-áhaneoešešé vai. die in a wreck. É-áhaneoešēše. He was killed in an accident (for example, a car wreck). naa tsé'tó='ésevone éxxamaetsėho'ėšenasėstse tsétaohke-áhaneoešesėstse And this buffalo was just lying all over, dying from colliding with (the tree). [1987:309] vta: -áhaneoešėšem. Category: car, lie.
amȧho'héamėške ni. gasoline. Lit: car-lard See: amėške. Category: car.
amȧho'héhe na. car, automobile. (another recording) (another recording) Plural amȧho'héheo'o. This animate word is said to be older than inanimate amȧho'hestȯtse. It is sometimes said that this pronunciation of a word for 'car' is Southern Cheyenne, however some Northern Cheyennes use this pronunciation also. Synonym amȧho'hestȯtse, ameohestȯtse. Category: transportation, car.
amȧho'héhotonovahtȯtse ni. car alarm. Category: car.
amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko ni. tire. Lit: car-leg See: asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko; asėséoneehéhe. Category: car.
amȧho'hénemenestȯtse ni. car stereo, car radio. See: némenestȯtse. Category: car.
amȧho'hestȯtse ni. car, automobile. Lit: (go).along-by.heat/burning-thing Plural amȧho'héstotȯtse.
na. car, automobile. amȧho'hestȯtse A car is animate for some people, giving a plural of amȧho'héstoto: AlternatePlural amȧho'héstoto. É-vonenóohétónėstse amȧho'héstotȯtse. There are countless numbers of cars. na-amȧho'héstónáne our (excl.) car. [1987:156] Oblique amȧho'héstóva; Diminutive amȧho'kēso. Usage: This pronunciation is more commonly used today, at least in Montana, than amȧho'héhe or ameohestȯtse, but some speakers still consider a car to be animate. See: amȧho'héhe; ameohestȯtse. Category: car, transportation.
amȧho'héta'ta'ȯhēō'o ni. car key. See: ta'ta'ȯhēō'o. Category: car.
ama'énéó'o ni. steering wheel. Plural ama'éneonȯtse; Synonym ama'éno'hamestȯtse. Category: new, car.
ama'éno'hamestȯtse ni. steering wheel. Variant: ama'énéó'o. Category: car.
ameohestȯtse ni. car, automobile. Plural ameohéstotȯtse. See: amȧho'hestȯtse; amȧho'héhe. Category: car.
amėške tsémo'ȯhtávoome vii. oil. Lit: oil Variant: mo'ȯhtáveamėške. Category: car.
amėškeeéstová'haseo'o ni. fuel pump. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: amėškeéstovȧsanestȯtse. Category: car.
amėškeéstovȧsanestȯtse ni. fuel pump. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: amėškeeéstová'haseo'o. Category: car.
-amévȧho'hová vai. run engine. É-amévȧho'hōva. He is running the engine. for example, said of a person sitting in a car with its engine running. vii: -amévȧho'tá. Category: car.
-amévȧho'tá vii. run (of an engine). É-amévȧhó'ta. It (an engine) is running. (another recording) vai: -amévȧho'hová; fii: -évȧho'tá. Category: car.
asėséoneehéhe na. tire. Lit: stretchy-tubular-thing Plural asėséoneehéheo'o; Obviative asėséoneehéheho; BodyPartMedial -ón. See: mȧ-htse'ko; amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko na. tire. Lit: stretchy-leg Plural asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'kono. See: amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
-asėtȧho'he vai. drive away, leave by car. É-asėtȧho'he. He is leaving in a car. fai: -aho'he. Category: motion, car.
-asėta'xé'sestsé vti. start s.t. for example, to start the engine of a car. Lit: Ná-asėta'xé'séstse. I started it. vai: -aseta'xe. See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car. See: start s.t..
-asėta'xé'tsestá vti. start s.t. for example, to start the engine of a car. É-asėta'xé'tsésta. He started it. Asėta'xé'tséstȯhtse! Start it! vai: -aseta'xe. See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car, drive.
