-áhto'ééna vai. be buried under snow. É-áhto'ééna. He got buried under snow. fii: -ééná. Category: weather, snow.
-améetó vii. snow go by, snow continually. É-amééto. The snow is going by / it keeps on snowing. Category: snow.
-améetootse vii. snow go by. É-améetootse. The snow storm came and went. fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó. Category: snow, weather.
-ééná fai. snow. Énȧha'-ééna. He was caught by the snow. Éáhto'-ééna. He was buried under the snow. Énėhp-ééna. He was snow-bound. Évóhp-eenaotse. There are snow drifts. Medial -één. See: -ho'éétó; -éétó; -óová; -éenoo'e. Category: snow.
-éenoo'e fii. snow lie on ground. Éháahpe'-éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Évóhp-eenoo'e. The ground is covered with white snow. Phon: vs See: -ééná; -ho'éétó. Category: snow.
-éétó fii. snow. Één-ééto. It quit snowing. Évóon-ééto. It snowed all night. Éháé-ééto. It is snowing really hard. Éam-éetootse. The snow storm went by. fai: -éená. See: -ho'éétó ‘snow’. Category: snow.
-énéétó vii. stop snowing. É-énééto. It stopped snowing. É-éneetohe? Did it quit snowing? fii: -éétó. See: -éená; -énoo'kohó; -ho'éétó. Category: weather, snow.
-éneetootse vai. stop snowing. É-éneetootse. It stopped snowing. Ééše-éneetootse. It has stopped snowing. Category: weather, snow.
-háahpe'éenóohtsé vii. snow getting deep. É-háahpe'éenóóhtse. The snow is getting deep. See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: weather, snow.
-háahpe'éenoo'e vii. deep snow. É-háahpe'éenoo'e. The snow is deep. Etym: cf *ešpa·konakye·wi (P). É-háahpe'éenoo'ehe? Is the snow deep? Ésáa-háahpe'éenoo'éhane. The snow is not deep. See: -háahpe'éenóohtsé; -tȧhpe'éenoo'e; -vóhpeenoo'e. Antonym -tšėške'éenoo'e. Phon: not vs Category: weather, snow.
-háeéétó vii. snow intensely, snow hard. É-háéééto. It is snowing really hard. Ques: É-háééto.?? fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó ‘snow’; -hoháeéetó ‘snow’. Category: snow, weather, check.
-he'konéenoo'e vii. snow lie hard on the ground. É-he'konéenoo'e. Snow is lying hard on the ground. Phon: not vs See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: snow.
heo'énenaho na. thin icy snow which sparkles lying on the ground. It hurts your eyes and can cause blindness. See: héstā'se. Category: weather, snow.
hésta'se na. snow. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Névááhe tséanevo'kōhnȯhtse hesta'sóho? Who made it snow? (could refer to someone's having gotten married, or eloped; literally, Who knocked down the snow?) [1987:30] É'ȧseénoohnovo (noeh?? hesta'sóho. They cleared off the snow. [1987:30] Obviative hesta'sóho; vii: -ho'éétó; Medial -éen. Phon: iah Category: weather, snow.
hesta'séameohestȯtse ni. snowmobile. Category: snow, new.
hesta'sémȯxéheo'o ni. snowplow. Category: snow, new.
-hoháeéetó vii. snow very intensely, snow very hard. É-hoháéééto. It is snowing really hard. fii: -éetó. See: -ho'éetó ‘snow’; -háeéetó ‘snow hard’. Category: snow.
-ho'éétó vii. snow. É-ho'ééto. It is snowing. (another recording) Éma'xė-ho'ééto. It is snowing hard. Ésáa-ho'éetȯhane. It did not snow. É-ho'éetohe? Is it snowing? Mó-ho'éetȯhanéhe taa'éva. It must have snowed last night. Móto'sė-ho'éetȯhanéhe. It must be going to snow. fai: -éená; fii: -éétó. See: -háeéetó ‘snow hard’; -ho'éetootse ‘snow suddenly’; -énéétó ‘stop snowing’; héstā'se ‘snow’. Category: weather, snow.
-ho'éetootse vii. snow suddenly. É-ho'éetootse. It suddenly snowed. fii: -otse. See: -ho'éétó ‘snow’. Category: weather, snow.
-ho'onéétó vii. crystal snowing, snowing crystals. É-ho'onééto. It is snowing tiny crystals. See: -ho'éétó. Category: snow, weather.
-mȯxe'éenoh(n) vta. sweep s.o. about sweeping snow (animate). É-mȯxe'éenȯhnóho. He swept him (obv, snow). Ques: nahn or nohn?? Medial -één ‘snow’. Category: snow, check.
-nėhpéená vai. be snowbound. É-nėhpééna. He is snowbound. Final -éená. See: -nȧha'éená; -nȧha'óová. Category: snow.
-pėhévéétó vii. good snow. É-pėhévééto. It is good that it's snowing. See: -pėhévoo'kohó. Category: weather, snow.
-popo'a'xe vai. large snowflakes falling ?? É-popo'a'xe. ?? [pd987: epopohpo'a'xe??] Category: weather, snow, check.
-tȧhpe'éenoo'e vii. deep snow. É-tȧhpe'éenoo'e. The snow is deep / There are deep snow drifts. See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: snow.
-tȧhpe'éétó vii. snow big flakes. É-tȧhpe'ééto. It is snowing big flakes. Category: snow, weather.
-tšėške'éenoo'e vii. shallow snow. É-tšėške'éenoo'e. The snow is shallow. Phon: not vs Antonym -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: snow.
véškee'éhenone na. snow crystals. See: héstā'se ‘snow’. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, snow, new.
-vóhpeenoo'e vii. covered with snow. Lit: white-snowed É-vóhpeenoo'e. The ground is covered with white snow. Netao'o éma'xe-vóhpeenoo'e. Everywhere the ground was covered with white snow. fii: -éenoo'e. See: -háahpe'éenoo'e. Category: snow.