Cheyenne Dictionary



-amee'e   vai. grow up. É-amee'e. He is growing up. Etym: *pemikiwa (P). Synonym -ameéšee'e. Phon: vs Category: ages.

-asee'e   vai. grow. É-asee'e. He is growing. Ques: starting to grow?? See: -éšee'e; -hóne'ó. Category: ages, check.

-éna'he   vai. be old. É-éna'he. He is old. Phon: cf. é-na'he 'he was killed'; na'he 'three' É-éna'heo'o. They are old. Ná-éna'he. I'm old. tsé-éna'hese the aged ones/the elderly. See: -nonó'homȧhtahe; -háa'éhahe; -mȧhovahe. Category: ages.

éna'he-   pv. old. É-éna'hevéstoemȧhtseo'o. They were married (to each other) until old age (that is, they were lifetime partners). vai: -éna'he. Category: ages.

-éna'heotse   vai. become old. É-éna'heotse. He has become old. Category: ages.

énoehnohtsėstse   na. youngest child. Lit: end-born-person See: ma'ko'se. Category: ages.

-éšeame   vai. have such a number birthday. Éna'he-he-éšeame. FIX?? He is three years old today. Pėhévėhe-éšeamėstse! Happy Birthday! Simplified Spelling Pevėheešeamėstse, Pavėheešeamėstse. Category: ages, check.

-éšee'e   vai. grow. É-éšee'e. He grew up. Etym: *ki·šikiwa (P). Éase-éšee'e. He is starting to grow. Ééše-éšee'e. He has grown up. Éame-éšee'e. He is growing. Tósa'e né-éšee'e? Where did you grow up? tsémóne-éšeese young people. Phon: vs See: -asee'e; -éšeeotse; éše-; éx-; -nóvee'e; -ameéšee'e; -nėševee'e; -hóne'ó. Category: ages.

-éšee'éhahe   vai. grown age - fully, fully grown age. Ééše-éšee'éhahe. He is already of a fully grown age. See: -éšee'e; -háa'éhahe. Category: ages.

-éšeeotse   vai. become grown up. É-éšeeotse. He grew up. See: -éšee'e. Category: ages.

-éšė-hetaneve   vai. already be a man. É-éšėhetaneve. He is already a man. See: -hetanéve. Category: ages.

-háa'éahe   vai. be old. É-háa'éahe He is old. Non-contracted -háa'éhahe. See: -éna'he. Category: ages.

-háa'éhahe   vai. old, older. É-háa'éhahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. tsé-háa'éhaestse the elder. tsé-háa'éhahese the elders. Initial háa'éh-; fai: -ahe. The combination of the initial háa'éh- 'long time' plus final -ahe results in the meaning of 'age'. So someone who is -háa'éhahe could literally be said to be of a 'long time state'. ?? contract = -háa'éahe redup=-hátaa'éhahe. Reduplicated -tó'ėhahe; Antonym -tšėhe'kéhahe; Varient: -háa'éahe. Category: ages.

-hátaa'éahe   vai. be elders. only used with plural subjects. É-hátaa'éaheo'o They are elders. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -hátaa'éhahe. Category: ages.

-hátaa'éhahe   vai. be old; be an elder. only used with plural subjects. Phon: redup É-hátaa'éhaheo'o. They are elders. tsé-hátaa'éhahese the oldest ones. [1987:170] Non-reduplicated -háa'éhahe; Contracted -hátaa'éahe. Phon: redup See: -tó'ėhahe. Category: ages.

-he-aéname   vai. have a birthday. Éhe-aéname. It is his birthday. It is his birthday. Lit: he has a year See: -éšeame; -aénamá. Category: ages.

