsénėse héne. Little by little that stuff (feces) rose up. [The Pus Man.021]
-he'amȯxe'ohe vii. be a high pitch mark. É-he'amȯxe'ohe. It is a high pitch mark. Lit: high-written Category: new.
he'aná- i. easy. É-he'anávo'eétahe. He did it easily.
pv. Antonym hótoaná-. É-he'anánėhešéve. He did it easily. É-he'anáhotse'óhestove. It is easy work. [pd425] É-he'anáamēhne. He walks easily. See: he'ke-. Category: quality.
-he'anahe vai. easy. É-he'anahe. He is easy. that is, he is not stubborn; he easily gives permission to do things; there is no sexual connotation with this word as there is when it is said in English about someone "She/He is easy." É-he'anáheo'o. They are easy. Category: personality.
-he'aná'o'h vta. corner s.o., get hold of s.o.; even (s.t.) with s.o. can refer to fooling someone into having sex, as in a one night stand. É-he'aná'o'hóho. He got hold of him, cornered him. Tsé'tohe éx-he'aná'o'haesesto xaóne hetane. This skunk cornered a man. [1987:281] Náévȧ-he'aná'ó'ho. I got back at him / I evened the score with him. That can can be in a game or in revenge. He'aná'o'xeha! Go get him! / Punch him out! / Tell him off! Mó-he'aná'o'hohevóhe. He must have fooled her into having sex with him. See: -éstavan. Category: interpersonal, sex.
-he'aná'o'tsé vti. get hold of s.t. É-he'aná'ó'tse. He finally got hold of it. Móstaéetónėšė-he'aná'o'tsėhéhe héne ká'ó'e. She somehow managed to get that gun. [1987:59] Ques: does this also mean: 'come easily to someone'?
-he'anáná vti. make s.t. easy. Tsė-he'anána. He will make it easy. [Cheyenne Tribal History.034]
-he'anáotse vii. Gram: vai become easy. É-he'anáotse. It has become easy. See: -he'aná'o'tsé.
-he'anátó vii. easy. É-he'anáto It is easy. Antonym -hótoanátó. Category: quality.
-he'anávetanó vai. have it easy. Lit: easy-feel É-he'anávetāno. He has it easy. Hó'ótóva nȧhtsemónė-he'anávetāno. Someday I'll have it easy. Antonym -hótoanávetanó. See: -he'anátanó; -he'anátó; -he'ketanó. Category: emotions.
-he'anávoeme vii. be inexpensive, be cheap. tsé-he'anávoeme that which is inexpensive.
vai. be inexpensive, be cheap. Lit: easy-valued (counted) É-he'anávoeme. He (or It) is inexpensive/cheap. Antonym -háoeme. See: -sóvoeme; -he'avoeme. Category: money, value.
-he'anávo'eétahe vai. easily do something. É-he'anávo'eétahe. He did something easily. Category: do.
-he'anávo'emaov vta. sentence s.o. easy, light sentence s.o., give s.o. a lenient sentence. that is, to give s.o. a light sentence. É-he'anávo'emaovóho. He gave him a light sentence. Antonym -hótoanávo'emaov. Category: legal.
-he'anávotse'ohe vai. easy job, easy work. É-he'anávotse'ohe. He is working at an easy job. Antonym -hótoanávotse'ohe; fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-he'atoeóó'e vai. look up standing, stand looking up. É-he'atoeóó'e. He is standing looking up. tóe?? Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight, check.
-he'atónoo'e vai. look up sitting. É-he'atónoo'e. He is sitting looking up. Phon: vs fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.
-he'atóo'ó vai. look up. É-he'atóó'o. He looked up. Phon: not vs See: -e'óo'ó. Category: sight.
hē'e na. woman. Plural he'eo'o; Obviative he'óho. Phon: This word for woman, hē'e, has a slightly higher tone (pitch) than the otherwise identical word for liver, he'e. hē'e tséá'eno my wife. that is, the woman I own. See: he'e'he ‘spinster’; kȧse'ééhe ‘young woman’; mȧhatamȧhááhe ‘old lady’; -htse'eme ‘woman (poss.)’; He'emo ‘Female Sacred Being’; he'e ‘liver’. Masculine hetane; Preverb he'é-. Phon: LMR: Low-to-Mid Raising raises a low pitch to a mid if it is followed by a word-final phonemic high pitch and not preceded by a high. Some other examples are: é-homōse /é-homosé/ 'he cooked'; kōsa /kosán/ 'sheep (sg)'; xāō'o /šaón/ 'skunk'. Etym: *eθkwe·wa (P); *eɬkwe·wa (R). Category: people.
he'é- pv. woman, female. he'é-ka'ėškóne girl (lit. woman-child). he'é-kokȯhéáxa hen (lit. woman-chicken). he'é'hame mare (lit. woman-horse). éxxamaenėšė-he'éo'he'kóse'šeméhoono the women were just lulu-ing (1987:71). É-he'étáno He wants a woman.
he'e ni. liver. Plural hē'ėstse; Possessive -htse'e. See: hē'e ‘woman’. Etym: *weθkweni ‘his liver’. Category: body, meat.
he'e- i. spare. É-he'eotse. It (or He) is leftover.
he'e- pv. so, such, thus, how. See: heše-.
hē'e tséá'eno cjt. my wife. that is, the woman who I own. Category: relatives.
-he'éahe vai. such age, age - be of that. Non-contracted -he'éhahe. Category: ages.
-he'éa'tahe vai. woman-crazy - be. É-he'éa'tahe. He is woman-crazy. Antonym -hetanéa'tahe. See: -he'étanó; -ná'so'eéh. Category: romance, personality.
he'ééhe p. doubt. This is an expression of doubt, trying to figure out whether what you have heard is true or not. See: eee; ótsėhámóhe. Category: exclamations.
-he'eemá vai. blow nose, wipe nose. É-he'eēma. He is blowing his nose. Etym: *si·niçki·kweme·wa. He'eēmȧhtse! Blow your nose! He'eemáneha! Make him blow his nose! See: -he'eeme; -he'eeméotse; -'éeme; -he'eemȧséohtsé; -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose.
he'eemáhestȯtse na. handkerchief. Lit: blow.nose-NOM Category: groom, nose.
-he'eemȧséohtsé vai. runny nose. É-he'eemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: body, nose.
-he'eeme vai. snotty nose, runny nose. É-he'eeme. He has a snotty nose. See: -he'eeméotse ‘snotty nose suddenly’; -'éeme ‘snot’; -he'eemȧséohtsé ‘runny nose’; -nėhe'eemȧsén ‘wipe nose of s.o.’; -he'eemá ‘blow nose’. Category: nose.
-he'eeméotse vai. snotty nose suddenly, runny nose suddenly. Ná-he'eeméotse. I suddenly have a snotty nose. See: -he'eemé; -he'eemá; -'éeme; -he'eemȧséohtsé; -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose.
He'ééné'e na. (woman's name). Phon: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
he'éh- i. so long, so far. ... é-he'éhoo'e. ... he was there that long. ... é-he'éhóhta. ... that is how long he stayed. ... é-he'éhahe. ... he is that age.
-he'éhahe vai. Gram: rr be of such age; age - be such. ... é-he'éhahe. ... he is that age. Etym: cf *eθpi·htesiwa ‘he is so long, so big, so old’. Évaveto nátȧsáa'évataehéne'enóhe tséx-he'éahéto nėhe'xóvéva tsé'oesevéhanéto. I don't know back then exactly at what age I was when I had a name ceremony. [1987:114] Phon: contracts to -he'éahe Category: ages.
-he'éhanené vai. fix, prepare. Ques: recheck glosses ... é-he'éhanēne ... it was while he was fixing (something). Naa tséévė-he'éhanénėse néške'éehe ná'ȯhkeéehóhta'haóéne. And while my grandmother was fixing (his coffee) he would tell us stories. [The Owl.005] Category: check.
he'éhe na. maggot(s). sg., pl., and obv. AlternatePlural he'éheo'o; Diminutive he'éhéso. Etym: *wexkwe·wa; *o·xkwe·wa (P) ‘maggot’. See: he'e'he; he'éhesono. Category: bugs.
-hé'ehe vai. move from there. ... é-hé'ehe. ... that is where he moved from. Énėx-hé'ehe. He moved from there. fai: -ehe. Category: motion, camp.
-he'ehe vai. Gram: rr so move camp, move so. Éstanė-he'ėhésesto. They moved there. [The Rolling Head.106] fai: -ehe. Category: move.
he'éhéso na. maggot. Plural he'éhesono. The plural is also the word for 'rice'. Non-diminutive he'éhe. See: he'éhesono ‘rice’; he'e'he ‘unmarried woman’. Category: bugs.
he'éhesono na. Gram: pl Gram: dim rice. Same word as he'éhesono 'little maggots' because rice kernels look like little maggots. (another recording) (another recording) See: he'éhéso ‘maggot’. Category: food.
-he'éheve vai. be wormy.
vii. be wormy. É-he'éheve. It/He is wormy (has maggots). See: -mátseveotse; -he'eve. Category: meat.
-he'éhóhtá vai. Gram: rr gone so long, stay so long. ... é-he'éhóhta. ... that is how long he stayed. tsétȧ-he'éhóhtȧse while he was gone. fai: -ohtá3. See: -háa'éhohtá; -tóne'éhohtá. Category: time.
-he'éhoma'o'e vii. such distance. ... é-he'éhoma'o'e. ... it is that distance. Nexa taoheóne, étanėhe'éhoma'o'e. It is two miles in distance. Category: distance.
-he'éhoo'e vai. be (there) so long. ... é-he'éhoo'e. ... that is how long he was (there). Náéveoseehoháepėhévomóhtahe nȧháóhe tséévėhe'éhoéto. I felt very good as long as I was there. [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.022] Phon: vs
he'éka'eeséhotame na. female cat. Category: cats. Usage: archaic
he'éka'ėškóéso na. Gram: dim na. little girl. Lit: female-child-DIM Plural he'éka'ėškóesono ??; Obviative he'éka'ėškóesono ??. Category: check, ages.
he'éka'ėškóne na. girl. Lit: female-child Plural he'éka'ėškóneho; Obviative he'éka'ėškóneho; Diminutive he'éka'ėškónėhéso; Masculine hetanéka'ėškóne. Category: ages.
he'éka'ėškónėhéso na. little girl, girl -little. Plural he'éka'ėškónėhesono; Obviative he'éka'ėškónėhesono; Non-diminutive he'éka'ėškóne. Category: ages.
he'ékokȯhéaxa na. hen. Lit: female chicken Plural he'ékokȯhéaxáne. Category: birds.
he'é'hame na. female domesticated animal, bitch, mare. especially cat, dog, horse. Usage: There is often some kind of constraint against saying this word, as well as the corresponding male form, hetané'hame. Both words often evoke laughter, probably indicating some kind of sexual connotations which are inappropriate for speaking in public. Plural he'é'háme; Obviative he'é'háme; Antonym hetané'hame. Etym: *eθkwe·ʔθemwa ‘bitch’. See: mo'éhno'ha ‘horse’; heéháme ‘her husband’. Category: cats.
he'e'he na. unmarried woman, spinster, divorcee. Plural he'é'heo'o; Variant: he'é'hé'e. See: ma'xėhe'e'he; hē'e. Category: people.
-he'é'heeve vai. divorced woman - be a, separated from husband - be, unmarried woman - be a. É-he'é'heeve. She is separated from her husband. Ques: he'é'he'eve?? Antonym -hovóaheve. Category: marriage, check.
he'é'hé'e na. unmarried woman, spinster. Variant: he'e'he. See: ma'xėhe'e'he.
he'émȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl squaw corn. Ques: new?? Category: food.
he'éma'xėhē'ne na. turkey hen. Masculine hetanéma'xėhē'ne. See: ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.
-he'émané vai. act like a woman. É-he'émáne. He is acting like a woman. Etym: cf *eθkwe·hka·sowa ‘he pretends to be a woman’. fai: -mané; Antonym -hetanémané ‘act like a man’. Category: personality.
he'émane na. deviate, half man-half woman. Lit: woman-pretender Plural he'émaneo'o; Obviative he'émanóho. Usage: not as commonly used as he'émáné'e See: he'émáné'e. Category: personality.
he'émáné'e na. transvestite, hermaphrodite, homosexual, gay man, woman-pretender, coward. (another recording) This kind of person was important in the Cheyenne scheme of things, along with the Contraries, Hohnóhkao'o. This word is sometimes used by men who teasingly accuse their brothers-in-law of being a he'émáné'e. See: he'émane; hetanémáné'e. Category: identity.
-he'émané'eve vai. be a coward. Lit: woman-pretend-be É-he'émané'eve. He is a coward. Antonym -hetaneve. Category: personality.
-he'émȧsoo'e vai. sit as woman. that is, with both legs to the side. É-he'émȧsoo'e. She is sitting as a woman with both of her legs underneath her to the side. Variant: he'évȧsoe. See: -he'évoo'e. Category: sit.
He'émé'ėhné'e na. Appears Woman. Category: names.
He'éméóná'e na. Trail Woman. Category: names.
He'emo n. Goddess, Female Sacred Being, female god, god - female. This word is not known to many Cheyennes. It probably should not be discussed or publicized widely. Perhaps it should not be said by women. It is said in some ceremonies. It is difficult to translate to English. It may be close in meaning to the ceremonial word ésevone. This is said to be the Suhtai word for God, equivalent to Ma'hēō'o in the Cheyenne dialect. See: hē'e ‘woman’; He'émomé'ėhné'e ‘Goddess Appears Woman’. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
He'émóhto na. Woman Leggings. Category: names.
He'émomé'ėhné'e na. Goddess Appears Woman. Ques: recheck pitches and translation?? Category: check. See: He'emo ‘Goddess’. Category: names.
He'énȧhkȯhá'e na. She Bear. Category: names.
-he'énehe vai. Gram: rr taste that way, taste so, so taste. É-he'énehe. He tastes that way. Etym: *eθpwekwesiwa (P). fai: -énehe; vii: -he'éno'e. See: -tsėhe'énehe; -pėhéveénehe; -nėhe'énehe. Category: taste.
he'enénestȯtse ni. nipple. Plural he'enénėstotȯtse. See: he'evone ‘nipple’; -néné ‘nurse’. Category: body.
He'enéstoohé'e na. Howling Woman. Variant: Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e, Hé'ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.
-he'enestse vai. Gram: rr speak language that way, so speak language. ... é-he'enestse. ... that is how he speaks. tséx-he'enėstsévȯse when they talked. [1987:115] Héovȧhtse é-he'enėstseo'o. They speak various languages. héováestse né-he'enėstsémáne; totáhóésta nénėxhé'ȯhtsémáne; némȧheonétȧhévo'eévama naa oha nėstsema'émáne émano'sééso We speak different languages; we come from different places; we all have different skins but our blood is all together the same. taamááhe tsé-he'enėstsévȯse their own language. Category: speak.
-he'éno'e vii. so taste, taste that way, taste so. ... é-he'éno'e. ... that is how it tastes. Etym: *eθpwekwatwi (P). fii: -éno'e; vai: -he'énehe. Category: taste.
-he'enot vta. spare kill s.o.that is, spare someone from killing them. É-he'enotóho. He spared him in killing. Éhvá'nė-he'enotósesto. She spared him in killing. (reportative). [1980:14:35] fta: -not. See: -nėhestȯhenot. Category: violence.
-he'eotse vii. spare, leftover, remain. tsé-he'eotse what is leftover. tsé-he'eotsee'ėstse leftovers.
vai. spare, leftover, remain. É-he'eotse. He (or It) is leftover. Etym: *eškwiɁle·wa > **iškwipalyiwa (P/L). for example, there is leftover food. vti: -he'óhtá; Antonym -má'seotse. See: -kánomeotse; -momotoeotse. Category: quantity.
-he'esó vii. Gram: rr that long in time, that far. É-he'ēso. It is that far; it is that long in time. Eše tsé-he'ėsotse hestónaho mó'ȯhkenėhešetanó'tovȯhevóhe all day long she would think about her daughter that way. [1987:57] Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséox-he'ėsotse. And then he was gone a year, that is how long. [Two Young Ladies] Category: time, distance.
-he'ėstahe vai. be that tall, however tall. ... é-he'ėstahe. ... he is that tall. Hoóhtsetséhéha é-he'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Nėstsetotáxeohé'tova tsé-he'ėstȧhévȯse. He will walk the length of your body. [VISION.TXT] See: -tsėhe'ėstahe. Category: size.
-he'ėstóneo'e vii. Gram: rr so long, that long. ... é-he'ėstóneo'e. ... that is how long it is. Éohketaevánánóvo héne tsé-he'ėstóneo'e vee'e.maato They measure the length of the front of the tepee. [1987:222] Medial -ón(e)2. Category: size.
-he'ėstóšešé vai. so goes the story, that is the way the story lies, so lies the story. É-he'ėstóšéše. ?? So goes the story.
he'éš- i. while. tséssó'méo-he'éšenomėse while she was still asleep in the morning. [1987:269] See: nėšená-; só'(e)-; he'še-. Category: time.
he'éše- pv. Gram: rr while, as long as, such time. tsé-he'éševo'ėstanéhévétse while we live / as long as we live. tsé-he'éšeméaneve throughout the summer. Énė-he'éšėháomóhtahe nā'ėstse éše'he. He has been sick one month. Naa nėhéóhe násáahéne'enomóvóhe tsé-he'éševéévȯse. I don't know how long they camped there like that. [1987:28] Nėstseévaamemévemeno tsé-he'éševo'ėstanéhévése. You will eat us, as long as you are alive. [1987:247] See: he'še-; háa'éše-; tóne'éše-. Category: time.
-he'éšenome vai. Gram: rr while sleeping. ... é-he'éšenome. ... that was when he was sleeping. tsésó'méo-he'éšenomėse while she was still asleep in the morning. [1987:269] fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-he'éšeohtsé vai. Gram: rr while going along. ... é-he'éšeōhtse. ... he went along for that amount of time. Éstávenétȧhévátsėstánóvȯse tsétȧ-he'éšeohtsévȯse. They sort of thought it was odd as they were going along. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.
-he'éšetanéné vai. Gram: rr live for so long, so long live; be alive for so long. tsé-he'éšetanéneto as long as you are alive. Násáa'évatónėšenȧho'ȯhtsévóhe tsé-he'éšetanénéto I cannot go back to him as long as I live. tsé-he'éšetanénėstove as long as there is life. See: -ametanéné ‘be alive’. Category: time.
-he'étáno vai. want a woman. É-he'étáno. He wants a woman. See: -vévetanó; -ováhe'étanó; -hetanétanó. Category: marriage, sex.
-he'étánootse vai. want a woman. É-he'étanóotse. He has come to want a woman. See: -vévetanó; -ováhe'étanó. Category: marriage, sex.
-he'étovahe vai. female nature - have a. For example, this could be said of He'emo, the female sacred being. É-he'étovahe. She has a female nature. Category: sacred.
he'évánó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl woman sage; female sage. probably fringed sage. See: hetanévánó'ėstse. Category: plants.
-he'évȧsoo'e vai. sit as a woman. É-he'évȧsoo'e. She is sitting as a woman sits. Phon: vs This refers to sitting with both legs turned to one side. Usage: This is probably a more natural word than -he'évoo'e. See: -he'évėsoo'e. Category: sit.
He'évȧsoo'ėstse na. Sits As a Woman. Category: names.
-he'eve vai. be a woman, be a female. Ques: Can this also mean 'It is liver'?? É-he'eve. She is a woman. Etym: *eθkwe·wiwa. É-he'éveo'o. They are women. Ééšė-he'eve. She is already a woman. See: hē'e; -kȧse'éehéheve; -he'éheve. Category: people, check.
-he'éve'hahe vai. woman's voice - have a. É-he'éve'hahe. He speaks like a woman. Category: voice, speak.
-he'évėsoo'e vai. urinate as a woman. É-he'évėsoo'e. She is urinating squatting down as a woman. Usage: considered somewhat vulgar; a play on words with -he'évȧsoo'e is considered humorous fai: -só3. Phon: vs Masculine -hetanévėsóó'e. See: -he'évȧsoo'e. Category: sit, vulgar.
-he'évóehné vai. birthe a daughter. É-he'évóéhne. She gave birth to a daughter. Masculine -hetanévóehné. Category: babies.
he'évoehnē'e na. daughter. Lit: female born one Usage: rare See: -htona. Category: relatives, family.
he'évo'eha ni. woman's shoe. Plural he'évo'ėhanȯtse; Masculine he'évo'eha; Variant: he'évo'keha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.
-he'évo'e'hahe vai. talk like a woman, speak like a woman. É-he'évo'e'hahe. He talks like a woman. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. See: -he'éve'hahe. Category: speak.
-he'évo'ha'ehné vai. walk as a woman. É-he'évo'ha'ēhne. He walks as a woman. Category: walk.
-he'évo'ha'eohtsé vai. walk like a woman. É-he'évo'ha'eōhtse. He walks like a woman. See: -hetanévo'ha'ehné. Category: walk.
he'évo'keha ni. woman's shoe. Variant: he'évo'eha; Plural he'évo'kėhanȯtse; Masculine he'évo'eha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.
He'évo'nehe na. She Wolf. a man's name. See: hó'nehe. Category: names.
he'évo'ȯhtóhono women's pants. Variant: he'évo'xȧhtóhono. See: -vo'ȯhtóhono; hohtóho. Category: clothing.
he'évo'xȧhtóhono na. Gram: pl woman's pants. one or more pairs. Variant: he'évo'ȯhtóhono. See: hohtoho; -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing.
-he'evoné mbp. nipple(s). Éónėšė-he'evonéóhtse. She has pain in the nipples. See: he'evone ‘nipple’; he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’; -vononá ‘nipple (med.)’. Category: body.
he'evone ni. nipple. Plural he'evonȯtse. Usage: obsolescent BodyPartMedial -vononá. See: he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’. Category: body.
-he'évoo'e vai. sit as a woman. -he'évȯsoo'e is probably more natural than this word. É-he'évoo'e. She is sitting as a woman sits. Etym: *eθkwe·wapiwa. This refers to sitting with legs turned to one side. fai: -oe; Antonym -hetanévoo'e. Phon: vs See: -he'évȯsoo'e; -néšenėstanee'e; hē'e. Category: sit.
-he'évotse'ohe vai. do woman's work. É-he'évotse'ohe. He (or She) is doing woman's work. fai: -otse'óhe. Etym: *eθkwe·waθwexkye·wa. Category: work.
he'exa ni. his/her eye. See: ma'exa; -'exa. Category: body.
He'éxáá'e Hesta'éhe na. His Wounded Eye. Usage: origin of family name Wounded Eye Category: names.
he'éxáéno obl. on his ear(s). Stem -'exa. Category: ears.
-he'éxanohá vti. eye s.t. É-he'éxanōha. He kept his eye(s) on it. See: -ne'evávóóhtá; -'éxané. Category: sight.
-he'éxanoh(n) vta. eye s.o. É-he'éxanȯhnóho. He kept his eye(s) on him. See: -ne'evávoom; -'éxané; -vóom; -vé'hoom.
-he'haa'e vai. cough; cold - have a. É-he'haa'e He has a cold. Éáhanė-he'haa'e. He ran out of breath from coughing. Éhoxė-he'haa'e. He has a runny nose cold. Né-he'haehe? Are you coughing? Phon: vs Etym: *weʔθekwa. See: -he'haésta; -pá'he'haa'e; -hesóva'xeme. Category: sickness.
he'haéheséeo'ȯtse ni. cough medicine, yarrow. traditional herbal and modern medicine. Category: medicine.
he'haenoto na. Gram: poss his sputum, his spit, his phlegm. Stem -'haenȯtse.
-he'haeotse vai. get a cold. Ná-he'haeotse I've gotten a cold. É-he'haeotse. He suddenly coughed. ?? Éohkema'xė-he'haeotse. He coughs a lot. ?? See: -he'haa'e; -he'haéstá; -šé'še'haeotse. Category: sickness, check.
-he'haéstá vai. cough. Ques: is this chronic coughing?? Category: check. É-he'haésta. He is coughing. Etym: cf *weɁθeɁθwetamwa (P). See: -he'haa'e. Category: sounds, sickness.
-he'haešé vai. lie coughing. É-he'haéše. He lay coughing. Category: lie, sickness.
He'haévėháne na. Cold (personified). personification of the cold (sickness). vai: -he'hae; fna: -vėhané. Category: sickness.
-he'haéve'hahe vai. cold voice - have a. É-he'haéve'hahe. He has a (changed) voice from a cold. Category: sickness.
-he'haévomóhtahe vai. have a cold. É-he'haévomóhtahe. He has a cold. Usage: possibly new word See: -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-he-'hamehe vai. have a cross-niece. É-he-'hamehe. He has a cross niece ("niece"). Etym: *weʔθemiwa. See: tséhe'hamėhéto. Category: relatives.
-he-'hamėhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as cross-niece. É-he-'hamėhénoto. He has her as cross-niece. [1987:174] Éhe-'hamėhénoto. He has her as cross-niece. Category: relatives.
he'hameho na. Gram: poss his/her cross-niece. This person is a man's sister's daughter or a woman's brother's daughter. She is called "niece" when speaking English in the Cheyenne system. Stem -'hameh. See: hestónȧhemóono ‘his/her niece (or stepdaughter)’. Category: relatives.
-hé'heéné vai. wrinkled face. É-hé'heéne. He has a wrinkled face. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -hé'heškéné. Category: face.
Hé'heénéhe na. Wrinkled Face. Category: names.
he'heēno na. 1 • blackbird. usually the red winged ones (PD). Plural he'heenóne; Obviative he'heenóne. Etym: *aʔsekena·hkwa (P). Category: birds.
2 • Blackbird. Category: names.
He'heēno Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse vai. Gram: ppl Black Blackbird. Category: names.
He'heēno Ȯhvó'komaestse vai. White Blackbird. Category: names.
He'heenóhká'e na. Blackbird Woman. Category: names.
He'heenóhkeameohtsé'e na. Blackbird Walking Woman. Category: names.
He'heenóhkéso na. Little Blackbird. Category: names.
-hé'heetová'tov vta. play dirty tricks on s.o., rudely treat s.o. É-hé'heetová'tovóho. He played dirty tricks on him. Category: interpersonal.
-hé'heetovám vta. rudely speak to s.o. É-hé'heetovamo. He is making rude remarks to him. É-hé'heetovámóho. He is making rude remarks to him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hé'heetovánove vai. mischievous - be, bother - be a, get in trouble. É-hé'heetovánove. He is mischievous. Névááhe tsé-hé'heetovánovėstse hesta'se móma'xe-anȯhevo'ȯhnȯhevóhe? Who was mischievous, someone must have knocked down snow. That is a humorous saying when there has been a blizzard. It is basically asking "Who made it snow?" See: -hávėsévo'eétahe; -mé'emo'eéstómané; -háaenove; -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-hé'heetovánovetanó na. wants to get in trouble, be a roughneck; coarse person; mischief-maker; rascal. É-hé'heetovánóvétáno. He wants to be a trouble maker.
-hé'heetovávahtsé vai. be "mouthy", rude. É-hé'heetováváhtse. He is "mouthy". Lit: bothersome-mouth Medial -ahtsená. Category: mouth.
-hé'hehpom vta. suck on s.o. for example, of a leech or of a person making hickies on s.o. Ques: also of a blow job on someone ?? É-hé'hehpomóho. He sucked on him. Ná-hé'héhpómo. I sucked on him. See: -hé'hév; hé'hevom; -néh; -nénom. Category: mouth, check.
he'hem- i. speckled, freckled. É-he'hemahe. He is speckled. É-he'hema'ōva. He (especially a horse) has a spotted hide. É-he'hemoo'kōho. It is sprinkling. See: péhp-.
-he'hemahe vai. speckled, spotted. for example, of a horse or bird. É-he'hemahe. He is speckled. Naa nėhē'še tséohtšemo'ȯhtávė-he'hemȧhese tsé'tóhe vé'kėseho (móx)hósevéehevóhe. And then the black-speckled birds were also camped. [1987:316] vii: -he'hemó. Category: appearance.
-he'hema'ová vai. speckled hide, spotted hide. É-he'hema'ōva. He (especially a horse) has a spotted hide. Category: appearance, horses.
-he'heman vti. sprinkle s.t., dab s.t. for example, with water or paint. É-he'hemāna. He sprinkled it.
vta. sprinkle s.o.; dab s.o. É-he'hemanóho. He sprinkled him by hand. Category: liquid.
-he'heméné vai. have a freckled face. É-he'heméne. He has a freckled face. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-he'hemėšéoná vai. have speckled rump, be an Appaloosa horse. É-he'hemėšéóna. He has a speckled rump/he is an Appaloosa. tsé-he'hemėšéónȧhtse Appaloosa (horse). See: he'hemová. Category: horses.
he'hemėšéonávo'ha na. Appaloosa. Lit: spotted-rump-horse Category: horses.
-he'hemó vii. be speckled. É-he'hēmo. It is speckled. [1987:316] Véenȯtse éxhósemo'ȯhtávė-he'hemónėsestȯtse. The tepees were (also) black-speckled. vai: he'hemahe. Category: colors.
-he'hemoo'kohó vii. sprinkle, gentle rain. This is only about rain. É-he'hemoo'kōho. It is sprinkling. Ques: What is the difference between -he'hemoo'kohó and -hoo'kȯhóotsé?? fii: -oo'kohó. Category: check. See: -hoo'kohó ‘rain’; -hoo'kȯhóotsé ‘sprinkle’. Category: weather.
-he'hemoo'kȯhóotse vii. sprinkle all of a sudden. É-he'hemoo'kȯhóotse. It sprinkled (rained) all of a sudden. See: -hoo'kȯhóohtsé ‘sprinkle’. Category: weather.
-he'hemóovot vta. sprinkle s.o. with water. É-he'hemóovotóho. He sprinkled him with water. See: -he'néškomóovot. Category: liquid.
-he'hémotóhtá vti. sprinkle s.t. by mouth. for example, by squirting water out of the mouth. É-he'hémotóhta. He blew it out by mouth. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'hemová vai. speckled hide. especially of an Appaloosa horse, but not exclusively so. É-he'hemōva. He has a speckled hide. tsé-he'hemōvȧhtse the Appaloosa/the speckled horse. Medial -ová. Category: horses.
-hé'heneestsenáotse vai. saliva fly out of mouth. Ná-hé'heneestsenáotse. My saliva flew out of my mouth. Ques: recheck?? Category: mouth.
-hé'henom vta. suck (something) out of s.o. É-hé'henomóho. He sucked (something) out of him. for example, what a medicine man might do. fta: -om1. See: -hé'hevom; -hé'hehpom.
-hé'hepoevotóhtá vti. suck on s.t. Hápó'e hé'tóhe ée-hé'hepoevotóhtomeo'o! Hold these in your mouth (like lozenges) to suck on them!
hé'he(šk)- i. wrinkled. É-hé'heškane. He (such as a shirt) is wrinkled. É-hé'héško. It is wrinkled. É-hé'heškéa'e. It is wrinkled in texture.
-hé'heškan vti. wrinkle s.t. typically done by hand. É-hé'heškāna. He wrinkled it. for example, of paper or a shoe.
vta. wrinkle s.o. For example, of a shirt, dress, or anything else made of cloth. É-hé'heškanóho. He wrinkled him (obv). Ques: recheck -an pitch?? Category: texture, record.
-hé'heškane vai. be wrinkled. for example, of a shirt (animate). É-hé'heškane. He (such as a shirt) is wrinkled. Ques: recheck -ane pitch?? Category: texture, check.
-hé'heškéa'e vii. be wrinkled in texture. É-hé'heškéa'e. It is wrinkled in texture. Category: texture.
-hé'heškeesé'ó vai. wrinkle nose. É-hé'keškeesé'o. He wrinkled his (own) nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.
-hé'heškėhe'oná vai. have wrinkled hand(s). É-hé'heškėhe'ōna. He has a wrinkled hand(s). Category: hands, body.
-hé'heške'óhtané'ó vai. wrinkle forehead. for example, when scowling. É-hé'heške'óhtané'o. He has a wrinkled forehead. BodyPartMedial -'óhtané. Category: body.
-hé'heškéné vai. wrinkled face. É-hé'héškéne. He has a wrinkled face. Náéšease-hé'héškéne. I'm already starting to have a wrinkled face. Variant: -hé'heéné. Category: face.
-hé'heškeohtsé vii. wrinkle.
vai. wrinkle. É-hé'heškeōhtse He (or It) is wrinkling. Category: texture.
-hé'heškeotse vii. wrinkled - become.
vai. wrinkled - become. É-hé'heškeotse. It has become wrinkled. Category: texture.
-hé'heškó vii. wrinkled. É-hé'héško. It is wrinkled. Category: texture.
-hé'heškoestá vai. wear a wrinkled dress. É-hé'heškoēsta. She has on a wrinkled dress. Initial hé'he(šk)-; Final -oestá. Category: dress.
-hé'heško'ėhaná vai. have wrinkled shoes. É-hé'heško'ėhāna. He has wrinkled shoes. Category: shoes.
Hé'heško'nehe na. Wrinkled Wolf. Category: names.
-hé'hév vta. suck on s.o.?? É-hé'hevóho. ?? He sucked on him. ?? See: -hé'hehpom. Category: check.
-hé'hevóhtá vti. suck s.t. É-hé'hévóhta. He sucked it. fti: -óhtá1 ‘by mouth’. Etym: cf. M so·qsopa·htam. Category: mouth.
-hé'hevo'sé'o'h vta. crush s.o. É-hé'hevo'sé'o'hóho. He crushed him. Category: interpersonal.
-hé'hevom vta. suck on s.o. for example, a traditional form of doctoring to suck something out of someone. É-hé'hevomóho. He sucked on him. vai: -hé'hévȯsané. See: hé'henom; -hé'hehpom; -nénom. Category: sickness.
-hé'hévȯsané vai. suck out. for example, when a medicine man sucks pain out of a person. É-hé'hévȯsáne. He is sucking (something) out. Category: mouth.
he'k-1 i. soft, quiet, slow. É-he'kȧho'he. He is cooked tender. He'kotoo'ėstse! Sit still!/Be quiet! Preverb he'ke-. Category: quality.
he'k-2 i. prick, pierce, stick, stuck. É-he'kȯhnóho. He pricked him by tool. tsé'tó=heškóvetsémeeno náme'tatšėšė-he'keóehoo'o I will stick these (porcupine) quills in the ground. [1987:311] É-he'kēše. He got stuck. See: héšk-; ane'k-.
-he'kȧhá'ené vai. cook until tender. Lit: soft-cook can be said, for instance, of cooking beans. É-he'kȧhá'éne. She is cooking (something) until it's tender. Ná-he'kȧhá'éne. I'm cooking (something) until it's tender. Initial he'k-; fai: -ahá'ené; vta: -he'kėho'h(n). See: -he'kėho'h; he'kȧhá'éó'o ‘stew (od)’. Category: cook.
he'kȧhá'enestȯtse ni. roaster. Category: containers.
he'kȧhá'éó'o vai. stew. Usage: od See: hohpe; -he'kȧhá'ené ‘cook until tender’. Category: food, Oklahoma.
-he'kahe vai. soft, pliable. É-he'kahe. He is soft. [pd425] vii: he'ke. Category: personality.
-he'kȧho'he vai. cooked tender. É-he'kȧho'he. He is cooked tender. for instance, of a duck being cooked. Initial he'k-. See: -he'kȧhonóné. Category: cook.
he'kȧho'h(n) vta. cook s.o. until tender. É-he'kȧho'nóho monėškeho. He cooked the beans until tender. fta: -aho'hn. See: -he'kėho'h(n) ??. Category: cook, check.
-he'kȧhonóné vai. 1 • cook tender. that is, cook until the food is tender. É-he'kȧhonóne. She cooks tender. É-vésė-he'kȧhonóne. She cooked but it's not done (she cooked too fast) / cut corners to get things done.
2 • cut corners. Category: figurative, cook, do.
He'kamovéséhe na. High Hair. refers to hair being tied up high on the head. See: he'āma. Category: names.
-he'kan vti. soften s.t. É-he'kāna. He softened it. [1987:247] tsé'ȯhtšė-he'kano héše'ke kȧhamaxe where he softened the dirt with the stick (1987:247).
vta. soften s.o. É-he'kanóho. He softened him. Category: texture.
-he'kasé vai. have a soft belly. É-he'kāse. He has a soft belly. BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: body.
He'kāse na. Soft Belly. Category: names.
-he'kȧséh(n) vta. stick s.o. in the belly. É-he'kȧsehno. He stuck him in the belly. É-he'kȧséhnóho. He stuck him in the belly. (newer pronunciation). He'kȧséhnȯhéne mȧxhóseéstȯhomó'heóestse! Stick him in the belly when he dances in again! [1980:67:9] BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: body.
-he'kȧsome vai. soft stool. É-he'kȧsome. He had a soft stool. Antonym -he'konȧsome; fai: -asóme. Category: body function.
-he'kátamáno'e vii. mellow weather - be. É-he'kátamáno'e. It is mellow weather. [pd701] Initial he'k-; Final -átamáno'e. Category: weather.
-he'ke vii. tender, soft, fragile, weak. can refer to tender meat. É-he'ke. It is tender. Antonym -he'konó. See: -ta'pahe. Category: texture, food.
he'k(e)- i. soft.
he'ke- pv. softly, lightly, slowly, easily, quietly, still. He'keameoestse! Slow down! He'ke-éestsėstoveha! Speak quietly to him! É-he'kenéméne. He sang softly. É-he'keamévánóhtse. He has soft/quiet footsteps. É-he'keamȯhomo'he. She danced gracefully and slowly. Móstȧxae-he'keaseotsėhaehevovóhe nȧháóhe. (The soldiers; obv.) easily took them over there. [1987:51] See: he'aná-. Category: degree.
-he'kéa'e vii. feel soft (in texture). É-he'kéa'e. It feels soft (in texture). vai: -he'kéata. Category: texture.
-he'keameohe vai. slowly go, drive slowly. É-he'keameohe. He is going slowly. He'keameoestse! Slow down! Category: speed, car.
-he'keamévone vii. be a soft sound. É-he'keamévone. It makes a soft sound. Category: sounds.
-he'keamóeóó'e vai. stand still. É-he'keamóeóó'e. He is standing still. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: -amóeóó'e. Category: stand.
-he'kéata vai. soft in texture, soft to the touch. É-he'kéata. He is soft to the touch. vii: -he'kéa'e. See: -he'kováveata. Category: texture.
-he'kehá vii. stuck. This can be said of an axe stuck in wood or a car stuck in mud. É-he'kēha. It is stuck. É-he'kēha hohkȯxe kȧhamȧxéhéva. The axe is stuck in the firewood. [PD79] vai: -he'kešé.
-he'kėhahtsé vti. stab s.t. É-he'kėhāhtse. He stabbed it. For example, he stabbed the ground with a knife.
-he'kėhe'oná vai. have soft hand(s). for example, hands that easily bruise. É-he'kėhe'ōna. He has soft hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-he'kėhe'onáxé vai. have thorns in the hand, puncture hand falling. Ná-he'kėhe'onáxe. I have thorns in my hand / I punctured my hand when I fell. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -seenó'tȯhe'onáxé; -tóhpeoséšé. Category: hands.
-he'kėho'há vti. cook s.t. until tender. É-he'kėhō'ha. He cooked it until tender. É-he'kėhō'ha ho'évohkȯhtse. She cooked the meat until it was tender. vii: -he'kėho'tá. See: -he'ke. Category: cook.
-he'kėho'h(n) vta. cook s.o. tender. Ná-he'kėho'noo'o. I'm cooking them until they are tender (for example, beans). vai: -he'kȧhá'ené. See: -he'kȧho'h(n) ??. Category: cook, check.
-he'kėho'oéstá vii. hang low. É-he'kėho'oésta. It is hanging low. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: hang.
-he'kėho'tá vii. tender cooked. É-he'kėhō'ta. It is cooked tender. Lit: soft-by.heat vti: -he'kėho'há. Category: meat, cook.
He'ké'hame na. Little Mare. diminutive. See: he'é'hame. Category: names.
he'kénóme ni. soft thigh piece (of meat), tenderloin. See: hénóme; hesóva'kove. Category: meat.
-he'keóeh vta. stick s.o. into (something) to stand them up. É-he'keóehóho. He stuck. Tsé'tó=heškóvetsémeeno náme'tatšėšė-he'keóehoo'o. I will stick these (porcupine) quills in the ground. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).022] vai: -he'keóó'e; Final -óe. See: -he'kohá.
He'keo'éváhne na. Softly Walks Away. Category: names.
-he'keome vai. be fat. Lit: soft-belly É-he'keome. He is fat. BodyPartMedial -óme. See: -a'kasé; -éšeome; -he'kasé; -háeome. Category: size.
-he'keóméné vai. fat face. É-he'keóméne. He has a fat face. Variant: -he'keómévéné. Category: face.
-he'keómeotse vai. become fat. Nátávetšėške'-he'keómeotse. I have gotten slightly fat. Category: appearance.
-he'keómévéné vai. fat face. É-he'keómévéne. He has a fat face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -he'keóméné. Category: body, face.
-he'keóó'e vii. stand stuck.
vai. stand stuck. É-he'keóó'e. He/It is standing there stuck in the ground. [pd79, pd1023, pd1023] Phon: vs Initial he'k-; Final -óé2. See: -he'kešé. Category: stand.
-he'keotse 1 • vii. soften.
2 • vai. soften. É-he'keotse. He/It softened. Initial he'ke-; Antonym he'koneotse. Category: texture.
-he'kėstahe vai. defensive. É-he'kėstahe. He is defensive. Mónéosee-he'kėstáhéme.?? You (plural) are quickly defensive. Synonym -totá'kovahe. Category: emotions, personality, check.
-he'kešé vai. 1 • stuck - be. for example, of someone with a car stuck in mud or in a ditch; É-he'kēše. He got stuck. Éévȧ-he'kēše. He got stuck again. That can refer to being reconciled to his wife. Initial he'k-; vii: -he'kehá. See: -tó'hovo'eše; -tó'heóé. Category: car.
2 • scratched - be. for example, scratched while berry picking among thorny bushes. See: -he'koh(n). Category: sickness.
-he'keta vai. weak. É-he'keta. He is weak. See: -ta'pahe; -he'ke; -ho'toveotse. Antonym -he'konahe.
-he'ketanó vai. have things easy, easy - be. É-he'ketāno. Things are so easy for him. Synonym he'anávetanó.
-he'kévone vii. be a soft sound. É-he'kévone. It makes a soft sound. Final -évone. See: -he'keamévone; -tšėške'évone. Category: sounds.
he'ko ni. bone. Ques: does this also mean leg and foot for some speakers?? This same noun word refers to a bone, leg, or foot. But the body part medials are different for bone (-he'konamá), leg (-(šk)ótá), or foot (-hahtá). Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e. Don't break a bone indoors! especially to get marrow; this is a cultural taboo. If you break a bone indoors you might break your leg. Morph: /he'kon/. Plural he'konȯtse; Possessive -htse'ko. Etym: *weθkani. Category: body.
-he'kohá vti. pierce s.t.stick s.t.prick s.t. with a tool, such as a needle or awl. É-he'kōha. He pricked it. Néx-he'koohtse! Stick it! vta: -he'koh(n). Category: surface.
-he'kohe vta. Gram: psv get a shot. É-he'kohe. He got a shot. É-he'kȯheo'o. They were given a shot. Tavésėhé-he'koestse! Go get your shot! vta: he'kohn. Category: sickness.
he'kȯhevahtȯtse ni. needle - medical. Plural he'kȯheváhtotȯtse. See: heséeotséhe'kȯhevahtȯtse; vé'ho'ėškóovo'hestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-he'koh(n) vta. 1 • pierce s.o., stick into s.o., prick s.o., butt s.o., inject s.o. É-he'kȯhnóho. He pricked, pierced him. Kȯsáne éohkė-he'kȯhnovo vo'ėstanóho. Goats butt people. [1979:205] Éstatšėšemȧsó-he'kȯhnósesto néhe hoóhtseto ésevone. The buffalo dug its horns into that tree. Ná-he'kȯhēne. I got a shot. É-he'kȯhestse. He gave himself a shot. Tavésė-héhe'koestse! Go get your shot! vai: he'kȯhová. See: he'kešená.
penetrate s.o. sexually. Category: figurative. Mó-he'kȯhehéhe. She was penetrated. Mónėstataomė-he'koestse? Shall I inject you myself? (humorous). Category: vulgar, sex.
-he'kȯhová vai. stab, puncture, give shots, inject. É-he'kȯhōva. He stabbed. vta: -he'kȯh(n). Category: violence, medicine.
-he'kȯhovosé vai. fart quietly. É-he'kȯhovōse. He farted silently. See: -pánestse. Category: sounds.
hé'ko'e ni. soft grass blade. Ques: recheck pitches?? Plural he'kō'ėstse. Category: check.
-he'kóma'ȯhené vai. soften the ground. É-he'kóma'ȯhēne He is softening up the ground by digging. See: -méhnȯhené; -méanené.
-he'kóma'o'e vii. soft ground - be; muddy ground - be. É-he'kóma'o'e. It is muddy (soft) ground. [1987:248] Category: environment.
he'kon- i. hard, strong. É-he'konahe. He is hard. É-he'konȧho'he. He is burnt hard. É-he'koneóó'e. He stood erect. (state of standing, not the process). Preverb he'kone-. Category: quality.
-he'konahe vai. 1 • hard, healthy. for example, resistant to sickness. É-he'konahe. He is hard. É-he'konȧheo'o. They are hard. tsé-he'konȧhese those who are strong. naa oha tónesto tséhetaa'he'konȧhétse hétsėhéóhe náho'manėstsénóne but however many of us who were healthy, we made it back here. [1987:37:31]
2 • be stubborn. Especially the quality of being hard to please, or having a mind that is made up, and hard for anyone else to change it. By semantic extension can refer to being tough (or, perhaps,healthy). At least some speakers say this does not mean 'strong', for which -he'koneotse is used. But note that in text 1987:302 this stem was translated by 'strong'. See the expression about a rock that has been used of people who are -he'konahe, hard (stubborn; unchanging in ideas or opinions). Taovóehénȯhtsėstova tá'tóhe ho'honáá'e naa mȧhvé'eomó'otsėstse nėhē'še tamónėhénȯhtsėstovoo'o. First go ask that rock (especially the Chief Two Moons memorial rock monument in Busby), and if you can make it move, then go ask him (that is, it would be easier to make the monument move than this person). Antonym -ta'pahe; Synonym -tóvahe. See: -he'konetanó ‘strong (emotionally)’. Category: personality, sayings.
-he'konȧho'he vai. cooked hard. Burnt hard from too much cooking or not cooked enough to be tender yet. É-he'konȧho'he. He is burnt hard. Ésó'-he'konȧho'heo'o mésėhéstoto. The potatoes are still hard (while cooking). fai: -aho'he. Category: cook.
-he'konamá mbp. bone, foot. Ques: only bone?? See: -hahtá. Category: body.
-he'konamósé vai. strong hands. É-he'konamóse. He has strong hands. BodyPartMedial -osé3. See: -henamósé ‘lefthanded’. Category: body.
-he'konané vai. harden (something). É-he'konāne. He hardened (something). Category: texture.
-he'konȧsome vai. hard stool. É-he'konȧsome. He had a hard stool. Éhe'kon-ȧsómeo'o. They have hard stools. fai: -asóme; Antonym -he'kȧsóme. Category: body function.
-he'kone i. hard, strong. É-he'koneotse. He is strong.
pv. hard, securely, strongly. É-he'koneonéáhta. He is very deaf. (possible loan transl. from English "hard of hearing"). É-he'konetoenóho. He is holding on to him tightly. Ééšemȧhe-he'koneonéáhta. He is already very deaf. Nėstsė-he'konevéstoēmo. You will stick with (stay married to) her. (VISION.TXT). See: háe-; ma'xe-. Initial he'kon-; Antonym táve-.
he'koneame ni. cheese. he'konéame (another pronunciation) ?? Variant: he'koneamėške. Category: food, check.
he'koneamėške ni. cheese. Lit: hard-lard Ques: he'konéamėške?? he'konéamėške (another pronunciation) ?? Variant: he'koneame. Ques: recheck both variants?? Category: check, food.
-he'konéenoo'e vii. snow lie hard on the ground. É-he'konéenoo'e. Snow is lying hard on the ground. Phon: not vs See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: snow.
-he'koneestan vti. tighten s.t. É-he'koneestāna. He tightened it/he made it hard by hand.
vta. tighten s.o. É-he'koneestanóho He tightened him/he made him hard by hand.
-he'koneestohá vti. tighten s.t. by tool. É-he'koneestōha. He tightened it by tool. Category: move.
-he'konėhahtávose vai. frozen feet - have. É-he'konėhahtávose. He has frozen feet. Ná-he'konėhahtávose. I have frozen feet. Lit: I-hard-feet-by.cold BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ná'tsėhahtávose. Category: sickness, body.
he'konėhē'e na. strong woman. See: hē'e ‘woman’. Category: check.
-he'konėhe'oná'ó vai. raise arm. É-he'konėhe'oná'o He raised his (own) arm(s). for example, with a clenched 'power' fist. Ques: rais arm or clench arm?? Category: hands, check.
he'konéhe'ōne ni. bone awl. Ques: Is this a real word?? Category: check. See: he'ōne. Category: tools.
he'konėhóhtséme na. hardball. Usage: loan transl., but probably has been used Category: baseball.
he'kone'éemȧsévo'ota ni. breastplate, hairbone type breastplate. See: ho'ota. Category: dance.
he'kone'éemȧsono na. Gram: pl macaroni. Lit: hard-snots (another recording) Námévoo'o he'kone'éemȧsono. I'm eating macaroni. Náhohtóvanoto he'kone'éemȧsono. I bought macaroni. BodyPartMedial -'éeme. Category: food.
He'konémȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Gram: loc Hardin, Montana. Usage: partial loan translation from the 'hard' segment of the Enlish word 'Hardin" Lit: hard-town Category: places.
he'konema'kaata ni. steel. Lit: hard-metal
-he'konemaneh vta. make s.o. tough. Ná-he'konemaneha. He made me tough. Usage: probably a new word based on a literal use of English 'make', but appears to be commonly understood See: -he'koneotsé'seh; -he'konahe. Category: interpersonal.
he'konematana ni. cream. Lit: hard-milk See: matana ‘milk’. Category: drink.
-he'koneméohe vai. strain. for example, a woman in labor, someone pulling a heavy object, someone pushing something very heavy, straining to defecate when constipated. É-he'koneméohe. He strained. [pd1017]
-he'konemósé vai. strong hand, strong arm. É-he'konemóse. He has strong hands. BodyPartMedial -ósé; Antonym -ho'tovemósé. Category: hands.
He'konenámosėstse na. Strong Left Hand. See: Námosėstse ‘Lefty’. Category: names.
He'koneneéše'he na. Hard Face Moon, November. which current month this term referred to is uncertain; might be January. pronunciation He'koneéše'he (hard-moon) may be in error. Variant: He'konenéhe. See: Ma'xėhe'koneneéše'he. Category: months.
He'konenéhe na. Hard Face, November. This might have been a month name. Variant: He'konenéeše'he. Category: months.
He'konénėhesó-eše'he Little Hard Face Moon, February. possible alternative month name. See: Ma'xȯhohtsé-eše'he; Tšėške'hohtsé-eše'he. Category: time.
-he'konénome vai. sleep soundly. É-he'konénome. He is sleeping soundly. fai: -énome. See: -háenome. Category: sleep.
-he'konenóno'e vii. look hard. É-he'konenóno'e. It looks hard. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-he'konenóohe vai. look hard. É-he'konenóohe. He looks hard. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-he'koneo'omohtá vii. frozen hard. É-he'koneo'omōhta. The ice is frozen hard. Móstȧ-he'koneo'omȯhtáhanetséhe. The ice froze hard. [The Fox and the Bear.021] Category: check.
-he'koneóó'e vai. stand erect, stand firm. É-he'koneóó'e. He (or It) stood erect. This is the state of standing, not the process (action). Phon: vs Category: stand.
vii. stay firm, stand firm, be firm. for instance, of a fence post that stays firm. É-he'koneóetse. His (inanimate possessed thing) is standing firm. This can refer to his penis standing erect / he has an erection. Final -óé. See: -he'konȯhoséóó'e. Category: vulgar.
-he'koneotse vai. be strong, become hard. Ques: recheck glosses?? É-he'koneotse He (or It) became strong. [1987:241] (another recording) Antonym ta'pahe, -he'keotse. See: he'konahe. Category: check.
-he'koneotsé'seh vta. strengthen s.o. Lit: cause s.o. to become strong Ma'hēō'o náohkė-he'koneotsé'seha. God strengthens me. See: -he'konemaneh; -héestáha'.
-he'koneotsem vta. be strong toward s.o. Néseetó'ėstóvė-he'koneotseme. You are as strong as me. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: degree, check.
he'koneotsétó vii. become strong, strengthened. Éhe'koneotsétotse. It (obv) was strong. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.100] Category: quality.
-he'konėstáhá vai. strong willed, brave-hearted. For example, of someone who won't even cry at their mother's funeral. É-he'konėstáha. He is strong willed. Lit: hard-hearted BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: personality.
-he'konetanȧháotse vai. have breasts firm filled with milk. É-he'konetanȧháotse. Her breasts are firm filled with milk. BodyPartMedial -tanahá.
-he'konetanó vai. be strong (emotionally). É-he'konetāno. He is strong (emotionally). Náohkevé'šė-he'konetāno. It gives me confidence. [1987:198] He'konetānȯhtse! Be strong! That is often said to someone whose loved one has died. Náonésė-he'konetāno. I'm trying to be strong (mentally and emotionally). See: -héhnovetanó; -héestáhá; -he'konahe. Category: emotions.
-he'konévėhevá'sé vai. boned tail. Éxxaeneeme'sema'ė-he'konévėhevá'se. She had just a red boned tail. [The Bobtailed Cow.013] Category: body.
he'konéveotse vii. turn to bone; become hard, turn to bone. É-he'konéveotse. It turned to bone. Ques: recheck glosses?? Category: check, body.
-he'konévėstsea'e vai. have (just) a skull. otaxa éxxaetšėšė-he'konévėstséasėstse (with his scalped head) he was just like a skull (1987:289). See: méta'eško; méta'xe.
-he'konó vii. hard, tough. for example, of meat. É-he'kōno. It is hard. Antonym -he'ke, -ho'tovó. See: -mata'kó. Category: texture.
-he'konoéstomo'he vai. stubborn, rigid, hard personality. Lit: hard-personality This has to do with a person's attitude. It is difficult to change the mind of this kind of person. É-he'konoéstomo'he. He is a rigid person. See: -he'konahe; -tóvahe. Category: personality.
-he'konóet vta. tighten the bonds of s.o. This is to tighten how tight a rope is tied to someone. É-he'konóetóho. He tightened how tight he was tied. He'konóešeha! Tighten how tight he is tied! Antonym -ho'tovóet.
-he'konȯhosé vai. have a hard penis. É-he'konȯhōse. He has a hard penis. BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé. Category: vulgar.
-he'konȯhoséóó'e vai. have an erection. lit., hard-penis-stand. É-he'konȯhoséóó'e. He has an erection. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé; fai: -óé; Antonym -kávȯhoséóó'e. See: -he'koneóó'e; -é'xȯhoséóó'e. Category: sex, vulgar.
-he'konȯhoséšé vai. lie with hard penis; sleep with an erection. É-he'konȯhoséše. He is lying (there) with a hard penis. BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé. Category: vulgar.
-he'konohtá vii. frozen. Lit: hard-from.cold É-he'konōhta. It is frozen. vai: -he'konose; vti: -he'konohtsé; fii: -ohtá5. Category: temperature, weather.
-he'konȯhtáet vta. cinch up s.o. tight. É-he'konȯhtáetóho. He cinched him up tight. He'konȯhtáešeha! Cinch him (especially a horse) up tight! BodyPartMedial -ohtá2; Antonym -ho'tonóvȯhtáet. See: -hóhtȯhtáet. Category: horses.
he'konȯhtáeto'hamestȯtse ni. cinch. Category: harness.
-he'konȯhtáotse vii. freeze solid. É-he'konȯhtáotse. It froze solid. É-he'konȯhtáotse ó'he'e. The river froze solid.
he'konȯhtáve'ho'sēō'o ni. freezer. See: he'konȯhtávo'sēō'o ‘freezer’; tonó'séó'o ‘refrigerator’.
he'konȯhtávo'sēō'o ni. freezer. Synonym he'konȯhtáve'ho'sēō'o.
-he'konohtsé vti. freeze s.t. É-he'konōhtse. He froze it. vai: -he'konose; vii: -he'konohtá; Final -ohta. Category: temperature, weather.
he'konō'ėstse ni. Gram: pl buffalo grass. Lit: hard-grasses Category: plants.
-he'kono'né'éóó'e vai. 1 • stand steady. fai: -o'né'e ‘step’. Category: stand.
2 • backs up word, steadfast, stands on word, reliable. É-he'kono'né'éóó'e. He stands on his word. Category: figurative, personality.
-he'konó'o'e vii. tough growth. for example, tough grass, rough bushes. Phon: iah É-he'konó'o'e. It is tough growth. Category: plants.
-he'kono'tá vii. stable, stand strong, set firm. É-he'konō'ta. It is set firm. Nánėhešetāno navenȯtse tsė-he'konō'ta. I desire (that) my home will be stable. [VISION.TXT] vai: -he'konoo'e; Antonym -e'ke'ko'tá. Category: sit inan.
-he'konó'tovan 1 • vti. tighten s.t. É-he'konó'tovāna. He tightened it.
vta. tighten s.o. É-he'konó'tovanóho. He tightened him.
2 • vta. overly strict with s.o., legalistic with s.o. Category: figurative. É-he'konó'tovanahtse. He is tightening himself (=he is legalistic; overly strict). See: -vovóhponahe. Category: interpersonal.
-he'kono'tsé vti. set s.t. firm. É-he'konō'tse. He set it strong. Category: move.
-he'konóma'ohtá vii. ground - frozen, frozen ground. É-he'konóma'ōhta. The ground is frozen. fii: -ohtá2. Category: ground.
He'konóma'ȯhtse na. Hard Ground. See: vóhpoma'ȯhtse. Category: names.
-he'konóma'o'e vii. hard ground - be. É-he'konóma'o'e. It is hard/solid ground. Category: ground.
-he'konónean 1 • vti. tighten s.t. ropelike. É-he'konónéána. He made it (ropelike) tight. É-he'konónéána ma'kaata. He made the fence tight.
2 • vta. strict with s.o., tight with s.o. Category: figurative. É-he'konóneanóho. He was strict with him. Étaomė-he'konóneanahtse. He has gotten himself into a bind. See: vovóhponahe. Medial -ón. Category: figurative.
he'konóneanēō'o ni. wire stretcher, rope stretcher. Plural he'konóneaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
-he'konóneehe vai. stiff ropelike. É-he'konóneehe. He (ropelike) is stiff. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-he'konoo'e vai. 1 • sit firm. can be used of someone in a rodeo who stays on a bronco for a good amount of time. É-he'konoo'e. He is sitting firmly. Ma'hēō'o é-he'konoo'e. God sits firmly. Phon: vs Final -oo'e (/-oe/); vii: -he'ono'tá. See: -he'kotoo'e; -sétoo'e; -amónoo'e.
2 • fig., remain separated from spouse. Násó'-he'konoo'e I'm still sitting firm (especially idiomatic=still separated from spouse). Category: sit.
-he'konose vai. freeze. Lit: hard-by.cold É-he'konose. He froze. Né-he'konȯsehe? Are you frozen? Ná-he'konose. I am frozen. Móstȧ-he'konȯsėhevóhe. They froze. [1987:30] fai: -ose1; vii: -he'konohta. See: -he'konovo'ose; -héne'hose; -ma'oméotse. Category: temperature.
He'konovéséhe na. Hard Hair. Category: names.
-he'konovo'ose vai. freeze up. Ná-he'konovo'ose. I froze up. This could be used if my computer freezes up. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.
-he'kóoma'ov vta. 1 • wet s.o. especially with your feet or body.
2 • chasten s.o. É-he'kóoma'ovóho. He chastened him. Synonym -vé'hoét. Category: figurative, interpersonal, liquid.
-he'kóome'sevó vii. water flow quietly. É-he'kóome'sēvo. It is flowing quietly. See: -he'kotóomoehá. Category: liquid.
-he'kóomóehá vii. still water - be. É-he'kóomóéha. It is still water.?? Ques: what is the final?? fii: -óomoehá. Category: liquid, check.
he'kóov- i. wet. É-he'kóovāna. He moistened it. É-he'kóóvéne. He has a wet face. Heme'ko móée-he'kóovȧhtsėhéhe. He soaked his head. [The Owl.010] Category: liquid.
-he'kóová vii. wet. É-he'kóóvánėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse. ?? The book pages are wet. See: -he'kóovema'ehá.
vai. wet. can be of a baby with a wet diaper. É-he'kóóva. He (or It) is wet. Etym: *eška·pa·we·wa ‘he is tired of being in water’. Né-he'kóovahe? Are you wet? Ná-he'kóóva. I'm wet. Né-he'kóóva. You're wet. A mother could say that to her baby. vai: -he'kóóvó; fii: -óová. See: -he'kóovaotse; -háóová; -mȧhóová. Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovȧháotse vai. have a wet vagina, wet vagina - have a, vagina - have a wet. that is, be ready for intercourse. É-he'kóovȧháotse. Her vagina is wet. BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: -é'komeotse; -hesó'xeotse; -mȧhóová. Category: vulgar.
-he'kóovahe vai. wet. É-he'kóovahe. He is wet. Ques: what is the difference between -he'k[oovahe and -he'k[o[ova?? See: -he'kóová. Category: personality, check.
-he'kóovȧhtsená'o'h vta. wet mouth of s.o. He'kóovȧhtsená'o'hahtsėstse! Moisten your mouth! BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'kóova'o'tsé vti. rinse s.t., get s.t. wet. É-he'kóova'ō'tse. He rinsed it. See: -nėše'han. Category: liquid.
-he'kóova'ov vta. water s.o. by feet. that is, using your feet to push water onto someone. É-he'kóova'ovóho. He got him wet with his feet. See: -he'kóovot; -manoh. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovan vti. moisten s.t. É-he'kóovāna. He moistened it. É-he'kóóvána. ?? (another pronunciation) ??
vta. moisten s.o. É-he'kóovanóho. He moistened him. Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovaotse vai. wet.become. É-he'kóovaotse. He got wet. Final -óóvá. See: -he'kóóvá. Category: liquid.
he'kóove- pv. wet. Éohkė-he'kóovėhoéstse. He soaks it. for example, to soak a barrel to swell its wood. See: -hoéstsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovėhahtá vai. wet.footed, have wet feet. É-he'kóovėhāhta. He has wet feet. Category: body.
-he'kóovėhe'oná vai. have wet hand(s). É-he'kóovėhe'ōna. He has wet hand(s). BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
he'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl cereal, cold cereal. Lit: wet floating things he'kovėhóehesonéstotȯtse ?? Usage: od Montana Dialect he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse. See: He'kóovo'sóestanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ni. Gram: pl cereal, cold cereal. Lit: wet floating things (another recording) Usage: The words for cereal are not commonly known. Ques: he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ?? Usage: md Oklahoma Dialect he'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
-he'kóovėhoéstsé vti. soak s.t. É-he'kóovėhoéstse. He soaked it. See: -hoéstsé; he'kóovėhoéseonȯtse ‘cereal’. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovema'ehá vii. wet (book pages), book - be wet. É-he'kóovema'ēha. The book is wet. Medial -ma'2. See: -he'kóová. Category: paper, liquid.
-he'kóóvéné vai. wet face. É-he'kóóvéne. He has a wet face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
He'kóovénéhe na. Wet Face. Contracted Kóóvénéhe. Robert Bearchum. Category: names.
-he'kóovéne'o'é vii. grass be wet. for example, from dew or frost. É-he'kóovéne'ō'e. There is dew on the ground/the grass is wet. Category: weather.
-he'kóovenóohe vai. look wet. É-he'kóovenóohe. He looks wet. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-he'kóoveotse vii. wet - become.
vai. wet - become. É-he'kóoveotse. He (or It) became wet. Category: texture.
-he'kóovėstséá'e vai. have wet hair. É-he'kóovėstséá'e. He has wet hair. Category: hair.
-he'kóovešé vai. lie wet. É-he'kóovēše. He is lying wet. Category: lie.
-he'kóóvó vii. be wet. É-he'kóóvo. It is wet. See: -he'kóóvá. Ques: is -he'kóóvá only vai or also vii?? Category: liquid, check.
-he'kóovohtsé vti. water s.t., wet s.t. É-he'kóóvóhtse. He watered it. Etym: *eška·pa·wata·wa. Ná-he'kóóvóhtse pénȯhéó'o. I wet the flour. for example, for kneading bread. Ná-he'kóovȯhtsenȯtse véhpotȯtse. I'm watering the flowers. Nánėšėpėhévė-he'kóóvóhtse tséméhaehoéstómo. I (cried) wetting (accidentally) what I was reading. vta: -he'kóovot. See: -manohtsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovo'kėhaná vai. wear wet shoes. É-he'kóovo'kėhāna. He is wearing wet shoes. Category: shoes.
He'kóovo'sóestanéstotȯtse ni. cereal. Ques: compare other pronunciations See: He'kóovėhoésanéstotȯtse. Category: food, check.
-he'kóovóma'ešé vai. lie in dampness, sleep in a damp place. É-he'kóovóma'ēše. He is lying in a damp place. Medial -óma'(e). See: -hestonéešé. Category: lie, sleep, liquid.
-he'kóovóma'ohá vti. water s.t. (ground). Tȧhé-he'kóovóma'óéstse! Go water it (for example, a plant)! See: -he'kóovohtsé. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovóma'o'e vii. wet ground - be. É-he'kóovóma'o'e. It is wet ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.
-he'kóovóma'óovȯsané vai. water grass. É-he'kóovóma'óóvȯsáne. He watered the grass. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovóne'o'e vii. wet place, wet garden. É-he'kóovóne'o'e. It is a wet garden. Category: liquid, environment.
-he'kóovȯsané vai. water. É-he'kóóvȯsáne. He is watering. Ná-he'kóóvȯsáne. I'm watering.
-he'kóovot vta. water s.o. for example, to water a tree. É-he'kóovotóho. He watered him. Etym: *eška·pa·wale·wa. Ná-he'kóovotoo'o. I'm watering them. vti: -he'kóovohtsé; vai: -he'kóovȯsané. See: -he'kóova'ov; -manoh. Category: liquid.
-he'kóovotóhtá vti. lick s.t., wet s.t. by mouth, moisten s.t. by mouth. É-he'kóovotóhta. He moistened it. See: -né'óhta ‘lick s.t.’.
-he'kóovotom vta. lick, wet by mouth, moisten s.o. by mouth. Ná-he'kóovotōmo. I moistened him. for example, to lick a thread (animate) to pull it through the eye of a needle. Medial -om. Category: mouth, liquid.
-he'kóse'šeme vai. lulu, ululate. a warble performed by women, for example, at a victory dance or when a young man is going to war. É-he'kóse'šeme. She "lulu-ed". She lulued. Assimilated he'kóše'šeme; Final -'šeme. See: -nóono'é. Category: sounds.
-he'kóše'šeme vai. lulu, ululate. É-he'kóše'šeme. She lulued. Non-assimilated -he'kóse'šeme. See: -nóonó'é. Final -'šeme. Category: sounds.
he'kot- i. quiet. É-he'kotahe. He is quiet. See: ována'xae-.
-he'kotahe vai. be quiet. É-he'kotahe. He is quiet. (another recording) See: -oéhnovahe. Category: personality.
he'kotȧhestȯtse ni. peace, quietness. See: nanóvȧhtsestȯtse.
-he'kotahtse vai. shut mouth, shut up. sounds harsh as a Cheyenne command, in contrast with "He'kotoo'ėstse!" He'kotāhtsėstse! Shut up! See: -he'kotoo'e. Category: mouth.
-he'kotȧxeotse vii. rot. É-he'kotȧxeotse. It became rotten. See: -hoxeotse ‘rotten’; -oó'xeotse ‘crack’. Category: quality.
-he'kotóeohtsé vai. be quiet ?? É-he'kotóeōhtse. ?? É-he'kotóeohtseo'o. They are taking a break. ?? Category: check, record.
-he'kotóeotse vai. quiet quickly, sit still quickly. Ques: toé?? É-he'kotóeotse. He is taking a break. É-he'kotóeotseo'o. They are taking a break. Évȧ-he'kotóeotse! Be quiet again quickly! (said to more than one person). See: -he'kotoo'e; -he'konoo'e; -he'kotahtse. Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check.
-he'kotȯhóov vta. motion s.o. to be quiet. É-he'kotȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to be quiet. Category: sign.
-he'kotó'ané vai. say quietly. É-he'kotó'áne. He is pronouncing quietly. É-he'kotó'anéstove. It is a silent sound. for example, a whispered vowel in Cheyenne. fai: -ó'ané. See: -émoohtó'ané. Category: speak.
-he'kotomá vai. quiet. É-he'kotōma. He is quiet. He'kotōmȧhtse! Be quiet! See: -he'kotoo'e; -he'kotahe.
He'kotomáehé'e na. Calm Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Calming Woman?? Category: names, check.
-he'kotomáeotse vii. calm down. É-he'kotomáeotse. It calmed down. Category: environment.
-he'kotomáotse vai. quiet down, get quiet. É-he'kotomáotse. He quieted down. Category: sounds.
-he'kotomátó vii. quiet, calm. for example, the village of Birney. É-he'kotomáto. It is quiet. (another recording) Étávė-he'kotomáto. It is slightly calm. Antonym -pe'pe'évone. Category: sounds.
-he'kotomávo'o'e vii. quiet growth. can be said when trees or bushes are not making noise for lack of wind. É-he'kotomávo'o'e. The growth is quiet. Category: sounds.
-he'kotómeotse vii. become calm water. Éstȧ-he'kotómeotsénėse. The water calmed down. [The Journey.084] Category: liquid.
-he'kotónoo'e vai. sit quietly, quietly sit. É-he'kotónoo'e He is sitting quietly. Néxaehe'kė-he'kotónoo'e. You're just sitting quietly. Phon: vs fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit.
-he'kotoo'e vai. be quiet, sit still, be on a break. É-he'kotoo'e. He is still/he is quiet. Néévė-he'kotoehe? Have you been quiet? Néévė-he'kotoēme. You (plural) are on a break. He'kotoo'ėstse! Be quiet! He'kotoo'e! Be quiet! (said to more than one person). (another recording) (another recording) Phon: vs See: -he'konoo'e; -he'kotahtse; -he'kotseóó'e; -ovánėhoo'e; -he'kotóeotse. Category: school, sit.
-he'kotóomehá vii. still water - be. É-he'kotóomēha. The water is still. Initial he'kot-; Medial -óome. See: -he'kotóomoehá. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomeotse vii. water become calm, water calm. É-he'kotóomeotse. The water calmed. Nėhē'še ta'mȧhove'še éstȧ-he'kotóomeotsénėse. Then finally the water calmed down. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -he'kotóomóeotse. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomoehá vii. be calm water. É-he'kotóomoēha. The water is calm. See: -he'kotóomehá; -he'kotóomeotse; -he'kóome'sevó. Category: liquid.
-he'kotóomóeotse vii. water quiet. É-he'kotóomóeotse. It (water) became quiet. For example, after horses crossed the water the water calmed down. See: -he'kotóomeotse. Category: liquid.
he'kotse- pv. quietly. Éhe'kotse-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives quietly. [1987:62] See: -momóxahe; he'ke-.
-he'kotseoešé vai. lie still ?? É-he'kotseoēše. She is lying still. can refer to a woman lying still for intercourse and getting pregnant. Móvé'he'kotseoešenȧhéhe. She must have gotten pregnant. ?? See: -he'kotsešé ‘-he'kešé’. Category: check, sex.
-he'kotseóó'e vai. stand still. É-he'kotseóó'e. He is standing still. Nėstsevé'momóhta'xe, he'kotseóeo'o! Don't move about, stand still! Phon: vs Final -óé2. See: -he'kotoo'e. Category: stand.
-he'kotsešé vai. lie still. can refer to a woman lying still for intercourse and getting pregnant. É-he'kotsēše. He is lying still. He'kotsēšėstse! Lie still! [A Bear Story.025] See: -he'kešé; -he'kotseoešé. Category: lie, check.
-he'kov vta. stick s.o. especially of an insect. É-he'kovóho. He stuck him.
-he'ková vai. have soft fur. É-he'kōva. He has soft fur. Medial -ová. See: -he'kóová. Category: texture.
-he'kováveata vai. be soft in texture; soft to the touch. for example, the feel of a flannel shirt. É-he'kováveata. It is soft to the touch. See: -he'kéata. Category: texture.
he'né- i. scatter. É-he'néna. He separated it by hand.
pv. scatter, spread out, distribute. Étȧ-he'néeestseo'o. They speak spread out. Etym: cf. M saeqsipesow.
-he'néhá vti. separate, spread out s.t. by tool, separate it by tool. É-he'néha. He separated it by tool/he spread it out by tool. See: -momésoh. Category: move.
he'néhahēō'o ni. lifter. for lifting on a stove. Plural he'néhaheonȯtse. Category: tools.
-he-'nehe inc.n. have an older brother. Éhe-'nehe. He has an older brother. Etym: *weɁθe·hsiwa (P). tséhe-'néhéto the one who is my older brother. (another recording) tséhe-'néheto the one who is you older brother. Mónétȧhéve'hoomȯhéhe tsé-he'néheto. You must have gone to vist your older brother. Etym: *weʔθe·hsiwa (P) ‘he has an older brother’. Category: relatives.
-he-'néhé'tov Gram: ai+o vta. have s.o. as older brother. Náhe-'néhe'tova. I am his older brother. Náhe-'néhenȯtse. He is my older brother. (another pronunciation) Náhe-'néhenoto. They are my older brothers. Éhe-'néhenoto. He has him as older brother. Category: relatives.
-he'néhné vai. scatter walk. É-he'néhneo'o. They scattered walking. Tséxhovánee'ėse éne'évėhésė-he'néhneo'o hevóohestoto. When he was gone (died), his relatives came from different directions. [Ranch Life.019] Category: walk.
he'neho na. Gram: poss his/her older brother(s). Stem -'néh. Category: relatives.
-he'né'ha'ó vai. jump up. Éma'xė-he'né'há'o. He jumped high. Category: motion.
-he'né'ham vta. scatter throw s.o., spread throw s.o. for example, to throw something (animate) and it scatters. É-he'né'hamóho. He scattered them by throwing. Ná-he'né'hamoo'o. I threw them (for example, rocks) up and they scattered. Category: throw.
he'né'hasēō'o ni. spreader. Lit: scatter-thing See: pano'ȯhēō'o. Category: farm.
He'né'ȯhma'hēō'o na. (woman's name). Ques: something like Medicine Scattered?? Category: check, names.
He'né'ȯhma'hēō'o na. (woman's name). Ques: Is it something like Medicine Scattered?? Category: check, names.
-he'nén vti. spread s.t. É-he'néna. He spread it by hand/he separated it by hand. Ná-he'nénanȯtse. I separated them (inanimate). Éévė-he'nénóvo. They distributed it. [Ranch Life.020]
vta. spread s.o. É-he'nenóho. He spread/separated him/them by hand. See: -a'e'han. Category: move, check.
-he'néohová vai. scatter fleeing. É-he'néohovao'o. They scattered and fled. Naa tsé'tóhe matanáé-vé'hó'e éstama'xė-he'néohovásesto. And those policemen really scattered. [1987:60] fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-he'néohtsé vai. disperse; scatter. É-he'néóhtse. He spread out. Móx-he'néohtsėhevóhe méstaeo'o. The boogeymen all scattered. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.
-he'néo'ȧhéotse vai. scatter running. É-he'néo'ȧhéotseo'o. They scattered running. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -he'névo'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-he'néomehá vii. splash. É-he'néomēha. It splashed. See: -he'névooma'ó. Category: liquid.
-he'néovo'ȧhéotse vai. scatter running. É-he'néovo'ȧhéotseo'o. They scattered running. [Head Chief text] See: -he'néo'ȧhéotse. Category: check, run.
He'néšká'e na. Grave Woman. transl. uncertain. Category: names.
-he'néškoman vti. sprinkle s.t.
vta. sprinkle s.o. É-he'néškomanóho. He sprinkled him. [PD997]
-he'néškomóovot vta. sprinkle s.o. with water. É-he'néškomóovotóho. He sprinkled him with water. See: he'hemóovot-. Category: liquid.
he'nétoo'o ni. 1 • door, gate. Plural he'nétoonȯtse; Oblique he'nétóóne ‘at the door’. Etym: cf *eškwa·nte·mi 'door, doorway'; *eškwa·nte·m- (He). See: -me'ta'omané; nehp-; -ésto'eohtsé; heséóxe; tepee. Category: house.
Door • said to be origin of family name Dahle by mispronunciation of the English. Usage: names
-he'nétoonané vai. make doors. É-he'nétoonāne. He makes doors. Category: jobs.
he'nétóóne obl. Gram: obl at the door. IndepNoun he'nétoo'o. See: heséóxe. Category: positions.
-he'nétoonéheve vii. be a door; be a gate. tséxhe'nétoonéhevetse where the gate was. [Squint Eye.005]
-he'néva'ham vta. scatter throw s.o. Ná-he'néva'hamoo'o I threw them here and there. For example, of throwing rocks here and there.
-he'néva'ó vii. scatter. É-he'néva'ónėstse. They (inanimate) scattered.
vai. scatter. because of some force. É-he'néva'oo'o. They (animate) scattered. scattered because of some force. Category: motion.
-he'néva'ov vta. scatter s.o. É-he'néva'ovóho. He scattered him/them. See: nonó'kėšem.
he'néve- pv. scatter. tséstšėšė-he'névee'ėhnévȯse as they went up. [Mountain stories.014] See: he'né-. Category: motion.
he'néveneenáhe na. apostle. Usage: missionary Lit: spread.out-ordered-person vai: -he'néveneenáh(n). Category: church, new.
-he'néveneenáh(n) vai. send s.o. spread out. É-he'néveneenahno. He sent them spread out. É-he'néveneenáhnóho. He sent them spread out. (newer pronunciation). fta: -neenáh(n). Category: move.
-he'néveohováoohe vai. scatter fleeing. É-he'néveohováooheo'o. They are scattering as they flee. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-he'névoése vai. scatter hanging. É-he'névoéséne. They are scattering while hanging (floating) in the air. vii: -he'névoéstá. See: -hoése1 ‘hang’. Category: hang.
-he'névoéstá vii. scatter hanging. É-he'névoéstánėstse. They (for example, bubbles) are scattering in the air. vai: -he'névoése. See: -hoéstá2 ‘hang’. Category: hang.
-he'névo'ȧhéotse vai. scatter while running; run away scattering. É-he'névo'ȧhéotseo'o. They ran away scattering. See: -he'néo'ȧhéotse; -nonó'ka'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
he'névo'ėho'h(n) vta. explode s.o. by heat. É-he'névo'ėho'hnóho. ?? He exploded him by heat. ??
-he'névo'ešé vai. lie scattered. É-he'névo'ėšēne. They lie scattered. [PD653] Category: lie.
-he'névoo'xevá vai. deliver a message, scatter a message. É-he'névoo'xēva. He made a public announcement. See: -hóo'xevá ‘announce’. Category: speak.
-he'névooma'ó vii. ripples spread. That is, when an object is dropped in the water and the ripples spread out from that point. É-he'névoomā'o. It is rippling outward. See: he'néomehá. Category: liquid.
-he'névotse'ohe vai. work spread out. É-he'névotse'óheo'o. They worked spread out. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
he'nó- pv. NEG. Variant: ho'nó-. Category: grammar.
he'ó vai. go quickly. Ques: recheck?? Naa éhne'évató'hósenėhe'osėstse tsétȧhe'ōtsėse. And he came back the way he went. Category: check.
-hé'óé'ó vai. bleed. É-hé'óé'o. He is bleeding. See: -hévóe'ó; -hévoeotse; -ma'éveotse; -óé'ó; -momé'aeve. Category: sickness.
-he'ohe vta. how sewed. ... é-he'ohe. ... he is sewn so. Etym: *eθwa·sowa. tsé-he'ohe how it is sewed. See: -he'ót; -hahpenót. Category: sew.
he'ohko na. 1 • pipe. particularly an Indian pipe. Plural he'óhkono; Obviative he'óhkono; Possessive -htse'ohko; Non-diminutive he'oo'o. Etym: *oxpwa·kana (R); *wexpwa·kana (P). Category: smoke.
2 • Pipe. Category: names.
he'óhkoma'heo'o ?? Category: check.
??. peace pipe. Category: check. Usage: od?? Category: check, check. Ques: recheck Category: ceremonial.
Hē'ȯhma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Woman. Ques: Two words or one?? Category: check. Usage: This is a man's name. Category: names.
He'ȯhma'evoénėstse na. Woman Red Painted Face. a man's name. Category: names.
Hē'ȯhma'hēō'o na. Medicine Woman. See: Heséeotá'e; Má'heóná'e. Category: names.
Hé'ȯhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Standing Woman. Category: names.
Hé'ȯhnéménėstse vai. Gram: ppl Singing Woman. Synonym Némené'héhe. Category: names.
Hé'ȯhnéstooestse na. Howling Woman. Variant: Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e, He'enéstoohé'e. Category: names.
Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e na. Howling Woman. Variant: He'enéstoohé'e, Hé'ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.
-he'óhtá vti. leave s.t. as leftover food, leftover food - leave s.t. as. É-he'óhta. He left it as leftover food. Etym: *eškwantamwa. Né'éseohé'tȯhtse tsé-he'óhtomátse mésėhestȯtse! Bring in the food that we had left over! [Stamper 1991:4] vii: -he'eotse; vai: -he'ósané. Category: eat.
-he'ohtsé vai. Gram: rr go that way, come that way. ... é-he'ōhtse. ... that is how/where he is going. Oóxésta é-he'ōhtse. He just kept going that way. naa oóxésta oha éhne'amėhe'ȯhtsésesto but still they just kept on coming. [1987:37:23] Héováhése náévė-he'ōhtse. ?? Various places I went. ?? naa móhnėxhéne'enȯhenovóhe tséhne'ȯhkeévė-he'ȯhtsénovetse and they knew the way to go. nȧháóhe héstanovestȯtse tséméhaa'évė-he'ȯhtséto life, the way it was going then. [1987:96] See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -nėhe'ohtsé; -ho'ohtsé; -hé'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.
-hé'ohtsé vai. come from there. ... é-hé'óhtse. ... that is where he came from. Tósa'e nánėx-hé'óhtse? Where did you come from? Tséxhótȯxȧhéve nénėx-hé'óhtse. I came from Clinton. Ques: Tséxhótȧxaha ?? Méave'ho'éno ná-hé'óhtse. I came from Lame Deer. Tósa'e móx-hé'ȯhtsėhéhe néhe vé'ho'e. That whiteman came from somewhere. [1987:185] tsé'éšeéveévȧ-hé'óhtsėse naa'émȧheóne after he came back from the hospital. [1987:44] Taévatsėhe'ōhtsėstse tséhé'ȯhtseto! Go back to where you came from! See: -hé'oohe; -tsėhe'ohtsé; -nėhe'ohtsé; -héstahe; -ho'ohtsé; -hé'óohtsé. Category: motion, check.
-he'ȯhtséh vta. Gram: rr cause s.o. to go that way, lead s.o. that way. ... é-he'ȯhtseho. ... that is how/where he led him. ... é-he'ȯhtséhó. ... that is how/where he led him. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o tséheševéstȧhémaétse, tsé-he'ȯhtséhaétse how God has helped us, how he leads us. [1987:199] Category: interpersonal, move.
-he'ȯhtsestá vti. so take s.t. ... é-he'ȯhtsēsta. ... that is where he took it. Naa móstatsėhe'ȯhtsėstsėhéhe. And he took it over there. [Black Hills Claim.034] Category: check.
-he'ȯhtsétanó vai. want to go that way. ... é-he'ȯhtsétáno. ... that is how/where he wants to go. Hó'sáanėšetsė he'ȯhtsétanóheto éme'váhtometsėhe'ȯhtséstove. Even if you don't want to go there you should still go over there.
-he'oná mbp. hand. Énėše'šė-he'ōna. He washed his hands. Éónėšė-he'onáóhtse. He has pain in the hands. Éhesė-he'onáotse. He has cramps in his hands. Étoe-he'ōna. He has cold hands. Hestsénéva éésė-he'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth. See: -'ahtse. Category: hands.
-he'oná'ó vai. do something with hand. ... é-he'oná'o. ... that is what he did with his hand(s). Hestsénéva éésė-he'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth (also, fig. she has a motor mouth, is extremely talkative; idiomatic sense from picture of something getting stuck in your mouth and you just keep ontalking). BodyPartMedial -he'oná.
-he'ona'xe hand.jerk.
fai. hand.jerk. Námȧsóhosóvėhe'ona-'xe. I jerked my hand back hard. [Fishing.025] BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body, motion.
-he'onáotse vai. hand.become. Hópahpa náhtanóhtšėhešė-he'onáotse. Even! I put my hands there. ?? [Fishing.018] Category: body, check.
he'one ni. awl. part of Sun Dance equipment. Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check. Plural he'onȯtse; Possessive -htse'one. Etym: cf. M ohka·naeh. See: he'konéhe'ōne. Category: tools.
-hé'oneohtsénáohtsé vai. dribble (food or liquid out of the mouth). This verb seems to refer to food or water going far enough out of the mouth to drip off one's chin, whereas -ho'sahtsená seems to be about drooling just around the mouth area; speakers do seem to feel these verbs are quite close in meaning. É-hé'oneohtsénáóhtse He is dribbling (food or water out of his mouth). See: -ho'sahtsená. Category: eat.
-he'oohe vai. Gram: rr run that way, so go quickly. ... é-he'oohe. ... that is how/where he went quickly. Háá'ėše é-he'oohe. ?? Far he so went quickly. tá'tó=tsé-he'oohévȯse hováhne while the animals were running. [1987:246] Category: motion, check.
-hé'oohe vai. Gram: rr come from there quickly. ... é-hé'oohe. ... that is where he came from quickly. Tósa'e nénėx-hé'oohe? Where did you come from? Tósa'e móx-hé'oohehéhe. He must have come from somewhere. Ma'xepóno'e énėx-hé'oohe. He came from Oklahoma City. See: -hé'ohtsé. Category: motion.
-hé'oohtsé vii. drip, leak. can refer to a penis dripping. É-hé'óóhtse. It is dripping. Tsevóonė-hé'óóhtse. It (for example, water faucet) will drip all night. See: -ése'ēē'e; -hé'ohtsé. Category: liquid, vulgar.
he'oo'o na. pipe. Morph: /he'óon/. Usage: This pronunciation is less commonly used than he'ohko. Diminutive he'ohko; Plural he'óono; Obviative he'óono; Possessive -htse'oo'o. mo'ȯhtávėhe'oo'o black pipe. Etym: *oxpwa·kana (R). Ques: recheck pronunciation of black pipe?? Category: smoke, check.
-he'óóna m. pipe. Éné'tȯ-he'óóna. He is scraping out the bowl of his pipe. See: he'oo'o; he'ohko.
He'óoná'e na. Pipe Woman. See: He'óonévá'e; he'ohko; he'oo'o; Hestóxe'óoná'e. Category: names.
he'óonéma'ēno na. snapping turtle. Category: reptiles.
He'óonévá'e na. Pipe Woman. See: He'óoná'e; he'ohko; he'oo'o; Hestóxe'óoná'e. Category: names.
-he'óovohtsé vti. wet s.t. É-he'óovōhtse. He wet it. Category: record.
-he'ósané vai. leave food uneaten, uneaten food - leave, leftover food - leave. É-he'ósáne. He left some of his food uneaten. vti: -he'óhtá. See: -he'eotse. Category: eat.
he'ósanestȯtse ni. leftover. See: -he'eotse.
-he'ót vta. how sew s.o. ... é-he'oto. ... he so sews him. ... é-he'ótóho. ... he so sews him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *eθwa·θe·wa. ... ná-he'óto. ... I sewed him (for example, a blanket) like that. See: -he'ohe; -hahpenót; -nó'é; -nót. Category: sew.
he'ȯtse ni. neck. Plural he'ototȯtse; Possessive -htse'ȯtse. Morph: /he'ot/. BodyPartMedial -notová. See: hestse'otse'ko. Etym: *weθkwayawi ‘his neck (?)’. Category: check, body.
-he'otséh vta. Gram: rr so take s.o. ... é-he'otseho. ... that he where he took him. ... é-he'otséhóho. ... that he where he took him. (newer pronunciation). Ques: ȯhtsé?? Ma'hēō'o mónánė-he'otsėhaehenéhe. God must have brought us that way. [My Testimony.136] Category: move, check.
-he'otseh vta. so take. ... é-he'otsėhóho. ... that is where he took him. Nátamónetsė-he'otsėhāā'e. They took me there. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.011] Category: move.
he'otse'ko ni. neck bone. meat on it is eaten. See: hestse'otse'ko. Category: meat.
-he'otsestsé vti. so take s.t. (there).
he'pa'o ni. his/her back. (another recording) See: ma'pa'o; -'pa'o. Category: body.
-he'pa'oná mbp. back, spine. Ná-ónėšė-he'pa'onáóhtse I have pain in my back. See: 'pa'on; hestóxemé'one. Category: sickness, body.
he'pa'ōne ni. back, behind. This word probably originated as a noun possessed by a third person. Naa néhe vé'kėséhéso mó'ȯhkeáahtse'-táho'kónoeotséhenotóhe hotoa'o he'pa'ōne. And that little bird (sparrow) would sit on the buffalo's back. [1987:245] Naa tsėhéóhe he'pa'ōne móxho'nótȧxae'éehévé'hóóhto. But behind him he did not look. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.029] See: -'pa'o; hestóxemé'óne. Category: positions.
he'pa'onéome p. in back of the dwelling, behind the house. Lit: back-lodge Medial -'pa'o. See: hestóxemé'one. Category: positions.
he'pa'onéomēē'e p. in back of the dwelling, behind the house. Hetane hepa'onéomēē'e énéé'e. The man is standing behind. [1987:222] for example, standing behind a tepee. Category: tepee, positions.
he'pe ni. rib. Plural hē'pėstse. Etym: *wexpilayi ‘his rib’. Possessive -htse'pe. See: -e'pé ‘rib (medial)’; he'po ‘lung’. Category: body.
He'pé'e na. Rib Woman. Category: names.
He'pé'héhe na. Rib Woman. Category: names.
he'pé'hemono na. Gram: pl bible (edible stomach portion), manifold. Singular he'pé'heme. usually used in plural; this is the part of intestines which, after boiling, looks like pages of a book. See: hexáhkémáhne. Category: meat.
He'pėsā'e na. Rib Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: names, check.
He'pēso na. Little Rib. Category: names.
hē'pėstse ni. Gram: pl ribs. Singular he'pe. Category: meat.
he'po ni. lung. Etym: *oɁpani (Pi). Plural he'ponȯtse. Etym: *oʔpanali (Pi). vai: -he'pó ‘smoke’. Category: body.
-he'pó vai. smoke. This refers to a person smoking, not a fire making smoke. É-hé'po. He smoked. Etym: *wexpwe·wa (P) ‘he smokes tobacco’. Émȧhe-he'poo'o. They are all smoking. Oeškēso mȧxhéxaēsto nevenȯtse he'poo'o! When a dog urinates against your tent just smoke! (instruction to a new chief, meaning "Whensomeone does something bad to you, even as bad as stealing your wife, stay calm.") Mó-he'pȯhevóhe. They must be smoking. The modern use of this verb often connotes smoking marijuana.
vti. smoke s.t. É-he'ponȯtse no'aneonó'ėstse. He is smoking sumac plants. Mó'ȯhkeévėhe'pȯhénovótse hé'tóhe no'aneonó'ėstse. They smoked these sumac plants. [Gunpowder.002] fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pótanó ‘want to smoke’; he'po ‘lung’; -étȯhe'hané ‘smoke a pipe’; -amotsehe ‘smoke walking along’. Category: smoke.
he'pohtȯtse na. cigarette. Lit: smoke-NOM Etym: *wexpwa·na > **wexpwa·ntaya (P) ‘smoking material’. Plural he'póhtoto; Obviative he'póhtoto; Possessive -htse'pohtȯtse. See: -he'pó ‘smoke’; he'po ‘lung’. Category: smoke.
He'pó'héhe na. Smoking Woman. See: Amotsėhé'e. Category: names.
-he'pó'seh vta. give s.o. a smoke, cause s.o. to smoke. É-he'pó'sėhóho. He gave him a smoke. Néx-he'pó'šešėstse! Give me a smoke!/Give me a cigarette! He'pó'šėšeha! Give him a smoke! Category: smoke.
-he'pó'tov vta. smoke s.o. refers to the animate thing smoked, especially a pipe. É-he'pónoto. He smoked him. that is, smoked something animate such as a pipe. É-he'pónoto he'óhkono. He smoked a pipe. Category: smoke.
-he'póméa'há vii. smell of cigarettes. É-he'póméá'ha. It smells of cigarettes. Category: smoke, smell.
-he'pómea'xe vai. smell of (tobacco) smoke. É-he'pómea'xe. He smells of (tobacco) smoke. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
he'ponȯtse ni. Gram: pl lungs. Singular he'po. Category: meat.
-he'poo'e vai. sit smoking. É-he'poo'e. He is sitting smoking. É'ȯhkeévė-he'poo'e. He would sit and smoke. [1987:220] Final -oe. Phon: vs See: -he'pó ‘smoke’. Category: sit, smoke.
-he'póšé vai. smoke lying down. É-he'póše. He is smoking lying down. Category: smoke, lie, check.
-he'pótanó vai. want to smoke. É-he'pótáno. He wants to smoke. Category: smoke.
-he'še vai. screwed. said of a woman, not a man. É-he'še. She is getting screwed. See: -he'šétanó; -stse'éme. Category: sex, vulgar.
he'še- pv. when, during, while, since, of such time. a relative preverb. tsé-he'šenaóotséto while I was sleeping. tsé-he'šeénano'éstove during planting. tsé-he'šėsó'pėhéve'xove while there is still time. Ééšeáahtse'to'sėho'nėhe'xóveotse tséto'sė-he'šeaseohtsése. It is almost time for you (pl) to leave again. Násáahéne'enóhe tséto'sė-he'šeanéotsėse. I don't know when she is going to deliver. Étanėhestȯheaénoo'e tséx-he'šėhéstȧhéto. It has been that many years since I was born. Tsé-he'šė-sáaho'oo'kȯhóhane nȧhtȧhóo'ōhtse. before it rains I'll go home. É'óvėsėho'soo'ėstse héne násáahéne'enomóvóhe naa máto tséx-he'šeénanáévȯsenótȧxévé'hó'e. Whether she also danced, that I don't know, and also (I don't know) when they were released bythe soldiers. (1987:28). See: he'éše-; nėhē'še; tsėhe'še; -háa'éše; -nėšená; vone'še-. Category: time.
he'šeonáhne ni. brisket fat. fatty piece of meat on the sternum; eaten raw. Category: meat.
-he'šétanó vai. in heat, flirt for sex, want sex. said of a woman. É-he'šétáno. She is flirting for sex. [Smith glosses this verb as 'she is in heat.'] See: -he'še; -he-éhamétanó; -hetanétanó; -hémoto'hamé ‘breed’; -nėšėho'he; -he-stse'émétanó. Category: sex.
hé'tóhé dem. Gram: inan-proximal this, these. often attaches to a following noun: hé'tó=mȧhéó'o this house. See: há'tóhe; tsé'tóhe; héne2.
he'xóv- i. such degree, such amount. ... é-he'xóvahe. ... he is of that amount. ... é-he'xóvo. ... that is how it is. Násáahéne'enovóhe tsé-he'xóvomóhtaese. I don't know how he is feeling. [1987:163]
-he'xóvahe vai. Gram: rr be of such amount. ... é-he'xóvahe. ... he is of that amount. tsé-he'xovaese násáanėhe'xovahe I am not equal to him. Lit: to the degree that he is I am not of that degree Énė-he'xóvahe. That's the way he is. See: -hesta. Category: degree.
-he'xóvȧho'he vai. Gram: rr so hot, that hot. ... é-he'xóvȧho'he. ... he is that hot. Éto'sėhéne'enóó'e tsé-he'xóvȧho'hėse. He (obv) is going to take his temperature. Category: temperature.
-he'xóvȧho'tá vii. Gram: rr such.temperature. naa hétsėhéóhe násáahéne'enáhe tsé-he'xóvȧhó'ta. and I don't know what temperature it is here. Category: temperature.
-he'xóvananó vii. Gram: rr weigh so much. No'ka é-he'xóvanāno. It weighs one pound. Lit: one, that is how much it weighs Category: weight.
-he'xóvaneta vai. weigh so much. ... é-he'xóvaneta. ... he weighs that much. Héováéstse é-he'xóvanetao'o. They are of various weights. See: -hetó'ėstóneehe. Category: size, weight.
-he'xóvatam vta. Gram: rr value s.o. to such degree. ... é-he'xóvatamóho. ... that is the amount he valued him. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-he'xove vii. Gram: rr be that time. ... é-he'xove. ... it was at that time. Category: time.
he'xóve- pv. at such time, to the degree of. tsé-he'xóveéxóvo while it is warm. Náhko'éehe náhehpeméhota tsé(ox)-he'xóveméhótá'ėstse ného'éehe my mother loves me more than my father does. tsé-he'xóve=ta'xe=to'semȧhéestomevȯse mó'ȯhtšėhósemétsėhenovóhemésėhestȯse They would be given some more food whenever they thought they were running low. [1987:45] Tsétavé'-he'xóvėhestano hé'tóhe manestȯtse tsétȧ-he'xóvevé'no'evo'ėstanéhevėsetā'se éohkėhávéveotse. The minute he takes this liquor, the minute he starts living with it, like it turns out bad. [1987:60]
-he'xóve'éahe vai. be of such age. ... é-he'xóve'éahe. ... he is of that age. Variant: -he'xóve'éhahe. Category: ages.
-he'xóve'éhahe vai. Gram: rr such age. ... é-he'xóve'éhahe. ... he is of that age. Énė-he'xóve'éhahe. He is of that age. Variant: -he'xóve'éahe. Category: ages.
-he'xóvó vii. Gram: rr how be. ... é-he'xóvo. ... that is how it is. naa nėhē'še hetoo hénėhéóhe tā'se énėhmé'eme hé'tóhe manestȯtse tséhe'xovo and then that is where it's been told about, this liquor, how it is. [1987:60] Category: quality.
-he'xóvomóhtahe vai. Gram: rr feel that way (physically), such physical condition. Násáahéne'enovóhe tsé-he'xóvomóhtaestse. I don't know how he is. Násáahéne'enovóhe tsé-he'xóvomóhtaese I don't know how he is. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-he'xóvoo'kohó Gram: rr vii. rain amount. É-he'xóvoo'kōho. It rained that amount. Initial he'xóv-; fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain.
hemaahe ni. have an arrow. É-hemaaheve. He has an arrow. É-hemaahéveo'o. They have arrows. Nėhē'še móx-hemaahévėhéhe kȧsovááhe. Then the young man had an arrow. [Bear Tepee.093] ni: maahe. Category: check.
Hemaahé'e na. (His) Arrow Woman. Category: names.
-he-maahtsená vai. have a sore on the mouth; mouth sore - have a. Éhe-maāhtse. He has a sore on his mouth. Etym: *meketonwa ‘he has a scabby mouth’; cf. M omae·keton. See: maa'e; -he-maeškóhtá. Category: sickness.
hemaa'e ni. sore. Plural hemaenȯtse. See: maa'e ‘sore, scab’; héma'e. Category: sickness.
Hemáá'ėhéhe na. Sore Woman. Category: names.
-he-maehe'oná vai. have sores on hand(s). É-hemaehe'ōna. He has sore(s) on his hand(s). See: maa'e. Category: body, sickness.
-he-maéné vai. have sores on face. É-hemaéne. He has sores on his face. Etym: *wemeki·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-hemaeškóhta vai. have a scabby leg, have a sore on leg. Éhe-maeškóhta. His leg has a sore / he has scabby legs. Etym: *mekika·te·wa (P). See: -he; maa'e. Category: sickness.
-he-mȧheónaov vta. make a house for s.o. Ná-he-mȧheónáóvo. I made a house for him. É-he-mȧheónaóó'e. They (obv) made a house for him. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. Category: house.
-he-mȧheóne inc.n. have a house. Ná-hemȧheone. I have a house. Násáa-hemȧheónéhe. I do not have a house. (another recording) É-hemȧheónehe? Does he have a house? É-hemȧheone. He has a house. Etym: *mehθwika·wa (P) ‘he lives in a wooden dwelling’. Né-hemȧheónehe? Do you have a house? Né-hemȧheone. You have a house. Ná-hemȧheónéme. We (not including you) have a house(s). Né-hemȧheónemehe? Do you guys have a house(s)? Né-hemȧheónéme. You guys have a house(s). Né-hemȧheónemanehe? Do we (including you) have a house(s)? Né-hemȧheónema. We (including you) have a house(s). É-hemȧheónevohe? Do they have a house(s)? É-hemȧheóneo'o. They have a house(s). Énonó'kė-hemȧheónevohe? Do they each have a house? Móx-hemȧheónėhevóhe. They had a house. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.128] IndepNoun mȧhēō'o; vta: -he-mȧheónaov. See: he-6 ‘have’; -he-vénove ‘have a home’. Category: house.
Hemáhkȧse na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóamaase. Category: names.
hemáhkȧse ni. buffalo chip, feces (animal), cow pie, cow pie. This is animal feces in contrast to hematse 'human feces'. Buffalo chips were used as fuel. Plural hemáhkásėstse. This entry is probably morphologically related to the ending /-máese/ (/-máase/ ??) 'chips; animal excrement' in some proper names, for example, Hotamémaese,Ováhemaese, Hotóamaese. See: Hemáhkȧse; -hoxa'ō'e; mátse; hematse.
Hema'aetánó'e Ȯxhéne'enȯhtse vai. Gram: ppl Knowshisgun. Usage: loan translation from Crow Category: names.
héma'e ni. first layer of meat between the hide and ribs. See: hemaa'e ‘sore’. Category: meat.
-hema'énanȯhová vai. strike with hoofs. É-hema'énanȯhōva. He strikes at you with his hoofs. Category: horses.
-he-ma'heáhame inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.t. as power, have s.t. as medicine. Usage: considered an "old word" quite possibly related to the etymologically mysterious Cheyenne word ma'hēō'o 'mystery, sacred power, medicine, god, God'. Náhe-ma'heáhame. It is my power/medicine. Móhe-ma'heáhamėhéhe hevóhtšėha'e. His cap must have been his power. [The Journey.284] See: Ma'hēō'o; -ma'heóname; -ma'heóneve. Category: sacred.
-he-ma'heóname vai. have a god. É-he-ma'heóname. He has a god / he has it as his god. tsé-he-ma'heónamése your (plural) god.
vti. Gram: ai+o vta: -he-ma'heónamé'tov. Néto'sėsáa-he-ma'heónėhaméhenone vá'nėhová'éhe tsésáahová'ėhevėhāne. We are not going to have just anything for our god, something worthless. [1987:230] Category: sacred.
-he-ma'heónamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as god. Ná-he-ma'heónamenȯtse. He is my god. É-he-ma'heónaménoto. He has them (animate) as his gods. Variant: -he-ma'heónėhamé'tov; IndepNoun Ma'hēō'o. Category: sacred.
-he-ma'heónėhamé'tov vta. have s.o. as god. Ná-he-ma'heónėhamenȯtse. He is my god. Variant: -he-ma'heónamé'tov. Category: sacred.
-he-ma'kaataeme inc.n. have money. É-hema'kaataeme. He has money. Násáa-hema'kaataeméhe. I don't have money. Násáa-hema'kaataeméhéme. We (excl.) don't have money. Nésáa-hema'kaataemėhehe? Don't you have money? See: he-; ma'kaata; -ma'kaataema. Category: money.
-he-ma'kaataeme'heóneve vai. always have money. éhe-ma'kaataeme'heóneve He always has money. Lit: have-money-characteristic-be
-he-ma'kaataemetanó'heóneve vai. always ask for money. éhe-ma'kaataemetanó'heóneve He always asks for (wants?) money.
Hema'óestáá'e na. Arrow Tied To Top of Head Woman. translation uncertain. Ques: Louise Bigfoot Category: names.
-he-ma'óhkeene inc.n. plume. that is, wear a feather in the hair as a decoration. See: ma'óhkeen. éhe-ma'óhkeene. He is wearing a feather. Category: hair.
Hema'tanónėheo'o na. Gram: pl Bowstring Society. pronunciation uncertain. See: Héma'tanóohese; ma'tāno. Category: societies.
Héma'tanóohese vai. Gram: ppl Gram: pl Bowstrings. Lit: those who have bowstrings ?? Category: check. from Grinnell: a "modern" society. See: ma'tāno. Category: societies.
-he-mámaa'e inc.n. wear a war bonnet. É-he-mámaa'e. He is wearing a war bonnet. Éxhe-mámaa'esėstse. He wore a war bonnet. (reportative mode). [1987:48] Phon: not vs
-he-mámaa'évȯhomo'he vai. do war bonnet dance. Éhe-mámaa'évȯhomó'heo'o They are dancing the war bonnet dance. usually danced by women. See: Hemámaa'évȯhomó'hestȯtse. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
Hemámaa'évȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. War Bonnet Dance. See: mámaa'e. Category: dance.
Hémanéóhtsé'e na. Going to Get Water Woman, Goes To Drink Woman, Fetch Water Woman. Category: names.
-he-manėstóonéhe'tov Gram: ai+o vta. have s.o. as creation. Náhe-manėstóonéhe'tova Ma'hēō'o. I am God's creation. tséhe-manėstóonéhe'tovemenoto you who made us. [1987:233] See: maneh.
-hemaneta vai. have a scab, have a sore, have impetigo. É-hemaneta. He has a scab(s)/sore(s)/impetigo. Etym: *wemekiθoke·wa 'he has scabby skin'. See: he- ‘have’. Category: sickness, sickness.
hemanévetohko ni. cup. See: hemanévetoo'o; nomenévetohko; hémanȯhévetohko. Category: containers.
hemanévetoo'o ni. water pail. See: hemanévetohko; nomenévetohko; hémanȯhévetohko. Category: containers.
hémanȯhévetohko ni. pail, bucket. smaller than hémanȯhévetoo'o. Lit: fetch-water-container Variant: hémanȯhévetoo'o, manȯhévetohko; Plural hemanȯhéveóhkonȯtse. Category: containers.
hémanȯhévetoo'o ni. bucket. Variant: hémanȯhévetohko. Category: containers.
hematse ni. feces, poop, turd. This is human feces, in contrast to hemahkȧse which is animal feces. See: hemáhkȧse; matse1. Category: vulgar.
hematséósóno na. ceremonial advisor. Category: sacred, jobs.
-he-mȧxeme vai. have firewood, firewood - have. Éhe-mȧxeme. He has firewood. Néma'xėhe-mȧxeme. You have lots of firewood. Épėhévėhe-mȧxeme. He has a good amount of firewood. See: -mȧhané ‘get firewood’; -mȧxemá; -mȧxeme. Category: fire.
-he-méene vai. have wing(s). hotse'ono tsé-hestseméenese angels. Category: body, birds.
hémehe p. oops!, whoops! can be said, for instance, if you drop something. See: héške; héhe. Category: exclamations.
-he-mehe inc.n. have an older sister, older sister - have an, sister - have an older. Éhe-mehe. He has an older sister. tséhe-mėhéto the one who is my older sister. vta: -he-mėhé'tov. Etym: *wemihsiwa. Category: relatives.
-he-mėhé'tov inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as older sister, older sister - have s.o. as. Náhe-mėhenȯtse. She is my older sister. Náhe-mėhénoto. They are my sisters. Éhe-mėhénoto. She is his older sister. vai: -he-mehe. See: hemeho ‘his/her sister’. Category: relatives.
Heméhne na. Dove, Pigeon. translation uncertain. probably a variant of heméne 'dove, pigeon'. Variant: heméne. Category: birds, names.
hemeho na. Gram: poss his older sister, her older sister. he-mėhevóho their older sister(s). Stem -meh; vta: -he-mėhé'tov. See: -'néh ‘older brother’. Category: relatives.
Hemé'kóne Ȯhmȧsėhánee'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Crazy Head. Category: names.
Hemé'konémȧsėháneeho'hame'e ni. Crazyhead Springs. Usage: probably a loan translation from English located between Lame Deer and Ashland, Montana. See: Hemé'kónȯhmȧsėhánéévéno.
Hemé'konéȯhvéhonevėstse Henéšeóohevahtȯtse ?? Category: check.
vai. Headchief Battlefield.
Hemé'kónȯhmȧsėhánéévéno loc. Crazyhead Springs (area). Category: places.
Hemé'kónȯhnėševaestse vai. Gram: ppl Headswift. See: me'ko ‘head’. Category: names.
Hemé'kónȯhvéhonevėstse vai. Gram: ppl Head Chief. One of two Cheyenne warriors who did the suicide horse ride down Squaw Hill at Lame Deer, into the waiting fire of the firing squad of Indian policeman, acting for the government. The other warrior was Vó'ho'kȯhtaestse, Young Mule. See: Vó'ho'kȯhtaestse. Category: names.
-he-mé'oone vai. have a lover; lover - have a. Éhe-mé'oone. He has a lover. Móohkeáahtse'noosėhe-mé'oonėhéhe. He cheated on his wife. Lit: literally, he cheatingly had a lover at the same time vta: -he-mé'ooné'tov. Category: romance.
Hemé'oonéeše ni. Valentine's Day. Lit: sweetheart-day Variant: Mé'oonéeše, Hestáhaešeēva. See: mé'oo'o. Category: holidays.
-he-mé'ooné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as lover, have s.o. as a sweetheart, have s.o. as a boyfriend, have s.o. as a girlfriend. Náhe-mé'ooné'tova. He has me as his sweetheart. Náhe-mé'oonenȯtse. He is my sweetheart. Éhe-mé'oonénoto. She is his sweetheart. [1987:57] Énoosėhe-mé'oonénoto. He is cheating on his wife by having a lover. vai: -he-mé'oone. See: -méhót ‘love s.o.’. Category: interpersonal, romance.
-he-mé'oonešé vai. lie with girlfriend; lie with boyfriend; lie with lover; lie with sweetheart. Éhe-méoonēše. He is lying with his girlfriend. Category: lie, romance.
-he-mé'oonétáno vai. want to have a lover, want to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Éhe-mé'oonétáno. He/She wants to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Category: romance.
-he-mé'oonévéné vai. lovestruck face - have a. É-he-mé'oonévéne. He has a lovestruck face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, emotions.
-he-mé'šené vai. pubic hair - have. É-he-mé'šéne. He has pubic hair. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: mé'šéne; mé'šéno. Category: vulgar, hair.
-he-méname inc.n. have berries. Né-he-ménamehe? Do you have any berries? Náma'xė-he-méname. I have lots of berries. Category: berries.
-he-ménamétó vii. have berries. Éohkė-he-ménamétónėstse he'évánó'ėstse. Female sage has berries. Usage: literalism? Loan transl.?? Category: check, berries.
heméne na. dove, pigeon. Usage: obsolescing Plural heméneo'o; Obviative hemeno. Morph: /heméné/. Synonym vé'ho'éheméne. Etym: cf. M omi:ni:w. Category: birds.
-he-mésėhéstove vai. have food. É-he-mésėhéstove. He has food. Usage: This is said naturally. See: -he-stame ‘have food’; -mésehe ‘eat’. Category: food.
-he-mėšémé inc.n. have a grandfather, have a father-in-law. É-he-mėšéme. He has a grandfather. tsé-he-mėšéméto the one who is my grandfather/father-in-law. vta: -he-mėšémé'tov. Etym: *wemehšo·miwa. Category: relatives.
-he-mėšémé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as grandfather, have s.o. as father-in-law. Náhe-mėšéme'tova He has me as grandfather (that is, I am his grandfather). Náhe-mėšémenȯtse. He is my grandfather (or father-in-law). Éhe-mėšémenoto. He has him as grandfather. Category: relatives.
hemėšemo na. Gram: poss his/her grandfather, his/her father-in-law. Stem -mėšémé. See: hevéškemo ‘his/her grandmother’. Category: relatives.
-he-méta'xe vao. scalp - have a, scalp - own a. especially of a warrior who owns a scalp that he got from someone he scalped; not of a person having a scalp on their own head. Éhe-méta'xe He has a scalp. See: méta'xe ‘scalp’. Category: warfare.
hémo'eoxé'é na. Elk Soldier society woman. Ques: extant as a noun?? See: mo'éhe ‘elk’. Category: check.
-hémo'eoxe'eve vai. be an Elk Soldier society woman. É-hémo'eoxeve. She is an Elk Soldier society woman. See: -hémo'eoxévėhóneve; mo'éhe ‘elk’.
Hémo'eoxēso na. Spear Man, Elk Soldier, Elk society person, Kitfox society person. Usage: translation uncertain Plural Hémo'eoxėsono, Hémo'eoxeo'o ‘Elk Society’. Petter called this society Headed-lances (or Ó'ȯhoménotȧxeo'o Coyote-warriors) (pd777ff.) Grinnell: an "ancient" society. See: xomoo'o. Category: societies.
-hémo'eoxeve vai. be an Elk Soldier. É-hémo'eoxeve. He is an Elk Soldier society member. See: hémo'eoxévėhóneve.
-hémo'eoxévėhóneve vai. be an Elk Soldier. Nėhéóhe návé'háhtse, ná-hémo'eoxévėhóneve. there I am a member, I am an Elk Soldier. [1987:116] Lit: ?-elk-?-chief-be
-he-mo'ėškone inc.n. wear a ring; ring - have a. Mó'ȯhkeévė-he-mo'ėškónėhéhe. He used to wear a ring. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.094]
-he-mo'kėhané vai. have shoes on, shoes - wear. É-he-mo'kėhāne. He has shoes (on). Category: shoes.
hemo'koso na. dewclaw. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Plural hemo'kȯsono; BodyPartMedial -hkosé. Category: body.
-he-mótȧhkame vai. have a knife; knife - have a. Éno'he-mótȧhkame. He even had a knife. [jg 7/89] See: motšėške. Category: tools.
-hémoto'hamé vai. be in heat. said of dogs, cats; derogatory about an attractive woman who has lots of males after her. É-hémoto'hāme. She (for example, a female dog) is in heat. See: -he'šétanó. Category: dogs, horses, sex, cats.
-hémotsé vai. breed, rut. É-hémótse. He bred. Etym: *a·maθwa; cf. M awe·manasow. See: -méa'e'ov.
hémotsé- pv. breeding; rutting. Hémotsé-eše'he August (lit. breeding-moon). hémotséhno'ha stud (lit. breeding-horse).
hémotséehotóá'e na. bull. Lit: breeding-buffalo Plural hémotséehotóao'o; Obviative hémotséehotoa'o. Naa hápó'e náohketá'vé'hoomátanó'tovoo'o néhe homotséehotóao'o tséohketáhoeotsé'tovóvose. And me too I really like to watch those bulls that they ride. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’; vé'ho'éotóá'e ‘cow’. Category: animals.
Hémotséeše'he na. Rutting Moon, August, September. latter part of August and first part of September. possible alternative month name. See: Óenenéeše'he. Category: months.
hémotséhnó'ėstse ni. horse weed. Lit: breed-weeds increases stud breeding ability; similar effect to Viagra; given to horses but also used by men. Category: herbs, plants.
hémotséhno'ha na. stud. Lit: breeding-horse See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
-he-mótšeške vai. have a knife. Náhe-mótšeške. I have a knife. Phon: š-assimilation IndepNoun mótšėške. Etym: *wemenhehsiwa. Category: tools.
hénaa'e pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog What? inflected for number, obviation, and can take the reportative mode suffix. has the meaning of English 'why' when used with conjunct and hése- preverb, that is,'for what reason?'. Hénáá'e há'tóhe? What is that? Hénáá'e tséhésenėhešéveto? Why did you do that? some such questions in some contexts are considered quite rude: Hénáá'e tséhésenėheto? Why are you saying that?! That is considered an ugly answer to s.o. when the original question was civil and it only requires a simple straightforward answer. Obviative hénaa'etse. See: hénová'e; hénová'éto. Category: identity.
hénáá'énėse pro. something. This is hénáá'e with the reportative mode suffix. Hénáá'énėse énémotóhta." He is got something in his mouth. [The Rolling Head.101] Hénáá'énėse tséhoó'héváha? What did I hear fall? (that is, there was something unknown to me which was overheard falling). Variant: hénová'énėse. See: hénáá'e; hová'éhe. Category: identity.
hénaa'eo'ȯtse pro. What are those? (inan. pl.) similar to hénová'eo'ȯtse. Category: identity.
hénaa'etse pro. What?, Why? obviative form of hénáá'e. Ques: recheck recording?? Category: check. Hénaa'etse tséhéseé'e'o'tsėse he'ko? Why did he break the bone? See: hénaa'e. Category: identity.
-he-nȧhahkȧhéstove vai. have ambition. Phon: 'have' preverb + impers. verb Éhe-nȧhahkȧhéstove. He has ambition.
héna'e na. goose. Phon: iah in sg. Plural henā'e. AltPl=hena'eo'o Obviative henā'e. Etym: cf *nexka. See: hénáá'e ‘what’. Etym: cf. *nexka. Category: birds.
hena'éeno na. Gram: pl goose feathers. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: mee'e. Category: Sun Dance.
Hena'é'héhe na. Goose Woman. Category: names.
Hena'éo'hé'e ni. Goose River, Laramie River. known today as the Laramie River. Category: rivers.
hena'háanéhe dem. Gram: inan Gram: sg that is it, there it is, that is the way (it is), amen. This word can be used at the end of a story, prayer, sermon, or when you lay down your cards in a game to say "that is all I have"; proximal; old information in discourse; can refer to the end of a story. proximal; old information in discourse. (another recording) Mó-hena'háanéhe? Is that it? / Anything else? (another recording) Hena'háanéhe nétavá'nenėhešemé'ėstomévatsénóvo. This is all I'm telling you about. [1987:20] Hena'háanéhe kȧse'ééhe tsé'évȧhéestanėse. That is when the young lady was taken back. Contracted hená'hanéhe; Plural hena'háanevótse. See: heta'háanehe; nea'háanehe; hená'hanehe; hénová'ėháanéhe; nėhē'še. Category: identity.
hena'háanetséhe pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-obv that is it (proximal; old information). Contracted hená'hanetséhe.
hena'háanetsevótse pro. Gram: pro-inan-pl-obv those are the ones (proximal; old information).
hena'háanevótse pro. Gram: inan Gram: pl those are the ones. proximal; old information. See: hena'háanéhe.
hená'hanéhe pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg that is it; here it is (proximal; old information). non-contracted: hena'háanéhe. Category: identity.
hená'hanetséhe p. that is it. Phon: contracted Non-contracted hena'háanetséhe.
