Cheyenne Dictionary



-aéstomeénehe   vai. taste flat. É-aéstomeénehe. He is flat/there's no taste to him. (another recording) Ques: check pitch én in recording?? Initial aéstome-; fai: -énehe. See: -tóne'énehe. Category: taste, check.

-aéstomeéno'e   vii. taste flat. É-aéstomeéno'e. It is flat/there's no taste to it. fii: -éno'e. See: -tóne'éno'e how taste. Category: taste.

-áhaneéno'e   vii. taste very strong. for example, very spicy, hot. É-áhaneéno'e. It tastes very strong. Initial áhan-; fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.

-é'komeéno'e   vii. taste greasy. É-é'komeéno'e. It tastes greasy. Category: taste.

-é'ome'ȧsené   vai. taste greasy. É-é'ome'ȧsēne. He tasted greasy. that is, what he tasted was greasy. Category: taste. Final -'ȧsené.

-énehe   fai. taste. Épėhéve-énehe. He (for example, a melon) tastes good. Épėhéve-énėheo'o. They (an.) taste good. Éhováhe-énehe. He tastes wild. É-vé'keénehe. He tastes sweet. fii: -éno'e. See: -tóne'énehe; -tsėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-éno'e1   fii. taste. Épėhéve-éno'e. It tastes good. Éaéstome-éno'e. It is flat/there's no taste to it. fai: -énehe. Etym: cf. O minopogwad 'it tastes good' (N). Category: taste.

-háeéno'e   vii. taste strong. É-háeéno'e. It has a strong taste (for example, chili). Reduplicated -ha'háeéno'e. Category: taste.

-háe'ahtá   vti. intensely like the taste of s.t. Ná-háé'áhta. I really like its taste. É-háé'áhta. He really likes its taste. Ého-háe'ȧhtánóvo ho'évohkȯhtse. They (especially, Cheyennes) really go for the taste of meat. fti: -'ahtá; fta: -'am. See: -pėhéve'ahtá; -váe'tá. Category: taste.

-háe'ȧsené   vai. really go for the taste of drink. usually refers to the taste of alcohol. É-háé'ȧséne. He really goes for the taste of alcohol. Éhméhaeho-háe'ȧsēne. He used to really drink. [1987:200] vti: -háe'ahtá. See: -ase'še; -háoovo'he. Category: taste, drink.

-háe'at   vta. like taste of s.o. É-háe'atóho. He likes the taste of him. For example, he likes the taste of a fish. See: -pėhéve'átam. Category: taste.

-háe'ot   vta. very much like to eat s.o., like taste of s.o. much. for example, to like the taste of fish (animate) a lot. Náoseeho-háe'otoo'o. You really like the taste of them. vti: -háe'ahtá. See: -háo'ót; -hoónȯsé'ót. Category: taste.

-ha'háeéno'e   vii. taste strong, taste spicy, spicy taste. É-ha'háeéno'e. It tastes bitter/spicy/sour (for example, lemon). tsé-ha'háeéno'e spicy stuff (for example, picante sauce). (another recording) Non-reduplicated -háeéno'e. See: -hoháeéno'e. Category: taste.

ha'háeéno'émahpe   ni. vinegar. Lit: strong-taste-water Non-reduplicated -háeéno'e; Synonym tséha'háeéno'e mahpe. See: -hoháeéno'e. Category: taste, food.

-hávėséveénehe   vai. taste bad. É-hávėséveénehe. He tastes bad. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.

-hávėséveéno'e   vii. taste bad. É-hávėséveéno'e. It tastes bad. This is a funny conversational exchange: A: É-hávėséveéno'e vétšėškévȧhonoo'o. B: Naa éme'taomėhonohe. A: The frybread tastes bad. B: Well, fry your own! Category: taste.

-hávėséve'ahtá   vti. regard s.t. as having a bad taste. É-hávėsévé'áhta. He doesn't like its taste / it tastes bad to him. Ná-hávėsévé'áhta. I don't like its taste / it tastes bad to me. Antonym -pėhéve'ahtá. Category: taste.

-hávėsévé'ȧsené   vai. taste something bad. Ná-hávėsévé'ȧséne. I tasted something bad. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, taste.