-asévȧho'há vti. turn on s.t. (with an engine); turn on engine of s.t. This is for turning on the engine of a vehicle. This is not for turning on something else, such as a radio or air conditioner. Ná-asévȧhó'ha. I turned it on. É-asévȧhó'ha. He turned it on. Asévȧhó'hȯhtse! Start! Nėševe-asévȧhó'hȯhtse! Start to turn on the car! Antonym -énevȧho'há, -hó'tován. See: -asévaoestȧho'há; -asėta'xé'sestsé; -ta'ta'en. Category: car.
-asévȧho'hová vai. start engine. refers to starting a vehicle. É-asévȧho'hōva. He started the engine. See: -asévȧho'tá ‘engine start’; -énevȧho'hová ‘stop engine’. Category: car.
asévȧho'hóvahtȯtse ni. automatic push to start vehicle. Lit: start.engine.thing Ques: recheck second high pitch?? Category: check, new, car.
-asévȧho'tá vii. start. of a motorized vehicle. É-asévȧhó'ta. It started. Éhótse-asévȧhó'ta. It (car) won't start. Ésáa'éva-asévȧho'táhane. It would not start again. [1987:156] fii: -évȧho'tá; vti: -asévȧho'há. See: -hotse'óhétó; -éneohétó; -asévȧho'hová. Category: car.
-asévaoestȧho'há vti. turn on s.t. (with engine) quickly. especially of turning on the engine of a vehicle. É-asévaoestȧhō'ha. He turned it on quickly. Asévaoestȧhō'hȯhtse! Turn it on quickly! See: -asévȧho'há. Antonym -énevaoestȧho'há. Category: car.
-e'evonehné vai. climb up, climb on, climb aboard. É-e'evonēhne. He climbed up / climbed aboard. É-e'evonėhneo'o. They are climbing aboard. E'evonēhnėstse! Get on! (for example, to get in a car). E'evonēhne! Get on! (said to more than one person). Ta-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Tȧhé-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Maato né'-e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! Nétȧhé-e'evonėhnémáne! Let's go climbing!
vta. Note: ai+o climb on s.o. such as getting on a horse. Éé'se-e'evonėhnénoto. He is afraid to get on him. Éhótse-e'evonėhnénoto. He failed to get on him. fai: -vonehné. See: -táxevonehné ‘climb on’; -e'a'ó ‘go up quickly’; -amevonehné ‘crawl’. Category: car, motion.
émooseamévȧho'hóvȧhtóva ni. muffler. for a vehicle. Lit: where the vehicle sound is hidden ?? Category: check. See: éxovenotováahestȯtse ‘muffler (clothing)’. Category: car, new, check.
-éneohétó vii. stop. sometimes used for when a car stops but -énevȧho'tá may be preferred. É-éneohéto. It stopped. Hestsēsta mó-éneohétȯhanetséhe. He had a heart attack. Lit: His heart must have stopped. Nėhéóhe éhne'-éneohéto naamȧho'hestónáne. Our (excl.) car stopped there. [1987:156] Category: car.
-énevȧho'há vti. turn off s.t. (with an engine). especially of turning off the engine of a vehicle. É-énevȧhō'ha. He turned it (an engine) off. Énévȧhó'hȯhtse! Turn it off! See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car.
-énevȧho'hová vai. stop engine, turn off car. É-énevȧho'hōva. He turned off the engine (especially car engine). See: -asévȧho'hová. Category: car.
-énévȧho'tá vii. stop (of a combustion engine). É-énévȧhó'ta. It (the engine) stopped. Category: car.
-énȯhomev vta. gas up for s.o. É-énȯhomevóho. He gassed up for him. Néxhé-enȯhomevėstse! Go get me some gas! See: -énȧhené. Category: car.
-éno'tová'o'tsé vti. turn off s.t. right away, extinguish s.t. right away. for example, turning off the flow of water in a hose or turning off a car. É-éno'tová'ó'tse. He turned it off right away. Éno'tová'ó'tsėstse! Turn it off right away! vta: -éno'tová'o'h; Antonym -ta'ta'o'tsé. See: -hó'tová'o'tsé ‘extinguish s.t.’. Category: car, fire.
-ésto'eoesta'xe vai. enter quickly, come in quickly, drive in quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe. He entered quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe navénótse He just ran fast/drifted in to my home. É-ésto'eoesta'xe tséxhoevo. He turned in to my place (for example, with his car). Final -a'xe. Category: car, motion.