Hená'hanetsevótse p. that is what they (inanimate) are. Category: identity.
Héna'ke na. Little Goose. Ques: Bernadine Shoulderblade Jr. Category: names.
-henamóhtȯxe'ėstóne vai. write lefthanded. É-henamóhtȯxe'ėstóne. He writes lefthanded.
-henamósé vai. left-handed. É-henamóse. He is left-handed. Etym: *nemanči·wa (P/L) ‘he is left-handed’. É-henamósehe? Is he left-handed? Variant: -namósé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. See: Ma'xėhenámosėstse; Námosėstse; -he'konamósé. Category: hands, record.
-henamóseaseváen vta. throw s.o. lefthanded. É-henamóseaseváenóho. He threw him (like, a ball) lefthanded. É-henamóseaseváenóho hóhtsemono. He threw the ball lefthanded. Category: baseball.
henamósésto p. on the left side. Hétsėhéóhe henamósésto vóhka'xėstse! Here turn left! Antonym hestseamáxésto. See: -namósé ‘lefthanded’; -htsenamósésto ‘to the left (poss.)’; Námosėstse ‘Lefty’. Etym: *namanci (Pi); cf *nemanti·weni (P) ‘left side’. Category: positions.
-héne1 mode. plural addressee delayed imperative suffix. Mésėhé-héne! Eat then! (said to more than one person; delayed action). Mésė-héne! Eat it then! Némenéhéne! Sing then! Áahtomónėhéne! Listen then! (said to more than one person). Méáhéne! Give then! Néhmétsė-héne! Give it to me then! Pėhéve'tovó-héne! Take care of them (an.)! Nā'ėstse hestanó-héne! Take one then! Hestanomá-héne Take it/them then! See: -o'o2.
héne2 dem. that:INAN, those:INAN. This refers to one or more inanimate things previously mentioned. Hénová'e héne? What does that mean? Mó=héne? Is that it? Héne náhéne'ēna. I know that. Héne námétaa'e. He gave that to me. Héne námese. I ate that. Animate néhe. Etym: cf. K (i·)ni (V). See: hé'tóhe.
hénėhéno p. here. See: hénėhéóhe; hánȧhéno. Category: positions.
hénėhéóhe p. there (proximal, previously mentioned in discourse). (another recording) Hénėhéóhe éxho'sóenove. There was a dance there. ?? Hénėhéóhe nétavé'háhanéóhtse! Don't go near there! See: nėhéóhe; hénėhéno; hétsėhéóhe; hánȧháóhe; hátȧháóhe. Category: positions, check.
-he-nėhpėsó'ėhestove vai. wear a breechcloth, breechcloth - wear a. É-he-nėhpėsó'ėhestove. He is wearing a breechcloth. Category: dress.
henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse ni. throat gristle. This is white slippery throat gristle in the windpipe; it is eaten. See: -nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; -pa'enėhpo'hóoná. Category: meat.
-hene'ȧhé'ó vai. elevate quickly, lifted up quickly - be. É-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumped high. Éohkema'xė-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumps high. Tā'se náhma'xė-hene'ȧhé'o, náoo, ná'oseehósepėhévetanóotse. Like I was really lifted up, my, I really got happy. [1987:157] See: -nėševa'ó. Category: motion, basketball.
-héne'ená vti. know s.t., understand s.t. É-héne'ēna. He knows it. Etym: *kexkinamwa (P) ‘he recognizes, identifies it’. Ná-héne'ēna. I know it / I understand it. (another recording) Nátȧ-héne'ēna. I know it now / remember it now. (something that I knew in the past). Nátaéšė-héne'ēna. I have come to understand it. Nátamónė-héne'ēna. I just came to know it. Nátaohkeévȧ-héne'enánone. We know it back again. Né-héne'enahe? Do you know it? (another recording) Nétaéšė-héne'enahe? Do you know it now? Nééšė-héne'enahe? Do you understand it (yet)? Ésáa-héne'enóhe. He does not know/understand it. Násáaxae-héne'enóhe. I simply do not know it. Ésáa-héne'enóhénóvo. They do not know it. Násáa-héne'enóhe. I don't know (it). Many younger speakers do not change the -á ending to -ó: Násáa-héne'enáhe. I don't know. Násáa-héne'enáhe tséohkenėhestohe. I don't know what that means. Ná-héne'anánóne. We (excl) know it. Éstamónė-héne'enánȯse. He came to his senses (reportative). Námȧhe-héne'ēna. I know it all. ?? Né-héne'ēna! You know it! That can be said for a meaning similar to "Of course!" Náamė-héne'ēna. I'm learning (something). (another pronunciation) Naa éta'pėhéveamė-héne'ēna. And he is really learning well. Éamė-héne'ēna hé'tóhe Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse. He is learning this Cheyenne language. Éssáa-héne'enóhénȯse tósa'e tséto'sėhešeasėse. He did not know which way to go. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).042] vta: -héne'enov. See: -méseeotse; -mé'etanó. Category: cognition, check.
-héne'enáotse vai. come to know, come to understand; understand - come to. É-héne'enáotse. He came to understand. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotse. I understand. Category: cognition.
-héne'enáotsé'tá vti. know s.t. quickly, understand s.t. quickly. É-héne'enáotsé'ta. He knew it right away. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I understand / realize it now. Nátaéšėpėhévė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I really know now what it means. Nátamónė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I have just now realized it. Nátȧ-héne'enáotsé'ta hámó'ȯhtse tséxhenove. I have come to understand for example what is said. Category: cognition, speed.
-héne'enáotsé'tov vta. know s.o. quickly, find out about s.o. quickly. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotsé'tovoo'o I already found out about them. Category: cognition.
-héne'enátanó'tá vti. want to know s.t. É-héne'enátanó'ta. He wants to know it. Ná-héne'enátanó'ta. I want to know it. Éohkėhoháe-héne'enátanó'ta. He sure wants to know it. Hénová''e tsé-héne'enátanó'tomáse? What do you want to learn/know? naa hová'éhe tséévė-héne'enátanó'tomóvose and anything they wanted to know. vta: -héne'enátanó'tov. Category: cognition.
-héne'enátanó'tov vta. want to know s.o. É-héne'enátanó'tovóho. He wants to know him. Ná-héne'enátanó'tóvo. I wants to know him. vti: -héne'enátanó'tá. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-héne'enomóv vta. know of s.o. Hósėstse ná-héne'enomóvonovȯtse héne hápó'e tséohkenémené'tomóvose. We know some of them (their songs) how they likewise sing them.
-héne'enósané vai. know people. for example, knows what various people are like, has good intuitions about people. É-héne'enósáne. He knows people. Category: cognition.
-héne'enóseoneve vii. be known, be well known. étó'tšėšė-héne'enóseoneve tséhešėhetóméto tséhešepėhéva'e It is known for sure that it is true, that it is good. [1987:104] Tsé'tóhe hetanevo'e móstavé'šė-héne'enóseonévėhéhe tséheše-móxhoháepȧháve'hahehéhe This Arapaho man became known for (singing well), I guess he really had a good voice. [1987:149]
vai. be known, be well known. often implies being well-known. É-héne'enóseoneve. He (or It) is known. [1987:149] Tsé'tóhe Hetanevo'e móstavé'šė-héne'enóseonévėhéhe tséheše-móxhoháepȧháve'hahehéhe. This Arapaho man became known for (singing well), I guess he really had a good voice.
-héne'enov vta. know s.o. É-héne'enovóho. He knows him. Etym: *kexkinawe·wa ‘he recognizes, identifies him’; Ar he·ʔnóno·t ‘he knows him’. Násáa-héne'enovóhe tséxhoo'ėse. I don't know where he is (lit. I do not know him where he is). Násáa'évȧ-héne'enovóhe tséheševééése. I don't remember/know what she was named. [1987:26] Násáa-héne'enovóheo'o. I do not know them. vti: -héne'ená. See: -méseeotse. Category: interpersonal, cognition.
-héne'enovahe vai. knowledgeable, educated, aware. É-héne'enovahe. He is knowledgeable. Éháe-héne'enovahe. He is very knowledgeable. Tapėhévėhé-hene'enovaestse! Go learn well! ?? Category: school, cognition, check.
-héne'enovȧhé'seh vta. cause s.o. to be knowledgeable. Éohkė-héne'enovȧhé'sėhahtséstove. There is causing yourself to be knowledgeable. [A Fry Bread Lesson.022]
-héne'enovȧhé'tá vti. know s.t. Mónėhešė-héne'enovȧhé'tȯhéhe héne. I guess he knows something about it. See: héne'en. Category: cognition.
héne'enovȧhestȯtse ni. knowledge. háesto héne'enovȧhestȯtse technological tools (lit., many knowledge) ?? Category: check. Ques: Does she say háesto'e héne'enovȧhestȯtse?? Category: check, new.
héne'enovȧhétane na. student. Usage: seen on a hallway sign at Dull Knife Memorial College Lit: educated-person Plural héne'enovȧhétaneo'o. See: mȯxe'ėstónéhe; hoéstónéhe.
-héne'enovȧhétaneve vai. be an educated person. É-héne'enovȧhétaneve. He is an educated man.
-héne'enovȧhétanó vai. want to be educated. Étȧsáa'éveévȧhehpė-héne'enovȧhétanóheo'o. They don't want to get more education. [1987:61]
-héne'ėšeóó'e vai. stand stiff. É-héne'ėšeóó'e. He is standing stiff.?? See: -héne'kėšeóó'e. Category: stand, check.
-hene'etanó vai. be excited (for example, anticipating something good about to happen). É-hene'etāno. He is excited. See: -oetsetanó; -nȧhahkahe. Category: emotions.
héne'h- i. stiff. É-hene'heōhtse He walked stiffly. É-héne'hahe He is stiff. É-héne'hāna He stiffened it by hand.
-héne'hahe vai. be stiff. É-héne'hahe. He is stiff. vii: -héne'hó; Preverb héne'še-. Category: texture.
-héne'han vti. stiffen s.t. É-héne'hāna. He stiffened it.
vta. stiffen s.o. É-héne'hanóho. He made him stiff. See: -hene'hán ‘lift up s.t.’. Category: texture.
-hene'hán vti. lift up s.t. É-hene'hána. He lifted it up. É'ȯhkema'xė-hene'hánánȯse hema'aatanó'e. He would hold up his gun. [Head Chief] See: -héne'han ‘stiffen s.t./s.o.’. Category: move.
-hene'hánené vai. lift up. especially to lift up covering of a sweat lodge. É-hene'hánéne. He lifted up the sweat lodge covering. Hene'hánénėstse! Lift the blankets (of the sweat lodge)! Mónėstsė-hene'hánéne? Are you going to lift the covering? Category: ceremonial.
-hene'hávevá'séotse vai. raise tail. Éstȧ-hene'hávevá'seotséhoo'o. He raised his tail. [The Bear and the Skunk.020] BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: body.
-héne'heohtsé vai. walk stiffly. É-héne'heōhtse. He walked stiffly. See: -héne'šeohtsé. Category: walk.
-héne'hó vii. stiff. É-héné'ho. It is stiff. vai: -héne'hahe. Category: texture.
-héne'hose vai. be frozen stiff. É-héne'hose. He is frozen stiff. fai: -ose. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.
-hene'kȧhóvȯsané vai. raise corner of tent for ventilation. É-hene'kȧhóvȯsáne. He is got a corner up on his tent to let air in.
-hene'ké'šeóó'e vai. stand on tiptoes, tiptoe stand. Ques: -héne' ... ?? same as -h[ene'k^e^se[o[o'e?? É-hene'ké'šeóó'e. He stood on his tiptoes. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, check.
-hene'ké'šȯhomo'he vai. dance on tiptoes. for example, as in some ballet moves. É-hene'ké'šȯhomó'heo'o. They are dancing on their tiptoes. fai: -ohomó'he. Ques: šȯ?? Category: dance, check.
-héne'kėšeóó'e vai. stand stiff. É-héne'kėšeóó'e. He is standing stiff.?? Ques: same as -hene'ké'šeóó'e?? See: -héne'ėšeóó'e. Category: stand, check.
-hene'omóhtahe vai. excited. É-hene'omóhtahe. He is excited. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: emotions.
héne'še- pv. stiff.
i. stiff. tséoxae-héne'šetotšéškeóetsėse He was just frozen stiff sticking out. [1987:30] Tséoxae-héne'šetotšéškeóetsėse. He was just frozen stiff sticking out. vai: héne'hahe.
-héne'šenóno'e vii. look stiff, stiff - look. É-héne'šenóno'e. It looks stiff. Category: appearance.
-héne'šenóohe vai. look stiff, stiff - look. É-héne'šenóohe. He looks stiff. Category: appearance.
-héne'šeóhtaotse vii. stiff leg - become; leg - become stiff; become stiff leg. É-héne'šeóhtaotse. His legs became stiff. Éstó'omė-héne'šeóhtaotsétseneho. (The wheel of the wagon) was stuck completely stiff. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.034] Category: body.
-héne'šeohtsé vai. walk stiffly. É-héne'šeōhtse. He is walking not moving any body parts. See: -héne'heohtsé. Category: walk.
-héne'šeósé vai. stiff finger - have a, finger - have a stiff. Ná-héne'šeóse. I have a stiff finger. BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: hands.
-héne'šešé vai. lie stiff. É-héne'šēše. He is lying stiff. Category: lie.
-he-ne'tȧhéhaméstove have importance, be the Lord. Éhe-ne'tȧhéhaméstove. He has importance/he is the Lord. Tsé-he-ne'tȧhéhaméstovėstse the One who is Lord.
-hénená vti. pour s.t. É-hénéna. She poured it. (another recording) Etym: *si·kenamwa. Hénénȯhtse! Pour it! See: -hóoováná.
vta. pour s.o. É-hénenóho mésėhéstoto. He poured the potatoes. This verb can be used both of liquid as well as non-liquid objects, as can the English verb 'pour'. Etym: *si·kene·wa. Category: liquid.
henēne na. rosebud, rosehip, rose bush, tomato. Etym: O ogin (sg); ogini·g (pl) (N); *wekenya (P); *okenya ?. Plural heneno; Obviative heneno. Category: plants.
henenéenȧhéno ni. catsup, catsup. Lit: tomato-gravy Synonym ma'óomȧšé'šestȯtse. See: énȧhéno ‘gravy’. Category: food.
-hénenené vai. pour. É-hénenēne. He poured. Névááhe tséto'sė-hénenēnėstse? Who is going to pour the water? That can be said during a sweat. vta: -hénenomev. Category: liquid.
Henenéo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Rosebud Creek. See: henēne ‘rosebud’. Category: rivers.
henenévá'ȯhéáse na. sharp-tailed grouse. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Category: birds.
-heneneve vai. rose bush. Ná-heneneve. I am a rose bush. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).048] Category: plants.
henenó'e ni. rose bush. probably another plant also, which is rich in Vitamin C. Medial -ó'(e). Category: plants.
henenó'emenȯtse ni. Gram: pl rose hips. Category: check.
-henénó'sané vai. have nits, nits - have. É-henénó'sáne. He has nits. Synonym -heseené'same; Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: he- ‘have’. Category: hair.
henenó'se na. Gram: pl nits. They become lice. Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: heóvȧséhe ‘yellow body nit’. Category: bugs.
henenó'šėškéso na. nit. Usage: extant? Lit: nit-DIM
-hénenomev vta. pour (something) for s.o. É-hénenomevóho. He poured it for him. Nétȧ-hénenomévatsénóvo. Let me pour it for you (plural). vai: -hénenené. Category: liquid.
hénése p. That's it, be that way, be it. Mó-hénése? Is that it? Naa mó=hénėséhanéhe tséohkeévȧhésemévévȯse hováhne. And that is why animals are eaten (now). [1987:248] heá'ė=hénése maybe that is it. [1987:248] See: hénėsehe; móhénėsehe. Category: identity.
hénėsehe p. Is it the one?, Is that it? (another recording) "Hénėsehe ééšepėhéva'ehe?" é'ȯhkėhetóhoono. "Is it good now?" he would say to her. [1987:291] See: hénése; mó-hénése; móhénėsehe. Category: identity.
-he-nésemóoname vai. have a spirit helper, seer, sorcerer. É-he-nésemóoname. He has a spirit helper. [pd957] tsé-he-nésemóonamėstse the one who has a familiar spirit. tséohkeée-he-nésemóonamese those who have familiar spirits. [1987:40] vai: -nésemá; vta: -nésemóonamé't. See: -nésemóoname. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
-he-nésemóonamé'tov Gram: ai+o vta. have s.o. as a familiar spirit. Náhe-nésemóonamenȯtse He is my familiar spirit. vai: -nésemóoname. Category: sacred.
hénėsénėse p. that is why. Naa hénėsénėse náhkȯhevee'e tséohkėhésėhenove héne vose. And that is why that mountain is called Bear Tepee. [Bear Tepee.120]
hénėsestse p. that, those. This seems to be in the reportative mode. Naa héne hénėsestse tséévȧhešėho'ā'ȯse Tsėhéstáno. And that, that is the way he came back to Cheyenne country. [My Father's Schooling.066] Category: identity.
-he-nésone inc.n. have a child. can be of a man or woman, or animal. Éhe-nésone. He (or she) has a baby. Etym: *weno·nšya·niwa. Néhe-nésonėhehe? Do you have child(ren)? Éhe-nésonėheo'o. They have children. Móxhe-nésonėhehéhe. She must have a baby. tséhe-nésónėhéto the one who is my child. Phon: Word-final -he is omitted in Independent Order affirmative eye-witness mode verbs with singular subjects. IndepNoun -nésó; vta: -he-nésónėhé'tov. Etym: *weni·tya·niwa ‘he has a child’; cf. M oni·cianaehsew. Category: family, babies.
-he-nésónėhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as child. É-he-nésonėhenoto. He has him as child. Ná-he-nésonėhe'tova. He has me as his child. That is, I am his child. Ná-he-nésonėhenȯtse. He is my child. Né-he-nésonėhe'tovemeno. We are your children (can be said in prayer to God). vai: -he-nésone. Category: family, babies.
henésono na. Gram: poss his/her child(ren). Variant: henésoneho; Stem -néso ‘child (poss.)’. Category: relatives, family.
henėstāne na. knee bone meat, his knee, knee - his. henėstanóho tséhnétȧhévanėstse knee surgery (literally, when his knee is different). See: -nėstané ‘knee’. Category: meat, body.
-he-neta'óseoné'tov vta. choose s.o., stake claim to s.o. Náhe-neta'óseoné'tova. He (for example, God) chose me. Lit: he staked a claim on me Ques: variant -nėhe...?? See: -moné'tov.
henó'tomóehnóhtsevevóho na. Gram: poss their first born child. See: nó'tomóehnohtsėstse. Category: family.
hénóme ni. thigh, hind quarter. Plural henomȯtse; Possessive -htsénóme. See: he'kénóme; hetone ‘haunch’. Etym: *wepwa·mi ‘his thigh’. Category: body, meat.
hénová'e pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog what. Ques: What's the difference between hénová'e and hénaa'e?? Category: check. interrogative pronoun. This question word by itself often implies "What do you want?" This word is also used in "why" questions, along with the preverb hése- or initial hést- that mean 'from that' or 'for that reason'. Hénová'e is inflected for number, obviation, and mode (evidential). Hénová'e tséméseto? What did you eat? (another recording) Hénová'e tsého'ȧheto? What do you want? Hénová'e tsého'oestseto? What are you boiling? Hénová'e tsékó'koévone? What is jingling? Hénová'e tsévé'šeoomȯse? What did you hit him with? Hénová'e tséhésea'xaameto? Why are you crying? Hénová'e tsénėhestomo? What do you mean by that? Hénová'éto? What is that?/What is this? Hénová'ehȯtse? What are they (inan.)? Henová'etotse? What are they? (obv)? hénová'étsénėse something (obv.; reportative). Obviative hénová'etse; Plural hénová'ehȯtse. See: hénaa'e; hénová'éto. Category: identity.
hénová'ėháanéhe p. That's all there is to that. for example, said when telling a story and you think it's the truth you are telling. Phon: possibly a blend of hénová'e and hena'háanéhe See: hénová'e; hena'háanéhe.
hénová'ehȯtse pro. What are they? inanimate plural interrogative pronoun. Variant: hénová'eo'ȯtse. Category: identity.
hénova'éneho p. What is it?! marked with the preterit ending, -neho. See: hénová'énėse ‘something’. Category: check.
hénová'énėse pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-indef something. Such indefinite pronouns take reportative verb mode suffixes indicating their status ofbeing information unknown to the speaker; these pronouns cannot take surprisalmode suffixes, hence, hénová'enȯhoonȯtse is ungrammatical. Tā'se hénóvá'énėse tséxxaemomó'óhtsėse. Like something moved. Taa'éva tséstaamėhnéto hénová'énėse námȧxa'oo'e. When I was walking last night something brushed me. Hénová'énėse éoseepėhéveméehō'ta. Something (cooking) sure smells good. Mó'amóe'ȯhanéhe hénová'énėse o'hé'e. Something was floating on the river. [Croft 1988:17] Táaxa'e hénová'énėse éme'tameto? Let's see, what could I give him? [1987:184] Variant: hénáá'énėse; Plural hénová'enėsestȯtse. See: hóvá'éhe; tósa'e; tóne'še; nevá'esėstse; -hová'eve; hénėsénėse; hénova'éneho. Category: identity.
hénová'enėsestȯtse pro. Gram: pro-inan-pl-indef somethings. identity unknown to speaker. Hénová'enėsestȯtse éma'xetáho'tánėstse. Some things (unknown) were on top. Singular hénová'énėse. Category: identity.
hénová'eo'ȯtse pro. What are they (inan.)? interrogative pronoun. Hénová'eo'ȯtse tséno'ėhnétosȯtse? What (pl) are you carrying? Variant: hénová'ehȯtse. Category: identity.
hénová'éto pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog What is it?, Why? (another recording) We can say this when someone comes to your door and you desire what they want. This question word often implies "What do you want?" This word is used in "why"questions, along with the preverb hése- or initial hést- that mean 'from that' or 'for that reason'. Technically this can be called an interrogative pronoun. Hénová'éto hé'tóhe? What is this? Naa hé'tóhe hénová'éto? And what is this? Hénová'éto héne? What is that? (something already mentioned). Naa máto hénová'éto? And what else? Hénová'éto tsétáho'ta? What was that on (the table)? Hénová'éto tséno'ėhneto? What are you carrying? Hénová'éto tséhésta'xaneto? Why are you crying. Plural hénová'etoo'ėstse. See: hénová'e. Category: identity.
hénová'etotse pro. Gram: pro-inan-obv-interrog what. obviative interrogative pronoun. Hénová'etotse tséno'ėhnesėstse? What is he carrying? Hénová'etotse tséhésėho'ėhnėstse? What was her reason for coming (here)? See: hénová'e; hénová'etse. Category: identity.
hénová'etotsénėse pro. Gram: inan Gram: pl Gram: indef What was THAT (emph.)? obviative. Category: identity.
hénová'etse pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-obv-interrog What is it? obviative interrogative pronoun. Category: identity.
hénová'étsénėse pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-obv-indef something. obviative; unknown. Taa'éva tséstaamēhnėse hénová'étsénėse émȧxa'oenȯse. When he was walking last night something (obv.) brushed (reportative) him. Category: identity.
-henove vii. Gram: impers be said, they say. ... é-henove. ... that is what was said. Épėhévė-henóvehe? Was that said well? É-óxȯhenove? What's the news? / What's being said? Néške'éehe méne'á'e éhovánee'e 1969 tséx-henóvetse. My grandmother, Mene'a'e, died in 1969, as it is called. [1987:32]
henóxease na. meadowlark. Variant: honóxease, henóxeāso, honóxeāso. Category: birds.
henóxeāso na. meadowlark. Variant: henóxeāse, honóxeāse, honóxeāso. Category: birds.
-héohnétanó vai. encouraged. especially of the mood to tackle a difficult job. É-héohnétáno. He is encouraged. [PRAISE.TXT] See: -hetótaetanó; -héhnovetanó. Category: emotions.
héohnéve- pv. desirable. É-héohnévenóohe. He is desirable looking. See: -péohnétó. Category: appearance.
-hé-ohtóvá vai. shop, barter, buy, sell. Éhé-ohtóva. He went to buy (it). Tȧhé-ohtóvātse kóhkonȯheo'o! Go buy bread! Variant: -hohtóvá.
heo'éhéó'o na. womb, uterus. Plural heo'éheono; Possessive -htseo'éheo'o. See: nėškátone. Category: body.
heo'eméeotsestȯtse ni. perfume, air freshener. Variant: heo'keméeotsestȯtse. See: ómotóme hóxe'anēō'o. Category: smell.
heo'énenaho na. thin icy snow which sparkles lying on the ground. It hurts your eyes and can cause blindness. See: héstā'se. Category: weather, snow.
heo'ká'e na. female showoff. Masculine heo'ke, heo'ke.
-heo'ká'eve vai. be a female show off. It is not proper in Cheyenne culture; it's unladylike. É-heo'ká'eve. She is acting silly, showing off. See: -heo'keve. Category: personality.
heo'ke na. male show off. Feminine heo'ká'e. See: méhnȯhke-.
-heo'kémanoh vta. show off to s.o. can refer to how a man acts towards a woman, trying to impress her, but he doesn'tmean it; it's just to catch her. É-heo'kémanȯhóho. He is showing off to him (obv). Né-heo'kémanȯhāā'e. They put you in your glory (for example, by flattering you). See: méhnȯhke-. Category: interpersonal.
-heo'keméa'xe vai. smell of perfume. É-heo'keméa'xe. She smells of perfume. Category: smell.
-heo'keméeotse vai. perfumed, smell of perfume. É-heo'keméeotse. She smells of perfume. Category: smell.
heo'keméeotsestȯtse ni. perfume, air freshener. Variant: heo'eméeotsestȯtse. See: ómotóme hóxe'anēō'o ‘air freshener’. Category: smell.
heo'kēso na. 1 • muskrat. Plural heo'kėsono; Obviative heo'kėsono. Etym: cf. *we'šaškwa. Category: animals.
2 • showoff. See: -heo'keve. Category: figurative.
-heo'keve vai. show off, silly - be, flirt - be a. É-heo'keve. He showed off. (another recording) See: -ménȯhkahe; -heo'ká'eve. Category: personality.
-heo'kévo'ané vai. silly - say something. É-heo'kévó'áne. He is saying something silly. Ques: recheck heo'ké / heo'kev?? / heo'kėhév?? Category: check, speak.
-heo'kévo'eétahe vai. silly - do something. É-heo'kévo'eétahe. He is doing something silly. Ques: recheck heo'ké / heo'kev?? show-ffy?? Category: check, do.
heó'ȯhtáto na. 1 • salamander, lizard, water puppy. a kind of lizard; sometimes translated as 'water puppy'. Heó'ȯhtátóne móno'eana'ȯhevóhe. Lizards must be falling. (This has traditionally been said when it is raining.) Heó'ȯhtátóne é'ȯhkeéetáho'né'ėstoveo'o, é'ȯhkėsáaho'ho'enáotséstovėhane. Salamanders were stepped on, (so then) you would not get a leg-ache. (a cultural belief). [1987:214] Plural heó'ȯhtátóne; Obviative heó'ȯhtátóne. Etym: cf *ka·xkata·lya·kwa. See: háo'táoohēso. Category: animals.
2 • Salamander. Category: names.
-heo'ȯhtátónevóma'é vai. lizard-painted. É-heo'ȯhtátónévómá'e. He is lizard-painted. See: -háo'táoohesonevóma'é. Category: paint.
heóm- i. excessive, too much. Particle heómesto.
heómaa'e p. too much. éstamóneéemá'sepėhévemé'ėstomóénóvȯse tséohkeévė-heta'ósánéto heómaa'eȯhtȧhestanee'ėstse then he told them everything about it (drink), how it affects you too much if you take it. [1987:56] Category: quantity.
-heómaeta vai. too big. É-heómaeta. He is too big. vii: -heómao'ó. See: -ma'haeta. Category: size.
-heómao'ó vii. too big. É-heómaō'o. It is too big. vai: -heómaeta. See: -ma'hao'ó. Category: size.
heóme- pv. excessively, too much, overly. Néosee-heómėháoho'hōva. You made it too hot. É-heómeomáta'ehe. He is overly angry. É-heómema'xemésehe. He ate too much. É-heómeome He is too fat. É-heómeoseehehpea'xaóhtȧheo'o. They are overly polite (some whites are considered such by Cheyennes). Initial heóm-. See: heómėse-; heómesto; hóó'ėstse. Etym: *wesa·mi. Category: quantity.
-heómenome vai. sleep excessively. Ná-heómenome. I slept too much. É-heómenome. He slept too much. Etym: *wesa·menkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-heómeome vai. too fat. É-heómeome. He is too fat. Synonym -éšeome. Category: body.
heómėse- pv. excess, against good advice, without good judgement. Nėstsevé'-heómėsevona'ėstséháévo! Don't let (the whiteman) take you in too much! [1987:13] Násáa-heómėseta'vóóhtóhe héne tsénėheto'eétȧhénove. I did not actually see that performance of the ceremony. (1987:96). mónáme'-heómėsénėheve (sen?) I wouldn't actually say that. [FAMILY.TXT] Ná-heómėsenėhešéve. I did it against good advice. See: -o'ȯse; -a's; -a't.
-heómėsenehe vai. excess food. É-heómėsenehe. He had too much food. Ques: is it only of food?? Category: check. See: -háesenehe.
heómesto p. too many. Heómesto kȧsováaheho móhvésena'hehevóhe. Too many young men had also been killed (for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn). Preverb heóme-. See: háesto ‘many’. Category: quantity.
-heómėstȯhanené vai. too many things to do - have. É-heómėstȯhanēne. He has too many things to do. Ques: recheck?? See: -háestȯhanené. Category: do, check.
-heómėsto'eétahe vai. make a mistake. É-heómėsto'eétahe. He made a mistake.?? Ques: recheck all glosses in this entry?? Category: do, check.
-heómo'eétahe vai. overreact ?? É-heómo'eétahe. He overreacted. ?? [pd787] See: -hehpo'eétahe; -hehpanené. Category: do, check.
-heómo'enohe vai. eat too much, overeat. É-heómo'enohe. He ate too much. fai: -o'enohe. Category: eat.
-heómotsehe vai. smoke too much. É-heómotsehe. He smokes too much. Etym: *wesa·malwesowa (P); cf. M osa·manosaw. fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.
-he-onéhavo'eehe inc.n. have drum; be the drummer. especially said of the person who is in charge of the drum at a peyotemeeting. É-he-onéhavo'eehe. He has the drum. tsé-he-onéhavo'eestse drummer. Lit: the one that has the drum IndepNoun onéhavo'e. Category: ceremonial, drum.
-héose vai. accustomed to cold, used to cold. É-héose. He is accustomed to the cold. Ná-héose. I can stand the cold. Initial hé-10 ‘accustomed to’; Final -ose; Antonym -ta'pose. Etym: *ši·patiwa ‘he is resistant to cold, endures the cold'’. Category: temperature, record.
Héoseamėšké'héhe na. Tallow Woman. Category: names.
-héoseotse vii. become congealed. for example, of grease, cheese, blood. É-héoseotse. It congealed. Category: texture.
-héóso vii. congealed. especially of fat, cheese, cooking grease. É-héóso. It is congealed. See: -héoseotse. Category: cook.
heóv- i. yellow.
héováéso pro. Gram: pl Gram: indef (inan. & an.?? various things. Category: check. héováéso tséheševetovátoo'ėstse (various) shapes. Singular héováestse. Category: quantity.
héováéstse p. various, kinds. indefinite pronoun type of particle; requires a following relative root or preverb. Variant: héovȧhtse. héováéstse hešėhováhne all kinds of animals. [1987:246] héováéstse heševé'kėseho various kinds of birds. héováéstse tséhetó'o'ee'ėstse flowers (plants of various kinds). Héováéstse éhetȯxē'e. He is face-painted a variety of colors. Héováéstse é-hetoemeo'o. They (an.) have different prices. Héováéstse néhe'enėstsémáne. We speak different languages. See: héovȧhtse; héováéso. Category: quantity.
héováestsé- pv. various, all kinds. indefinite pronoun type of particle; requires a following relative root or preverb. É'ȯhkėxaenėše-héováestsėhešėpopėhévó'tse. He would put it different ways (on his head). [The Hat.014] See: héovȧtse; héováéso. Category: quantity.
Heóvaestse vai. Gram: ppl Yellow. Phon: shortened form of Vé'késo Ȯxheóvaestse 'Yellowbird' Category: names.
héováéstse tséhetó'o'ee'ėstse vii. flowers. Lit: various kinds how they grow See: tsépėhévėstséavó'o'e. Category: plants.
heóvȧhá'enēō'o ni. toaster. Category: new, cook.
heóvȧhá'enestȯtse ni. toaster. Category: new, cook.
-heóvahe vai. be yellow. É-heóvahe. He is yellow. Etym: cf *weso·siwa (P). É-heóvȧheo'o. They (animate) are yellow. vii: -heóvó. Usage: A few speakers confuse this word with -óvahe 'coward'. Others confuse the two words deliberately to be funny. See: -óvahe. Category: colors.
Heóvȧhéso na. Little Yellow. a woman's name. Ques: Mrs. Medicinebird Category: names.
-heóvȧho'há vti. dye yellow s.t. É-heóvȧhó'ha. He dyed it yellow. Category: cook.
-heóvȧho'he vai. toasted, cooked yellow. É-heóvȧho'he. He is toasted. Lit: yellow by heat Etym: *wesa·wehθaɁsowa. Lit: yellow-by.heat Category: cook.
-heóvȧho'h(n) vta. dye yellow s.o. É-heóvȧho'hnóho. He dyed him yellow. Category: cook.
-heóvȧhó'ta vii. toasted. Lit: yellow-heated É-heóvȧhó'ta. It is toasted. Lit: yellow by heat Etym: *wesa·wehθaɁte·wi.
héovȧhtse p. various kinds. Variant: héováéstse. seems to require a following relative verb or relative preverb on a noun, for example: Héovȧhtse mó'ȯhkėhešėhohtóvȧhevóhe. They traded different things. [1987:18] Héovȧhtse éhe'enėstseo'o. They speak various languages. [1987:115] Énėx=héovȧhtse=hešema'heónetanoo'o -ma'heóno'eétȧheo'o. They had different (various) religions, they did religious ceremonies. [1987:115] héovȧhtse hešėhováhne various kinds of animals. héovȧhtse éhesónėstse various kinds (of weeds) they were (1987:238). See: héováéso; oóxhésta. Category: quantity.
-heóva'é vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvá'e. He has yellow hair. [pd263] Etym: *wesa·wexkwe·wa. Category: hair, colors.
Heóva'éhe na. Yellowhair. Category: names.
Heóvá'é'e na. Yellowhair Woman. Category: names.
Heóvá'é'ke na. Yellowhair Woman. Category: names.
-heóvan vti. make s.t. yellow. É-heóvána. He made it yellow. Etym: *wesa·wenamwa.
vta. make s.o. yellow. É-heóvanáho. He made him yellow. Etym: *wesa·wene·wa. Category: colors.
heóvȧséhe na. yellow body nit. Lit: yellow-bellied-one Plural heóvȧsėheo'o; Obviative heóvȧséheho. See: henenó'se ‘nits’. Category: bugs.
heóve- pv. yellow. Etym: *wesa·wi. heóve-amėške butter (lit. yellow-lard). heóvema'xeme orange (lit. yellow-fruit).
Heóveaénohe na. Yellow Hawk. Category: names.
heóveamȧho'héhe na. school bus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse; ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: school.
heóveamȧho'hestȯtse ni. schoolbus. Lit: yellow-car See: heóveameohestȯtse; ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse; heóveamȧho'héhe; mȯxe'ėstóneamȧho'héhe. Category: transportation.
heóveame ni. butter. (another pronunciation) Variant: heóveamėške. Category: food, Oklahoma.
heóveameohestȯtse ni. schoolbus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
heóveamėške ni. butter. (another recording) Lit: yellow-lard Variant: heóveame. Category: food.
heóveaxeohōva na. yellow catfish. See: ȧxeohōva ‘catfish’. Category: fish.
heóveénȧháno ni. corn meal. Category: food. Lit: yellow-pudding See: énȧháno.
Heóvéésá'e na. Yellow Nose Woman. Category: names.
Heóveeséhe na. Yellow Nose. Category: names.
-heóvėhahénohá vti. color s.t. yellow. É-heóvėhahénóha. He colored it yellow. Category: colors.
heóvėháhnoma na. yellow wasp, wasp. See: háhnoma ‘bee’. Category: bugs.
heóvėhátseške na. yellow ant. Category: bugs.
heóvėheséeo'ȯtse ni. yellow medicine. Category: plants.
heóvėhestaahtsémeno na. Gram: pl yellow currants. Variant: heóvėhestaahtsémenȯtse. See: heso'xėhestaahtsémeno. Category: berries.
heóvėhestaahtsémenó'ėstse ni. yellow currant bushes. Category: plants, berries.
heóvėhestaahtsémenȯtse ni. Gram: pl yellow currants. Lit: yellow-branched-berries Variant: heóvėhestaahtsémeno. Category: colors, berries.
Heóvėhó'nehe na. Yellow Wolf. Synonym Hó'nehe Heóvaestse. Category: names.
heóvėhó'oohémȧhóó'o na. pumpkin. Lit: yellow-cooking-melon Category: food.
Heóvėhoomáhe na. Yellow Robe. Category: names.
Heóveké'háso na. Yellow Plume. See: ké'háso ‘plume’. Category: names.
Heóveke'héhe na. Yellow - ?? a man's name. Category: names, check.
Heóvé'e na. Yellow Woman. Diminutive Heóvé'ke. Category: names.
Heóve'éxanéhe na. Yellow Eyes. See: -heóvemenoo'éxáne. Category: names.
Heóve'haméhe na. Yellow Horse. Category: names.
Heóve'hamé'e na. Yellow Horse Woman. Ques: Mary Teeth ?? Category: check, names.
Heóvé'ke na. Little Yellow Woman. Non-diminutive Heóvé'e. Category: names.
heóvemȧhōō'o na. pumpkin, cantelope. another recording Variant: heóvėhó'oohémȧhóó'o. Category: food.
Heóvema'ėhóóhe na. Yellow Fox. See: Ma'ėhóóhe. Category: names.
heóvema'kaata ni. brass. Lit: yellow-metal Category: metal.
heóvemá'xeme na. orange (fruit), lemon. inanimate in Oklahoma dialect. Plural heóvema'xemeno, heóvema'xemenȯtse (in Oklahoma); Obviative heóvema'xemeno. Category: fruit.
heóvemá'xeme tséhá'haaéneestse vii. lemon. Lit: yellow-big-fruit that.which.sour.taste Plural heóvema'xemeno tséhá'haaénėhese, heóvema'xemeno tséhá'haaénėhese.
heóvema'xemenémahpe ni. orange juice. Category: drink.
heóvema'xemenémahpe tséhá'haeéno'e vii. lemonade. Lit: yellow-big-fruit-water that.which.sour.tastes See: heóvema'xemenémahpe ‘orange juice’. Category: drink.
Heóvemé'hahtse na. Yellow Beard. Ques: George SE's father, Henry Standing Elk Category: names.
heóvemé'šeméhne na. yellow caterpillar. Category: bugs.
-heóvemenoo'éxáne vai. have yellow eyes. É-heóvemenoo'éxáne. He has yellow eyes. See: Heóve'éxanéhe ‘Yellow Eyes’. Category: eyes, colors.
heóvemo'óhta'e na. rutabaga. Lit: yellow-turnip Plural heóvemo'ȯhtá'éne. The plural is also a less common term for 'carrots' than anonévee'tose. See: mo'óhta'e ‘turnip’. Category: food, check.
Heóvemoméhe'xa'éhe na. Yellow Tangled Hair. origin of name Yellow Hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: names.
Heóvenáhkohe na. Yellow Bear. Category: names.
-heóvéné vai. yellow face; jaundiced face. É-heóvéne. He has a yellow/jaundiced face. Etym: *wesa·wi·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. Etym: cf. O osaawinezi (N). Category: face.
-heóvenėšėho'he vai. have yellow fever. É-heóvenėšėho'he. He has yellow fever. Usage: This is a loan transl. which apparently has been used in the past See: -nėšėho'he. Category: sickness.
-heóveóhta vai. have yellow leg. É-heóveóhta. His leg is yellow/jaundiced. Etym: *wesa·wika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhta4. Category: sickness, colors.
-heóveoxa'ohe vii. be beaded yellow. É-heóveoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are mainly beaded yellow. Category: designs.
-heóvėsané vai. dressed yellow. É-heóvėsáne. He is dressed in yellow clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
heóvėsé'táhe na. cottontail rabbit. Lit: yellow-feet-one Plural heóvėsé'tȧheo'o, heóvėsé'tȧheo'o; Obviative heóvėsé'tȧheho, heóvėsé'tȧheho. See: aénȯhevóhkóóhe; vóhkoohéh. Category: animals.
Heóvėsta'é'e na. Yellow Headed Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
heóvėstséávó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl dandelions. Lit: yellow-headed-weeds Category: plants.
-heóvėstséávo'o'e vii. be a yellow flower, yellow flowers (any kind). Lit: yellow-headed-vegetation É-heóvėstséavo'o'e It is a yellow rose. tsé-heóvėstséavo'o'e rose/that which is a yellow-headed plant. tsé-heóvėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse yellow flowers. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: plants.
Heóvėškemȧsėhá'e na. Yellow Crazy Woman. Category: names.
Heóvėškevé'ho'e na. Yellow Whiteman. Category: names.
heóvetoóomȧše'šestȯtse ni. Mountain Dew, Mellow Yellow. Lit: yellow-cold-drink Category: new.
heóvevé'ho'e na. king (of cards). Lit: yellow-ve'ho'e Variant: tséma'xevéhonevėstse ‘'king (lit. the one who is the big chief)'’. Category: cards.
Heóvevé'késo na. Yellowbird. See: Vé'késȯxheóvaestse. Category: names.
-heóvó vii. yellow. seems originally to have included hue toward brown. É-heóvo. It is yellow. Etym: *wesa·we·wi (P). Category: colors.
-heóvoestá vai. wear a yellow dress. seems originally to have included hue toward brown. É-heóvóésta. She is wearing a yellow dress. Final oestá1; IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: colors, dress.
heóvȯhkȧho'héome ni. tepee with yellow ornaments. Final -ome.
Heóvȯhkȧho'hēso na. Little Grayish Yellow Bird. Exact translation uncertain but this is probably close. Category: names.
heóvȯhkȧho'hé-vé'késo na. canary, flycatcher. Lit: yellow-blended(?)-bird Plural heóvȯhkȧho'héve'kėseho; Obviative heóvȯhkȧho'héve'kėseho. Category: birds.
-heóvȯhkóome vii. be yellow liquid. that is, liquor; alcohol. É-heóvȯhkóome. It is yellow liquid. Etym: *wesa·wa·kamyiwi (P). "Nėstsėho'a'ó'tóénóvo tséheóvȯhkóome naa tsema'kóome," éxhesėstse. "Yellow and red liquid (alcohol) will come to you (pl)," (Sweet Medicine) said. [1987:12] Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
-heóvȯhtȧheve vii. have a yellow design. É-heóvȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a yellow design.
vai. have a yellow design. Hoóhtseto éasė-heóvȯhtȧhéveo'o. The trees are beginning to turn yellow (orange, brown, etc., especially in the fall). Final -ȯhtȧhéve. Category: designs, colors.
heóvó'ėsá'e na. buffalo calf. Lit: yellow calf Variant: heóvó'kėsá'e; Plural heóvo'ėsa'eho; Obviative heóvo'ėsa'eho. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
heóvo'ha na. sorrel, yellow horse. Etym: *wesa·waʔθemwa. Category: horses.
Heóvo'hāme na. Yellow Horse. Category: names.
-heóvo'kėhaná vai. wear yellow shoes. É-heóvo'kėhāna. He is wearing yellow shoes. Etym: *wesa·waxkesene·wa (P). Category: shoes.
heóvo'kemé'šeméhne na. little yellow caterpillar. Category: bugs.
heóvó'kėsá'e na. buffalo calf. Lit: yellow calf Variant: heóvó'ėsá'e; Plural heóvo'kėsa'eho; Obviative heóvo'kėsa'eho. Category: animals.
-heóvóma'é vai. painted yellow, yellow painted. É-heóvómá'e. He is painted yellow. [The Corn and Meat.008] fai: -óma'é. Category: colors.
-heóvoneehe vai. yellow ropelike. É-heóvoneehe. He (something ropelike) is yellow. Etym: *wesa·wa·pye·kesiwa (P). Medial ón. Category: ropelike, colors.
heóvonehe na. yellow paint. See: ho'éheóvonehe. Category: paint.
Heóvonėheo'hé'e ni. Muddy Creek, Yellow Paint River. Lit: yellow-paint-creek This is the namee for both the creek and district on the Northern Cheyenne reservation. This creek is a tributary of the Rosebud Creek. It is also the name of a tributary of the Purgatory River in Colorado. Category: places, rivers.
Heóvonėheo'hé'e tséhéstȧhese vai. Gram: part Muddy Creek people. Lit: lit. those who are from Muddy Creek Category: district.
Heóvonėheo'hé'etane na. Muddy Creek person. Usage: not commonly used Plural Heóvonėheo'hé'etaneo'o. Category: district.
-heóvonené vai. have yellow teeth. É-heóvonēne. He has yellow teeth. Etym: *wesa·wa·pite·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.
-heóvoome vii. be yellow liquid. É-heóvoome. It is yellow liquid. Etym: *wesa·wa·kamyiwi. Éx-heóvoométsénėse. It was a yellow liquid. [1987:55] Category: liquid.
-heóvová vai. yellow furred, have a yellow hide. É-heóvóva. He has yellow fur. BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
-heóvovése vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvovése. He has yellow hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: body, hair.
-heóvȯxé'e vai. yellow painted face. É-heóvȯxé'e. He is face-painted yellow. Category: face, colors.
hés na. fly. Phon: This is not a complete word. Gram: obv allomorph of /hésé/ 'fly'.
-hesané vai. say (to the people). Éx-hesanesėstse. He (Sweet Medicine) said (to the people). [1987:8:39; 1987:12] See: -mé'ėstomósané; -he; -heve; -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
hesé- i. ridge.
hése- pv. why, from there, from where, because. Hénová'éto tsé-hésea'xaameto? Why are you crying? Hénáá'e tsé-héseoomȯse? Why did you hit him? nomȧhéstó'e tsé-hésėhoo'ėse tséováxėstse one who dreamed was from the south (1980:2:6). É-hésėho'ēhne. That's the reason why he came. Néške'éehe heške vé'ho'ká'e éxheševéhe móx-hésenėheševéhehéhetséhvé'ho'á'evėse. My grandmother's mother, White Woman, she was named. She was given that name becauses he was half whiteman. (1987:31). Hénėhéóhe ná-hésėhéhene'ēna That's where I came to learn it. Hénová'e tsé-hóseoomȯse? Why did you hit him? Phon: nl Usage: A few speakers say hóse- instead of hése-: Variant: hóse-. Etym: *wenci; O onji- (N). See: -héstahe; homá'xe-; vé'-; vé'še-.
hése na. fly (insect). (another recording) Simplified Spelling hiss. Plural héseo'o, (another recording); Obviative heso. Etym: *we·cye·wa. Category: bugs.
-hese ni. foot (poss). má-hese foot. ná-hese my foot. [Hayden 1862:302; Smith 1949:83; Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] Usage: These words for foot and feet are not known by any speaker today. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. Plural ma-hesȯtse ??. Plural hehesȯtse ??. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -htséhese ‘foot (poss)’; heheso ‘hoofs’. Etym: *nesici ‘my foot’. Category: body.
hes(e)- i. cramp, jerk. Etym: *wetipiθekowa ‘he has a cramp’.
-heséehe vai. move camp to a ridge. É-heséehe. He moved camp to a ridge. fai: -eehe. See: -heseehe. Category: camp.
-heseehe vta. Gram: pass pulled. É-heseehe. He is being pulled. vta: -heseet. See: -heséehe ‘move camp to a ridge’. Category: move.
Heséehé'e na. Ridgewalker, Ridge Camp. man's name; usually translated as Ridgewalker. Obviative Heséehé'éva. Category: names.
-heseené'same vai. have nits, nits - have. Éma'xė-heseené'same. He has lots of nits. Ques: end with same or sane?? Synonym -henénó'sané; Possessive -htsenenó'same. See: he-; hestaeme. Category: sickness, hair, check.
heséeo'ȯtse ni. medicine, herb. This is a general term for herbal medicines and has been applied to non-herbal medicines for many years. Étaohkenaestómaneo'o étaohkeéeho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstseéohkeéemanéstóvénėstse nóonétse'o étaohkeéveévapėhéveotsénove oóxéstaétaohkeévȧhestanánove. (Indian doctors) would doctor, they would brew up some herbal medicines. You would drink(this), incidentally, you got well, you were O.K. again. [1987:213] Phon: vs Plural heséeōtsėstse; AlternatePlural heséeotȯtse; Possessive -htsėséeotame. See: heséo'ho; hesótseve. Etym: *wečye·pihki ‘root’. Category: medicine.
Heséeotá'e na. Medicine Woman, Herb Woman. See: Ma'ėséeotá'e; Ma'xėheséeotá'e. Category: names.
-heséeotame vai. medicate, use something as medicine. Náohkė-heséeotame. I use it for medicine.
heséeotsé- pv. medicine. heséeotséve'ho'e doctor.
heséeotséhe'kȯhevahtȯtse ni. hypodermic needle. See: he'kȯhevahtȯtse. Category: sickness.
heséeotséhohtóvamȧhēō'o ni. drugstore. Category: buildings.
heséeotsémȧhéó'o ni. drugstore, hospital, clinic. Lit: medicine-house Some speakers prefer to use this word for 'drugstore' and naa'émȧhéó'o for 'hospital'. See: naa'émȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
-heséeotsémea'xe vai. smell of medicine, medicine smell. É-heséeotsémea'xe. He smells of medicine. Category: smell.
heséeotsétsėhetaneonēō'o ni. medical instrument. Plural heséeotsétsėhetaneonȯtse. Ques: rerecord the plural?? Category: sickness, check.
-heséeotseve vii. be medicine. É-heséeotseve. It is a medicine gourd. É-heséeotseve šé'šeno. The gourd is medicine.
heséeotséve'ho'e na. doctor, physician, pharmacist, druggist. Lit: medicine-ve'ho'e See: naa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
heséeotséve'ho'sēō'o ni. medicine cabinet. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. Plural heséeotséve'ho'seonȯtse. Category: containers.
heseesēō'o ni. Gram: pl tug. Plural heseeseonȯtse. See: -heseestsé ‘pull s.t.’. Lit: pulling(.things) Category: harness.
-heseestsé vti. pull s.t. É-heseēstse. He pulled it. See: -hestseestsé ‘wound s.t. by pulling’; -hesta'hahtsé ‘jerk s.t.’. vta: -heseet. Category: move.
-heseet vta. pull s.o. É-heseetóho. He pulled him. vti: -heseestsé. See: -heseehe ‘pulled’. Etym: cf. *wencipiθwe·wa. Category: move.
-héseh vta. Gram: ditrans fight s.o. over something. É-hésėhóho. He fought him over it. Ná-hésého. I fought him over it. Ná-hésėhaa'e. He fought me over it. See: -hésetȧhtsé'tov; -méót; -hésėševáen; -heseh ‘blame s.o.’. Category: violence.
-heseh vta. blame s.o. É-hesėhóho. He blamed him. See: -ho'é'et ‘accuse s.o., blame s.o.’; -héseh ‘fight s.o. over something’. Category: interpersonal.
-hesėhahtáotse vai. have cramps in foot. É-hesėhahtáotse. He has cramps in his feet. BodyPartMedial -ahtá. Category: body.
-hesėhahtsé vti. 1 • inhale s.t., sniff s.t. É-hesėhāhtse. He inhaled it. for example, sniffing a gassy smell.
2 • eat. humorous figurative language for eating. Náéšeáahtse'-hesėhāhtse. I already ate. Lit: I already inhaled it. See: -mȧhaést. Category: body function, smell, figurative.
-hesėhe'onáotse vai. have cramps in hands. É-hesėhe'onáotse. He has cramps in his hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná; Initial hes(e)-. Category: hands, sickness.
-hése'há vai. fly from there. Énėx-hésé'ha. He flew from there. Category: fly.
-hése'háoohe vai. fly from there quickly. Énėx-hése'háoohe. He flew quickly from there. Category: fly.
hesé'ome 1 • ni. ridge. See: heseno; -heséohtsé. Category: environment. Etym: *wehšye·xkamikwi (P).
2 • na. Ridge. man's name. Variant: Hosé'ome. Category: names.
Hesé'omeehénȧhkohe na. Ridge Bear. Ques: P.J. Wilson Variant: Hesé'omeenȧhkohe. Category: names.
hesé'omēē'e ni. Gram: loc at the ridge. Variant: hesé'omééno. Category: positions.
Hesé'omeénȧhkohe na. Ridge Bear. Variant: Hesé'omeehénȧhkohe. Category: names.
Hesé'omeétane na. Ridge person. Plural Hesé'omeétaneo'o. This was a group of Cheyennes who lived on a ridge. Eventually, they were regarded as a band with this label. Category: bands.
-hese'pa'onáotse vai. have cramps in the back. É-hese'pa'onáotse. He has cramps in his back. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; Initial hes(e)- ‘cramp’. Category: sickness.
hesé'se ni. gristle, ligament, tendon. Hēā'e hesé'se némese. Maybe you are eating gristle. Possessive -htsėsé'same; Plural hese'sȯtse. Etym: *wecye·ʔci. Category: meat.
-hesé'seve vii. gristly. É-hesé'seve. It is gristly. Etym: *wečye·ʔčiwiwi ??.
vai. gristly. Category: meat.
-hesem vta. take (or bring) s.o. by speaking. É-hesemóho He took (or brought) him by speaking. See: -hestsem. Category: speak.
-hésemȧho'hé vai. sing braveheart war song(s), serenade. These songs emboldened warriors and those left behind in the camp when the warriors were gone. ?? Category: check. É-hésemȧhō'he. He sang braveheart songs. See: momáta'énoo'ȯtse ‘braveheart song’; -némené ‘sing’. Category: sing.
-hésemȧho'hénoné vai. sing a braveheart song. É-hésemȧho'hénóne. He is singing a braveheart song. fai: -noné. Category: sing, warfare.
hésemȧho'hénootȯtse ni. Gram: pl braveheart songs. fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: warfare, sing.
-hésemȧho'hénoov vta. sing a braveheart war song to s.o. Ná-hésemȧho'hénoōvo. I sang a braveheart war song to him. Category: sing.
-heseme vai. gasp. for example, the involuntary gasp or quiver for air of a child some time after they have cried for a while. É-heseme. He gasped.
-heseméohe vai. pull. especially of a horse pulling a wagon. É-heseméohe. He is pulling. Final -méohe. See: -héseméohe.
-héseméohe vai. run from there. É-héseméohe. He ran from there. fai: -méohe. See: -heseméohe. Category: run.
heseméohéstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl doubletree, singletree. Lit: pull.with-things ?? Category: check. See: amėstoéseo'o. Category: harness.
Hesénȧhéstó'éno loc. eastern country. Hesénȧhéstó'éno énėxho'eōhtse. He comes from an eastern place. [pd424] hesénȧhéstó'éno tsénėxhéstȧhese those who are from the east. [pd424] sétóve hesénȧhéstó'éno naa notāma northeast. [pd424] sétóve hesénȧhéstó'éno naa sóvóne southeast. Category: places.
-hesena'évaotse vai. cramps in arms. É-hesena'évaotse. He has cramps in his arms. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: sickness.
heséne p. east. Grinnell 1923, Vol. i·, says this is a ceremonial term for 'east'; not well known today;today, the most commonly known term is descriptive, éše'he tsénėxhése-mé'éhnėstse, meaning 'from wherethe sun appears'. This term was also known in Petter's day. There is also an animate ceremonial alternate, Hesénȯhta'héhe. See: éše'he tsénėxhése-mé'éhnėse ‘east (where the sun appears)’; Hesénȯhtȧhé'héhe ‘East’. Category: directions.
-héséné vai. face come from there. for example, from that side of the family. É-héséne. His face comes from there. BodyPartMedial -éné ‘face’. Category: face.
Hesénénóváhe na. East Spirit. This is a ceremonial word. It refers to the sacred power of the east. See: heséne; Nóváhe. Category: sacred.
heseno ni. ridge. Ques: heséno ?? Category: check. See: hesé'ome. Etym: cf. M ohsi·ya·hkiw. Category: environment.
Hesénȯhtȧhé'héhe na. East. This is a ceremonial word. It refers to the sacred power of the east. See: heséne ‘east’; éše'he tsénėxhése-mé'éhnėstse ‘east (where the sun appears)’. Category: sacred.
-he-séno'ėhasené vai. have a pin. can refer to wearing a brass pin on a coat. É-heséno'ėhaseneo'o They have pins/barrettes (can also be a brass pin on a coat). See: he- ‘have’; séno'ėhasēō'o ‘pin, broach, barrette’. Category: hair, hair.
-hesenómaotse vai. have cramps in thigh. Ná-hesenómaotse. I have cramps in my thigh. BodyPartMedial -nómá. See: -hestónȧhaotse. Category: body.
-hésenōne vai. sing from there. É-hésenōne. He sang from that; OR, he sang because of that. Category: sing.
-hesenotováotse vai. have cramp(s) in the neck. Ná-hesenotováotse. I have a cramp in my neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: sickness, body.
-heseoesta'xe vai. jerk quickly, start. For example, if the phone rings while you are asleep and you jerk from being startled. Ná-heseoesta'xe. I jerked. Category: motion.
-heseoestoh(n) vta. 1 • suck quickly out of s.o. done by medicine men, to suck poison or blood out of someone. É-heseoestȯhnóho. He sucked it out of him.
2 • have oral sex on a man. See: -ó'enéhenáh(n). Category: sex, vulgar, sickness.
-heséohtsé vai. walk on ridge. É-heséóhtse. He walked on the ridge. Category: walk.
heséo'ho ni. root. Plural heséo'honȯtse, heséeohonȯtse ??. Category: check. Ques: heseo'o ?? Category: check. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: hesótseve; heséeo'ȯtse. Category: trees.
heséotamo na. his departed spirit. Possessive -séotame. Category: death.
-heseotse vai. have cramps; convulse, be shocked (electrically). É-heseotse. He has cramps / convulsions. (another recording) Éáhanė-heseotse. He died of convulsions. Nėstsė-heseotse. (Don't touch the outlet!) You will go into convulsions. É-heseotseo'o namo'ėškono. My fingers have cramps. Final -otse. Etym: *wetipisowa ‘he is pulled in; he has a cramp’; cf. M ocpaahosow 'he has a cramp' (Pe79.384). See: -hese'pa'onáotse; -heškóhtaotse; -hesėsa'xe. Category: sickness.
ni. sand. hle; this entry and several others exhibit a pitch rule of High Leveling (HLe); anexpected low pitch, usually on the antepenultimate vowel, will be raised to a high ifpreceded and followed by phonetic (surface) highs. Some other forms showing HLe areé-vóósáne /é-vóosané/ 'he saw'; šéstótó'e /šéhtotó'é/ 'evergreen tree', Ónónéno'Ree district'. This rule is similar to the rule of LHR, described in W. Leman 1981 andillustrated in this dictionary under the entry póéso 'cat'. HLe is not as "neat" a rule asLHR; its structural description is not as tidy, or easy to formulate, but it is definitely apart of Cheyenne pitch behavior. Etym: *le·kawaxkyi (P); *le·kaw- 'sand' + -axky- 'earth' (possible etyma) (Go88). See: Ma'xėheséovo'éo'hé'e; né'oma'e. Category: environment.
Heséovó'eo'hé'ke ni. Gram: obl Sand Creek, Big Sandy Creek. site of the terrible Sand Creek Massacre by the U.S. Army led by Col. John Chivington. The soldiers murdered more than 230 Cheyennes and Arapahoes, many of them elders, women, and children. See: Pónoeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
-heséovó'eve vii. be sandy. É-heséovó'eve. It is sandy. Category: texture, environment.
heséovó'evo'honáeo'o na. Gram: pl gravel. Lit: sandy-rocks See: ho'honáá'e.
Heséovó'ká'e na. Sandy Hair Woman, Sandy Head Woman. Category: names.
-heséovó'ma'o'e vii. be sandy ground. É-heséovó'ma'o'e. It is sandy ground. Etym: *le·kawa·mexkye·wi. Category: environment.
heséóxe p. at the doorway. Antonym vá'ȯhtáma. See: he'nétóóne. Category: tepee.
-hesėsȧhtsena'xe vai. have twitching on the mouth. É-hesėsȧhtsena'xe. He has twitching on his mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, mouth.
-hesėsa'ham vta. cause s.o. to shake. as of a person bothered by an evil spirit. Éhma'semȧhe-hesėsa'hamósesto hetanóho. He (evil spirit) shook the man. [Mark 1:28; JG] fta: -a'ham. Category: throw.
-hesėsa'xe vai. have palsy; have a stroke, convulse; jerk. shaking from sickness or excitement. É-hesėsa'xe. He has palsy. Category: sickness.
-hesėsemȧho'tá vii. scorched. É-hesėsemȧho'tánėstse. They (inanimate) got scorched.
-hesėséne'še vai. have twitching in face. É-hesėséne'še. He has twitching in his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: body, face.
-hesėseváotse vai. have cramps in the calves. É-hesėseváotse. He has cramps in his calves. BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: sickness.
hesėsévávo p. Wow! Non-contracted hesėsévávónó'e.
hesėsévávónó'e p. Wow! Contracted hesėsévávo.
-hésėstanové vai. be living going on. Éma'heónė-hésėstanove. It is all spiritually created. Ques: héstanove?? The old people used to live this way; things were different concerning relations with animals, people could converse with animals, people would receive songs from animals, there were medicinal herbs, etc. See: -vonéstanove. Category: check, record.
hesėstse ni. his/her ass. Possessive -sėstse2. Category: body.
-hésėševáen vta. fight s.o. quickly over something. É-héšėševáenȧhtsénóvo. They fought over it quickly. [1987:262] Phon: assim fta: -éváen. See: -héseh.
-hesėškóhtaotse vai. have cramps in the legs. É-hesėškóhtaotse. He has cramps in his legs. Category: body.
-hésetȧhtsé'tov vta. fight s.o. over s.o. É-hésetȧhtsénovo. They fought over him/her. Éx-hésetȧhtsé'toesesto tsé'tóhe ésevono naa hestatanemo. This buffalo and her brother fought over her. [1987:304] See: -héseh. Category: violence.
-hesétam vta. Gram: rr think that way about s.o., wish that for s.o. ... é-hesétamóho. ... he thought that way about him. Etym: *eθe·leme·wa. Násáa-hesétamóhe. I don't care anything about him. vai: -hešetanó; vti: -hesétsestá. See: -nėhesétam; -hešetanó'tov; momóxe-. Category: cognition.
-hesetónȧhaotse vai. have cramps in the haunches, have cramps in the hips. É-hesetónȧhaotse. He has cramps in his haunch(es). Phon: often pronounced -hesėtónȧhaotse BodyPartMedial -tónaha. Category: sickness.
-hesétsestá vti. Gram: rr so think about s.t., think that way of s.t. ... é-hesétsésta. ... that is what he thinks about it. ... ná-hesétsésta. ... that is what I think about it. [1987:213] vai: -hešetanó; vta: -hesétam.
-hesétsėstahe vai. so think. Category: cognition, check.
-heseváen vti. pick up s.t., grab s.t., take s.t. urgently, snatch s.t. quicker, more urgent action than -hestan. É-heseváéna. He snatched it. (another recording) Néx-hėseváénȯhtse! Get it! Né'évȧhé-eseváénȯhtse! Go get it quickly!
vta. pick up s.o., arrest s.o., grab s.o., take s.o. urgently, snatch s.o. É-heseváenóho. He took him. Heseváeneha mé'ėševȯtse! Pick up the baby! Mó-heseváenėhéhe. He must have been arrested. [1987:286] See: -hestan; -héeseváen. Category: move.
-héseva'hahtsé vti. sling s.t. from ?? É-héseva'hāhtse. ?? He slung it from there. [pd981] Ques: throw it from there?? Category: throw, check.
-heséva'xe vai. Gram: rr sound that way, so sound; make that kind of noise. É-heséva'xe. ?? He made that kind of noise. vii: -hesévone. Category: sounds, check.
-hesévam vta. summon s.o. É-hesévamóho. He called him/he summoned him. Hó'ótóva néto'seévȧ-hesévamaene. Sometime (God) will call/summon us. See: -onóom; -mó'ot. Category: interpersonal.
-héseváoohe tséhna'noemetsėse vai. shoot from three-point line. É-héseváoohe tséhna'noemetsėse. He shot from the three-point line. Category: new, basketball.
hésévávónó'e wow. funny expression for something really amazing. Contracted sévávó; Non-contracted hesevávónó'e á'e hestonovónó'e. Category: sayings.
hésévávónó'e á'e hestonovónó'e Wow, it's like a drymeat rack! Ques: record?? Category: check. funny expression for something really amazing. Contracted sévávó, hésévávónó'e. Category: sayings.
hésevo na. calf (of leg), muscle meat. as meat, especially leg muscle; not considered choice meat. Plural hesevono; Possessive -htsėsevo; BodyPartMedial -sevá. Phon: iah ?? Etym: cf *nehtiwa 'my calf' (P). Category: meat, body, check.
-hésevone vii. sound from there. É-hésevone. The sound is coming from that direction. Énėx-hésevone. The sound is coming (here) from that direction. Category: sounds.
-hesevoneve vai. be calf (of leg). É-hesevoneve. It is a calf (of leg). Category: body, check.
heske ni. his/her mother. Usage: The pronunciation of heške is more common. Variant: heške. Category: relatives.
-hesó vii. Gram: rr be that way, be so, that way - be. ... é-héso. ... that is how it is. Etym: *ešye·wi > (P) **išye·wi (L). Étsė-héso. It is this way. Énė-héso. It is that way. Násáahéne'enóhénóne tsé-héso. We do not know what it is like. [1987:550] vai: -hesta. See: -hesóotse; -hésó. Category: identity.
-hésó vii. be from there, there - be from. É-héso. It is from there. That is identical in pronunciation to é-héso 'that is how it is'. Hákó'e móx-hésȯhanéhe. (The story) must be from long ago. [1980:4:2] See: -hesó.
hesó'x- i. slippery, smooth. É-hesó'xána. He made it slick. É-hesó'xoovōhtse. He made it slippery with water. É-hesó'xoma'o'e. It is slick ground/the ground is slippery. Category: texture.
-hesó'xahe vai. 1 • be slippery, be smooth. É-hesó'xahe. He is slippery. Etym: *weša·Ɂšesiwa (P). Nóma'he é-hesó'xahe The fish is slippery. (adapted from PD981).
2 • flipflop. Ho'honáá'e mó-hesó'xȧhehéhe. The rock must be slippery. That is an idiom meaning 'he flipflopped'. This would be especially said of someone who didn't follow through on their decision or relationship, such as their marriage relationship. The word for 'rock' can be omitted, and the remaining verb still used in this idiomatic sense. vii: -hesó'xó. Category: figurative, sayings.
-hesó'xȧho'hová vai. iron. É-hesó'xȧho'hōva. She ironed. Usage: said to be a So. Ch. term Variant: -hesó'xȯhené. Lit: smooth-by.heat Category: housework.
hesó'xȧho'hovahtȯtse ni. iron. Lit: smooth-by.heat-thing Variant: hesó'xȯhéó'o. Category: tools.
-hesó'xa'omohta vii. be icy. for example, on the road. É-hesó'xa'omohta. It is icy. for example, on the road. See: -ma'oméve. Category: environment.
-hesó'xan vti. smooth, make slippery, polish s.t./s.o. É-hesó'xána. He made it slick. Etym: *weša·Ɂšenamwa.
vta. Etym: *weša·Ɂšene·wa (P). É-hesó'xanóho. He smoothed him out. Ná-hesó'xáno. I made her slippery (this can refer to causing a woman to be lubricated in the vagina prior tointercourse). See: -hesó'xoh(n); -é'komeotse; -mȧhóová. Category: surface, sex.
-hesó'xea'e vii. smooth in texture. É-hesó'xea'e. It is smooth in texture. fii: -ea'e. Category: texture.
-hesó'xea'ešé vai. slide out. É-hesó'xea'ēše. He slid out. [PD] Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: -hesó'xeoha'eše ‘slip and slide falling??’. Category: check, motion.
-hesó'xeamená vti. lubricate s.t. so it is slippery ?? especially with grease or oil. É-hesó'xeamēna. ?? He make it slippery with grease. [pd981] Category: check, texture.
-hesó'xeesé vai. slippery nose. É-hesó'xeēse. He has a slippery nose. Usage: humorous Category: nose.
hesó'xėhestaahtseme na. Gram: pl currant. Lit: smooth-branched-berry Plural heso'xėhestaahtsémeno. See: hestaahtsémeno. Category: berries.
hesó'xėhestaahtsémeno na. Gram: pl currants. Lit: smooth-branched-berries See: hestaahtsémeno. Category: berries.
hesó'xėhestaahtséménó'e ni. currant bush. Plural hesó'xėhestaahtséménó'ėstse. Category: plants, berries.
hesó'xėho'enóse ni. rank weed with a yellow flower similar to sunflower, Chinese Chrysanthemum. Category: plants.
hesó'xemehne na. 1 • blue racer (snake). Lit: slippery-serpent See: mehne. Category: snakes.
2 • Slippery Monster. Category: names.
-hesó'xéné vai. shiny face. É-hesó'xéne. He has a shiny face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
hesó'xenó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl sunflowers. Lit: slippery-plants Category: plants.
-hesó'xenóno'e vii. look slippery, slippery look. É-hesó'xenóno'e. It looks slippery. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-hesó'xenóohe vai. look slick. É-hesó'xenóohe. He looks slick. for example, of a tarp (animate). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-hesó'xeoha'éšé vai. slip and fall. This is to slip on a slippery surface, such as ice, and fall. É-hesó'xeoha'éše. He slipped and fell down. See: -kóena'ešé; -hesó'xea'ešé. Category: motion, fall.
-hesó'xeohtsé vii. become slippery. É-hesó'xeōhtse. It got slippery. Category: texture.
-hesó'xeotse vii. become slippery, lubricated, smooth.
vai. become slippery, lubricated, smooth. É-hesó'xeotse. It/He became slippery. Etym: *weša·Ɂšipalyiwa (P). This can refer to a woman becoming lubricated in the vagina as part of intercourse. See: -mȧhóová; -é'komeotse. Category: sex.
hesó'xėšé'hóno na. Gram: pl oil cloth, tablecloth. Lit: slippery-cloth Plural hesó'xėšé'honono. Ques: recheck HL(?) and LHH recordings for tablecloth.mp3 and tablecloths.mp33?? See: šé'hóno. Category: check, material.
-hesó'xó vii. slippery, slick, smooth. É-hesó'xo. It is slippery. É-hesó'xohe? Is it slippery? É-hesó'xohe méó'o? Is the road slippery? É-hesó'xo méó'o. The road is slippery. Ésáa-hesó'xȯhane. It is not slippery. vai: -hesó'xahe; Antonym -hohpo'hó. Etym: *weša·ʔšye·wi ‘slippery’. Category: texture.
-hesó'xohá vti. iron s.t. É-hesó'xóha. He ironed it. Etym: *weša·Ɂšahamwa. Category: surface.
-hesó'xȯhené vai. iron. Lit: smooth-by.tool-INTR É-hesó'xȯhéne. She ironed. Variant: -hesó'xȧho'hová. Category: housework.
hesó'xȯhéó'o ni. iron (appliance). Lit: smoothing thing Etym: *weša·Ɂšahikani. Plural hesó'xȯheonȯtse; Variant: hesó'xȧho'hovahtȯtse. Category: tools.
-hesó'xoh(n) vta. iron s.o. Lit: smooth-by.tool É-hesó'xȯhnóho. She ironed him. Etym: *weša·Ɂšahwe·wa. For example, she ironed a shirt. See: -hesó'xan. Category: tools, housework.
hesó'xo'anēō'o ni. sled. Lit: slippery-wagon Variant: hesó'xo'enēō'o; Synonym anȯhesévanohtȯtse. Category: transportation.
-hesó'xó'ehné vai. go by sled. É-hesó'xó'éhne. He went by sled. See: -amó'ehné; amó'eneo'o. Category: transportation.
hesó'xo'enēō'o ni. sled. for example, a horsedrawn sled. Morph: /hesó'šó'eneon/. Diminutive hesó'xo'eneško; Variant: hesó'xo'anēō'o; Synonym anȯhesévanohtȯtse. Category: transportation.
hesó'xo'eneško ni. children's sled. Morph: /hesó'šó'enehkon/. Lit: slippery-wagon-DIM Category: transportation.
-hesó'xo'está vai. slippery ears - have. É-hexó'xo'ēsta. He has slippery ears. that is, he is unwilling to listen. BodyPartMedial 'está. See: vovéhpe'está.
fig., not listen. Ma'enónéáhe éhešė-hesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles (that is, he won't listen). Usage: Is the idiom actually used? Category: ears.
hesó'xo'keha ni. overshoe. Ques: ?? Category: check. Lit: slippery-shoe Plural hesó'xo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.
hesó'xo'kėhanȯtse ni. Gram: pl rubber shoes. Lit: slippery-shoes See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.
-hesó'xoma'o'e vii. slippery ground - be. É-hesó'xoma'o'e. It is slick ground/the ground is slippery. for example, icy. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.
-hesó'xoneehe vai. slippery ropelike. É-hesó'xoneehe. ?? He (ropelike object) is slippery. [pd981] Category: texture, check.
-hesó'xoneo'e vii. slippery ropelike. É-hesó'xoneo'e. It is ropelike and slippery. fai: -óneo'e. Category: texture.
-hesó'xoovohtsé vti. make s.t. slippery with water. É-hesó'xoovōhtse. He made it slippery with water. Category: liquid.
-hesó'xová vai. slick fur, shiny hide; have slick fur. É-hesó'xóva. He has shiny (slick) fur. Etym: *weša·Ɂšawe·wa. BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: texture.
-hesó'xovése vai. silky hair - have. É-hesó'xovése. He has silky/fine silky hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-hesóotse vii. Gram: rr take place that way, happen that way, happen so. É-hesóotse. That is what happened. Éto'sė-hesóotse. Here is what is going to happen. Hé'tóhe tsééšėhesóotse ééšėhésevavenėhesóotse naa éme'nėšenėhesóotse. (recheck hésevave?? What has happened has already happened, let it happen. (an Alice Russell saying). Category: check. See: -hesó; -tónėšévé. Category: happen.
hesótséva obl. at the lower part (of anything, for example, of a tepee), at the butt, at the root. See: hesótsevȯtse. Possessive -htsėsótséva.
hesótseve ni. root. Plural hesótsevȯtse. Usage: obsolescing See: -htsėsótseve; heséeo'ȯtse; heséo'ho. Category: trees.
-hesótseve vii. butt end - be a. É-hesótseve. It is the butt end.?? Category: positions.
-hesóvá vai. hiccup. É-hesóva. He hiccuped. Etym: *weθwa·we·wa (P). Category: body function.
hesóva'kove ni. tenderloin, sirloin. See: he'kénóme. Category: meat.
-hesóva'xeme vai. whooping cough - have, croup - have. É-hesóva'xeme. He has whooping cough/he has croup. Variant: -hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e. See: -totóovėhe'haa'e; -pá'he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e vai. have croup. É-hesóva'xemėhe'haa'e. He has croup. Variant: -hesóva'xeme. Phon: vs See: -pá'he'haa'e; -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
hest- i. take. É-hestāna. He took it by hand. É-hestōha. He took it by tool.
hést- i. from there. É-héstahe. He is from there. É-hésta'xāne. He cried over (it)/because of (it). É-héstána. He got it from there. Énėx-hésta'ovóho. He drove him/them from there. See: hése-.
he-st vai. have. The st in such 'have' verbs is phonemically /ht., but we file 'have'verb entries under the letter [s].
hēsta ni. 1 • heart. Possessive -htsestá; vai: -he-stsėstahe; BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Etym: *wete·hi ‘his heart’. Category: body.
2 • Heart. a constellation. Category: celestial.
-hestá vti. say s.t., say about s.t. "Épėhéva'e," é-hésta. He said that it is good. ... éohkė-hestánóvo. ... that is what they call it. Éohkė-hestánovȯtse 'véenȯtse' They called them 'véenȯtse' (tepees). vta: -het. Category: speak.
-hesta vai. Gram: rr appear so, be that way, reside there, have such abode, live that way, exist, inhabit, come into being, originate, live. É-hesta. That's where he resides ; that is his habitat. É-hesta hétsėhéóhe. He inhabits here. tsé-hestávȯse the way they are; the way they look. For example, when speaking of the monster of Loch Ness, we could say Nessie é-hesta Loch Ness, meaning that Loch Ness is the ONLY location of this monster. Étsė-hesta. He is like this. Énė-hesta. He is like that. tsé-hestȧse "You're always doing something goofy/stupid" (idiomatic usage). Oóxésta é-hestahe? Is he alright? A'e é'évaamėhnesėstse naa oóxésta mó'évȧ-hestȧhéhe. He walked very soon and all right, that is how he became. [1987:109] Ho'néoxháaestse móx-hestȧhéhe 1900 tséxhenóvetse. Brave Wolf (Jim One Bear) was born in the year of 1900. [1987:32] Móhkaveo'o éohkė-hestao'o háá'ėše hoéhose. Bobcats live far away in the hills. [1979:204] Hée nevá'esėstse tsėhéóhe mó-hestȧhéhe. Hey, someone must exist here. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsé-hestatsėse the way he (obv) looked. [1988:289] tsé-hestase those who inhabit / what they are like. Hová'e váotseváhne hánȧháóhe tsé-hestase? What kind of deer inhabit there. Tsé-hestase tá'tóhe návóomoo'o. Those that look like that , I saw them. A number of Cheyennes have pointed out that this sounds similar to their word for 'Cheyenne people', Tsétsėhéstȧhese (simpler spelling Tsitsistas), which they suggest may be derived from this word. compare Tsétsėhéstȧhese those who are Cheyennes. See: héstánóva ‘place’; Héstáné'e ‘Nation Woman’; -hestá ‘say s.t.’; -héstahe ‘be from there’; -hestáotse ‘born’; -hesó ‘be so’; -vo'ėstanéheve ‘live’; oóxésta ‘all right’; -tsėhéstahe ‘be Cheyenne’; tsétsėhestase ‘those who are this way’; Tsétsėhéstȧhese ‘those who are Cheyennes’; -tónesta ‘how be like’. Category: live, appearance.
-héstá vii. wind blow from there. ... é-hésta. ... that is where the wind is from. Etym: *wentenwi. Notāma é-hésta. The wind blew from the north. Notāma ésáa-héstȧháne. It is not blowing from the north. Tósa'e é(nėx)-hésta? Where is the wind blowing from? Tósa'e énėxhésta? Ques: which of the last two recordings is best?? See: -hésto'a'há. Category: wind, check.
hestaahtsé- pv. branch. hesó'xėhestaahtsémenó'e currant bush (lit. slippery-branched-berry-wood). Category: trees.
hestaahtseme na. Gram: pl currant. Plural hestaahtsémeno. Category: berries.
hestaahtsémeno na. Gram: pl currants. Category: berries.
hestáa'e ni. branch, limb, Branch. Morph: /hehtaen/. Phon: vs; iah Plural hestaenȯtse; Oblique hestaenōva. Etym: *wehtehkweni; *wehtehkwani (P). Category: trees, names.
Hestaéhotóá'e na. Branch Bull. Category: names.
-he-staeme vai. have lice, have head lice, have bugs. É-hestaeme. He has lice. Éma'xė-hestaeme. He has lots of lice. Né-hestaemehe? Do you have lice? Nésáa-hestaemėhehe? Don't you have lice? Násáa-hestaeméhe. I don't have lice. Náéšė-hestaeme. I already have head lice. Possessive -htaeme. See: he- ‘have’. Etym: *wetehkomiwa. Category: hair, bugs.
hestaemo na. Gram: poss his lice. Stem -htaeme. Category: bugs.
-hestaenevó'ohe vai. have branches. É-hestaenevó'ohe. (The tree) has branches. Category: trees.
Hestáhaéšeēva obl. Valentine's Day. Lit: heart-day See: Hemé'ooné-eše. Category: holidays.
hestáhame ni. seed. Lit: heart-berry Etym: cf *wete·himini ‘strawberry’. Plural hestáhamenȯtse. Ques: hestáheme ?? Category: check. See: énano'éhestȯtse; hesta'emenȯtse. Category: farm.
-hestáhameneve vii. be a seed. Ma'xemenȯtse éohkenėšė-hestáhamenévénėstse. Plums (are dried) with their seeds. [Plums and Chokecherries.002]
hestáha-vé'hanotȯtse ni. pericardium. Lit: heart-container Category: body.
-héstahe vai. be from there, descend from there. The name of the place is usually said before this word. Gram: This is a relative root. Tósa'e né-héstahe? Where are you from? (another recording) Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno ná-héstahe. I am from Lame Deer. Oévemanȧhéno ná-héstahe. I'm from Birney. Heévȧhetanéno ná-héstahe. I'm from Oklahoma. Vóhpoométanéno ná-héstahe. I'm from Busby. Vóhpoométanéno tsé-héstȧhese those who are from Busby. naa tséhemėšéméto é-héstahe Mo'ȯhtávetoo'o and my grandfather is (descended) from Black Kettle. [1987:38:32] tsé-héstȧheto where you are from. See: -hesta; -tsėhéstahe; -hestáotse.
hestáheve'ȯtse ni. hide float.
hestáhevetšėške ni. heart fat (tallow).
héstahke na. 1 • twin (male). Plural hestȧhkeho. plural is two boys, or boy and girl twins. Obviative hestȧhkeho. Phon: iah Feminine hestȧhkėhá'e.
2 • Twin. Category: names.
hestȧhkėhá'e na. 1 • twin (female). Variant: hestȧhtšėhá'e; Plural hestȧhkėhá'eo'o; Masculine héstahke.
2 • Twin Woman. Category: names.
-hestȧhkėhévóehné vai. bear twins. É-hestȧhkėhévóóhne. She gave birth to twins. See: -nésóehné. Category: babies.
-hestȧhkėhnévóehné vai. bear twins. É-hestȧhkėhnévóéhne. She gave birth to twins. Category: babies.
Hestȧhké'héhe na. Twin Woman. Category: names.
-hestȧhkeve vai. be a twin. É-hestȧhkéveo'o. They are twins.
-hestáhpané vai. treat hide with brain. that is, treat the hide with a mixture of brains, liver, and lard. É-hestáhpáne. He treated the hide with the brain mixture. Ná-hestáhpáne. I treated the hide with the brain mixture. [PD1040] See: hestáhpe; hestáhpánó'e. Category: handcraft.
hestáhpánó'e ni. yucca, soap weed. Plural hestáhpánó'ėstse. Traditionally used for soap; this weed is also used with a mixture of brains and liver for treating hide during tanning. Category: plants.
hestáhpano'e-ma'óhkee'e ni. yucca flower (tassel).
hestahpe na. brain. (another recording) Possessive -htsėstahpe; Plural hestahpo; Medial -htáhpé. Etym: *wetempi 'his brain'. nl (Nasal Lengthening): note correspondence of Cheyenne high-pitch to PA vowel +nasal in a consonant cluster; in historical development something like compensatory lengthening (with usual Ch reflex of high pitch from PA vowel length) took place in Cheyenne prehistory as the nasal was deleted; such compensatory lengthening also took place in: hése- 'because' < *wenci; nȧ-htsénota(h) 'my cross-nephew' <*ne0enkwa0ehsa; mȧ-htseno 'armpit' < *me0enkwi; hoóxe'e 'lodgepole' <apanšwiyi; -óht 'by mouth' < *-ant; mȧ-htatamoo'o 'shoulder' (/-htatamóon/) <mete0emankani; na-éstoo'o 'my throat' (/na-éhtoon/) < *nekwenta·kani; /é-šéešená/ é-šééše 'he is lying prone' < *šenkihšinwa. The high pitch of 'weasel 'xáa'e (/šáeh/) < šenkwehsa may reflect this compensatory lengthening, however there is question about whether or not the pertinent high pitch is permanent or not(?). Note the possible correspondence of mó'kėsá'e or mónėškėhéso 'calf' <maxkwehsehsa 'fawn'; šéstótó'e 'pine' (probably includes -ó'e 'wood (med.)') <*šenta . mȧ-htovoo'ȯtse 'ear' < *mehtawakayi may follow this pattern, perhapsby analogy. Similarly, mȧ-htsé'oo'o 'elbow' < *metweškwani; ná-mé'óvo 'Ifound him' < *neme0kawa·wa. (Some of these forms may have undergone a stage where the consonant cluster had an initial nasal.?) (Why did hestom- 'hinder' <*wentam- not undergo the compensatory lengthening?) (correspondence first notedby I. Goddard; see description in Goddard 1988.) Category: meat, body.
hestȧhpó'hanoto na. a cut of meat. Category: meat.
-hestȧhtan vti. reach s.t. É-hestȧhtāna. He reached it/he attained it. Etym: *wetehtenamwa (P).
vta. reach s.o. É-hestȧhtanóho. He reached him. Etym: *wetehtene·wa (P). Ques: tȧh or tȯh?? See: -hestȯhtan; -hohtaméstá; -hestaméstá; -hohtamésto'tá. Category: check.
-hestȧhtohá vti. reach s.t. by tool. É-hestȧhtōha. He reached it by tool. Etym: *wetehtahamwa. Ques: -hestȯhtohá?? See: -hestohá; -hestan. Category: check.
-hestȧhtoh(n) vta. reach s.o. by tool. É-hestȧhtȯhnóho. He reached him by tool. Etym: *wetehtahwe·wa (P). Ques: -hestȯhtoh(n)?? vti: -hestohá. See: -hestan. Category: check.
-héstȧhtomóne vai. hear from there. É-héstȧhtomóne. He heard (something) from there. Category: hear.
-héstȧhtóohe vai. holler from there. Énėx-héstȧhtóohe. He is hollering from there. Initial hést-; fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-hestȧhtóo'ó vai. be within eyesight of. É-hestȧhtóó'o. He is within eyesight of (within his own eyesight)/he reaches (it) in eyesight/he can see that far. fai: -óo'ó. Category: sight.
hestȧhtoono ni. spine, backbone. Variant: hestatoono; Possessive -htȧhtoono. Category: body.
hestȧhtōtse ni. Gram: pl straight gut, marrow gut, stuffed intestine, balogna, weiners, colon. (another recording) The meaning of the original body part word has been extended to balogna and weiners. Hestȧhtōtse éohkepėhéveéno'énėstse. Weiners taste good. See: hestāhtsėstse. Category: meat.
hestȧhtōtse tsékȧhkovaxe ni. lunch meat. Lit: bologna which is cut thin Usage: od Category: meat.
hestȧhtse- pv. within reach. Éhestȧhtsė-hō'ta. It is cooked perfectly. Etym: *wetehti ‘reached, come to’.
hestāhtsėstse ni. bologna, baloney. See: hestȧhtōtse. Category: meat.
hestȧhtšėhá'e na. twin girl, female twin. Usage: old man speech Variant: hestȧhkėhá'e; Plural hestȧhtšėhá'eo'o.
-hesta'amas vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-hesta'amȧsóho. He shot and wounded him. [1987:107] tséévė-hesta'amȧxese those who had gunshot wounds. [1987:107] Category: shoot.
-hesta'e vai. be wounded. É-hesta'e. He was wounded / he has a wound. Category: warfare, sickness.
hest(a'e)- i. wound. Ques: examples?? É-hesta'amȧsóho. He shot and wounded him. É-hestseotse. It/He is bloodshot. Ques: does this ex. fit here?? See: hest-.
Hesta'éhe na. Wounded. Category: names.
-hesta'émas vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-hesta'émȧsóho. He wounded him shooting. Ná-hesta'émáso. I wounded him by shooting. Nexa ná-hesta'émȧxéne. Twice I got wounded. Category: shoot.
hesta'emenȯtse ni. ?? Category: check.
-hésta'éno'hāme vai. drive from. É-hésta'éno'hāme. He drove from (there). Ques: Is that recording accurate for the gloss?? Énėx-hésta'éno'hāme. He drove from (there). ?? fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, check.
hesta'enóónóto na. Gram: pl part of the paunch. Category: meat.
-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhéné vai. make a part of the paunch design. there are rows of slightly displaced vertical marks as found in this part of the paunch;it is a square blocks design. É-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhéne. He is using the part-of-paunch design. Category: designs.
-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧheve vii. have part of paunch design. É-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhévénėstse. They have a square blocks design. Category: designs.
hesta'estȯtse ni. wound. Plural hesta'éstotȯtse. Ques: is hésta'he related?? See: hésta'he. Category: check, sickness.
-hesta'hahtsé vti. jerk s.t., pull s.t. É-hesta'hāhtse. He jerked it. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -heseestsé ‘pull s.t.’. Category: move.
-hesta'ham vta. jerk s.o., pull s.o. É-hesta'hamóho. He jerked/pulled him. See: -heseest. Category: move.
-hésta'haso'he vai. ride horse from there. Énėx-hésta'haso'he. He rode a horse from there. Tósa'e mó-hésta'haso'hehéhe. He must have ridden from somewhere. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
hésta'he ni. 1 • umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth, placenta, belly button. Hésta'he and its animate dim. hesta'hēso are translated as 'afterbirth (child)' in the text 1987:349ff. Nȧ-htsésta'he was translated in 1987:27 as 'my afterbirth.' Actually, this term probably does not refer to the entire afterbirth, but rather to the cord. Traditionally, the cord is treated specially. For boy babies the cord was placed in a pouch with a beaded turtle design. For girl babies the pouch had a lizard design. When there was insufficient time to properly save the cord, it might just be hung on a bush. Phon: iah Plural hestā'hėstse; AlternatePlural hesta'hȯtse; Possessive -htsésta'he; Diminutive hesta'hēso; BodyPartMedial -hta'né. See: hestȯhpó'hánóto. Etym: *weci·lwi/wetesi ? ‘his navel’. Category: body.
2 • Placenta. Category: names.
hesta'hēso na. Gram: dim little umbilical cord; little placenta. Non-diminutive hésta'he. An umbilical cord is not usually considered animate, but was in this text perhaps it was because it was a name for a main character. See: hésta'he ‘umbilical cord’. Category: body.
hesta'ó'séó'o ni. trigger. of a gun. Ques: LP; reck with someone else ?? Category: check, guns.
-hésta'ov vta. drive s.o. from there. Énėx-hésta'ovóho. He drove him/them from there. Initial hést-; Final -a'. Category: livestock, move.
hésta'se na. snow. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Névááhe tséanevo'kōhnȯhtse hesta'sóho? Who made it snow? (could refer to someone's having gotten married, or eloped; literally, Who knocked down the snow?) [1987:30] É'ȧseénoohnovo (noeh?? hesta'sóho. They cleared off the snow. [1987:30] Obviative hesta'sóho; vii: -ho'éétó; Medial -éen. Phon: iah Category: weather, snow.
hesta'séameohestȯtse ni. snowmobile. Category: snow, new.
hesta'séamėsévanohtȯtse ni. ski. Lit: snow-sliding-thing Plural hesta'séamėsévanóhtotȯtse. Category: play.
hesta'sémȯxéheo'o ni. snowplow. Category: snow, new.
-hesta'seve vii. be snow. É-hesta'seve. There is snow. Éma'xė-hesta'seve. There is a lot of snow. (another recording) See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: weather.
Hesta'séve'ho'e Santa Claus. Lit: snow-ve'ho'e See: Vó'keme. Category: new.
Hesta'sévo'ėstane na. Eskimo. Lit: snow-person Plural Hesta'sévo'ėstaneo'o. See: Ma'ométane; Nomá'nȯhmévose; vo'ėstane. Category: check, new, tribes.
-hesta'sévoonohe ?? Category: check.
??. frost ?? Category: check, check. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. É-hesta'sévóónóhe. ?? It is frosty. ?? Category: weather, check.
-hestá'tov vta. so treat s.o. tséévetaehestá'tȯhévȯse how they have been treated. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hésta'xané vai. cry because of. É-hésta'xāne. He cried over (it)/because of (it). Hénová'éto tsé-hésta'xaneto? Why are you crying? Variant: Hénová'e tséhése-a'xaameto?. Category: cry.
Hestámȧxana na. Touching Food. translation uncertain. Obviative Hestámȧxananeva. Ques: recheck analysis of the obviative?? Category: names, check.
héstáme ni. Gram: poss his/her food. Plural hestamȯtse. The plural refers to different kinds of food such as crackers and cookies. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
-he-stame inc.n. have food. É-he-stame. He has food. Ques: Get pitches for 3rd pl. ?? Phon: vs Category: check. See: héstáme; -he-mésėhéstove. Category: food.
-he-stámee'e vai. have food sitting. É-he-stámee'e. He has food, while sitting. Phon: vs See: -htámé; máhtáme; héstáme; mésėhestȯtse. Category: food, sit.
-hestaméstá vti. reach s.t., attain s.t. (especially a goal). Násáa'éšė-hestaméstóhe. I haven't reached it yet. Usage: less commonly said than -hohtaméstá Variant: -hohtaméstá. Category: do.
hestamóó'káne ni. sweetroot. grows near the sandrocks; a root that looks like rope; the inner part is sweet. Category: plants.
-héstan vti. get s.t. from there, take s.t. from there. É-héstána. He got it from there. Etym: *wentenamwa. See: -hestan ‘take s.t.’.
vta. get s.o. from there, take s.o. from there. É-héstanóho. He got him from there. Tȧ-hestaneha! Take him (there)! Category: move, directions.
-hestan vti. take s.t., get s.t., hand s.t. É-hestāna. He took it. Náhestan-ȯtse. I took them (inan). Hestānȯhtse! Take it! Néx-hėstánȯhtse! Get it (for me)! The h of this word is not pronounced when it follows the hé- preverb: Néx-hé-estānȯhtse! Go get it! Néstsė-hestānȯhtse! Hand it to me! Hestanomeo'o! Take it (later)! tséx-hestanomātse when we took it. Énéxánėstse tséohkė-hestanóme heséeotȯtse. There are two medicines that I take. Etym: *wetenamwa 'he takes it'.
vta. take s.o. É-hestanóho. He got him. Hestaneha! Take him! Phon: stem-initial -he devoices when preceded by high pitch See: -héstan; -hestanȧhtsétanó; -asetan. Category: move.
-hestanȧhtsétanó vai. want to be picked up. É-hestanȧhtsétáno. He wants to be picked up. for example, of a toddler.
-hestana'évá vai. court under a blanket. refers to the traditional way in which lovers stand together under a blanket andromantically talk privately. É-hestana'éva. He is courting under a blanket. Ého'hé-hestana'éva. He came to court a wife under a blanket. Medial -'évá ‘wife’. See: -tonóosané. Category: romance.
-hestaná'évot vta. take s.o. under a blanket. traditional way of courting: lovers standing while talking under a blanket. É-hestaná'evotóho. ?? He is talking to her under the blanket. Nééveáahtsé'-hestaná'evoxėstse! Talk to me under the blanket! Category: romance.
héstanėheo'o na. Gram: pl people, mankind, tribe of people. Lit: from.there-person(?)-PL This refers to people from a certain place or group. The word vo'ėstaneo'o is more general, meaning 'persons, people'. This word has no singular form. héstanėheono (alternate plural; less commonly used). Obviative héstanėheho. See: vo'ėstane; héstánóva; manaho. Category: people.
héstaneho na. people. héstaneho ho'ēva people on the earth ?? nó'kóve héstaneho one group of people ?? See: vo'ėstane. Category: people, check.
Héstáné'e na. Nation Woman. Category: names.
-hestanené vai. draw, credit card - use a. while playing cards. É-hestanēne. He drew a card. Etym: *wetenike·wa (P). Hestanēnėstse! Draw! Hénėhéóhe náohkė-hestanēne. There I use a credit card. Category: cards.
hestanenévȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. purchase order. Category: money.
Héstaneóó'e na. Stands Against the Wind Woman, Nation Standing Woman. Stands Against the Wind Woman is probably the older meaning. It is found in Petter's dictionary, printed in 1915, page 1110. Category: names.
-hestanomev vta. take s.t. from s.o. É-hestanomevóho. He took it from him. Ná-hestanomēvo. I took it from him. Ná-hestanomevonȯtse. I took them (inan.) from him (an.). Ná-hestanomevónoto mo'éhno'hāme. I took the horse from him. Né-hestanomevȧtse. I took it from you. Hová'éhe tséévėheškóvotse mós-hestanomóhehenovóhe. Anything that was sharp was taken from them. [1987:59] See: -hestan; -hestanomóv; -heseváen. Category: interpersonal.
-hestanomeváohé'tov vta. take something from s.o. quickly. É-hestanomeváohé'tovóho. He took it quickly from him. See: -hestan; -heseváen. Category: move.
-hestanomóv vta. take s.t. for s.o., take s.t. of s.o. for example, to take his position. É-hestanomóvóho. ?? He took his (of another person). Etym: *wetenamawe·wa (P). Ná-hestanomóvo heamȧho'hestȯtse. I took his car. See: -vó2 ‘RELAT’. Category: interpersonal, check.
héstánóva obl. place, among people, among mankind, in the world, country, state, in life. ma'xetónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévė-héstánova mótanėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations ago. [1987:100] Nátó'tšėšeno'kėháa'ého'oése tsėhéno héstánóva. I am the highest (sacrifice) here in this world. [1987:239] Ques: Are the morphemes like this that begin with héstá different from the morphemes that begin with hesta meaning 'exist'?? Are héstánóva and hestanōva both words?? See: héstanėheo'o; héstanovestȯtse; vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. Category: live, check.
hestanováhe na. life taker. a kind of monster. Plural hestanováheo'o. Category: monsters.
-héstanove vii. living - be a place for, live there. tséx-héstanovetse at another place (obv). [1980:57:54] See: -hesta ‘exist’; héstánóva; héstanovestȯtse. Category: live.
héstanovestȯtse ni. life of the people, the people's philosophy. Naa éohkevésetanoo'o, tā'se énėšéveotséto héstanovestȯtse. Now they (people) are in a hurry, like life is rushed. [1987:224] Netao'o énėhéso héstanovestȯtse. Éohkėho'má'seohtse hová'éhe. Life is like that everywhere. Things die out. [1987:96] vii: -héstanove. Category: live.
-hestanóvohe vai. taken from mother, wean and separate baby from mother. This especially refers to the unique custom of buffaloes, that the bull calves are weaned at a different time from the female calves, and separated from their mothers. From then on the bull calves travel in the pack with the bulls, not with the cows. É-hestanóvohe. She/He took the child(ren) (away) from mother. É-hestanóvȯheo'o They take the children (away) / they wean. Final -óvohe. See: -hestan. Category: babies.
-héstanovóósané vai. house sit. É-héstanovóósáne. He stayed there and watched the place. Ques: recheck gloss for that abbreviated ex.?? Ééšė-héstanovóósáne. He stayed there and watched the place. See: -vóosané. Category: house, check.
-hestaohe vai. dodge (something). É-hestaohe. He dodged (something). Category: motion.
-hestaohe vai. threaten with a fist. É-hestaohe. He is threatening with his fist(s). É-hestaoheo'o. They are threatening with fists. See: -tsėhesta; -hesta. Category: check.
Hestáo'hé'e ni. Heart River. This is a tributary of the Missouri River, near Mandan, North Dakota. Category: rivers.
-hestáotse vai. born. including for births of animals; this verb stem is probably composed of the verb stem -hesta 'exist' plus the final -otse 'become'. É-hestáotse. He was born. Ééva'sévė-hestáotse. He was born breach. [pd167: "The Cheyenne believed that dead persons (especially young ones) would be born again in the body of another one, either in the tribe or somewhere else."] Éévȧ-hestáotse. He is born again. [1987:188] Naa tséhne'amėhnévȯse éhnėx-hestáotsésesto hestȧhkeho. And while they were coming, twin (boys) were born. [1987:188] See: -anéotse ‘birthe’; -hesta; tséxhestáotsėse. Category: family, babies.
-héstátam vta. regard s.o. as from (there). Ná-héstátámo. I consider him to be from (there). Category: cognition, directions.
-hestatamaahe vai. dangerous. Náamēhne tséx-hestatamaahéstove. I'm walking in dangerous places. [Hymn 130] Category: quality.
hestatamóon ni. his/her shoulder. See: hetatamoo'o ‘shoulder’; mȧhtatamoo'o; hestatsēō'o ‘shoulderblade’. Category: body.
-he-stataneme inc.n. have a brother (of a female) '. tséhe-statanéméto the one who is my brother (of female). Possessive -htatánéme; vta: -he-statanémé'tov. Category: relatives.
-he-statanéme'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as brother (of female). Éhe-statanémenoto. She has him as brother. vai: stataneme. Category: relatives.
hestatanemo na. Gram: poss her brother(s). This is brother of a female. Stem -htataneme. See: -'néh ‘older brother’. Category: relatives.
-hestatováóó'e vii. smoke reach (there). É-hestatováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). Phon: vs Final -atová, óé. Category: smoke.
hestatsēō'o 1 • ni. shoulderblade, shoulder (cut of meat). Possessive -htsėstatsēō'o; Plural hestatseonȯtse; Diminutive hestatseško. See: hestatamoo'o ‘shoulder’; -htsėstatsēō'o; -htatseoná; -htatamoo'o. Category: meat, body.
2 • na. Shoulderblade. Category: names.
hestatseško ni. Gram: dim 1 • shoulderblade. Plural hestatšėškonȯtse. See: hestatsēō'o. Category: body.
2 • Shoulderblade. Category: names.
-hestávóma'é vai. so painted, painted that way. ... é-hestávómá'e. ... that is how he is painted. especially with ceremonial paint. fai: -óma'é. See: -tónetómá'e ‘how painted’. Category: colors, ceremonial.
Hestávóse ni. Heart Butte. in South Dakota. Category: places.
-hest'toovan vti. weave s.t., twist s.t. É-hestó'tovāna. He is weaving it.
vta. weave s.o. É-hestó'tovanóho. He is weaving him. for example, weaving a blanket. Category: record.
hestoe- i. strange. hestoe-vo'ėstane strange person (someone who acts strange).
héstoe- pv. from there, originate there. É-héstoemé'eme. He was told about from that source. Náhósė-hestóešee'e.?? I was raised there. See: -héstoo'e. Category: check.
hestoehē'e na. stranger (female). Masculine hestoetane. See: nótá'e. Category: people.
-héstoehné vai. born from there ?? É-héstóéhne. He is born from there. ?? fai: -óehné. See: Ho'évȧhéstóéhnėhé'e. Category: babies, check.
-héstoehnétó vii. come from (there). ... é-héstoehnéto. ... that is where it comes from. tsénėx-héstoehnéto where it came from. Category: motion.
hestoé'kėhéso na. newborn fawn. Plural hestoé'kėhesono; Obviative hestoé'kėhesono. they come in pairs; they are spotted. Variant: hestó'kėhéso. See: váhkotseváhéso ‘fawn’. Category: animals.
-hestoé'tov vta. 1 • reside with s.o. É-hestoé'tovóho. He resides with him.
2 • be angry. Mó-hestoé'toehevóhe Heávȯhóho. He is angry. Lit: The devil (obv) must live with him. See: -táxe'há'tov. vai: -hestoéstove. Category: interpersonal, emotions.
-héstoemaa'e vai. have bedding. Naa vá'ȯhtáma vé'ho'e éx-héstoémaesėstse. And in the place-of-honor the whiteman had his bedding. [The Snipe Man.024] Ques: oom?? Phon: sfr Phon: vs Category: check.
hestoeme ni. Gram: poss his/her blanket. Ques: too or toe?? Possessive -htoem. Category: check.
Hestoeméstaa'e na. Strangeowl. Category: names.
-hestoénove vii. be harvest. É-hestóenove. It is harvest. Épėhévė-hestoénove. It is a good harvest. for example, of berries or vegetables. Ques: tóe or toé ?? Category: farm, check.
hestoénove ni. fruit dish. traditional food, for example, mixed berries; today can be fruit from a can. See: -hestoénove. Ques: tóe or toé?? Category: food, check.
-héstoeotseh vta. from where bring s.o. ... é-héstoeotsėhóhó. ... that is where he brought them from. ... ná-héstoeotsėhoo'o. ... that is where I brought them from. See: -hóeotseh. Category: move.
-héstoeotsestsé vti. Gram: rr from where bring s.t. ... é-héstoeotsēstse. ... that is where he brought it from. tséx-héstoeotsehe where it was brought out. [1987:104] Category: move.
-hestoéstove vai. reside, be at, have residence. Ma'hēō'o he'ama tsé-hestoéstoveto God, you who are above. [1987:233] vta: -hestoé'tov. See: -hoo'e; he-. Category: live.
hestoetane na. stranger (male). Ques: hestóetane?? Feminine hestoehē'e.
Hestóetane na. Atsina or Arapaho Gros Ventres person. Plural Hestóetaneo'o. Category: tribes.
Héstoevēhne ?? Category: check.
na. Walking Strange. Category: names.
hestóe-vo'ėstane na. stranger. See: notse; -notováeotse. Lit: stranger-person
hestȯh- pv. that amount, however many in number, however much, however the amount, of that quantity. Naa móhmóheeotsėhaehevovóhe tsé-hestȯhna'haevȯse. And they gathered all those they had killed. (1987:43). tsé-hestȯhna'haevȯse however many they killed. See: hestȯhe-; nėhestȯhe-; mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
-hestohá1 vti. devour s.t., take all of s.t. É-hestōha. He took all of it. Éma'xė-hestȯhánóvo. They took all of it that they could. Éma'xė-hestōha naóotsestȯtse. He is really sleeping a long time. Lit: he really took a lot of sleep to himself That is good for brother-in-law teasing. See: -mȧha'hahtsé.
-héstohá2 vti. reach s.t. by tool, draw s.t. out by tool. Ques: hest?? É-héstóha. He reached it by tool. Etym: *wentahamwa ‘he draws it from there’. Ná-héstóha. I reached it. for example, reached it under the bed with a broom handle. See: -hestȯhtohá. Category: check.
-hestoha3 vii. Gram: rr so many. ... é-hestoha. ... is that many (inan.). Etym: *tahθenwi (P). tséohma'xė-hestoha hová'éhe tséoestóonohe of all the many things which are offered for sacrifices. [1987:239] vai: -hestox. See: nėhestoha ‘every, each’. Category: numbers.
-he-stoháatamaahéstove vai. have power. éhe-stoháatamaahéstove He has power (for example, to heal; control weather or evil spirits). IndepNoun hoháatamaahestȯtse.
hestȯhe- i. so.many.
pv. that amount, however many in number, however much, however the amount, of that quantity. Hotómá'e nėhéóhe mó'ȯhkėhoehevóhe vo'ėstaneo'o tséhósė-hestȯheéšeevȯse. Inside (the log) there were people who were growing up. tsé-hestȯheéšéévȯse however many were growing up. [1987:247] See: hestȯh-. Category: quantity.
-hestohe vta.PSV. called, told about. Gram: rr This is the passive form of the transitive verb stem -het 'say to'. The stem is an irregular form of -het, but the suffix that follows that verb stem is regular, /-óh -e/. É-hestohe. He was told / he was called that. Etym: *eta·sowa. Éohkė-hestohe 'vé'ho'e'. He is called a 've'ho'e' (whiteman). É-hestóheo'o. That's what they (animate) were called. tsé-hestoestse what he is called.
vti.PSV. called, told about, mean. É-hestohe. It is called that / he is called that. Hénová'e tséohkė-hestohe? What does that mean? Éohkė-hestohe 'amȧho'hestȯtse'. It is called an 'amȧho'hestȯtse' (car). É-hestóhénėstse 'mȧheonȯtse'. They (inan.) are called 'mȧheonȯtse' (houses). See: -óxȯhestohe. Category: speak.
-hestȯhenot vta. so kill all of s.o., kill all of s.o. that way. only used with plural objects. ... é-hestȯhenotóho. ... that is how many of them he killed. É-nėhestȯhénotóho. ?? He killed all of them. fta: -not. Category: violence, check.
hestóhkáhne na. horned toad. Usage: od Ques: ?? Category: check, animals.
-hestȯhkó'haséetó vai. hooked together during mating, mate hooked together. This refers to when the dogs are connected rear to rear during mating. É-hestȯhkó'haséetoo'o. They are hooked together for mating. Category: sex.
hestóhkȯxe ni. Gram: poss axe (poss). he-stóhkȯxe his axe.
-hestȯhnóvahe vai. however many in number; all. probably only used with plural subjects. tséstó'tšėšema'xė-hestȯhnóvȧhévȯse hováhne móhnovȯhéstȧhetsėhévóhe all the animals had a big race. [1987:245] Category: quantity.
-héstȯhohtsé vai. tracks from there. ... é-héstȯhóhtse. ... that is where his tracks came from. Tȧháóhe énėx-héstȯhohtseo'o. Their tracks come from there. hetaneo'o hesēstse tséohkė-héstȯhohtsese (homosexual) men where they get (the penis) inserted is in the anus. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks, vulgar.
-hestóho'é vai. 1 • drag. See: -hestósėhahtsé. Category: move.
2 • be on probation, be on parole. É-hestóhó'e. He is on probation. Category: figurative, legal.
hestóho'é-hotóá'e na. ox. Lit: pulling-buffalo Usage: probably not well known by many speakers today Category: animals.
-hestȯhóov vta. wave at s.o. É-hestȯhóovóho. He waved at him. Naa néhe kȧse'éeheho éstȧ-hestȯhóovóvȯsesto. And those young women waved at (the deer). [1980:7:43] fta: -(o)hóov. See: -hetȯhóov. Category: sign.
hestȯhpó'hánóto ni. afterbirth sac, placenta, "baby bag". this is prepared and eaten. See: hésta'he. Category: meat.
-hestȯhpo'hanotséveesé vai. have pockmarked nose. É-hestȯhpo'hanotséveēse. He has a pockmarked nose. Category: nose.
-hestȯhtan vti. reach s.t. É-hestȯhtāna. He could reach it.
vta. reach s.o. Ques: tȧh or tȯh?? See: -hestan. Category: check.
-hestȯhtáotse vai. cramps in abdomen. É-hestȯhtáotse. He has cramps in his abdomen. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. Category: sickness.
-hestȯhtátamao'ó vai. cramp from laughter, laugh until stomach cramping, cramped stomach from laughing. É-hestȯhtátamaō'o. He laughed so hard he got stomach cramps. fai: -átamao'ó; BodyPartMedial -ohtá1; Initial hes(e)-. Category: laugh.
hestóhtȯhe- pv. so be, such - be. for example, to be of such an age. Éohkenėhešėhéne'enánóvo tsé-hestóhtȯheaénamávȯse. That's how they kept track of (knew) their ages (in the family). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.149] See: nėhestȯhe-.
-hestóhtȯheomenehe vai. however many live. tséévė-hestóhtȯheomenėhévȯse as they (the family of the man) lived by that (pity). [1987:302] See: tónėstȯhe-; -tónėstȯxe; -ome. Category: live.
-hestóhtȯxe vai. Gram: rr be so as in family groups. only used with plural subjects. É-hestóhtȯxeo'o. They (an.) are as in family groups. Nȧhtanėšėháa'éšeée'amemano'évo'ėstanéhévéme tsé-hestóhtȯxétse. We will continue to live together as family groups. (1987:105). Variant: -hestȯxe. Category: quantity.
-hestohtsé vti. perform s.t. Étȧ-hestȯhtsénóvo. They perform it (in the Sun Dance). ?? [1987:210] Category: check. vai: -hestȯsané. See: -amo'eétahe. Category: ceremonial.
-hésto'ȧhéotse vai. run from there. ... énėx-hésto'ȧhéotse. ... he ran from there to here. The cislocative /neh-/ gives the 'here' meaning.
-hésto'a'há vii. blow by wind from there. for example, where was the paper blown from? Tósa'e é-hésto'ā'ha? Where did it blow from? See: -héstá. Category: wind.
-hésto'a'xe vai. blow by wind from there. ... é-héhto'a'xe. ... that is where he was blown from. Tósa'e né-hésto'a'xe? Where did you blow from? That can be humorous teasing said to someone who runs fast into your house. Final -a'xe. Category: wind.
-hesto'aov vta. allot land to s.o., gift deeded land to s.o. É-hesto'aovóho. He allotted land to him. [PD34] Lit: cause s.o. to have land
hesto'e ni. his land. Morph: /he-hto'e/. IndepNoun ho'e ‘land’. See: -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’. Category: ground.
-he-sto'e vai. have land. É-hesto'e. He has land. [1987:31] Etym: *wetaxkiwa (P). tséx-he-sto'ėse where he had land. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.128] tšėšenó'ėseto tséx-he-sto'ėse Jim Burns over the hill from Jim Burns' place. Návé'ševéestomo'he tséx-hesto'éto. I asked (for a loan) using my land (as collateral). IndepNoun ho'e; Possessive hto'e. See: ho'e; hto'e. Category: ground.
-hésto'ée'tov vta. suffer for s.o. É-hésto'ée'tovóho. He suffered for him. See: -hésto'omenėhé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-hésto'eém vta. revile s.o., tease s.o. especially teasing too much about mistakes. É-hésto'eemo. He teased him too much. É-hésto'eémóho. He teased him too much. (newer pronunciation). See: -na'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-he-sto'emanéstove vai. have authority. Éhe-sto'emanéstove. He has legal authority. See: -ho'emané; -háatamaahe. Category: legal.
-hesto'emáov vta. order s.o. to be held back. É-hesto'emáovóho. He ordered him to be held back. Category: interpersonal.
-hestó'ená vti. aim it, draw back s.t. (especially bowstring). can be used of aiming a gun or of drawing back the bowstring of a bow. É-hestó'éna. He is drawing it (pulling bowstring back with arrow). Category: hunt.
hesto'ēō'o ni. his garden. Phon: vs See: -hto'eo'o ‘garden (poss.)’; ho'e ‘land’; -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’. Category: farm.
hesto'évȯhkȯtse ni. his meat. IndepNoun ho'évohkȯhtse. See: -hto'évohkȯtse ‘meat (poss.)’. Category: meat.
-hesto'honáhkame vai. have gallstones. É-hesto'honáhkame. He has gallstones. Usage: probably a loan transl. Phon: /he-/ 'have' + /hto'honáhk/ 'stone' + /-ame/ FAI See: he- ‘have’; ho'honáhke ‘stone’. Category: sickness.
hestó'kėhéso na. newborn fawn. Plural hestó'kėhesono; Obviative hestó'kėhesono. they come in pairs; they are spotted. Etym: cf *ketaka·xkwa (P). Variant: hestoé'kėhéso. See: váhkotseváhéso. Category: animals.
-hésto'omenehe vai. suffer from ?? É-hésto'omenehe. He suffered (on account of). ?? Category: check. Étavé'šė-hésto'omenėhénóvo. They are killed from (liquor). [1987:61] See: -háo'omenehe. Category: death.
-hésto'omenėheé'tov vta. suffer for s.o. É-hésto'omenėhé'tovóho. He suffered for him/he expiated for him. Category: interpersonal.
-hésto'omenėhé'tov vta. suffer for s.o. Náme'nėšėvé'šė-hésto'omenėhénoto. I can suffer for them because of that. Category: interpersonal.
-hésto'omenėhévomotah vta. suffer instead of s.o. É-hésto'omenėhévomotȧhóho. He suffered for (in place of) him. Category: interpersonal.
-hésto'ót vta. talk about s.o. from there. É-hésto'oto. He talked about him from there. É-hésto'ótóho. He talked about him from there. (newer pronunciation). Category: speak.
hestó'toe'óono na. Kentucky twist (chewing tobacco). Ques: hesto'toe'[oono?? Category: smoke, record.
-hesto'toen vti. braid s.t. É-hesto'toēna. He braided it.
vta. braid s.o. É-hesto'toenóho He braided him (for example, a shirt). É-hesto'toene. It (or He) is braided / woven. See: -no'o'tónóha. Category: handcraft.
Hesto'toena'e na. Braided Hair Woman. Ques: hesto?? Category: names, check.
-hestó'toenené vai. braid, weave. Perhaps this can also be used for weaving. É-hestó'toenēne. He is braiding. Category: handcraft.
-hesto'toenó'é vai. crochet. Lit: weave-sew É-hesto'toenó'e. She is crocheting. Category: handcraft, sew.
-hesto'tonohá vti. braid s.t. by tool. É-hesto'tonōha. He braided it. he'tónėšė-hesto'tonȯhomévȯse however they wove them. [When Cheyennes Crossed the Ice.009] See: -pėhévo'tonohá. Category: handcraft.
-hesto'tonohe vai. braided hair. Ques: tó'?? É-hesto'tonohe. He has braided hair. (another recording) É-hesto'tonȯheo'o. They have braided hair. Category: hair, check.
-hesto'tonȯhené vai. braid hair. É-hesto'tonȯhēne. He is braiding hair. [pd] Category: check, record, hair.
hesto'tonȯheváhestȯtse ni. loom. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, tools.
Hestó'tonȯhéve'ho'e na. Chinese. Plural Hestó'tonȯhévé'hó'e. See: Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities, record.
Hesto'tonȯhevéséhe na. Braided Locks. Lit: braided-hair-person origin of the Cheyenne Brady family name. Variant: Hesto'tonovéséhe. Category: names.
-hesto'tonoh(n) vta. braid hair of s.o. É-hesto'tonȯhnóho. He braided his (someone else's) hair. (another recording) É-hesto'tonȯhnóho hevéxaho. He is braiding his grandchild's hair. Tsévéstoemo ná-hesto'tonohe. My spouse braided my hair. Tsévéstoemóto ná-hesto'tonohe. (alternate pronunciation) My wife braided my hair. É-hesto'tonȯhestse. He braided his (own) hair. É-hesto'tonohe. He is braided (has braided hair). É'ȯhkeéeméo-hesto'tonȯhnóvȯsesto hetaneo'o tsévéstoemóvose. Men used to braid their wives' hair in the morning. Phon: This word is one of several which often is transcribed as having a high pitch on the vowel immediately preceding the glottal stop ('). Some speakers, in some contexts, do seem to have a pitch value higher than the expected low pitch on such a vowel. Itis not a true phonemic high pitch, but rather a kind of phonetic (surface) pitch change,the raise occurring because of the greater throat constriction due to the following glottal stop. We are calling this phenomenon Glottal Raising (GR). Some other forms which sometimes experience GR (and hence will, in some transcriptions, have high pitches recorded) are: ma'xe- 'big', -hesta'amas 'wound s.o. by shooting', -oto'xovahe 'be capable', tsé-ó'hoésta 'cliff', -tsėheta'ovo'hamé (especially the first /a/) 'herd cattle',-nėhpo'an 'close s.t./s.o'. Antonym -séva'én. Category: hair.