-he'énehe   vai. Gram: rr taste that way, taste so, so taste. É-he'énehe. He tastes that way. Etym: *eθpwekwesiwa (P). fai: -énehe; vii: -he'éno'e. See: -tsėhe'énehe; -pėhéveénehe; -nėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-he'éno'e   vii. so taste, taste that way, taste so. ... é-he'éno'e. ... that is how it tastes. Etym: *eθpwekwatwi (P). fii: -éno'e; vai: -he'énehe. Category: taste.

-hoháeéno'e   vii. taste very strong. É-hoháeéno'e. It tastes very strong. Phon: NonRedup=-háeéno'e See: -ha'háeéno'e. Category: taste.

-hohpo'heéno'e   vii. dry taste. É-hohpo'heéno'e. It has a dry taste. for example, crackers eaten without water or green gooseberries). Category: taste.

hováheénehe   vai. taste wild, taste gamey. É-hováheénehe. He tastes wild. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.

-hováheéno'e   vii. taste wild, taste gamey. Lit: animal-taste É-hováheéno'e. It tastes wild. Variant: -hováheveéno'e. Category: taste.

-hováheveéno'e   vii. taste wild, taste gamey. Lit: animal-taste É-hováheveéno'e. It tastes wild. Variant: -hováheéno'e. Category: taste.

-hoxeénehe   vai. taste rancid, taste rotten. É-hoxeénehe. He tastes rotten/rancid. See: -hoxeotse. Category: taste.

-hoxeéno'e   vii. taste rancid, taste rotten. É-hoxeéno'e. It tastes rotten/rancid. for example, sour milk. See: -hoxeotse. Category: taste.

-'ahtá   fti. taste. Nápėhévé-'áhta. I like its taste. Éhoháe-'ȧhtánóvo ho'évohkȯhtse. They really go for the taste of meat. Émé'-áhta. He recognized its taste. Énané-'áhta. He recognized it by its taste. Éoné-'áhta. He taste-tested it. That is, he tested its taste. fai: -'ȧsené; fta: -'am. Category: taste.

-'am   fta. taste. Nápėhévé-'ámo. I like the taste of him. fti: -'ahtá. Category: taste.

-mȧhové'ahtá   vti. tired of tasting s.t. É-mȧhové'áhta. He is tired of tasting it. Ná-mȧhové'áhta. I'm tired of tasting it. Category: taste.

-mȧhové'ohtá   vti. tired of the taste of s.t. É-mȧhové'óhta. He is tired of eating it. Ná-mȧhové'ȯhtanȯtse. I'm tired of eating them. for example, tired of eating sandwiches. fti: -óht. See: -pėhéve'ahtá. Category: taste.

-mé'ahtá   vti. recognize taste of s.t. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-mé'áhta. He recognized its taste. fti: -'ahtá; vai: -mé'ȧsené. See: -oné'ahtá; -nané'ahtá. Category: taste, check.

-mé'ȧsané   vai. find taste. Variant: mé'ȧsené. when the taste of something comes to someone. É-mé'ȧsáne. He found the taste (of something). Final -'ȧsené. Category: taste.

-mé'ȧsené   vai. find taste. Variant: mé'ȧsané. when the taste of something comes to someone. É-mé'ȧséne. He found the taste (of something). Final -'ȧsené. Category: taste.

-mémėseéno'e   vii. taste very good, taste shitty. Lit: shitty-taste É-mémėseéno'e. It is shitty tasting / It tastes very good. Usage: crude slang fii: -éno'e. See: -pėhéveéno'e. Category: taste, vulgar.

-ná'someénehe   vai. taste stale. for example, of a fish. É-ná'someénehe. He tastes stale. Category: taste.

-ná'someéno'e   vii. taste stale. É-ná'someéno'e. It tastes stale. Category: taste.

-nané'ahtá   vti. recognize s.t. by its taste. É-nané'áhta. He recognized it by its taste. fti: -'ahtá. Etym: *nenwexpetamwa. See: -nanéahtá recognize s.t. by sound; -mé'ahtá. Category: taste.

