Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanȯhéné   vai. swat, club, hit. É-áhanȯhéne. He swatted. See: -oom hit s.o.; -oosané hit; -áhaneoestȯhené swat s.o. dead. Category: hit.

-a'ta'ov   vta. bump s.o. by accident, accidentally bump s.o. É-a'ta'ovóho. He bumped him accidentally. Etym: *peɁsexkawe·wa (P). Ná-a'ta'ōvo. I bumped into him by accident. See: -a'seh. Category: hit.

-a'toh(n)   vta. accidentally hit s.o. É-a'tȯhnóho. He hit him by accident. Etym: *peʔtahwe·wa (P). Ná-a'tōhno. I hit him by accident. É-a'tȯhestse. He hit himself by accident. Etym: *peɁtahwesowa > **peɁtahitwiwa ?? (P/L). Né-a'toestse. You hit me by accident. See: -a'to'eéh; -oom; -a'tas. Category: hit.

-amevo'oh(n)   vta. hit s.o. to fly by. É-amevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him (for example, a ball) so that it flew by. Category: hit.

-ávevo'oh(n)   vta. knock over s.o. refers to hitting someone so that they fall over. É-ávevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him over. Náma'xe-ávevo'ōhno. I really knocked him down. Nexa é-ávevo'ohe. Twice he was knocked down. Medial -evo'. Category: move, hit.

-he'amevo'oh(n)   vai. hit s.o. up. This can refer to hitting a fly ball in baseball. É-he'amevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him up. Ná-he'amevo'ōhno. I hit him (a ball) up. Category: baseball, move, hit.

-hoháeoestoh(n)   vta. hit s.o. very badly with tool. Éáá! É-hoháeoestȯhéhoo'o! My! She really got hit bad! [Croft 1988:30:17] Medial -oest. Category: violence, hit.

-hóxovo'oh(n)   vta. hit s.o. across by tool; lob s.o. across by tool. This can refer to lobbing a ball over the net in tennis. É-hóxovo'ȯhnóho. He hit him across (with a tool). Éhe'amė-hóxovo'ȯhnóho. He lobbed him across (with a tool). Náhe'amė-hóxovo'ōhno. I lobbed him across. Category: hit.

-kóena'éšé   vai. fall and hit head. É-kóena'éše. He slipped and hit his head. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -hesó'xeoha'éšé. Category: fall, head, hit.

-kóenėstanéšé   vai. bump knee. É-kóenėstanéše. He bumped his knee. Ná-kóenėstanéše. I bumped my knee. BodyPartMedial -nėstané. Category: body, hit.

-kóénéšé   vai. get hit in the face. É-kóénéše. ?? He got hit in the face.?? fell and bumped his face?? Category: face, hit, check.

-kóeóhtáxé   vai. bump leg. É-kóeóhtáxe. He bumped his leg. Variant: -kóeškóhtáxé; BodyPartMedial -óhtá4. Category: body, hit.

-kóestséa'ov   vta. bump head of s.o. É-kóestséa'ovóhó. He bumped him on the head. É-kóestséá'óó'e. He/They (obv) bumped him on the head. BodyPartMedial -stséá. See: -kóna'éh(n). Category: head, hit.

-kóestsé'oonáxé   vai. bump elbow. É-kóestsé'oonáxe. He bumped his (own) elbow. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. See: -kóna'éše; -póénéše. Category: body, hit.

-kóeškóhtáxé   vai. bump leg. É-kóeškóhtáxe. He bumped his (own) leg. See: -kóeóhtáxe. Category: hit.

-kó'kona'éh(n)   vta. hit s.o. on the head, bump s.o. on the head. refers to repeated bumping, or bumping on the heads of more than one person. É-kó'kona'ehno. He bumped him on the head. É-kó'kona'éhnóho. He bumped him on the head. (newer pronunciation). É-kó'kona'éheo'o. They got bumped on the head. Non-reduplicated -kóena'éh(n). Category: head, hit.

-kó'konȯhené   vai. knock repeatedly, hit repeatedly with a popping sound. This could be of someone knocking on a door someone making a popping sound with an object like a drumstick or a gavel. É-kó'konȯhēne. He knocked repeatedly. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -kónȯhené. Category: hit.

kón-   i. bump, hit. See: pó(n)-. Reduplicated kó'kon-. Category: hit.

-kóna'ehá   vti. 1 • hit head of s.t. É-kóna'ēha. He hit it on the head. Ques: recheck gloss of this example??

2 • hit the nail on the head. Né-kóna'ēha. You hit the nail on the head; you said it exactly the way it is. trans. from English "hit the nail on the head". Category: hit, head, figurative.