-hesto'tonȯhomo'he vai. dance braid dance. for example, a Maypole dance. É-hesto'tonȯhomo'he. He danced the braid dance. Category: dance.
hesto'tono'kėhanȯtse ni. Gram: pl snowshoes, sandals. Lit: braided-shoes See: mo'keha. Category: record.
Hesto'tonovéséhe na. Braided Locks. Lit: braided-hair-person origin of the Cheyenne Brady family name. Variant: Hesto'tonȯhevéséhe. Category: names.
-hesto'tova'hahtsé vti. throw twist s.t. Can refer to twisting two different Cheyenne words into one. É-hestó'tova'hāhtse. He twisted it into one. Category: speak, record.
-hesto'tova'ham vta. throw twist s.o. Hestó'tova'hamameha! Pitch him a spinner ball! Category: baseball, record.
-hesto'tovenestse vai. twist speaking, slang speak. É-hesto'tovenestse. He is speaking in a slangy way. Category: speak.
hestom- i. hold back, hinder, prevent, busy. É-hestomahe. He is prevented / hindered. É-hestomȧhá'éne. She is hindered by her cooking. Etym: *wentam-.
-hestomȧhá'ené vai. hindered by cooking. É-hestomȧhá'éne. She is hindered by her cooking. Category: cook.
-hestomahe vai. hindered, prevented. for example, can't work because of some problem. É-hestomahe. He is prevented / hindered. Etym: *wetamesiwa (Pe) ‘he is busy’. Antonym -oséhe'kahe. See: -hestomeotse; -hehpeotse.
-hestomȧho'he vai. prevented by heat. É-hestomȧho'he. He is hindered by the heat; he doesn't want to go anywhere he is so hot. Category: temperature.
-hestoma'éno'hamé vai. hindered by driving. É-hestoma'éno'hāme. He was hindered by driving. Initial hestom-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hestoma'ó'h vta. hold back s.o., hinder s.o., prevent s.o. É-hestoma'o'ho. He held him back. É-hestoma'ó'hóho. He held him back. (newer pronunciation). Ná-hestoma'ó'ho. I prevented/hindered/held him back. [Croft] Antonym -nétse'ov, -amȧhtov. See: -hestomo'eéh; -hoonét. Category: interpersonal.
-hestoma'ov vta. keep s.o. at bay, prevent s.o. É-hestoma'ovóho. He kept him at bay. Etym: *wetamexkawe·wa (P). See: -hestomo'eéh; -hestoma'ó'h. Category: interpersonal.
-hestoman vta. prevent s.o., hold back s.o., hinder s.o. É-hestomanóho. He prevented/hindered/held back him. Etym: *wetamene·wa (P). Antonym -amȧht.
-hestomȧše'še vai. hindered by drinking. É-hestomȧše'še. He is hindered by being drunk. Category: drink.
hestome- pv. prevent, hinder, hold back. Ná-hestomėhotse'ohe. My work prevents me (for example, from doing something else). É-hestomėhe'póhtove. "Don't bother them, they are smoking."
-hestomémané vai. barn sour, will not go, hold back. said of a horse that refuses to cooperate. É-hestomémáne. He is barn sour. Category: horses.
-hestomeméohe vai. strain not to go, resist while straining. É-hestomeméohe. He was straining not to go. fai: -méohe.
-hestomeóó'e vai. stand prevented. É-hestomeóó'e. He is too busy standing there. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-hestomeotse vai. hindered. É-hestomeotse. He was hindered. Tósa'e mó-hestomeotsėhéhe. He must have become hindered somewhere. See: -hestomahe.
-hestomešé vai. lie hindered. É-hestomēše. He is lying hindered. That is, lying there with no time for anything else/. Category: lie.
-hestometanó vai. lag behind. because he doesn't want to go. É-hestometāno. He is lagging behind. (another recording) See: -hestomahe; -nóvahe; -popá'etanó.
-hestometanó'tov vta. prevent s.o. mentally. É-hestometanó'tovóho. He prevented him/he stopped him/he hindered him. Tsétsėhéstȧhese éohkė-hestometanó'tovȧhtseo'o. Cheyennes pull each other down (social leveling).
-hestomévam vta. hinder urge s.o., urge s.o. hindering. É-hestomévamóho. He urged him to stay. Éxȯhtsévėhestomévamaesesto Tsėhéstáno. They tried to make them stay, the Cheyenne tribe (did). (reportative mode). See: -vovótsevévam. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hestomo'eéh vta. hinder s.o.; hold back s.o., prevent s.o., push aside s.o. for example, hinder s.o. from getting his work done, or not care about s.o., such asthe black sheep in a family. É-hestomo'eeho. He hindered/held back him. É-hestomo'eéhóho. He hindered/held back him. (newer pronunciation). Névé'-hestomo'eeše! Don't hold me back! Ná-hestomo'eéhaevo háomóhtȧhévėhanéhe. ?? Sickness held us back. See: -hestoma'ov; -hestoma'ó'h. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hestomo'enohe vai. hindered by eating. É-hestomo'enohe. He is sluggish from eating. ?? fai: -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe; -nomono'enohe. Category: eat, check.
-hestomomóhtahe vai. prevented by sickness, hindered by sickness. É-hestomomóhtahe. He was prevented (from doing something) by sickness. Category: sickness.
-hestomoo'e vai. hindered sitting. É-hestomoo'e. ?? He is sitting hindered. Category: check.
-hestomóová vai. hindered by rain - be. for example, couldn't drive through because of rain. É-hestomóóva. He was hindered by rain. Etym: *wetama·pa·we·wa. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-hestomose vai. hindered by cold. É-hestomose. He is hindered by the cold/he is held back by cold. Final -ose. Etym: *wetamatiwa (Pe). Category: temperature.
hestomȯsestȯtse ni. Gram: poss cooking (poss). Ques: his cooking?? vai: -homosé. Category: cook, check.
-hestomotse'ohe vai. hindered by work. É-hestomotse'ohe. He was hindered by work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-he-stónȧhamóone vai. have a niece, have a stepdaughter. Ques: nȧhe?? Éhe-stónȧhamóone. He has a niece. tséhe-stónȧhamóonéto the one who is my niece/stepdaughter. Possessive -htónȧhemóone. Category: relatives, check.
-he-stónȧhamóoné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as niece. É-he-stónȧhamóonénoto. He has her as a niece. That is, she is his niece. Ná-he-stónȧhamóonenȯtse I have her as a niece. Category: relatives.
hestónȧhamóono na. his/her niece, his/her stepdaughter. This is a man's brother's daughter or a woman's sister's daughter. She is not called "niece" in English in the Cheyenne system. Instead, she can be called "daughter." See: he'hameho ‘his/her cross-niece’; hee'hahamóono ‘his/her nephew/stepson’.
-he-stónahe inc.n. have a daughter. É-he-stónahe. He has a daughter. Etym: *weta·niwa (P). tsé-hestónȧhéto the one who is my daughter. Tsé-hestónȧheto éhoehe? Is your daughter there? Possessive -htona; vta: -he-stonȧhé'tov. Category: relatives.
-he-stónȧhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as daughter. Náhe-stónȧhenȯtse. She is my daughter. (another recording) Ná-he-stónȧhé'tova. I am her daughter. Éhe-stónȧhénoto. He has her as daughter. Possessive -htona; vai: -he-stónahe. Category: relatives.
hestónaho na. Gram: poss his/her daughter(s). Stem -htónah. Category: relatives.
-hestonéahe vai. be damp. É-hestonéahe. He is damp. Etym: cf *wetakesiwa (P). vii: -hestonéa'e. See: -he'kóová. Category: texture.
-hestonéa'e vii. be damp. É-hestonéa'e. ?? It is damp. Synonym -hestonéo'o. Ques: only -hestonéo'o ?? vai: -hestonéahe. See: -he'kóová. Category: texture, check.
-hestonéešé vai. lie where it is damp. É-hestonééše. He is lying where it is damp. Etym: *wetakihšinwa (P). See: -he'kóovóma'ešé. Category: lie, liquid.
hestone'óonȯtse ni. Gram: poss his/her pieces of clothing. Singular hestone'oo'o. See: -htone'oo'o ‘piece of clothing (poss.)’; hone'oo'o ‘piece of clothing’. Category: clothing.
-hestonéo'o vii. damp. É-hestonéo'o. It is damp. Etym: *wetakye·wi (P). Ésáa-hestonéo'ȯhane. It is not damp. Phon: not vs Category: texture.
-he-stonó'kone vai. have.bedding. Naa éxhestonó'konesėstse nȧháóhe néhe kȧse'éehe. And that young woman had her bedding in the place-of-honor. [A Ghost Story.046]
-he-stonóvȯhkone vai. have drymeat. Éhe-stonóvȯhkone. He has drymeat. See: honóvóhko; -honóvá. Category: meat.
hestonóvónó'e ni. pole on which sliced meat is hung to dry. See: honóvóhkón; hésévávónó'e. Category: meat.
hestóohevóhesēō'o ni. nail file. Category: check.
hestóohevono na. his/her hoof, his/her toenail, his/her fingernail, his/her claw. See: -htóohevó. Category: body.
hestóohevono tsėhetȧxovahtȯtse ni. nail clippers. Lit: nails cutting thing See: o'oohevá'xestȯtse. Category: groom, check.
-héstoo'e vai. sit from there. Ques: recheck meaning?? Móhmomóonéhevėhevóhe móh=tā'se=héstoehehevóhe. They were captives, they were, like, imprisoned from that. [1987:40] Phon: vs Etym: *wentapiwa. Category: check.
-hestoo'e vii. occur. Éto'sė-hestoo'e. It is going to occur (at that time). Phon: vs Category: time, check.
-héstoo'emané vai. make laws from there. É-héstoo'emāne. He made laws from there. Vášėtáéno tsé-héstoo'emanese Congress. Lit: those who make laws from Washington See: -ho'emané. Category: legal.
-héstoo'emáov vta. make laws from there for s.o. especially refers to Washington, D.C. tséhnėx-héstoo'emáónétse from where laws are made for us. [1987:39]
-héstoo'éšeeh vta. rear s.o., raise s.o. as a descendant, parent s.o. É-héstoo'éšeehóho He raised him (that is, child-raising). tsé-héstoo'éšeehaešee'e your (pl) parents (lit. those who raised you).
-héstoo'éšee'e vai. reared from there. tséx-héstoo'éšee'ėše where his family background (raising/rearing) was from. [Stamper 1991:8] tsé-héstoo'éšééto where I grew up. tsé-héstoo'éšéétse where we grew up / our parent(s). Phon: vs vta: -héstoo'éšeeh. See: -éšee'e.
-héstoo'éšee'tov vta. descend from s.o. É(nėx)-héstoo'éšee'tovóho. He descended (is raised from?) him. Category: interpersonal.
hestoo'he ni. his/her bag. See: hoo'he. Category: check.
hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse ni. Gram: poss his home. Usage: newer usage than hévénótse vai: -hóo'ohtsé. See: hévénótse ‘his home’; hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse ‘home’.
-he-stóo'ȯhtséstove vai. have a home. Ésáa-he-stóo'ȯhtséstóvéhe. He doesn't have a home. See: -he-vénove.
-hestooma incl.n. bedding, have a bed. É-hestoema. He has a bed. Ques: sounds like -htooma Ques: oe or oo?? Ques: what is -héstooma ?? Vá'ȯhtáma éme'tȧ-héstooma tsé'tóhe. This (dog) would have the honored place. See: hóoma1 ‘blanket’. Category: bed, check.
-héstoomaa'e vai. have bed (over there) ?? É-héstoomaa'e. He has his bed over there. Phon: vs See: hóoma; -hestoomee'e. Category: check.
héstoomaestȯtse ni. bedding. Variant: héstoomȯtse. See: šéešestȯtse. Category: house.
-hestoomané vai. make bedding. É-hestoomāne. He made the bedding, arranged his bedding. [1987:269] Ques: -hestoeman[e?? See: -he-stooma ‘have a bed’.
-hestoomáov vta. put blanket over s.o. É-hestoomáovóho. He put a blanket over him. Nėstȧ-hestoomaóvatséme. I will make a bed for you (plural). [A Ghost Story] Ques: m[a or ma?? delete this or the preceding entry?? IndepNoun hóoma. See: -hestoomaov; -nȯhoomán; -hóvo'en; -hóoma'ov. Category: interpersonal, check.
-he-stóome vai. wear shawl, shawl - wear a, have on a blanket, blanket - have a, blanket - wear a. É-hestoome. She has (on) a shawl (or blanket). Etym: *wetakweɁmiwa (P). IndepNoun hóoma. See: -nȯhoomán; nȯhoomáohtsé.
hestoome ni. Gram: poss his/her blanket. ni: hóoma.
-hestoomee'e vai. sit covered by blanket. É-hestoomee'e. He is sitting covered by a blanket. See: -héstoomaa'e. Category: sit.
hestóomo na. Gram: poss his/her blanket. Ques: hestóome?? also check pitch?? IndepNoun hóoma. Category: check.
hestoomo'e ni. bark (of bush). It is a bush's "robe"; folk etymology. ?? Variant: hestoomo'ke. See: hetané-menó'ė-hestoomo'é-hohpe; hetone'ke. Category: plants, check.
hestoomo'ke Ques: hestóomo'ke ?? ni. bark (of bush). it is a bush's "robe"; folk etymology ?? hetané-menó'ė-hestóomo'é-hohpe juneberry bark tea. Variant: hestoomo'e. See: hetone'ke. Category: plants, check.
héstoomȯtse ni. bedding (on ground), bed fixtures. Usage: obsolescent Variant: héstoomaestȯtse; Plural héstoomōtsėstse. See: hóvo'ėšestȯtse ‘bed covers’; hóoma ‘blanket’; šéešestȯtse ‘bed’. Category: tepee.
-hestósan vti. drag s.t. É-hestósána. He is dragging it. for example, using a car to drag something. Etym: cf *weta·tintwa. See: -hestósėhahtsé ‘drag s.t.’. Category: move.
-hestȯsané vai. pledge (in the Sun Dance), go through the Sun Dance as a pledger. É-hestȯsāne. He is going through the Sun Dance as a pledger. tsé-hestȯsānėstse pledger. tsé-hestȯsanese pledgers. Variant: -hestȯsené, -hestȧsené (JLC). See: -nėheto'xevá; -hoxéhé'ševá; -évoneehné. Category: Sun Dance.
-hestósėhahtsé vti. drag s.t. for example, using a pickup to pull a car. É-hestósėháhtse. He dragged it. Etym: cf *weta·tintwa [*int replaced by *ihθetaw final (P)]. Synonym -amėstósėhahtsé. See: -hestósan; -hestóho'é. Category: move.
-hestósėhasené vai. drag. É-hestósėhasēne. He is dragging. for example, pulling things on a trailer behind a car. Category: move.
-hestósem vta. drag s.o. É-hestósemóho. He dragged him. Etym: *weta·time·wa (P). vti: -hestósėhahtsé. See: -amėstósem. Category: move.
-hestȯsené vai. pledge (in the Sun Dance), go through the Sun Dance as a pledger. É-hestȯsēne. He is going through the Sun Dance as a pledger. Variant: -hestȯsané. Category: Sun Dance.
Hestȯsenestȯtse ni. Sun Dance. See: Hoxéhevėhomó'hestȯtse. Variant: Hestȯsanestȯtse.
-he-stotóame inc.n. have cattle. É-he-stotóame. He has/owns cattle. tsé-hestotóamese those that have cattle. Névááhe tsé-hestotóamėstse? Who has cattle? Násáa-hestotóáméhe. I don't have cattle. Possessive -htotóame. Category: animals.
hestotóamo na. Gram: poss his cattle. Stem -htotóame. See: hestovamo ‘his co-in-law(s)’. Category: relatives.
-he-stotsehe inc.n. have a pet. often about having a horse as a pet. Ná-he-stotsehe. I have a pet. É-he-stotsehe. He has a pet. Etym: *wetayiwa. Né-he-stotséhehe? Do you have a horse? [1987:28] Móstȧ-he-stotséhehevóhe. They had horses (literally, pets). [1987:28] naa náhkȯheo'o néme'-he-stotséhenóneo'o and we would have pet bears. [1987:259] Névááhe tsé-hestotseestse? Whose pet (especially horse) is that? Possessive -htotséh.
-he-stotséhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as pet. É-he-stotséhenoto. He has him as a pet. Náhe-stotséhenȯtse. He is my pet. Hovánee'e esáa-he-stotséhehénoto tsé'tóhe óeškėseho. No one owns these (for example, stray) dogs. Possessive -htotsé. Category: horses.
hestotseho na. Gram: poss his pet. Stem -htotséh. See: -he-stotséhe.
héstov- i. both sides.
héstová- pv. cause. Naa tsé-héstovánéménėse ... And the reason why he sang ... Ques: are both pronunciations extant?? See: hešėtová-. Category: check.
héstova'éhe na. two-faced person. See: héstova'kéhe; héstóvátóhke.
-héstova'ehe vai. 1 • two-headed, dual nature, have a. É-héstova'ehe. He is two-headed. Ques: get plural to check penultimate pitch?? BodyPartMedial -a'é.
2 • duplicitious, two-faced. Category: figurative, personality, check.
héstova'kéhe na. two-headed monster. See: héstova'éhe; héstóvátóhke. Category: monsters.
hestovamo na. Gram: poss his co-in-law(s). This would be a person (or persons) who is the parent of one's child-in-law. Stem -htovame. See: hestotóamo ‘his cattle’. Category: relatives.
héstóvátóhke na. two-faced being. Some kind of monster; it had a face in front and one in back. See: -héstoveotse. Synonym héstova'éhe. Category: monsters.
-he-stovávome vai. have co-in-laws(s). Éhe-stovávome. He has co-in-laws. tséhe-stovávóméto the one who is my co-in-law. Category: relatives.
-he-stovávomé'tov Gram: ai+o vta. have s.o. as co-in-law. Éhe-stovávoménoto. He has them/him as co-in-law. Náhe-stovávomenȯtse. He is my co-in-law. Náhe-stovávomé'tova. I am his in-law. Éhe-stovávomé'tovȧhtseo'o. They are in-laws. This refers to the relationship of all the parents of two spouses to each other. Possessive -htovámé. Category: relatives.
héstove- pv. both ways, both sides. É-héstoveameōhtse. He walked on both sides. Náohkė-héstovėhéne'ena. I know it both ways. [Cheyenne Flood Story.011] Etym: *i·tawi. Category: positions.
héstove p. either side, both sides, both ways. Móxhóomoehevóhe Tsétsėhéstȧhese héstove. The Cheyennes ambushed them on both sides. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.016] Etym: *i·tawi. See: héstoveto. Category: positions.
-héstoveé'tov vta. sit beside s.o. É-héstoveé'tovóho. He is sitting beside him. See: -héestovée'tov; -véstoem ‘sit with s.o.’. Category: sit.
-héstovėheseehe vai. indispensable, pulled in two different directions. É-héstovėheseehe. He is needed everywhere. vta: -heseet.
-héstoveóó'e vai. stand on both sides. É-héstoveóeo'o. They are standing on both sides. fai: -óé; Reduplicated -hátsėstoveóe'tov. Category: stand.
Héstoveóó'e na. Standing On Both Sides Woman. Category: names.
-héstoveotse vai. undecided. É-héstoveotse. He is undecided. See: -héstovetanó; -hetseveotse. Category: cognition.
-héstovéstá vti. undecided about s.t. É-héstovésta. He is undecided about it. Ná-héstovéstánóne. We couldn't decide/we debated. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.
-héstovetanó vai. undecided, hesitate. É-héstovetāno. He is undecided. Ques: Is -hátsėstovetanó the correct pronunciation?? Category: check. See: -héstoveotse; -hátsėstovetanó; -néxa'etanó; -tó'hetanó; -ononávetanó. Category: emotions.
héstoveto p. both ways, both sides. Etym: cf *i·tawilawe·. See: héstove.
-he-stovóahamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as guest. Náhe-stovóahamenȯtse. He is visiting me/he is my guest. Náhe-stovóahamé'tova. I am his guest. Náhe-stovóahamé'tóó'e. I'm visiting them. See: nȧho'ȯhtsév.
hestovo'ēško na. mushroom. (another recording) [PD glosses as 'dew claws, dried apples'] Plural hestovo'ėškono; Obviative hestovo'ėškono. See: mo'ēško. Category: plants.
hestovonenéhotóá'e na. double-row-of-teeth monster, short faced bear. Lit: double-row-of-teeth buffalo This was some kind of monster. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: hotóá'e; méhne. Category: monsters.
hestovóo'ȯtse ni. his ear. Plural hestovootȯtse ‘his ears’. Hestovootȯtse némanėšévaenȧtse. I'll make you ears! (= I'll teach you how to listen). See: nȧhtovóo'ȯtse; -htovóo'ȯtse. Category: body.
héstovoóma p. on both sides of the water. for example, on both sides of a river or lake. Etym: *i·tawaka·me· (P). See: hátsėstovoóma; héstove-; ó'hóóma; hoóma. Category: positions.
-he-stovóotse inc.n. 1 • ear(s). É-he-stovóotse He has ears.
2 • be foxy, be conniving, be cunning. It can have this figurative meaning when used in the negative. Ésáavá'nė-he-stovootséhe. He is so foxy that all he lacks is ears. Lit: He just doesn't have ears, The idea behind this idiom is that if he had ears he'd be totally foxy. Étaomėhótsė-he-stovóotse. He is so foxy that all he lacks is ears. Lit: With difficulty he has his own ears. This verb has the same idiomatic meaning as the preceding verb. See: -htovóo'ȯtse. Category: ears.
-hestovootsé'seh vta. ears - cause s.o. to have, have ears - cause s.o to have, cause s.o. to have ears, learn a lesson, lesson - learn a. É-hestovootsé'sėhahtse. He learned his lesson. Lit: He caused himself to have ears. See: -hao'omósešé. Category: figurative, body, cognition.
Hestovóotséme'hahtse na. Sideburns. Lit: ear-beard See: -htovoo'ȯtse. Category: names.
hestóx- i. behind, last, after. É-hestóxahe. He is last. É-hestóxéhne. He is walking behind (idiom for henpecked husband). É-hestóxee'e. He is sitting in the back. Synonym ho'óx-.
-hestóxahe vai. last, behind. É-hestóxahe. He is last. This can be said of a man who is not boss of his family. Category: personality.
-hestóxȧho'he vai. last drive. É-hestóxȧho'he. He is the last one in the line of cars driving. Category: car.
-hestóxa'haso'he vai. ride horse last. É-hestóxa'haso'he. He is the last one in line riding horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hestóxan vta. put s.o. last. É-hestóxanóho. He put him last/he put him behind. See: -hestóxeto; vovóe-; vovóan.
-hestȯxe fai. so many. ... é-hestȯxeo'o. ... there were that many (animate). Etym: *tahšiwaki (P/L). tsé-hestȯxévȯse however many they were in number. fii: -hestoha. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than -hestóhtȯxe. Variant: -hestóhtȯxe. Category: quantity.
hestóxe- pv. last. Tótseha éhováneehéhe éovóehovánee'e heéháme é-hestóxėhováneehóho. Long ago she died, she died first; her husband died after (her). [1987:110] See: hó'óxe-.
-hestóxee'e vai. sit behind. for example, in back of car or wagon. É-hestóxee'e. He is sitting in the back. [1987:156] Hestóxee'ėstse! Sit in back!/Get in the back of the car! [1987:156] Morph: /-hehtóšee/. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-hestóxehné vai. 1 • walk behind, walk last. É-hestóxéhne. He is walking behind. That is commnly said about a henpecked husband. Synonym -ho'óxehné; Antonym -vovóehné.
2 • henpecked. Category: figurative, walk.
Hestóxéhne na. Walks Last. Category: names.
-hestóxėhné'tov vta. come after s.o. This is 'after' with the sense of 'later than'. Ná-hestóxėhné'tova. He came after me. See: hó'e'. Category: interpersonal, motion.
Hestóxéhnėstse na. Walks Last. Category: names.
-hestóxėho'eohtsé vai. arrive last. É-hestóxėho'eōhtse. He came in last. See: -hestóxo'eohtsé ‘arrive last by wagon’; -ho'eohtsé ‘arrive’. Category: motion.
Hestóxėhotóá'e na. Last Bull. Category: names.
hestóxe'ėsénéó'o ni. his bustle. IndepNoun hóxe'ėsénéó'o. Category: dance.
-hestóxe'haná vai. eat last. É-hestóxe'hāna. He is eating last. Cheyenne chiefs are the last ones to eat, as a sign of their taking care of their people. Category: eat.
Hestóxe'óoná'e na. Last Pipe Woman, Last Pipestem Woman. See: he'oo'o; He'óonévá'e. Category: names.
hestóxemé'one p. in the back, behind. for example, the back seat of a car. Ques: hestóxemé'óne?? Hestóxemé'one né'é'evonēhnėstse! Get in the back (for example, of a car or pickup)! [1987:27, 277] See: he'pa'onéome. Category: car, positions, check.
-hestóxeméohe vai. last run, run last. É-hestóxeméohe. He was the last one running. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
Hestóxenáhkohe na. Last Bear. Category: names.
Hestóxena'hāne na. Kills Last, Last Kills, Last Killer. Category: names.
Hestóxena'hané'e na. Kills Last Woman. Category: names.
-hestóxeohtsé vai. walk behind. É-hestóxeōhtse. He walked behind. See: -hestóxehné. Category: walk.
-hestóxeóó'e vai. stand last. É-hestóxeóó'e. He is standing last in line. fai: -óé2. See: -ho'óxeóó'e. Category: stand.
Hestóxeóó'ėstse na. Stands Last, Last Stands. Category: names.
-hestóxešé vai. lie in back. É-hestóxéše. He is lying in the back. Category: lie.
hestóxeto p. behind, back. See: ho'óxe; he'pa'onéomēē'e. Category: positions.
-hestóxeve vai. be behind; be last. É-hestóxeve. He is behind. Náma'xė-hestóxévéme. We are way behind (for example, in a game). Category: games.
-hestóxévétanó vai. be behind, last in mind. Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o, onésė-hestóxévétáno mȧsėhánééstóva! Don't race in craziness, try to stop your mounts (that is, horses), try to come in last interms of craziness! (= Don't live a hurried, crazy life!) Category: sayings.
-hestóxévétó vii. be last. É-hestóxévéto. It is last/it is behind.
-hestóxoh(n) vta. behind s.o. É-hestóxȯhnóho. She/He is walking behind him. Cheyenne women traditionally walk behind their husbands. See: -hó'e'ov. Category: motion.
-hestóxo'ȧhéotse vai. run last. É-hestóxo'ȧhéotse. He is running in last place; he is the last one running. ?? Initial hestóx-; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, check.
-hestóxo'eohtsé vai. arrive last by wagon. É-hestóxo'eōhtse. He arrived last by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -hestóxėho'eohtsé. Category: roll.
hestȯxo'hanȯtse na. Gram: pl spleen. Plural hestȯxo'hanoto. The spleen of animals is prepared and eaten. Category: meat.
-hestóxȯxe'ohe vii. written last. tsé-hestóxȯxe'ohe that which is the last (thing) written. Synonym -ho'óxȯxe'óhe.
hestse- i. wound, bruise, bloodshot. É-hestseotse. It is bloodshot. Ná-hestsēmo. I wounded him by talking. É-hestseēstse. He wounded it by pulling. É-hestsenaehóho. He caused him to be bloodshot.
hestse Gram: poss ni. his/her mouth. Éxaetoeváéna hestse. She held (covered) her mouth. Possessive -htse. See: mahtse. Category: mouth, check.
hestseamáxésto p. on the right side. Hétsėhéóhe hestseamáxésto tavóhka'xėstse! Here turn right! Antonym henamósésto. Usage: obsolescing See: -htšėhešeamáxésto. Category: positions, check.
-hestseestsé vti. wound s.t. by pulling. É-hestseēstse. He wounded it by pulling. See: -heseestsé ‘pull s.t.’. Category: move.
-hestseet vta. wound s.o. by pulling. É-hestseetóho. ?? He wounded him by pulling. Category: move, check.
-hestséevȧhevo'tonohe vai. have a braid lock. worn along with four braids around the head. É-hestséevȧhevo'tonohe. He has a braid lock on the top of his head. Category: hair.
hestsėhévá'xe ni. Gram: poss his/her tail, his/her handle. This word can also be used to refer to the tail (handle) of a skillet. (another recording) IndepNoun héhévá'xe; Possessive -htsėhévá'xe. See: hoóneanāto. Category: body.
-he-stsėhevá'xétó have a handle. Lit: have a tail This refers to the kind of handle on a cooking pan which sticks straight outhorizontally, for example, on a skillet. É-hestsėhevá'xéto. It has a handle. See: -hoóneanató. Category: body, containers.
-he-stsėhóvaov vta. appropriate (something) for s.o. É-hestsėhóvaovahtse. He appropriated it for himself/'he owned it for himself'. See: -hestsėhove. Category: possession.
-he-stsėhove vti. Gram: ai+o have s.t., own s.t., possess s.t. Ná-hestsėhove. That's my stuff. É-hestsėhove. He owns it. Etym: cf *wi·lo·wa (P). É-hestsėhóvenȯtse. He has them (inanimate) as a possession. Ná-hestsėhóvenȯtse. They (inanimate) belong to me (they are my things). Ná-hestsėhóvénóne. That is ours (excl.) É-hestsėhóvénóvo. That is theirs. Hestsėhovėstse! Take it as your own! Névááhe tsé-héestsėhovėstse Whose are these things? vta: -he-stsėhóve'tov. See: he- ‘have’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’; -á'en ‘own s.t./s.o.’; -ho'tsé ‘have s.t.’; -ho'h ‘have s.o.’.
vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o., own s.o., possess s.o. É-hestsėhóvenoto. He has him as a possession. Ná-hestsėhove. That is my possession. Ná-hestsėhóvenȯtse. He (animate) belongs to me. vta: -he-stsėhóve'tov. See: he-; -htsēhȯtse; -á'en; -ho'tsé; -ho'h. Category: possession, possession.
-he-stse'éme vai. Gram: ai+o 1 • have a wife, wife - have a. Lit: have a woman Usage: obsolescent meaning This word originally meant 'have a wife' (literally 'woman') but it changed to mean 'have intercourse', the same change which occurred with -he-véve, which also originally meant 'have a wife'.
2 • sex - have, intercourse - have, copulate. of a man. Éhe-stse'eme. He had sex. Synonym -he-véve ‘have intercourse’; vta: -he-stse'éme'tov ‘have intercourse with’; IndepNoun hē'e ‘woman’. See: hestse'emo ‘his woman / wife’; tsévéstoemose ‘the one who is his/her spouse’. Etym: *weteθkwe·miwa (P). Category: vulgar, sex.
-he-stse'éme'tov vta. Gram: ai+o 1 • have s.o. as wife, wife - have s.o. as.
2 • copulate with s.o., intercourse with s.o. - have, screw s.o. Originally meant 'have s.o. as wife (lit. woman)'. This word narrowed in meaning to refer to sexual relations between a man and wife; today it seems that the term is used exclusively for having intercourse with s.o.. Some speakers today say that this word should not be used for the meaning 'have s.o. as wife'. Because of the history of this word, speakers can still make plays on the word, as when a man says, nápėhévėhestse'émenȯtse 'I have a good wife,' but he wants hearers to think of the more usual meaning, 'I had intercourse with her.' In Petter's dictionary the older meaning, 'have s.o. as wife,' is the only one listed, so we assume that the newer meaning has developed since that dictionary was published in 1915. Éhe-stse'émenoto. He has her as wife/he had intercourse with her. Náhe-stse'éme'tova. He had intercourse with me. Náhe-stse'émenȯtse. I had intercourse with her. vai: -he-stse'eme; IndepNoun hē'e; Possessive -htse'eme. See: -he-vévé'tov. Category: vulgar, sex.
-he-stse'émeotsé'tov vta. have intercourse with s.o., screw s.o. Éhe-stse'émeotsénoto. He had intercourse with her. Éstȧ-hestse'émeotsénȯhoono néhe vé'hó'e. (The rabbit) screwed that whiteman. [Croft 1988:24:23] See: -he-stse'éme'tov. Category: sex, vulgar.
hestse'émestȯtse ni. intercourse, sex. Category: new, sex, vulgar.
-he-stse'émétanó vai. want a woman, want sex. Originally this literally referred to wanting a woman, that is, a wife, but it came to mean wanting sex. É-hestse'émétáno. He wants sex. See: -he'šétanó ‘be in heat’. Category: marriage, sex.
hestse'emo na. Gram: poss his wife, his wives, wife - his. Lit: his-woman (another recording) Usage: obsolescing; This word is avoided today since it sounds "nasty", too similar to the verb for 'have intercourse'; today tsévéstoemose 'his/her spouse' is much more commonly used Possessive -htse'ém ‘wife (poss)’; Antonym heéháme ‘her husband’. See: -he-stse'éme ‘have intercourse’; -he-véve ‘have intercourse’; tsévéstoemose ‘his/her spouse’. Category: marriage, vulgar.
hestse'kēsta ni. Gram: poss her vagina (poss.), vagina (poss.) - her. Possessive -htse'kestá; Stem -'kestá2; IndepNoun ma'kēsta. Category: body, vulgar, sex.
hestse'ko ni. Gram: poss leg - his/her, bone - his/her. See: -htse'ko. Category: body.
-he-stse'kone vai. have leg(s). Nésáa-he-stse'konéhe. You don't have legs. [PEYOTE.TXT] Category: body.
hestse'koné ni. Gram: poss by his/her leg(s).
hestse'óhkono na. Gram: poss his/her pipe. Possessive -htse'óhko. Category: smoke.
Hestsé'ooné'héhe na. Elbow Woman. Category: names.
hestsé'oono na. Gram: pl 1 • his elbow(s). See: -htsé'ooná ‘elbow (med.)’. Category: body.
2 • armature. grammatically plural. Category: car.
-hestsé'oonoh(n) vta. elbow s.o. É-hestsé'oonȯhnóho. He elbowed him. See: -htsé'ooná ‘elbow’.
hestse'otse'ko ni. neck. See: he'ȯtse; he'otse'ko. Category: body.
hestse'peōtse loc. rib area (on the side). See: hestse'pēva. Category: body.
hestse'pēva loc. on the rib(s). IndepNoun he'pe. See: hestse'peōtse. Category: body.
-hestsem1 vta. wound s.o. by speaking. É-hestsemóho. He wounded him by talking. Ná-hestsēmo. I wounded him by talking. See: -hestsem2. Category: speak.
-hestsem2 vta. bring s.o. by speaking, take s.o. by speaking. É-hestsemóho. He brought him by speaking. See: -hestsem1 ‘wound s.o. by speaking’; -hesem ‘take s.o. by speaking’. Category: speak.
hestsemá'eme 1 • ni. his blood. Category: body.
2 • na. His Blood. Stem -htsemá'eme; IndepNoun ma'e. Category: names.
hestsemá'eme é-má'seohtsetse vii. be anemic. Hestsemá'eme é-má'seohtsetse. He is anemic. Lit: the blood (of him) is disappearing Category: sickness.
-he-stseméene vai. have wing(s). É-he-stseméene. He (for example, bird) is winged (or has wings). hotse'ono tsé-he-stseméenese angels (lit. workers with wings). IndepNoun mee'e.
hestseméenéhatseške na. winged ant. See: hátseške. Category: bugs.
hestse(n)- i. bloodshot, bruise. É-hestseotse. It/He is bloodshot. É-hestsenaehóho. He bruised him. ?? É-hestsenȯhnóho. He bruised him with a tool.
-hestsenaeh vta. bruise s.o. É-hestsenaehóho. He bruised him. ?? [Whiteman and the Coyote.029] seems to particularly refer to being bloodshot. hó'tȧháemo náme'taonȧháxė-hestsenaēho if I startle him I might cause him to be bloodshot. See: -hohkó'soovot. Category: interpersonal, check.
hestséne ni. his face, her face. Stem -htséné. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.
-he-stsenenó'same vai. 1 • have nits. Éhe-stsenenó'same. He has nits. Possessive htsenenó'same.
2 • be evil (like the devil), be crazy. Ques: recheck if this is an idiom?? Category: figurative, bugs.
hestsenenó'samo na. his nits. See: htsenenó'same. Category: bugs.
hestsénéva Ques: loc ni. in his mouth, mouth - in his. Ques: recheck?? Ques: what is the noun stem?? Category: mouth, check.
-hestsenoh(n) vta. bruise s.o. by tool. É-hestsenȯhnóho. He bruised him (with a tool). See: -hestsenaeh.
-hestseotse vai. bloodshot.
vii. bloodshot, bruised. É-hestseotse. It/He is bloodshot. Category: meat.
-he-stsėskóveotse vai. have goose bumps (goose-pimples). refers to having the feeling of fear up the spine. Ná-hestsėskóveotse. I have goose-pimples. See: -heškóve'pa'onáotse.
hestsēsta ni. Gram: poss his heart. Stem -htsestá; IndepNoun hēsta. Category: body.
-he-stsėstahe vai. 1 • have a heart, heart - have a.
2 • emotionless, uncompassionate. Ésáa-hestsėstáhéhe. He has no heart; he is uncompassionate. See: hēsta ‘heart’; -htáha ‘heart (medial)’. Category: emotions, body.
hestsésta'he ni. Gram: poss his umbilical cord, his belly button. Énȯhtséna hestsésta'he. He is looking for his umbilical cord. That is a humorous expression referring to someone who is rooting around for things. Possessive -htsésta'he. Category: body.
hestséstóne na. on his heel. See: htséston. Category: body.
hestsėstoo'o ni. his/her jaw. See: -htsėstoo'o. Category: body.
hestsétato ho'honáeo'o na. kidney stones. Category: new. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, sickness, body.
hestsetȧtse na. kidney. Plural hestsétato; Obviative hestsétato; Possessive -htsėstsetȧtse. Morph: /hehtétat/. Etym: *weto·θeθwali ‘his kidney (??)’. Category: check, body, meat.
hestsétȧxá-veta ni. kidney fat. Ques: Is hestsétȧxé-vešėške preferred pronunciation?
hestsétȧxé-vetšėške ni. kidney fat. See: vetšėške 'fat'. Variant: possibly hestsétatsé-vetšėške. Kidney fat is used in bed fixtures of altar of Sun Dance. Category: meat.
hestsetohko ni. his dish. Possessive -htsetohko; IndepNoun hetohko. Category: containers.
hestsévá'xe ni. Gram: poss his/her tail. Category: body.
-hestsevéveše vai. have horns, have antlers. Can also be of someone wearing a cap with horns on it. For some people this word sounds nasty due to similarity in sound to -he-veve 'have intercourse.'. É-he-stsevéveše. He has horns. Éma'xė-he-stsevéveše. He has big horns. Móéšėto'sė-hestsevévėšėhéhe. He is about to grow horns. He is "crazy". Étaomėhótsė-he-stsevéveše. He is so evil. (= like a devil). Lit: He almost sprouted horns. See: vevėstse ‘horn/antler’; -he-veve ‘have intercourse’. Category: animals, sayings, vulgar, figurative.
hestsevéveto na. Gram: poss his horn(s), his antler(s). (another recording) Ques: recheck; his horn(s) or horns?? Category: check. Possessive -htsevevėstse; IndepNoun vevėstse. Category: body.
-hestsevo'oh(n) vta. wound s.o. by hitting. É-hestsevo'ȯhnóho. He wounded him (obv) by hitting him. Category: violence.
hestsevoxe ni. Gram: poss his den, His Den. an alternate name for the Hóma'e (Beaver) constellation. Possessive -htsevoxe; IndepNoun voxe. See: hóma'e. Category: celestial.
-he-stsevoxe inc.n. have a den. tósa'e tsé'ée-he-stsevóxévȯse homā'e wherever the beavers had lodges. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.007] IndepNoun voxe; Possessive -htsevóxe. Category: animals.
hestše na. 3PS.mother. Usage: old man speech Category: relatives.
héstše p. male exclamation. Héstše?! Tósa'e émȧsóho'ȯhtséstóvénėstse? How come?! Where could they have all gone? Usage: This pronunciation, with the palatalization of k to tš, is regarded as thehistorically older male pronunciation. Variant: héštše, héške. See: hémehe; šeaa; nóoo.
heš i. Gram: rr so, that way. Étšė-hešéne. His face looks this way. See: het-.
heše i. so, such, thus, how. ... é-hešenōne. ... that is how he sang.
heše- pv. so, how, that. acts something like a complementizer when in conjunct clauses which are objects of certain verbs, for example, -héne'ená 'know'. Gram: rr Naa ééšemá'sėhováneeheo'o ma'háhkėseho tsénėšėhéne'enose tsé-hešemé'o Héna'ehéne véhonema'kaata. And the old people are all gone who knew that Swan was the one that found that gold. [1987:19] Náhkȯhe-éstse'henáhe é-heševéhe. He is named Bear Shirt. (lit. bear-shirt he is so named). Éhnėhésesto tséto'sė-hešeévaaseohtsévȯse tséto'sė-hešeévanoo'ȯhtséhaétse. They said that they were going to leave, that they were going to leave us. [1987:14] Hohtóvavé'hó'e éhnėhetaesesto tsé-hešėhová'ȧhanéhetse kóhkonȯheo'o. The clerk told her that there was no bread. (1987:178). Ná'éevéstȧhémo tséohkė-hešėtó'hovėhonéstovetse. I helped him to put up the tepee. (1987:179). Móhnéstomónėhéhe tsé-hešėtoo'ėhévȯse. He heard that they were in jail. (1987:182). Tȧháóhe hákó'e tósa'e hoháá'ėše móstȧ-hešėhétoo'ėhehevóhe. Far away somewhere they were taken to prison. (1987:185). Móxho'nóhene'enovovȯhtse tsé-hešenéehovėse nėhéóhe tsé-heševésėhéstaese They didn't know that it was him, that he was from (their group). (1987:292). tsé-hešepėhévanómo the way I am fixing it. acts as a relator prenoun (probably meaning something like 'such'), in conjunction with a relator pronoun, as seen in the examples in this entry where heše- is prefixed to a noun. Initial het-. heováestse heše-vé'kėseho various kinds of birds. naa heováestse hešė-hováhne móhmónėhó'oehevóhe and different kinds of animals were sitting in a line (1987:246). Ho'honáéva éstȧ-heševé'hahtséhoono kȧsováaheho. The young men went along there to the mountain. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsėheše- points to new information. étšė-hešenéméne He sang this way ... Phon: assimilation of [s] to [š] forms may appear in listing under tsėheše... or tšėheše... éstatšė-hešeaséhoo'o nėhéóhe He went towards there (1987:285). in combination with the verb 'give', has meaning of 'send': See: heše-; hése-; tšėše-; tsė-; nė-. Násáahéne'enovóhe tósa'e tsésto'sėtšė-hešeméá'tóó'ėse. I don't know where he will send me. nėheše- refers to a preceding discourse context. Éohkenė-hešėhéne'enánóvo tséhestȯheaénamávȯse. That's how they kept track of (knew) their (own) ages. (1987:32). Etym: *eši.
-hešeéh vta. treat s.o. that way. ... é-hešeeho. ?? ... he treated him that way. ... é-hešeéhóho. (newer pronunciation) Nėhē'še mó'osáaneéenȯhtsėstóhehevóhe tsé'tó=he'eo'o héva tsétaée-hešeehaevȯsetsé'tó=nótȧxévé'hó'e Then these ladies were asked how they had been treated by these soldiers (1987:57). See: -hešé'tov; -heto'eéh. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hešeehe vai. Gram: rr move there. ... é-hešeehe. ... that is where he moved. Nátao'sėheše-ehe. I'm going to move there. fai: -ehe. Category: move.
héšééše p. in the sun. Héšééše éhoo'e. He is sitting in the sun. Category: positions.
-hešéh vta. so do to s.o., do to s.o. that way. ... é-hešeho. ... that is what he did to him. ... é-hešéhóho. ... that is what he did to him. (newer pronunciation). Nėstsetaomenė-hešéhahtséme. You will bring it on yourselves / It will be your own fault. [Sweet Medicine Comments.077] Category: do.
hešeha vai. Say it! Nė-hešeha! Tell that to him! (to him??) Néxhósenė-hešeha! Say it again! Óxȯhešeha! Say something! Tšė-hešeha! Say this to him! Category: check, speak.
-he-šehe inc.n. have a maternal uncle. A maternal uncle is your mother's brother. Éhe-šehe. He has a maternal uncle. Etym: *wešihsiwa (P). tséhe-šėhese the one who is his uncle. tséhešėhéto the one who is my maternal uncle. (another recording) vta: -he-šėhé'tov; NounStem: -šeh. Etym: *wešihsiwa 'he has a cross uncle'. Category: relatives.
-he-šėhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o Gram: inc.c maternal uncle; have s.o. as maternal uncle. Náhe-šėhenȯtse. He is my maternal uncle. Náhe-šėhéhenȯtse. He is my uncle. (another pronunciation; which is correct?? Éhe-šėhénoto. He has him as maternal uncle. See: -héhamóone'tov ‘have s.o. as paternal uncle’. Category: relatives, check.
hešeho na. Gram: poss his/her maternal uncle. that is, his or her mother's brother. hešéhevóho their maternal uncle. See: héhamóono ‘his/her paternal uncle (or stepfather)’. Stem -šeh. Category: relatives.
héše'e ni. dirt. Variant: héše'ke. Category: environment.
heše'émȧhéó'o ni. sod house. Category: house.
-heše'évahe vai. dirty - be. É-heše'évahe. He is dirty. vii: -heše'évó. Category: appearance.
heše'éve-1 pv. dirt. tséohkė-heše'éveénano'éstovetse the way they always plant. [Learning to Plow.002] Category: farm.
-heše'eve2 vii. dirty.
vai. dirty. that is, to have dirt on it. É-heše'eve. It (or He) is dirty/dusty. Variant: -heše'kéve2. See: -tsévanó.
Heše'éveeséhe na. Dusty Nose, Dirty Nose. Category: names.
-heše'évehá vii. lie dusty, dusty lie. É-heše'évéha. It is collecting dust. Category: lie.
-heše'évėhahtá vai. dirty feet. É-heše'évėháhta. He has dirty feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.
Heše'évėhahtáhe na. Dusty Foot. Variant: Heše'kévėhahtáhe. Category: names.
-heše'événé vai. dirty face. É-heše'événe. He has a dirty face. Etym: *ašiškyi·wi·nkwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sotséné. Category: face.
Heše'événéhe na. Dusty Face, March. Variant: Heše'kévénéhe. possible alternative month name. Category: months.
Heše'évenéheéše'he na. Dirt Face Moon, March, April. possible alternative month name. See: Ponomá'ėhasenéeše'he. Category: time.
-heše'évenome vai. sleep in dust. Lit: dust-sleep É-heše'évenome. He is sleeping in dust. Hó'ótóva éšeēva (otóhpȧse) nȧhtseévȧ-heše'évenome. Someday I will sleep returned to dust (that is, sleep forever in death; and you can sleep all you want then). Category: sleep.
-heše'évenóno'e vii. look dusty, look muddy. É-heše'évenóno'e. It looks dusty. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-heše'évenóohe vai. appear dirty, look dirty. É-heše'évenóohe. He looks dirty. Éxxamaemȧhe-heše'évenóohéhoo'o. He was just all dirty (pret). [1987:70] Variant: -heše'kévenóohe; fai: -nóohe. See: -ho'sotahe. Category: appearance.
-heše'évėsáne vai. wear dirty clothes. É-heše'évėsáne. He is wearing dirty clothes. Category: clothing.
-heše'évešé vai. lie dusty, dusty lie. for example, of a dog. É-heše'évéše. He is collecting dust, lying in dust. Category: lie.
-heše'évó vii. dirty - be. É-heše'évo. It is dirty. vai: -heše'évahe; Synonym -ho'sotó. Category: appearance.
-heše'évoma'o'e vii. dusty ground - be. É-heše'évoma'o'e. The ground is dusty. Category: ground.
-heše'évomóhtahe vai. feel dirty, feel dusty. É-heše'évomóhtahe. He feels dirty. fai: -omóhtahe.
-heše'évoome vii. be dirty water. É-heše'évoome. The water is dirty. Category: liquid.
-heše'há vai. Gram: rr so fly, fly so. ... é-hešē'ha. ... that is where he flew. Tatšė-hešē'hȧhtse tséxho'hooné'ta! Fly over to where there is a camp! [The Rolling Head.095]
-heše'hahe vai. such a voice - have. ... é-heše'hahe. ... he has such a voice. Etym: *ešiɁθesiwa. Medial -e'hahe.
-heše'hahé'tá vti. how vocables are sung for s.t. Néhmétseo'o tséto'sė-heše'hahé'tohe. Give me how the vocables are going to be sung for it. [1987:156] fai: -e'hahe. See: -noné. Category: sounds, voice.
-hešé'hahtáxe vai. Gram: rr toward/by the feet of s.o. Éstȧhámėstoeotséhoo'o tsé-hešé'hahtáxėse. She sat down by his feet. [VISION.TXT] Ques: še'?? Category: feet, check.
-heše'haná vai. Gram: rr eat that way, so eat. ... ná-heše'hāna. ... that is how I ate. ... é-heše'hāna. ... that is how he ate. Etym: *ešiʔθenye·wa. Tséohkė-heše'hānȧse nává'nenė-heše'hāna. How he eats I just eat like that. Nȧhahpo é-heše'hāna mótó'easeávoonėhéhe. Absolutely all of his food that is how he ate; he must have been starved. Háahpe'e ná-heše'hāna. I ate a lot. Lit: a lot that is how much I ate He'koneame naa he'kone'éemȧsono ná-heše'hāna. Cheese and macaroni that is what I ate. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-heše'hanáotse vai. eat that way. ... é-heše'hanáotse ... he ate that way. takes some relative word preceding it.
héše'ke 1 • ni. dirt, dust. Phon: iah Variant: héše'e. Etym: *ašiškiwi (correct etymon??). Category: check. See: ho'e. Category: environment, ground.
2 • na. Dust. Category: names.
-heše'kémea'xe vai. dusty smell. É-heše'kémea'xe. He has a dusty smell. Category: smell.
heše'(k)év- i. dusty, dirty. É-heše'évéha. It is collecting dust. É-heše'événe. He has a dirty face. É-heše'évoome. The water is dirty. See: ho'sot-. Category: appearance.
heše'kéve-1 pv. dirt. Móxho'nóhene'enomēvȯhtse tséto'sėhešeéeheše'kévenóohévȯse. They didn't know that they were going to get dirty. [tséohkėheše'eve'enano'éstovetse] Variant: -heše'éve. Category: farm.
-heše'keve2 vii. dirty.
vai. dirty. that is, to have dirt on it. É-heše'keve. It (or He) is dirty/dusty. Variant: -heše'éve2. See: -tsévanó.
-heše'kévėhahtá vai. dusty feet, dirty feet. É-heše'kévėháhta. He has dusty/dirty feet. Etym: *ašiškyi·wisite·wa ‘he has muddy feet’. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: names.
Heše'kévėhahtáhe na. Dusty Foot. Variant: Heše'évėhahtáhe. Category: names.
Heše'kévénéhe na. Dusty Face, March. Variant: Heše'événéhe. possible alternative month name. Category: months.
Heše'kévénėstse Dirt In the Face (Moon), October. possible alternative month name. See: Se'má'omevé-eše'he; Se'ené-eše'he. Category: months.
-heše'kévenóohe vai. look dirty. É-heše'kévenóohe. He looks dirty. Móxho'nóhene'enomévȯhtse tséto'sėhešeée-heše'kévenóohévȯse. They did not know that they were going to get dirty. [1987:69] Variant: -heše'évenóohe. Category: appearance.
-heše'kévėstséá'e vai. dirt in hair - have. É-heše'kévėstséá'e. He has dirt in his hair. BodyPartMedial -htséá. Phon: vs Category: hair.
-heše'kévoo'e vai. sit in the dirt. É-heše'kévoo'e. He is sitting in the dirt. Éohkeéevá'nė-heše'kévoeo'o. They sit in the dirt. [The Nighthawk.010]
-heše'kévoome vii. dirty water, muddy water. É-heše'kévoome. It is dirty (or muddy) water. Variant: -heše'évoome. Category: liquid.
Heše'óhtanéhe na. Dirty Forehead. Category: names.
-hešé'tov vta. do that to s.o. ... é-hešé'tovóho. ... that is what he did to him. Etym: *eši·ʔtawe·wa. Náo'omóohtomóvo tsé-hešé'tóó'ėse I'm overlooking what he did to me. vai: -hešévé. Category: do.
-hešeméa'há vii. Gram: rr smell so. ... é-hešeméá'ha. ... that is how it smells. fii: méa'há. Category: smell.
-hešeméa'xe vai. smell so. ... é-hešeméa'xe ... that is how he smells. fai: méa'xe. Category: smell.
-hešeméohe vai. run there. ... é-hešeméohe. ... that is where he is running to. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-hešéné vai. Gram: rr so faced. ... é-hešéne. ... that is what his face looks like. tsé-hešénėstse the way his face looks. This can be humorous, referring to how someone looks after they have done something wrong. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
hešene ni. his/her face. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, body, face.
-hešénee'e vai. Gram: rr such a face sitting. ... é-hešénee'e. ... he has such a face sitting. tsé-hešénee'ėstse how his face looks sitting. BodyPartMedial -éné. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-hešene'ho'tá vii. so room. ... é-hešene'hō'ta. ... it is such a room. fii: -ne'ho'tá.
-hešénéóó'e vai. Gram: rr be so faced standing. ... é-hešénéóó'e ... he has such a face standing. tséhešénéóó'ėstse the way his/her face appeared while standing. This especially refers to how someone's face looks after they have been reprimanded for not doing something they were asked to do or for misbehaving. BodyPartMedial -éné; fai: -óé2. Category: stand, face.
-hešénome vai. Gram: rr sleep that way. ... é-hešénome. ... he slept that way. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hešenoné vai. Gram: rr sing that way. ... é-hešenōne. ... that is how he sang. Etym: *ešina·ke·wa (P). É'ȯhkeno'mé'ésta tsé-hešenonévȯse. They also explained what they were singing. [STORIES.TXT] fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-hešenóno'e vii. Gram: rr look so, appear so, so look, so appear. ... é-hešenóno'e. ... that is how it looks. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-hešenóohe vai. Gram: rr so.look, so look, look so. ... é-hešenóohe ... that is how he looks. Etym: *ešina·kwesiwa (P); O izhinaagozi (N). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
hešeo'o ni. rump, buttock. Etym: *wešyi·kani (He) ‘his rump, buttock’; nešyi·kani ‘my rump, buttock’. Plural hešéonȯtse. See: -htšėšeo'o; -šéoná. Category: body.
-hešėstanéheve vai. how live. ... é-hešėstanéhéve. ... that is how he lives. Category: live.
-hešéstanove vai. Gram: rr so live. ... é-hešéstanove. ?? ... that is how he lives. nesta tséméhae-hešéstanovėse the way his life used to be. [2 Cor. 5:17] fai: -éstanove1. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live, check.
hešėstósem vta. so drag s.o., drag s.o. so. ... é-hešėstósemóho. ... he so dragged him. [My Father's Schooling.057] fta: -stósem. Category: move.
-he-šéstotó'ame vai. have the cedar. said of the cedar keeper at a peyote meeting. See: he- 'have'. É-he-šéstotó'ame. He has the cedar. Final -ó'(e). Category: ceremonial.
-hešešé vai. Gram: rr lie so. ... é-hešēše. ... he so lies. Etym: *ešihšinwa. Oóxésta ná-hešēše. All right that is how I am lying. tsėhéóhe tséévėhé-hešėšenáto how I am fasting here like this. [VISION.TXT] Category: lie.
-hešėškȯséotse vai. get cramps in finger(s) (or toe(s)). É-hešėškȯséotse. He has cramps in his finger/toes. Category: body.
-hešėtaneta vai. calm. É-hešėtaneta. He is a calm person. Ésáa-hešėtanetáhe. He can't calm down. Éssáatónėšė-hešėtanetáhesėstse. He was very, very restless. [1987:298] Synonym -he'kotahe. See: -hešetanó; -evo'tó'kahe; -sáahešėtanetáhe ‘fidgety’.
-hešėtánéve vai. so.live. Nėstsevé'ėhešėtánévéme! Don't live like that! [Sweet Medicine Comments.076] Category: live.
-hešetanó vai. so think, think this way. The second stem vowel is usually whispered, making, for example, é-hešėtāno, used as a cognition quotation closure. ... é-hešėtāno. ... that is how he is thinking. ... ná-hešėtāno. ... I'm thinking that way. ... énė-hešėtāno. ... he is thinking that (previously mentioned) way. ... étšė-hešėtāno. ... he is thinking this way (content about to be said). See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.
-hešetanó'tȯsené vai. wish for people to do. tsé-hešėtanó'tȯsénėse what (God) has chosen for you to do. [1987:143] Variant: -hešetanó'tȯsané. Category: cognition.
-hešetanó'tov vta. wish s.t. for s.o. É-hešetanó'tovóho. He wished (that) for him. See: -hesétam. Category: cognition.
-hešetanónaa'e vai. think that way sitting. Nátama'xeéehetóseamė-hešetanónaa'e I just kept thinking that way as I was sitting. [How God Helped Me Forgive.58.] Phon: vs Category: cognition, sit.
-hešetanóna'ov vta. how want s.o. to think. héva heéestséstóvévo tséhmȯxe'ȯhomēvȯse tséhešėtanóná'óévȯsema'heóne-mȧhta'sóomaho like, their word which they wrote as it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. [1987:119] Category: cognition.
-hešėtanóotse vai. think. Náhtȧ-hešėtanóotse. I thought. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.056] Category: cognition.
-hešėtȧxe'ov vta. chase s.t. there, force s.o. there. ... é-hešėtȧxe'ovóho. ... that is where he chased him. Category: interpersonal.
hešėtová- pv. reason for, meaning of. tsé-hešėtovánėheto'emānėse the reason why he made the decision. Móstȧhéne'enȯhenovóhe héne tsé-hešėtovánėhešėtáhoo'ėse. They knew that reason why he rode that way. [1987:54] (Némeo'ȯtse) éohkevého'énove naa héne tsé-hešėtovávėho'énove netao'o héne tsétaévėhešėtováto náto'semé'ésta (This song) has words and what the words mean, I'm gonna tell everything about how it came to be (sung). [1987:300] Phon: heše- + tová- ?? Category: check. See: tová-; hése-; vé'-; homá'xe-.
-hešėtovahe vai. Gram: rr such shape, so shaped, be in that shape, be that way, be so, so mean, be the meaning of. ... é-hešėtovahe. ... he is so shaped. móhno'eamóneo'hohevóhe ho'honaa'o héna'e tsé-hešėtováese He also formed those rocks in the shape of a swan. [1987:18] See: -hetó'emá. Category: shapes.
-hešėtovátó vii. Gram: rr so be, so mean, be that way, be what it is all about, be the meaning of. tsé-hešėtováto the way it is; the meaning of it. for example, the meaning of tepee designs. tséxhéne'enátanó'to tsé-hešetovátotse as he wants to find out all about it. [1987:105] naa tséx-hešėtováto hé'tóhe ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o and the teachings of this Bible. [1987:300] See: -hešėxováto. Category: check, identity.
hešetóvȯhtó'hé vai. so haul. "Tósa'e néto'sė-hešetóvȯhtó'héme?" mó'évėhetȯhevóhe. "Where are you going to haul them? he must have said to them. [My Father's Schooling.059] Category: move.
hešetsé vai. wish. Tónėstoha móstáéšenė-hešetsėhéhe. However many times, he did that. [Floating Eyes:014] Ques: RECHECK?? Category: check.
hešévaen vta. tell s.o. quickly, say to s.o. quickly. Ques: check gloss?? ... é-hešévaenóho. ... that is what he told him quickly. Néohtšėšenė-hešévaenȧtse. I tried to tell that to you. Category: check, speak.
-hešévé vai. Gram: rr do so, do that, so do. This is one of many relative roots. -hešévé and -heto'eétahe are near synonyms, but the latter seems to refer more to performance, rather than simple activity (of -hešévé). ... é-hešéve. ... that is what he did. Éohkėsáa'évėhéne'enóhehane tséévė-hešévėstove heómaa'e ȯhtavé'hestanee'ėstse. You don't know what you are doing, too much if you take it (drink). [1987:296] nėhē'še éssáaxae=tā'se=héne'enóhénóvȯse tséto'sė-hešévévȯse Then they did not know quite what to do then. See: -nėhešévé; -tšėhešévé; -tónėšévé; -heto'eétahe. vta: -hešé'tov. Category: do.
-heševéhé vai. named - so, be so named, be named that. The person's name is said first then this word. Ma'óhkééná'e ná-heševéhe. Red Tassel Woman is my name. Amėsto'eesēō'o ná-heševéhe. Travois is my name. Kovááhe ná-heševéhe. Youngman is my name. ... ná-heševéhe. ... that is what I'm named. ... é-heševéhe. ... that is his name. Náhkȯhéso é-heševéhe. Littlebear is his name. Category: identity.
-hešéveohe vai. do urgently, do hurriedly. ... é-hešéveohe. ... that is what he did hurriedly. Móxho'nóxhene'enomévȯhtse tséto'sėhešéveohévȯse. They didn't know what they were going to do (then). See: -hešévé.
-hešévetanó vai. want to do (something). ... é-hešévetāno. ?? ... that is what he wants to do. Éohkėsáa'évanė-hešévetanóhtovėhane. There is not wanting to do that. [Former Fears.047] Category: do, check.
-hešévone vii. sound so, sound that way. ... é-hešévone. ... it sounds that way. hápó'e hé'tóhe tsé-hešévone as (for example, much as; same as) this sound. See: -hésevone. Category: sounds.
-heševonehné vai. crawl that way. ... é-heševonēhne. ... he crawled that way. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.
-hešėxovan vti. put s.t. at an angle to something else. For example, to put something at a right angle to the ground. É-hešėxovāna. He put it at a right angle.
vta. put s.o. at an angle to something else. É-hešėxovanóho. He put him at a right angle.
-hešėxováoestsé vti. put s.t. at a (right) angle. É-hešėxováóéstse. He put it at a right angle. for example, put it at a right angle to the floor as when storing storm windows. See: -hó'ȯseóestsé.
-hešėxováto vii. Gram: rr angled so, shaped so. É-hešėxováto. It is of that shape / angle. See: -hešėtováto. Category: shapes.
hešėxovávó'e ni. Gram: pl reed. Plural hešėxovávó'ėstse. See: véesevō'e. Category: plants.
-hešėxovávȯxe'ohe vii. square shaped, diamond shaped. É-hešėxovávȯxe'ohe. It is square shaped. Category: cards.
héšk- i. barely. this is more superficial surface contact than with initial he'k-. É-héškóhta. He nicked it with his teeth / he barely bit it. Category: surface, degree.
-héška'ó'h vta. pinch s.o. É-héška'o'ho. He pinched him. É-heška'ó'hóho. He pinched him. (newer pronunciation). Néto'sė-héška'ó'ho. (o'he??) You are going to pinch him. vti: -héška'ó'tsé. See: -hótȧhan. Category: check.
-héška'ó'sané vai. bite with a pinching action. É-héška'ó'sáne. He bit with a pinching action. Ma'ėhátšėškeho éohkė-héška'ó'saneo'o. Red ants bite. [1979:204]
héška'ó'sanēō'o ni. tongs. that is, a pair of tongs. Category: tools, new.
-héška'ó'tsé vti. pinch s.t. É-héška'ó'tse. He pinched it. vta: -héška'ó'h. Category: surface.
-he-škamóone vai. have a maternal aunt, have a stepmother. A maternal aunt is a sister to your mother. A maternal aunt is treated as a mother and can be called "mother". Éhe-škamóone. He has a maternal aunt. tséhe-škamóonéto the one who is my maternal aunt/stepmother. Morph: /he-hkamóone/. Category: relatives.
-he-škamóoné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a maternal aunt. Éhe-škamóonénoto. He has her as maternal aunt. See: -he-haehé'tov ‘have s.o. as a paternal aunt’. Category: relatives.
heškamóono na. Gram: poss his/her maternal aunt, his/her stepmother. (another recording) A maternal aunt is treated as a mother in the Cheyenne system and can be called "mother" when speaking English. Masculine héhamóono. See: -haeh ‘paternal aunt’. Category: relatives.
-héškan vti. barely touch s.o.nick s.o. É-héškána. He nicked it. [slb]
vta. barely touch s.o.nick s.o. É-héškanóho. He nicked him. Ná-héškáno. I barely touched him. See: héškemas.
héške- pv. barely. Ná-héškevóómo. I barely saw him/got a look at him. See: hóvéhno. Category: degree.
héške p. male exclamation. Héške, háe, étónėstasėstse?! Wow, what's the matter with him?! Variant: héstše. See: hémehe; šeaa; nóoo; heške. Category: exclamations.
heške na. Gram: poss his mother, her mother. (another recording) heškevóho their mother. Morph: /he-hke/. Etym: *wekye·li (Go2014). See: -he-ške ‘have a mother’; -he-šké'tov ‘have s.o. as mother’; náhko'éehe ‘my mother’; neško ‘your mother’; heho ‘his/her father’. Category: relatives.
-he-ške inc.n. have a mother. Éhe-ške. He has a mother. Etym: *wekiwa (P); cf. M okiahsew. tséhe-škéto the one who is my mother. tséhe-šketo the one who is your mother. tséheškévo-o'o my mother (obviative, absentative / deceased). Possessive neško 'your mother'; vta: -he-šké'tov. Category: relatives.
Heškéešeēva ni. Gram: obl Mother's Day. Category: holidays.
-heškeéšeeve vii. Mother's Day - be. É-heškeéšeeve. It is Mother's Day. Náhko'e, hetótaetānȯhtse tséhvé'-heškeéšeeve hétsetseha. Néméhotȧtse. Mother, rejoice because it is Mother's Day now. I love you. Category: holidays.
-heškéhévóhtá vti. dirty s.t. Néme'évėhé-heškéhévóhta nama'kaetohko. You would surely dirty my bucket.
-héške'ėstá'ó'h vta. pinch ear of s.o. É-héške'ėstá'o'ho. He pinched his ear. É-héške'ėstá'ó'hóho. He pinched his ear. (newer pronunciation). Category: body.
-he-šké'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as mother. Náhe-škenȯtse. She is my mother (that is, I have her as mother). Náhe-šké'tova. I am her mother. Éhe-škénoto. He has her as mother. Possessive neško 'your mother'; vai: -he-ške. Category: relatives.
-héškemas vta. nick s.o. in shooting. É-héškemȧsóho. He nicked him shooting at him. fta: -emas. See: -héškan. Category: hunt, shoot.
-héškėsénóo'ó vai. barely glance, glance barely. hešk?? É-héškėsénóó'o. He looked askance/barely glanced. Morph: /-héhkesénóo'ó/. fai: -óo'ó. Phon: not vs Category: degree, sight, check, record.
-héškevóom vta. barely see s.o. É-héškevóomóho. He barely saw him. Ná-héškevóómo. I barely see him. Category: sight.
-héškoh(n) vta. tick s.o., foul s.o., nick s.o. especially a ball, animate. É-héškȯhnóho. He ticked him with a tool. Néohkevá'nė-héškȯhmóvo heme'ko. You were just ticking his head. Category: baseball, check.
-héškohtá vti. bite s.t. barely, barely bite s.t. É-héškóhta. He barely bit it. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1 ‘by mouth’. Category: eat, degree.
-heškóhtaotse vai. have cramps in leg. É-heškóhtaotse. He has cramps in his leg. Naa néme'mévoo'o heškóvemȧhoo'o nonohpa nėstsėsáa-heškóhtaotséhe. Well, you should eat pickles so that you don't get cramps in your foot. Category: check, body.
héško'e na. leech, bloodsucker. Plural heškō'e; Obviative heškō'e. Morph: /hehko'e/. Heškō'e mómévaehevóhe. Blood suckers must have eaten him. That is a humorous saying about someone with a hickey. Phon: iah Etym: *akaskwaya; cf. M oka·skiʔ. Category: animals.
héško'sema na. cricket. Plural héško'semaho; Obviative héško'semaho. Category: bugs.
-héškonené vai. sharp teeth. É-héškonēne. He has sharp teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body, check.
-héškonené'ó vai. bare teeth. for example, when a dog snarls at s.o. É-héškonené'o. He bared his teeth. Medial -onené. See: -ná'ót ‘growl at s.o.’. Category: body.
-heškóovo'he vai. pick teeth. É-heškóovo'he. He picked his (own) teeth. fai: -óovo'he.
Heškóovo'héhe na. Picking Teeth. Category: names.
heškóovo'hestȯtse ni. toothpick, straight pin. Variant: vé'ho'ėškóovo'hestȯtse; Plural heškóovo'hestotȯtse. See: vé'ho'ėškóovo'hestȯtse ‘needle’; -óovo'he.
-heškóovo'hešé vai. lie with toothpick in the mouth. É-heškóovo'hēše. He is lying (down) with a toothpick in the mouth. Category: lie.
heškóovono ni. jaw meat. Category: meat.
-héškȯseoestas vta. cut off tip of finger of s.o. instantaneously. É-héškȯseoestȧsóho. He instantaneously cut off the tip of his (other person's) finger. Category: cut.
-heškȯséotse vai. finger cramp, have a cramp in the finger. É-heškȯséotse. He has a cramp in his finger. BodyPartMedial -škosé. Category: sickness.
heškóv- i. thorny, prickly. É-heškóvo. It is thorny. É-heškóvo'o'e. There's lots of stickers. É-heškóvahe. He is a prickly person. Category: texture.
-heškóvahe vai. be prickly (in personality). É-heškóvahe. He is a prickly person. For example, he llikes to aggravate/he has sharp words/reacts all .the time to what anybody says. vii: -heškóvó. Etym: cf *ka·wesiwa ‘he is rough to the touch’. See: -vé'ȯhkahe. Category: personality.
-heškóvahtse vai. mouthy, sharp-tongued. É-heškóváhtse. He is "mouthy"/what he says sticks you. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: personality. Lit: thorny-mouth
heškóvanēō'o1 ni. weapon. Lit: sharp-by.hand(.thing) ?? Category: check. for example, knife, bow, arrow, spear, gun, etc. Plural heškóvaneonȯtse. See: heškóvanēō'o2 ‘wild Sweet William’; váohestȯtse ‘weapon, slingshot’. Category: warfare.
heškóvanēō'o2 ni. wild Sweet William. See: heškóvanēō'o1 ‘weapon’. Category: plants.
heškóve- pv. prickly, thorny. Etym: *ka·wi.
heškóvėhestaahtsémeno na. Gram: pl gooseberries.
ni. heškóvėhestaahtsémenȯtse Category: berries.
heškóvėhestaahtsémenó'e ni. gooseberry bush. Category: plants.
-heškóve'pa'onáotse vai. goose bumps down the back. Ná-heškóve'pa'onáotse. I have goosebumps from the back of my head down my back. See: -he-stsėskóveotse. Category: body.
heškóvemȧhōō'o na. cucumber, pickles ?? Lit: prickly-melon Plural heškóvemȧhoóne. Usage: od See: mȧhōō'o ‘melon’. Category: food, check.
Heškóvema'táa'e na. Thorny Bushes, Briar Patch. See: heškóvemenō'e. Category: names.
heškóvemata na. 1 • cactus. Plural heškóvemátaho. See: mata. Category: plants.
2 • Cactus. Category: names.
heškóvemenō'e ni. thorny bush. Plural heškóvemenó'ėstse. Ques: heškóvemenó'e ?? See: heškóvema'táa'e. Category: plants.
heškóvepȧhoeneo'o ni. thumbtack. Plural heškóvepȧhoeneonȯtse. Ques: she says heškóvepȧhoeneonėstse ?? Category: check, new.
heškovėstse na. porcupine. Lit: thorny (one) Heškóveto éohkemévovo šéstotó'e. Porcupines eat pine trees. Plural heškóveto; Obviative heškóveto. Etym: cf. *ka·kwa ‘porcupine’. Category: animals.
heškóvėstséávó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl thistles. Lit: thorny-headed-weeds Variant: heškóvó'ėstse. Category: plants.
heškóvėšé'hóno na. coarse material. Lit: prickly-cloth used for dresses. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.
heškóvetséhehévá'xe hetseene'éheo'o na. comb. of a porcupine tail. used in bed fixtures of altar of Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
heškóvetsémee'e na. porcupine quill. Plural heškóvetsémeeno; Synonym heškóvotsee'e. See: mee'e. Category: animals.
Heškóvetséo'hé'e ni. Porcupine Creek. a northern tributary of the Yellowstone River. Category: rivers.
Heškóvétséso na. Little Porcupine. Category: names.
Heškóvetsévóse ni. Porcupine Butte. located between the White River and the Niobrara River. Category: places.
-heškóvó vii. thorny. É-heškóvo. It is thorny. Etym: cf *ka·we·wi ‘it is rough to the touch’. vai: -heškóvahe. See: -éškosó; -o'a'ó; -éstovó. Category: texture.
-heškóvo'emátó vii. thorny. É-heškóvó'émáto. It is a briar patch/it is stickers (or 'stickery').
heškóvo'enóse ni. Gram: pl sunflower-like plant. Category: plants.
-heškóvo'ésáóó'e vii. thorns stand. Ȯhtséveévo'sóetonȯhtse éohkėhoháeheškóvo'ésáóó'e. Whenever I played there were lots of thorns. [The Rolling Head.054]
vai. thorns stand. Category: stand, plants.
heškóvó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl tumbleweeds, thistles, thorn bushes. That is, any kind of plants with stickers. Often translated as 'tumbleweeds'. Variant: heškóvėstséávó'ėstse. See: éseohtsévó'ėstse. Category: plants.
-heškóvo'ešé vai. covered with thorns, lie in thorns. É-heškóvo'ēše. He is covered with thorns. [pd311] See: -heškóvo'e'e. Category: plants.
heškóvo'éšé'e ni. thorny bush.
-heškóvo'o'e vii. be lots of stickers. É-heškóvo'o'e. There's lots of stickers. fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.
-heškóvoneane vi. barbed wire fence - be a. É-heškóvoneane. It is a barbed wire fence. See: -amóneane ‘fenced’. Category: farm.
heškóvoneanēō'o ni. barbed wire. Medial -ón(e)2. See: amóneanēō'o ‘fence’. Category: material, farm.
heškóvotsee'e na. porcupine quill. Plural heškóvotséeno; Synonym heškóvetsémee'e.
héštše p. oh my! Variant: héstše, héške. Category: exclamations.
het- i. Gram: rr such, so, that way. É-hetóhta'hāne/ He told the story that way. Preverb heše-. Relative roots take non-participle 3rd person conjunct endings, for example, tséheto'eétaese 'what he did', rather than tséheto'eétaestse, and tséhešévėse 'what he did', rather than tséhešévėstse. See: he-7 ‘such’. Category: grammar.
-het vta. tell s.o., say to s.o., tell about s.o., say about s.o. used both about speaking to someone and speaking about someone (although -hósem is more specifically used for the latter meaning). É-hetóho. He said to him. Etym: *eθe·wa ‘he says so to him’. Ná-héto. I told him. Né-heše. You said to me. Éx-hetóhoono. He said to him (preterit mode). Éx-hetóhoono tsévéstoemose. He said that about his wife. [1987:254] "Ma'hēō'o, hahóo," né-hetȧtse. God, "Thank you," I tell you. (often said while praying). "Hahóo," né-hetatsēme. "Thank you," I say to you guys. "Hahóo," né-hetatsemeno. "Thank you," we say to you. Móxhetaehevóhe. He (obv) must have told him. tséévė-hetatséto what I say to you. vai: -he. Category: speak.
hetaa' i. to such extent, all, throughout, entire, in such amount. É-hetaa'óma'ō'e. It is all over the earth. tsėhéóhe tsé-hetaa'óma'ō'e the United States (lit. here the entire land). Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32]
pv. extent. tsé-hetaa'évetáhóévȯse how far they rode around. tsé-hetaa'nėhēso whatever is that way. tsé-hetaa'éamevéestove hóvéhno tšėševó'héé'ėse just a little ways away from where the camps were. tséhetaa'=nėhéó=ésevonėhnévȯse móhmá'sėtó'omemȧxeehevovóhe all those that crawled in (the caves) were all shot. [1987:43] See: he'-; hová'éhe; he'xóve-. Category: quantity.
hetaa'e- i. to such extent, all, throughout, entire, in such amount. Mónónė-hetaa'emenoo'étseneho o'xe. He had a very large eye on one side. [Floating Eyes:096] É-hetaa'óma'ō'e. It is all over the earth. tsé-hetaa'évetáhóévȯse how far they rode around. tsėhéóhe tsé-hetaa'óma'ō'e the United States (lit. here the entire land). tsé-hetaa'nėhēso whatever is that way. tsé-hetaa'éamevéestove hóvéhno tšėševó'héé'ėse just a little ways away from where the camps were. Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32] tséhetaa'=nėhéó=ésevonėhnévȯse móhmá'sėtó'omemȧxeehevovóhe all those that crawled in (the caves) were all shot. [1987:43] See: he'-; hová'éhe; he'xóve-. Category: quantity.
hetáa'e p. such amount, so much. Etym: *eθekexkwi. Phon: iah See: nėhetáa'e. Category: check.
-hetaa'ėsané fai. entire wear, whatever worn. ... é-hetaa'ėsāne. ... that is how he was dressed. fai: -sané. Category: dress.
-hetaa'ėseone vii. limits of the area, acreage, allotment. héne tséssó'eá'ene tsé-hetaa'ėseone that (tepee) still has all the sacred things. [1987:99] Category: sacred.
-hetaa'óhta'hané vai. how much tell story. Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha that is the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32] fai: -óhta'hané. See: -hóhta'hané ‘tell a story’. Category: speak.
-hetaa'ó'ané vai. how much say. ... é-hetaa'ó'ané. ... that is how much he had to say. ... nétanė-hetaa'ó'áne. ... that is all I have to say. [1987:200] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-hetaa'o'ená vii. so full. ... é-hetaa'o'ēna. ... it is that full. Sétóve énė-hetaa'o'enánėstse. They (inanimate) are half filled. fii: -o'ená. Category: quantity.
-hetaa'óma'o'e vii. extent.ground. ... é-hetaa'óma'o'e. ... it is that much over the earth. fii: -óma'o'e ‘ground’.
-hetaa'ósešé vai. such amount lie; story lie such amount. Énė-hetaa'óséše sé'tóhe hóhta'hēō'o. That's the extent of this story. [The Round-up of the Deer.066]
-hetaeta vai. Gram: rr so big, so sized, sized so. ... é-hetaeta. ... he is that big. Etym: *eθekiθwa. naa nėhē'še hóna'oveto tsétanė-hetaetȧhtse and then the next sized one. [1980:3:61] fai: -aeta; vii: -hetao'ó. See: -ma'haeta. Category: size.
Hetaevo'e na. Arapaho. This is a Southern Cheyenne pronunciation. Plural Hetaevo'eo'o, (another recording); Montana Dialect Hetanevō'e. Usage: ok Category: tribes.
Hetaevo'éno ni. Arapaho Town, Geary, Oklahoma. (another recording) Category: places.
-hetȧhá'ené vai. Gram: rr so cook. ... é-hetȧhá'éne. ... he so cooked. ... ná-hetȧhá'éne. ... I so cooked. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nėhetȧhá'ené. Category: cook.
-hetȧho'he vai. Gram: rr so cooked. ... é-hetȧho'he. ... he is cooked that way. See: -nėhetȧho'he. Category: cook.
-hetȧho'tá Gram: rr vii. so cooked - be. ... é-hetȧhō'ta. ... it is cooked that way. Category: cook.
-hetȧhtomóne vai. Gram: rr hear that way, so hear. ... é-hetȧhtomóne. ... he heard it that way. Nȧhtamé'ésta tséohkevá'nė-hetȧhtomónéto. I'll tell it just the way I used to hear it. root: -áahtomóné. See: -áahtomóné; -néstomóné. Category: hear.
-hetȧhtomóne'tov vta. so hear about s.o. tsé-hetȧhtomóne'tovōno Heévȧhetaneo'o the way I heard about the Southern Cheyennes.
-hetȧhtov Gram: rr vta. hear s.o. that way, so hear s.o. É-hetȧhtovóho.?? He heard him that way. Ques: hear or listen to?? vta: -áahtov. Category: hear, check.
-hetȧhtsé vai. Gram: rr have such a mouth, be so mouthed. tséméhae-hetȧhtsenávȯse nésta They would come out like how they used to be on the mouth previously. [Protruding Teeth.146] Category: mouth.
héta'e na. gland, sweetbreads, tonsil. Plural hetā'e; Obviative hetā'e. Phon: iah some of the glands are eaten. Etym: *weleskwa ‘his gland ??’. Category: check. See: -htséta'e. Category: meat.
-heta'ee'e vai. face. ... é-heta'ee'e. ... that is where his head is facing. Etym: *eθexkwe·piwa. tséx-heta'ééto in front of me/where I am facing. tséx-heta'éévȯse in front of them/where they are facing. Éstatáxeénanánȯse né-náhkȯhéestse'henáhe tsé-heta'ee'ėse. Bear Coat placed it on top (of the table) in front of (himself). [1987:55] Category: sit. Phon: vs
-heta'é'ȯsané vai. so lead astray, lead astray like that. Tsé'tóhe heávohe mó'ȯhkenė-heta'é'ȯsanėhéhe. This devil leads astray. [Former Fears.027]
-heta'é'tá vii. face. ... é-heta'é'tá. ... that is where it is facing. tséx-heta'é'ta where it is facing. for example, the gate area of a house. Medial -a'é. Category: positions.
-heta'éno'hamé vai. where drive. ... é-heta'éno'hāme. ... that is where he drove. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-heta'eohtsé vai. face while walking, walk that direction. ... é-heta'éóhtse. ... that is where he faced while walking. Éstaosáanema'xeó'xoma'eotsétsénėse tsé-heta'eohtsévȯse. It really cracked open right in front of them. [1987:257] Category: motion.
-heta'éšé vai. lie facing. ... é-heta'éše. ... he is lying with his head facing that direction. Etym: *eθexkwe·hšinwa. Tséheta'éšenáto nėhéóhe énanomeo'o! Put (the food) right by my head! [1987:264-5] Category: lie, head.
-heta'éšem vta. face s.o. that way; so face s.o. ... é-heta'éšemóho. ... that is where he caused him to face lying. Éhnėstsė-heta'éšemovo Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva. They faced his head toward the Black Hills. [Black Hills Claim.023] BodyPartMedial -a'é.
heta'éve- pv. Gram: rr head that way, face so, so face, so head. tsé-heta'évetáhóévȯse where they were headed riding. [GHOST.TXT]
heta'háanéhe dem. Gram: inan Gram: sg this is the one, here it is. proximal object; new information. Plural heta'háanevótse. See: hena'háanéhe; nea'háanéhe; hetá'hanehe. Category: identity.
heta'háanetséhe dem. Gram: ni-pro-sg-obv this is the one. Category: identity.
heta'háanevótse dem. Gram: inan Gram: pl pro. these (inanimate) are the ones, here they (inanimate) are. Singular heta'háanéhe.
-heta'hahtsé vti. Gram: rr so throw s.t., throw s.t. that way. ... é-heta'hāhtse. ... he threw it that way. Initial het-. See: -nėheta'hahtsé; -tsėheta'hahtsé. Category: throw.
-heta'ham vta. Gram: rr so.throw. ... é-heta'hamóho. ... he threw him that way. Initial het-. See: -nėheta'hahtsé; -tsėheta'hahtsé. Category: throw.
hetá'hanéhe pro. there it is (distal; new information). Non-contracted heta'háanéhe. Category: identity.
-heta'haso'he vai. ride horse so. ... é-heta'haso'he. ... that is where he ride a horse. Tósa'e nétȧ-heta'haso'he? Where did you ride a horse to? Háá'ėše é-heta'haso'he. Far away he rode a horse. Étaohkė-heta'hasó'heo'o Háa'ėsta'éhe tséhvonanėse. They ride to where Custer was wiped out. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, check.
-heta'ó vii. Gram: rr how fall, how thrown.
vai. Gram: rr how fall, how thrown. ... é-hetā'o. ... that is how he (or it) fell.
-heta'ósanétó vii. Gram: rr affect so, affect that way. éstamóneéemá'sepėhévemé'ėstomóénóvȯse tséohkeévė-heta'ósánéto heómaa'eȯhtȧhestanee'ėstse then he told them everything about it (drink), how it affects you too much if you take it(1987:56).
-heta'ov vta. Gram: rr drive s.o. there. for example, of driving livestock. ... é-heta'ovóho. ... that is where he drove him. See: -asėta'ov.
-heta'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock over there. ... ná-heta'ovo'hāme. ... I drove the horses over there. fai: -a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-heta'ovo'hamém vta. drive s.o. as livestock, herd s.o. Ná'ȯhtšeéevésėtsė-heta'ovo'hamémo. I used to go around herding with him. Category: livestock, interpersonal.
-heta'xané vai. Gram: rr so cry, cry that way. ... é-heta'xāne. ... that is why he cried. "Naa ééšenėhevoo'o, ééšenėhevoo'o," éstaohkėxae-heta'xanéhoo'o. "And he did say this, he did say this," she would wail that way. (1987:268). See: -a'xaame ‘cry’. Category: cry.
-hetame vai. sneeze. É-hetame. He sneezed. (Náhetósė-hetame) nevá'esėstse mónátotóxemaehéhe. (I keep sneezing;) someone must be talking about me. (a saying based on a cultural belief; cf.-nėše'šévoéné for a similar belief). Category: body function.
-hetamé'seh vta. cause s.o. to sneeze. sometimes a teasing word. É-hetamé'sėhóho. He made him sneeze. Né-hetamé'šeše. You made me sneeze. Ques: check recording?? Né-hetamé'sehȧtse. I made you sneeze. Ques: recheck both recordings?? Category: interpersonal, check.
hetaméstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl sneezy weeds. used for colds. Category: medicine.
hetameváótséva na. whitetail deer. Plural hetameváotseváhne. hotameváótséva?? This word is older than oómėsta'hasenéhe. See: oómėsta'hasenéhe. Category: check, animals.
-hetan vti. Gram: rr so do s.t., do s.t. that way. ... é-hetāna. ... he did it that way. Etym: *eθenamwa. ... éévė-hetāna. ... he was doing it that way. vai: -hetanené. See: -tsėhetan. Category: do.
he-tanāne na. her breasts. See: matana. Category: body.
hetane na. man. Plural hetaneo'o; Obviative hetanóho. See comments under hetanéka'ėškóne. In former days hetane would not be applied to a male until he was approx. 30 years old; today the label is often applied at approx. 20years of age. Final -tane; Feminine hē'e. Etym: *elenyiwa ‘man’. Category: people, ages.
hetané- pn. male. hetané-ka'ėškóne boy. Lit: male-child
i. Lit: male-bore É-hetanévóéhne. She bore a son.
Hetane Ȯhnéšesėstse vai. Gram: ppl Two Man. See: Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse. Category: names.
-hetanéa'tahe vai. man crazy - be. É-hetanéa'tahe. She is man-crazy. Feminine -he'éa'tahe. Category: personality.
hetanéka'eeséhotame na. tomcat. Lit: man-short.nose-dog Usage: archaic See: hótame. Category: cats.
hetanéka'ėškóne na. boy. Lit: man-child Plural hetanéka'ėškóneho; Obviative hetanéka'ėškóneho; Feminine he'éka'ėškóne. English marks gender (masculine or feminine) in words at a younger age than does Cheyenne; the English sequence of age/gender names is 'baby'; 'boy/girl'; 'man/woman'; the Cheyenne sequence is mé'ėševȯtse 'baby'; ka'ėškóne 'child'; kȧsovááhe/kȧse'ééhe'young man/young woman'; hetane/hē'e 'man/woman'; ma'háhkése/mȧhtamȧhááhe 'old man/old woman'. Category: ages.
hetanékokȯhéaxa na. rooster. Lit: man-chicken Category: birds.
hetané'hame na. male (domesticated animal). for example, horse, cat, dog. Etym: cf *na·pe·Ɂθemwa (P). Plural hetané'háme; Obviative hetané'háme. Usage: There is often some kind of constraint against saying this word, as well as the corresponding female form, he'é'hame. Both words often evoke laughter, probably indicating some kind of sexual connotations which are inappropriate for speaking in public. Category: horses.
hetané'hao'o ni. man power. Category: ceremonial.
hetanéma'xėhē'ne na. gobbler. Lit: male-turkey Feminine he'éma'xėhē'ne. See: ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.
-hetanémané vai. act like a man. É-hetanémáne. She acts like a man. See: -he'émané ‘act like a woman’. Category: personality.
hetanémáné'e na. man pretender, lesbian, transgendered man. This refers to a woman who acts like a man. (another recording) Feminine he'émáné'e. Category: identity.
hetanemene ni. juneberry, service berry, saskatoon. Etym: *elenimini (P). Plural hetanemenȯtse. Category: berries.
hetanemenō'e ni. juneberry bush. Medial -ó'(e); Plural hetanémenō'ėstse. Category: wood.
hetanemenó'e éhestóemó'ėstse ni. tea bark. of inner bark of juneberry bush. Category: plants.
hetanemenó'ėhestóomo'é-hohpe ni. juneberry bark tea. Category: berries.
hetané-menó'ė-hestoomo'é-hohpe nik. juneberry bark tea. See: hestoomō'e. Category: berries.
hetanemenó'ėšé'e obl. juneberry bush area. Medial -ó'(e). See: še'é. Category: wood.
hetanemenó'e-véhpotsé-hohpe ni. juneberry leaves tea. Category: drink, berries.
hetanemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl juneberries. known elsewhere as Saskatoons or sarvisberries. Category: berries.
Hetanénȧhkohe na. Man Bear. See: Vo'ėstanénȧhkohe ‘Person Bear’. Category: names.
-hetanené vai. Gram: rr do something by hand that way. ... é-hetanēne. ... that is how he is doing something. Hóó'ėstse ná-hetanēne. I can't carry any more. That is, I cannot carry any more than what I am already carrying, so someone else must take the excess. vti: hetan. Category: do.
hetaneo'o tséohke-véamatanó'tovȧhtsese Gram: ppl homosexuals. Lit: men who want to sleep with each other vta: véám.
vta. Category: sex.
hetanesėstse voc. Gram: pl men! said when speaking to a group of men. See: hetane.
hetanéšé'še na. drake. Lit: man-duck Plural hetané-še'šeo'o; Obviative hetané-še'xo. See: mȯhtase. Category: birds.
-hetanétanó vai. want a man. É-hetanétanó. ?? She wants a man. See: -he'étanó.
hetanévánó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl man sage, male sage. Only the man sage is used for hitting oneself in the sweat lodge, or for a bedding foundation during a fast. See: he'évánó'ėstse. Category: plants.
-hetanévatse'óneve vai. act like a man. É-hetanévatse'óneve. He/She is acting like a man. See: -hetanémané.
-hetaneve vai. be a man. É-hetaneve. He is a man. Etym: *elenyi·wiwa. Ééšė-hetaneve. He is already a man. Éoné'seómė-hetaneve. He is a true warrior / a true man / brave. Nátaomė-hetaneve. I'm a man purposely. Antonym -he'émané'eve. Category: personality.
-hetanévėsóó'e vai. stand urinating as a man. É-hetanévėsóó'e. He is standing urinating as a man. fai: -só3; Feminine -he'évėsóo'e. See: -xaa'e. Category: vulgar.
hetanévestȯtse ni. manhood. Hetanévestȯtse nétanȯhtsē'a, nėševetanoo'o! You have gone looking for manhood, get on with it! [1987:244] Nótȧxéve'ho'asėstse, nėstoohéonēvo tséstȧhóxovėhéhoonevótóse. Ésó'hésemomóhto'axe, hetanévestȯtse néhohtaméstánóvo. Soldiers, your flag, you went across (the oceans) to defend it. That is why it is still waving, you have attained manhood. This is a flag song after World War i·.
-hetanévóehné vai. birthe a son. Lit: man-birthed É-hetanévóéhne. She bore a son. fai: -óehné; Feminine -he'évóehné. Category: babies.
hetanévȯhtȧhénestȯtse ni. man design. that is, a design for males, for example, on a moccasin. Ques: is there a fem. word, he'évȯhtȧhénestȯtse?? See: -hohtȧhéné. Category: designs, check.
Hetanevō'e na. Arapaho. Lit: man-cloud ?? Plural Hetanevo'eo'o. Usage: Oklahoma Cheyennes pronounce this as Hetaevō'e. Oklahoma Dialect Hetaevo'e. See: Ma'xėhe'omeétane ‘Big Lodge person’. Category: tribes, check.
hetanévo'eha ni. man's shoe. Plural hetanévo'ėhanȯtse; Feminine he'évo'eha; Variant: hetanévo'keha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.
Hetanevo'é'e na. Arapaho Woman. Category: names.
-hetanevo'é'eve vai. Arapaho woman - be an. É-hetanevo'é'eve. né?? She is an Arapaho woman. É-hetanevo'é'eveo'o. They are Arapaho women. Category: check, tribes.
Hetanevo'ēno ni. Gram: loc Arapaho-place. possibly a (So. Ch.?) name for Wyoming ?? Usage: So. Ch.?? Ques: ne?? Category: check.
Hetanevo'ēso na. little Arapaho. Plural Hetanevo'ėsone. Ques: sono?? Category: tribes, check.
-hetanevo'eve vai. Arapaho - be. É-hetanevo'eve. He is Arapaho. É-hetanevo'éveo'o. They are Arapaho. Category: tribes.
-hetanevo'évenestse vai. speak Arapaho. Category: check. É-hetanevo'évenestse. ?? He speaks Arapaho. Category: languages, tribes.
-hetanévo'ha'ehné vai. walk as a man. É-hetanévo'ha'ēhne. She walks as a man. Category: walk.
hetanévo'keha ni. man's shoe. Plural hetanévo'kėhanȯtse; Feminine he'évo'eha; Variant: hetanévo'eha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.
hetanévo'ȯhtóhono man's pants.
na. This is grammatically plural. It can refer to a singular pair of men's pants or more than one pair. Variant: hetanévo'xȧhtóhono. See: -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing.
-hetanévo'ót vta. declare s.o. a man. É-hetanévo'oto. He declared that he (obv) is a man. É-hetanévo'ótóho. He declared that he (obv) is a man. (newer pronunciation). Mó'ȯhkeosée'ée=tā'se=hetanévo'ótȧhtsėhéhe. He would, like, brag how much of a man he was. [1987:58] Final -o'ót. Category: speak.
hetanévo'xȧhtóhono na. Gram: pl man's pants. This is grammatically plural. It can refer to a singular pair of men's pants or more than one pair. Variant: hetanévo'ȯhtóhono. Category: check, clothing.
-hetanévoo'e vai. sit as a man. especially cross-legged. É-hetanévoo'e. He sat as a man (sits). Morph: /-hetanévoe/. Phon: vs See: -hotȯxá'kanee'e; -he'évȯsoo'e. Category: sit.
-hetanévotse'ohe vai. man's work. É-hetanévotse'ohe. He (or She) is doing man's work. Category: work.
Hetanóhtoo'e na. Sitting Man. See: Hetanȯxhoo'ėstse. Category: names.
Hetanȯxhávėsévaestse na. Man Bad. Category: names.
Hetanȯxhoo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Sitting Man. See: Hetanóhtoo'e. Category: names.
hetáóéná -hetáóéná. vai. Ques: rr pray so. ... é-hetáóéna. ... that is how he prayed. "Hápó'e náohkėhetáóéna," éhevoo'o. Also I pray this way," she said. [Ke'eehe.03] fai: -áóéná. See: -háóéná. Category: pray.
-hetáohame vii. illustrate, commemorate, parable - be a. Hé'tóhe évá'nė-hetáohame. This is just an example. [1987:11]
vti. commemorate s.t., illustrate s.t. Naa hénėhéóhe hoéhose ésó'vé'šėhetáohaménóvo. And over there on the hill they still commemorate it. [1987:49] É-hetáohaméstove. It is an illustration.
vai. illustrate, commemorate. É-hetáohame. He illustrated. Category: speak.
hetáohame- pv. illustrative. Évá'nė-hetáohameéestse. He was just talking by example. [1987:11] É-hetáohameéestse. He spoke with an illustration. Category: speak.
-hetáohamé'tov vta. illustrate with s.o. Ná-hetáohamé'tova. He used me as an example. Ná-hetáohamenȯtse. I used him for an example.
-hetao'ó vii. Gram: rr such amount. ... é-hetaō'o. ... that is its amount. É'áahtsé'só'nė-hetao'ónėse. It stayed the same amount. [The Corn and Meat.035] Category: quantity.
-hetas vta. Gram: rr so cut s.o., cut s.o. that way. ... é-hetȧsóho. ... that he how he cut him. Móstaohkenė-hetȧsȯhevóhe hápó'e tséheševó'honēnėse. He would cut them the same way he had protruding teeth. [Protruding Teeth.027] Category: cut.
-hetȧše'še vai. Gram: rr drink so, so drink. ... é-hetȧše'še. ... that is how he drank. Héováestse é-hetȧše'še. He drank any old thing. fai: -asé'še. Category: drink.
-hetátamao'ó fai. Gram: rr laugh so. ... é-hetátamaō'o. ... that is how he laughed. Tsevé'šėhetósė-hetátamaō'o. He kept on laughing because of (something). ?? fai: -átamao'ó. Category: laugh, check.
hetatamoo'o ni. shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. See: hestatamoo'o ‘his/her shoulder’; mȧhtatamoo'o ‘shoulder’. Category: body.
hetó vii. say. Héne hóema móstaohkevá'nenėhétȯhanetséhe. That robe would say (answer??) [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).054] Ques: recheck analysis and gloss Category: speak, check.
heto p. uh. Synonym hotoo.
-hetoehe vta. Gram: psv Gram: rr so related, related that way. The following phrase is considered important to ask since knowing who one's relatives are is important for fitting in to society properly: you'll know who to respect, who to joke with, who you can't marry, etc. Néhéne'enahe tsé-hetoéheto. Do you know your relations?/Do you know who you are related to? vta: -hetoém. Category: relatives.
-hetoém vta. Gram: rr so related to s.o. ... é-hetoemo. ... that is how he is related to him. ... é-hetoémóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *eθakime·wa. Návóohestonasėstse, nésenéhasėstse, héovȧtse tsé-hetoémátse my relatives (and) my friends, however I am related to you. [My Naming Ceremony.001] Phon: SFR tone See: -hetoem. Category: relatives.
-hetoeme vai. so priced, valued so, cost that much, so valued, so related, related so. This is one of the forms of the verb -hetoém which is used for how you are related to someone. ... é-hetoeme. ... he (or it) costs that much. Etym: *eθakimowa.
vii. so priced, valued so, cost that much, so valued, so related, related so. Gram: rr É-hetoéménėstse. That's how much they (inan) cost. See: -hetoém. Category: money.
-hetóéna vai. Gram: rr so pray, pray that way. ... é-hetóéna. ... that is how he prayed. ... ná-hetóéna. ... that is how I prayed. Category: pray.
-hetóena'tov vta. Gram: rr so pray to s.o., pray that way to s.o. ... é-hetóena'tovóho. ... that he how he prayed to him. Másétséstȯhtse tsėhéóhe tsé-hetóena'továtse Be pleased with how I pray to you here. [PRAISE.TXT]
-hetóeotse vai. Gram: rr 1 • so see. ... é-hetóeotse. ... that is how he came to see. Náto'sėhema'xeasėta'hāhtse nonóhpȧ=háá'ėše nėstaée-hetóeotse. I am going to throw it away so that you will be able to see. [1987:146]
2 • understand. Usage: possible loan translation from English for this idiomatic usage see -tsėhetóeotse (from 1987:146). See: -hetóo'ó; -ho'óeotse; -óo'ó. Category: sight.
-hetoéstomo'he vai. Gram: rr have such a character, be so mannered. ... é-hetoéstomo'he. ... that is what his personality is like. tsé-hetoéstomó'hestove your (impers.) manners.
hetóéva obl. in the evening. If there is no other clue from the context, hetóéva refers to last evening. Notice that the most important word comes first in the following sentences: Hetóéva námésehe. Last evening I ate. Hetóéva émésėhévoésta. It is suppertime. Tóne'še némésehe hetóéva? When did you eat last evening? Tóne'xóvéva hetóéva néto'semésehe? When in the evening are you going to eat? Háa, naa mȧhvóonā'o hetóéva nėstaévȧhóseéestsėstóvatséme. Yes and tomorrow evening I'll speak to you plural again. háe-hetóéva late evening. Etym: *weθa·owe· (P). See: háehetóéva. Category: time.
Hetóévá'e na. Evening Woman. Category: names.
hetóeve- pv. evening. É-hetóevėho'ėhóo'ōhtse. He came home in the evening. Épėhévė-hetóeve. It is a good evening. Né-hetóevemésėhehe? Did you eat in the evening? Etym: *waθa·kw-/weθa·kw-. Category: time.
-hetóeve vii. be evening. É-hetóeve. It is evening. Ééšė-hetóeve. It is already evening. Etym: *weθa·kwiwi ‘it is evening’. Category: time.
-hetóeveohtsé vii. evening.PROC. É-hetóévéóhtse. It is becoming evening. Émóneasė-hetóévéóhtse. It was starting to be early evening. Category: time.
-hetóeveotse vii. become evening. É-hetóeveotse. It has become evening. Category: time.
hetohke na. star. The more common pronunciation is hotohke. Plural hetóhkeo'o; Variant: hotohke. See: hetohko ‘dish’. Category: celestial.
Hetóhké'e na. Star Woman. Variant: Hotóhké'e. Category: names.
Hetóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e na. Star Woman Walks Through. Variant: Hotóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e. Category: names.
hetohko ni. bowl, container, dish, pan. Plural hetóhkonȯtse. Névááhe hetóhkonȯtse tséto'senėše'hānȯhtse? Who is going to wash the dishes? Ques: recheck spelling of the beginning of that verb?? Non-diminutive hetoo'o; Possessive -htsetohko; Diminutive hetóhkonéhéso. See: hetohke ‘star’. Etym: *ola·kani (R); *wela·kani. Category: containers, check.
hetóhkonéhéso ni. little dish. Plural hetóhkonéhesonȯtse; Non-diminutive hetohko. Category: containers.
hetóhkonéhohtóvámȧhéó'o ni. hardware store. Lit: utensil-buy-house See: hohtóvámȧhéó'o. Category: new, buildings, check.
hetóhkonéma'kaata ni. tin. Lit: utensil-metal See: ma'kaata. Category: metal.
hetóhkonéve'ho'sēō'o ni. cupboard. Lit: utensil-container Plural hetóhkonéve'ho'seonȯtse. See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: house.
-hetȯhomo'he vai. Gram: rr so dance, dance that way. ... é-hetȯhomo'he. ... that is how he danced. Náhtȧhévoo'sėhaenoto tsóhkė-hetȯhomó'hetsėse. He went to show them (sage hens) to me, how they were dancing. [1987:177] fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-hetȯhomó'heohe vai. Gram: rr so dance quickly, dance that way quickly. naa tséstšėhe'kéahéto ná'ȯhkė-hetȯhomó'heohe and when I was little I danced like that. fai: -ohomó'he, -ohe. Category: dance.
-hetȯhóné vai. so sign, sign that way. ... é-hetohóne. ... that is how he signed. Neše é-hetȯhóne. He is indicating two with two fingers. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.
-hetȯhóona'ó vii. be such a mornning. Tsétó'-hetȯhóona'otse As soon as it was daybreak. [The Seven Young Men.042] See: -vóona'ó. Category: check.
-hetȯhóov vta. Gram: rr so sign to s.o., sign that way to s.o. ... é-hetȯhóovóho. ... that is how he signed to him. "Héehe'e," é-hetȯhóovóho. "Yes," he signed to him. Náhnė-hetȯhóóvo, "Tsé'tóhe heévaho éohkenéma'eotsėhóho he'eo'o," náhétoná-hetȯhóóvo. I signed to him, "This rope is carried around by women," I told him, I signed to him. [1987:179] fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.
-hetȯhtȧhéné vai. so design. ... é-hetȯhtȧhéne. ... that is how he designed / colored. fai: -ohtȧhéné. Category: designs, colors.
-hetȯhtȧhéve Gram: rr vii. so.colored; so colored; be colored that way, be designed that way. ... é-hetȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) was colored that way. Éhvó'ometsė-hetȯhtȧhévenėsestȯtse véenȯtse. The tepees were of white design. [1987:316]
vai. so colored. Heéstse'heno héováestse móx-hetȯhtȧhévėhevóhe. His coat was variously colored. Medial -ohtȧhé. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve. Category: designs, colors.
-hetóhta'hané vai. Gram: rr tell story that way, so tell the story. This is said after telling a story. ... é-hetóhta'hāne. ... that is how told (the story). Etym: *eθa·taɁlo·hke·wa. NonRelativeRoot -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hetóhta'haov vta. Gram: rr so tell a story to s.o. ... é-hetóhta'haovóho. ... that is how he told the story to him. Etym: *eθa·taɁlo·hkawe·wa. ... ná-hetóhta'haōvo. ... that is how I told the story to him. Naa hetá'hanéhe tséhetóhta'haovono. And this is how I am telling them the story. tséohkė-hetóhta'haóó'ėse namėšéme what my grandfather told me. [1987:17] vta: -hóhta'haov. Category: speak.
-heto'ahe vai. Gram: rr so want, want that way. ... é-heto'ahe. ... that is what he wants. tsé-heto'ȧheto what you want. NonRelativeRoot -ho'ahe; vta: -heto'ȧhétsėstom.
-heto'ȧhéotse vai. where run, run so, where drive, drive so. ... é-heto'ȧhéotse. ... that is where he ran. For example, he ran to a certain place. Initial het-; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, check.
-heto'ȧhétsėstomev vta. Gram: rr want that way for s.o. Mónėséhanetséhe tsé-heto'ȧhétsėstomoése Ma'hēō'o. That must be what God wants you (pl) to be.
-hetó'a'xe vai. say that. ... éévė-hetó'a'xe. ... he has been saying that. See: -tónetó'a'xe. Category: speak.
-heto'eéh vta. Gram: rr do to s.o. that way. ... é-heto'eeho. ... that is what he did to him. ... é-heto'eéhóho. ... that is what he did to him. (newer pronunciation). tsé-heto'eéhóvȯse what they do to him/them. See: -hešeeh. Category: do.
-heto'eétahe vai. Gram: rr so do, perform that way. ... é-heto'eétahe. ... that is what he did. tsé-heto'eétaese what he did. tséohkeméhae-heto'eétȧhénove how (the Sun Dance) used to be done. [1987:210] See: -amo'eétahe, -nėheto'eétahe; -pėhévo'eétahe; -tóneto'eétahe; -hešévé. Category: do.
-heto'éevá vta. Gram: rr skin be that way. ... é-heto'ééva. ... that is what his skin is like. Heováestse é-heto'éevao'o. They have a variety of skin colors. Category: body, record.
-hetó'ėhahe vai. so aged, such an age. ... é-hetó'ėhahe. ... that is how old he is. Mó'éšenė-hetó'ėhahehevóhe. That's how old they were. [The Scalped Father.009] Category: ages.
heto'é'et vta. Gram: rr so blame s.o.blame s.o. that way. ... é-heto'é'etóho. ... that is how he blamed him. Máto é'ȯhkeméhaenė-heto'é'ėheo'o. Also that was what they (owls) were blamed for. [Some Cheyenne Beliefs.012]
-hetó'emá vai. Gram: rr so persuaded, be of that persuasion, be persuaded that way. ... é-hetó'éma. ... he is of that persuasion. Ques: check if "so.persuaded" is an accurate gloss?? See: -nėhetó'emá; ; -hešetovahe; -nétȧhévo'emá. Category: personality, check.
-heto'emané vai. Gram: rr so command, make such a law, boss that way, rule that way. ... é-heto'emāne. ... that is how he commanded, ruled, made a law, bossed. [1987:268] See: -ho'emané ‘rule, command’. Category: legal.
-heto'emaov vta. Gram: rr command so, boss so, rule s.o. ... é-heto'emaovóho. ... that is what he commanded him. See: -ho'emaov ‘command s.o.’. Category: legal.
-hetó'en vti. Gram: rr transport s.t. there by wagon, transport s.t. by wagon. ... é-hetó'éna. .. that is where he hauled it.
vta. transport s.o. there by wagon, transport s.o. by wagon. At one time especially referred to transportation by wagon, but has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Gram: rr ... é-hetó'enóho. ... that is where he hauled him (by wagon). ... ná-hetó'ena. ... he hauled me over there. Netao'o náhetósė-hetó'ena. He took me all over there. Medial -ó'(e). See: -amó'ehné. Category: roll, move.
-hetó'eohtsé vai. roll along so. ... é-hetó'eōhtse. ... he rolled that way by wagon. Category: roll.
-hetó'ėstó'ohe vai. such height of woody growth. ... é-hetó'ėstó'ohe. ... that is how high/tall he (woody) is. Héováéstse é-hetó'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They (woodlike growing things) are of various heights. fai: -ó'ohe. Category: size.
-hetó'ėstóneehe vai. such length (of ropelike objects). ... é-hetó'ėstóneehe. ... that is how long he (ropelike) is. Héováéstse é-hetó'ėstóneeheo'o. They are of various lengths. Medial -ón. See: -háa'ėstóneehe; -he'xóvaneta. Category: size, record.
-he-to'hahe vai. have on gloves, gloves - wear. Éhe-to'hahe. He has gloves on. Etym: *weθaɁθehsiwa (P). IndepNoun to'ha. Category: clothing, clothing.
heto'honée'tá vii. along the edge of camp. Ques: recheck gloss Tséheto'honée'tatse é'amėhnesėstse. Along the edge of camp he walked. [A Man Who Looked for a Son-in-law] Category: camp.
-hetó'o'e vii. Gram: rr such growth, so grown. ... é-hetó'o'e. ... that is how the (plant) growth is. heováéstse tsé-hetó'o'ee'ėstse flowers (plants of various kinds). fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.
-heto'omenehe vai. so experience; undergo so. ... é-heto'omenehe ... that is what he underwent. Násáa-heto'omenėhéhe. I did not undergo that. ?? fai: -o'omenehe.
-heto'otse vii. Gram: rr how used. ... é-heto'otse. ... that is how it is used. Néhmé'ėstomevėstse tséohkė-heto'otséstove! Explain to me how it (for example, a certain word) is used! Category: check.
-heto'ováxé vai. so dream, dream that way. ... é-heto'ováxe. ... that is how he dreamed. Náto'ėstó'nė-heto'ováxe tséheto'ováxenáto. I dreamed that way when I dreamed. [1980:40:19] See: -ováxé.
-heto'tá vii. so sit. ... é-hetō'ta. ... that is how/where it sits. Ééšeáahtsé'tsė-heto'tánėstse hetóhkonȯtse. The dishes were already set out. [Frances' story.001] vai: -hetoo'e.
heto'tan vti. so braid s.t., braid s.t. that way. tó'?? Nóoo! Tséno'hósėhetó'tanoese! Oh! Whatever kind of braids has she got! [Wrapped Braids.006]
heto'tsé -heto'tsé. vai. Gram: rr so camp. ... é-hetō'tse. ... that is where he camped. Naa nėhē'še náohkeamenéma'ó'tóxėšenáme tséheto'tséstove. And then we would ride in a circle in a parade in front of the camp. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.058] fai: -o'tsé. Category: camp.
heto'xóve- pv. Gram: rr of thus degree. tsé-heto'xóve'éhahévȯse according to their ages. See: nėhe'xóve-. Category: degree.
-heto'xóve'éhahe vai. Gram: rr such age. ... é-heto'xóve'éhahe. ... that is how old he is. tsé-heto'xóve'éhahévȯse according to their ages. [1980:3:44]
hetóm- i. true, correct. The difference between oné'seóm- and hetóm- seems to be that hetóm- refers to something being real or genuine, while the oné'seóm- refers to something being true or correct. É-hetómahe.25/Aug/2021 He is truthful. Category: quality.
-hetómahe vai. truthful - be. -hetómahe refers to someone being truthful/correct while -oné'seómahe refers to someone being genuine/real. É-hetómahe. He is truthful. Etym: *weθa·mesiwa (P). Ques: does it also mean perfectionistic?? See: -oné'seómahe; -hetómé; -hetóme'heóneve; -hotómahe. Category: personality, check.
-hetómȧhé'heóneve vai. flexible character. Ques: flexible or truthful ?? Category: check. É-hetómȧhé'heóneve. He is a flexible character. Category: personality.
hetómá'e p. indoors, inside, within. Usage: less frequently used than hotómá'e Variant: hotómá'e. Etym: iθa·m-enki 'under, inside'. Category: positions.
-hetóma'o'e vii. such land. ... é-hetóma'o'e. ... it is that kind of land. É'éeamėhéne'enánóvȯse tséévė-hetóma'o'etse. They knew the lay of the land. [JOURNEY.TXT] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.
-hetóma'ȯxová vai. Gram: rr so plow. Ques: extant in this form?? ... é-hetóma'ȯxōva. ... that is how he plowed. fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: check.
Hetómanéé'e na. Standing In Lodge Woman, Stands Inside Woman. Variant: Hotómanéé'e. Category: names.
hetóme- pv. truthfully, truly. hetóme- seems to strengthen assertion of propositional content whereas oné'seóme- strengthens performative force. É-hetómemésehe. He ate leftovers. See: oné'seóme-.
-hetómé vai. right - be; correct - be; truth - tell the. -hetómé refers to being correct/right while -oné'seómó refers to being genuine/real. É-hetóme. He is telling the truth. (another recording) Ná-hetómehe? Am I right? (another recording) Ná-hetóme. I'm right. / I'm telling the truth. Né-hetóme. You're right. (another recording) É-hetómeo'o. They are right. Náoné'seómė-hetóme. I am really telling the truth. [1987:175] Ésáa-hetóméhe. He is not telling the truth. [1987:175] Náoné'seómė-hetóme. I am really telling the truth. vii: -hetómétó. See: -hetómahe; -nėhesó; -oné'seómó; -netsé'e ‘lie’. Etym: *weθa·mwe·wa (P); cf. M ona·mow. Category: speak.
-hetóme'heóneve vai. truthful. É-hetóme'heóneve. He tells the truth/he is a truthful person. See: -hetómahe. Category: personality.
-hetómem vta. tell the truth about (or to) s.o. often implies that one is guilty of what is said about them, but what is said about them can be good or bad. É-hetómemóho. He said the truth to him. Etym: *weθa·mime·wa (P). É-hetómeme. He is guilty/'he really did that'. Né-hetómemanehe? Is it true what is said about you? / Are you guilty? Héehe'e, ná-hetómemāne. Yes, it is true what is said about me; yes, I am guilty. vai: -hetómé. See: -mȧheéšem; -hóometátsestá; -ho'é'et; -momáxem; oné'seóme-. Category: speak, legal.
-hetómeotse vii. become true, come true. É-hetómeotse. It came true.?? See: -hetómé. Category: check.
-hetómestá vti. tell the truth about s.t. É-hetómésta. He told the truth about it. Etym: *weθa·mwetamwa (P). Category: speak.
hetómestȯtse ni. truth. Etym: **weθa·mwa·ni > **weθa·mwa·ntayi (P). Hetómestȯtse éné'ta'e. Truth is important. Hetómestȯtse vé'šeameōhtsėstse! Walk (live) by means of the truth! That refers to living by the truth, being truthful, which was a highly respected Cheyenne virtue. Oblique hetómėstóva; vai: -hetómé.
-hetómétó vii. correct, right. É-hetóméto. It is true. Ésáa-hetómetȯhane. It is not correct. See: -oné'seómó. Category: quality.
-hetómó vii. correct - be, right - be. hetómó?? refers to something being correct/right while -oné'seómó refers to something being genuine/real. É-hetómo. ?? It is right/correct/true. vai: -hetómé. See: -oné'seómó ‘genuine’. Category: check.
hetómoehnohtsėstse na. black sheep. This is a figurative expression in Cheyenne, similar to the meaning of "black sheep" in English. Variant: hotómoehnohtsėstse; vai: -hetómoehnóhtséve; Final -óehné. Category: identity, figurative.
-hetómoehnóhtseve vai. black sheep - be a. É-hetómoehnóhtseve. He is the black sheep (of the family). Variant: -hotómoehnóhtseve; Final -óehné. Category: identity, figurative.
-hetomóét vta. impersonate s.o., act like s.o., look like s.o. É-hetomóeto ho'neho. He impersonates a wolf. É-hetomóétóho. He looks/acts just him; he impersonates him (newer pronunciation). móót?? delete this or the móót entry?? Móx-hetomóetȯhevóhe xamaešé'šenovoto. He must have been like the rattlesnake. That could be said about the behavior of someone who behaved like a rattlesnake, sometime after having been bitten by one. See: -hóxe'ėstséh; -het. Category: appearance, check.
-hetomóhtȧhéotse vai. Gram: rr feel that way (physically). Ésáanȧháxėhéne'enóhénovo tsé-hetomóhtȧhéotsevo. They could not quickly figure out what was wrong with me. [How God Healed Me.017] Category: sickness.
-hetómo'eéh vta. treat s.o. spitefully, mistreat s.o., use s.o. as a steppingstone, abuse s.o. É-hetómo'eeho. He treated him spitefully. É-hetómo'eéhóho. He treated him spitefully. (newer pronunciation). Névé'-hetómo'eéhovoo'o vo'ėstaneo'o! Don't treat people spitefully! See: -hotómo'eéh; hestomo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.
Hetómo'eóó'e na. Truthful Standing Woman. Category: names.
-hetomóohe vai. resemble the family one comes from. É-hetomóohe. He looks like the people he comes from. See: -hetov. Category: appearance.
-hetomóosané vai. resemble, look just like. É-hetomóósáne. He looks just like (someone, or a side of his family). The following is said, for example, about children born to teenage girls who are not married. The children look like their parents (especially their fathers), so you can tell whose children they are. Éohkė-hetomóosanóho henésonėhevóho. Their children resemble (them). Category: relatives.
-hetomóosané'hané vai. talk in symbols. É-hetomóosané'háne. He talked in symbols. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check.
-hetomóosanémėstove vii. represent, be a representation. É-hetomoosanémėstove. It is a representation.
-hetomóosanéve'hāna vai. take Communion, eat commemoratively. could refer to eating any kind of symbolic meal, for example eating venison for Thanksgiving. É-hetomóosanéve'hāna He took Communion. Category: church.
hetomóosanéve'hanahtȯtse ni. Communion, Lord's Supper. Category: new. Variant: hetomóosenéve'hanahtȯtse.
