Cheyenne Dictionary



aéstomevée'ėse   ni. false tooth. Plural aéstomevéesȯtse; Alternate plural: aéstomevéestȯtse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.

aéstomevéesȯtse   ni. false teeth. Variant: aéstomevéestȯtse; Singular aéstomevée'ėse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.

aéstomevéestȯtse   ni. false teeth. Variant: aéstomevéesȯtse; Singular aéstomevée'ėse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.

-ahtsé   mbp. mouth, lips. Phon: The longer form is -ahtsená. The -ná drops off if it is at the end of a word. Énėše'x-āhtse. He gargled (lit. wash-mouth). Náó'-ȧhtsenáotse. I have a dry mouth. Éhesės-ȧhtsena'xe. He has twitching on his mouth. Nápó-ahtsenáhno. I punched him in the mouth. Émé'h-ahtsenahe? Does he have a beard? vóhp-ȧhtse-náhkohe grizzly bear (lit. white-mouthed-bear). ma'-ȧhtsenáhestȯtse lipstick (lit. red-mouth-thing). nėh-ahtsenáhestȯtse napkin. Etym: *-etone· (R). See: mahtse mouth; nahtse my mouth; ma'ahtse forearm; mé'hahtse moustache. Category: body, mouth.

-á'avasé   vai. belly hang over. especially hangs over one's belt. É-á'avāse. His belly hangs over. BodyPartMedial -asé; Synonym -á'avȧséétó. Category: body.

-á'avȧséétó   vai. hang over. É-á'avȧsééto. He is hung over. especially refers to hanging over one's belt. BodyPartMedial -asé2; Synonym -á'avasé. Category: body.

-a'é2   mbp. head, hair. Heóv-a'éhe Yellow Hair. Moméhe'x-a'éhe Tangled Hair. Nákón-a'éše. I bumped my head. Étsėhe'ėst-ā'e. He has long hair. Évóhp-á'e. He has gray hair. Éónėx-a'éše. His head hurts / he hurt his head. Variant: -a'(k)é. See: -ovésé; -htséá. Category: body, head.

-a'éšé   mbp. head. Námȧx-a'éše. I touched (it) with my head. Náónėx-a'éše. My head hurts. See: -a'é; -a'éše; -htséá; me'ko. Category: body.

-a'kasé   vai. be fat, have a round belly. É-a'kāse. He is fat. See: -he'kasé; -tȧhpe'asé; -he'keome. Category: size, body.

-a'(k)é   mbp. head. For examples see under -a'é. See: -a'é; -ovésé. Category: body.

-a'oná   mbp. shin, tibia. Éé'e-a'onáxe. He fell and broke his shinbone. Éoo'kóht-a'ōna. He is bare legged (lit. shinned). Éónėše-a'onáóhtse. He has pain in the shin. É-kóe-a'onáxe. He bumped his shin. Éhóhpe-a'onáxe. He is lying close to warmth (fire etc.) to thaw out the marrow in his bones. Náe'e-a'onáso. I cut his shin. for example, while cutting up a deer. See: -'a'o; -ve'ȯhkono. Category: body.

-anéehane'é   vai. rash on nape, nape rash. É-anéehanē'e. He has a rash on the nape of his neck. Category: body, sickness.

-anée'esé   vai. rash on buttocks, diaper rash; have rash on buttocks, have diaper rash. É-anée'ēse. He (especially a baby) has (diaper) rash. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.

-anée'ėstávose   vai. frostbitten ears, ears frostbitten. É-anée'ėstávose. He has frostbitten ears. BodyPartMedial -'está1; fai: -ose. Category: sickness, body.

-anéeškóhtá   vai. have a blistered leg. É-anéeškóhta. His leg is blistered. See: -anéeóhtá. Category: body.

ane'too'ėse   ni. fang, front tooth. Plural ane'tóesȯtse. The plural is apparently used for snake. or fang of snake(??) Ques: cf pitch contour of né'too'ėse See: né'too'ėse eye tooth. Category: body, check.

-anoehe'onáohtsé   vai. lower hand. Éssáatónėše-anoehe'onáohtséhehoo'o. His hand couldn't come down. Medial -he'oná. Category: motion, body.

-asé2   mbp. belly, stomach. This seems to refer to the surface of the stomach while -ohtá refers to the inside. Éónėx-ȧséóhtse. He has pain on the stomach surface. Épóh-áse. He has a bloated belly. Étȧhpe'-āse. He has a big belly. Nápón-ȧséhno. I punched him in the stomach/belly. véhp-ȧsékohkonȯheo'o white bread (lit. hollow-belly-bread). See: -ohtá; -tonėše; -tó'omemas. Etym: *-cye·-. Category: body.

-asėto'hovetsénoná'tá   vti. take away s.t. under the arm. Éta-asėto'hovetsénoná'ta. He took it away under his (own) arm. for example, taking away a book held between arm and body. BodyPartMedial -tsénoná. Category: body.

-axee'pa'onáxe   vai. scratch back. one's own back, for example, by rubbing against something. É-axee'pa'onáxe. He is scratching his (own) back. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. Category: body.

-axeesén   vta. scratch nose of s.o. É-axeesénahtse. He is scratching his (own) nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose.

-e'é   mbp. liver. See: he'e. Category: body.

-é'ea'onás   vta. cut s.o. at the shin. É-é'ea'onaso. He cut him at the shin. É-é'ea'onásóho. He cut him at the shin. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'ea'onáso. I cut him at the shin. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, cut.

-é'ea'onáxé   vai. fall and break shinbone, break shin from falling. É-é'ea'onáxe. He fell and broke his shinbone. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, break.

-é'eesé   vai. broken nose - have a. É-é'eēse. He has a broken nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: sickness, body, break, nose.

-é'eeséh(n)   vta. break nose of s.o. É-é'eesehno. He broke his (other person's) nose. É-é'eeséhnóho. He broke his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eeséhno. I broke his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose, break.

-é'eeséšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eeséše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes has s > š assimilation: Assimilated -é'eešéšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'eešéšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eešéše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes does not have s > š assimilation: Non-assimilated -é'eeséšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'ėhe'onáxé   vai. break hand from falling. É-é'ėhe'onáxe. He broke his hand from falling. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, body, fall.

-é'ėhevá'séšé   vai. break tailbone from falling. É-é'ėhevá'séše. He fell and broke his tailbone. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: break, body.

-é'e'pe'ov   vta. break rib(s) of s.o. This can be by kicking or body action. É-é'e'pe'ovóho. ?? He broke his (other person's) ribs. Ques: check é'p?? BodyPartMedial -e'pe. Category: break, body, check.

-é'e'péšé   vai. break rib(s) from falling. É-é'e'péše. He fell and broke his (own) rib(s). BodyPartMedial -épé. Category: break, body.

-é'eméenáxé   vai. break wing from fall, break collarbone from fall. É-é'eméenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. BodyPartMedial -méená. Category: body, break, fall.

-é'ena'éváxé   vai. break arm from fall. É-é'ena'éváxe. He fell and broke his (own) arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·hšinwa (P). Category: sickness, body, break.

-é'eóhtá   vai. have broken leg. É-é'eóhta. He has a broken leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·wa (P). Variant: -é'ėškóhtá. Category: body, break, check.

-é'eóhtás   vta. cut off leg of s.o. É-é'eóhtȧsóho. He cut off his leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·šwe·wa (P). É-é'eóhtaxe. His leg was cut off. See: -é'eóhtáxé break leg. Category: body, cut.

-é'eóhtáxé   vai. break leg from falling. É-é'eóhtáxe. He broke his leg from falling. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá. See: -é'ėškóhtáxé fall and break leg; -é'eóhtás cut s.o. at the knee. Category: body, break, fall.

-é'ėstȧhtoónóna   vai. have a broken backbone; have a broken spine. É-é'ėstȧhtoónóna. He has a broken spine (backbone). BodyPartMedial -htȧhtoónoná. Category: body.

-é'ėstatamóoná   vai. have a broken shoulder. É-é'ėstatamóóna. He has a broken shoulder. BodyPartMedial -htatamóoná. Category: body.

-é'ėstatamóonešé   vai. break shoulder from falling. É-é'ėstatamóonēše. He broke his shoulder from falling. Category: break, fall, body.

-é'ėstatseonáxé   vai. fall and break shoulder blade. É-é'ėstatseonáxe. He fell and broke his shoulder blade. BodyPartMedial -htatseoná. Category: body.

-é'ėstóo'onáxená   vai. break jaw from falling, fall and break jaw. Ná-é'ėstóo'onáxe. I broke my jaw. Medial -htóo'oná. Category: body.

-é'ėstsé'oonáxe   vai. fall and break elbow, break elbow falling. É-é'ėstsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. Category: body, fall, break. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná.

-é'ėšé'esé   vai. ??.rump, point rump. É-é'ėšé'ése. He pointed / swung his rump. ?? É'ȯhketo'setšėheše-é'ėšé'ėsesto tséxhoo'ėse. (The skunk; obv.) was going to swing his rump toward (the man). [1987:282] mpb: -'esé. Category: body, check.

-é'ėšéonáxé   vai. break hip by falling. É-é'ėšéonáxe. He fell and broke his hip. BodyPartMedial -šéoná. Category: fall, body.

-é'ėškóhtavo'ešé   vai. break leg falling. Ná-é'ėškóhtavo'ēše. I broke my leg falling. See: -é'ȧhahtáxé fall and break foot. Category: break, body.

-é'ėškóhtáxé   vai. fall and break leg, break leg from falling. É-é'ėškóhtáxe. He fell and broke his leg. [1987:109] Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. See: -é'eóhtáxé fall and break leg; -é'ėškóhtá broke leg - have a. Category: body, fall.

-é'ėškósé   vai. have a broken finger. É-é'ėškóse. He has a broken finger. Variant: -é'eósé; BodyPartMedial -hkósé. Category: body.

-é'etsénóoná   vai. have a broken wing. É-é'etsénóóna. He has a broken wing. BodyPartMedial -tsénooná. Category: body.

-é'etsénoonámas   vta. shoot and break wing of s.o. É-é'etsénoonámȧsóho. He shot and broke his wing. Mó-é'etsénoonámȧxėhéhe. He (bird) must have been shot and gotten a broken wing. Category: body, birds, break.

-é'koetanevá'ó   vai. stick out tongue. É-é'koetanevá'o. He stuck his tongue out. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -tanevá. Category: body.

-é'koetanevá'tov   vta. stick out tongue at s.o. É-é'koetanevá'tovóho. He stuck his tongue out at him. Ná-é'koetanevá'tóvo. I stuck my tongue out at him. Category: body.

-é'komahtsé   vai. have a greasy mouth. É-é'komāhtse. He has a greasy mouth. Initial é'(k)om-; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth, body.

-é'komeesé   vai. have a greasy nose. É-é'komeēse. He has a greasy nose. Usage: humorous Category: body, nose.

-é'komėhe'oná   vai. have greasy hands. É-é'komėhe'ōna. His hands are greasy. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-é'kome'óhtané   vai. have a greasy forehead. É-é'kome'óhtáne. He has a greasy forehead. BodyPartMedial -'óhtané. Category: body.

-é'kotseet   vta. hang s.o. by the neck. É-é'kotseetóho. He hung him by the neck. É-é'kotseetahtse. He hung himself. See: -e'eet. Category: body, violence.

-é'ohtá2   vai. have a small waist. É-é'óhta. He has a small waist. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2; Homonym -é'ohtá1 break from cold; Antonym -tȧhpe'asé. Category: body.

-e'pé   mbp. rib. Éé'-e'péše. He fell and broke his rib. Éé'-e'pe'ovóho. ?? He broke his (other person's) ribs. É-ónėš-e'péóhtse. He has pain in the ribs. É-pó-e'péhestse. He hit himself on his ribs. (especially said of Crows who hit themselves this way when they guess during hand games). É-póe'péše. He fell on his ribs. ni: he'pe. Category: body, check.

-éné   mbp. face. This medial specifically refers to the face, but sometimes it primarily refers to the eyes. Éó'ó'-éne He is blind. É-é'koméne. He has a greasy face. Kóós-éné'e Little-faced Woman. ka'-énėhótame bulldog (short-faced-dog). Éhesės-éne'še. He has twitching in his face. Énėše'šévo-éne. He washed his face. Category: body, face, eyes.

-énotová's   vta. cut off neck of s.o. É-énotova'so. He cut his neck off. É-énotová'sóho. He cut his neck off. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -notová. See: -é'enotová's. Category: body, cut.

-esé   mbp. 1 • nose. Éma'e-esévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Nátoe-ēse. My nose is cold. Étȧhpe'e-ēse. He has a big nose. Éka'e-ēse. He has a pug nose. tsėhe'ėseeséhe elephant (lit. long-nosed-one). éškȯse-esé-hotame pig (lit. short-nosed-dog). See: ma-'evo nose; -'esé buttock(s). Etym: cf. *-cya·0e·. Category: body.

2 • nose (upper front part) of a moccasin. Éna'he-eséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (especially moccasins) have three beaded rows on the "noses". Category: shoes.

-éstoo'e2   ni. Gram: poss throat (poss.) Variant: -éstoo'o. ma-éstoo'e throat. na-éstoo'e my throat. Morph: /ma-éhtóon/. Etym: *mekwenta·kani (Go88). Phon: apocope; vs Plural ma-éstoonȯtse; Medial -éstooná. Category: body.

-éstoo'o   ni. Gram: poss my throat. Variant: naéstoo'e. ma-éstoo'o throat. na-éstoo'o my throat. (another recording) Stem -éstoo'o. naéstoo'o is the older pronunciation, but naéstoo'e is increasingly common today. naéstoo'e sounds identical to náéstoo'e 'I'm sitting inside except for the difference in pitch on the first vowel. Na-éstoo'o náháamá'ta. My throat is sore. Variant: -éstoo'e2. Morph: /ma-éhtóon/. Phon: apocope; vs Plural ma-éstoonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -éstooná. See: maéstoo'o. Etym: *mekwenta·kani (Go88). See: heéstoonévetšėške throat fat. Category: body.

-éstooná   mbp. throat. Náó'e-éstoonáotse. My throat has gotten dry. Énetȯhke-éstoonáóhtse. He has an itchy throat. Possessive -éstoo'o. Category: body.

-éškȯseesévėhahtá   vai. have pointed feet. É-éškȯseesévėháhta. He has pointed feet. Mó'ȯhkeosee-éškȯseesévėhahtȧhevóhe. They must have had pointed feet. to wear such sharply pointed moccasins. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

étovane   ni. our (incl) body. See: nétove my body. Category: body.

étove   ni. Gram: poss your body. Usage: obsolescing Ques: body or self?? possibly also means 'for your sake' (PG:10). Stem -vétove. See: é'tóve. Category: body, check.

-evotas   vta. cut off skin of s.o. Ques: reck ?? É-evotaxe. His skin was cut off. Category: cut, body, check.

-éxovėhe'ona'xe   vai. warm hands. É-éxovėhe'ona'xe. He is warming his hands. for example, by rubbing them together. Né-éxovėhe'ona'xe. You're warming your hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-háa'ėsėhahtá   vai. long feet - have. É-háa'ėsėhāhta. He has long feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -tó'ėsėháhta. Category: body, feet.

-háa'ėsena'éva   vai. have long sleeves. É-háa'ėsena'éva. He has long sleeves ; he has long arms. Antonym -tšėhe'kėsena'éva. Category: clothing, body.

-háa'ėsetanevá   vai. have a long tongue. É-háa'ėsetanēva. He has a long tongue. [Croft] Synonym -tsėhe'ėsetanevá. Category: body.

Háa'ėstóo'onáhe   na. Longjaw. Variant: Tsėhe'ėstóo'onáhe. Category: body, names.

-háeómeotse   vai. big bellied. Náma'xė-háeómeotse. I have gotten a big belly. BodyPartMedial -ome. Category: body.

-háetanahá   vai. much breast milk. É-háetanāha. She has lots of breast milk. Antonym -ó'etanȧháohtsé; Medial -tanahá. Category: body.

-háetanȧháohtsé   vai. lots of milk come in, have lots of milk, breasts full. É-háetanȧháóhtse. She has a lot of milk. Antonym -pónoetanȧhá'ó, ó'etanȧháohtsé; Medial -tanahá. Category: body.

-hahpȧhtsenáotse   vai. clench mouth, shut mouth, close (one's own) mouth. É-hahpȧhtsenáotse. He shut his mouth. [pd723] BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, mouth.

-hahtá   mbp. foot, feet. Móma'xė-hahtáhe Big Foot. Mo'ȯhtávė-hahtátane Blackfoot. Éheše'kévė-háhta. He has dusty/dirty feet. Ééxovė-hahtáne. He has warm feet. Náná'tsė-hahtávose. I have cold feet. Éhesė-hahtáotse. He has cramps in his feet. Ékóe-hahtáxe. He bumped his foot. É-oókȯhkevėhāhta. He has dirty feet. Énae'ė-hahtaa'e.?? His foot/feet went to sleep/went numb while sitting. Étoe-hāhta. He has cold feet. Éé'ȧ-hahtáxe. He fell and broke his foot. See: -(hk)óhtá leg. Etym: cf. *-sete· (??). Category: body, feet.

-háne'e   ni. Gram: poss nape (poss.) ma-háne'e nape. na-háne'e my nape. [Smith] Etym: nesekixkwi (P) my nape. Phon: iah Ques: are these words actually said?? BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body, check.

-hane'é   mbp. nape (back of neck). Énonȯhpȧ-hane'éše. He fell backwards on his nape and his head bounced. Épóe-hane'éše. He fell and bumped his nape. Possessive -háne'e. See: -hánoe. Category: body.

-hávėsévėhahtá   vai. have bad feet. É-hávėsévėháhta. He has bad feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet, body.

-hávėsévonené   vai. have bad teeth. É-hávėsévonēne. He has bad teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.

hehané'e   loc. on the nape. Possessive -háne'e; BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body, head.

hehévá'xe   ni. tail, tailbone, oxtail (piece of meat). Etym: cf *neso·wi 'my tail (of quadruped)' (P). Plural hehevá'xėstse; Possessive -htsėhévá'xe; BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. See: hestsėhévá'xe his tail. Category: meat, body, check.

he'ahtse   Gram: poss ni. his arm, his forearm. This includes the hand up to the elbow. Plural he'ȧhtsenȯtse; Stem -'ahtse. Category: body.

