Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanátamao'ó   vai. laugh intensely. This laughter can be so intense that the person rolls on the ground. É-áhanátamaō'o. He laughed very hard. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: sounds.

-ahtám   fta. sound. Nápėhéve-ahtama. I like what he says. (lit., he pleasures me by his sounds). Nápėhéve-ahtámoo'o. They liked my presentation. Nétónėsé-ahtámaa'e? How does it sound to you? Category: sounds.

-ahtóohe   fai. sound, howl, make noise. Often refers to the characteristic noise of whatever entity is sounding, for example, a bark of a dog, moo of cow, meow of cat, crack of thunder, but also seems to be used more broadly of other speech acts, such as cautioning, advising, etc. Éam-ȧhtóohe. He (for example, a cow or thunder) goes along hollering. Éhoó'h-ahtóohe. He was overheard hollering (meowing, croaking, neighing, etc.). Étónet-ȧhtóohe? How does he howl? / What sound does he make? vóon-ȧhtóohéhe nightingale (literally, all.night-howl-one). See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.

-a'xaame   vai. cry. É-a'xaame. He is crying. Névé'e-a'xaame! Don't cry! tséohke-a'xaamese Pentecostals (lit. those who cry). Hénová'e tséhése-a'xaameto? Why are you crying? Variant: Hénová'éto tsé-hésta'xaneto?. ma'a'xaamėstse when he cries. See: -a'xané; omóm-. Category: sounds, cry.

-amȧhtóohe   vai. go along making noise. for example, move along hollering, thundering, mooing, barking. Can be said of thunder, an animal, or a person. É-amȧhtóohe. He (for example, cow, thunder) goes along hollering. Éne'-amȧhtóohe. He (for example, thunder) is approaching as he is making his sound. Tsene'-amȧhtóohe nonóma'e. Thunder will approach hollering. fai: -ahtóohe. See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.

-améva'ham   vta. throw s.o. fast. especially of a fastball; literally refers to the whizzing sound of a ball going by fast. É-améva'hamóho. He threw him fast. Category: baseball, sounds.

-amévanené   vai. make noise while passing by, fart while passing by. often implies farting noise, but can refer to noise such as of a mouse scurrying by. É-amévánéne. He is making noise while passing by. fai: -évanené. Category: sounds.

-amévánóhtsé   vai. footsteps sound. Ques: ánohtsé?? É-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard. É-amévanȯhtseo'o. Their footsteps are heard as they go along. Éne'-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard as he is coming. Énėxhoó'he-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard as he is coming. Éhe'ke-amévánóhtse. He has soft/quiet footsteps. See: -hoó'hevanohtsé. Category: sounds, check.

-améváohtsé   vai. make sounds walking by. É-améváóhtse. He is making sounds walking by. Category: sounds.

-améváóó'e   vii. go by making noise.

vai. go by making noise. for example, of a train or a person. É-améváóó'e. He (or It) is going by making noise. (another recording) Éohke-amévaoeo'o. They make noise going by. Phon: vs See: -amévone. Category: motion, sounds.

-amévaoo'ó   vii. hum. É-améváóó'o. It is humming as it runs. for example, of an engine. É-amévaoohe? Is it huuming as it runs? Naa mó-amévaoohanéhe. And it must be humming as it runs. Phon: vs Category: sounds, check.

-amévone   vii. sound go by. É-amévone. The sound went by. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-asévone   vii. start to make a sound, sound start. É-asévone. It is starting to make a sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-asévoneotse   vii. sound start, start to make a sound. É-asévoneotse. It is starting to make a sound. fii: -évone. See: -asévone. Category: sounds.

-átamao'ó   fai. laugh. Éáhan-átamaō'o. He laughed so hard he rolled on the ground. Éhánȯht-átamaō'o. He leaned backwards laughing so hard. Éémooht-átamaō'o. He is laughing quietly. Één-atamaō'o. He stopped laughing. Émémėst-átamaō'o. He laughed so hard he defecated (or farted). Éomóm-atamaō'o. He laughed so hard he cried. Éová'k-atamaō'o. He was giggling. Ésé'h-atamaō'o. He woke up laughing. Phon: not vs fai: -hohátse. Category: sounds.

áxȧxév-   i. ring. also used for ringing up by telephone. Nėsta-axȧxéva'o'hȧtse. I'll ring you (call on the telephone). É-áxȧxéváóhtse. He is walking with his bells jingling. É-áxȧxévone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound/it is ringing. É-áxȧxévá'háhtse. He rang it. Category: sounds.

-áxȧxéva'hasené   vai. jingle. that is, make a jingling sound. É-áxȧxéva'hasēne. He is jingling. Category: sounds.

-áxȧxévaohtsé   vai. walk with jingling bells. É-áxȧxéváóhtse. He is walking with his bells jingling. This used to be said of people who would walk to the dance hall with their dancing clothes on, including dancing bells. The bells would jingle as they walked. Category: sounds, walk.

-áxȧxévo'ėhaná   vai. have bells on shoes. É-áxȧxévo'ėhāna. He has bells on his shoes. Category: sounds, shoes.

-áxȧxévo'ótaná   vai. wear a bell, bell wear. refers to wearing a bell around the neck, as some cows do. É-áxȧxévo'ótána. He is wearing a bell. IndepNoun áxȧxévo; fai: -o'ótaná. See: -he-áxȧxévone; ho'ota. Category: sounds.

-áxȧxévone   vii. ring (as a bell). É-áxȧxévone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound/it is ringing. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-é'e'še   vai. whistle. É-é'e'še. He whistled. vta: -é'e'šetsėstov; IndepNoun é'e'šestȯtse. Etym: *kwi·škwihšwiwa (P). Category: sounds.

-é'e'šem   vta. whistle to s.o. É-é'e'šemóho. He whistled to him. Etym: *kwi·škwihšime·wa (P). See: -é'e'šétsėstov. Category: sounds.

-é'e'šenoné   vai. whistle a tune. É-é'e'šenōne. He whistled a tune. fai: -noné. Category: sounds.

-é'e'šenonéóó'e   vai. whistle while standing. É-é'e'šenonéóó'e. He whistled standing. fai: -noné, -óé2. Phon: vs Category: sounds, stand.