-kóna'éh(n)   vta. hit head of s.o., hit s.o. on the head. É-kóna'ehno. He hit him on the head. É-kóna'éhnóho. He hit him on the head. (newer pronunciation). See: -kóna'éhnoh(n); -kóestséa'ov. Category: head, hit.

-kóna'éhnoh(n)   vta. hit s.o. on the head, hit head of s.o. É-kóna'éhnȯhnóho. He hit him on the head. See: -kóna'éh(n). Category: head, hit.

-kóna'é'ov   vta. bump head into s.o., head-butt s.o. can be intentional or accidental. É-kóna'é'ovóho. He bumped his head into him. É-kóna'é'ovȧhtseo'o. They head-butted each other. Tȯhohko éanā'o; ná-kóna'é'oo'e. The hammer fell; it hit me on the head. Category: hit.

-kóna'émas   vta. thump head of s.o., shoot s.o. in the head, hit head of s.o. É-kóna'émȧsóho. He thumped his head / shot him in the head. Category: hit, shoot, head.

-kóna'éšé   vai. bump.head.lie, bump head, hit head. É-kóna'éše. He bumped his head. Ná-kóna'éše. I bumped my head. See: -póénéšé. Category: lie, hit.

-kóna'ov   vta. hit head of s.o., bump head of s.o. This refers to unintentionally hitting s.o. on the head, unlike -póestseéa'ov which is deliberately hitting s.o. on the head. É-kóna'ovóho. He bumped him on the head. É-kóna'óvȧhtseo'o. They hit heads (of each other). See: -póestséa'ov. Category: hit.

-kónȯhené   vai. hit with a tool making a cracking noise. This could be of someone using an object like a drumstick or a gavel. So it can be the sound when a batter hits a ball really well with his bat. É-kónȯhéne. He hit with a tool making a cracking noise. vta: -kónȯh(n); Reduplicated -kó'konȯhené. Category: baseball, hit.

-kónoh(n)   vta. hit s.o. with a cracking noise. especially refers to when a batter hits a ball (animate) so well that there is a cracking sound. É-kónȯhnóho. He hit him (especially a ball) with a cracking noise. Category: baseball, hit.

-kónȯho'é   vai. hit with a popping sound, homerun - hit a. especially of hitting a baseball; can be said of hitting a homerun. É-kónȯhó'e. He hit (something) (and it made a popping noise and went a long ways). Category: baseball, sounds, hit.

-kóno'ehá   vii. hit with a bump. could be said of a heart in arrhythmia. É-kónó'éha. It hit with a bump. Ques: -kóno'ēha?? vai: -kóno'ešé. Category: hit, check.

-kóno'ešé   vai. bounce. for example, bounce on a pothole when riding on a wagon or car. É-kónó'éše. He bounced. Ques: recheck pitches?? É-kóno'ėšenao'o They bounced. vii: -kóno'ehá; Reduplicated -kó'ko'no'ešé. Category: hit, check.

nȧha'oh(n)   vta. hit s.o. by tool, strike s.o. by tool. É-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He hit him (with a tool). Éó'ȯse-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He accidentally hit / fouled him. That can be said for fouling in basketball. Tóséé'e é-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He intentionally fouled him. Tsésta-nȧha'ōhnȯse éstȧhátsėstoveáva'óhoo'o. When she struck him, he fell apart. [The Big Bogeyman.135] See: -oom hit s.o.. Category: basketball, hit.

-nėhpotómoh   vta. hit and knock wind out of s.o. Ná-nėhpotómóho. I hit him and knocked the wind out of him. Category: hit.

-néše'hahtá'ov   vta. knock both legs from under s.o. Ques: feet, legs, or both?? É-néše'hahtá'ovóho. He knocked both of his (other person's) legs from under him. Ná-néše'hahtá'óvo. I knocked both of his legs from under him. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: move, hit, check.

-nómevo'há   vii. charge s.t. knocking it over. É-nómevō'ha. He charged at it knocking it over. Éhne'éema'xe-nómevo'hánȯse héne hóoma. (nómevo'ėhá??) He (buffalo) charged at that robe (here, inanimate) knocking it way over. [1987:312] Ques: nomevo'ohá?? Ques: get vta, nómevo'oh(n)?? See: -nómevo'ehá. Category: hit, check.

-óhnevo'e'ov   vta. ornery hit s.o., hit s.o. in an ornery way. Ques: recheck segmentation and glosses?? Éstȧxamae'-óhnevo'e'ovóhoono néhe hetanóho. He almost knocked over that man. [The Big Bogeyman.228] Category: hit, check.