-he'amena'évá'ó   vai. hold arm up, raise hand, raise arms up. É-he'amena'évá'o. He held his (own) arms up. He'amena'évá'ȯhtse! Raise your hand (literally, arm)! BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: body.

he'e   ni. liver. Plural hē'ėstse; Possessive -htse'e. See: hē'e woman. Etym: *weθkweni his liver. Category: body, meat.

-he'eemȧséohtsé   vai. runny nose. É-he'eemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. Category: body, nose.

he'enénestȯtse   ni. nipple. Plural he'enénėstotȯtse. See: he'evone nipple; -néné nurse. Category: body.

-he'evoné   mbp. nipple(s). Éónėšė-he'evonéóhtse. She has pain in the nipples. See: he'evone nipple; he'enénestȯtse nipple; -vononá nipple (med.). Category: body.

he'evone   ni. nipple. Plural he'evonȯtse. Usage: obsolescent BodyPartMedial -vononá. See: he'enénestȯtse nipple. Category: body.

he'exa   ni. his/her eye. See: ma'exa; -'exa. Category: body.

-hé'heškėhe'oná   vai. have wrinkled hand(s). É-hé'heškėhe'ōna. He has a wrinkled hand(s). Category: hands, body.

-hé'heške'óhtané'ó   vai. wrinkle forehead. for example, when scowling. É-hé'heške'óhtané'o. He has a wrinkled forehead. BodyPartMedial -'óhtané. Category: body.

-he'kasé   vai. have a soft belly. É-he'kāse. He has a soft belly. BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: body.

-he'kȧséh(n)   vta. stick s.o. in the belly. É-he'kȧsehno. He stuck him in the belly. É-he'kȧséhnóho. He stuck him in the belly. (newer pronunciation). He'kȧséhnȯhéne mȧxhóseéstȯhomó'heóestse! Stick him in the belly when he dances in again! [1980:67:9] BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: body.

-he'keómévéné   vai. fat face. É-he'keómévéne. He has a fat face. BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -he'keóméné. Category: body, face.

he'ko   ni. bone. Ques: does this also mean leg and foot for some speakers?? This same noun word refers to a bone, leg, or foot. But the body part medials are different for bone (-he'konamá), leg (-(šk)ótá), or foot (-hahtá). Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e. Don't break a bone indoors! especially to get marrow; this is a cultural taboo. If you break a bone indoors you might break your leg. Morph: /he'kon/. Plural he'konȯtse; Possessive -htse'ko. Etym: *weθkani. Category: body.

-he'konamá   mbp. bone, foot. Ques: only bone?? See: -hahtá. Category: body.

-he'konamósé   vai. strong hands. É-he'konamóse. He has strong hands. BodyPartMedial -osé3. See: -henamósé lefthanded. Category: body.

-he'konėhahtávose   vai. frozen feet - have. É-he'konėhahtávose. He has frozen feet. Ná-he'konėhahtávose. I have frozen feet. Lit: I-hard-feet-by.cold BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ná'tsėhahtávose. Category: sickness, body.

-he'konévėhevá'sé   vai. boned tail. Éxxaeneeme'sema'ė-he'konévėhevá'se. She had just a red boned tail. [The Bobtailed Cow.013] Category: body.

he'konéveotse   vii. turn to bone; become hard, turn to bone. É-he'konéveotse. It turned to bone. Ques: recheck glosses?? Category: check, body.

-he'kóovėhahtá   vai. wet.footed, have wet feet. É-he'kóovėhāhta. He has wet feet. Category: body.

-he'ona'xe   hand.jerk.

fai. hand.jerk. Námȧsóhosóvėhe'ona-'xe. I jerked my hand back hard. [Fishing.025] BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body, motion.

-he'onáotse   vai. hand.become. Hópahpa náhtanóhtšėhešė-he'onáotse. Even! I put my hands there. ?? [Fishing.018] Category: body, check.

he'ȯtse   ni. neck. Plural he'ototȯtse; Possessive -htse'ȯtse. Morph: /he'ot/. BodyPartMedial -notová. See: hestse'otse'ko. Etym: *weθkwayawi his neck (?). Category: check, body.

he'pa'o   ni. his/her back. (another recording) See: ma'pa'o; -'pa'o. Category: body.

-he'pa'oná   mbp. back, spine. Ná-ónėšė-he'pa'onáóhtse I have pain in my back. See: 'pa'on; hestóxemé'one. Category: sickness, body.

he'pe   ni. rib. Plural hē'pėstse. Etym: *wexpilayi his rib. Possessive -htse'pe. See: -e'pé rib (medial); he'po lung. Category: body.

he'po   ni. lung. Etym: *oɁpani (Pi). Plural he'ponȯtse. Etym: *oʔpanali (Pi). vai: -he'pó smoke. Category: body.

-he-maehe'oná   vai. have sores on hand(s). É-hemaehe'ōna. He has sore(s) on his hand(s). See: maa'e. Category: body, sickness.

-he-méene   vai. have wing(s). hotse'ono tsé-hestseméenese angels. Category: body, birds.

hemo'koso   na. dewclaw. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Plural hemo'kȯsono; BodyPartMedial -hkosé. Category: body.

-hene'hávevá'séotse   vai. raise tail. Éstȧ-hene'hávevá'seotséhoo'o. He raised his tail. [The Bear and the Skunk.020] BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: body.

-héne'šeóhtaotse   vii. stiff leg - become; leg - become stiff; become stiff leg. É-héne'šeóhtaotse. His legs became stiff. Éstó'omė-héne'šeóhtaotsétseneho. (The wheel of the wagon) was stuck completely stiff. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.034] Category: body.

henėstāne   na. knee bone meat, his knee, knee - his. henėstanóho tséhnétȧhévanėstse knee surgery (literally, when his knee is different). See: -nėstané knee. Category: meat, body.

hénóme   ni. thigh, hind quarter. Plural henomȯtse; Possessive -htsénóme. See: he'kénóme; hetone haunch. Etym: *wepwa·mi his thigh. Category: body, meat.

heo'éhéó'o   na. womb, uterus. Plural heo'éheono; Possessive -htseo'éheo'o. See: nėškátone. Category: body.

-heómeome   vai. too fat. É-heómeome. He is too fat. Synonym -éšeome. Category: body.

-heóvonené   vai. have yellow teeth. É-heóvonēne. He has yellow teeth. Etym: *wesa·wa·pite·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.

-heóvovése   vai. have yellow hair. É-heóvovése. He has yellow hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: body, hair.

-hese   ni. foot (poss). má-hese foot. ná-hese my foot. [Hayden 1862:302; Smith 1949:83; Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] Usage: These words for foot and feet are not known by any speaker today. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. Plural ma-hesȯtse ??. Plural hehesȯtse ??. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -htséhese foot (poss); heheso hoofs. Etym: *nesici my foot. Category: body.

-hesėhahtáotse   vai. have cramps in foot. É-hesėhahtáotse. He has cramps in his feet. BodyPartMedial -ahtá. Category: body.

-hesenómaotse   vai. have cramps in thigh. Ná-hesenómaotse. I have cramps in my thigh. BodyPartMedial -nómá. See: -hestónȧhaotse. Category: body.

-hesenotováotse   vai. have cramp(s) in the neck. Ná-hesenotováotse. I have a cramp in my neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: sickness, body.

-hesėsȧhtsena'xe   vai. have twitching on the mouth. É-hesėsȧhtsena'xe. He has twitching on his mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, mouth.

-hesėséne'še   vai. have twitching in face. É-hesėséne'še. He has twitching in his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: body, face.

hesėstse   ni. his/her ass. Possessive -sėstse2. Category: body.

-hesėškóhtaotse   vai. have cramps in the legs. É-hesėškóhtaotse. He has cramps in his legs. Category: body.

hésevo   na. calf (of leg), muscle meat. as meat, especially leg muscle; not considered choice meat. Plural hesevono; Possessive -htsėsevo; BodyPartMedial -sevá. Phon: iah ?? Etym: cf *nehtiwa 'my calf' (P). Category: meat, body, check.

-hesevoneve   vai. be calf (of leg). É-hesevoneve. It is a calf (of leg). Category: body, check.

hēsta   ni. 1 • heart. Possessive -htsestá; vai: -he-stsėstahe; BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Etym: *wete·hi his heart. Category: body.

2 • Heart. a constellation. Category: celestial.

hestáha-vé'hanotȯtse   ni. pericardium. Lit: heart-container Category: body.

hestahpe   na. brain. (another recording) Possessive -htsėstahpe; Plural hestahpo; Medial -htáhpé. Etym: *wetempi 'his brain'. nl (Nasal Lengthening): note correspondence of Cheyenne high-pitch to PA vowel +nasal in a consonant cluster; in historical development something like compensatory lengthening (with usual Ch reflex of high pitch from PA vowel length) took place in Cheyenne prehistory as the nasal was deleted; such compensatory lengthening also took place in: hése- 'because' < *wenci; nȧ-htsénota(h) 'my cross-nephew' <*ne0enkwa0ehsa; mȧ-htseno 'armpit' < *me0enkwi; hoóxe'e 'lodgepole' <apanšwiyi; -óht 'by mouth' < *-ant; mȧ-htatamoo'o 'shoulder' (/-htatamóon/) <mete0emankani; na-éstoo'o 'my throat' (/na-éhtoon/) < *nekwenta·kani; /é-šéešená/ é-šééše 'he is lying prone' < *šenkihšinwa. The high pitch of 'weasel 'xáa'e (/šáeh/) < šenkwehsa may reflect this compensatory lengthening, however there is question about whether or not the pertinent high pitch is permanent or not(?). Note the possible correspondence of mó'kėsá'e or mónėškėhéso 'calf' <maxkwehsehsa 'fawn'; šéstótó'e 'pine' (probably includes -ó'e 'wood (med.)') <*šenta . mȧ-htovoo'ȯtse 'ear' < *mehtawakayi may follow this pattern, perhapsby analogy. Similarly, mȧ-htsé'oo'o 'elbow' < *metweškwani; ná-mé'óvo 'Ifound him' < *neme0kawa·wa. (Some of these forms may have undergone a stage where the consonant cluster had an initial nasal.?) (Why did hestom- 'hinder' <*wentam- not undergo the compensatory lengthening?) (correspondence first notedby I. Goddard; see description in Goddard 1988.) Category: meat, body.

hestȧhtoono   ni. spine, backbone. Variant: hestatoono; Possessive -htȧhtoono. Category: body.

hésta'he   ni. 1 • umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth, placenta, belly button. Hésta'he and its animate dim. hesta'hēso are translated as 'afterbirth (child)' in the text 1987:349ff. Nȧ-htsésta'he was translated in 1987:27 as 'my afterbirth.' Actually, this term probably does not refer to the entire afterbirth, but rather to the cord. Traditionally, the cord is treated specially. For boy babies the cord was placed in a pouch with a beaded turtle design. For girl babies the pouch had a lizard design. When there was insufficient time to properly save the cord, it might just be hung on a bush. Phon: iah Plural hestā'hėstse; AlternatePlural hesta'hȯtse; Possessive -htsésta'he; Diminutive hesta'hēso; BodyPartMedial -hta'né. See: hestȯhpó'hánóto. Etym: *weci·lwi/wetesi ? his navel. Category: body.

2 • Placenta. Category: names.

hesta'hēso   na. Gram: dim little umbilical cord; little placenta. Non-diminutive hésta'he. An umbilical cord is not usually considered animate, but was in this text perhaps it was because it was a name for a main character. See: hésta'he umbilical cord. Category: body.

hestatamóon   ni. his/her shoulder. See: hetatamoo'o shoulder; mȧhtatamoo'o; hestatsēō'o shoulderblade. Category: body.

hestatsēō'o   1 • ni. shoulderblade, shoulder (cut of meat). Possessive -htsėstatsēō'o; Plural hestatseonȯtse; Diminutive hestatseško. See: hestatamoo'o shoulder; -htsėstatsēō'o; -htatseoná; -htatamoo'o. Category: meat, body.

2 • na. Shoulderblade. Category: names.

hestatseško   ni. Gram: dim 1 • shoulderblade. Plural hestatšėškonȯtse. See: hestatsēō'o. Category: body.

2 • Shoulderblade. Category: names.

hestóohevono   na. his/her hoof, his/her toenail, his/her fingernail, his/her claw. See: -htóohevó. Category: body.

hestovóo'ȯtse   ni. his ear. Plural hestovootȯtse his ears. Hestovootȯtse némanėšévaenȧtse. I'll make you ears! (= I'll teach you how to listen). See: nȧhtovóo'ȯtse; -htovóo'ȯtse. Category: body.

-hestovootsé'seh   vta. ears - cause s.o. to have, have ears - cause s.o to have, cause s.o. to have ears, learn a lesson, lesson - learn a. É-hestovootsé'sėhahtse. He learned his lesson. Lit: He caused himself to have ears. See: -hao'omósešé. Category: figurative, body, cognition.

hestsėhévá'xe   ni. Gram: poss his/her tail, his/her handle. This word can also be used to refer to the tail (handle) of a skillet. (another recording) IndepNoun héhévá'xe; Possessive -htsėhévá'xe. See: hoóneanāto. Category: body.

-he-stsėhevá'xétó   have a handle. Lit: have a tail This refers to the kind of handle on a cooking pan which sticks straight outhorizontally, for example, on a skillet. É-hestsėhevá'xéto. It has a handle. See: -hoóneanató. Category: body, containers.

hestse'kēsta   ni. Gram: poss her vagina (poss.), vagina (poss.) - her. Possessive -htse'kestá; Stem -'kestá2; IndepNoun ma'kēsta. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

hestse'ko   ni. Gram: poss leg - his/her, bone - his/her. See: -htse'ko. Category: body.

-he-stse'kone   vai. have leg(s). Nésáa-he-stse'konéhe. You don't have legs. [PEYOTE.TXT] Category: body.

hestsé'oono   na. Gram: pl 1 • his elbow(s). See: -htsé'ooná elbow (med.). Category: body.

2 • armature. grammatically plural. Category: car.

hestse'otse'ko   ni. neck. See: he'ȯtse; he'otse'ko. Category: body.

hestse'peōtse   loc. rib area (on the side). See: hestse'pēva. Category: body.

hestse'pēva   loc. on the rib(s). IndepNoun he'pe. See: hestse'peōtse. Category: body.

hestsemá'eme   1 • ni. his blood. Category: body.

2 • na. His Blood. Stem -htsemá'eme; IndepNoun ma'e. Category: names.

hestséne   ni. his face, her face. Stem -htséné. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.

hestsēsta   ni. Gram: poss his heart. Stem -htsestá; IndepNoun hēsta. Category: body.

-he-stsėstahe   vai. 1 • have a heart, heart - have a.

2 • emotionless, uncompassionate. Ésáa-hestsėstáhéhe. He has no heart; he is uncompassionate. See: hēsta heart; -htáha heart (medial). Category: emotions, body.

hestsésta'he   ni. Gram: poss his umbilical cord, his belly button. Énȯhtséna hestsésta'he. He is looking for his umbilical cord. That is a humorous expression referring to someone who is rooting around for things. Possessive -htsésta'he. Category: body.

hestséstóne   na. on his heel. See: htséston. Category: body.

hestsėstoo'o   ni. his/her jaw. See: -htsėstoo'o. Category: body.

hestsétato ho'honáeo'o   na. kidney stones. Category: new. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, sickness, body.

hestsetȧtse   na. kidney. Plural hestsétato; Obviative hestsétato; Possessive -htsėstsetȧtse. Morph: /hehtétat/. Etym: *weto·θeθwali his kidney (??). Category: check, body, meat.

hestsévá'xe   ni. Gram: poss his/her tail. Category: body.

hestsevéveto   na. Gram: poss his horn(s), his antler(s). (another recording) Ques: recheck; his horn(s) or horns?? Category: check. Possessive -htsevevėstse; IndepNoun vevėstse. Category: body.

-heše'évėhahtá   vai. dirty feet. É-heše'évėháhta. He has dirty feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

hešene   ni. his/her face. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, body, face.

hešeo'o   ni. rump, buttock. Etym: *wešyi·kani (He) his rump, buttock; nešyi·kani my rump, buttock. Plural hešéonȯtse. See: -htšėšeo'o; -šéoná. Category: body.

-hešėškȯséotse   vai. get cramps in finger(s) (or toe(s)). É-hešėškȯséotse. He has cramps in his finger/toes. Category: body.

-héške'ėstá'ó'h   vta. pinch ear of s.o. É-héške'ėstá'o'ho. He pinched his ear. É-héške'ėstá'ó'hóho. He pinched his ear. (newer pronunciation). Category: body.

-heškóhtaotse   vai. have cramps in leg. É-heškóhtaotse. He has cramps in his leg. Naa néme'mévoo'o heškóvemȧhoo'o nonohpa nėstsėsáa-heškóhtaotséhe. Well, you should eat pickles so that you don't get cramps in your foot. Category: check, body.

-héškonené   vai. sharp teeth. É-héškonēne. He has sharp teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body, check.

-héškonené'ó   vai. bare teeth. for example, when a dog snarls at s.o. É-héškonené'o. He bared his teeth. Medial -onené. See: -ná'ót growl at s.o.. Category: body.

-heškóve'pa'onáotse   vai. goose bumps down the back. Ná-heškóve'pa'onáotse. I have goosebumps from the back of my head down my back. See: -he-stsėskóveotse. Category: body.

he-tanāne   na. her breasts. See: matana. Category: body.

hetatamoo'o   ni. shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. See: hestatamoo'o his/her shoulder; mȧhtatamoo'o shoulder. Category: body.

-heto'éevá   vta. Gram: rr skin be that way. ... é-heto'ééva. ... that is what his skin is like. Heováestse é-heto'éevao'o. They have a variety of skin colors. Category: body, record.

hetone   na. 1 • haunch, ham. This is the underside of the thigh including the buttock. Etym: cf *nela·na 'my calf of leg'. Plural hetóneho; Obviative hetóneho; Possessive -htsetone; BodyPartMedial -tónaha. See: hénóme thigh. Category: meat, body.

