-áhanóma'o'e vii. very muddy ground. É-áhanóma'o'e. It is very muddy ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment, ground.
-a'enó'nevátamáno'e vii. look dark. É-a'enó'nevátamáno'e. It looks dark. Phon: iah fii: -átamáno'e. Category: appearance, environment.
-a'enó'nevóománo'e vii. be dark (environment). É-a'enó'nevóománo'e. The environment is dark. Mó'éšėto'se-a'enó'nevóomano'éhanetséhe. It was almost getting dark. [1987:296] Phon: iah See: -hosóvoománo'e. Category: environment.
-amóma'o'é vii. ground goes along ?? méó'o tsé'-amóma'ō'e where the road goes along. fii: -óma'o'é. Category: environment.
-anȯhóma'o'e vii. be downgrade sloped ground; be downgrade sloped ground. É-anȯhóma'o'e. It is downgrade sloped ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.
-e'e'átamáno'e vii. dangerous. for example, of a creek, water, or an icy road. É-e'e'átamáno'e. It is dangerous. Phon: iah See: -é'e'óma'o'é. Category: environment.
-e'e'óma'o'e vii. scary area, dangerous area. Lit: broken-ground É-e'e'óma'o'e. It is a scary area. See: -e'e'átamáno'e; -naévoma'o'e. Category: environment.
-e'óma'o'e vii. upward sloped ground. É-e'óma'o'e. It is upward sloped ground. Category: environment.
é'távo ni. foam. Morph: /é'távó/. Etym: *pi·ʔta·wi. Usage: obsolescing Category: environment.
-énevȯseve vii. end.hill.be.
vai. hill end be. É-énevȯseve. It is the end of a hill/mountain. tséhne'énevȯseve where the mountains end. Category: environment.
-éno'tá vose vii. foot of mountain. tsé'énó'ta vose at the foot of the mountain. Category: environment.
éseohtséheséóvó'e ni. quicksand. Lit: go into sand See: heséóvó'e ‘sand’. Category: environment.
-éstovóma'o'e vii. be a valley. É-éstovóma'o'e. It is a valley. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.
éstsénėhé'e ni. swamp. Phon: hl Plural éstsénėhé'ėstse. Category: environment.
-éstsenėhé'eve vii. be a swamp. É-éstsenėhé'eve. It is a swamp. Mósta-éstsenėhé'evėhanéhe tósa'e. There was a swamp somewhere. [1987:285] Category: environment.
-háa'ého'ómene vii. high (of a mountain or hill). É-háa'ého'ómene. It is a high hill. tséxháa'ého'ómenetse where it was a high hill. [The Big Bogeyman.096] Variant: -háa'ého'omenó. Category: environment.
-háa'ého'omenó vii. high (of a mountain or hill). used of a mountain or hill, but not of a cliff or cut bank. É-háa'ého'omēno. It is a high mountain. Hoéhose é-háa'ého'omēno. The hill is high. Étao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse tséx-háa'ého'omenotse He is going to go to the high mountains. fii: -o'omenó; Variant: -háa'ého'ómene. Category: size, environment.
-háatamáno'e vii. extreme situation, rough weather (for example, stormy, muddy). Phon: iah É-háatamáno'e. It is tough weather. Phon: iah See: -hoháatamáno'e; -senóva'e. Category: weather, environment.
-he'kóma'o'e vii. soft ground - be; muddy ground - be. É-he'kóma'o'e. It is muddy (soft) ground. [1987:248] Category: environment.
-he'kóovóne'o'e vii. wet place, wet garden. É-he'kóovóne'o'e. It is a wet garden. Category: liquid, environment.
-he'kotomáeotse vii. calm down. É-he'kotomáeotse. It calmed down. Category: environment.
hesé'ome 1 • ni. ridge. See: heseno; -heséohtsé. Category: environment. Etym: *wehšye·xkamikwi (P).