-hetomóót vta. resemble s.o., impersonate s.o., look like s.o. É-hetomóoto. He resembles him. Ques: delete this or the hetomóét entry?? check vti spelling to help with et/ot?? É-hetomóótóho. ?? He resembles him. (newer pronunciation). É-hetomóoto ho'neho. He is impersonating a wolf. Ná-hetomóóto ného'éehe. I look just like my father. É-hetomóoto heške. She looks just like her mother. Móx-hetomóotȯhevóhe xamaešé'šenotovoto. He must have been like a rattlesnake. Category: appearance, check.
-hetómotse'ohe vai. do humble work. É-hetómotse'ohe. He does humble work. See: hetóme-. Category: work.
hetómotse'óhestȯtse ni. humble (or looked down upon) work. Category: work.
hetone na. 1 • haunch, ham. This is the underside of the thigh including the buttock. Etym: cf *nela·na 'my calf of leg'. Plural hetóneho; Obviative hetóneho; Possessive -htsetone; BodyPartMedial -tónaha. See: hénóme ‘thigh’. Category: meat, body.
2 • Ham, Haunch. Category: names.
hetone- pv. ?? Hé mónévésė-hetonėheto'omenėhehéhe. Hey! You must be all right. [The Nighthawk.020] Category: check.
Hetónėhá'e na. Ham Woman, Haunch Woman. Category: names.
na. 1 • bark (of tree). Inanimate for most speakers but may be animate for a few. Variant: hetone'e. Etym: cf *welake·θkwi. See: hestóomo'(k)e.
2 • Bark. Category: names.
-hetónoo'e vai. Gram: rr sit looking that way. ... é-hetónoo'e. ... he is looking sitting that way. Maato é-hetónoo'e. He is sitting looking forward. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.
hetoo p. uh. This is hesitation word. Mó'ȯhkė=hetoo=éveéestsėstóehevovóho. He used to, uh, talk to them. [1987:6:6] often intrusive in verbs, before preverb-initial boundary. Variant: hotoo. See: tā'se; héva.
-hetoo'e vai. Gram: rr be there, sit that way. ... é-hetoo'e. ... he sat that way. Mó'-ooxesta-hetoehéhe néhe hé'e. This woman just stayed in (stayed at home). Nómȯse tséx-hetoévȯse nėhéno é'ȯhkevé'hoomóhoono vóhkooheho. For a long time while they sat there he kept looking at the rabbit. [Croft 1988:23-24:15] See: -nėhetoo'e. Non-reduplicated -hoo'e. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-hetoo'kohó vii. Gram: rr so rain, rain that way. ... é-hetoo'kōho. ... it rained that way. Nóoo, tsėhetósė-hetoo'kōho! Wow, why does it keep on raining! Nóoo, tséhetósė-hetoo'kōho! (another pronunciation) Wow, why does it keep on raining! Ques: which pronunciation sounds better?? Lit: Wow, it will continually rain! Non-reduplicated -hoo'kohó. Category: weather, check.
hetoo'o1 ni. dish, bowl, pan. Plural hetóonȯtse; Diminutive hetohko; Homonym hetoo'o2 ‘palate’. Phon: vs Etym: *ola·kani (R). Category: containers.
hetoo'o2 ni. palate. Plural hetoonȯtse; Homonym hetoo'o1 ‘dish’. See: -htooná. Etym: cf. *alakackw (medial). Category: containers.
-hetóo'ó vai. Gram: rr look that way, so look. refers to active looking, not one's appearance. ... é-hetóó'o. ... he looked that way (with his eyes). Nétȧ-hétoo'ómáne maeto! Let's look forward! fai: -óo'ó. See: -tsėhetóo'ó; -hétóo'ó. Category: sight.
-hetóo'xevá vai. Gram: rr so announce, announce that way. ... é-hetóo'xēva. ... that is how he announced. ... é-hetóo'xevánove. ... that was the (weather) forecast. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hetóo'xevót vta. Gram: rr so herald s.o., so announce about s.o. ... é-hetóo'xevoto. ... that is how he announced about him. É-hetóo'xevótóho. ... that is how he announced about him. (newer pronunciation). Category: speak.
-hetóománo'e vii. so storm. Gram: rr ... é-hetóománo'e. ... that is where the storm went / that is how the storm was. Nȧháóhe étȧ-hetóománo'e. The storm went there. Phon: iah Category: weather.
-hetóoseme vai. seek refuge. ... é-hetóoseme. ... that is where he fled / sought refuge. ?? Etym: cf *eθa·mwehe·wa (P) ‘he makes him flee thither or thus’. Usage: obsolescing See: -amóoseme. Category: motion, check.
hetóse- pv. continually. Éohkė-hetósemane. He always drinks. Éohkė-hetósetaā'e. He/She always beats his/her spouse. Phon: redup of hóse- ?? Category: check. Non-reduplicated hóse-; Variant: hótȯse-. See: ohke-; hovave-; ho'ó'omee-; a'ene-. Category: time.
-hetóseh vta. pester s.o., pester s.o. for attention. especially about pestering for attention. É-hetósėhóho. He pestered him for attention. Ná-hetóseha. He pestered me for attention. Category: interpersonal.
-hetósėhahtse vai. do something over and over again; continue doing something. É-hetósėhahtse. He does it over and over again; he kept it up. Category: do. Ques: reck pss ?? Category: check.
-hetósėhahtsé'tov vta. do something over and over again to s.o., continue doing something to s.o. É-hetósėhahtsé'tovóho. He does it over and over again to him. vai: -hetósėhahtse. Category: do. Ques: reck pss ?? Category: check.
-hetósem1 vta. Gram: rr so tell about s.o. ... é-hetósemóho. ... that is what he told about him. Namėšéme séohkė-hetósemėse As it is told about my grandfather. [The Deer Vision.001] Category: move. See: -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’.
-hetósem2 vta. Gram: rr drag s.o. so. ... é-hetósemóho. ... he is dragging him/them so. Ques: tell about him that way?? Category: check, move.
-hetósestá vti. Gram: rr so tell about s.t. ... é-hetósésta. ... that is what he told about it. Hená'hanéhe nátavá'nenė-hetósésta. That's the way I'm just telling about it. [Fishing.056] vti: -hósestá; vta: -hetósem. Category: speak.
hetótae- pv. joyfully. É-hetótaevo'ėstanéheve. He lives joyfully. É-hetótaenéméne. He sang joyfully.
-hetótae'éxané vai. have joyful eyes. É-hetótae'éxáne. He has joyful eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-hetótaem vta. cause s.o. to be joyful. É-hetótaemóho. He caused him to rejoice. Category: interpersonal.
-hetótaenonee'e vai. sit singing joyful songs. É-hetótaenonee'e. He is sitting singing joyful songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.
-hetótaéstanove vai. live joyfully. É-hetótaéstanove. He lived joyfully. [PRAISE.TXT] Final -éstanove. Category: live.
-hetótaeta vai. so sized, such size, sized so. ... é-hetótaeta. ... he is of that size. Heováéstse é-hetótaetao'o. They (animate) are of various sizes. Category: size.
-hetótaetanehe vai. joyful personality, happy personalilty. É-hetótaetanehe. He has a happy/joyful personality. See: -hetótaetanó. Category: personality.
-hetótaetanó vai. joyful. É-hetótaetāno. He is joyful. Ná-hetótaetāno. I'm joyful. Móné-hetótaetanȯhéhe. You must be joyful. Hetótaetanoo'o! Be joyful! (delayed command). See: -pėhévetanó; -vóešetanó; -másetanó. Category: emotions.
Hetótaetāno tséxhestáotsėse Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe! s. Merry Christmas. Lit: Rejoice that the Savior was born! Usage: There is no commonly used phrase in Cheyenne that means "Merry Christmas". This is a new phrase which communicates the original meaning of Christmas. Other Cheyenne words which have been said at Christmastime refer to what is hung on Christmas trees. See: Hoésanestȯtse; Tsé'ȯhkė-hoésanéstove; Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse. Category: holidays.
-hetótaetsestá vti. joyfully regard s.t. tséméhaehešėhoháe-hetótaetsėstomevȯse nesta évaveto how they used to joyfully accept it previously. [1987:237] Category: emotions.
-hetótanehe vai. joyful personality. É-hetótanehe. He has a happy/pleasant personality. Variant: -hetótanahe. See: -hetótaetanehe; -vóešetanó. Category: personality.
-hetótaomóhtahe vai. feel joyful, feel happy. É-hetótaomóhtahe. He feels happy. Category: emotions.
hetótóhne na. shrimp. Usage: od Ques: ?? Category: check.
-hetotóxeoné'tov vta. Gram: rr go around talking that way about s.o. É-hetotóxeoné'tovóho. He goes around talking that way about him. See: -totóxem. Category: speak.
-hetotse'ohe vai. Gram: rr so work, work so. ... é-hetotse'ohe. ... that is how he works. Etym: *eθaθwexkya·sowa. Héováéstse é-hetotse'ohe. He is a jack of all trades. Lit: various (kinds of work) that is how he works tsé-hetotse'oese what he did as work. NonRelativeRoot -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hetov vta. resemble s.o., act like s.o., be like s.o., ook like s.o. This word can refer to appearance or behavior; for example, this could refer to a baby crying like his namesake. É-hetovóho. He is like him. Etym: *eθawe·wa; cf. M ena·wae·w. See: -tóva'ov; tóo'ėstseh; -hóxe'ėstséh; -het; -hetomóohe. Category: appearance, personality.
-hetȯxe'ėstóné vai. Gram: rr so write, write that way; write so. ... é-hetȯxe'ėstóne. ... that is how he wrote.
-hetȯxe'ohe vii. Gram: rr be so written, be written that way; be so pictured. ... é-hetȯxe'ohe. ... that is how it is written. Mȯxe'eotséstoto ésó'pȧhovaneo'o Tsétsėhéstȧhese éévė-hetȯxe'ohe. Pictures are still there, it is identified as Cheyennes in the pictures. [1987:43] Naa Ho'óhomo'eo'o māto évése-mȯxe'ȯheo'o. And Siouxs also are pictured (there). [1987:43] Final -ȯxe'ohe. See: -mȯxe'ohe.
-hetóxovéstavá vai. so travel. ... é-hetóxovéhtáva. ... that is where he traveled. Mópėhéva'éhanéhe tósa'e vo'ėstane háá'ėše tséévėhetóxovéstávȧse. It is good when a person travels across far away. [Atlantic Trip.028] See: -hóxovéstavá. Category: motion.
-hetséh vta. point at s.o. It is culturally inappropriate to point at someone with your fingers; instead use your lips for pointing; cf. -hetsėhétȧhtsenáotsé'tov. É-hetséheho.?? He pointed to him. Tȧ-hetsėhéheha! Point to him (he is farther away)! Variant: -hetséh(n). Category: check.
-hetséhá vti. point at s.t. É-hetséha. He pointed to it. Hénova'e tsé-hetséhomo? What are you pointing at? Hetséóhtse! Hetséhȯhtse?? Point at it! Synonym -hetsé'á. See: -tsé'en ‘touch s.t./s.o.’. Category: check.
-hétsėha'xe vai. buck. É-hétsėha'xe. He bucked. -hótsėha'xe seems to be the most common pronunciation today. Variant: -hótsėha'xe, -hótȧha'xe. Category: horses.
hetséheneto ni. laser pointer. Variant: hotséheneto. Ques: recheck pronunciation to agree with point hetséhe?? Category: check, new, computer.
hétsėhéno p. here. See: hétsėhéóhe; hátȧhéno. Category: positions.
hétsėhéóhe p. over here, right here. (another recording) includes idea of pointing to the location. See: hétsėhéno; tsėhéóhe. Category: positions.
-hétsėhesta vai. be in bad shape, look bad. É-hétsėhesta. He is in bad shape/he looks bad. for example, after a car wreck. Category: appearance.
hétsėhéto p. here. See: hétsėhéóhe; hétsėheno; tsėhéto. Category: positions.
-hetséh(n) vta. point at s.o. It is considered inappropriate to point to someone with one's fingers. Instead, you point with your lips. É-hetsehno. He pointed at him. É-hetséhnóho. He pointed at him. (newer pronunciation). Nėstsevé'-hetsėhéhno éše'he; nėstsematseōse. Don't point at the sun (or moon); you'll get an infected finger! (a cultural prohibition). Variant: -hetséh; vti: -hetsé'á. See: -tsé'en ‘touch s.t./s.o.’. Etym: cf. M eno·hae·w.
hetsehné vai. Gram: rr so walk, walk this way, walk there. ... é-hetsēhne. ... that is where he is walking. Néstsė-hetsēhnėstse! Walk to me! Category: walk.
-hetsé'á vti. point at s.t. É-hetsé'a. He pointed at it. Synonym -hetséhá; vta: -hetséh(n).
-he-tsénoone m. wing, have wings. Éhe-tsénoone. He (for example, bird) has wings/he is 'winged'. vé'ho'á'eo'o tséhe-tsénoonese angels (lit. white women who have wings; 1980:40:14)) (many Cheyennes regard this term as a misconception and prefer a term such as he'amȧhotse'ono 'heavenly workers' or Ma'hēō'o hestotse'ono 'God's workers'). See: -méená. Category: birds.
hetsénoonévoestȯtse na. wing dress. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-he-tsénotahe vai. have a cross-nephew. A cross-nephew is a son of a man's sister. Éhe-tsénotahe. He has a cross-nephew. Etym: *weθenkwašiwa (P). tséhe-tsénotȧhéto the one who is my cross-nephew. See: -he-e'hamóone ‘have a nephew’. Category: relatives.
-he-tsénotȧhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as cross-nephew. that is, as a sister's son. Éhe-tsénotȧhénoto. He has him as cross-nephew. [1987:96] Category: relatives.
hetsénotaho na. Gram: poss his cross-nephew. This is a man's sister's son or a woman's brother's son. This person is called "nephew" in English by Cheyennes. Stem -tsénotah. Category: relatives.
-hetséoestoh(n) vta. point quickly at s.o. É-hetséoestȯhnóho. He pointed at him quickly. Náhtȧ-hetséoestȯhnoo'o. I quickly pointed at them. [1987:28] See: -hetséh(n).
hétsėstseha p. now, right now. Usage: This pronunciation should be compared with hétsetseha. This form is pronounced more quickly than hétsetseha. Not all speakers seem to have this form. Some speakers may have only this form. Other speakers seem to have both. For some speakers the difference between the two forms is that this pronunciation is more immediate in time, meaning "right now." Variant: hétsetseha. Category: time.
hétsetseha p. now. (another recording) hétsetseha éšeēva today. hétsetseha taa'éva tonight. hétsetseha hetóéva this evening. Variant: hétsėstseha. See: tsėhe'xóvéva. Category: time.
hétsetseha éšeēva p. today. Category: time.
hétsetseha hetóéva p. this evening. Category: time.
hétsetseha taa'éva p. tonight. Category: time.
hetsev- i. openly, fearlessly. requires a negative preverb. Étaohkėsáa=hová'éhe='ée-hetsevȯhtóvȧhénóvo. They are not afraid to sell anything (for a drink). [1987:61] Ésáa-hetsev-ó'anéhe. He is careless when he talks. Preverb hetseve-.
-hetseva vai. brave, dauntless, fearless, does not give up. requires a negative preverb. Ésáa-hetseváhe. He is not afraid / he doesn't give up. Ques: elicit 'they are not afraid' to check underlying pitch?? Category: personality, check.
hetsevá- pv. spitefully, on purpose. Ésáa-hetsevánėhešévéhe. He did not do it to be ornery. Éhetsevánėhešéve. He did it on purpose (anyway, in spite of the fact that people didn't want him to do it). É-hetseváeestse. (hetseváééstse??) He is talking spitefully. Category: check.
-hetsevávȧše'še vai. be upset and get drunk. É-hetsevávȧše'še. He was upset and got drunk. See: -ne'evávȧše'še. Category: drink.
-hetsevávó'ané vai. negatively say; say negatively. for instance, to threaten to do something harmful, perhaps to hurt yourself, but we don't know if the threat will be carried out. É-hetsevávó'áne. He threatened to do something harmful. Category: speak.
-hetsevávo'eéh vai. negatively treat s.o. É-hetsevávo'eeho. He harmed him on purpose. É-hetsevávo'eéhóho. He harmed him on purpose. (newer pronunciation). É-hetsevávo'eéhahtse. He harmed himself on purpose. vai: -hetsevávo'eétahe. See: tóséé'e. Category: do.
-hetsevávo'eétahe vai. do on purpose, intentionally act, negatively do, spitefully do something, retaliate. É-hetsevávo'eétahe. He did it to be spiteful/he did it on purpose. [PD18] (another recording) [PD18] alt: hetsévo'eétahe. See: tóséé'e; -hetsévo'eétahe. Category: do.
hetsevávotoono ?? ??. rope braid ?? Category: check. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
hetseve- i. openly, fearlessly, bluntly, openly, back out.
pv. openly, fearlessly, bluntly, openly, back out. has idea of not hiding anything. requires a negative preverb. Ésáa-hetsevemé'ėstȯhénóvo. They are not afraid to explain it ; they do not hold anything back in explaining it. [1987:55] Éohkėsáa-hetseveóxȯhesanéheo'o. Nothing stops them from saying whatever they are thinking. Initial hetsev-; Antonym táhtanove-. See: táhtanóove-; ó'tȯsé-.
-hetseveh vta. back out of doing bad to s.o. É-hetsevėhóho. He almost did something bad to him but backed out. Náévȧ-hetsevēho. I almost retaliated against him. See: -hetsevem. Category: do, interpersonal.
-hetsevem vta. back out of telling s.o. É-hetsevemóho. He backed out of telling him. Ná-hetsevēmo. I hesitate to tell him. [pd545] Ésáa-hetsevemóheho. He tells him as it is. Móho'nó-hetsevēmȯhtse. He must not have backed out from telling him how it is. See: -hetseveh. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hetseveotse vai. back out. for example, to back out of telling something. É-hetseveotse. He backed out. Ná-hetseveotse. I backed out. [Stamper 1991:4] See: héstove-; -héstoveotse. Category: cognition.
-hetsevȯhtóvá vai. fearless to buy (something), hesitate to spend (something). only used in the negative. Ésáa-hestsevȯhtóváhe. He is not afraid to sell (anything).
vti. fearless to buy s.t., hesitate to spend s.t. Étaohkėsáa'ée-hetsevȯhtóvȧhénóvo hová'éhe. They are not afraid to sell anything (for a drink). [1987:61] fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.
-hetsevó'ané vai. say spitefully ?? É-hetsevó'áne. He talked spitefully. ?? Ésáa-hetsev-ó'anéhe. He is careless when he talks. Category: check.
-hetsévo'eétahe vai. spitefully do something. É-hetsévo'eétahe. He did something spitefully. See: -hetsevávo'eétahe. Category: do.
héva p. maybe, like, even. Usually the attached particle mó= introduces inferentials but héva can also: Hévá=hmémėstanėhevóhe. Maybe they drowned. [1987:4:23] Naa móxho'nó- héva hová'ėhéva tsévé'šená'hévȯse héva ma'tšėške. And they didn't have anything to kill them with, not even a bow (and arrow). [1987:96] Nássáavé'ho'énėstséhe héva nā'ėstse éestsestȯtse nássáahéne'enóhe. I didn't talk English, I didn't know even one word of English. [1987:190] Héva=naóotsėhéhe. He is possibly sleeping. See: mó-; móhe; hēā'e; mó=héva; hévá=móhe; tā'se; ta'sėhāma; hotoo; onȧháxe-.
héva náhe p. Who? This combination of the hedge word héva and the discourse pronoun náhe is difficult to translate. In a situation where a group is wondering who they might get to be a featured speaker, someone could say this, héva náhe, meaning something like 'Who could we get?' The person referred to by the pronoun nahe is unknown as the statement of wondering is made.
-héva'ee'e vai. sit with covered head. É-héva'ee'e. He is sitting with his head covered. [1987:146] Phon: vs Variant: -héva'kee'e.
-héva'evoehá vii. be covered -be, hooded -be. É-héva'évoēha. It is covered / it has a hood. Ques: va'e?? tsé-héva'evoēha amó'enēō'o covered wagon. Category: check, record.
-héva'évo'oh(n) vta. throw a blanket on s.o. É-héva'évo'ȯhnóho. He threw a blanket on him. Nȧhtȧ-héva'évo'ōhno. I'll throw a blanket on him. Can be said by a man about his brother-in-law, as part of the culturally sanctioned joking relationship. This might be said to indicate that the man thinks his brother-in-law is lying and throwing a blanket over him might take care of the problem. Category: relatives.
héva'ké- pv. covered.head. Otáxa hestooma éstšėšėvá'nėhéva'kétsėhetanánȯse tsé'tó=kȧse'ééhe. Leaving just her robe, this young woman fixed it like someone was sitting there. Category: head.
-héva'kéehe vai. wear a scarf, have on a scarf. É-héva'kéehe. She has on a scarf. Category: groom.
-héva'kéehé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o head covered with s.o. What the head is covered with animate, such as a blanket or scarf. É-héva'kéehénoto. His head is covered with him. Naa éx-héva'kéehénȯsesto mo'ȯhtávėhéva'kéehéstoto. And he had a black scarf on his head. [1987:48]
héva'kéehestȯtse na. scarf. Lit: cover-head-NOM Plural héva'kéehéstoto; Obviative héva'kéehéstoto; Variant: héva'éehestȯtse; Medial -a'(k)é. Category: clothing.
-héva'kee'e vai. covered.head.sit, sit with covered head. E-héva'kee'e. He is sitting with his head covered. Variant: -héva'ee'e, -héva'kéehe. Category: sit, head.
-héva'kéen vti. cover head of s.t. É-héva'kéenóho. He covered his (another person's) head. Héva'kéénȯhtse! ?? Cover your head! See: -héva'kén. Category: head, check.
-héva'ké'o'h vta. cover head of s.o. with something. especially to cover with a blanket or scarf. É-héva'ké'o'hóho. He covered his (other person's) head. Éx-héva'ké'o'hahtséhoono hestóome. She pulled her blanket up over her head. [Lover's Leap.019] See: -héva'kén. Category: head.
-héva'kén vta. cover head of s.o. for example, cover a person's head with a blanket or scarf. É-héva'keno. He covered his (someone else's) head. É-héva'kénóho. He covered his (someone else's) head. (newer pronunciation). Héva'kéneha! Cover his head! (for example, when it's raining). See: -héva'kéen; -héva'ké'o'h. Category: head.
-héva'kéóó'é vai. stand with head covered. É-héva'kéóó'e. He is standing with his head covered. Mó'ȯhkė-héva'kéoehevóhe hoomȧhéva. They would stand (covered) under a blanket (while courting). [WEDDING.TXT] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.
-héva'kévoheehe vai. wrapped in a hood - be. Lit: covered.head-wrapped especially for babies. É-héva'kévoheehe. He is wrapped in a hood. See: -hóheehe. Category: babies.
-héva'kévo'oh(n) vta. cover head of s.o. É-héva'kévo'ȯhnóho. He threw (something) over his head. Héva'kévo'ȯhnoo'o! Throw a blanket on top of her! (typically said about someone you are saying teasing things about). Variant: -héva'évo'oh(n). See: -héva'kén. Category: head.
heva'ó'xevooma na. saddle blanket. Ques: recheck LH's pronunciation?? Variant: ho'óma'oestȯtse. Category: horses, check.
hevá'onėše ni. rectum, anus. Category: check. This is a meat part not eaten, near hexáhkémáhne. called 'rectum' in PD. See: hexáhkémáhne ‘tailgate’; hesėstse ‘his ass’. Category: meat.
-hevá'sé mbp. tailbone, tail. Éé'ėhe-vá'séše. He fell and broke his tailbone. Épo'ė-hevá'séna He broke (or pulled) off its tail. IndepNoun hehévá'xe; Possessive htsėhévá'xé. Category: body.
hevá'xáméško ni. long handled dipper, ladle. Ques: check pitches?? See: háméško ‘spoon’. Category: check, tools.
hevá'xevetoo'o ni. frying pan (with a handle). Lit: tail-container Category: containers.
hévámóhe p. I guess, maybe, apparently. The two particles héva and móhe combine to form this word. Hévámóhe hóhkeeheho éstanȯhtsé'ovóhoono. Apparently (the whiteman) went looking for the mouse. [1980:25:7] Hévámóhe tsé'tóhe tsého'sóese kȧsováaheho aénȯhevóoheha-hoono. Apparently these who danced, the young men, (were) jackrabbits (surp.). [this is a song; JG 1989] Náhóovėhesétámo hévámóhe mȧsėháhoo'o. I mistakenly regarded him, but lo and behold, (he is) crazy. [1987:305:21] Hévámóhe nėsésesto tsénésȯhtȯxese tsénésȯhtȯxese tséhemėhé'tovȧhtsese. Apparently they are the seven (stars), the seven who are sisters. Michelson (1910 text) and language consultant gloss this as 'in due time' but this would seem to be in error. See: hévá; héva; móhe; hótȧhtse; tá'sėháma.
hévámóto p. that is when. Category: check. Hévámóto móstanoo'ȯhtséhenotóhe. That is when he abandoned them. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).076] See: nėhe'xóvéva; vétséno. Category: time.
-he-váseme inc.n. have a younger sibling. Éhe-váseme. He has a younger sibling. tséhe-váseméto the one who is my younger sibling. vta: -he-vásemé'tov; vii: -he-váseméto. Etym: *wehsi·miwa ‘he has a younger sibling’. Category: relatives.
-hevásemé'tá vii. draw interest, earn interest. Lit: have it as younger sibling É-hevásemé'ta. It drew interest (money). Phon: sfr See: -he-vásemétó. Category: money.
-he-vásemé'tov vta. Gram: inc.n have s.o. as younger sibling. Náhe-vásemenȯtse. He/She is my younger sibling. Éhe-váseménoto. He/She has him/her as younger sibling. Category: relatives.
-he-vásemétó vii. earn interest. Lit: have as younger sibling Ma'kaata éohkė-heváseméto. The money is earning interest. vai: -he-váseme; vti: -he-vásemé'tá. Category: money.
hevásemo na. Gram: pos his/her younger sibling. Category: relatives.
hevávȧhkema na. butterfly, moth. Plural hevávȧhkemaho; Obviative hevávȧhkemaho. Category: bugs.
-heve vai. say. an irregular stem. for first and second person subjects, affirmative independent indicative only. Ná-heve. I said. É-hevoo'o. He said. É-hevoōne. They said. Né-óxȯheve? What did you say? vta: -het. See: -he; -óxȯheve; -éestse; -ó'ané; -totóxem; -heve; -het; -óxȯhestohe. Category: speak.
Hevée'ėse na. Teeth. Variant: Hévéése. See: vée'ėse ‘tooth’. Category: names.
Hevéesā'e na. Teeth Woman. Category: names.
-he-véesané vai. teethe, cut teeth. Lit: make teeth É-he-véesāne. He is teething. Etym: *wi·pitehke·wa. IndepNoun vée'ėse; Variant: -véesané. Category: body function, mouth.
-he-véese vai. have teeth. É-he-véese. He has teeth. Etym: *wi·pičiwa. É-he-véeseo'o. They have teeth. Ésáa-he-véeséhe. He is toothless. oonȧhā'e mȧxhe-véesévȯhtse until frogs have teeth. That is an idiom meaning 'Never!' that is, something won't be happen until frogs grow teeth. It functions the same as the English idiom, "when pigs fly". IndepNoun vée'ėse ‘tooth’. See: -he-véesané; -véesané. Category: body, sayings.
Hévéése na. Teeth. Variant: Hevée'ėse. Category: names.
hevéesénoma'he na. pike. Lit: teeth-fish Variant: hevéesénoma'ne; Synonym éškȯseesénoma'ne. Category: fish.
hevéesénoma'ne na. pike. Lit: teeth-fish Variant: hevéesénoma'he; Synonym éškȯseesénoma'ne. Category: fish.
-he-véhestove inc.n. have a name. É-he-véhestove. He has a name. Étaomė-he-véhestoveo'o. véhestóve?? They have their own names. For example, the Cheyenne bands each have their own names. Category: check.
-he-véhoname vai. have a chief, have a boss. Éhe-véhoname. He has a chief/boss. Névááhe tséhe-véhonameto? Who is your boss/chief? Possessive -véhoname. Category: work.
-he-véhonamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as chief, have s.o. as boss. Ná-he-véhonamenȯtse. He is my chief/boss. Ná-he-véhonamé'tova. I am his chief (that is, he has me as chief). Né-he-véhonaménone. He is our chief. É-he-véhonaménoto. He has him as a chief/boss. Category: jobs.
-he-véhonamétanó vai. want to have a chief. É-he-véhonamétáno. He wants to have a chief. [pd230]
hevéhonamo na. Gram: poss his chief. IndepNoun veho.
-he-véhonetȧhéstove vai. have the chieftainship, be the chief. Éhe-véhonetȧhéstove. He is the chief/he has the chieftainship. See: -véhoneve.
hevé'eonēšėstse ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'keonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.
hevé'hehpe ni. bile, gall. used as a dip for eating raw liver. Etym: *wewi:swepi ‘his gall’. Category: body.
hevé'keonéhestȧhtōtse ni. Indian baloney. Synonym vé'keonéhestȧhtōtse. Category: meat.
hevé'keonēšėstse ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'eonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.
-he-vé'tóve inc.n. have a brother-in-law (of a man). É-he-vé'tove. He has a brother-in-law. Etym: *wi·Ɂta·wa. tséhe-vé'tóvéto the one who is my brother-in-law. vta: -he-vé'tóvé'tov. Etym: cf. M owe·qtawew. Category: relatives.
-he-vé'tóvé'tov inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a brother-in-law (of male). Náhe-vé'tovenȯtse. He is my brother-in-law. Éhe-vé'tovenoto. He has him as brother-in-law. Category: relatives.
hevé'tovo na. Gram: poss his brother-in-law. only of a male. Stem -vé'tov. See: né'tóve ‘my brother-in-law’; é'tóve ‘your brother-in-law’. Category: relatives.
hevenȯtse ni. Gram: poss his home. Oblique hévénótse. See: hévénóve ‘his home’. Category: house, camp.
hévénótse ni. Gram: poss at his home. See: hevenȯtse ‘his home’; hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse.
-he-vénove inc.n. have a dwelling, have a home. É-he-vénove. He has a tent/dwelling/home. Ésáa-he-vénóvéhe. He doesn't have a home. Tsé'ameehénove tósa'etsésáa-hešėtao'o=tā'se=tae-hevénovėstovėhane When they were moving about (nomadic), when there was no permanent home. [1987:96] See: -he-stóo'ȯhtséstove; -he-mȧheóné. Category: camp, house.
hévénóve ni. Gram: poss his camp, his home. Ques: recheck the first high pitch?? Usage: obsolescing See: énóváne ‘our camp’; hevenȯtse ‘his camp’; hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse ‘his home’. Category: camp, check.
hevéono na. Gram: poss her co-wife. This is a woman who is also a wife to her husband. Category: marriage.
-he-vése'e inc.n. have a friend (female-to-female). É-he-vése'e. She has a friend. tsé-he-vése'éto the one who is my female friend. Category: interpersonal.
-he-vése'é'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as friend (female to female). É-he-vése'énoto. She has her as a friend. Náhe-vése'é'tova. She has me as a friend (= I am her friend). Náhe-vése'enȯtse. She is my friend. Nėstaévȧhósė-hevése'é'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's be friends (female) again! Nėstaévȧ-hevése'é'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's return to being friends (female)! Masculine -he-vésenéhé'tov. See: -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov. Category: interpersonal.
hevése'óho na. her friend. Possessive -vése'e; Antonym hevésenóho. Category: interpersonal.
-he-vésene inc.n. male friend. É-he-vésene. He has a male friend. Ques: É-he-vésenehe.?? Ques: recheck pitches?? tsé-he-vésenéhéto the one who is my male friend. Category: interpersonal, check.
-he-vésenehe inc.n. friend (male.to.male). É-he-vésenehe. He has a friend. Ques: É-he-vésene?? combine with the preceding entry vta: -he-vésenéhe'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.
-he-vésenéhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as friend (male to male). male to male friendship. Náhe-vésenéhe'tova. He has me as a friend/I am his friend. Náhe-vésenéhenȯtse. He is my friend. Éhe-vésenéhenoto. He has him as a friend / He is his friend. Nėstaévȧhe-vésenéhe'tovȧhtsémáne! Let's be friends again! That can be a way of seeking or extending forgiveness. Feminine -he-vése'é'tov. See: -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-he-vésenéhetanó vai. want to have a friend. Mó'éemónėhe-vésenéhetanȯhéhe. He wanted to have a friend. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.052]
-he-vésenéhetanó'tov vta. want to be a friend to s.o. male to male friendship. Éhe-vésenéhetanó'tovóho. He wants to be friends with him. Éohtaohkeévȧhe-vésenéhetanó'tovóho. He wanted to become friends with him again. especially to repair a breakdown in the relationship. Category: interpersonal.
hevésenóho na. his male friend. Feminine -vése'e; Antonym hevése'óho. See: -vésené ‘friend’.
-he-vésėsone inc.n. have a sibling. includes cousin. Éhe-vésėsone. He has a cousin. Etym: *wi·tešya·niwa (P). tséhe-vésėsónéto the one who is my cousin/sibling. vta: -he-vésėsóné'tov. Category: relatives.
-he-vésėsóné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as sibling. Cheyenne sibling includes cousin. Náh-e-vésėsóne'tova. He/she has me as a sibling/I am his/her sibling. Ná-he-vésėsónenȯtse. He/she is my sibling (including cousin). É-he-vésėsónenoto. He/she has him as sibling. Category: relatives.
-he-vésėsónevoem vai. have s.o. valued as sibling. This form makes it clear you are referring specifically to a cousin rather than an immediate sibling. tsé-he-vésėsónevoemo the one who is my cousin. Ná-he-vésėsónevoēmo. I consider him as my sibling/cousin. É-he-vésėsónevoemóho. He consider him as his sibling/cousin. Category: relatives.
hevésėsono na. Gram: poss his/her sibling. includes cousins. Stem -vésesón. Category: relatives.
-he-vésevoone vai. have a companion, have a partner, be married. É-he-vésevoone. He is married. Etym: *wi·tye·wa·kaniwa (P). Ques: vóone?? Ééšė-he-vésevoone. He/She is married (literally, already has a partner). Náhe-vésevoone. I am married. Category: marriage. See: -véstoem.
-he-vésevooné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as companion, have s.o. as a partner, have s.o. as a spouse. Ná-he-vésevoonenȯtse. He/She is my companion. É-he-vésevoonénoto. He has him as his companion. See: -véstoem. Category: marriage.
-he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov vta. have s.o. as an inseparable companion; have s.o. as a buddy. Éhe-vésta'ó'seonénoto. He is inseparable with him; he has him as a buddy/chum. not as advanced a relationship as -he-vése'é'tov or -he-vésené'tov. See: -he-vése'é'tov ‘have s.o. as female friend’; -he-vésenéhe'tov ‘have s.o. as male friend’; -vésta'ó'sem. Category: interpersonal.
hevéstaxe na. Gram: poss his cowarrior, cowarrior - his, his fellow society member, society member - his fellow. Usage: obsolescing Possessive -htaxe; IndepNoun nótaxe. Phon: requires high pitch on vowel of poss. prefix See: néstaxe; -vésevoo'o; nótaxe; -htaxe. Category: warfare.
-he-véškeme inc.n. have a grandmother; have a mother-in-law. Éhe-véškeme. He has a grandmother. Etym: cf *o·hkwemiwa (P); cf. M owo·hkomae·hsew. tséhe-véškeméto the one who is my grandmother/mother-in-law. tséhe-véškemeto the one who is your grandmother/mother-in-law. tséhe-véškeméstovėstse the one who is grandmother/mother-in-law. vta: -he-véškemé'tov. See: -véškeme. Category: relatives.
-he-véškemé'tov vta. have s.o. as grandmother, have s.o. as mother-in-law. Náhe-véškemenȯtse. She is my grandmother (or mother-in-law). Náhe-véškemé'tova. I am her grandmother/she has me as grandmother. Éhe-véškeménoto. He has her as grandmother. Category: relatives.
hevéškemo na. Gram: poss his/her grandmother, his/her mother-in-law. hevéškemevóho their grandmother. Stem -véškem. See: hemėšemo ‘his grandfather’. Category: relatives.
heveškėse ni. windpipe, esophagus. This is eaten. It is flat and gristly. Morph: /hevéhkes/. Etym: cf. *wi·skwayi ‘pouch, crop’; *wexketyi (P) ‘pipestem’; cf. M wi·hko·s(aeh). Category: meat.
Hevéškėsenėhpȧho'hese na. Aortas. Translated as Aortas in some records but may actually refer to the windpipe. Category: bands.
-he-vétame vai. have a cross sibling-in-law. Éhe-vétame. He has a cross sibling-in-law. Etym: *wi·θemowa (P). tsé-he-vétaméto the one who is my cross sibling-in-law. vta: -he-vétamé'tov. See: nétame ‘my cross sibling-in-law’. Category: relatives.
hevétáme na. his/her cross sibling-in-law, her brother-in-law, his sister-in-law. Stem -vétame. Category: relatives.
-he-vétamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as cross sibling-in-law. That is, brother-in-law of a woman, or sister-in-law of a man. Náhe-vétamenȯtse. She is my cross sibling-in-law. Éhe-vétaménoto. He has her as cross sibling-in-law. vai: -he-vétame. Category: relatives.
hevétove ni. Gram: poss his body. Usage: obsolescing See: nétove ‘my body’. Category: body.
-he-vétsėhóve'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a substitute. Ná-he-vétsėhóvenȯtse. I have him as my substitute. That is, he is taking my place. Ná-he-vétsėhóve'tova. I am his substitute. Category: interpersonal. The magpie took the place of the man (or mankind) in the Great Race.
-he-veve vai. have intercourse. É-heveve. He (or She) had intercourse. Lit: have-woman Morph: /-he-véve/. Synonym -he-stse'éme. See: he- ‘have’; vevėstse ‘horn/antler’. Etym: cf. *wi:wali 'his wife'; cf. M we·wew; *wi:wiwa 'he has a wife'. Category: marriage, sex, vulgar.
-he-vévé'tov vta. have intercourse with s.o. Éhe-vévenoto. He had sex with her. Usage: probably not used as widely as -hestse'émé'tov; this form may be obsolescing now See: -he-stse'émeotsé'tov; -he-stse'émé't. Category: sex, marriage.
-he-vévetanó vai. want to have intercourse. Lit: wife-want said of a man. Éhe-vévetāno. He wants to have intercourse. See: -he'étanó. Category: sex, vulgar, sex.
-he-véxahe inc.n. have grandchild(ren), have child(ren)-in-law. É-he-véxahe. He has a grandchild. Etym: cf *o·hšihsiwa (P). Ná-he-véxahe. I have a grandchild(ren)/I have a child(ren)-in-law. Náma'xė-he-véxahe. I have lots of grandchildren. Éma'xė-he-véxahehe? Does he/she have many grandchildren? tséhe-véxahéto the one who is my grandchild. (another recording) tséhe-véxahéstovėstse the one who is grandchild. vta: -he-véxahé'tov. See: -véxah ‘grandchild (poss.)’. Category: relatives.
-he-véxahé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a grandchild, have s.o. as a child-in-law. Ná-he-véxahé'tova. He had me as grandchild/I am his grandchild. Ná-he-véxahenȯtse. He/she is my grandchild (or child-in-law). É-he-véxahénoto. He has him as grandchild/child-in-law. Mónétaéšė-he-véxahé'tovatsėhéhe. You must already be my son-in-law. [1987:174] Category: relatives.
-he-véxahétanó vai. respect child-in-law. É-he-véxahétáno. He has respect toward his daughter-in-law / She has respect for her son-in-law. Nóoo, éstaoseehoháehe-véxahétanóhoo'o néhe hé'e. My, this woman really had a lot of son-in-law respect. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.153] Category: relatives, interpersonal.
hevéxaho na. Gram: poss his/her grandchild(ren); his/her child-in-law. The core meaning of 'grandchild' has been semantically extended to 'child-in-law'. he-véxahevóho their grandchil(ren). néxahe my grandchild. éxahe your grandchild. Néxahe and éxahe are the older ways of saying these words. Newer ways are navéxahe and névéxahe. nā'ėstse hevéxaho one of my spouse's grandchildren. vai: -he-véxahe. See: -véxahe. Category: relatives.
hévoe- i. wring, squeeze.
-hévóe'ó vai. bleed to death. É-hévóé'o.?? He bled to death.?? See: -hé'óe'ó. Category: sickness, death, check.
-hévoen vti. wring out s.t. É-hévoēna. He wrung it out.
vta. wring out s.o. É-hévoenóho. He wrung him out. for example, wringing out wet cloth (animate). Category: liquid.
hévoe(n)- i. wring, squeeze. É-hévoēna. He wrung it. É-hévóénéne. He is wringing out (something). É-hévoetanȧhano. He milked her. É-hévoeotse He is bleeding. Ques: does bleeding have the same initial?? Category: motion, check.
-hévoenené vai. wring out. É-hévóénéne. He is wringing out (something). vta: -hévoen.
hévoenēō'o ni. wringer. old style wringer, as on a wringer washing machine. Category: tools.
-hévoeotse vai. bleed. É-hévoeotse. He is bleeding. See: -hé'óé'ó; -ma'éveotse. Category: sickness.
-he-voestátoo'e vai. wear a belt. É-he-voestátoo'e. He has a belt on. É-he-voestátoeo'o. They have belts on. Phon: vs Category: dress.
hevoestoto na. Gram: poss her dress(es). IndepNoun hoestȯtse; Stem -voestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-he-voestove inc.n. have on a dress; wear a dress. É-hevoestove. She has on a dress. Etym: cf *wako·te·wa (P). Éhe-voestóveo'o. They are wearing dresses. IndepNoun hoestȯtse; Preverb he-3. See: -hoestóve ‘be a dress’. Category: dress, clothing.
hévoetanȧháhotóá'e na. milk cow. Synonym hévoetanȧháhotóá'e. Category: livestock.
hévoetanȧhá'haméstotȯtse ni. milkers. Ques: recheck?? spelling does not agree with pronunciation See: hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotóá'e. Category: livestock, check.
-hévoetanȧhán vta. milk s.o. Lit: wring-breast especially to milk a cow. É-hévoetanȧhano. He milked her. É-hévoetanȧhánóho. He milked her. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -tanahá. Category: livestock.
-hévoetanȧháno'hamé vai. milk. livestock; especially cows. Lit: wring-breast-livestock É-hévoetanȧháno'hāme. He is milking. Variant: -hévoetanȧho'hamé; BodyPartMedial -tanahá; fai: -o'ham. Category: livestock.
hévoetanȧháno'hamémȧhéó'o ni. dairy barn. Category: livestock, buildings.
hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotóá'e na. milk cow. Synonym hévoetanȧháhotóá'e. See: hotóá'e. Category: livestock.
-he-vóhkėha'e vai. wear a hat. É-he-vóhkėha'e. He has a hat. owned or physically on his head. Nevááhe tséhéhe-vóhkėhá'ėstse hé'tóhe? Whose hat is this? IndepNoun hóhkėha'e. Category: groom.
-he-vȯho'one vai. have a bracelet, wear bracelet(s). Éhe-vȯho'one. She is wearing bracelet(s). See: voho; hóho. Category: groom.
-he-vȯhtohe vai. wear pants. É-he-vȯhtohe. He is wearing pants. See: hōhto ‘legging’; hohtoho ‘pants’. Category: clothing.
hevȯhtoho na. his pants. one or more pairs. Possessive -vohtó; IndepNoun hōhto. Category: clothing.
-hévo'ėsén vti. squeeze s.t. É-hévo'ėséna. He squeezed it. See: -hahpa'ó'tsé.
vta. squeeze s.o. can be of squeezing toothpaste. É-hévo'ėseno. He squeezed him. É-hévo'ėsénóho. He squeezed him. (newer pronunciation). É-hévo'ėsénóho heóvema'xemeno. He squeezed the lemon. Category: move.
-he-vo'ėstaneme vai. have.people. É-he-vo'ėstanéme. He has people.
-he-vo'ėstanéme'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as people. Ná-he-vo'ėstanémenoto. They are my people. [pd806] É-he-vo'ėstanémenoto. He has them as his people. Category: people.
-he-vó'ho'ėhátamaahéstove vai. have light. éhe-vó'ho'ėhátamaahéstove He is countenanced with light/he has light in his being.
hevó'honove ni. strips of meat hanging on each rib. Category: meat.
-he-vó'konone vai. wear high top moccasins. É-he-vó'konone. He has (Crow-style) high top moccasins on. Category: shoes.
-he-vo'ótane vai. wear a choker, wear a tie, wear a necklace. Cheyenne he- 'have' has the sense of wear or own. Éhe-vo'ótane. He is wearing a tie / choker / necklace. Naa ná-he-vo'ótane héne namėšéme móhnéhae-hevo'ótanėhéhe. And I have a choker, it used to be my grandfather's choker. [1987:116] IndepNoun ho'ota. Category: groom.
hevóohestoto na. Gram: poss his/her relative(s). Category: relatives.
-he-vóohestove vai. have a relative. Éhe-vóohestove. He has a relative(s). tséhe-vóóhéstóvéto the one who is my relative. tséhmae'ée-hevóohéstóvévȯse where they had relatives. [A Ghost Story.008] Ques: get indep 3rd person sg and pl forms to check pitches?? vta: -he-vóohestové'tov; Possessive -vóohestȯtse. Category: relatives, check.
-he-vóohestove'tanó'tov vta. have s.o. as a relative - want to. Naa éohkeno'-he-vóohestove'tanó'tohe. And there is also wanting to be had as a relative. This refers to when people want you to give them money. They remind you (or claim) that you are their relative (obligated to give them money). Category: money, relatives.
-he-vóohestove'tov inc.n. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as a relative. Ná-he-vóohestove'tova. I am his relative/he has me as a relative. Ná-he-vóohestovenȯtse. He is my relative. Ná-he-vóohestovenoto. They are my relatives. É-he-vóohestovenoto. He has him as relative. See: -voohestȯtse. Category: relatives.
-hevoo'o vai. Gram: rr say. third person independent indicative stem. irregular stem. É-hevoo'o. He said. Etym: *ewa ‘he says so’. (another recording) É-hevoōne. They said. vta: -het. See: -heve; -óxȯhevoo'o; -oóoxȯhevoo'o. Etym: cf. M wa·h. Category: speak.
-hevooné vai. say. irregular stem. This follows what they said. ... é-hevoōne. ... that is what they said. ... éohkeméhae-hevoēne. ... they used to say. Éóxȯ-hevoōne? What did they say? ... éohkė-hevoōne. ... they regularly say. vta: -het. See: -he; -heve. Category: speak.
-he-vósee'ėse vai. wear earrings. É-he-vósee'ėse. She is wearing earrings. Éhe-vóseeo'o. (vóseeseo'o??) They are wearing earrings. Phon: vs IndepNoun hósee'ėse ‘earring’. Category: ears, check.
hevovetāso na. 1 • whirlwind, whirlwind spirit, dust devil, dragonfly, tornado. Some people also use this word for a tornado; others use ma'xėhevovetāso for a tornado. Usage: This is the most common pronunciation. Others are: Variant: hevovotāso, hovovetāso; Plural hevovetȧsono; Obviative hevovetȧsono. The whirlwind (or tornado) has been considered one of the sacred powers. People are told to stay away from dust devils; they may snatch your spirit. Dust devils are also called méstaeo'o. Hevovetāso éameohe. A tornado is going along. See: ma'xėhevovetāso; mahpe hevovetāso. Category: bugs, weather.
2 • Little Whirlwind. Category: names.
Hevovetāso Ȯhvó'komaestse na. White Whirlwind. Category: names.
-he-vovetȧsónevȯhtȧheve vai. have a whirlwind design.
vii. have a whirlwind design. The design is twirled around as a nautilus, not as concentric circles. É-he-vovetȧsónevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.; for example, moccasins) have a whirlwind design. Category: designs.
hevovotāso na. tornado. Variant: hevovetāso, hovovetāso. Category: weather.
-he-vȯxeone vai. have sock(s) (on), wear socks. É-he-vȯxeone. He has on socks. Nééšė-he-vȯxeonehe? Do you already have your socks on? IndepNoun hoxēō'o. Category: clothing.
-he-xaemahe vai. have a boil. É-he-xaemahe. He has a boil. Etym: *ošenkiɁmiwa (P/L). Ques: get underlying form from plural?? Category: sickness, check.
-he-xaemȧhévėškóhtá vai. boil on the leg - have a. Éhe-xaemȧhévėškóhta. He has a boil on his leg. Category: sickness.
hexaenó'káne ni. sweet onion, Mariposa lily. known elsewhere as Mariposa lily. looks like a small lily. See: xaóenėhéstȧhévo. Category: plants.
hexáhkémáhne ni. tailgate. smooth part of large intestine near anus; it is in layers. See: hevá'onėše. Category: meat.
hexóva'e na. bedbug, flea. Plural hexová'e; Obviative hexová'e; Oklahoma Dialect kȧhkónȯséhe. Phon: iah See: ka'a'xéhe. Category: bugs, Montana.
hexovávó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl a kind of reeds. Category: plants.
hexōvo na. clam. Usage: obsolescing translation uncertain; may mean 'shell' to some people. See: néma'ke. Plural hexovono; Obviative hexovono.
Shell. Category: names.
Hexovóná'e na. Shell Woman. See: Méne'á'e. Category: names.
Hexovóneo'hé'e ni. Musselshell River. a tributary of the Missori River in Montana. Category: check, rivers.
/-hk/ ??. diminutive consonantal symbolism. sometimes both diminutives /-hk/ and /-són/ appear in a form. mȧhōō'o vs. mȧhōhko 'melon' vs. 'little melon'. šé'še vs. šé'šėškéso /šé'šehkesón/ 'duck' vs. 'duckling'. póéso vs. póhkéso 'cat' vs. 'kitty'. also there is diminutive /-'k/ for NonDiminutive /-'/. o'hé'késo ? (cf. ó'he'e 'river'; ó'he'ke 'creek') 'horse' vs. 'colt'. See: -són. Category: size.
/-hke/ na. mother. irregular noun stem. he-ške his mother. náhko'éehe my mother. neško your mother. nėškámane our (inclusive) mother. heškevóho their mother. vai: -heške ‘have a mother’. Category: relatives.
-hke'éehe na. Gram: poss grandmother, mother-in-law (poss.) original meaning extended to mother-in-law. né-ške'éehe my grandmother/mother-in-law. Phon: 'grandmother' is an irregular stem See: -véškeme; /-hkeme/. vai: -he-véškeme; Vocative néške'e. Category: relatives.
/-hkeme/ na. grandmother, mother-in-law (poss.) original meaning extended to 'mother-in-law'. éškeme your grandmother. Phon: 'grandmother' is an irregular stem See: -véškeme. Category: relatives.
-hkosé mbp. finger, toe, claw. Étótȧhpe'ė-škóse. He has big fingers. Éé'ė-škóse. He has a broken finger. (also pronounced É-é'eóse). Éhešė-škȯséotse. He has cramps in his finger/toes. Variant: -ósé3. See: mo'ēško; -óohevá; hemo'koso. Etym: *-škašya. Category: body, hands.
-hn ep. EP.
-hné fai. motion, walk. Éamevonē-hne. He crawled. Éhosó-hne. He walked backward. Variant: -ehné. See: -ohtsé1. Category: walk.
-ho1 sfx. OBV. Category: grammar.
-ho2 sfx. preterit suffix, narrative suffix, surprisal suffix, mirative suffix. suffixes to verbs and, sometimes, nouns, to express surprise, otherwise, it marks a verb as belonging to a legend or folktale genre, distant from the current speech situation. AI and TA forms end with -hoo'o and -hoono sequences, analyzed here as /-ho -on/. TI forms end with -noho. II forms end with -neho. Éhvóomó-hoono. He saw him/them (pret). Éxhó'tȧhevá-hoo'o. He won (pret). Éhnémené-hoo'o. Wow, he sang (surp)! Éhoo'kȯhóne-ho! It rained! Hévámóhe tsé'tóhe tsého'sóese kȧsováaheho aénȯhevóoheha-hoono. Apparently these who danced, the young men, (were) jackrabbits (surp). (1980:25:7). In appropriate contexts, subjects with any person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) in the preterit mode are possible with a meaning of surprise: Nénėxoóhtȧhé-moho! You're cute! Nénėxoóhtȧhémané-hoono! (CONFIRM WITH OTHER SPEAKERS?? We are cute! Category: check. Nétaéšėhevéxahé'tovatsé-moho! You ARE already my son-in-law! [1987:174] See: -on ‘PRET’; -sest ‘RPT’. Etym: cf. PA *-sa(pa) preterit suffix (Proulx); Cheyenne /-ho -on) is the expected reflex.. Category: exclamations, grammar.
ho- pv. very. Phon: more intense reduplicated form of háe- É-hoháetonéto. It is very very cold. Contracted oháe-; Non-reduplicated háe-. See: osee-; votá'-. Category: degree.
-hó sfx. obviative suffix, other third person suffix. Évóomó-ho. He saw him. (note návóómo 'I saw him'). Návóomamó-ho hestónaho. I saw his daughter. Hee'haho étsėhésenėstó-ho. His son speaks Cheyenne. he'ó-ho woman (obv). See: -ó; -tse; -ae. Etym: cf. *-ali 'sg.'; -ahi 'pl.'. Category: grammar.
-hóahá'ené vai. take out food, bring out food. This is an important part of the Sun Dance. It typically refers to when a Sun Dance painter's family brings its food out of the lodge and eats it. The family has been paid for the painter's services with food. É-hóahá'éne. She is bringing out the food. É-hóahá'eneo'o. They are taking out the food. Antonym -éstȧhá'ené; fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nȯhóahá'ené. Category: food, Sun Dance.
hóahno 1 • ni. shield. Some elders say this is the correct pronunciation instead of ho'anoo'o. Phon: vs
2 • na. Shield. See: ho'anoo'o; hóánóhne. Category: warfare, names.
-hóa'éno'hamé vai. drive out. É-hóa'éno'hāme. He drove out. Émá'sė-hoa'éno'hāme. He finished driving out. ?? fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: check, drive.
-hóa'haso'he vai. ride horse out. É-hóa'haso'he. He rode a horse out (of something). fai: a'hasó'he. See: -hóo'haso'he. Category: horses.
-hóa'ó vai. exit quickly, go out quickly, dash outside, out (in baseball) - be. É-hóá'o. He went out quickly. Nėhē'še hó'ótóva móstama'xė-hóa'ȯhevóhe. Then at some time they dashed outside. [1987:255] fai: -a'ó. See: -hóva'xe; -hóehné. Category: baseball.
-hóa'ov vta. chase out s.o. É-hóa'ovóho. He chased him/them out. Ques: sometimes may have been written as -hóva'ov but -hóa'o is now preferred?? Final -a'. See: -hóa'xe. Category: move, check.
-hóa'xe vai. exit quickly, go out quickly, emerge quickly. includes animals getting out of a corral or barn. Ques: sometimes written as -hóva'xe but -hóa'xe is now preferred?? É-hóa'xe. He went out quickly. Éévȧ-hóa'xe. He got out of jail. fai: -a'xe1; Antonym -ésta'xe. See: -hóehné; -hóa'ó; -hóma'xe. Category: motion, check.
hóánóhne ni. shield. Usage: Words for shield are not well known today. Éhno'ȯhomó'hénȯse hóánóhne. He was dancing with a shield. [1987:48] Usage: possibly subdialectal pronunciation of hóahno Ques: ob Ques: Is hóahno a word?? Category: check. See: hóahno; ho'anoo'o. Category: warfare.
-hóaoohová vai. take the lead running out. É-hóaoohōva. He is taking the lead running out (in the Sun Dance). tsé-hóaohōvȧhtse the Sun Dance pledger who runs in the lead with a spear (he holds other pledgers back with the spear). Category: motion, Sun Dance.
-hóatová vii. smoke issue from. especially of smoke coming out of a chimney or stovepipe. É-hóatōva. Smoke is coming out (of the chimney). fii: -atová. See: -he'pó. Category: smoke, tepee.
-hóatováóó'e vii. smoke issue from, smoke come out. É-hóatováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. Ésáa-hóatováoehane. Smoke is not coming out. Phon: vs fii: -atová; Final -óé2. Category: smoke.
hóe- pv. out. É-hóehéa'hāhtse. He spilled it (for example, dishwater) outside. Nátȧ-hóetsėhetóó'o. I'm looking out. for example, looking out a window. É-hóetsėhetóéše. He was looking outside. for example, while leaning on a window sill. É-hóenaa'e mé'ėševȯtse. The baby was born dead (lit., died (coming) out). É-hóeanā'o. It (or He) fell out. for example, fell out of a pocket. Éhótsė-hóeka'a'xe oónȧha'e. The frog can't jump out. That means the same as English "I have a frog in my throat".
i. out. Ná-hóestāno. I put him out. Éx-hóeohováohesėstse xaevo'ėstane. The Indian fled out (of his tepee). [Drumming Owls.010] Etym: cf *sa·ki 'protruding, emerging'. Category: positions.
-hóeh vta. restrain s.o., prevent s.o. from leaving. É-hóehóho. He restrained him. Hé'tóhe ésáa-hóehéhane. ?? This is not forbidden. [Why Alcohol Is Not Sold to Cheyennes.005] Hóešeha! Don't let him go! / Restrain him! Hóehoo'o! Restrain him from leaving (at some time in the future)! cf. hoéhoo'o Stay on (here) in the future! vti: -hóestsé. See: -hóestomev; -nȧhestov; -hóot; -hoonét. Category: interpersonal.
-hóehahtaa'e vai. feet show. Lit: emerge-foot É-hóehahtaa'e. His feet are showing. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.
-hoehahtsé vti. cover s.t. with tarp. É-hoehāhtse. He covered it with a tarp. vta: -hoeham.
-hoeham vta. cover s.o. with tarp. É-hoehamóho. ?? He covered him (obv) with a tarp. vti: -hoehahtsé. Category: check.
hoéhase p. hill. Usage: less common alternate pronunciation to hoéhose Variant: hoéhose. Category: environment, positions.
-hoehasené vai. cover with a tarp, put up shade, put up a sweat, sweat lodge ceremony - sponsor. such as hanging up a tarp for a shade; can also be used to refer to putting up a sweat--as such, it is a newer word than -émá. É-hoehasēne. He put up a shade. É-hoehaseneo'o. They put up a shade. See: -émá ‘take a sweat’; -hoehahtsé ‘cover it with a tarp’. Category: ceremonial.
hoehasené-amó'enēō'o ni. covered wagon. See: amó'enēō'o; hooesénȯhevo'kėhanȯtse. Category: transportation.
hoéhaséve vii. be a hill. See: hoéhose.
-hóehéa'hahtsé vta. throw outside s.t. Éhóe-héa'hāhtse. He threw it outside. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -héa'hahtsé. Category: throw.
hóehéevo'sóestȯtse ni. recess. Lit: outside-(go).to-play-NOM vai: -évo'soo'e. Category: school.
Hoéheóéso na. Little Hill. Category: names.
-hóehné vai. walk outside, emerge, go outside, go out. É-hóéhne. He walked outside. (another recording) Tȧ-hóéhne! Go out! (said to more than one person0. Antonym -éstsehné. See: -hóa'xe; -ho'ehné; -háóéné ‘pray’. Category: walk.
-hóehnétanó vai. 1 • want to go out. É-hóehnétáno. He wants to go out.
2 • wants to relieve himself. Usage: old euphemism; not used today See: -o'ehné. Category: body function.
hoéhose ni. hill. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than hoéhase. Variant: hoéhase; Oblique hoéhosēva; fni: -ose2. See: hoéhaséve; vose; néhamose; -pa'óma'o'e. Category: positions, environment.
-hóehót vta. go out of s.o., exit s.o.; flow out of s.o. É-hóehoto. He went out of him. É-hóehótóho. He went out of him. (newer pronunciation). É-hóehótaa'e. It flowed out of him. can refer to menstrual blood flow: É-hóehótaa'e ma'e. The blood flowed out of her. See: -nȧhestoné; -ma'éveotse; -háeho'tá; -ho'ėhót. Category: liquid.
-hóe'ȧhéotse vai. run out. Mó'ȯhkė-hóe'ȧhéotsėhevóhe néhe vo'ėstaneo'o. Those people would run out (of the log). [1987:247] fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -hóo'ȧhéotse; -hóeohováohe. Category: run.
-hóe'éeohtsé vii. pout out?? Ques: recheck?? Ques: bleed out??
-hóe'ėhahtá'ó vai. emerge feet first. É-hóe'ėhahtá'o. His feet came out/he came out feet first. for example, when he was born. Medial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-hóe'eohe vai. come out quickly. Nóoo, éstaévȧhósemé'hóe'eohétónėse. ?? Oh my, it came rolling out again. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).098] See: -hóo'eohe ‘go home quickly’. Category: motion, check.
-hóe'eohétó vii. come out quickly. Category: motion, check.
-hóe'há vai. fly out. É-hóé'ha. He flew out. Etym: *sa·kiɁle·wa (P). fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
Hóe'háooestse na. Flying Out. Variant: Ȯxhóe'háooestse. Category: names.
-hóe'háoohe vai. fly out. É-hóe'háoohe. He is flying out. Category: fly.
Hóe'háoohe na. Flying Out. fai: -e'há. Category: names.
-hóe'sevó vii. flow out. É-hóe'sēvo. It (liquid) is flowing out. fii: -e'sevó; Synonym -hóeneeóó'e. See: -hóonea'ó. Category: liquid.
-hoé'tá vti. rent s.t., reside at s.t., inhabit s.t. É-hoé'ta. He is residing at it. Etym: *api·ʔtamwa (P). Éohkeméhae-hoé'tanovȯtse véenȯtse. They used to live in tepees. vta: -hoé'tov, hoé'tovom- ??. Category: check. See: -hoó'tá; -hóo'tá; -hoe'tó; -hoo'e; -ho'tsé. Etym: cf. O abi·t- (N). Category: live.
-hoe'tó vii. cling, hang from. especially of berries. This stem and its final -oe'tó refer to hanging from s.t. to which the object is attached; in contrast, -hoéstá refers to "hanging", or being suspended in space, even if the object which is "hanging" touches the ground, as when such verbs refer to the height of an object. É-hoē'to. He (or It) is clinging (for example, to a vine). É-hoe'tónėstse. They (inan.) are clinging.
vai. Final -oe'tó. Etym: cf. M aki·qtaw. Ma'xemeno é-hoe'too'o. The apples are hanging (on a tree). See: -hoo'ta; -hoe'tá; -hoése; -hoéstá; -háo'oe'tó. Category: berries, hang.
-hoé'tov vta. sit next to s.o., sit in for s.o., represent s.o. É-hoé'tovóho. He is sitting next to him. Etym: *api·Ɂtawe·wa (P). Ná-hoé'tóvo. I'm sitting in for him. Vó'héé'ėse éhoé'tovȧhtseo'o. They are sitting / living a ways from each other. Éto'sė-hoé'tohe. There is going to be a wake service. ?? vai: -hoe. Category: sit, interpersonal.
-hoem vta. count s.o. É-hoemóho. He counted him. Etym: *akime·wa. Móstaosáaneasė-hoemȯhevóhe tséhestȯxetsėse hestotseho. He started counting them, how many there were of his animals (horses). [1987:170] Násáa-hoemóheo'o. I did not count (any of) them. Násáamȧhe-hoemóheo'o. I did not count all of them. vai: -hoéstoné; Final -oem. See: -tónetoem.
Hóema'háahe na. Old Man Winter. Variant: Hoóema'haahe. See: Vó'keme. Category: names.
-hoeme vai. counted - be.
vii. counted - be. tséohkė-hoemee'ėstse book. vta: -hoem.
-hóeméohe vai. run out, want to go outside, strain to go outside. Ques: recheck 'run out'?? for instance, how a baby acts that wants to go outside. É-hóeméohe. He is straining to go outside. fai: -méohe. Category: motion, check.
-hóenaa'e vai. born dead, come out dead, stillborn - be. É-hóenaa'e mé'ėševȯtse. The baby was born (came out) dead. vai: -naa'e; Preverb hóe-. Category: death, babies.
-hóeneenáh(n) vta. command s.o. to go out. É-hóeneenáhnóho. He commanded him to go out. Ná-hóeneenáhno. I commanded him to go out. Mó'évȧ-hóeneenáhnȯhevóhe. He commanded him to go out. Final -neenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.
-hóeneeóó'e vii. flow out. É-hóeneeóó'e. It flows out. That is, it is a spring flowing out. Phon: vs fai: -óé2; Synonym -hóe'sevó. See: -hóonea'ó. Category: liquid.
-hoénove vii. be at. Variant: -hoéstove. É-hoénove. There is being at. vai: -hoo'e. Category: live.
-hóeóetanévo'ha'ehné vai. lose money and walk out penniless. perhaps at a hand game or casino. É-hóeóetanévo'ha'ēhne. He lost his money and walked out penniless. Category: money, walk.
-hóeohe va. emerge quickly, come out quickly. É-hóeohe. He emerged quickly. Category: check, move.
-hóeohé'tá vti. bring out s.t. É-hóeohé'ta. He brought it out. Category: move.
-hóeohová vai. flee out. É-hóeohōva. He escaped by running out. Móxho'nó'ȯhketónėšė-hóeohōvȧhtse hē'e. She could not escape by running out. [Mountain stories.037] fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-hóeohováohe vai. flee out quickly. É-hóeohováohe. He escaped by running out quickly. Éx-hóeohováohesėstse xaevo'ėstane. The Indian ran out. [Drumming Owls.010] fai: -ohová. See: -hóeohováoohe. Category: run.
-hóeohováoohe vai. flee out. for example, to flee from inside a house. É-hóeohováoohe. He fled out. See: -hóeohováohe. Category: run.
Hóeóó'e na. Stands Out Woman. Category: names.
-hóeóó'e vii. stick out, stand out. É-hóeóó'e. It (or He) is sticking out. Etym: *sa·kika·po·wa (P). for example, of a nail sticking out from a wall.
vai. stick out, stand out. fii: -óé. See: -hóoeóó'e. Category: stand.
-hoéotse vai. sit. É-hoéotse. He came to sit (there). Táaxa'e tsėhéóhe nétaéšenėšė-hoéotsema. Let's just sit here. [The Journey.203] See: -hoo'e. Category: sit.
-hóeotseh vta. take out s.o. É-hóeotsėhóho. He took him out. for example, out of a building. Category: move.
-hóeotsėsané vai. paid. É-hóeotsėsāne He got paid. Usage: od Said to be the Southern Cheyenne way of expressing the meaning of getting paid, while -onénėxomoné is the Northern Cheyenne way. See: -onénėxomoné. Lit: take out (something) Category: money.
-hóeotsestsé vti. take out s.t. É-hóeotsēstse. He took it out. vai: -hóeotseh. See: -ho'eotsestsé; -né'tovohtsé. Category: move.
-hóepó'po'ėho'tá vii. hot springs. tsé-hóepó'po'ėhō'ta mahpe hot springs.
-hoésané vai. hang. that is, put up items. É-hoésáne. He is hanging (things up). vti: -hoestsé; vii: -hoéstá2. Category: hang.
Hoésanestȯtse ni. Christmas, Christmas present. Lit: hanging of things on (Christmas trees) Plural hoésanéstotȯtse ‘Christmas presents’; Variant: Hoésenestȯtse. See: Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse ‘Christmas’; Sétoveaénéva ‘Christmas’. Category: hang.
-hoésé1 vai. hang (state of object). É-hoése. He is hanging. Etym: *ako·činwa; *ako·tinwa (P). É-hoésenahe? Is he hanging? É-hoésenaho. He (obv) is hanging. Ésáa-hoésenáhe. He is not hanging. Mó-hoésenȧhéhe. He must be hanging (inferential mode). É-hoésenao'o. They are hanging. AlternatePlural É-hoéséne.. É-xhoésenasėstse. He was said to be hanging (reportative mode). É-xhoésenásesto. They (an.) were said to be hanging (reportative mode). Ééšė-hoése. He (especially animate moon) is already hanging (for example, first quarter). Émónė-hoése. He (for example, the moon) is hanging new. Éše'he háá'ėše é-hoése. The clock is high up. for example, high up on the wall. Éxaetae-hoése éše'he. The sun is hanging right there (for example, shining right in my eyes). Cheyenne 'hang' is semantically broader than English 'hang'; it can refer to a kind of'being at' of "ephemeral" beings such as spirits, the Holy Spirit, etc.; also refers to"hanging", or suspension, in space, and can refer to the height of something whichmakes physical contact with the ground; the stem -hoe'tó and its final -oe'tó refer tohanging from something to which the object referred to is attached. Cheyenne 'hang'and 'float' are phonetically identical. They are either two senses of the same word or homophones. Phon: /ná/ does not occur in affirmative, indicative mode when subject is sg.; in such case, the remaining word-final /é/ is phonemically high-pitch; otherwise, this /e/ is phonemically low-pitch; this same alternation is experienced by 'lie' finals; cf. -šená fai: -oése1; vii: -hoéstá1. See: -hoése2 ‘float’. Category: celestial.
-hoésé2 vai. float. É-hoése. He is floating. Etym: *akwintinwa (P). Category: liquid.
hóese-3 pv. exit, outside. Etym: *sa·kiti (P) > **sa·kiči (P/L). Tȧ-hóeseestséneneo'o! Go outside and make a food sacrifice! Phon: sounds like hóose- which means 'home' É-hóesėsévanóohe. He slid out. See: hóose- ‘home’. Category: check.
-hoésem1 vta. hang up s.o. É-hoésemóho. He hung him. Etym: *ako·le·wa (P). for example, to hang a shirt (animate) out to dry. Éhóe-hoésemóho. He hung him outside. Tȧ-hoésemeha! Go hang him up! vai: -hoése1; vii: -hoéstá2; vti: -hoéstá3; Homonym -hoésem2 ‘soak s.o.’. See: -é'eet ‘hang s.o.’. Category: move.
-hoésem2 vta. float s.o., soak s.o. É-hoésemóho. He soaked him. vti: -hoéstsé; Homonym -hoésem1 ‘hang up s.o.’. Etym: *akwintime·wa (P); cf. M aki·hcemaew. Category: liquid.
hoesénȯhevo'kėhanȯtse ni. wing tipped canvas moccasins. Lit: covered-nose-moccasins Medial -esé. See: hoehasené-amó'eneo'o. Category: shoes.
hoéséó'o ni. hanger. Plural hoéseonȯtse. Category: clothing, tools.
hoeseonó'é ni. bed. Oblique hoeseonó'éva. See: hó'otseonó'e; šéešestȯtse; héstoomaestȯtse. Category: bed.
-hoéseotse vai. have measles, have smallpox. É-hoéseotse. He has measles/smallpox. Category: sickness.
-hoéstá1 vii. hang. É-hoésta. It is hanging. Etym: *ako·te·wi. Tóne'še ééšė-ho'oésta? What time is it? vai: -hoése1; fii: -oéstá1; vti: -hoéstsé. See: -hoe'tó ‘hang from’; -tsėhetoéstá; -éstá. Category: hang.
-hoéstá2 vii. float. É-hoésta. It is floating. fii: -oéstá2. See: -hoéstá1 ‘hang’. Category: float, check.
-hoéstá3 vti. hang s.t. É-hoésta. He is hanging it up. Tȧ-hoéstȯhtse! Go hang it up! Néxhé-hóéstȯhtse! Come hang it up! vai: -hoése; vta: -hoésem. See: -hoe'tó. fti: -oéstá. Category: hang.
-hoéstá4 vti. count s.t., read s.t. É-hoésta. He counted/read it. Etym: *akintamwa. Ná-hoésta. I'm counting / reading it. (another recording) É-hoéstánóvo. They read it. Hoéstȯhtse! Read it! Néx-hóéstȯhtse! Read it! Hoéstome! Count them! (said to more than one person). That is said, for example, when playing horseshoes. Tšéške'e náamė-hoésta. I'm reading a little. vta: -hoem. See: -hóooéstá. Category: school, horseshoes.
-hóestȧhá'ené vai. bring out the food. especially about when a painter's wife at a Sun Dance brings out the food she and her family will eat. É-hóestȧhá'éne. She is bringing out the food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, food.
-hóesta'hahtov vta. throw (something) out for s.o. Néške'éehe náhne'ȯhkėho'ėhéhotseta; nátaohkėhé-hoesta'hahtóvo páa'e. My grandmother used to come ask me; I would take the ashes out for her. Category: move.
-hóesta'hahtsé vti. throw out s.t. can refer to pulling out penis after intercourse. É-hóesta'hāhtse. He threw it out. See: -hóehéa'hahtsé; -vóho'oestsé; -né'ta'hahtsé. Category: move, sex.
-hóesta'ham vta. throw out s.o. É-hóesta'hamóho. He threw him out. for example, he threw out a ball (animate). Ná-hóesta'hāmo hávėséve-mȧhta'sóoma. I threw out (cast out) the evil spirit (said by an Indian minister). fta: -a'ham. See: -ésta'xé'tov. Category: move, throw.
-hóesta'ó vai. exit quickly, go out quickly, be out, out. É-hóestā'o. He is out (as in baseball). naa mó-é'óx-hóesta'otsėse or whether (the gum) flew out of (his mouth). [1987:277] can refer to a man disengaging quickly after intercourse. Final -a'ó. Category: baseball, sex.
-hóesta'ó'h vta. put out s.o., pull out s.o. can be used of tagging someone out in baseball. É-hóesta'o'ho. He put him out. É-hóesta'ó'hóho. He put him out. (newer pronunciation). Ná-hóesta'ó'ho. I pulled him out. for example, from a hole in the ice, or a burning house. É-hóesta'ó'háá'e. He was put out by him (obv). See: -hóesto'a'ó; -hóestan; -né'ta'ó'h ‘extract s.o.’. Category: baseball.
-hóestan vti. put out s.t., take out s.t. É-hóestāna. He put it out. Etym: *sa·kitenamwa.
vta. put out s.o., take out s.o. É-hóestanóho. He put him out. Etym: *sa·kitene·wa. Ná-hóestāno. I put him out. Etym: *nesa·kitena·wa. See: -né'tan ‘extract s.t.’; -hóesta'ó'h; -vovéehevávomotah. Category: motion.
-hoéstaotse vii. hang become. He'éxánėstse móstaohkėhoéstaotséhanetsevótse he'ama. His eyes would hang up (in the air). [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).006] Category: hang.
hoestáto ni. belt. Plural hoestátónėstse; Possessive -voestáto. See: oxa'ȯhévoestáto ‘beaded belt’. Category: groom, clothing.
hoestó na. dress. This is not a complete word; it is an allomorph of hoestȯtse. hoestóva on the dress. See: hoestot. Category: clothing.
-hóestohá vti. put out s.t. by tool. É-hóestōha. He put it out by tool. Category: move.
-hóestȯhohtsé vai. tracks lead out. É-hóestȯhōhtse. His tracks lead out. fai: -(o)hohtsé. Category: tracks.
hóesto'- pv. outside; off reservation. Éstaohkė-hóesto'héhotse'óheo'o. They would go to work off reservation. Category: positions.
-hóestó'a'ham vta. throw s.o. out. especially in baseball to throw a ball that puts out a player. É-hóestó'a'hamóho. He threw him (for example, a card) down. Hóestó'a'hameha! Throw him (for example, ball) out! See: hóestó'h; hóesta'ó; hóesta'ham. Category: baseball.
-hóestó'a'ó vai. be out, fly out, fold (in a card game), foul out. for example, when someone becomes out in baseball or folds in a card game. Usage: loan transl. which has had common usage É-hóestó'á'o. He is out. See: -hóestó'h; -hóestó'a'ham. Category: baseball, basketball.
-hóestó'a'ov vta. drive out s.o. É-hóestó'a'ovóho He drove him out. for example, of a deer or bull. Category: move.
-hóestó'an vta. take out s.o. É-hóestó'anóho. He took him out. Category: move.
hóesto'e- pv. off.reservation. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check.
-hóestó'éhne vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, emerge from brush. É-hóestó'éhne. He came out of the forest. Éxhe'kemé'-hoestó'ėhnesėstse oeškēse. The dog came out of the bushes. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).188] Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood.
hóestó'éma p. outside, off the reservation. sfx: -má. Category: positions.
-hóestó'emáeve vai. be an outsider. É-hóestó'emáeve. He is an outsider/an exile. [Stamper 1991:10] See: -nótováeohtsé; -aseneenáh(n).
-hóestó'eohe vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, go out of bounds. É-hóestó'eohe. He came out of the woods. For example, when a deer comes out of the forest or when someone goes out of bounds in a ball game. Éhnėhmé'-hoestó'eohésesto. They came out of the forest (reportative). [VISION.TXT] Medial -ó'(é)2 ‘wood’. Category: wood, basketball.
-hóestó'eohtsé vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, emerge from brush. É-hóestó'eōhtse. He came out of the forest / bushes. Medial -ó'(é)2. Category: wood.
-hóestó'evo'e'ov vta. kick out s.o., chase s.o. out. É-hóestó'evo'e'ovóho. He kicked him out. See: -hóesto'ovo'oh(n). Category: move.
-hóestó'h vta. place s.o. out. É-hóesto'ho. He placed him outside. É-hóestó'hóho. He placed him outside. (newer pronunciation). See: -hóestó'a'ham. Category: move.
-hóestó'o'ȧhéotse vai. run out of the brush. É-hóestó'o'ȧhéotse. He ran out of the brush. naa tsé'tóhe móstanėšemȧsó-hoestó'o'ȧhéotsėhéhe. But this one (the girl on the ground) dashed out of the brush. (1987:289). Medial -ó'(e); fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, motion.
-hóestó'o'ehné vai. emerge rolling. É-hóestó'o'ēhne. He emerged rolling. Category: roll, check.
-hóesto'ovo'oh(n) vta. knock s.o. out. Ques: to'ev?? for example, to hit a baseball over the fence; this does not refer to knocking someone out so that they are unconconscious. É-hóesto'ovo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him out. É-hóesto'ovo'ȯhnóho hohtsemo. He knocked the ball out (over the fence). See: -hóestó'evo'e'ov; -távenaoestoh(n). Category: baseball.
-hóesto'xe vai. carry load out of trees. É-hóesto'xe. He carried a load out of the forest. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
hoestome na. chicken hawk. Variant: hoestomo, oestome; Plural hoestomeo'o. Usage: nearly obsolescent ; pronunciation uncertain Etym: *sahkwatamo·wa. Category: birds.
-hoéstomev vta. read to s.o. É-hoéstomevóho. He read to him. [Croft: 'teach s.o. in school'] Etym: *akintamawe·wa. Néx-hoéstomevėstse! Read to me! Hoéstomeveha! Read to him! See: -hóestomev ‘prevent s.o.’; -vovéstomev ‘teach s.o.’. Category: school.
-hóestomev vta. prohibit s.o. from doing something. É-hóestomevóho. He prohibited him from doing something. Ná-hóestomēvo. I did not allow him (for example, to do it); I wouldn't let him have what he wanted. Náhoéstomevónoto ma'xemeno. I didn't allow him to have an apple. Nėstsenėhe'éšė-hoéstomónénóvo tsėhéóhe. (That) is how long you will not be permitted (to drink) here. (1987:56). Antonym -amȧhtov; vti: -hóestsé. See: -hoonét; -hoéstomev; -hóeh; -ta'ta'enomev. Category: interpersonal.
hoestomo na. hawk. (one kind of hawk; chicken hawk?? Plural hoestomono. Usage: word is nearly obsolescent Variant: hoestome. See: aénohe; pe'e; netse. Category: birds, check.
-hoéstomósané vai. teach. É-hoéstomósáne. He/She is teaching. Synonym -vovéstomósané. Category: school, Oklahoma.
hoéstomósanéve'ho'e na. teacher. Usage: Oklahoma dialect Category: jobs.
-hoestónané vai. make dresses. É-hoestónáne. He makes dresses. See: hoestȯtse.
-hoéstóné vai. count, read, study, go to school. The focus of this word is on counting and reading. The focus of -mȯxe'ėstóné is on writing. Both words have been used for going to school. É-hoéstóne. He is reading. Etym: *akintwa·ke·wa (P). Né-hoéstonehe? Are you going to school? Ná-hoéstóne. I'm reading / counting / studying. É-hoéstoneo'o. They are studying. Ésáa-hoéstonėheo'o. They are not studying. Éme'-hoéstonėstove. There should be studying. Tȧhé-hóéstónėstse! Go to school! (another recording) Tȧhé-hóéstóne! Go to school! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Tapėhévėhé-hoéstoneo'o! Go to school in a good way! (delayed command). Tósa'e néohkė-hoéstóne? Where do you go to school? tsésáahé-hoéstonėhese those who do not go to school. tsé-hoéstonese students/those who read. Mónéohkė-hoéstonėhéhe. You must be studying. vta: -hoem, -hoéstá; fai: -oéstóné. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné; -vá'ȯhtoéstóne. Category: school.
hoéstoneéše'he na. calendar. Usage: probably a new word, compared with use of éše'he by itself for 'month' Lit: count-moon Variant: éše'he. Category: time.
hoéstónéhe na. student, reader, pupil. Lit: reader Plural hoéstonėheo'o; Obviative hoéstonėheho; vai: -hoéstóné. See: mȯxe'ėstónéhe ‘student’. Category: school.
hoéstonemȧhēō'o ni. school. Lit: reading-house Usage: od vai: -hoéstóné; Synonym mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o. Category: school, check.
hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. book. Lit: reading-paper Usage: might not be used as widely as just mȯxe'ėstoo'o for both book and paper Plural hoéstonemȯxe'ėstóonȯtse. See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o; tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: school.
hoéstónéó'o ni. calculator. Category: new. Lit: counter Category: tools.
hoéstonestȯtse ni. counting, reading, number, poster. vai: -hoéstóné. See: vé'ho'éhoéstonestȯtse ‘Kindle reader’. Category: school, horseshoes.
-hóestósem1 vta. drag out s.o. É-hóestósemóho. He dragged him out. [1987:96] Nėstseévȧho'ė-hóestósemaa'e. It will drag you back out (said about something that you give back to someone who gave it to you in the first place). fta: -stósem. See: -hóesetóseohé'tov ‘drag out s.o. quickly’; -hóosėstósem ‘drag home s.o.’; -hóohtósem ‘drag home s.o.’; -hóestósem2 ‘drag home s.o.’. Category: move.
-hóestósem2 vta. drag home s.o. É-hóestósemóho. He dragged him home. Nėstaévȧho'ė-hóestósemaa'e. It will drag you back home. Final -htósem; Variant: -hóohtósem, -hóosėstósem. See: -hóestósem1 ‘drag out s.o.’. Category: move.
-hóestóseohe vai. out.drag. Ques: Can this be a full vai?? É-hóestóseohe. He dragged (something) out quickly.?? vta: -hóestóseohé'tov; vti: -hóestóseohé'tá. Category: motion, check.
-hóestóseohé'ta vti. drag s.t. out quickly. for example, to pull a car out of the ditch. Néxhé-hoestóseohé'tȯhtse naamȧho'hestȯtse! Drag my car out (of the ditch)! Category: move.
-hóestóseohé'tov vta. drag out s.o. quickly. É-hóestóseohé'tovóho. He dragged him out quickly. É'osáanė-hóestóseohé'tohe. So he was dragged out. [Fishing.054] See: -hóestósem. Category: move.
hoestȯtse na. dress. Plural hoestoto; Obviative hoestoto; Possessive -voestȯtse; Locative hoestóva; fai: -oesta1. Etym: *ako·tayi ‘skirt’. See: tsėhe'ėstoestȯtse ‘long dress’; é'oestȯtse ‘petticoat’. Category: clothing.
-hóestóv vta. keep something from s.o. É-hóestovo. He won't let him have it. É-hóestóvóho. ?? He won't let him have it. (newer pronunciation). vti: -hóestsé. Category: interpersonal, check.
hoestóva ni. Gram: loc on the dress. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-hoestove vai. be a dress. É-hoestove. It is a dress. É-hoestóveo'o. They are dresses. See: -he-voestove ‘wear a dress’. Category: clothing.
-hoéstove vii. Gram: impers live there, be there. Variant: -hoénove. É-hoéstove. "They live there." Lit: literally, there is living there. vai: -hoo'e. Category: space.
-hoestsé1 vti. hang s.t. É-hoēstse. He hung it up. Etym: *ako·ta·wa (P). É-hoestsénóvo. They hung it up. vii: -hoéstá2; vta: -hoésem1. See: -hoéstsé2 ‘soak it’; -hóestsé ‘not let s.t. go’. Category: hang.
-hoéstsé2 vti. soak s.t. É-hoéstse. He soaked it. Etym: *akwintahamwa. É-hoéstsénóvo. They soaked it. vta: -hoésem. See: -he'kóovėhoéstsé ‘soak s.t.’; -hoestsé ‘hang s.t.’. Category: liquid.
-hóestsé vti. clutch s.t., hang on to s.t. that is, not want to part with something. É-hóéstse. He is clutching it / doesn't want to part with it. É-hóestsénóvo. They don't want to part with it. vta: -hóet, -hóestomev, -hóestóv. See: -hoestsé ‘hang s.t.’; -hoéstsé ‘soak s.t.’.
Hoestséheome ni. Sacred Hat Tepee. Lit: hanging-lodge where the Sacred Hat hangs. Usage: hóhkȧha'éome is more commonly used than this term See: hóhkėha'éome. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-hóestsé'ooná'ó vai. piston break. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. Category: car, break.
-hoešem vta. put s.o. on as a cover. for example, to put a cover over a sweat lodge. É-hoešemóho. He put him on as a cover. vti: -hoehahtsé. See: -hoésem ‘hang up s.o.’. Category: put.
-hóet vta. ?? É-hóetóho.?? He is clutching him. ?? vti: -hóestsé. Category: check.
-hóetanevá'ó vai. stick out tongue. É-hóetanevá'o. He is sticking his tongue out. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. See: -hóetaneva'xe. Category: body, sickness, mouth.
-hóetaneva'xe vai. tongue come out. can refer to tongue wiggling out of the mouth, for instance, as a physical problem, maybe a tic or a symptom of old age. É-hóetaneva'xe. His tongue is wiggling out of his mouth. See: -hóetaneva'ó. Category: body, sickness, mouth.
-hóetȧxe'ov vta. chase out s.o. É-hóetȧxe'ovóho. He chased him out. See: -hóevo'e'ov. Category: move.
-hóetóhtá vti. take s.t. outside by mouth. É-hóetóhta. He took it outside in his mouth. fti: -óhtá1. Category: mouth, move.
-hóetová vii. smoke come out. É-hóetōva. Smoke is coming out (of the chimney). See: -hóatová. Category: smoke.
-hóetovanahné vai. Ques: recheck gloss?? Néma'xė-hóetovánáhne. (hóat??) You're making a lot of smoke come out (of your chimney). Category: smoke, check.
hóetovánȧhnestȯtse ni. stovepipe, chimney. This is the most commonly known word. Synonym é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse, é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o. Category: house.
-hóetováóó'e vii. smoke come out. for example, out of a house. É-hóetováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. Ques: tovaóó?? Ésáa-hóetovaóehane. Smoke is not coming out. Medial ová??; Final óé2. Category: fire, check.
-hóetsévaehahtsé vti. get rid of s.t.; throw away s.t. Ná-hóetsévaehāhtse. I got rid of it. See: -vóho'oestsé; -tsévaehahtsé. Category: figurative.
-hóevo'ėho'he vai. out-by.heat. É-hóevo'ėho'he. He got chased out by the heat. For example, from a sweat lodge. See: -hóevo'ho'ėho'he. Category: temperature.
-hóevo'e'ov vta. chase out s.o. É-hóevo'e'ovóho. He chased him out. Ná-hóevo'e'ova. He "kicked" me out. Initial hóe-. See: -hóetȧxe'ov; -háavo'e'ov; -hóesta'ham. Category: move.
-hóevo'ho'ėho'he vai. chased out by heat. É-hóevo'ho'ėho'he. He was chased out by heat. Náto'sė-hóevo'ho'ėho'he. I'm going to be chased out by the heat. for example, because it's so hot in your house. See: -hóevo'ėho'he. Category: fire.
-hóevóma'ȯhené vai. sweep (something) out. for instance, to sweep something out of the house or barn. É-hóevóma'ȯhēne. He swept (something) out.
-hóevonehné vai. crawl out. É-hóevonēhne. He crawled out. Category: motion.
hoháa- pv. see hoháe-. Often sounds like hoháa- but is actually spelled hoháe-. See: hoháe-.
hoháahpe'e p. lots, much. Hoháahpe'e hóvá'éhe émé'eme. Lots (of 'things') are explained (for example, in this book). Category: quantity.
-hoháahpe'ó vii. huge. É-hoháahpē'o. It is very huge. See: -háahpe'ó; -tȧhpe'ó; -ma'hao'ó; -vonao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-hoháahpeta vai. very huge - be. É-hoháahpeta. He is very huge. Contracted -oháahpeta. Category: size.
-hoháahtomóné vai. hear something extraordinary. É-hoháahtomóne. He heard (something) extraordinary. nonredup: -háahtomóné. See: -áahtomóné; -hoháatsestá. Category: hear.
-hoháahtóohe vai. roar. É-hoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.
-hoháahtov vta. very much listen to s.o.really believe s.o. about something, prefer to listen to s.o. (rather than others); really believe s.o. about something (and not believe others). É-hoháahtovóho. He really believed him (and nobody else) about something. See: -áahtov.
-hoháahtsé vai. have a very big mouth. for example, talks, making things worse than what they are; or, speaks convincingly but never follows through. É-hohááhtse. He has a really big mouth/he is a windbag. Category: speak, mouth, figurative.
-hoháa'éhoo'e vai. be there for a very long time. É-hoháa'éhoo'e. He was there for a very long time. [1987:40] Mó'éšėta'-hoháe'éhoehevóhe. They had been there for a very long time. Phon: vs Non-reduplicated -háa'éhoo'e. See: -vone'éhoo'e; -hoo'e. Category: time.
-hoháá'ėše p. very far. Contracted oháá'ėše. See: háá'ėše ‘far’; hohátaa'ėše ‘very far apart’; háa'eše ‘very late’. Category: positions, distance.
hoháa'eše p. very late. hoháa'eše taa'éva very late at night. [1987:269] See: hoháá'ėše ‘very far’. Category: time.
hoháa'éše- pv. very late. hoháa'éšetaa'éva very late at night. [My Testimony.087] Non-reduplicated háa'éše-. Category: time.
Hoháa'éxanéhe na. Brave Eye. Category: names.
-hoháaóó'o vai. stare, take everything in in sight. Ques: -hoháoóó'o ?? Category: check. É-hohááóó'o. He is taking everything in in sight; he is really staring. fai: -óo'ó. Category: sight.
-hoháatam vta. think very highly of s.o. É-hoháatamȧhtseo'o. They think they are tough. See: -háatam.
-hoháatamaahe vai. be very powerful, be feisty. can refer to wanting to pick a fight. É-hoháatamaahe. He is very powerful. Non-reduplicated -háatamaahe. Phon: redup
hoháatamaahestȯtse ni. power/might. See: -htoháatamaahestȯtse.
-hoháatamáno'e vii. be terrible, be very bad (weather, environment, situation), great - be very. É-hoháatamáno'e. The weather is very bad. Énėxho-háatamáno'e. It is threatening weather. (literally, very bad weather approaching). É-hoháatamano'etse tsétotóxésto He said something stupendous. É-hoháatamano'énėse It was terrible (1987:4:18). See: -háatamáno'e ‘be bad weather’; -pėhévatamáno'e ‘be good weather’. Phon: redup; iah
-hoháatamao'ó vai. laugh very intensely. É-hoháatamaō'o. He is laughing very intensely. Non-reduplicated -háatamaō'o. Category: laugh.
-hoháatanó vai. amazed, very frightened, very intensely feel. É-hoháátáno. He was amazed. See: -otoésetanó. Category: emotions.
-hoháatanóotse vai. become very frightened, become very upset. É-hoháatanóotse. He became very frightened. [1987:198] Category: emotions.
-hoháatsestá vti. amazed at s.t. can be idiomatically translated as 'to regard s.t. as out of this world'. É-hoháátsésta. He is amazed by it. fti: -átsestá; vta: -hoháatam. See: -hoháóo'ó; -hoháooeóó'e; -otoésetsestá; -hoháahtomóné. Category: cognition.
hoháe- pv. very much. Náohkė-hoháemétsėstoma. She really mistreats me. É-hoháevéhe. He has a strong name. See: háe- ‘much’. Category: quantity, degree.
-hoháéána vai. be very hungry. Ná-hoháéána. I am very hungry. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háeaná. Category: food.
-hoháeéetó vii. snow very intensely, snow very hard. É-hoháéééto. It is snowing really hard. fii: -éetó. See: -ho'éetó ‘snow’; -háeéetó ‘snow hard’. Category: snow.
-hoháeéno'e vii. taste very strong. É-hoháeéno'e. It tastes very strong. Phon: NonRedup=-háeéno'e See: -ha'háeéno'e. Category: taste.
-hoháéétó vii. snow very much, snow hard. É-hoháééto. It is snowing very hard. fii: -éétó. Category: weather.
-hoháeh vta. hurt s.o. severely, scare s.o. greatly. Nėstsenėx-hoháehaene ésevone. The buffalo will hurt us severely. [The Seven Stars.065] Non-reduplicated -háeh. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.
hoháe'xóvéva p. very long time. Hoháe'xóvéva hákó'e móhésȯhanéhe hé'tóhe némeo'ȯtse. This song came from a long time ago. [1987:302] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated háe'xóvéva.
-hoháem vta. tell something very amazing about s.o. É-hoháemóho. He told something very amazing about him. Category: speak.
-hoháeméeotse vii. smell very badly. Ééšėxae-hoháeméeotséhoo'o. He already smells very bad. [Croft 1988:30:26] Category: smell.
-hoháenóohe vai. look terrible, look awful. É-hoháenóohe. He looked terrible. Non-reduplicated -háenóohe2; fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-hoháeoestoh(n) vta. hit s.o. very badly with tool. Éáá! É-hoháeoestȯhéhoo'o! My! She really got hit bad! [Croft 1988:30:17] Medial -oest. Category: violence, hit.
-hoháeoešeše vai. fall and get hurt very badly. É-hoháeoešēše. He fell and got hurt very badly. Non-reduplicated -háeoešeše. Category: fall.
-hoháeome vai. very fat. É-hoháeome. He is very fat. Non-reduplicated -háeome. See: -he'keome; -tȧhpe'asé. Category: size.
-hoháeotse vai. worsen badly. Ná-hoháeotse. I was really in a bad way.
vii. Non-reduplicated -háeotse. É-hoháeotse. It (or He) got really worse. See: -mótȯheotse; -háo'omenehe. Category: quality.
-hoháesané vai. dressed fancy. É-hoháesāne. He is dressed up fancy. Non-reduplicated -háesané; fai: -sané. See: -hoháestónané. Category: dress.
hoháesto p. very many. See: háesto; vonėstoha. Category: quantity.
hoháestoha p. very many times. Category: quantity.
-hoháestȯhnotse'ohe vai. work all over. See: -hotse'ohe; -háestȯhenené. É-hoháestȯhnotse'ohe He works all over. Usage: extant?
-hoháestónané vai. dressed very extravagantly. É-hoháestónáne. He is dressed very extravagantly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háestónáne; fai: -sané2. See: -hoháesané; -váxeehe. Category: dress.
-hoháestóone vii. made fancy. for example, a car. É-hoháestóone. It is made fancy. Category: appearance.
-hoháestȯxe vai. be verb many. É-hoháestȯxeo'o. There are very many of them (animate). Category: quantity, numbers.
hoháeto p. all the same/even/just the same (what would not be expected).
-hoháetoéne vai. scared face, face with too much makeup, amazing face. É-hoháetoéne. He has a face that looks so scared. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-hoháetoéné'ó vai. scared looking face. É-hoháetoéné'o. He looks really scared. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-hoháevone vii. be a very loud sound. É-hoháevone. It is a very loud sound; it's making a very loud sound. fii: -évone. See: -háevone. Category: sounds.
hoham- i. most, prefer, rather. É-hohamátamóho. He prefers him. É-hohamésta. He hollered the loudest. Preverb hohame-.
-hohamátam vta. prefer s.o., think more of s.o. É-hohamátamóho. He prefers him. É-hohamátamahtse. He is being selfish, thinking more of himself (than others). Éohkėsáa-hohamátame nā'ėstse neneso! Don't prefer one of your children! That used to be repeated by a respected grandmother, to her granddaughter, giving the idea not to favor one child too much. See: -no'ketanó; -váe'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-hohamátsestá vti. prefer s.t.; think more of s.t. É-hohamátsésta. He prefers it/he thinks more of it. É-hohamátsėstánóvo mȧhtsénanestȯtse. They enjoy gossip. vta: -hohamátam. See: -pėhévátsestá; -váe'tá.
hohame- pv. prefer, rather. É-hohameméhoto. He loves him more (than he loves others). É-hohameméhóhta. He love it more (for example, loves alcohol more than other things in his life). Éohkė-hohamepėhéveénėheo'o tóhtoo'éma'enóne. Prairie turtles taste better (than other kinds of turtles). É-hohameameōhtse. He prefers to walk. Naa tsé'tóhe móhtȧ-hohamėhehpee'šévaenȯhevóhe xaóne. But this (man) was more scared of the skunk. [1987:283] Initial hoham-. See: hóno'xe-; hehpe-; náno'se-.
-hohaméstá vai. holler loudest. É-hohamésta. He hollered the loudest.
hohamesto p. much more, many more. Category: quantity.
-hohamó'áne vai. take over, hog. Refers to taking over and not letting others help or make decisions;could be used for hogging the basketball during a game. É-hohamó'áne. He took over. See: -ó'ané.
-hoháóéné vai. be very thirsty. É-hoháóéne. He is very thirsty. (another recording) Non-reduplicated -háóéné. See: -manétanó. Category: drink.
-hoháoeóó'e vai. stand looking intensely. É-hoháoeóó'e. He stood looking intensely. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: sight, stand.
-hoháoho'tá vii. be very hot. É-hoháohō'ta. It is very hot. See: -háaeho'tá. Category: weather.
-hoháohosé vai. have a very big penis. É-hoháohōse. He has a very big penis. Variant: -oháohosé. Usage: vulgar BodyPartMedial -ohosé. See: -tȧhpe'ȯhosé; -háa'ėstȯhosé; -tsėhe'ėstȯhosé. Category: vulgar.
-hoháohtsétseve vai. be very sly. É-hoháohtsétseve. He is very sly. Non-reduplicated -háohtsétseve. Category: personality.
-hoháó'ané vai. say something fantastic, say something spectacular. É-hoháó'áne. He said (something) really big/fantastic. For example, he said he would go kill someone. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-hoháo'asé vii. bad fire, burn extremly much. É-hoháo'asé. It is a bad fire. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-hoháo'eéh vta. treat badly s.o. especially of brother-in-law or sister-in-law teasing. É-háo'eeho. He treated him badly. Ka'ėškóneho é-hoháo'eéheo'o. The children were treated badly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -háo'eéh. See: ná'so'eém; háaenóvem. Category: interpersonal.
-hoháo'eétahe vai. do something very shocking, do something awful. Né-hoháo'eétȧhéme You (pl) did something awful. [1987:255] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-hoháo'emané vai. very bossy. É-hoháo'emāne. He is very bossy. See: -háo'emané.
-hoháo'eóó'e vii. stand very thick. Heškóvó'ėstse éohkė-hoháo'eóénėstse. Horns were really thick. Phon: redup Phon: vs Category: stand.
-hoháo'etame vii. be very deep water. É-hoháo'etame. The water is very deep. See: -háo'etame ‘deep water - be’. Category: liquid.
-hoháo'oe'tó vii. very many clinging - be. only used in pl. É-hoháo'oe'tónėstse There are very many (berries clinging on bushes). See: -hoe'tó. Category: quantity.
-hoháo'o'é vii. very much grass, very dense growth. É-hoháo'o'e. There is a dense growth of grass. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants.
-hoháo'toéné vai. look very scared. É-hoháo'toéne. He has scared eyes/looks scared. Category: eyes.
-hoháooeóó'e vai. stand amazed. É-hoháooeóó'e. He is standing there amazed/surprised. Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -hoháóo'ó; -hoháátsestá.
-hoháóo'ó vai. see (something) amazing. É-hoháóó'o. He saw (something) amazing. Non-reduplicated -háóo'ó. Ques: is that NonRedup a word?? See: -hoháátsestá; -hoháooeóó'e. Category: sight, check.
-hoháoováto vii. be very much flooding. É-hoháoováto. There is a whole lot of flooding. Category: weather.
-hoháotóma'xe vai. pant hard. É-hoháotóma'xe He is panting hard. See: -ómotóma'xe. Category: dogs.
-hoháotse'ohe vai. work very hard. Éohkė-hoháotse'óheo'o. They work very hard. This is how some whites are perceived. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: whites.
hohát- i. laugh.
hohátaa'ėše p. very far apart. This is a reduplicated form. Phon: The phonemic spelling is /hohátaeš/, parallel with háá'ėš /háéš/ Hohátaa'ėše é'ameotsénėsestȯtse o'hē'ėstse. Rivers were a long ways apart. [The Journey.151] Non-reduplicated háá'ėše. See: vó'hee'ėse; háá'ėše; hoháá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Phon: vs Category: distance.
-hoháta'xe vai. laugh moving. É-hoháta'xe. He is laughing while in motion. fai: -a'xe. See: -hohatse. Category: laugh, motion.
-hohátȯhta'hané vai. laugh while story telling, story tell laughing. Éxaenėšė-hohátȯhta'hāne. He is laughing while telling a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: laugh, speak.
-hohátó'ané vai. laugh while talking, talk while laughing. É-hohátó'áne. He is laughing and talking. fai: -ó'ané. Category: laugh, speak.
hohátse- pv. laughingly. É-hohátsevo'ėstanéheve. He is full of laughter. (literally, 'he lives laughingly). Category: sounds, laugh, live.
-hohatse vai. laugh. É-hohatse. He is laughing. (another recording) Etym: cf *e·lyiwa (P). É-hohátseo'o. They are laughing. Éohkėsáa'ée-hohátséhe. He doesn't laugh. vta: -hohátse'tov; fai: -átamao'ó. See: -hohátseotse ‘laugh suddenly’. Category: sounds, laugh.
-hohátse'ėstómané vai. make people laugh. Éohkė-hohátse'ėstómáne. He makes people laugh. Category: interpersonal.
-hohátse'tá vti. laugh at s.t. É-hohátsé'ta. He laughed at it. Category: laugh.
-hohátse'tov vta. laugh at s.o. É-hohátse'tovóho. He laughed at him. Etym: *e·lyi·Ɂtawe·wa (P). vai: -hohatse. Category: interpersonal, laugh.
-hohátsem vta. make s.o. laugh. É-hohátsemóho. He made him laugh. Category: interpersonal.
-hohátséné vai. smiley face. É-hohátséné. He has a smiley face. See: -xaéméné; -hohatse ‘laugh’. Category: face.
-hohátséné'ó vai. smile. É-hohátséné'o. He is smiling. Ques: smile or laugh?? Hohátséné'ȯhtse! Smile! Usage: Less commonly used than -xaaméné'ó See: xaaméné'ó. Category: face.
-hohátseotse vai. laugh suddenly. É-hohátseotse. He suddenly laughed. Émȧsó-hohátseotse. He burst out laughing. [1987:180] See: -hohatse. Category: laugh.
-hohátsešé vai. lie laughing. É-hohátséše. He is lying there laughing. Category: lie.
-hohátsetanó vai. want to laugh, like to laugh. É-hohátsétáno. He wants to laugh / He likes to laugh. Category: emotions, laugh.
-hohátše'šee'e vai. giggly. Phon: Sometimes the first "s" assimilates to "š" preceding the next "š". É-hohátše'šee'e. He giggled. É-hohátše'šeeheo'o. They giggled. Éxxaenėšė-hohátse'šeehesėstse. He was just giggling (reportative). [The Journey.071] Phon: vs See: -ová'katamao'ó. Category: laugh. See: -hohátse ‘laugh’.
-hohá... very much. See: -hoháo'eétahe; -háo'eétahe; -ho'ahe; -háéaná; etc.. Phon: most stems beginning with this sequence are redup., corresponding to the non-redup.stem beginning with -ha...; some redup. stems appear following in this listing; others appear as subentries under the non-redup. entry; a few occur under both non-redup.and redup. entries; most "much" -há...-initial stems can be made "very much "intensive by reduplication to -hohá...
hohe p. oops. said when you bump into someone; may be a shortened form of hóxéhe. See: xóxéhe; héhe. Category: exclamations.
hóhee- i. swaddle, wrap. É-hóheetóho. She swaddled him. É-hóheesāne. He is wrapping. É-hóheestóvohe. She is wrapping a baby.
Hóheehe na. 1 • Assiniboin. Plural Hóheeheo'o. Etym: cf *sa·hi·wa (P) ‘Plains Cree Indian’. Category: tribes.
2 • Swaddled. Category: names.
-hóheehe vai. be swaddled, be wrapped. especially of a baby. É-hóheehe. He is wrapped/swaddled. vta: -hóheet. See: hóhkėha'e; -héva'kévoheehe; -éxovóheehe; -totóovóheehe; -vé'hoo'e; -too'et ‘tie s.o.’. Category: babies.
Hóheehé'e na. Assiniboin Woman. Category: names.
hóheehestȯtse na. swaddling, baby wrapping.
-hóheesané vai. wrap. É-hóheesāne. He is wrapping. vta: -hóheet.
-hóheestóvohe vai. 1 • wrap baby. É-hóheestóvohe. She is wrapping a baby. This is an intransitive verb in Cheyenne, so one could express the meaning of a verb which has a third person singular subject as 'She is baby-wrapping.'.
2 • go to baby shower. Nátȧhé-hoheestóvohe. I'm going to baby-wrap (used idiomatically today for "I'm going to a baby shower"). Final -óvohe. Category: babies.
-hóheet vta. swaddle s.o., wrap s.o. as a baby. É-hóheetóho. She swaddled him. Hóheešeha nenéso! Wrap your child up! vai: -hóheesané. See: -pėhévoheet. Category: babies, social events.
-hohetse vai. howl, cry. especially of a dog; a dog that howled crying was supposed to be killed. É-hohetse. He howled. [1987:215] Etym: cf *o·lwa (P). See: -hohatse; -a'xaame; -néstoohe. Category: sounds.
-hohétšešé vai. stumble. É-hohétšéše. He stumbled. Variant: -hohótšeše. See: -hotȯhta'á; -é'tovahá; -hóhtsenevėhahtáxé. Category: lie.
Hóhkáhne na. (woman's name). non-contract: Hóhkȧhnónévá'e. Category: names.
Hóhkȧhnónévá'e na. (woman's name). Contracted Hóhkáhne. Category: names.
hóhkȧse p. epistemic particle of resignation ?? This word is difficult to translate to English. Hóhkȧse náme'hósetónėšéve?! What else could I do?! That is an exclamation. Hóhkȧse náme'hétónėšéve. I can't help it. [1980:60:163] Hóhkȧse névááhe tséévȧhéhona'oestsėstse Who would add (anything) on to (such a) story?! (that is, no one would want to make it any longer). [1980:60:163] Variant: hóxėse. Category: emotions, check.
Hóhkeehá'e na. Mouse Woman. Category: names.
-hóhkeehá'eveméa'xe vai. smell like a mouse woman. É-hóhkeehá'eveméa'xe. He smells like a female mouse. Usage: humorous Category: smell.
Hóhkééhe na. Mouse. Ques: pitches same as the common noun?? Category: check, names.
hóhkeehe na. mouse. Plural hóhkeeheho, (another recording); Obviative hóhkeeheho, Hóhkeehéhnéva (1987:30); Diminutive hóhkeehēso. Morph: /hóhkeeheh/. Variant: hóhtšeehe (old male speech variant). Etym: cf. *a·pikweshs- 'mouse' (Go88); cf. Ar hookúú; F wa·pikono·wa. Category: animals, computer.
Hóhkeehéhnéva na. Mouse.OBV. See: hóhkeehe ‘mouse’; -vá ‘OBV’.
-hóhkeehéméá'ha vii. smell of mice. É-hóhkeehéméá'ha. It smells of mice. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
Hóhkeehéméó'o na. Mouse Trail. Category: names.
hóhkeehēso na. Gram: dim little mouse, computer mouse. Plural hóhkeehesono; Obviative hóhkeehesono; Non-diminutive hóhkeehe. Category: animals, computer.
-hóhkėha'aov vta. make hooded cradleboard for s.o. É-hóhkėha'aovóho. She made a (hood type) cradleboard for him. Category: babies.
hóhkėha'e ni. 1 • hat, hooded cradleboard. Ques: also for cap?? (another recording) When used of a cradleboard, this is the soft backed kind. Plural hóhkėhá'ėstse; Possessive -vóhkėha'e; Final -óhkėha'e; Old Male Speech hóhtšėha'e. See: a'kóhkėha'e; pȧhoešestȯtse; ésevone. Category: handcraft, babies, clothing.
2 • Sacred Hat. This is a newer word for the Sacred Buffalo Hat; the older word is Ésevone. See: ésevone. Category: ceremonial, check.
hóhkėha'éome ni. Sacred Hat Lodge, Sacred Hat Tepee. This name is said to be of newer usage than the older term for this lodge, vonȧhéome. This houses the sacred bundle brought to the Cheyennes by the Sutaio. (1987:98). Variant: hóhtšėha'éome. Usage: That pronunciation is old male speech. See: vonȧhéome; hoestséheome; vonȧhé'xa'e; hoxéheome; maahéome ‘arrow lodge’. Category: lodges.
Hóhkėha'éomévóse ni. Medicine Lodge Butte. Category: places.
hóhkévého na. ferret, brown weasel ?? Plural hóhkeveho; Obviative hóhkeveho. Category: animals, check.
hohkó's- i. purple. Category: colors.
-hohkó'sahe vai. be purple. É-hohkó'sahe. He is purple. vii: -hohkó'só. Category: colors.
-hohkó'se'éxané vai. have a black eye. É-hohkó'se'éxáne. He has a "shiner". Lit: purple-eyed Medial -'éxané. Lit: be purple-eyed Category: violence, eyes.
-hohkó'séné vai. have a purple face. É-hohkó'séne. He has a purple/bruised face. Medial -éné. Category: face, colors.
-hohkó'só vii. purple. É-hohkó'so. It is purple. vai: -hohkó'sahe. Category: colors.
-hohkó'soovot vta. bruise s.o. É-hohkó'soovotóho. He bruised him. [pd301] See: -hestsenaeh. Category: interpersonal.
-hohkó'sová vai. have chestnut colored hide. É-hohkó'sóva. He (for example, a horse) has a chestnut-colored hide. Medial -ová. Category: horses, colors.
hóhkȯxe ni. axe. Plural hóhkóxėstse, hóhkȯxehȯtse; Diminutive hóhkȯxéso; instr: hóhkȯxéva; Non-diminutive hóo'ȯxe. Etym: *a·kašwa ??; cf. Ar hóhʔonóóx. See: -htohkȯxe; -monooxané. Category: tools, check.
hóhkȯxéso ni. hatchet. See: hohkȯxe. Category: tools.
hóhnee- pv. freely, on the spur of the moment, immediately. É-hóhnee'aseváoohe. He right away threw (especially a ball). é'ȯhketó'-hóhneenȧha'e'a ho'emanestȯtse you come against the law ?? Tsétsėhéstȧhese éohkėsáa-hóhneehó'xatsėstȧhéheo'o. Cheyennes are not boldly (freely) friendly. "Héehe'e," éstȧxae-hóhneehetaehoono. "Yes," she quickly told him. [1987:253 ??] Variant: hóhne- ??. Category: check, check, time.
hóhneeto p. freely, on the spur of the moment, immediately. Preverb hóhnee-. Category: check, time.
hohnohka Contrary, Contrary society member. A contrary is a special person within Cheyenne culture who is expected to do things contrary to cultural norms; this word is also someone's name. Plural hohnóhkao'o. Phon: recheck?? Category: check, societies, names.
hohnóhkȧ-heséeo'ȯtse ni. contrary medicine. Category: plants.
Hohnóhka'héhe na. Contrary Woman. Variant: Nóhká'héhe. Category: names.
Hohnóhkamó'ėsá'e na. Contrary Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.
-hohnóhkavoéstomo'he vai. be obstinate, be contrary in personality. whatever you tell this kind of person he does differently. É-hohnóhkavoéstomo'he. He has a contrary personality/he is obstinate. Category: personality.
hoho ni. bracelet. Possessive -voho; Plural hóhonȯtse. Category: groom.
hóhoneéše'he na. wrist watch. Lit: bracelet-clock See: éše'he. Category: new.
-hóhóónétamó vii. rugged weather. for example, muddy, dirty, stormy, heavy snow, slushy. É-hóhóónétámo. It is rugged weather. See: -nėxónétamó. Category: weather.
hóhoóvaeto p. anyway, just the same, similarly, it is useless. Hóhoóvaeto éséetó'aneo'o. Similarly (the old men) said it the same. [1987:232] See: tó'-; -séesó; hápó'e.
-hohótsešé vai. stumble. É-hohótséše. He stumbled. Assimilated -hohótšešé. See: -hotȯhta'á. Category: lie.
-hohótšešé vai. stumble. É-hohótšéše. He stumbled. Non-assimilated -hohótsešé; Variant: -hohétšešé. Phon: š-assimilation fai: -ešená. See: -hotȯhta'á. Category: lie.
hóhp- i. melt, thaw. É-hóhpeotse. It thawed out. Category: temperature.
hohpa na. sponge, spatterdock. modern usage for 'sponges'. Plural hohpaho; Obviative hohpaho. See: hohpe ‘soup’. Category: plants.
hohpȧháa'éheme ni. Gram: pl grape. Plural hohpȧháa'éhemenȯtse. Usage: obsolescing Category: berries.
hohpȧháa'éhemenémahpe ni. grape juice. Usage: not commonly said Lit: grape-water Category: drink.
-hohpȧhéata vai. light skinned, dark skinned. dark skinned in topical dictionary. É-hohpȧhéata. He is light (skinned). Etym: *ahpehθesiwa ‘he is bruised’. Category: colors.
hohpȧhtsenámenó'e ni. wild grape bush. Category: plants.
hohpȧhtsenámenȯtse raisins. See: hohpȧhtsenámenó'e. Category: berries, record.
hohpé- i. sweat. É-hohpéotse. He is sweating. See: hóhp-; émá.
hohpe ni. broth, soup. especially refers to broth, not thicker soup or stew. Etym: *apopyi. See: -hohpééhá'ené; mo'ȯhtávėhohpe; véhpotséhohpe. Category: food.
-hóhpea'onáxe vai. lie close to fire. Lit: melt-shin ?? É-hóhpea'onáxe. He is lying close to warmth (fire etc.) to thaw out the marrow in his bones. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: lie, check.
-hohpééhá'ené vai. make soup. É-hohpééhá'éne. éá?? She is making soup. fai: -há'ené. Category: cook, check.
-hohpėhe'oná vai. sweaty hands. É-hohpėhe'ōna. He has sweaty hands. Category: body.
-hóhpėho'há vti. melt s.t. É-hóhpėhó'ha. He melted it. Category: temperature.
-hóhpėho'tá vii. melt. É-hóhpėhó'ta. It is melting. typically refers to ice melting from the sun's heat. See: -hóhpeotse; -hóhpe'tá. Category: temperature.
-hóhpe'há vti. melt s.t. É-hóhpé'ha. He melted it. For example, he melted grease. vii: -hóhpé'tá. Category: cook.
-hóhpé'tá vii. melt (of an object). É-hóhpé'ta. It (for example, lard) melted. Ésáa-hóhpe'tȧhane. It did not melt. See: -hóhpėho'tá; -hóhpeotse. Category: temperature.
-hohpéméa'há vii. smell sweaty, sweaty smell. É-hohpéméá'ha. It smells sweaty. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
-hohpémea'xe vai. smell sweaty, sweaty smell. É-hohpémea'xe. He smells sweaty. Category: smell.
-hohpémeohe vai. run sweaty. É-hohpémeohe. He is running sweaty. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-hóhpen vti. defrost s.t., melt s.t. É-hóhpéna. He defrosted it.
vta. defrost s.o. É-hóhpenóho. He defrosted him. Category: temperature, check.
-hóhpené vai. defrost. É-hóhpéne. ?? He is defrosting. that is, he is causing something to warm up from being frozen. vti: -hóhpená. Category: cook, new, check.
-hohpénome vai. sweat while sleeping. É-hohpénome. He is sweating while sleeping. Etym: *apwe·nkwa·mwa (P). Category: sleep, check.
-hóhpeoestȧho'he vai. melt quickly. for example, rock (animate) in a volcano. É-hóhpeoestȧho'he. He melted rather instantaneously. Category: temperature.
-hóhpeoestȧho'tá vii. melt quickly. É-hóhpeoestȧhō'ta. It melted quickly. Category: temperature.
-hohpéohtsé vai. sweat. for example, from a fever or from being under stress. É-hohpéóhtse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéotse ‘sweat’; -hóhpéohtsé ‘melt’. Category: body function, temperature.
-hóhpeohtsé vii. melt. of an object or the environment. É-hóhpéóhtse. It is melting. See: -hohpéohtsé ‘sweat’; -hóhpeotse ‘melted’. Category: weather.
-hohpéotse vai. sweat, perspire. Ques: what is the difference between -hohpéotse and -hohpéohtsé?? Category: check. É-hohpéotse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéohtsé ‘sweat’; -hóhpeotse ‘melt’; -emá ‘take a sweat’. Etym: *apwe:·sowa; cf. O abwezo (N). Category: body function, temperature.
-hóhpeotse vii. become melted (of an object). É-hóhpeotse. It (or He) melted.
vai. become melted (of an object). Etym: cf. M a·posow. See: -hóhpéohtsé; -hohpéotse; hóhp-; -hóhpe'tá. Category: temperature.
-hohpéše vai. lie sweaty, sleep sweaty. É-hohpéše. He is lying sweaty. See: -hohpotómešé. Category: lie.
-hohpeve vii. be soup. É-hohpeve. It is soup. Etym: *apo·piwiwi (P). Category: food.
-hohpévo'ėho'he vai. sweaty from the heat (of a fire). É-hohpévo'ėho'he. He got sweaty from the heat of the fire. Ná-hohpévo'ėho'he. I got sweaty from the heat of the fire. Ques: check recording?? See: -háoho'he. Category: temperature, check.
-hohpȯhnóomaeotse vii. be dusk. É-hohpȯhnóomaeotse. It is dusk. See: -hovenóomaeotse; -hetóeve. Category: time, weather.
hohpo'- i. gather. É-hohpo'āna. He gathered it up (for example, his purchase at store). É-hohpo'a'hāhtse. He closed it.
