body function
-ameéšee'e vai. grow. É-ameéšee'e. He is growing. Phon: vs See: -éšee'e. Category: body function.
-ané2 vai. birth, give birth, lay eggs. É-áne. She gave birth. Etym: *penye·wa. É-anóho. She (obv., for example, his daughter) gave birth. See: -anéotse; -anétanó. Category: body function.
-anéotse vai. birth, give birth, lay eggs. É-anéotse. She gave birth. Etym: **penye·palyiwa (P/L?. See: -ané2; -anétanó; -hestáotse. Category: babies, body function.
-anétanó vai. be in labor. É-anétáno. She is in labor. See: -ané2; -anéotse; -naetanó. Category: body function.
-asóme fai. defecate, poop, stool, feces, turd. Émomé'aév-ȧsome. He had a bloody stool. Éhe'kon-ȧsómeo'o. They have hard stools. Émo'ȯhtáv-ȧsome. He had a dark stool. Éno'-ȧsome. He has something included in his poop. Variant: -esóme. See: -mée'kahe; -mése'ahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function, check.
-éneváen 1 • vti. release s.t. quickly, put down s.t. quickly, unleash s.t. quickly, leave s.t. quickly. É-éneváéna. He put it down. Éneváénȯhtse! Let go of it! Óxėse éneváénȯhtse! Put it someplace else! Návone-éneváéna. I misplaced it; got it mixed up. Tȧhé-eneváénȯtse! Go leave it there! [1987:286]
vta. release s.o. quickly, put down s.o. quickly, unleash s.o. quickly, leave s.o. quickly. Éstaméhae'-éneváenóhoono. (when) he put him down. [1987:286] Hevovetāso nává'ne-éneváéno. I just turned the tornado loose. [POWER.TXT] Category: move.
2 • vta. excrete s.t. (body waste). Usage: euphemism Tȧhé-eneváénȯhtse! Go leave it there! Émóne-éneváéna. He just farted. See: -énan. Category: body function.
-(e)sóme fai. defecate, poop, stool, feces, turd. Mónéhóts-ėsóméme? Are you guys having a hard time with bowel movements? ?? Ques: or is it Mónéhót-ȧsóméme? ?? Éhávėsévemée-some. He has a smelly stool. mée-some?? Variant: -asóme. See: -mée'kahe; -mése'ahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function, check.
-éšėto'senȧha'en vta. almost catch s.o. Ná-éšėto'senȧha'enaa'e. I almost wet my pants. Lit: It almost caught me. See: -nȧha'en. Category: body function.
-éveneotse vai. become dizzy. É-éveneotse. He got dizzy. See: -évenéeotse. Category: sickness, body function.
-he'kȧsome vai. soft stool. É-he'kȧsome. He had a soft stool. Antonym -he'konȧsome; fai: -asóme. Category: body function.
-he'konȧsome vai. hard stool. É-he'konȧsome. He had a hard stool. Éhe'kon-ȧsómeo'o. They have hard stools. fai: -asóme; Antonym -he'kȧsóme. Category: body function.
-hesėhahtsé vti. 1 • inhale s.t., sniff s.t. É-hesėhāhtse. He inhaled it. for example, sniffing a gassy smell.
2 • eat. humorous figurative language for eating. Náéšeáahtse'-hesėhāhtse. I already ate. Lit: I already inhaled it. See: -mȧhaést. Category: body function, smell, figurative.
-hesóvá vai. hiccup. É-hesóva. He hiccuped. Etym: *weθwa·we·wa (P). Category: body function.
-hetame vai. sneeze. É-hetame. He sneezed. (Náhetósė-hetame) nevá'esėstse mónátotóxemaehéhe. (I keep sneezing;) someone must be talking about me. (a saying based on a cultural belief; cf.-nėše'šévoéné for a similar belief). Category: body function.
-he-véesané vai. teethe, cut teeth. Lit: make teeth É-he-véesāne. He is teething. Etym: *wi·pitehke·wa. IndepNoun vée'ėse; Variant: -véesané. Category: body function, mouth.
-hóehnétanó vai. 1 • want to go out. É-hóehnétáno. He wants to go out.
2 • wants to relieve himself. Usage: old euphemism; not used today See: -o'ehné. Category: body function.