-é'e'šétsėstov   vta. whistle to s.o. for example, to call him. É-é'e'šétsėstovóho. He whistled to him. Etym: *kwi·škwihši·Ɂtawe·wa. Ná-é'e'šétsėstóvo. I whistled to him. for example, to get his attention. Kȧse'ééhe é-é'e'šétsėstóó'e. He (obv) whistled at the young woman. vai: -é'e'še. See: -é'e'šem. Category: sounds.

-e'hahe   m. voice. Épėhév-e'hahe. He has a nice voice. Évéhp-e'hahe. He has a low voice. Émo'ó'xo-e'hahe. He has a hoarse voice. Émȧhov-e'hahéotse. His voice became tired. Éomóm-e'hahe. He is whining. ... éheš-e'hahe. ... he has such a voice. Éénȯs-e'hahe. His voice died down. Éhá-e'hahe. He sings loudly/has a powerful voice. Category: sounds, voice.

-em   fta. speak to s.o., speak about s.o. Étotóx-emóho. He discussed him. Éhávėsév-emóho. He talked badly about him. Émȧhov-emóho. He tired him by speaking. Épėhév-emóho. He spoke well of him. Etym: *im (R). fti: -está. See: -am2 speak to/about s.o.; -o'ót declare about s.o.; -hósem tell about s.o.. Category: sounds, speak.

-émevone   vii. sound barely heard. É-émevone. It (sound) is barely heard. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-énȧhtóohe   vai. stop sounding. É-énȧhtóohe. He stopped making a sound. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-énévánéne   vai. stop making noise. É-énévánéne. He stopped making noise. ?? fai: -anené. See: -amévanené. Category: sounds, check.

-énevone   vii. stop sounding. É-énevone. It stopped sounding/the sound stopped. fii: -évone. Etym: *po·nwe·we·katwi (or * po·nwe·we·wi??) (P); cf. M pu:ni·wae·hnen (correspondence?). Category: sounds.

-ésevone2   vii. sound enter, sound come in. É-ésevone. The sound entered. Morph: -ésévone. fii: -évone. See: ésevone1 female buffalo; -amévone sound go by. Category: sounds.

-éstá2   fai. sound. perhaps especially a loud sound. Éhó'-ésta. He is cheering/shouting. Éhe'ha-ésta. He keeps coughing. Éhá-ésta. He screamed. Éhoó'h-ésta. He was heard from a distance. Éó'kȯhóm-ésta. He is making coyote sounds. Épe'pe'-éstao'o. They are hollering. É-mȧhéstaotseo'o. They all hollered. See: évanené; hoó'he-; -'šeme. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-éškȯsévone   vii. make a sharp noise. É-éškȯsévone. It made a sharp noise. Category: sounds.

-évȧhtóohe   vai. go around hollering. É-évȧhtóohe. He goes about bawling/calling. Category: sounds.

-évanené   fai. make sound. Éam-évánéne. He making noise while passing by. Éháahpe'-évánéne. He is making loud sounds. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-évoamé   vai. groan. É-évóáme. He groaned. Variant: -évovamé. É-évoameo'o. They groaned. See: Náhkȯheósóáme; -évo'ame; -hoó'hoamé. Category: sounds.

-évoamévenome   vai. groan during sleep. É-évoamévenome. He groaned during sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sounds.

-évone   fii. sound. Épėhév-evone. It sounds good. Épėhéveam-évone. It is running (or idling) well (for example, car engine's sound). Éam-évone. The sound went by/along. Éne'am-évone. A sound is approaching. Éma'xepón-evone. It was a big exploding sound. Één-evone. The sound stopped. Éém-evone. It (sound) is barely heard. Éaxȧx-évone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound. Émomo'-évone. There is a noise/there is a commotion. Ékó'ko-évone. It has a ticking sound. ?? É-hoó'h-evone. It is heard making a sound. See: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-évovamé   vai. groan. É-évóváme. He groaned. Variant: -évoamé. See: -hoó'hoamé. Category: sounds.

-háahpe'évanené   vai. fart loudly, make loud noises. refers to farts by inference. É-háahpe'évánéne. He farted loudly. Synonym -tȧhpe'évanené; fai: -évanené. See: -pánestse; -háe'šeme; -tȧhpe'évanené; -pá'panestse. Category: sounds.

-háahtóohe   vai. make a lot of noise, noisy, sound loudly. É-háahtóohe. He is making a lot of noise. can also refer to making something sound like a bad story, for instance, about someone in the hospital. Reduplicated -hoháahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-háa'éhahtóohe   vai. sound for a long time. É-háa'éhahtóohe. He sounded for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final -aht'óohe. See: -vone'éhahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-háe'šeme   vai. make loud noise. É-háe'šeme. He is making loud sounds. fai: -'šeme. See: -háahpe'évanené; -tȧhpe'évanené. Category: sounds.

-háésta   vai. scream, holler loudly, make a lot of noise. É-háésta. He screamed. Final -éstá. See: -pe'pe'éstá; -háahpe'e'hahe. Category: sounds.

-háestȯhe'šeme   vai. utter many sounds, have many sounds, make many sounds, sound many ways. for example, a mockingbird. É-háestȯhe'šeme. He makes many sounds. fai: -'šemé. Category: quantity, sounds.

-háeva'ó   vai. very loud, loud - very. É-háévá'o. It is very loud. See: -háevone. Category: sounds.

háev(an)-   i. loud. Variant: háeva'-. É-háévánóhtse. He is making loud footsteps. É-háévánéne. He is making a loud noise. É-háevone. It is a loud sound/it sounded loudly. Category: sounds.

-háévanené   vai. make loud noise. É-háévánéne. He is making a loud noise. Category: sounds.

-háévánohtsé   vai. have loud footsteps, noisy walk, walk noisily. É-háévánóhtse. He is making loud footsteps. See: Ȯxháevánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, walk.

-háevavé'ėséšé   vai. loud sound from buttocks hitting ground. Ná-háevavé'ėséše. I fell hard and could hear my butt hit the ground. Variant: -háevavé'ėšéše. Category: fall, sounds.