2 • na. Ridge. man's name. Variant: Hosé'ome. Category: names.
heseno ni. ridge. Ques: heséno ?? Category: check. See: hesé'ome. Etym: cf. M ohsi·ya·hkiw. Category: environment.
ni. sand. hle; this entry and several others exhibit a pitch rule of High Leveling (HLe); anexpected low pitch, usually on the antepenultimate vowel, will be raised to a high ifpreceded and followed by phonetic (surface) highs. Some other forms showing HLe areé-vóósáne /é-vóosané/ 'he saw'; šéstótó'e /šéhtotó'é/ 'evergreen tree', Ónónéno'Ree district'. This rule is similar to the rule of LHR, described in W. Leman 1981 andillustrated in this dictionary under the entry póéso 'cat'. HLe is not as "neat" a rule asLHR; its structural description is not as tidy, or easy to formulate, but it is definitely apart of Cheyenne pitch behavior. Etym: *le·kawaxkyi (P); *le·kaw- 'sand' + -axky- 'earth' (possible etyma) (Go88). See: Ma'xėheséovo'éo'hé'e; né'oma'e. Category: environment.
-heséovó'eve vii. be sandy. É-heséovó'eve. It is sandy. Category: texture, environment.
-heséovó'ma'o'e vii. be sandy ground. É-heséovó'ma'o'e. It is sandy ground. Etym: *le·kawa·mexkye·wi. Category: environment.
-hesó'xa'omohta vii. be icy. for example, on the road. É-hesó'xa'omohta. It is icy. for example, on the road. See: -ma'oméve. Category: environment.
héše'e ni. dirt. Variant: héše'ke. Category: environment.
héše'ke 1 • ni. dirt, dust. Phon: iah Variant: héše'e. Etym: *ašiškiwi (correct etymon??). Category: check. See: ho'e. Category: environment, ground.
2 • na. Dust. Category: names.
hoéhase p. hill. Usage: less common alternate pronunciation to hoéhose Variant: hoéhose. Category: environment, positions.
hoéhose ni. hill. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than hoéhase. Variant: hoéhase; Oblique hoéhosēva; fni: -ose2. See: hoéhaséve; vose; néhamose; -pa'óma'o'e. Category: positions, environment.
ho'e ni. ground, land, earth. not dirt. Oblique ho'ēva. See: héše'ke ‘dirt’. Possessive -hto'e ‘land (poss.)’; vai: -he-sto'e ‘have land’. Etym: *axkyi. Category: environment, ground.
-ho'eve vii. earth.be. É-ho'eve. It is earth, soil. Etym: *aškixkyi·wiwi. Category: environment.
ho'háme'e ni. spring (of water). Ques: Does it also mean 'well'?? Category: check. Phon: iah Plural ho'hámé'ėstse; Oblique hó'hamé'éva, ho'hamé'e. Phon: iah Etym: *aʔθemyiwi (P); cf. Ar hooxéb. See: vótȧháéno ‘well’. Category: environment.
-hó'hamóma'o'e vii. hillside ground. É-hó'hamóma'o'e. It is hillside ground. Category: environment.
-ho'honáevoma'o'e vii. stony ground - be. É-ho'honáevoma'o'e. It is stony ground. Category: environment.
ho'honáhke2 na. Gram: dim stone, little rock. Plural ho'honáhkeo'o; Non-diminutive ho'honáá'e. See: ho'honáhkéso ‘small rock’; Ho'hónáhke1 ‘Little Rock’; -he-sto'honáhkame ‘have gallstones’. Category: environment.
ho'honáhkéso na. Gram: dim small rock, pebble. double dim. Non-diminutive ho'honáá'e; Plural ho'honáhkėsono. See: ho'honáhke. Category: environment.
-hovávoma'o'e vii. be grassy ground. É-hovávoma'o'e. It is grassy ground. É'ȯhkeamȯhomó'hesėstse tséxhešė-hovávoma'o'e hoéhose. He would dance in a grassy area on the side of a hill. [1987:48] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.