-hohpo'a'hahtsé vti. close s.t. quickly, fold up s.t. quickly, snap s.t. shut. a rather quick action, similar to English 'snapped it shut'. É-hohpo'a'hāhtse. He snapped it shut. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: move.
-hohpo'a'ham vta. close s.o. quickly, fold up s.o. quickly, snap s.o. shut. É-hohpo'a'hamóho. He closed him quickly.
-hohpo'an vti. gather s.t., fold up s.t., close s.t., bundle up s.t. This is a different meaning of 'gather' from -móhean. É-hohpo'āna. He gathered it up. Etym: for example, of gathering up a purchase at a store. Náévȧ-hohpo'āna. I closed it (for example, a book). É-hohpo'āna vée'e. She folded up the tent. Hóhpó'ánȯhtse no'ȯheonȯtse! Gather up the (baseball) bats! Tótseha étaéšė-hohpo'āne mésėhestȯtse. The food was gathered up (and put away) long ago. (Stamper 1991:2).
vta. gather s.o., fold up s.o., close s.o., bundle up s.o. É-hohpo'anóho. He gathered him/them up. for example, he folded blankets. See: -móhean; -vé'han; -a'kóet.
-hohpo'anené vai. bundle. for example, to tie up bundles or gather things for storage. É-hohpo'anēne. He gathered / tied up bundles for storage. [1987:284] See: -hóvȯsané; -móheeohtsé.
hohpo'eáseehestȯtse ni. barrette. Lit: gather-tie(hair)-NOM Plural hohpo'eáseehéstotȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
-hohpo'ema'en vti. fold up s.t., close s.t. (book). especially something made of paper, such as closing a book. É-hohpo'ema'ēna. He folded it (paper) up. Hohpo'ema'ēnȯhtse! Close it! For example, close the book. Category: paper.
vta. fold up s.o. for example, a sheet or blanket (animate). É-hohpo'ema'enóho. He folded him up. See: -tóovan ‘fold s.o.’.
-hohpo'eotse vii. packed. É-hohpo'eotse. ?? It is packed. ?? [pd790] Category: check.
-hohpo'hahe vai. non-skid, non-slippery, dry. É-hohpo'hahe. He is non-slippery (so you can't slip on it). for example, of a rug (animate). vii: -hohpo'hó. Category: surface.
-hohpo'heéno'e vii. dry taste. É-hohpo'heéno'e. It has a dry taste. for example, crackers eaten without water or green gooseberries). Category: taste.
-hohpo'hó vii. be dry. This is the opposite of 'slippery', not the opposite of 'wet'. É-hohpō'ho. It is dry. Meo'o é-hohpō'ho. The road is dry (that is, not slippery). vai: -hohpo'hahe; Antonym -hesó'xó. See: -ó'ó ‘dry’. Category: texture.
-hohpó'hovésé vai. have coarse hair. É-hohpó'hovése. He has coarse hair. (another recording) Ques: recheck pó' pitch?? BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair, check.
-hohpo'óesané vai. bind hay, tie up hay, bail hay. É-hohpo'óesāne. He tied up bundles of hay. See: -hohpo'anené. Category: farm.
hohpo'óesanestȯtse ni. bailer. Variant: hohpo'óeseo'o. Category: tools, farm.
hohpo'óesēō'o ni. binder (for example, for binding wheat), baler (for hay). Plural hohpo'óeseonȯtse. See: hohpo'óesanestȯtse. Category: tools.
-hohpo'óestsé vti. tie up s.t. É-hohpo'óéstse. He bound it. vta: -hohpo'óet. See: -a'kóestsé; -hahpėséestsé.
-hohpo'óet vta. bind s.o., tie up s.o., wrap up s.o., bundle up s.o. É-hohpo'óetóho. He bundled him up. Nėhē'še mó'ȯsáanė-hohpo'óetȯhevovóhe. Then they wrapped him. [1987:267] vti: -hohpo'óestsé. See: -vé'han ‘enclose s.o.’; -móhean ‘gather s.o.’; -too'et ‘tie s.o.’.
-hohpotómȧho'tá vii. hot and humid. É-hohpotómȧhó'ta. It is hot and humid. See: -háoho'ta. Category: weather, temperature.
-hohpotóma'há vii. hot humid windy. É-hohpotómá'ha. It is a hot humid breeze. See: -ho'one'há ‘misty breezy’. Category: weather, wind.
-hohpotómeotse vii. warm and sweaty - become.
vai. warm and sweaty - become. É-hohpotómeotse. He (or It) became warm and sweaty. [pd1093] See: -éxoveotse. Category: temperature.
-hohpotómešé vai. lie in a sweaty place, sleep sweaty ?? É-hohpotóméše. He slept in a sweaty (humid) place. See: -hohpéšé. Category: lie, check.
-hohpotómó vii. sweaty hot, humid and hot, hot and humid. É-hohpotómo. It is "sweaty (humid) hot." (another recording) Éohkė-hohpotómo. It is regularly humid. É-hohpotómohe? Is it sweaty hot? Vé'-hohpotómoo'ėstse éohkėháohō'ta. If it's humid it's hot. Ques: is it just 'humid'?? Category: weather, check.
hóht- i. around (tie). See: hóx-.
-hóhtá fti. approach s.t. Énó'ėstȯ-hóhta. He went over the hill toward it. Variant: -ehóhtá. Category: approach.
hóhtȧh- i. plus, add. This word part is used with numbers to indicate number of tense plus, for instance, ten plus seven which is 17, or eighty plus 7 which is 87. mȧhtohto hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha seventeen times. That is, ten plus seven. na'nóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha 87. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.148] sóohtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhná'ėstse 93. Ques: might the Ch be hóhtȯhn-?? Etym: cf *a·tawi ‘additional’. Category: numbers, check.
hohtȧhé- pv. spotted, designed. Hohtȧhé-vóto Spotted Feathers. See: ohtȧhé-. Category: designs.
Hohtȧhéaénohe na. Spotted Hawk. Category: names.
hohtȧhé'še na. mallard. Ques: meaning uncertain ?? Ques: (ask TR) Plural hohtȧhé'šeo'o; Obviative hohtȧhe'xo ??. Category: check. See: šé'še; hetané-šé'še; mȯhtase. Category: birds.
-hohtȧhéné vai. design, color. É-hohtȧhéne. He designed/colored. Hohtȧhénėstse! Color (it)! Ques: recheck?? -hohtȧhénené??
vti. Gram: ai+o design s.t., color s.t. Hetanevo'eo'o éohkevé'šėháe-hohtȧhénénóvo. Arapahoes used that color a lot. For example, when they were beading. See: -hohtȧhénené; -hahénȯhené. Category: designs, check.
-hohtȧhéné'tá vti. color s.t. É-hohtȧhéné'tá. He colored it. Hohtȧhéné'tȯhtse! Color it! Category: colors, check.
-hohtȧhénené vai. color. É-hohtȧhénéne. He designed/colored. Hohtȧhénénėstse! Color (it)! Ques: or is it hohtȧhénėstse or hohtȧhénénȯhtse?? see that entry?? See: -hohtȧhéné. Category: check.
hohtȧhénestȯtse ni. color, design. especially a design used in beading. Plural hohtȧhénėstotȯtse. Category: colors, designs.
hohtȧhénoma'he na. goldfish. Lit: spotted-fish Category: fish.
hohtȧhéšé'hóno na. silk. Variant: hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.
-hohtȧheve vii. spotted, have a design, birth marked, blemished.
vai. spotted, have a design, birth marked, blemished. can refer to a design or a variety of skin marks, such as aging spots. É-hohtȧheve. He (or It) has a blemish/spot/design. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve; hohtȧhé-. Category: designs.
-hohtȧhévėhahénȯhené vai. do artwork, artwork - do. É-hohtȧhévėhahénȯhóne. He did artwork. See: -hohtȧhéné; -hahénȯhéné. Category: designs.
Hohtȧhévéne na. Spotted Face. Category: names.
-hohtȧhévéne vai. have birthmark on the face. É-hohtȧhévéne. He has a birthmark on his face. Category: face.
Hohtȧhévóto na. Spotted Feathers, Spotted Tailfeathers. Lit: spotted-tailfeathers Category: names.
-hohtȧhévȯxe'oh vti. paint s.t., color s.t. É-hohtȧhévȯxe'ōha. He painted/colored it. Category: designs, paint.
hóhtȧhná'he p. 13, thirteen. Category: numbers.
hóhtȧhnésohto p. 17, seventeen, plus seven. Naesóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésóhto nȧhtanėhestȯheaénáma. I will be 67 (that many) years old. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.156] See: mȧhtohto hóhtȧhnésohto. Category: numbers.
hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha p. 17 times, seventeen times, plus seven times. na'nóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha 87. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.148] Category: numbers.
-hóhtȧhnésȯxe'ohe vii. twelve o'clock, 12 o'clock. É-hóhtȧhnésȯxe'ohe. It is 12 o'clock. Category: time.
hóhtȧhnéše i. 12.
pv. 12. See: neše ‘two’.
hóhtȧhnéšeaénamá vai. twelve years old. tséhóhtȧhnéšeaénamáto when I was twelve years old. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.020] Category: ages.
hóhtȧhnóhone- pv. fifteen, plus five. Mónáx-hóhtȧhnóhoneaénamȧhéhe. I must have been fifteen years old. Category: numbers.
-hóhtȧhno'kȯxe'ohe vii. eleven o'clock, 11 o'clock. É-hóhtȧhno'kȯxe'ohe. It is 11 o'clock. Category: time.
hóhtȧhno'tšēē'ėše ni. eleven days. Variant: hóhtȧhno'kēē'ėše. Ques: recheck everything?? Category: time, check.
-hóhta'hané vai. 1 • tell a story, relate. É-hóhta'hāne. He is telling a story. Ques: what is the difference between this word and -hóhta'heónané vta: -hóhta'haov; Relative Root -hetóhta'hané. See: -hetóhta'hané; hóhta'heo'o; -hóhta'heónané. Etym: cf. *a·te'lo·hke·- ??. Category: check, speak.
2 • go to court, testify (in court). Category: legal.
-hóhta'hanee'e vai. tell story sitting. É-hóhta'hanee'e. He is sitting telling a story. ȯhtsée-hóhta'hanéevosėstse when they would sit and tell stories. [Cheyenne Flood Story.002] fai: -e. Morph: /-hohta'hanée/. Phon: vs See: -hóhta'heónanee'e. Category: speak, sit.
hóhta'hanéhe na. storyteller. Ques: recheck?? vai: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak, check.
hóhta'hanémȧhéó'o ni. courthouse. Lit: tell.story-house Variant: tsé'ȯhkė-hóhta'hanéstove. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: buildings.
hóhta'hanéma'kaata ni. telegram, telephone. See: ma'kaata tsé'ooome; éestsestȯtse tsé'ȧseméahtove. Lit: tell.story-wire
-hóhta'hanéoohe vai. tell story quickly. Nátao'sė-hóhta'hanéoohe. I'm gonna quickly tell a story. Category: speak.
-hóhta'hanéóó'e vai. stand telling stories. É-hóhta'hanéóó'e. He is standing telling stories. Phon: vs fai: -óé.
hóhta'hanó't vti. tell.story.of. Category: check.
-hóhta'haohé'tov vta. tell story quickly to s.o. Nétato'sė-hóhta'haohé'tovȧtse. I'm gonna tell it to you right away. Category: speak.
-hóhta'haoohé'tov vta. tell story quickly to s.o. Nétato'sė-hóhta'haoohé'tovȧtse. I'm gonna tell it to you right away. Category: speak.
-hóhta'haov vta. tell a story to s.o. É-hóhta'haovóho. He told him a story. Etym: *a·teʔlo·hkawe·wa. É-hóhta'haóó'e. He (obv) told him a story. Hóhta'haovenáno! Tell them a story! A second object can be included, as shown in the following sentence: Tšéške'e nétao'sevá'nė-hóhta'haovatsénóvo namėšéme. I'm going to tell you (pl) a little about my (great) grandfather. [1987:17] vai: -hóhta'hané. See: -hóhta'heónaov. Category: speak.
hóhta'hēō'o ni. story, legend, myth, folktale.
na. story, legend, myth, folktale. For some speakers this has generally not been considered a historical account. For some speakers this has the sense of 'myth' or 'folktale'. For them, for a historical account uses the word hósėstoo'o 'news, account'. But hósėstoo'o is not known to many current speakers. A hohta'heo'o is inanimate for most speakers today, but in the past this word was animate (hóhta'heono) for some speakers. Plural hóhta'heonȯtse, hóhta'heono. vá'nė-hóhta'heonȯtse regular stories. [1987:170] Ques: re-record that?? Possessive -htóhta'hēō'o; vai: -hóhta'hané. See: hósėstoo'o. Etym: cf. O aadizookaan (N). Category: speak.
-hóhta'heónané vai. tell stories. seems to refer to storytelling as opposed to telling of a specific story. É-hóhta'heónáne. He told stories. Nėstsevé'hóhta'heónáne éšeēva! Nėstsepa'ke'ōna. Don't tell stories in the daytime! You'll become humpbacked. tsé-hóhta'heónanese storytellers. É-hotona'ovė-hóhta'heónáne. He added on another story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hóhta'heónanee'e vai. tell story sitting. É-hóhta'heónanee'e. He is sitting telling a story. Morph: /-hóhta'heónanée/. Phon: vs See: -hohta'hanee'e. Category: speak, sit.
-hóhta'heónaov vta. tell a fairytale to s.o. É-hóhta'heónaovóho. He is telling a fairy tale to him. See: -hóhta'haov. Category: speak.
-hóhta'heóneve vii. be a story. É-hóhta'heóneve. It is a story. See: hóhta'hēō'o ‘story’.
hóhta'heónevȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. storybook. See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: new, paper.
-hohtam vta. reach s.o., catch up to s.o., overtake s.o. É-hohtamóho. He overtook him/he caught up to him. [1987:256] vti: -hohtaméstá. Etym: *ateme·wa ‘he overtakes, reaches him’. See: -ho'ée'tá; -hohtameváen.
-hohtaméstá vti. reach s.t., attain s.t., achieve s.t., catch up to s.t., qualify for s.t. Ná-hohtamésta. I attained it. Ésáa-hohtaméstóhe. He does not attain it. Ésáa-hohtaméstóhe véhonevestȯtse. He doesn't fulfill ('live up to') chiefly duties. Nėstaonésė-hohtaméstanone tséhešemȯxe'ohe! Let's try to catch up with the writing! for example, in our language work. Variant: -hestaméstá. Etym: cf *atentamwa; ****atemintamwa (P). vta: -hohtam; Antonym -nétȯhnéhé'tá. See: -ho'ée'tá; -ho'éše. Category: do.
-hohtaméstá'tá vti. attain s.t., reach s.t. Násáa-hohtaméstá'tóhe. I don't have enough (for example, money) to buy bread.
-hohtamésto'tá vti. reach s.t., attain s.t., achieve s.t. É-hohtaméstó'ta. He reached it. tséme'tȧhešė=tā'se=hohtaméstó'ta how to reach this goal. [1987:143] See: -hestȧhtan.
-hohtameváen vta. overtake s.o. quickly, catch up to s.o. quickly. É-hohtameváenóho. He caught up to him quickly. Nátaévȧ-hohtameváéno. I caught up to him. fta: -eváen. See: -hohtam.
hohtameve vta. overtake s.o., catch up to s.o., reach s.o. Éstȧ-hohtamevénósesto. He caught up to them. [Mountain stories.148] Category: check.
-hohtamoh(n) vta. confront s.o. about what he said about you. What was said is considered to be untrue. The person confronting wants the one who spoke to prove what was said. É-hohtamȯhnóho. He confronted him about what he said about him (the person doing the confronting). Category: interpersonal.
-hóhtan vti. run into s.t., collide with s.t. É-hóhtána. He ran over it / collided with it. That could be with a car.
vta. run into s.o., collide with s.o. É-hóhtanóho. He ran over him / collided with him. Ná-hóhtanaa'e amȧho'hestȯtse. A car ran over me. See: -hótȯhtan. Category: car.
hōhto ni. legging. This is a single legging, not a pair of leggings, hohtóhonȯtse. A traditional legging is not made of cloth so it is not animate. But the related word for pants is animate because pants are made from cloth. Plural hohtóhonȯtse. The plural is used for one or more pairs of leggings. Petter (page 649) has hohtoho for a pair of leggings. Possessive -vohtó. See: vó'aehno'xāhto; vó'ėšévo'xāhto; kokóhkono'xāhto; he-vȯhtohe; vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse. Category: clothing.
hohtoho na. pants, panties, bloomers, female leggings. This word can refer to a pair of pants. This word originated with the word for a legging, hōhto. Plural hohtóhono; Obviative hohtóhono; Singular hōhto; Possessive -vohtoho. Etym: cf. O nenta·ss; Ar wóto(o). See: hōhto ‘legging; pair of pants’; vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse ‘pants’; hetanévo'xȧhtóhono ‘men's pants’; he'évo'xȧhtóhono ‘women's pants’; -hevȯhtohe ‘wear pants’; -ahtáhá ‘pants’; -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing, check.
-hóhtȯhtaehe vai. be cinched. É-hóhtȯhtaehe. He is cinched. vta: -hóhtȯhtaét. See: hóhtȯhtaéséó'o. Category: harness.
hóhtȯhtaéséó'o na. cinch. Lit: tie.around-stomach(-thing) BodyPartMedial -ohtá; Plural hóhtȯhtaéseono. Category: harness.
-hóhtȯhtaét vta. cinch up s.o. Ná-hóhtȯhtáéto. I cinched him up. É-hóhtȯhtaeto. He cinched him up. É-hóhtȯhtaétóho. He cinched him up. (newer pronunciation). Hóhtȯhtaéšeha! Cinch him up! See: -he'konȯhtáet; -ho'tonóvȯhtáet. Category: horses.
hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno na. silk. Variant: hohtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno. See: šé'hóno. Category: material.
hohtȯhtȧhéve-éstse'he na. nice shirt. for example, of silk or satin. Category: clothing.
hohtȯhtȧhévenóhe-éstse'he na. ribbon shirt. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.
-hohtȯhtȧhévenó'é vai. sew with silk (or satin). É-hohtȯhtȧhévenó'e. She sewed with silk (or satin). fai: -nó'é. See: -hahpenó'é. Category: sew.
hohtȯhtȧhévėšé'hóno na. silk, satin. Variant: hohtȧhéšé'hóno, hohtȯhtȧhéšé'hóno. See: séokáéšé'hóno ‘silk’; -tónetȯhtȧheve; -htȧheve. Category: material.
-hohtȯhtȧhévoestá vai. wear a silk (or satin) dress. É-hohtȯhtȧhévoēsta. She wore a silk (or satin) dress. Synonym -séokáevoestá. Category: clothing.
-hohtóvá vai. buy, sell, shop for, barter, trade, bootleg. refers to any side of a financial transaction. É-hohtóva. He bought (it). É-hohtóvao'o. They are shopping. Héehe'e, hápó'e náéšė-hohtóva. Yes, and me too I already shopped. Use of this verb with the preverb ohke- sometimes refers to bootlegging: Éohkė-hohtóva. He sells / bootlegs. É-hohtóvȧhtove. It is traded for; there is exchange. fai: -ohtóvá.
vti. buy/sell s.t., buy s.t., sell s.t., shop for s.t., barter s.t., trade s.t., bootleg s.t. Gram: vai + o Ná-hohtóvanȯtse. I bought them (inan.). Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse. I did not buy them (inan.). Vé'hó'e mó'ȯhkemóheehé-hohtóvȧhevóhe nėhéóhe. White people all traded there. [1987:18] Hénová'e tsé-hohtóvato? What did you buy? (another recording) The first "h" of this root is dropped after the preverb hé- 'purpose': Hé-ohtóvȧhtse! Come buy it! vta: -hohtóvá'tov. Etym: *ata·we·wa. Category: money.
hohtóvahtȯtse ni. merchandise. Lit: buy-NOM Etym: *ata·we·weni < **ata·we·ntayi (P/L). Possessive -htȯhtóvahtȯtse; vai: -hohtóvá.
-hohtóvá'tov vta. Gram: ai+o shop for s.o., buy s.o., sell s.o., barter s.o., trade s.o. This covers both buying and selling. Ná-hohtóvanȯtse I sold him. Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse kokȯhéaxa. I did not buy chicken. Ná-hohtóvanoto I bought them (an.) Násáa-hohtóvȧhénoto I did not buy them (an.) Násáa-hohtóvȧhenȯtse I did not buy him. É-hohtóvanoto. He bought/sold him. É-hohtóvanoto mo'éhno'hāme He bought a horse. Ná-hohtóvanȯtse éstse'he naa mo'kėhanȯtse. I bought a shirt and shoes. See: -hohtóvót. Category: money.
hohtóvamȧhēō'o ni. store. hestȯhtóvamȧhēō'o his store. Lit: buying-house Category: buildings.
hohtóvamȧheonȯtse tséhmano'éé'ta ni. mall. Lit: stores where they are together vii: -mano'ée'tá. Category: buildings, new.
-hohtóvaohe vai. buy quickly. É-hohtóvaohe. He bought (something) quickly.?? See: -ohtóvaohe. Category: money, check.
Hohtóvao'hé'e ni. Brazos River. Lit: trading-river According to Grinnell (1906) long ago the Cheyennes met the Comanches here and traded horses and clothing. Category: rivers.
-hohtóvaoohe vai. sell. É-hohtóvaoohe. He sells (something) quickly. héva hová'éhe tséháaoemetse ȯhtaévȧ-hohtóvaoohévosėstse maybe something that is expensive, when they sell it. [1987:61]
-hohtóvátanó vai. buy - want to, sell - want to. É-hohtóvátáno. He wants to buy/sell. Category: money.
hohtóvave'ho'á'e na. storekeeper (female), storeowner (female), cashier (female). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: jobs, check.
hohtóvave'ho'e na. storekeeper, storeowner, cashier. Category: jobs.
-hohtóvót vta. buy for s.o., trade with s.o., sell to s.o. É-hohtóvoto. He traded with him. É-hohtóvótóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *ata·wa·θe·wa. Néxhohtóvotaxėstse toóomȧše'šestȯtse! Buy me a cold drink! See: -hohtóvá'tov. Category: money.
-hohtóvotah vta. buy for s.o. É-hohtóvotȧhóho. He bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotāho. I bought it for him. Ná-hohtóvotaha. He bought it for me. Ná-hohtóvotȧhoo'o. I bought it for them. Category: money, interpersonal.
hóhtȯxovámota ni. scissors. This is a single pair of scissors. Lit: crosscut-knife Variant: hótȯxovámota; Plural hóhtȯxovámotahȯtse; Possessive htóhtȯxovámota. See: mota; motšėške; -hótȯxátó. Category: tools.
-hohtsé fai. tracks. Étáxė-hóhtse. His tracks are on top. Énéšė-hohtseo'o. There are two sets of tracks. Variant: -ohohtsé.
hohtse- pn. hoop. hohtse-éše'he hoop moon. See: hóhtséme. Etym: cf. *atowa ‘ball; mushroom’. Category: shapes.
Hohtseéše'he na. Hoop Moon, January. See: He'konenéeše'he; hóhtséme. Category: time, months.
hóhtséme na. ball, netted hoop. (another recording) Etym: *wato·ma ‘gambling hoop’. hóhtséme is more commonly said than hohtsemo np iah?? Variant: hohtsemo; Plural hohtsemono; Obviative hohtsemono; Possessive -htóhtséme. Category: phys. ed., basketball, check.
hohtsemo na. ball, netted hoop. This was originally the term for a webbed hoop which was part of Indian play; it is the modern term for 'ball.'. Variant: hóhtséme; Plural hohtsemono; Obviative hohtsemono.
-hóhtsemóneve vai. ball - be a. É-hóhtsemóneve. It (animate) is a ball. See: hóhtséme ‘ball’.
-hóhtsenevėhahtáxé vai. trip. especially used when you think there is a step down, but there isn't, and you make a noise stepping, anticipating the step down. É-hóhtsenevėhahtáxe. He tripped. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -hohétšešé ‘stumble’. Category: motion.
hóhtšėha'e ni. hat. Usage: old man speech Variant: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.
hó'- pfx. whenever, if, when. Phon: prefix-final /e/ used before vowel or /h/ can have a conditional sense, especially with hó'-nėše-. It is sometimes difficult to characterize the difference between this prefix and the conjunct prefix oh-, but the prefix oh- seems to occur with actions which are more habitual than repeated (iterative). hó'-tónėšėhótoanáto no matter how difficult it is. Tótseha hó'némenénove énétȧhéva'e. Long ago when they sang it's different. Sóhpeotšėšemeno hó'-tónėšėhótoanáto! Bring us through even when there is difficulty! Hó'-sáanėšetsėhe'ȯhtsétanóheto éme'váhtometsėhe'ȯhtséstove. Even if you don't want to go, you should still go over there. [1987:229] hó'ė-háomóhtȧhéotséto whenever I am sick. naa máto vo'ėstane hó'e-éveóxȯheta'ėstse ȯhvé'netsé'esėstse náohkenėhešėtāno, é'éekánomó'áne vo'ėstane and also whenever a person says things to me, when they are lying, I always think that way, "The person is just talking". [1987:198] See: móxho'nó-; ȯh-; hó'-nėše-; mȧh-.
ho'- pv. arrive.
i. arrive. É-ho'a'ovóho. He ran/herded him/them in. É-ho'āna. He tuned (the radio) to a certain station.
-ho'ȧhá'ené vai. bring food. É-ho'ȧhá'éne. She brought food. É-ho'ȧhá'eneo'o. They brought food. for example, for an Indian wedding meal. fai: ahá'ené. See: -novo'é; -ho'óohtanȯxévaen. Category: food, Indian wedding.
-ho'ahe vai. want.
vti. Gram: ai+o want s.t. Ná-ho'ahe. I want it. (another recording) Né-ho'ahe. You want it. É-ho'ahe. He wants it. (another recording) Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want them (inan.). É-ho'ȧhénóvo. They want it. Mó'éemétaehéhe hová'éhe tsé-ho'aese. He was given whatever he wanted. Né-ho'ȧhehe? Do you want it? É-ho'ȧhehe? Does he want it? Hénová'e tsé-ho'ȧheto? What do you want? Amȧho'hestȯtse ná-ho'ahe. I want a car. É-ho'ahe hohpe. He wants soup. Vovȯtse ná-ho'ahe. I want an egg. Heóveamėške ná-ho'ahe. I want butter. Vóvotȯtse ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want eggs. Mȧhaemenȯtse ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want corn. Honóvóhko ná-ho'ahe. I want drymeat. Vetšėkévȧhonoo'o ná-ho'ahe. I want frybread. Ho'évohkȯhtse ná-ho'ahe. I want meat. Vóhpoma'ȯhtse ná-ho'ahe. I want salt. Amȧho'hestȯtse tsémá'o ná-ho'ahe. I want the red car. Mahpe ná-ho'ahe. I want water. (another recording) Ná-ho'ahe mahpe. I want water. vta: -ho'ȧhé'tov. See: -ho'ȧhéotse. Category: cognition.
-ho'ȧhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o want s.o. can also refer to sexual desire for someone. É-ho'ȧhénoto. He wants him. Ná-ho'ȧhé'tova. He wants me. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want him. Ésáa-ho'ȧhéhenoto. He doesn't want him. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I want a horse. Oeškēso ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want a dog. Mȧhōō'o ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want melon. Ná-ho'ȧhénoto póesono. I want cats. Monėškeho ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want beans. He'éhesono ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want rice. Éohkėsáa-ho'ȧhé'tovȧhtséheo'o. They don't like each other. vti: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-ho'ȧhéotse vai. want become.
vti. Gram: ai+o want become; come to want (s.t.) É-ho'ȧhéotse. He has come to want (it)/he wants (it). É-ho'ȧhéotsénóvo. They want it. See: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition.
-ho'ȧhétsėstomev vta. want something for s.o. Oha pėhévomóhtȧhestȯtse hápó'e náohkėhósė-ho'ȧhétsėstómévónóvo. I just want good health for them. [How God Helped Me Forgive.107] vai: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition.
-ho'ȧho'he vai. arrive by car. Lit: come-by.heat É-ho'ȧho'he. He arrived by car. See: -aho'he. Category: motion, transportation.
-ho'a'e'tá vii. set in that direction. É-ho'a'ē'ta. ?? Ques: a'é'ta?? get question or plural to check pitch É-ho'a'ē'ta vose. It was the end of a hill. [Stamper 1991:8] See: -náha'e'tá. Category: tepee, sit inan, check.
-ho'a'en vti. aim s.t., drive here. especially of a gun or arrow; also of arriving while driving a car. É-ho'a'ēna. He arrived driving it (such as a car) / He aimed it. É-ho'a'ēna ma'aetánó'e. He aimed the gun. [PD27] Ques: ho'a'éna?? check question or plural Category: check.
-ho'a'éno'hamé vai. arrive driving. É-ho'a'éno'hāme. He arrived driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-ho'a'éotse vai. arrive swarm, all arrive. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-ho'a'éotseo'o. They swarmed in. Naa tsé'éšemé'o héne véhonema'kaata éhma'xėho'-a'éotsésesto vé'hó'e And after he found that gold, white people swarmed in. [Black Hills Claim.051] See: ho'-a'eotse 'come attack'. Category: motion, check.
-ho'a'éšé vai. lie with head in that direction. É-ho'a'éše. He is lying with his head in that direction. See: -ho'eeséšé; -heta'éšé.
-ho'a'hahtsé vti. arrive throw s.t ?? É-ho'a'hāhtse. ?? Category: throw.
-ho'a'ham vta. arrive throw s.o. ?? É-ho'a'hamóho. ?? Category: throw, check.
-ho'a'hasó'he vai. arrive riding horse. É-ho'a'haso'he. He arrived on horseback. Éévȧ-ho'a'haso'he. He returned on horseback. Éto'sė-ho'a'hasó'heo'o Ho'óhomo'eo'o. Siouxs are going to arrive on horseback. fai: a'hasó'he. See: ho'a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-ho'a'hasó'heohe vai. arrive quickly riding horse. É-ho'a'hasó'heohe. He arrived quickly riding a horse. Héstove éxho'-a'hasó'heohésesto. On either side of him (two soldiers) rode up to him. [1987:22] fai: -a'hasó'heohe. Category: motion, horses.
-ho'a'ó vii. arrive; come, happen. can be used for arrival of a telegram or military dispatch; can be extended to something happening. É-ho'ā'o. It (or He) came. Ma'kaata é-ho'ā'o. The telegram came. Émónė-ho'ā'o. It recently happened.
vai. Móho'nóešė-ho'ā'ȯhtse mo'éhno'ha. The horse had not yet arrived. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -nėhesó.
-ho'a'ó'tov vta. come to s.o., put there on s.o. "Néto'sė-ho'a'ó'tóévo vo'ėstane," éxhesanesėstse. "A person will come to you (pl)," (Sweet Medicine) said. [1987:6:9] Ná-ho'a'ó'tóvo. I put it right there on him. (for example, right at that spot on him). É-ho'a'ó'tovóho. He came to him. See: -ho'ėhót; -ho'eohtsé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-ho'a'ó'tsé vti. Gram: ai+o point s.t. É-ho'a'ó'tse. He pointed it. É-ho'a'ó'tse ma'aatánó'e. He pointed the gun. See: -má'ta'ó'tsé. Category: guns.
-ho'a'ó'tsé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o place s.o. there, put s.o. there. É-ho'a'ó'tse'tovóho. ?? ?? É-ho'a'ó'tsenoto hestovóótse. She put it (an.) by his ear. Category: put, check.
-ho'a'ov vta. herd in s.o.bring in s.o. É-ho'a'ovóho. He herded him/them in. [1987:182] for example, his horses. Nėhéóhe tsėhéóhe tsé'éšė-ho'a'ovovȯse vé'ho'éotóa'o nėhéóhemóstaéetóxėhnėhéhe né=vé'ho'e. After they came with the cattle this whiteman went by there. [1987:182] Lit: cause s.o. to arrive Category: horses, move.
-ho'a'ovo'hamé vai. bring in livestock, arrive with livestock. É-ho'a'ovo'hāme. He brought in the horses. Éstȧ-ho'a'ovo'hamesėstse hevenȯtse tséxho'tatse. He drove his animals to where his tepee was. [1987:171] Category: horses, livestock.
-ho'a'ovo'haméohe vai. bring in livestock quickly, arrive with livestock quickly. É-ho'a'ovo'haméohe. He arrived with livestock quickly. Héva hó'taotá'eévėhoháeméo-ho'a'ovo'haméoestse Like no matter how early in the morning he brings the horses. Category: horses, livestock.
-ho'a'xanéohtsé vai. arrive crying. É-ho'a'xanéóhtse. He arrived crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
-ho'amé vai. 1 • shoot. This refers to shooting with arrows or a gun. A different word, -váohe, is used for shooting baskets in basketball. É-ho'āme. He shot (for example, arrows). Éto'sė-ho'āme. He is going to shoot. Usage: taboo word, avoided because of vulgar idiomatic usage; instead people say Éamóho 'He shot him (for example, a deer).' See: -am1 ‘shoot s.o.’. Category: shoot.
2 • ejaculate. Éma'xė-ho'āme. He shot big. vulgar; jokingly used about ejaculation. The English idiom "big shot" is humorous to Cheyennes because it sounds like this Cheyenne idiom. See: -ame; -oné'amé; -nėhe'otse; ma'xėho'améstoto; -évo'amé; -váohe ‘shoot baskets’. Category: vulgar.
ho'améstoto na. Gram: pl seminal fluid. Lit: shot ma'xėho'améstoto is used jokingly as a literal translation from English 'big shot', to refer in Cheyenne to 'a big amount of seminal fluid'. Singular ho'amestȯtse; Oblique ho'améstóva; Possessive -hto'amestȯtse. Category: sex, vulgar.
-ho'améšé vai. wet dream -have a , nocturnal emission - have a. Lit: shoot-lie É-ho'améše. He had a wet dream. Ques: ho'amēše?? See: -ho'amé ‘shoot; ejaculate’; -nėhe'otse ‘ejaculate’. Category: vulgar, sex, check.
-ho'an vti. cause s.t. to arrive by hand. É-ho'āna. He tuned (the radio) to a certain station.
vta. cause s.o. to arrive by hand. É-ho'anóho. He caused him (obv) to arrive by hand. ?? Category: check.
-ho'ane'há vii. drizzle, mist. fine drops of rain. É-ho'anē'ha. It is drizzling. Category: weather.
ho'anohtȯtse ni. catchpit. This is a traditionally built pit for luring and catching game. See: -ho'enȯhevá ‘use bait’. Category: animals.
ho'anoo'o ni. shield. Plural ho'anóonȯtse. A few speakers tentatively regard this as a correct entry. But there is great uncertainty. This entry probably originated as a misreading of Petter's (PD961) spelling of honor for 'shield'. There is a high probability that this entry is in error and was in error in the Cheyenne Topical Dictionary, page 207; some elders say the correct pronunciation is hóahno. Phon: vs See: hóahno; hóánóhne. Category: warfare.
-ho'ȧsé'še vai. arrive drunk. É-ho'ȧse'še. He arrived drunk. fai: -ȧše'še; Assimilated -ho'ȧšé'še. Category: drink.
-ho'ȧše'še vai. arrive drunk. É-ho'ȧše'še. He arrived drunk. fai: -asé'še; Non-assimilated -ho'ȧsé'še. Category: drink.
ho'é- i. raw.
-ho'e vii. raw. É-ho'e. It is raw. Etym: *aškye·wi (P). vai: -ho'eta. See: ho'évohkȯhtse; -ho'ėspȧho'tá; Xo'ėhéhe; xo'é-; nėxo'é-. Category: check, food.
ho'(e)- pv. arrive, come. Náévȧ-ho'ė-hóó'óhtse. I have arrived back home. Ná-ho'hémėsehe. I came to eat. É-ho'ea'eotseo'o. They are charging/attacking. É-ho'nėhe'xove. It is time/the time has come. mȧx-ho'nėhe'xove when the time comes. Éstȧ-ho'etáhoeotsé'tovósesto. He rode up to her. [1987:171] É-ho'néméne. He arrived singing. Étȧ-ho'nȧho'ȯhtevo. He went there to visit him. can act as a relative preverb meaning 'extent': nėhéóhe nátȧ-ho'héne'enomóvo that is as far as I know her (story). [1987:27] ȯx-ho'nėhe'xóvee'ėstse tsé'ȯhkėxo'omevȯse whenever they would have holy communion. [Stamper 1991:10] Ná-ho'manēstse Denver. I made it to Denver. naa nánéehove náéšė-ho'ma'háhkėséheve náéšėho'eéna'he and I myself have reached being an old man, I've reached old age. [1987:104] Phon: takes morpheme-final e before vowel or stem-initial h; see ho'(e)- A verb may contain both an 'arrive' preverb and initial: É-ho'ė-ho'-ōhtse. He came here to visit. (compare É-ho'ōhtse. 'He came to visit.'). Étȧ-ho'nȧho'ȯhtsevo. He went there to visit him. Etym: *saxk-.
ho'(e)- i. arrive. É-ho'eōhtse. He came. É-ho'eoesta'xe. He ran here fast; he came on horseback. É-ho'eeséše. He was lying with his nose in that direction. Phon: takes morpheme-final e before a vowel or stem-initial h É-ho'ēhne. He came (by walking). Ná-ho'óhta'hāne. I have arrived at that point in the storytelling. Étȧ-ho'otse'óhe'tanȯtse "pension retirement". He worked for a pension. (1987:199).
pv. arrive. tšėhe'še nátȧ-ho'vo'ėstanéhévéme we have lived this long (1987:199). Both the preverb and initial may occur in the same verb, as in: É-ho'ė-ho'-ōhtse. He came here to visit.
hó'e- pfx. whenever, if, when. Variant: hó'-. iterative conjunct prefix. Phon: Prefix-final /e/ is used before a vowel or /h/. can have a conditional sense, especially with hó'-nėše-. hó'ė-háomóhtȧhéotséto whenever I am sick. [1987:198] naa máto vo'ėstane hó'e-éveóxȯheta'ėstse ȯhvé'netsé'esėstse náohkenėhešėtāno,é'éekánomó'áne vo'ėstane and also whenever a person says things to me, when they are lying, I always think that way, "The person is just talking". See: móxho'nó-; oh-; hó'nėše-; mah-.
ho'e ni. ground, land, earth. not dirt. Oblique ho'ēva. See: héše'ke ‘dirt’. Possessive -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’; vai: -he-sto'e ‘have land’. Etym: *axkyi. Category: environment, ground.
ho'éa'e ni. rawhide that a drum is set on. Category: material.
-ho'eéestsé vai. telephone call arrive. Lit: arrive-speak This word refers to arrival of a telephone call, and -aseéestse refers to an outgoing call. É-ho'eéestse. He called on the telephone. See: -éestse; -aseéestse. Category: speak.
-ho'eehe vai. arrive moving camp. É-ho'eehe. He moved here. Etym: *saxkikwesiwa (P); cf. M pi·hkosew 'he moves camp hither'. Náhtavésė-ho'eehe I went there to camp. [1987:179] fai: -eehe. Category: camp.
-ho'eehéoohe vai. arrive moving hurriedly. É-ho'eehéoohe. He arrived moving hurriedly. Éévȧ-ho'eehéoohe. He moved back. Antonym -ho'eehéoohe. Category: motion.
-ho'ée'tá vti. reach s.t.attain s.t. É-ho'éé'ta. He arrived at it. Ná-ho'éé'ta. I arrived at it. Náéšėto'sė-ho'éé'ta tséhótoanáto. I've almost reached some difficulty. [How God Helped Me Forgive.018] Násáa'éšė-ho'éé'tóhe. I haven't attained that point. See: -hohtaméstá; -éšee'tá. Category: do.
Ho'eené'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-ho'eeséšé vai. lie with nose in that direction. É-ho'eeséše. He is lying with his nose in that direction. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ho'a'éše. Category: nose, lie.
-ho'éétó vii. snow. É-ho'ééto. It is snowing. (another recording) Éma'xė-ho'ééto. It is snowing hard. Ésáa-ho'éetȯhane. It did not snow. É-ho'éetohe? Is it snowing? Mó-ho'éetȯhanéhe taa'éva. It must have snowed last night. Móto'sė-ho'éetȯhanéhe. It must be going to snow. fai: -éená; fii: -éétó. See: -háeéetó ‘snow hard’; -ho'éetootse ‘snow suddenly’; -énéétó ‘stop snowing’; héstā'se ‘snow’. Category: weather, snow.
-ho'éetootse vii. snow suddenly. É-ho'éetootse. It suddenly snowed. fii: -otse. See: -ho'éétó ‘snow’. Category: weather, snow.
ho'éeve na. hide, rawhide. This can include rawhide for a drum. Variant: Ésé'hohnóho ho'éevo.; Plural ho'éevo; Oblique ho'éévéva. See: -o'éevá; -hto'éeve; aénȯhevóohého'éeve.
ni. probably animate for the majority of speakers, but inanimate for some. Etym: cf. *ahθaya 'skin, hide'; cf. *ahiθa·m-enkiaya ‘hide, skin’. Ésé'hóha ho'éeve. He is stretching the hide (inan.). See: vóhtáne ‘skin’; -ot ‘skin, hide’. Category: body.
-ho'ehá vii. arrive lie, approach lie, reach lie. É-ho'ēha. It comes up (to the line). Etym: *saxkihθenwi. Naa nėhéóhe kȧhámáxėstse mó'ȯhketšėšemónė-ho'ėháhanevótse. And there sticks lay across it. [1987:314] vai: -ho'ešé. See: -ho'tá1; -xóneehá. Category: sit inan.
-ho'ėhahtsé vti. stoke s.t., build fire s.t. É-ho'ėhāhtse. He burned it (for example, trash). Náto'sėhósė-ho'ėhāhtse. I'm going to put more wood in the stove. Hósėhóna'ovė-ho'ėhāhtsėstse! Put more wood on the fire! Ho'ėhāhtse! Put more wood on the fire (said to more than one person)! vai: -ho'ėhasené. -ho'ėstánahné Category: fire.
-ho'ėhasené vai. build a fire, start a fire, make a fire, add wood to fire, stoke fire. É-ho'ėhasēne. He built a fire. Ho'ėhasēnėstse! Stoke the fire! vti: -ho'ėhahtsé; IndepNoun ho'ėhasēō'o. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -éxo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire.
ho'ėhasēō'o na. fire starter. That is, something with which you can start a fire. The grammatical plural refers to incense. Plural ho'ėhaseono ‘incense’; vai: -ho'ėhasené. Category: fire, ceremonial.
ho'ėhaseono na. Gram: pl incense. such as made from sage or cedar; used ceremonially. grammatically plural, referring to multiple pieces of what is burned. The grammatical singular refers to something with which you start a fire. Singular ho'ėhasēō'o ‘fire starter’; vai: -ho'ėhasené. Category: ceremonial.
ho'éheóvonehe na. yellow paint. a Sun Dance paint. See: heóvonehe. Category: paint.
ho'éheše'ke ni. dirt. Ques: extant?? Category: check. See: héše'ke; ho'e.
-ho'ehné vai. arrive (walking). É-ho'ēhne. He arrived. Etym: *saxkwehθe·wa (P). Éévȧ-ho'ēhne. He came back. Né'évȧhósė-ho'ėhneo'o! Come again! Épėhéva'e tséx-ho'ėhneto. It is good that you came. mahnėx-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes. máhne'évȧ-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes back. See: -ho'eohtsé; -ho'eohe. Category: walk, motion.
-ho'ėhnétó vii. come. É-ho'ėhnéto. It came. [pd266]
-ho'ėhóhtá vti. come to s.t. É-ho'ėhóhta. He came to it. vta: -ho'ėhót; fti: -ehóhtá. Category: approach, motion.
-ho'ėho'tá vii. rare (not completely cooked). É-ho'ėhō'ta. It is rare/not completely done. Hová'éhe ésáa-ho'ėho'táhane. It was completely destroyed by fire. Synonym ho'ėspȧho'tá. See: -ho'e; -ho'xa'eta; -he'konȧho'he. Category: cook.
-ho'ėhóohto'ȧhéotse vai. run in, run home, arrive home running. including in baseball. Lit: arrive-home-run.fast É-ho'ėhóohto'ȧhéotse. He arrived running home. Preverb ho'-; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -hóohto'ȧhéotse. Category: baseball.
-ho'ėhót vta. come to s.o., meet s.o. Ná-ho'ėhóto. I went to him. É-ho'ėhoto. He came to him. É-ho'ėhótóho. He came to him. (newer pronunciation). [1987:307] Etym: *saxkwehθale·wa (P). Móx-ho'ėhótaehevóhe ésevone. A buffalo herd came to them. [1987:307] Pėhévė-ho'ėhóxeha! Bless him (literally, come well to him)! Ná-ho'ėhótaa'e. It came to me. Háomohtȧhestȯtse ná-ho'ėhótaa'e. Sickness came to me. fta: -ehót; vti: -ho'ėhóhtá. See: -nóhtsėhót; -ho'evonėhót; -ho'eohé'tov. Category: approach.
-hó'e'á vti. follow s.t. É-hó'é'a. He followed it. vta: -hó'e'ov; Synonym -néhe'á. See: -néhá; -ho'e'há ‘arrive flying’.
-ho'é'ėstómané vao. accuse. É-ho'é'ėstómáne. He is accusing (someone). Category: interpersonal.
ho'é'ėstómanestȯtse ni. accusation.
ho'é'eše vai. accuse. É-ho'é'eše. He was accused. ?? vta: -ho'é'ėšé't. Category: check.
-ho'é'ėšé'tov vta. accuse s.o. about s.o., blame s.o. about s.o. Ná-ho'é'ėšé'tova. He accused me about (him/her). Naa néohkė-ho'é'ėšénoto neaxaa'éhemo. and you always accuse me about your sisters. [The Brothers-in-law.38] See: -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal.
-ho'é'et vta. blame s.o., accuse s.o. É-ho'é'etóho. He blamed/accused him. Éaéstomė-ho'é'ehe. He was falsely blamed. Né-ho'é'etāne. You are accused. See: -ho'é'ėšé'tov; -momáxem; -mé'em; -heseh; -hoómetátam; -hetómem; -nėheto'é'et; -ta'e'ov. Category: speak.
-ho'é'eváen vti. arrive.with.quickly. É-ho'é'eváenóho. He arrived quickly with him.?? Category: check.
-ho'é'evátam vai. accuse s.o., regard s.o. as being guilty. É-ho'é'evátamóho. He accused him (obv). Mó=ho'é'evátamȯhevóhe. He must have accused them. [jg 7/89] See: -hetómem. Category: interpersonal.
-ho'e'há vai. arrive flying. É-ho'ē'ha. He arrived flying. Etym: *saxkiʔle·wa. See: -ho'e'háohtsé; -ho'e'háoohe; -hó'e'á ‘follow s.t.’. Category: fly.
-ho'e'há'tov vta. arrive flying to s.o. Ná-ho'e'há'tova vé'kése. The bird arrived flying to me. [pd269] Category: fly.
-ho'e'haná1 vai. eat raw food. É-ho'e'hāna. He ate raw food. Etym: *aškiʔθenye·wa (P). Homonym -ho'e'haná2 ‘bring gifts to pay for Indian return wedding meal’. See: -ho'e. Category: food, eat.
-ho'e'haná2 vai. pay for food to eat, bring gifts to pay for Indian return wedding meal. as an in-law (especially parent of groom)) to "pay" for wedding meal put on by the bride's family at the traditional wedding "return" a year after the wedding. É-ho'e'hāna. He brought the wedding-return gift(s).
vti. pay.for.food. Homonym -ho'e'haná1 ‘eat raw food’. Category: marriage.
-ho'e'háohtsé vai. arrive flying. faster action than -ho'e'há. É-ho'e'háóhtse. He flew in. Category: fly, record.
-ho'e'háoohe vai. arrive flying. faster action than -ho'e'háohtsé and -ho'e'há. É-ho'e'háoohe. He quickly arrived flying. Category: fly.
-hó'e'ȯsané vai. follow people. É-hó'e'ȯsāne. He follows (people). ?? Naa hoháesto vo'ėstanóho máto móstamė-hó'e'ȯsanėhevóhe. And many people followed along. [Luke 23:27] Category: check.
-hó'e'ov vta. follow s.o. This verb refers to following relatively closely behind someone, whereas -néhe'ov refers to following someone's tracks, such as tracking someone. É-hó'e'ovóho. He followed him. Nééveamė-hó'e'ovȧtse. ?? I'm following you around. Oeškėseho nátaohkeévȧhóosė-hó'e'óeneo'o. Dogs usually follow us back home. Néx-hó'e'ovėstse! Follow me! See: -néhe'ov; -néhov; -hestóxoh(n). Category: interpersonal, motion, check.
-ho'e'sevó vii. arrive flowing. for example, when water comes up to your house during a flood. É-ho'e'sēvo. (The water) arrived flowing. See: -ho'óováotse. Category: liquid.
ho'émȧhéó'o ni. cellar. Lit: earth-house Category: house.
-ho'ema'ená vti. arrive at s.t. (book). that is, to arrive at some place or page in a book. Hénėhéóhe é-ho'ema'ēna. That's where he turned to in the book. fti: -ma'en. Category: paper.
-ho'emané vai. rule, command, decree, make laws, govern, be in charge, boss. É-ho'emāne. He is in charge. tsé-ho'emānėstse judge. vta: -ho'emaov; Relative Root -heto'emané. See: -mȧho'emané; -hávėsévo'emané; -véstomoó'hané. Category: legal.
ho'emanéhe na. judge, lawyer, attorney, legislator. Variant: tseho'emānėstse; Plural ho'emanéheo'o. See: ho'emanéve'ho'e. Category: jobs, legal.
ho'emanémȧhéó'o ni. courthouse. Category: legal, buildings.
ho'emanestȯtse ni. law, policy. Plural ho'emanéstotȯtse. Category: legal.
Ho'emanestȯtse é-toenaa'e vta. probation - be on. See: -toen.
ho'emanéve'ho'á'e na. woman judge, woman lawyer, female judge, female lawyer. Lit: (make).law-ve'ho'á'e (another recording) Category: jobs.
ho'emanéve'ho'e na. judge, lawyer, legislator. (another recording) Plural ho'emanévé'hó'e. Lit: (make).law-ve'ho'e See: ho'emanéhe. Category: jobs.
ho'emanévȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. law book. Category: paper.
-ho'emaohtá vti. rule s.t. É-ho'emaōhta. He ruled it. (another recording) Ma'hēō'o tsetaomė-ho'emaōhta tséto'sėhestȧse. God shall rule by himself what she will be. For example, whether or not she will get well. vta: -ho'emaov. See: -mȧhahaohtsé. Category: legal.
-ho'emaósané vai. govern, rule. É-ho'emaósáne. He governs. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal, record.
-ho'emaot vta. rule s.o, order s.o., command s.o. É-ho'emaotóho. He ruled/ordered/told him what to do. (another recording) Synonym -ho'emaov; vti: -ho'emaohtá. See: -hotset.
-ho'emaov vta. rule s.o., order s.o., command s.o., judge s.o., sentence s.o. É-ho'emaovóho. He ruled/ordered him. Synonym -ho'emaot. See: -naévo'emaov; -too'ėhévo'emaov; -hótoanávo'emaov; -mȧho'emaov; -éxo'emaov. Category: legal, interpersonal.
ho'éméhne na. earthworm. Usage: probably a loan trans. Category: bugs, animals.
-ho'eméohe vai. arrive running. É-ho'eméohe. He arrived running. fai: -méohe. See: -ho'eohe. Category: run.
-ho'enestse vai. arrive while talking. Ná-ho'enestse. I've come to this point speaking. vti: -ho'enėstsé'tá; fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-ho'enėstsé'tá vti. arrive at s.t. in speaking. for instance, to get to the point in speaking. É-ho'enėstsé'ta. He arrived at it speaking. Étaohkėsáa-ho'enėstsé'tȯhéhane. It is not reached in speaking. Násáatónėšė-ho'enėstsé'tóhe hová'éhe tsėhéóhe taamááhe tséhnéehóvétotséme'hešėpėhevo'ótatseto. I can't say anything more ?? [PRAISE.TXT] Category: check, speak.
-ho'enȯhévá vai. bait. É-ho'enȯhēva. He is using bait. Ques: nȯhóvá?? oha eho vé'hé-ho'enȯhévato only if you use your father for bait. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.014] naa tséto'sė-ho'enȯhévȧse hová'éhe and whatever he was going to use for bait. [1987:281] See: ho'anohtȯtse. Category: hunt, check.
-ho'enȯhevá'tov vta. use s.o. as bait. É-ho'enȯhevánoto. pitches?? He used him as bait. Eho néme'-ho'enȯhevanȯtse. You should use your father as bait. [1987:314] Category: check.
ho'enohko na. tuber, Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke. Variant: ho'enoo'o; Plural ho'enóhkono; Obviative ho'enóhkono. Category: food.
ho'enóhkonesón na. tuber.DIM.
-ho'énome vai. arrive sleeping. É-ho'énome. He slept all the way until his arrival here. Category: sleep.
ho'enoo'o na. sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke, tuber. modern meaning is 'sweet potato'; previously this word referred to a traditionally used tuber called a Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke in English. The plural of this word sounds almost the same as -ho'enóoné, a verb used about a scout that returns. The similarity is just an interesting coincidence. Plural ho'enóono; Obviative ho'enóono; Diminutive ho'enohko. See: mésėhestȯtse ‘potato (md)’; aéstomemésėhestȯtse ‘potato’; -ho'enóoné ‘return from scouting’. Etym: *aškipwa·wa 'groundnut, Indian potato' (P). Category: plants.
-ho'enóoné vai. return from warpath, return from scouting. É-ho'enóóne. He returned from the warpath. Néváéso tséto'sė-ho'enóónėstse? Who's gonna bring the news of the enemy? when spoken of about the Sun Dance, this refers to the last person; he comes in just before the Sun Dance. See: -nóoné; -ho'enoo'o. Category: Sun Dance.
-ho'enóotseh vta. bring s.o. É-ho'enóotsėhóho. He brought him. Né'évȧ-ho'enóotsėhoo'o! Bring him back (when you are done; safely)! See: -ho'eotseh. Category: move.
ho'enóse na. tall weed very similar to sunflower(s), sunflowers, lambs quarters. traditional term also used for 'sunflowers' and 'lambs quarters'. Oblique ho'enóséva. Category: plants.
-hó'eóé'tov vta. stand behind s.o. É-hó'eóe'tovóho. He is standing behind him. Category: stand.
-ho'eoesta'xe vai. run here fast; arrive fast, come on horseback. É-ho'eoesta'xe. He ran here fast; he came on horseback. Éstȧhósė-ho'eoesta'xéhoo'o tsé'tóhe kȧsovááhe. This young man ran up. fai: -a'xe. Category: run.
-ho'eóešé vai. arrive alight, arrive land. É-ho'eóéše. He arrived landing. Á'e éstaéetšėšėho'eóešesėstse. Up close there he flew and landed (there). [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).035] Category: fly.
-ho'eohá vti. come for, arrive for. Hévámóhe héne éstaohtšėho'eohánoho né=vé'kése. Apparently that bird must have been after that (arrow). [The Seven Young Men.014] Category: motion.
-ho'eoha'ov vta. arrive chasing s.o. É-ho'eoha'ovóho. He chased him here. É-ho'eoha'ovóho mo'éhno'hāme. He chased the horses here. [1987:170] See: -nóhtsėhót.
-ho'eohe vai. arrive quickly, come quickly. This may differ from -ho'ehné in that -ho'eohe may mean more precisely something like 'stop in, come briefly'.?? É-ho'eohe. He arrived/he came. Námóneévȧ-ho'eohe. I just got back. Nȧhtȧ-ho'eohe. I will arrive. Náxaenėšėtaepėhévė-ho'eohe. You came good / you came at a good time. That is a good thing to tell a visitor in Cheyenne even though it is difficult to translate to English. Nėstseohkė-ho'eohéme hákó'e. You (plural) will arrive far away. [1987:7:24] See: -ho'ehné; -ho'eohtsé. Category: motion, check.
-ho'eohé'tá vti. come to s.t. hurriedly, arrive at s.t. hurriedly. É-ho'eohé'ta. He arrived at it quickly. naa nėhē'še tá'e tséstȧ-ho'eohé'tómo tsésáapėhéva'éhane until I came to something that was not good. [1987:195]
-ho'eohé'tov vta. come to s.o. quickly, arrive at s.o. hurriedly. É-ho'eohé'tóó'e hávėsévevėhanéheho. The mad drummer (obv) came to him. That saying refers to him being angry. Éstȧ-ho'eohé'tovóhoono. He (man) got to him (the watersnake). [1987:286] See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion.
ho'eohétó vii. come quickly. faster than -ho'ėhnétó and -ho'eohtsétó. É-ho'eohéto. It came quickly. [pd266] Category: motion.
-ho'eohová vai. arrive fleeing, flee arrive. É-ho'eohōva. He arrived fleeing. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-ho'eohtsé vai. arrive, come. É-ho'eōhtse. He arrived. Nȧhtsemóneévȧ-ho'eōhtse. I will come back soon. tsémae-ho'eohtsese visitors. Lit: those from all over who come See: -ho'ehné; -ho'eohe. Category: walk.
-ho'eohtséh vta. bring s.o. É-ho'eohtseho. He brought him. É-ho'eohtséhóho. He brought him (newer pronunciation). See: -ho'eotseh. Category: move.
ho'eohtseh vta. bring s.o. Ques: recheck ht in recording?? Category: check.
-ho'eohtsé'tov vta. arrive at s.o., come to s.o. É-ho'eohtsé'tovóho. He came to him. Móstȧ-ho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse. He came to where his horses (pets) were standing. [1987:170] See: -ho'a'ó'tov; -nȧho'ȯhtsév; -hó'eohtsé'tov; -ho'ėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.
-hó'eohtsé'tov vta. follow s.o. while going along. É-hó'eohtsé'tovóho. He followed him. Móstamė-hó'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe Jesusevaho. He (the Cyrenian) followed behind Jesus. [Luke 23:26] See: -hó'e'ov; -ho'eohtsé'tov.
-ho'eohtsestsé vti. arrive bringing s.t. É-ho'eohtsēstse. He brought it there. Nėhéóhe móstȧ-ho'eohtsėstsėhéhe. He took (the gold) there. See: -ho'eotsestsé.
Ho'eohtséstsé'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-ho'eohtsétó vii. come, arrive. faster movement than -ho'ėhnétó but slower than -ho'eohétó. É-ho'eohtséto It came. See: -ho'ehné; -ho'eohétó.
ho'ēō'o ni. field, garden. Etym: *axkihka·ni (P). Phon: vs Plural ho'eonȯtse; Locative ho'eónéva. See: tsé'énano'éstove; ho'e ‘land, earth’. Category: farm.
ho'eónéva loc. in the garden. IndepNoun ho'eo'o. Category: farm.
ho'eoohe vti. arrive walking quickly. Éstȧho'eoohe. He arrived walking quickly. [Squint Eye.016] Category: walk.
ho'eoohé't vti. arrive walking to s.t. quickly. Éstȧ-ho'eoohé'tánȯse. He walked to it quickly. [Squint Eye.016] Category: walk.
-ho'eóó'e vai. stand first; arrive first standing. Ques: recheck glosses?? É-ho'eóó'e. He is standing first in a line. Phon: vs Initial ho'-; Final -óé. Category: stand.
-ho'eotse vii. reach, arrive at. É-ho'eotse. It reached (there). Méó'o étȧ-ho'eotse. The road reaches (to there). See: -ameotse; -tsėhe'otse.
-ho'eotseh vta. bring s.o. É-ho'eotsėhóho. He brought him. Né'évȧ-ho'eotsėhoo'o! Bring him back! (later). vti: -ho'eotsestsé. See: -ho'eohtséh. Category: move.
-ho'eotsėsané vai. bring. É-ho'eotsėsāne. He brought (something). fai: -ané. Category: move, check.
-ho'eotsėstomev vta. bring s.t. for s.o. É-ho'eotsėstomevóho. He brought it for him. Category: move.
-ho'eotsėstomótah vta. Gram: ai+o bring (something or someone) to s.o. Ná-ho'eotsėstomótáho. I brought it to him. Ná-ho'eotsėstomótȧhónoto oeškėséhesono. I brought a puppy (obv) to him (obv). Né-ho'eotsėstomótȧhatsénóvo. I brought it to you (pl). See: -ho'eotsėstov. Category: move.
-ho'eotsėstomótȧxevá vai. deliver, bring things to people. É-ho'eotsėstomótȧxéva. He was the deliverer.
-ho'eotsėstov vta. take (something) to s.o., bring (something) to s.o. É-ho'eotsėstovóho. He took it to him. vti: -ho'eotsest. Category: move.
-ho'eotsestsé vti. bring.s.t. É-ho'eotsēstse. He brought it. Énėx-ho'eotsēstse. He brought it here. vta: -ho'eotseh. See: -ho'eohtsestsé; -hóeotsestsé. Category: move.
ho'ėsp- i. rare, not done. Phon: The phonetic sequence -sp is extremely rare in Ch. A few individuals do, however, pronounce /hp/ as /sp/ in some forms, in particular this is noticed in singing of church hymn #1 where néhpȧháveameotšėšemeno 'Lead us well!' is pronounced as néspȧháveameotšėšemeno by some speakers (perhaps only woman). It is quite possible that this initial is related to the verb -ho'e 'raw.'. Reduplicated hoó'ėsp-. See: ho'é-; -ho'e ‘raw’.
-ho'ėspȧhá'ené vai. cook not quite done. É-ho'ėspȧhá'éne. She cooked things not quite done. Category: cook.
-ho'ėspȧho'tá vii. not done (cooked). É-ho'ėspȧhō'ta. It is not done (cooked). See: nėxo'-ho'évohkȯhtse; -ho'e; -ho'eta; -ho'ėškome.
ho'ėspe- pv. rare, not done. É-ho'ėspeotse. It is not done. Ho'ėspe-óoetane Not-done Crow (humorous nickname for Sylvester Knows(his)gun, a fluent Ch. speaker who grew up among the Cheyennes, but whose father was a full blood Crow). Reduplicated hoó'ėspe-.
-ho'ėspemas vta. wound s.o. by shooting. É-ho'ėspemȧsóho. He shot him but only wounded him. Category: hunt, shoot.
Ho'ėspenáhkohe na. Not Quite A Bear, Unsuccessful Bear, Wounded Bear. translation uncertain. Category: names.
Ho'ėspeóoetane na. Not-done Crow. humorous nickname for Sylvester Knows(his)gun, a fluent Cheyenne speaker who grew up among the Cheyennes, but whose father was a full blood Crow.
-ho'ėspetanó'tá vti. fail to understand s.t.be unsuccessful at understanding s.t. Ná-ho'ėspetanó'ta. I failed to understand it. Category: cognition.
-ho'ėspo'soo'e vai. inconsistent play. É-ho'ėspo'soo'e. He was inconsistent playing. Hó'ótóva éohkė-ho'ėspo'sóeo'o. Sometimes they are inconsistent playing. That could be said of a ball team that has ups and downs. fai: -o'sóe. Category: play.
ho'ēsta ni. fire, stove, battery, fireball, skull on fire. Skull on fire was some object in the sky. Fire was treated as animate in some contexts; a fire or stove were considered extremely important in Cheyenne life, so important that some people considered it sacred; this may account for the sometime animate status of ho'ēsta. Otáxa ho'ēsta éhnéé'e. There was just a stove in (the cabin), it (animate) was standing (there). alternate to meaning of 'battery' is nonóma'e. Plural ho'ėstánėstse; Oblique ho'ėstáva; Possessive -hto'está. The plural is used for the phenomenon of fireballs known as St. Elmo's fire. Fireballs have been seen dancing on ridges and rolling through woods. Ho'ėstánėstse éohkeamoéstánėstse. Fireballs float along. Etym: *eškete·wi; F aškote·wi. See: nonóma'e; -ho'ėstáve. Category: tepee, fire, car.
-ho'éstá vai. arrive with noise. É-ho'ésta. He came with that sound. See: -hó'éstá. Category: sounds.
-hó'éstá vai. whoop, cheer, yell, shout. É-hó'ésta. He whooped. vta: -hó'ėstá'tov; fai: -éstá2. See: -hó'hohené; -hó'évoné; -hó'ót; -nóono'e; -pe'pe'éstá; -hoéstá1; -ho'éstá; ho'ēsta; -pėhévéstá. Category: sounds.
-ho'ésta'ehné vai. arrive wounded, wounded - arrive. É-ho'éstá'éhne. He arrived wounded. [Croft 1948] Category: new, check.
-hó'ėstá'tov vta. whoop, cheer, yell, shout (in sense of whooping) for s.o. for example, cheering for someone who is playing in a ball game. É-hó'ėstá'tovóho. He cheered/yelled for him. Ná-hó'ėstá'tova. He cheered/yelled for me. Category: sounds.
-ho'ėstámea'xe vai. smell of fire, smell of smoke, fire smell, smoky smell. É-ho'ėstámea'xe. He smells smoky. for example, how someone smells after fighting a fire. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-ho'ėstánahné vai. build a fire, make a fire, fire - make a. É-ho'ėstánáhne. He built a fire. tsé-ho'ėstánáhnėstse the fire keeper (especially for a peyote meeting). See: -énahné; -ho'ėhasené; -éxo'ȧsénahné. IndepNoun ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
ho'ėstánéó'o ni. ember. Plural ho'ėstáneonȯtse. See: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: fire.
Ho'ėstáónó'e 1 • ni. fire stick. for example, used as a poker or to light fires. Variant: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: tools, fire.
2 • na. Fire Stick. Category: names.
ho'ėstápaa'e ni. gunpowder. Lit: fire-powder See: vé'ho'épaa'e.
ho'ėstásémo ni. steam boat. Lit: fire-boat
ho'ėstáva loc. in the fire. ni: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
-ho'ėstave vii. be a fire. É-ho'ėstave. It is a fire / There is a fire. Etym: *eškwete·wiwa (P) > **iškwete·wiwi (P/L). Éx-ho'ėstávénėse anóse. There was a fire outside. [A Ghost Story.027] ni: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
-ho'ėstáve'éxanee'e vai. 1 • sit with fiery eyes.
2 • strongly disagree with (s.o.) É-ho'ėstáve'éxanee'e. He sat with fiery (flaming) eyes. That is a way of saying that he strongly disagreed with someone. Phon: vs Category: sit.
ho'ėstáve'ho'e na. fire man. This is a person who makes fires, not a person who puts out fires. Category: fire.
ho'ėstávónó'e ni. fire stick. a stick to remove ashes from a fire or stove. Variant: ho'ėstáónó'e; Medial -ó'é6. See: ho'ėstánéó'o. Category: fire.
-ho'ėstósem vta. drag s.o. here. É-ho'ėstósemóho. He dragged him here.?? fta: -htósem. Category: move, check.
-ho'ėstȯxe'ėstóov vta. write s.o. so letter arrives. Ná-ho'ėstȯxe'ėstóova. A letter arrived for me from him. Naa ná'évȧhé-ho'ȯxe'ėstóova hákó'e Portland. But he wrote to me from way over in Portland.
-ho'ėstȯxe'ohe vta. Gram: psv enroll. É-ho'ėstȯxe'ohe. He is enrolled. Naa hétsėhéóhe móstavésė-ho'ėstȯxe'ȯhehéhe. And here he was enrolled. [1987:37] See: -véstȯxe'ohe.
-ho'ėstȯxe'oh(n) vta. enroll s.o. É-ho'ėstȯxe'ȯhnóho. He enrolled him. (another recording) Category: interpersonal.
-ho'ešé vai. lie on (something); press down on (something) by lying on (it).
vti. Gram: ai+o lie on (s.t.), press down on by lying on (s.t.) É-ho'ēše. He is lying on (it). Etym: *axpihšinwa (P). É-ho'ėšenánóvo. They are lying on it. vii: -ho'ehá; vta: -ho'ėšé'tov. See: -ho'oo'e; -tsėho'eše. Category: lie.
-ho'éšé vai. arrive, make it to, able to do something. É-ho'éše. He can do it. Etym: *saxkihšinwa. Éssé'ho'éšenaesėstse. (nasėstse?? He suddenly stopped. [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives] vti: -ho'ėše'tá; Antonym -nétȯhnéóó'e. See: -ho'ešé; -ho'eohtsé; -ho'ehné; -ho'eohe; -ho'manestsé; -nȯhtóvan; -hohtaméstá. Category: do, check.
-ho'ėšé'tá1 vti. able to do s.t. É-ho'ėšé'ta. He can do it. vai: -ho'eše. See: -ho'manestsé; -nȯhtóvan; -hohtaméstá. Category: do.
-ho'ėšé'tá2 vti. press down on s.t., lie on s.t. É-ho'ėšé'ta. He is pressing it down with his body. vai: -ho'eše. Category: lie.
-ho'ėšé'tov vta. pin s.o. É-ho'ėšé'tovóho. He pinned him / he is pressing down on him. vai: ho'ešé. Category: lie.
-ho'ėšem vta. light up s.o., lay s.o. on a fire to burn. É-ho'ėšemóho. He is lighting him (obv). (another recording) for example, he lit his cigarette (animate). Etym: *saxkihšime·wa (P). Ná-ho'ėšēmo. I put him (an.; for example, cedar) on (the stove). É'ȯhkeévė-ho'ėšemóho (hestse'óhkono). He would light (his pipe). [1987:220] Éohkė-ho'ėšéménėstse. They (for example, blades of sweet grass) are put on (the stove). Cedar is burned on the top of stoves for the aroma and to cleanse from evil influences or powers. Šéstotó'e ho'ėšemeha! Burn cedar! vai: -ho'eše. See: -tsé'ėšem. Category: fire.
-ho'ėšeme'óoná vai. light a cigarette. É-ho'ėšeme'óóna. He is lighting a cigarette. tséstȧhestomė-ho'ėšeme'óónȧse while he was lighting his cigarette. [Stamper 1991:10] Possessive -hto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. See: -tsėhe'ėsém; -tšėhešėhasené; tšėhešėhasēō'o; -éxo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, smoke.
ho'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse ni. lighter. Plural ho'ėšeme'óonáhtotȯtse. Category: smoke.
-hó'ėšená'tov vta. lie on s.o. É-hó'ėšenánoto. He pressed him down with his body. Ná-hó'ėšená'tova. He lay on me. See: -me'ta'o'h; -toe'ov. Category: lie.
ho'ėškome- pv. lukewarm (liquid). Ná-ho'ėškomėhénéne I cool it (that is, make it lukewarm) by pouring from one container to another. Initial ho'e- ‘not done, raw’.
-ho'ėškome vii. be lukewarm liquid. for example, said of water from a faucet which isn't cool. É-ho'ėškome. It is lukewarm liquid. See: -nėsóome'tá; -ho'ėspȧho'tá. Category: liquid, temperature.
-ho'ėškomó vii. lukewarm, tepid. Ques: -ho'ėškome ?? Category: check. É-ho'ėškōmo. It is lukewarm (water). Category: liquid, temperature.
-ho'ėškomotóhtá vti. cool s.t. (liquid) by blowing. that is, make it lukewarm. É-ho'ėškomotóhta. He cooled it by blowing on it. Category: liquid.
-ho'eta vai. raw - be. É-ho'eta. He is raw. Etym: *aškeθwa. for example, of raw kidney (animate). vii: -ho'e; Preverb xo'é-. Category: cook, food.
Ho'etoestȯtse na. Bulletproof. Lit: safe from arrows Variant: Ho'otoestse. Category: names.
ho'etó'hóná vai. arrive swimming. É-ho'etó'hóná. He arrived swimming. tséstaéšė-ho'etó'hónȧse when she arrived swimming. [The Scalped Man Who Died.127] fai: -tó'hóná. Category: swim.
-ho'etó'honaoohe vai. arrive quickly by swimming. É-ho'etó'honaoohe. He arrived quickly swimming. Tšėšėháá'ėše tséstaéšė-ho'etó'honaooesemóhnėméhaeévȧhósėhóotóeotsé'tovȯhvóhe. When she had swum quite a ways, she turned around to look at him. [1987:291] fai: -tó'hóná. Category: motion.
ho'etoonō'e ni. travois. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: amėstó'eeseo'o ‘travois’.
hó'étóva p. sometime, one day, once, someday, suddenly, out-of-the-blue, at once. Sometimes has the meaning of 'suddenly, all of a sudden'. Variant: hó'ótóva. Usage: Hó'ótóva is the more common pronunciation. Category: time.
ho'etove- pv. sometime. Variant: ho'otove-. See: hó'ótóva; hó'étóva. Category: time, check.
Ho'étseóó'e na. Lightning Stands Woman, Lightning Woman. Variant: Ho'ótseóó'e. Category: names.
-ho'étseotse vii. thundering. É-ho'étseotse. It is thundering (from lightning). Usage: Less commonly used than -ho'ótseotse Variant: -ho'ótseotse. Category: weather.
ho'ēva obl. on the land, on the ground. Ho'ēva náamēhne. I'm walking on foot. Ho'ēva náohkėhéhoéstónéme. We walk to school (lit. we go on the ground to study). IndepNoun ho'e.
Ho'évȧhéstóéhnėhé'e na. Born From the Earth Woman. Final -óehné. Category: names.
-ho'éváhtá vti. make s.t. come by speaking. É-ho'éváhta. He caused it to come by speaking about it. Nėstsenėx-ho'éváhta. You will make it happen (if you mention it). one should not talk about bad things which could happen because the talking might cause them to occur. vti: -váhtá. Category: speak.
Ho'ēvȧhtamēhnėstse na. Earth Walker. Cheyenne name of Stamper White. Category: names.
Ho'évȧhtoēšėstse na. Alights On the Ground, Lands On the Ground. Category: names.
-ho'évám vta. bring s.o. by calling. É-ho'évamo. He brought him by talking about him. É-ho'évámóho. He brought him by talking about him. (newer pronunciation). For example, you're talking about someone and they show up at your house. Néto'sė-ho'évámo. You are going to bring him back. This is especially said to tell someone to stop crying for a departed loved one. If they keep crying, it is believed that it can bring his spirit back and take our breath away. The mourner is also told, "He'konetānȯhtse!" "Be strong! (that is, hide your emotions). fta: -vám. Category: cry.
Ho'évánéstoohe na. Howling On the Ground. Category: names.
-ho'eve vii. earth.be. É-ho'eve. It is earth, soil. Etym: *aškixkyi·wiwi. Category: environment.
ho'évohkȯhtse tsékȧhkovaxe vii. Gram: cjt steak. Lit: meat that is cut thin vti: -kȧhkovaxá. Category: meat, cut.
ho'évohkȯtse ni. meat. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯsēna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! (a cultural taboo). [1987:261] Non-diminutive ho'évoo'ȯtse; Plural ho'évȯhkohtsėstse; Oblique ho'évȯhkotséva; Possessive -hto'évohkȯtse. Ques: htse or tse?? Morph: /ho'évo(hk)ot/. Medial -ot ‘skin, hide’. See: -ho'e ‘raw’. Etym: cf. *aškye·wakwi ‘raw meat’. Category: meat, taboo, check.
-ho'évȯhkotsémea'xe vai. smell of meat, meat smell. É-ho'évȯhkotsémea'xe. He smells of meat. See: -hováheméa'xe. Category: meat, smell.
-ho'évȯhkotseve vii. be meat. É-ho'évȯhkotseve. It is meat. Variant: -ho'évootseve. Category: meat.
ho'évȯhkotséveotse vii. become meat. Éstaohkėho'évȯhkotséveotsénėse. It turned into meat.
-ho'évȯhkotsévonené vai. gumming it that is, gumming it, with no teeth left. É-ho'évȯhkotsévonēne. He is gumming it. Énėxamaeneeme'sė-ho'évȯhkotsévonēne. He just has teeth like meat. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
Ho'évȯhtá'e na. Earth Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Masculine Ho'evȯhtse. Category: names.
ho'evȯhtse na. 1 • whiteman, earth man. Ques: ho'evȯtse?? Ques: earth man?? Said to be an older word for whiteman, before ve'ho'e was used. "Ho'evȯhtse tsohkėhestohe," éxhesėstse. "'Earth Man', he (the person--white man--who was to come to the Cheyennes) will be called," he (Sweet Medicine) said (prophesied). [1987:6:11] Ques: R.A., a linguist, says that in Western Cree 'Earth Man' refers to the first man created, perhaps so named since he was made from earth. Usage: obsolete Plural ho'evoto. See: vé'ho'e ‘whiteman’; anonéhováhe; ho'évohkȯhtse ‘meat’.
2 • Earth Man, Whiteman. Feminine Ho'évȯhtá'e. Ques: recheck fem?? Category: check, names.
-ho'evo'ešé vai. rush up, come quickly, dash up. É-ho'evo'ēše. He rushed up. Category: motion.
-ho'évone vii. sound arrive. É-ho'évone. The sound arrived. Initial ho'-; Final -évone. See: -hó'évone ‘whooping sound’. Category: sounds.
-hó'évone vii. yelling sound, whooping sound. É-hó'evone. It is a whooping sound. Éxxamaenėšė-hó'évónėse. There was just yelling. [The Whiteman and the Mouse.023] See: -ho'évone ‘sound arrive’; -hó'está; -hó'ót ‘whoop at s.o.’; -hó'hohené. Category: sounds.
-ho'evonėhóhta vti. arrive.crawl.to. É-ho'evonėhóhta. He arrived crawling to it.
-ho'evonėhót vta. approach s.o. by crawling. É-ho'evonėhoto. He arrived crawling to him. É-ho'evonėhótóho. He arrived crawling to him. (newer pronunciation). Hetaneo'o káhkėse tséstȧ-ho'evonȯhótóvóvȯse nótȧxévé'hó'e éhne'anȯhetȧhpe'e'haheo'o. When the men (Indian warriors) crawled up close to the soldiers they hollered back down. for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. See: -vonehné; -nósevonėhót. Category: motion.
Ho'évoohtá'e na. Meat Woman. Category: names.
ho'évoohtsepéenēō'o ni. meat grinder. Category: new, tools, meat.
ho'évoo'ȯtse ni. 1 • meat. bigger amount than ho'évohkȯhtse. Plural ho'évootȯtse; Diminutive ho'évohkȯtse.
2 • Meat. Category: names.
-ho'évootseve vii. be meat. É-ho'évootseve. It is meat. Ques: vooht?? IndepNoun ho'évooȯtse; Variant: -ho'évȯhkotséve. Category: meat, check.
-ho'évootséve'éxané vai. have cataracts. É-ho'évootséve'éxáne. He has cataracts. Lit: meat-eyed Category: eyes.
ho'évȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. map, deed, land book. Lit: land-paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.
-ho'h vta. have s.o. (in possession), keep s.o. É-ho'hóho. He has him. Etym: *aʔle·wa. Ná-hó'ho. I have him. É-ho'hovohe? Do they have them (animate)? To'haho é-ho'hovohe? Do they have gloves? Nėhéóhe ná-ho'haēne vé'ho'e. There a whiteman gave us lodging. [1987:17] Lit: There a whiteman had us. Móx-ho'hohevóhe vóhkeveto naa hetȯhoo'o. She had a (sharp) horn and her club. [1987:271] Pėhévė-ho'hóxeha! ?? Bless him! vti: -ho'tsé. See: -á'en ‘own s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’. Category: possession, check.
-hó'ha'á vti. inaugurate s.t. especially used to refer to the first time a new building is used. É-hó'há'a. He inaugurated it. Éto'sė-hó'ha'ánóvo. They are going to use it (the building) for the first time. É-hó'há'a. He inaugurated it.
hó'ham- i. hillside, against the side (of something). É-hó'hamēše. He is lying on the side of something (for example, a hillside). É-hó'haménome. He is sleeping alongside (the house).
ho'háme'e ni. spring (of water). Ques: Does it also mean 'well'?? Category: check. Phon: iah Plural ho'hámé'ėstse; Oblique hó'hamé'éva, ho'hamé'e. Phon: iah Etym: *aʔθemyiwi (P); cf. Ar hooxéb. See: vótȧháéno ‘well’. Category: environment.
ho'hamé'etane na. spring god. the living spirit of the spring; offering cloths are put around a certain spring for this sacred power. Category: sacred.
-hó'haménome vai. sleep against. É-hó'haménome. He is sleeping alongside. for example, sleeping against the side of a house. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hó'hamešé vai. lie on side (of something). É-hó'hamēše. He is lying on the side of something. for example, lying on a hillside. See: -heamáxé. Category: lie.
hó'hameto p. hillside, against the side, on the side. for example, on the side of a house. Móstatsėhetóo'ȯhéhe né=hetanéka'ėškóne hó'hameto hoéhose. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).224] See: heama; ho'háméto. Category: positions.
ho'háméto p. most of all. Category: check. See: hoham-; náno'se-; hó'hameto.
-hó'hamó'a'há vii. blown stuck to side. for instance, blown by the wind and stuck to the side of a house. É-hó'hamó'á'ha. It was blown and stuck to the side (of something). fai: -ó'a'há. Category: wind.
-hó'hamó'a'xe vai. blown stuck to side. for instance, blown by the wind and stuck to the side of a house. É-hó'hamó'a'xe. He was blown and stuck to the side. fai: -ó'a'xe. Category: wind.
Hó'hamó'séó'o na. Willow Basket. Ques: what does it mean besides 'basket'?? Ques: also inanimate?? Usage: name and common noun Phon: gr This is a basket or container put on the side of a tepee or up against a house. See: Ma'ó'hamó'séó'o; vénȯhó'etohko. Category: containers, names, check.
-hó'hamo'tá vii. be on the hillside, be up against the side of a tepee. É-hó'hamō'ta. It is on the side of the hill. Tsé-hó'hamō'ta Hohtóvamȧhēō'o Decker, Montana. Category: positions, record.
-hó'hamo'tsé vti. positioned s.t. up against the side, place s.t. against the side, put s.t. against the side. for example, put something on the side of a tepee or against a house. É-hó'hamō'tse. He put it up against the side (of something). Category: positions.
-hó'hamóma'o'e vii. hillside ground. É-hó'hamóma'o'e. It is hillside ground. Category: environment.
-hó'hamoo'e vai. sit on hillside. É-hó'hamoo'e. He is sitting on the hillside. See: -ho'xó'oo'e; -hó'homoo'e. Category: positions, sit.
hó'hamose p. hillside. Oblique hó'hamōse; fni: -ose2. Category: positions.
hó'hamōse obl. on the hillside. IndepNoun hó'hamose; Final -ose. Category: positions.
ho'hanénoo'e ni. rock pile marker, small mound of earth in front of a ceremonial lodge, limit, boundary, monument. Cheyennes place piles of rocks where they wish to mark where they have been. Ques: ho'hanonoo'e ?? Category: check. See: ho'honáá'e. Category: positions.
ho'haneškȯtse ni. throwing-arrow game. Category: games.
-ho'he fai. by heat (or sun). Variant: -aho'he. Éháo-ho'he. He is hot. Épėhévemée-ho'he. He (for example, burning cedar) smells good. fii: -ho'tá. Category: temperature.
-hó'hohené vai. cheer, whoop, Indian-whoop, clap, applaud. This word is used for Indian-whooping. É-hó'hohēne. He cheered. Ques: hó'hohoné?? Hó'hohōnėstse! Clap! Hó'hohōne! Clap! (said to more than one person). vta: -hó'ót. See: -ho'hó'ȯhóne ‘clap’; -hó'está; -hó'évoné; -nóono'é; -pe'pe'éstá. Category: sounds, check.
-hó'ho'enáohtsé vai. have leg ache(s). É-hó'ho'enáóhtse. He has a leg ache(s). Ka'ėškóneho é'ȯhkeéemȧsótaho'né'enovo tsé'tóhe heó'ȯhtátóne nónóhpa móxho'nóhkeévėhó'ho'enáohtsévȯse. Children used to place their feet on these salamanders, that way they never used to get leg aches. [1987:214] Category: sickness.
-hó'ho'eohtsé vai. body ache, ache - body. for example, from the flu, arthritis, or rheumatism. É-hó'ho'eōhtse. His body aches. Námȧhe-hó'ho'eōhtse. My whole body aches. See: -háama'tá; -ónėšeotse. Category: sickness.
-ho'hó'ȯhoné vai. clap. É-ho'hó'ȯhóne. He is clapping. See: -hó'hohené ‘cheer’. Category: sign, sounds.
hó'hóma p. 1 • this side, closer. See: néxhó'hóma ‘this side’. Antonym nȧhéstó'e. Category: positions.
2 • before. Tséxhovánee'ėse Náhkȯhno'kaestse hó'hóma móhnėxhósevéstoemȯhevóhe Heséehé'éva. When One Bear died (to whom she was married before), she then married Ridgewalker. [1987:31] Etym: *a·ʔθamenki. See: hehpeto; maato. Category: time.
ho'homaéveto p. shortly afterwards ?? Category: check.
-hó'homoo'e vai. sit up against. É-hó'homoo'e. He is sitting up against (something). Etym: *a·ʔθamapiwa. See: ho'xó'oo'e; -hó'hamoo'e. Category: positions, sit.
ho'honáá'e na. 1 • rock, stone. Plural ho'honáeo'o; Obviative ho'honaa'o; Oblique ho'honáéva; Diminutive ho'honáhke. Morph: /ho'honáé/. Ho'honáá'e né'éstȧho'heha! Bring in a rock! Ho'honáeo'o né'éstȧho'henáno! Bring in rocks! Those sentences are said at sweats. Tā'se ho'honáá'e tséametanénėstse ho'honáeo'o éno'kėháa'éhoeo'o. Like a stone which is living the stones stay (here on earth) the longest. (These words are a traditional song. In essence, they mean 'We all die, you can't live forever.' Grover Wolfvoice would sing this as a casket was being taken out of a building to be buried.) Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o.environment Only the rocks live forever.
2 • Rock. origin of family name Roundstone. Phon: vs Etym: cf. *aʔsenyi. Category: names.
Ho'honáá'e Tsé'amoo'ėse vai. Rocky Mountains. Lit: where the rock stands See: Ma'xėho'honáéva; Ho'honáéva. Category: places.
Ho'honáá'ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse na. Black Rock. Category: names.
Ho'honáá'ȯhtaamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Rock. Category: names.
ho'honáe- pv. of rock, with rock, rocky. É-ho'honáemȧheónaneo'o. They built a rock house.
Ho'honáehetanéka'ėškóne na. Rockyboy Indian. Variant: Ho'honáeka'ėškóne. Category: tribes.
Ho'honáeka'ėškóne Rockyboy Indian. Usage: probably a loan transl. from English Lit: rock-child Variant: Ho'honáe-hetané-ka'ėškóne; Plural Ho'honáeka'ėškóneho. Category: tribes.
ho'honáe-mȧhēō'o ni. brick house, stone house. Category: buildings.
ho'honáemanėstónéhe na. bricklayer. Category: jobs.
ho'honáemanėstóoseo'o na. stone sculptors. Ques: stone sculptors or sculptures?? Category: check. See: manėstoo'o. Category: new.
ho'honáematse ni. stone excrement. what something is call that oozes from rocks in the mountains. See: matse1 ‘poop’. Category: vulgar.
Ho'honáeméó'o na. Rock Road. origin of family name Rockroads. Category: names.
Ho'honáeméóná'e na. Rock Road Woman. Category: names.
Ho'honáéšé'e ni. Gram: loc Montana, rocky area. Lit: rocky-place(grove) Category: places.
Ho'honáéšé'e tséhestoo'emanese oo? vai. Montana State Legislature. Lit: those who make laws in Montana
ho'honáetȯhoo'e na. tomahawk. Lit: rock-hammer Usage: may be a new word See: tȯhoo'e; ma'xetȯhoo'e; tamȯheo'o. Category: tools, warfare.
ho'honáéva obl. 1 • in the mountains, on a rock. (another recording) na: ho'honáá'e.
2 • Rocky Mountains. Variant: Ho'honáá'e Tsé'amoo'ėse, Ho'honáevo'omēnėstse. See: vose. Category: places.
-ho'honáeve vii. rocky. É-ho'honáeve. It is rocky. Category: texture.
Ho'honáeve'óhtanéhe na. Stone Forehead. Ques: Fr. Powell Category: names.
-ho'honáeveotse vii. become stone. É-ho'honáeveotse. It (or He) turned to stone. tsé-ho'honáeveotse concrete. Lit: that which has turned to rock
vai. become stone.
-ho'honáevėstáhá vai. stone-hearted. opposite of compassionate. É-ho'honáevėstáha. He is stone-hearted. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. See: -he'konėstáhá. Category: emotions.
-ho'honáevėstóonaóó'e vai. be a statue. Lit: rock-?-stand Phon: vs ARTIFICIAL? fai: -óé. É-ho'honáevėstóonaóó'e. He rock-stands (that is, he is a statue). tsé-ho'honáevėstóonaóéstse statue. See: -ma'kaataevėstóonaóó'e.
-ho'honáevoéstomo'he vai. very stubborn. Lit: rock-personality Talking to this kind of person is like talking to a rock; you can't budge him. É-ho'honáevoéstomo'he. He is very stubborn. Category: personality.
Ho'honáevo'omēnėstse ni. Rocky Mountains. Usage: Ho'honáéva is more commonly used See: Ho'honáéva. Category: places.
-ho'honáevoma'o'e vii. stony ground - be. É-ho'honáevoma'o'e. It is stony ground. Category: environment.
ho'honáevose ni. mountain. Lit: rocky-hill Usage: This is understood but not frequently said. Plural ho'honáevȯsotȯtse. See: vose; hoéhose; -ose.
Ho'hónáhke1 na. Little Rock. Ques: compare pitches of common noun and name See: ho'honáhke2. Category: names.
ho'honáhke2 na. Gram: dim stone, little rock. Plural ho'honáhkeo'o; Non-diminutive ho'honáá'e. See: ho'honáhkéso ‘small rock’; Ho'hónáhke1 ‘Little Rock’; -he-sto'honáhkame ‘have gallstones’. Category: environment.
Ho'honáhkenéstoohe na. Howling Rock. Category: names.
ho'honáhkéso na. Gram: dim small rock, pebble. double dim. Non-diminutive ho'honáá'e; Plural ho'honáhkėsono. See: ho'honáhke. Category: environment.
-ho'hooné'tá vii. be a camp in a circle. É-ho'hooné'ta. It is a camp in a circle. See: -onéstȧhko'honé'tá. Category: camp.
-ho'hooné'tsé vai. camp in a circle. only used with plural subjects. É-ho'hooné'tseo'o. They are camped in a circle. Category: camp.
-hó'hovohe vai. feather arrow. that is, put feathers on arrow with sinew. É-hó'hovohe. He is feathering an arrow. Etym: *aɁθa·wa·tamwa. Ques: -ho'hovohe ?? tsévé'šė-hó'hovohe ?? when used with what kind of feathers ?? [JS 7/89] vti: -ho'hovóhtá. Category: handcraft, check.
-ho'hovóhtá vti. feather s.t. especially to feather an arrow. É-ho'hovóhta. He feathered it. [Grandfather's Advice.015] Ques: -ho'oovóhtá?? É-ho'hovóhtanȯtse maahōtse. He feathered the arrows. [1987:220] See: -hó'hovohe. Category: check.
hó'ke- pv. finally, necessarily. Category: check. does not occur as the only preverb in a verb; requires preceding me'-, éše-, or inferential prefix mó-. Variant: hó'ko-. Néme'hó'ke-mé'ėstomeve. You should have told me. Ééšė-hó'kėho'ēhne. He finally came. Ééšė-hó'kemá'totse'ohe. He finally finished working. Mó-hó'kenėhešévėhéhe. He must have been the one that did it. (just assumes that he was the one, in contrast to Mónėhešévėhéhe). Ésáa-hó'kepėhéva'éhane. It is not really good. See: éšė-hó'ke-; me'-hó'ke-.
hó'ko- pv. must of necessity, have to (emphatic), compulsory, surely do, really. A: Móné-hó'kovóomȯhéhe, B: Móho'nó-ho'kovóomo. A: You must have seen him. B: For sure I never saw him. Variant: hó'ke-. typically occurs with a preceding éše- or me'- (or both) preverbs: See: vovóhpone-; hé-. Mé'ėstse éohkeéšė-hó'koóxȯhevoo'o. He is always complaining. Phonetically, there is a y-offglide in the sequence ko(y)ox. Náéšė-ho'kóešee'āno. (RECK hó'ko?? He HAD to eat (for example, he said he wasn't going to eat, but I told him to stay and eat, so he had to eat. Category: check. Mónééšė-hó'komésėhehéhe. I'll bet you already ate. Nėstaéšė-hó'komésehe. I'm gonna make sure you eat. Éme'éšė-hó'komésehe. He HAD to eat (for example, because he had to go fight a fire and needed strength; in contrast to the preceding ex. with a preceding éše-, alone, this ex. shows an element of ought-ness, besides the compulsion). Náéšė-hó'kȯho'eōhtse. I really did come. Nėhéóhe móstaéšė-ho'kóešee'anȯhevovóhe. They finally managed to get his body (on the scaffold). (1987:267). Nátaéšė-hó'komá'tána! I'm FINISHING it (for example, even though it's hard)! Ques: Does the following entry mean that éše- preceding hó'ko- is a different éše- from 'already'?
Ho'kóhomō'e na. Gram: dim Little Sioux. See: Ho'óhomō'e. Category: names.
-hó'kȯhtóé'tov vta. lean against s.o. É-hó'kȯhtóe'tovóho. He leaned against him. Usage: -hó'ȯhtóé'tov may be used more commonly Variant: -hó'ȯhtóé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
hó'kȯhtóhe ni. cane, staff. Plural hó'kȯhtȯheonȯtse; Possessive -htó'kȯhtóhe; Variant: hó'ȯhtóhe. Etym: cf. M aahpatah; aahpatahonan (pl). Category: tools.
-hó'kȯhtȯhe'ahe vai. walk with cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯhe'ahe. He is walking with a cane. Category: walk.
-hó'kȯhtȯhe'hané vai. walk with crutches. É-hó'kȯhtȯhe'hāne. He is walking with crutches. Category: motion.
-hó'kȯhtȯhéne vai. walk with a cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯhéne. héhne?? He is walking with a cane. Etym: *a·mpataho·hθwe·wa. É-hó'kȯhtȯheneo'o. ?? They are walking with a cane. See: -hó'kȯhtȯheohtsé. Category: walk, check.
-hó'kȯhtȯheohtsé vai. walk with a cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯheōhtse. He is walking with a cane. Etym: Ar hô·kotohu-. See: -hó'kȯhtȯhené. Category: walk, sickness.
-hó'kȯhtȯheóó'e vai. stand leaning on cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯheóó'e. He is standing leaning on his cane. [pd911] Phon: vs fai: -óé2; Variant: -hó'ȯhtȯheóó'e. Category: stand.
-ho'konené vai. be toothless. especially of an older person or an animal that has lost its teeth. É-ho'konēne. He is toothless. Medial -onené.
ho'kose ni. coal, live charcoal. Variant: ho'ose. Usage: ho'ose is more commonly said Category: fire.
-ho'kotseve vii. be flint. É-ho'kotseve. It is flint. Éhpo'enánoho tséxho'kotsévetse. He broke (the arrow) off at the flint. [Bear Tepee.107] See: -mo'ó'xoneta ‘be flinty’.
-ho'manestsé vai. make it so far; make it in time; make it to here. contains preverb ho'(e)- plus TI verb -manestsé. É-ho'manēstse. He made it in time; he made it to here. Étȧ-ho'manēstse Denver. He made it (there) to Denver. Usage: Probably a loan transl. from English but it is in common usage. See: -ho'éšé.
-ho'méa'tov vta. send s.o. who arrives. Ná-ho'méa'tova. He sent me (here). See: -méa'tov.
Ho'néeho'ēsta na. Fire Wolf. See: Ó'kȯhoméeho'ēsta. Category: names, fire.
Ho'néemé'éhne na. Rising Wolf. Lit: Wolf Appearing Said to be the Indian name of Jim Blackwolf, Sacred Hat Keeper, who died in April 1998. He was known by his nickname, Kėhemé'éhne, which might be a shortened form of something like Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmé'éhnėstse, literally Coyote Appears. (Note that other 'Coyote' names have been translated by English 'Wolf', as in Ó'kȯhómȯxháahketa for Littlewolf, literally Little Coyote.) See: -me'ehné. Variant: Ho'néemé'éhnėstse. Category: names.
Ho'néemé'éhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Rising Wolf, Wolf Appearing. Variant: Ho'néemé'éhne. Category: names.
Ho'néemé'eōhtse vai. Gram: ppl Rising Wolf, Wolf Appearing. Category: names.
Ho'néené'šeohtsévá'e na. Wolf Stepping Woman. translation uncertain. See: -ho'né'šeóó'e; -ho'ne'é. Category: names.
Ho'néenéstoohe na. Howling Wolf. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Ho'néohnéstoohe; Ho'néohnéstooestse; Ho'néheevȧhtóohe. Category: names.
Ho'néevéhaohe na. Wolfname. See: -véh. Category: names.
hó'nehe na. 1 • wolf. Phon: iah Plural ho'néheo'o; Obviative ho'neho; Diminutive ho'néhéso. Etym: *a·θke·hsiwa. Category: animals.
2 • Wolf. Category: names.
Hó'nehe Heóvaestse na. Yellow Wolf. Variant: Heóvėhó'nehe, Ho'néoxheóvaestse. Category: names.
Hó'nehe Ȯhtameméoestse na. Running Wolf. Category: names.
Hó'nehe Ȯhtóoveotsėstse na. Gram: ppl Shaking Wolf, Shivering Wolf. Variant: Hó'neohtóoveōhtsėstse. See: -óoveotse. Category: names.
Ho'néheā'ke na. Wolf Mule. Contracted Heā'ke. Category: names.
Ho'néheameōhtse na. Wolf Walking. Category: names.
Ho'néheameohtsé'e na. Wolf Walking Woman. Category: names.
Ho'néheeohtsé'héhe na. Wandering Wolf Woman. Category: names.
Ho'néheeohtsévá'e na. Wandering Wolf Woman. Category: names.
Ho'néheevȧhtóohe na. Howling Wolf. See: Ho'néenéstoohe. Category: names.
Ho'néheévȧhtóohé'e na. Howling Wolf Woman. Category: names.
Ho'néhemahta na. Wolf Legging. translation uncertain. Category: names.
Ho'néhemé'éhne na. Wolf Appears. Category: names.
Ho'néhéméó'o na. Wolf Road. Category: names.
-ho'néhenoné vai. sing wolf song. É-ho'néhénóne. He sang a wolf song. Final -noné. Phon: hl Category: sing.
-ho'néhenonee'e vai. sit singing wolf songs. É-ho'néhenonee'e. He is sitting singing wolf songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.
ho'néhenoo'ȯtse ni. wolf song. Plural ho'néhenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
Ho'néhenótaxe na. Soldierwolf. See: Nótȧxéó'kȯhóme. Category: names.
Ho'néhenótȧxeo'o na. Gram: pl Wolf Warriors. Category: societies.
Ho'néheo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Wolf River, North Canadian River. This is known in English as the North Canadian River in Oklahoma. Category: rivers.
ho'néhéso na. 1 • little wolf. Plural ho'néhesono; Non-diminutive hó'nehe. See: ho'néhéškéso. Category: animals, check.
2 • Youngwolf. Category: names.
Ho'néhéšééše na. Lying Wolf. This refers to a wolf lying stretched out. See: -šéešé. Category: names.
ho'néhéškéso na. Gram: dim wolf pup. double diminutive. Morph: /ho'néhehkesón/. Plural ho'néheškėsono. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’. Category: animals.
Ho'néhetane na. 1 • Pawnee. (another recording) This is the word for a member of the Pawnee tribe as well as a Cheyenne name. Lit: wolf-person Plural Ho'néhetaneo'o. Category: tribes.
2 • Pawnee. Category: names.
Ho'néhetané'e na. Pawnee Woman. This can be a Cheyenne name as well as a woman who is a Pawnee. Category: names.
Ho'néhetaneo'hé'e ni. Pawnee Creek. a tributary of the South Platte River east of Crow Creek. Category: rivers.
ho'néhetanéoónȧha'e na. bullfrog. Lit: wolf-frog Usage: od See: oónȧha'e ‘frog’; popé'eoónȧha'e ‘horned toad’. Category: animals, Oklahoma.
ho'néhetanévé'késo na. American blue jay. Lit: wolfman(Pawnee)-bird Category: birds.
-ho'néheve vai. 1 • be a wolf.
2 • be smart. usually refers to a woman being smarter than men. É-ho'néheve She is a wolf; she is smarter than men. See: -ó'kȯhoméheve.
Ho'néhevee'ėse na. Wolf Tooth. a proper name and name of mountains near Busby, Montana. Category: names.
2 • ni. Wolf Tooth Mountains. Oblique Ho'néheveesēva. The locative form (ending in -va) may be more frequently used as the name for the range of mountains. Category: places.
Ho'néheveesēva ni. Gram: loc Wolf Tooth Mountains. See: Ho'néhevee'ėse. Category: places.
Ho'néhevéhaoohe na. Wolf Name. Category: names.
Ho'néhévého na. Wolf Chief. Category: names.
Ho'néheve'hahe na. Wolf Voice, Wolfvoice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: names.
Ho'néhevetane na. Wolf Man. Category: names.
-ho'néhevȯhohtsé vai. have wolf footprints. generally said of a woman meaning she is very smart and can outsmart a man. É-ho'néhevȯhōhtse. She has wolf footprints. BodyPartMedial -hohtsé.
Ho'néhevo'ótonáhe na. Wolf Choker, Wolf Necklace. Category: names.
Ho'néhevo'ováhe na. Wolflike Fur. Category: names.
Ho'néhevoto na. Wolf Tailfeathers. Category: names.
Ho'néhevotoomáhe na. Wolfrobe. Category: names.
-ho'né'e vai. step. É-ho'ne'e. He stepped. Oóxésta é'évȧhešė-ho'né'esėstse. He took steps just fine again (reportative). [1987:109] Final -o'né'e. See: -táho'né'e. Category: motion.
ho'né'ėstóva obl. step, yard. a measure of approximately one yard. no'ka ho'né'ėstóva one step length. Category: distance.
-ho'né'šeóó'e vti. step standing on s.t. É-ho'né'šeóó'e. He is stepped on it and is standing on it. Final -óé2. See: -táxeóó'e. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-ho'né'šeotsé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o step on s.o. É-ho'né'šeotsénoto. He stepped on him. [Croft]
-ho'néne vai. tan. É-ho'néne. He tanned hide. É-ho'néneo'o. They tanned. That is the same pronunciation as 'they arrived nursing'. Etym: cf. *ahθe·hke·wa (G); cf. O aseke (N). See: -néne. Category: handcraft.
Ho'néohma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohma'heónevėstse vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Wolf. Category: names.
-ho'néoh(n) vta. tan s.o. É-ho'néohnóho. He tanned him. Néhmé'ėstomevėstse tséohkė-ho'néohe vó'kaehevotȯtse! Explain to me how hides are tanned! vai: -ho'néné. Category: handcraft.
Ho'néohne'taestse na. Main Wolf. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’; -ne'tahe ‘important’. Category: names.
Ho'néohnéstooestse vai. Gram: ppl Howling Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohnéstoohe na. Howling Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohno'kaestse vai. Gram: ppl Lone Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohtóoveōhtsėstse na. Gram: ppl Shaking Wolf, Shivering Wolf. Variant: Ho'néhe Ȯhtóoveotsėstse. Category: names.
Ho'néohtséóhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Wandering Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohvotonevėstse vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Tailfeathers. See: voto. Category: names.
Ho'néohvovóéhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Comes First, Wolf Leader. Ques: recheck?? Category: names.
Ho'néohvovó'haestse vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néohxhóéhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Comes Out. Category: names.
Ho'néosóesohtȯhtse vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Going Through a Crowd. can also refer to a wolf urinating while going through a crowd. See: sóe- ‘through’; -só ‘urinate’. Category: names.
Ho'néosóvaaestse vai. Gram: ppl Turns Back Wolf. See: hosó-. Category: names.
Ho'néoxháaestse vai. Gram: ppl Brave Wolf. Category: names.
Ho'néoxháahketa na. Littlewolf. See: Ó'kȯhómȯxháahketa. Category: names.
Ho'néoxháa'ého'oése vai. Gram: ppl Highwolf. Variant: Hó'neoxháa'ého'oesėstse. Category: names.
Hó'neoxháa'ého'oesėstse vai. Gram: ppl High Wolf. Variant: Ho'néoxháa'ého'oése. Category: names.
Ho'néoxheóvaestse vai. Gram: ppl Yellow Wolf. Variant: Heóvėhó'nehe. See: Heóvema'ėhóóhe. Category: names.
hó'nėše- pfx. Gram: ppl even if, even though. hó'nėšė-hoháetonéto even if it is really cold. hó'nėšė-hávėsévatamáno'e even if it is bad weather (for instance, cloudy). hó'nėšė-háomóhtȧhéto even though I am sick. See: hó'-; nėše-; oh-; ox-.
ho'nó- pfx. not, negative. Phon: only used in the conjunct with conjunct inferentials; Most speakers also include the inferential proclitic mó=, resulting in móho'nó-. Variant: ho'né-. ho'nó- creates the negative parallel of independent inferential affirmative. ho'nó-eševóomȯhtse You never saw her before? ho'nó-haomóhtaestse He must not have been sick. Móho'nó-hetsevémȯhtse. He must not have backed out from telling him how it is. See: mó=ho'nó-; sáa-.
ho'óe- pv. arrive with water. Éstaosáaneévȧ-ho'óemanȯheohéhoo'o. She went back with the water. See: sé'óe-.
-ho'óe'ó vii. arrive floating.
vai. arrive floating. É-ho'óé'o. He (or It) arrived floating. Category: liquid.
-ho'oé'ta vti. press down on s.t., put weight on s.t. É-ho'oé'ta. He put his weight on it. vta: -ho'oé'tov. See: -ho'oo'e.
-ho'oé'tov vta. press down on s.o. É-ho'oénoto. He pressed down on him. Mó-ho'óe'toehéhe. ?? (The truck) must have been on top (of her car).?? Éstȧxamaemȧsóesė-ho'oé'tovȧhtsésesto váotseváhne. The deer all piled in on each other. [The Round-up of the Deer.059] vti: -ho'oo'e. See: -no'oo'e. Category: check.
-ho'óemȧhané vai. bring wood. É-ho'óemȧhāne. He brought firewood. See: -mȧhané; -oó'xoemȧhané. Category: fire.
-ho'óemȧhaov vta. bring s.o. firewood. É-ho'óemȧhaovóho. He brought firewood for him. Mónėstsenėx-ho'óemȧhaove? Will you bring me firewood? See: -oó'xoemȧhaov. Category: fire.
-ho'óemanohe vai. bring water, arrive with water. for example, to bring water from a creek. É-ho'óemanohe. He brought back water. See: -manohe. Category: liquid.
-ho'oeme vai. arrive at such value, arrive at such date. Tóne'še é-ho'oeme? What date is it (today)? See: -ho'oésta. Category: time.
-ho'óeotse vai. see to such extent. ... é-ho'óeotse. ... that is how far he sees. Háá'ėše nėstȧ-ho'óeotse. You will see far. [1987:146] See: -hetóeotse. Category: sight.
-ho'oésé1 vai. arrive hanging. É-ho'oése. He arrived (at that spot) hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oése? What time is it? (literally, When has he (especially the sun) arrived hanging?) Ma'ēno é-ho'oése. Fog has arrived. fai: -oésé1; vii: -ho'oéstá1. Category: hang, time.
-ho'oésé2 vai. arrive floating. É-ho'oése. He arrived floating. Tósa'e é-ho'oése? Where has it arrived floating? See: -ho'oésé1 ‘arrive hanging’. Category: float, check.
-ho'oeseváen vti. cook s.t. quickly. É-ho'oeseváéna. He cooked it quickly. Nȧhtȧhósė-ho'oeseváéna hová'éhe. I'll quickly cook some more (of something). Category: cook.
-ho'oéstá1 vii. arrive hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oésta? What time is it? Lit: When has it arrived hanging?) Tóne'še ééšė-ho'oésta? What time is it already? Ééšė-ho'oésta. It is time. For example, it is time for a break. That word is more natural historically than ééšėho'nėhe'xove ?? fii: -oéstá1. See: -ho'oéstá2 ‘arrive floating’. Category: check, hang, time.
-ho'oesta'xe vai. arrive.quickly, dash up, arrive quickly. É-ho'oesta'xe. He dashed up. fai: -a'xe; Medial -oest. Category: motion.
-ho'oéstanené vai. take lunch break. É-ho'oéstánéne. He is taking his lunch break. Variant: -sétovoéstanené. See: -mésėhévoéstá. Category: eat.
-ho'oéstaotse vii. time become. Móéšeáahtsé'-ho'oéstaotséhanéhe. It must be almost time. Category: time.
Ho'oesto'óoná'e na. Prayer Cloth Woman. Category: names.
ho'óesto'óono na. prayer cloths ?? See: vonȧhé'xá'e; hóhkėha'e; Maahótse; oestóono. Category: sacred, ceremonial, check.
-ho'oestomev vta. throw s.o. at s.o., throw s.o. to s.o. for example, throwing a ball to someone. É-ho'oestomevónoto. He passed/threw him (for example, the ball, animate) to him. Néx-ho'oestomevėstse! Throw it to me! Ho'oestomeveha hóhtséme! Throw the ball to him! (Heške) éhmȧsó-ho'oestomóenósesto (hevásemo). Her mother threw her younger brother at her. [Stamper 1991:10] Category: games, basketball, baseball.
-ho'oéstóné vai. arrive count, count until --, read as far as. with preverb ho'-. É-ho'oéstóne ... He counted until ... Ho'oéstónėstse nésȯhtoha! Count to 7! Tónetáa'e néohkė-ho'oéstóne? How far can you count? Tósa'e nééšė-ho'oéstóne? How far have you read?
-ho'oestsé vti. boil s.t., cook s.t. This primarily refers to boiling something but sometimes is used more broadly for cooking something, especially if it's not clear that you are frying, baking, or roasting something. Usage: This is more commonly said than -homȯsé'tá or -homȯsén É-ho'oēstse. She cooked it. Hénová'e tsé-ho'oestseto? What are you boiling? Ho'évohkȯhtse ná-ho'oēstse . I'm cooking meat. Hohpe ná-ho'oēstse. I'm cooking soup. Vóvotȯtse ná-ho'oestsenȯtse. I'm boiling eggs. Étaohkeée-ho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstse. They would boil up some herbal medicines. [1987:213] vta: -ho'oot. See: -héesevo'há ‘boil s.t.’; -ho'oeseváen ‘cook s.t. quickly’; -ho'oohe ‘boiled’; -honóhtá ‘boil s.t.’; -homȯsé'tá ‘cook s.t.’; -homȯsén ‘cook s.t./s.o.’; -homosé ‘cook’; -honóné ‘bake’; -homȯsé'tá ‘cook s.t.’. Category: cook.
-ho'óhkaneve vai. virgin - be a male. É-ho'óhkaneve. ?? He is a virgin. [Croft 1948] Category: check. See: -ótseneve ‘virgin - be a female’.
-ho'oh(n) vta. cover s.o., put something over s.o. What is put over a person can be abstract, such as defeatism. É-ho'ȯhnóho. He covered him. Éma'xetónovė-ho'ȯhnóho. He almost skunked him. See: -nėhpėšem. Category: interpersonal.
-ho'ȯhohtsé vai. tracks arrive. É-ho'ȯhōhtse. His tracks came over here. Etym: *saxkwehθata·wa (P). Ques: ȯh?? fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks, check.
-ho'óho'tá vii. be at the edge. Éhnėx-ho'óho'tánėse. It was at the edge of the camp. [The Seven Young Men.030]
Ho'óhomō'e na. 1 • Sioux. Plural Ho'óhomo'eo'o; Obviative Ho'óhomo'óho; Feminine Ho'óhomo'é'e. Category: tribes.
2 • Sioux. Category: names.
Ho'óhomo'é'e na. 1 • Sioux woman. Plural Ho'óhomo'é'eo'o. Category: tribes.
2 • Sioux Woman. Category: names.
-ho'óhomo'énestse vai. talk Sioux. É-ho'óhomo'énestse. He talks Sioux. Final -nestse. Category: speak.
Ho'óhomo'éno ni. Gram: loc South Dakota, Sioux country. Lit: Sioux-place Category: places.
-ho'óhomo'évȯhtȧheve vii. have a Sioux design. É-ho'óhomo'évȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have Sioux designs. especially of moccasins. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
-ho'ȯhomo'he vai. arrive dancing, dance arrive. É-ho'ȯhomo'he. He arrived dancing. Néx-ho'ȯhomo'hėstse! Come dance! fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-ho'ȯhomó'he'tov vta. arrive to s.o. dancing. É-ho'ȯhomó'he'tovóho. ?? He arrived at him dancing. Category: dance, check.
-ho'ȯhoo'e vai. arrive by swimming, swim arrive, arrive by wading, wade arrive. É-ho'ȯhoo'e. He arrived swimming. Nátao'seonésenȧha'ēno káhkėse máhnėx-ho'ȯhoo'ėstse I'm gonna try to catch him when he swims up close. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: motion.
hó'oht- i. lean against. É-hó'ȯhtanóho. He leaned him against something. É-hó'ȯhtoo'e. He is sitting leaning up against a backrest. Variant: hó'os-.
-ho'óhta vti. bring s.t. by mouth. É-ho'óhta. He brought it in his mouth. fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth, move.
-ho'óhta'hané vai. arrive at a point in storytelling. Ná-ho'óhta'hāne. I have arrived at that point in the storytelling. Tȧ-ho'óhta'haneo'o tséhešemȧhepėhévomóhtȧhéto! Arrive over there to tell that I'm feeling all good! ?? This is sometimes said to a person who is dying, instructing them to tell this to relatives in the next camp. Category: speak, death.
-hó'ȯhtan vti. lean s.t. against. É-hó'ȯhtána. He leaned it against something. Etym: *a·mpatenamwa.
vta. lean s.o. against. É-hó'ȯhtanóho. He leaned him against something. Etym: *a·mpatene·wa. Category: interpersonal.
-hó'ȯhtoé'tov vta. lean against s.o. É-hó'ȯhtoénoto. He leaned against him. Ná-hó'ȯhtoé'tova. He leaned against me. Ná-hó'kȯhtóenȯtse. I leaned against him. Variant: -hó'kȯhtóé'tov; Final -oe. See: -hó'ȯseóé'tov.
hó'ȯhtóhe ni. cane, staff. Plural hó'ȯhtȯheonȯtse. Usage: hó'kȯhtóhe seems more commonly used Variant: hó'kȯhtóhe.
Hó'ȯhtȯhená'e na. Cane Woman. Category: names.
-hó'ȯhtoo'e vai. sit leaning against. especially against a backrest. É-hó'ȯhtoo'e. He is sitting leaning up against a backrest. fai: -oe. Phon: vs See: -hó'kȯhtȯheóó'e ‘stand leaning on a cane’. Category: sit.
-ho'ohtsé vai. somewhere go, visit. often with the idea of coming to visit. ... é-ho'ōhtse. ... that is where he is going. Náho'ė-ho'ōhtse. I have come to visit. Tósa'e né-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going? (another recording) Tósa'e nétȧ-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going? Tósa'e nétao'sė-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going to go? Tósa'e nétao'sėhósė-ho'ōhtse. Where are you going to go next? Méave'ho'éno nátȧ-ho'ōhtse. I went to Lame Deer. Tósa'e étȧ-ho'ōhtse? Where is he going? Tósa'e étȧ-ho'ȯhtsénove? Where has everybody gone? Nátȧ-ho'ōhtse nevénótse. I went to (visited) your home. Often appears to function much as a relative root or preverb, for example, as -he'ohtsé or heše-. Tósa'e é-ho'ōhtse? Where did she go? Tósa'e é-ho'ȯhtsésesto?? Where could they have gone? That can be an exclamation with rhetorical emphasis) (RECHECK THAT GLOSS?? Háá'ėše nėstavé'-ho'ȯhtséme. Étaéšėta'ȯhoo'e Hóma'e. Óohkenonéšeōhtse ma'taamėhéemȯhonéstove. Don't go far from the camp. The Beaver (constellation) has swum out of sight (in the Fall). Go in pairs when you go hunting. See: -he'ohtsé; -nȧho'ȯhtsév; -tsėhe'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.
-ho'o'ȧhéotse vai. arrive running, arrive by car. É-ho'o'ȧhéotse. He arrived running. [1987:247] Tósa'e nétaéšė-ho'o'ȧhéotse? Where have you arrived driving? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: motion, transportation.
-ho'o'ȧhéotsé'tov vai. arrive.run.toward. Étama'xėho'o'ȧhéotsé'tóéne. He was still running fast up to us. [Deer Meat.048] Category: run.
-ho'ó'a'ó vii. blown arrive. É-ho'ó'á'o. It (or He) was blown here.
vai. blown arrive. Category: wind.
-ho'ó'a'xe vai. 1 • come in with the wind. É-ho'ó'a'xe. He arrived with the wind.
2 • arrive after not having been seen for quite a while. Category: figurative, wind.
-ho'ó'ané vai. arrive at in saying, get right to the point. É-ho'ó'áne. He arrived at the point in what he was saying. Tá'e mȧhové'še né-ho'ó'áne! Finally you came to it in speaking! fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-ho'o'asé vii. fire arrive. for example, of a grass fire that reached to one's home. É-ho'o'āse. The fire arrived. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-ho'o'eétahe vai. do something to that point. É-ho'o'eétahe. He did it to that point. Éxaetaetšėšė-ho'o'eétahe. He did things right to the point. Category: do.
-ho'ó'ehné vai. arrive by wagon. É-ho'ó'éhne. He arrived by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -ho'ó'eohtsé. Category: roll.
-ho'ó'ėhné'tá vti. roll to s.t. Éne'évȧho'ó'ėhné'tánȯse héne he'nétoo'o. He drove back up to that gate. [Squint Eye.012] Category: roll.
-ho'ó'en vti. haul s.t. Ques: arrive haul?? É-ho'ó'éna. He arrived hauling it by wagon or truck. É-ho'ó'éna ho'ose. He hauled the coal (by truck or wagon).
vta. haul s.o. É-ho'ó'enóho. He arrived hauling him by wagon or truck. Category: move, check.
-ho'ó'eohe vai. arrive quickly by wagon. É-ho'ó'eohe. He arrived quickly by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-ho'ó'eohtsé vai. arrive roll, arrive by wagon (or other rolling transportation). É-ho'ó'eōhtse. He arrived by wagon. Éstȧ-ho'ó'eōhtse Šéstótó'e. (Frank) Pine came on a wagon. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.012] Medial -ó'(e). See: -ho'ó'ehné. Category: transportation, motion.