2 • Ham, Haunch. Category: names.

-hevá'sé   mbp. tailbone, tail. Éé'ėhe-vá'séše. He fell and broke his tailbone. Épo'ė-hevá'séna He broke (or pulled) off its tail. IndepNoun hehévá'xe; Possessive htsėhévá'xé. Category: body.

-he-véese   vai. have teeth. É-he-véese. He has teeth. Etym: *wi·pičiwa. É-he-véeseo'o. They have teeth. Ésáa-he-véeséhe. He is toothless. oonȧhā'e mȧxhe-véesévȯhtse until frogs have teeth. That is an idiom meaning 'Never!' that is, something won't be happen until frogs grow teeth. It functions the same as the English idiom, "when pigs fly". IndepNoun vée'ėse tooth. See: -he-véesané; -véesané. Category: body, sayings.

hevé'eonēšėstse   ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'keonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.

hevé'hehpe   ni. bile, gall. used as a dip for eating raw liver. Etym: *wewi:swepi his gall. Category: body.

hevé'keonēšėstse   ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'eonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.

hevétove   ni. Gram: poss his body. Usage: obsolescing See: nétove my body. Category: body.

-hkosé   mbp. finger, toe, claw. Étótȧhpe'ė-škóse. He has big fingers. Éé'ė-škóse. He has a broken finger. (also pronounced É-é'eóse). Éhešė-škȯséotse. He has cramps in his finger/toes. Variant: -ósé3. See: mo'ēško; -óohevá; hemo'koso. Etym: *-škašya. Category: body, hands.

-hóehahtaa'e   vai. feet show. Lit: emerge-foot É-hóehahtaa'e. His feet are showing. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.

-hóetanevá'ó   vai. stick out tongue. É-hóetanevá'o. He is sticking his tongue out. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. See: -hóetaneva'xe. Category: body, sickness, mouth.

-hóetaneva'xe   vai. tongue come out. can refer to tongue wiggling out of the mouth, for instance, as a physical problem, maybe a tic or a symptom of old age. É-hóetaneva'xe. His tongue is wiggling out of his mouth. See: -hóetaneva'ó. Category: body, sickness, mouth.

-hohpėhe'oná   vai. sweaty hands. É-hohpėhe'ōna. He has sweaty hands. Category: body.

ho'éeve   na. hide, rawhide. This can include rawhide for a drum. Variant: Ésé'hohnóho ho'éevo.; Plural ho'éevo; Oblique ho'éévéva. See: -o'éevá; -hto'éeve; aénȯhevóohého'éeve.

ni. probably animate for the majority of speakers, but inanimate for some. Etym: cf. *ahθaya 'skin, hide'; cf. *ahiθa·m-enkiaya hide, skin. Ésé'hóha ho'éeve. He is stretching the hide (inan.). See: vóhtáne skin; -ot skin, hide. Category: body.

ho'óxėhe'pe   ni. last rib. See: he'pe. Category: body.

-ho'sahtsé   vai. drool, slobber. É-ho'sāhtse. He is drooling. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená mouth. See: -ho'sȧheéné; -hto'sahtsé; -hé'oneohtsénáohtsé. Category: body.

-ho'sotseóhta   vai. have dirty leg(s). É-ho'sotseóhta. His leg(s) is dirty. Category: body.

-ho'tovėstáhá   vai. weak hearted. for instance, this can refer to having heart trouble if someone tells such a person bad news. É-ho'tovėstáha. He has a weak heart. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: body.

ho'tšėške   ni. sinew, tendon. before de-stranding. ho'tāno is a single strand of sinew. (another recording) Simplified Spelling hochk. See: ho'tāno sinew strand; ho'tanono thread; -hto'tšéškeme sinew (poss.). Etym: cf. M aʔtaeh 'sinew'; *yaʔti (P). Category: body, animals.

hóna'ove-mo'ēško   na. ring finger, fourth finger. Lit: additional-finger Variant: hóna'oveōse. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter Category: body, hands.

honono   ni. ankle. Plural honononȯtse. See: -htonono. Etym: cf. *wankwani his heel. Category: body.

-hóomȧhtsenán   vta. shield mouth of s.o., hide mouth of s.o., cover mouth of s.o. Cheyenne women commonly cover their own mouths when they have said something inappropriate. É-hóomȧhtsenánahtse. She covered/shielded her mouth. See: -nėhpȧhtsenán. Category: body.

hótȧhanenéó'o   ni. claw. Usage: possibly a new word used by newer pronunciation?? Category: check. See: -htóohevo. Category: body.

-hotoná'eoná   mbp. joint(s). É-ónėšėhotoná'eonáóhtse. He has pain in his joints. tséx-hótoná'eonáhestove where the joints are (PD) ?? Category: body, check.

-hótona'oo'e   vai. joined. É-hótona'oo'e. He is sitting joined. Ques: hot?? tséx-hótona'oevȯse namo'ėškono my knuckles. Lit: where they are jointed, my fingers Category: body, check.

-hótȯxávėhe'onaa'e   vai. sit with arms crossed. É-hótȯxávėhe'onaa'e. He is sitting with his arms crossed. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Phon: vs Category: sit, body.

-hótȯxávėškȯsé'ó   vai. cross fingers. É-hótȯxávėškȯsé'o. He crossed his (own) fingers. BodyPartMedial -(hk)ose. Category: body.

-hoxėhahtá   vai. rotten feet - have. that is, rotten-smelling feet. É-hoxėhāhta. He has rotten feet. Initial hox-; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: smell, body, feet.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévotané   vai. snotty green. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévotāne. His snot is green and there is a lot of it. See: -momé'aévotané; -otané. Category: body.

-htaahe'oná   mbp. fist. includes medial for 'hand', -he'oná. See: -he'oná; -htsėstaahe'o. Category: body, hands.

-htáhpé   mbp. brain. É-ónėšėstáhpéóhtse He has pain in the brain (sounds unnatural). Category: body.

-htȧhtoono   ni. Gram: poss spine, backbone. Gram: poss. mȧhtȧhtoo'o spine. mȧ-htȧhtoonȯtse spines. nȧ-htȧhtoono my spine. he-stȧhoono his spine. Variant: -htsėstȧhtoono. Etym: *metahtaka·kwani. See: -htsėstȧhtoono. Category: body, check.

-htȧhtoónoná   mbp. spine, backbone. Éé'ė-stȧhtoónóna. He has a broken spine (backbone). See: -htsėstȧhtoono. Category: body.

-hta'né   mbp. umbilical cord, navel. Éé'ė-stané'še'tovohe. She (for example, midwife) cuts the umbilical cords of babies. Possessive -htsésta'he. See: -sta'né; -too'ėstané's. Category: body.

-htȧseno    Category: check.

na. sperm (poss.) mȧ-htȧseno sperm. [Frantz] Usage: unconfirmed today See: améstoto; ho'améstoto; -hto'amestȯtse. Category: body.

-htatamoo'o   ni. Gram: poss shoulder (poss.) mȧ-htatamoo'o shoulder. Etym: *meteθemankani. mȧ-htatamóonȯtse shoulders. nȧ-htatamoo'o my shoulder. Etym: *neteθema·nkani. See: -htatamóone; -htatamóoná. Morph: /-htatamóon/. Phon: vs Category: body.

-htatamóoná   mbp. shoulder. Étšéškė-statamóóna. His shoulders stick out. Éé'ė-statamóóna. He has a broken shoulder. Éónėšė-statamóonáóhtse. He has pain in the shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. Category: body.

-htatamóoné   mbp. shoulder. É-tȧhpe'ė-statamóóne. He has a big shoulder. Possessive -htatamoo'o. Category: body.

-htátseemá   mbp. nostril. Category: body, nose.

-htátseeme   ni. Gram: poss nostril. Gram: poss. mȧ-htátseeme nostril. mȧ-htátseemȯtse nostrils. he-státseeme his nostril. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: nose, body.

-htátseemé   mbp. nostril(s). Étótȧhpe'ė-státseēme. He has big nostrils. Category: body.

-htatseoná   mbp. shoulderblade. Éé'ė-statseonáxe. He fell and broke his shoulderblade. See: hestatsēō'o; -htsėstatsēō'o. Category: body.

-hto'éeve   na. hide (poss.) mȧh-hto'éeve hide. he-sto'éevo his hide. IndepNoun ho'éeve; Medial -o'éevá. See: vóhtáne skin. Category: body.

-hto'né'ėšėhahtahtȯtse   ni. Gram: poss sole (of foot) (poss.) mȧ-hto'né'ėšėhahtahtȯtse a sole of a foot. nȧ-hto'né'ėšėhahtáhtotȯtse my soles. hes-sto'né'ėšėhahtōne on their soles (of their moccasins). [1987:214] See: -ho'ne'e. Category: body.

-hto'sahtsé   ni. Gram: poss saliva, slobber (poss.) mȧ-hto'sāhtse saliva. nȧ-hto'sahtse my saliva. Category: body. vai: -ho'sahtsená; Medial -ahtsená.

-htonono ??   ni. Gram: poss ankle (poss.) mȧ-htonono an ankle. nȧ-htonono ?? my ankle. Etym: *nankwani (P). nȧh-tonononȯtse my ankles ?? Plural mȧ-htononȯtse ??. See: honono ??. Category: check, body.

-htóohevó   na. Gram: poss nail (both fingernail and toenail), claw (poss.), hoof (poss.) mȧ-htóóhévo a nail/claw/hoof/fingernail/toenail. Plural mȧ-htóohevono. nȧh-htóóhévo my fingernail. he-stóohevono his hoof(s). [1987:7:32] náhkohe he-stóohevono bear claws.

ni. nail (both fingernail and toenail), claw (poss.), hoof (poss.) Some newer pronunciation consider nails, claws, and hoofs to be inanimate. he-stóohevo his hoof. Medial -óohevá, -(hk)osé; IndepNoun mo'ēško, heheso. Phon: hle See: néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse. Category: body.

-htovóo'ȯtse   ni. ear. Gram: poss mȧ-htovóo'ȯtse ear. Plural mȧ-htovootȯtse. nȧ-htovóo'ȯtse my ear. nȧ-htovootȯtse my ears. nė-stovóo'ȯtse your ear. he-stovóo'ȯtse his ear. he-stovootȯtse his ears. nė-stovootanótse our (incl) ears. He-stovóótse éhne'áhanomaehoono. On his (man's) ear (obl.) he (bee) bit him. vai: -he-stovóotse. Etym: *wehtawakayi. Morph: his ear. BodyPartMedial -'está. Phon: iah See: mȧ-htovóo'ȯtse. Category: body.

-htsé   ni. Gram: poss mouth. māhtse mouth. nāhtse my mouth. hēstse his mouth. Category: body.

-htseešeeo'o   ni. Gram: poss chest (of body) (poss.) mȧ-htseešeeo'o a chest (of one's body). he-stseešeeōne on his chest (1980:65:42). BodyPartMedial -šené; Locative -htseešeeōne. Category: body.

-htséhese   ni. foot (poss). nȧ-htséhese my foot. [Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] he-stséhese his foot. [Croft 1948:APS - ACLS Item A3.1 - Cheyenne Material - Section 3 of 3 - Notebook 09.pdf] Phon: iah ?? Category: check. See: -hese foot (poss); heheso hoofs. Category: body.

-htsėhévá'xé   ni. Gram: poss tail (poss), tailbone (poss). mȧ-htsėhévá'xe tail. he-stsėhévá'xe his/her tail. he-stsėhevá'xéva on his/her tail. IndepNoun hehévá'xe; Medial -hevá'sé. Category: body.

-htse'e   ni. Gram: poss liver (poss.) mȧ-htse'e liver. nȧ-htse'e my liver. IndepNoun he'e; Medial -e'é. Etym: *neθkweni 'my liver'. Category: body.

-htse'kestá   ni. Gram: poss vagina (poss.) Variant: ma'ēsta. he-stse'kēsta her vagina. Stem -'kestá2; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

-htse'ko   Gram: poss 1 • ni. bone (poss.), foot (poss.), leg (poss.) Ques: does this mean 'foot' for some speakers?? mȧ-htse'ko bone; foot; leg. nȧ-htse'ko my bone. he-stse'ko his/her leg/foot/bone. Plural mȧ-htse'konȯtse; IndepNoun he'ko; Medial -hahtá, -(hk)óhtá. Category: body.

2 • na. tire. nȧ-htse'kono my tires. See: asėséonéehéhe. Category: car, check.

-htsé'oo'e   ni. Gram: poss elbow (poss.) Variant: -htsé'oo'o. nȧ-htsé'oo'e my elbow. mȧ-htsé'oo'e elbow. Plural mȧ-htsé'oonȯtse. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. Category: body.

-htsé'oo'o   ni. Gram: poss elbow (poss.) Variant: -htsé'oo'e. nȧ-htsé'oo'o my elbow. Etym: *ni·škwani (P). Plural nȧ-htsé'oonȯtse my elbows. mȧ-htsé'oo'o elbow. Plural mȧ-htsé'oonȯtse. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná; IndepNoun mȧhtsé'oo'o. Etym: *metweškwani (correspondence??. Category: check, body.

-htsé'ooná   mbp. elbow, rod (of engine). Éé'ė-stsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. IndepNoun -htsé'oo'o. Category: car, body.

-htse'ȯtse   ni. Gram: poss neck (poss.) mȧ-htse'ȯtse a neck. nȧ-htse'ȯtse my neck. Etym: *neθkwayawi. he-stse'ōtse on his neck. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.078] IndepNoun he'ȯtse; BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: body.

-htse'pe   ni. Gram: poss rib (poss.) mȧ-htse'pe a rib. nȧ-htse'pe my rib. Etym: *neθkweni. Medial -e'pé; IndepNoun he'pe; Plural mȧ-htsē'pėstse. Category: body.

-htse'po   ni. Gram: poss lung (poss.) nȧ-htse'po my lung. Plural mȧhtse'ponȯtse; IndepNoun he'po; Medial -he'poná. Category: body.

-htsemá'eme   ni. Gram: poss blood (poss.), blood vein (poss.) mȧ-htsemá'eme blood. nȧ-htsemá'eme my blood. Etym: cf *meçkwema (P). nė-stsemá'eme your blood. Námȧheonétȧhévo'eévama naa oha nė-stsema'émáne émano'sééso. We all have different skins but our blood is all together the same. nȧ-htsema'emȯtse my blood veins. Variant: -ma'eme; IndepNoun ma'e. Phon: iah Category: body.

-htséné   Gram: poss ni. face. he-stsene ?? his/her face. Ques: recheck pitches?? Ques: are there actually words for face in Ch?? Category: Oklahoma, face, body, check.

-htsénómé   ni. Gram: poss thigh (poss.) mȧ-htsénóme a thigh. nȧ-htsénóme my thigh. he-stsenomȯtse his/her thighs. Medial -nómá; IndepNoun hénóme. Phon: hle? Category: body.

-htseo'éheo'o   na. Gram: poss womb (poss.) IndepNoun heo'éheo'o. he-stseo'éheono her womb. [Croft] Usage: not known today Category: body.

-htsėsé'same   ni. Gram: poss tendon; gristle (poss.) mȧ-htsėsé'same tendon; gristle. IndepNoun hesé'se. Category: body.

-htsėsevo   na. Gram: poss calf (of leg) (poss.) mȧ-htsėsevo calf (of leg). nȧ-htsėsótseve my calf (of leg) obl?? Category: check. nȧ-htsėsótsevȯtse ?? my calves. Category: check. BodyPartMedial -sevá; IndepNoun hésevo; Plural mȧ-htsėsevono. See: hesótseve. Category: body.

-htsestá   ni. Gram: poss heart (poss.) mȧ-htsēsta heart. nȧ-htsēsta my heart. nȧ-htsēsta tséssáapėhéveotséhane when my heart wasn't good. he-stsēsta móéneohétȯhanéhe He had a heart attack (lit. his heart must have stopped). Oblique mȧh-tsėstáhéva. hestsēsta his heart. IndepNoun hēsta; Medial -htáhá; Plural mȧ-htsėstahȯtse ??. Category: check, body.

-htsėstáahe'o   ni. Gram: poss fist (poss.) mȧ-htsėstáahe'o a fist. Plural mȧ-htsėstáahe'onȯtse; BodyPartMedial -htaahe'oná. See: -he'oná. Category: body.

-htsėstáhévá   ni. Gram: poss-obl in the heart. nȧ-htsėstáhéva in my heart. [Former Fears.010] ni: -htsestá. Category: body.

-htsėstahpe   na. Gram: poss brain (poss.) mȧ-htsėstahpe brain. nȧ-htsėstahpe my brain. Etym: netempyi. he-stsėstahpo his brain. nė-stsėstáhpaneo'o our brains ?? Category: check. he-stsėstáhpevóho their brains. IndepNoun hestahpe; Medial -htáhpá, -htáhpé. Category: body.

-htsėstȧhtoono   ni. Gram: poss spine (poss.); backbone (poss.) mȧ-htsėstȧhtoono a backbone. Variant: -htȧhtoono; Medial -htȧhtoónoná; Plural mȧhtsėstȧhtoonȯtse. Etym: *metahtaka·kwani. Category: body.

-htsésta'he   ni. Gram: poss umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth. mȧ-htsésta'he afterbirth. nȧ-htsésta'he my afterbirth. he-stsésta'he his umbilical cord. he-stsésta'hevótse their navels. Naa tósa'e nėhéóhe nȧ-htsésta'he héva éstȧxaevá'neésto'a'haméhanéhe. And somewhere there my afterbirth must have just been thrown into the bushes. [1987:27] IndepNoun hésta'he; Medial -hta'né ??. Category: check. Phon: iah? Etym: *neteʔsyi 'my navel'. Plural mȧ-htsésta'hėstse ??. Category: check, body, babies.

-htsėstatsēō'o   ni. Gram: poss shoulder blade (poss.), scapula (poss). mȧ-htsėstatsēō'o a shoulder blade. nȧ-htsėstatsēō'o my shoulder blade. Etym: *netelyikana (P). Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htsėstatseonȯtse. Etym: cf. O nindini·gan 'my shoulder blade' (N). IndepNoun hestatsēō'o; Medial -htatseoná. Category: body.

