-aéstomotse'ohe vai., work for free, volunteer. É-aéstomotse'ohe. He is working for free (not getting paid). See: -aéstomemét; -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-áhanotse'óheohe vai. work very intensively, work to death (fig.) Náéšėto'se-áhanotse'óheohe. I almost worked myself to death. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-amotse'ohe vai., be at working, work along. É-amotse'ohe. He is doing work. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-amotse'óhe'tá vti. work on s.t. Ná-amotse'óhé'ta. I'm working on it. Category: work.
-asėtotse'ohe vai. start to work. É-asėtotse'ohe. He started working. Tóne'še néohke-asėtotse'ohe? When do you start work? Asėtotse'óestse! Start working! tséhmóne-asėtotse'oestse when he started to work. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-émoohtotse'ohe vai. work sneakily, work secretively, secretively work. É-émoohtotse'ohe. He is working sneakily. Category: work.
-énotse'ohe vai. end working, stop working. É-énotse'ohe. He stopped working. Etym: *po·naθwekya·sowa (P). Tóne'še né-énotse'ohe. When did you stop working. Ééše-énotse'óhestove. It is already time to quit working. Némónė-ho'ėhé-enotse'óhehe? Did you just get off work? See: -hotse'ohe ‘work’; -má'totse'ohe ‘retire’. Category: work.
-énotse'óheohe vai. end work quickly. Tó'he'še ma'-énotse'óheohéto ná'ȯhkeasemaneōhtse. Many times when I ended working (my work day), I would start drinking. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.045] Category: work.
-évatóoo'e vai. replace, fill vacancy. for example, to take the place of someone who previously had that job or position. É-évatóoo'e. He is replacing (someone). É-évatóoeo'o. They are replacing. Category: work, interpersonal.
-évotse'ohe vai. work about. É-évotse'ohe. He does any kind of job he can get. fai: -otse'ohe. See: -hotse'óhéohtsé. Category: work.
-háa'éhotse'ohe vai. work long hours. É-háa'éhotse'ohe. He worked long hours. Náohkė-háa'éhotse'ohe. I work long hours. Category: work.
-háanaevotse'ohe vai. heavy work, work with heavy responsibility. É-háanaevotse'ohe. He has a job with heavy responsibility. for instance, work done by a medicine man or a chief. Variant: -háanaotse'ohe. Category: work.
-háanaotse'ohe vai. heavy work, work with heavy responsibility. É-háanaotse'ohe. He has a job with heavy responsibility. for instance, work done by a medicine man or a chief. Variant: -háanaevotse'óhe. Category: work.
-háotse'ohe vai. work hard. É-háotse'ohe. He worked hard. Mó-háotse'óhehéhe. He must have worked hard. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: work.
-hávėsévotse'ohe vai. work badly. É-hávėsévotse'ohe. He works badly. Category: work. See: -xónetamotse'ohe.
-hehpotse'ohe vai. work past, work beyond. É-hehpotse'ohe. He worked beyond. to work beyond some point in time, such as the usual quitting time for work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-he'anávotse'ohe vai. easy job, easy work. É-he'anávotse'ohe. He is working at an easy job. Antonym -hótoanávotse'ohe; fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-he'évotse'ohe vai. do woman's work. É-he'évotse'ohe. He (or She) is doing woman's work. fai: -otse'óhe. Etym: *eθkwe·waθwexkye·wa. Category: work.
-he'névotse'ohe vai. work spread out. É-he'névotse'óheo'o. They worked spread out. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-hestomotse'ohe vai. hindered by work. É-hestomotse'ohe. He was hindered by work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-hetanévotse'ohe vai. man's work. É-hetanévotse'ohe. He (or She) is doing man's work. Category: work.
-hetómotse'ohe vai. do humble work. É-hetómotse'ohe. He does humble work. See: hetóme-. Category: work.
hetómotse'óhestȯtse ni. humble (or looked down upon) work. Category: work.
-hetotse'ohe vai. Gram: rr so work, work so. ... é-hetotse'ohe. ... that is how he works. Etym: *eθaθwexkya·sowa. Héováéstse é-hetotse'ohe. He is a jack of all trades. Lit: various (kinds of work) that is how he works tsé-hetotse'oese what he did as work. NonRelativeRoot -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-he-véhoname vai. have a chief, have a boss. Éhe-véhoname. He has a chief/boss. Névááhe tséhe-véhonameto? Who is your boss/chief? Possessive -véhoname. Category: work.