-he-éšeame1   vai. have a birthday. Lit: have a day Éhe-éšeame. It is his birthday (lit. he has the day). It is his birthday.. Synonym aéname. There is no traditional birthday greeting, but possible greetings have been mentioned, such as: Nėstsepėhévė-heéšeame. Happy birthday! (literally, 'you will have a good day') Happy birthday! Possibly also: Hetótaetānȯhtse, né-hešeame! Be joyful, it's your (birth)day! The following sentence could also be said as a birthday wish: Momóxė-háestoha neaénamȯtse! May you have many (more) birthdays!

have the time. Néhe-éšeamehe? Do you have the time? (that is, What time is it?) Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Usage: loan translation from English See: -he-éše'hamé have a clock. Category: ages.

-he'éahe   vai. such age, age - be of that. Non-contracted -he'éhahe. Category: ages.

-he'éhahe   vai. Gram: rr be of such age; age - be such. ... é-he'éhahe. ... he is that age. Etym: cf *eθpi·htesiwa he is so long, so big, so old. Évaveto nátȧsáa'évataehéne'enóhe tséx-he'éahéto nėhe'xóvéva tsé'oesevéhanéto. I don't know back then exactly at what age I was when I had a name ceremony. [1987:114] Phon: contracts to -he'éahe Category: ages.

he'éka'ėškóéso   na. Gram: dim na. little girl. Lit: female-child-DIM Plural he'éka'ėškóesono ??; Obviative he'éka'ėškóesono ??. Category: check, ages.

he'éka'ėškóne   na. girl. Lit: female-child Plural he'éka'ėškóneho; Obviative he'éka'ėškóneho; Diminutive he'éka'ėškónėhéso; Masculine hetanéka'ėškóne. Category: ages.

he'éka'ėškónėhéso   na. little girl, girl -little. Plural he'éka'ėškónėhesono; Obviative he'éka'ėškónėhesono; Non-diminutive he'éka'ėškóne. Category: ages.

he'esėstse   na. Gram: voc Women! See: hē'e woman. Category: ages.

-he'xóve'éahe   vai. be of such age. ... é-he'xóve'éahe. ... he is of that age. Variant: -he'xóve'éhahe. Category: ages.

-he'xóve'éhahe   vai. Gram: rr such age. ... é-he'xóve'éhahe. ... he is of that age. Énė-he'xóve'éhahe. He is of that age. Variant: -he'xóve'éahe. Category: ages.

hetane   na. man. Plural hetaneo'o; Obviative hetanóho. See comments under hetanéka'ėškóne. In former days hetane would not be applied to a male until he was approx. 30 years old; today the label is often applied at approx. 20years of age. Final -tane; Feminine hē'e. Etym: *elenyiwa man. Category: people, ages.

hetanéka'ėškóne   na. boy. Lit: man-child Plural hetanéka'ėškóneho; Obviative hetanéka'ėškóneho; Feminine he'éka'ėškóne. English marks gender (masculine or feminine) in words at a younger age than does Cheyenne; the English sequence of age/gender names is 'baby'; 'boy/girl'; 'man/woman'; the Cheyenne sequence is mé'ėševȯtse 'baby'; ka'ėškóne 'child'; kȧsovááhe/kȧse'ééhe'young man/young woman'; hetane/hē'e 'man/woman'; ma'háhkése/mȧhtamȧhááhe 'old man/old woman'. Category: ages.

-hetó'ėhahe   vai. so aged, such an age. ... é-hetó'ėhahe. ... that is how old he is. Mó'éšenė-hetó'ėhahehevóhe. That's how old they were. [The Scalped Father.009] Category: ages.

hóhtȧhnéšeaénamá   vai. twelve years old. tséhóhtȧhnéšeaénamáto when I was twelve years old. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.020] Category: ages.

-hóto'e'ov   vta. 1 • in line, walk single file with s.o., walk Indian file with s.o. can especially refer to when a wife follows her husband while walking. É-hóto'e'ovóho. He walked single file with him. É-hóto'e'óvȧhtseo'o. They are walking single file. See: -hó'e'ov follow s.o.; -hóto'e'ov. Category: walk.

