-ehóonevóma'o'e vii. condemned land; be condemned land. Lit: cursed-ground The U.S. government has condemned some land, usually to free it for some public use, and this is the term the Cheyennes use to refer to such land. É-ehóonevóma'o'e. It is condemned land. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: legal.
-éna'hevóohe vai. receive a life sentence, life sentenced. É-éna'hevóohe. He was given a life sentence. See: -hótoanávo'emáoohe. Category: legal.
-énoohe vai. end.jailed, end jail time. É-énoohe. He served his jail time. See: -too'ehe. Category: legal.
-évaénan vta. let s.o. off. can refer to letting someone off legally. É-évaénanóho. He let him off. See: -énan; -hóman. Category: legal.
éveno'hévȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. search warrant. Category: legal.
-hávėsévo'emané vai. rule badly, govern badly. É-hávėsévo'emāne. He ruled badly/he governed badly. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal.
-he'anávo'emaov vta. sentence s.o. easy, light sentence s.o., give s.o. a lenient sentence. that is, to give s.o. a light sentence. É-he'anávo'emaovóho. He gave him a light sentence. Antonym -hótoanávo'emaov. Category: legal.
-hestóho'é vai. 1 • drag. See: -hestósėhahtsé. Category: move.
2 • be on probation, be on parole. É-hestóhó'e. He is on probation. Category: figurative, legal.
-he-sto'emanéstove vai. have authority. Éhe-sto'emanéstove. He has legal authority. See: -ho'emané; -háatamaahe. Category: legal.
-héstoo'emané vai. make laws from there. É-héstoo'emāne. He made laws from there. Vášėtáéno tsé-héstoo'emanese Congress. Lit: those who make laws from Washington See: -ho'emané. Category: legal.
-heto'emané vai. Gram: rr so command, make such a law, boss that way, rule that way. ... é-heto'emāne. ... that is how he commanded, ruled, made a law, bossed. [1987:268] See: -ho'emané ‘rule, command’. Category: legal.
-heto'emaov vta. Gram: rr command so, boss so, rule s.o. ... é-heto'emaovóho. ... that is what he commanded him. See: -ho'emaov ‘command s.o.’. Category: legal.
-hetómem vta. tell the truth about (or to) s.o. often implies that one is guilty of what is said about them, but what is said about them can be good or bad. É-hetómemóho. He said the truth to him. Etym: *weθa·mime·wa (P). É-hetómeme. He is guilty/'he really did that'. Né-hetómemanehe? Is it true what is said about you? / Are you guilty? Héehe'e, ná-hetómemāne. Yes, it is true what is said about me; yes, I am guilty. vai: -hetómé. See: -mȧheéšem; -hóometátsestá; -ho'é'et; -momáxem; oné'seóme-. Category: speak, legal.
-hóhta'hané vai. 1 • tell a story, relate. É-hóhta'hāne. He is telling a story. Ques: what is the difference between this word and -hóhta'heónané vta: -hóhta'haov; Relative Root -hetóhta'hané. See: -hetóhta'hané; hóhta'heo'o; -hóhta'heónané. Etym: cf. *a·te'lo·hke·- ??. Category: check, speak.
2 • go to court, testify (in court). Category: legal.
-ho'emané vai. rule, command, decree, make laws, govern, be in charge, boss. É-ho'emāne. He is in charge. tsé-ho'emānėstse judge. vta: -ho'emaov; Relative Root -heto'emané. See: -mȧho'emané; -hávėsévo'emané; -véstomoó'hané. Category: legal.
ho'emanéhe na. judge, lawyer, attorney, legislator. Variant: tseho'emānėstse; Plural ho'emanéheo'o. See: ho'emanéve'ho'e. Category: jobs, legal.
ho'emanémȧhéó'o ni. courthouse. Category: legal, buildings.
ho'emanestȯtse ni. law, policy. Plural ho'emanéstotȯtse. Category: legal.
-ho'emaohtá vti. rule s.t. É-ho'emaōhta. He ruled it. (another recording) Ma'hēō'o tsetaomė-ho'emaōhta tséto'sėhestȧse. God shall rule by himself what she will be. For example, whether or not she will get well. vta: -ho'emaov. See: -mȧhahaohtsé. Category: legal.
-ho'emaósané vai. govern, rule. É-ho'emaósáne. He governs. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal, record.
-ho'emaov vta. rule s.o., order s.o., command s.o., judge s.o., sentence s.o. É-ho'emaovóho. He ruled/ordered him. Synonym -ho'emaot. See: -naévo'emaov; -too'ėhévo'emaov; -hótoanávo'emaov; -mȧho'emaov; -éxo'emaov. Category: legal, interpersonal.