-ho'otse'ohe fai. work arrive, arrive at point in work. Étȧ-ho'otse'ohe. He came to that point in his work. [1987:199] fai: -otse'óhe; vai: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-hó'xotse'ohe vai. accustomed to work. É-hó'xotse'ohe. He is used to working. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hótoanávotse'ohe vai. difficult work. É-hótoanávotse'ohe. He has difficult work. fai: -otse'óhe; Antonym -he'anávotse'óhe. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hotse'ohe vai. work. É-hotse'ohe. He is working / He worked. Etym: *aθoxkye·wa; *aθwexkya·sowa (P). É-hotse'óheo'o. They are working / They worked. Né-hotse'óhehe? Are you working? Né-hotse'óhehe éšeēva? Did you work today? Nétȧhé-hotse'óhehe éšeēva? Did you to to work today? Étȧhé-hotse'óhehe? Did he go to work? Ná-hotse'ohe. I'm working / I worked. (another recording) Nátȧhé-hotse'ohe. I went to work. Násáa-hotse'óhéhe. I'm not working / I'm unemployed. Náto'sėsáa-hotse'óhéhe. I'm not going to work. Ésáa-hotse'óhenovėhane. There is not working. Némóneénėho'ėhé-hotse'óhehe? Did you just arrive from ending work? Éohkevóhponė-hotse'ohe. He has to work. tséx-hotse'oese when he worked. tséx-hotse'óhése when you (plural) worked. vta: -hotse'óhevomotah; fai: -otse'ohe. See: -véstotse'óhém ‘work with s.o.’. Category: work, check.
-hotse'óhe'tá vti. work on s.t. É-hotse'óhé'ta. He worked on it (for example, a belt). Usage: loan transl.? Category: work.
-hotse'óhe'tov vta. Gram: ai+o work on s.o. É-hotse'óhe'tovóho. He worked on him. [pd1118] for example, working on a dress (animate). Mo'éhno'hāme návé'šėhotse'óhenoto. I work with horses. See: -hotse'ót. Category: work.
-hotse'óhéohtsé vai. work about. É-hotse'óhéóhtse. He is working about. See: -évotse'ohe. Category: work.
-hotse'óheóó'e vai. work standing. É-hotse'óheóó'e. He is working standing. fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: work, stand.
-hotse'óhétanó vai. want to work, apply for a job. Nátȧhé-hotse'óhétáno. I applied for a job. Násáa-hotse'óhetanóhe. I don't want to work. fai: -tanó. Category: work.
-hotse'óhétó vii. work. É-hotse'óhéto. It works. Ésáa-hotse'óhetȯhane. It doesn't work. Usage: loan transl. See: -asévȧho'tá. Category: work.
hotse'óhevo'ėstane na. working person. especially a person who works all the time. Category: work.
-hotse'óhevomotah vta. work for s.o. É-hotse'óhevomotȧhóho. He worked for him (on his behalf). "Nȧhtȧ-hotse'óhevomotāho Ma'hēō'o," náhešetāno. "I shall work for God," I thought. [1987:203] Ques: What is the difference between this and -hotse'ót? See: -hotse'ót. Category: work.
-hotse'ót vta. employ s.o., use s.o., hire s.o. Ná-hotse'óto. I used him/I employed him. É-hotse'oto. He used him. É-hotse'ótóho. He used him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *aθo·xka·xkhe·wa ‘he employs him’; *aθwexkye·wa (P). Hotse'óxeha! Hire him! Óoetaneo'o éohkenevo (hoóxé'e) éohkė-hotse'ótóvo tséohkenéhoveóehovose. Crows, there's four (tepee poles), they use the (poles) that they stand up. (This contrasts with Cheyennes, who start a tepee with three poles.) [1987:225] vti: -hotse'óhtá. See: -hotse'óhevomotah; -ho'otsé'tov; -hotset; -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-kánomotse'ohe vai. work for nothing, worthlessly work. That is, he worked but it didn't count as being worthy. This does not mean that he worked for free. É-kánomotse'ohe. It was worthless that he worked. Initial kánom-; fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-mȧhotse'ohe vai. all work. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhotse'óheo'o. They are all working. Etym: *mesaθwexkye·waki (P/L). fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-mȧhovemosé vai. tire of housework. É-mȧhovemōse. He is tired of doing housework. fai: -mosé. Category: work.
