Cheyenne Dictionary



asėséo'keha   ni. 1 • tennis shoe. Lit: stretchy-shoe Plural asėséo'kėhanȯtse.

2 • rubber shoe. for wearing in the rain. Category: shoes.

-áxȧxévo'ėhaná   vai. have bells on shoes. É-áxȧxévo'ėhāna. He has bells on his shoes. Category: sounds, shoes.

-eha   m. shoe(s), moccasin(s). E'-ėhā'ȯhtse! Put your shoes on! naa tsé'éšenétȧhéve-eha'óvȯse and ?? mo'-eha/mo'k-eha moccasin/shoe. épėhévo'k-ėhāna He has good shoes. Category: shoes, check.

-e'ėha'ó   vai. put on shoes; put on moccasins. É-e'ėhā'o. He put his (own) shoes on. E'ėhā'ȯhtse! Put your shoes on! Éovátonėséne-e'ėhā'o. He put his shoes on backwards. Medial -eha; vta: -e'ėha'ó'h; Antonym -né'to'é. See: -e'a'ó. Category: shoes.

-e'ėha'ó'h   vta. put shoes on s.o. É-e'ėha'o'ho. He put shoes on him. É-e'ėha'ó'hóho. He put shoes on him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-e'ėha'ó'ho. I put shoes on him. Synonym -e'ėha'ón; vai: -e'ėha'ó. Category: shoes.

-e'ėha'ó'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o 1 • put on shoes (or moccasins) with reference to s.o.

2 • fig., wake up early. Náno'e-e'ėha'onȯtse vóóhe. I also put on my shoes with the morning star. This is an idiom meaning "I got up (from bed) early". See: -to'é'tov wake up with s.o.. Category: celestial, shoes.

-esé   mbp. 1 • nose. Éma'e-esévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Nátoe-ēse. My nose is cold. Étȧhpe'e-ēse. He has a big nose. Éka'e-ēse. He has a pug nose. tsėhe'ėseeséhe elephant (lit. long-nosed-one). éškȯse-esé-hotame pig (lit. short-nosed-dog). See: ma-'evo nose; -'esé buttock(s). Etym: cf. *-cya·0e·. Category: body.

2 • nose (upper front part) of a moccasin. Éna'he-eséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (especially moccasins) have three beaded rows on the "noses". Category: shoes.

éstovo'eha   ni. overshoe. Lit: into-shoe Plural éstovo'ėhanȯtse; Variant: éstovo'keha. Category: shoes.

éstovo'keha   ni. overshoe. Lit: into-shoe Plural éstovo'kėhanȯtse; Variant: éstov'eha. See: éxovo'keha. Category: shoes.

-éxovo'ėhaná   vai. wear warm shoes, wear overshoes. Lit: warm-shoed É-éxovo'ėhāna. He has got overshoes on. Category: shoes.

éxovo'keha   ni. overshoe, snow boot. Lit: warm-shoe Plural éxovo'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha shoe. Category: shoes.

he'évo'eha   ni. woman's shoe. Plural he'évo'ėhanȯtse; Masculine he'évo'eha; Variant: he'évo'keha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

he'évo'keha   ni. woman's shoe. Variant: he'évo'eha; Plural he'évo'kėhanȯtse; Masculine he'évo'eha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

-hé'heško'ėhaná   vai. have wrinkled shoes. É-hé'heško'ėhāna. He has wrinkled shoes. Category: shoes.

-he'kóovo'kėhaná   vai. wear wet shoes. É-he'kóovo'kėhāna. He is wearing wet shoes. Category: shoes.

-he-mo'kėhané   vai. have shoes on, shoes - wear. É-he-mo'kėhāne. He has shoes (on). Category: shoes.

-heóvo'kėhaná   vai. wear yellow shoes. É-heóvo'kėhāna. He is wearing yellow shoes. Etym: *wesa·waxkesene·wa (P). Category: shoes.

hesó'xo'keha   ni. overshoe. Ques: ?? Category: check. Lit: slippery-shoe Plural hesó'xo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

hesó'xo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl rubber shoes. Lit: slippery-shoes See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

hetanévo'eha   ni. man's shoe. Plural hetanévo'ėhanȯtse; Feminine he'évo'eha; Variant: hetanévo'keha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

hetanévo'keha   ni. man's shoe. Plural hetanévo'kėhanȯtse; Feminine he'évo'eha; Variant: hetanévo'eha. See: mo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

-he-vó'konone   vai. wear high top moccasins. É-he-vó'konone. He has (Crow-style) high top moccasins on. Category: shoes.

hoesénȯhevo'kėhanȯtse   ni. wing tipped canvas moccasins. Lit: covered-nose-moccasins Medial -esé. See: hoehasené-amó'eneo'o. Category: shoes.