-éstonené'hahtsé vti. put s.t. in gear, shift gear of s.t. Éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in second gear! Hóse-éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in high gear! See: -éstonenén. Category: car, drive.
-éstonené'hasené vai. shift gears, gears - shift. É-éstonené'hasēne. He shifted gears. See: nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse. Category: car.
-éstonenén vti. shift gear of s.t., put s.t. in gear. É-éstonenéna. He put it in gear. Ééstonenénȯhtse! Put it in gear! ni: éstonenéó'o. See: -éstonené'hahtsé. Category: car, drive.
éstonenéó'o ni. gear shift. vti: -éstonenén. Category: new, car, drive.
-évȧho'he vai. drive around, wander around from heat. É-évȧho'he. He is driving around / he is wandering around he is so hot. See: -éva'éno'hamé. Category: temperature, transportation, car.
-évȧho'tá fii. heat of engine. Éam-évȧhó'ta. The engine is running. Category: car.
-he'amėškóhtohá vti. jack up wheel of s.t. É-he'amėskóhtóha. He jacked it up (to change a wheel). BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. Category: car.
-he'keameohe vai. slowly go, drive slowly. É-he'keameohe. He is going slowly. He'keameoestse! Slow down! Category: speed, car.
-he'kešé vai. 1 • stuck - be. for example, of someone with a car stuck in mud or in a ditch; É-he'kēše. He got stuck. Éévȧ-he'kēše. He got stuck again. That can refer to being reconciled to his wife. Initial he'k-; vii: -he'kehá. See: -tó'hovo'eše; -tó'heóé. Category: car.
2 • scratched - be. for example, scratched while berry picking among thorny bushes. See: -he'koh(n). Category: sickness.
-hestóxȧho'he vai. last drive. É-hestóxȧho'he. He is the last one in the line of cars driving. Category: car.
hestóxemé'one p. in the back, behind. for example, the back seat of a car. Ques: hestóxemé'óne?? Hestóxemé'one né'é'evonēhnėstse! Get in the back (for example, of a car or pickup)! [1987:27, 277] See: he'pa'onéome. Category: car, positions, check.
hestsé'oono na. Gram: pl 1 • his elbow(s). See: -htsé'ooná ‘elbow (med.)’. Category: body.
2 • armature. grammatically plural. Category: car.
-hóestsé'ooná'ó vai. piston break. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. Category: car, break.
-hóhtan vti. run into s.t., collide with s.t. É-hóhtána. He ran over it / collided with it. That could be with a car.
vta. run into s.o., collide with s.o. É-hóhtanóho. He ran over him / collided with him. Ná-hóhtanaa'e amȧho'hestȯtse. A car ran over me. See: -hótȯhtan. Category: car.
ho'ēsta ni. fire, stove, battery, fireball, skull on fire. Skull on fire was some object in the sky. Fire was treated as animate in some contexts; a fire or stove were considered extremely important in Cheyenne life, so important that some people considered it sacred; this may account for the sometime animate status of ho'ēsta. Otáxa ho'ēsta éhnéé'e. There was just a stove in (the cabin), it (animate) was standing (there). alternate to meaning of 'battery' is nonóma'e. Plural ho'ėstánėstse; Oblique ho'ėstáva; Possessive -hto'está. The plural is used for the phenomenon of fireballs known as St. Elmo's fire. Fireballs have been seen dancing on ridges and rolling through woods. Ho'ėstánėstse éohkeamoéstánėstse. Fireballs float along. Etym: *eškete·wi; F aškote·wi. See: nonóma'e; -ho'ėstáve. Category: tepee, fire, car.
hóotóeamȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse ni. rearview mirror. Category: new, car.
-hósetsėheta'á vti. do s.t. next. Hósetsėhetā'ȯhtse! Put it in high gear! / Do it next! See: -tsėheta'á; -vovóetsėheta'á. Category: car.
hoxéhetanēō'o ni. tappet, valve lifter. Plural hoxéhetaneonȯtse. Lit: Sun Dancers so named because the valve lifters "dance" like Sun Dancers. Category: car, check.