-mȧhovotse'ohe vai. tired of working. É-mȧhovotse'ohe. He is tired of working. Initial mȧhov-; fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-má'totse'ohe vai. finish work, retire. É-má'totse'ohe. He retired. Etym: *me·Ɂtaθwexkya·sowa (P). Náéšėto'se-má'totse'ohe. I'm almost finished working. Tóne'še néto'se-má'totse'ohe? When are you going to finish working? sáavé'nėheše-má'totse'óhééstse if he had not finished working. See: -énotse'ohe. Category: work.
-mano'otse'ohe vai. work together, group work. É-mano'otse'óheo'o. They are working together. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: work.
-máxeóhtotse'ót vta. punish s.o. through work. É-máxeóhtotse'oto. He punished him through work. É-máxeóhtotse'ótóho. (newer pronunciation) He punished him through work. For example, he worked him too hard. Ná-máxeóhtotse'ótahtse. I punish myself working. See: -hotse'ót; -hotse'óhe; -máxeóseh. Category: work.
-mémėstotse'ohe vai. work at an exhausting job, exhausting work, shitty work, work shitty job. É-mémėstotse'ohe. He does exhausting work; "they work the shit out of him." Lit: shitty-work Category: work.
-métsėstóvotse'óhe vta. forced to work. É-métsėstóvotse'ohe. He is forced to work. Énėssáa-métsėstóvotse'óheheo'o. They are not forced to work. Category: work.
-monotse'ónáne vai. hire. É-monotse'ónáne. He is hiring. Initial mon-; vta: monotse'ónané't. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-néhotse'ohe vai. work fast. É-néhotse'ohe. He does his job fast. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-ne'tȧhé'tov vta. supervise s.o. É-ne'tȧhé'tovóho. He supervises him. Category: jobs, work, interpersonal.
-nėševotse'ohe vai. work fast. Whites are perceived to work fast. É-nėševotse'ohe. He worked fast. É-nėševotse'óheo'o. They worked fast. Heávohe é-nėševotse'ohe. The Devil is working very hard. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: whites, speed, work.
-nȯhóevotse'ohe vai. work for family married into. É-nȯhóevotse'ohe. He works after marriage for his father-in-law. Category: work.
-nȯhtóvotse'ohe vai. know how to work. É-nȯhtóvotse'ohe. He knows how to work. Etym: *nehta·waθwexkye·wa (P). See: -hotse'ohe ‘work’. Category: work.
-nóvotse'ohe vai. work slowly, slowly work. É-nóvotse'ohe. He works slowly. Antonym -nėševotse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work, speed.
-oéhnovotse'ohe vai. work patiently. É-oéhnovotse'ohe. He steadily works. É-oéhnovotse'óheo'o. They work patiently/steadily/with perseverance. Some whites are viewed this way. See: -hotse'óhe; -héhnovotse'óhe. Category: work.
-oe'kėhévotse'ohe vai. cheat at work, work cheat. É-oe'kėhévotse'ohe. He cheated at his work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-ó'ȯhtotse'ohe vai. work mistake. É-ó'ȯhtotse'ohe. He made a mistake in his work. Category: work.
-ó'tȯsévotse'ohe vai. work diligently, persevere work. É-ó'tȯsévotse'óheo'o. They diligently work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-onénėxomev vta. pay s.o. É-onénėxomevóho. He paid him. Nėsta-onénėxomevȧtse. I'll pay you. Nėstaéva-onénėxomevȧtse. I'll pay you back. Nėstse-onénėxomeva. He will pay you. É-onénėxomohe. He got paid. Tsévéhonevese ésáa'ovóhponeéva-onénėxomóheheo'o. Chiefs are not paid. It would hurt their feelings. See: -tsévaeó'h. Category: money, work.