-ho'ó'eohtsétó vii. arrive by rolling. Móstȧ-ho'ó'eohtsétȯhanetséhe heme'ko heškevóho. Their mother's head must have come rolling in. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).087] Category: motion.
ho'ó'omee- pv. often. Ho'ó'omee-amėháóéna! Often pray! (I Thess. 5:17). See: hetóse-; nėše-; ame-; ánénóó'ėse; totóne'še. Category: time.
ho'ó'omeeto p. in a watchful fashion ?? Usage: obsolescent Category: check.
-ho'o'tá vii. set, reach. É-ho'ō'ta. It is the first in a row. Etym: *saxkaʔte·wi. For example, the first box in a row of boxes. tsėhéóhe "north" tsé'ȯhkėhenove étama'xetšėšė-ho'ō'ta here, north, as it is called, there's a big ridge. Category: sit inan.
Ho'o'vó'nehe na. ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’. Category: names.
-ho'o'xe vai. arrive with game on back. É-ho'o'xe. He arrived carrying game on his back. Naa tsé'tóhe kȧsováaheho éstaohkėhéemȯhónėsesto; tsé'tóhe é'ȯhkė-ho'o'xésesto. And these (other) young men would go hunting; they would bring in game. [1987:306] fai: -o'xe. Category: carry, hunt.
-ho'o'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai + o arrive with s.o. on back. É-ho'o'xénoto. He arrived carrying him on the back. É-ho'o'xénoto váotseváhne. He arrived carrying the deer. Category: carry.
-ho'o'xem vta. arrive hauling s.o. É-ho'o'xemóho váotseváhne. He is hauling a deer. Initial ho'-; fta: -o'xem. Category: move.
ho'o'xéohe vai. arrive quickly with game on back. É-ho'o'xéohe. He arrived quickly carrying (something). hó'nėšėtá'eévȧ-ho'o'xéoestse no matter what game he brings back. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.039] Category: carry, hunt.
-ho'o'xéohtsé vai. arrive walking with game on the back. É-ho'o'xéóhtse. He arrived carrying (game) on his back. Category: carry.
-ho'o'xévomotah vta. bring game for s.o. É-ho'o'xévomotȧhóho. He brought game for him. [The Big Bogeyman.013] Category: hunt.
ho'óma'e- pv. based on. Náto'sevé'šė-ho'óma'eéestse. I'm going to quote from it to establish authority.
-ho'óma'éšé vai. 1 • lay head on. for example, to lay your head on a pillow. É-ho'óma'éše. He is laying his head on (something). BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.
2 • table something. Category: figurative. that is, have time to think about something. Nátaéšė-ho'óma'éše. Let me table it. Category: cognition, figurative.
-ho'óma'oé'tov vta. sit on s.o. to sit on someone or something animate such as a pillow. É-ho'óma'oénoto. He is sitting on him. Ná-ho'óma'oenȯtse. I'm sitting on him. Category: sit.
ho'óma'oestȯtse na. saddle blanket. Plural ho'óma'oéstoto; Obviative ho'óma'oéstoto; Variant: heva'ó'xevooma. Category: harness, horses.
-ho'óma'o'tsé vti. build s.t. on top. for example to put something on top of wood, rock, cloth, for example, to keep it clean. É-ho'óma'ō'tse. He built it on (something). É-ho'óma'o'tsénóvo. They built it on (the rocks). [jg 7/89] Category: put.
-ho'óma'oo'e vai. sit on. for example, to sit on a rug. É-ho'óma'oo'e. He sat on (the rug). Phon: vs vta: -ho'óma'oé'tov. See: -táhoo'e. Category: sit.
-ho'óma'ȯxová vai. arrive plowing. É-ho'óma'ȯxōva. He arrived plowing. Tsé'évȧho'-óma'ȯxōvȧse éxxamaehósemȧheheše'évenóohéhoo'o. When he came back plowing he was just all dirty. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-ho'omá'tov vta. sense arrival of s.o. seems also to refer to wishing for the arrival of s.o. É-ho'omá'tovóho. He sensed that he (obv) was going to arrive. Category: cognition. See: -homá'tov.
-ho'ome vii. be the confluence, be the mouth of a river. É-ho'ome. It is the mouth of the river. tséx-ho'ome at the mouth of the river. for example, where Rosebud Creek empties into the Yellowstone River). Vétanovéo'hé'e tséstȧ-ho'ome at the mouth of the Tongue River. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.031] Lit: arrive-mouth ?? Category: check. fta: -óm ‘by mouth’. Category: rivers.
-ho'ómestá vai. escape arrive. É-ho'ómésta. He arrived escaping. néhvé'-ho'ómėstávȯhtse had they escaped. [1987:42] See: -hómestá. Category: motion.
-ho'ónean vti. inject s.o. intravenously, dialyze s.o. É-ho'óneane. He got dialysis. Éohkė-ho'óneane. He gets dialysis. Medial -ón. Category: sickness, ropelike.
-ho'óneanené vai. connect cord. É-ho'óneanēne. He connected the cord. Ques: recheck meaning ?? Medial -ón. See: -tsėhetóneanené; -amóneanené. Category: check.
ho'óneanenestȯtse ni. cord, cable, HDMI cable. for example, an electrical cord or a USB cable. Ques: recheck meaning ?? Category: check. Plural ho'óneanenéstotȯtse; Medial -ón; vai: -ho'óneanené. Category: new. See: hóna'ovóneanenéó'o ‘power cord’; ho'óneanéó'o ‘powerstrip’; -tsėhetóneanené; -amóneanené.
ho'óneanéó'o ni. wireless wifi adapter, powerstrip. Lit: connecting thing ?? Ques: recheck; should it be ho'óneanenéó'o?? another recording See: ho'óneanenestȯtse. Category: computer, new, check.
-ho'onéétó vii. crystal snowing, snowing crystals. É-ho'onééto. It is snowing tiny crystals. See: -ho'éétó. Category: snow, weather.
-ho'óneeto'hamé vai. halter horse(s). É-ho'óneeto'hāme. He put halters on horse(s). See: -hóxeeséeto'hamé. Category: horses.
ho'óneeto'hamestȯtse ni. halter. Lit: tied.together-horse-NOM See: hóxeeséeto'hamestȯtse. Category: harness.
-ho'one'há vii. windy and very humid, misty breezy. É-ho'onē'ha. It is windy and very humid. See: -hohpotóma'há ‘hot humid windy’. Category: weather, wind.
-ho'ónoo'e vai. arrive seated looking. É-ho'ónoo'e. He arrived while sitting and looking. having looked out the window the entire time while riding. Initial ho'-; Final -ónoe. Category: sit, sight.
-ho'ónová vai. arrive talking. É-ho'ónóva. He arrived talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-ho'oohe1 boiled, cooked.
vii. É-ho'oohe. It (or He) was boiled. Éohkė-ho'oohe. It (or He) is (regularly) boiled. tséohkė-ho'oohe boiling meat.
vai. vta: -ho'oot; vti: -ho'oestsé; Homonym -ho'oohe2. Éohkė-ho'ooheo'o. They (animate) are (regularly) boiled. (for example, beans). Category: cook.
-ho'oohe2 vai. so go quickly. ... é-ho'oohe. ... that is where / how far he went. Vó'héé'ėse é-ho'oohe. A ways away that is how far he went. Tósa'e nétȧ-ho'oohe? Where did you go quickly? Homonym -ho'oohe1. See: -ho'ohtsé. Category: motion.
ho'oohémȧhóó'o na. 1 • squash.
2 • pumpkin. Lit: cooking-melon Usage: This word is used for pumpkin in Okla. Category: food.
-ho'óohtanov vta. bring food home to s.o. É-ho'óohtanovóho. He brought food home to him. Synonym -ho'óohtanovot. See: -hóohtanová; -htóohtanováhtotȯtse. Category: food.
-ho'óohtanovot vta. bring food home to s.o. É-ho'óohtanovotóho. He brought food home to him. See: -hóohtanová; -ho'óohtanov.
-ho'óohtanȯxévaen vta. bring food home to s.o. quickly. a quicker action than -ho'óohtanov. É-ho'óohtanȯxévaenóho. He brought food home to him. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.049]
-ho'oo'e vti. fall on s.t., press down on s.t. especially to fall on top of s.t. to protect it, holding it down with your body weight. É-ho'oo'e. He pressed down on it with his weight. Etym: cf *axpihamwa (P) ‘he presses it down’. É-ho'oénóvo. They fell on it. Phon: vs vta: -ho'oé'tov. See: -ho'oé'tá; -no'oo'e. Category: fall.
-ho'oo'kohó vii. rain come. É-ho'oo'kōho. Rain arrived. Variant: -ho'oo'ohó. See: -hoo'kohó; ho'-. Category: weather.
-ho'oo'kȯhóotse vii. rain come suddenly. É-ho'oo'kȯhóotse. Rain arrived suddenly. See: -ho'oo'kohó. Category: weather.
-ho'óo'ó vai. have in eyesight, eyesight - arrive in. ... é-ho'óó'o. ... that is how far he sees / he has (something) within eyesight. Étȧ-ho'óó'o. He has (something) within his eyesight. Háá'ėše nésáa-ho'óo'óhe. You do not see far. [1987:146] Phon: not vs See: ho'-. Category: sight.
-ho'óomaeotse vii. storm arrive. É-ho'óomaeotse. A storm arrived. Category: weather.
-ho'oot vta. boil s.o. É-ho'ootóho. He boiled him. Ho'ooxenáno mésėhéstoto! Boil the potatoes! vti: -ho'oestsé. See: -ho'oohe; -honót ‘fry, roast s.o.’. Category: cook.
-ho'óovaotse vii. arrive flowing, water arrive flowing. É-ho'óováotse. Water arrived flowing. fii: -óóvá. See: -ho'e'sevó. Category: liquid.
hó'os- i. against. Variant: hó'ȯht-. É-hó'ȯseóó'e. He leaned against (something). É-hó'ȯséše. He lay/leaned against.
hó'óse p. leaned against. Phon: iah See: nó'óse; ho'ose. Category: positions.
ho'ose ni. coal, live charcoal. Variant: ho'kose. Category: fire.
ho'ose tséh-ménohe Gram: ppl vii. coal mine.
ho'óseamėške ni. methane. Lit: coal-gas
-hó'ȯsénome vai. sleep leaning on something. É-hó'ȯsénome. He is sleeping leaning on something. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-hó'ȯseóé'tov vta. lean against s.o. É-hó'ȯseóenoto. He is leaning against him. vai: -hó'ȯseóó'e.
-hó'ȯseóéstsé vti. lean s.t. against. É-hó'ȯseóéstse. He stood it up against (something). See: -hešėxováoestsé.
Ho'óseo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Colstrip, Montana. Lit: coal-river Category: rivers.
ho'óseono ??. place where a tent bottom is held down with wood (etc.) Category: check.
-hó'ȯseóó'e vai. stand leaning against (something). É-hó'ȯseóó'e. He is standing leaning against (something). Etym: *a·mpatika·po·wa (P). Ná-hó'ȯseóó'e mȧheóne. I'm standing leaning against the house. Phon: vs vta: -hó'ȯseóé'tov; fai: -óé. See: -hó'ȯhtóé'tov; -hó'ȯseše.
-hó'ȯsešé vai. lie leaning against, lie against. for example, sleeping leaning against the wall. É-hó'ȯséše. He lay/leaned against (something). Etym: *a·mpatihšinwa (P). See: -hó'ȯseóó'e; -ho'xó'ešé. Category: lie.
-ho'óseve vii. be coal. É-ho'óseve. It is coal.
ho'ósevé'ho'e na. coal man. Category: jobs.
-hó'ót whoop at s.o. can be done in teasing, for example, teasing a brother-in-law if he has fallen off a horse. É-hó'oto. He whooped at him. É-hó'ótóho. He whooped at him. (newer pronunciation). vai: -hó'hohené. See: -hó'está; -hó'évoné. Category: speak.
ho'ota 1 • ni. choker, necklace. Plural ho'ótanȯtse; Possessive -vo'ota.
2 • na. necktie. Plural ho'ótano. Category: clothing.
-ho'ótáne vai. arrive by burrowing. É-ho'ótáne. He arrived by burrowing. fai: -ótané. See: -amótane. Category: motion.
-ho'ótano'hamé vai. collar horse(s), put collar on horse(s). É-ho'ótano'hāme. He is putting a collar on his horse(s). Variant: -e'to'ótano'hamé. Category: horses, harness.
ho'ótano'haméstotȯtse ni. horse collars. grammatically pl. Category: harness.
Ho'otoestse na. Bulletproof. Lit: safe from arrows Variant: Ho'etoestȯtse. Category: names.
-ho'otóhtá vti. bring s.t. by mouth. É-ho'otóhta. He brought it by mouth. Éhnėhmé'-ho'otóhtánȯse hová'éhe tséohkeévėho'otsénovetse. He brought things back (in his mouth) that could be used. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).198] fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth.
hó'ótóva p. sometime, one day, once, someday, suddenly, out-of-the-blue; at once, once in a while. Sometimes has the meaning of 'suddenly, all of a sudden'. Variant: hó'étóva. Usage: Hó'ótóva is the more common pronunciation. Although classified here as a particle, it functions as an indefinite pronoun of time, semantically parallel with Cheyenne nevá'esėstse, hová'éhe, tósa'e, etc. This word can refer to a past time similar to English 'once upon a time', but more like 'one day', as establishing a time frame for a discourse segment. It does not seem to have the idea of 'once', as in a single instance, for which no'ka is used, instead. Hó'ótóva can also refer to future time, the precise time of which is not known. Instead of being close to English 'once upon a time' or 'one day', it seems to have more the meaning of 'out of the blue', as well as 'sometime' and 'someday'. Perhaps speakers vary in whether or not they allow this particle to have a past time reference function, as has English 'once upon a time.'. É'ȯhkėsáanȧho'ȯhtsévȯsesto. Naa hó'ótóva móhnȧho'ȯhtsévȯhevovóhe. They did not used to visit them. And (then) one day they did visit them. [1987:3:3-4] Hó'ótóva éšeeva netao'o he'ama énėsto'semȧhepéeohtsénėse naa ho'e. Someday all heaven will be destroyed, and the earth (also). [Hymn 39] Hó'ótóva nȧhtsevoneotse. Someday I'll be gone (dead). [1987:206] Hó'ótóva néh-nȧho'ȯhtséveo'o! Come visit me sometime! hó'ótóva no'ka éšeeva one day (sometime in the past). [GO: 7/95] Hó'ótóva éává'o. All of a sudden he fell. [see 1987:3:5 for 'all of a sudden' sense] Hó'ótóva nétao'sėtsėhe'ȯhtsehe É'ėxováhtóva? Sometime will you go to Billings? See: moméno; hóótóváne; sé'hove-; mȧsó-; ho'etove-. Category: time.
-ho'otse vti. use s.t. É-ho'otse. He used it. Néohkė-ho'otsehe? Do you use it? Ques: do both -ho'o'tsé and -ho'o'tsé'tá exist?? Naa hó'ótóva é'ȯhkė-ho'otsénȯse amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse. And sometimes he would use a mirror. [1987:108] vta: -ho'otsé'tov; Synonym -hotse'óhtá. Category: check.
ho'otseh vai. Gram: rr so take, where take. Ques: recheck glosses?? ... é-ho'otsėhóho. ... that is where he took him. Tósa'e né-ho'otseše? Where are you taking me? [Mountain stories.089] Category: check, move.
-ho'otse'ohe fai. work arrive, arrive at point in work. Étȧ-ho'otse'ohe. He came to that point in his work. [1987:199] fai: -otse'óhe; vai: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-ho'otsé'tov vta. use s.o., hire s.o. Ques: ho'otsé'tov?? ho'o'ts[e'tov?? É-ho'otsénoto. He used/hired him. Ná-ho'otsenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I used the horse. Naa mó'ȯhkė-ho'otséhenotóhe ho'eevo. And he used to use a hide. [1987:107] vti: -ho'otse. See: -hotse'ót. Category: interpersonal, check.
-ho'otsénove vii. useful. É-ho'otsénove. It is useful. vti: -ho'otse. Category: check.
hó'otseonó'e ni. backrest, willow backrest, bedstead. This is a backrest made of willows, traditionally used in a tepee. These backrests are always in pairs. Plural hó'otseonó'ėstse; Medial -ó'(e). See: hó'os-; hó'óse; hoeseonó'e; méno'ke. Category: wood, tepee.
Ho'ótseóó'e na. Lightning Stands Woman, Lightning Woman. Variant: Ho'étseóó'e. Category: names.
-ho'ótseotse vii. thundering. É-ho'ótseotse. It is thundering (from lightning). Usage: more commonly used than -ho'étseotse Variant: -ho'étseotse. See: -ho'ótse. Category: weather.
Ho'ótseotsėstse na. Lightning. a person's name, not a name for lightning. See: -ho'ótseotse. Category: names.
-ho'óvȯhto'he vai. arrive hauling. É-ho'óvȯhto'he. He arrived hauling (something). Móx-ho'óvȯhtó'hehéhe. He must have arrived hauling (something). fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: transportation, containers.
-ho'óvȯhtóvá vai. sell land. É-ho'óvȯhtóva. He sold land. See: ho'e ‘land’.
ho'óx- i. last, end. É-ho'óxéhne. He walked last. É-ho'óxeve. He is the last one in line. Synonym hestóx-.
ho'óxe- pv. last, at the end. tsé'ȯhkė-ho'óxeóoméetootse when the last snow squalls come through. [1987:32] Nétȧ-ho'óxenėhetatséme. I'm at the end telling you (pl) (that) (that is, he is almost finished). Ho'óxe-néšeha! Nurse him before you leave! (for example, at the end of your visit). Particle ho'óxeto. See: ho'óxove-. Category: time, positions.
hó'óxe p. last, on the end. refers to last position in line. Phon: High pitch on the first syllable is probably due to iah. Reduplicated hótó'óxe. See: hestóxe-; ho'óxeto. Category: positions.
ho'óxeévo'sóó'e éseváohestȯtse hohtsemo na. NBA finals. Lit: end-play basketball Category: new. Ques: Recheck: what kind of a phrase is this? Should it begin with tséxho'óxeévo'sóestove?? Category: check, basketball.
ho'óxėhe'pe ni. last rib. See: he'pe. Category: body.
-ho'óxehné vai. walk last. that is, walking as the last one in line. É-ho'óxéhne. He walked last. Synonym -hestóxehné. Category: walk.
ho'ȯxe'ėstóov vta. letter arrive to s.o. Naa ná'évȧhésė-ho'ȯxe'ėstoova hákó'e Portland. But he wrote to me from way over in Portland. [How God Helped Me Forgive.40.] See: -mȯxe'ėstóov.
-ho'óxeohtsé vai. come to the end. É-ho'óxeōhtse. He came to the end. Initial ho'óxe-; Final -ohtsé. Category: motion.
-ho'óxeóó'e vai. stand at the end. É-ho'óxeóó'e. He stood at the end. Éstano'kė-ho'óxeóesėstse. (The whiteman) was standing alone at the end (of the line). [The Whiteman and the Mouse.031] fai: -óé2. Phon: vs See: -hestóxeóó'e. Category: stand.
ho'óxeto p. end, last. Preverb ho'óxe-. Category: positions.
-ho'óxeve vii. last, be the last one, be at the end. É-ho'óxeve. He is the last one. for instance, he is the last one in line. Category: positions.
-ho'óxevone vii. last sound. É-ho'óxevone. It is the last sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-ho'óxo'tá vii. be at the edge, be at the end?? É-ho'óxó'ta. It is at the end. See: -tóxehá. Category: check.
ho'óxove- pv. arrive across. naa tsé'tóhe móstaéšėto'se=nėhéóhe = ho'óxovetóhonaoohéhéhe. And this (young lady) had almost swum across to the other side... [The Scalped Man Who Died.118] See: ho'óxe-; hóxove-; ho'(e)-. Category: positions.
-ho'óxoveohtsé vai. arrive across. for example, to arrive across the ocean during a World War. É-ho'óxoveōhtse. He arrived across. Nátaéšė-ho'óxoveōhtse tȧháóhe. I have already gone overseas there. [Rebuke.017] Category: motion.
-ho'sȧheéné vai. have matter in eyes, crusty eyes, bird poop in eyes. É-ho'sȧheéne. He has crusty matter in his eyes. Náohkėsó'méo-ho'sȧheéne. I still get matter ("bird poop") in my eyes. The same initial is used here for matter exuding from the eyes as for saliva drooling from the mouth (-ho'sahtsé); in the eyes the matter might be pus from infection or the ordinary dried secretion in the corner of one's eyes upon waking. Some Cheyennes call this crusty matter "bird poop" when speaking English. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sahtse; -matséné. Category: eyes.
-ho'sȧheénéohtsé vai. getting matter in his eyes. É-ho'sȧhéénéóhtse. He has matter (for example, pus) in his eye(s).
-ho'sahtsé vai. drool, slobber. É-ho'sāhtse. He is drooling. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená ‘mouth’. See: -ho'sȧheéné; -hto'sahtsé; -hé'oneohtsénáohtsé. Category: body.
ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno ni. oatmeal. Lit: slobbery-gravy See: matsemenȯtse; énȧhéno. Category: food.
Ho'sȧhtsenámó'ėsá'e na. Slobbering Calf. a nickname given to one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.
Ho'sȧhtsenámosėstse na. Slobbering Lefty. Category: names.
-ho'sȧhtsenáótse vai. drool; slobber. for example, when cutting teeth or when drunk. É-ho'sȧhtsenáóhtse. He is drooling. Medial -o'sahtsená. Category: babies.
-ho'sané vai. store. É-ho'sāne. He stored. tsé'ȯhkė-ho'sanéstove storeroom/trunk (of car). See: -hóvȯhtanené; -hóvȯsané.
ho'sanémȧhéó'o ni. storage shed. Lit: storage-house Variant: ho'senémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
ho'senémȧhéó'o ni. storage shed. Lit: storage-house Variant: ho'sanémȧhéó'o. Category: house.
ho'sēō'o ni. 1 • par fleche, bundle, little suitcase. Plural ho'seonȯtse. typically glossed by speakers as 'par fleche', a word of French origin, possibly supporting the idea of contact between Ch. speakers and French fur traders, perhaps while the Ch. lived in the woodlands west of the Great Lakes; these bags were typically used in tepees for storage and as furniture ?? Category: check. See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: tepee.
2 • Par Fleche. Category: names.
ho'sóéhe na. dancer. the conjunct participle tsého'sóese 'those who dance' is also used for 'dancers'. Plural ho'sóeheho; Obviative ho'sóeheho. See: -ho'soo'e ‘dance’. Category: dance.
ho'sóemȧhēō'o ni. dance hall. Lit: dance-house such a building has also been used as a general meeting hall, for example, for district political meetings. See: mȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
-ho'sóeohe vai. dance quickly. Ques: quickly?? É-ho'sóeohe. He is dancing quickly. [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle.009] Category: dance, check.
-ho'sóestove vii. Gram: impers be dancing. É-ho'sóestove. There is dancing; people are dancing. vai: -ho'soo'e. Category: social events.
-ho'sóetanó vai. want to dance. É-ho'sóétáno. He wants to dance. fai: -tanó.
ho'sohtsėstse na. diaper. Usage: less commonly used than nėhpe'ėhestȯtse Lit: dirty thing Plural ho'sóhtseto; Obviative ho'sóhtseto. See: nėhpe'ėhestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-ho'soo'e vai. dance. É-ho'soo'e. He is dancing. (another recording) É-ho'sóeo'o. They are dancing. Náto'sė-ho'sóéme. We (not including you) are going to dance. Nėstsėhósė-ho'sóémáne. We (including you) will dance again. tsé-ho'soo'ėstse the one who is dancing/the dancer. (another recording) tsé-ho'sóese those who dance/the dancers. Ho'soo'ėstse! Dance! Ho'soo'e! Dance! (said to more than one person). Tȧhé-ho'soo'ėstse! Go dance! Mónėstsė-ho'soo'e? Are you gonna dance? Hénėhéóhe éx-ho'sóenove. There was a dance there. tsé'ȯhkė-ho'sóévȯse at the powwow grounds. Lit: where they dance See: -ohomo'he ‘dance (final)’; -mȧhtáóó'e ‘dance ceremonially’; ho'sóéhe ‘dancer’. Phon: vs Category: dance, check.
ho'sot- i. dirty. É-ho'sotahe. He is dirty. É-ho'sotátsésta. He regarded him (obv) as being dirty. É-ho'sotóome. It is dirty water. See: heše'(k)év-. Category: appearance.
-ho'sotahe vai. dirty. É-ho'sotahe. He is dirty. Antonym -hóxe'ahe. See: -oókȯhkeve; -heše'eve; -heše'évenóohe. Category: quality.
-ho'sotátam vta. regard s.o. as dirty. É-ho'sotátamóho. He regarded him as being dirty. Category: cognition, check.
-ho'sotátsestá vti. regard s.t. as dirty. É-ho'sotátsésta. He regarded it as being dirty.
-ho'sotó vii. dirty. É-ho'sōto. It is dirty. Antonym -hóxe'ó; Synonym -heše'évó. Category: texture.
-ho'sotoome vii. be dirty water. É-ho'sotóome It is dirty water. Antonym -nanévėsévoome.
-ho'sotsé'ȧhahtá vai. have dirty feet. É-ho'sotsé'ėháhta. He has dirty feet. Category: record.
-ho'sotséne vai. have a dirty face. É-ho'sotséne. He has a dirty face. This is sometimes said by children to tease each other. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sotahe; -heše'événé. Category: face.
-ho'sotsenóno'e vii. appear dirty, look dirty. É-ho'sotsenóno'e. It looks dirty. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-ho'sotsenóohe vai. look dirty. É-ho'sotsenóohe. He looks dirty. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-ho'sotseóhta vai. have dirty leg(s). É-ho'sotseóhta. His leg(s) is dirty. Category: body.
-ho'sotsėsané vai. wear soiled clothes, wear dirty clothes. É-ho'sotsėsāne. He is wearing dirty clothes. Variant: -ho'sotsévėsané. Category: dress.
-ho'sotsevo'ėstanéheve vai. live in a dirty (or messy) fashion. É-ho'sotsevo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a dirty/messy fashion. Category: quality.
-ho'tá1 vii. be here, be there, be at. É-hó'ta. It is here. É-hó'ta namȧheóne It is in my house. tséx-hó'ta where it is. Hákó'e he'evóne é-ho'tanetótse hema'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse. His glasses are way down on his nose. vai: /-hoe/. Etym: *aʔte·wi. Category: sit inan.
-ho'tá2 fii. by heat; by sun. Éháae-hō'ta. It is sunny. Éháo-hō'ta. It is hot. The spelling of this final varies between -ho'tá and -aho'tá. See: -aho'tá. fai: -ho'he. Category: temperature.
hó'tah- i. defeat.
-hó'táhá vti. beat s. t., win against s.t., conquer s.t. for example, to win against a casino machine. É-hó'táha. He beat it/he conquered it. Etym: *a·ʔte·hamwa ‘he extinguishes it by tool’. Ésáa-hó'tȧháhe. He did not beat it. vta: -hó'táh(n). See: -hó'tahe ‘lose’.
-hó'tahe vai. lose, be beaten. É-hó'tahe. He lost/he was beaten/he was conquered. This is the passive of -hó'tah(n) 'beat s.o.'. See: -hó'tah(n); -vovóna'o'h; -ho'tá; -hó'tȧhevá.
-hó'tȧhevá vai. win, defeat, beat. used for winning, for example, in a contest, cards, game, or handgame. É-hó'tȧhéva. He won. É-hó'tȧhevao'o. They won. (another recording) Ná-hó'tȧheváme. We won. Ná-hó'tȧhéva. I won. Násáa-hó'tȧheváhe. I didn't win. Névááhe tsé-hó'tȧhévȧhtse? Who (sg) won? Néváéso tsé-hó'tȧhévȧse? Who (sg) won? Naa móhnėhešė-hó'tȧhevȧhevóhe. And that is how (the people's side) won (in the Great Race). [1987:246] vta: -hó'tah(n); vti: -hó'tahá; Antonym -hó'tahe. See: -vovóneotse; -vovónan. Category: handgame.
hó'tȧheváhe na. victor. The word ma'xė-hó'tȧheváhe was used for 'Jesus', the Great Conqueror in a hymn translated by Rodolphe Petter. vai: -hó'tȧhevá. See: ma'xėhó'tȧheváhe.
-hó'tȧhevá'tȯsané vai. win, beat (for people). É-hó'tȧhevá'tȯsáne. He won (for people). héne tsé'évȧhešeamȧhéstove ametanénestȯtse tsé'évȧ-hó'tȧhevá'tȯsánėse mo'ē'ha that is how we received life, how the magpie won (for people). [The Great Race.051]
-hó'tȧheváoohe vai. win quickly ?? Naa hápó'e évésė-hó'tȧheváoohe. And likewise he won (with others??). Category: check.
-hó'tȧhevávanené vai. winning hand. in cards. É-hó'tȧhevávanēne. He has a winning hand (in cards). Ná-hó'tȧhevávanēne. I've got a winning hand. See: -mȧhoxe'a'ó. Category: cards.
ho'tȧhke ni. sinew. Morph: /ho'tahk/. Usage: archaic Etym: *yaʔt(ehs)i (Pe79.400); *aʔtehs(y)i. See: ho'tšėške; ho'tāno.
-hó'tah(n) vta. beat s.o., defeat s.o. This is about beating in the sense of defeating not hitting violently. É-hó'tȧhnóho. He defeated him. Etym: *a·Ɂte·hwe·wa (P) ‘he extinguishes him by tool’. Ná-hó'taha. He defeated me. Né-hó'tȧhaeneo'o. They beat us. Néhó'taestse. I beat you. Ná-hó'tȧheeneo'o. They beat us (excl.). Éohkeéšėto'setó'ė-hó'tȧhnóho He would almost beat him. [1987:150] Né-hó'tȧhemeno. You (plural) beat us. vti: -hó'tahá. See: -vovónan; -má'to'óh(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.
ho'tāno na. sinew strand. a single strand of sinew. Morph: /ho'tanón/. Plural ho'tanono. The plural means 'thread'. It is grammatically plural because it has multiple strands. ho'tšėške means 'sinew (before de-stranding)'. Etym: cf. M aʔtaeh. See: ho'tšėške; ho'tȧhke. Category: material.
-ho'tanónané vai. make thread from sinew. É-ho'tanónáne. She is making thread from sinew. Category: handcraft.
ho'tanono na. Gram: pl thread. grammatically pl. because of multiple strands. Singular ho'tāno ‘sinew strand’. See: ho'tšėške ‘sinew (before de-stranding)’. Category: handcraft.
-ho'táotse vii. be.at.become. É'ȯhkeévȧ-ho'táotsétsėsestȯtse he'éxánėstse. His eyes would return. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).029]
-hó'tȯhtan vta. run over s.o. É-hó'tȯhtanóho. He ran over him. for example, with a car.
-ho'tomev vta. keep something for s.o. É-ho'tomevóho. He kept it for him. Etym: *aʔtamawe·wa. See: -ho'tov ??; ho't; ho'h.
-ho'tomóv vta. keep his/her (inanimate thing). Ná-ho'tomóvo heta'ta'ȯhēō'o. I have his key. See: -ho'tsé; -ho'tomev. Category: possession.
-ho'tonóvȯhtáehe vai. cinched loosely. É-ho'tonóvȯhtáehe. He is cinched up loosely. Category: horses.
-ho'tonóvȯhtáet vta. cinch up s.o. loosely. É-ho'tonóvȯhtáetóho. He cinched him (especially a horse) up loosely. Ná-ho'tonóvȯhtáéto. I cinched him (especially a horse) up loosely. Antonym -he'konȯhtáet. See: -hóhtȯhtáet. Category: horses.
ho'tov- i. loose; shaky. Ná-ho'tovāna. I loosened it by hand.
hó'tová- i. extinguish, douse. É-hó'tována. He turned it (for example, light) off/he extinguished it. É-hó'tová'ó'tse. He extinguished it right away. É-hó'továhéne. He is firefighting. Category: fire.
-hó'tová vii. die (of fire), fire go out, fire die. É-hó'tóva. It went out. Etym: *a·tawe·wi. See: -atová; -énȯse'ėstovóehá. Category: fire.
-hó'továhá vti. extinguish fire of s.t. É'ȯhkeamė-hó'továhánóvo. They used to go along extinguishing it. [Prairie Fires.016] Category: fire.
-hó'továhané vai. fight fire, firefight, extinguish fire, put out fire. É-hó'továháne. ?? He is firefighting. Variant: -hó'továhené. Ques: recheck variant?? Category: fire, check.
hó'továhanémȧhéó'o ni. fire station. Lit: extinguish fire house Variant: hó'továhenémȧhéó'o. Category: fire, check.
-ho'tovahe vai. shaky, weak, loose. É-ho'tovahe. He is shaky/he is weak.
-hó'továhené vai. fight fire, firefight, extinguish fire, put out fire. É-hó'továhéne. He is firefighting. Etym: cf *a·Ɂte·hike·wa ‘he extinguishes things by tool’. Hó'továhénėstse! Put out the fire! Variant: -hó'továhané. Ques: recheck variant?? Category: fire, check.
hó'továhenéhe na. fireman, firefighter. Lit: extinguish.fire-person Plural hó'továhenéheo'o. Synonym éno'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e ‘fire man’. Category: fire, jobs.
-hó'továhenéhéve vai. firefighter.be. É-hó'továhenéheve. He is a firefighter. Category: jobs.
hó'továhenémȧhéó'o ni. fire station. Lit: extinguish fire house Variant: hó'továhanémȧhéó'o. Category: new, fire, record.
-hó'tová'á vti. extinguish s.t. by foot. É-hó'tová'a. He extinguished it (a fire) by foot. Hó'tová'ȯhtse! Step on it to put it out! Etym: cf *a·ʔte·xkamwa. Category: fire.
-hó'tová'o'tsé vti. extinguish s.t. right away. É-hó'tová'ó'tse. He extinguished it right away. Hó'tová'ó'tsėstse! Extinguish it right away! See: -éno'tová'o'tsé. Category: fire.
-ho'tovan vti. loosen s.t. É-ho'tovāna. He loosened it. Ná-ho'tovāna. I loosened it by hand.
vta. loosen s.o. É-ho'tovanóho. He loosened him. See: -hó'tován ‘extinguish s.t./s.o.’; -ho'tovóet.
-hó'tován vti. extinguish s.t. The object extinguished can be a fire, lamp, electric light, or a car engine. É-hó'tována. He turned it (for example, light) off/he extinguished it. Etym: cf *a·ʔte·namwa ‘he extinguishes it by hand’. Hó'továnȯhtse! Turn it off!
vta. extinguish s.o. for example, to extinguish a cigarette (animate). Hó'továneha! Extinguish him (esp. a cigarette)! Synonym -éno'tován. See: -hó'továnahné; -vóho'kȧsena; -éno'továvóhtá; -ho'tovan; -éno'tová'o'h. Category: light.
-hó'továnahné vai. extinguish fire, turn off lights. É-hó'továnáhne. He extinguished the fire; he turned off the lights. See: -hó'tován. Category: fire.
-hó'továoestóhta vti. blow out s.t., extinguish s.t. by blowing. for instance, to blow out a candle. É-hó'továoestóhtá. He blew it out. Etym: cf *a·ʔte·po·ta·tamwa ‘he extinguishes it by blowing’. Hó'továoestóhtȯhtse! Blow it out! fti: -óhtá. Category: fire.
-hó'továotse vii. die (of a fire, etc.), lights go out.
vai. die (of a cigarette). É-hó'továotse. It (or He) died (as a fire or light). See: -atová.
-hó'továvóhtá vti. extinguish s.t. by blowing. É-hó'továvóhta. He extinguished it (by blowing). for example, blowing out a candle. Hó'továvóhtȯhtse! Blow it out (for example, candle)! fti: -óht. See: -éno'továvóhtá ‘blow out s.t.’; -éstovóhtá ‘blow on s.t.’. Category: light.
-ho'továvoováotse vii. loosened by water. É-ho'továvoováotse. It was loosened by water. for example, of a fence post loosened by flood water. Category: liquid.
-hó'továvóovot vta. douse s.o., extinguish s.o. with water. Lit: extinguish with water É-hó'továvoovotóho. ?? He extinguished him with water. Category: fire, check.
-hó'továvoovot vta. douse s.o. Lit: extinguish by water
-hó'továvoovȯxeváen vta. douse s.o. with water, extinguish s.o. É-hó'továvoovȯxeaváenóho. He doused him / extinguished him with water quickly. Nevá'ėsesto heá'ė=háma é-hó'továvoovȯxeváenáá'e. Maybe somebody doused him with water. He had been "on fire". Category: sayings, figurative.
ho'tove- pv. loose, shaky, slack. É-ho'toveotse. It is shaky (for example, fence post). É-ho'toveoo'hetāno. He has weak thinking (maybe something is wrong with his mind).
-ho'tovemósé vai. weak hand. É-ho'tovemóse. He has weak hands. BodyPartMedial -mósé; Antonym -he'konemósé. Category: hands.
-ho'toveóó'e vii. be loose, stick out loose. É-ho'toveóó'e. (The tooth) is sticking out loose. vii: -óé. Category: stand.
-ho'toveotse vii. weak; shaky, loose, slack.
vai. weak; shaky, loose, slack. This could be said of a person that is weak or a shaky fence post. É-ho'toveotse. It (or He) has gotten weak / loose. Antonym -he'koneotse. See: -ho'tovan.
-ho'tovėstáhá vai. weak hearted. for instance, this can refer to having heart trouble if someone tells such a person bad news. É-ho'tovėstáha. He has a weak heart. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: body.
-ho'tovetanó vai. feels weak. É-ho'tovetāno. He feels weak.
-ho'tovó vii. loose. É-ho'tōvo. It is loose. Antonym -he'konó.
-ho'tovóet vta. loosen the bonds of s.o., loosen s.o. This is to loosen how tight someone is tied. É-ho'tovóetóho. He loosened how tight he was tied. Ho'tovóešeha! Loosen him! / Loosen how tight he is tied! Antonym -he'konóet. See: -ho'tovan.
-ho'tsé vti. have s.t. (in possession). É-hó'tse. He has it. Etym: *aʔta·wa. fti: -o'tsé; vta: -ho'h. See: -á'en ‘own s.t.’; he-6 ‘have’; -htsehȯtse ‘possession’. Category: possession.
-ho'tséehe vai. spend money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-hotséehe. He spent money on gifts / he courted her with gifts / he paid for sex with a prostitute. Émá'sė-ho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -má'sėho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.
-ho'tseov vta. have (something) for s.o., keep (something) for s.o. É-ho'tseovóho. He has (or is keeping) it for him. See: -ho'tov; -ho'tsé; -ho'h.
ho'tšėške ni. sinew, tendon. before de-stranding. ho'tāno is a single strand of sinew. (another recording) Simplified Spelling hochk. See: ho'tāno ‘sinew strand’; ho'tanono ‘thread’; -hto'tšéškeme ‘sinew (poss.)’. Etym: cf. M aʔtaeh 'sinew'; *yaʔti (P). Category: body, animals.
hó'x- i. accustomed to, used to. É-hó'xahe. He is friendly/he is acquainted with/he is accustomed to. É-hó'xa'ovo'hāme. He broke in a horse(s). É-hó'xatamóho. He is accustomed to him. Etym: *a·ʔš-. See: hé-.
-hó'xahe vai. accustomed to; used to; friendly. É-hó'xahe. He is friendly/he is acquainted with/he is accustomed to. Etym: *a·ʔšesiwa. Tsėhéóhe móéšė-hó'xȧhehevóhe. They were used to (life) here. [1987:39] vta: -hó'xeeh. See: -hó'xatsėstahe. Category: personality.
-hó'xa'ov vta. break in s.o., train s.o. especially of breaking in a horse. É-hó'xa'ovóho. He broke him in. Etym: *a·ʔšexkawe·wa ‘he passes, beats him'’. See: -hó'xeeh. Category: horses.
-hó'xa'ovo'hamé vai. break in horse(s). É-hó'xa'ovo'hāme. He broke in a horse(s). [Ranch Life:7] fai: -o'hamé. See: -hó'xo'eeto'hamé; -hó'xeet. Category: horses.
-hó'xan vta. spoil s.o. especially refers to holding a baby so much that it wants to be held all the time. É-hó'xanóho. He spoiled him. É-hó'xane. He is spoiled. Category: interpersonal, babies.
-hó'xatam vta. used to s.o., accustomed to s.o., like s.o. This is not as strong an emotion as -méhót 'love'. It can be used of the feeling a dependent child has for its mother, a feeling that sometimes makes it difficult for that child to be away from its mother. This word can refer to the feeling someone has for a friend or acquaintance. Ná-hó'xátámo. I am accustomed to him. É-hó'xatamóho. He is accustomed to him. fta: -átam. Etym: *a·ʔše·leme·wa ‘he is accustomed to him’. See: hó'xe-; -pėhévátam; -méhót. Category: interpersonal.
-hó'xatamahe vai. kind, even-tempered. É-hó'xatamahe. He is kind. Category: personality.
-hó'xatamáotsé'tov vta. used to s.o.become accustomed to s.o. The morphological layering: first a TA stem, then the final -otse (which detransitivizes), then the abstract TA final -'tov. É-hó'xatamáotsé'tovóho. He got accustomed to him. Nȧháóhe náho'ėhóto, ná-hó'xatamáotsé'tóvo There I came to her, I got used to her. See: -hó'xátam. Category: interpersonal.
-hó'xátsestá vti. accustomed to s.t. É-hó'xátsésta. He is accustomed to it. Etym: *a·ʔe·lentamwa. Nášė-hó'xátsésta tsé'ȯhkėšéešestove tsé'ȯhkenaóotsénove. I'm used to sleeping on a bed. Category: cognition.
-hó'xatsėstahe vai. accustomed to, used to. É-hó'xatsėstahe. He is accustomed to (others). hápó'e éohkė-hó'xatsėstȧheo'o in turn they will like you. [1987:226] vta: -hó'xatam. See: -hó'xahe. Category: interpersonal.
hó'xe- pv. accustomed to, used to. Etym: *a·Ɂši. É-hó'xeameōhtse. He is used to walking. Ná-hó'xenėheve. I practiced saying it. vai: -hó'xahe; Initial hó'x-. See: hé-10; -hó'xátam.
-hó'xéaná vai. accustomed to hunger. É-hó'xéána. He is used to being hungry. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-hó'xeeh vta. train s.o. The one trained can be a person or an animal such as a horse. É-hó'xeehóho. He trained him. Nátaohkėhé-ho'xeehahtse. I go train. This is a new way of using this word, to speak of inadequate child raising: Éhávėsévė-hó'xeehóho. He trained him badly. Ná-hó'xeehoo'o. I trained them. Móxho'nó=tā'se=tā'se=héne'enomévȯhtse tséme'tato'senėhešė-hó'xeeese héne héne'enovȧhestȯtse. They didn't quite know he was going to get that education. [1987:143] É-hó'xeehe. He was trained. Category: horses.
-hó'xeehahtse vti. practice. É-hó'xeehahtse He is practicing. Ná-hó'xeehahtse I'm practicing. Náamė-hó'xeehahtse. I'm practicing. É-hó'xeehahtseo'o. They are practicing. Nėstȧ-hó'xeehahtsénonėstse éestsestotȯtse! Let's practice (saying) words! Category: check.
-hó'xeet vta. train s.o., break in s.o. for example, of breaking in a horse. É-hó'xeetóho. He broke him in. É-hó'xeetóho mo'éhno'hāme. He broke in the horse. Synonym -hó'xeeh. See: -hó'xa'ovo'hāme. Category: horses.
-ho'xe'e vai. eat along with food. for example, eating pickles, catsup, or mustard along with other food; can also be used of spreading lard on bread as a substitute for butter. É-ho'xe'e. He is eating something with his food. É-ho'xé'eo'o. They are eating something with their food. Etym: cf *aʔθi ‘additional’. Category: food.
ho'xé'ėstȯtse na. condiment. Plural ho'xé'ėstoto. See: -no'an. Category: food.
-ho'xem vta. threaten s.o. the threat will probably be carried out. É-ho'xemóho. He threatened him. Etym: *aɁšweme·wa (P) ‘he threatens him’. Éévȧ-ho'xemóho. She threatened him back (for example, with revenge). Né-ho'xeme. You threatened me. Some meadowlarks say that. See: -ho'xėsetanevá. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hó'xeotse vai. become accustomed to, get used to. É-hó'xeotse. He became accustomed (to something). See: -hó'xahe; -hoxeotse.
ho'xės(e)- i. fit, belong, join, apply. Variant: ho'xės(t)-. É-ho'xėseōhtse. He joined. Etym: cf aʔθi ‘additional’.
hó'xėséme na. netted hoop, hoop. This refers to the sapling hoop with netted (webbed) rawhide strips; the object of the game is to throw a stick through the hoop as close to the center of the hoop as possible. See: xȯhéono; hóhtséme. Category: games.
-ho'xėseohtsé vai. join. É-ho'xėseōhtse. He joined. naa ného'éehe mó'évȧhósevésė-hó'xėseohtsėhéhe and my father joined the scouts (for the U.S. Army). [1987:44] naa nėhē'še 1947 nánėx-hó'xėseōhtse e'óestaáhemano'ȧhéstóva and then in 1947 I joined the Mennonite Church. [1987:116]
-ho'xėseohtsé'tov vta. join walk with s.o. Náéšė-ho'xėseohtsé'tóvo. I have joined my walk with him / I belong to him.
-ho'xėseotse vii. belong.
vai. join, belong, become a member of, fit with. É-ho'xėseotse. He (or It) belongs / is a part of. For example, he has become a member of a certain religious group, or something (such as a word) belongs. Néméhae-ho'xėseotse oxėse havėséveméónéva. You used to be on the bad (sinful) road (of life). tséstȧ-ho'xėseotse the junction (especially the Busby Y). Ques: recheck that recording?? (another recording) Category: check.
-ho'xėseotsé'tov vta. fit with s.o., belong with s.o. (Mátaho) nésáa-ho'xėseotsé'toehéne. (Peyote) does not fit with us. [Sweet Medicine Comments.059] See: táa'ov.
-ho'xėsetanevá vai. threaten. É-ho'xėsetanēva. He threatened. vta: -ho'xem. See: -tanevá. Category: speak.
-ho'xesó vii. belong, apply, fit. for example, of a word that "fits". É-ho'xēso. It fits / belongs. [1987:239] Ques: É-ho'xēso?? Phon: hl Initial ho'xės(t)-; vai: ho'xėstahe. See: -táeotse. Category: record.
ho'xės(t)- i. belong, fit, join. Variant: ho'xės(e)-.
-ho'xestá vti. belong to s.t. ?? Étaévȧ-ho'xēsta. He is back with it where he belongs. ?? Category: check.
-ho'xėstahe vai. belong, be a member. Ná-ho'xėstahe. I belong; I am a member. É-ho'xėstahe. He belongs. Tósa'e náho'xėstȧhēmȧse éxhešetanóhoo'o? Where do I belong? (The Bat). Ná-ho'xėstahe E'óoestaáhéstóva. I belong to the Mennonites (or, Christian group). [1987:142] Ma'evé'hó'e tséohkėhestóhese móx=nėhéó=hó'xėstȧhehéhe. Germans, as they are called, (Petter) belonged (to them). vii: ho'xesó.
-ho'xėsta'hahtsé vti. fit s.t. in by throwing. Nátavá'nė-ho'xėsta'hāhtse. I'm gonna throw it in. for example, something added to a conversation. Category: throw.
-ho'xėsta'ham vta. fit s.o. in by throwing. É-ho'xėsta'hamóho. He fit him in by throwing. Category: throw.
-ho'xėstan vti. add s.t., annex s.t. that is, cause something to belong. É-ho'xėstāna. He added (or annexed) it. Etym: *aʔšitenamwa. Vé'hó'e hová'éhe háahpe'e móx-ho'xėstanȯhenovóhe. White people add on a lot of stuff. for example, say more about an artifact than what was known about it originally.
vta. add s.o., annex s.o. É-ho'xėstanóho. He added him. Etym: *aʔšitene·wa. mȧhtónėšė-ho'xėstananétse if we can be included somehow. See: hóna'ove-; -no'an.
ho'xėstanenestȯtse ni. addition. new word for addition in school. Category: numbers, school, new.
-ho'xėstanó vai. want to join; want to belong. É-ho'xėstāno. He wants to join (or belong). Antonym -oxėsetanó.
-ho'xėstátam vta. regard s.o. worthy of joining. É-ho'xėstátamóho. He considers him worthy of joining. Etym: *aʔšite·leme·wa. Category: interpersonal.
ho'xėstōha ni. corn pemmican, corn balls. a traditional food. See: hó'xėstoo'o. Category: food.
hó'xėstóó'o ni. corn pemmican. Corn is parched, ground, sweetened, and made into balls. ho'x?? See: ho'xėstoha. Category: food.
-ho'xėstsehné vai. join. É-ho'xėstsēhne. He joined. (another recording) É-ho'xėstsēhne E'óoestaáhe-mano'ȧhéstóva, He joined the Christian fellowship. that is, became a member of the Christian church. Category: church.
-ho'xėstsėhnétanó vai. want to join, add want, join - want to. É-ho'xėstsėhnétáno. He wants to be admitted.
-hó'xóéstóne vai. used to reading. É-hó'xóéstóne. He is used to reading. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-hó'xȯhomó'he vai. used to dancing. É-hó'xȯhomo'he. He is used to dancing. É-hó'xȯhomó'heo'o. They are used to dancing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-hó'xȯhóne vai. used to signing. É-hó'xȯhóne. He is used to signing. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
ho'xó'- i. press against. É-ho'xó'a'ovóho. He pushed him against (something). É-ho'xó'ána. He pressed against it. Ná-ho'xó'éé'tóvo. I sat close against him.
-ho'xó'a'ov vta. push s.o. against (something); corner s.o. É-ho'xó'a'ovóho. He pushed him against (something). See: -éstavaooha'ov. Category: move.
-ho'xó'an vti. hold s.t. close; press against s.t. É-ho'xó'ána. He pressed against it.
vta. press against s.o., hold s.o. close. É-ho'xó'anóho. He pressed against him.
ho'xó'e p. near the wall, against (something). See: nó'óse. Category: positions.
-ho'xó'éé'tov vta. sit close against s.o. É-ho'xó'ee'tovóho. He sat close against him. Ná-ho'xó'éé'tóvo. I sat close against him. Category: sit.
-hó'xo'eeto'hamé vai. break in horse(s) for a team. É-hó'xo'eeto'hāme. He broke in horses for a team. See: -hó'xa'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-ho'xó'eóó'e vai. stand against. É-ho'xó'eóó'e. He is standing against (something). for example, leaning against the wall of his house.
-ho'xó'éšé vai. lie against. especially to lie near a tepee wall. É-ho'xó'éše. He is lying against (something). for example, to lie against a wall. Tȧ-ho'xó'ešėstse! Move over towards the wall! See: ho'xó'e. Category: tepee.
Ho'xó'mȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Sheridan, Wyoming. Lit: against(.mountains)-city See: mȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
-ho'xó'o'tá vii. close against. É-ho'xó'ó'ta. It is close up against (something). Category: sit inan.
-ho'xó'o'tsé vti. put s.t. against. É-ho'xó'ó'tse. He put it up against (something). Ná-ho'xó'o'tsenȯtse. I put them (inanimate) up against (something). Category: put.
-ho'xó'oo'e vai. sit against. É-ho'xó'oo'e. He is sitting up against (something). See: -hó'homoe. Category: positions, sit.
-ho'xó'ov vta. place s.o. against, push s.o. to the edge. É-ho'xó'ovóho. He placed him against (something). Mó'ȯhkėhe'konė-ho'xó'oehehevóhe. They would tie (dead people) securely to (the scaffold). [1987:266] See: -ho'xó'a'ov.
-hó'xónová vai. used to talking. É-hó'xónóva. He is used to talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-hó'xoo'e vai. used to riding. É-hó'xoo'e. He is used to riding. Lit: accustomed-sit fai: -oe. Phon: vs Category: sit.
Hó'xotáhe na. Likes People. Category: names.
-hó'xotahe vai. likes people. É-hó'xotahe. He likes people. Category: personality.
-hó'xotse'ohe vai. accustomed to work. É-hó'xotse'ohe. He is used to working. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
hóm- i. down from, disembark. É-hómána. He 'dropped it off'. for example, at work. Ná-hóma'hama mo'éhno'ha The horse threw me. Etym: *a·m- 'off'. Preverb hóme-.
-homá vai. sense. something like a "fifth sense", for example, to sense that someone is arriving, or to sense that someone else is present in a room. animals, as well as humans, can do this. É-hóma. He sensed. Etym: *amwe·wa. Ésáa-homáhe. He was unaware. vta: -homáotsé'tov. See: -homáotse. Category: dogs.
hóma'e na. 1 • beaver. (another recording) Plural homā'e. AltPl = homá'eo'o AltPl = homá'ne Obviative homā'e; Diminutive homa'kēso, Hóma'ke. Etym: *ameθkwa ‘beaver’; *ameθko·ki ‘beavers’. "iah" abbreviates Impermanent Antepenultimate High. Hóma'e is one of several Cheyenne words which takes an unexpected high pitch on the antepenultimate (third from end) syllable usually on the singular form of a noun or verb. This impermanent high pitch disappears in other constructions involving the word stem in question. Note that the pitch contour of this plural is homā'e, phonemically /homa'é/, with no high pitch heard on the antepenult, as it is in the singular. Some other forms with IAH are: hótame 'dog'; -átamáno'e 'environment (II final)'; héna'e 'goose'; ma'háhko'e 'badger'; oónȧha'e 'frog'; séavóneške 'woodchuck'; héstā'se 'snow'; héše'ke 'dirt';-nó'ka'e 'be one in number (i·)'; héško'e 'leech'; héta'e 'gland'; hexóva'e 'bedbug'; hó'nehe 'wolf'; hóema 'blanket'; hóema 'mosquito'; koohkóva'e 'quail'; mȧháeme 'kernel of corn'; mȧ-htáeme 'louse'; má'ome 'ice'; má'xeme 'apple'; mó'e'e 'blade of grass'; mo'kóhta'e 'Indian turnip'; -mo'óna'e 'be beautiful (i·)'; móneške 'bean'; -né'ta'e 'be important (i·)'; nóma'ne 'fish (sg)'; nonóma'e 'thunder'; ó'he'e 'river'. Category: animals.
2 • Beaver (constellation). the name of a constellation which appears at the beginning of Spring (1987:207) and disappears in the Fall. There are seven stars: four in the shape of a diamond and three in a vertical line (forming the Beaver's tail) some distance away from the diamond. Hóma'e éohkėhevoōne móhkeévamé'ȯhoehéhe tsėhe'xóvéva ȯhto'sematsé'omévee'ėstse tsé'xóvevé'eévamé'ȯhoevȯse né=hotóhkeo'o. Né=hotóhkeo'o éohkenéveo'o naa hovehno tšėševo'héé'ėse éohkena'noéséne hotóhkeo'o tā'se énésȯhtȯxeo'o né = tsénėhestóhese hestsevoxe éohkėhestohe māto. The Beaver (constellation), they say, shows up at this time at the beginning of Spring when they appear. There's four stars and some distance away there's three (more) stars hanging, like there's seven of them that they talk about; it is also called "His Den" (constellation). (1987:207). Hóma'e ééšeéva-mé'ȯhoo'e. The Beaver (constellation) has swum into view (in the Spring). The following warning would be given to people, cautioning them to be alert to the dangers of winter blizzards: Háá'ėše nėstavé'ho'ȯhtséme. Étaéšėta'ȯhoo'e Hóma'e. Óohkenonéšeōhtsema'taamėhéemȯhonéstove. Don't go far from the camp. The Beaver (constellation) has swum out of sight (in the Fall). Go in pairs when you go hunting. A funny incident occurred many years ago when a Cheyenne man (OR) told a Cheyenne-speaking missionary (AH) that the Beaver had been spotted, indicating that Spring had arrived. Cheyennes enjoy telling this episode because it shows the miscommunication that occurred, the missionary thinking that the Cheyenne was referring to an animal beaver in the swollen creek nearby. Here is how their conversation went: OR: Hóma'e ééšeévamé'ȯhoo'e. AH: Héehe'e, naa tsetaonȧháxemémėstáne. OR: The Beaver has "swum" into view. AH: Yes, and he might drown. Phon: iah See: Hestsevoxe ‘His Den’; -méaheše. Category: celestial.
Hóma'e Néstoohe na. Whistling Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhma'haeta na. Gram: ppl Big Beaver. Variant: Ma'xėhóma'e; vai: -ma'haeta. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhma'heónevėste vai. Gram: ppl Sacred Beaver. See: Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhmé'éhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Beaver Appears. probably refers to the Beaver constellation; origin of the English personal name Beaver, as of Beaver Two Moons. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse vai. Gram: ppl Black Beaver. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse vai. Gram: ppl Whistling Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Néstoohe. Category: names.
Hóma'e Ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Beaver. Category: names.
Homa'ėhēsta na. Beaver Heart. origin of Cheyenne family name Hart. Category: names.
Homa'éo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Beaver River. There are two rivers with this name, one is near the north fork of the Canadian River in Okla. and the other is in Kansas. Category: rivers.
Homa'eose na. Beaver Claws. Category: names.
-homa'ėstséh vta. attract attention of s.o., arouse s.o. Né-homa'ėstséhoo'o oeškėseho. The dogs are barking at you. Lit: you are arousing the dogs É-homa'ėstseho. He attracted his attention. É-homa'ėstséhóho. He attracted his attention. Ná-homa'ėstsého. I aroused him. for example, he was sad and I tried to make him happy. Éšė-homȧhe'ėstséšeha! Distract him (for example, a baby)!
-hóma'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. down from off of. É-hóma'hāhtse. He threw it off. Category: move.
-hóma'ham vta. throw s.o. down from off of; drop off s.o. É-hóma'hamóho. He threw him off. Ná-hóma'hama mo'éhno'ha. The horse threw me. Ná-hóma'hamoo'o. I dropped them off. for example, dropping off children with a babysitter. Category: move.
Hóma'ke na. Gram: dim Little Beaver. Phon: iah Variant: Hóma'tše (traditional male speech); Non-diminutive hóma'e. See: homa'kēso. Category: names.
Hóma'ke Ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl Little White Beaver. Category: names.
homa'kēso na. Gram: dim little beaver. Non-diminutive homa'e. See: Hóma'ke. Category: animals.
-hóma'ó vai. dismount quickly, get off quickly. É-hómá'o. He quickly dismounted. See: -hómevonehné. Category: motion, horses.
Homa'óestaā'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Hóma'ȯhtsē'hȯhtse vta. Gram: ppl Afraid of Beavers. Stacy Wolfchief's name. Category: names.
-hóma'ó'h vta. drop off s.o. Éévȧ-hóma'o'ho. He dropped him back off. É-hóma'o'ho. He dropped him off. É-hóma'ó'hóho. He dropped him off. (newer pronunciation). Category: throw.
-homá'tá vti. sense s.t., feel s.t. É-homá'ta. He senses it. vai: -homá. See: -héne'ená; -méšená. Category: cognition.
-homá'tomósané vai. sense about people. É-homá'tomósáne. He senses about people. Category: check.
-homá'tomósané'tá vti. sense about s.t. with people. Éohkė-homá'tomósanenȯtse ma'kaatánėstse. He senses money. Category: check.
-homá'tov vta. sense s.o., feel s.o. É-homá'tovóho. He sensed him. For example, one could sense the presence of someone not seen in the dark, or the departed spirit of someone who has recently died. É-homá'tohe He was sensed. vai: -homá. Category: cognition.
homá'xe- pv. because. tséx-homá'xenȯhtóvanómo just because I knew how to do it. Náméto tséx-homá'xeméhoto I gave it to her because I love her. Naa nánéehove nátsėhéstahe, oha náohkėhéne'enátanó'ta tsėhésenėstsestȯtsetséx-homá'xe'ovóetsėhésenėstséto. But for myself, I am a Cheyenne, I always want to know Cheyenne because that is the first language I knew. [Hymn 96] "Tséx-homá'xeametanénéto nėstseametanéne hápó'e," nánėxheta. "Because I live you shall live also," he told me. See: hése-; vé'-.
-hóma'xe vai. disembark quickly, get off quickly. É-hóma'xe He got off quickly. for example, off a horse or car. See: -hóa'xe. Category: motion.
-hóman vti. take off s.t., drop off s.t. É-hómána. He 'dropped it off.'. for example, dropped it off at work. Etym: *a·menamwa (P). See: -énan.
vta. take off s.o., drop off s.o. É-hómanóho. He 'dropped him off' ; he let him off. Etym: *a·mene·wa (P). for example, dropped him off from his car. Category: move.
-homáotse vai. sense, become conscious of, notice, feel. É-homáotse. He came to sense (something). See: -homá; -méšená; -pėhévomáotse. Category: cognition.
-homáotsé'tá vti. notice s.t., detect s.t., aware of s.t., sense s.t., feel s.t. É-homáotsé'ta. He came to notice it. [1987:277] See: -méšená. Category: cognition.
-homáotsé'tov vta. notice s.o., sense s.o., detect s.o., aware of s.o., feel s.o. É-homáotsé'tovóho. He became aware of his presence.
hóme- pv. down from off of, disembark. É-hómeka'a'xe. He jumped off. Tȧ-hómevonēhnėstse! Get off (for example, off a horse)! Etym: *a·mi. Initial hóm-.
homenó'e na. elm. translation is uncertain; said to be "some kind of tall and skinny tree". Medial -ó'(e). AltPl = homeno'eho ?? Etym: cf *ani·pa·htekwa (P). Category: check. Plural homenó'eo'o. Category: trees.
Homenó'eo'hé'e ni. Elm River. This was the name for the north fork of the Red River. Category: rivers.
hóméso p. it would (or could) happen. See: me'-; onȧháxe-.
hómest- i. escape. É-hómėstovóho. He is fleeing from him (obv).
-hómestá vai. flee, escape. É-hómésta. He fled. Étȧ-hómésta. He fled (away). Ques: Is -hómėstáohe a word; -hómėstaohe?? See: -ho'ómestá; -amȧxestá. Category: motion, check.
Hómėstáhné'e na. Escaped Woman. Category: names.
-hómėstaohe vai. dodge, elude. É-hómėstaohe. He dodged (something). Category: motion, check.
-hómėstov vta. flee from s.o., escape from s.o.; elude s.o. É-hómėstovóho. He escaped from him. Vó'keme hestse'emo móne'évȧhósė-hómėstoehevóhe; móévȧhósėhóo'oohé'tovȯhevóhe. Old Man Winter's wife must have taken off on him again; he is taking her back home (north)again. That is something said when there is a spring snowstorm or squalls. Násó'-hómėstoo'e. It is still eluding me. (idiom='I can't think of it'). See: -hóomėstov; -ameohová; -aseohováohe. Category: interpersonal, sayings.
-hómevonehné vai. get off, dismount. This is getting off from something that can move, such as a horse, car, or wagon. É-hómevonēhne. He dismounted. Hómevonēhnėstse! Get off! Antonym -e'evonehné, -táxevonehné. See: -anȯhevonehné; -hóma'ó. Category: motion.
hómevonėhnéohe vai. disembark quickly, climb off quickly. Étȧhómevonėhneohe ma'aatánó'e. He got off the car with his rifle. [The Porcupine and the Pheasant.060] Ques: vonėhneohe?? Category: check.
-hómevoneohe vai. get off quickly, dismount quickly, disembark quickly. for example, from a wagon or horse. É-hómevoneohe. He got off quickly. Nėhē'še tsé'tóhe móstȧxae-hómevoneóhehevóhe. Then these (girls) got off (their horses). [1987:288] Category: motion.
-hómoésé vai. almost sunset. Éhómoése. ?? Étaéšė-hómoése. It is almost sunset. See: -hoésená; -ta'ehné. Category: time, check.
homȯhe- i. noisy, chaotic, lively. É-homȯheotse. He came to life (got new energy). É-homȯhésta. He is noisy.
-homȯheotse vii. active - become, excited, come to life, alarmed. É-homȯheotse. He came to life (got new energy). Éhma'xė-homȯheotsésesto nótȧxévé'hó'e. The soldiers became excited. [1987:22] See: -homȯhetanó. Category: emotions.
-homȯhéstá vai. noisy. É-homȯhésta. He is noisy. fai: -éstá; vii: -homȯhévone. See: -pe'pe'ésta. Category: sounds.
-homȯhetanó vai. excited. É-homȯhetāno. He is excited. (another recording) See: hene'etanó. Category: emotions.
-homȯhetsesta vai. lively. É-homȯhetsesta. He is lively.
-homȯhévone vii. noisy. É-homȯhévone. It sounds noisy. Ééšeévaasė-homȯhévone. It is starting to get noisy again. fii: -évone. See: -homȯheotse. Category: sounds.
homóht- i. show feelings. See: homóse-; homós-. Category: emotions.
-homóhtahe vai. transparent, show feelings. É-homóhtahe. He showed his feelings. Ésáa-homóhtȧhéhe. He didn't notice (it)/he hid his feelings. vta: -homóseh. Category: emotions.
-homóhtan vta. cause s.o. to feel. for example, when a doctor presses more and more firmly on a place on a patient until the patient can feel the pressure; or when someone is finally irked by someone else. É-homóhtanóho. He caused him to feel (something). See: -homósem; -homóseh. Category: interpersonal.
hómȯhtáne p. unintentionally. for example, something that happened or that was said that was unintentional and uncontrollable, and a person gets mad about it even though it was unintentional or not intended to get him mad. Hómȯhtáne évé'šemomáta'eotse. He got angry at something that was done unintentionally.
-homȯhtáoohe vta. cook.quickly. É-homȯhtáoohe. He cooked quickly. Category: check.
-homȯhtáoohé'tov vta. cook for s.o. quickly. É-homȯhtáoohé'tovóho. He cooked for him quickly. Nȧhtȧ-homȯhtáoohé'tóvo. I will cook for him. [The Snake and the Mice.011] See: -homȯhtov.
-homóhtátsestá vti. bothered by s.t., offended by s.t., resent s.t. É-homóhtátsésta. He is bothered by it. Ésáa-homóhtátsėstóhe. He ignored it/he didn't let it bother him. See: -vénátsésta. Category: cognition, emotions.
-hómȯhtaxé vai. digest lying down. É-hómȯhtáxe. He is lying down digesting his food. ?? Ééšė-hómȯhtáxe. He has lain down to digest his food. Category: eat, lie, check.
-homóhtóéné vai. get thirsty. É-homóhtóéne. He got thirsty. Ná-homóhtóéne. I got thirsty. Ésáa-homóhtoenėheo'o. They did not get thirsty. For example, during a certain period of time; otherwise, this would sound odd since everyone gets thirsty in the normal course of events. See: -háóéné; -homó'aná; -manétanó. Category: drink.
-homóhtona'há vii. breezy. not as strong air movement as -háa'há. É-homóhtóná'ha. It is breezy. See: -momóhtona'há; -háa'há.
homȯhtoo'o ni. cooking pot. Plural homȯhtóonȯtse. See: mo'ȯhtávetoo'o. Category: containers.
-homóhtose vai. chilled finally, cold finally. É-homóhtose. The cold finally got to him. Ná-homóhtose. The cold finally got to me. fai: -ose. See: -homó'oestose; -ná'tose. Category: temperature.
-homȯhtov vta. cook for s.o. É-homȯhtovóho. She cooked for him. Ná-homȯhtova. She cooked for me. Náohkė-homȯhtovoo'o. I cooked for them. [The Birney Battle.017] Náohkeméo-homȯhtóéne. She cooks breakfast for us. Néto'sė-homȯhtovohe? Are you going to cook for him? Nétaomė-homȯhtóvȧhtsehe? Are you cooking for yourself? vai: -homosé. See: -homȯhtáoohé'tov; -ahá'eov; -éxa'eov. Category: cook, record.
homó'- i. show feelings. Variant: homóht-. Ná-homó'ána. I'm getting hungry. Ná-homó'oestose. I'm really getting cold. See: homóse-; homós-. Category: emotions.
-homó'aná vai. become hungry, get hungry. É-homó'ána. He is getting hungry. Ná-homó'ána. I'm getting hungry. See: -háeaná; -homóhtóéné. Category: eat.
-homó'anáotse vai. become hungry quickly, get hungry quickly. É-homó'anáotse. He has gotten hungry quickly. Ná-homó'anáotse. I'm getting hungry quickly. See: -háeanáotse; -háeaná; -homóhtóéné. Category: eat.
-homó'oestose vai. chilled, cold. more emphatic than -homóhtose. É-homó'oestose He is getting really cold. Ná-homó'oestose. I'm getting really cold. Initial homó'-; Final -ose; Medial -oest. See: homóhtose. Category: temperature.
hómó'ȯhtse p. like, for instance, for example. Variant: hámó'ȯhtse. See: tā'se.
homónááhe p. right there.
homós- i. show feelings. É-homósemóho. He provoked him/touched his "sore spot"/touched his funny bone. See: homóht-. Category: emotions.
homóse- i. show feelings. Éhomóse-tāno. He is expecting something to happen. Variant: homóht-. Category: emotions.
-homosé vai. cook. É-homōse. He is cooking. (another recording) Ná-homōse. I'm cooking. É-homȯseo'o. They are cooking. Né-homȯsehe? Did you cook? Nééšė-homȯsehe? Did you already cook? Né-homȯsemehe? Did you (plural) cook? Násáa-homȯséhe. I didn't cook. É-homȯsehe? Did he cook? Néohkė-homȯsehe? Do you cook? Náohkė-homōse. I cook. Náohkėsáa-homȯséhe. I don't cook. Éohkėsáa-homȯséhe. He doesn't cook. Homōsėstse! Cook! Tȧhé-homōsėstse! Go cook! Mónėstsė-homōse? Will you cook? That communicates the same idea as English "Do you want to cook?" Néto'sė-homȯsehe? Are you going to cook? Náto'sė-homōse. I'm going to cook. Mó=mémééhe tsetȧhé-homōse? Will grandpa go cook? "Tȧhé-homōsėstse!" nėhešeha! "Go cook!" say that! Here is the pattern (paradigm) for Cheyenne verbs (animate intransitive) which are in the conjunct (subordinate) order: tséx-homȯséto when I cooked. tséx-homȯseto when you cooked. tséx-homōsėse when he (or she) cooked. tséx-homōsėstse (another pronunciation) tséx-homȯsétse when we cooked. tséx-homȯsése when you (plural) cooked. tséx-homȯsévȯse when they cooked. tséx-homȯsévȯhtse (another pronunciation) tséx-homȯsetsėse when he/they (obv) cooked. Névááhe tsé-homōsėstse? Who cooked? Né-homȯsehe naa móhe tsévéstoemoto é-homōse? Did you or your spouse cook? vti: -homȯsé'tá. See: -ahá'ené; -ho'he; -ho'tá; -ho'oohe; -homȯséohe ‘cook quickly’; -ho'oestsé ‘boil s.t.’. Category: housework.
-homóseh vta. cause s.o.'s feelings to come out. for example, to make s.o. laugh or caught their attention. É-homósėhóho. He caused his (other person's) feelings to come out. vai: -homóhtahe; intensive: -háomóseh. See: -homósem; -homóhtan. Category: emotions.
homȯsého'ēsta ni. cook stove. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
-homȯsé'tá vti. cook s.t. Usage: This is less commonly said than -ho'oestsé. Ná-homȯsé'ta. I cooked it. Hénová'e tsé-homȯsé'tome? What did you cook? Ná-homȯsenȯtse mȧhaemenȯtse. ?? I'm cooking corn. Ques: Ná-homȯsé'tanȯtse mȧhaemenȯtse. ?? Category: check. vta: -homȯsé'tov; vai: -homosé. See: -ho'oestsé ‘cook s.t.’. Category: cook.
-homȯsé'tov vta. cook s.o. Usage: This is less commonly said than -ho'oot. Ques: recheck?? Ná-homȯsenȯtse. I cooked him. Ná-homȯsénoto. I cooked them (animate). vai: -homosé; vti: -homȯsé'tá. See: -ho'oestsé ‘cook s.t.’; -ho'oot ‘boil s.o.’; -honót ‘fry s.o.’. Category: cook, check.
-homósem vta. touch (emotionally) s.o., provoke s.o. refers to evoking an emotion from s.o. through what is said to them; this can be when a person's "sore spot" is touched through something negative said, or it can be when their "funny bone" is touched by something humorous. É-homósemóho. He provoked him/touched his "sore spot"/touched his funny bone. See: -homóseh. fta: -em. Category: speak.
homȯsémȧhéó'o ni. kitchen, kitchen, cafeteria, restaurant. Lit: cooking-house Variant: tsé'ȯhkė-homȯséstove. Category: buildings.
-homóséné vai. show feelings in face. É-homóséne. His face shows his feelings. Ésáa-homósénéhe. His face doesn't show feeling. Category: emotions.
-homȯséohe vai. cook quickly. É-homȯséohe. He cooked quickly. Homȯséoestse! Cook quickly! Naa homȯséoestse! Go ahead and cook quickly! [Beadwork Visit.041] See: -homosé. Category: cook.
Homȯséo'hé'e ni. Gram: oc Cook Creek. Category: rivers.
-homȯséoohe vai. cook quickly. É-homȯséoohe. He cooked quickly. Nȧhtanėšėhósė-homȯséoohe. I will go ahead and cook too. [Beadwork Visit.040] Category: cook.
homȯsestȯtse ni. hot plate. Lit: cooking thing Category: new, cook.
-homóséšé vai. lie feeling pain. É-homóséše. He is lying feeling pain. Assimilated -homóšeše. Category: lie.
-homósetanó vai. expecting something to happen. É-homósetāno. He is expecting something to happen. Initial homóse-. Category: cognition.
-homȯsétanó vai. want to cook. É-homȯsétáno. He wants to cook. fai: -tanó. Category: cook.
-homósetsėstov vta. provoke s.o. É-homósetsėstovóho. He provoked him. For example, he provoked him by word or action / he had a sharp tongue towards him. See: -homósem. Category: interpersonal.
homȯséve'ho'á'e na. cook (female). Category: jobs.
homȯséve'ho'e na. cook (male). Lit: cooking-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
-homȯséve'ho'évėsané vai. cook's clothing, wear cook's clothing. É-homȯséve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing a cook's uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
homȯsévetohko ni. cooking pot. See: homȯsévetoo'o. Category: containers, cook.
homȯsévetoo'o ni. cooking pot. See: homȯsévetohko. Category: containers, cook.
-homóšéše vai. lie feeling pain. that is, he is lying there and his pain has gotten to him, he can feel it now. É-homóšéše. He can feel the pain. Non-assimilated -homósešé. Category: lie, sickness.
homotoo'o ni. food in a pot. Food that is cooked and in a pot, for example, stew. Focus seems to be on the food in the pot, not the pot itself. Plural homotóonȯtse. The plural refers to pots of food. Croft 1948 glossed this as 'boiled meat'. Category: food, cook, containers.
-hóna'an vti. add on s.t. É-hóna'āna. He added it on. Etym: cf *a·nexko·namwa (P1214). É-hóna'anánóvo. They added it on.
vta. add on s.o. É-hóna'anóho. ?? He added him on.?? Etym: cf *a·nexko·ne·wa. See: -hóna'ovoestsé. Category: check.
-hóna'óestsé vti. add on s.t., connect s.t. colloquially used to speak of adding on a story to the end of another story; traditionally used for continued episodes of storytelling. É-hóna'óéstse. He connected it. Etym: *a·nexko·namwa. Hohkȧse névááhe tséévȧhé-hona'óéstsėstse? Who would add (anything) on to (such a) story?! (that is, no one would want to make it any longer) (1980:60:163). See: -mámȯhevoestsé; -hotona'én; hotona'é-; -too'estsé. Category: speak.
-hóna'óhtá vti. add to s.t. by mouth. É-hóna'óhta. He added on to it by mouth. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1. Category: mouth.
-hóna'o'tá vii. connected, joint - be a. É-hóna'ō'ta. It is connected. tséx-hóna'ō'ta joint (especially of bones). See: hotóna'eonaestȯtse.
-hóna'on vti. connect s.t. É-hóna'ōna. ?? He connected it.
vta. connect s.o. É'évȧ-hóna'onomóvónȯse hestse'ko. He put his bone back together. [1987:109] Category: check.
hóna'(ov)- i. add. É-hóna'ovāna. He connected it. Etym: *a·nexk(aw)- (P).
-hóna'ovan vti. connect s.t. É-hóna'ovāna. He connected it. See: -hóna'óestsé; .
vta. connect s.o. É-hóna'ovanóho. He connected him/them.
hóna'ove- pv. additional, next, assistant. É-hóna'ovėhestáotse. He was born next. É-hóna'ovevéhoneve. He is second in command; he is the assistant boss. Hóse-hóna'ovė-ho'ėhāhtsėstse! Put more wood on the fire! É-hóna'ovemanėstsénóvo hemȧheónévo. They added on to their house. Reduplicated hótona'ove-. See: hehpe-; hóse-; mato; hó'xe-.
hóna'ovėhohtóvamȧhēō'o ni. secondhand store. Variant: hóna'ovȯhtóvamȧhēō'o.
hóna'oveme'ko na. vice-chairman. Lit: added-head Variant: hóna'ovevéhoneme'ko. See: me'ko. Category: government.
hóna'ove-mo'ēško na. ring finger, fourth finger. Lit: additional-finger Variant: hóna'oveōse. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter Category: body, hands.
-hóna'ovestá vti. add on to s.t. in speaking. that is, say more. É-hóna'ovēsta. He added on to it by speaking. That is, say something more about it. fti: -está. Category: speak.
hóna'oveto p. next, connected. Preverb hóna'ove-.
-hóna'ovevéhonaov vta. make s.o. second-in-command. Ná-hóna'ovevéhonaōvo. I made him second-in-command. Category: interpersonal.
hóna'ovevéhoneme'ko na. vice-chairman. Lit: added-head Variant: hóna'oveme'ko. See: me'ko. Category: government.
-hóna'ovevéhoneve vai. assistant boss. for example, lieutenant governor, school principal (when there is a superintendent). É-hóna'ovevéhoneve. He is the assistant boss, vice-chairman, principal, etc.
-hóna'ovoem vta. value s.o. as additional, value s.o. as second-in-line. É-hóna'ovoeme. It (or he) is second-in-line valued; he is the second officer. tsé-hóna'ovoemėstse vice-chairman. Lit: the one who is added on, next-in-line See: -véhonoem; -vovóoem. Category: government.
hóna'ovóesemȧhēō'o ni. mobile home. Ques: recheck?? Variant: hóna'ovóeseonémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
hóna'ovóeseonémȧhéó'o ni. mobile home, trailer. Lit: add.tied.together(?)-house Variant: hóna'ovóesemȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
-hóna'ovoestsé vti. add on s.t. É-hóna'ovoēstse. He added it on. See: -hóna'an. Category: quantity.
-hóna'ovóhta'hané vai. add to the story. É-hóna'ovóhta'hāne. He added on to the story. Tóne'še nȧhtamónėhósė-hóna'ovóhta'hāne. Sometime I will tell more of the story. [Ranch Life.023] fai: -óhta'hané. Category: speak.
hóna'ovȯhtóva-mȧhēō'o ni. secondhand store. See: hóna'ovėhohtóva-mȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
hóna'ovóneanenéó'o ni. extension cord, power cable, power strip. Medial -ón. Category: new. See: ho'óneanenestȯtse; -tsėhetóneanené; -amóneanené.
-hóna'ovȯxe'ohe vii. be next letter. É-hóna'ovȯxe'ohe. It is the next letter/it is next written. fii: -ȯxe'ohe. Category: write.
honát- i. subside, diminish. É-honátá'ha. The wind is dying down. É-honátoo'kōho. The rain is subsiding. Category: degree.
-honáta'há vii. wind subside. É-honátá'ha. The wind died down. Initial honát-; fii: -a'há. Category: wind, degree.
-honátoo'kohó vii. rain subside. É-honátoo'kōho. The rain subsided. Category: degree, rain.
honátse- pv. diminish, subside. Éhonátse-tanevóo'e. The crowd subsided. Category: quantity.
-honátsetanevóo'e vii. crowd subside. É-honátsetanevóo'e. The crowd subsided. Phon: iah See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
-hónee vai. piled. É-hóneeo'o. They are piled. for example, a pile of beans or rocks. vii: -hóne'tá.
-honeh vta. lose s.o. from off of, accidentally drop s.o. from off of something. for example, from off a horse or wagon. Ná-honēho. I accidentally dropped him (from off of). É-honėhóho. He accidentally dropped him (from off of). ?? vti: -honestsé. Category: move, check.
hóné(')- i. pile, stack. É-hóneeo'o. They are piled. É-hóné'hóho. He stacked them. É-hóné'sáne. He piled (up things).
-hone'á vti. 1 • wear s.t., be clothed with s.t. É-honē'a. He is wearing it. É-hone'anȯtse tsėhésėhone'óonȯtse. He is wearing Cheyenne clothes. hósėstoo'o tsé-hone'ómo the story that I am filled with (lit., wearing). [1987:101] vta: -hone'ov. See: -hone'ó'tov; he- ‘have’. Category: dress.
2 • be saturated with, filled with s.t. Category: figurative. É-honē'a vé'ho'émahpe. He is clothed with liquor (= he smells much of liquor; he is drunk). Category: drink.
-hone'átanó'tá vti. want to wear s.t. Ná-hone'átanó'ta. I want to wear it. Category: clothing.
-hóne'h vta. pile, stack s.o. É-hóné'hóho. He stacked them. Etym: cf *a·nkwale·wa (P1219). É-hóné'hóho ho'honaa'o. He piled up rocks. Ná-hóne'hoo'o hohtsemono. I piled the balls. vii: -hóne'ta; vti: -hóne'tsé; vai: -hóne'sané.
hone'kōmo na. button. Possessive -htone'kōmo; Variant: hone'ōmo; Plural hone'komono; Obviative hone'komono. See: hone'oo'o. Category: clothing.
-hóne'ó vai. grow. Etym: cf *sa·kiwa.
vii. grow (of vegetation), sprout. É-hóné'o. It (or He) grew. Etym: cf *sa·kaškatwi ‘it sprouts’. -éšee'e is used for growing of people. See: -pėhévóne'ó; -éšee'e; -asee'e. Category: plants.
-hone'ó'seh vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'ó'sėhóho. ?? He clothed him. Usage: not used as commonly as -é'ėsanén Category: dress.
-hone'ó'tov vta. clothed with s.o., wear s.o. É-hone'ó'tovóho. He is clothed with him. See: -hone'ov. Category: dress.
-hone'ónao'seh vta. clothe self. Étavé'šė-hone'ónao'sėhahtsénovȯtse véhoo'o. The chiefs earned the right to wear the clothing.
-hone'ónaov vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'ónaovóho. He clothed him. Ques: RECK ón pitches?? Category: check. Variant: -hone'óona'ov. The following two words are close in sound and Cheyenne enjoy pointing it out. It is funny. Hone'onáóvėstse! Clothe me! Hóneoná'ovėstse! Put all my bones in one place! See: -hóneoná'ov. Category: dress.
hone'oo'o ni. piece of clothing, clothing piece.
na. piece of clothing, clothing piece. Usage: not commonly used as a singular The plural refers to pieces of clothing. This word is animate for some speakers, but inanimate for others. Phon: vs Plural hone'óono ‘pieces of clothing (animate)’; hone'óonȯtse ‘pieces of clothing (inanimate)’. See: -htone'oo'o ‘piece of clothing (poss.)’; hone'kōmo ‘button’. Category: clothing.
-hone'óona'ov vta. clothe s.o. É-hone'óona'ovóho. He clothed him. Variant: -hone'ónaov. Category: dress, check.
hone'óoné-ve'ho'seo'o ni. suitcase. Lit: clothes-container Category: containers.
hone'óonȯtse tsé'ȯhkėhoésene vii. clothes closet. Lit: clothes where.hang Category: house.
hone'óonȯtse tsé'ȯhkėhóxe'ane vii. cleaners. Lit: clothes where.cleaned See: -hóxe'an. Category: buildings.
-hone'ov vta. 1 • wear s.o. É-hone'ovóho. He is wearing him (for example, a shirt, animate). Mónétáho'kė-hone'ovȯhéhe. You must be wearing it over something else. vti: -hone'á. See: -hone'ó'tov. Category: dress, clothing.
2 • wear s.o. spiritually. can be used figuratively of wearing (having) a spiritual being such as the Holy Spirit or a demon: Éhone'ovóho heávȯhóho. He is wearing the devil. That can be said of a misbehaving child. É-hone'ovóho ma'heónemȧhta'sóomaho. He is got the Holy Spirit. Category: figurative.
-hóne'sané vai. pile, stack. É-hóné'sáne. He piled (up things). Etym: cf *a·nkwahike·wa (P1219).
-hóné'ta vii. piled, stacked. É-hóné'ta. It is piled. Etym: cf *a·nkwate·wi (P) ‘it is heaped up, piled up’; cf. F a·kwaso-. Étšėške'-hóné'ta. It is a small pile. Éma'xė-hóné'ta. It (for example, a sand pile or gravel) is high. Mo'ē'ėstse é-hóné'tánėstse. The hay is piled up. Mȧhaemenȯtse éhma'xė-hóne'tatsenėsestȯtse he'nétóóne. Corn was piled up high at the door. (reportative mode). [1980:67:12] vti: -hóne'tsé; vta: -hóne'h. See: -totóovo'tá.
-hóne'tsé vti. pile s.t.; stack s.t. É-hóné'tse. He stacked it. Etym: *a·nexko·Ɂta·wa (P1216) ‘he places it in succession, as an extension’; cf *a·nkwahamwa ‘he piles it’. vta: -hóne'h; vii: -hóne'tá. See: -totóovo'tsé; -hónestsé.
Honéohnéhomo'hėstse na. Wolf Hunter. vai: -néhomó'he. Category: names.
-hóneonáeotse vai. become a pile. É-hóneonáeotse. He fell in an awkward position/'his bones went all over'/.
-hóneoná'ov vta. pile bones of s.o. É-hóneoná'ovóho. He put his bones in one place. for example, put them in a pile. See: -hone'ónaov.
Hóneonáxe na. Loosebones. Category: names.
-hóneonáxé vai. bones lie in a pile. É-hóneonáxe. His bones were lying in a heap. Category: lie.
-hónestsé vti. unable to lift s.t. because it is too heavy. É-hónéstse. He is unable to lift it because it is too heavy. See: -honestsé.
-honestsé vti. lose s.t. from off of, accidentally drop s.t. from off of. É-honēstse. He accidentally dropped it. Éamė-honēstse. He accidentally dropped it as he was going along. For example, he lost garbage from the back of his pickup as he was driving along. vta: -honeh. See: -vona'ó'tsé; -hónestsé. Category: move.
Honėškā'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-hónétséstá vai. lazy. É-hónétsésta He is lazy. (another recording) Éohkė-hónetsėstȧhtove matsé'omēva. There is laziness in the springtime. Intensive: -háónétsésta. Category: personality.
-hónetsėstȧho'he vai. lazy because hot. É-hónetsėstȧho'he. He is lazy because of heat. Ná-hónetsėstȧho'he. I'm lazy because I'm so hot (from the heat). Category: temperature.
-hónetsėstȧhomosé vai. lazy to cook. Ná-hónetsėstȧhomōse. I'm lazy to cook. See: -homosé. Category: cook.
hónev- i. country, hills. Variant: hónev(a)-. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. Category: positions.
hónev(a)- i. country, hills. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. É-hónéváóhtse. He headed for the hills. É-hónévátáno. He has survival skill. See: hónevato; tóhtoon. Category: positions.
-hónevaa'éno'hamé vai. drive into the country. É-hónevaa'éno'hāme. He drove into the country. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hóneva'haso'he vai. ride out in the country on horseback. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. Category: horses.
-hónéváohtsé vai. go to the country, head for the hills. This is about going into the country, not going out of a house which is -hóehné. É-hónéváóhtse. He headed for the hills / he headed out into the country. [Stamper 1991:10] See: onóveto; o'eto; tóhtoō'e; -hóehné. Category: walk.
-hónevatanó vai. try to survive, have survival skill. É-hónévátáno. He has survival skill. Hónévátáno! Try to survive! (said to more than one person).
hónevato p. out to the hills, out in the country. See: onóveto; hoéhose; tóhtoo'e ‘prairie’. Category: positions.
-hónevaveméohe vai. run to the hill. É-hónevaveméohe. He is running toward the hills. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-hónevavo'asé vii. fire go up hill. É-hónevavo'āse. The fire is going up the hill. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-hónevávó'ehné vai. go by wagon to the country. É-hónevávó'éhne. He went out into the country by wagon. Category: roll, check.
-hónevó'a'xe vai. drift (of snow). É-hónevó'a'xe. He (snow, animate) drifted. (Héstā'se) é-hónevó'a'x'e. (The snow) drifted. See: -hóne'tá. Category: weather.
honóhkone na. quilt, boards for flooring. Usage: archaic Plural honóhkoneo'o. See: hono'ko. Category: house.
-honóhtá vti. roast s.t., fry s.t., bake s.t. É-honóhta. He is roasting it. É-honóhta ho'évohkȯhtse. He is roasting/frying meat. vta: -honót; vai: -honóné. See: -ho'oestsé ‘boil s.t.’. Category: cook.
-honóhtomev vta. bake for s.o., roast for s.o. É-honóhtomevóho. He baked it for him. Né-honóhtomoo'e. She baked it for you (sg). Né-honóhtomóenȯtse. She baked them (inan.) for you (sg). Né-honóhtomóenoto. She baked him for you (sg). Né-honóhtomevȧtse. I baked it for you (sg). Category: cook.
hono'ke ni. tip of tepee pole. Etym: *wanaθki. Category: tepee.
hono'ko na. quilt, bedding. Plural honó'kono; Obviative honó'kono; Possessive -htono'ko. Étóxenoto honó'kono. She is sewing a border on a quilt(s). Non-diminutive hono'o. Etym: *ana·xkani ‘mat, rug’. See: honóhkone; hono'ke; mȧheónėhono'ko; tónovėhono'ko. Category: handcraft, bed.
hono'o ni. floor. Plural honó'onȯtse; Diminutive hono'ko ‘quilt’.
-honó'oneve vii. be a floor. É-honó'oneve. It is a floor. Category: house.
hóno'xe- pv. most, more. É-hóno'xėhávėsévána. He made it worse. Ná-hóno'xeméto. I gave him most of it. Né-hóno'xėho'tsenȯtse menȯtse. You have more berries (than I). hóno'xė-háahpe'e the greater portion; most of it (1987:144). See: náno'se-; hehpe-; hohame-. Category: quantity.
hóno'xesto p. most (of them). Hóno'xesto náohkenėhetāā'e, náohkevéháá'e náhkȯheo'émȯxe'eha náohkėhetāā'e. Most of them call me, they call me by name, Bearsole, they call me. [1987:114]
-honóné vai. bake, roast. É-honóne. She baked. Náohkėsáa-honónéhe. I don't bake much. Anóse étáxė-honóne. Outside he is grilling. vti: -honóhtá. See: honoo'o; vetšėškévȧhonoo'o; -hoohe. Category: housework, cook.
honónestȯtse ni. baking pan, roasting pan, oven. Lit: bake-NOM Plural honónėstotȯtse. See: honónevetohko. Category: containers.
honónevetohko ni. bread pan, frying pan, baking pan. See: honónestȯtse; hetohko. Category: containers.
honono ni. ankle. Plural honononȯtse. See: -htonono. Etym: cf. *wankwani ‘his heel’. Category: body.
honoo'o ni. roast, barbecue, anything baked. Plural honóonȯtse. Phon: vs Etym: *apwa·na·xkwi "roasting spit'; cf. *apwa·na 'roast of corn bread (anim.)'; *apwa·ni 'roast of meat (inan.)'. See: -honóné; homotoo'o; vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ‘fry bread’; méstaévȧhonoo'o ‘ghost bread’; éstȧhonoo'o. Category: cook.
-honȯsané vai. accidentally drop things. for example, losing garbage off the back of a pickup while driving along. Éamė-honȯsāne. He is going along accidentally dropping things. Category: move.
-honót vta. fry s.o., roast s.o., bake s.o. Ná-honóto. I'm roasting him. É-honoto. He roasted him. É-honótóho. He roasted him. (newer pronunciation). Nétȧhonótone! Let's roast him! [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle (Howlingcrane).014] Kokȯhéaxa ná-honóto. I'm frying chicken. Né-honótovohe? Did you fry them? The t changes to x when followed by e of a command: Honóxeha! Roast him! The t changes to h when followed by e of a passive: É-honohe. He is roasted. Etym: *apwa·sowa 'he is roasted'. This is a funny conversational exchange: A: É-hávėséveéno'e vétšėškévȧhonoo'o. B: Naa éme'taomė-honohe. A: The frybread tastes bad. B: Well, fry your own! vti: -honóhtá. Etym: *apwa·θe·wa 'he roasted him'; O abwaan- (N). See: -ho'oot ‘boil s.o.’. Category: cook.
-honóvá vai. hang drymeat. É-honóva. He is hanging drymeat. Vó'kéme é-honóva. Old Man Winter is hanging drymeat. That is a saying after it snows and snow is hanging on tree branches like drymeat. fai: -óvá5. See: honóvóhko; -he-stonóvȯhkone. Category: meat.
honóvóhko ni. drymeat, jerky. Plural honóvȯhkonȯtse. The plural refers to strips of drymeat, for example, when hanging up drying. Possessive -stonóvóhko. Etymologically, this word may consist of initial honó- + /-vohk/, part of the word for 'meat' (/ho'é-vohkot/; cf. cognate, Menom. aski·wakan) plus an unknown suffix /-ón/; so the literal etymological "meaning" of this Ch. entry may be something like 'roasted-meat'; alternatively, if the segment /-vóhk/ has a phonemically high-pitched vowel, as would be indicated by the pitch behavior of the equative verb 'it is drymeat', then the literal meaning might be, instead, something like 'roasted-crooked', perhaps because when the meat dries it typically shrivels and distorts in shape. Category: check. See: -honóva ‘hang drymeat’. Category: meat.
-honóvȯhkonėheve vii. become drymeat. É-honóvȯhkonėheve. It is drymeat; it became drymeat. IndepNoun honóvóhko. Category: meat.
honóvónó'e ni. meat drying rack. hésévánó'e á'e honóvónó'e Wow! (a cute exclamation). See: hestonóvónó'e; honóvóhko; -htonóvónó'e; ó'óéséó'o; -óvá5 ‘meat’. Category: meat, tools.
honóxeāse na. 1 • meadowlark. In the meadowlarks' distinctive song, Cheyennes hear them sing, "Vétanovéo'hé'e nánėxhé'óhtse," 'I've come from Tongue River', and mock people, calling them "méstaevóo'xénéhe" 'boogeyman-nose-person!' They also say, "nétamȯhenėšemámáne," 'Let's play cards!'. Plural honóxeaseo'o. Honóxeaseo'o éohkeméohoó'hevao'o matsé'oméva. Meadowlarks are heard singing early in the morning in the spring. [1979:205] Nevá'esėstse mónéhoxomaehénotóhe honóxeasóho.meadowlarks.mp3 Someone must have fed you a meadowlark. That is an idiom to tease someone about being so talkative. Obviative honóxeasóho; Variant: honóxeāso, henóxeāso. Category: birds.
2 • Meadowlark. Category: names.
honóxeāso na. meadowlark. Plural honóxeaseo'o; Obviative honóxeasóho; Variant: honóxeāse, henóxeāso. Category: birds.
Hoóema'háahe na. Old Man Winter. a name. Variant: Hóema'haahe. See: má'hahe. Category: names.
-hóoeóó'e vai. stand looking out. for example, looking out of a doorway. É-hóoeóó'e. He is standing looking out. fai: -óé. See: -hóeóó'e ‘stick out’. Category: stand.
-hoohe vai. roast, cook over an open fire (or stove). can also refer to cooking directly on stove top, not in a pan; sometimes done for cooking meat. É-hoohe. ?? She cooked over an open fire. See: -honóné. Category: cook, check.
hoohēō'o na. flag. (another recording) Plural hooheono; Obviative hooheono; Possessive -htoohēō'o. See: oestóono.
hóoht- i. home. É-hóohtȧhá'éne. She is taking food home. É-hóohto'xe. He arrived home with a kill (game) on (his) back. See: hóo'-. Preverb hóose-.
-hóohtȧhá'ené vai. take food home. É-hóohtȧhá'éne. He is taking food home. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -hóohtanová. Category: food.
-hóohta'éno'hamé vai. drive home. É-hóohta'éno'hāme. He drove home. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hóohta'haso'he vai. ride horse home. É-hóohta'haso'he. He is riding home on horseback. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hóohta'ó vai. go home quickly. É-hóohtā'o. He went home quickly. Éstaévanėhešėho'ė-hóohtā'o. That's how he got back home quickly. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.051] Category: motion, speed.
-hóohta'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock home. É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. [1987:171] É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. Initial hóoht-; Final -a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses, livestock.
-hóohtanov vta. take food home for s.o. É-hóohtanovóho. He took food home for him. Tȧ-hóohtanoveha! Take food home for him! Category: food.
-hóohtanová vai. take food home (from a meal). Esp. refers to taking food home from a feast. This is considered culturally appropriate and is encouraged. Not just leftovers are taken home, but nice platefuls of meat and other food. É-hóohtanōva. She took food home. Tȧ-hóohtanōvȧhtse! Take food home! See: -hóohtȧhá'ené. Category: carry, food, eat.
-hóohtanovot vta. take home s.o. as food. especially some animate food, such as a melon. É-hóohtanovotóho. He took him home as food. Category: move.
-hóohtȧše'še vai. go home drunk. Étȧ-hóohtȧše'še. He went home drunk. Category: drink.
-hóohto'ȧhéotse vai. run home. also used for "running home" in baseball. É-hóohto'ȧhéotse. He ran home. Neváeseo'o háestoha tsého'ė-hóohto'ȧhéotsese? Who (plural) had the most runs home? Usage: loan transl. for baseball use fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -ésto'ȧhéotse. Category: run, baseball.
-hóohtó'ehné vai. go home by wagon, wagon home. É-hóóhtó'éhne. He went home by wagon. Category: roll.
-hóohtó'en vti. haul s.t. by wagon or vehicle. É-hóohtó'éna. He hauled it home. See: -ó'(e)1. Category: move.
-hóohtó'eohe vai. go home by wagon quickly. É-hóohtó'eohe. He went home by wagon quickly. tséhmaehóohtó'eohévȯse when they went home by wagon. [The Forgotten Horse.003] Category: transportation.
-hóohtó'eohtsé vai. ride a wagon home. É-hóohtó'eōhtse. He rode home on a wagon. Category: roll.
-hóohto'xe vai. carry home on back; pack home on back. É-hóohto'xe. He carried game home on his back. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-hóohto'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o pack s.o. home, carry home s.o. on the back. especially of carrying game, but can be of any burden carried on the back. É-hóohto'xénoto. He packed him home on his back. Ná-hóohto'xé'tova. He carried me home. Category: carry.
-hóohto'xéotse vti. pack home, carry game home. Éstȧ-hóohto'xéotsénȯsestȯtse. He packed them (inanimate) home. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.102] Category: carry.
-hóohtóoseme vai. flee home. This especially refers to when the Northern Cheyennes fled back to Montana from Oklahoma. É-hóohtóoseme. He fled home. tséhne'évȧ-hóohtóosemēvȯse when they fled back home. fai: -óoseme. Category: motion.
-hóohtósem vta. drag home s.o. É-hóohtósemóho. He dragged him home. Variant: -hóosėstósem, -hóestósem2. Category: move.
-hóohtotóm vta. carry home s.o. in the mouth. É-hóohtotomo. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. É-hóohtotómóho. He carried him home in his mouth/teeth. (newer pronunciation). fta: -otóm. Category: carry, move.
hoohtova- pv. anyway. See: kánome-. Naa móhnėšė-hoohtovaaseehehevóhe But they moved away anyway. [The Trek from Oklahoma.008]
-hóohtóvȯhto'he vai. haul home something. É-hóohtóvȯhto'he. He hauled (something) home. fai: -óvȯhto'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he. Category: move.
hoóhtsenáheónó'e ni. smoke flap pole. This is the pole(s) that holds up the flaps that allow smoke to exit the tepee. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. For some speakers the sg. is both sg. and pl. AltPl = hoóhtsenáheonó'ėstse Medial -ó'(e); Plural hoóhtsenáheonó'e ??. Actions which people do with these poles are: -nėhpo'an 'close s.t. (that is, the smoke hole)', -ta'ta'en 'open s.t.'. See: -hóatová. Category: tepee, smoke, check.
-hoóhtsenán vti. open s.t. (smoke flap of tepee). É-hoóhtsenána. He opened it (smoke flap of tepee). Category: tepee.
hoohtsėstse na. 1 • tree. (another recording) Morph: /hoóhtet/. This sense of the word is used as superordinate category label, which would include various specific kinds of trees, for example šéstótó'e, mótó'e; the unmarked species is the cottonwood; cottonwood is also referred to with the addition of the prototype prenoun xamae-, that is, xamae-hoohtsėstse. Etym: cf. *asa·twiya 'poplar'. Plural hoóhtseto, (another recording); Obviative hoóhtseto. (another recording) Hoohtsėstse éméhnevāse. The tree is worm eaten. See: ma'táa'e ‘forest’.
2 • cottonwood tree. See: xamaehoohtsėstse. Category: trees.
hoóhtsetséhéha ni. like a tree. Hoóhtsetséhéha éhe'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Category: identity.
hoóhtsetsémahpe ni. sap. Lit: tree-water Category: trees.
hóo'- i. home. É-hóó'óhtse. He went home. See: hóoht-.
-hóo'ȧhéotse vai. run out. É-hóo'ȧhéotse. He ran out. Móstȧ-hóo'ȧhéotsėhéhe Ma'kō'se. Ma'ko'se ran out (of the tepee). Mó'ȯhkė-hóo'ȧhéotsėhevóhe néhe vo'ėstaneo'o. Those people would run out (of the log). [1987:247] fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -hóeohováohe; hóe-. Category: run.
-hóo'a'éšé vai. ?? É-hóo'a'éše. ?? Category: lie, head, check.
-hoo'e vai. be at, be in place, stay. É-hoo'e. He is (here or there)/he sits here/he lives here. (another recording) Etym: *apiwa. É-hoehe? Is he here/there? Tsévéstoemoto é-hoehe? Is your spouse there? Ésáa-hoéhe. He is not here. (another recording) É-hoeo'o. They are here. (another recording) Ésáa-hoéheo'o. They are not here. Évésė-hoeo'o. They are also here. Né-hoehe? Are you here? (another recording) Ná-hoo'e. I'm here. Mó-hoehéhe. He must be here. Móné-hoehéhe. You must be there. É-hoéstove. There is being at (impersonal verb form). Néto'sė-hoehe? Are you going to be there? Tósa'e é-hoo'e? Where is he? Tósa'e né-hoo'e? Where are you? (sometimes said for 'Where do you live?) (another recording) Some younger speakers say tósa'e névee'e? (lit. 'Where are you camped?") for 'Where do you live?'. Éx-hoésesto. It is said they were there. Ésáa-hoéhesesto. It is said they were not there. Éx-hoéhoono. Wow, they were there. (preterit mode). Éssáa-hoéhehoono. Wow, they were not there. (preterit mode). Násáa-hoéhéme. We (excl) were not there. Násáa-hoéhemanehe? Were we (excl) not there? Nésáa-hoéhema. We (incl) were not there. Nésáa-hoéhemanehe? Were we (incl) not there? Móné-hoémáne? Do you mean we (incl) were there? Mónésáa-hoéhémáne? Do you mean we (incl) were not there? Nésáa-hoehehe? Weren't you there? Náto'sėsáa-hoéhe mȧhvóonā'o. I will not be here tomorrow. tséx-hoéto when I was there. tséssáa-hoéhéto when I was not there. tséssáa-hoéheto when you were not there. tséx-hoo'ėse where he is. tséx-hoévȯse where they are. tsé-hoo'ėstse the one that is here. tsé-hoese the ones that are here. Náéšeévȧ-hoo'e. I'm back. Nȧhtsemóneévȧ-hoo'e. I will be back soon. Morph: /-hoe/. Phon: The /e/ of this stem, -hoe, is high-pitched when it is in the midle of a word, for example, É-hoéstove 'there is being at.' Nėšė-hoo'ėstse! Stay there! / Stay home! Phon: vs vti: -hoé'tá. Ques: Is TI parallel -ho'tsé 'have'? ?? Category: check. fai: -oe, -e2; vii: -ho'tá. See: -nėhetoo'e; -ohoo'e; -vee'e; -sétoo'e. Category: sit.
-hóo'ehe vai. move home. É-hóo'ehe. He moved home. fai: -eehe. Category: motion.
-hóo'eohe vai. go home quickly. É-hóo'eohe. He went home quickly. Mónééšeévȧ-hóo'eohehéhe. You must have already come back home. [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.063] See: -hóe'eohe ‘come out quickly’.
hóo'eotseh vta. take s.o. home. É-hóo'eotsėhóho. He took him home. Ná-hóo'eotsēho. I took him home. Category: move.
hoó'ėsp- i. incomplete. É-hoó'ėspȧhá'éne. She is not quite good at cooking. É-hoó'ėspahe. He is clumsy in handling things / he doesn't do things right. Category: quality.
-hoó'ėspȧhá'éne vai. inept at cooking, not quite good at cooking. É-hoó'ėspȧhá'éne. She is not quite good at cooking. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
-hoó'ėspahe vai. clumsy, inept. É-hoó'ėspahe. He is clumsy in handling things / he doesn't do things right. a weaker word than -hoó'sotahe. See: -hoó'sotahe. Category: personality.
hoó'ėspe- pv. incomplete. É-hoó'ėspetsėhéstahe. He is a breed / halfbaked Cheyenne.
i. nickname for a man whose mother was Cheyenne and father was Crow. Hoó'ėspeóoetane Halfbaked Crow. Category: quality.
-hoó'ėspenoné vai. sing not quite right. É-hoó'ėspenōne. He sang not quite right. See: Ho'ėspeóoetane. Category: sing.
-hoó'ėspenóohe vai. look weak. É-hoó'ėspenóohe. He looks weak / not quite right (??). Category: appearance.
Hoó'ėspeóoetane na. Halfbaked Crow. nickname for a man whose mother was Cheyenne and father was Crow. See: Óoetane ‘Crow’. Category: people.
-hoó'ėspeotse vai. helpless, powerless, unsuccessful. seems especially to have the idea of not fully developed, something like "half-baked". É-hoó'ėspeotse. He gave up doing things the right way. Ná-hoó'ėspeotse. I am helpless/powerless. Non-reduplicated ho'ėspe-. Phon: notice the "sp" sequence which is normally heard in the speech of only a few individuals (perhaps only women) who assimilate /h/ 'past tense' to "s" preceding "p" See: -hóo'ėspahe ‘clumsy’.
-hoó'ėspóo'ó vai. incomplete.see. É-hoó'ėspóó'o. He sees blurry / not quite clear. Ná-hoó'ėspóó'o. I see blurry. Ques: not vs fai: -óo'ó. See: -hovénóo'ó. Category: sight.
hóó'ėstse p. too much, excess. Hóó'ėstse náhetóó'o. I can't see well because the sun is shining in my eyes. Hóó'ėstse náno'hetāna. It is more than I can carry. For example, I'm carrying a full pot of something. Someone tries to put more in the pot. By saying this I'm telling this person, or someone else, to carry it themselves; I can't handle any more. Hóó'ėstse éhetanēne. He is carrying too many things at once. Hóó'ėstse náhetanēne. I am carrying too many things at once. See: heóme-. Category: quantity.
hoó'h- i. overheard. refers to someone else hearing whatever sound the subject of the verb is making. É-hoó'hónóva. He was overhead talking. É-hoó'hahtóoheo'o. They are overheard hollering. Preverb hoó'he-. Category: hear.
-hoó'haaenove vai. heard playing. É-hoó'haaenove. (haenove??) He was heard playing. See: -háaenove. Category: sounds, play, check.
-hoó'hahtóohe vai. heard sounding. This refers to sound being heard that is a typical sound of whoever is making that sound, such as mooing, meowing, croaking, neighing. É-hoó'hahtóohe. He was heard hollering. naa óvahe vé'kėseho ééesó'-hoó'hahtóoheo'o. but the birds are still singing. Naa nėhē'še tá'tóhe éhne'ȯhkė-hoó'hahtóohesėstse vo'ėstane tóhtóó'e. And then that person (whiteman) could be heard hollering on the prairie. [Croft 1988:21:13] Hotȧhtse éhnéstovósesto éx-hoó'hahtóohesėstse ó'kȯhóme. Here, he heard a(nother) coyote howling. [1987:300] fai: -ahtóohe. See: -hó'está; -néstoohe. Category: sounds.
-hoo'hahtsé vti. slam closed s.t., forcefully close s.t., close s.t. by slamming. especially a door or gate. É-hoo'hāhtse. He slammed it shut. Éma'xė-hoo'hāhtse. He really slammed it shut. Émȧsó-hoo'hāhtse. He slammed it shut. Hoo'hāhtsėstse! Slam it closed! See: -hoo'tá; -hoon. Antonym -ónėsta'hahtsé. Category: move.
-hoó'ha'xané vai. heard crying. É-hoó'ha'xāne. He was heard crying. Lit: he was overheard crying Category: cry.
-hóo'haso'he vai. ride horse out. É-hóo'haso'he. He rode horse out. for example, out of the corral. Ques: hóo'a'hasó'he or hóa'has[o'he?? See: -hóa'haso'he. Category: horses, check.
hoo'he na. sack, bag. seems to refer only to containers made of cloth. may be inanimate for some speakers. Plural hoo'heno; Oblique hoo'hénóva. Category: containers.
hoó'he- pv. overheard. Énėx-hoó'heamévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard coming. mȧx-hoó'hepónevone when you hear shooting (that is, a big noise) (1987:27). Táaxa'e nátȧhévé'hóómo nevá'esėstse néhe tsééema'xe-hoó'hepe'pe'éstȧhtse. Let's see, I'll go see whoever it is who is hollering. (1987:285). É-hoó'henéstoohe. He was overheard hollering/bellowing/etc. É-hoó'hemésehe. He was overheard eating. Éévė-hoó'he-óxȯhevoo'o (or, -óxȯhesėstse)? What is he overheard saying? (humorous response to someone's farting). Initial hoó'h-. See: -áahtomóné; tata'e-. Category: sounds, hear, sayings.
-hoó'hemésehe vai. overheard eating. É-hoó'hemésehe. He was overheard eating. Preverb hoó'he-. Category: eat, hear.
-hoó'henoné vai. overheard singing. É-hoó'henōne. He was overheard singing/"I heard him singing." Névááhe tsé-hoó'henōnėstse? Who is overheard singing? Category: sing, hear.
-hoó'héstá vai. overheard hollering. É-hoó'hésta. He was heard hollering. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds, hear.
-hoó'hetsévanené vai. overheard making noises feeling around. for instance, of a blind person, or someone feeling around in the dark. É-hoó'hetsévánéne. He is overheard making noises as he is feeling around. fai: -anené. Category: lie.
-hoó'hevanené vai. overheard making a sound. Often connotes farting sounds. É-hoó'hévánéne. He was overheard making noise. (another recording) ?? Ques: which recording has the correct pitches?? See: -hoó'hevėhané; -pánestse; -énévánené. Category: hear, sounds, check.
-hoó'hevanohtsé vai. footsteps overheard. É-hoó'hevanōhtse. His footsteps were overheard. [1987:298] Ques: check recording?? Nóoo, éhnėssé'hoveéema'xė-hoó'hevanȯhtséhoonomóstaévȧšé'šeoha'ovȯhevovóhe. My, suddenly they made a lot of noise, (and) they woke him up. [1987:298] See: -amévanohtsé. Category: hear, check.
-hoó'hevaxé vai. overheard falling. É-hoó'héváxe. He was overheard falling. Category: hear, fall, lie.
-hoó'hevėhahtsé vti. overheard making a thumping noise with s.t. for example, of someone slamming a door. É-hoó'hévėháhtse. He was overheard making a thumping noise with it. vai: -hoó'hevėhané. See: -hoó'hévánené. Category: sounds.
-hoó'hevėhané vai. overheard pounding; pounding overheard. for example, of someone chopping wood or hitting a drum. É-hoó'hévėháne. He is overheard making hitting noises. fai: -évėhané; vti: -hoó'hevėhahtsé. See: -hoó'hévánené. Category: sounds.
-hoó'hevone vii. overheard sound. É-hoó'hevone. It is heard making a sound. Éx-hoó'hevoneho onéhávó'e. ?? A drum was sounding/heard. (surprisal/preterite mode). [Stamper 1991:6] fii: -évone. Category: hear, check.
-hoó'hoamé vai. overhear groaning. É-hoó'hóáme. He was overheard groaning. See: -évoamé. Category: sounds.
-hoó'hónová vai. overheard talking. É-hoó'hónóva. He was overhead talking. Nevá'ėstse é-hoó'hónóva. Someone is overheard saying something. That can be said as a humorous response to farting. fai: -ónová. Category: hear, speak.
hoo'kȯhéestse'he na. rain coat. Variant: hoo'kȯhóveéstse'he. Category: clothing.
-hoo'kȯhéméa'há vii. rainy smell. É-hoo'kȯhéméá'ha. It smells of rain. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
-hoo'kȯhémea'xe vai. rainy smell. É-hoo'kȯhémea'xe. He smells rainy. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
Hoo'kȯhévénéhe na. Rain In the Face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: names.
Hoo'kȯhévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Rain Dance. Category: new. not a Cheyenne dance. Category: dance.
Hoo'kȯhévóse ni. Rainy Mountain. part of the Wichita Mountains. Category: places.
Hoo'kȯhévȯséo'hé'e ni. Rainy Mountain River. a tributary of the Washita River. See: vose ‘mountain, hill’. Category: rivers.
-hoo'kohó vii. rain. É-hoo'kōho. It is raining. (another recording) É-hoo'kȯhohe? Is it raining? (another recording) Mó'é-hoo'kōho? It is raining? Ésáa-hoo'kȯhóhane. It is not raining. Naa mámáhta nėstsėhósėtonóohtanone héva x-hoo'kȯhosėstse. And the only thing we can do now again is like wait for rain. Variant: -hoo'ohó; fii: -oo'kohó; Relative Root -hetoo'kohó. See: -hoo'kȯhóotse. Category: weather.
hoo'kȯhómahpe ni. rain water.
-hoo'kȯhóohtsé vii. sprinkle. This is only about rain. É-hoo'kȯhóóhtse. It is sprinkling. Éhvovóe-hoo'kȯhóóhtse. It first started sprinkling rain. [1987:29] See: -hoo'kohó ‘rain’; -hoo'kȯhóotse ‘rain suddenly’; -he'hemoo'kohó ‘sprinkle’. Category: weather.
-hoo'kȯhóotse vii. rain suddenly, rain burst. É-hoo'kȯhóotse. It suddenly rained. And nėhē'še tsema'xė-hoo'kȯhóotse. And then it will be a big rain burst. See: -hoo'kohó; -hoo'kȯhóohtsé. Category: weather.
hoo'kȯhóveéstse'he na. rain coat. Variant: hoo'kȯhéestse'he. new word (probably a loan translation). Category: clothing.
Hoo'kȯhóvėháne na. Rain. personified. fna: -vėhané. Category: weather.
hoó'kȯhtá'é na. 1 • corn woman.
2 • Corn Woman. Variant: Hoó'ȯhtá'e. See: Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.
hoo'kȯhtse ni. ear of corn. Translation is uncertain; possibly refers to corn husk. Usage: The singular is rarely used. Phon: apoc Plural hoó'kóhtsėstse. See: mȧhaemenȯtse; ma'óhkéé'e. Possessive -htoó'kȯhtamȯtse. Category: food.
hoó'kȯhtséme'hahtse ni. hair like string next to ear of corn. Category: plants.
Hoó'kȯhtséme'hahtse na. Corn Beard. See: mé'hahtse ‘beard’. Category: names.
-hóo'né'eotse vai. step out of bounds. É-hóo'né'eotse He stepped out of bounds. fai: -o'né'e. Category: basketball, motion.
-hoo'ohó vii. rain. É-hoo'ōho. It is raining. Usage: It is said that there is a greater amount of rain with -hoo'ohó than with -hoo'kohó. This pronuncation is not nearly as common as -hoo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó. Category: weather.
-hóo'ȯhomo'he vai. dance out. for example, to dance out of the arena or arbor. É-hóo'ȯhomo'he. He danced out. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
Hoó'ȯhtá'e na. Corn Woman. Variant: Hoó'kȯhtá'e. See: Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.
-hóó'óhtse vai. 1 • go home. Cheyennes sometimes use this word when they are nearing death. É-hóó'óhtse. He went home. Náamė-hóó'óhtse. I'm going home. Nétȧ-hóo'ȯhtsémáne! Let's go home! Nétaévȧ-hóo'ȯhtsémáne! Let's go back home! Néx-hóó'óhtsėstse! Come home! Ques: is that a natural command?? Náévȧho'-hóó'óhtse. I came back home. Náévaamė-hóó'óhtse. I'm returning home. Mónééšeévȧho'ė-hóo'ȯhtsėhéhe. You must have already come back home. Taévȧhóó'óhtsėstse! Go back home!
2 • called back. Éme'évȧ-hóo'ȯhtseo'o. They should come back home. This can especially refer to the relatives of the deceased, who are being called back into society, typically one year after the death of their loved one.) vti: -hóo'otsestsé; Preverb hóose-. See: -hóo'oohe. Category: death, check.
-hóo'ȯhtséh vta. take s.o. home, bring s.o. home. É-hóo'ȯhtseho. He brought him home. É-hóo'ȯhtséhóho. He brought him home. (newer pronunciation). Ná-hóo'ȯhtsého. I brought him home. Éhne'évȧho'ė-hóo'ȯhtséhosesto. He brought her back home. [1987:308] vai: -hóo'ohtsé; vti: -hóo'ȯhtsestsé. See: -hóo'otseh. Category: move.
-hóo'ȯhtseh vta. bring s.o. home. É-hóo'ȯhtsėhóho. He brought him home. Éstȧ-hóo'ȯhtsėhósesto. He brought him home. [The Afterbirth Child.031] Néme'ne'évȧ-hóo'ȯhtšėšemeno. You (plural) should take us back home. [Cheyenne Tribal History.123] vai: -hóo'ohtsé. See: -hóo'ȯhtséh ‘bring s.o. home’.
hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse ni. home. Plural hóo'ȯhtséstotȯtse; Possessive -htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse. Category: house.
-hóo'ȯhtsestsé vti. take s.t. home, bring s.t. home. É-hóo'ȯhtsēstse. He brought it home. vta: -hóo'ȯhtséh; vai: -hóo'ohtsé. Category: move.