-hóxe'óma'enené vai. clear ground. É-hóxe'óma'enēne. He is clearing the ground. Category: environment.
-hóxe'óománo'e vii. clear environment - be, clear sky - be. É-hóxe'óománo'e. It is clear (environment). Phon: iah Antonym -vo'eve. Category: environment.
-'om ?? m. hill ?? hesé-'ome ridge. tséstovó'-oma'ene cut-through hill (especially for road construction). tséššéstotó'evo-'omēno where there are pine trees on the hill. See: -ose; -om. Category: environment.
ma'o'honáeo'o na. Gram: pl red shale. Lit: red-rocks Singular ma'o'honáá'e ‘brick ; red rock’. Category: environment.
ma'óma'ȯhtse ni. red earth. The first men were made from red earth. See: otá'tavóma'ȯhtse ‘blue earth’; vóhpoma'ȯhtse ‘salt’. Category: colors, environment.
má'ome 1 • ni. ice. Oblique ma'omēva. Etym: *mexkwamya. Phon: iah See: -ohta2. Category: environment.
2 • na. Ice. Category: names.
-ma'omeve vii. be icy. É-ma'omeve. It is icy/it is ice. Etym: *mexkwamiwiwi. Ésó'táve-ma'omeve totósa'e. It is still slightly icy here and there. Category: environment.
-ma'omévohtá vii. icy. for example, when sidewalks are icy. É-ma'omévóhta. It is icy/there is a layer of ice on top. Ques: It is sleet. ?? Category: check. Final -ohta. Category: environment.
ma'táa'e 1 • ni. forest, timber, brush. Plural ma'taā'ėstse; Locative ma'taā'e. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔtekwaxkyi (P); cf. *meʔteko·ki ‘trees’. See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; mátȧhaa'e; hoohtsėstse ‘tree’; éstávóne ‘grove’. Phon: not vs Category: environment, trees.
2 • na. Forest. Category: names.
ma'xėho'honáá'e na. large rock, large stone. See: ho'honáá'e ‘rock’. Category: environment.
ma'xené'háne ni. big lake. See: né'háne ‘lake’. Category: environment.
ma'xeo'évao'he'e ni. big creek. Ques: recheck lh gloss?? Category: check. See: o'évao'he'e; ó'he'e. Category: environment.
manȧhého'e ni. country, island. Lit: group-land Synonym tséhmanȧheve. See: manȧhého'e; ho'e; mana. Category: environment.
-manȧheve vii. be an island. É-manȧheve. It is an island. Etym: *menehsiwiwi. tséh-manȧheve island. Etym: *menehsi ‘island’; cf. M menae·s ‘island’. See: manȧhého'e. Category: environment.
méó'o ni. path, road, way, trail. (another recording) (another recording) na-méó'o my road. ne-méó'o your road. Méó'o éhesó'xo. The road is slippery. Ma'hēō'o he-méó'o God's way (an expression used by Cheyenne Christians, especially in songs). Plural méonȯtse; Locative méónéva; Oblique méóne. Ques: recheck pitches on loc, méonéva?? Category: check. Ques: remove hm #?? Category: check. Phon: vs Etym: *mye·hkani; *mye·wi. See: Éše'héméó'o ‘Sun Road’; -méó'é ‘fight’. Category: environment.
-mo'kȯhtávoomaeohtsé vii. clouds become dark. when there are dark, gloomy clouds. É-mo'kȯhtávoomaeōhtse. The clouds are becoming dark. See: -a'enó'netó; -ohtsé2. Category: environment.
-mo'kȯhtávoománo'e vii. cloudy dark, dark cloudy day. É-mo'kȯhtávoománo'e. The clouds are dark / it's a dark cloudy day. fii: -mano'e. Phon: iah See: -a'enó'netó. Category: environment.