-hótoanávo'emaov vta. give s.o. a tough sentence, tough sentence s.o. É-hótoanávo'emaovóho. He (a judge) gave him a tough/difficult sentence. Antonym -he'anávo'emaov. See: -ho'emaov. Category: legal.
-hótoanávo'ohe vta. sentenced tough. É-hótoanávo'ohe. He was given a touch sentence. Ques: parse as passive?? tséstaéema'xė-hótoanávo'oese for him to get a tough sentence. [How God Helped Me Forgive.84.] Category: legal, check.
-hótoanávoohe vai. receive a tough sentence. É-hótoanávoohe. He got a tough sentence. See: -éna'hevóohe; -hótoanávoo'e. Category: legal.
-hótȯhta'á vti. 1 • trip over s.t., stumble on s.t. É-hótȯhtá'a. He tripped over it. Ná-hótȯhtá'a. I tripped over it. vta: -hotȯhta'ov. See: -áhanešé; -é'tovahá; -hohótšešé. Category: motion.
2 • violate s.t. especially to violate probation or parole. Éévȧ-hótȯhtá'a tséxhestóho'ėse. He violated his probation. É-hótȯhtá'a ho'emanestȯtse. He broke the law. (probably a literal transl. from English). See: -hé'heetovánove. Category: legal.
-hto'emanestȯtse ni. Gram: poss law (poss.) for example, a law which someone has decreed. nȧ-hto'emanestȯtse my law. IndepNoun ho'emanestȯtse. Category: legal.
-kȧhkova'ó'h vta. 1 • flatten s.o. quickly. vti: kȧhkova'ó'tsé. Category: texture.
2 • throw the book at s.o.; give s.o. a stiff fine. Category: figurative. É-kȧhkova'o'ho. He threw the book at him. É-kȧhkova'ó'hóho. He threw the book at him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-kȧhkova'ó'ho. I threw the book at him. É-kȧhkova'ó'heo'o. They were given stiff fines. Category: legal, interpersonal.
-mȧho'emané vai. govern everything; rule everything. É-mȧho'emāne. He is in charge of everything / he rules everything. tsé-mȧho'emānėstse the President. Lit: all-rule See: -ho'emané; -ho'emaohtá. Category: legal.
-mȧho'emaosané vai. rule all; boss all. É-mȧho'emáósáne. He is the ruler of all. vta: -mȧho'emaot. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal, record.
-mȧho'emaot vta. boss s.o.; govern s.o.; rule s.o. Ques: -mȧho'emaot pitches ?? É-mȧho'emaotóho. He governed him. ?? Category: check. vai: -mȧho'emaosané. See: -ho'emáot. Category: legal.
mé'koného'emanestȯtse ni. tribal government. See: ho'emanestȯtse. Category: legal.
-naéhevo'ema'ov vta. death-sentence s.o. É-naéhevo'emaohe. He got the death sentence. Category: legal.
-naévo'emaov vta. sentence s.o. to die. É-naévo'emaovóho. He sentenced him to death. Né-naévo'emáovȧtse I sentence you to death. See: -ho'emaov; -too'ėhévo'emaov. Category: legal, death.
-nėheto'emané vai. rule that way. É-nėheto'emāne. He ruled that way/he gave such a command. Category: legal.
-tóneto'emaohe p. how sentenced, what sentence. É-tóneto'emaohe? What sentence did he get? Category: legal.
-too'ehe vai. tied, jailed. É-too'ehe. He is tied up (for example, a dog) / he is in jail. This is the passive form of the verb -too'et 'tie s.o.'. Mó-too'ėhehevóhe nótȧxétoo'ėhemȧheóne. They were jailed at the barracks prison. [1987:182] vta: -too'et. See: -toe'šéváen. Category: legal.
-too'ėhévo'emaoohe vai. sentenced to jail. É-too'ėhévo'emaoohe. He is sentenced to jail. É'ȯhketó'hóhneenȧha'e'a ho'emanestȯtse étaohke-too'ėhévo'emaoohe. You come against the law, you get sentenced to jail. [1987:60] Category: legal.
-too'ėhévo'emaov vta. sentence s.o. to jail. Né-too'ėhévo'emaovȧtse. I sentence you to jail. É-too'ėhévo'emaovóho. He sentenced him to jail. See: -naévo'emaov; -ho'emaov. Category: legal.
tsého'emānėstse ppl. judge, lawyer, attorney, legislator. Variant: ho'emanéhe; Plural tsého'emanese. Category: jobs, legal.