-nėhe'énehe   vai. Gram: rr taste this way. É-nėhe'énehe. He tastes that way. See: -tsėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-nȯhtóve'ahtá   vai. accustomed to the taste of s.t. Násáa-nȯhtóvé'ȧhtóhe. I'm not used to the taste of it. Category: taste.

-nomá'heénehe   vai. taste of fish, taste fishy. É-nomá'heénehe. He tastes fishy. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.

-nomá'heéno'e   vii. taste fishy. É-nomá'heéno'e. It tastes fishy. fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.

-noóneéno'e   vii. taste stale. É-noóneéno'e. It tastes stale. Initial noóne-; fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.

-oné'ahtá   vti. taste-test s.t. É-oné'áhta. He taste-tested it. Oné'áhtȯhtse! Taste it! fti: -'ahtá; vta: oné'ot. See: -onéahtá; -pėhéve'aht; -mé'aht; -né'óht. Category: taste.

-oné'ot   vta. taste-test s.o. É-oné'otóho. He taste-tested him. vti: -oné'ahtá. Category: taste.

-pėhéveénehe   vai. taste good. É-pėhéveénehe. He tastes good. for example, of a chicken or turnip. Kokȯhéaxa é-pėhéveenehe. The chicken tastes good. É-pėhéveénėheo'o. They (an.) taste good. Monėškeho é-pėhéveenėheo'o. The beans taste good. fai: -énehe; vii: -pėhéveéno'e. See: -pėhéve'ȧsené. Category: taste.

pėhéveénėhétane   na. good taster. a joking word; for example, of a deer, a good taster by showing himself to me he wants to be a good taste for me. See: -pėhéveénehe take good; -tane man (noun stem). Category: taste.

-pėhéveéno'e   vii. taste good. É-pėhéveéno'e. It tastes good. (another recording) É-pėhéveéno'énėstse. They (inanimate) taste good. Mó'é-pėhéveéno'e? Did it taste good? Mó-pėhéveéno'éhanéhe. It must taste good. vai: -pėhéveénehe. See: -pėhévenó'e sew well; -péškeéno'e very tasty. Category: taste.

-pėhéve'ahtá   vti. like the taste of s.t. Ná-pėhévé'áhta. I like its taste. Náohke-pėhévé'áhta. I regularly like its taste. fti: -'ahtá; vta: -pėhéve'am; Antonym -hávėséve'ahtá. See: -mȧhové'óhtá; -pėhéveahtam; -háe'ahtá. Category: taste.

-pėhéve'am   vta. like the taste of s.o. Ná-pėhévé'ámo. I like the taste of him. for example, the tast of a melon (animate). vta: -pėhéve'ahtá; fta: -'am. See: -mȧhové'óht; -pėhéveahtam. Category: taste.

-pėhéve'ȧsené   vai. like the taste (of something). This is an intransitive verb. É-pėhéve'ȧsēne. He likes the taste (of it)/he really goes after it. Final -'ȧsené. See: -pėhévȧše'še. Category: taste.

-péškeéno'e   vii. taste really good, delicious - very. Usage: humorous word; not in common usage É-péškeéno'e. It is tasty. See: -pėhéveéno'e taste good. Category: taste.

-séešeénehe   vai. same taste, taste the same. É-séešeénehe. He tastes the same. fii: -énehe. Category: taste.

-séešeéno'e   vii. same taste, taste the same. É-séešeéno'e. It tastes the same. fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.

-tóne'énehe   vai. how taste? É-tóne'énehe? How does he (for example, a fish) taste? vii: -tóne'éno'e. See: -tsėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-tóne'éno'e   vii. how taste? É-tóne'éno'e? How does it taste? Ésáa-tóne'eno'éhane It is flat/there's no taste to it. É-tóne'eno'énėstse? How do they (inanimate) taste? vii: -tóne'énehe. Phon: iah Category: taste.

tséha'háeéno'e mahpe   vii. Gram: ppl vinegar. Lit: water that tastes strong Synonym ha'háeéno'émahpe; vii: -ha'háeéno'e. Category: food, taste.

-tsėhe'énehe   vai. taste this way. É-tsėhe'énehe. He tastes like this. Náhko'éehe éohkėxae-tsėhe'énehe. My mother used to taste like this. [1987:254] See: -nėhe'énehe. Category: taste.