-hósóeta   vai. barefoot. É-hosóéta. He is barefoot. Névé'-hosóéta; nėstatótȧhpe'ėhāhta. Don't go barefoot; you'll get big feet. Category: dress, shoes.

kȧhkoešé'honónevo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl canvas moccasins. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes, shoes.

kȯsáevo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl sheepskin moccasins. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes, shoes.

mȧheoxa'ȯhévo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl beaded all over moccasins. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

-mȧhovo'kėhaná   vai. wear worn out shoes. É-mȧhovo'kėhāna. He is wearing worn out shoes. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

-ma'o'kėhaná   vai. wear red shoes. É-ma'o'kėhāna. He has on red shoes. Etym: *meçkwaxkesene·wa. Medial -o'kėhaná. Category: shoes.

-méenohe   vii. É-méenóhénėstse. They (inan. for example, moccasins) are quilled.

vai. quilled. that is, to have quills in the design. É-méenohe. It/He is quilled. Category: shoes.

-méenóhevo'kėhaná   vai. wear quilled moccasins. É-méenóhevo'kėhāna. He has on quilled moccasins. Category: shoes.

-mé'šėškono'kėhaná   vai. wear leather shoes. É-mé'šėškono'kėhāna. He has on leather shoes. Category: shoes.

mo'eha   ni. moccasin, shoe. Variant: mo'keha. Category: shoes, clothing.

mo'keha   ni. moccasin, shoe. Plural mo'kėhanȯtse. he-mo'kėhanónévo on their moccasin. [1987:214] he-mo'kėhanónevótse their moccasins. [1987:310] Variant: mo'eha. Usage: mo'eha is less commonly used Final -o'keha. See: -tsėhésto'keha moccasin. Etym: *maxkeseni. Category: shoes, clothing.

mo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl shoes; moccasins. Singular mo'keha. Na-mo'kėhanȯtse éhe'kóovánėstse. My shoes are wet. Category: shoes, clothing.

-momóhé'tá   vii. scorched. for example, of shoes. É-momóhé'ta. It is scorched. É-momóhé'tánėstse. They are scorched. Category: shoes.

móno'keha   ni. new shoe, shoe - new. Plural móno'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

-né'to'é   vai. doff shoes. É-né'tó'e. He took off his shoes (or moccasins etc.). Né'tó'ėstse! Take your shoes off! (another recording) Antonym -e'ėha'ó. Category: shoes, shoes.

-neó'ko'kėhaná   vai. wear tight fitting shoes. É-neó'ko'kėhāna He has on tight-fitting shoes. Category: shoes.

-nétȧhéveeha'ó   vai. change moccasins, change shoe(s). É-nétȧhéveehā'o. He changed his shoes. [JOURNEY.TXT] Naa tsé'éše-nétȧhéveeha'óvȯse éstȧhóseaseohtséhoono. So after changing their moccasins they started off again. [JOURNEY.TXT] Medial -eha. See: -e'ėha'ó. Category: dress, shoes.

-oéškȯseesévo'kėhaná   vai. wear pointed shoes. É-oéškȯseesévo'kėhāna He has on pointed shoes. Category: shoes.

-o'ėhaná   fai. wear shoes, wear moccasins, have on shoes, have on moccasins. Épėhév-o'ėhāna. He has nice shoes (on). Nátsėhést-o'ėhāna. I was wearing moccasins. [Deer Meat.067] See: -o'ėhaná; -mo'kėhané. Category: shoes.

o'émȯxo'eha   ni. sole. of shoe or moccasin. Plural o'émȯxo'ėhanȯtse. tā'se náxaemese o'émȯxo'eha like I'm just eating moccasin sole. That is an idiom for 'This meat is tough.'. Nahkȯhe-o'émȯxo'eha Bear Sole. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

-o'kėhaná   m. wear shoes, wear moccasins, have on shoes, have on moccasins. Épėhév-o'kėhāna. He has nice shoes (on). Éma'-o'kėhāna. He has on red shoes. Éheóv-o'kėhanao'o. They are wearing yellow shoes. Éhe'kóov-o'kėhāna. He is wearing wet shoes. Etym: *-axkesen-a·- (P). See: -o'ėhaná; -mo'kėhané. Category: shoes.

