Cheyenne Dictionary



-ama'ó   vii. fly by, dive by, whizz by.

vai. fly by, dive by, whizz by. especially of a bird, not about diving in the water, which is -éeotse. É-amā'o. He (or It) flew by / dove. [1987:248] Etym: *pemexke·wa he goes along. See: -éeotse dive. Category: fly, motion.

-ame'há   vai. fly. É-amē'ha. He is flying along. Category: motion, fly. Etym: *pemiʔle·wa.

-ame'há'tov   vta. fly to s.o. É-ame'há'tovóho. He flew to him. Náne'-ame'há'tova. He arrived flying to me. [pd269] Category: fly.

-ame'hátanó   vai. want to fly. É-ame'hátáno. He wants to fly. Ésáa-ame'hátanóhe. He doesn't want to fly. Category: fly.

-ame'hátó   vii. fly. É-ame'háto. It flew. Category: fly.

-anȯhe'há   vai. fly down. É-anȯhē'ha. He flew down. Initial anȯhe-; fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-anȯhe'há'tov   vta. fly down to s.o. Náne'-anȯhe'há'tóó'e vé'kėseho. The birds flew down to me.?? [pd269] Category: check, fly.

-anȯhe'háoohe   vai. 1 • fly down quickly. É-anȯhe'háoohe. He flew down quickly. Category: fly.

2 • fall from a high place. refers to when someone falls from a high place; humorous. Category: figurative.

-ase'há   vai. fly away; start to fly. É-asē'ha. He flew away. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-ase'háoohé'tov   vta. fly away with s.o. Naa étaéšee'no'-ȧse'háoohé'tóó'e tséhéhéto. Well, they have flown off with my father. [1987:315] Category: fly.

-e'e'há   vai. fly up. É-e'ē'ha. He flew up. Etym: *ešpiʔle·wa he flies high. Initial e'-; Final -e'há. See: -he'ame'há. Category: fly, birds.

-e'e'háoohe   vai. fly up quickly. É-e'e'háoohe. He flew up quickly. BodyPartMedial -e'há. Category: fly.

-e'ha1   fai. fly. Éam-ē'ha. He is flying (along). Éév-é'ha. He is flying around. Hó-e'háoohe Flyingout. Etym: *iʔre· (R). Category: fly.

-éne'há   vai. stop flying. É-éné'ha. He stopped flying. Etym: *po·niʔle·wa; cf. M po·neqnaew. Category: fly.

-ésé'ha   vai. fly into. É-ésé'ha. He flew in. Etym: *pi·nčiʔle·wa (P/L). Category: fly.

-ése'háoohe   vai. fly into quickly. É-ése'háoohe. He flew into quickly. Category: fly.

-éve'há   vai. fly about, fly around. É-évé'ha. He flew about. Netse Ȯhts-évé'hȧhtse Eagle Flies About. fai: -e'há. See: -ame'há. Category: birds, fly.

-éve'háoohe   vai. fly about. É-éve'háoohe. He flew about. Category: fly.

-hehpe'há   vai. fly beyond, fly farther. É-hehpē'ha. He flew farther. Etym: *wempiʔe·wa. See: -e'e'há. Category: fly.

-hehpe'háoohe   vai. fly beyond quickly. É-hehpe'háoohe. He quickly flew beyond. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-he'ame'há   vai. fly up. É-he'amē'ha. He flew up. See: -e'e'há. Category: fly.

-hése'há   vai. fly from there. Énėx-hésé'ha. He flew from there. Category: fly.

-hése'háoohe   vai. fly from there quickly. Énėx-hése'háoohe. He flew quickly from there. Category: fly.

-hóe'há   vai. fly out. É-hóé'ha. He flew out. Etym: *sa·kiɁle·wa (P). fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-hóe'háoohe   vai. fly out. É-hóe'háoohe. He is flying out. Category: fly.

-ho'e'há   vai. arrive flying. É-ho'ē'ha. He arrived flying. Etym: *saxkiʔle·wa. See: -ho'e'háohtsé; -ho'e'háoohe; -hó'e'á follow s.t.. Category: fly.