-moméno'oéstá vii. hang bunched together. É-moméno'oésta vo'e. The clouds are bunched together. Category: hang, environment.
-naévoma'o'e vii. dangerous area; harm's way. Lit: death-ground É-naévoma'o'e. It is a dangerous area; it's in harm's way. fii: -óma'o'e. See: -é'e'óma'o'e. Category: environment.
ne'hanéé'e obl. at the lake. IndepNoun ne'hāne; Variant: ne'hanééva. Phon: vs See: ma'xene'hanééva; ma'xeo'hé'e. Category: environment.
né'hanééva obl. at the lake. IndepNoun ne'hāne; Variant: ne'hanéé'e. See: ma'xene'hanééva; ma'xeo'hé'e. Category: environment.
-nésovaotse vii. fork, split, divide. É-nésovaotse. It forks. Category: environment.
nėsto'ane ni. Gram: poss our land. Stem -hto'e. Category: environment.
-nétȧhévoma'o'e vii. be different land. É-nétȧhévoma'o'e It is different land. Phon: redup fii: -óma'o'e; Reduplicated -onétȧhévoma'o'e. Category: environment.
nonónóó'e ni. rainbow, fishing line, fishing pole, trap, snare. Ques: not vs he-nonónóó'e his fishing pole. [1987:281] Plural nonónóó'ėstse; Oblique nonónóó'éva. See: -nonót ‘trap s.o.’; -nonóné ‘fish’; ȧxeetoo'é'hasēō'o ‘fishhook’. Etym: *nakwa·kani (P); cf. O nagweyaab ‘rainbow (N)’; cf. O nagwaagan ‘snare (N)’; cf. nakwa·kani ‘a kind of trap (Pe79:333)’. Category: environment, fish.
-ó'atamáno'e vii. dry ground. É-ó'atamáno'e. It is dry ground / the ground is dry. See: -ó'oma'o'e. Category: environment, ground.
o'évao'hé' ni. coulee, dry river bed. o'évao'hē'e at the coulee ?? Category: check. See: ma'xeo'évao'he'e; ó'he'e. Category: environment.
-o'évao'hé'évé vii. be a ravine. Éhma'xeo'évao'hé'événėse. It was a big ravine. [The Journey.155] See: ó'he'e ‘river’. Category: environment.
-o'honáá'e fna. rock. ma'o'honáá'e brick/red rock. Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva Black Hills. IndepNoun ho'honáé. Category: environment.
ó'xeāno ni. cut bank. for example, the cut bank of a river; smaller than a high cliff. Plural ó'xeanonȯtse; Oblique ó'xeanóéva. Category: environment, record.
ó'xeanóéva sfx. cut.bank.OBL, at the cut bank, cliff, bank. (another recording) Category: environment.
-ó'xeanóeve vii. cut bank - be a; cliff - be a. É-ó'xeanóeve. It is a cut bank. tséstšėšema'xe-ó'xeanóevetse nėhéóhe mó'éstotanėhéhe He dug into the side of a big cliff. [1987:287] Locative ó'xeanóéva. Category: environment.
ómotómé ni. air. ómotóme (another pronuciation). vai: -ómotome. See: ómotómestȯtse; Ma'heóneómotome; Ma'heónemȧhta'sóoma. Category: environment, check.
-onétȧhévoma'o'e vii. be different land. Mópėhévomóhtȧhehéhe héva tsé'évevé'hóóhto netao'o ho'e tsé'onétȧhévoma'o'etse. (This person) feels good when he sees different kinds of land everywhere. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -nétȧhévoma'o'e. Category: environment.
-ose2 m. hill. the noun itself, vose 'hill'. hoéhose on the hill ?? hó'hamose on the hillside. [1987:320] Nóávóse Bear Butte. néhamose on the other side of the hill. Etym: *-atyiw > **-ačyiw (P16). See: hoéhose; -o'omenó. Category: environment.