-háevavé'ėšéšé   vai. make a loud sound from buttocks hitting the ground. Ná-háevavé'ėséše. I fell hard and could hear my butt hit the ground. Variant: -háevavé'ėséše. Phon: š-assim Category: fall, sounds.

-háevavetsénoona'xe   vai. make much noise rustling feathers/wings. É'ȯhkė-háevavetsénooná'xeo'o. They made a lot of noise with their feathers/wings. [1987:177] BodyPartMedial -tsénooná. Category: sounds.

-háevėhasené   vai. make a lot of noise. É-háevėhasēne. He made a lot of noise. Category: sounds.

-háevone   vii. loud sound, sound loudly. É-háevone. It is a loud sound/it sounded loudly. Morph: /-háévone/. Phon: hpo Reduplicated -hoháevone; fii: -évone. See: -háeva'ó. Category: sounds.

-hávėsévȧhtóohe   vai. sound bad news. É-hávėsévȧhtóohe. He brought bad news. É-hávėsévȧhtóohe méstaa'e. The owl brought bad news. Initial hávėsév-; fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-hávėséve'šeme   vai. make a bad sound. É-hávėséve'šeme. He is making a bad sound. Category: sounds.

-hehpȧhtóohe   vai. thunder beyond. É-hehpȧhtóohe nonóma'e. Thunder keeps thundering. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, weather.

-héhpȯhe'šeme   vai. make scary sounds. É-héhpȯhe'šeme. He is making scary sounds. Category: sounds.

-héhpȯhevone   vii. sound scary, scary sound. É-héhpȯhevone. hévone?? It is a scary sound. fii: -évone. Ques: -héhpȯhévone?? Category: sounds.

-he'haéstá   vai. cough. Ques: is this chronic coughing?? Category: check. É-he'haésta. He is coughing. Etym: cf *weɁθeɁθwetamwa (P). See: -he'haa'e. Category: sounds, sickness.

-he'keamévone   vii. be a soft sound. É-he'keamévone. It makes a soft sound. Category: sounds.

-he'kévone   vii. be a soft sound. É-he'kévone. It makes a soft sound. Final -évone. See: -he'keamévone; -tšėške'évone. Category: sounds.

-he'kȯhovosé   vai. fart quietly. É-he'kȯhovōse. He farted silently. See: -pánestse. Category: sounds.

-he'kóse'šeme   vai. lulu, ululate. a warble performed by women, for example, at a victory dance or when a young man is going to war. É-he'kóse'šeme. She "lulu-ed". She lulued. Assimilated he'kóše'šeme; Final -'šeme. See: -nóono'é. Category: sounds.

-he'kóše'šeme   vai. lulu, ululate. É-he'kóše'šeme. She lulued. Non-assimilated -he'kóse'šeme. See: -nóonó'é. Final -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-he'kotomáotse   vai. quiet down, get quiet. É-he'kotomáotse. He quieted down. Category: sounds.

-he'kotomátó   vii. quiet, calm. for example, the village of Birney. É-he'kotomáto. It is quiet. (another recording) Étávė-he'kotomáto. It is slightly calm. Antonym -pe'pe'évone. Category: sounds.

-he'kotomávo'o'e   vii. quiet growth. can be said when trees or bushes are not making noise for lack of wind. É-he'kotomávo'o'e. The growth is quiet. Category: sounds.

-heséva'xe   vai. Gram: rr sound that way, so sound; make that kind of noise. É-heséva'xe. ?? He made that kind of noise. vii: -hesévone. Category: sounds, check.

-hésevone   vii. sound from there. É-hésevone. The sound is coming from that direction. Énėx-hésevone. The sound is coming (here) from that direction. Category: sounds.

-héstȧhtóohe   vai. holler from there. Énėx-héstȧhtóohe. He is hollering from there. Initial hést-; fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-heše'hahé'tá   vti. how vocables are sung for s.t. Néhmétseo'o tséto'sė-heše'hahé'tohe. Give me how the vocables are going to be sung for it. [1987:156] fai: -e'hahe. See: -noné. Category: sounds, voice.

-hešévone   vii. sound so, sound that way. ... é-hešévone. ... it sounds that way. hápó'e hé'tóhe tsé-hešévone as (for example, much as; same as) this sound. See: -hésevone. Category: sounds.

-hoháahtóohe   vai. roar. É-hoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.

-hoháevone   vii. be a very loud sound. É-hoháevone. It is a very loud sound; it's making a very loud sound. fii: -évone. See: -háevone. Category: sounds.

hohátse-   pv. laughingly. É-hohátsevo'ėstanéheve. He is full of laughter. (literally, 'he lives laughingly). Category: sounds, laugh, live.

-hohatse   vai. laugh. É-hohatse. He is laughing. (another recording) Etym: cf *e·lyiwa (P). É-hohátseo'o. They are laughing. Éohkėsáa'ée-hohátséhe. He doesn't laugh. vta: -hohátse'tov; fai: -átamao'ó. See: -hohátseotse laugh suddenly. Category: sounds, laugh.

-hohetse   vai. howl, cry. especially of a dog; a dog that howled crying was supposed to be killed. É-hohetse. He howled. [1987:215] Etym: cf *o·lwa (P). See: -hohatse; -a'xaame; -néstoohe. Category: sounds.

-ho'éstá   vai. arrive with noise. É-ho'ésta. He came with that sound. See: -hó'éstá. Category: sounds.

-hó'éstá   vai. whoop, cheer, yell, shout. É-hó'ésta. He whooped. vta: -hó'ėstá'tov; fai: -éstá2. See: -hó'hohené; -hó'évoné; -hó'ót; -nóono'e; -pe'pe'éstá; -hoéstá1; -ho'éstá; ho'ēsta; -pėhévéstá. Category: sounds.

-hó'ėstá'tov   vta. whoop, cheer, yell, shout (in sense of whooping) for s.o. for example, cheering for someone who is playing in a ball game. É-hó'ėstá'tovóho. He cheered/yelled for him. Ná-hó'ėstá'tova. He cheered/yelled for me. Category: sounds.

-ho'évone   vii. sound arrive. É-ho'évone. The sound arrived. Initial ho'-; Final -évone. See: -hó'évone whooping sound. Category: sounds.