-onéha'etȯhévo'éehe   vai. untie shoe(s). É-onéha'etȯhévo'éehe. He untied his shoes. Onéha'etȯhévo'éeestse! Untie your shoestrings! See: -onéha'en; -vóhe'e. Ques: tȯhov?? Category: shoes, check.

-onémėstséstonávo'kėhaná   vai. Medial -htséstoná. wear shoes with crooked heels. É-onémėstséstonávo'kėhāna He has on shoes with crooked heels. Category: shoes.

-oó'xo'kėhaná   vai. have torn shoes. É-oó'xo'kėhāna His shoes are torn. Category: shoes.

oxa'a'ȯhévo'kehan   ni. Gram: pl beaded.moccasin, beaded moccasins. Variant: ȯxa'ȯhévo'ėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

-oxa'ȯhené   vai. bead. É-oxa'ȯhēne. He is beading. É-oxa'ȯheneo'o. They are beading. Ná-oxa'ȯhēne. I am beading. Category: shoes, handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhenee'e   vai. sit.bead. É-oxa'ȯhenee'e. He is sitting beading. É-oxa'ȯhenéeo'o. They are sitting beading. Phon: vs Category: shoes, handcraft.

-péé'á   vti. wear out s.t. É-péé'a. He wore it out. Etym: *pi:we:xkamwa (P). É-pée'anȯtse hemo'kėhanȯtse. He wore out his shoes. Category: shoes.

-pėhévo'kėhaná   vai. wear good shoes. É-pėhévo'kėhāna. He has good shoes. Category: shoes.

-péno'éšé   vai. wear ragged shoes, wear worn out shoes. É-péno'éše. He is wearing worn out shoes. É-péno'ėšenao'o. They are wearing worn out shoes. See: -péno'kėhaná. Category: shoes, texture.

-péno'kėhaná   vai. wear ragged shoes. É-péno'kėhāna. His shoes are worn out. See: -péno'éše. Category: shoes, texture.

pó'o'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl plain moccasins, moccasins with no beads. Lit: gray-moccasins These are associated with laziness or poverty. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

pó'oomȧhévo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl Army blanket moccasins. a kind that were made of Army blankets. Category: shoes.

-sónoovo'e'óová   vai. soaked - footwear. É-sónoovo'e'óóva. His footwear/shoes are soaked. fai: -óová. Category: liquid, shoes.

-sȯsévotȯhe'á   vai. have untied shoes (or moccasins). It was considered indecent for a female to have her moccasins untied. É-sȯsévotȯhē'a. His shoes/moccasins are untied. See: vóhe'e. Category: shoes.

-stoeneehetó   ni. eyestay. The metal part of a shoe which laces are put through. he-stoeneehetótse his eyestays. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.023] See: -toen hold s.t. / s.o.. Category: shoes, check.

-šé'honónevo'kėhaná   vai. wear canvas (or cloth) shoe(s). É-šé'honónevo'kėhāna. He has on canvas/cloth shoes. Category: shoes.

šéno'keha   ni. old shoes, discarded shoes. Plural šéno'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha shoe. Category: shoes.

-tȯhevȯhe'éehe   vai. tie shoestrings. É-tȯhevȯhe'éehe. He tied his (own) shoes. Tȯhevȯhe'éestse! Tie your shoes! Variant: -tȯhevo'éehe, -tovȯhe'áahe. See: -vóhe'e shoestring. Category: shoes.

tȯhevȯhe'éehestȯtse   ni. shoestring. Plural tȯhevȯhe'éehéstotȯtse. See: -vóhe'e shoestring. Category: shoes.

-tȯhévo'éeh   vta. tie shoestrings of s.o. É-tȯhévo'éehóho. He tied his (other person's) shoes. Tȯhévo'éehahtsėstse! Tie your shoes! Synonym -tȯhévo'éet. See: -tȯhévo'éehe. Category: shoes.