2 • in line by age, be so apart in age from s.o. Naa tséxheaénaméstove na'heāā'e ná-hóto'e'óvȧhtséme. And according to the ages (years), we are three years apart. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.147] Category: ages.

ka'eóne   na. child. Usage: This pronunciation is rare. The common pronunciation is ka'ėškóne. Plural ka'eóneho; Variant: ka'ėškóne. Category: ages.

ka'ėškóéso   na. little child. See: ka'ėškóne. Category: ages.

-ka'ėškónėhéve   vai. be a child. É-ka'ėškónėhéve. He is a child. tséska'ėškónėhévéto when I was a child. [Cheyenne Flood Story.001] IndepNoun ka'ėškóneh. Category: ages.

ka'ėškónéso   na. Ques: DIM child.DIM. Category: ages.

ka'kóéso   na. little child, toddler. Usage: typically a nickname; also term of endearment; colloq.; baby talk Variant: ka'kóóhe; Plural ka'kóesono. See: ka'ėškóne; ka'eóne; kátsé'késo; mó'kėsóéstse. Category: ages.

ka'kóóhe   na. little child, toddler. Usage: baby talk Variant: ka'kóéso. Category: ages.

kȧse'ééhe   na. young woman, teenage female, maiden. Plural kȧse'éeheho; Obviative kȧse'éeheho; Diminutive kȧse'éehéso; Vocative kȧse'éehéhasėstse; Masculine kȧsovááhe. See: kȧso'ee'e kettle. Category: people, ages.

kȧse'éehéhasėstse   na. Gram: voc Young women! Masculine kȧsováahéhasėstse. Category: ages.

-kȧse'éehéheve   vai. be a young woman. É-éšekȧse'éehéheve. She has become a woman; she is pubescent. Category: ages.

kȧse'éehéso   na. preteen girl. Non-diminutive kȧse'ééhe; Masculine kȧsováahéso. Category: ages.

-kȧse'éehésonėheve   vai. young teenage girl - be a. Mó'éše-kȧse'éehésonėhevėhéhe. She was a young teenager. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).065] Category: ages.

kȧse'éehéve'ho'á'e   na. young white woman. Category: ages.

kásé'késo   na. little girl. Variant: kátsé'éso; Plural kásé'kėsóno. See: kátsé'e. Category: ages.

kȧsóéso   na. little boy, boy little. a term of endearment. See: kȧsóéstse; ka'ėškóne child. Category: ages.

kȧsóéstse   na. little boy, boy - little. Usage: slang; term of endearment; child talk See: kȧsóéso; ka'kóéso; kȧsóhéso; kátsé'e; kȧsovááhe. Category: ages.

kȧsóhéso   na. little boy. Usage: colloquial term of endearment Ques: what is the obviative?? See: kȧsóéstse. Category: ages, check.

-kȧsováahéhame   na. Gram: poss young man (poss). na-kȧsováahéhame my young man. IndepNoun kȧsovááhe. Category: ages.

kȧsováahéhasėstse   voc. young men! This word is used to address young men. Feminine kȧse'éehéhasėstse. Category: ages.

kȧsováahéhesoneveotse   vai. become a young man (diminutive). Éstaéšėto'se-kȧsováahéhesoneveotse. He was almost a young man. (teen??) [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.040] Category: ages.

-kȧsováahéheve   vai. be a young man. É-kȧsováahéheve. He is a young man. Category: ages.

-kȧsováahéhevetanó   vai. Naa tséhnéehóvéto náohkėsó'-kȧsováahéhévétáno. And me I still want to be a young man. Category: ages.

kȧsováahéso   na. preteen boy. Feminine kȧse'éehéso. Category: ages.

kȧsováahésóne   na. male teenager, teenage male. Plural kȧsováahésoneho; Non-diminutive kȧsovááhe. Category: ages.

kátsé'e   na. little girl. Usage: slang; colloq. term of endearment Variant: kásé'e; Plural kátse'eo'o. See: kásé'e; kȧsóéstse; kȧsóhéso. Category: ages.

kátsé'késo   na. Gram: dim little girl. Plural kátsé'kėsóno. Ques: RECHECK PLURAL PITCHES?? Category: check. Variant: kásé'késo. See: ka'kóéso. Category: ages.