-hó'évone   vii. yelling sound, whooping sound. É-hó'evone. It is a whooping sound. Éxxamaenėšė-hó'évónėse. There was just yelling. [The Whiteman and the Mouse.023] See: -ho'évone sound arrive; -hó'está; -hó'ót whoop at s.o.; -hó'hohené. Category: sounds.

-hó'hohené   vai. cheer, whoop, Indian-whoop, clap, applaud. This word is used for Indian-whooping. É-hó'hohēne. He cheered. Ques: hó'hohoné?? Hó'hohōnėstse! Clap! Hó'hohōne! Clap! (said to more than one person). vta: -hó'ót. See: -ho'hó'ȯhóne clap; -hó'está; -hó'évoné; -nóono'é; -pe'pe'éstá. Category: sounds, check.

-ho'hó'ȯhoné   vai. clap. É-ho'hó'ȯhóne. He is clapping. See: -hó'hohené cheer. Category: sign, sounds.

-ho'óxevone   vii. last sound. É-ho'óxevone. It is the last sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-homȯhéstá   vai. noisy. É-homȯhésta. He is noisy. fai: -éstá; vii: -homȯhévone. See: -pe'pe'ésta. Category: sounds.

-homȯhévone   vii. noisy. É-homȯhévone. It sounds noisy. Ééšeévaasė-homȯhévone. It is starting to get noisy again. fii: -évone. See: -homȯheotse. Category: sounds.

-hoó'haaenove   vai. heard playing. É-hoó'haaenove. (haenove??) He was heard playing. See: -háaenove. Category: sounds, play, check.

-hoó'hahtóohe   vai. heard sounding. This refers to sound being heard that is a typical sound of whoever is making that sound, such as mooing, meowing, croaking, neighing. É-hoó'hahtóohe. He was heard hollering. naa óvahe vé'kėseho ééesó'-hoó'hahtóoheo'o. but the birds are still singing. Naa nėhē'še tá'tóhe éhne'ȯhkė-hoó'hahtóohesėstse vo'ėstane tóhtóó'e. And then that person (whiteman) could be heard hollering on the prairie. [Croft 1988:21:13] Hotȧhtse éhnéstovósesto éx-hoó'hahtóohesėstse ó'kȯhóme. Here, he heard a(nother) coyote howling. [1987:300] fai: -ahtóohe. See: -hó'está; -néstoohe. Category: sounds.

hoó'he-   pv. overheard. Énėx-hoó'heamévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard coming. mȧx-hoó'hepónevone when you hear shooting (that is, a big noise) (1987:27). Táaxa'e nátȧhévé'hóómo nevá'esėstse néhe tsééema'xe-hoó'hepe'pe'éstȧhtse. Let's see, I'll go see whoever it is who is hollering. (1987:285). É-hoó'henéstoohe. He was overheard hollering/bellowing/etc. É-hoó'hemésehe. He was overheard eating. Éévė-hoó'he-óxȯhevoo'o (or, -óxȯhesėstse)? What is he overheard saying? (humorous response to someone's farting). Initial hoó'h-. See: -áahtomóné; tata'e-. Category: sounds, hear, sayings.

-hoó'héstá   vai. overheard hollering. É-hoó'hésta. He was heard hollering. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds, hear.

-hoó'hevanené   vai. overheard making a sound. Often connotes farting sounds. É-hoó'hévánéne. He was overheard making noise. (another recording) ?? Ques: which recording has the correct pitches?? See: -hoó'hevėhané; -pánestse; -énévánené. Category: hear, sounds, check.

-hoó'hevėhahtsé   vti. overheard making a thumping noise with s.t. for example, of someone slamming a door. É-hoó'hévėháhtse. He was overheard making a thumping noise with it. vai: -hoó'hevėhané. See: -hoó'hévánené. Category: sounds.

-hoó'hevėhané   vai. overheard pounding; pounding overheard. for example, of someone chopping wood or hitting a drum. É-hoó'hévėháne. He is overheard making hitting noises. fai: -évėhané; vti: -hoó'hevėhahtsé. See: -hoó'hévánené. Category: sounds.

-hoó'hoamé   vai. overhear groaning. É-hoó'hóáme. He was overheard groaning. See: -évoamé. Category: sounds.

-hováheve'šeme   vai. make an animal sound. É-hováheve'šeme. He sounded like an animal. fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-hovéhpo'emá   vai. make a lot of noise, holler. especially enough to create an echo. É-hovéhpó'éma. He is making a lot of noise crying/hollering. Category: sounds.

kéékéé   p. keekee. a sound that trees make when moving in the wind. "Kéékéé," éxheséva'xėsesto hoóhtseto. "Keekee," the trees made a noise like that. Category: sounds.

-kó'koeva'há   vii. jingle. É-kó'kóévá'ha. It is jingling. Category: sounds.

-kó'koeva'ó   vii. jingle.

vai. jingle. É-kó'kóévá'o. He (or It) is making a jingling sound. for instance, the sound of coins jingling in one's pocket. Category: sounds.

-kó'koévone   vii. jingle, creak, clang. É-kó'koévone. It is a jingling sound. Hénová'e tsé-kó'koévone? What is jingling? fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-kó'ko'ėhasené   vai. make noise typing, type making noise. É-kó'ko'ėhasēne. He is making noise with his typewriter keys. fai: -hasené. Category: sounds.

-kó'ko'évone   vii. sound in succession, ticking sound, clatter, chatter. É-kó'ko'évone. It is a ticking sound. [pd227] fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-kó'konóhtá   vti. noisily chew s.t. É-kó'kónóhta. He is making noise chewing it. Né-kó'kónóhta. You are making noise chewing it. See: -óhtá1. Category: sounds.

-kó'konósané   vai. noisily eat, noisily grind teeth, chomp. É-kó'konósáne. He is chewing noisily. Category: sounds, eat.

-kó'kovan   vti. make s.t. jingle. É-kó'kovāna. He made it jingle.

vta. make s.o. jingle. É-kó'kovanóho. He made him jingle. Category: sounds.

-kó'kovane   vai. make crackling noise, jingle. É-kó'kovane. He made a crackling noise. Category: sounds.

-kónȯho'é   vai. hit with a popping sound, homerun - hit a. especially of hitting a baseball; can be said of hitting a homerun. É-kónȯhó'e. He hit (something) (and it made a popping noise and went a long ways). Category: baseball, sounds, hit.

kováááhe   p. croaking sound that frogs make. Category: sounds.