-onénėxomoné vta. paid. É-onénėxomōne. He got paid. Náohkėsóve-onénėxomōne. I get low pay. Náohkėháepėhéve-onénėxomōne. I get high wages. said to be the Northern Cheyenne way of expressing this meaning, while the So. Cheyenne way is said to be -hóeotsėsané. Oklahoma Dialect -hóeotsėsané; vta: -onénėxomev. Category: money, work, Montana.
-onéstotse'ót vta. try s.o. out for a job. Lit: test-work-s.o. É-onéstotse'oto. He tried him out for a job. É-onéstotse'ótóho. He tried him out for a job. Category: work.
-otse'ohe fai. work. Etym: *aθwexkya· (P17). Éam-otse'ohe. He continues working. Éam-otse'óheo'o. They continue working. Éhe'név-otse'óheo'o. They worked spread out. Nétónet-otse'ohe? What is your job? Évéhon-otse'ohe. He is foreman. Lit: chief-work Étȧho'-otse'ohe. He came to that point in his work. [1987:199] vai: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-pȧhootse'ohe vai. work alongside. É-pȧhootse'ohe. He worked alongside (someone else). fai: -otse'óhe. Ques: oe?? Category: work, check.
-pó'ėho'he vai. 1 • explode, have a blowout (flat tire). Ná-pó'ėho'he. I had a blowout (flat tire). Category: car.
2 • busted, throw in cards (in a card game).
3 • fired. É-pó'ėho'he. He got fired. vta: -pó'ėho'h(n); vii: -pó'ėho'tá. Category: work, figurative, cards.
-pó'ėho'h(n) vta. fire s.o., blow up s.o. É-pó'ėho'nóho. He fired him. Lit: blew him up Mó-pó'ėho'heehéhe. He must have been fired. Category: jobs, work.
-pó'ėho'hóvá vai. fire (people). Ques: hová?? Éohke-pó'ėho'hóva. He fires (people). Category: work, check.
-sóhpotse'ohe vai. work through. É-sóhpotse'ohe. He worked until retirement / worked until he was done. Category: work.
-taa'évotse'ohe vai. work until night, work until dark. É-taa'évotse'ohe. He worked until night. Énėš-taa'évotse'ohe. He worked until night. See: -vóonotse'ohe ‘work all night’. Category: work, time.
-ta'omotse'ohe vai. work in the way. É-ta'omotse'ohe. He worked in the way. Category: work.
-ta'ovotse'ohe vai. angrily work, work angrily. É-ta'ovotse'ohe. He got mad at work. Category: work.
-too'ėhévotse'ohe vai. community service - do, jail work - do. É-too'ėhévotse'ohe. He is doing community service. É-too'ėhévotse'óheo'o. They are working as prisoners. This is work required as part of a court sentence. Category: work.
-tséena'éóó'e vai. splayed, have too much to do, spread-out. Lit: spread-out-stand (spread out like branches of a tree) This word is used of a person who is running here and there to get a lot of work done at the same time. É-tséena'éóó'e. He is got so many things going he can't keep up with it all. fai: -óé. See: -háestȯhanené. Category: work, do.
-tsėhetotse'ohe vai. work this way. É-tsėhetotse'ohe. He does this kind of work. Category: work.
-véhonaov vta. make s.o. boss. É-véhonaovóho. He made him boss. See: -hóna'ovevéhonaov. Category: work.
-véhonotse'ohe vai. king - be, foreman - be. Lit: chief-work É-véhonotse'ohe. He is foreman. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-véstotse'ohe vai. work also; work with. that is, working along with others. É-véstotse'ohe. He is working with (others). Etym: *wi·taθwexkye·wa (P). Category: work.
-véstotse'óhém vta. work with s.o. É-véstotse'óhemo. He worked with him. É-véstotse'óhémóho. He worked with him. (newer pronunciation). Náohke-véstotse'óhemoo'o. I work with them. Category: work.
-vóonotse'ohe vai. work all night, work the night shift. É-vóonotse'ohe. He worked all night. See: -taa'évotse'ohe ‘work until night’. Category: work, time.
-xónetamotse'ohe vai. filthy work. for example, a job of cleaning out sewers. É-xónetamotse'ohe. He has a filthy job / he does filthy work. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.