-htsesto   ni. Gram: poss heel. Gram: poss. mȧ-htsesto a heel. Etym: *meto·ntani. nȧ-htsesto my heel. Etym: *neto·ntani. nȧ-htséstonȯtse my heels. Morph: /ma-htéhton/. Plural mȧ-htséstonȯtse; Oblique hestséstóne on the heel; nȧ-htséstóne on my heel; Medial -htséstoná. See: hestséstóne. Category: body.

-htséstoná   mbp. heel. Éónėšė-stséstonáóhtse. He has pain in the heel. Étó'ėsė-stséstonávo'ėhāna. She has high heeled shoes. Possessive -htsesto. Category: body.

-htsėstoo'o   ni. Gram: poss chin, jaw (poss.) mȧ-htsėstoo'o a jaw. nȧ-htsėstoo'o my jaw. Etym: *neta·Ɂmexkani. he-stsėstoo'o his/her jaw. Plural mȧ-htsėstóonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -stóo'oná. Morph: /ma-htehtóon/. Etym: cf. *meta·hpixkani. Medial -htóo'oná. Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htsėstóonȯtse. Category: body.

-htsėstsetȧtse   na. Gram: poss kidney (poss.) mȧ-htsėstsetȧtse a kidney. nȧ-htsėstsetȧtse my kidney. Etym: *neto·θeθwa. nȧ-htsėstsétato my kidneys. IndepNoun hestsetȧtse; Plural mȧhtsėstsétato. Category: body.

-htséta'e   na. Gram: poss gland, tonsil. mȧ-htséta'e gland; tonsil. Phon: iah ?? Category: check. Plural mȧhtsetā'e; IndepNoun héta'e. Category: body.

-htsetone   na. Gram: poss haunch (poss), ham (poss.) This term refers to the underside of the thigh including the buttock, i.e., the part one sits on. mȧ-htsetone haunch; ham. nȧ-htsetone my haunch. Etym: *nehtiwa my calf. IndepNoun hetone; Medial -tónaha. Category: body.

-htsetoo'o   ni. Gram: poss palate (poss.) mȧ-htsetoo'o a palate. nȧ-htsetoo'o my palate. Etym: cf *nalakaxkwi (P). IndepNoun hetoo'o2. Category: body. Phon: vs

-htsetooná   mbp. palate. Category: body. Etym: cf. *alakackw (medial). IndepNoun hetoo'o.

-htsevevėstse   na. Gram: poss horn (poss.), antler (poss.) he-stsevéveto his horn(s). This refers to the animal on which the horn is located. nė-stsevevėstse your (sg) horn. Usage: sometimes avoided in speech due to sound similarity with éheveve 'he is having sexual intercourse'

ni. horn (poss.), antler (poss.) Some newer pronunciation consider horns to be inanimate. he-stsevévėstse his horn. Medial -évesé; IndepNoun vevėstse. See: -he-veve. Category: body.

-htsevóhtané   ni. Gram: poss skin (poss.) nȧ-htsevóhtáne my skin. IndepNoun vóhtáne; Medial -o'éevá. Category: body.

-htšėšeo'o   ni. Gram: poss hip (poss.) mȧ-htšėšeo'o a hip. nȧ-htšėšeo'o my hip. Morph: /-htešéon/. Phon: vs Plural mȧ-htšėšéonȯtse. Etym: O ninoogan 'my hip' (N). he-stšėšéóne on his hip. Medial -šéoná; IndepNoun hešeo'o; Diminutive -htšėšeško. Category: body.

-htšėšeško   ni. Gram: poss rump (poss.) appears to be dim. of -htšėšeo'o 'hip (poss.)'. mȧ-htšėšeško a hip. Category: body. Morph: /-htešéhkon/. Medial -šéoná, -'esé; IndepNoun hešeo'o.

-ka'ena'évá'ó   vai. bend arm. É-ka'ena'évá'o. He bent his (own) arm. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: body.

-ka'evá'se   vai. have a short tail. É-ka'evá'se. He has a short tail. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: animals, body.

-ka'évesé   vai. short horns - have. É-ka'évése. He has short horns. BodyPartMedial -évesé. See: -tšėhe'kėsévesé. Category: body.

-ka'ovése   vai. have short hair. É-ka'ovése. He has short hair. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair, body.

-kóea'oná'ov   vta. kick s.o. in the shin(s). É-kóea'oná'ovóho. He kicked him in the shin(s). Ná-kóea'oná'ova. He kicked me in the shin(s). BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body.

-kóea'onáxe   vai. bump shin. either get bumped or kicked by someone or bump into something. É-kóea'onáxe. He bumped his shin. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body.

-kóehahtáxé   vai. bump foot. É-kóehahtáxe. He bumped his (own) foot. Category: body.

-kóehe'onáxé   vai. hit hand, bump hand. É-kóehe'onáxe. He hit his (own) hand. Category: body.

-kóenėstanéšé   vai. bump knee. É-kóenėstanéše. He bumped his knee. Ná-kóenėstanéše. I bumped my knee. BodyPartMedial -nėstané. Category: body, hit.

-kóenonáxé   vai. bump ankle. É-kóenonáxe. He bumped his (own) ankle. Ná-kóenonáxe. I bumped my ankle. BodyPartMedial -noná. Category: body.

-kóeóhtáxé   vai. bump leg. É-kóeóhtáxe. He bumped his leg. Variant: -kóeškóhtáxé; BodyPartMedial -óhtá4. Category: body, hit.

-kóestsé'oonáxé   vai. bump elbow. É-kóestsé'oonáxe. He bumped his (own) elbow. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. See: -kóna'éše; -póénéše. Category: body, hit.

-koké'eona'xe   vai. build muscles. refers to moving your joints, becoming muscular; some people might say this about exercising. É-koké'eona'xe. He is building muscles. Ques: get pl?? See: -koké'oo'e; -koké'ahe. Category: body, check.

-koké'eonáoesta'xe   vai. exercise - quickly. Ta-koké'eonáoesta'xėstse! Go exercise! Category: body.

-koké'oo'e   vai. muscular, buffed. É-koké'oo'e. He has big muscles. É-koké'oeo'o. They are muscular. Phon: vs See: -koké'ahe; -koké'eona'xe; -popákȧhoeše. Category: body.

-kó'koehahtáxé   vai. drum foot. É-kó'koehahtáxe. He is drumming his foot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

-kó'koehe'onáxe   vai. drum fingers. É-kó'koehe'onáxe. He is drumming his fingers. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-kó'ko'ėstáháxé   vai. heart beat. Lit: tick-heart-lie É-kó'ko'ėstáháxe. His heart is beating. Category: body.

-kó'ko'onenéše   vai. teeth chatter. for example, from the cold. É-kó'ko'onenéše. His teeth are chattering. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: -nonomose; -kó'konȯhonévose. Category: body, check.

-kó'kononévose   vai. teeth chatter from cold. É-kó'kononévose. His teeth are chattering from the cold. BodyPartMedial -ononé; Variant: -kó'konȯhonévose. Category: body, weather.

-'ahtse   ni. Gram: poss arm, hand, forearm. includes hand and forearm. ma-'ahtse arm. Plural ma-'ȧhtsenȯtse. na-'ahtse my forearm. Etym: *nexpetwini. na-'ȧhtsenȯtse my forearms. he-'ȧhtsenȯtse his forearms. he-'ȧhtsenevótse their forearms. BodyPartMedial -he'oná hand; -na'eva arm. See: -ahtsená mouth. Etym: *mexpetwini. Category: body.

-'a'o   ni. Gram: poss shin (poss.) ma-'ā'o a shin. na-'ā'o my shin. Etym: *neθkaθkwani. na-'a'onȯtse my shins. [Croft] he-'ā'o his shin. Plural ma-'a'onȯtse; Medial -a'oná; IndepNoun ve'ȯhkono. Ques: recheck pitch cf Croft ma'a'ónéso 'little shin' See: -vé'ho'á'one. Etym: cf. nexkaxkwani 'my shin'. Category: body.

-'esé   mbp. rump; buttocks; arse; ass; butt. hóxe-'ėsénéó'o bustle (literally, tie.around-buttocks-(thing)). vé'še-'ėsénȯhestȯtse pants (literally, enclosed-rump-thing). táxe-'ėséestȯtse chair (literally, on-rump-sit-thing). Étáxe-'ėsee'e. He is sitting upon (a chair etc.). Étó'ėse-'ėsévo'ėhāna. She has high heeled shoes. Lit: long-"rump"-shoed Né'eve-'ėsé'hameha! Pull your pants up! Nátóo-'ėsénoo'o. I rear ended them. See: -esé. Category: body.

-'está1   mbp. ear. Ématse-'ēsta. He has infected/running ears. Émomá'e-'ėstávose. His ears are red from the cold. Nátoe-'ēsta. My ears are cold. néške-'ēsta chipmunk (lit. perked-ears). Variant: -'kestá1. See: -htovoo'ȯtse ear (poss.). Category: ears, body.

-'evo   ni. Gram: poss nose. ma-'evo a nose. na-'evo my nose. Etym: *nexkiwani. he-'evo his nose. Plural ma-'evonȯtse; Medial -esé. Morph: /ma-'evon/. Etym: *mexkiwani. Category: body, nose.

-'háononá   mbp. popliteal (back of knee). Nėstsenoné'ke-'háónóna. You'll be dirty back of your knees. (When short skirts came into style, Cheyenne women would tease each other saying this; the dirtiness could be from dust or dirt; the word refers to being streaked as with a dirty streaked face; the connotation could even be (especially was?) of being streaked with urine.) Category: body.

-'kestá1   mbp. ear. Variant: -'está1; Homonym -'kestá2 vagina. Category: ears, body.

-'kestá2   na. Gram: poss vagina, vulva. ma-'kēsta vagina, vulva. na-'kēsta my vagina, vulva. Etym: *nexketena. Usage: This variant may be more commonly used than -'está. Variant: -'está2. he-'kėstáne her vagina, vulva. Plural ma-'(k)ėstáne; BodyPartMedial -ahá; Variant: -'está2; Homonym -'kestá1 ear. See: -só'é; -xó'é; -má'ko'seo'o; -nėstané1 knee. Etym: O nikidin my vulva (N). Category: sex, body, vulgar.

-'kėstané   mbp. vagina. É-ónėše'kėstanéóhtse She has pain in the vagina. See: -ahá. Category: body.

-'óhta   ni. Gram: poss forehead. Gram: poss. ma-'ohta a forehead. na-'ohta my forehead. Etym: *neθkantekwi. he-'óhtáne on his forehead. [Deer Meat.034] Mó'ȯhkevá'netoo'ėstsėhéhe hétsėhéóhe he-'óhtáá'e hevóhtáne. He used to tie his skin up on his forehead. [1987:287] Morph: /ma-'óhtan/. Usage: sg. not commonly used, but obl. fairly well known ?? Category: check. Plural ma-'óhtánėstse; Oblique ma-'óhtáá'e. Etym: *meška·htekwi. Category: body.

-'óhtané   mbp. forehead. Náónėše-'óhtanéóhtse. My forehead hurts. Ho'honáeve-'óhtanéhe Stone Forehead (name). Éohaséve-'óhtáne. He has a shiny forehead. Category: body.

-'ov   fta. by foot (or body). Ná-toe'ōvo I held him down with my foot. Éé'e-'ovóho. He broke him with his foot. Éamó'a-'óvahtse. He bicycled. (literally, he-along-roll-by.foot-REFL) ?? fti: -'á. Etym: *netahkweskawa·wa. See: -a'ov. Category: check, body.

-'pa'o   ni. Gram: poss back. of body. na-'pa'o my back. ma-'pa'o a back. Etym: *nenexθkwani. he-'pa'o his/her back. Plural ma'pa'onȯtse. he-'pa'onéome behind the house. He-'pa'onevo éohkeamėhóheo'o. You walk behind them (in back of medicine people). BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. Category: body.

-'pa'oná   mbp. back (of body). Éé'e-'pa'ōna. His back is broken. Éhese-'pa'onáotse. He has cramps in his back. Nátó-'pa'onáhno. I punched him in the back. pa'e-'pa'onáhe camel (literally, humpbacked one). See: -htȧhtoónoná. Category: body.

maéstoo'o   ni. Gram: poss throat. maéstoo'e (variant). See: -éstoo'o; ma'éstoo'o pillow. Morph: /maéhtóon/. Etym: *mekonta·kani (Pi). Category: body.

mȧhaéstomó'hestȯtse   ni. pharynx (esophagus?) Usage: probably a new word or loan translation Lit: swallowing-thing Category: body.

má-hese   ni. a foot. pd492: mazhess 'the foot', nazhess 'my foot', nezhess 'your foot', heszhess 'his foot'. Ques: is this known today?? See: -hese; heheso. Category: body, check.

-mȧhonené   vai. have all one's teeth. É-mȧhonēne. He has all his teeth. Etym: *mesanike·wa (Go88). BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body, mouth.

mȧhtatamoo'o   ni. Gram: poss shoulder. See: -htatamoo'o. Variant: hetatamoo'o. Category: body.

mȧhtátseeme   ni. Gram: poss nostril. See: -htátseeme. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: body, nose.

mȧhtóóhévo   na. fingernail, nail, toenail. Plural mȧhtóohevono; Possessive -htóohevó. Category: body.

mȧhtoo'o   ni. Gram: poss chin. See: nȧhtoo'o my chin. Category: body.

mȧhtovóo'ȯtse   ni. ear. Plural mȧhtovootȯtse. Phon: iah See: -htovóo'ȯtse ear; nȧhtovóo'ȯtse my ear; nėstovóo'ȯtse your ear. Category: body, ears.

māhtse   ni. mouth, lip(s). nāhtse my mouth. [pd661] nēstse your mouth. [pd661] hēstse his/her mouth. Possessive -htsé; BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. See: matse; nesėstse. Category: mouth, body.

mȧhtse'ko   1 • ni. leg. Plural mȧhtse'konȯtse. nȧ-htse'ko my leg. Medial -(hk)óhtá; Stem -htse'kon. Category: body.

2 • na. tire. Plural mȧ-htse'kono. See: asėséoneehéhe; amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko; asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.

mȧhtsé'oo'e   ni. Gram: poss elbow. Variant: mȧhtsé'oo'o; Plural mȧhtsé'oonȯtse; Possessive -htsé'oo'o. Category: body.

mȧhtsé'oo'o    Gram: poss 1 • ni. elbow. Variant: mȧhtsé'oo'e; Plural mȧhtsé'oonȯtse; Possessive -htsé'oo'o. Category: body.

2 • na. piston. Plural mȧhtsé'oono. Category: car.

mȧhtsemá'eme   ni. Gram: poss blood. See: hestsemá'eme his blood. Category: body.

mȧhtsénóme   ni. Gram: poss thigh. See: -htsénóme; hénóme. Category: body.

ma'ahtse   ni. Gram: poss forearm. This word includes the entire area of the hand and forearm. Plural ma'ȧhtsenȯtse. na-'ahtse my forearm. Stem -'ahtse. See: -ahtsená mouth. Category: hands, body.

ma'e   ni. blood. (another recording) blood can be prepared and eaten as a Cheyenne food. Ma'e émá'o. Blood is red. Possessive -htsemá'eme; Oblique ma'ēva. See: -ma'eve. Etym: *meçkwi (P). Category: body.

-ma'e'ėstávose   vai. ears red from cold. É-ma'e'ėstávose. His ears are red from the cold. See: -ma'eesévose nose red from cold; -ná'tse'ėstávose cold ears. Category: body, ears.

-ma'emá   mbp. blood. É-hávėsévema'emao'o. They (for example, a certain family or a line of horses) have bad blood. Possessive -htsemá'eme. See: ma'e. Category: body.

-ma'enotová   vai. red-necked, have a red neck. É-ma'enotōva. He has a red neck. Etym: *meçkwikwayawe·wa (P). Category: body, colors.

-ma'eóhtavose   vai. legs red from cold. É-ma'eóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Etym: *meçkwika·te·watiwa. Reduplicated -momá'eóhtavose; BodyPartMedial -óhtá4; fai: -ose1. Category: body.

ma'ēsta   na. vagina. Variant: ma'kēsta; Possessive -'está2. Category: vulgar, body, sex.

ma'evo   ni. Gram: poss nose, beak. Plural ma'evonȯtse; Stem -'evo. Category: nose, body.

ma-'éxaevé'henȯtse   na. Gram: poss eyelash. Usage: may be a new word or a loan translation Plural ma-'éxaevé'henoto. See: vé'henȯtse. Category: body.

ma'haa'émo'ēško   na. thumb. Category: body. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter Lit: big-finger

-ma'hahtsenáheesená   vai. open wide mouth with teeth exposed ?? Ma'xenóma'ne móh-ma'hahtsenáheesenȧhéhe (?? ) nėhéóhe vóxéva. A big fish must have been lying there (in the water) with his mouth wide open there in the hole. [Fishing.022] Category: body, check.

ma-'háónóne   ni. Gram: poss popliteal, back of knee. Ques: ma-'háónóno ?? Plural ma-'háononȯtse. Category: body, check.

-ma'kasé   vai. show (pregnancy) a little, red stomach. É-ma'kāse. She is showing a little. Ques: recheck glosses?? BodyPartMedial -asé; Antonym -tȧhpe'kasé. See: -ma'kȧséotse; -tȧhpetáohtsé. Category: body, check.

-ma'kȧséotse   vai. 1 • hung over at the belly - become.

2 • fat - become. É-ma'kȧséotse. He has gotten fat. Náase-ma'kȧséotse. I'm starting to get fat. BodyPartMedial -asé. Usage: humorous; said to be an old word See: -ma'kasé. Category: body.

ma'kēsta   ni. Gram: poss vagina. Variant: ma'ēsta; Stem -'kestá2; Possessive -htse'kestá; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse stake. Category: body, vulgar, sex.

-má'ko'seo'o   ni. Gram: poss clitoris. he-má'ko'seo'o her clitoris. he-má'ko'seonevo their clitoris(es?) Usage: Usage status is uncertain. Possibly only spoken by a single individual. See: -má'ooseo'o(??. Category: check, body, vulgar.

ma'pa'o   ni. Gram: poss back (of body). See: -'pa'o; he'pa'o. Category: body.