-'šeme   fai. noise, sound. Ques: -e'šeme?? Éháe-'šeme. He is making loud sounds. Éhéhpȯhe-'šeme. He is making scary sounds. Éhe'kóse-'šeme. She lulued. Étónėše-'šeme? What sound does he make? Ééškȯse-'šeme. He screamed. Énėhešé-'šeme. He makes sounds that way. Épėhéve-'šeme. His noise sounds good / he is making a good sound. Éhávėséve-'šeme. He is making a bad sound. Éhováheve-'šeme. He sounded like an animal. Éméstaéve'-šeme. He is making an owl sound. Énáhkȯhé-'šeme. He growled like a bear. Évé'kėséheve-'šeme. He is making a sound like a bird. Épóesóneve-'šeme. He meowed. Évéhpe-'šeme. He made a hollow sound. Évóone-'šeme. He made noise all night. See: -évone. Category: sounds, check.

-maa'e   vai. 1 • bark, snort. É-maa'e. He barked. vta: -maet. See: -néstoohe. Phon: vs Etym: *mekiwa. Category: sounds.

2 • court. romantically. Category: figurative, romance.

-mȧhahtóohe   vai. all sound. É-mȧhahtóoheo'o. They are all making noise. This can be said, for instance, of coyotes, birds, or drunken people. fai: -ahtóohe. See: -mȧhévone. Category: sounds.

-mȧhéstá   vai. all holler. É-mȧhéstao'o. They are all hollering. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds.

-mȧhévone   vii. sound all, all sound. É-mȧhévone. There is sound of all. For example, when a team wins and everyone cheers. But this refers to the sound (inanimate) itself, not to the people cheering. So it is an inanimate instransitive verb. fii: -évone. See: -mȧhahtóohe. Category: sounds.

ma'hahtsenávo'anestȯtse   ni. vowel. Synonym ma'hahtsenáeestsestȯtse. Category: sounds.

-méstaéve'šeme   vai. hoot, owl sound. É-méstaéve'šeme. He is making an owl sound. É'ȯhkeméstaéve'šemésesto. They would make owl sounds. [The Afterbirth Child.109] fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-mo'onévone   vii. beautiful sound, sound beautiful. É-mo'onévone. It sounds beautiful. See: -mo'onenoné sing beautifully. Category: sounds.

-momo'évone   vii. noisy, commotion. É-momo'évone. There is a noise/commotion. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-mónȧhtóohe   vai. holler new?? É-mónȧhtóohe. He is hollering from one direction.?? for example, of thunder. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, check.

-náhkȯhé'šeme   vai. growl like a bear. a Cheyenne way of building up courage for battle. É-náhkȯhé'šeme. He growled like a bear. See: -na'e (??; -ná'ot. Category: check, warfare, sounds.

-ná'ót   vta. snarl at s.o., growl a warning to s.o. especially done by a dog; does not include a bite; it is growling to try to frighten away a person, or scare another dog away from his food. É-ná'oto. He snarled at him. É-ná'ótóho. (newer pronunciation) É-ná'ótáá'e oeškėseho. He (prox.) was snarled at by the dog. Ná-ná'ota. I was warned by his growl. vai: -ná'ȯsané. See: -maet bark at s.o.; -héškonené'ó bare teeth. Category: dogs, sounds.

-nanéahtá   vti. recognize s.t. by its sound. Lit: É-nanéáhta. He recognized it by its sound. Épėhéve-nanéahtohe. It is easily understood. fti: -aht. See: -nané'ahtá recognize s.t. by its taste. Category: sounds.

-nėhešé'šeme   vai. make sound that way. for example, a person who makes scraping sounds with his throat, bothering other people. É-nėhešé'šeme. He makes sounds that way. Category: sounds.

-nėhešévȧhó'ta   vii., engine run like that. É-nėhešévȧhó'ta. (The car) runs like that. Category: sounds.

-nėhpe'onová   vai. talk loudly. Usage: This is a subdialectal pronunciation. É-nėhpe'ónóva. He talked loudly. É-nėhpe'ónováto. It is loud talking (for example, on radio). Variant: -tȧhpe'onová; fai: -ónová. Category: speak, sounds, check.

-ne'evávȧhtóohe   vai. identified by sound, recognized by sound. É-ne'evávȧhtóohe. He is recognized by the sound he makes. Initial ne'evá(v)-; Final -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-nėsó'evone   vai. wheezing sound - be a. É-nėsó'evone. It is a wheezing sound. See: nėsó'enome. Category: sounds.

Néstónéváhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Noisy Walker. See: Ȯx-háevánóhtsėstse. Category: names, sounds.

-néstónéva'há   vii. make rattling sound, rattle sound. É-néstónévá'ha. It made a rattling sound. Tsetaohke-néstónévá'hánėstse. They will rattle. [The Afterbirth Child.047] Category: sounds, sounds.

-néstónéva'hahtsé   vti. make s.t. whiz with noise. Ná-néstónévá'háhtse. I made it make a noise as it whizzed. Category: sounds.

-néstónéva'ó   vai. make noise whizzing by. É-néstónévá'o. It made noise as it whizzed by. See: -améva'ó. Category: sounds.

-néstoneva'ov   vai. make noise from making contact with s.o. can be of snow (animate). É-néstoneva'ohe hésta'se. The snow is making a crunching sound (when walked on and the temperature is very cold). Category: sounds.

-néstoneva'xe   vai. make noise moving. É-néstoneva'xe. ?? He is making a noise moving. ?? [Whiteman and the Coyote.008] Category: sounds, motion, check.

-néstónéván   vti. cause s.t. to make a loud noise. É-néstónévána. He made it make noise.

vta. cause s.o. to make a loud noise. É-néstonevano. ?? He caused him to make a loud noise. É-néstónévánóho. ?? He caused him to make a loud noise. (newer pronunciation). Category: sounds.

-néstonevané   vai. 1 • make loud noise, loud noise. Usage: can connote farting noisily É-néstónéváne. He is making a loud noise. typically refers to the loud sounds people make as they walk along with a heavy foot.