-ho'e'há'tov   vta. arrive flying to s.o. Ná-ho'e'há'tova vé'kése. The bird arrived flying to me. [pd269] Category: fly.

-ho'e'háohtsé   vai. arrive flying. faster action than -ho'e'há. É-ho'e'háóhtse. He flew in. Category: fly, record.

-ho'e'háoohe   vai. arrive flying. faster action than -ho'e'háohtsé and -ho'e'há. É-ho'e'háoohe. He quickly arrived flying. Category: fly.

-ho'eóešé   vai. arrive alight, arrive land. É-ho'eóéše. He arrived landing. Á'e éstaéetšėšėho'eóešesėstse. Up close there he flew and landed (there). [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).035] Category: fly.

-hóome'há   vai. fly while out of sight. É-hóomē'ha. He is flying while out of sight. See: -ta'ta'e'há. Category: fly.

-hóose'há   vai. fly home. É-hóosē'ha. He flew home. Etym: *a·pa·tyi·Ɂle·wa (P). Category: fly.

-hóose'háoohe   vai. fly home. É-hóose'háoohe. He flew home. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-hótsé'ha   vai. unable to fly. É-hótsé'ha. He is unable to fly. Etym: *a·θwiɁle·wa. Category: fly.

-hóxove'há   vai. fly across. É-hóxovē'ha. He flew across. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-hóxove'háoohe   vai. fly across quickly. É-hóxove'háoohe. He flew across quickly. Category: fly.

-mȧhove'há   vai. tired from flying. É-mȧhovē'ha. He is tired from flying. Category: fly.

-máxome'há   vai. fly slowly, slowly fly. É-máxomē'ha. He flew slowly. Naa mo'ē'ha móhmáxome'hahéhe. And the magpie flew slowly. [The Great Race.029] Ques: recheck spelling?? See: -momáxome'há. Category: fly, speed.

-mé'e'há   vai. fly into sight, appear flying. that is, while flying, come into view. É-mé'é'ha. He flew into sight. Etym: *mo·θkiʔle·wa (P). In terms of rapidity of motion, from slowest to fastest, the 'fly in sight' verbs rank as follows: -mé'e'há, -mé'e'háohtsé, -mé'e'háoohe. Category: fly.

-mé'e'háohtsé   vai. fly in sight. É-mé'e'háóhtse. He flew in sight. See: -mé'e'há. Category: fly.

-mé'e'háoohe   vai. fly into sight, appear flying. É-mé'e'háoohe. He appeared flying. See: -mé'e'há. Category: fly.

-mé'oéstaotse   vii. appear hanging. É-mé'oéstaotse. It appeared hanging. for example, of an airplane or a ho'esta, but not of a bird. Category: fly, hang.

-móhee'há'tov   vta. gather around s.o. for example, of flies gathering around someone. É-móhee'há'tóó'e. They (obv) gathered around him flying. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-momáxome'há   vai. fly slowly. É-momáxomē'ha. He flew slowly. [1987:245-24] Naa né'=ókohke móhvá'ne-momáxome'hahéhe. And that crow just flew slowly. [1987:245-24] See: -nóve'há. Category: fly.

-moméno'e'há   vai. fly bunched. É-moméno'e'hao'o. They are flying in a bunch. Vé'kėseho éohke-moméno'e'hao'o; móéšeto'seévatonóevėhanéhe. Birds are flying in bunches; it must be almost fall. That is a common Cheyenne saying. Category: fly.

-nȧha'e'há   vai. catch something flying. for example, to hit/catch an electric wire while flying. É-nȧha'ē'ha. He caught something while flying. Category: fly.

-ná'tsé'ha   vai. exhausted from flying. É-ná'tsé'ha. He was exhausted from flying. Category: fly.

-ná'tse'háoohe   vai. exhausted from flying. É-ná'tse'háoohe. He is exhausted from flying. Category: fly.

-néma'e'há   vai. fly around, circle while flying, fly in a circle. É-néma'ē'ha. He is flying in a circle. [1987:95] Móhnėšeno'vése-néma'e'hahevóhe. They were flying around there also. [1987:95] See: -éve'há. Category: fly.

-néma'e'háoohe   vai. fly circular, fly around. É-néma'e'háoohe. He flew around in circles. Category: fly.