-ma'xėhahtá   vai. big-footed. É-ma'xėhāhta. ?? He has big feet. Category: body, check.

ma'xema'e   ni. jugular vein. See: ma'e blood. Category: body.

ma'xemo'ēško   na. thumb. Lit: big-finger Synonym ma'haa'émo'ēško. Category: body.

ma'xe-nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse   ni. epiglottis, Adam's apple, voice box ?? Lit: big-thing which closes Variant: ma'xe-nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Usage: may be a new word or loan translation See: -pa'enėhpo'hóoná; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Category: body, check.

manėstāne   na. Gram: poss knee. Stem -nėstané. Category: body.

matana2   Gram: poss na. breast, teat. Plural ma-tanāne, ma-tanaho. na-tana my breast. Etym: *neθenyi. na-tanāne my breasts. he-tanāne her breast(s). The singular ma-tana is the same as matana 'milk'. BodyPartMedial -tanahá. See: matana1 milk; -néh. Category: body.

matanaé-   pv. breast. refers to breast area of male or female. See: -šené; -šeeoná. Category: body.

ma-tsėhešénestȯtse   ni. face. netao'o he-tšėhešénėstóva all over on her face. [1987:253] Usage: not widely used Category: body, face.

ma-tsénone   ni. Gram: poss armpit. Possessive -tsénone. Ques: tsénono?? Plural matsénonȯtse. Etym: *meθenkwiyi (Go2014). See: -tseno. Category: body.

-mátsevȧháotse   vai. have venereal disease, have V.D. Lit: infected-vagina É-mátsevȧháotse. She has V.D. BodyPartMedial -ahá; Masculine -mátsevȯhosé. See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -totónesta. Category: sickness, body, vulgar.

-mátsevo'e2   vai. have dirty anus. É-mátsevo'e. He has a dirty anus. for instance, did not wipe up well after defecating. medial uncertain. See: -neevávoo'oh(n). Category: vulgar, body.

mavétove   ni. Gram: poss body. See: -vétove. Category: body.

-méená   mbp. collarbone, feather. Éé'e-méenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. See: mée'e; -tsénooná; -ee'e. Category: birds, body.

-mé'ȧsee'e   vai. stomach exposed. for example, about someone who is so fat that their shirt doesn't stay tucked in. É-mé'ȧsee'e. His stomach is showing. BodyPartMedial -asé2. See: -mé'oo'e. Category: body.

-mé'e'ėsee'e   vai. exposed buttocks. for example, from pants hanging too far down as one leans forward. É-mé'e'ėsee'e. His buttocks are showing. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.

mé'hahtse1   1 • ni. beard, moustache. Lit: fuzzy/hairy-mouth Plural mé'hahtsenȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Etym: *mi·Ɂθetona·ni (P). Category: body.

2 • na. Beard. Category: names.

-mé'hahtsé2   vai. bearded, moustached. Lit: hairy-mouth É-mé'háhtse. He has a beard. (another recording) Etym: *mi:ʔθetonwa. Émé'h-ahtsenahe? Does he have a beard? É-mé'hahtsenao'o. They have beards. Étsėhe'ėse-mé'háhtse. He has a long beard. See: -mé'ėhahtsé show s.t.; -ahtsená beard. Category: body.

-mé'hahtse   mbp. beard, moustache. oo'ke-mé'hahtsenáhestȯtse whisker puller/shaver. See: mé'hahtsen. Category: body.

-mé'hahtsená3   mbp. beard, moustache. oo'ke-mé'hahtsenáhestȯtse whisker puller/shaver. See: mé'hahtse beard. Category: body.

mé'hovávestȯtse   ni. fur. he-mé'hovávestȯtse his fur. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, body.

me'ko   1 • ni. head, hair. Plural mé'konȯtse. he-me'ko his/her head/hair. Medial -ovésé, -htséá, -a'(k)é. Category: body.

2 • ni. engine block. Me'ko éó'xeotse. The engine is cracked. Category: car.

3 • na. councilman, council member. Plural mé'kono; Obviative mé'kono; Feminine mé'koná'e. See: vého. Category: jobs, government, figurative.

mé'šéne   ni. pubic hair. Variant: mé'šéno. See: -he-mé'šené have pubic hair. Category: body, vulgar.

mé'šéno   ni. pubic hair. Etym: *mi·Ɂšikwa·ni (P); cf. Ar béésiyoo (male); béésohoo (female). Variant: mé'šéne; Plural mé'šenonȯtse. AltPl = mé'šenonėstse See: -he-mé'šené have pubic hair; mé'h-; mé'še-. Category: body, vulgar.

-mé'šėšené   vai. hairy chest. É-mé'šėšéne. He has hair on his chest. BodyPartMedial -šené. See: -šeeoná chest; -mé'šéné hairy faced; -he-mé'šené have pubic hair. Category: body, hair.

-mé'šetsénoná   vai. have hairy armpits. É-mé'šetsénóna. He has hairy armpits. Etym: *mi·Ɂšiθenkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -tsénoná. Category: body.

-menoo'éxané   mbp. eyeball. Lit: globular(that is, berry).shaped-eye Éónėše-menoo'éxanéóhtse. He has pain in the eyeball. Éotá'tave-menoo'éxáne. He has blue eyes. Étónėše-menoo'éxaneo'o? What color are their eyes? BodyPartMedial -'éxané eye. See: mené- berry. Category: body, eyes.

méta'eško   ni. skull. Etym: cf *ni·likani my skull.

na. skull. Plural méta'ėškono; Obviative méta'ėškono. See: -he'konévėstsea'a; séotsémeta'eško. Category: body.

-moéškáhtse   vai. puckered up mouth - have a. É-moéškáhtse. He has a puckered up mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth, body.

mo'éhehevée'ėse   ni. elk tooth. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Plural mo'éhehevéesȯtse. See: vee'ėse tooth. Category: body.

mo'ēško1   na. finger, toe. Plural mo'ėškono; Obviative mo'ėškono; Homonym mo'ēško2 ring. See: -(hk)osé. Category: body.

mo'ēško tséhóna'oese   vai. knuckle. Lit: finger that which connects Plural mo'ėškono tséhóna'oevȯse. Category: body.

-mo'ȯhtávėhahtá   vai. black-footed. É-mo'ȯhtávėháhta. He is black-footed. Etym: *maxkate·wisite·wa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: colors, body.

-mo'ȯhtávenotová   vai. have a black neck. É-mo'ȯhtávenotōva. He has a black neck. Medial -notová. Category: body.

-mo'ȯhtáveóhtá   vai. have black leg(s). É-mo'ȯhtáveóhta. He has black legs. Etym: *maxkate·wika·te·wa. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávėškóhtá; Medial -óht. Category: body, colors.

-mo'ȯhtávo'éevá   vai. have dark skin. É-mo'ȯhtávo'ééva. His skin is dark/black. Medial -o'éevá. Category: body.

-mo'ȯhtávoohevá   vai. black nails. É-mo'ȯhtávoohēva. He has has black nails. BodyPartMedial -oohevá. Category: body, colors.

-mo'ó'eéstooná   vai. have a scratchy throat. É-mo'ó'eéstoōna. He has a scratchy throat. BodyPartMedial -éstooná. See: -ó'eestóoná. Category: body.

-momá'e'éxané   vai. have red eyes; have bloodshot eyes. É-momá'e'éxáne. He has red/bloodshot eyes. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: body.

-momá'evo'tanȯsévose   vai. have red cheeks from the cold. É-momá'evo'tanȯsévose. He has red cheeks from the cold. BodyPartMedial -vo'tanosé. Category: body.

-móma'haa'e'éxané   vai. have big eyes. É-móma'haa'e'éxáne. He has big eyes. Phon: redup Category: eyes, body.

-momáme'está   vai. have big ears. É-momáme'ēsta. He has big ears. Category: ears, body. Phon: redup

-momámėsevá   vai. have big calves (of legs). É-momámėséva. He has big calves. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: body.

-momámevo'tanosé   vai. have big cheeks. É-momámevo'tanōse. He has big cheeks. Category: body. Phon: redup

-momámonené   vai. have big teeth. É-momámonēne. He has big teeth. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.

moméhevȯhtse   na. blood clot. Obviative moméhevȯhtseto. See: -moméheve. Category: body, sickness.

-momé'šėhahtá   vai. have hairy feet. É-momé'šėháhta. He has shaggy/hairy feet. Etym: *mi·Ɂšisite·wa (P). tsé-momé'šėháhtȧhtse Persian horse (literally, that which has hairy (shaggy) feet). Category: body.

-momé'šeóhtá   vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šeóhta. He has hairy legs. Etym: *mi·Ɂšika·te·wa (P). Phon: redup Variant: -momé'šėškóhtá; BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: body, hair.

-momé'šėškóhtá   vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šėškóhta He has hairy legs. Variant: -momé'šeóhtá. Category: body, hair.

-naa'ėsee'e   vai. butt numb. Ná-naa'ėsee'e. My butt is numb. for example, from sitting too long. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.

-naehe'oná   vai. have a numb hand. É-naehe'ōna. He has a numb hand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-nae'ėhahtaa'e   vai. sit with feet numb, feet go to sleep. É-nae'ėhahtaa'e.?? His foot went to sleep/went numb. Phon: vs Category: body.

náhkohe hestóohevono   na. bear claws. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Possessive -htóohévo. Category: body.

nȧhtatamoo'o   ni. Gram: poss my shoulder. Plural nȧhtatamóonȯtse. newer pronunciation for plural Category: body.

nȧhtóóhévo   na. my fingernail, my toenail. See: -htóohevó. Category: body.

nȧhtoo'o   ni. Gram: poss my chin. See: mȧhtoo'o. Category: body.

nȧhtovóo'ȯtse   ni. Gram: poss my ear. Plural nȧhtovootȯtse. Phon: iah See: -htovóo'ȯtse. Category: ears, body.

nȧhtovóo'ȯtse   ni. my ear. Etym: *nehtawakayi (P). Plural nȧhtovootȯtse, (another recording); Possessive -htovóo'ȯtse. Phon: iah Category: body.

nahtse   ni. Gram: poss my mouth. This includes the lips. Etym: *neto·ni. Possessive -htse. See: ma-htse. Category: body.

nȧhtse'ko   ni. Gram: poss my leg. Plural nȧhtse'konȯtse. See: mȧhtse'ko. Category: body.

nȧhtsé'oo'o   ni. Gram: poss my elbow. Variant: nahtsé'oo'e; Plural nȧhtsé'oonȯtse; IndepNoun -htsé'oo'o.

na. my elbow. animate for some speakers. Plural nȧhtsé'oono. Category: body.

nȧhtse'ȯtse   ni. Gram: poss my neck. Stem -htse'ȯtse. Etym: *neθkwayawi. Category: body.

nȧhtsesto   ni. Gram: poss my heel. Oblique nȧhtséstóne; Stem -htsesto. Category: body.

nȧhtséstóne   ni. Gram: poss Gram: obl on my heel. Category: body.

na'ā'o   ni. Gram: pos Etym: *neθkaθkwani. Usage: not well known today Possessive -'a'ó. na-'ā'o my shin. Category: body.

-na'évá   mbp. arm(s). Éé'e-na'éváxe. He broke his arm. Éónėše-na'éváóhtse. He has pain in the arms. Éhese-na'évaotse. He has cramps in his arms. Ma'e-na'éváhe Red Arm. Étsėhe'ėse-na'éva. He has long arms. He'amena'évá'ȯhtse! Raise your hand (literally, arm)! oése-na'éva'ohtȯtse vest. Lit: put.into-arms-thing See: -'ahtse forearm. Category: body.

na'evo   ni. Gram: poss my nose. Etym: *nexkiwani (P). Possessive -'evo. See: ma'evo. Category: body.

na'exa   ni. Gram: poss my eye. Plural na'éxánėstse; Oblique na'éxáéne, na'éxáéno on my eye(s). Etym: *neški:nšekwi 'my eye, face' (P). Category: body.

na'pa'o   ni. Gram: poss my back. Possessive -'pa'o. Category: body.

na'pa'ōne   ni. Gram: poss Gram: obl on my back. See: ma'pa'o. Category: body.

-ná'tȯsėhahtávose   vai. cold feet. Ná-ná'tȯsėhahtávose. My feet are cold. Synonym -toehahtáohtsé. See: -toehahtá. Category: body, temperature.

-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose   vai. have cold hands. Ná-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose. My hands are cold. Category: temperature. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body. See: -ná'tose.

-ná'tȯse'ėstávose   vai. cold ears. Ná-ná'tȯse'ėstávose. My ears are cold. Category: body. See: -ná'tose. BodyPartMedial -'está.

natonėše   ni. Gram: poss my belly. Category: body.

navétóva   ni. Gram: poss my body. Ques: in my body?? Ques: body or self?? See: -vétove. Category: body.

navétove   ni. Gram: poss my body. Usage: obsolescing The older form of this word was nétove, which is now archaic. Variant: nétove; Stem -vétove. See: -vétová. Category: body.

-nėhe'ėstáhá   vai. have such a heart. Hé'tóhe tséhe'ēso é-nėhe'ėstáhao'o. This how long it is, their hearts are like that. [1987:146] BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: body.

-nėhe'hahtáxé   vai. wipe feet. É-nėhe'hahtáxe. He wiped his (own) feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.

-nėhe'onáxe   vai. wipe hands. É-nėhe'onáxe. He wiped his (own) hands. Nėhe'onáxėstse! Wipe your hands! See: -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: groom, hands, body.

-nėhpo'e'ėstáotse   vai. 1 • plugged up ear(s). É-nėhpo'e'ėstáotse. He has plugged up ears / doesn't want to hear anything.

2 • not want to hear anything. Category: figurative, body, ears, hear.

nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse   ni. Adam's apple, voice box ?? Lit: valve/thing which closes See: pa'enėhpo'hóoná; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Variant: ma'xenėhpo'hoo'ȯtse, . Category: body, check.

-né'sėstá'né   vai. navel bulge out. É-né'sėstá'ne. His navel bulges out. BodyPartMedial -sta'né, -too'ėstané's. Category: body.

ne'tóo'ėse   ni. eyetooth, upper front tooth. Morph: /ne'tóes/. Phon: vs Plural ne'tóesȯtse. See: vée'ėse tooth; ane'too'ėse fang. Etym: *keʔta·pici. Category: body.

-néme'ėšé'šé   vai. turn rump around. É-néme'ėšé'še. He turned his rump around. É'ȯhkėxaeto'senėše-néme'ėšé'šesėstse néhe xāō'o. The skunk would start to turn its rump (towards him). [1987:283] BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.

-néme'šé'esé   vai. turn rump. Ques: recheck spelling and gloss ?? É'ȯhkėxaeto'senėše-néme'šé'ėšesėstse néhe xāō'o. That skunk would start to turn its rump towards (him). [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.056] BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, check.

-nésȯhkonahe   vai. split. Ques: /nésȯhkonáhe/ ?? Category: check. Ques: Is this extant?? Category: check. tséh-nésȯhkonáheto your crotch. Lit: where you are split in two tséh-nésȯhkanaese his/her crotch. [PD] See: -só'é crotch. Category: body, vulgar.

-nėstané1   na. Gram: poss knee. Usage: This word is sometimes avoided because it sounds similar to 'vagina', ma-'kesta,or 'her vagina', he-'kėstāne ma-nėstāne a knee. Plural ma-nėstaneo'o. na-nėstāne my knee. na-nėstaneo'o my knees. ne-nėstaneo'o your knees. he-nėstāne his knee. Etym: *neketekwa 'my knee'; *keketekwaki your knees. See: -'kesta2 vagina. Category: body, taboo.

-nėstané2   mbp. knee. Énéme-nėstanéotse. He twisted/dislocated/sprained his knee. Énéše-nėstanee'e. She sat with legs underneath her / she kneeled. BodyPartMedial -nėstané2. Category: body.

nėstovóo'ȯtse   ni. your ear. See: -htovóo'ȯtse ear. Category: body.

-néše'está   vai. have two ears. Tse-néše'ēsta. He (the horse) will have two ears. [1987:7:29] BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: body, ears.

-nėše'šėhahtá   vai. wash feet. É-nėše'šėhāhta.?? He washed his feet.?? BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, check.

-nėše'šėhe'onán   vta. wash hands of s.o. Ná-nėše'šėhe'onáno I washed his hands. É-nėše'šėhe'onano. She washed his hands. É-nėše'šėhe'onánóho. She washed his hands. (newer pronunciation). vai: -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: body.

-nėše'še'está   vai. wash ears. É-nėše'še'ēsta. He washed his ears. Nėše'še'ēstȧhtse! Wash your ears! BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: body, groom, ears.

-nėše'šé'hahtá   vai. wash feet. É-nėše'šé'háhta. He washed his (own) feet. Category: body.

-nėše'šé'hahtán   vta. wash feet of s.o. É-nėše'šé'hahtano. He washed his (someone else's) feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

-nėše'xahtsé   vai. brush teeth, gargle. Lit: wash-mouth É-nėše'xāhtse. He brushed his teeth / gargled. Etym: *kesi·ʔθetonwa he rinses his mouth, gargles. Násáa-nėše'xȧhtsenáhe. I did not gargle / brush my teeth. Nééše-nėše'xȧhtsenahe? Did you gargle / brush your teeth? Náéšeáahtsé'-nėše'xāhtse. I already brushed my teeth. See: -nėše'xonenéhe. Category: body.

-nėše'xonenéhe   vai. brush teeth (of self). É-nėše'xonenehe. He brushed (lit. washed) his teeth. Etym: *kesi·ʔθanike·wa (with added *-ahwi- 'move by medium') (P). É-nėše'xonenéheo'o. They brushed their teeth. Tȧhé-nėše'xonenéestse! Go brush your teeth! BodyPartMedial -onené; Initial -nėše'(h)-. See: -nėše'xahtse. Category: body, groom.

nėškátone   ni. womb, uterus (your womb?) An elder male said these are the (vaginal) muscles that grasp and squeeze the penis so that it will ejaculate. Oblique nėškátoēva ?[. See: héo'éheo'o. Usage: not well known currently Category: body.

néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse   ni. hoof (of a cow or buffalo). he-néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse his hoof. Ques: recheck spelling?? Category: check. Ques: check with other speakers?? Category: check. See: -htóohevo. Category: body.

nétanove   ni. Gram: poss my tongue, tongue - my. Usage: archaic Etym: *ni·θanyiwi (P). See: vétanove tongue. Category: mouth, body.

nétóváne   ni. Gram: poss our body, for us (excl.) ?? nétovanōtse our bodies. Ques: is the meaning 'self' or 'body'?? See: étove your body. Category: check, body.

nétove   ni. Gram: poss my body. Usage: archaic; Some speakers now say navétove. Words that mean 'body' are not commonly said today. Etym: *ni·yawi. étove your body. étovane our (incl) body. [PD; PG:10 'for my sake'] Variant: navétove. See: étove your body; -vétove; voxȯtse; né'tóve my brother-in-law (of a man). Category: body.