-hóo'ȯhtsétanó vai. 1 • want to go home. É-hóo'ȯhtsétáno. He wants to go home. Ná-hóo'ȯhtsétáno. I want to go home.
2 • want to go to the afterlife. that is, be ready to die, perhaps not suffer from illness any longer in old age. Category: death.
-hoó'o'tsé vti. close s.t., shut s.t. especially about closing a door or gate. É-hoó'ó'tse. He closed it. É-hoó'o'tsénóvo. They closed it. See: -hoóná. Category: move.
-hóo'oohe vai. go home, be a delegate. often used to refer to when a Cheyenne travels to Washington, D.C., because that is where the financial foundation for the tribe currently is. É-hóo'oohe. He went home (or, He is a delegate). Náéšėho'-hóo'oohe. I got home. Né-hóo'oohema. We are going home. This word was said when people were out picking berries. People would call out the names of accompanying children (to summon their spirits) so no one would be left behind when the berry pickers went home. Tóne'še ného'-hóo'oohe? When did you come home? See: -hóo'ohtsé; Vášėtaēno. Category: motion.
-hóo'oohé'tov vti. take home s.t. quickly.
vta. take home s.o. quickly. É-hóo'oohé'tovóho. He took him home quickly. Nátao'sė-hóo'oohé'tóvo. I'm going to take him home. can be on a car or wagon. Category: move.
-hóo'oohetanó vai. want to go home. É-hóo'oohetāno. (hétáno??) He wants to go home/he is homesick. Category: check. See: -hoóno'otse; -hoónȯsetanó.
-hóo'otseh vta. take home s.o. É-hóo'otsėhóho. He took him home. Éto'sė-hóo'otsehe. She is going to be taken home. (said about the bride, when she is going to be taken back to her parents). Ého'ė-hóo'otsehe. She is brought home. (bride at an Indian wedding). Néto'sė-hóo'otsėhatséme. I'm going to take you guys home. vti: -hóo'otsestsé. See: -hóo'ȯhtséh. Category: Indian wedding.
-hóo'otsėstómané vai. put on an Indian wedding. Lit: taking home (that is, taking the bride home to whomever was designated) É-hóo'otsėstómáne. He is putting on an Indian wedding. É-hóo'otsėstómaneo'o. They are putting up an Indian wedding. For example, the groom's family are bringing the presents to the bride's family, presents such as blankets, meat, and other stuff. See: -nȯhóahá'ené. Category: Indian wedding.
hóo'otsėstómanestȯtse ni. taking the bride presents to the bride's family. a part of the Indian wedding process. Category: marriage.
-hóo'otsestsé vti. take home s.t. É-hóo'otsēstse. He is taking it home. vai: -hóo'ȯhtsé. Category: carry.
hóo'ȯxe ni. 1 • axe. Non-diminutive hóhkȯxe. See: -monooxané. Morph: /hóoš/.
2 • penis. Category: figurative, vulgar.
-hoó'sotahe vai. clumsy, unskilled, uncoordinated. É-hoó'sotahe. He is uncoordinated. Ésó'-hoó'sotahe. He is still uncoordinated. Émámė-hoó'sotahe. He is big and clumsy. a stronger word than -hóo'ėspahe; that is, a person who is -hoó'sotahe is clumsier than someone who is -hóo'ėspahe. See: -hóo'ėspahe ‘clumsy’. Category: personality.
-hóo'tá vii. exposed. É-hóó'ta. It is exposed. Ésáa-hóo'táhane. It is not exposed. See: -mé'hóo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-hoó'tá vii. closed. É-hoó'ta. It (for example, a door) is (physically) closed. Ésáa-hoó'tȧhane. It is not closed. Antonym -ónėsto'tá. See: -hóo'tá; -hoé'tá; -hoe'tó; -hoón.
-hóo'xevá vai. announce, herald, cry. É-hóo'xēva. He announced. A crier typically announces throughout an encampment or at a giveaway. Traditionally, a crier was to be a special person, in particular, a medicine man or a chief. However, someone who was considered an especially good speaker could also announce. Honóxeaseo'o éohkeméo-hóo'xevao'o matsé'oméva. Meadowlarks announce early in the morning in the spring. Relative Root -hetóo'xevá; vti: -hóo'xevóhtá; fai: -o'xevá. See: -hotonová; -vévȯhe'ševá; -mó'oo'xevá. Category: speak.
hóo'xeváhe na. announcer. Category: jobs.
-hóo'xeváhné vai. announce while walking. É-hóo'xeváhne. He announced walking. Category: motion, speak.
hóo'xevahtȯtse ni. voice texting. Lit: announcing thing (another recording) See: hotonovahtȯtse ‘text message’. Category: new.
hóo'xevápȧhoenēō'o ni. bulletin board. Lit: announce-stick.on(thing) Category: new, school.
hóo'xevávȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. newspaper. Lit: announce-paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.
-hóo'xevóhtá vti. announce about s.t. É-hóo'xevóhta. He announced about it. É-hóo'xevóhta Ma'heóneva tséhetaa'ėse. He is announcing what God told him. (for example, as a prophet). vai: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hóo'xevomotah vta. announce for s.o. É-hóo'xevomotȧhóho. He announced for him. É-hóo'xevomotȧhóho Ma'heóneva. He announced for God. tsé-hóo'xevomotȧhóvose Ma'heóneva prophets. Lit: those who announce for God
-hóo'xevót vta. announce about s.o., herald s.o. É-hóo'xevoto. He announced about him. É-hóo'xevótóho. (newer pronunciation). fta: -ót; vai: hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
hóom- i. shelter, protect, out of sight, hidden. Ques: hoóm?? É-hóoma'ovóho. He protected/shielded him. É-hóomēše. He is lying out of sight. É-hóomanóho. He shielded him (obv.). É-hóometahe. He is shy, bashful. Reduplicated hótoom-. See: hovéo'(k)-; -hoóometahe. Category: check.
hóoma1 na. blanket, shawl, robe. This word, and its homonym, hóoma 'mosquito', uniquely has phonetic (non-phonemic) glottalization. Although W. Leman and other fieldworkers have transcribed 'blanket' as hóoma, the high pitch may not be a completely high pitch; the second /o/ has glottalization, such that one Cheyenne elder, who was quite literate with the present orthography, independently transcribed the singular as hoo'ma but the plural as hoomaho. This glottalization is not a complete glottal stop as found on other words, but a glottal coloring, a sharp drop in the clear vocalization of the /o/ and a drop off in pitch; rather than being a sharp, full glottal stop, the glottalization sounds more like "scratchiness." Variant: hóema. Hoema is historically expected, but most speakers pronounce and prefer spelling this word as hooma. But the following word, which ends with "oema", clearly is pronounced with "oe": tó'ėstó'ėšévoema fringed shawl. Plural hoomaho; Obviative hoomaho; Possessive -htóome; Oblique hoomȧhéva ‘(at the) finish line’; Homonym hóoma2 ‘mosquito’. Phon: iah vai: -hestooma ‘have a blanket’. See: héstoomȯtse; hóvo'ėšestȯtse; -hóoma'ov ‘protect s.o.’. Etym: *akweHmi; *akweʔmi (Pe79:355); *akomi (Pi). usually animate but inanimate for some speakers.
ni. blanket, shawl, robe. Category: bed.
hóoma2 na. mosquito. The preferred Cheyenne spelling is hóoma, although hóema is historically expected. Phon: iah Plural hoomaho, (another recording); Obviative hoomaho, (another recording); Homonym hóoma1 ‘blanket’. See: hóoma. Etym: *sakime·wa (Go74:107). Category: bugs.
hoóma p. on the other side, across. for example, on the other side of a river, ocean, or road. (another recording) sfx: -má. Phon: nl Etym: *aka·menki. See: hóoma ‘blanket; mosquito’; ó'hóóma ‘on the other side’. Category: positions.
-hóomá vii. shelter. É-hóóma. It is a shelter. You can get under it for protection. Etym: cf *a·kawa·xkwe·wi ‘it is a sheltering or shady woods’.
Hoomȧhénȧhkohe na. Bear Robed. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check. Variant: Náhkȯhenóoma, Náhkȯhehóoma. Category: names.
hoomȧhéva obl. at the finish line. PD924 and PD140 note that a blanket was held to mark the end of a race. That is how the word for 'finish line', as found in some versions of the story of The Great Race, derives from the word for 'blanket'. See: hooma ‘blanket’. Category: positions.
hoomȧhévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl "blanket plant", mosquito plant ?? Category: check. This is medicine boiled to clean out kidneys. Category: plants.
-hóomȧhtsenán vta. shield mouth of s.o., hide mouth of s.o., cover mouth of s.o. Cheyenne women commonly cover their own mouths when they have said something inappropriate. É-hóomȧhtsenánahtse. She covered/shielded her mouth. See: -nėhpȧhtsenán. Category: body.
-hóoma'ov vta. shield s.o., protect s.o. É-hóoma'ovóho. He protected/shielded him. Reduplicated -hótooma'ov. See: -hóomo'etano; hóoma; hóahno. Category: interpersonal.
-hóoman vti. shield s.t. by hand, hide s.t., shelter s.t.
vta. shield s.o. by hand, hide s.o., shelter s.o. É-hóomanóho. He shielded him (obv.). Móx-hóomanȯhéhe hesto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. He shielded his match (from the wind). [Stamper 1991:10] See: -nó'oestsé.
hóome- pv. hidden, out of sight. seems to have a similar semantic nuance as the exclamation eee, which indicates doubt in someone or what they have said. Né-hóomeó'kȯhoméhévéme. You (pl) are coyotes (and I doubt your sincerity). Náosee-hóomenėševėhóo'ȧseohéme We (excl.) were really in a rush leaving (and forgot things). É-hóomeóó'e. He is standing out of sight. See: noose-.
-hóome'ėséhné vai. walk while hiding anus. É'ée'amė-hóome'ėséhnesėstse. He was walking trying to hide his rear end. [Croft 1987:28:13] BodyPartMedial -'ėsé. Category: motion.
hóome'éxanéeto'haméstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl blinders. Lit: shield-eyes-tie(?)-horse-NOM Category: harness, horses.
-hóome'há vai. fly while out of sight. É-hóomē'ha. He is flying while out of sight. See: -ta'ta'e'há. Category: fly.
-hóoménen vta. cover face of s.o. É-hóoménenahtse. He covered his (own) face. [pd311] Category: face.
-hóomeohová vai. flee out of sight. É-hóomeohōva. He fled out of sight. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-hóomeóó'e vai. stand out of sight. É-hóomeóó'e. He is standing out of sight. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight.
-hóomeotse vii. sheltered - be.
vai. sheltered - be. É-hóomeotse. He (or It) is sheltered.
-hóomėstaohe vai. hide out of sight behind something. for example, in order not to get hit. É-hóomėstaohe. He hid out of sight behind something.
-hóomėstaohé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o defend s.o., shield s.o. É-hóomėstaohénoto. He protected him. Category: interpersonal.
-hóomėstóné vai. make protection, protect. for example, to put up a fence for protection. É-hóomėstóne He put up protection.
-hóomėstov vta. escape from s.o. É-hóomėstovóho. He escaped out away from him. Éhma'xeévȧ-hóomėstóevósesto. He escaped from them. [1987:298] See: -hómėstov; hóe-; -amaxe. Category: motion, interpersonal.
-hóomešé vai. lie out of sight. É-hóomēše. He is lying out of sight. Initial hóom-; Antonym -nėhpešé. Category: lie.
-hóometahe vai. shy, timid, stay in the background. É-hóometahe. He doesn't talk to many people; he is shy. (another recording) See: -tanehe; -ómatahe. Category: personality.
-hoómetátam vta. suspect s.o. É-hóometátamóho. He suspects him. "Tsé'tóhe hē'e ná-hóometátámo," éxhetóhoono. "This woman, I suspect her," he told him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.045] Category: interpersonal, cognition.
-hoometátsestá vti. feel guilty about s.t. É-hoometátsésta. He felt guilty about it. Ques: -hóom?? See: -hetómeme; -vénomóhtahe. Category: check.
-hóomoése vai. hidden.hang, hang hidden. for example, when the moon is behind a cloud. É-hóomoése. He is hanging hidden. for example, the moon behind a cloud. Category: hang.
-hóomoéstá vii. hang out of sight. É-hóomoésta. It is hanging out of sight. Category: hang.
-hóomo'etanó vai. want to be shielded. É-hóomo'etāno. He wants to be shielded / protected.
-hóomo'tá vii. hidden, out of sight. É-hóomō'ta. It is hidden/out of sight.
-hóomónoo'e vai. sit out of sight, hide. É-hóomónoo'e. He is sitting out of sight. fai: -ónoo'e. See: -hóomoo'e. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-hóomoo'e vai. sit out of sight. É-hóomoo'e. He is sitting out of sight. Móx-hóomoehevóhe Tsétsėhéstȧhese héstove. The Cheyennes ambushed (them) on either side. [1987:22] Final -oo'e; Initial hóom-. Phon: vs See: -hóomónoo'e. Category: sit.
-hóomóová vai. be sheltered from rain. É-hóomóóva. He is sheltered from the rain. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-hóomose vai. sheltered from cold. for example, a horse standing behind a house to get out of the cold wind. É-hóomose. He is sheltered from the cold. fai: -ose. Category: temperature.
-hóomov vta. ambush s.o. Ques: recheck pitches and -hóomev ?? É-hóomovóho. He ambushed him. Móx-hóomoehevóhe Tsétsėhéstȧhese héstove. The Cheyennes had ambushed them on either side. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.016] Category: warfare, check.
hoón- i. shut, close. Hoónȯhtse he'nétoo'o! Close the door!
hoon- i. restrain, forbid.
-hoóná vti. close s.t., shut s.t. especially when someone physically shuts a door or gate. É-hoóna. He closed it. Hoónȯhtse he'nétoo'o! Close the door! Hoónȯhtse! Close it! Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. See: -hoó'o'tsé; -hoó'tá; -hoonét; -háóéná ‘pray’. Category: house, move.
-hoona'é'o'h vta. lead s.o. by the hand quickly. This is faster action than -hoona'én. É-hoona'é'o'hóho. He led him by the hand quickly. Móx-hoona'é'o'hohevóhe. She must have led him by the hand. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).090] See: hoona'én. Category: interpersonal.
-hoona'én vta. hold hand of s.o., lead s.o. by the hand. É-hoona'eno. He held his hand. É-hoona'énóho. He held his hand. (newer pronunciation). É-hoona'énȧhtseo'o. They are holding hands. See: -hoona'é'o'h ‘lead s.o. by the hand quickly’; -toen ‘hold s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
-hóonea'ó vii. gush out. É-hóónéá'o. It gushed out. For example, water gushed out of a water spout (spigot/faucet). See: -hóe'sevó. Category: liquid.
-hoónean vta. lead s.o. with a rope. É-hoóneanóho. He led him (with a rope). Medial -ón. See: -amóonean.
hoóneanāto ni. handle. for example, for a pail or kettle; for a handle that sticks straight out horizontally, as on a cooking pan or a skillet, the word hestsėhévá'xe (lit. his tail) is used; for the looped handle coming out of the side of the container, as on a coffee cup, the word toenēō'o is used; for a handle on tools like knives, axes, or hoes, the word hoóto'e is used. it is loop-shaped, over the object. Plural hoóneanatónėstse; Synonym hoóneanēō'o. See: hestsėhévá'xe; hóótó'e; toenēō'o. Category: containers, check.
-hoóneanatóeve vai. have a handle. É-hoóneanatóeve. It has a handle. for example, of a cooking pot).
hoóneanatóe-vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. lantern. Lit: handle-light Category: light.
hoóneanēō'o ni. handle. Plural hoóneaneonȯtse; Synonym hoóneanāto. Category: containers.
-hóone'ó vii. emerge grow, sprout. Lit: emerge.grow Note: -hóene'ó?? Ééšė-hóoné'o. It has already come through growing. Ques: sprouted?? Ééšė-hóoné'o nȧhto'eo'o. My garden has already come through. See: -hóne'ó ‘grow’. Category: farm, check.
-hóoneóó'e vii. spring up (of water). É-hóoneóó'e. (The water) is springing up. Final -óé1. Category: liquid.
hoonés- i. caution, warn. É-hoonésáne. He is warning. Variant: hoonés(t)-.
-hoonésané vai. warn, counsel. typically, a kind of teaching instruction to family. É-hoonésáne. He is warning. [Training Young People:41] vta: -hoonét. See: -hoonéstȧhtóohe. Category: speak.
-hoonésetanó'tov vta. want to caution s.o. É-hoonésetanó'tovóho. He restrained him/he prohibited him. Ques: akot: if used with vonȯhóha'óvȧhtséstóva, it sounds almost like there is waiting for a set time of temptation (so this may not be the best word to use in Matt. 6:13)?? Antonym -amȧhtov. See: -hestoma'ov. Category: interpersonal.
hoonés(t)- i. caution, warn. É-hoonéstȧhtóohe. He disciplined/guided/(repeatedly) warned. Variant: hoonés-.
-hoonéstá vti. warn about s.t. É-hoonésta. He warned about it. vta: -hoonét. Category: speak.
-hoonéstȧhtóohe vai. warn; caution. This is part of a parent's teaching responsibility to children. It is warning by prohibition, whereas -óo'haahtóohe is warning through cautioning. É-hoonéstȧhtóohe. He disciplined/guided/(repeatedly) warned. Tséheškéstovėstse éme'nȯhtóvė-hoonéstȧhtóohe. A mother should know how to caution. [1987:12] fai: -ahtóohe. See: -hoonésáne; -óo'haahtóohe. Category: family.
-hoonéstȧhtóohé'tá vti. warn about s.t.caution about s.t. É-hoonéstȧhtóohé'tohe. It is cautioned about. [Some Cheyenne Beliefs.015]
-hoonéstómané vai. exhort, calm people down, warn people, counsel people. É-hoonéstómáne. He is warning; calming people down. vta: -hoonét. Category: speak.
-hoonét vta. calm down s.o., prohibit s.o., forbid s.o. (from doing something). É-hooneto. He prohibited him (from doing something). É-hoonétóho He prohibited him (from doing something). (newer- pronunciation). Móoxhoonétaehevóhe. He (obv) must have forbade him (from doing something). Hoonéšeha! Tell him (for example, a child) to be quiet!/Warn him!/Calm him down! Néx-hoonéšememeno! Keep us from over-reacting! vai: -hoonéstómané; vti: -hoonéstá; Antonym -amȧhtov. See: -hóonéstȧhtóohe; -hóestomev; -xanánot; -nȧhestov; -oo'háevam; -hestom. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hoonevóhtomané vai. defend, protect, stick up for. Móx-hoonevóhtomanėhevóhe he'heēno naa mo'ē'ha. The blackbird and magpie protected (people). [The Great Race.003] They were on (the people's) side in the Great Race.
-hoonevósané vai. protect, defend. É-hoonevósáne. He is protecting.
-hoonevót vta. defend s.o., stick up for s.o.defend, shield, protect, stand up, stick up for s.o. A cow does this for her calf. É-hoonevoto. He is sticking up for him. É-hoonevótóho. He is sticking up for him. (newer pronunciation). tséohkė-hoonevótátá'ėstse the one who defends me. Hoonevóxeha! Defend him! Nótȧxéve'ho'asėstse, nėstoohéonēvo tséstȧhóxovėhé-hoonevótóse. Soldiers, your flag, you went across (the ocean) to defend it. (1987:244). See: -véstȧhtóohe; -nėsót. Category: interpersonal.
hoónȯht- i. lonesome. Variant: hoónȯse-. É-hoónȯhtahe. He is a lonely person. É-hoónȯhtónoo'e. He is sitting looking lonesome. É-hoónȯhtó'o'e. The yard has gone to weeds while the occupants of the house are gone. Category: emotions.
-hoónȯhtahe vai. lonely, be a lonely person. É-hoónȯhtahe. He is a lonely person. See: -hoónȯsetanó. Category: personality.
-hoónȯhtá'ha vii. breeze - lonesome, wind - lonesome, lonesome wind. especially of a soft puff of wind, when a member of a family passes away; this wind cries with the family; it comes when people start crying. É-hoónȯhtá'ha. It is a lonesome wind. Category: wind, death.
-hoónȯhtó'o'e vii. yard grass gone to weeds while occupants are gone. Lit: lonely vegetation É-hoónȯhtó'o'e. The yard has gone to weeds while the occupants of the house are gone. Category: plants.
-hoónȯhtomóhtahe vai. feel lonely. É-hoónȯhtomóhtahe. He is feeling lonely. fai: omóhtahe. Category: emotions.
-hoónȯhtónoo'e vai. sit looking lonesome. É-hoónȯhtónoo'e. He is sitting looking lonesome. Initial hoónȯht-. Category: sit, emotions.
-hoónȯhtóo'o vai. have a lonely look in the eyes. É-hoónȯhtóó'o. He has a lonely look in his eyes. Category: eyes, sight.
-hoóno'otse vai. become lonesome, become homesick. É-hoóno'otse. He is lonesome/homesick. See: -hoónȯsetanó. Category: emotions.
-hóonoo'e vai. sit looking out. É-hóonoo'e. He is sitting looking out. [Cheyenne Tribal History.068] Ónonevonėškeho éohkė-hóonoeo'o vóxéva. Prairie dogs peak out of (their) holes. [1979:204] fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.
hoónȯse- i. lonesome. Variant: hoónȯht-. É-hoónȯsetāno. He is lonesome. É-hoónȯsenōne. He is singing a lonesome song. Category: emotions.
-hoónȯsé'ót vta. miss s.o., cause s.o. lonesomeness, cause s.o. homesickness. É-hoónȯsé'oto. He (obv) is lonesome for him. That is, he (prox) is causing him (obv) to feel lonely for him (prox). É-hoónȯsé'ótóho. He (obv) is lonesome for him. (newer pronunciation). É-hoónȯsé'ótáá'e. He is lonesome for him (obv). É-hoónȯsé'otaa'e. (ITA verb) He misses it/he is lonesome for it. Náoseema'xė-hoónȯsé'ota. I really miss him. Né-hoónȯsé'oxe. I miss you. In Cheyenne, unlike English, the thing or person causing the lonesomeness is the subject of the verb. Some other verbs which similarly have different semantic roles from corresponding English verbs are -taa'ov 'fit s.o.' and -hevéhonamé'tov 'have s.o. as chief.'. vta: hoónȯsetanó. See: -nȯhtsevátam ‘long for s.o.’; -ésoh(n) ‘miss s.o. (in handgame)’. Category: interpersonal, emotions.
-hoónȯséné'ó vai. lonely face - have a. É-hoónȯséné'o. He has a lonely face. Category: face, emotions.
-hoónȯsenóestsé vii. make s.t. look lonely. É-hoónȯsenóéstse. She made it look lonely. for example, she made her house look lonely. Ques: recheck sén?? Category: check.
-hoónȯsenoné vai. lonely sing, sing mournfully. É-hoónȯsenōne. He is singing a lonesome song. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-hoónȯsenonee'e vai. sit singing lonesome songs. É-hoónȯsenonee'e. He is sitting singing lonesome songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.
-hoónȯsenóno'e vii. look lonesome, look lonely. for example, a deserted camp or an unoccupied house. É-hoónȯsenóno'e. It looks lonely. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-hoónȯsenóohe vai. look lonely. É-hoónȯsenóohe. He looks lonely. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-hoónȯséstanove vai. live a lonely life. É-hoónȯséstanove. He is living a lonely life. Ná-hoónȯséstanove. I'm living a lonely life. fai: -éstanove. Category: live.
-hoónȯsetanó vai. lonesome. This word refers to missing what is familiar to you, for example, family and home. É-hoónȯsetāno. He is lonesome. Né-hoónȯsetanohe? Are you lonesome? Névé'-hoónȯsetāno! Don't feel lonesome! Preverb hoónȯse-; vta: -hoónȯsé'ót. See: -hoónȯhtahe. Category: emotions.
-hoónȯsetanóotse vai. lonesome - become. Ná-hoónȯsetanóotse. I got lonesome. Category: emotions.
-hóooése vai. new moon, come out hanging. refers especially to first quarter of moon, or can refer to the sun coming out from behind clouds. É-hóooése. It is a new moon. Ééšeévȧ-hóoése éše'he. He (moon or sun, animate) came out hanging. See: hóe-. Category: moon, hang.
-hóooéstá vti. read s.t. É-hóooésta. He is reading it. É-hóooéstánóvo. They are reading it. Ques: how extant is this pronunciation?? See: -hoésta1. Category: school, check.
-hóoóestomev vta. read to s.o. É-hóooéstomevóho. He read it to him.
hóoová'hasēō'o ni. siphon. something that moves water from one place to another. Category: liquid.
-hóoováná vti. pour out s.t. É-hóoována. He poured/siphoned it out. Antonym -éstoován; fii: -óová. See: -hénená. Category: liquid.
-hóoovánené vai. transfer water, pour out water. É-hóoovánéne. He is transferring water. for example, emptying a water tank. Category: liquid.
hóoovánéó'o ni. water pump, siphon. Medial -óová; Synonym hóova'hasēō'o. See: óová'hasēō'o; e'óová'haseon; hóova'hasēō'o. Category: liquid, tools.
hóose- i. home. É-hóosetó'hóna. He swam home. Ná-hóoseehe. I moved home.
pv. home. Ná-hóosėhéovēše. I'm going home to bed. É-hóesėsévanóohe. He slid home (as in baseball). Nátaohkė-hóosevé'ȯhtsémo tséheváseméto. I go home with my younger sibling. Phon: sounds the same as hóese- which means 'outside' See: -hóo'ȯhtsé ‘go home’; hóese- ‘outside’. Category: positions.
-hóoseehe vai. move home. É-hóoseehe. He moved home. Ná-hóoseehe. I moved home. Category: move.
-hóose'há vai. fly home. É-hóosē'ha. He flew home. Etym: *a·pa·tyi·Ɂle·wa (P). Category: fly.
-hóose'háoohe vai. fly home. É-hóose'háoohe. He flew home. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-hóoseméohe vai. run home. É-hóoseméohe. He ran home. Synonym -hóohto'ȧhéotse; fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-hóosėstósem vta. drag home s.o. É-hóosėstósemóho. ?? He drug him home. Phon: cf. -hóestósem; there is a definite phonetic difference between these two forms, although it can difficult initially to hear: there is an elongated "s" sound in 'drag home'. An elder Ch. speaker described the difference this way: In 'drag home' there is a part that is pronounced "slower", while in 'drag out' that part is pronounced "faster". See: -hóestósem ‘drag out s.o.’. Category: move, check. Ques: drag home s.o. ; home - drag s.o.
hóosetó'honá vai. swim home. É-hóosetó'hóna. He swam home. Initial hóose-; fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-hóoseváohe vai. throw home. É-hóoseváohe. He threw (a ball) home (in baseball). fai: -váohe. Category: throw, baseball.
-hóosevo'e'ov vta. drive s.o. home, home - drive s.o. for example, to drive cattle back home. É-hóosevo'e'ovóho. He drove him home. (as driving cattle). Né'évȧ-hóosevo'e'ovenano! Drive them back home! Category: livestock, move.
-hóot vta. bequeath. for example, to bequeath an estate, teachings, songs. may require a preceding preverb; perhaps mȧhe- 'all' is the only one allowed ?? Category: check. Námȧhe-hóota. He bequeathed everything to me. Usage: said to be an old word The stem can also be inflected as a ditransitive, like -mét 'give': Náhmȧhe-hóotaa'e netao'o hová'éhe. He gave everything to me. Némȧhe-hóoxe. You gave everything to me. See: -nėhetȯhóot; -mét; -nóahešéh; -hóet. Category: interpersonal.
hóotóe- pv. behind, back. É-hóotóevé'hoomóho. He turned back around to look at him. É-hóotóeaseváéna. He threw it behind (himself). É-hóotóehahpanetse heme'ko. Her hair is clasped in the back (for example, in a ponytail). See: he'pa'onéome. vai: -hóotóo'o. Category: positions.
hóotóeamȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse ni. rearview mirror. Category: new, car.
-hóotóeméohe vai. strain to look back. É-hóotóeméohe. He is straining to look back. fai: -méohe. Category: sight.
-hóotóeohtsé vai. go looking behind. É-hóotóeōhtse. He went looking behind. Category: sight.
-hóotóeóó'e vai. stand looking behind, look back standing. É-hóotóeóó'e. He is standing looking back. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight.
-hóotóeotse vai. look behind, look back. É-hóetóeotse. He looked behind. Nėstsenėhvé'tónėšeévȧ-hóotóeotse! Don't dare look back! [1987:282] Category: sight.
-hóotóeotsé'tov vta. turn around to look at s.o. É-hóotóeotsé'tovóho. He looked behind at him. Móhnėhméhaeévȧ-hóotóeotsé'tovȯhevóhe. She turned around to look at him. [1987:291] Category: sight.
-hóotóešé vai. lie looking behind. for instance, of a baby being held who is looking behind, as over his mother's back. É-hóotóéše. He is lying looking behind. Category: lie, sight.
hóótó'e ni. handle, drymeat drying pole. handle of tools such as knives, axes, and hoes. Medial -ootó'e. Phon: iah Final -ó'(é)2. See: hoóneanāto; -e'o'o'e. Category: check.
-hóotóné vai. renew. especially of the renewal ceremony for the Sacred Arrows. É-hóotóne. He renewed/he did the (Sacred) Arrows ceremony. É-hóotónėstove. There is a renewing (especially of the renewal ceremony for the Sacred Arrows). See: -vóvȯhetan; -oestóné. Category: ceremonial.
-hóotóné'šéva vai. pledge in the Arrows ceremony, vow in the Arrows ceremony. É-hóotóné'šéva. He pledged/vowed to do the (Sacred) Arrows ceremony. Category: ceremonial.
-hóotónoo'e vai. sit looking backwards, look backwards sitting. É-hóotónoo'e. He is sitting looking backwards. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sight, sit.
-hóotóohestsé vti. look back at s.t. É-hóotóohēstse. He looked back at it. É-hóotóohēstse amó'eneóne. He looked back at the wagon. [Croft 1948: Young Bird] Category: sight, check.
-hóotóo'ó vai. look behind, look back. É-hóotóó'o. He looked back. Naa tā'se hó'ótóva néohkė-hóotóo'oma. And, like, sometimes we look back. [1987:241] Éohkeévȧ-hóotóo'oo'o. They kept looking back. Hóotóó'óhtse! Look back! Nėstsevé'évȧhóotóó'o! Don't look back! This can be said to a person about to die, telling them to keep going to the next camp, don't look back! fai: -óo'ó. See: hóotóe-. Phon: not vs Category: sight.
Hóotóó'ȯhtse na. Looks Behind. Variant: Ȯx-hóotóó'ȯhtse. Category: names.
-hóotóom vta. look back at s.o. É-hóotóomóho. He looked back at him / he turned around to say to him. Etym: *a·paθa·pame·wa. Hápó'e éhne'ȯhkė-hóotóomaesesto. (The skunk) would turn around and look at him too. [1987:283] Éhne'ȯhkeévȧ-hóotóomaesesto. He (obv) would look back at him. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).092] See: -vóom ‘see s.o.’. Category: sight.
hóótóváne p. out of the blue, unexpectedly. Usage: probably obsolescent See: hó'ótóva.
-hóováem vta. lie to s.o., scare s.o. out. for example, scare someone out of a house?? É-hóováemóho. ?? Ná-hóováema. He lied to me. [GO 1/25/95] for example, he didn't keep his promise to me. Ques: can we get a more precise English gloss here? How different from -netse'e?? See: -netsé'e ‘lie’. Category: speak, check.
hóová'hasēō'o ni. windmill. Plural hóova'haseonȯtse; Synonym hóoovánéó'o. Ques: does it also mean siphon?? See: vótȧháéno tsénéma'ó'á'ha ‘windmill’; óová'hasēō'o; hóoovánéó'o. Category: tools.
hóovánéó'o ni. faucet, siphon. Synonym hóovátó. Category: liquid.
-hóováotse vii. gush out. É-hóováotse. (Water) is gushing out. Mahpe é-hóováotse. Water is gushing out; her water (placenta) broke. Category: liquid, babies.
-hóovatam vta. groundlessly regard s.o. É-hóovatamóho. vát?? He groundlessly regarded him. Éto'sėsáatšėhe'šė-hóovatamóheho Ma'heóneva. He will never groundlessly regard God. -hóovėhesétam may be preferred. Ques: recheck pitch vát?? Category: check.
-hóovátó vii. water pour out. É-hóováto. Water is pouring out. See: tsé'ȯhkėhóováto ‘faucet; rubber hose’. Category: liquid.
hóove- pv. mistakenly, in vain, for nothing, groundlessly. Ná-hóovenėhešetāno. I mistakenly thought that way. (another recording) Ná-hóovėho'ēhne mónénaóotsėhéhe. I came but you were asleep. Ná-hóovenȯhtsēmo. I tried to contact (ask about) him but he was gone. Etym: *aka·wi. See: ponohta; otaxa; hótse-; hová'éhe; oh-; ó'ȯse-.
hóov(e)- i. groundlessly. É-hóovatamóho. He groundlessly regarded him (obv).
-hóovėhahtsé vti. groundless use s.t. Ques: recheck gloss and haht / hat?? É-hóovėhāhtse. He used it in vain. Nóhásėháma hová'éhe éohkenėšė-hóovėhahtsénóvo. Just anything available (??) they use. [Sweat Lodges.015] Category: check.
hóovéhasėstse na. Friends! said when speaking to them. Variant: hóvahéhasėstse. See: néséne.
hóovéhe voc. friend. said by a male to a close male friend. Plural hóovéhasėstse. See: nésema'háahe; ma'hahe; hóvahe; néséne. Category: interpersonal.
-hóovėhešėtanó vai. groundlessly think. É-hóovėhešėtāno. He thought so groundlessly. Ná-hóovėhešėtāno. I thought so groundlessly. Ques: recheck?? Category: cognition.
-hóové'o'tsé vti. gather s.t. É-hóové'ó'tse. He gathered it. ?? Éx-hóové'o'tsénoho. He gathered it. (pret). [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.042] See: -hóvȯsané; -hóvo'otsestsé; -móhen. Category: check.
-hóoveohtsé vai. go in vain, be a dry run. É-hóoveōhtse. He 'made a dry run'/he 'took a bum trip'. See: -pónohtá; hóove-.
hóovóhponeto p. nevertheless. Náhavėsévo'éeha hóovóhponeto nánėšepėhévo'éého. He treated me badly nevertheless I do him good. See: váhtometo.
-hóovȯhto'he vai. haul out things. É-hóovȯhto'he. He hauled out things. Nává'nė-hóovȯhtó'héme. We (excl) just hauled things out. For example, to move things out of a house. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: move.
hóovo'eto p. all of us (or them; etc.) ?? Category: check. See: netao'o; néstȯxétse.
-hoóxe'ané vai. put up poles. É-hoóxé'áne. He is putting up tepee poles/lodge poles. See: hoóxe'e. Category: tepee.
hoóxe'e na. tepee pole, lodgepole. Plural hoóxé'e, hoóxé'e (another recording); Oblique hoóxé'éva; Possessive -voóxe'e. See: vé'ho'éoméekȧhámáxėstse ??. Morph: /hoóše'e/. Etym: *apanšwiyi ‘lodge pole (Ch. end of word reshaped) (Go88)’. Category: tepee.
Hoóxe'eo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Lodgepole River, Tepee Pole River, Washita River. known in English as the Washita River. Category: rivers.
hópahpa p. taboo, Even! for example, "They shouldn't have invited someone but they did anyway", or, "Don't ask about that!" This is an epistemic particle. See: hópose; -a'seh. Category: ceremonial.
hópose p. uninvited. difficult to translate; it means something like 'there's something going on over there (but I'm not invited to it)'; appears to be quite similar in meaning to hópahpa for some (younger?) speakers (for example, "they're saying that about me--why are they saying that?") Hópose nátavésėtsėhe'ōhtse. I went there on my own accord (nobody invited me). Variant: hápose. See: ponohta; hópahpa.
hós- i. be unable, cannot, fail to. É-hós-a'xāne He couldn't cry. É-hós-ána. He couldn't do it. Preverb hótse-. Phon: this initial has the spelling hót- (with assibilation to ts-) before a final beginning with-e, for example, -hótsenome
-hósa'xané vai. unable to cry; fail to cry. that is, try to cry but be unable to do so. É-hósa'xāne. He couldn't cry. Ná-hósa'xāne. I couldn't cry. See: -a'xaame. Category: cry.
-hósan vti. unable to do s.t., cannot do s.t. É-hósána. He cannot do it. Ná-hósána. I cannot do it. Synonym -hótse'tá. See: -hótsestá; -hóto'ešé; -nétȯhnéotse; -tónėšévé. Category: do.
-hósane vii. fail ?? tsénéta'e é-hósane all else fails (Hymn #92). Ques: vai also? See: hótse-. Category: check.
hóse-1 pv. again, also, next, more. used whether of the same person or of a similar repeated action; semantically broader than English 'again'. É-hóseává'o. He fell over again. Néx-hósenėhešeha! Say it again! Ééšė-hósemane. He is drinking again (usually implies drinking alcohol). Ééšė-hósėtó'omeotse. He has frozen up again. tséx-hósevóonā'o the next morning. Nėhéóhe náx-hóseá'ena néhe hetane. I was kept there by this man also. Néx-hósemetsėstse! Give me some more! Naa nėhē'še náto'sė-hósenėstōvo. And then I'm going to ask him. Particle hóseto; Reduplicated hetóse-, hótȯse-. See: éva-; vése-; no'(e)-; mato; hósėstse; hóse-2. Category: time.
hóse-2 pv. why, from there, from where, because. Hénáá'e tsésáa-hósėho'eohtséheto? Why didn't you come? Háá'ėše éohkė-hóseváohe. He shoots (the ball) from far away. Ná-hóseéšee'e Oévemanȧhéno. I was raised in Birney. Variant: hése-. See: hóse-1 ‘again’.
hósee'ėse ni. earring. Plural hóseestȯtse; Possessive -vósee'ėse. Category: groom.
-hóse'e vai. pregnant. É-hóse'e. She is pregnant. Etym: *antiθkwiwa. vta: -hóse'etaov. See: -émoohtóse'e. Category: body function.
-hóse'e'tov vai. pregnant with s.o. (the baby). É-hóse'e'tovóho. She is pregnant with him (that is, with the baby to be born). [1987:37] See: -hóse'etaov. Category: sex.
-hóse'etaov vta. impregnate s.o., get s.o. pregnant. É-hóse'etaovóho. He got her pregnant. Etym: *antiθkwihe·wa. É-hóse'etaóó'e. She is pregnant from him (obv). Néváesóho tsé-hóse'etaóese? Who is she pregnant from? Variant: -éxoh(n). See: -hóse'e'tov; -he-stse'eme; -he-veve. Category: sex.
-hóse'évoestá vai. maternity dress, wear maternity dress. É-hóse'évóésta. She is wearing a maternity dress. Category: dress.
-hósem vta. tell about s.o. É-hósemóho. He told about him. Hóhta'hēō'o néx-hósemeha vé'ho'e tsé'ȯhkeno'ósemėse. Tell me a story in which the ve'ho'e is included. See: -hóhta'haov ‘tell a story about s.o.’; -mé'ėstomev ‘explain to s.o.’; -mé'em ‘tell on s.o.’; -totóxem ‘talk about s.o.’. Etym: *a·cime·wa. Category: speak.
-hóseoesestá vti. tell about s.t. quickly. É-hóseoesēsta. He is telling about it quickly. Nátavá'neéetšėške'nėhešė-hóseoesēsta. I'm just telling this a little like that. [How God Helped Me Forgive.097] See: -hósestá; -mé'eoesestá. Category: speak.
-hósestá vti. tell about s.t. É-hósésta. He told about it. Nátao'sė-hósėstomóvo ného'éehe nā'ėstse hestóhta'heo'o. I'm going to tell this one story of my father's. [1987:149] See: -éestsé'tá; -mé'está. Category: speak.
hósėstoo'o ni. news, account, story. refers to factual, historical material; hóhta'heo'o typically implies fiction. Plural hósėstóonȯtse. Mónéévėhéne'enȯhenovótse hé'tóhe héva hósėstóonȯtse. You might know these stories. [1987:188] pȧhávėhósėstoo'o Gospel (lit. good-news; loan transl. from Greek via English). Plural hósėstóonȯtse; Possessive -htósėstoo'o. Usage: as 'Gospel', probably missionary translation, but at least partially in use today; but not understood by some newer pronunciation Phon: vs See: hóhta'hēō'o.
-hósėstóonané vai. make news. Lit: news-make (i.e. he made news) É-hósėstóonāne. The news is about him. Ques: recheck meaning?? See: -hóo'xevá; -hósėstoo'o. Category: check.
hósėstse p. some. Éxȯhtanėhevoōne náhko'éehe naa tsé'tó=hósėstse. They tried to say the same thing, my mother and these others. né=hósėstse those others. Hósėstse néhmétseo'o! Give me some (later)! Morph: /hóséht/. Etym: cf. *a·θenta; cf. aanind (N). See: hóse-. Category: quantity, record.
-hosėstsé'ee'e vai. sit with head down. É-hosėstsé'ee'e. He sat with his head down. Etym: *atito·xkwe·piwa. See: -á'kava'ee'e; -káva'ee'e; -ma'kėsta'ee'e. Category: sit.
hóseto p. again. Naa nėhē'še hóseto, "Amėške nėstseó'komatsénoho vóohe." And then (he would say) again, "Fat, I'll take a small bite of you, stop." [Croft 1988:18] Preverb hóse-. See: máto.
-hósetsėheta'á vti. do s.t. next. Hósetsėhetā'ȯhtse! Put it in high gear! / Do it next! See: -tsėheta'á; -vovóetsėheta'á. Category: car.
hosó- i. backwards. This is about moving backwards without turning around. É-hosóóhtse. He walked backwards. Éanȯhe-hosóvonēhne. He came down backwards. (for example, down a steep hill crawling feet first).
pv. Etym: *ašye·-. É-hosóameōhtse. He walked backwards. See: hánoe-; hánȯse-; hóotoe-. Category: positions.
-hosóan vti. slide backwards s.t./s.o. É-hosóanóho. He slid him backwards. Category: move.
-hosóehe vai. move camp backwards, backwards - move camp. É-hosóehe. He moved camp backwards. fai: -ehe ‘camp’. Category: camp.
-hósóeta vai. barefoot. É-hosóéta. He is barefoot. Névé'-hosóéta; nėstatótȧhpe'ėhāhta. Don't go barefoot; you'll get big feet. Category: dress, shoes.
-hosóetaa'e vai. sit barefoot, barefoot sit. É-hosóetaa'e. He is sitting barefoot. Móné-hosóetaehéhe. You must be sitting barefoot. Phon: vs Category: sit, record.
-hosóetáohtsé vai. walk barefoot. É-hosóetáóhtse. He walked barefoot. Category: walk.
-hosóhne vai. walk backwards, backwards walk. É-hosóhne. He is walking backwards. Etym: *ašya·hθe·wa. See: -hosóvehné; -hosóohtsé. Category: walk.
-hosóohtsé vai. walk backwards, backed away, back out, backwards walk. refers to walking away from something, not having heels preceding toes in walking. É-hosóóhtse. He walked backwards. Etym: *ašya·pahta·wa. See: -amėsóohtsé; -hosóhné. Category: walk.
-hósoo'koná vai. sockless. É-hósoo'kōna. He is not wearing socks. [JG 7/89] É-hósoo'konao'o. They have no socks on. [JG 7/89] Category: dress.
hosótom- i. Variant: hosotóm-. rest.
hosótome i. rest. É-hosótomeóó'e. He is resting standing.
-hosótomėhahtaa'e vai. rest one's (own) feet while sitting. É-hosótomėhahtaa'e. He rested his feet while sitting. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Phon: vs Category: feet, sit.
hosótomėhahtáestȯtse ni. footrest, footstool. Usage: probably a loan translation Category: feet.
-hosótomėhahtsé vti. rest s.t. É-hosótomėhāhtse. He rested it. for example, he rested his head.
-hosótomeóó'e vai. rest standing, stand resting. É-hosótomeóó'e. He rested while standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-hosótomeotse vai. rest. É-hosótomeotse He rested. See: -hosótomoo'e.
-hosótomešé vai. lie resting. É-hosótomēše. He is lying resting. É-hosotóméše. (variant; probably less commonly used). See: -hosótomoo'e ‘sit resting’. Category: lie.
-hosótomėšem vta. rest s.o., give rest to s.o. É-hosótomėšemóho. He rested him. Ná-hosótomėšemoo'o. I gave them rest. See: -hosotómo'h. Category: interpersonal.
-hosótomo'h vta. rest s.o. É-hosótomo'hóho. He gave him rest. for example, he let him take a work break. See: -hosótomėšem.
-hosótomoo'e vai. rest. Lit: rest-sit É-hosótomoo'e. He is resting. Phon: vs See: -hosótomeše. Category: sit.
-hosóva'éno'hamé vai. drive backwards, back up. This can also refer to making cattle back up. É-hosóva'éno'hāme. He backed up driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -hosóvo'ȧhéotse. Category: livestock, drive.
-hosóva'ov vta. drive s.o. backwards. É-hosóva'ovóho. He drove him/them backwards. Final -a'. Category: move.
hosóve- pv. backwards, reverse. Ná-hosóvėhe'oná'o. I withdrew my hand. [Croft] Category: positions.
-hosóvehné vai. walk backwards, backwards walk. É-hosóvéhne. He walked backwards. fai: -ehné. See: -hosóhné. Category: walk, check.
-hosóveméohe vai. strain back. É-hosóveméohe. He is straining back. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.
-hosóvȯhomo'he vai. dance backwards. É-hosóvȯhomo'he. He is dancing backwards. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-hosóvȯhomó'heoohe vai. dance backwards quickly. É-hosóvȯhomó'heoohe. He danced backwards quickly. Éstaméhaehóseamė-hosóvȯhomó'heoohe. He used to dance backwards. [STORIES.TXT] Category: dance.
-hosóvo'ȧhéotse vai. drive in reverse. É-hosóvo'ȧhéotse. He is driving in reverse. Category: transportation, run.
-hosóvo'ėho'tá vii. back positioned ?? Ques: recheck gloss?? É-hosóvo'ėhō'ta. It was knocked back. Móstatšėšeésė-hosóvo'ėho'táhanetséhe. It was knocked back in. [Gunpowder:048] Category: check.
-hosóvo'ne'e vai. step backwards. É-hosóvo'ne'e. He stepped backwards. fai: -o'né'e. Category: motion.
-hosóvonehné vai. crawl backwards. É-hosóvonēhne. He crawled backwards. See: -hosóvo'ne'é. Category: motion.
-hosóvoomaeohtsé vii. dawn. É-hosóvoomaeōhtse. It is dawning. [1987:53] Ques: does the literal meaning have to do with receding, perhaps of the night receding?? Variant: -sévoomaeohtsé. Category: time, check.
-hosóvoomane vii. water recede. É-hosóvoomane. Water is receding. See: -voome; hosó-. Category: liquid.
-hosóvoománo'e vii. dawn. É-hosóvoománo'e. It is dawn. Nėhē'še tsé'éšėto'sė-hosóvoomano'etse tséstana'heeno'etse nėhe'šemóstatsėhe'ȯhtsėhevóhe. Then towards daybreak on the third night, then they went over there. [1987:298] Phon: iah Variant: -hesóvoománo'e, -sóvoománo'e. See: -a'enó'nevóománo'e. Category: time.
hóšéše p. intentionally, purposely, willfully, spitefully. Variant: ó'ȯséé'ėše, ó'ȯšéé'ėše. Hóšéše énėhešéve. He did it on purpose. Category: personality.
hót- i. fail to, cannot, unable to. É-hótsenome He failed to sleep. Preverb hótse-. Phon: the /t/ of this initial assibilates to ts- preceding an /e/ of a final; it occurs as /s/otherwise, for example, -hósa'xané Category: do.
-hotáa'hahtsé vti. turn over s.t., tip over s.t., capsize s.t. can be used of turning a car over in an accident. É-hotáá'háhtse. He tipped it over. Ná-hotáá'háhtse. I tipped it over. (another recording) Phon: pl vai: -hotáo'ó. See: -htáavan; -hotáó'ó; e'kos-. Category: move.
-hotáa'ham vta. turn over s.o., tip over s.o., capsize s.o. É-hotáa'hamóho. He flipped/tipped him over. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.
-hotáavan vti. tip over s.t. (by hand), turn over s.t. (by hand). É-hotáávána. He tipped/turned it over (by hand).
vta. tip over s.o. (by hand), s.o. (by hand). É-hotáavanóho. He turned him over (by hand). vai: -hotáó'ó. See: -éva'ȧsén; -e'kȯsen; -hotáa'hahtsé. Category: move.
-hotáavóé'ó vii. capsize, turn over while floating.
vai. É-hotáavóé'o. It/He capsized. See: -amóé'ó ‘float’; -hotáavoeotse. Category: liquid.
-hotáavoeotse vii. capsize, tip over.
vai. capsize, tip over. É-hotáavoeotse. He (or It) tipped over (floating). "Nėstsė-hotáavoeotsémáne nėstsemémėstanémáne," é'ȯhkėhésesto. "We will turn over. We will drown," they would say. [1980:1:10-11] See: -hotáavóé'ó. Category: motion, liquid.
-hotáavo'e'á vti. kick over s.t., capsize s.t. by foot. É-hotáavo'ē'a. He kicked it over. [JOURNEY.TXT] vta: -hotáavo'e'ov. Category: move, feet.
-hotáavo'e'ov vta. kick over s.o, capsize s.o. by foot. É-hotáavo'e'ovóho. He kicked him over. vti: -hotáavo'e'á. Ques: delete this or the hotáevo'e'ovóh entry?? Category: move, feet, check.
-hotáevo'tá vii. lean. for example, of a leaning tower. É-hotáévó'ta. It is leaning over. Ques: táá?? Phon: pl See: -htáavan; -hotáó'ó; e'kos-. Category: sit inan.
-hótȧha'ó'h vta. scratch s.o., claw s.o. Ques: tȧho ?? Category: check. É-hótȧha'o'ho. He (for example, a cat) scratched him. É-hótȧha'ó'hóho. He (for example, a cat) scratched him. Ná-hótȧha'o'ha. He scratched me. vti: -hótȧha'ó'tsé. See: -hótȯhéné'o'h; -hótȧhan. Category: cats.
-hótȧha'ó'sané vai. scratch, claw. É-hótȧha'ó'sáne. He scratched. See: -axeeohtsé. Category: cats.
-hótȧha'ó'tsé vti. scratch s.t., claw s.t. É-hótȧha'ó'tse. He scratched it. vta: -hótȧha'ó'h. See: -hótȧhan. Category: cats.
-hótȧhan vti. claw s.t., scratch s.t. É-hótȧhána. He clawed/scratched it. See: -axeen.
vta. claw s.o., scratch s.o. É-hótȧhanóho. He clawed/scratched him. See: -hótȧho'ó'h; -heška'a'h. Category: cats.
-hótȧhanan vti. grab a lot of s.t. É-hótȧhananȯtse. He reached in and grabbed a lot of them.
hótȧhanenéó'o ni. claw. Usage: possibly a new word used by newer pronunciation?? Category: check. See: -htóohevo. Category: body.
hotȧhéeome Ques: ho'tȧhaé?? Category: check.
ni. willow tepee. See: ma'xėhotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.
hotȧhééško ni. willow tepee, poor man's tepee (especially willow shelter). can be covered with blankets or canvas. Plural ho'tȧheeškȯtse, ma'xėhotȧhéeome. See: hotȯhotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.
hotȧhéhne ni. side meat. Category: meat.
-hótȧhenené vai. scratch, claw. especially of cats as they sharpen their claws, for example, on a post or furniture. É-hótȧhenēne. He clawed/scratched. Ques: ȧhané?? Category: cats, check.
hótȧhtse p. unexpectedly, here (epistemic), lo and behold. Ques: (hótȧhtse?) For example, I was telling it to him but (hotȧhtse) he already knew it. Nėhē'še hótȧhtse? Then what? Hótȧhtse á'e nėhéóhe tsévésėstanovese móspe'pe'eotsėhevóhe. Here, it was just those who lived there making trouble. [1987:28] See: ótahe; hévá-móhe; ónétáhtse; ótsėhámóhe. Category: exclamations.
hotam- i. turn around. See: hóotoe-.
Hotámȧhtóevaaestse vai. Gram: ppl (unknown translation). Category: names.
hotáma'e p. hurry, quickly, easily, Nothing to it! Hotáma'e tavá'nevé'hoeotsé'tovenano! Hurry and look at them! [1987:260] See: hotómá'e; sé'ea'e; sé'hove-; hó'ótóva; -vésetanó; -nonótovahe.
-hotama'ee'e vai. sit facing backwards. É-hotama'ee'e. He is sitting facing backwards. that is, sitting with his back to others. Etym: *aθemexkwe·pi·wa. Category: sit.
-hotama'én vta. possessive of s.o., control s.o. Lit: cause face to turn back to É-hotama'eno. He made her do only what he wanted her to do. É-hotama'énóho. He made her do only what he wanted her to do. (newer pronunciation). especially doing only what your spouse wants, but can be of children or others, also. Ná-hotama'énoo'o nanésoneho. I control my children. Category: interpersonal.
-hotama'éóó'e vai. stand with back to the fire. This is the culturally appropriate way to warm oneself at a fire. It is culturally preferred to standing facing afire (or stove) with your hands out in front of you. É-hotama'éóó'e. He was standing warming with his back to the fire. Etym: *aθemexkwe·ka·po·wa. Phon: vs Antonym -hovȯhéóó'e; Final -óé2. Category: stand.
-hotama'éšé vai. lie opposite from, lie facing backwards. for example, lying with his back to you. É-hotama'éše. He lying the other way. [PD81] Etym: *aθemexko·hšinwa. Category: lie.
hotame- i. turn around, reverse, turn one's back. Ná-hotama'éóó'e. I was standing warming with my back to the fire.
pv. turn around, reverse, turn one's back. É-hotamease. He turned around and left. É-hotamemésehe He turned around to eat (ate the other direction). Hotamenoota! Turn around and leave him! (1987:231). Tȧxaetšėhe'kė-hotameasėstse! Just turn around and leave! Hénáá'e tséhésė-hotamenooxeto? Why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46). nėhē'še éhne'évatšėšė-hotameasesėstse Then she turned around and left. (1987:259). Initial hotam-. Etym: *aθemi. See: hosó-. Category: positions.
hótame na. 1 • dog, hound. Usage: This word is not used much today for regular dogs. At least one speaker has said that this word refers to "hounds," such as greyhounds and Rottweilers. It does occur as a stem meaning 'dog' in some words with modifiers, such as vó'omėhótame 'white dog.' Historically, this word meant 'dog,' but then was semantically extended to include other domesticated animals(meaning sense 2.). A new term for 'dog,' (oeškēse) took the place of the general meaning of 'dog 'for this older word, hótame. (another recording) vó'omėhótame white dog. Phon: iah Plural hotāme; Obviative hotāme; Diminutive hotamēso. Morph: /hotame/. See: oeškēse; oeškēso. Etym: *aθemwa 'dog'; *aθemo·ki 'dogs' ‘dog’. Category: dogs.
2 • small domesticated animal. éškȯseeséhotame pig (lit. pointed-nose-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame cat (lit. short-nosed-domesticated.animal). ka'eeséhotame is said to be a Southern Cheyenne word; póéso 'cat' is commonly used in Montana as well as Oklahoma. Category: animals, dogs.
Hotaméamėške na. Greasy Dog. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Hotaméhéve na. (man's name). Category: names.
Hotamémaase na. Dog Chips. Variant: Hotamématse. the ending /-máase/ (/-máese/ ?) is probably morphologically related to the ending of hemáhkȧse 'chips, animal excrement'. See: Hotóamaase; Ováhemaase; máase. Category: names.
-hotamémȧsėhánoné vai. sing Crazy Dogs songs. É-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He is singing Crazy Dogs songs. Éhvóonė-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He sang Crazy Dog songs all night. [1987:30] fai: -noné. See: mȧseha. Category: sing, societies.
hotamémȧsėhánoo'ȯtse ni. Crazy Dogs Society song. Plural hotamémȧsėhánootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
Hotamémȧsėhao'o na. Gram: pl Crazy Dogs. from Grinnell: a "modern" society. (another recording) Singular Hotamémȧseha. See: Hotamétane ‘Dog Soldier’. Category: societies.
Hotamématse na. Dog Chips. Variant: Hotamémaase. See: matse. Category: names.
hotamemenó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl dogwood. Usage: loan transl. from Petter ?? Category: check, plants.
-hotameoestoh(n) vta. confront s.o. right away. É-hotameoestȯhnóho. He went right away to confront him. Category: interpersonal.
Hotameohméseestse vai. Gram: ppl Northern Cheyenne person. Lit: northern-eater Variant: Notameohméseestse. Usage: subdialectal variant This pronunciation appears to confuse the prenoun hotame- 'dog' with the intended preverb notame- 'north'. See: Ȯhméseestse; Notameohmésėhétane; -mésehe; -tsėhéstahe; Heévȧhetane. Plural Hotaméohmésėhese. Category: tribes.
-hotameoxeve vai. have dog belly ?? Nėstsė-hotameoxeve. "You will get a big belly if you hold a puppy on your belly." That is a traditional saying. Ques: rerecord?? Category: dogs, sayings, check.
hotamēso na. pup, young dog. Non-diminutive hótame; Synonym oeškėséhéso. Category: dogs.
Hotamétane na. Gram: pl Dog Soldier. This can be a person's name or a member of the Dog Soldiers. Plural Hotamétaneo'o. from Grinnell: an "ancient" society; PD777ff. See: Hotamémȧsėhao'o ‘Crazy Dogs’. Category: societies, names.
hotamo'e ni. Gram: pl smartweed. seems to be similar to nettles; will make skin hurt. Plural hotamó'ėstse. Etym: *aθemwa·xkwi. Category: plants.
Hotamó'keeho na. Gram: pl Indians from "out west". for example, Navahos. Category: tribes, tribes.
Hotamȯxhooheóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Dog Standing On a Hill. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
-hotáo'ó vai. capsize, turn over, tip over. for example, what happens to a person in a car accident when a car overturns. É-hotáó'o. He capsized/tipped over. Énéšė-hotáo'oo'o. They both turned over. vti: -hotáa'hahtsé, -hotáavan. Phon: not vs Ques: Check 3rd person pl. neg. for pitches. See: -e'ȯsévoeotse. Category: motion.
-hotáo'otse vai. turn over, fall over, capsize. É-hotáo'otse He fell over/capsized. Category: motion.
-hotáovoeotse vi. capsize, turn over.
vai. capsize, turn over. É-hotáovoeotse. He (or It) capsized. Nėstsė-hotáovoeotsémáne. We'll turn over. [1980:1:10]
-hotáovo'e'á vti. kick over s.t. É-hotáovo'ē'a. He kicked it over. [The Journey.281] Ques: delete this or the hotáavo'e'á entry?? keep alternates above Category: check.
-hotȧxan vti. uncover s.t. for example, can refer to taking the lid off a cooking pot or opening drapes. Variant: -hotȯxan. É-hotȧxāna. ?? He uncovered it/he revealed it.
vta. uncover s.o., unwrap s.o., reveal s.o. for example, unswaddle a baby. É-hotȧxanóho. He uncovered him. Hotȧxaneha! Unwrap him! See: -hóheet ‘wrap s.o.’; -ta'ta'en ‘open s.o.’; -hótȯxan ‘trade, barter s.o.’. Category: containers, check.
-hotȧxánomósané vai. reveal; uncover in teaching. tséto'sėhešė-hotȧxánomósánėse vo'ėstanévėhahtsestȯtse that he was going to reveal the way of salvation. [1987:236] See: -vovéstomósané.
hotȧxeve- pv. revealed, uncovered. Ná-hotȧxevėhávėsévo'óta. I denounce him.
-hotȧxevėhávėsévo'ót vta. denounce s.o. Ná-hotȧxevėhávėsévo'óta. I denounce him. See: hávėsévo'ót. Category: speak.
-hotȧxohá vti. uncover s.t. by tool. É-hotȧxōha. He uncovered it by tool. See: -hotȧxan.
-hotȧxoh(n) vta. uncover s.o. by tool. É-hotȧxȯhnóho. He uncovered him by tool.
hoto p. uh. hesitation word. Variant: hotoo.
hotóa- pn. bull, buffalo, buck, male (of bovine). See: hotóhpe-; hotóá'e. Category: animals.
Hotóáhé'e na. Bull Woman. Category: names.
Hotóahe'pe na. Buffalo Rib. Category: names.
Hotóahemahkȧse na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóamaase. Category: names.
Hotóahetone na. Bull Thigh. Ques: Albert Tallbull Category: names.
hotóaho'éeve na. cow hide. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, material.
hotóakōsa na. ram. Lit: bull-goat See: kōsa. Category: animals.
hotóá'e na. male buffalo, buffalo bull, buffalo. (another recording) Phon: vs Some speakers use this as the general word for a buffalo. Others use it only for a male buffalo. Most Cheyenne speakers say hotóá'e but hotóá'a has been heard. A phonological rule of Vowel Stretching changes underlying (phonemic) /hotóá/ to the pronunciations heard above. Some other words for which we would expect the rule of Vowel Stretching to produce a word-final "a" have a word-final "e" for many speakers. See also -mea'e, -htsea'e; also some people say maéstoo'e 'throat' instead of maéstoo'o. Morph: /hotóá/. Etym: *aya·pe·wa (P) ‘'buck' Smith 1949:80 lists word-final front vowel, as the entry here’. Plural hotóao'o, (another recording); Obviative hotoa'o; Possessive -htotóame; Feminine ésevone. See: -hotóave ‘buffalo - be a’; ésevone1 ‘female buffalo, buffalo herd’; hotóhpa'éhe ‘steer’; hotóhpéso ‘buffalo bull calf’; -htotóame; vé'ho'éotóá'e ‘cow’; hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotoa'e ‘milk cow’. Category: animals, names.
Hotóá'e Ȯhmé'éhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bull Comes Out, Buffalo Comes out. origin of name Bull Coming. Category: names.
Hotóá'e Ȯhnotama'ee'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl North Facing Buffalo. Category: names.
Hotóá'e Ȯhvó'komaestse na. White Bull, White Buffalo. Category: names.
Hotóá'e Ȯxháa'ého'oésėstse vai. Gram: ppl High Bull, High Buffalo Bull. See: Aénohe Ȯxháa'ého'oésėstse. Category: names.
Hotóá'héhe na. Buffalo Woman. See: Hotóává'e; Ésévóná'e. Category: names.
-hotóa'koná'ó vai. turn into buffalo bones. Naa náto'sėhósėhósémo hóhta'heo'o hetane tsésto'sėhé-hotóa'koná'ȯse. I'm going to tell another story, about a man when his bones turned into buffalo bones. [1987:264]
Hotóa'ȯhma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Buffalo, Red Buck, Red Bull. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯhma'haetȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Big Buffalo. vai: -ma'haeta. See: Ma'háehnotóá'e ‘Old Bull’. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Standing Bull. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhnéšese vai. Gram: ppl Two Bulls. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhnétaestse vai. Gram: ppl Other Bull. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯhpėhévaestse vai. Gram: ppl Good Bull, Good Buffalo. Cheyenne name of Soldierwolf. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Bull, Walking Buffalo. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhtsévéhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bull Moving About, Wandering Buffalo. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Bull Flies About. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯhtsévó'énȧhtse vai. Ques: ppl Rolling Bull. vai: -évó'ená ‘roll’. Category: names.
Hotóa'ȯhtšėhe'kėstaestse vai. Gram: ppl Short Bull. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Bull. See: Ma'heónȯhvó'komaestse ‘White Bull’. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯxháa'ėstaestse vai. Gram: ppl Tall Bull, Tallbull. Category: names.
Hotóá'ȯxhéne'ȧhé'hámȯhtse na. Buffalo Bull, Buffalo Leap. Ques: recheck glosses?? See: -hé. Category: check.
Hotóa'ȯxhoo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Sitting Bull. Usage: Cheyenne translation of a Sioux chief's name vai: -hoo'e. Category: names.
Hotóamaase na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóahemahkȧse; Hotamémaase; Ováhemaase; Hemáhkȧse. Category: names.
Hotóama'hēō'o na. Medicine Bull. Category: names.
Hotóámėhné'e na. Buffalo Walking Woman. Category: names.
Hotóamé'éhne na. Buffalo Appearing; Bull Comes Out, Bullcoming. See: Hotóamé'éhnėstse. Category: names.
Hotóamé'éhnėstse na. Buffalo Appearing, Bull Comes Out, Bullcoming. Variant: Hotóamé'éhne. Category: names.
Hotóamé'hahtse na. Bull Beard. Category: names.
hotóame'ko ni. buffalo skull. Lit: buffalo-head used in the altar of Sun Dance. See: me'ko ‘head’. Category: Sun Dance.
2 • Bull Elk. Category: names.
hótoaná i. difficult. É-hótoanaa'e. He is sitting in a difficult way. É-hótoanátsėhésenėstséstove. It is difficult to talk Cheyenne. É-hótoanáhoeme. It (for example, some book) is difficult to read. [1987:29] Náhne'éveosee-hótoanáameehéme. we really had a difficult time traveling. Variant: hótoanáv-; Antonym he'aná-. Category: quality.
hótoanaa'e vai. sit in a difficult way, piled difficult. É-hótoanaa'e. He is sitting in a difficult way. Ho'honáeo'o éohkėhoháe-hótoanáeo'o. Rocks used to be piled up in a difficult way. Category: sit.
-hótoanahe vai. handicapped, bad shape - be in. É-hótoanahe. He is handicapped. tsé-hótoanáhese those who are handicapped / those who are in bad shape. vii: -hótoanáto. See: -he'anahe ‘easy’.
Hotóanȧhkohe na. Bull Bear. See: náhkohe. Category: names.
-hótoaná'o'h vta. get s.o. in trouble, put s.o. in difficulty, confuse s.o. É-hótoaná'o'hóho. He put him in a difficult spot. Ná-hótoaná'o'ha. He put me in a difficult spot. É-hótoaná'o'hahtse. He confused himself. Category: interpersonal.
-hótoanám vta. say something difficult to s.o. É-hótoanamo. He said something difficult to him. É-hótoanámóho. He said something difficult to him. (newer pronunciation). Hee náma'xė-hótoanámáá'e vé'kėseho. Well, the birds said something difficult to me. [1987:314] Variant: -hótoanávem. Category: speak.
Hotóanámose na. Bull Lefthand. Variant: Hotóanámosėstse. Category: names.
Hotóanámosėstse na. Bull Lefthand. Variant: Hotóanámose. Category: names.
-hótoanán vta. make difficulty for s.o. É-hótoanano. He made things difficult for him / he got him into trouble. É-hótoanánóho. He made things difficult for him / he got him into trouble. (newer pronunciation). É-hótoanánahtse. He got himself in trouble. See: -hótoanátó.
Hótoanáo'hé'e ni. Difficult River, Purgatory River. Now known as Purgatory River. It enters the Arkansas River from the south near Fort Lyon, Colorado. Category: rivers.
-hótoanáóó'e vai. be in bad trouble, going to get it. É-hótoanáóó'e. He is in bad trouble / he is going to get it. Lit: difficult-stand fai: -óé; Variant: -hótoanáveóó'e. Category: stand.
-hótoanáotse vai. suddenly difficult, difficult suddenly. for example, to get a bad diagnosis from the doctor, or to have sudden bad luck. É-hótoanáotse. He is in difficulty. Ná-hótoanáotse. I was in difficulty. [1987:108] tséhešė-hótoanáotsėse since he is having a hard time. See: -háo'omeeotse.
-hótoanátanó vai. have difficulty. Ques: Is vai extant?? É-hótoanátáno. ?? He has difficulty. ?? Category: check.
-hótoanátanó'tá vti. think difficult about s.t. Hová'éhe násáatónėšėhótoanátanó'tóhe. I did not have any difficulty about it. ?? Category: emotions, check.
-hótoanáto vii. difficult, tough. É-hótoanáto. It is difficult. (another recording) Éosee-hótoanáto. It is very difficult. tsé-hótoanátotse that which (obv) is difficult. vai: -hótoanahe; Antonym -he'anátó. Etym: cf. Meskwaki sanakat- 'be difficult' (Oxford, to appear:14). See: mo'ó'xonó. Category: quality.
hótoanáv i. difficult. É-hótoanávȧhá'éne. She cooked in difficult ways. É-hótoanávemóho. He said something difficult to him. É-hótoanáveóó'e. He is standing in a difficult place. Variant: hótoaná-. Category: quality.
-hótoanávȧhá'ené vai. cook in difficult ways. É-hótoanávȧhá'éne. She cooked in difficult ways. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
-hótoanávátsestá vti. regard s.t. as being difficult. É-hótoanávátsésta. He regards it as difficult. Ná-hótoanávátsésta. I regard it as difficult. Naa ná'ȯhkėsee-hótoanávátsésta héne nėšenā'ėstse hová'éhe. And I would think that is one of the most difficult things. (1987:154).
hótoanáve i. difficult. Ná-hótoanávetāno. I'm having a difficult time.
pv. difficult. tséto'senáno'sė-hótoanávėho'ėhóhto who comes upon it in a tragic way. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.116]
-hótoanávem vta. say something difficult to s.o. É-hótoanávemóho. He said something difficult to him. See: -hótoanám. Category: speak.
-hótoanávenestse vai. speak difficult language. É-hótoanávenestse. He speaks difficult language. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hótoanáveóó'e vai. stand in a difficult place. É-hótoanáveóó'e. He is standing in a difficult place. Variant: -hótoanáóó'e; Final -óé. Category: stand.
-hótoanávėstóone vii. complicated. that is, refers to how complicated something is made. Mó'osee-hótoanávėstóonéhanéhe he'nétoo'o. There was no way for the door to be opened. [1987:41]
-hótoanávetanó vai. have a difficult time. É-hótoanávetāno. He is having a difficult time. Ná-hótoanávetāno. I am having a difficult time. Antonym -he'anávetanó. See: -háo'omenehe. Category: emotions.
-hótoanávȯhóne vai. sign something difficult, difficult sign. É-hótoanávȯhóne. He is signing about something difficult. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-hótoanávȯhta'hané vai. tell a difficult story. for example, tell a story of the Cheyennes' painful Trek north from Okla. É-hótoanávȯhta'hāne. He told a difficult story. fai: -óhta'hané. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hótoanávó'ané vai. say something difficult, difficult speak. É-hótoanávó'áne. He said something difficult. The next word could be used similar to how people respond with "No problem!" in English: Nésáa-hótoanávo'anéhe. What you said is not difficult/That isn't a problem. for example, to ask for a big favor. Category: speak.
-hótoanávo'eéh vta. do s.t. evil to s.o. / do s.t. terrible to s.o. /do s.t. difficult to s.o. É-hótoanávo'eeho. He did something difficult/terrible to him. É-hótoanávo'eéhóho. He did something difficult/terrible to him. Initial hótoanáv-; Final -o'eéh. Category: do.
-hótoanávo'eétahe vai. do something bad, do something difficult. É-hótoanávo'eétahe. He did something difficult. Éhoháe-hótoanávo'eétȧheo'o. They did something terribly bad. [1987:258] Category: do.
-hótoanávo'emaov vta. give s.o. a tough sentence, tough sentence s.o. É-hótoanávo'emaovóho. He (a judge) gave him a tough/difficult sentence. Antonym -he'anávo'emaov. See: -ho'emaov. Category: legal.
-hótoanávo'ohe vta. sentenced tough. É-hótoanávo'ohe. He was given a touch sentence. Ques: parse as passive?? tséstaéema'xė-hótoanávo'oese for him to get a tough sentence. [How God Helped Me Forgive.84.] Category: legal, check.
-hótoanávo'oh(n) vta. sentence s.o. tough. É-hótoanávo'ȯhnóho. ?? He gave him a tough sentence. Category: check.
-hótoanávo'oméeotse vai. come to be in a difficult state. É-hótoanávo'oméeotse. He is in a difficult state. Kóóhe é-hótoanávo'oméeotse. Poor thing, he is in a pitiful state. [187:268)]
-hótoanávo'omenehe vai. difficult life - have a. É-hótoanávo'omenehe. He has a difficult life. [1987:270] Category: live.
-hótoanávomóhtahe vai. be seriously sick, sick very much. Lit: difficult-sick É-hótoanávomóhtahe. He is seriously sick. Naa mó'ȯhkeméhaenaetȯhevóhe ... tséévė-hótoanávomóhtȧhétsese And he used to doctor those who were seriously sick. [1987:107] See: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse vai. become critically sick, become very sick. É-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse. He became critically ill. Éstaévema'xeasė-hótoanávomóhtȧhéotse. He became critically ill. [1987:195] Category: sickness.
-hótoanávoohe vai. receive a tough sentence. É-hótoanávoohe. He got a tough sentence. See: -éna'hevóohe; -hótoanávoo'e. Category: legal.
-hótoanávoo'e vai. live in a difficult place, be in a difficult place. É-hótoanávoo'e. He lives in a place which is difficult to get to. Phon: vs See: -hoo'e; -hótoanávoohe. Category: live.
-hótoanávotse'ohe vai. difficult work. É-hótoanávotse'ohe. He has difficult work. fai: -otse'óhe; Antonym -he'anávotse'óhe. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hótoanáxé vai. lie in a difficult way. É-hótoanáxe. He is lying in a difficult way. fai: -šená ‘lie’. Category: lie.
Hotóanéstoohe na. Howling Bull, Bull Howling, Bellowing Bull. See: Hotoa'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.
Hotóanótȧxeo'o na. Gram: pl Buffalo Bull Warriors. a society. See: nótaxe ‘warrior’. Category: societies.
Hotóao'hé'e ni. Bull River, Cimarron River. known today as the Cimarron River which flows into the Arkansas River in Okla. Category: rivers.
Hotóaó'ó'éne na. Blind Buffalo. Category: names.
Hotóáso na. 1 • small buffalo. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
2 • Little Buffalo. Morph: /hotóásón/. Category: names.
Hotóává'e na. Buffalo Woman. Category: names.
Hotóavá'ohe na. Bulltail, Bobtailed Bull. Category: names.
hotóaváótséva na. buck. Lit: bull-deer (another recording) Variant: hotóhpeváótséva. See: hotóá'e. Category: animals.
-hotóave vai. buffalo - be a. É-hotóave. He is a buffalo. Ésáa-hotóávéhe. He is not a buffalo. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo bull’. Category: animals.
Hotóávé'áhe na. Goes With the Buffalo, Lame Bull. translation uncertain. Category: names.
Hotóávé'kése na. Bull Bird. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
Hotóavéno'hoo'ȯtse na. Bull Stomach. Category: names.
-hotóaveotse vai. become a buffalo, buffalo - become a. É-hotóaveotse. He turned into a buffalo. Éstama'xė-hotóaveotsesėstse néhe kȧsovááhe That young man turned into a big buffalo. [1987:307] Category: animals.
Hotóávėséhe na. Buffalo Horn. Category: names.
Hotóavétanove na. Bull Tongue. Category: names.
hotóavóema na. buffalo robe. hotóavóema and hotóavóoma are just different spellings of the same word. Variant: hotóavóoma.
Hotóavóhtane na. Bull Skin. Category: names.
hotóavó'aa'e na. antelope buck. See: vó'aa'e; vó'kaa'e. Category: animals.
Hotóavó'hee'ėse na. Bald Faced Bull. Category: names.
hotóavooma na. buffalo hide robe. Hotóavóoma móhnȯhóvo'oehéhe. She had on a buffalo robe. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).032] Oblique hotóavoomȧhéva. hotóavóema and hotóavóoma are just different spellings of the same word. Variant: hotóavóema. See: hóoma. Category: Sun Dance.
Hotóavoomáhe na. Bull Robe. Category: names.
Hotóavóoo'e na. Bull Hump, Buffalo Hump. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.
-hótoe'hahtaa'e vai. sit with feet protruding. Éstatšėšė-hótoe'hahtáehoo'o hé'nétóóne. His feet were sticking out of the door. [The Big Bogeyman.056] Category: sit.
hotóénóvéhe na. cheesecloth, netting. Lit: see.through-thing Category: material.
-hótoešé vai. lie in shade under a tree. É-hótóéše. He is lying in the shade under a tree. See: -hovéo'ešé. Category: lie.
-hótȯhéné'o'h vta. scratch face of s.o., claw face of s.o. É-hótȯhéné'o'hóho. ?? He clawed/scratched his (other person's) face. I scratched his face. Ná-hótȯhéné'ó'ho. I scratched his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -hótȧhenené. Category: violence.
hotohke na. 1 • star. This pronunciation is more common than hetohke. Ques: What is the obviative? Plural hotóhkeo'o; Obviative hotohko. hotóhkeo'o tsénésȯhtȯxese the seven stars (Pleiades). Possessive -htotóhke; Variant: hetohke. Etym: *aθa·nkwa (P); *aɬa·nkwa (R). Category: celestial.
2 • Star. Category: names.
hotohke tséanā'ȯhtse vai. meteor. Lit: star which falls Plural hotóhkeo'o tséana'ose. Category: celestial.
Hotóhké'e na. Star Woman. Usage: This seems to be the most common traditional pronunciation for Star Woman. Variant: Hetóhké'e, Hotóhké'hé'e. Category: names.
Hotóhké'hé'e na. Star Woman. Ques: This pronunciation is uncertain. See: Hotóhké'e ‘Star Woman’. Category: names, check.
Hotóhkema'aestse na. Red Star. Variant: Hotóhkȯhma'aestse. Category: names.
Hotóhkeméóná'e na. Star Road Woman. Category: names.
Hotóhkemo'ȯhtávaestse na. Black Star, Star Black. Category: names.
Hotóhkenéstoohe na. Howling Star. Category: names.
Hotóhkeo'o Ȯhna'hese vai. Gram: ppl Three Stars. Category: names.
hotóhkeo'o tsénésȯhtȯxese na. Pleiades. Lit: stars which are seven in number Variant: mano'ėhotóhkeo'o, mano'otóhkeo'o. Category: celestial.
-hotóhkeoxa'ohe vii. beaded medicine wheel design - be a. Lit: star-beaded É-hotóhkeoxa'ohe. It is a beaded medicine wheel design. É-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inan.) have a medicine wheel design. Category: designs.
-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhené vai. medicine wheel design bead. É-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhéne. He is beading a medicine wheel design. Category: designs.
Hotóhkéso na. Oglala Sioux Indian. Lit: little star Plural Hotóhkėsono. Category: tribes.
Hotóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e na. Star Woman Walks Through. Variant: Hetóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e. Category: names.
Hotóhketanā'ȯhtse vai. Gram: ppl Falling Star. See: -ana'ó ‘fall’. Category: names.
-hotóhkeve vii. starry. É-hotóhkeve. It is starry. Etym: *aθa·nkwiwa. Category: celestial.
-hotóhkevȯhtȧheve vii. have a star design. É-hotóhkevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.) have a star design.
vai. have a star design. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
Hotóhkȯhma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Star. Variant: Hotóhkema'aestse; vai: -ma'eta; vii: -ma'ó. Category: names, colors.
-hotóhkȯhtȧhené vai. make a star design. É-hotóhkȯhtȧhéne. He is making a star design. Medial -ohtȧhé. Category: designs.
Hotóhkȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Star. Category: names.
hotóhkono'ko na. star quilt. Plural hotóhkonó'kono; Obviative hotóhkonó'kono.
hotȯhotȧhéeo'o ni. poor man's dwelling. Phon: vs Ques: possibly hotȯhtȧhéeo'o ?? Category: check. Plural hotȯhotȧhéeonȯtse. See: hotȧhééško. Category: buildings.
hotȯhotȧhéeome ni. poor man's lodge. See: hotȧhééško. Category: buildings.
hotȯhotȧhééško ni. little shelter made from willows. See: hotȧhééško. Plural hotȯhotȧhéeškonȯtse.
hotóhpa'éhe na. steer. Plural hotóhpa'éheo'o; Obviative hotóhpa'éheho. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’. Category: animals.
hotóhpa'(k)éhéso na. small buffalo bull. not yet four years old. See: hotóhpéso. Category: animals.
hotóhpa'kēso na. young buffalo bull. See: hotóhpéso. Category: animals.
hotóhpe- pv. bull, buck, male. Variant: hotóhpėhe- ??. Category: check. hotóhpeváótséva buck (deer). See: hotóa-.
hotóhpėheévaho na. Gram: pl buffalo fur. grammatically plural. See: heévaho. Category: animals.
Hotóhpėhéévá'e na. Buffalo Rope Woman. The English translation is sometimes confused in pronunciation as Buffalo Robe Woman. See: heévaho ‘rope’. Category: names.
hotóhpéso na. buffalo bull calf. between one and three years old. See: hotóá'e; hotóhpa'(k)éhéso; hotóhpa'kēso; hotóhpa'éhe. Category: animals.
hotóhpeváótséva na. buck. Variant: hotóaváótséva. Category: animals.
-hótȯhta'á vti. 1 • trip over s.t., stumble on s.t. É-hótȯhtá'a. He tripped over it. Ná-hótȯhtá'a. I tripped over it. vta: -hotȯhta'ov. See: -áhanešé; -é'tovahá; -hohótšešé. Category: motion.
2 • violate s.t. especially to violate probation or parole. Éévȧ-hótȯhtá'a tséxhestóho'ėse. He violated his probation. É-hótȯhtá'a ho'emanestȯtse. He broke the law. (probably a literal transl. from English). See: -hé'heetovánove. Category: legal.
-hótȯhta'ov vta. trip s.o., make s.o. stumble. É-hótȯhta'ovóho. He tripped him. See: -hótȯhta'á. Category: interpersonal.
-hótȯhtan vti. bump into s.t., collide with s.t., hit s.t., run into s.t., run over s.t. É-hótȯhtána. He bumped into it / ran over it. Ná-hótȯhtána. I bumped into it.
vta. bump into s.o., collide with s.o., hit s.o., run into s.o., run over s.o. É-hótȯhtanóho. He ran over him. See: -hohtan.
hoto'- i. kind. É-hoto'ahe. He is generous. É-hoto'átamóho. He is satisfied with him. É-hoto'ėhóho. He pleased him (obv) with what he did. Preverb hoto'e-. See: hoto'ahe; hoto'átsest; hoto'eh; hoto'em; hoto'etanó; hoto'o'ót.
hoto'ȧhé- p. generously. É-hoto'ȧhé-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives generously.
-hoto'ahe vai. generous, kind-hearted. This is a highly valued Cheyenne trait. É-hoto'ahe. He is generous. tsé-hoto'aestse the one who is generous. Antonym -vénȧhéškosé. See: -másetsėstahe ‘hospitable’; -pėhévoéstomo'he ‘nice personality’; -heto'ahe ‘so want’; -he-to'hahe ‘have on gloves’. Category: personality.
-hoto'átam vta. satisfied with s.o., approve of s.o. É-hoto'átamóho. He is satisfied with him. See: -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-hoto'átsestá vti. satisfied with s.t., approve of s.t. É-hoto'átsésta. He is satisfied with it. Ná-hoto'átsésta. I am satisfied with it. Ésáa-hoto'átsėstóhe. He is not in favor of it. See: -amȧhtá'tá; -pėhévátsestá. Category: cognition.
hoto'e- pv. politely. É-hoto'eameōhtse. He walked politely. Ques: natural?? Category: check. Initial hoto'-.
-hoto'éeh vta. be generous to s.o. É-hoto'éehóho. He is generous to him. Category: interpersonal.
-hoto'eh vta. please s.o. with action. The person who likes is encoded as the patient (syntactic object) of the Cheyenne verb; the person whose action is liked is treated as the agent (syntactic subject) of the verb. É-hoto'ėhóho. He pleased him (obv) with what he did. Ná-hoto'ēho. He liked what I did (that is, I pleased him with what I did). Ná-hoto'ėhoo'o. They were agreeable to what I did. Násáa-hoto'ėhóhe. He didn't agree with what I was doing (that is, I was not agreeable to him in what I did). See: -hoto'em. Category: interpersonal.
-hóto'e'ov vta. 1 • in line, walk single file with s.o., walk Indian file with s.o. can especially refer to when a wife follows her husband while walking. É-hóto'e'ovóho. He walked single file with him. É-hóto'e'óvȧhtseo'o. They are walking single file. See: -hó'e'ov ‘follow s.o.’; -hóto'e'ov. Category: walk.
2 • in line by age, be so apart in age from s.o. Naa tséxheaénaméstove na'heāā'e ná-hóto'e'óvȧhtséme. And according to the ages (years), we are three years apart. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.147] Category: ages.
-hoto'em vta. please s.o. with talk. É-hoto'emóho. He pleases him with what he says. Ná-hoto'ēmo. He was agreeable to what I said to him/what I wanted done. Némano'-hoto'émȧhtsema. We agree together (are of one mind). See: -amȧhtov; -hoto'eh. Category: interpersonal.
-hoto'enoev vta. please s.o. in song. especially of singing a lullaby to a baby that puts him to sleep. É-hoto'enoevóho. 'en?? He sang a song that pleased him. Category: sleep, check.
hóto'eotse vai. fail. Éssáahóto'eotséhe. It did not help.?? [The Snakebite.063] Category: check.
-hoto'eotse vai. quiet down. É-hoto'eotse. He quieted down.
-hóto'ešé vai. fall short, stumble. É-hóto'ēše. He fell short, didn't succeed. Ná-hóto'ēše. I fell short, didn't succeed. See: -nétȯhnéotse; hótse-; -hótseše. Category: fall, lie.
-hoto'etanó vai. cooperative. É-hoto'etāno. He is cooperative. Ésáa-hoto'etanóhe. He is not cooperative. [1987:268] See: -pėhévatsestá; -hoto'ahe.
-hoto'etanóotse vai. agree (to something). É-hoto'etanóotse. He agreed. Móstȧ-hoto'etanóotsėhevóhe. They must have agreed (to it). Ques: pleased with?? Category: cognition, emotions, check.
-hóto'evonėhót vta. climb following s.o. in single file. É-hóto'evonėhótȧhtseo'o. They were climbing single-file following each other. [STORIES.TXT]
-hoto'o'ót vta. compliment s.o. to s.o. else. É-hoto'o'oto. He complimented him to s.o. else. É-hoto'o'ótóho. He complimented him to s.o. else. (newer pronunciation). Category: interpersonal. See: -máha'ov; -hoto'etanó.
hótó'óxe p. on each side, on either side. for example, on both the right and left sides. Naa hótó'óxe ó'hóóma tsėhéóhe náme'ȯhkėšééše naa hápó'e tȧháóhe ó'hóómanéme'ȯhkėšééše. And my bedding would be on one side (of the tepee) and yours would be on the other side. [1987:259] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated hó'óxe. Category: positions.
hóto'óxe- pv. on each side. Móstanėšė-hóto'óxetšėšeameohtsėhevóhe héne tséstaamō'ta hesé'ome. They went all around the edge of the ridge. [1987:95]
-hotómahe vai. be a scapegoat. É-hotómahe. He is a scapegoat. Etym: *weθa·mesiwa (P); cf *aθa·mesiwa ‘he is under, underneath’. Ques: LP: He is kind; reck?? See: -hetómahe. Category: check, personality.
hotómá'e p. indoors, inside, within. hotómá'e mȧheóne inside the house. Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e! Don't break a bone indoors! (especially to get marrow out) (If you do you might break your leg. A cultural prohibition.) Mó'ȯhkeésevóomaehevovóhe hotómá'e. They were found by (the soldiers) inside (the caves). [1987:43] Etym: *aθa·menki (P). Variant: hetómá'e; Antonym anóse. See: hotáma'e. Category: positions.
-hotoma'éhe vai. backward, unprogressive. É-hotoma'éhe. He is not progressive. Category: personality.
-hotoma'éšé vai. face.away-lie. É-hotoma'éše. (a'ē??) He is lying facing away. Etym: *aθemexkwe·hšinwa. Category: lie, check.
-hótoma'ó vai. dismount, get off. É-hótomā'o. He dismounted. ?? Non-reduplicated -hóma'ó. Category: horses, check.
Hotómanéé'e na. Standing In Lodge Woman, Stands Inside Woman. Phon: contraction < hotómá'e énéé'e 'Inside she is standing.' Variant: Hetómanéé'e. This pronunciation appears to be more commonly used than the variant, Hetómanéé'e. Category: names.
hotóme- pv. abuse, mistreat. É-hotómemá'sėhohpo'anēne. He was the only one to pick things up. heé nésáa-hotómenėhetatséhe neaxaa'éhemo tséhmȧhehévėstoemonotséohkeévėhetóhta'haneto Hey, I didn't complain to you, (that) your sisters I had married them, the way you always tell the story. [1987:175] See: hotómo'eéh.
hotómoehnohtsėstse na. black sheep child. Plural hotómoehnóhtseto; Obviative hotómoehnóhtseto; Variant: hetómoehnohtsėstse. Category: family.
-hotómoehnóhtseve vai. be the black sheep child. for example, he is treated differently; he is worse than the other children. É-hotómoehnóhtseve. He is the black sheep. Variant: -hetómoehnóhtséve. Category: personality, family.
-hotómo'eéh vta. abuse s.o., mistreat s.o. É-hotómo'eeho. He abused him. É-hotómo'eéhóhó. He abused him. (newer pronunciation). See: -hetómo'eéh. Category: interpersonal.
-hotómo'ēē'e vai. jilted, victimized, mistreated. especially of taking sexual advantage of a woman and leaving her. É-hotómo'ēē'e. He is a victim; he was mistreated. É-hotómo'eéo'o. They are mistreated. vta: -hotómo'eéh. Phon: vs Category: interpersonal, sex.
-hotómo'eéstómané vai. spiteful. É-hotómo'eéstómáne. He is spiteful. See: -éxo'eéstómané.
Hotómó'óme na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Hotómo'oméhé'e na. (woman's name). Picked On Woman ?? Category: check, names.
-hoton vta. inform s.o., notify s.o. É-hotonóho. He notified him. vai: -hotonová. See: -hóo'xevót. Category: speak.
hotónȧhtsestȯtse ni. news, notice. See: hósėstoo'o; néstomónestȯtse.
hotona'é- pv. connected, joined (as a chain). nóhona hotona'évo'ėstanéhevestȯtse five generations (of people). Lit: five connected-life
-hotona'én vti. connect s.t., join s.t. É-hotona'éna. He connected it. Ques: hót?? Ná-hotona'énanȯtse I'm connecting them (inanimate).
vta. connect s.o., join s.o. Ná-hotona'énoo'o I'm connecting them (an.) Category: check. See: -hóna'en; -hóna'óestsé; -hóna'ován.
-hotoná'eoná mbp. joint(s). É-ónėšėhotoná'eonáóhtse. He has pain in his joints. tséx-hótoná'eonáhestove where the joints are (PD) ?? Category: body, check.
hotona'éonaestȯtse ni. double joints. Ques: a'eo?? See: -hona'o'tá. Category: check.
-hótona'oo'e vai. joined. É-hótona'oo'e. He is sitting joined. Ques: hot?? tséx-hótona'oevȯse namo'ėškono my knuckles. Lit: where they are jointed, my fingers Category: body, check.
hotona'ove- pv. connect, add. É-hotona'ovė-hóhta'heónáne. He added on another story. Non-reduplicated hóna'ove-.
hotoneváen vta. notify quickly, inform quickly. Naa nėstȧhotoneváenȧtse. I will quickly inform you.
-hotonová vai. notify. É-hotonōva. He notified. fai: -ová1; vta: -hoton. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
hotonováhe na. informant. Category: speak.
hotonovahtȯtse ni. text message. See: hóo'xevahtȯtse ‘voice texting’. Category: new.
hotoo p. uh. hesitation word. hotoo // néške'éehe / Kȯhóméhá'e éohkėhestohe. Uh, my grandmother, Coyote Woman, she was called. [1987:21] Nȧhtȧ=hotoo=hósemoo'o. I'll, uh, tell about them. [1987:69] often intrusive in verbs, especially at the preverb and root (or stem) boundary. See: tā'se; hévá. Variant: hetoo, hoto.
-hotóoma'há vii. swiftly flowing water - be, rough water - be. É-hotóomā'ha. The water is swiftly flowing/rough. Medial óom. Category: liquid.
-hótooma'ov vta. shield, shelter, protect s.o. É-hótooma'ovóho. He shielded him. Non-reduplicated -hóoma'ov. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.
Hotóomeē'e na. Shelter Woman. Category: names.
-hótoomeesé vai. shelter nose. É-hótoomeēse. He hid (protected??) his (own) nose. Category: nose, check.
-hótoomeesé'ó vai. shelter nose. É-hótoomeesé'o. He hid (sheltered) his (own) nose. Category: check.
Hotóomeēso na. Little Shelter. Category: names.
hótȯse- pv. repeatedly. Ná-hótȯsenėhēto. I repeatedly asked him. Variant: hetóse-; Non-reduplicated hóse-. See: ohke-; hovave-; ho'ó'omee-; a'ene-. Category: time.
hotȯx- i. reveal, uncover. É-hotȧxāna. He uncovered it/he revealed it. É-hotȯxāna. He uncovered it. Ques: -hotȧxan or -hotȯxan?? See: hotȧxan; hotȯxan. Category: check.
hótȯxá- pv. crisscross. hótȯxá-mȧhéó'o log house (lit. crossed (logs)-house). É-hótȯxáameōhtse He is walking crossing (for example, when two guards are crossing back and forth in front of what they are guarding). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated hóxov-.
hotȯxaa'é'e na. widow. See: otȯxaema'haahe; hē'e. Usage: obsolescing Variant: otȯxaa'é'e; Plural hotȯxaa'é'eo'o.
-hotȯxaa'é'eve vai. be a widow. É-hotȯxaa'é'eve. She is a widow. Masculine -hovóaheve.
hótȯxáe'óestaahe na. Catholic. Lit: crossing-Christian literal meaning refers to genuflecting. See: mo'ȯhtávoestá'e. Category: church.
-hótȯxáhné vai. walk crisscrossing. É-hótȯxáhne. He crisscrossed. [1987:42] That is, he walked back and forth. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hóxovehné. Category: walk.
-hotȯxȧho'he vai. hit by sun. Ná-hotȯxȧho'he. The sun is hitting (uncovering??) me. That is, when I am in the shade and I have to move again because the sun has moved and caught me. See: -hótȯxáto; hotȯxovámota. Category: check.
-hótȯxa'én vti. uncover s.t. É-hótȯxa'éna. He uncovered it. Hótȯxa'énȯhtse! Uncover it!
vta. É-hótȯxa'eno. He uncovered him. É-hótȯxa'énóho. He uncovered him. (newer pronunciation). Hótȯxa'éneha! Uncover him (such as uncovering a baby's face)! See: -ta'ta'en; -hótȯxan.
-hotȯxa'éšé vai. lie with uncovered head. for example, of a person in a casket whose face is not covered by a scarf or some other funeral home's covering. É-hotȯxa'éše. He is lying with his head uncovered. Category: lie.
-hótȯxá'éšé vai. lie in the opposite direction. É-hótȯxá'éše. He is lying at the foot of the bed. Category: lie.
-hótȯxá'kanee'e vai. sit with crossed legs. É-hótȯxá'kanee'e. He sat with legs crossed underneath. 'Indian style', only appropriate for men. Phon: vs Feminine -néšenėstanee'e. See: -hetanévoo'e. Category: sit.
hótȯxámȧhéó'o ni. log house. Lit: crossed(.log.ends)-house Category: buildings.
-hotȯxan vti. uncover s.t., reveal s.t. for example, to open up the drapes. É-hotȯxāna. He uncovered it. Hotȯxānȯhtse! Uncover it! / Open it up! Variant: -hotȧxan.
vta. uncover s.t., unwrap s.o. É-hotȯxanóho. He uncovered him. Hotȯxaneha! Unwrap him! Ques: tȧx or tȯx?? Category: check. For example, unwrap the baby. See: -ta'ta'en; -hótȯxan; -énovo'an.
-hótȯxan vti. trade s.t., barter s.t. É-hótȯxána. He traded it.
vta. trade s.o. É-hótȯxanóho. He traded him. See: -hotȧxan ‘uncover s.t./s.o.’; -hohtóvá ‘buy, sell, shop’.
-hótȯxánaesetse vai. genuflect, cross sign. especially as a Catholic. É-hótȯxánaesetse. He made the sign of the cross. See: -hótȯxávȯhoné. Category: church.
hótȯxáotse vii. cross.
vai. cross. É-hótȯxáotse. He (or It) got crossed. É-he'konėhótȯxáotse. He (or It) got stuck crossed. [Whiteman and the Coyote.012]
hótȯxáse'hohestȯtse ni. cross.
hótȯxáse'hohéstóva obl. on a cross.
-hótȯxáse'hoh(n) vta. crucify s.o. É-hótȯxáse'hohnóho. He nailed him to a cross/he crucified him. É-hótȯxáse'hohe. He was crucified. Lit: cross-fasten-by.tool
-hótȯxátó vii. cross. É-hótȯxáto. It is crossed. tséx-hótȯxáto where it is crossed. tsé-hótȯxáto cross (lit. that which is crisscrossed). tsé-hótȯxátoo'ėstse crosses. Category: church.
-hótȯxávan vti. exchange s.t., switch s.t. É-hótȯxávána. He exchanged it. Hótȯxávanome! Exchange them (inanimate)! (said to more than one person).
vta. exchange s.o. É-hótȯxávanóho. He exchanged him.
hótȯxáveeséhe na. crossbill. Usage: probable loan transl. from English. Plural hótȯxáveeséheo'o; Obviative hótȯxáveeséheho. Category: birds.
-hótȯxávėhahtaa'e vai. sit with crossed feet. É-hótȯxávėhahtaa'e. He is sitting with his feet crossed. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-hótȯxávėhahtáxé vai. lie with legs crossed. This is not legs crossed near the ankle, but where one leg is arched over the other. É-hótȯxávėhahtáxé. He is lying with his legs crossed. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: lie.
-hótȯxávėhe'onaa'e vai. sit with arms crossed. É-hótȯxávėhe'onaa'e. He is sitting with his arms crossed. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Phon: vs Category: sit, body.
-hótȯxáveósé'ó vai. cross (one's own) fingers. É-hótȯxáveósé'o. He crossed his fingers. BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: hands.
hótȯxávepéva?? Category: check.
??. transgender. Category: check. Ques: recheck, especially the ending tséhótȯxávepévatsėse ?? transgender ?? Category: check, check, identity.
-hótȯxávėškóhtaa'e vai. cross legs. Ques: sit with legs crossed or process of crossing legs?? Category: check. É-hótȯxávėškóhtaa'e. He crossed his legs. Medial -(hk)óhtá. Morph: /-hótȯšáve-hkóhtáe/. Phon: vs
-hótȯxávėškȯsé'ó vai. cross fingers. É-hótȯxávėškȯsé'o. He crossed his (own) fingers. BodyPartMedial -(hk)ose. Category: body.
-hótȯxávȯhoné vai. cross hands repeatedly during hand game guessing, make sign of the cross, cross sign. É-hótȯxávȯhóne. He is crossing his hands back and forth during hand game guessing. Usage: loan transl. for sign of the cross?? Category: check. fai: -ohoné. See: -hótȯxánaesetse. Category: handgame, church.
-hótȯxovėstóonėšem vta. crisscross lay s.o. Naa nėhē'še he'āma mó'ȯhkė-hótȯxovėstóonėšemȯhevovóhe. And then on the top they would crisscross (little willows). [1987:266] Category: put.
hótse i. fail; cannot; unable. Nómȯse éx-hótsenotóhoono. It was difficult for him to kill him. [1980:44:92] É-hótsėhóeka'a'xe oónȧha'e. The frog can't jump out. That means the same as English "I have a frog in my throat". Category: do.
hótse- pv. fail to, cannot, unable. É-hótseasévȧho'hōva. He couldn't get the engine started. É-hótseómotōme. He had trouble breathing. This preverb conjoins with a preceding preverb taome- to create the meaning 'simply cannot (for example, there is no explanation for it), producing some idiomatic constructions, such as those in this entry. Étaomė-hótsėhestovóotse. He is so foxy that all he lacks is ears (lit. With difficulty he has his own ears). Étaomė-hótseéxo'ȧséotse. He is terribly angry (for example, red in the face, furious, maybe hopping up and down with anger; lit. he is so angry he almost caught fire ?? Category: check. Étaomė-hótsėhestsevéveše. He is so evil (= like a devil; lit. He just can't have horns(?)) Étaomė-hótsenome. He simply can't sleep. (for example, there's no explanation for it; so, for example, we had to stay on with him to keep him company). vti: hósan; vai: hótsėsané. See: tónėše-; sáa-; me'-; me'-hó'ke-; -hóto'eše. Category: do.
-hotséeh vai. bribe s.o. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehóho. He bribed him. vai: -hotséehevá. See: -hotséehe; -vovéeh. Category: interpersonal, money.
-hotséehe vai. give a present to gain favor of someone, bribe. for example, a kind of peace offering given to a girlfriend or spouse. Ques: or is this about the person to whom the present was given ?? for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehe. He gave a present to gain her favor. (another recording) Náto'sėhé-hotséehe. I'm going to give a present to my girlfriend to gain her favor. Émá'sė-hotséehe. He ran out of peace offerings. vta: -hotséeh. See: -hotséehevá; -hotsénov; Otséémėhé'e. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hotséehevá vai. bribe. for example, to slip someone money to buy their vote in an election. É-hotséehēva. He bribed. vta: -hotséeh. See: -hotséehe; -vovéehevá. Category: interpersonal, money.
-hótsėha'xe vai. buck. especially of a horse. É-hótsėha'xe. He bucked. Usage: -hótsėha'xe seems to be the most common pronunciation today. Variant: -hétsėha'xe, -hótšėha'xe. Category: horses.
-hótsėha'xéama'éno'hame vai. drive jerkily. Lit: buck-drive Névé'-hótsėha'xéama'éno'hame! Don't drive jerkily! See: -ama'éno'hame ‘drive’. Category: drive.
hótsėha'xévo'ha na. bronc. Lit: bucking-horse Variant: hótšėha'xévo'ha. Category: horses.
hotséheneto ni. laser pointer. Variant: hetséheneto. Category: new, computer.
-hotse'eme vai. job out, assign work on something. Ná-hotse'eme. I assigned s.o. to work on it. ?? See: -hotse'ohe; -hotse'ót; -hotset. Category: check.
-hótsé'ha vai. unable to fly. É-hótsé'ha. He is unable to fly. Etym: *a·θwiɁle·wa. Category: fly.
hotsē'o na. worker. Plural hotse'ono; Obviative hotse'ono; vai: -hotse'ohe. Category: people, jobs.
-hotse'ohe vai. work. É-hotse'ohe. He is working / He worked. Etym: *aθoxkye·wa; *aθwexkya·sowa (P). É-hotse'óheo'o. They are working / They worked. Né-hotse'óhehe? Are you working? Né-hotse'óhehe éšeēva? Did you work today? Nétȧhé-hotse'óhehe éšeēva? Did you to to work today? Étȧhé-hotse'óhehe? Did he go to work? Ná-hotse'ohe. I'm working / I worked. (another recording) Nátȧhé-hotse'ohe. I went to work. Násáa-hotse'óhéhe. I'm not working / I'm unemployed. Náto'sėsáa-hotse'óhéhe. I'm not going to work. Ésáa-hotse'óhenovėhane. There is not working. Némóneénėho'ėhé-hotse'óhehe? Did you just arrive from ending work? Éohkevóhponė-hotse'ohe. He has to work. tséx-hotse'oese when he worked. tséx-hotse'óhése when you (plural) worked. vta: -hotse'óhevomotah; fai: -otse'ohe. See: -véstotse'óhém ‘work with s.o.’. Category: work, check.
-hotse'óhe'tá vti. work on s.t. É-hotse'óhé'ta. He worked on it (for example, a belt). Usage: loan transl.? Category: work.
-hotse'óhe'tov vta. Gram: ai+o work on s.o. É-hotse'óhe'tovóho. He worked on him. [pd1118] for example, working on a dress (animate). Mo'éhno'hāme návé'šėhotse'óhenoto. I work with horses. See: -hotse'ót. Category: work.
-hotse'óhéohtsé vai. work about. É-hotse'óhéóhtse. He is working about. See: -évotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hotse'óheóó'e vai. work standing. É-hotse'óheóó'e. He is working standing. fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: work, stand.
hotse'óhestȯtse ni. work.
-hotse'óhétanó vai. want to work, apply for a job. Nátȧhé-hotse'óhétáno. I applied for a job. Násáa-hotse'óhetanóhe. I don't want to work. fai: -tanó. Category: work.
-hotse'óhétó vii. work. É-hotse'óhéto. It works. Ésáa-hotse'óhetȯhane. It doesn't work. Usage: loan transl. See: -asévȧho'tá. Category: work.
hotse'óhevo'ėstane na. working person. especially a person who works all the time. Category: work.
-hotse'óhevomotah vta. work for s.o. É-hotse'óhevomotȧhóho. He worked for him (on his behalf). "Nȧhtȧ-hotse'óhevomotāho Ma'hēō'o," náhešetāno. "I shall work for God," I thought. [1987:203] Ques: What is the difference between this and -hotse'ót? See: -hotse'ót. Category: work.
-hotse'óhevomotȧxevá vai. work for, be a servant. tséohkė-hotse'óhevomotȧxevase servants (Gen. 12:16).
-hotse'óhtá vti. use s.t. É-hotse'óhta. He used it. Etym: *aθwexkya·tamwa. Ná-hotse'óhta. I used it. Naa mó'ȯhkeée-hotse'óhtȯhenovótse ma'tšeškėstse naa maahótse, mó'ȯhkeéevé'šeamȧhtsėhenovótse. And they used to use bows and arrows to shoot at one another. [1987:292] vta: -hotse'ót; Synonym -ho'otsé.
hotse'ono tséhestseméenese na. angels. Lit: workers that have wings Category: sacred.
Hotse'óso na. Little Worker. Category: names.
-hotse'ót vta. employ s.o., use s.o., hire s.o. Ná-hotse'óto. I used him/I employed him. É-hotse'oto. He used him. É-hotse'ótóho. He used him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *aθo·xka·xkhe·wa ‘he employs him’; *aθwexkye·wa (P). Hotse'óxeha! Hire him! Óoetaneo'o éohkenevo (hoóxé'e) éohkė-hotse'ótóvo tséohkenéhoveóehovose. Crows, there's four (tepee poles), they use the (poles) that they stand up. (This contrasts with Cheyennes, who start a tepee with three poles.) [1987:225] vti: -hotse'óhtá. See: -hotse'óhevomotah; -ho'otsé'tov; -hotset; -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hótse'tá vti. be unable to do s.t., fail to do s.t. É-hótsé'ta. He failed to do it. vta: -hótse'tov; Synonym -hósan, -hótsestá. Category: do.
-hótse'tov vta. be unable to make s.o. do something, be powerless toward s.o. É-hótse'tovóho. He failed to make him do (something). vti: -hótse'tá, -hósan. See: -étse'ov; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: do.
-hótsem vta. fail to convince s.o. Lit: fail-speak É-hótsemóho. He failed to convince him. Etym: *a·θweme·wa. Éohkėsáa-hótseméhe. He can't say 'no'. That is, he'll do anything you ask. fai: -em. See: -heóme-pėhévoéstomo'he. Category: speak.
-hótsená vai. did not die ?? fail to die?? somehow, perhaps from an unexpected recovery or a miracle. É-hótséna. ?? He didn't die. (another recording) ?? Étaomė-hótséna. He almost died. Variant: -hótsenaa'e. See: -naeotse. Category: death, check.
-hótsenaa'e vai. fail to die. somehow, perhaps from an unexpected recovery or a miracle. É-hótsenaa'e He failed to die. Variant: -hótsená. Phon: vs See: -naeotse. Category: death.
-hótsenevėhahtáxé vai. stumble. Naa nā'ėstse móstónėšė-hótsenevėhahtáxenȧhéhe. And one man somehow stumbled. [1987:236] See: hótse-.
-hótsenó'e vai. be unable to sew, fail to sew. É-hótsenó'e. She failed to sew. fai: -nó'é. Category: sew.
-hótsenome vai. fail to sleep, cannot sleep, be unable to sleep. É-hótsenome. He can't sleep. Initial hót-; fai: -énóme. See: -pėhévenome. Category: sleep.
-hotsénomo'he vai. beg, ask for food, get commodities, get rations. É-hotsénomo'he. He begged for food. Ques: mó'he?? Náto'sėhé-hotsénomo'he. I'm going to go beg for food. This is the modern way of saying 'go get commodities/government rations'. vta: -hotsénov. Category: food, check.
-hótsenoné vai. cannot sing, be unable to sing, be unable to start singing, sing - be unable to. É-hótsenōne. He is unable to sing. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-hótsenot vta. 1 • fail to kill s.o. É-hótsenotóho. He had difficulty killing him.
2 • fail to persuade s.o. É-hótsenotóho. He failed to convince him. fta: -not. See: -hótsem; -hotset; -éšenot. Category: influence.
-hotsénov vta. beg food from s.o., ask for food from s.o. É-hotsénovóho. He begged food from him. Móxhósetó'nėšė-hotsénovȯhevóhe mȧhtamȧháaheho. He asked an old lady for food the same way as before. [1987:316] vai: -hotsénomo'he. See: -hotséehe; -véestomev; -nȯhtsėstov. Category: food.
hotseo'o ni. tally stick, hand game stick, ballot. Plural hotseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: -hotseónané. Category: handgame.
Hotséoméó'o na. (man's name). Meaning might be something about a road. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
-hotseónané vai. vote. É-hotseónáne. He voted. Náéšė-hotseónáne. I have already voted. Nétaéšė-hotseónanehe? Did you vote yet? See: hotseo'o. vta: -hotseónaov.
-hotseónaohe vii. voted on, elected. nėhe'xóvéva tséx-hotseónaohe at that time when it came to a vote. [1987:19] Éévȧ-hotseónaoheo'o. They were elected.
-hotseónaov vta. vote for s.o. É-hotseónaovóho. He voted for him. Névááso tsé-hotseónaovȯhse? Who did you vote for?
-hotséovó'setanó vai. anticipate good; expect a blessing. É-hotséovó'setāno. He is anticipating (something good to happen). tséévėhešė-hotséovo'setanónove how "hoping-to-get-well way of thinking". [1987:211] Usage: not well known today See: -momé'hemetanó; -hotsévoom; -hotsévatanó; -momé'hemetanó. Category: emotions, cognition.
-hotséovo'tátam vta. hope with regard to s.o., blessing with regard to s.o. - expect a. tā'se étaohkėhoháe-hotséovo'tátame ȯhtaéenėhešenėheto'eétȧhénovee'ėstse like, you have high hopes when you do all these things (in the SunDance). [1987:211.] Category: cognition.
-hotséovo'tátsestá vti. blessing with regard to s.o. - expect a, hope with regard to s.t. Naa návé'šė-hotséovo'tátsésta hé'tóhe ma'heóne-e'óestaáhe-vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. And I expect this Christian life to be good. [PRAISE.TXT] Category: cognition.
-hótsėsané vai. unable. for example, unable to lift something. É-hótsėsáne. He is unable (to do something). vti: -hótsestá. See: hótse-; -hósan.
-hótsėsome vai. cannot defecate, be unable to defecate. Ná-hótsėsome I am unable to defecate. Ques: hótȧsome?? É-hótsėsome. He is unable to defecate. Móné-hótsėsóméme? Are you guys having a hard time with bowel movements? Medial -asóme. Category: body function, check.
-hótsestá vti. fail to do s.t., be unable to do s.t. For example, he can't lift something because it is too heavy. É-hótsésta. He is unable to do it. Preverb hótse-; vai: -hótsėsané; Synonym -hótse'tá. See: -hósan. Category: do.
-hótséšé vai. fail. for example, fail to convince someone. This seems to be composed of two blocks (morphemes), an intial hóts(e), meaning 'fail' and a final, -(e)šé, meaning 'lie'. É-hótséše. He failed. Ná-hótséše. I failed. Preverb hótse-; Variant: -hótšéše. See: -hóto'eše. Category: do.
-hotset vta. tell s.o. to do something. É-hotsetóho. He told him to do (something). Etym: *aθo·θe·wa ‘he employs him’. É-hotsehe. He was told to do it. For example, so now don't YOU do it for him! tsé-hotseestse his duty/what he is supposed to do. Nā'ėstse móx-hotsėhehéhe kȧsovááhe. One young man was designated. [1987:94] See: -hótsenot; -hótšėševaen; -hotse'ót; -néenáh(n); -hotšėšévaen ‘quickly tell s.o. to do something’. Category: speak.
-hótsėtónetanó vai. cannot do something, unable to do something. É-hótsetónetāno. He fails to do something. Ma'hēō'o ésáa-hótsėtónetanóhe. God can do all things. Lit: God does not fail to do (something). Preverb hótse-; vti: hósan-; vai: hótsėsané. Category: do.
hotsévama'kaata ni. claims money. Variant: hotsévatanóma'kaata. See: -stotsévatanóhtanone. Category: money.
-hotsévátanó vai. hold claim, expect payment. É-hotsévátáno. He wants (something) as payment. tsésó'=nėhéó=hotsévatanose those who are still holding claim. [Black Hills Claim.066] There appear to be no corresponding TI or TA forms, for example, -hotsévátsestá is ungrammatical. See: -hotséovo'setanó. Category: money.
hotsévatanohtȯtse ni. claim. naa tsėhéóhe néo'ha'enánone héne hotsévatanohtȯtse mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva and here we missed out on that claim in the Black Hills. [1987:20] Oblique hotsévatanóhtóva; Possessive -htotsévatanohtse. See: -hotsévoom.
hotsévatanóma'kaata ni. claims money. Variant: hotséva-ma'kaata. Category: money.
Hotsévo'ota na. (man's name). Might mean something about a choker. See: ho'ota ‘choker’. Category: names.
-hotsévóohtá vti. benefit from s.t. É-hotsévóóhta. He benefitted from it. Synonym -hotsévátanó. See: -hótsevóóhtá ‘fail to see s.t.’.
-hótsevóóhtá vti. fail to see s.t. É-hótsevóóhta. He failed to see it. See: -hotsévóohtá ‘benefit from s.t.’. Category: sight.
-hotsévoom vta. benefit from s.o. É-hotsévoomóho. He benefitted from him. Tsétsėhéstȧhese ésáa-hotsévoomóhevo. Cheyennes are not profiting (from the pipestone). [1987:17] Usage: obsolescing See: -hotséovo'setanó. Category: interpersonal.
-hotsévót vta. give a gift to request s.o. in marriage. Nátȧhé-hotsévóto. I'll go give gifts to request her to marry. the traditional way of requesting a young woman to marry one's son or grandson. É-hotsévoto. He gave gifts to her as a marriage request. É-hotsévótóho. He gave gifts to her as a marriage request. (newer pronunciation). É-hotsévohe. She was given gifts as a marriage request. See: -némót. Category: marriage, check.
-hótšėha'xe vai. buck. É-hótšėha'xe. He bucked. Variant: -hótsėha'xe. Category: horses.
-hótšéše vai. fail. for example, fail to convince someone. É-hótšéše. He didn't succeed. Preverb hótse-. Phon: s > š assimilation Variant: -hótséše.
hótšėše p. sic 'em. Variant: ótšėše. exclamation said to dogs. Usage: not commonly used today Category: dogs.
-hótšėšévaen vta. unable to control s.o. É-hótšėšévaenóho. He was unable to control him. See: -hótsėsané; -hotšėšévaen. Category: interpersonal.
-hotšėšévaen vta. tell s.o. to do something quickly. Ques: is quickness for both telling and doing?? É-hotšėšévaenóho. He quickly told him to do something. Éstȧ-hótšėšévaenóhoono nā'ėstse kȧsováaheho. He asked one of the young men to take a message. [The Journey.091] See: -hótšėšévaen ‘unable to control s.o.’; -hotset ‘tell s.o. to do something’. Category: speak, check.
hōva na. animal. This is a category word for dogs, cats, horses, deer, bears, etc., but not birds, fish, or humans. Etym: *awe·hsiwa (P); cf. M awae·tok; O awesi· (N) 'spirit' (??). Plural hováhne; AlternatePlural hováhneo'o; Obviative hováhne; Diminutive hováhkéso. Category: check, animals.
hóvahe voc. friend. Ques: reck all ?? See: hóovéhe; hóvahéhasėstse. Category: check.
hováhe- i. animal. tséhešė-hováhévévȯse how animals are.
pv. animal.
hováheénehe vai. taste wild, taste gamey. É-hováheénehe. He tastes wild. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.
-hováheéno'e vii. taste wild, taste gamey. Lit: animal-taste É-hováheéno'e. It tastes wild. Variant: -hováheveéno'e. Category: taste.
hóvahéhasėstse voc. (my) friends. Ques: recheck ?? said when speaking to them. Variant: hóovéhasėstse. Category: check. See: hóvahe; hóovehe.
hováheheséeotsémȧhéó'o ni. veterinary hospital. Category: new. Lit: animal-medicine-house Category: buildings.
hováheheséeotséve'ho'e na. veterinarian. Lit: animal-medicine-ve'ho'e See: hováhenaa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
hováhematanaéve'ho'e na. game warden. Category: jobs.
-hováheméa'xe vai. smell gamy, smell of animals, smell wild. Lit: animal-smell É-hováheméa'xe. He smells gamy. See: -ho'évȯhkotsémea'xe. Category: smell.
hováhenaa'éve'ho'e na. veterinarian. Lit: animal-doctor See: hováheheséeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
Hóvahēso na. Little Animal. abbreviated to Vóahēso. Phon: Notice the difference in pitches on the first syllable between this name and the common noun hováhéso 'little animal'. This is a fairly frequent phenomenon, that names have an unexpected high pitch on their first syllable. See: hováhéso ‘little animal’. Category: names.
hováhéso na. little animal. Variant: hováhkéso. Morph: /hováh-esón/. Lit: animal-DIM Plural hováhesono; Obviative hováhesono. See: hōva ‘animal’. Category: animals.
-hóvahešé vai. recover, survive, come to, regain consciousness. É-hóvahēše. He came to. Éévȧ-hóvahēše. He 'came to'. [1987:287] for example, he regained consciousness from a faint. Category: sickness.
-hováhéva'ó vai. animal-like - be. É-hováhévá'o. He is animal-like. [1987:298] Category: personality.
-hováheve vai. be an animal. É-hováheve. He is an animal. "Nésáavé'kėséhévéhe né-hováheve," éxhestóhehoo'o. "You are not a bird; you are an animal," (the bat) was told. [1980:22:14] Morph: /-hováhéve/.