2 • fart loudly. can be made into a humorous pun for Néstónéváhtsėstse 'Noisy Walker,' as Néstónévánėstse 'Noisy Farter'. Category: sounds.

-néstónévanené   vai. make sounds that can be heard. especially refers to farting. É-néstónévánéne. He is making sounds that can be heard. Ques: lit. do something making sounds?? See: -néstonevané; -néstomóné; -néstov; -hoó'h; -tȧhpe'évanéne; -háe'šeme. Category: sounds, check.

-néstonevánohtsé   vai. make noise with footsteps. É-néstónévánóhtse. The sound of his footsteps is heard; he makes footstep sounds as he walks. A well-known song includes this verb: "Ma'taa'étaneo'o é-néstonevánȯhtseo'o," éhenove. "The forest people are making noises with their footsteps," it is said. [Schwartz 1989:85] See: -hohtsé. Category: sounds.

Néstónéváóhtsėstse   na. Noisy Walker. See: Néstónéváhtsėstse; Háévánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, names.

-néstoneváóó'e   vai. make loud noise. É-néstónéváóó'e. It is making a loud noise. Hée, tséxháá'ha évá'ne-néstoneváoeo'o ho'honáeo'o Hey, it's just the wind whistling through the rocks. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs See: -néstonevané. Category: sounds.

Néstónéváóó'e   na. Noisy Woman, Wind Sounds Woman. Category: sounds, names.

-néstonevaotse   vai. make a rattling noise. é'ȯhke-néstonevaotsésesto They would rattle. [The Afterbirth Child.052] Category: sounds.

-néstonevavȧhtsena'xe   vai. move mouth noisily. for example, smack lips or chew loudly while eating. É-néstonevavȧhtsena'xe. He is making noises with his mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: sounds, mouth.

néstonevave-   pv. with noise. É-néstonevavėhóesta'hāhtse. It made a sound as he pulled it out. Category: sounds.

-néstonévave'háoohe   vai. make noise while flying. naa máto hó'ease'háooheto néohkease-néstonévave'háoohe and also when you fly away you make a (nice) noise. [The Nighthawk.038] Category: sounds.

-néstonevavėšem   vta. throw down s.o. so they make a sound. É-néstonevavėšemóho. He threw him down and he made a sound. Category: sounds.

-néstonevone   vii. sound, make noise. É-néstonevone. It is making sounds. Natonėše é-néstonevone. My belly is making noises. Éma'xe-néstonevone. It is making a loud noise. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-néstonevoneotse   vii. sound, make noise, chime. for example, of a curfew horn, alarm clock, or time clock for work. É-néstonevoneotse. It chimed. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-néstoohe   vai. sound, make noise, call, howl, croak, moo, neigh. This is a superordinate term for making a characteristic sound, of various animals or humans: whinny/neigh (horse), hiss (snake), meow (cat), moo/low (cow), crow(rooster), croak (frog), call, etc. É-néstoohe. He is sounding (for example, neighing (horse), hissing (snake), meowing (cat), etc.). Éohkeéšeméo-néstooheo'o vé'kėseho. Birds already sound in the morning. Ma'hēō'o é-néstoohe. There is thunder. Lit: God is hollering É-néstoohe nonóma'e. Thunder is hollering. Phon: hpo Etym: cf *ketowa. See: -amȧhtóohe; -véstȧhtóohe; -ahtóohe; -maa'e; -háahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-néstoohéotse   vai. sound suddenly; make animal noise suddenly, noise suddenly - make animal. É-néstoohéotse. He suddenly made (his characteristic) animal sound. See: -néstoohe.. Category: sounds.

-néstoohétó   vii. sound, howl, make noise. É-néstoohéto. It is howling. for example, of a car horn or train. Category: sounds.

-nėšéševone   vii. mournful sound. É-nėšéševone. It is a mournful sound. [pd 722] fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-nėševévone   vii. fast sound, sound go fast. É-nėševévone. The sound is going fast. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-nétȧhévevone   vii. different sound - be a. É-nétȧhévevone. It is a different sound. Éma'xe-nétȧhévevone. It is a big di·fferent sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-no'kȧhtóohe   vai. sound alone. É-no'kȧhtóohe. He is the only one sounding. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-no'késtá   vai. make noise alone, sound alone. É-no'késta. He is the only one making noise. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds.

nonóma'e   na. 1 • thunder, thunder god, battery. (another recording) (another recording) In Cheyenne cosmology thunder has been personified and considered a sacred power. It is possible that some people have translated the name of this power as 'thunderbird', as it has been written in some anthropological works on Cheyennes. Nonóma'e éamȧhtóohe. The thunder came through (thundering). Nonóma'e énéstoohe. Thunder is hollering (compare also énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o 'God is hollering' (this is what some people used to say during thunder; there was fear of the thunder). Éhoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xepónenēne nonóma'e. The thunder made a loud cracking sound. Nonóma'e énaeotse. The battery died. Phon: iah Etym: *nenemexkyiwa. See: Nemevota; ma'heono; nomá'he; -ho'ótseotse.

2 • Thunder. Category: sacred, sounds, car, names.

-nonótovȧhtóohe   vai. sound fast. É-nonótovȧhtóohe. He is hollering fast. É'ȯhkema'xe-nonótovȧhtoohéhoo'o. (The frog) was really croaking fast. [1987:285] fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.

-nóono'ėstá'tov   vta. whoop at s.o. Ná-nóono'ėstá'tova. He whooped at me. vai: -nóono'é. See: -nóono'ot; -hó'ėstá'tov. Category: sounds.

-nóono'ót   vta. whoop at s.o. É-nóono'oto. He whooped at him. É-nóono'ótóho. He whooped at him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-nóono'óto. I whooped at him. vai: -nóono'é; Final -o'ót. See: -nóono'ėstá'tov; -hó'ėstá'tov; -háo'ót. Category: sounds, interpersonal.

-ó'kȯhóméstá   vai. coyote sound, make coyote sounds. É-ó'kȯhómésta. He is making coyote sounds. Ka'eškóneho tseohke-ó'kȯhómėstao'o. Children will make coyote sounds (a prediction of Sweet Medicine). Category: sounds. fai: -éstá.