-nėxoóhtahtsé   vai. cute mouth. É-nėxoóhtáhtse. He has a cute mouth. Category: mouth, body.

-no'kena'evá   vai. one-armed. É-no'kena'ēva. He has one arm. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -na'evá. Category: body.

-no'kévesé   vai. one horn - have. É-no'kévése. He has one horn. BodyPartMedial -évesé. Category: body.

-nómá   mbp. thigh. Náhese-nómaotse. I have cramps in my thigh. Épóe-nómáxe. He fell on his thigh. Éónėše-nómáóhtse. He has pain in the thighs. Possessive -htsénóme; Initial hénóme. Category: body.

-noná   mbp. ankle. Ná-kóenonáxe. I bumped my ankle. Énémo-nonáotse. He twisted his (own) ankle. Category: body.

-noné'ke'háononá   vai. have streaked; dirty popliteals. Nėstse-noné'ke'háónóna. "You'll be dirty back of your knees." When short skirts came into style, Cheyenne women would tease each other saying this. The dirtiness could be from dust or dirt. The word refers to being streaked as with a dirty streaked face; the connotation could even be (or especially was) of being streaked with urine. BodyPartMedial -'háononá. Category: body.

-nonȯhpȧhane'éšé   vai. fall backwards on nape. The fall can be heard. É-nonȯhpȧhane'éše. He fell backwards on his nape and the thump was heard. See: -kóna'éše. Category: body.

-notová   mbp. neck. Éoókȯhkeve-notōva. He has a black (like a crow) dirty neck. Étsėhe'ėse-notōva. He has a long neck. táhtae-notováhe killdeer (lit. marked around-neck-one). Éé'e-notova'so. He cut his head off. Éé'e-notovahno. He chopped his head off. IndepNoun he'ȯtse; Possessive -htse'ȯtse. Etym: *kwayawe· (P). Category: body.

-ohaséve'óhtané   vai. shiny forehead. É-ohaséve'óhtáne. He has a shiny forehead. Category: body.

-(o)hosé   mbp. penis. É-mátsev-ȯhōse. He has V.D. (literally, infected-penis). Éhohá-ohōse. He has a very big penis. Éháá'ėst-ȯhóse. He has a long penis. Éhe'kon-ȯhoseóó'e. He has an erect penis. Ékáv-ȯhoséóó'e. His penis is limp. Éháemée-hōse. He has a smelly penis. See: -ahá vagina. IndepNoun vétoo'ȯtse. Category: vulgar, body.

-ohtá2   mbp. abdomen, stomach, intestines. This seems to be the inside of the stomach while -asé refers to the outside of the stomach. ?? Éó'-óhta. He is constipated. Éónėx-ȯhtáóhtse. He has a stomach ache. Éhest-ȯhtáotse. He has cramps in his abdomen. Émom-óhtóhta. He has diarrhea. Épa'-ȯhtáotse. He had a gall bladder attack. éstȯhta'énéó'o buckle. Homonym -ohtá5 cold. See: -tonėše1 belly; -asé belly. Category: body, check.

-óhtá4   mbp. leg. háestȯhe-óhtáhe centipede (lit. many-legged-one). Émomá'e-óhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Ékóe-óhtáxe. He bumped his leg. Variant: -(hk)óhtá; Homonym -óhtá1 by mouth. Etym: cf. *mexka·ci (M.). See: -hahtá; -he'konamá. Category: body.

-ó'ȧhtsenáotse   vai. dry mouth, very thirsty. Ná-ó'ȧhtsenáotse. I have a dry mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtse. Etym: *nepa·ʔCetonépali (R). Category: body.

-ó'eéstooná   vai. have a dry throat. É-ó'eéstoōna. His throat is dry. Etym: *ka·çkikwenta·kanwa (P). BodyPartMedial -éstooná. See: -mo'ó'eestóoná. Category: body.

-ó'eéstoonáotse   vai. throat become dry. Ná-ó'eéstoonáotse. My throat has gotten dry. BodyPartMedial -éstooná. Category: body.

-o'éevá   mbp. skin. Éoen-o'ééva. He is skinning. Éónėx-o'éeváóhtse. He has pain in the skin. Émo'ȯhtáv-o'ééva. His skin is dark/black. Évó'om-o'ééva. He is light skinned. Néonétȧhév-o'éevama. We (incl.) have different skins. See: ho'éeve; vóhtáne. Category: body.

ó'eóhtáotse   vai. dry legged - become; dry wheeled - become. Éohkeó'eóhtaotseo'o tsé'tóhe amó'eneono. They get dry wheels, these wagons. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.006] Category: body.

-ó'kȯhoméheve'éxané   vai. 1 • have coyote eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: body, eyes.

2 • fig., cheat; be sly; tricky. É-ó'kȯhoméheve'éxáne. He is sly/he cheats. Category: personality.

-o'sahtsé   mbp. saliva. Étó'ėstóne-o'sāhtse. He has long "slobbers". See: -ho'sahtse drool. Category: body.

Ó'xȧséhe   Cut Belly. BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: names, body.

-ó'xėstóonáxe   vai. break jaw from falling. É-ó'xėstóonáxe. He has a broken jaw from falling. Category: body, fall. BodyPartMedial -estóoná.

-óme   mbp. belly. Éma'xeéše-ome. He is really fat. can also be said of a pregnant woman. Éhe'ke-ome. He is fat. (lit. soft-bellied). Éháe-ome. He is fat. Náma'xėháe-ómeotse. I have gotten a big belly. Category: body.

-oné'šeóhtȧho'he   vai. burn leg(s). É-oné'šeóhtȧho'he. He burned his leg. Category: body.

-onené   mbp. tooth, teeth. Énėše'x-onenehe. He brushed (lit. washed) his teeth. Étó'ėst-onēne. He has long teeth. Éhéšk-onené'o. He (especially a dog) is showing his teeth (for example, when snarling at someone). Étšéšk-onēne. He has protruding teeth. po'-onené'hasenéhe dentist. Lit: puller of teeth hestov-onenéhotóá'e double-row-of-teeth monster. Etym: *anike·(?). See: vée'ėse; -óhtá; -om. Category: body.

-ónėšeéstoonáohtsé   vai. pain in the throat - have. É-ónėšeéstoonáóhtse. He has pain in the throat. Medial -éstooná. Category: body.

-ónėšėhahtáohtsé   vai. Medial -hahtá. have pain in the foot. É-ónėšėhahtáóhtse. He has pain in the foot/feet. Category: body.

-ónėšėhe'onáohtsé   vai. have pain in the hand. É-ónėšėhe'onáóhtse. He has pain in the hands. Medial -he'oná. Category: sickness, body.

-ónėšėhotoná'eonáohtsé   vai. have pain in the joints. É-ónėšėhotoná'eonáóhtse. He has pain in his joints. Category: body.

-ónėšemenoo'éxanéohtsé   vai. have pain in the eyeballs, eye pain. É-ónėšemenoo'éxanéóhtse. He has pain in the eyeball. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: body, eyes.

-ónėšėstáháóhtse   vai. pained in the heart. can be either literal or emotional pain. É-ónėšėstáháóhtse. He has pain in his heart. Category: body, sickness.

-ónėšėstóo'onáohtsé   vai. Medial -htóo'oná. have pain in the jaw. É-ónėšėstóo'onáóhtse. He has pain in the chin/jaw. Category: body.

-ónėšėstséáohtsé   vai. have pain in the head. for example, from a headache; i.e. from the inside of the head. Medial -htséá. See: -ónėxa'éše; -háama'tá. É-ónėšėstséáóhtse He has pain in the head. Category: body.

-ónėxȧhtsenáohtsé   vai. have pain in the mouth. É-ónėxȧhtsenáóhtse. He has pain in the mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body.

-ónėxa'éšé   vai. have pain in the head. for example, from a bump or from lying on something; this is pain inflicted from the outside of the head. É-ónėxa'éše. His head hurts/he hurt his head. See: -ónėšėstséáohtsé. Category: sickness, body.

-ónėxȧséohtsé   vai. have pain on the stomach. É-ónėxȧséóhtse. He has pain on the stomach surface. BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: body.

-ónėxėhe'onáohtsé   vai. pain in the hand. Ná-ónėxėhe'onáóhtse. I have pain in my hand. Medial -he'oná. See: -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: body, sickness.

-ónėxóoheváohtsé   vai. have pain in a nail (or cuticle). É-ónėxóoheváóhtse He has pain in a nail (for example, in cuticle next to nail). Category: body.

-óohevá   mbp. nail(s), fingernail(s), toenail(s), claw(s), hoof(s). Proper names with this medial are usually translated with 'shield 'rather than 'nail'; there was some connection between claws and shields, perhaps shields being fringed by claws, with claws believed to have a shielding power (see PD). Éoó'e'-óohevá'xestse. He is cutting his nails. Vóhp-oohēvȧhtse Whiteshield. Ma'ėh-óohevase Redshields. See: -htóohevó claw (poss.); ho'anoo'o shield; -ósé finger. Category: body.

-oókȯhkeve   vai. dirty. for example, never takes a bath. É-oókȯhkeve. He is dirty. See: ho'sotahe; ókohke; -ókȯhkeve. Category: appearance, body.

-oókȯhkevėhahtá   vai. dirty feet - have, scurvy feet - have. É-oókȯhkevėhāhta. He has dirty feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

-oókȯhkevėhe'oná   vai. dirty hands. É-oókȯhkevėhe'ōna. He has dirty hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -oó'honavėhe'oná. Category: body.

-oókȯhkevenotová   vai. have a dirty neck. É-oókȯhkevenotōva. He has a black (like a crow) dirty neck. Category: body. Phon: redup Medial -notová.

-oókȯhkevėškóhtá   vai. dirty legs. É-oókȯhkevėškóhta. His leg is really dirty/scurvy. Phon: redup Medial -hkóhtá. Category: body.

-oo'kėhevá'se'ó'h   vta. make bare the tail of s.o. Ná-oo'kėhevá'se'ó'hóne. We skinned her tail. See: -oo'ka'ó'hav. Category: body.

-oo'kóhta'oná   vai. bare shins; bare legged, shins bare, legs bare. É-oo'kóhta'ōna. He is bare legged. [JG 7/89] That is, he has nothing covering his shins. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. See: -hósóetá; hóso-; -oo'koná. Category: body.

-óomėse'ėséohtsé   vai. walk swaying butt. É-óomėse'ėséóhtse. She is walking swaying her butt. Category: body, walk.

-óovėhe'onáxé   vai. shake off hands. É-óovėhe'onáxe. He shook his hands off. for instance, to shake flour off one's hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands, body.

-otaahe   vai. 1 • pierced. vii: -otāō'o.

2 • big vagina. É-otaahe. She has a big vagina. Ques: recheck that gloss?? Category: vulgar, body, check.

-ová3   mbp. hide, fur. Épėhév-óva. He has nice fur. Éhesó'x-óva. He has shiny fur. Éheóv-óva. He has yellow fur. Étónet-ōva? What kind of fur does he have? Émo'ȯhtáv-óva. He has black hide. Épéhpe'-ōva. He is furry. otá'tavováhe blue roan. Etym: cf *eθawe·wa he has such fur. See: -ovésé hair (med.). Category: body, animals.

-ová'kėhe'oná   vai. cupped hand ?? Category: check. tsé'ȯhke-ová'kėhe'onánove in the palm of the hand. [1987:57] Medial -he'oná. Category: body, hands, record.

-ová'kėsevá   vai. have round calves. É-ová'kėséva. He has round calves. BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: body.

-ová'koo'e   vai. bulging muscles. É-ová'koo'e. He has bulging muscles. Phon: vs Variant: -ová'oo'e. See: -koké'oo'e; -popakȧhoeše. Category: body.

-ová'oo'e   vai. bulging muscles. É-ová'oo'e. He has bulging muscles. Phon: vs Variant: -ová'koo'e. Category: body.

-ovésé   mbp. hair. Éma'-ovése. He has red hair. Éka'-ovése. He has short hair. Évóhp-ovése. He has white (or gray) hair. Émo'ȯhtáv-ovése. He has black hair. Éhohpó'h-ovése. He has coarse hair. É-séhpovésénóho. She combed the tangles out of her hair. (newer pronunciation). IndepNoun me'ko. See: -a'(k)é. Category: body, hair.

-pȧhonohtá   vai. have a flat stomach, have an empty stomach, be hungry. that is, he is rather slender. É-pȧhonōhta. He has a flat stomach. See: -pónohtá. Category: space, body.

-pa'e'pa'oná   vai. humpbacked - be. É-pa'e'pa'ōna. He is humpbacked. Synonym -pa'ke'oná. Category: body.

-pa'ėšené   vai. lump on the chest, chest lump. É-pa'ėšēne. He has a bump/lump/hump on his chest. BodyPartMedial -šené. Category: body.

-pa'kasé   vai. bulging belly, belly bulged. É-pa'kāse. His belly bulges out. Etym: *pexkwetye·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -asé. See: -tȧhpe'asé. Category: body.

-pa'ke'oná   vai. be humpbacked. É-pa'ke'ōna. He is humpbacked. Nėstsevé'-hóhta'heónáne éšeēva; nėstsepa'ke'ōna. Don't tell stories in the daytime; you'll become humpbacked. That is a cultural prohibition. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; Synonym -pa'e'pa'oná. Category: body.

-pa'ȯhtáxe   vai. wind knocked out - have. É-pa'ȯhtáxe. He had the wind knocked out of him. Category: sickness, body, hit.

péenȯsé'ov   vta. 1 • step on toe of s.o., step on finger of s.o. É-péenȯsé'ovóho. He stepped on his finger/toe. Variant: -péeosé'ov; BodyPartMedial -osé.

2 • step on toes of s.o. Category: figurative. Usage: idiom borrowed from English Category: body, hands.

-péeosé'ov   vta. 1 • step on toe of s.o., step on finger of s.o. É-péeosé'ovóho. He stepped on his finger/toe. Variant: -péenȯsé'ov; BodyPartMedial -osé.

2 • step on toes of s.o. Usage: idiom borrowed from English Category: figurative, body, hands.

-pėhévasé   vai. have a good belly. É-pėhéváse. He has a nice belly. See: -asé2. Category: body.

-pėhévonené   vai. have good teeth. É-pėhévonēne. He has nice teeth. Medial -onené. Category: body.

-pėhévová   vai. good furred. É-pėhévóva. He has good fur. BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: body.

-póahtsenáh(n)   vta. hit s.o. in the mouth. É-póahtsenahno. He punched him in the mouth. É-póahtsenáhnóho. (newer pronunciation) He punched him in the mouth. Etym: *pa·ketone·hwe·wa (P). Ná-póahtsenáhno. I punched him in the mouth. Ná-póahtséhéé'e. They punched me in the mouth. [1980:33:9] BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: body, hit.

-póehane'éšé   vai. fall and bump nape, nape bump - fall. É-póehane'éše. He fell and bumped his nape. Category: body, check.

-póe'pa'onáxé   vai. bump back. É-póe'pa'onáxe. He bumped his (own) back. Category: body, hit.

-póe'péše   vai. fall on ribs. É-póe'péše. He fell on his ribs. Category: fall, body.

-póenómáxé   vai. fall on thigh. É-póenómáxe. He fell on his thigh. BodyPartMedial -nómá. Category: body.

-póestóo'onáh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the chin. É-póestóo'onahno. He punched him in the chin. É-póestóo'onáhnóho. He punched him in the chin. (newer pronunciation). Nápóestóo'onáhno. I punched him in the chin. Category: body.

-póestóo'onáxé   vai. fall and bump chin. É-póestóo'onáxe. He fell and bumped his chin. BodyPartMedial -stóo'oná. Category: fall, body.

-póeta'xeva'ov   vta. kick s.o. in the testicles. É-póeta'xeva'ovóho. He kicked him in the testicles. Category: check, vulgar, body.

-póevéestáaxé   vai. fall and bump the temple. É-póevéestááxe. He fell and hit his temple. Category: body, fall, hit.

-póhahtsé   vai. swollen mouth, swollen lips. É-póháhtse. He has a swollen mouth/lips. Etym: *pa·hsetonwa (P). BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: sickness, body.

-póhasé   vai. have a bloated belly. É-póháse. He has a bloated belly. Ééše-póhaseo'o. They have bloated bellies already (for example, dead cows hit on the highway). BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: body.

-póheta'xeváotse   vai. have swollen testicles, testicles - have swollen, swollen testicles - have. É-póheta'xeváotse. He has swollen testicles. Category: body, vulgar.

pȯhóokeēso   ni. asshole - little, little asshole. Usage: vulgar has been used as a teasing name for someone. Non-diminutive pȯhóó'o. Category: body, vulgar.

pȯhóó'o   ni. rump, arse, ass, butt. Usage: vulgar Variant: pȯhoo'e. ne-pȯhóó'o your rump. Plural pȯhóo'ȯtse; Oblique pȯhóo'ēva; Diminutive pȯhóokeēso. See: -'esé; nesėstse. Etym: cf. Ar besóho. Category: body, vulgar.

-po'eta'xevá's   vta. cut off testicle(s) of s.o. Ná-po'eta'xevá'so. I cut off his testicle(s). [Croft] BodyPartMedial ta'xevá. See: -hoxotsévan castrate s.o.. Category: cut, body.

-pónȧséh(n)   vta. slap; punch s.o. in the belly. Ná-pónȧséhno. I punched him in the stomach/belly. É-pónȧséhestseo'o. They slap their bellies (this is what Crows do at hand games). BodyPartMedial -asé2. Category: body.