-ó'xevo'oh(n)   vta. split s.o. É-ó'xevo'ȯhnóho. He split him (obv). É'ȯhkema'xetšėšeée'e-ó'xevo'ȯhnȯhevóhe (The lead buffalo) split (the tree). [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).065] Category: hit.

-oohtá   vti. hit s.t.strike s.t. É-oōhta. He hit it. Na'he éohke-oohtanȯtse. He makes three point shots (in basketball). Etym: *pakantamwa 'he strikes it' (P). vta: -oom. Category: hit.

-oó'xevo'oh(n)   vta. 1 • smash apart s.o. For example, smashing apart a rock or a spider. É-oó'xevo'ȯhnóho. He smashed him. See: -péevo'oh(n). Category: hit.

2 • deflower s.o. vulgar man-talk, referring to having sex with a virgin (including one's virgin wife); refers to smashing / breaking her hymen. Ná-oó'xevo'ōhno. I deflowered her. See: -ma'évoh(n); -é'ho'oh(n); -é'ho'eoestoh(n). Category: vulgar.

-oom   vta. hit s.o., strike s.o. É-oomóho. He hit him. Etym: *pakame·wa (P). Ná-oōmo. I hit him. Né-oomaehe? Did he hit you? Névé'e-oōmo! Don't hit him! Mónėsta-oomȧtse? Shall I hit you? That is a threatening thing to say. vta: -oohtá. Etym: *nepakama·wa I hit him.. See: -e'óoestoh(n). Category: hit, violence.

-oosané   vai. hit. É-oosāne. He is hitting / He hit (someone). Éohke-oosāne. He (regularly) hits. vta: -oom; vti: -ooht. See: -áhanȯhéné. Category: hit.

-ováhanoh(n)   vta. club s.o. É-ováhanȯhnóho. He clubbed him. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.011] Category: violence, hit.

-pa'ȯhtá'ov   vta. kick s.o. in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtá'ovóho. He kicked him in the stomach. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. See: -pa'ȯhtán. Category: violence, hit.

-pa'ȯhtán   vta. kick s.o. in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtano. He kicked him in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtánóho. He kicked him in the stomach. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -ohtá. See: -pa'ȯhtá'ov. Category: violence, hit.

-pa'ȯhtáxe   vai. wind knocked out - have. É-pa'ȯhtáxe. He had the wind knocked out of him. Category: sickness, body, hit.

-péevo'ohá   vta. break up s.t., smash s.t. É-péevo'ōha. He smashed it. Category: hit.

-péevo'oh(n)   vta. smash s.o. For example, you can smash a rock or a spider. É-péevo'ȯhnóho. He smashed him. Ná-péevo'ōhno vé'ho'e. I smashed the spider. See: -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: hit.

-péoséh(n)   vta. hit finger of s.o. É-péoséhestse. He hit his (own) finger. Category: hit.

-póahtsenáh(n)   vta. hit s.o. in the mouth. É-póahtsenahno. He punched him in the mouth. É-póahtsenáhnóho. (newer pronunciation) He punched him in the mouth. Etym: *pa·ketone·hwe·wa (P). Ná-póahtsenáhno. I punched him in the mouth. Ná-póahtséhéé'e. They punched me in the mouth. [1980:33:9] BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, hit.

-póaséh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the belly. É-póasehno. He punched him in the belly. É-póaséhnóho. He punched him in the belly. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·ketye·hwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: hit.

-póeeséh   vta. hit nose of s.o. for example, to hit someone's nose with your fist. É-póeesehno. He hit him in the nose. É-póeeséhnóho. He hit him in the nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-póeeseha. He hit me in the nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -póeesé'ov kick nose of s.o.. Category: hit, nose, record.

-póeesé'ov   vta. kick nose of s.o. Ná-póeesé'ova. He kicked me in the nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -póeeséh hit nose of s.o.. Category: hit, nose, record.

-póehahtáh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the foot, hit s.o. in the foot. É-póehahtahno. He punched him in the foot (or feet). É-póehahtáhnóho. He punched him in the foot (or feet). (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·kisite·hwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: hit.

-póehane'éh(n)   vta. hit s.o. in the nape. Ná-póehane'éhno. I hit him in the nape of the neck. BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: hit.

-póehe'onáxe   vai. hit hand. to hit one's hand on something, for example, on a car door. É-póehe'onáxe. He hit his hand (on something). Category: hit, hands.

-póe'ėstáh(n)   vta. hit s.o. in the ear(s). É-póe'ėstahno. He hit him in the ear(s). É-póe'ėstáhnóho. He hit him in the ear(s) (newer pronunciation). Category: hit, ears.