-htse'ko Gram: poss 1 • ni. bone (poss.), foot (poss.), leg (poss.) Ques: does this mean 'foot' for some speakers?? mȧ-htse'ko bone; foot; leg. nȧ-htse'ko my bone. he-stse'ko his/her leg/foot/bone. Plural mȧ-htse'konȯtse; IndepNoun he'ko; Medial -hahtá, -(hk)óhtá. Category: body.
2 • na. tire. nȧ-htse'kono my tires. See: asėséonéehéhe. Category: car, check.
-htsé'ooná mbp. elbow, rod (of engine). Éé'ė-stsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. IndepNoun -htsé'oo'o. Category: car, body.
-kȧhkóna'xe vai. speed. for example, to speed in a race car. É-kȧhkóna'xe. He is speeding. Category: car.
-kȧhkónóo'ó vai. 1 • sit with squinted eyes ?? É-kȧhkónóó'o. He is sitting with his eyes squinted. ?? See: -kȧhóe'á; -tótȧhkóo'ó. Category: sight.
2 • fig., drive fast. As an idiom for driving fast, this word refers to a driver looking forward intently with eyes squinted. Nénėxhóove-kȧhkónóó'o. I needlessly drove fast here. Usage: said to be a Busby idiom Phon: vs Category: car, check.
mahpe tsé'ȯhkėhó'ta vii. radiator. Category: car. Lit: where the water is
mȧhtse'ko 1 • ni. leg. Plural mȧhtse'konȯtse. nȧ-htse'ko my leg. Medial -(hk)óhtá; Stem -htse'kon. Category: body.
2 • na. tire. Plural mȧ-htse'kono. See: asėséoneehéhe; amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko; asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
mȧhtse'koné-nėhpo'ȯheo'o ni. hubcap. Lit: tire-cover Category: new, car.
mȧhtsé'oo'o Gram: poss 1 • ni. elbow. Variant: mȧhtsé'oo'e; Plural mȧhtsé'oonȯtse; Possessive -htsé'oo'o. Category: body.
2 • na. piston. Plural mȧhtsé'oono. Category: car.
ma'oméšešenȯheo'o ni. ice scraper. Lit: ice loosener Category: new. Ques: sounds like he says ma'oméšéšenȯheo'o ?? Category: check, car, tools.
-má'tȧho'hová vai. exhaust ammunition, run out of ammunition; exhaust fuel, run out of fuel, run out of firewood. É-má'tȧho'hōva. He ran out of fuel (for example, firewood). Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁsa·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȧho'hōva. I used up all my shells / gas / firewood. fai: -aho'hová. Category: car, hunt, fire.
me'ko 1 • ni. head, hair. Plural mé'konȯtse. he-me'ko his/her head/hair. Medial -ovésé, -htséá, -a'(k)é. Category: body.
2 • ni. engine block. Me'ko éó'xeotse. The engine is cracked. Category: car.
3 • na. councilman, council member. Plural mé'kono; Obviative mé'kono; Feminine mé'koná'e. See: vého. Category: jobs, government, figurative.
nanó'vȧsé'óovȯhēō'o ni. windshield wiper. Ques: recheck; compare with words for glass ?? Category: check, car, new.
-né'tonenéotséto vii. come out of gear. Lit: out-teeth-become-i· É-né'tonenéotséto. (The vehicle) came out of gear. Category: car.
-nėšėho'hóvá vai. heat. É-nėšeho'hóva. He heated. Category: car.
nėšėho'hóvahtȯtse heater. for example, for a car. Category: car.
-nėšéva'éno'hamé vai. drive fast. É-nėšéva'éno'hāme. He drove fast. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, speed, car.
-nėševo'ȧhéotse vai. run fast, go fast in a car, drive fast. É-nėševo'ȧhéotse. He ran fast. Ta-nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Go faster! Hóvéhno nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Speed up a little! fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -nėšéva'éno'hamé; -háeohe; -nėševeohe; -nėševeméohe. Category: speed, car, drive.
nėševo'ȧhéotsétó vii. go fast. Éoseenėševo'ȧhéotséto. It was going really fast. [The Hunter and the Badger.38] Category: speed, car, drive.
nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse ni. transmission, gearbox. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: nétȧhévonené'hasenestȯtse ‘clutch’. Category: car.
nétȧhévonené'hasenestȯtse ni. clutch. Lit: different teeth throw thing See: nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse ‘transmission’. Category: car.