-pónȧsé'óv   vta. punch s.o. in the stomach. É-pónȧsé'ovóho. He kicked him in the stomach. BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: body, hit.

-popákȧhoešé   vai. muscles stick out. said of someone who is muscular. É-popákȧhoēše. His muscles stick out. See: -koké'ahe; -koké'oo'e; -ová'oo'e. Category: dogs, ears, body.

-popá'ketanȧháóó'e   vai. breasts bud. tsémóne-popá'ketanȧháóó'ėstse (a girl) whose breasts are budding. Chiefs looked for this kind of girl, just entering puberty, as a wife for their sons or as another wife for themselves. Lit: someone-recently-REDUP-bump-breast-stand-3P.CJT Phon: redup; vs Final -óé; BodyPartMedial -tanahá. See: -totšéšketanȧháóó'e. Category: vulgar, body.

-popé'eesé   vai. have a pimply nose. É-popé'eēse. He has a pimply nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose, body.

-popé'ėšéonáohtsé   vai. have arthritis. Lit: bumpy-joints-develop É-popé'ėšéonáóhtse He has arthritis. BodyPartMedial -séoná. See: -popé'ėšéoná; -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: body, sickness, check.

-popóheškóhta   vai. have swollen legs. É-popóheškóhta. His legs are swollen. Category: body, sickness.

-séetová   vai. same fur - be of the. É-séetōva. He has the same fur. [PD30] BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: body.

-séhpėhahtá'ó   vai. stretch out feet. É-séhpėhahtá'o. He stretched out his feet. Ée'onésėséhpėhahtá'ȯhtse! Try to stretch your feet! (humorous thing said to a child who is sleeping in too late). Category: body.

-séhpe'hahtaa'e   vai. stretch out legs. Éstȧ-séhpe'hahtáehoo'o hoeseonó'éva. She stretched her legs out on the bed. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.060] Ques: 'haht or 'ėhaht?? Category: body, motion.

-séhpeóhta'ó   vai. stretch legs. É-séhpeóhtá'o. He stretched out his (own) leg(s). Category: body.

-séoná   mbp. joint(s). É-popé'ėséonáóhtse. He has arthritis. Lit: He has bumps on the joints. See: -hotoná'eoná; -oóonėšéonáohtsé. Category: body.

séotséhe'konȯtse   ni. dead person bones. See: he'kon. Category: body.

séotsémeta'ėško   na. skull. for example, of a dead person. Lit: departed spirit-skull for example, a skull lying in a field. Plural séotsémeta'ėškonȯtse. See: méta'eško. Category: body, death.

-sėstse2   ni. anus, arse, ass, rump, buttocks. ma-sėstse an anus; rump. na-sėstse my ass. Etym: *netwiyi 'my rump, fundament'. ne-sėstse your rump. he-sėstse his anus. Some people enjoy making a play on that word word and English "nests" which are almost the same in pronunciation. Plural ma-sėstȯtse; Oblique mȧ-sēstse. náháamā'ta nasėstse 'my anus hurts' (but náháamā'ta nȧsēstse is ungrammatical indicating that nȧsēstse, mȧsēstse, etc. are probably obliques (locatives). Medial -'esé. See: hešeo'o rump, hip; -htšėšeško rum, hip (poss); hevá'onėše rectum. Etym: cf. *-iti; *netwiyi 'my rump' rump (G). Category: body, vulgar, check.

sétovemo'ēško   na. middle finger. Category: body. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter

sétoveōse   middle finger. Category: body. Usage: This may be a new word or a loan translation from Petter. It occurs in Petter's dictionary. Lit: center-finger

-sevá   mbp. calf (of leg). É-hesėseváotse. He has cramps in his calves. É-ónėšėševáóhtse. He has pain in the calf. É-momámėséva. He has big calves. É-ová'kėséva. He has round calves. IndepNoun hésevo; Possessive -htsėsevo. Category: body.

-só'é2   mbp. crotch. Some of these words are considered vulgar. Évéhpė-só'e. He is without pants (lit. empty-crotch). Éta'ta'ė-só'ee'e. His/her crotch is exposed/open. nėhpė-só'ėhestȯtse breechcloth (lit. cover-crotch-thing). ta'omoe-só'ėhestȯtse apron. He'amȧxhóe-so'ėstse Highwaters. See: -só'ȯtse; -xó'é; -só; -'kesta; -nėhpėsóó'e; -nésȯhkonahe. Category: body, vulgar.

-sȯséveonáotse   vai. become limp in legs (or bones). É-sȯséveonáotse. He became limp in his legs/bones. Category: body.

-sȯsévėškóhtáohtsé   vai. legs wear out. É-sȯsévėškóhtáóhtse. His legs are worn out. Ná-sȯsévėškóhtáóhtse. My legs are worn out. Category: body.

-stáhá   mbp. heart. Morph: /-htáhá/. Énéhe-stáha. He has a quick temper. Éka'ė-stáha. He is short hearted. That is, he has a quick temper. Ého'tovė-stáha. He has a weak heart. Éhée-stáha'ovóho. He emboldened him. Ého'honáevė-stáha. He is stone-hearted. Usage: Some uses of this medial in expressions concerning emotions may be new words, based on English use of the word 'heart', but, apparently, several Cheyenne verbs of emotion with the 'heart' medial are old terms. See: hēsta heart; -htsestá heart (poss.). Category: body.

-sta'né   mbp. umbilical cord, navel. Éné'sė-stá'ne. His navel bulges out. Éé'ė-stané'še'tovohe. She (especially midwife) cuts the umbilical cord of babies. Possessive -htsésta'he. See: -too'ėstané's. Category: body.

-stoo'oná   mbp. jaw, chin. Háa'ė-stóo'onáhe Longjaw. Étȧhpe'ė-stóo'ōna. He has a big chin. Náe'ė-stóo'onáhno. I broke his jaw. Náónėšė-stóon'onáóhtse. my jaw hurts. Éé'ė-stóo'onáxe. He fell and broke his chin/jaw. Épóe-stóo'onáxe. He fell and bumped his chin. Nápóe-stóo'onáhno. I punched him in the chin. Variant: -htoo'oná. Category: body.

-stséá   mbp. head. tséheóvė-stséavo'o'e that which is a yellow flower. Étȧhpe'ė-stséá'e. He has a big head. Étoe-stséá'e. His head is cold. Éónėšė-stséáóhtse. He has pain in the head. Nápóe-stséáhno. I punched him in the head. See: me'ko; -ovésé; -a'(k)é; -a'éše; -a'e'še. Category: body.

-stse'ko   ni. Gram: poss leg, bone. he-stse'ko his/her leg. he-stse'konȯtse his/her legs. See: -htse'ko. Category: body.

-šeeoná   mbp. chest. ma'ė-šeeonáhe robin (lit. red-chested-one). See: -htseešeeo'o; -šené. Category: body.

šé'šėškema   na. 1 • wart. Plural šé'šėškemaho. Morph: /šé'šéhkemah/. Etym: *ci·ʔci·kwama (Pe79.374). Category: body.

2 • Wart. Category: names.

-šé'šėškemȧhéveóhtá   vai. have warts on the leg. É-šé'šėškemȧhéveóhta. He has warts on his legs. Category: body.

-šené   mbp. chest (of body). Éónėšė-šenéóhtse. He has pain in the chest. Ékȧhamȧxévė-šéne. He has consumption/T.B. Épa'ė-šēne. He has a bump/lump/hump on his chest. mo'ȯhtávė-šenéva'ȯhéaseo'o sage hens. Lit: black chested prairie chickens Épóe-šenehno. He punched him in the chest. See: -šeeoná. Category: body.

-šéoná   mbp. hip. É-é'ėšéonáxe. He fell and broke his hip. É-ónėšėšéonáóhtse. He has pain in the hip. See: -htšėšeo'o; -šeeoná. Category: body.

-šėškátone ??    Category: check.

ni. Gram: poss womb (poss.), uterus (poss.) nȧ-šėškátone ?? my womb. Category: check. he-šėškátone her womb. See: heo'éheo'o. Category: body.

-škátone   ni. womb, uterus. An elder male said these are the (vaginal) muscles that grasp and squeeze the penis so that it will ejaculate. naškátone my womb. nėškátone your womb. [PD maskaton 'womb'] heškátone her womb. Oblique nėškátoēva. See: heo'éheo'o. Category: body.

-(šk)óhtá   mbp. leg. Variant: -óhtá, -(hk)óhtá. Category: body.

-škosé   mbp. finger, toe. See: -osé; -hkosé. Category: hands, body.

-tȧhpe'ahtsé   vai. big mouth. É-tȧhpe'āhtse. He has a big mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: mouth, body.

-tȧhpe'asé   vai. big belly - have a, show large in pregnancy. This word or -tȧhpeta can be used when referring to a woman who is far along in her pregnancy. É-tȧhpe'āse. He has a big belly. (another recording) Ééše-tȧhpe'ȧsehe? Is she showing yet (in her pregnancy)? BodyPartMedial -asé; Antonym -tšėške'asé. See: -tȧhpeta; -pa'kȧséotse; -hóse'e. Category: babies, body.

-tȧhpe'ȧsešé   vai. lie with big belly. Usage: This can be a humorous, teasing word. É-tȧhpe'ȧsēše. He is lying with a big belly. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'eesé   vai. have big nose. É-tȧhpe'eēse. He has a big nose. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose, body.

-tȧhpe'ėhahtá   vai. have a big foot. É-tȧhpe'ėhāhta. He has a big foot. Reduplicated -tótȧhpe'ėhahtá. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'ėhe'oná   vai. have big hand(s). É-tȧhpe'ėhe'ōna. He has a big hand(s). BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'e'esé   vai. have a big rump. See: vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse. É-tȧhpe'e'ēse. He has a big rump/arse. Category: body, vulgar.

-tȧhpe'enotová   vai. have a big neck. É-tȧhpe'enotōva. He has a big neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'eóhtá   vai. have big leg(s). See: -tȧhpe'ėškóhtá. É-tȧhpe'eóhta. He has a big leg(s). Reduplicated tótȧhpe'eóhtá. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'ėstáhá   vai. 1 • have a big heart.

2 • be kind. Category: figurative. É-tȧhpe'ėstáha. He is kind. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'ėšené   vai. have a big chest. É-tȧhpe'ėšēne. He has a big chest. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'ėšéóna   vai. big hips. É-tȧhpe'ėšéóna. He has big hips. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'ėškóhtá   vai. have a big leg. É-tȧhpe'ėškóhta. He has a big leg(s). Variant: -tȧhpe'eóhtá. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'evá   vai. have big calf (of leg). É-tȧhpe'ēva. He has a big calf(s) (of leg). Category: body.

-tȧhpe'kasé   vai. have a big stomach. can refer to an expanding abdomen of a pregnant woman. Éxháeno'-tȧhpe'kȧséhoo'o. His stomach also really stuck out. [1980:56:22] Antonym -ma'kasé. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'óhtáne   vai. have a big forehead. É-tȧhpe'óhtáne. He has a big forehead. Category: body.

-tȧhpe'onené   vai. have a big tooth. É-tȧhpe'onēne. He has a big tooth (or teeth). Category: body.

-tȧhpe'óohevá   vai. have big nails. É-tȧhpe'óohēva. He has big nails/claws. BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: body.

-ta'xevá   mbp. testicle. Éónėše-ta'xeváóhtse. He has pain in the testicle(s). Épóhe-ta'xeváotse. He has swollen testicles. Nápo'e-ta'xevá'so. I cut off his testicle(s). IndepNoun ta'xevot. Category: body, vulgar.

ta'xevȯtse   na. testicle. ma-ta'xevȯtse testicle. na-ta'xevȯtse my testicle. Etym: neθeɁšiwa. na-ta'xevoto my testicles. AlternatePlural na-ta'xevono. he-ta'xevoto his testicle(s). AlternatePlural he-ta'xevono; Plural ta'xevoto; Obviative ta'xevoto; BodyPartMedial -ta'xevá. Etym: *neθeʔšiwa 'my testicle'; *meθeʔšiwa 'testicle' (Pi) testicle. See: vétoo'ȯtse penis. Category: body, vulgar.

-tameóhtá   vai. stubby leg - have a. É-tameóhta. He has a short/stubby leg. Etym: *temika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá, -(hk)óhtá. Category: body.

-tana   na. Gram: poss breast (poss.) ma-tana breast. That singular ma-tana is the same as the word for milk, matana. na-tanāne my breasts. he-tanāne her breast(s). Nā'ėstse he-tanāne épo'ȧsóho. One of her breasts was cut off (for example, during a mastectomy). Énéšepo'ȧxóho he-tanāne. She had a double mastectomy (literally, her breasts were both cut off). Medial -tanahá. Usage: rare in sg. Plural ma-tanāne. Etym: *meθeni. See: matana1 breast; matana milk. Category: body, vulgar.

-tanahá   mbp. breast, udder. Éháe-tanāha. She has lots of milk. Éhévoe-tanȧháno'hāme. He is milking (literally, wring-udders-(of) stock). Épónoe-tanȧhá'o. She is dried up (that is, her milk is dried up). See: matana1 breast. Category: body.

-tanevá   mbp. tongue. Éé'koe-tanevá'o. He stuck his tongue out. Náé'koe-tanevá'tóvo. I stuck my tongue out at him. Énésȯhkonáve-tanēva. He equivocates/lies (literally, has a split tongue). Étsėhe'ėse-tanēva. He has a long tongue. Évóhpe-tanēva. He has "thrush" (literally, white-tongue). Émomáxės-tanēva. He is complaining. IndepNoun vétanove. Category: body.

-toeesé   vai. cold nose. Ná-toeēse. My nose is cold. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: temperature, body, nose.

-toehahtá   vai. have cold feet. É-toehāhta. He has cold feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Etym: *tahkisite·wa (P). See: -ná'tȯsėhahtávose. Category: temperature, body.

-toe'está   vai. ears cold. É-toe'ēsta. His ears are cold. Ná-toe'ēsta. My ears are cold. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: body.

-toéné   vai. cold face. É-toéne. He has a cold face. Etym: *tahki·nkwe·wa. Náosee-toéne. My face is cold. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: body, face.

-toestséá'e   vai. have a cold head. É-toestséá'e. He has a cold head. Medial /-htéá/. Category: body. Phon: vs

-toestséstonan   vta. hold to heel of s.o. É-toestséstonanahtse. He held on to his (own) heel. Category: body.

-tȯhovóonáxé   vai. fall saddle fashion (on the crotch). É-tȯhovóonáxe. He fell "saddle fashion." Ques: (tȯhe ??) Ques: see question under tȯhevó- See: -póénéšé. Category: body, check.

-tó'ėsena'évá   vai. long arms. É-tó'ėsena'éva. He has long arms. Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'ėsena'évá; BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: body.

-tó'ėsenómá   vai. have long thighs. É-tó'ėsenóma. He has long thighs. Medial -nómá. Category: body.

-tó'ėseóhta   vai. long legs. É-tó'ėseóhta. He has long legs. Phon: redup Category: body.

-tó'ėseósé   vai. long fingers. É-tó'ėseóse. He has long fingers. BodyPartMedial -ósé. Category: body, hands.

-tó'ėsevé'hénóse   vai. have long eyelashes. É-tó'ėsevé'hénóse. He has long eyelashes. BodyPartMedial -vé'henosé. Category: body.

-tó'ėsevotoná   vai. long-tailfeathered. É-tó'ėsevotōna. He is long-tailfeathered. Category: body.

-tó'ėstonené   vai. long toothed. É-tó'ėstonēne. He has long teeth. Éhma'xe-tó'ėstonenesėstse naa é'ȯhkenáhkȯhé'šemesėstse. He had long fangs and he made sounds like a bear. [1987:107] Medial -onené. Category: body.

-tó'ėstóneo'sahtsená   vai. have long slobbers. É-tó'ėstóneo'sāhtse. He has long "slobbers". Category: body.

-tó'ėstóneo'sahtsenáohtsé   vai. have long slobbers. É-tó'ėstóneo'sȧhtsenáóhtse. He (for example, a dog) has long "slobbers". Category: body.

-tó'ėstóohevá   vai. have long nails (on one's body). É-tó'ėstóóhéva. He has long fingernails. Medial -óohevá. Phon: redup Category: body.

-tó'hovetsénoná'tá   vti. have s.t. under the arm (that is, in the armpit). Étaase-tó'hovetsénoná'ta. He took it (for example, book) away under his arm. Category: body.

-tó'kėseóhtá   vai. have short legs. É-tó'kėseóhta. He has short legs. Category: body.

-tó'pa'onáh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the back, hit s.o. in the back. É-tó'pa'onahno. He punched him in the back. É-tó'pa'onáhnóho. He punched him in the back. (newer pronunciation). Ná-tó'pa'onáhno. I punched him in the back. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. See: -póeeséh(n). Category: body.

-tónaha   mbp. haunch. part of the body which is sat upon. É-ónėše-tónȧháóhtse. He has pain in haunch(es). Éhese-tónȧhaotse. He has cramps in his haunch(es). See: -nómá; -'esé; -šéoná. Category: body.

-tonėše1   ni. belly, stomach. Gram: poss. This seems to refer to the surface of the stomach, for example, its contour, while -ohtá refers to the insides. ma-tonėše belly. na-tonėše my belly. Etym: *neθakešyi 'my intestine, gut, bowel, entrail'. he-tonėše his belly. Etym: *weθakešyi. na-tonėxanōtse our (excl.) bellies. BodyPartMedial -ohtá, -asé. Category: body.

-tónovevé'hénóse   vai. have thick eyebrows. É-tónovevé'hénóse. He has thick eyebrows. BodyPartMedial -vé'henosé. See: hevé'henoto. Category: body.

-tóo'ėsé'ov   vta. 1 • kick s.o. in the butt. É-tóo'ėsé'ovóho. He kicked him in the butt.

2 • defeat s.o. strongly. Usage: figurative usage probably borrowed from the English idiom of 'kick butt' See: -o'hohtá'ov; -tóo'ėsén. Category: body, interpersonal, figurative.

-tóo'ėsén   vta. hit s.o. in the rear, rear end s.o. can refer to rear ending the car of s.o., as well as hitting s.o.'s butt. É-tóo'ėseno. He rear ended him. É-tóo'ėsénóho. He rear ended him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-tóo'ėsena. He rear ended me. Ná-tóo'ėsénoo'o. I rear ended them. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -tóo'ėsé'ov. Category: body.