ketááhe   na. boy. endearing name. Ques: possibly ketáéhe ?? Category: check. Usage: od See: mó'kėsóéstse. Category: ages.

mȧhtamȧhááhe1   na. old woman, old lady. Variant: tamȧhááhe. The shorter variant tamȧhááhe is used by many newer pronunciation today. Plural mȧhtamȧháaheho; Obviative mȧhtamȧháaheho; Masculine ma'háhkéso; Vocative mȧhtámȧhaahe; Diminutive mȧhtamȧháhkéso. Etym: *metemihsehsihsikwa (Pi); cf. *metemwehsihsa (dim.); cf. F metemo·ha. Category: ages, people.

mȧhtamȧháahé-2   pv. old woman. Category: ages.

mȧhtamȧháhkéso   na. little old woman. Morph: /mahtamaháhkesó/. Plural mȧhtamȧháhkėseho; Obviative mȧhtamȧháhkėseho; Non-diminutive mȧhtamȧhááhe. Category: ages.

-mȧhtóhtȯheaénamá   vai. be ten years old. É-mȧhtóhtȯheaénáma. He is ten years old. Category: ages, numbers.

-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnóhoneaénamá   vai. 15.year(s). fai: -aénamá. Category: ages, numbers.

ma'háéso   na. old man. Etym: *meɁlo·hsa (P). Diminutive ma'háhkéso. Morph: /ma'háesón/. Category: ages.

ma'háhkėséhehasėstse   na. Gram: voc old men. Variant: ma'háhkėséhasėstse. Category: ages.

ma'háhkėséhéso   na. little old man. can be a term of teasing or affection; can refer to a younger old person, such as a 50 year old grandparent, in contrast to a 70 year old one. Plural ma'háhkėséhesono. See: ma'háhkéso. Singular dim. Category: people, ages.

-ma'háhkėséheve   vai. be an old man. É-ma'háhkėséheve. He is an old man. Category: ages.

ma'háhkėséhevestȯtse   ni. old man being. Hápó'e nátaéšėto'setávėhéne'ēna ma'háhkėséhevestȯtse. Me too I have almost come to know being an old man. Category: ages.

má'kėsoestse   na. boy. endearing term. Usage: od Ques: Do some people say mó'kėsóéstse?? Category: check. See: ka'kóéso; ketaahe; ma'kō'se. Category: ages.

ma'ko'sá'e   1 • na. youngest girl child.

2 • pn. Youngest Girl Child. Masculine ma'kō'se. Category: ages, names.

ma'kō'se   na. youngest.child.male. sometimes thought to have sacred powers, as described in some Cheyenne legends; often believed to be smart, wise, since he can get the accumulated knowledge of his older siblings. Obviative ma'ko'séhneva; Feminine ma'ko'sá'e; Simplified Spelling makos, makus. See: má'kėsoestse. Category: people, ages, family.

-mé'ėškevotame   na. Gram: poss baby. na-mé'ėškevotamaneo'o our (excl) babies. Category: ages.

-ménotó'kėhnóehné   vai. bear children close together. É-ménotó'kėhnóehneo'o. They have their children close together in age. Category: ages, babies.

móma'haeta   p. old people. Lit: big ones Antonym háahketa. See: móma'haetse. Category: people, ages.

móma'haetse   p. old.people. Lit: big ones especially older people. See: móma'haeta. Category: people, ages.

-móneéšee'e   vai. recently grow, be young. É-móneéšee'e. He is young. tsé-móneéšee'ėstse young person. tsé-móneéšeese young people. Lit: those who are recently growing Phon: vs See: móneéšetane; -tšėhe'kéhahe. Category: ages.

móneéšetane   na. young person. Lit: recently-grow-person Plural móneéšetaneo'o. Usage: These words are not commonly said. Final -tane. See: kȧsovááhe; kȧse'ééhe; tsémóneéšee'ėstse. Category: ages.

mónekȧse'ééhe   na. single (unmarried) young woman, teenage girl. See: kȧse'ééhe; móné'e. Category: ages.

mónekȧsováahe   na. single (unmarried) young man, teenage boy. See: kȧsovááhe. Category: ages.