-nétȧhévoovane mo'ȯhtáveamėške vii. oil change. Lit: oil liquid is changed Category: check, new. É-nétȧhévoovane mo'ȯhtáveamėške. The oil is changed. ?? Category: check. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check, car.
-nȯhtóva'ená vti. know how to drive s.t. É-nȯhtóva'ēna. He knows how to drive it. Category: car.
-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme vai. know how to drive. É-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme. He knows how to drive. Category: car, drive.
-nomáhtsé 1 • vai. steal. É-nomáhtse. He stole (it). É-nomáhtseo'o. They stole. Etym: cf. *kemo·twa ‘he steals (s.t.)’.
Gram: ai+o vti. steal s.t. É-nomáhtsenȯtse. He stole them (inan.). vta: -nomáhtsé'tov.
2 • vti. break the speed limit. Category: figurative, car.
nonóma'e na. 1 • thunder, thunder god, battery. (another recording) (another recording) In Cheyenne cosmology thunder has been personified and considered a sacred power. It is possible that some people have translated the name of this power as 'thunderbird', as it has been written in some anthropological works on Cheyennes. Nonóma'e éamȧhtóohe. The thunder came through (thundering). Nonóma'e énéstoohe. Thunder is hollering (compare also énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o 'God is hollering' (this is what some people used to say during thunder; there was fear of the thunder). Éhoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xepónenēne nonóma'e. The thunder made a loud cracking sound. Nonóma'e énaeotse. The battery died. Phon: iah Etym: *nenemexkyiwa. See: Nemevota; ma'heono; nomá'he; -ho'ótseotse.
2 • Thunder. Category: sacred, sounds, car, names.
nonoma'ého'ėstámahpe ni. battery water. Category: car.
nonóma'kėso ni. Gram: dim small battery. Plural nonóma'kėsono. Category: car.
-o'omȧho'he vai. drive past. É-o'omȧho'he. He drove past. Category: car, check.
-onénėševȧho'tá vii. sputter; miss. of a car engine. É-onénėšévȧhó'ta. (My car) is spitting and sputtering / missing. fii: -aho'tá. See: -onénėševa'há; -onénėšeotse; -pe'pe'évȧho'tá. Category: car.
-onénėševa'há vii. rattle sound. as of a car that is getting old. É-onénėševā'ha It is making a rattling sound. For example, of my car. fii: -va'há. See: -onénėševȧho'tá; -onénėšeotse. Category: car, sounds.
-onénėxó'eotse vii. break down. É-onénėxó'eotse. It broke down. for example, of a car. Medial -ó'(e). Category: car.
onéstȧhké-mȧhtse'ko ni. wheel. Lit: round-leg Category: car.
-pėhéva'éno'hamé vai. drive well. É-pėhéva'éno'hāme. He drove well. Mónéohke-pėhéva'éno'hamėhéhe. You must be a good driver. See: -pėhévevȧho'he. Category: car.
-pėhévevȧho'tá vii. run well. for example, of a car. É-pėhévévȧhó'ta. It runs well. Category: car.
-pe'pe'évȧho'tá vii. sputter. especially of an automobile. É-pe'pe'évȧhó'ta. (The car) is sputtering. See: -onénėševȧho'tá. Category: car.
-pó'ėho'he vai. 1 • explode, have a blowout (flat tire). Ná-pó'ėho'he. I had a blowout (flat tire). Category: car.
2 • busted, throw in cards (in a card game).
3 • fired. É-pó'ėho'he. He got fired. vta: -pó'ėho'h(n); vii: -pó'ėho'tá. Category: work, figurative, cards.
-sé'ȧho'he vai. drive to town. É-sé'ȧho'he. He drove to town. See: -sé'a'éno'hamé. Category: car.
-sé'a'éno'hamé vai. drive to town. É-sé'a'éno'hāme. He drove to town. Lit: into-drive.horses See: -sé'ȧho'he. Category: car.
-sóhpȧho'he vai. drive through. É-sóhpȧho'he. He drove through. Category: car.