-tótȧhpe'ėhahtá   vai. have big feet. É-tótȧhpe'ėhāhta. He has big feet. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tȧhpe'ėhahtá. Category: body.

-tótȧhpe'e'está   vai. have big ears. É-tótȧhpe'e'ēsta. He has big ears. Category: ears, body.

-tótȧhpe'eóhtá   vai. have big legs. É-tótȧhpe'eóhta. He has big legs. Non-reduplicated -tȧhpe'eóhtá. Category: body.

-tótȧhpe'eóhtáto   vii. big wheels. Lit: big feet for example, wheels of a wagon. É-tótȧhpe'eóhtátónėstse. They (for example, wagons) have big wheels. Non-reduplicated -tȧhpe'eóhtá. Category: body.

-tótȧhpe'ėsevá   vai. have big calves. É-tótȧhpe'ėsēva. He has big calves. BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: body.

-tótȧhpe'ėstátseemé   vai. big nostrils. É-tótȧhpe'ėstátseēme. He has big nostrils. Category: body, nose.

-tótȧhpe'ėškosé   vai. have big fingers. É-tótȧhpe'ėškōse. He has big fingers. Category: body.

-totóhtseóhtá   vai. have scratches on the leg. É-totóhtseóhta. He has scratches on his leg. Category: body.

-totšéškėhane'é   vai. bushy nape. É-totšéškėhanē'e. He has a bushy nape. BodyPartMedial -hane'é; Initial tšéške-. Category: hair, body.

-tótšėške'eóhtá   vai. skinny legs - have. É-tótšėške'eóhta. He has skinny legs. Category: body, record.

-totšéšketanȧháóó'e   vai. breasts protrude. É-totšéšketanȧháóó'e. Her breasts protrude. that is, be nubile enough to have breast development. Tsévéhonevėstse é'ȯhkenȯhtsevóomósestotsémóne-totšéšketanȧháoetsese. A chief was said to look for someone whose breasts were recently developed (especially as a wife for his son). Such a young woman might be about twelve years old. This traditional custom of chiefs indicates the young age at which some females were married. Phon: redup; vs fai: -óé; Medial -tanahá. See: -popá'ketanȧháóó'e. Category: body, vulgar.

-tovó'ahtsé   vai. have a split lip, have a harelip. É-tovó'áhtse. He has a split lip (or mouth). for example, of someone with a harelip. Medial ahtsená. See: -vóhkoohevahtsé. Category: body, mouth.

-tsėhe'ėsemé'hahtse   vai. have a long beard. É-tsėhe'ėsemé'háhtse. He has a long beard. BodyPartMedial mé'hahtsená; Antonym tšėhe'kėsemé'hahtsená. Category: body.

-tsėhe'ėsena'évá   vai. be long sleeved. É-tsėhe'ėsena'éva. He (a shirt, animate) is long sleeved. BodyPartMedial -na'évá; Reduplicated -tó'ėsena'évá. See: -háa'ėsena'éva. Category: clothing, body.

-tsėhe'ėsenotová   vai. have a long neck. É-tsėhe'ėsenotōva. He has a long neck. Etym: cf *kenwikwayawe·wa (P) he has a long neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: body.

-tsėhe'ėsetanevá   vai. have a long tongue. É-tsėhe'ėsetanēva. He has a long tongue. BodyPartMedial -tanevá; Synonym -háa'ėsetanevá. Category: body.

-tsėhe'ėstóohevá   vai. have long nails/claws. É-tsėhe'ėstóóhéva. He has long nails/claws. BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: body.

-tsėhe'ėstota'éné   vai. long snotted, snot long. É-tsėhe'ėstota'éne. His snot is hanging out long. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tó'ėstóneo'sȧhtsenáohtsé. Category: body.

-tsėhe'ėstota'énohe   vai. long snotted, snot long. É-tsėhe'ėstota'énohe. ?? His snot is hanging out; mucus was running from his nose. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tó'ėstóneo'sȧhtsenáohtsé. Category: body, check.

-tsėheto'éevá   vai. have something wrong with skin, have a skin disease. Éma'xe-tsėheto'ééva. There's something wrong with his skin. BodyPartMedial -o'éevá. See: -tšėhešéné. Category: body. Ques: have skin like this?? Category: check.

tséh-mámȯheve'óhtanéto   vii. forehead center. Usage: may be new word or loan translation Lit: where-come together-forehead ?? Category: check. Medial -'óhtané. Category: body.

tséh-mámȯhevėšenéto   vii. sternum. Category: body. Usage: probably a new word Lit: where-join-chest BodyPartMedial -šené.

-tseno   ni. Gram: poss armpit (poss.) ma-tseno an armpit. Etym: *meθenkwiyi (reshaped pre-Ch, as if *meθenkwani). Plural ma-tsénonȯtse. na-tseno my armpit. na-tsénonȯtse my armpits. he-tseno his armpit. Tsėhéóhe he-tsenóne móhvá'nenėhešėtó'hešenȧhéhe Here up to his (frog's) armpits he was kept from being swallowed whole(1987:285). Oblique -tsénóne. Morph: /maténon/. Category: body.

-tsénoná   mbp. armpit. Éhoxemée-tsénóna. He has B.O./stinky armpits. Émé'še-tsénóna. He has hairy armpits. Éasėto'hove-tsénoná'ta. He took it away under his (own) arm. for example, taking away a book like this. See: -tsénooná wing. Category: body.

-tsénoo'o   ni. Gram: poss wing (poss). Inanimate for some speakers, but animate for others. he-tsénoo'e his wing. he-tsénoo'o (alternate pronunciation). he-tsénoonȯtse his wings. na-tsénoo'o my wing. Etym: neθenkwi·kani my armpit, my wing (of bird'. na-tsénoonȯtse my wings. Plural ma-tsénoonȯtse.

na. wing (poss.) ma-tsénoono wings. he-tsénoono his wings(s). na-tsénoono my wings. É'ȯhkeamėstósemóho he-tsénoono. He (a sage hen) would drag his wings. [1987:177] he-tsénoonevóho their wings. [1987:177] See: mée'e feather. Category: birds, body.

-tsénooná   mbp. wing. móé'e-tsénoonámȧxėhéhe He (a bird) must have been shot and gotten a broken wing. mȯséškane-tsénoonáhe bat (literally, brown-winged-one). Éé'e-tsénóóna. He has a broken wing. See: -tsénoná armpit. Category: body.

tséx-hóna'ō'ta   vii. Gram: cjt joint. especially of bones. vii: -hóna'o'tá. Category: body.

-tšėhe'kėsemé'hahtse   vai. have a short beard. É-tšėhe'kėsemé'háhtse. He has a short beard. BodyPartMedial mé'hahtsená; Antonym tsėhe'ėsemé'hahtsená. Category: body.

-tšėhe'kėsena'éva   vai. short arms, short sleeved. É-tšėhe'kėsena'éva. He has short arms ; (the shirt) is short sleeved. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: clothing, body.

-tšėhe'kėsevá'se   vai. have a short tail. É-tšėhe'kėsevá'se. He has a short tail. Category: body.

-tšėhe'kėsévesé   vai. small horns, have small horns. É-tšėhe'kėsévése. He has small horn(s) / antlers. BodyPartMedial -évesé. See: -ka'évesé. Category: body.

-tšėheše'ėšé'šé   vai. wiggle butt, shake butt, shake buttocks. for example, as a rock star. É-tšėheše'ėšé'še. He is shaking his butt. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -nonomé'ėséohtsé. Category: body.

-tšėhešé'hahta'xe   vai. move legs like this. É-tšėhešé'hahta'xe. He is moving his legs like this. Éma'xe-tšėhešé'hahta'xe. He (for example, a baby) is moving his legs a lot like this. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.

-tšéškȧhtsená'ó   vai. point lips. É-tšéškȧhtsená'o. He protruded his lips to point. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: body.

-tšéškėhane'éóó'e   vai. hairs stick up on nape. Lit: protrude-nape-stand É-tšéškėhane'éóó'e. The hairs are all sticking up on his nape (back on his neck). fai: -óé; BodyPartMedial -hane'é. Category: body.

-tšéškėhevá'sé   vai. tail stick up. É-tšéškėhevá'se. His tail is up. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: body, dogs.

-tšėške'asé   vai. have a small belly. É-tšėške'āse. He has a small belly. BodyPartMedial -asé2; Antonym -tȧhpe'asé. Category: body.

-tšėške'eesé   vai. have a small nose. É-tšėške'eēse. He has a small nose. BodyPartMedial -esé; Antonym tȧhpe'eesé. Category: nose, body.

tšėške'emo'ēško   na. little finger. Usage: probably loan translation by Petter See: Tooxeóse. Category: body.

-tšėške'etanaha   vai. have small breasts. É-tšėške'etanaha. She has small breasts. BodyPartMedial -tanahá. Category: body, vulgar.

-tšéškėstatamóoná   vai. shoulders protrude. É-tšéškėstatamóóna. His shoulders stick out. Usage: humorous BodyPartMedial -htatamóoná. Category: body.

-tšéškonené   vai. protruding teeth. É-tšéškonēne. He has protruding teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.

-vá'vanȯsé'ham   vta. fan the belly of s.o. É-vá'vanȯsé'hamóho. He fanned his belly. Nėstama'xėhóe-vá'vanȯsé'hamȧtse. (If you don't behave) I'll throw you out and fan your belly. (a humorous threat). Usage: humorous Category: body.

vée'ėse   ni. tooth. Plural véesȯtse. Some speakers may have véestotȯtse as the plural: Plural véesotȯtse. na-vée'ėse my tooth. Etym: *ni·piti. na-véesȯtse my teeth. he-véesȯtse his teeth. Etym: *wi·pitali his teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené; fti: -óhtá; fta: -óm. Morph: /vées/. Phon: apoc; vs See: -véesané; ne'tóo'ėse; Hevée'ėse; -he-véese; aéstomevée'ėse false tooth. Category: body.

véesotȯtse   ni. teeth. This is a possible plural for some speakers. Variant: véesȯtse; Singular vée'ėse. Category: mouth, body.

véesȯtse   ni. teeth. Singular vée'ėse; Variant: véesotȯtse. Category: body, mouth.

véésta   ni. temple (of head). na-véésta my temple. [PD; Smith] Etym: *ni·kihtekwa (?) (P). Category: body.

-véestáá   mbp. temple (of head). É-ónėševéestááóhtse. He has pain in the temple. É-póevéestááxe. He fell and hit his temple. Category: body.

vééstáá'e   obl. temple (of head). na-vééstáá'e on my temple(s). See: véesta. Category: body.

-vé'henosé   mbp. eyebrow, eyelash. Étónove-vé'hénóse. He has thick eyebrows. Éméstae-vé'hénóse. He has thick eyebrows. oo'ke-vé'henȯsénȧhtsestȯtse tweezers (literally, eyebrow plucker). Étó'ėse-vé'hénóse. He has long eyelashes. Ésáahe-vé'henȯséhe. He has no eyebrows. Category: body.

-vé'ho'á'one   ni. Gram: poss ankle bone(s) ?? na-vé'ho'á'one my ankle bone(s)?? Ques: Achilles=tendon ?? Category: check. See: -'a'o; -'háónóno. Category: body.

vé'ȯhkono   ni. shin. Usage: obsolete See: -'a'o; -a'oná; -vé'ho'á'one. Category: body.

vé'še'eme   ni. scrotum. Ques: might have been animate sometimes?? Category: check. Plural vé'še'emȯtse. See: vé'še'emestȯtse bag. Category: body.

vétanove   ni. 1 • tongue. Plural vétanovȯtse. na-vétanove my tongue. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. Etym: *wi·θanyiwi his tongue. See: nétanove my tongue (archaic).

2 • tongue of wagon.

3 • tongue of shoe. Category: shoes, body.

vétoo'ȯtse   ni. penis. Plural vétootȯtse. he-vétoo'ȯtse his penis. Sometimes hestsēhȯtse 'his thing' is used as a euphemism for someone's penis. Phon: vs Morph: /vétoot/. BodyPartMedial -ohosé; Euphemism hóo'ȯxe, kȧhamaxeh, tsėhétȯheo'o. Etym: *wi:θakayi. See: ta'xevȯtse testicle; -htsēhȯtse thing (poss). Category: body, vulgar.

-vétová   mbp. body. Étótȧhpe'e-vétóva. He is tall and heavily built. See: -vétove; -voxe; voxȯtse. Category: body.

-vétove   ni. Gram: poss body (poss.) Usage: obsolescing Ques: body or self?? ma-vétove a body. he-vétove his body. nétove my body. Variant: navétove. étove your (sg) body. étovane our (incl) body. nétovanōtse our (excl.) bodies. Medial -vétová. Category: body, check.

vévėstse   na. antler, horn. Usage: sometimes avoided in speech due to sound similarity with, for example, éheveve 'he is having sexual intercourse' Plural véveto; Obviative véveto. he-véveto his horns. Possessive -htsevevėstse; BodyPartMedial -évesé. See: vóhkevėstse; -he-veve; hestsevéveto. Etym: *wi:wi:la his (??); *ni·wi·θa (P) my horn, antler. Category: body, vulgar.

-vóhkoohevahtsé   vai. be harelipped. É-vóhkoohevāhtse. He has a harelip. See: -tovó'ahtsé. Category: body, mouth.

-vȯhónotsé   Gram: poss obl. groin, genital area, crotch area. ma-vȯhónótse in the groin. ne-vȯhónótse in your crotch. Móne-vȯhónótse? You mean your crotch? Usage: That is a nasty thing to say to a woman. See: -tȯhovóonáxé. Category: body, vulgar.

-vóhpetanevá   vai. have thrush. É-vóhpetanēva. He has thrush. BodyPartMedial -tanevá; Synonym -hoxahtsé. Category: body, sickness.

-vóhpovésé   vai. light hair. É-vóhpovése. He has light colored hair. This hair color could be white or gray. BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: body, hair.

vȯhtā'se   ni. skin. Ques: RECHECK ?? Category: check. See: vóhtáne; vȯhtase. Category: body.

vóhtáne   ni. skin. Plural vóhtánėstse. na-vóhtáne my skin. Etym: cf *natehkwe·pyi (P). he-vóhtáne his skin. Etym: cf. *watehkwe·pyi his skin. Mó'ȯhkevá'netoo'ėstsėhéhe hétsėhéóhe he'óhtáá'e he-vóhtáne. He used to tied his skin up on his forehead. [The Scalped Man Who Died.013] BodyPartMedial -o'eevá. Morph: /vóhtané/. See: -htsevóhtáne skin (poss); vȯhtā'se skin; ho'éeve; -ot skin, hide. Category: body.

na. Skin. Category: names.

-vó'honené   vai. teeth missing, gapped teeth. É-vó'honēne. He has missing teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.

-vó'omėstséá'e   vai. white headed - be. É-vó'omėstséá'e. He is white headed. tsé'tó=vóaxaa'eo'o tséohke-vó'omėstséase these bald eagles, who are white-headed. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.060] Etym: *wa·xkamintepe·wa (P) he has a clean head. Phon: vs Category: head, body.

-vo'sené   mbp. nipple (of breast). Ématanaé-vo'sēne. He is a policeman. Lit: he-breast-nippled The literal meaning refers to wearing a badge over his breast. See: -he'evoné; -vone ??. Category: check, body.

vo'tane   ni. cheek. (another recording) [1987:270] Plural vo'tanȯtse, vo'tanotȯtse; Oblique vo'tanōtse. na-vo'tane my cheek. he-vo'tane his/her cheek. he-vo'tanȯtse his/her cheeks. Category: body.

-vo'tanosé   mbp. cheek. Éónėše-vo'tanȯséóhtse. He has pain in the cheek. Émomá'e-vo'tanȯsévose. He has red cheeks from the cold. Émomá'e-vo'tanōse. He has red cheeks. Category: body.

-vone ??    Category: check.

ni. Gram: poss nipple (of breast). ma-vone a breast. Plural ma-vonȯtse. na-vonȯtse my nipples. BodyPartMedial -vo'sené. See: -vononá(?); he'evone. Category: body.

-vononá   mbp. nipple. Náónėše-vononáóhtse. (hevononáóhtse ?? My nipple(s) are sore. See: -he'evoné nipple. Category: body, check.

-vóoná   mbp. groin. É-tȯhovóonáxe. He fell on his groin area ("saddle fashion"). See: -vȯhónótse. Category: check, body.

-votoná   mbp. tailfeathers. tséohtšemo'ȯhtávėstáe-votonase those that have black tailfeathers. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.066] Category: body, birds.

-vovéhénéh(n)   vta. scar s.o. in the face. É-vovéhenehno. He scarred him in the face. É-vovéhénėhnóho. He scarred him in the face. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vovéhénéhno. I scarred him in the face. Category: body, violence.

-vovóhkeóhtá   vai. have crooked leg(s). É-vovóhkeóhta. He has crooked legs. Phon: redup Etym: cf *wa·kika·te·wa he has a crooked leg, he is bow-legged. See: -vovóhketseoná. Category: body.

voxȯtse   ni. body, flesh. Usage: obsolescing apparently not used of the dead corpse of a person, such as one lying in a coffin; instead, it is said that one would just refer to that corpse by the name the person had while alive. ma-voxȯtse a body (for example, corpse). na-voxȯtse my body. Etym: cf *našaya (P) my skin. he-voxȯtse his body/physical corpse. vȯxotsēva in (or on etc.) the body. na-vȯxotanōtse our bodies. Plural vȯxotȯtse. See: -vétove; -vétová; séo'ȯtse; mȧhta'sóoma. Category: body.

xaenoo'ȯtse   ni. bladder. Phon: vs Plural xaenootȯtse; vai: -xaa'e urinate. See: Mȧhtamȧháahéxaenoo'ȯtse. Category: body.

-xá'xae'pa'onáh(n)   vta. massage back of s.o. É-xá'xae'pa'onahno. He massaged his back. É-xá'xae'pa'onáhnóho. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. Category: body.

-xó'é   mbp. genital area, crotch. Émátšė-xó'e. He (or she) has VD. See: -só'é2 crotch. Category: body.