-hováheveéno'e vii. taste wild, taste gamey. Lit: animal-taste É-hováheveéno'e. It tastes wild. Variant: -hováheéno'e. Category: taste.
hováhevé'ho'e na. animal warden, stock inspector. possibly also refers to person who comes to buy animal hides. Lit: animal-ve'ho'e BIA official who oversaw dealings about reservation animals. Category: jobs.
-hováheve'šeme vai. make an animal sound. É-hováheve'šeme. He sounded like an animal. fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.
-hováhevȯhtȧheve vii. have an animal design. É-hováhevȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has an animal design. É-hováhevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.) have an animal design. for example, a design of a deer, horse, or elk.
vai. have an animal design. Category: designs.
hováhkéso na. little animal. Variant: hováhéso; Plural hováhkėsoneho; Non-diminutive hōva. Category: animals.
hováhno ni. shield. Variant: hóánóhne. Ques: hóahno Plural hóahnōnėstse. This is probably the correct spelling for 'shield,' rather than ho'anoo'o. The spelling ho'anoo'o in the Cheyenne Topical Dictionary (p. 207) is likely an error, a result of misreading Petter's spelling hoahno (PD961), and current speakers' unfamiliarity with this term. Usage: not well known today vta: -hóoma'ov. See: hóánóhne ‘shield’; ho'anoo'o ‘shield’; hováhne ‘animals’. Category: warfare.
-hová'ȧhane vii. gone, disappeared. É-hová'ȧhane. It is gone. (another recording) Véhpotȯtse é-hová'ȧhanehȯtse. Leaves are gone. É-hová'ȧhanéhetse. It (obv) is gone. What is gone is obviatived, such as his leg (inanimate). Ques: Éxaeévȧhe'kė-hová'ȧháne. ?? Ques: It just slowly was gone (for example, a man's erection).?? Phon: The longer ending with -he is lost word-finally vai: -hovánee'e. See: hová'ȧháne ‘no’; hová'éhe ‘something; nothing’. Category: quantity, check.
hová'ȧháne p. no. Ques: possibly hová'ėháne (another recording) possibly related to hová'éhe which is bipolar, meaning 'something, nothing'; perhaps this has the II negative suffix -hane /-hané/. Antonym héehe'e. See: -hová'ȧhane ‘gone; disappeared’; hová'éhe ‘something; nothing’; -hane ‘negative suffix’.
-hová'ȧhanéheotse vii. disappear, become gone. É-hová'ȧhanéheotse. It disappeared. Nássáahéne'enóhénóne tsétȧhešė-hová'ȧhéheotse We did not know how it had disappeared. [1987:195]
-hová'ȧhanéhetanó'tá vti. forgive s.t. Ma'hēō'o é-hová'ȧhanéhetanó'ta God forgave it (the wrong that he did). Lit: regard s.t. as nothing
hová'e- pv. what kind. This is a preverb (attached to a word) for some speakers and a particle (separate word) for others. Hová'ekóhkonėhēō'o? What kind of bread is it? Hová'ė hóhkėha'e? What kind of cap is it? É-hová'eéšeeve? What day is (for example, today)? / What kind of weather is there today ?/ What day of the week is it? É-hová'e-vé'kėséheve? What kind of bird is it? hová'ė-ho'évohkȯhtse? What kind of meat is it? Hová'e váotseváhne hánȧháóhe tséhestase? What kind of deer inhabit there. See: tónėstȧhevónó'e.
-hová'eéšeeve vii. What day is today? É-hová'eéšeeve? What day is today? See: -tónėšeéšeeve. Category: time.
hová'éhe p. Gram: indef 1 • something. (another recording) netao'o hová'éhe everything. The meaning of 'something' is possible with certain verbs in certain contexts: Hová'éhe tséohkeéetotóxeme something that is discussed. Nȧhtȧhého'oeševáéna hová'éhe. I'll go quickly cook something. Hoháahpe'e hová'éhe émé'eme. Lots (of 'things') are explained (for example, in this book). Éohkemese nóháso hová'éhe. He eats anything. Nó'óse hová'ehȯtse ho'ȯseešénėhoonȯtse é'amo'tánėsestȯtse naa ho'ȯseonȯtse. Against the wall, things, tied-up things, were in a row, and backrests. [1980:65:41] Hová'éhe hó'métsévȯhtse éohkevovóhponeévaméao'o. When they (especially whites) receive something they try to give back right away. Móho'nóhkeno'ketaevóohtomátse oha hé'tóhe netao'o hová'éhemóho'nótaohkevóohtomátse. One (weed) we failed to see but we see everything else. (1987:238). Plural hová'ehȯtse; Oblique hová'ėhéva (1987:267), hová'ėhéstónėhéva.
2 • nothing. Hová'éhe has the meaning of 'nothing' in negative contexts: Hová'éhe násáaho'tséhe. I don't have anything. Ésáaméséhe hová'éhe. He didn't eat anything. Hová'éhe éohkėsáapo'nȯhtsėstáhénóvo vé'hó'e. No matter what, whites ask questions about everything. Hová'éhe tósa'e tsénéta'e tséhešėsáama'heónevȧhāne. There is no other thing that is God. [1987:197] See: -htsehȯtse; -hová'ėhévátsestá; nȧhohpo; hénáá'énėse; hovánee'e ‘nobody’. Category: quantity.
hová'ėhéstónėhéva obl. in anything; about anything; about nothing (in neg. context). See: hová'éhe. naa oha no'ka hová'ėhéstónėhéva éssáa'etsėstóhénóvȯse but one thing they did not hide it (1987:57). hótȧhtse netao'o hová'ėhéstónėhéva tsénėspėhévėhéne'enovo Ma'hēō'o here, in everything, when I really came to know God, ... (1987:202).
-hová'ėhevátam vta. regard s.o. as something, value s.o. É-hová'ėhevátamóho. He considers him valuable. Ná-hová'ėhevátámo. I consider him to be of value/I value him as something. Ná-hová'ėhevátamahtse. I think s.t. of myself; I have value. Category: cognition.
-hová'ėhevátsestá vti. value s.t., regard s.t. as something. See: hóvotse. É-hová'ėhevátsésta. He regards it as something/he values it. Ésáa-hová'ėhevátsėstóhe. He doesn't mind it/he can take it (for example, teasing)/he thought nothing of it/he values it as worth nothing. [1987:62, 198] Category: cognition.
-hová'ėhevátsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. values (s.t.) as something - be a person who. Ésáa-hová'ėhevátsėstȧhé'heónévéhe. He thinks nothing (of it, for example, of the wrong he did to s.o.).
-hová'ėheve vai. matter, something - be, value - be of. É-hová'ėheve. He (or It) is worth something. Ésáa-hová'ėhévéhe. He isn't worth anything. Nésáa-hová'ėhévéhe. You are no good. Ka'ėškóneho évésė-hová'ėheveo'o. Every Child Matters. Lit: children also matter
vii. matter, something - be, value - be of. Móxho'nó-hová'ėheve. It was just all for nothing. See: -kánomó. Category: value.
-hová'ėhevoem vta. regard s.o. as worth something. É-hová'ėhevoemóho. He regards him as worth something. Ma'hēō'o némȧhe-hová'ėhevoemaene. All of us are of worth to God. Násáa-hová'ėhevoemóhe. I counted him as worthless. Category: interpersonal.
-hová'ėšeenotseve vii. what kind of tree (or bush) - be. É-hová'ėšeenotseve? What kind of a tree is it (an.)? Category: identity.
-hová'eve vai. what kind? especially used to ask about the gender of someone, such as whether a newborn baby is a girl or boy. É-hová'eve? What sex is it (or he)?; What kind is he? See: -néevá'eve; -néehove. Category: identity.
-hová'evé'ho'eve vai. what kind of non-Indian? É-hová'evé'ho'eve? What is his nationality? Lit: i.e. What kind of a ve'ho'e is he? Category: identity.
-hová'evenótseve vai. what tribe is s.o.? É-hová'eve-nótseve? What kind of tribe is he? Category: identity.
-hová'evóehné vai. birth what gender of child? É-hová'evóéhne? What kind (gender) of child did she bear? fai: -óehné. Category: babies.
hová'evóvota vii. what kind of egg? É-hová'evóvota? ?? What kind of egg is it? Étónėšė-hová'evóvotānėse? What kind of egg is it? (pret). [The Water Monster.022] Category: check.
-hova'ó'xėstaonaov vta. saddle s.o. É-hova'ó'xėstaonaovóho. He saddled him. Ná-hova'ó'xėstonaōvo. I saddled him. Náto'sė-hova'ó'xėstonaōvo. I'm going to saddle him. Ques: recheck ton or taon?? Névé'-hova'ó'xėstaonaōvo! Don't saddle him! See: -hova'ó'xėstóov ‘saddle s.o.’; hova'ó'xestȯtse ‘saddle’. Category: horses, check.
-hova'ó'xėstonané vai. have saddles. É-hova'ó'xėstonāne. He has saddles. Ná-hova'ó'xėstonāne. I have saddles. Category: horses, check.
hova'ó'xėstoo'o ni. saddle horn. Plural hova'ó'xėstoonevótse. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstoona'hamé vai. saddle. Éhova'ó'xėstoona'hāme. He saddled (horses). Hova'ó'xėstoona'hāmėstse! Saddle up! Variant: -hova'ó'xėstoono'hamé. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstoono'hamé vai. saddle horses. É-hova'ó'xėstoono'hāme. He saddled horses. Hova'ó'xėstoono'hāme! Saddle up! (said to more than one person). Variant: -hova'ó'xėstoona'hamé. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstóov vta. saddle s.o. Hova'ó'xėstóoveha! Saddle him! Ques: to or tó?? See: -hova'ó'xėstaonaov. Category: horses, check.
hova'ó'xestȯtse ni. saddle. he-stovoa'ó'xėstonevōtse their saddles. Etym: cf. Ar hóókuʔóóx. Category: harness, horses.
-hová'tá vti. shield with s.t. Hová'tomóhéne! Use it for a shield / hide behind it (later)! See: -hótooma'ov. Category: warfare.
-hóvanahe vai. lazy, lethargic. É-hóvanahe. He is lazy ; doesn't want to do anything. Náohto'seéšė-hóvanáhe. I almost didn't do it. Ná-hóvanahe. I didn't want to do that job. Antonym -nȧhahkahe. See: -hónétsestá; -kȧhanahe. Category: personality.
-hováneehéotse vai. 1 • disappear quickly, gone quickly. É-hováneehéotse. He disappeared quickly. Né-hováneehéotse. You disappeared quickly. See: -hovánee'e ‘gone - be’.
2 • dead - become, die. Usage: euphemism Étavé'šė-hováneehéotsénóvo. They die from (liquor). [1987:61] Phon: apocope; vs See: -naeotse ‘die quickly’; -ta'eoesta'xe ‘go out of sight quickly’. Category: death.
hováneehestȯtse ni. death. (another recording) Lit: being gone Usage: This is a euphemism for death. See: naestȯtse. Category: death.
hovánee'e p. nobody, no one. requires a negative context. Hovánee'e ésáahoéhe. No one was there. Hovánee'e ésáa'ée-óxȯhevȯhehe? Doesn't anyone have anything to say? Naa hétsetseha hovánee'e móho'nóevano'éenėhešėnȯhtóvenėheto'eétaestsetsé'éehósenaa'énove. But right now I don't think anyone knows how to do that anymore, how to (Indian) doctor. [1987:213] Appears to be the historically preferred term to use for this meaning; today a number of newer pronunciation use, to a varying degree, the word vo'ėstane in a negative context to mean 'nobody', for example, vo'ėstane ésáahoéhe 'No one was there.'. Obviative hováneehóho. Phon: vs Etym: cf *awe·kwe·na ‘whoever’. See: vo'ėstane; nevá'esėstse. Category: quantity, people.
-hovánee'e vai. 1 • be gone. É-hovánee'e. He is gone. (another recording) É-hováneehehe? Is he gone? Ésáa-hováneehéhe. He is not gone. É-hováneeheo'o. They are gone. "Naa é-hovánee'e hē'e," náhéto. "But there is no woman," I told him. [1987:179] Taeó'xe ééšė-hovánee'e. The moon is half gone. Nééetónėšévéme tséx-hováneehéto? What have you guys been doing while I was gone. Phon: apocope; vs See: -hováneehéotse.
2 • die. Category: figurative. very commonly used as a euphemism for 'to die'; because of this, the negative of -hotoa'e 'to be (there/here)' is often preferred when the meaning is that someone is gone from a place, for example, ésáahoéhe 'he is not there', náto'sėsáahoéhe 'I'm going to be gone' (in preference to náto'sėhovánee'e, which many speakers will initially understand to mean 'I'm going to be dead'). É-hovánee'e. He is gone/he died. É-hováneeheo'o. They died. Ééšė-hovánee'e. He is already gone. É'éšė-hovánee'e. He was already gone (at that specified time, similar to English past perfect tense). x-hovánee'ėstse vo'ėstane when a person dies. Speakers vary between having ȯx-, x-, or no x at the beginning of that word. Taenea'háanéhe tséhetaneé-hovánee'ėstse! Now that is someone who died as a real man (hero)! [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.055] vii: hová'ȧháne. See: -nae. Category: death, figurative.
hovave- pv. request. Móhósė-hovave-nėhestóhehéhe. It is continually told to him. [1980:85:73] Ná-hovavėhēto. I requested it of him. See: hetóse-; ho'ó'mee-; ohke-; hótȯse-.
-hovávoma'o'e vii. be grassy ground. É-hovávoma'o'e. It is grassy ground. É'ȯhkeamȯhomó'hesėstse tséxhešė-hovávoma'o'e hoéhose. He would dance in a grassy area on the side of a hill. [1987:48] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.
-hoveahtomóné vai. barely hear, hard of hearing. É-hoveahtomóne. He is hard of hearing. See: -onéahtá. Category: hear.
hovee- pv. not much. É-hoveemésėheo'o. They didn't eat much. Variant: hove-. See: hóvéhno ‘barely’.
hóvéhno p. barely. Hóvéhno étató'nėšenómeohtséto. (The car) barely made it up the north slope. [1987:27] Hóvéhno étó'eamȯhōhtse. His tracks are barely visible. Hóvéhno nėševeoestse! Speed up a little! See: héške-; tšéške'e; nonó'hónó'e. Category: quantity.
-hovéhpo'emá vai. make a lot of noise, holler. especially enough to create an echo. É-hovéhpó'éma. He is making a lot of noise crying/hollering. Category: sounds.
hovē'še na. 1 • snipe, sandpiper. 'snipe' is the typical translation given but identity of this bird is uncertain. Hayden 1860:292 calls this 'long-billed curlew' (Numenius longirostris). Usage: This bird name is not well known today. Plural hove'šeo'o; Obviative hove'xóho. Category: birds.
2 • Snipe. Category: names.
hove'šéenéhéve na. snipe. Ques: snipe man?? translation uncertain. Ques: is this a verb?? Category: check.
Hove'xá'e na. Snipe Woman. Category: names.
-hovénoma'ó vai. shade eyes with hand. É-hovénomā'o. He shaded his eyes (with his hand). Ques: ma'o?? See: -hovéo'onémané. Category: eyes, hands, check.
-hovénóo'ó have blurry vision. É-hovénóó'o. His vision is blurry. See: -hovénoma'o; -hoó'ėspóo'ó. Category: sight.
-hovenóomaeotse vii. become dusk, become twilight. É-hovenóomaeotse. It got dark. See: -hohpȯhnóomaeotse. Category: check.
-hovéo'áeho'tá vii. cloudy and hot. É-hovéo'áehō'ta. It is cloudy and hot. See: -vo'évaeho'tá. Category: weather.
hovéo'eome?? ni. booth. shade made of boughs. fni: -ome.
-hovéo'eóó'e vai. stand in shade. É-hovéo'eóó'e. He is standing in the shade. Etym: *awikika·po·wa (P). Phon: vs Category: stand.
-hovéo'ešé vai. lie in shade. É-hovéo'ēše. He is lying (or sleeping) in the shade. See: -hótoešé. Category: lie.
hovéo'(k)- i. shade, shadow. Éstšėšė-hovéo'ka'óesesto. She was sitting in the shade of (the buffalo). See: hóom-.
-hovéo'ka'ov vta. sit in the shade of s.o. É-hovéo'ka'ovóho. He shades him. Éstšėšė-hovéo'ka'óesesto. She (obv) was sitting in the shade of (the buffalo). [1987:307] Category: sit.
hovéo'ke- pv. shade. Naa héne móx-hovéo'kėho'tsėhéhe héne manestȯtse. And he put that drink in the shade. [A Plowing Story.023]
Hovéo'kē'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Flies in the Shade. Category: names.
-hovéo'kó vii. shade. Tséx-hovéó'ko ná-nȯhó'eóó'e. I'm parked in the shade. Variant: -hovéo'ó.
-hovéo'koehá vii. covered with a shade. É-hovéo'koēha. It is covered with a canopy/shade. Tsėške'eamó'enēō'o é-hovéo'koēha. The little buggy had a canopy. [1987:27]
hovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. umbrella. Non-diminutive hovéo'ȯhēō'o; Possessive -htovéo'kȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
-hovéo'kȯheonané vai. make shade. É-hovéo'kȯheonāne. He made a shade (or arbor). Synonym -hovéo'ȯhenané.
-hovéo'kȯhomo'he vai. do the umbrella dance. É-hovéo'kȯhomo'he. He is dancing the umbrella dance. Náto'sė-hovéo'kȯhomo'he. I'm going to do the umbrella dance. [Helping at the Birney Powwow] Category: dance.
-hovéo'kó'eohtsé vai. go by wagon in the shade. É-hovéo'kó'eōhtse. He went by wagon staying in the shade. Medial ó'(e). Category: transportation, roll.
-hovéo'koo'e vai. sit in the shade. É-hové'o'koo'e. He is sitting in the shade. tsé'ȯhkė-hovéo'koo'ėstse where he would sit in the shade. [A Plowing Story.035] Non-diminutive -hovéo'oo'ew. Category: sit, check.
-hovéo'ó vii. shade. É-hovéó'o. It is shade. Mȧheóne tséx-hovéo'otse nėhéno éhnéšeeo'o. In the shade of the house there they sat together. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.100] Variant: -hovéo'kó.
-hovéo'ȯhenané vai. make shade. É-hovéo'ȯhenāne. He made a shade. Synonym -hovéo'kȯheonané.
-hovéo'ȯhenaov vta. make shade for s.o. É-hovéo'ȯhenaovóho. He made a shade for him.
hovéo'ȯhēō'o ni. arbor, shade. Diminutive hovéo'kȯhēō'o; Plural hovéo'ȯheonȯtse. Category: tepee.
-hovéo'ȯheoneve vii. have (or be) a shade. É-hovéo'ȯheoneve. It (for example, lamp) has a shade.
-hovéo'onaov vta. make a shade for s.o. É-hovéo'onaovóho. He made a shade for him. Category: interpersonal.
-hovéo'onémané vai. shade eyes with hand. É-hovéo'onémáne. He shaded his eyes with his (own) hand. See: -hovénoma'o. Category: eyes.
-hovéo'oo'e vai. sit in the shade. É-hovéo'oo'e. He is sitting in the shade. Etym: cf *awikapiwa (P). Phon: vs Diminutive -hovéo'koo'e. Category: sit.
hovóahe na. bachelor, widower. Plural hovóaheo'o; Feminine otȧxaa'é'e, hotȯxaa'é'e.
-hovóaheve vai. separated from wife, be a widower, be a male divorcee. condition of being widower or divorcee. Feminine -hotȯxaa'é'eve. É-hovóaheve. He is separated from his wife / he is a widower. Antonym -he'é'heeve. See: Vóahevé'e. Category: marriage.
-hovȯhéóó'e vai. stand warming by the fire. É-hovȯhéóó'e. He is standing warming himself by the fire (or stove). Phon: vs There is a cultural taboo against turning your back to a fire. If someone does this, it is said that it will cause tsenėhnóhpama'xėho'eéto 'so that it will snow a lot'. Antonym -hotama'éóó'e; fai: óé2. Category: stand, taboo.
-hovȯhéoo'e vai. sit warming by the fire. É-hovȯhéoo'e. He is sitting warming himself by the fire (or stove). Phon: vs See: -hovȯhéóó'e ‘stand warming by the fire’; -éxovoo'e ‘sit warm’. Category: stand.
-hovóhonoo'kohó vii. drizzle all night. often used when it has been raining for several days. É-hovóhonoo'kōho. It drizzled all night. That can refer to more than one night. See: -vóonoo'kohó.
hóvȯht- i. store. Variant: hóvȯs-. É-hóvȯhtána. He stored it. See: hóvos-.
-hóvȯhtan vti. store s.t. É-hóvȯhtána. He stored it. Synonym -hóvohtsé; vai: -hóvȯsané.
-hóvȯhtanené vai. store. É-hóvȯhtanēne. He stored. Variant: -hóvȯsané. See: -ho'sané.
-hóvȯhtó'en vti. haul s.t. to a pile. É-hóvȯhtó'enanȯtse. He hauled them (inanimate) to a pile. Ná-hóvȯhtó'enanȯtse. I hauled them (inanimate) to a pile. Category: move.
-hóvȯhto'sané vai. save, store. É-hóvȯhto'sāne. He saved (something). Synonym -hóvȯsané; vti: -hóvohtsé.
-hóvȯhto'tá vii. stored. É-hóvȯhtó'ta. It is stored. tséx-hóvȯhto'taa'ėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse library (literally, where books are stored). vti: hóvoht.
hóvȯhto'tsé vti. store s.t. ?? É-hóvȯhtó'tse. He stored it. ?? See: -hóvohtsé; -eto'ehá. Category: check.
-hóvohtsé vti. store s.t. É-hóvóhtse. He stored it. [Gunpower:14] Ques: recheck?? Mó'ȯhkė-hóvȯhto'tsėhéhe. He must have stored it. tsé-hóvȯhtsese collectors. Lit: those who collect it for example, tax collectors. tséohkė-hóvóhtsėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse librarian. Lit: the one who stores books Synonym -hóvȯhto'tsé, -hóvȯhtan, -hóvohtá; vii: -hóvȯhto'tá; vai: -hóvȯsané.
hóvo'- i. envelope, cover. Variant: hóvo'(e)-. É-hóvo'a'hamóho. He covered him quickly. É-hóvo'anóho. He covered him (with a blanket). É-hóvo'a'o'hóho. ?? He smothered him.
-hóvo'a'ham vta. cover s.o. quickly, smother s.o. quickly. É-hóvo'a'hamóho. He covered him quickly. See: -hóvo'a'o'h. Category: interpersonal.
-hóvo'a'o'h vta. cover s.o., smother s.o. É-hóvo'a'o'hóho. He smothered him. See: -hóvo'a'ham ‘cover s.o. quickly’; -nėhpotóman ‘suffocate s.o.’. Category: interpersonal, check.
-hóvo'an vti. cover s.t. with a blanket. Variant: -hóvo'en.
vta. cover s.o. with a blanket. É-hóvo'anóho. He covered him (with a blanket). Antonym -énovo'an. See: -hóvo'en.
hóvo'e- i. envelope, surround. Variant: hóvo'-. É-hóvo'ēna. He covered it with a blanket. É-hóvo'eohtseo'o. They are enveloped.
-hóvo'ehá vii. lie covered. É-hóvo'ēha. It is lying covered. Category: lie.
-hóvo'en vti. cover s.t. with a blanket. É-hóvo'ēna. He covered it with a blanket.
vta. cover s.o. with a blanket. É-hóvo'enóho. He covered him with a blanket. Hóvo'eneha! Cover him (for example, a baby) up! Ná-hóvo'ēno. I covered him up (for example, with a blanket). Eohkeonéseéxovė-hovo'enóho hevásemo. He would try to cover his younger sister to keep her warm. Variant: -hóvo'an. See: -hóvo'ėšem; -áhto'hohá.
-hóvo'eóó'e vai. stand covered with a blanket. É-hóvo'eóó'e. She is standing covered in a blanket. [1987:342] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.
-hóvo'ešé vai. lie covered. É-hóvo'ēše. He is lying covered with a blanket. Hóvo'ēšėstse! Cover (yourself) up with a blanket! vta: -hóvo'ėšem. Category: lie.
-hóvo'ėšem vta. cover s.o. especially with a blanket. É-hóvo'ėšemóho. He covered him with a blanket. Ná-hóvo'ėšēmo. I covered him up (with a blanket). See: -hóvo'en; -énovo'an; -ho'oh(n).
hóvo'ėšestȯtse na. covers, bed covers. Plural hóvo'ėšéstoto. See: hóoma; šéešestȯtse; héstoomȯtse. Category: sleep.
hovo'eto p. entirely. Ques: (hóvo'eto??) Category: check.
-hóvo'ooha'ov vta. surround s.o., round up s.o. for example, of rounding up livestock. É-hóvo'ooha'ovóho. He rounded them up. Tséstaéšetšėšė-hóvo'ooha'óvȯse éstaasenȯhtséoohé'tovósesto néhe tsétáhoese. After he rounded them up he started looking for his mount. [The Lost Horse.012] Category: livestock.
-hóvo'oo'e vai. sit with blanket wrapped around. É-hóvo'oo'e. He is sitting wrapped in a blanket. Hóvo'oo'ėstse! Wrap a blanket around yourself! for instance, said if you are sitting where it is cold.
-hóvo'otsestsé vti. cover s.t. É-hóvo'otsēstse. He covered it. ?? [1987:267] Ques: hóvo'ótsest?? Ques: surround/envelope ?? Hénėhéóhe móhma'xė-hóvo'otsėstsėhenótse. He must have gathered (the bones) there. [1987:267] Category: check.
hóvos- i. store. See: hóvoht-.
-hóvȯsané vai. store, save, fundraise. É-hóvȯsáne. He stored, saved. for example, save money in the bank. Variant: -hóvȯhtanené; Synonym -hóvȯhto'sané; Preverb hóvȯse-; vti: -hóvohtsé. See: -taose; -éto'ehá. Category: money.
hóvȯsanéhe na. tax collector. It actually could be a word for a collector of anything.
hóvȯsanévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. benefit dance. Category: dance. Usage: a new word Lit: store-dance (refers to saving/collecting money)
-hóvȯse vai. store, save. Mó'ȯhkeévė-hóvȯsėhenovóhe héne né'tȯhe'óonáhtóva páa'e. They saved that (ash) in an ashes container, the ash. [Gunpowder.008] Preverb hóvȯse-.
hóvȯse- pv. store. Ná-hóvȯseéseotsēstse ho'émȧheóne. I stored it in the root cellar. Ná-hóvȯsėhohtóva. I'm buying and stockpiling. vai: -hóvȯse, -hóvȯsané.
hóvȯsenȧha'enenestȯtse ni. computer. See: nȧha'enenestȯtse. Category: new. Lit: storage-catching-thing Category: computer.
hóvotse p. disregard, not pay attention to. can be exclamation: "Pay no mind!" Hóvotse ésáahešėtanóhe. He is not paying attention.
pv. Ésáa=tā'se=ée=hóvotsė=hešėtanóheo'o. They don't pay much attention. [Cheyenne Seasons.028] Násáa-hóvotsė-hesétamóheo'o. I just don't pay attention to them (for example, when they talk bad to me).
hóvotsée- pv. disregard, not pay attention to. Ésáa'éenėšė-hóvotséehesétamaehésesto. She didn't pay much attention to him. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.011]
hovovetāso na. tornado. Variant: hevovetāso. Category: weather.
hóx- i. tie around. See: hóht-.
hox- i. rotten. É-hoxahe. He is rotten. Etym: *θeθwa ‘he is rotten’; cf *a^i ‘rotten’.
-hoxahe vai. rotten. rottenness represents death to Cheyennes. É-hoxahe. He is rotten. Etym: *aθeθwa > **aθesiwa (P). Category: personality.
-hoxahtsé vai. have thrush, have trench mouth. Lit: rotten-mouth a mouth infection. É-hoxāhtse. He has trench mouth. Etym: *aθetonwa (P). BodyPartMedial -ahtsé; Synonym -vóhpetanevá. Category: sickness, mouth.
hóxȧhtsenáehestȯtse ni. bridle. including the bit. Lit: tied around mouth thing Variant: hóxȧhtsenáesēō'o, hóxȧhtsenáeto'hamestȯtse. Category: harness.
hóxȧhtsenáesēō'o ni. bridle. including the bit. Lit: tied around mouth thing Variant: hóxȧhtsenáeto'hamestȯtse, hóxȧhtsenáehestȯtse; Plural hóxȧhtsenáeseonȯtse. Category: harness.
-hóxȧhtsenáeto'hamé vai. bridle horse(s). É-hóxȧhtsenáeto'hāme. He bridled horses. See: éstȧhtsenáno'hamé. Category: horses.
hóxȧhtsenáeto'hamestȯtse ni. bridle. Variant: hóxȧhtsenáesēō'o, hóxȧhtsenáehestȯtse. Category: harness.
hóxa'estȯtse ??. headdress. Category: check. Lit: tie around head thing Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: mámaa'e ‘war bonnet’.
-hoxa'eta vai. immature, green, novice. É-hoxa'eta. He is a novice. Ésó'-hoxa'eta. He (for example, a tree) is still green. See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévahe. Category: trees.
hoxa'ō'e Ques: ō?? ni. buffalo chip, buffalo feces, buffalo dung. Plural hoxa'ō'ėstse. See: hoxa'o'ēsėstse; hemahkȧse; matse; hoxa'o'ēse. Category: check.
hoxa'o'ēse ni. cattle manure ?? See: hoxa'o'ēsėstse. Category: check.
-hoxa'o'ėséméá'ha vii. smell of manure. É-hoxa'o'ėséméá'ha. It smells of manure. Category: smell.
-hoxa'o'ėséméa'xe vai. smell of manure. É-hoxa'o'ėsémea'xe. He smells of manure. Category: smell.
hoxa'o'ēsėstse ni. manure. See: hoxa'ō'e; matse. Category: check.
-hoxá'ov vta. cross s.o., meet s.o., confront s.o., resist s.o. There may be a slight meaning difference between -hoxá'ov and -tóo'e'ov. -hoxá'ov may be similar to English 'cross paths with s.o.'. -tóo'e'ov can mean to 'meet s.o.', but it can also have a more negative meaning, like 'confront/resist s.o.'. É-hoxá'ovóho. He met him. Ná-hoxá'óvo. I crossed/met him. See: -tóo'e'ov ‘meet s.o.’.
-hóxan vti. É-hóxána. He exchanged it.
vta. exchange s.t./s.o. É-hóxanóho. He exchanged him. See: -mé'to'en.
hóxáse ni. breechcloth belt, "G-string". Lit: tied.around-belly(-thing) ?? Category: check. Possessive -htóxasé. Category: clothing.
-hoxeénehe vai. taste rancid, taste rotten. É-hoxeénehe. He tastes rotten/rancid. See: -hoxeotse. Category: taste.
-hoxeéno'e vii. taste rancid, taste rotten. É-hoxeéno'e. It tastes rotten/rancid. for example, sour milk. See: -hoxeotse. Category: taste.
-hoxeesé vai. runny nose. humorous. É-hoxeēse. He has a snotty/runny nose. Medial -esé. See: -hé'eemȧséohtsé; -hoxėhe'haa'e. Category: nose.
Hoxeēse na. Rotten Nose. teasing epithet. Nickname often used by a man for his brother-in-law, as part of the joking relationship; quite humorous word. Category: nose.
Hóxeeséehe na. Bandaged Nose. Category: names.
-hóxeeséehe vai. bandaged nose. É-hóxeeséehe. He has a bandaged nose. See: -hoxeesé; -hóxe'ehe. Category: nose.
-hóxeeséetȯhe'hamé vai. halter horse(s). Lit: around-nose-horse É-hóxeeséetȯhe'hāme. He put a halter on his horse(s). Variant: -hóxeeséeto'hamé. See: -ho'óneeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-hóxeeséeto'hamé vai. halter horse(s). Lit: around-nose-horse É-hóxeeséeto'hāme. He put a halter on his horse(s). Variant: -hóxeeséetȯhe'hamé. See: -ho'óneeto'hamé. Category: horses.
hóxeeséeto'hamestȯtse ni. halter. Lit: tied around nose horse thing See: ho'óneetó'hamestȯtse; hósee'ėse. Category: harness, horses.
-hoxeeséohtsé vai. runny nose. É-hoxeeséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: nose.
-hoxeesévose vai. have runny nose from the cold. É-hoxeesévose. His nose is snotty from the cold. See: -hoxe'haa'e. Category: nose.
-hoxehá vii. lie rotten. É-hoxēha. It is lying rotten. vai: -hoxešé. See: -hoxo'tá. Category: lie, check.
-hoxėhahtá vai. rotten feet - have. that is, rotten-smelling feet. É-hoxėhāhta. He has rotten feet. Initial hox-; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: smell, body, feet.
-hoxėhahtsé vti. let s.t. lie and get rotten. É-hoxėhāhtse. He let it get rotten. Category: lie.
hoxéhá'e na. Sun Dance woman. has special role in Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
hóxéhe p. exclamation of doubt or for something out of the ordinary. for example, a doctor could say this to a patient about certain foods which the patient should not eat. See: hópahpa; hohe. Category: exclamations.
-hoxėhe'haa'e vai. cold with mucus; runny nose cold. É-hoxėhe'haa'e. He has a cold with mucus. Phon: vs See: -he'haa'e. Category: sickness.
-hoxéhé'ševá vai. pledge to put on a Sun Dance. É-hoxéhé'šéva. He pledged to put on a Sun Dance. tsé-hoxéhé'šévȧtse the pledger. tsé-hoxéhe'ševase the pledgers. See: -nėheto'xevá; -hestȯsané. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéhemaxe ni. Sun Dance center pole. See: maxe. Category: Sun Dance.
-hoxéhenonee'e vai. sit singing Sun Dance songs. É-hoxéhenonee'e. He is sitting singing Sun Dance songs. Category: sit, sing.
Hoxéheo'hé'e Sun Dance Lodge River. It is west of Fort Supply, Oklahoma; it flows into Beaver River. Category: rivers.
Hoxéheo'he'kēso Little Sun Dance Lodge River. Category: rivers.
hoxéheome ni. Sun Dance lodge. Usage: This is considered to be a new term compared to ma'xevonȧhéome. Etym: *ašya·howikamikwi (?) (P). See: ma'xevonȧhéome; vonȧhéome. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéheomēē'e obl. in the Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéhetanēō'o ni. tappet, valve lifter. Plural hoxéhetaneonȯtse. Lit: Sun Dancers so named because the valve lifters "dance" like Sun Dancers. Category: car, check.
-hoxéhetaneve vai. be a Sun Dance man. É-hoxéhetaneve. He is a Sun Dance man. Category: Sun Dance.
hoxéhevȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Sun Dance. Usage: possible new word See: Hestȯsenestȯtse. Category: dance.
hóxe'- i. clean. É-hóxe'āna. He cleaned it (by hand). É-hóxe'ahe. He is clean/he is pure. Category: quality.
-hóxe'ahe vai. clean. Seems to be a character trait, in addition to physical cleanliness, for example, he keeps a clean house, he dresses cleanly. É-hóxe'ahe. He is clean. vii: -hóxe'ó. See: -onó'ahe. Category: personality.
-hóxe'ȧhtsenáh(n) vta. clean mouth of s.o. É-hóxe'ȧhtsenahno. He cleaned his (obv) mouth. É-hóxe'ȧhtsenáhnóho. He cleaned his (obv) mouth. (newer pronunciation). [pd723] BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth.
-hóxe'ȧhtsenán vta. clean mouth of s.o. by hand. É-hóxe'ȧhtsenano. He cleaned his (obv) mouth with his hand. [pd723] É-hóxe'ȧhtsenánóho. He cleaned his (obv) mouth with his hand. (newer pronunciation). Category: mouth.
-hóxe'a'o'h vta. clean s.o. quickly. É-hóxe'a'o'hóho. He cleaned him quickly. Mónáx-hóxe'a'o'haehéhe néhe hé'e. That woman quickly cleaned me up. [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.024] Category: groom.
-hóxe'a'ov vta. clean s.o. É-hóxe'a'ovóho. He cleaned him. for example, the second person is now clean on account of the clean reputation of the first person. See: -hóxe'an. Category: interpersonal.
-hóxe'an vti. clean s.t. Ná-hóxe'āna. I cleaned it. É-hóxe'āna. He cleaned it. Násáa-hóxe'anáhe. I did not clean it. hone'óonȯtse tsé'ȯhkėhóxe'ane cleaners. Lit: where clothes are cleaned Mó=nemȧhēō'o né-hóxe'āna? Did you clean your house? Tsétsėhéstȧhese éévȧ-hóxe'enánóvo. Cheyennes purify it / clean it up. For example, cleaning the Sacred Hat (??) after a murder, in contrast with Só'taeo'o who renew the Sacred Arrows.
vta. clean s.o. É-hóxe'anóho. He cleaned him. Hóxe'aneha! Clean him! Ésáanȯhtóvė-hóxe'anóheho noma'no. He doesn't know how to clean fish. Category: check.
-hóxe'anené vai. clean. especially of housework cleaning. É-hóxe'anēne. He is cleaning. Category: housework.
hóxe'anenéhe na. janitor, custodian. Lit: cleaner Variant: tséohkė-hóxe'anēnėstse. Category: school.
hóxe'anené-hesea'anósanestȯtse ni. corlessless vacuum cleaner. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new.
-hóxe'anomev vta. Gram: ben clean for s.o. É-hóxe'anomevóho. He cleaned for him. Hóxe'anomevóhéne! Clean it for them (later)! Category: interpersonal.
-hóxe'as vta. trim cut s.o., circumcise s.o. É-hóxe'ȧsóho. He circumcised him. Lit: clean-cut See: -hóxe'tsėhetas. Category: cut.
-hóxe'átam vta. regard s.o. as clean. É-hóxe'átamóho. He considers him clean. fta: -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.
-hóxe'axá vti. trim cut s.t. Lit: clean-cut-FTI for example, cut off meat where it was bloodshot, dirty, or too fat. É-hóxe'āxa. He trimmed it. vta: -hóxe'as. Category: cut.
hóxe'e- pv. 1 • cleanly. É-hóxe'evo'ėstanéheve. She lives cleanly. for example, she keeps a clean house.
2 • righteously. É-hóxe'eoo'hetāno He thinks straight/clean. Usage: This figurative meaning is probably not used by all speakers.
-hóxe'ehe vai. bandaged, wrapped. É-hóxe'ehe. He is bandaged. Heévaho ná'éšėtoo'etóneo'o tséto'sevé'šė-hóxe'ėhévose hoóxé'e. We tied the wrap-around rope for the poles (of the tepee). [1987:179] See: -hóxeeséehe. Category: sickness.
hóxe'ėhestȯtse ni. bandage. Synonym hóxe'ėsanestȯtse. Category: sickness.
-hoxe'e'haná vai. eat rotten food. É-hoxe'e'hāna. He ate rotten food. Category: eat, record.
-hóxe'é'tov vta. keep s.o. clean. É-hóxe'é'tovóho. He kept him clean. tsétȧhešė-hóxe'é'tovȧhtséstove how there is keeping oneself clean. [1980:83:19)]
hóxe'emȧhta'sóoma na. Holy Spirit. Category: sacred. Usage: loan translation from English used in the missionary period; much less commonly used in churches today than ma'heóne-mȧhta'sóoma for 'Holy Spirit' Lit: clean-shadow/spirit
-hóxe'éné vai. have a clean face. É-hóxe'éne. He has a clean face. Antonym -ho'sótséné; BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-hóxe'enestse vai. talk clean language. É-hóxe'enestse. He talks clean language. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hóxe'enóestsé vti. make s.t. look clean. É-hóxe'enóéstse. He is making it look clean. Initial hóxe'e-; Final -nóestsé. Category: appearance.
-hóxe'enóno'e vii. look clean. É-hóxe'enóno'e. It looks clean. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-hóxe'enóohe vai. look clean. É-hóxe'enóohe. He looks clean. Category: appearance.
-hóxe'eotse vai. become clean.
vii. 1 • become clean. É-hóxe'eotse. It (or He) became clean.
2 • reconcile. É-hóxe'eotseo'o. They are clean/colloq. they are reconciled again in marriage. [1987:232] Category: figurative.
hóxe'ėsanestȯtse ni. bandage. (another recording) Synonym hóxe'ėhestȯtse. See: hóxe'ėstómanestȯtse ‘wrapping’. Category: material.
hóxe'ėséehestȯtse na. sash, girdle, something wrapped around the waist, bustle. such as a shawl that sun dancers wrap around themselves. Lit: wrap.around-buttocks-NOM Plural hóxe'ėséehéstoto. Category: clothing.
-hóxe'ėsee'e vai. have on a girdle, girdle - wear a. É-hóxe'ėsee'e. She has a girdle on. BodyPartMedial -'ésé. Phon: vs Category: clothing.
-hóxe'ėséestómáne vai. tie bundles. É-hóxe'ėséestómáne. He is tying bundles.
hóxe'ėséeto'hamestȯtse ni. breeching. Category: harness.
hóxe'ėsénéó'o ni. bustle. Lit: tie.around-rump.(thing) BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: hestóxe'ėsénéó'o ‘his bustle’. Category: dance.
hóxe'ėsēō'o ni. binding. vta: -hóxe'et ‘bind s.o.’.
-hóxe'ėstómáne vai. wrap. É-hóxe'ėstómáne. He wrapped.
hóxe'ėstómanestȯtse ni. wrapping. See: hóxe'ėsanestȯtse ‘bandage’. Category: material.
-hóxe'estsé vti. bind s.t., bandage s.t.; tie s.t. É-hóxe'ēstse. He bound / bandaged it. Hóxe'ēstsėstse! Bind it up!/Bandage it! vta: -hóxe'et.
-hóxe'ėstséh vta. copy s.o., mimic s.o., imitate s.o. É-hóxe'ėstseho. He copied him. É-hóxe'ėstséhóho. He copied him. (newer pronunciation). Hēā'e né-hóxe'ėstseše. Maybe you are copying me. [1980:2:11] Néx-hóxe'ėstsešėstse! Repeat after me! Nétȧ-hóxe'ėstséhone Ma'hēō'o. Let's imitate God. (Eph. 5:1). See: -tóo'ėstseh. Category: interpersonal.
-hóxe'et vta. bind s.o., bandage s.o., wrap around s.o. This word refers to wrapping something around someone, while -too'et refers to tying up someone. É-hóxe'etóho. He bound / bandaged him. Mósto'sė-hóxe'etȯhevovóhe. They were going to wrap him up. [1987:266] É-hóxe'ehe. He/it was tied around/bound. vti: -hóxe'estsé. See: -too'et ‘tie s.o.’; hóxe'ėsēō'o ‘binding’.
-hóxe'etanó vai. want to be clean, clean - want to be. É-hóxe'etāno. He wants to be clean (for example, perfect).
-hóxe'évám vta. urge s.o. to be clean. É-hóxe'évamo. He is telling him/them to be clean. É-hóxe'évámóho. He is telling him/them to be clean. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hóxe'évo'xȯhtaha vai. maternity pants - wear; wear maternity pants. É-hóxe'évo'xȯhtaha. She is wearing maternity pants. Category: dress.
-hóxe'evomóhtahe vai. feel clean. É-hóxe'evomóhtahe. He feels clean. [pd243]
-hoxe'haa'e vai. runny nose from a cold - have a. É-hoxe'haa'e. He has a runny nose from a cold. Phon: vs See: -he'haa'e; -hoxeesévose ‘cold - have a’. Category: sickness.
-hoxe'hahe vai. have laryngitis, have a hoarse voice, have a whiskey voice. É-hoxe'hahe. He has a hoarse voice. Final -'hahe. See: -mo'ó'e'hahe ‘husky voice’; -mo'ó'xoe'hahe. Category: voice.
hóxe'hahtáehestȯtse ?. fur anklets. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, dance.
-hóxe'haná vai. eat clean. É-hóxe'hāna. He ate clean. ?? Category: eat, check.
-hóxe'ó vii. clean. É-hóxé'o. It is clean. vai: -hóxe'ahe; Antonym -ho'sotó. Category: texture.
-hóxe'o'eásen vta. smooth hair of s.o. É-hóxe'o'eásenahtse. He is smoothing his (own) hair (by hand). Category: hair.
-hóxe'ó'tsé vti. place s.t. neatly, set s.t. neatly in place. É-hóxe'ó'tse. He set it neatly in place. Initial hóxe'-. See: -hóxe'ó ‘clean’. Category: move.
-hóxe'óma'enené vai. clear ground. É-hóxe'óma'enēne. He is clearing the ground. Category: environment.
hóxe'óma'ȯhēō'o ni. harrow, grader. levels ground and breaks clods. Category: tools.
-hóxe'óma'ȯxová vai. clear ground with a plow. For example, to use a plow to bring rocks to the surface so they can be cleared from a field. É-hóxe'óma'ȯxōva. He is clearing ground with a plow. fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-hóxe'omóhtahe vai. feel clean. É-hóxe'omóhtahe. He felt clean. fai: -omóhtahe.
-hóxe'óohevá's vta. trim nails of s.o. can include cleaning, filing, cutting of nails. É-hóxe'óohevá'xestse. He trimmed his (own) nails. BodyPartMedial -óohevá ‘nail’. Category: groom, cut.
-hóxe'óo'ó vai. see clearly. É-hóxe'óó'o. He sees clearly. Ná-hóxe'óó'o. I see clearly. [PD; jg 12/89; lp 10/03] Category: sight.
-hóxe'óománo'e vii. clear environment - be, clear sky - be. É-hóxe'óománo'e. It is clear (environment). Phon: iah Antonym -vo'eve. Category: environment.
-hóxe'óome vii. be clean water. É-hóxe'óome. It is clean water. Final -óome. See: -ohasévoome ‘clear water’; -nanévėsévoome ‘clear water’. Category: liquid.
-hóxe'tséene'ehe vai. comb hair. É-hóxe'tséene'ehe. He combed his (own) hair. See: -tséene'ehe; -pénovésehe. Category: groom.
-hóxe'tséene'eh(n) vta. comb hair of s.o. É-hóxe'tseene'ėhestse. He combed his own hair. Usage: less frequently used than -tseene'eh See: -tseene'eh(n); -hóxe'ó. Category: hair.
-hóxe'tsėhetas vta. circumcise s.o. Lit: clean-cut É-hóxe'tsėhetȧsóho. He circumcised him. Usage: probably a new word, not widely used See: -hóxe'as.
-hoxeméahtsé vai. have bad breath, halitosis. É-hoxeméáhtse. He has bad breath. Lit: rotten-mouth BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: mouth, smell.
-hoxeméa'há vii. smell rotten. for example, the smell in an outhouse. É-hoxeméá'ha. It smells rotten. See: néseméa'há. Category: smell.
-hoxeméa'xe vai. smell rotten, rotten smell, stink. É-hoxeméa'xe. He smells rotten. Lit: rotten-smell fai: -méa'xe; Variant: -hoxoméa'xe. Category: smell.
-hoxeméeho'tá vii. stink bad. É-hoxeméehō'ta. It stinks badly (by heat??). Category: smell, check.
-hoxeméehosé vai. have a smelly penis. É-hoxeméehōse. He has a smelly penis. BodyPartMedial -(o)hosé. Category: vulgar.
-hoxeméé'ėháhta vai. have stinky feet. É-hoxeméé'ėháhta. He has stinky feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: smell, feet.
-hoxemée'ėhahtáméá'ha vii. smell of stinky feet. É-hoxemée'ėhahtáméá'ha. It smells of stinky feet. Category: smell.
-hoxemée'ėhahtámea'xe vai. smell of stinky feet. É-hoxemée'ėhahtámea'xe. He has stinky feet. Category: smell.
-hoxemée'ėstáméá'ha vai. smell of runny ears. É-hoxemée'ėstáméá'ha It smells of "pussy" ears. Category: smell.
-hoxemééné vai. have a rotten face. Usage: said with humor about someone who does not wash his face in the morning É-hoxemééne. He has a rotten face. Medial -éné; Variant: -hoxomééné. Category: smell.
-hoxeméeotse vii. smell rotten.
vai. smell rotten. É-hoxeméeotse. He (or It) smells rotten. Etym: *ašimya·kwesiwa > **ašimya·kwepalyiwa (P). Category: smell.
-hoxeméestséá'e vai. stinky hair - have. É-hoxeméestséá'e. He has stinky hair. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htséá. Category: smell.
-hoxeméetsénóna vai. B.O. - have, smelly armpits - have. Lit: smelly-armpits É-hoxeméetsénóna. He has B.O./stinky armpits. BodyPartMedial -tsénoná. Category: smell.
-hoxeohtsé vai. rot. for example, of milk, meat, a tree, etc. É-hoxeōhtse. It is rotting. See: -hoxeotse; -hoxeéno'e; -he'kotȯxeotse; -hó'xeotse. Category: food.
hoxēō'o na. sock. Lit: rotten (thing) Phon: pronounced as hoxȯhēō'o Etym: *ašikana. Plural hoxeono; Obviative hoxeono. Phon: vs Variant: hoxēō'o; Possessive -vȯxēō'o; fai: -hoxeoná. Category: check, clothing.
-hoxeoná m. sock(s) - wear. Éoó'xė-hoxeōna. He is wearing torn socks. Ques: -hoxȯheoná ?? IndepNoun hoxȯhēō'o. Category: clothing.
-hoxeotse vii. rotten, rancid, spoiled. for example, milk or meat. É-hoxeotse. It (or He) is rotten. Etym: cf. *aθetwi ‘it is rotten’.
vai. rotten, no good. Category: figurative. When said of a person it can be used idiomatically to indicate that the speaker feels that person is no good. See: -hoxeohtsé; -hoxeéno'e; -he'kotȧxeotse; -hó'xeotse. Category: food.
hóxėstséaahestȯtse ni. headband. Lit: tie.around-head-NOM Variant: hóxėstséáhéó'o; Medial -htséá. See: néma'o'ėhaseo'o; hóxȧhtsenáeseo'o. Category: clothing.
hóxėstséáhéó'o ni. headband. Variant: hóxėstséaahestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-hoxešé vai. lie rotten. for example, of a deer after being hit by a car. É-hoxēše. He is lying rotten. Ques: hoxȯhešé?? See: -hoxȯhešé. Category: check, lie.
hóxetanȧháahestȯtse ni. Medial -tanahá. brassier. Category: clothing. Lit: wrap.around-breast-NOM
-hóxetseehe vai. wear a sash. especially for gourd dancer. É-hóxetseehe. He is wearing a sash. Category: dance.
hóxetseehestȯtse na. sash, ammo belt. especially for gourd dancer. Category: hunt.
-hoxȯhem vta. stench s.o., bring bad luck to s.o. This refers to what a crying, whimpering dog does to someone he cries at. It is believed that a dog who cries, pointing toward a house (especially its door), will bring bad luck on people who live in that house. The cultural cure is to kill the dog. That bad luck is transferred, then, from a person to the dog and it is removed with the dog's death. Phonetically, this stem sounds nearly identical to the stem -hoxom 'to feed someone,' but the "x" of this stem seems to have more turbulence with it, suggesting a complex syllable sequence, such as -xȯhe. Néto'sė-hoxȯhemaēvo. He is going to bring bad luck to you (plural). É-hoxȯhemóho. He brought bad luck to him. [er 4/14/98] Initial hox-. See: -hoxom; -hoxȯhevosé. Category: death, smell.
hoxȯhēō'o na. sock, hose. Lit: rotten (thing) (another recording) Etym: *ašikana. Plural hoxȯheono; Obviative hoxȯheono. Hoxȯhēō'o éasenáotse. The sock is unraveling. Phon: vs Variant: hoxēō'o; Possessive -vȯxȯhēō'o; fai: -hoxȯheoná. Ques: recheck this word?? Category: check, clothing.
-hoxȯhešé vai. lie rotten. É-hoxȯhēše. He is lying rotten. for instance, of a rotting carcass. Ques: -hoxeše ?? See: -hoxešé. Category: check, lie.
hóxȯhtseehestȯtse ni. breastplate. bone for protecting the chest. Plural hóxȯhtseehéstotȯtse. Category: warfare.
hoxo'haméstotȯtse ni. hay. Lit: feed-livestock-things Usage: od?? Category: check. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: mo'ē'ėstse.
-hoxo'ȯhtȧhéve vii. green-colored. É-hoxo'ȯhtȧheve. It (or He) is green-colored. tsé-hoxo'ȯhtȧhévee'ėstse vóvotȯtse green-colored eggs.
vai. green-colored. Category: colors.
-hoxo'ȯhtsémea'xe vai. green smell, slaughtered smell. This is the smell of the guts when animals are slaughtered. É-hoxo'ȯhtsémea'xe. He has the green smell. Category: colors, smell.
Hoxo'ȯhtséo'hé'e ni. Green River. Category: rivers.
hoxo'ohtsév- i. green.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévahe vai. green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévahe. He is green. (another recording) Category: colors.
hoxo'ȯhtséve- pv. green. É-hoxo'ȯhtséveotá'távo It is turquoise (lit. green(ish)-blue). hoxo'ȯhtséve-véhpotȯtse green leaves.
hoxo'ȯhtsévemene ni. olive. Usage: rare as sg. Lit: green-berry Plural hoxo'ȯhtsévemenȯtse.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévemenoo'éxáne vai. have green eyes. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévemenoo'éxáne. He has green eyes. Category: eyes, colors.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévenóno'e vii. look green, appear green. Éx-hoxo'ȯhtsévenóno'éneho. It looked green (surp.). [Stamper 1991:6] Category: appearance.
-hoxo'ȯhtséveohtsé vii. become green, turn green. Ȯhmatsé'omévetsee'ėstse é-hoxo'ȯhtséveohtseo'o hoóhtseto. In the spring trees green up. Naa ééšeasė-hoxo'ȯhtséveōhtse netao'o. And it is also already starting to green up everywhere.
-hoxo'ȯhtséve-otá'tavó vii. be turquoise (color). É-hoxo'ȯhtséveotá'távo. It is turquoise. Lit: green-blue Category: colors.
hoxo'ȯhtséveotá'tavo'honáá'e na. turquoise (stone). See: ho'honáá'e.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévo vii. be green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévo It is green. Category: colors.
hoxo'ȯhtsévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl grass. Lit: green-grass/weeds Usage: possible new word See: mo'ē'ėstse. Category: plants.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e vii. green growth. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. There is green growth. Ééšeáahtsé'-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. There is already green growth. Hánȧháóhe éohkėháa'éšė-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. The grass stays green for a long time there. Éxxae-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'énėse. There was green grass. (reportative mode). [1987:259] See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévoma'o'e. Category: plants.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévoma'o'e vii. green grass growth. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévoma'o'e. There is green grass growth. [Deer Meat.017] See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. Category: check.
-hoxo'ȯhtsévotané vai. snotty green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévotāne. His snot is green and there is a lot of it. See: -momé'aévotané; -otané. Category: body.
-hoxo'otsévan vta. castrate s.o. É-hoxo'otsévanóho. He castrated him. Usage: seems to be a less common pronunciation Variant: -hoxotsévan. Category: horses.
-hoxo'tá vii. sit rotten. É-hoxō'ta. It is sitting there rotten. Category: sit inan.
-hoxo'tsé vti. place s.t. to rot. É-hoxō'tse. He put it where it rotted. vti: -o'tsé2. Category: put.
-hoxom vta. feed s.o. É-hoxomóho. He fed him. Ná-hoxōmo. I fed him. Ná-hoxoma. He fed me. Hoxomeha! Feed him! Néx-hoxomėstse! Feed me! Naa nėhéóhe éohkė-hoxomeo'o. And there they are again fed. Kóhkonȯhēō'o néxhé-oxomėstse! Feed me bread! (owls cry this). fta: -oxom. See: -tsėhetȯxomeváen. Etym: *ahšame·wa 'he feeds him'; *ahšami 'Feed him!'. Category: cook.
-hoxoméáhtse vai. bad breath. Lit: stinky-mouth É-hoxoméáhtse. He has bad breath. Category: mouth, smell.
-hoxoméá'ha vii. smell rotten. É-hoxoméá'ha. It smells rotten. Category: smell.
-hoxoméa'xe vai. smell rotten, stink. É-hoxoméa'xe. He stinks. Variant: -hoxeméa'xe. Category: smell.
-hoxoméeeesé vai. stinky nose. É-hoxoméeeēse. He has a stinky nose. See: -mátsemeesé. Category: nose, smell.
-hoxoméehahtá vai. feet smell rotten. É-hoxoméehāhta. His feet smell rotten. Category: smell, record.
hoxoméema'ēno na. mud turtle. Lit: stink-turtle Usage: od See: ma'ēno. Category: reptiles.
-hoxomééné vai. face smell rotten. É-hoxomééne. He has a smelly face. É-hoxoméeneo'o. They have smelly faces. Usage: humorous; used as an epithet Variant: -hoxeméené. Category: face, smell, check.
Hoxoméeo'hé'e ni. Wind River, Stinking Water. Category: rivers.
-hoxoméeotse vii. become rotten smelly.
vai. become rotten smelly. É-hoxoméeotse. He (or It) has come to smell rotten. Category: smell.
Hoxoméésá'e na. Smelly Woman. Contract: Méésá'e. Category: names.
-hoxoméešé vai. lie smelly. É-hoxomééše. He is lying smelly. See: -néseméešé. Category: lie, smell.
hoxoméheséeo'ȯtse ni. stink weed. Lit: rotten-smell-medicine cook this and pour it around a house; it repels snakes. Category: plants, smell.
-hoxomȯho'hamé vai. feed livestock. É-hoxomȯho'hāme. He fed stock (for example, cattle). Etym: *ahšamaʔθemwe·wa. Hoxomȯho'hāmėstse! Feed the livestock! fai: -o'hamé. Category: horses.
-hoxomȯho'hamé'tov vta. slander s.o., blackmail s.o. Lit: feed-livestock-FTA The literal meaning apparently arises from the metaphor of feeding the slander to others who can eat it up as livestock eat whatever is fed to themt. É-hoxomȯho'haménoto. He slandered him. Ná-hoxomȯho'hamenȯtse. I slandered him (to someone else). Né-hoxomȯho'hamé'tovȧtse. I slandered/blackmailed you (to them). Category: speak.
hoxomȯho'haméstotȯtse ni. hay. Lit: feed-livestock-things Usage: od?? Category: check. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
hóxoneehestȯtse ni. crown, hatband. Lit: ?? See: néma'ó'ėhasēō'o ‘hatband’. Category: check, clothing.
-hoxonóvá vai. hang rotten drymeat. This can happen if drymeat is cut too thick. É-hoxonóva. She has rotten drymeat hanging. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat.
-hoxóová vii. rotten from water. É-hoxóóva. It is rotten from water/dampness. Category: smell, liquid.
-hoxotá vai. issue food, distribute commodities, distribute rations, serve food, feed, distribute food, give out rations (or commodities), issue commodities. É-hoxōta. He issued commodities. Etym: *ahšanθwa. tsé-hoxōtȧhtse the one who issues commodities. héva mésėhestȯtse hová'éhe tsé-hoxotávȯse perhaps whatever food they feed. [1987:227] vta: -hoxom. See: -votséno'hová. Category: food.
hoxotahtȯtse ni. ration, commodities. Plural hoxotáhtotȯtse; vai: -hoxotá. Category: food.
-hoxotá'heóneve vai. likes to feed. É-hoxotá'heóneve. She likes to feed. Category: cook.
hoxotámȧhéó'o ni. commodity house. the building where commodities are distributed. Category: buildings.
hoxotáve'ho'á'e na. waitress. See: tséohke-votséno'hōvȧhtse. Category: jobs.
hoxotáve'ho'e na. waiter. Synonym tséohkevotséno'hōvȧhtse. Category: jobs.
hoxotávȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. ration ticket. Lit: disperse-paper
-hoxotsévan vta. castrate s.o. É-hoxotsévanóho. He castrated him (for example, a calf). tsé-hoxotsévanėstse hetane a eunuch (lit. a man who has been castrated). Usage: This is the more common pronunciation of the two variants. Variant: -hoxo'otsévan. See: -po'eta'xevá's ‘cut off testicle(s) of s.o.’. Category: horses, livestock.
-hoxotsévano'hamé vai. castrate livestock. É-hoxotsévano'hāme. He castrated livestock. Category: horses.
hóxov- i. across. É-hóxovȧho'he. He drove across. É-hóxova'hāhtse. He threw it across. É-hóxovā'o. He went across. Reduplicated hotȯx-.
-hoxóvá vai. cut off small pieces of meat. Ques: recheck gloss?? get 3PL?? É-hoxóva. He is cutting off small pieces of meat. Ná-hoxóva. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. Medial -óvá5. See: -hoxováá'e; -hoxonóvá ‘have rotten meat’. Category: meat, cut, check.
-hoxováá'e vai. cut off small pieces of meat. for example, to cook them over a fire or directly on the top of a stove. Ques: recheck underlying form?? vs?? Ques: recheck gloss?? Ná-hoxováá'e. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. See: -hoxová. Category: meat, cut, check.
-hóxovȧho'he vai. drive across. É-hóxovȧho'he. He drove across. See: -hóxova'éno'hamé. Category: transportation.
-hóxova'éno'hamé vai. drive across. É-hóxova'éno'hāme. He drove across. Initial hóxov-; Final -a'éno'hamé. See: -hóxovȧho'he. Category: drive.
-hóxova'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. across. É-hóxova'hāhtse. He threw it across. fti: -a'hahtsé; vta: -hóxova'ham. See: -hóxovėhahtsé. Category: move.
-hóxova'ham vta. throw s.o. across. É-hóxova'hamóho. He threw him across. fai: -a'ham. See: -hóxova'hahtsé. Category: move.
-hóxova'haso'he vai. ride horse across. É-hóxova'haso'he. He rode across on horseback. Hénėhéóhe éhnėxxaesóhpė-hóxova'hasó'hesėstse Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe. That's right where Custer came through across (the river). [1987:21] fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hóxova'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse across quickly. É-hóxova'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse across quickly. Éstaéváhóxova'hasó'heohésesto. They rode back across quickly. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.023] fai: -a'hasó'he, -ohe. Category: horses.
-hóxova'ó vii. lurch across, go across.
vai. lurch across, go across. É-hóxovā'o. He (or It) lurched across. Category: motion.
-hoxóva'o'e vii. be rusty. É-hoxóva'o'e. It is rusty. See: -mo'ȯhtávoa'o'e. Category: metal.
-hoxóva'o'eotse vii. become rusty. É-hoxóva'o'eotse. ?? It has become rusty. Category: metal, check.
-hóxova'o'h vta. put across s.o. É-hóxova'o'hóho. He put him across. Category: move, put.
-hóxova'ov vta. push s.o. across, kick s.o. across. É-hóxova'ovóho. He kicked him across. Éévȧ-hóxova'ovóho. He made him retreat. Category: motion.
-hóxova'xe vai. jump across, drive across, cross. É-hóxova'xe. He jumped across. tséhne'éšė-hóxova'xévȯse after they had crossed (the river). [1987:22] Category: motion.
-hóxovan vti. put across s.t., move across s.t. É-hóxovāna. He moved it across. Final -an.
vta. 1 • put across s.o., move across s.o. É-hóxovanóho. He moved him across.
2 • switch s.o. especially of a hand game bone being switched from one hand to another. Antonym -tó'oman. Category: handgame, move.
hóxove- i. across. É-hóxovetó'hóna. He swam across.
pv. across. É-hóxoveameōhtse. He walked across. Ésáapėhéve-hóxovenėstsé'tóhe. He didn't translate it well. See: hoóma.
-hóxoveéestse vai. speak across. for example, to speak across a short distance. É-hóxoveéestse. He spoke across. See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak.
-hóxoveehe vai. across.move.camp, move camp across. É-hóxoveehe. He moved camp across. Éx-hóxoveehésesto. They moved across. (reportative). [1987:17] fai: -ehe. Category: camp.
-hóxovėhahtsé vti. lay s.t. across, place s.t. across, put s.t. across. É-hóxovėhāhtse. He laid it across. Nėhéóhe éstȧ-hóxovėhatsénȯse. She laid it across there. [1987:257] fti: -ehahtsé. Category: put.
-hóxovėhasené vai. put (something) across; place (something) across; set (something) across. for example, to put a board across a creek or a hole. É-hóxovėhasēne. He put something across. fai: -ehasené. Category: put.
-hóxovehné vai. walk across, cross over. É-hóxovēhne. He walked across. (another recording) É-hóxovėhneo'o. They crossed over. fai: -ehné. Category: walk.
hóxovėhnestȯtse ni. bridge. Lit: across-walk-thing Variant: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse, hóxovȯho'o.
hóxovėhoóma p. across, Europe. Lit: across-on.other.side See: hoóma; hóxovoóma. Category: positions.
-hóxove'há vai. fly across. É-hóxovē'ha. He flew across. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-hóxove'háoohe vai. fly across quickly. É-hóxove'háoohe. He flew across quickly. Category: fly.
-hóxove'sevó vii. flow across, flow over, across flow. for example, when water flows over a road. É-hóxove'sēvo. (The water) flowed across. fii: -'sevó. See: -hóxovóováotse. Category: liquid.
-hóxoveméohe vai. run across, across run. É-hóxoveméohe. He ran across. fai: -méohe; Synonym -hóxovo'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
Hóxovena'hāne na. Counts Coup Across, Kills Across. Actually, this refers to committing the act of coup during battle, not the later recounting of the act, which is called "counting coup" in English. Ques: Cheyenne name of Harry Littlebird Category: names.
Hóxovena'hané'e na. Kills Across Woman. Category: names.
-hóxovenestse vai. translate. Lit: across-speak.language É-hóxovenestse. He translated. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hóxovenėstsé'tá vti. translate s.t. for example, to translate a word or story. É-hóxovenėstsé'ta. He translated it. Ésáapėhévė-hóxovenėstsé'tóhe. He didn't translate it well. Éme'tónėšė-hóxovenėstsé'tohe? How should (this) be translated? Épėhévė-hóxovenėstsé'tohe. It is translated well.
-hóxovenėstsé'tomev vta. translate for s.o. Hóxovenėstsé'tomóveha nemėšéme! Translate it for your grandfather! Category: speak.
-hóxovenėstsévȯxe'ohá vti. translate s.t. in writing. É-hóxovenėstsévȯxe'ōha. He is translating in writing.
-hóxoveohová vai. flee across, across flee, escape across. for example, to escape to another country. É-hóxoveohōva. He fled across. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-hóxoveohtsé vai. 1 • go across; across go. É-hóxoveōhtse. He went across.
2 • die. euphemism for going across to the next camp, that is, dying. Étaéšė-hóxoveōhtse. He has gone across / crossed over. Étaéšeáahtsé'-hóxoveōhtse. He has already crossed over. See: -hóxoveotse. Category: death, motion.
-hóxoveohtsé'tá vti. go.across.s.t. É-hóxoveohtsé'ta. He went across it. Ma'xeó'he'e éstȧhóxoveohtsé'tánȯse. He went across a big river. Category: motion.
-hóxoveotse vii. across - go, across - be. É-hóxoveotse. It goes across. for example, of a bridge across a ravine. See: -hóxoveohtsé.
-hóxoveotseh vta. take s.o. across, across take s.o. É-hóxoveotsėhóho. He took him across. tséne'évȧ-hóxoveotsėhaétse ho'óhomo'eno when they escorted us to Sioux country. Category: move.
-hóxoveotsestsé vti. take s.t. across; across take s.t. É-hóxoveotsēstse. He took it across. Category: move.
-hóxovéstavá vai. 1 • travel, journey. É-hóxovéstáva. He is traveling. É-hóxovéstavao'o. They are traveling. Éamė-hóxovéstáva. He is traveling along. Éamė-hóxovéstavao'o. They are traveling along. See: -amóxovéstavá; -vé'otse. Category: transportation.
2 • die. Éasė-hóxovéstáva. He has started to travel (that is, to travel to the afterlife). See: -asėtóxovéstavá. Category: death, figurative.
hóxovéstaváamó'enēō'o ni. stagecoach. Lit: travel-wagon See: amó'eneo'o; mȯxe'ėstóonéamó'eneo'o. Category: transportation.
hóxovéstáváhe na. traveler. Hóxovéstáváhe nánȯhtsevóómo. I am looking for a traveler. This was especially said at giveaways. It is culturally encouraged to giveaway to strangers. Category: social events.
-hóxovéstavaohe vai. travel, journey. Náamė-hóxovéstavaohe. I am traveling along. Category: transportation.
hóxovéstavestȯtse ni. RV, recreational vehicle, mobile home. Lit: traveling thing Category: new, transportation.
-hóxovėstósėhahtsé vti. drag across s.t. across. É-hóxovėstósėháhtse. He dragged it across. fti: -stósėhahtsé; vta: hóxovėstósem. Category: move.
-hóxovėstósem vta. drag across s.o. É-hóxovėstósemóho. He dragged him across. vti: -hóxovėstósėhahtsé; fta: -stósem. Category: move.
-hóxovešé vai. lie across. É-hóxovēše. He is lying across (something). Category: lie.
-hóxovetȧxe'ov vta. chase across s.o., across - chase s.o. É-hóxovetȧxe'ovóho. He chased him across. [PD227] Category: move.
hóxoveto p. across. Néstaveto mó'éševóomȯhevovóhe nȧháóhe hóxoveto tsé'ama'hasó'hévȯsenótȧxévé'hó'e. Beforehand, (Cheyennes) had seen the soldiers there across (the river) as they (soldiers)went along on horseback. [1987:21] Category: positions.
-hóxovetó'honá vai. swim across. É-hóxovetó'hóna. He swam across. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-hóxovetó'honaoohe vai. swim across, across swim. Tȧhóóhe o'xe nȧhtatšėhešė-hóxovetó'honaoohe. I'll just swim across to the other side. [1987:283] Category: swim.
-hóxovóeha'ené vai. boat across. É-hóxovóéhá'éne. He boated across. ȯhnéx-hóxovóeha'enévosėstse whenever they crossed the ocean. [1987:143] fai: -óeha'ené. Category: transportation.
-hóxovóe'ó vai. float across, across - float.
vii. float across, across - float. É-hóxovóé'o. He/It is floating across. Category: liquid.
-hóxovoésé vai. hang across. É-hóxovoése. He hangs across. Initial hóxov-. Category: hang.
-hóxovoéstá vii. hang across. É-hóxovoésta. It hangs across. Initial hóxov-; Final oéstá. Category: hang.
hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse ni. bridge. Variant: hóxovȯho'o, hóxovėhnestȯtse. See: é'evonȯho'o.
-hóxovȯhó'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. across. É-hóxovȯhó'háhtse. He threw it across. (ȯhó??) Category: throw, check.
-hóxovȯhó'ham vta. throw s.o. across. É-hóxovȯhó'hamóho. He threw him across. (ȯhó??) could be in handgame. See: -hóxovo'ham. Category: throw, check.
Hóxovȯho'o 1 • ni. bridge. Lit: across-?? Plural hóxovȯho'onȯtse; Variant: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse, hóxovėhnestȯtse.
2 • na. Bridge. Category: names.
-hóxovȯhó'onané vai. make bridges. É-hóxovȯhó'onāne. He makes bridges. Category: jobs.
-hóxovȯhoo'e vai. swim across (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al); wade across (of people). For people swimming -too'hamé and -tó'honá are used. É-hóxovȯhoo'e. He swam across. É-hóxovȯhoeo'o. They (for example, children) are wading across. Nétȧhé-hoxovȯhóémáne! Let's go wade in the water! Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -too'hamé; -tó'hóná. Category: liquid, swim.
-hóxovȯhtóvȯhto'he vai. haul something across. É-hóxovȯhtóvȯhto'he. He hauled something across. fai: -óvȯhto'he. Category: move.
-hóxovo'ȧhéotse vai. run across, drive across, across run. É-hóxovo'ȧhéotse. He ran across. Ó'xe hoóma tsénéese éhne'ȯhkė-hóxovo'ȧhéotse nā'ėstse. On the opposite side (from) those standing, one would run across. [1987:177] Étȧ-hóxovo'ȧhéotseo'o. They are driving to Oklahoma. Synonym -hóxoveméohe; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, transportation.
-hóxovó'ané vai. translate. É-hóxovó'áne. He is translating. Synonym -hóxovenestse. Category: speak.
-hóxovó'ehné vai. go across by wagon, across - go by wagon. É-hóxovó'éhne. He went across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-hóxovó'eohe vai. roll across quickly, travel across quickly by wagon. É-hóxovó'eohe. He traveled across by wagon quickly. [1987:258] Category: roll.
hóxovó'eohétó vii. roll across quickly. Éhne'ȯsáaneméhae'asėto'-hóxovó'eohétónėse. It (the head) started to come across. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).161] Category: roll.
-hóxovó'eohtsé vai. travel across by wagon, across - travel by wagon. É-hóxovó'eōhtse. He traveled across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-hóxovo'ham vta. throw s.o. across. for instance, to throw a ball (animate) from first to third base. É-hóxovo'hamóho. He threw him across. Ques: va'ham?? fta: -a'ham. See: -hóxovȯhó'ham. Category: throw, baseball.
-hóxovo'oh(n) vta. hit s.o. across by tool; lob s.o. across by tool. This can refer to lobbing a ball over the net in tennis. É-hóxovo'ȯhnóho. He hit him across (with a tool). Éhe'amė-hóxovo'ȯhnóho. He lobbed him across (with a tool). Náhe'amė-hóxovo'ōhno. I lobbed him across. Category: hit.
-hóxovo'tá vii. be across. É-hóxovō'ta. It is sitting across (something). Category: sit inan.
-hóxovónean vti. fence s.t. across. É-hóxovóneane. It is fenced across. Éohkenėšėhe'konė-hóxovóneane. It is stretched across hard (for example, a piece on a moccasin, so it won't break).
vta. fence s.o. across. Medial -ón; Reduplicated -hátȯxovónean.
-hóxovóneanené vai. fence across. for example, across a ditch or a creek. É-hóxovóneanēne. He built a fence across. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-hóxovóneešé vai. lie across ropelike. É-hóxovónééše. (A snake) is lying across. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-hóxovónoo'e vai. sit looking across, across - sit looking. É-hóxovónoo'e. He is sitting looking across. Category: sit.
-hóxovoo'kohó vii. rain across. É-hóxovoo'kōho. It is raining across. Initial hóxov-; Final -oo'kohó. Category: rain.
hóxovoóma p. across. Lit: across-on.other.side See: hóxovėhoóma; sétovooma; hoóma. Category: positions.
-hóxovóováotse vii. flood across. É-hóxovóováotse. It flowed across. for example, when water floods across a road or a creek bed. fii: -óová. See: -hóxove'sevó. Category: liquid.
-hoxovosé vai. murder. Petter (PD728) said this literally, has to do with stinking (that is, a murderer having a figurative stench about him), but a Cheyenne elder disagreed. É-hoxovōse. He murdered. Ques: which entry is correct, this one or -hoxȯhevosé?? See: -hoxȯhevosé; -ne'to'éna'hané; -na'h; -na'tóné. Category: violence, check.
hoxovȯséhe na. murderer. Synonym hoxovȯsétane. Category: violence.
hoxovȯsétane na. murderer. Plural hoxovȯsétaneo'o; Synonym hoxovȯséhe. Category: violence.
-hóxovȯxe'ohá vti. translate s.t., underline s.t. Lit: across-write-by.tool refers to translating with an instrument, for example, a pen. É-hóxovȯxe'ōha. He translated it. Náto'sėhóxovȯxe'ȯhánone hé'tóhe hóhta'hēō'o. We are going to translate this story. Hóxovȯxe'oohtse! ?? Draw a line across it! for example, underline it. Variant: -hóxovenėstsévȯxe'ohá.
-ht sfx. 3rd person singular suffix for conjunct participle and negative inferential verbs. tsénéménė-stse the one who is singing (phonemically /té-némené-ht/). móho'nómanė-stse He must not have drunk. tsétȧhósėhóna'oveno'keaénám-ȧhtse the next one who is one year old (1980:3:55). tsépėhévetānȯ-htse the one who is happy. Névááhe tsésáa'éšeéestséé-stse? Who hasn't spoken yet? See: -stse. Category: grammar.
-ht sfx. Transitive Inanimate verb stem agreement marker. Návóó-hta I see it. énóó-hta He left it. See: -h; -m; -htsé. Category: grammar.
hta- tns.dir. future tense plus translocative 'away'. Phon: portmanteau morpheme Nȧ-htanėhešéve. I'll do it. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I will arrive. Nȧ-htaévȧhóseevóómo. I'll see him again. Nė-staévȧhósevóomȧtse. I'll see you again. Phon: htse- + ta- (that is, hta-) portmanteau occurs only with first and second person verb prefixes (the preceding pronominal prefix vowel will be voiceless); with third person referential subject there is no portmanteau, rather, the two morphemes (future +translocative) occur as the sequence tse-ta, for example, tsė-tȧ-ho'ēhne 'he will come (there)' See: htse-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.
-htaahe'oná mbp. fist. includes medial for 'hand', -he'oná. See: -he'oná; -htsėstaahe'o. Category: body, hands.
-htáeme na. Gram: poss louse. Usage: rare as singular Ques: recheck iah in singular nȧ-htáeme my louse. nȧ-htaemo my lice. he-staemo his louse/lice. vai: -he-staeme ‘have lice’. Etym: *netehkwema 'my louse'. Category: bugs, check.
-htáha mbp. heart. Variant: -stáhá. Énéhe-stáha. He has a quick temper. Éka'ė-stáha. He is short hearted. Ékásė-stáha. He is short-tempered. Éháa'ė-stáhaotse. He became angry.
-htáhpé mbp. brain. É-ónėšėstáhpéóhtse He has pain in the brain (sounds unnatural). Category: body.
-htȧhtoono ni. Gram: poss spine, backbone. Gram: poss. mȧhtȧhtoo'o spine. mȧ-htȧhtoonȯtse spines. nȧ-htȧhtoono my spine. he-stȧhoono his spine. Variant: -htsėstȧhtoono. Etym: *metahtaka·kwani. See: -htsėstȧhtoono. Category: body, check.
-htȧhtoónoná mbp. spine, backbone. Éé'ė-stȧhtoónóna. He has a broken spine (backbone). See: -htsėstȧhtoono. Category: body.
-hta'né mbp. umbilical cord, navel. Éé'ė-stané'še'tovohe. She (for example, midwife) cuts the umbilical cords of babies. Possessive -htsésta'he. See: -sta'né; -too'ėstané's. Category: body.
-htáme ni. food (poss.) má-htáme food. ná-htáme my food. nȧ-htámáne our (excl) food. nėstámane our (incl) food. héstáme his food. hestamȯtse his foods. hestámévo their food. hestámevótse their foods. for other inflected forms, see under entry máhtáme. See: máhtáme; -he-stámee'e; mésėhestȯtse; -monėstámané.
htáoenahtot ni. Gram: poss prayer. Morph: /-htáóénáhtot/. nȧ-htáoenahtȯtse my prayer. [Hymn 97] Category: pray.
-htȧseno Category: check.
na. sperm (poss.) mȧ-htȧseno sperm. [Frantz] Usage: unconfirmed today See: améstoto; ho'améstoto; -hto'amestȯtse. Category: body.
-htatamoo'o ni. Gram: poss shoulder (poss.) mȧ-htatamoo'o shoulder. Etym: *meteθemankani. mȧ-htatamóonȯtse shoulders. nȧ-htatamoo'o my shoulder. Etym: *neteθema·nkani. See: -htatamóone; -htatamóoná. Morph: /-htatamóon/. Phon: vs Category: body.
-htatamóoná mbp. shoulder. Étšéškė-statamóóna. His shoulders stick out. Éé'ė-statamóóna. He has a broken shoulder. Éónėšė-statamóonáóhtse. He has pain in the shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. Category: body.
-htatamóoné mbp. shoulder. É-tȧhpe'ė-statamóóne. He has a big shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. Category: body.
-htatanéme na. Gram: poss brother (of female). The high pitch on some of the antepenultimate syllables on these words is superficial and seems not to occur with all speakers ?? Category: check. nȧ-htatanéme my brother. tséhe-statanémėstovėstse the one who is brother. tséhe-statanéméto the one who is my brother. nȧ-htatanemo my brothers. nė-statánéme your brother. he-statanemo her brother(s). nȧ-htatanémáne our (excl) brother. nė-statanémane our (incl) brother. nė-statanémévo your (plural) brother. vai: -he-statanéme. Category: relatives.
-htátseemá mbp. nostril. Category: body, nose.
-htátseeme ni. Gram: poss nostril. Gram: poss. mȧ-htátseeme nostril. mȧ-htátseemȯtse nostrils. he-státseeme his nostril. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: nose, body.
-htátseemé mbp. nostril(s). Étótȧhpe'ė-státseēme. He has big nostrils. Category: body.
-htatseoná mbp. shoulderblade. Éé'ė-statseonáxe. He fell and broke his shoulderblade. See: hestatsēō'o; -htsėstatsēō'o. Category: body.
-htaxe cowarrior, ally, comrade. possessed noun stem; requires preceding possessor prefix with high pitched vowel. néstaxe my cowarrior. éstaxe your (sg) ally. hevéstaxe his ally. See: néstaxe; hevéstaxe; -staxe. Category: warfare.
-htoema ni. Gram: poss bedding. Vá'ȯhtáma éme'tȧhe-stooma tsé'tóhe. In the place of honor this one would have his bed. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).206]
-htoháatamaahestȯtse Gram: poss ni. power (poss.) nȧ-htoháatamaahestȯtse my power. IndepNoun hoháatamaahestȯtse.
-htohkȯxe ni. Gram: poss axe (poss). Ques: recheck following sg forms nȧ-htohkȯxe my axe. he-stohkȯxe his axe. he-stóhkȯxonevótse their axes. IndepNoun hóhkȯxe.
-htóhta'hēō'o ni. Gram: poss story (poss.) nȧ-htóhta'hēō'o my story. [1987:101] that is, a story which I have told, or which is about me. IndepNoun hóhta'hēō'o.
-htȯhtóvahtȯtse ni. Gram: poss merchandise (poss.) nȧ-htȯhtóvahtȯtse my merchandise. vai: -hohtóvá; IndepNoun hohtóvahtȯtse.
-htóhtȯxovámota ni. scissors (poss.) nȧ-htóhtȯxovámota my scissors (single pair). Ques: nȧ-htóhtȧxovámota ?? Category: check. he-stóhtȯxovámota his scissors (single pair). IndepNoun hóhtȯxovámota. Category: school, tools.
-htóhtséme na. Gram: poss ball (poss.) nȧ-htóhtséme my ball. IndepNoun hóhtséme. Category: baseball.
-hto'amestȯtse Gram: pl na. seminal fluid (poss). Lit: shot he-sto'améstoto his seminal fluid. IndepNoun ho'amestȯtse. See: -htȧseno ??. Category: sex, vulgar, check.
-hto'e ni. Gram: poss land. Gram: poss. nȧ-hto'e my land. nȧ-hto'āne our (excl) land. nė-sto'ane our land. he-sto'e his land. IndepNoun ho'e; vai: -he-sto'e. See: -hto'eo'o. Category: farm.
-hto'e ni. Gram: poss land (poss). nȧ-hto'e my land. he-sto'e his land. IndepNoun ho'e.
-hto'éeve na. hide (poss.) mȧh-hto'éeve hide. he-sto'éevo his hide. IndepNoun ho'éeve; Medial -o'éevá. See: vóhtáne ‘skin’. Category: body.
-hto'emanestȯtse ni. Gram: poss law (poss.) for example, a law which someone has decreed. nȧ-hto'emanestȯtse my law. IndepNoun ho'emanestȯtse. Category: legal.
-hto'ēō'o ni. garden (poss.) nȧ-hto'ēō'o my garden. he-sto'ēō'o his garden. Phon: vs See: ho'e ‘land’; -he-sto'e ‘have land’; -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’. Category: farm.
-hto'está ni. fire (possessed). nȧ-hto'ēsta my fire. he-sto'ēsta his/her fire. Nȧ-hto'ėstámane ného'hémetaenone. He brought us our fire. IndepNoun ho'está. Category: fire.
-hto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse na. Gram: poss lighter; lighter stick. Móxhóomanȯhéhe he-sto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. He shielded his match/lighter (from the wind). [Stamper 1991:10] vai: -ho'ėšeme'óoná. Category: fire.
-hto'évȯhkotame ni. Gram: poss meat (poss.) nȧ-hto'évȯhkotame my meat. Category: check. IndepNoun ho'évohkȯhtse.
-hto'évȯhkȯtse ni. meat (poss.) nȧ-hto'évȯhkȯtse my meat. he-sto'évohkȯtse his meat. IndepNoun ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
-htó'kȯhtóhe ni. Gram: poss cane (poss), staff (poss). nȧ-htó'kȯhtóhe my cane. IndepNoun hó'kȯhtóhe. Category: tools.
-hto'né'ėšėhahtahtȯtse ni. Gram: poss sole (of foot) (poss.) mȧ-hto'né'ėšėhahtahtȯtse a sole of a foot. nȧ-hto'né'ėšėhahtáhtotȯtse my soles. hes-sto'né'ėšėhahtōne on their soles (of their moccasins). [1987:214] See: -ho'ne'e. Category: body.
-hto'sahtsé ni. Gram: poss saliva, slobber (poss.) mȧ-hto'sāhtse saliva. nȧ-hto'sahtse my saliva. Category: body. vai: -ho'sahtsená; Medial -ahtsená.
-hto'tšéškeme ni. Gram: poss sinew (poss.) nȧ-hto'tšéškeme my sinew (for example, what I am beading with). IndepNoun hō'tšėške.
-htomosé ni. Gram: poss cooking (poss). vai: -homosé. Category: cook.
-htomȯsestȯtse ni. Gram: poss-NOM cooking (poss.) This is cooking which someone has done. nȧ-htomȯsestȯtse my cooking. vai: -homosé.
-htón sfx. nominalizer. Phon: allomorph of -htot suffixed to an intransitive verb stem to create animate or inanimate deverbal nouns. namȯxe'eotsést-onaneo'o our (excl) pictures (an). Oblique -htová. See: -htóv; -htove; -nove; /-hé/ ‘animate agentivizer’.
-htona na. Gram: poss daughter. Gram: poss. nȧ-htona my daughter. nȧstona my daughter (alternate pronunciation of a few people). nȧ-htónaho my daughters. nė-stona your daughter. he-stónaho his daughter(s). na-htse daughter (vocative). nȧ-htónȧhasėstse daughters (vocative). nȧ-htónȧháne our (excl) daughter. nė-stónȧhane our (incl) daughter. nė-stónȧhévo your (pl) daughter. nė-stónȧhevoo'o your (pl) daughters. he-stónȧhevóho their daughter(s). Vocative náhtse. Morph: /na-htónah/. Etym: *neta·nehsa ‘my daughter’. vta: -he-stónȧhé'tov. See: he'évoehnē'e. Category: relatives.
-htónȧhemóone na. Gram: poss niece (poss), stepdaughter (poss.) nȧ-htónȧhamóone my niece/my stepdaughter. he-stónȧhamóono my niece. tséhe-stónȧhamóonéto the one who is my niece. tséhe-stoónȧhamóonéstovėstse the one who is a niece. See: -'hame. Category: relatives.
-htone'komó na. Gram: poss button (poss.) nȧ-htone'kōmo my button. IndepNoun hone'kōmo. Category: clothing.
-htone'oo'o ni. Gram: poss piece of clothing (poss). nȧ-htone'oo'o my piece of clothing. nȧ-htone'óonȯtse my clothes. he-stone'óonéhevótse their clothes. The following word seems to have a mass (noncount) noun status, like the English word "clothing": he-stone'óonéhévo their clothing. [Learning to Plow.010] IndepNoun hone'oo'o. Usage: rare as sg. Category: clothing.
-htoné'šėhahton ni. sole (of foot). Category: check.
-htono'ko na. Gram: poss quilt (poss.) nȧh-tonó'kono my quilts/my bedding. IndepNoun hono'ko.
-htonono ?? ni. Gram: poss ankle (poss.) mȧ-htonono an ankle. nȧ-htonono ?? my ankle. Etym: *nankwani (P). nȧh-tonononȯtse my ankles ?? Plural mȧ-htononȯtse ??. See: honono ??. Category: check, body.
-htonóvónó'e ni. Gram: poss drying rack (poss.) nȧ-htonóvónó'e my drying rack. hesevávónó'e á'e he-stonóvónó'e Wow! Like his drymeat rack! (a cute expression). IndepNoun honóvónó'e.
-htoohēō'o na. Gram: poss flag (poss.) nȧ-htoohēō'o my flag. nė-stooheonēvo your (plural) flag. [1987:244] IndepNoun hoohēō'o.
-htóohevó na. Gram: poss nail (both fingernail and toenail), claw (poss.), hoof (poss.) mȧ-htóóhévo a nail/claw/hoof/fingernail/toenail. Plural mȧ-htóohevono. nȧh-htóóhévo my fingernail. he-stóohevono his hoof(s). [1987:7:32] náhkohe he-stóohevono bear claws.
ni. nail (both fingernail and toenail), claw (poss.), hoof (poss.) Some newer pronunciation consider nails, claws, and hoofs to be inanimate. he-stóohevo his hoof. Medial -óohevá, -(hk)osé; IndepNoun mo'ēško, heheso. Phon: hle See: néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse. Category: body.
-htóohtanováhtotȯtse ni. Gram: poss-NOM-pl food (pl) (poss.) taken home (especially from a feast). nȧ-htóohtanováhtotȯtse my food which I am taking home from a feast. See: -ho'óohtanov.
-htoóhtsetamané v. create trees, trees - create. Nȧ-htoóhtsetamaneo'o. We (incl) created the trees. Category: trees.
-htoo'he ni. Gram: poss sack. nȧ-htoo'he my sack. IndepNoun hoo'he. See: -mestȯtse ‘bag’.
-htoó'kȯhtamȯtse ni. Gram: poss-pl corn (poss.) grammatically plural. Nȧ-htoó'kȯhtamȯtse ééšėhema'óhkeenétónėstse. My corn has tasseled out. IndepNoun hoo'kȯhtse. Category: farm.
-htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse ni. Gram: poss home, home life, household belongings. nȧ-htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse my house/my home life/my family/my household belongings. he-stóo'ȯhtsestȯtse his home. nė-stóo'ȯhtséstonane our (inclusive) home. Preverb hóose-; vai: hóo'ȯhtsé; IndepNoun hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse. See: énóváne; nénóve.
-htooma na. blanket, robe. Sounds like -htooma but -htoema is historically expected. nȧ-htooma my blanket. (another recording) he-stoomo his blanket. IndepNoun hóoma.
ni. blanket, robe. Usually animate but some speakers treat it as inanimate. Category: check.
-htóome na. Gram: poss blanket (poss.), shawl (poss.), robe (poss.) nȧ-htóome my blanket. nȧ-htoomo my blankets. nė-stóome your blanket. nė-stoomaneo'o our (inclusive) blankets. he-stoomo (he-stoome ??) his blanket (1987:195). he-stoomevóho their blanket(s). Phon: iah IndepNoun hóoma; vai: -he-stoome. Category: clothing, check.
-htoóxe'e na. Gram: poss lodge pole, tepee pole (poss.) nȧ-htoóxe'e my lodge pole. IndepNoun hoóxe'e.
-htósem fta. drag s.o. Phon: always heard as -stósem because it follows /e/ See: -stósem ‘drag s.o.’. Category: move.
-htósėstoo'o ni. Gram: poss news; story (poss.) for example, news about someone. nȧ-htósėstoo'o my news (news about me); my story (story which is about me). [1987:96] Usage: obsolescing Phon: vs IndepNoun hósėstoo'o; vai: -he-stotóvame.
-htotóame na. herd, cattle, cows. nȧ-htotóame my herd ; my cattle. he-stotóamo his herd. he-stotóamevóho their cattle. vai: -he-stotóame. See: hotóá'e; -htotséh; -htovámé. Category: animals.
-htotóhke n. star (possessed). nȧ-htotóhkemaneo'o our (excl) stars. IndepNoun hotohke. Category: celestial.
-htȯtse sfx. locative nominalizer. This suffixes to an intransitive verb stem to create animate or inanimate nouns. Takes /-ot/ inanimate or /-o/ animate plural suffixes. ame'há-htóva on the airplane. amȧho'he-stȯtse car. mane-stȯtse drink. mésėhe-stȯtse food. šéeše-stȯtse bed. šéešé-stotȯtse beds. méa-htȯtse gift. mésėhe-stȯtse potato (an.) mésėhé-stoto potatoes (an.) héva'kéehe-stȯtse scarf (an.) héva'kéehé-stoto scarfs (an.) he'po-htȯtse cigarette (an.) he'póhtoto cigarettes (an.) naamȧho'hé-sto-nanótse our (excl.) cars. Oblique -htová. Phon: The morpheme-final /t/ of /-htot/ does not appear when the nominalizer is word-medial and there is additional suffixation other than pluralization, for example when a deverbal noun is possessed by a plural possessor. See: -htove ‘IMPERS’; -nove ‘IMPERS’; -hton; -hé ‘agentivizer’. Category: grammar.
-htotsé na. Gram: poss pet (poss.) This refers to any animal (hōva) that you have as a pet, especially a horse, but it can also be a dog or cat, but not a bird or fish. A small pet, such as a bird, is referred to with the possessed noun stem -néestoo'o. nȧ-htōtse my pet/my horse. nȧ-htotseho my pets. (another recording) nė-stōtse your pet. he-stotseho his pet(s). nȧ-htotséhane our (excl) pet. vai: -he-stotsehe ‘have a pet’; vta: -he-stotséhé'tov ‘have s.o. as a pet’. Morph: /na-htotéh/. Etym: *metayihsikwa 'pet' (Pi); *netaya 'my pet'; K netaya. See: -htotóame; -néestóone; -néestoo'o. Category: cats, horses, dogs, animals.
-htotsévatanohtȯtse ni. Gram: poss claim (poss.) nė-stotsévatanóhtanone (it was) our (incl.) claim (1987:19). IndepNoun hotsévatanohtȯtse.
-htóv sfx. nominalizer. Phon: allomorph of -htot suffixed to an intransitive verb stem to create animate or inanimate deverbal nouns. Oblique -htová. hemȯxe'eotsé-stovevóho their picture(s). See: -htot; -htón; -htóve; -nóve; -hé. Category: grammar.
-htová sfx. oblique nominalizer, locative nominalizer. This has the same spelling regardless of whether a corresponding (nominalized) noun is animate or inanimate. Éhoháahesėstse naa'é-stóva. He was a powerful medicine man (literally, he was very powerful with respect to doctoring). he'pó-htóva by a cigarette. šéešé-stóva on the bed. ame'há-htóva on the airplane. amȧho'hé-stóva on the car. Compare the regular nominalized form: amȧho'he-stȯtse car. Phon: /-hto(t)/ 'nominalizer' + -vá 'oblique suffix' See: -htot. Category: grammar.
-htóvamȧhēō'o Gram: poss ni. store (poss). nȧ-htóvamȧhēō'o my store. he-stȯhtóvamȧhēō'o his store. ni: hohtóvamȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
-htováme na. Gram: poss co-in-law. Gram: poss. This is the relationship from a person to the parent(s) of the child-in-law. That is, this word refers to the parent of one's child's spouse. nȧh-továme my co-in-law. The singular may not be acceptable to the majority of speakers. nȧ-htovamo my co-in-laws. (another recording) nȧ-htovávomasėstse my co-in-laws (voc.) he-stovamo his co-in-law(s). nȧ-htovámaneo'o our co-in-laws. tséhe-stovávóméto the one who is my co-in-law. tséhe-stovávometono those who are my co-in-laws. Morph: /-htovámé/. Usage: it may be that one can only speak in Cheyenne of co-in-laws (plural) Etym: *netawe·ma·wa 'my cross-sibling-in-law' (RECHECK PA GLOSS??. Category: check. vta: -he-stovávomé'tov-. See: né'tóve; -htotóame. Category: relatives.
-htóve fii. impersonal verb suffix. Variant: -nove. Phon: Since many AI verbs have a stem-final /e/, this final often occurs as -stove This suffix may be complex, perhaps composed of the deverbal (nominalizer) suffix, -htȯtse /-htot/ (requiring the morpheme-final /t/ to be deleted in composition), plus the equative final -(e)ve. It is easy to show that deverbal nouns and impersonal verbs are both constructed from AI stems, and they appear to share the morpheme-initial/-hto/ sequence. This composite analysis for -htove is semantically plausible, with a composite meaning of something like 'there being such an entity'. Simple impersonals are II verbs. They are analyzed as having no notional (referential) subject, although they require the unmarked third person syntactic "subject" prefix é-. Éméhotȧhtsé-stove. There is love for one another. Émésėhé-stove. There is eating/it is a meal. Émané-stove. There is drinking. Some AI verbs, such as those with the he- 'have' preverb, can take this suffix: Éx-he-amȧho'hé-stove. He had a car. (cf. amȧho'hestȯtse 'car', É-amȧho'he 'he goes by car'). [1987:185] See: -htȯtse. Category: grammar.
-htovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. umbrella (poss). nȧ-htovéo'kȯhēō'o my umbrella. Non-diminutive -htovéo'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
-htovéo'ȯhēō'o ni. shade (poss), arbor (poss). nȧ-htovéo'ȯhēō'o my shade/arbor. Non-diminutive -htovéo'kȯhēō'o; ni: hovéo'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
-htovóo'ȯtse ni. ear. Gram: poss mȧ-htovóo'ȯtse ear. Plural mȧ-htovootȯtse. nȧ-htovóo'ȯtse my ear. nȧ-htovootȯtse my ears. nė-stovóo'ȯtse your ear. he-stovóo'ȯtse his ear. he-stovootȯtse his ears. nė-stovootanótse our (incl) ears. He-stovóótse éhne'áhanomaehoono. On his (man's) ear (obl.) he (bee) bit him. vai: -he-stovóotse. Etym: *wehtawakayi. Morph: his ear. BodyPartMedial -'está. Phon: iah See: mȧ-htovóo'ȯtse. Category: body.
-htovóótse obl. ear (obl.) He-stovóótse éhne'áhanomaehoono. On his (man's) ear (loc.) he (bee) bit him. IndepNoun -htovoo'ȯtse. Category: ears.
-htóxasé ni. Gram: poss breechcloth belt (poss.) nȧ-htóxáse my breechcloth belt. IndepNoun hóxáse. Category: clothing.
htse-1 tns. future tense. Verbs marked with htse- are for action that occurs sooner than verbs with to'se 'going to'. Some speakers have emphasized that there is more certainty with to'se- that something will happen than with htse-. The -h of htse- is omitted with third person subjects (he, she, it, they). Also the third person prefix /é-/ does not occur with the future tense. The vowel of a pronominal prefix is whispered before htse- and stse-. Verbs with the future tense can become something close to a wish, a prayer, or a spiritual statement that causes the future event to occur. Nȧ-htsenéméne. I shall sing. Nȧ-htsėhoo'e. I will be here. Nė-stsepėhéveotse. You will get better. Tsemésehe. He will eat. Nė-stsetoo'hame. You will swim. Mo'éhno'hāme tseta-ama'óheo'o. The horses will be herded. [1987:29] Tóne'xóvéva nė-stseévȧhósevóomȧtse? When will I see you again? Ééšėto'setonóeve, nėhē'še tsė-ho'ééto. It is almost fall, then it will snow. Etym: *eti (P); cf. Arapaho eti- 'future' (Goddard review of The Arapaho Language). See: tse-; hta-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.
-htse2 sfx. imperative mode suffix, command suffix. Pėhévetānȯ-htse! Be happy! Mésee-stse! Eat! Hestānȯ-htse ! Take it! Nóoohtse ! Ladle it out! Néménėstse! Sing! (cf. é-néméne 'he sang'). Hámėstoo'ėstse! Sit down! (cf. é-hámėstoo'e 'he sat down'). Háóénȧhtse! Pray! (cf. é-háóéna 'he prayed'). Vé'hóóhtȯhtse! Look at it! (cf. é-vé'hóóhta 'he looked at it'). See: -o'o2 ‘delayed imperative suffix’; -htse1 ‘future tense’. Etym: *me·cyilwe. Category: grammar.
-htsé ni. Gram: poss mouth. māhtse mouth. nāhtse my mouth. hēstse his mouth. Category: body.
htseamáxésto ni. right.side.
-htseešeeo'o ni. Gram: poss chest (of body) (poss.) mȧ-htseešeeo'o a chest (of one's body). he-stseešeeōne on his chest (1980:65:42). BodyPartMedial -šené; Locative -htseešeeōne. Category: body.
-htseévȧheme na. Gram: poss rope (poss.) nȧ-htseévȧheme ?? my rope. Ques: should that be plural because rope is plural?? Ques: ame or eme?? he-stseévȧhemo his rope. [cf. 1987:222] IndepNoun heévaho. See: -sétȯhkėhame. Category: check.
-htseévavo'tonȯhestȯtse ni. Gram: poss backwards braid. Category: check, hair.
-htséhese ni. foot (poss). nȧ-htséhese my foot. [Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] he-stséhese his foot. [Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] Phon: iah ?? Category: check. See: -hese ‘foot (poss)’; heheso ‘hoofs’. Category: body.
-htsėhévá'xé ni. Gram: poss tail (poss), tailbone (poss). mȧ-htsėhévá'xe tail. he-stsėhévá'xe his/her tail. he-stsėhevá'xéva on his/her tail. IndepNoun hehévá'xe; Medial -hevá'sé. Category: body.
-htsēhȯtse ni. Gram: poss possession, thing. refers to possession of smaller articles, not big things like houses; can be a euphemism to refer to a man's penis, and when animate, to a woman's genitals. nȧ-htsēhȯtse my possession. Etym: *ni·lawi (P gives this as the etymon but does it truly correspond??). Nȧ-htsėhotȯtse néxhémetsėstse nȧhtone'óonȯtse! Bring me my things, my clothes! [1987:196] nȧ-htsėhotȯtse he-stsēhȯtse his possession. hestsēhȯtse has been used as a euphemism for someone's penis. Usage: euphemism nė-stsēhȯtse your (sg) possession. nȧ-htsėhóváne our (excl.) possession. nȧ-htsėhóvanótse our (excl.) possessions. nė-stsėhotane our (incl.) thing. nė-stsėhotanótse our (incl.) things. he-stsėhóvévo their thing. he-stsėhóvevótse their things. Nȧ-htsēhȯtse hé'tóhe. This is mine (inan.). Mó=hé'tó=nėstsēhȯtse? Is this (inan.) yours (sg)? Móhe nė-stsēhȯtse? It that yours? Morph: /-htehót/. vai: -he-stsėhove. See: -ho'tsé; -á'en; nétove ‘myself, my body’.
na. Gram: poss possession, thing (animate). nȧ-htsėhoto my things (an.) he-stsėhoto his/her thing(s) (an.) (PD: apparently this term was used as a euphemism for a woman's genitals; cf. ma-'kesta). nȧ-htsėhóvaneo'o our (excl.) things (an.) he-stsėhóvevóho their thing(s) (an.) Phon: inflected for person of possessor, and animacy and number of the possessed See: -htóve; -á'en; he-; -ho'h. Category: possession, vulgar.
-htsėhóv fn. possession. Phon: allomorph of -htsēhȯtse See: -hestsėhove; -htsēhȯtse.
-htse'e ni. Gram: poss liver (poss.) mȧ-htse'e liver. nȧ-htse'e my liver. IndepNoun he'e; Medial -e'é. Etym: *neθkweni 'my liver'. Category: body.
-htse'eme na. Gram: poss wife. Gram: poss In recent times this word is often regarded as demeaning to women. This may be because the verb stem -he-stse'eme has come to mean 'have sex' instead of its previous historical meaning 'have a woman (that is, a wife).' Today it is preferred to use the word tsévéstoemo 'the one who is my spouse'. nȧ-htse'eme my wife. Lit: my woman he-stse'emo his wife/woman/women. Vó'keme hestse'emo móne'évȧhósėhómėstoehevóhe; móévȧhósėhóo'oohé'tovȯhevóhe. Old Man Winter's wife must have taken off on him again; he is taking her back home (north)again. That is said when there is a spring snowstorm or squalls. IndepNoun hē'e; vai: -he-stse'eme; vta: -he-stse'éme'tov; Masculine -éhame. Etym: *neteθkwe·ma ‘my wife’. See: -he-stse'éme'tov ‘have sex with s.o.’; -véstoem ‘be married to s.o.’. Category: relatives.
-htse'ésame ni. Gram: poss pipestem. nȧ-htse'ésame my pipestem. [Gunpowder:047] he-stse'ésame his pipestem. Category: smoke.
-htse'kestá ni. Gram: poss vagina (poss.) Variant: ma'ēsta. he-stse'kēsta her vagina. Stem -'kestá2; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse. Category: body, vulgar, sex.
-htse'ko Gram: poss 1 • ni. bone (poss.), foot (poss.), leg (poss.) Ques: does this mean 'foot' for some speakers?? mȧ-htse'ko bone; foot; leg. nȧ-htse'ko my bone. he-stse'ko his/her leg/foot/bone. Plural mȧ-htse'konȯtse; IndepNoun he'ko; Medial -hahtá, -(hk)óhtá. Category: body.
2 • na. tire. nȧ-htse'kono my tires. See: asėséonéehéhe. Category: car, check.
-htse'koname ni. Gram: poss bone. nȧ-htse'koname my bone. IndepNoun he'ko.
-htse'óhko na. Gram: poss pipe. Gram: poss nȧ-htse'ohko my pipe. he-stse'óhkono his pipe (obv). IndepNoun he'ohko.
-htse'ohko na. pipe (poss.) nȧ-htse'ohko my pipe. he-stse'óhkono his pipe(s). IndepNoun he'óhko. Category: smoke.
-htse'one ni. Gram: poss awl. nȧ-htse'one my awl. he-stse'one IndepNoun he'on. Category: tools.
-htsé'oo'e ni. Gram: poss elbow (poss.) Variant: -htsé'oo'o. nȧ-htsé'oo'e my elbow. mȧ-htsé'oo'e elbow. Plural mȧ-htsé'oonȯtse. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. Category: body.
-htsé'oo'o ni. Gram: poss elbow (poss.) Variant: -htsé'oo'e. nȧ-htsé'oo'o my elbow. Etym: *ni·škwani (P). Plural nȧ-htsé'oonȯtse ‘my elbows’. mȧ-htsé'oo'o elbow. Plural mȧ-htsé'oonȯtse. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná; IndepNoun mȧhtsé'oo'o. Etym: *metweškwani (correspondence??. Category: check, body.
-htse'oo'o na. Gram: poss pipe (poss). nȧ-htse'oo'o my pipe. nȧ-htse'óono ?? my pipes. IndepNoun he'oo'o. See: he'ohko.
-htsé'ooná mbp. elbow, rod (of engine). Éé'ė-stsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. IndepNoun -htsé'oo'o. Category: car, body.
-htse'ȯtse ni. Gram: poss neck (poss.) mȧ-htse'ȯtse a neck. nȧ-htse'ȯtse my neck. Etym: *neθkwayawi. he-stse'ōtse on his neck. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.078] IndepNoun he'ȯtse; BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: body.
-htse'pe ni. Gram: poss rib (poss.) mȧ-htse'pe a rib. nȧ-htse'pe my rib. Etym: *neθkweni. Medial -e'pé; IndepNoun he'pe; Plural mȧ-htsē'pėstse. Category: body.
-htse'po ni. Gram: poss lung (poss.) nȧ-htse'po my lung. Plural mȧhtse'ponȯtse; IndepNoun he'po; Medial -he'poná. Category: body.
-htse'pohtȯtse ni. Gram: poss cigarette (poss.) nȧ-htse'pohtȯtse my cigarette. he-stse'pohtȯtse his cigarette. IndepNoun he'pohtȯtse. Category: smoke.
-htsemá'eme ni. Gram: poss blood (poss.), blood vein (poss.) mȧ-htsemá'eme blood. nȧ-htsemá'eme my blood. Etym: cf *meçkwema (P). nė-stsemá'eme your blood. Námȧheonétȧhévo'eévama naa oha nė-stsema'émáne émano'sééso. We all have different skins but our blood is all together the same. nȧ-htsema'emȯtse my blood veins. Variant: -ma'eme; IndepNoun ma'e. Phon: iah Category: body.
-htsenamósésto Gram: poss p. to the left of s.o. (poss.) nȧ-htsenamósésto to my left. See: henamósésto. Category: positions.
-htséné Gram: poss ni. face. he-stsene ?? his/her face. Ques: recheck pitches?? Ques: are there actually words for face in Ch?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.
-htsenenó'same na. Gram: poss nits (poss.) nȧ-htsenenó'same my nit (nits?? Category: check. vai: -he-stsenenó'same; IndepNoun henenó'se.
-htsénómé ni. Gram: poss thigh (poss.) mȧ-htsénóme a thigh. nȧ-htsénóme my thigh. he-stsenomȯtse his/her thighs. Medial -nómá; IndepNoun hénóme. Phon: hle? Category: body.
-htseo'éheo'o na. Gram: poss womb (poss.) IndepNoun heo'éheo'o. he-stseo'éheono her womb. [Croft] Usage: not known today Category: body.
-htsėséeotame ni. Gram: poss herb (poss), medicine (poss), herbal medicine (poss). nȧ-htsėséeotame my medicine. he-stsėséeotame his medicine. IndepNoun heséeo'ȯtse. Category: sickness.
-htsėsé'same ni. Gram: poss tendon; gristle (poss.) mȧ-htsėsé'same tendon; gristle. IndepNoun hesé'se. Category: body.
-htsėsevo na. Gram: poss calf (of leg) (poss.) mȧ-htsėsevo calf (of leg). nȧ-htsėsótseve my calf (of leg) obl?? Category: check. nȧ-htsėsótsevȯtse ?? my calves. Category: check. BodyPartMedial -sevá; IndepNoun hésevo; Plural mȧ-htsėsevono. See: hesótseve. Category: body.
-htsėsótsevá Gram: poss obl. at the lower part, at the butt (poss.) nȧ-htsėsótséva on the lower part (for example, of my clothes). Oblique hesótséva. Category: positions.
-htsestá ni. Gram: poss heart (poss.) mȧ-htsēsta heart. nȧ-htsēsta my heart. nȧ-htsēsta tséssáapėhéveotséhane when my heart wasn't good. he-stsēsta móéneohétȯhanéhe He had a heart attack (lit. his heart must have stopped). Oblique mȧh-tsėstáhéva. hestsēsta his heart. IndepNoun hēsta; Medial -htáhá; Plural mȧ-htsėstahȯtse ??. Category: check, body.
-htsėstáahe'o ni. Gram: poss fist (poss.) mȧ-htsėstáahe'o a fist. Plural mȧ-htsėstáahe'onȯtse; BodyPartMedial -htaahe'oná. See: -he'oná. Category: body.
-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse ni. Gram: poss palm (of hand) (poss.) mȧ-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse palm (of hand). nȧ-htsėstáahe'onahtȯtse my palm. [PD] Medial -he'oná. Category: hands.
-htsėstáhévá ni. Gram: poss-obl in the heart. nȧ-htsėstáhéva in my heart. [Former Fears.010] ni: -htsestá. Category: body.
-htsėstahpe na. Gram: poss brain (poss.) mȧ-htsėstahpe brain. nȧ-htsėstahpe my brain. Etym: netempyi. he-stsėstahpo his brain. nė-stsėstáhpaneo'o our brains ?? Category: check. he-stsėstáhpevóho their brains. IndepNoun hestahpe; Medial -htáhpá, -htáhpé. Category: body.
-htsėstȧhtoono ni. Gram: poss spine (poss.); backbone (poss.) mȧ-htsėstȧhtoono a backbone. Variant: -htȧhtoono; Medial -htȧhtoónoná; Plural mȧhtsėstȧhtoonȯtse. Etym: *metahtaka·kwani. Category: body.
-htsésta'he ni. Gram: poss umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth. mȧ-htsésta'he afterbirth. nȧ-htsésta'he my afterbirth. he-stsésta'he his umbilical cord. he-stsésta'hevótse their navels. Naa tósa'e nėhéóhe nȧ-htsésta'he héva éstȧxaevá'neésto'a'haméhanéhe. And somewhere there my afterbirth must have just been thrown into the bushes. [1987:27] IndepNoun hésta'he; Medial -hta'né ??. Category: check. Phon: iah? Etym: *neteʔsyi 'my navel'. Plural mȧ-htsésta'hėstse ??. Category: check, body, babies.
-htsėstatsēō'o ni. Gram: poss shoulder blade (poss.), scapula (poss). mȧ-htsėstatsēō'o a shoulder blade. nȧ-htsėstatsēō'o my shoulder blade. Etym: *netelyikana (P). Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htsėstatseonȯtse. Etym: cf. O nindini·gan 'my shoulder blade' (N). IndepNoun hestatsēō'o; Medial -htatseoná. Category: body.
-htsesto ni. Gram: poss heel. Gram: poss. mȧ-htsesto a heel. Etym: *meto·ntani. nȧ-htsesto my heel. Etym: *neto·ntani. nȧ-htséstonȯtse my heels. Morph: /ma-htéhton/. Plural mȧ-htséstonȯtse; Oblique hestséstóne ‘on the heel’; nȧ-htséstóne ‘on my heel’; Medial -htséstoná. See: hestséstóne. Category: body.
-htsėsto'tonȯhésot ni. Gram: poss braid (poss). Nȧ-htsėsto'tonȯhésotȯtse my braids. [Wrapped Braids.009] Category: hair.
-htséstoná mbp. heel. Éónėšė-stséstonáóhtse. He has pain in the heel. Étó'ėsė-stséstonávo'ėhāna. She has high heeled shoes. Possessive -htsesto. Category: body.
-htsėstoo'o ni. Gram: poss chin, jaw (poss.) mȧ-htsėstoo'o a jaw. nȧ-htsėstoo'o my jaw. Etym: *neta·Ɂmexkani. he-stsėstoo'o his/her jaw. Plural mȧ-htsėstóonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -stóo'oná. Morph: /ma-htehtóon/. Etym: cf. *meta·hpixkani. Medial -htóo'oná. Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htsėstóonȯtse. Category: body.
htséstoomae ni. Gram: poss bedding. hestséstoomaevótse their bedding. [The Big Bogeyman.045] Category: check.
-htsėstsetȧtse na. Gram: poss kidney (poss.) mȧ-htsėstsetȧtse a kidney. nȧ-htsėstsetȧtse my kidney. Etym: *neto·θeθwa. nȧ-htsėstsétato my kidneys. IndepNoun hestsetȧtse; Plural mȧhtsėstsétato. Category: body.
-htséta'e na. Gram: poss gland, tonsil. mȧ-htséta'e gland; tonsil. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. Plural mȧhtsetā'e; IndepNoun héta'e. Category: body.
-htsetohko ni. dish (poss.) IndepNoun hetóhkon. nȧhtsetohko my dish. hestsetohko his dish. Category: containers.
-htsetohko ni. dish (poss.) IndepNoun hetohko. nȧhtsetohko my dish. hestsetohko his dish. Category: containers.
-htsetone na. Gram: poss haunch (poss), ham (poss.) This term refers to the underside of the thigh including the buttock, i.e., the part one sits on. mȧ-htsetone haunch; ham. nȧ-htsetone my haunch. Etym: *nehtiwa ‘my calf’. IndepNoun hetone; Medial -tónaha. Category: body.
-htsetoo'o ni. Gram: poss palate (poss.) mȧ-htsetoo'o a palate. nȧ-htsetoo'o my palate. Etym: cf *nalakaxkwi (P). IndepNoun hetoo'o2. Category: body. Phon: vs
-htsetooná mbp. palate. Category: body. Etym: cf. *alakackw (medial). IndepNoun hetoo'o.
-htsevevėstse na. Gram: poss horn (poss.), antler (poss.) he-stsevéveto his horn(s). This refers to the animal on which the horn is located. nė-stsevevėstse your (sg) horn. Usage: sometimes avoided in speech due to sound similarity with éheveve 'he is having sexual intercourse'
ni. horn (poss.), antler (poss.) Some newer pronunciation consider horns to be inanimate. he-stsevévėstse his horn. Medial -évesé; IndepNoun vevėstse. See: -he-veve. Category: body.
htsevȯhe ison ni. Gram: poss nest. nė-stsevȯhe iso your nest. Category: birds.
-htsevóhtané ni. Gram: poss skin (poss.) nȧ-htsevóhtáne my skin. IndepNoun vóhtáne; Medial -o'éevá. Category: body.
-htsevoxe ni. Gram: poss 1 • den; hole (poss.) he-stsevóxéva in his den. IndepNoun voxe. See: hestsevoxe. Category: animals.
2 • in the hole, in debt. Category: figurative. Móma'xėhoehéhe he-stsevóxéva. He is deep in debt. (lit., be much in his hole; loan translation from English 'he is in the hole'). See: -amėhasené ‘owe’. Category: money.
-htsėxová'tove poss. sword. he-stsėxová'tove his sword. IndepNoun xová'tove.
-htšėhešeamáxésto ni. Gram: poss right side. Mósto'seovėšenȧhéhe tsėhéóhe he-stšėhešeamáxésto. He was going to lie down here towards his right side. [The Big Bogeyman.059] See: hestseamáxésto. Category: positions.
-htšėšeo'o ni. Gram: poss hip (poss.) mȧ-htšėšeo'o a hip. nȧ-htšėšeo'o my hip. Morph: /-htešéon/. Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htšėšéonȯtse. Etym: O ninoogan 'my hip' (N). he-stšėšéóne on his hip. Medial -šéoná; IndepNoun hešeo'o; Diminutive -htšėšeško. Category: body.
-htšėšeško ni. Gram: poss rump (poss.) appears to be dim. of -htšėšeo'o 'hip (poss.)'. mȧ-htšėšeško a hip. Category: body. Morph: /-htešéhkon/. Medial -šéoná, -'esé; IndepNoun hešeo'o.
-htšėšetsestȯtse ni. Gram: poss knowledge, expertise. Na'neha he-stšėšetsestȯtse momóxeá'enomovo! My brother; oh I wish that I could have his (='your' in story) power! [from story of greedy ve'ho'e who wanted the power to have a pointed leg to kill deer] Ques: OK with mȧ-?? See: -htoháatamaahestȯtse. Category: check.
-ht... possessed and 'have' noun stem beginning letters. Nouns that begin with h-, such as hóoma 'blanket', have possessive stems beginning with -ht. The /h/ changes to [s] when preceded by /e/. Verbs with the 'have' preverb/he-/, similarly, take noun stems beginning with -ht immediately following the /h/independent and possessed noun forms, just as we attempt to indicate and label other important lexical relationships within the Cheyenne lexicon. For alphabetization, we omit the /he-/ of 'have' verb stems, but include it in the complete cited examples. hóoma (this independent noun appears as dictionary entry hóoma) blanket. nȧ-htóome (the possessed stem appears as dictionary entry -htóome) I have a blanket. nȧ-htona (the possessed stem appears as dictionary entry -htoná) my daughter. he-stónaho (even though the /h/ changes to [s] here, and in other animate nouns possessed by a third person, this form will appear under dictionary entry -htoná) She is my daughter; i.e. I have her as daughter.