-néma'o'e'háoohe   vai. circle quickly, encircle quickly. É'évanéma'o'e'háoohéhoo'o háhnomaho tséxhoetsėse. (The dove) flew circling around where the bee was. [The Dove and The Bee.008] Category: fly.

-néme'há   vai. fly slanted, fly crooked. É-némé'ha. He flew while slanted/crooked. Etym: *pyi·miɁle·wa (P). Category: fly.

-nėševe'há   vai. fly fast. É-nėševē'ha. He flew fast. fai: -e'há. Category: fly, speed.

-nėševe'háohe   vai. fly fast. É-nėševe'háohe. He flew fast. Category: fly, speed.

-nėševe'háoohe   vai. 1 • fly fast. É-nėševe'háoohe. He flew fast. Category: fly.

2 • drive very fast. Category: figurative, drive.

-nėševoése   vai. fly fast, hang fast. É-nėševoése. He is flying fast. for example, of a star (animate). fai: -oése. See: -nėševa'ó; -nėševe'há. Category: fly, speed, check.

-nėševoésta   vii. time fly fast. É-nėševoésta Time is rolling along fast. fii: -oéstá. Category: fly, speed, time.

-nétȧhéve'há   vai. fly differently. É-nétȧhévé'ha. He flew differently. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-nȯhtóvé'ha   vai. know how to fly. É-nȯhtóvé'ha. He knows how to fly. Category: fly.

-no'ȧse'há   vai. fly with. Category: fly.

-no'ȧse'hán   vta. fly with. Éstaévȧhe'ameno'ȧse'hánovo. They flew off upward with him. [The Geese] Category: fly.

-no'e'há   vai. Gram: vai + o fly carrying something. É-no'ē'ha. He is flying carrying (something). Etym: *naθpiɁle·wa (P).

vti. fly carrying s.t. Category: fly, carry.

-no'e'há'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o fly carrying s.o. É-no'e'hánoto šé'šenoto. He is flying carrying a snake. Category: fly, carry.

-no'e'háoohe   vai. fly quickly carrying something. É-no'e'háoohe. He flew quickly carrying something. Category: fly.

-no'e'háotse   vai. fly carrying (something). Móstaosáanėho'-no'e'háotsėhéhe. (The crow) arrived flying with (it). [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).266] See: -no'e'h. Category: fly.

-nó'ėsé'ha   vai. fly over. É-nó'ėsé'ha. He flew over (something). Category: fly.

-no'héve'há   vai. fly out of formation. É-no'hévé'ha. He flew out of formation. Category: fly.

-no'ke'há   vai. fly alone. É-no'kē'ha. He flew by himself. Category: fly.

-no'ke'háohe   vai. fly alone quickly, fly solo quickly. É-no'ke'háohe. He flew by himself quickly. Category: fly.

-no'ke'háoohe   vai. fly alone quickly. É-no'ke'háoohe. He is flying quickly alone. See: -no'ke'há. Category: fly.

-noose'há   vai. leave flying. É-noosē'ha. He left flying. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-nóve'há   vai. fly slowly. É-nóvé'ha. He flew slowly. See: -momáxome'há. Category: fly, speed.

-nóve'háoohe   vai. fly slowly. É-nóve'háoohe. He is flying slowly. Category: fly, speed.

-o'ome'há   vai. bypass flying. É-o'omē'ha. He bypassed flying. Etym: *kaθkamiɁle·wa (P). Category: fly, check.

-onéma'o'e'há   vai. fly in circles. É-onéma'o'ē'ha, He is flying in circles. Category: fly.

-onéma'o'e'háoohe   vai. fly in circles quickly. É'ȯhke-onéma'o'e'háoohéhoo'o. He flew (after them) in lateral circles. [Protruding Teeth.136] Category: fly, speed.

-pėhévé'ha   vai. fly well. É-pėhévé'ha. He flew well. Category: fly.

-pėhéve'háoohe   vai. fly well. É-pėhéve'háoohe. He flew well. Category: fly.

-sé'e'há   vai. fly to the center. É-sé'é'ha. He flew to the center. fai: -a'há. Category: fly.

