Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'kema'ehá   vii. lie curled. of something flexible, such as paper. É-a'kema'ēha. It (paper) is lying curled. fii: -ma'ehá. Category: lie, paper.

-a'kema'e'ó'tsé   vti. crumple s.t. É-a'kema'e'ó'tsé. He crumpled it. Category: paper.

-a'kema'en   vti. ball up s.t., bunch up s.t., crumple s.t., paper - crumple s.t., bundle up s.t. especially of paper. É-a'kema'ēna. He crumpled it (paper) up into a ball. See: -a'kema'ehá; -ka'ema'en. Category: paper.

ama'éno'hamévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. drivers license. Lit: driving-paper Variant: ama'éno'hamémȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.

-asema'ená   vti. turn s.t. (of paper). É-asema'ēna. He turned it (the page of a book). Asema'ēnȯhtse! Turn the page! Éma'xe-asema'ēna. He turned a lot of pages. Final -ma'en. Category: paper.

-évama'ená   vti. turn back s.t. (of paper). É-évama'ēna. He turned back (the page). Variant: -évavema'ená. Category: paper.

-évavema'ená   vti. turn back s.t. (of paper). for example, to turn back to the beginning of a book. É-évavema'ēna. He turned back (the page). Variant: -évama'ená. Category: paper.

-he'kóovema'ehá   vii. wet (book pages), book - be wet. É-he'kóovema'ēha. The book is wet. Medial -ma'2. See: -he'kóová. Category: paper, liquid.

-hohpo'ema'en   vti. fold up s.t., close s.t. (book). especially something made of paper, such as closing a book. É-hohpo'ema'ēna. He folded it (paper) up. Hohpo'ema'ēnȯhtse! Close it! For example, close the book. Category: paper.

vta. fold up s.o. for example, a sheet or blanket (animate). É-hohpo'ema'enóho. He folded him up. See: -tóovan fold s.o..

hóhta'heónevȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. storybook. See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: new, paper.

-ho'ema'ená   vti. arrive at s.t. (book). that is, to arrive at some place or page in a book. Hénėhéóhe é-ho'ema'ēna. That's where he turned to in the book. fti: -ma'en. Category: paper.

ho'emanévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. law book. Category: paper.

ho'évȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. map, deed, land book. Lit: land-paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.

hóo'xevávȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. newspaper. Lit: announce-paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.

-ka'ema'en   1 • vti. shorten s.t., fold s.t. over. especially refers to paper. É-ka'ema'ēna. He shortened it. fti: ma'en. See: -a'kema'en.

2 • vta. shorten s.o., fold s.o. over. É-ka'ema'enóho. He folded him/her over. can refer to legs on shoulder sexual position. See: -ka'ema'eóeh. Category: shapes, sex, paper.

-ma'2   m. page, paper. of something made of paper. Ques: recheck analysis ?? nesta tšėheše-ma'eneo'o cigarette. Éta'ta'e-ma'ēha (The book) is lying open. Éhe'kóove-ma'ēha. The book is wet. Éonéstȧhko'e-ma'ēha. It is rolled up as a scroll. [pd791] no'ka tséheše-ma'ēšėse?? one page?? [pd791] Éó'xe-ma'e'ó'tse. He tore it (paper). Ques: -ma'e'o'tsé ?? ck 3rd plural of verb See: ma'en. Category: paper.

-ma'ehá   m. paper lie. Éta'ta'e-ma'ēha. (The book) is lying open. Énoóne-ma'ēha mȯxe'ėstoo'o. The pages of the book are old. Medial -ma'. Category: paper.

-ma'e'ó'tsé   fti. paper - do to s.t. Éó'xe-ma'e'ó'tse. He tore it (paper). Ques: -ma'e'o'tsé ?? ck 3rd plural of verb Medial -ma'. See: ma'en. Category: paper.