-naesóhtȯheaénamá   vai. six years old - be. É-naesóhtȯheaénáma. He is six years old. Category: numbers, ages.

-na'heaénamá   vai. three years old. É-na'heaénáma. He is three years old. Etym: *neʔθwipeponwe·wa (P). Category: numbers, ages.

-na'nóhtȯheaénamá   vai. 8 years old, eight years old. É-na'nóhtȯheaénáma. He is eight years old. Category: numbers, ages.

-nėhe'éhahe   vai. so old; such age. É-nėhe'éhahe. He is of that age. [1987:99] Phon: contracts to -nėhe'éahe Category: ages.

-nėhe'xóve'éhahéotse   vai. become of such age. Nátaéšeto'se-nėhe'xóve'éhahéotse. I'm almost up to that age. [BERTHA.TXT] Category: ages.

-nėhestȯhe-aénáma   vai. be so many years old; that many years old. Hétsetseha vé'só'eametanénėstse Ho'néoxháaestse na'nóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha éme'-nėhestȯheaénáma. Now if Jim One Bear (Brave Wolf) were still living, he would be 87 years old. (1987:32). Category: ages.

-nėhetó'ėhahe   vai. such age, that age. É-nėhetó'ėhahe. He is that age. See: -nėhe'éahe; -séetó'ėhahe. Category: ages.

-nésȯhtȯheaénamá   vai. 7 years old, seven years old. É-nésȯhtȯheaénáma. He is seven years old. Category: numbers, ages.

-néso'eaénamá   vai. twenty years old - be, 20 years old - be. É-néso'eaénáma. He is twenty years old. Category: numbers, ages.

-néšeaénamá   vai. be two years old. É-néšeaénáma. He is two years old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.

-néveaénamá   vai. four years old - be. É-néveaénáma. He is four years old. Category: numbers, ages.

-néveéše'hamá   vai. be four months old, be four months along in pregnancy. Éta-néveéše'hāma. He is four months old. fai: -éše'hamá. Category: ages.

-névo'eaénáma   vai. forty years old. Category: ages, numbers.

-nóhoneaénamá   vai. be five years old. É-nóhoneaénáma. He is five years old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.

-no'keaénamá   vai. be one year old. É-no'keaénáma. He is one year old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.

-no'keéše'hamá   vai. be one month old. É-no'keéše'hāma. He is one month old. Category: numbers, ages.

-nóvee'e   vai. mature slowly, slow to mature; late maturing. É-nóvee'e. He is slow in maturing. This can be said about an FAS baby. Antonym néhee. Phon: vs See: -éšee'e. Category: ages.

-séetó'ėhahe   vai. be the same age. É-séetó'ėhaheo'o They are the same age. Synonym -vé'ėhahe. Category: ages.

sétóve tsénėhe'éhahese   the middle-aged ones. Lit: middle those who are of that age Category: ages.

-sóohtȯheaénamá   vai. nine years old, 9 years old. É-soóhtȯheaénáma. He is nine years old. fai: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.

tamȧhááhe   na. old woman, old lady. Usage: This is the newer contracted pronunciation. The older traditional pronunciation is mȧhtamȧhááhe. Non-contracted mȧhtamȧhááhe. Category: ages.

-tó'kėhahe   vai. be young. Morph: /-tó'kéhahe/. Phon: redup Likely only used with plural subjects. Non-reduplicated tšėhe'kéhahe; Synonym mónahe. É-tó'kėhaheo'o. They are young. tsé-tó'kėhahese the younger ones. Phon: redup See: tó'ėhahe. Category: ages.

-tóne'éahe   vai. how old, however old. Né-tóne'éahe? How old are you? Ééše-tóne'éahe? How old is he? Naa hetanéka'ėškóne mó'éšėtóne'éahehéhe. And a boy must have been so old. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.006] Non-contracted -tóne'éhahe. Category: ages.