-hohpéohtsé vai. sweat. for example, from a fever or from being under stress. É-hohpéóhtse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéotse ‘sweat’; -hóhpéohtsé ‘melt’. Category: body function, temperature.
-hohpéotse vai. sweat, perspire. Ques: what is the difference between -hohpéotse and -hohpéohtsé?? Category: check. É-hohpéotse. He is sweating. See: -hohpéohtsé ‘sweat’; -hóhpeotse ‘melt’; -emá ‘take a sweat’. Etym: *apwe:·sowa; cf. O abwezo (N). Category: body function, temperature.
-hóse'e vai. pregnant. É-hóse'e. She is pregnant. Etym: *antiθkwiwa. vta: -hóse'etaov. See: -émoohtóse'e. Category: body function.
-hótsėsome vai. cannot defecate, be unable to defecate. Ná-hótsėsome I am unable to defecate. Ques: hótȧsome?? É-hótsėsome. He is unable to defecate. Móné-hótsėsóméme? Are you guys having a hard time with bowel movements? Medial -asóme. Category: body function, check.
-mȧha'hahtsé vti. eat up all of s.t. quickly. É-mȧha'hāhtse. He ate it up quickly. Evé'ȯhkeéno'e; násáatónėšemȧha'hahtséhe. It tasted bitter; I couldn't swallow it. Mȧha'hāhtsėstse! Swallow it (quickly)! / Eat it up! vta: -mȧha'ham. See: -mȧhaéstá; -hestohá. Category: body function.
-ma'éneotse vai. blush. É-ma'éneotse. He blushed. Medial -éné. Category: body function.
-ma'évȧsome vai. dysentery - have, bloody stool - have, hemorrhoids - have. É-ma'évȧsome. He has dysentery / a bloody stool. fai: -asóme. See: -momé'aévȧsome. Category: body function.
-ma'éveotse vai. bleed. É-ma'éveotse. He bled/he is bleeding. Etym: *meçkowiɁle·wa < **meçkowipalyiwa. vta: -ma'évoh(n). See: -ma'eve; ma'e; -moméheotse; -háeo'tá; -hé'óé'ó; -hévoeotse; -momé'aeve. Category: body function, sickness.
má'sėsóohtsé vai. finish urinating. É-má'sėsóóhtse. He finished urinating. fai: -só3. Category: body function.
matse1 ni. poop, feces, dung, excrement, turd. (another recording) Morph: /máte/. he-matse his turd. Etym: *mye·yi (P). See: ho'honáematse; mátsevo'e1; hemahkȧse; hoxa'o'ēsėstse. Category: vulgar, body function.
-mée'ahe vai. defecate, poop. Usage: A polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. É-mée'ahe. He defecated. Éhnėhma'xe-mée'ȧhéotsesėstse. He sure defecated a lot. [The Pus Man.018] Náto'sema'xėhóosėhé-mee'ahe. I'm going home to have a big poop. Usage: vulgar Variant: -mée'kahe, -mése'ahe. See: -mée'kahe; -o'ehné; -o'eotse; matse. Category: body function.
-mée'kahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. done by people, animals, and birds. É-mée'kahe. He defecated. Usage: This is a polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. Variant: -mée'ahe; vta: -méset. See: -mése'ahe; -mése'kahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function.
-mémėsta'é vai. defecation urge, nature's call. This is a colorful way of referring to getting the urge to poop or pee. É-mémėstá'e. He has gotten nature's call. Category: body function.
-mése'ahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. É-mése'ahe. He defecated. Usage: crude used of bowel movements of humans or animals. Usage: For human defecation the euphemism -o'ehné is usually preferred. Variant: -mése'kahe, -mée'ahe, -mée'kahe; vta: -méset. Etym: cf. O mi·zi·. See: -o'ehné; -asóme. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhéotse vai. defecate. É-mése'ȧhéotse. He defecated. See: -mée'ahe; -o'eotse. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhétanó vai. feel like defecating, defecate feel, crap feel. Ná-mése'ȧhétáno. I feel like defecating. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhétanóotse vai. feel like defecating, defecate feel, crap feel. Tséstanėšenáameōhtsėse ésta-mése'ȧhétanóotséhoo'o. While he was walking he felt like taking a crap. [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.027] Category: body function.