-pa'óma'o'e vii. be a rise, bump of land, be a hill. tsé-pa'óma'o'e hill. Taehóxovėhoóma nȧhéno é-pa'óma'o'e. Directly across from there was a rise. Initial pa'-. See: hoéhose. Category: environment.
-pėhévatamáno'e vii. good appearance, good weather. This can be used to describe something that has a good appearance other than weather, including something abstract such as beautiful language. É-pėhévatamáno'e. It is nice/good weather. (another recording) É-pėhévatamano'ehe? Is it good weather? Mó-pėhévatamano'éhanéhe. It must be good weather. Ques: recheck pitch on the question?? Phon: iah fii: -átamano'e. Category: weather, environment, check.
-pėhévooma'o'e vii. good ground. It is good ground for a picnic, or good road for traveling on. É-pėhévooma'o'e. It is good ground. Ques: pėhévoma'o'e?? Ques: what is the final?? Category: environment, check.
-pónoeohtsé vii. dry up. É-pónoeōhtse. It dried up. For example, of the environment. tsé'éva-pónoeohtse mahpe when the water dried up. [Cheyenne Flood Story.007] for example, in the Cheyenne Flood Story. Category: environment.
-séetátamáno'e vii. be the same environment. for example, as some other place. É-séetátamáno'e. It has the same kind of environment. fii: -átamáno'e. Phon: iah Category: environment.
séno'ó'e- pv. bushes, brush. É-séno'ó'eméohe. He is trying to get into the bushes. Category: environment.
séno'ó'éma p. in the brush. sfx: -má. See: anósémá; ma'taa'é. Category: environment.
šée'e na. big boulder. The plural is sometimes used for 'sandrocks'. Plural šéeno; Obviative šéeno; Oblique šéenēva. See: ho'honáá'e. Category: environment.
šéenēva obl. at the boulders, at the sandrocks. éohkeméhaa'éseénanȯhtseo'o šéenēva (people) used to be buried in sandrock (caves). Category: environment.
šéeno na. Gram: pl sandrocks. Singular šée'e. Category: environment.
taa'éeše'he na. moon. Variant: éše'he. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Sometimes the word éše'he is used for both 'sun' and 'moon.'. Lit: night-sun vóhkeéše'he half moon. ó'xeéše'he half moon. Etym: *tepexkiki·šeʔθwa. Category: environment, celestial.
-taa'éveohtsé vii. become dark, be dusk. É-taa'éveōhtse. It is becoming night / it is dusk. See: -taa'éveotse ‘become night result suddenly’. Category: environment.
-ta'eohe vai. disappear quickly. É-ta'eohe. He disappeared quickly. éše'he ȯh-ta'eohesėstse when the sun has set. Category: environment, check.
tóhtoo'e ni. prairie, boonies. Oblique tóhtóóne, tóhtóó'éva. See: onóveto. Category: environment, ground.
tóhtoo'éšé'e ni. prairie. See: tóhtoó'e. Category: environment.
-tóhtoo'éve vii. prairie.be. É-tóhtoo'eve. It is a prairie. Category: environment.
-tónetátamano'e vii. How is the weather? É-tónetátamáno'e? How is the environment (for example, landscape; weather)? Phon: iah Category: weather, environment.
tséh-manȧheve vii. island. vii: -manȧhéve. See: manȧhého'e ‘island’. Category: environment.
tséh-nésovaotse vii. where it (for example, road or river) forks. Tsėhéóhe Méave'ho'éno tséh-nésovaotse éohkemóheehéstove. Here at the Forks of Lame Deer there was a gathering. [1987:179] Category: environment.
tséh-pa'óma'o'e vii. hill, rise, bump. Lit: where there is a knob of land See: -pa'óma'o'e; hoéhose. Category: environment.
tsé'-amėheséto vii. ridge. See: hesé-. Category: environment.
tsé-pa'óma'o'e vii. Gram: ppl hill. Initial pa'-. See: hoéhose. Category: environment.
tsés-tovó'oma'ene vii. cut-through hill. especially for a road. Category: environment.