-tóne'éhahe   vai. how old, however old. É-tóne'éhahe? How old is he? tséstanėše-tóne'éhahéto as I grew up in years. Contracted -tóne'éahe. See: -tónėstȯheaénamá. Category: ages.

-tónėstȯheaénamá   vai. how old. É-tónėstȯheaénáma? How many years old is he? (another recording) Nééšė-tónėstȯheaénáma? How many years old are you already? Móhmóne-tónėstȯheaénamȧhéhe. She was sometime in early age. [1987:21] See: -tóne'éahe. Category: numbers, ages.

-tónėstȯheéše'hamá   vai. how many months. especially how old, or how far along in pregnancy. É-tónėstȯheéše'hāma. How many months old is he?/How many months along (for example, in pregnancy) is she? fai: -éše'hamá. Category: ages.

-tónetó'ėhahe   vai. how old, so old. Mó'éše-tónetó'ėhahehevóhe. They were already the age. [Mountain stories.142] See: -tó'ėhahe. Category: ages.

tsé-haa'éhaestse   vai. Gram: ppl elder. Plural tsé-hátaa'éhahese. Category: ages.

tséhátaa'éhahese   Gram: ppl vai. elders, those who are elders, the oldest ones. (another recording) vai: -hátaa'éhahe. See: -haa'éhaestse. Category: ages.

-tsėhe'kéahe   vai. young. É-tsėhe'kéahe. He is young. Non-contracted -tsėhe'kéhahe; Variant: -tšėhe'kéahe. Category: ages.

-tsėhe'kéhahe   vai. young. É-tsėhe'kéhahe. He is young. Nánės-tsėhe'kéhahe nėhe'xóvéva. I was young at that time. Variant: -tšėhe'kéhahe; Contracted -tsėhe'kéahe. Category: ages.

tsé-móneéšee'ėstse   cj. young person. Lit: one who is recently grown Plural tsé-móneéšeese. See: kȧsovááhe young man; kȧse'ééhe young woman. Category: ages.

tsé-móneéšeese   Gram: ppl young persons. Lit: those who are recently growing Singular tsé-móneéšee'ėstse; vai: éšee'e.

vai. Category: ages.

-tšėhe'kéahe   vai. be young. É-tšėhe'kéahe. He is young. Ná-tšėhe'kéahe. I'm young. Naa tsés-tšėhe'kéahéto ná'ȯhkėhetȯhomó'heohe. And when I was little I danced like that. Mósó'-tšėhe'kéahehéhe. He must still be young. Non-contracted -tšėhe'kéhahe. Category: ages.

-tšėhe'kéahévenóohe   vai. young - look, look young. Nésó'-tšėhe'kéahévenóohe. You still look young. fai: -nóohe. Category: ages.

-tšėhe'kéhahe   vai. young, younger. É-tšėhe'kéhahe. He is young. É-tšėhe'kéhaheo'o. They are young. Nésó'-tšėhe'kéhahe. You're still young. tsé-tšėhe'kéhaestse the youngest/younger one. tsé-tšėhe'kéhahese the younger ones. Contracted -tšėhe'kéahe; Reduplicated -tó'ėhahe; Antonym -háa'éhahe. See: -háa'éhahe; -mónahe; -móneéšee'e. Category: ages.

-vé'ėhahe   vai. be of the same age. É-vé'ėhahe. He is of the same age. Synonym -séetó'ėhahe. Category: ages.

-vé'ėhahém   vta. be of the same age as s.o. É-vé'ėhahemo. He is the same age as him. É-vé'ėhahémóho. He is the same age as him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *wi·tikime·wa (P) he is the same age as him. Ná-vé'ėhahémo. I am the same age as him. Category: ages.

-vóhne'éhahe   vai. be the middle age, be the medium age. that is, be of the middle age, not the oldest child nor the youngest child. This does not mean 'middle-aged', as in English. É-vóhne'éhahe. He is the middle age. for example, the in-between child not the oldest and not the youngest). Final -éhahe. Category: ages.