Cheyenne Dictionary



āā'e émóna'e   vii. new year. Lit: the year is new Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e tsémóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.

Áa'e tséhmóna'e   vii. New Years. Variant: Áa'e tsémóna'e. Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English Category: holidays.

Áa'e tsémóna'e   vii. new year. Lit: year that is new There is no standard way of saying Happy New Year in Cheyenne but Áa'e tsémóna'e is fairly commonly said. It does not literally contain the meaning of "happy". Variant: Áa'e tséhmóna'e. Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e émóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.

hahóo tséxhešemésėhéstove   vii. Thanksgiving. Lit: when there is eating in a "thank you" manner Variant: hahóo tséxhešemésėhénove, hahóo tséohkėhešemésėhéstove. Category: holidays.

Héheéšeēva   Father's Day. Category: holidays.

Hemé'oonéeše   ni. Valentine's Day. Lit: sweetheart-day Variant: Mé'oonéeše, Hestáhaešeēva. See: mé'oo'o. Category: holidays.

Hestáhaéšeēva   obl. Valentine's Day. Lit: heart-day See: Hemé'ooné-eše. Category: holidays.

Heškéešeēva   ni. Gram: obl Mother's Day. Category: holidays.

-heškeéšeeve   vii. Mother's Day - be. É-heškeéšeeve. It is Mother's Day. Náhko'e, hetótaetānȯhtse tséhvé'-heškeéšeeve hétsetseha. Néméhotȧtse. Mother, rejoice because it is Mother's Day now. I love you. Category: holidays.

Hetótaetāno tséxhestáotsėse Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe!   s. Merry Christmas. Lit: Rejoice that the Savior was born! Usage: There is no commonly used phrase in Cheyenne that means "Merry Christmas". This is a new phrase which communicates the original meaning of Christmas. Other Cheyenne words which have been said at Christmastime refer to what is hung on Christmas trees. See: Hoésanestȯtse; Tsé'ȯhkė-hoésanéstove; Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse. Category: holidays.

Mé'oonéeše   ni. Valentine's Day. Variant: Hemé'oonéeše. Category: holidays.

Méstaeo'o Tsé'ȯhketóxeohtsévȯse   vai. Halloween. Lit: when spooks go around See: méstaa'e; -tóxeohtsé. Category: holidays.

Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse   ni. Christmas. Lit: tree) This word refers to giving presents to one another and hanging presents on a tree. Variant: Hoésanestȯtse. Category: new, holidays.

Nanomóneéšeēva   Armistice Day. Lit: recognition("peace")-day Category: holidays.

Néá'eše Tséxhešemésėhéstove   vii. Thanksgiving. Lit: when there is eating in a "thank you" manner Variant: Hahóo Tséxhešemésėhéstove. Category: holidays.

-nétȧhéveéšeeve   vii. be a holiday. Lit: be a different day É-nétȧhéveéšeeve. It is a holiday. Usage: not commonly said Category: holidays.

Nótȧxéešeēva   obl. Veteran's Day. Lit: soldier-day Category: holidays, warfare.

-nótȧxéešeeve   vai. Veterans Day - be. É-nótȧxéešeeve. It is Veterans Day. Category: warfare, holidays.

Ohaéma'heóneeše   Easter. Lit: arise-sacred-day Usage: not commonly used Category: holidays.

Pėhévoma'enenéeše   ni. Memorial Day. Lit: well.groomed-ground-day See: Séoto tséhpėhévoma'enévȯse; Tséhpėhevoma'enenéstove; Pėhévoma'enenéstóva. Category: holidays.

Pėhévoma'enenéstóva   obl. Memorial Day. Lit: at the good ground (that is, cemetery) grooming See: Tséhpėhevoma'enenéstove; Séoto tséhpėhévoma'enévȯse; Pėhévoma'enenéeše. Category: holidays.

Séoto tséhpėhévoma'enévȯse   vai. Memorial Day. Usage: od See: Pėhévoma'enenéstóva; Tséhpėhevoma'enenéstove; Pėhévoma'enenéeše. Category: death, holidays.

Sétoveméanéva   obl. midsummer, middle of summer, Fourth of July. Category: holidays.

Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe Tséhvonanėse   vai. Battle of the Little Big Horn Battlefield, Custer Battlefield. Lit: when/where Long Hair (Gen. Custer) was wiped out Custer's defeat by Sioux and Cheyenne warriors occurred June 25, 1876. Variant: Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe Tséhmé'é'tȯsánėse. See: -vonan. Category: holidays, warfare.

Tséhmé'etanó'tohe tséhvéstoemȧhtsénove   vii. anniversary. Lit: when it is remembered when they got married Category: holidays.

Tsé'ȯhkė-hoésanéstove   vii. Christmas. Lit: when there is hanging (of things on trees) There is no Cheyenne word in common use specifically referring to any religious aspect of Christmas, although Tséxhestáotsėse Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe 'when the Savior was born' has been suggested', but it is not in common usage. É-hoésanéstove. It is Christmas time. Variant: Hoésanestȯtse, Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse. See: Sétoveaénéva. Category: holidays.

tséxhestáotsėse   vai. his/her birthday. Lit: when he/she was born vai: -hestáotse. See: heéšeame2 his/her birthday. Category: time, holidays.

-véhoneéšeeve   vii. Lit: chief-day Presidents' Day - be. É-véhoneéšeeve. It is Presidents' Day. Category: holidays.

Véhpotséeše   ni. Palm Sunday. Lit: leaf-day Variant: Véhpotséma'heóneeše. Category: holidays.

Véhpotséma'heóneeše   ni. Palm Sunday. Lit: leaf-holy-day Variant: Véhpotséeše. Category: holidays.

Vóvotȯtse Tsé'onetȧhévȧho'hee'ėstse   vii -part-pl. Easter. Lit: when eggs are colored differently See: onétȧháve-; Vóvotséeše Easter. Category: holidays.

Vóvotséeše   Easter. Lit: egg-day Variant: Vóvotȯtse Tsé'onétȧhévȧho'hee'ėstse. Category: holidays.

Xamaevo'ėstaneo'o Tsé'amo'eétȧhévȯse   vai. Native American Week. This is one way that has been suggested to express the meaning of "Native American Week" in Cheyenne. Other ways are possible also. See: xamaevo'ėstane Native American. Category: holidays.