-tȯhevo'éehe   vai. tie shoestrings. É-tȯhevo'éehe. He tied his shoestrings. Tȯhevo'éeestse! Tie your shoestrings! Éohkėsáa-tȯhevo'éehéhe. He never ties his shoestrings. Variant: -tȯhevȯhe'éehe; Antonym -onéha'etȯhévo'éehe. See: -sȯsévotȯhe'á; -šéxoneanan; -tó'omóestóv. Category: shoes.

-tȯhevo'éet   vta. tie shoestrings of s.o. É-tȯhevo'éetahtse. He tied his (own) shoestrings. Tȯhevo'éetahtsėstse Tie your shoes! Category: shoes.

-tó'ėse'ėsévo'ėhaná   vai. wear high heeled shoes. Lit: long-rump-shoed É-tó'ėse'ėsévo'ėhāna. She has on high heeled shoes. BodyPartMedial -'esé; Variant: -tó'ėsėstséstonávo'ėhaná. Category: shoes.

-tó'ėsėstséstonávo'ėhaná   vai. wear high heeled shoes. Lit: long-heel-shoed É-tó'ėsėstséstonávo'ėhāna. She has high heeled shoes. Medial -htséstoná. See: -tó'ėse'ėsévo'ėhaná. Category: shoes.

-tó'ėsto'kėhāna   vai. wear long shoes. É-tó'ėsto'(k)ėhāna. His shoes are too long for him. Phon: redup Category: shoes.

tó'ėstó'onávo'keha   ni. high heeled shoe. Plural tó'ėstó'onávo'kėhanȯtse. Category: shoes.

tó'ėstó'ono   ni. high-top boot. for example, cowboy boot. Lit: long-?? Category: check. Plural tó'ėstó'ononȯtse. Category: shoes.

-tó'ėstó'ónoná   vai. wear high-top boots. É-tó'ėstó'ónóna. He has high-top boots on. Category: shoes.

-tó'kėsėstséstonávo'ėhaná (kėsts?)    Category: check.

vai. wear low cut shoes. É-tó'kėsėstséstonávo'ėhāna He is wearing low cut shoes (for example, oxfords). Category: shoes. Lit: short(redup)-heel-shoed

-tó'omóestovo   vta. tie a knot in the shoestring(s) of s.o. especially so the shoestrings will not become easily untied. Ná-tó'omóestōvo. I tied a knot in his shoe(lace). Tó'omóestóveha! Tie his shoe with a knot! Category: shoes.

-tovȯhe'áahe   vai. tie shoestrings. Tovȯhe'áestse! Tie your shoes! Variant: -tȯhevȯhe'éehe, -tȯhevo'éehe. See: vóhe'e. Category: shoes.

vé'ho'évo'eha   ni. whiteman shoe, shoe. Sometimes modern shoes are simply called this, while mo'kėhanȯtse would imply 'moccasins'. Variant: vé'ho'évo'keha; Plural vé'ho'évo'ėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

vé'ho'évo'keha   ni. whiteman shoe, shoe. Sometimes modern shoes are simply called this, while mo'kėhanȯtse would imply 'moccasins.'. Variant: vé'ho'évo'eha; Plural vé'ho'évo'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

vétanove   ni. 1 • tongue. Plural vétanovȯtse. na-vétanove my tongue. BodyPartMedial -tanevá. Etym: *wi·θanyiwi his tongue. See: nétanove my tongue (archaic).

2 • tongue of wagon.

3 • tongue of shoe. Category: shoes, body.

-vóhe'e   ni. shoestring, shoelace, moccasin lace. he-vȯhe'amevōtse their shoestrings. na-vóhe'e my shoestring. na-vȯhē'ėstse my shoestrings. Plural vȯhē'ėstse. AltPl=subdialectal vóhé'ėstse ?? Category: check. See: -tȯhevȯhe'éehe tie shoestrings. Category: clothing, shoes.

vó'aenȯhemo'keha   ni. buckskin shoe. Category: shoes.

-vó'eše   vii. fringed, cut in strips. É-vó'eše. It is in strips. É-vó'ėšénėstse. They (inan.) are fringed. [1987:222] vti: -vó'exá. Category: shoes, cut.

vó'ėšévo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl fringed moccasins. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.

-vovéhpo'kėhaná   vai. have on loose fitting shoes. É-vovéhpo'kėhāna. his shoes are loose fitting. Category: shoes.