-mése'kahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. Usage: A polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. É-mése'kahe. He defecated. Variant: -mése'ahe, -mée'kahe; vta: -méset. See: -o'ehné; -asóme; -méseahe ‘sober’. Category: body function.
-méšešé vai. defecate while lying down, poop during sleep. É-méšéše. He pooped in his sleep / he lay in his excrement. Non-assimilated -mésešé. See: -o'ehné; -mése'ahe; mémes(t)-; -mémėstanómé. Category: lie, body function, sleep.
-mo'ȯhtávȧsome vai. dark stool, black stool. É-mo'ȯhtávȧsome. He had a dark stool. fai: -asome. Category: body function.
-momáhpe'ėhaénéohtsé vai. watery eyed, running eyes. É-momáhpe'ėhaénéóhtse. He has watery eyes. for example, from an allergy or a cold. Category: body function. Phon: redup
-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse vai. eyes become watery quickly. É-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse. He has a watery eyes. Óeséhéóvo ná-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse. Right at the time (of sighting down the barrel of the gun at the deer) my (sighting) eye watered! BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: body function.
-nȧha'en vti. catch s.t. There is a wide range of things which may be caught, both concrete, such as sticks, balls, horses, and abstract, such as a ride or a word. Catching abstract things may be a loan translation from English 'catch.'. É-nȧha'ēna. He caught it. Né-nȧha'enahe? Did you catch it? Náame-nȧha'enahe tséhe'enėstsétse? Are you recording how we speak the language? Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Hénová'e tsé-nȧha'enome? What did you catch? That has been used for catching a sickness, likely a loan translation from English. Tsėhéóhe násáaxaetónėše-nȧha'enóhe hotse'óhestȯtse I just can't seem to find (lit., catch) any job here. [BERTHA.TXT] Né-nȧha'enomóvone nā'ėstse hestovóo'ȯtse. We caught one of his ears.
vta. catch s.o. É-nȧha'enóho. He caught him. Móstȧho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse nā'ėstse móh-nȧha'enȯhevóhe. He came to his horses where they were standing. He caught one (of them). [1987:170] Nȧha'eneha! Catch him (for example, the ball, animate)! Nééše-nȧha'enovohe hóhkeeheho? Did you already catch mice? Héehe'e, náéše-nȧha'enoo'o. Yes, I already caught them. Náéšėto'se-nȧha'enaa'e. It has almost come to me. That is an idiom for being about to pop with the urge to defecate or urinate. É-nȧha'enaa'e. It caught him. Vó'keme ná-nȧha'enaēne. Old Man Winter caught us. See: -no'en. Category: interpersonal, body function, baseball.
-nȧhestóné vai. menstruate, have period, period - have, be in moon cycle. Menstruating women had to follow certain traditional customs such as staying away from the main group of the family, not serving food to a medicine man, etc. É-nȧhestóne. She is menstruating. Ééne-nȧhestóne. She is in menopause (lit. she-stop-menstruating). Ésáa'éše-nȧhestónėheo'o. They are not menstruating yet. See: -nȧhestohe; -nȧhestá; -nȧhestov; -hóehót. Category: body function, taboo.
-ná'tsetanóotse vai. faint. É-ná'tsetanóotse. He fainted. (éxȯh)to'se-ná'tsetanóotséhoo'o tséhná'taehaa'ėse né=homā'e That beaver almost scared him (prox.) to death. (1987:277). Reduplicated -noná'tsetanóotse. See: -naeotse; -ná'taeh. Category: body function.
-néhe'eemȧséohtsé vai. have a runny nose. faster discharge than -he'eemȧséohtsé. É-néhe'eemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. See: -he'eemȧséohtsé. BodyPartMedial -'eemá. See: -hoxeesé. Category: body function.
-nėšėho'he vai. 1 • hot - be, fever - have a. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. Initial nėš-; vii: -nėšėho'tá. Etym: cf *kešisowa ‘he has a fever’. See: -háoho'he; -oesenȧho'he.
2 • in heat. can refer to an animal being in heat or a woman sexually aroused. Category: temperature, sickness, body function, sex.
-no'ȧsóme vai. included in poop. É-no'ȧsome. He has something included in his poop. fai: -asóme. Category: body function.