-ma'en1   fti. roll s.t. (paper), paper - do to s.t., book - do to s.t. for example, to roll cigarette paper (inanimate), or to do a variety of things with the pages of books. Éase-ma'ēna. He turned it (the page of a book). Ta'ta'e-ma'ēnȯhtse! Open it (a book)! Medial -ma'2; fii: -ma'ehá. See: -ma'e'ó'tsé. Category: paper.

fta. roll s.o. (paper). for example, a cigarette (animate). nesta tšėhešema'eneo'o cigarette (lit. previously this way-rolled). Category: smoke.

ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. Bible. Lit: sacred-book Non-contracted: ma'heónemȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper, church.

ma'kaataévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. check, paper money. See: mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata. Category: paper.

mȯxe'ėstoo'o pée'hasenéhe ??    Category: check.

ni. paper shredder. Category: new. Ques: I can't hear the second word clearly and I don't know the connection between the two words; recheck?? Category: check, paper.

mȯxe'ėstoo'o tsévé'ševé'ho'évėstoemȧhtséstove   ni. marriage license. Lit: paper by means of which there is whiteman marriage Synonym véstoemȧhtsévȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper, marriage.

mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse tséohkėhoemee'ėstse   vii -pl. reading books. Category: paper. Lit: books

neevávoo'kȯhestȯtse   ni. toilet paper. Lit: wiping-paper Variant: ne'evávoo'kȯhestȯtse; Synonym neevávȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: check, paper, record.

neevávȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. toilet paper. Ques: recheck?? Ques: one elder says ne'evávȯxe'ėstoo'o Synonym neevávoo'kȯhestȯtse. Category: paper, check.

-noónema'ehá   vii. old pages - be, pages old. É-noónema'ēha mȯxe'ėstoo'o. The pages of the book are old. fii: -ma'ehá. Category: paper.

-ó'xema'e'ó'tsé   vti. tear s.t. (paper). for example, to tear a page of a book. É-ó'xema'e'ó'tse. He tore it. See: -ma'en1. Category: paper.

-onéstȧhko'ema'ehá   vii. rolled up. especially of different kinds of paper, such as wallpaper. É-onéstȧhko'ema'ēha. It is rolled up. fii: -ehá. Category: paper.

-séhpema'ená   vti. unfold s.t. (paper), unroll s.t. (paper). É-séhpema'ēna. He unfolded it (paper). Category: paper.

-ta'ta'ema'ehá   vii. open (of a book). É-ta'ta'ema'ēha. (The book) is open. fii: -ma'ehá; vti: -ta'ta'ema'en. Category: paper.

-ta'ta'ema'ená   vti. open s.t. (book). É-ta'ta'ema'ēna. He opened it (a book). vii: ta'ta'ema'ehá. Category: paper.

-tónovema'ehá   vii. thick book, thick stack of papers, book - thick. Lit: thick-paper-lie É-tónovema'ēha. It is a thick book. Usage: possible new word or loan transl. fii: -ma'ehá. Category: paper.

tsėhéstȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. Cheyenne book. Category: paper.

tsé'ȯhke-naesto'taa'ėstse (hoéstone)mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse   vii. library. Lit: where papers are all in one place Category: paper.

-tšėhešema'ená   vti. roll s.t. paper this way. É-tšėhešema'ēna. He rolled it (paper) this way. See: -tšėhešema'enené. Category: smoke, paper, record.

-tšėhešema'enené   vai. roll cigarette this way. É-tšėhešema'enēne. He rolled his own cigarette. Tšėhešema'enēnėstse! Give me a cigarette! Ques: recheck that gloss?? Variant: -tsėhešema'enené; Medial ma'en. Category: smoke, paper, check.

-tšėške'ema'ehá   vii. few pages, few pieces of paper. É-tšėške'ema'ēha. It (book) has a small number of pages. Category: paper.

véhpȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. box. Lit: empty/hollow-paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o; véhpemaxe. Category: paper.

véstoemȧhtsévȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. marriage license. Lit: marriage-paper Synonym mȯxe'ėstoo'o tsévé'ševé'ho'évėstoemȧhtséstove. Category: paper, marriage.