-váno'eéno'e   vai. taste of sage. É-váno'eéno'e. It tastes of sage. for example, of antelope meat. fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.

-vé'eéno'e   vii. taste sweet. É-vé'eéno'e. It tastes sweet. tsé-vé'eéno'e wine. Lit: that which tastes sweet Variant: -vé'keéno'e; Antonym -vé'ȯhkeéno'e. Category: taste.

-vé'keaná   vti. sweeten s.t. Náohke-vé'keāna. I sweeten it. Náohkėsáa-vé'keanáhe. I don't sweeten it. Category: taste.

-vé'keaše'še   vai. drink something sweet. É-vé'keaše'še. He is drinking something sweet. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink, taste.

vé'kee-   pv. sweet. Variant: vé'ee-. See: Vé'eénėhé'e. Category: taste.

-vé'kee'haná   vai. eat sweets, eat candy, eat dessert. Lit: sweet-eat É-vé'kee'hāna. He is eating candy. Nátaéšeméohé-ve'kee'hāna. I already went to eat something sweet this morning. Néxhé-ve'kee'hānȧhtse! Come eat something sweet! Category: taste.

-vé'keénehe   vai. taste sweet. É-vé'keénehe. He tastes sweet. Etym: *wi·škwepexpwekwesiwa (P). fai: -énehe. See: Vé'eénėhé'e. Category: taste.

-vé'keéno'e   vii. taste sweet. Variant: -vé'eéno'e. É-vé'keéno'e. It is sweet tasting. Etym: **wi·škwepexpwekwatwi (P). (another recording) É-vé'keeno'ehe? Does it taste sweet? Ésáa-vé'keeno'éhane. It does not taste sweet. Ésáa-vé'keeno'éhanehe? Doesn't it taste sweet? tsé-vé'keéno'e wine (lit., that which is sweet tasting) wine (literally, that which is sweet tasting). Étaome-vé'keéno'e. He brought something (for example, a black eye) on himself due to drinking wine. Antonym -vé'ȯhkeéno'e. See: vé'ho'émahpe; tsévé'keéno'e. Category: taste, drink, check.

-vé'keóován   vti. sweeten s.t. Náto'se-vé'keóována. I'm going to sweeten it. fti: -óován. Category: taste.

-vé'keóovanené   vai. sweeten things. Néohke-vé'keóovanenehe? Do you sweeten things. Mónéohke-vé'keóovanēne? You sweeten things? Náohke-vé'keóovanēne. I sweeten things. Category: taste, check.

-vé'ȯhkeéno'e   vii. taste bitter, taste sour. for example, the taste of lemonade without sugar. É-vé'ȯhkeéno'e. It tastes bitter. (another recording) Etym: *wi·ʔsakexpwekwatwi (P). Ésáa-vé'ȯhkeeno'éhane. It is not bitter / sour. Phon: iah Antonym -vé'keéno'e. See: -vé'ȯhkó'eéno'e. Category: taste.

-vé'ȯhké'ahtá   vti. taste s.t. as sour. É-vé'ȯhké'áhta. It tastes sour to him. Category: taste.

-vé'ȯhkeotse   vii. become bitter, become sour. É-vé'ȯhkeotse. It (or He) became sour.?? Category: taste.

-vé'ohkó   vii. bitter. É-vé'óhko. It is bitter. Etym: *wi·Ɂsakye·wi (P). vai: -vé'ȯhkahe. Category: taste.

-vé'ȯhkó'eénehe   vai. taste sour, sour taste. for example, be so sour in taste you pucker up at the jowls. É-vé'ȯhkó'eénehe. He tastes sour. É-vé'ȯhkó'eénėheo'o.. They taste sour. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.

-vé'ȯhkó'eéno'e   vi. taste sour, sour taste. for example, be so sour in taste you pucker up at the jowls. É-vé'ȯhkó'eéno'e. It tastes very sour. (causing you to pucker up). See: -vé'ȯhkeéno'e. Category: taste.

-véneéno'e   vii. taste bad. É-véneéno'e. It tastes disagreeable/bad (for example, of water). See: -hávėséveéno'e. Category: taste.