-oese'haná vai. spit. É-oese'hāna. He spit. Etym: cf *seʔsekwiwa; cf. M pake·cesae·hkow. See: -e'haná; -énotóhta. Category: body function, mouth.
-o'ehné vai. eliminate. urinated or had a bowel movement. Usage: This is a polite word. Some other words referring to excretion are not polite, such as -mése'kahe, -mée'kahe, and -xaa'e. This literally refers to going out back, out of other people's view. É-o'ēhne. He eliminated. Étȧhé-o'ēhne. He went to eliminate. Éma'xe-o'ēhne. He pooped a lot. Nátȧhé-o'ēhne? May I go to the bathroom? See: -o'eohtsé; -mée'kahe; -mée'ahe; -mése'ahe; -mémėstanóme; -o'ėhnétanó; -xaa'e; -ȧsome; -o'omehné. Category: body function.
-o'ėhnétanó vai. defecate feel, defecate urge. É-o'ėhnétáno. He has the urge to defecate. fai: -tanó; vai: -o'ehné. See: -mémėsetanó; o'ėhnémȧhéó'o. Category: body function.
-o'ėhnétanóotse vai. defecate feel, defecate urge. É-o'ėhnétanóotse. He has gotten the urge to defecate. fai: -tanó; vai: -o'ehné. See: -mémėsetanó; o'ėhnémȧhéó'o. Category: body function.
-o'eohtsé vai. poop, defecate, eliminate. É-o'eōhtse. He eliminated. Éma'xe-o'eōhtse. He had to go eliminate badly. See: -o'ehné. Category: body function.
-ó'etanȧháohtsé vai. dry up at the breasts. Cheyenne women who needed to increase milk production would drink a certain kind of native herbal tea. Usage: possible English loan transl.; -pónoetanȧhá'ó is probably more idiomatic É-ó'etanȧháóhtse. She has dried up breasts. Medial -tanahá; Synonym -pónoetanȧhá'ó; Antonym -háetanȧháohtsé. Category: body function.
-ómotome vai. breathe. É-ómotome. He is breathing. Ééne-ómotome. He died. Lit: He ceased breathing. Éohkėhótse-ómotómėheo'o. ?? They can't breathe. See: ómotóme ‘air, breath’; ómotómestȯtse ‘breath’; -otóm ‘in the mouth’. Category: body function.
-ómotómeotse vai. breathe. Nápėhéve-ómotómeotse. I am breathing well. Nėstapėhéve-ómotómeotse. You will breathe well. [1987:146] Category: body function.
-pa'kȧséotse vai. belly bulged, show (pregnancy). Lit: bump-belly-become Ééšė-pa'kȧséotse. She is starting to show. See: -tȧhpe'asé; -hóse'e. Category: body function.
-pá'panestse vai. fart (repeatedly). É-pá'panestse. He repeatedly farted. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pánestse. See: -háahpe'évanené. Category: body function.
-pánestse vai. fart, break wind. É-pánestse. He farted. Éma'xe-pánestse. He farted loudly. Pé'eo'o éohke-pánėstseo'o. Nighthawks fart (it is said they make a sound like farting). Reduplicated -pá'panestse. When someone farts, especially if it is during a quiet time, it is sometimes said, éhoó'heóxȯhesėstse 'I wonder what he is overheard to say?!'This is quite humorous. A variant is éhoó'heóxȯhevoo'o 'What is he overheard to say?!'. Morph: /-pánehte/. Etym: *pwe·ketwiwa (P); *pe·ketekwa. See: -hoó'hevánené; -háahpe'évánené; -he'kȯhovosé. Category: sounds, body function.
-pėhévȧsome vai. poop well, make good poop, defecate well. É-pėhévȧsome. He makes good poop. for example, a rabbit makes good poop that can be used for fertilizer. fai: -asóme. Category: body function.
-pó'poo'ematsénéše vai. blink repeatedly. É-pó'poo'ematsénéše. He is repeatedly blinking. Phon: redup Category: body function.
-pónoetanȧhá'ó vai. dry up at the breasts, breasts dry up. É-pónoetanȧhá'o. Her breasts have dried up. BodyPartMedial -tanahá; Antonym -háetanȧháóhtsé; Synonym -ó'etanȧháohtsé. Category: babies, body function.