-tsévatóema'o'e vii. be dusty ground. É-tsévatóema'o'e. It is dusty ground. Ques: toem?? Category: environment, check.
tséx-hóxovóma'ene vii. filled in valley. especially when filled in for making a road. Category: environment. Lit: across-ground-?
-tšėške'óomoehá vii. small body of water; pond; puddle. É-tšėške'óomoēha. It lies as a small body of water/it is a pond (or puddle). tsé-tšėške'óomoēha pond/puddle. Lit: that which lies as a small body of water)\ Final -ehá. See: -mȧhóomoehá. Category: environment.
-véhonátamáno'e vii. beautiful place (situation, etc.) É-véhonátamáno'e. It is a beautiful (place). Lit: chief-environment This is said of heaven. fii: -átamáno'e. Phon: iah Category: environment.
vóestao'honáá'e na. granite, quartz, agate, white rock. These rocks had special uses for example, as sharpening stones. See: ho'honáá'e. Category: environment. Phon: vs Initial This word can be used in an idiom referring to being steadfast..
-vóhpoománo'e vii. white weather, white environment. É-vóhpoománo'e. It is white weather. for example, it's foggy. Category: weather, environment.
vo'e ni. cloud. It has been said that some people may use this for 'sky' but this usage is uncertain; it is more likely that there never was, at least in recent timea, a widely used Cheyenne word for 'sky'. There may not be a plural of vo'e. Oblique vo'ēva. Etym: *waxkwiwi. Possessive -vo'ame; vii: -vo'eve. See: Vo'évého ‘Cloud Chief’. Category: environment.
vo'eva ni. Gram: loc in the sky, in the cloud. See: vo'e. Category: environment.
-vo'évatamáno'e vii. look cloudy, cloudy look. É-vo'évatamáno'e. It looks cloudy / it's cloudy weather. See: -vo'eve. Category: environment, weather.
-vó'ho'ėhátamáno'e vii. be light. about the environment. É-vó'ho'ėhátamáno'e. It (environment) is light. Ques: recheck ^eh[a?? Phon: iah See: -vó'nétó. Category: environment, light, check.
vose ni. hill, mountain, peak, butte. Variant: voso. Ques: Is the pl vȯsotse or vȯsotȯtse?? Plural vȯsotȯtse; Oblique vȯséva, vóséva. Vȯsotȯtse hevénovevótse ma'heono. The hills (are) the homes of the sacred powers. Vose tséssé'eéškȯsó'ta Pointing Hill (a hill between Rosebud, Montana, and the reservation area). [GHOST.TXT] Etym: *watyiwi; cf. M wace·w. See: hoéhose; Nóávóse; -ose; voxe; vóxéva. Category: environment, check.
vȯsēva ni-OBL. at the hill, at the mountains. See: vóséva ‘at the hole’. Category: environment, check.
-vȯseve vii. hill - be a. É-vȯseve. It is a hill. See: -vóseve ‘be a hole’. Category: environment.
voso ni. hill, mountain, peak, butte. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: vose. Ques: Is the pl vȯsotse or vȯsotȯtse?? Category: check. Plural vȯsotȯtse; Oblique vȯséva, vóséva. See: hoéhose; Nóávóse; -ose; voxe; vóxéva. Category: environment.
-vósoma'o'e vii. be a ditch, be gully ground. É-vósoma'o'e. It is a ditch/it is gully ground. See: vose; -vótanóma'o'e. Category: environment.
-vótanóma'o'e vii. be basin; hollowed out shaped ground. É-vótanóma'o'e. It is basin (shaped) ground. fii: -óma'o'e. See: -vósoma'o'e. Category: environment.