-sé'e'háoohe   vai. fly to center. É-sé'e'háoohe. He flew to the center. Category: fly.

-sóhpe'há   vai. fly through. É-sóhpé'ha. He flew through. for example, to fly through clouds. Etym: *ša·pwiʔle·wa (P). Category: fly.

-sóhpe'háoohe   vai. fly through. É-sóhpe'háoohe. He flew through. Category: fly.

-táho'ke'há   vai. fly on top. É-táho'kē'ha. He flew on top. Category: fly.

-ta'e'há   vai. fly out of sight. É-ta'ē'ha. He flew out of sight. Etym: *lexkiɁle·wa (P). Reduplicated -ta'ta'e'há. See: -néma'e'há. Category: fly.

-ta'e'háoohe   vai. fly out of sight. É-ta'e'háoohe. He flew out of sight / He went out of sight flying. Category: fly.

-ta'ta'e'há   vai. fly out of sight. that is, go out of sight while flying. É-ta'ta'ē'ha. He flew out of sight. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ta'e'há. See: -hóome'há; -mé'e'há; -ta'ehné. Category: fly.

-táxe'há   vai. fly on top. É-táxé'ha. He flew on top. Etym: *te·hšiʔle·wa. Category: fly.

-táxe'háohé'tov   vta. fly on top of s.o., mate s.o. while flying. can refer to how birds mate. É-táxe'háohé'tovóho. He flew above her. Final -e'há. Category: fly, sex.

-táxeóešé'tov   vta. alight on on s.o. É-táxeóešé'tovóho. He landed on him. Nės-táxeóešé'tova ma'xevé'késo. A big bird will land on you. [VISION.TXT:1] See: -óeše'tov. Category: fly.

tó'he'há   vai. stop flying. É-tó'hé'ha. He stopped flying. Initial tó'h-; Final -e'há. Category: fly.

-tó'he'háoohe   vai. stop flying. É-tó'he'háoohe. He stopped flying. Category: fly.

-tó'ome'há   vai. fly in place. For instance, birds of prey sometimes fly in place, looking for their food. É-tó'omē'ha. He is flying in place. Category: fly.

-tónove'há   vai. fly thickly, thickly fly. Náhtae'eamoo'o tsénėšema'xeametónove'hávȯse. I shot up at them as they were thickly flying. Category: fly.

-tooxe'há   vai. fly low. É-tooxē'ha. He flew low. Etym: *tapahšiɁle·wa (P). See: Vé'késȯhtooxē'hȧhtse Bird Flying Low. Category: fly.

-tóxe'há   vai. fly along the edge. É-tóxé'ha. He is flying along the edge. for example, to fly along the riverbank. Category: fly.

-tóxe'háoohe   vai. fly along the edge quickly. É-tóxe'háoohe. He is flying along the edge quickly. for example, to fly along the riverbank quickly. Category: fly.

tsésáa-nanóhehane ame'hahtȯtse   vii. UFO. Category: fly.

-tšėheše'há   vai. É-tšėhešē'ha ... He flew like this ... Category: fly.

-tšėheše'háoohe   vai. fly there. Tósa'e éta-tšėheše'háoohe? Where did he fly to? [1987:393] Category: fly.

-vése'há   vai. fly with. É-vésé'ha. He flew with (others). Etym: *wi·čiɁle·wa. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.

-vése'háoohe   vai. fly with. É-vése'háoohe. He is flying with (others). Category: fly.

-vone'há   vai. lost flying. É-vonē'ha. He is lost flying. Etym: *waniɁle·wa (P). Category: fly.

-vone'háoohe   vai. lost flying. É-vone'háoohe. He is lost in flight. Category: fly.

-vovóe'há   vai. fly first. É-vovóé'ha. He was the first one flying. Category: fly.

-vovóe'háoohe   vai. fly first. É-vovóe'háoohe. He was the first one flying. Category: fly.

-xanove'há   vai. fly straight. É-xanovē'ha. He flew straight. Final -e'há. Category: fly.

-xanove'háoohe   vai. fly straight quickly. É-xanove'háoohe. He flew straight quickly. fai: -oohe. Category: fly.