-onénėševa'há   vii. rattle sound. as of a car that is getting old. É-onénėševā'ha It is making a rattling sound. For example, of my car. fii: -va'há. See: -onénėševȧho'tá; -onénėšeotse. Category: car, sounds.

Ȯx-háevánóhtsėstse   cj. Noisy Walker. See: -háévánohtsé; Néstónéváhnėstse. Category: sounds.

-pánestse   vai. fart, break wind. É-pánestse. He farted. Éma'xe-pánestse. He farted loudly. Pé'eo'o éohke-pánėstseo'o. Nighthawks fart (it is said they make a sound like farting). Reduplicated -pá'panestse. When someone farts, especially if it is during a quiet time, it is sometimes said, éhoó'heóxȯhesėstse 'I wonder what he is overheard to say?!'This is quite humorous. A variant is éhoó'heóxȯhevoo'o 'What is he overheard to say?!'. Morph: /-pánehte/. Etym: *pwe·ketwiwa (P); *pe·ketekwa. See: -hoó'hevánené; -háahpe'évánené; -he'kȯhovosé. Category: sounds, body function.

-pėhévȧhtóohe   vai. make good sounds, bring good news?? É-pėhévȧhtóohe. He is ?? Initial pėhév-; Final -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, check.

-pėhéveahtam   vta. pleasure s.o. by sound. what causes pleasure could be one's speech, singing, or preaching. Ná-pėhéveahtama. I like what he says. Lit: He pleasures me by his sounds. (another recording) Ná-pėhéveahtāmo. He liked how I sounded / sang / what I said. Ná-pėhéveahtámoo'o. They liked my presentation. Ná-pėhéveahtámáá'e. I liked their singing. É-pėhéveahtámaa'e. He likes the sound of it. Ná-pėhéveahtámaenȯtse. ?? They made me feel good by listening. fta: -ahtám. See: -pėhéve'ahtá. Category: sounds, hear, check.

-pėhéve'šeme   vai. good sound, sound good, make a good sound. People can do this, as well as birds. É-pėhéve'šeme. His noise sounds good / he is making a good sound. fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-pėhévenoné   vai. sing well. É-pėhévenōne. He sang nicely. fai: -noné. See: -pėhévo'a'xe sing well. Category: sounds, sing.

-pėhévéstá   vai. cheer. can be done by birds or people. É-pėhévésta. He cheered. É-pėhévėstao'o. They cheered. fai: -éstá. See: -hó'éstá. Category: sounds.

-pėhéveva'hasené   vai. rattle well. É-pėhéveva'hasēne. He shakes the rattle(s) well. Category: sounds.

-pėhévevone   vii. sound nice. É-pėhévevone. It is a nice sound / it sounds good. for example, of a car engine. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-pe'peátamao'ó   vai. laugh noisily. É-pe'peátamaō'o. He made noise while laughing. Category: check, sounds.

-pe'pe'évánené   vai. bother with noise. É-pe'pe'évánéne He is making noise. for example, he is making noise when I'm trying to sleep. Category: sounds.

-pe'pe'évone   vii. be noisy. É-pe'pe'évone It is noisy. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

-péosem   vta. make sound hated by s.o. É-péosemóho. He makes a sound he (other person) hates. Ná-péosema. He makes a sound I hate. for example, the sound of that barking dog. fta: -em. Category: sounds.

-póehá   vii. slam. É-póéha. It slammed. See: -poe'hahtsé. Category: sounds.

-póesóneve'šeme   vai. meow. É-póesóneve'šeme. He meowed. Lit: cat-sound Category: sounds.

-póeva'há   vii. make a cracking sound. like a gun. É-póévá'ha. It makes a cracking sound (like a gun). fii: -va'há. See: -pónevone; -onénėševa'há. Category: sounds.

-pó'ėho'tá   vii. explode, pop. É-pó'ėhó'ta. It exploded. Etym: cf *pahkete·wi. vai: -pó'ėho'he; Reduplicated -pó'po'ėho'tá. Category: sounds.

-pó'po'ėho'hóvá   vai. have fireworks. É-pó'po'ėho'hóvao'o. They are having fireworks. Category: sounds.

-pó'po'ėho'tá   vii. pop. This includes a popping sound. É-pó'po'ėhō'ta. It is popping. sémo tsépó'po'ėhō'ta motorboat. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pó'ėho'tá. Category: sounds.

-pó'ponenené   vai. clap repeatedly, pop repeatedly, shoot repeatedly. for example, of repeated thunder claps or shooting sound. É-pó'ponenēne. He made a repeated clapping sound. Mó-pó'ponenėhevóhe. They must have shot (repeatedly). for example, to scare someone away. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -pónenené. Category: weather, shoot, sounds.

-pó'ponevoneotse   vii. shots volley sound, shot repeatedly sound. É-pó'ponevoneotse. There was a volley of shots (heard). Non-reduplicated -pónevoneotse. Category: sounds.

-pónenené   vai. be a clap of thunder, shoot with a gunshot noise. É-pónenēne. He made a loud popping sound. for example, by shooting a gun. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xe-pónenēne nonóma'e. The lightning made a loud cracking sound. Éohkema'xe-pónenēne. It (thunder) claps loudly. Tósa'e nóháso móstanėšema'xetónėšėhe'ame-pónenenėhéhe. He just shot in any direction up in the air. [1987:277] Reduplicated -pó'ponenené. See: -pónevone. Category: weather, sounds, shoot.

-pónenomót   vta. scare s.o. with a gunshot. É-pónenomoto. He scared him off with a gun shot. É-pónenomótóho. He scared him off with a gun shot. (newer pronunciation). Mós-pónenomótȧhtsėhevóhe. They had shot into the air to scare one another. [1987:28] Category: sounds, shoot, check.

-pónevone   vii. loud pop, shooting noise, discharge. for example, a gun shot. É-pónevone. It is a loud popping noise (as of a rifle). fii: -évone; vai: -pónenené. See: -póeva'há. Category: sounds.

-pónevoneotse   vii. loud pop, shooting noise, discharge. for example, a gun shot. É-pónevoneotse. It is a loud popping noise (as of a rifle). fii: -évone; vai: -pónenené; Reduplicated -pó'ponevoneotse. See: -póeva'há. Category: sounds.