-táhan 1 • vti. put on s.t.put up s.t.erect s.t. É-táhána. He put it on (something).
2 • vta. put on s.o.put up s.o.erect s.o. É-táhanóho. He put him on. Etym: *te·hθene·wa (P). Naa nėhē'še hetane étaohkėhóse-táhanóho nā'ėstse. And then the man puts up another (pole). [1987:223] can refer to putting someone on a wagon or car. Táhaneha! Pick him up (for example, stop the car and give him a ride)! Etym: *te·hθene·wa. See: tomȯhtan. Category: car.
-táho'h vta. give a ride to s.o., put s.o. on top. É-táho'hóho. He gave him a ride. Etym: *te·hθaʔle·wa. Mónėstsenės-táho'xe? Will you give me a ride? vai: -táhoo'e. Category: car.
-táho'né'eotse 1 • vai. step on. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on (something).
Gram: ai+o vti. step on s.t. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on it. Hénová'e tsé-táho'né'eotseto? What did you step on? That can be a humorous response to farting. See: -táho'né'e. Category: walk.
2 • vti. speed. Nėhē'še é-táho'né'eotse. Then he stepped on it. That is a humorous loan translation for speeding. fai: -o'né'e ‘step’. Category: surface, car.
-ta'omȧho'he vai. drive obstructing, block with car. É-ta'omȧho'he. He got in the way driving his car. Category: car.
-tata'ȧho'he vai. drive out of sight. É-tata'ȧho'he. He drove out of sight. Category: car.
táxe'ėséestȯtse ni. chair, seat. Lit: upon-buttocks-sit-thing Plural táxe'ėséestotȯtse; vai: -táxe'ėsee'e; BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: ma'xetáxe'ėséestȯtse ‘couch’. Category: car, house, furniture.
-táxevonehné vai. get on, climb on. for example, to get on a horse, car, or an airplane. É-táxevonēhne. He got on. Táxevonēhnėstse! Get on! Nés-táxevonēhnėstse! Get on! Antonym -hómevonehné. See: -e'evonehné ‘climb up’. Category: car.
tó'heóhtáno'hamé vai. brake. Lit: stop-leg(wheel)-horse-NOM É-tó'heóhtano'hāme. He braked. same word used for brake of a wagon, car, or truck. Category: harness, car.
tó'heóhtáno'hamestȯtse ni. brake. Lit: stop-leg(wheel)-horse-NOM same word used for brake of a wagon, car, or truck. Category: harness, car.
tó'ome'xóveohestȯtse ni. cruise control. Category: new, car.
tonȯhenestȯtse ni. Ques: reck?? fan. Category: check, car.
tova'hasenestȯtse ni. fan. for example, the fan on a car. Category: car.
-tovó'onené'hahtsé vti. strip gears of s.t. especially of a car. Lit: ?? É-tovó'onené'háhtse. I stripped the gears of it. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: car, check.
-tsėheta'á vti. do something to s.t. É-tsėhetā'a. He did something to it. Éévȧhóse-tsėhetā'a kóhkonȯheo'o. She pushed down the bread again. That is, after the yeast has caused the bread to rise once already. He'ke-tsėhetā'ȯhtse! Push on it (the gas pedal)! Hóse-tsėhetā'ȯhtse! Put it in high gear! / Do it next! See: -tsėhetan. Category: do, car.
-véstoeotse vai. accompany. É-véstoéotse He is accompanying. Éame-véstoéotse. He is riding as passenger. Mónáme'tanėše-véstoéotse? Can I go along for the ride? See: vé'hahtsé. Category: car.
vóho'kȧsé'hasenestȯtse ni. blinker switch. Category: new, car.
-vovóetsėheta'á vti. do s.t. first. Vovóetsėhetā'ȯhtse! First do it! / Use the clutch! See: -tsėheta'á; -hósetsėheta'á. Category: car, drive.
-vovóhkeohtsé vai. drive crooked, meander, weave. É-vovóhkeōhtse. He is weaving as he goes along. for example, as he drives. Névé'ee-vovóhkeōhtse! Don't weave! for example, while driving. Phon: redup Etym: *wa·kipahta·wa. See: -vovóhka'éno'hamé. Category: drive, car.