-póe'hahtáxé   vai. stomp foot. for example, when angry or to scare a horse away. É-póe'hahtáxe. He stomped his foot. Ques: póe'é'hahtáxe?? Reduplicated -po'póe'hahtáxé; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -poo'ȯhené. Category: hit, check.

-póe'óhtanéšé   vai. fall on forehead. É-póe'óhtanéše. He fell on his forehead. Category: fall, hit, head.

-póe'pa'onáh(n)   vta. hit back of s.o. É-póe'pa'onahno. He hit him in the back. É-póe'pa'onáhnóho. He hit him in the back. (newer pronunciation). Ná-póe'pa'onáhno. I hit him in the back. Category: hit.

-póe'pa'onáxé   vai. bump back. É-póe'pa'onáxe. He bumped his (own) back. Category: body, hit.

-póevéestáaxé   vai. fall and bump the temple. É-póevéestááxe. He fell and hit his temple. Category: body, fall, hit.

-póevo'tanȯséšé   vai. fall and bump cheek. É-póevo'tanȯséše. He fell on his cheek. Category: fall, hit.

-po'evo'ham   vta. knock off something from s.o. Náma'xe-po'evo'hamóvo heme'ko. I sure knocked his head off. Category: move, hit, violence.

-pó'poe'ov   vta. pound on s.o. repeatedly. É-pó'poe'ovóho. He pounded on him repeatedly. Naa mó'ȯhke-pó'poe'ovȯhevovóhe néhe. And (the animals) would hit (the log) with their hooves. [1987:247] Non-reduplicated -póe'ov. Category: hit.

-pó'poéneoestoh(n)   vta. slap s.o. around on the face. can be a typical threatened form of revenge by women against women offenders. Náma'xe-pó'poéneoestōhno. I really slapped him around (on the face). Non-reduplicated -póeneostoh(n). Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -póénéh(n). Category: revenge, hit.

-pó'poestséa'ov   vta. slap head of s.o. repeatedly. Nánėšepėhéve-pó'poestséa'ōvo. I slapped him around good on the head. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal, violence, hit.

-pónȧsé'óv   vta. punch s.o. in the stomach. É-pónȧsé'ovóho. He kicked him in the stomach. BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: body, hit.

-pónohá   vti. slap s.t. É-pónóha. He slapped it. [Croft] vta: -pónoh(n). Category: hit.

-póo'ėséh(n)   vta. hit butt of s.o. Ná-póo'ėséhno. I hit him on the butt (with my hand). Névááhe tsé-póo'ėséheta'e? Who hit you on the butt? Category: hit.

-póo'ėstáh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the ear(s), hit ear of s.o. É-póo'ėstahno. He punched him in the ear(s). É-póo'ėstáhnóho. He punched him in the ear(s). (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: ears, hit.

-póo'ėstáxé   vai. fall and bump ear. É-póo'ėstáxe. He fell on his ear/bumped his ear. Category: lie, fall, hit.

-tóeneoséšé   vai. stub toe. É-tóeneoséše. He stubbed his (own) toe. Phon: assim.; usually assimilated to -tóeneošeše BodyPartMedial -osé; Assimilated -tóeneošéše. Category: feet, hit.

-tóeneošešé   vai. stub toe. É-tóeneosēše. He stubbed his (own) toe. Non-assimilated -tóeneoseše. Category: feet, hit.

tóestaáh(n)   vta. hit s.o. on top of the head. É-tóestaahno. He hit him on top of his head. É-tóestaáhnóho. He hit him on top of his head. (newer pronunciation). Ésta-tóestaáhnȯsesto. She hit him right on top of his head. [The Big Bogeyman.134] See: -póestséáh(n). Category: hit, check.

-tó'hovo'oh(n)   vta. stop s.o. by hitting. For example, blocking a volleyball (animate). É-tó'hovo'ȯhnóho. He stopped him by hitting. Ná-tó'hovo'ōhno. I stopped him by hitting. Category: hit.

-tó'omoh(n)   vta. knock s.o. senseless. É-tó'omȯhnóho. He knocked him senseless. Ná-tó'omōhno. I knocked him senseless. Initial tó'om-; Final -oh(n). Category: hit, violence.

-tó'pa'oné'ov   vta. bump back of s.o. É-tó'pa'oné'ovóho. ne'?? He bumped into his back. tséxhé-to'pa'oné'oo'ėse kȧsováaheho when a young man bumped his back. [1987:107] See: -'pa'oná. Final -é'ov ??. Category: check, hit.

-xanovevo'oh(n)   vta. hit s.o. straight. É-xanovevo'ȯhnóho. He hit/knocked him straight. Category: hit.