Pónevonėstse   na. Bang. vii: -pónevone. Category: sounds, names.

-pónóemeše   vai. slap water making a big sound. É-pónóéméše. He made a big sound slapping the water. Éma'xėsé'-pónóéméše. He fell into the water making a big splashing sound. Category: sounds, liquid, fall.

-séešehá   vii. have the same tune. É-séešēha. It has the same tune. É-séešėhánėstse. They have the same tunes. For example, for example, Arapaho and Cheyenne songs. fii: -há2. See: -nėhešehá. Category: sounds, identity, check.

-séešévone   vii. sound the same, same sound - be the. É-séešévone. It sounds the same. Initial séeš-; Final -évone. Category: sounds.

-sé'sevanené   vai. make a scratching noise. É-sé'sevanēne. He is making a scratching noise. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'e'hahétsėstov   vta. holler at s.o. É-tȧhpe'e'hahétsėstovóho. He hollered at him. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'enonétó   vii. be loud music. É-tȧhpe'enonéto. The music (for example, on the radio) is loud. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'évȧho'tá   vii. make a big sound. such as a loud sound made by a car. É-tȧhpe'évȧhó'ta. It made a big sound. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'évánéne   vai. 1 • make a loud sound. É-tȧhpe'évánéne. He made a loud sound.

2 • fart loudly. Synonym -háahpe'évanené; Antonym -tšėške'évanené. See: -pánestse. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'évone   vii. big sound; sound loudly. for example, of a car. É-tȧhpe'évone. It made a big noise. Final -évone; Antonym tšėške'évone. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'ónová   vai. talk loudly. É-tȧhpe'ónóva. He is talking loudly. Usage: This is a better pronunciation than -nėhpe'onová. Variant: -nėhpe'onová. See: -háahpe'ónová; -tȧhpe'enestse. Category: sounds.

-tȧhpe'onováto   vii. be loud talking. É-tȧhpe'onováto it's loud (for example, sound of the radio). Category: sounds.

-tȧhpenoné   vai. play the flute. É-tȧhpenōne. He is playing the flute. Category: sounds, sing.

-tóne'éhahtóohe   vai. how long sound? É-tóne'éhahtóohe? How long did he make a sound? Initial tóne'éh-; Final -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, record.

-tóne'éševone   vii. how long sound? É-tóne'éševone. How long did that sound last? Initial tóne'éš-; Final -évone. Category: sounds.

-tónėsévone   vii. how sound. for example, asking what sound is made by a bell or car. É-tónėsévone? What sound does it make? Variant: -tónėšévone. Category: sounds.

-tónėše'šeme   vai. how sound? É-tónėše'šeme? What sound does he make? fai: -'šeme; vii: -tónėsévone. Category: sounds.

-tónėšévone   vai. how sound. É-tónėšévone? How does it sound? / What kind of sound is it? Variant: -tónėsévone. Category: sounds.

-tónetȧhtóohe   vai. how sound, how howl. É-tónetȧhtóohe? How does he howl? / What sound does he make? fai: -ahtóohe. See: néstoohe; -tónėše'šeme. Category: sounds.

-toovévone   vii. rumble sound. Lit: repeated-sound É-toovévone. It is a rumbling sound. [pd929] Reduplicated -totóovévone. Category: sounds.

-totóovévone   vii. double sound, rumbling sound, repeated sound. É-totóovévone. It is a double sound. This refers to a repeated sound, as of rumbling thunder. Non-reduplicated -toovévone. Category: sounds.

-tóvȧhtomóné   vai. slightly hard of hearing. É-tóvȧhtomóne. He is a little hard of hearing. Usage: less common pronunciation than -távȧhtomóné Variant: -távȧhtomóné. See: -onéahtá; -áahtomóné; -néstomóné. Category: hear, sounds.

-tóvȧhtóohe   vai. holler in the distance. for example, of thunder that is far away. É-tóvȧhtóohe. He is hollering in the distance. Category: hear, sounds.

-tse'tse'évone   vii. scratchy noise. É-tse'tse'évone. It is a scratchy noise. [Petter glossed it as 'it squeaks' (pd1005)] fii: -évone. See: -éškȯsévone. Category: sounds.

-tšėške'évánené   vai. 1 • make a quiet sound. É-tšėške'évánéne. He made a quiet sound.

2 • fart quietly. Usage: euphemism Antonym -tȧhpe'évanené. Category: sounds.

-tšėške'évone   vii. soft sound, sound softly, sound quietly. É-tšėške'évone. It is a soft sound. Antonym -tȧhpe'évone. See: -he'kévone. Category: sounds.

-véhpe'šeme   vai. make a hollow sound. É-véhpe'šeme. He made a hollow sound. fai: -'šeme; vii: -véhpevone. Category: sounds.

-véhpevone   vii. sound hollow, hollow sound. É-véhpevone. It sounds hollow. fii: -évone; vai: -véhpe'šeme. Category: sounds.

-vé'kėséheve'šeme   vai. sound like a bird. É-vé'kėséheve'šeme. He is making a sound like a bird. Category: sounds, birds.

-vone'éhahtóohe   vai. sound for a very long time. É-vone'éhahtóohe. He sounded for a very long time. Initial vone'éh-; Final -ahtóohe. See: -háa'éhahtóohe sound for a long time. Category: time, sounds.

-vonévone   vii. sound lost, lost sound, sound drowned out. for example, the sound of a radio being drowned out by louder sounds of children playing. É-vonévone. The sound was drowned out. for example, the sound of a radio being drowned out by louder sounds of children playing. Category: sounds.

-vóonȧhtóohe   vai. howl all night. See: -vóona'xané. É-vóonȧhtóohe. He howled all night. Initial vóon-; Final -ahtóohe. See: vóona'xané. Category: sounds.

-vóone'šeme   vai. make noise all night. É-vóone'šeme. He made noise all night. fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.

-vóonévánéne   vai. make noises all night, fart all night. É-vóonévánéne. He made noises all night. typically connotes farting. Category: sounds.

-vóonévone   vii. sound all night. É-vóonévone. The sound was going all night. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.

Xáévánóhtsėstse   na. Noisy Walker. See: Néstónéváhtsėstse. Category: names, sounds.