-poo'ematsénéše vai. blink. É-poo'ematsénéše. He is blinking (normally). Reduplicated -pó'poomatsénéše. Category: body function.
-só3 f. urinate. Etym: *šya· (P74). Énėhpė-sóó'e. He is in the way standing urinating. Éhe'évė-soo'e. He/She is urinating squatting as a woman. Éhetanévė-sóó'e. He is standing urinating as a man. Námá'sė-sóóhtse. I finished urinating. Éamė-sóóhtse. He urinated while walking. Ho'néo-sóesohtȯhtse Wolf Going Through the Crowd (can refer to urinating). See: -xaa'e; -só'é; -xó'é. Category: body function, check.
-sóohtsé fai. urinate. Émá'sė-sóóhtse. He finished urinating. See: -só. Category: body function.
-šéšeahe vai. urinate often, weak bladder - have a. É-šéšeahe. He urinates a lot. Násáa-šéšeahéhe. I don't urinate a lot. for example, I can drink a lot of water without urinating. See: -xae; -šéxaememéa'xe. Category: body function.
-šéšeénome vai. urinate while sleeping. usually said only of a baby. É-šéšeénome. He urinated while sleeping. fai: -énóme; Variant: -šéšenome. See: -xaešé. Category: sleep, body function.
-šéšeeotse vai. pee while unaware. É-šéšeeotse. He urinated while unconscious. See: -šéšeotse ‘loosen’; -šé'šeotse ‘awaken’. Category: body function.
-šéšeetanó vai. feel like urinating. É-šéšeetāno. He feels like urinating. See: xae. Category: body function.
-šéšeetanóotse vai. feel like urinating urgently. Ques: recheck "urgently"?? Category: check. É-šéšeetanóotse. He feels like urinating. See: -xaa'e. Category: body function.
-šéšeóó'e vai. stand peeing, pee standing. É-šéšeóó'e. He is peeing while standing. Synonym -xaeóó'e. Category: stand, body function.
-šéškonȯhpéotse vai. sweat profusely. É-šéškonȯhpéotse. He is dripping with sweat. Mo'éhno'hāme éma'xė-šéškonȯhpéotseo'o. The horses were dripping with sweat. See: -hohpéotse. Category: body function.
-tȧhpe'ȧsome vai. big poop, poop big, big bowel movement, big turd. É-tȧhpe'ȧsome. He made a big turd. Medial -asóme. See: matse. Category: body function.
-taotse vai. yawn. É-taotse. He yawned. Etym: cf *ta·waθwa (P). See: -táeotse. Category: body function.
-táxȧsome vai. poop on. of birds, animals, and people; cruder word than -o'ehné. É-táxȧsome. He pooped on (something). É-táxȧsómeo'o. They pooped on. fai: -asóme. See: -o'ehné; -mée'kahe. Category: body function.
-tšėhešeeše'še vai. pee this way, urinate this way. Šé'še é-tšėhešeeše'še. The duck is peeing this way (as it walks along). Usage: humorous Ques: -tšėhešėšéeše'še ?? See: -šéšeahe. Category: check, body function.
-tšėške'ȧsome vai. little poop, small bowel movement. É-tšėške'ȧsome. He made a small turd. BodyPartMedial -ȧsome. See: matse. Category: body function.
-xaa'e vai. urinate, pee. É-xaa'e. He urinated. Morph: /-šae/. Etym: *šekiwa. Phon: vs vti: -xaestá. See: -šéšeahe ‘feel like urinating’; xaenoo'ȯtse ‘bladder’; -nȧha'en ‘catch s.t./s.o.’; xāō'o ‘skunk’; -šéšeetanóotse. Category: body function.
-xaemenee'e vai. urinate sitting. É-xaemenee'e. ?? He is urinating sitting. [Croft] Category: check. See: -xaa'e ‘urinate’. Category: body function, sit.
-xaéstoo'onáotse vai. glands water. Lit: urinate-jaw-INCH É-xaéstoo'onáotse. His jaw glands are watering. This happens, for example, when eating something sour. BodyPartMedial -éstoo'oná; Stem -éstoo'o. Category: body function.