-háestȯhnóvavenestse vai. speak many languages. É-háestȯhnóvavenestse. He speaks many languages. Category: speak, languages.
-hetanevo'évenestse vai. speak Arapaho. Category: check. É-hetanevo'évenestse. ?? He speaks Arapaho. Category: languages, tribes.
-má'setsėhésenestse vai. exhaust speaking Cheyenne. É-má'setsėhésenestse. He ran out of things to say in Cheyenne. Category: speak, languages.
-má'sevé'ho'énestse vai. exhaust speaking English. that is, run out of things to say in English. É-má'sevé'ho'énestse. He ran out of things to say in English. Ná-má'sevé'ho'énestse. I ran out of things to say in English. Category: speak, languages.
-mé'šeeséve'ho'énestse vai. speak Spanish, speak Mexican. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'énestse. He talks Spanish (Mexican). Naa tšéške'e néohke-mé'šeeséve'ho'énėstsehe? And do you speak a little Spanish? Cheyennes sometimes refer in English to the language spoken by Mexicans as Mexican. Category: languages.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'énėstsestȯtse ni. Spanish. Category: languages.
-nésta'omeénestse vai. speak the old language. É-nésta'omeénestse. He speaks the old language. Éohkėhoháe-nésta'oménestse. She really talks the old language. [Comments on Sweet Medicine.006] Variant: -nésta'omeévenestse; fai: -nestse. Category: speak, languages.
nésta'omeénėstsestȯtse ni. old language word, ancient language. Plural nésta'omeénėstséstotȯtse; Variant: nésta'omeévenėstȯtse. Category: languages.
-óoetanénestse vai. talk the Crow language. É-óoetanénestse. He talks Crow. Category: languages.
-póevávevé'ho'énestse vai. speak English without going to school. É-póevávevé'ho'énestse. He learned to speak English without going to school. See: -vé'ho'énestse ‘speak English’. Category: speak, languages.
-séesenestse vai. talk the same in language. É-séesenestse. He speaks the same language. Émȧhe-séesenėstsénovehe? Does everyone speak the language the same (for example, about a certain word)? fai: -nestse. See: -séetó'ané. Category: speak, languages.
-só'taénestse vai. speak the Sutai dialect. É-só'taénestse. He speaks the Sutai dialect. Variant: -só'taévenestse; fai: -nestse. Category: speak, languages, tribes.
Só'taénėstsestȯtse ni. Suhtai dialect (of Cheyenne). Cheyenne speakers continue to wonder if anyone still knows any distinctive words of this dialect. Variant: Só'taévenėstsestȯtse. Category: languages.
Só'taévenėstsestȯtse ni. Sutai dialect (of Cheyenne). Cheyenne speakers continue to wonder if anyone still knows any distinctive words of this dialect. Variant: Só'taénėstsestȯtse. Category: languages.
-tsėhésenėstov vta. speak Cheyenne language to s.o., talk Cheyenne to s.o. É-tsėhésenėstovóho. He spoke Cheyenne to him. Tsėhésenėstoveha! Speak Cheyenne to him! Nés-tsėhésenėstovėstse! Speak Cheyenne to me! (another recording) Néta-tsėhésenėstovȧtse. Let me talk to you in Cheyenne. Névé'-tsėhésenėstove! Don't speak Cheyenne to me! Náohkeémoose-tsėhésenėstóvȧhtséme. We would secretly talk Cheyenne to each other. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.009] Ques: -tsėhésenėstov?? Category: speak, languages, interpersonal, check.
-tsėhésenestse vai. talk Cheyenne. É-tsėhésenestse. He talks Cheyenne. Né-tsėhésenėstsehe? Do you talk Cheyenne? Ná-tsėhésenestse. I talk Cheyenne. Néta-tsėhésenėstsémáne! Let's talk Cheyenne! Néta-tsėhésenėstsema! (shorter version) Let's talk Cheyenne! Ohke-tsėhésenestsėstse! Speak Cheyenne! Ohke-tsėhésenestse! Speak Cheyenne! (said to more than one person). Néohkevé'-tsėhésenėstséme! Don't talk Cheyenne! (said to more than one person). Náohkeémoosė-tsėhésenėstséme. We (not including you) secretly spoke Cheyenne. tsé-tsėhésenėstsese Cheyenne speakers. Népėhéve-tsėhésenestse. You spoke Cheyenne well. Násáapėhéve-tsėhésenėstséhe. I don't speak Cheyenne well. Náame-tsėhésenėstséme. We continue speaking Cheyenne. Simplified Spelling Etsisinestse.; fai: -nestse; vta: -tsėhésenėstov. See: tsisi-; -tsėhéstó'ané. Category: speak, languages.
-tsėhésenėstséotse vai. talk Cheyenne suddenly. É-tsėhésenėstséotse. He suddenly talked Cheyenne. Ée-tsėhésenėstséotsėstse! Talk Cheyenne suddenly! See: -tsėhésenestse. Category: speak, languages.
Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse ni. Cheyenne language. (another recording) Tsé'tóhe ka'ėškóneho hová'éhe hó'éemé'ėstomóhevȯhtse Tsėhésenėstséstóva éohkevé'vé'ho'énėstseo'o naa máto éohkevé'hoháe=tā'se=vé'ho'étanoo'o. Whenever these children are told about these things in Cheyenne they talk nothing but English and they act too much like a whiteman. [1987:209] Néhávėsévanánóvo ne-tsėhésenėstséstónáne. You are ruining our Cheyenne language. (said by an Oklahoma Cheyenne man to a group of Northern Cheyennes who were gathered in Montana). Simplified Spelling Tsisinstsistots; Oblique Tsėhésenėstséstóva; vai: tsėhésenestse. Category: languages.
-tsėhésenėstsétanó vai. want to speak Cheyenne, Cheyenne - want to speak. É-tsėhésenėstsétáno. He wants to speak Cheyenne. Ná-tsėhésenėstsétáno. I want to speak Cheyenne. (another recording) Nápėhéve-tsėhésenėstsétáno. I want to speak Cheyenne well. Né-tsėhésenėstsétanóhe? Do you want to speak Cheyenne? Né-tsėhésenėstsétanomehe? Do you (plurall) want to speak Cheyenne? Ná-tsėhésenėstsétanóme. We (not including you) want to speak Cheyenne.mp3. Násáa-tsėhésenėstsétanóhéme. We (not including you) do not want to speak Cheyenne.mp3. tsé-tsėhésenėstsétanose those who want to speak Cheyenne. Category: languages.
-tsėhéstoéstóné vai. read Cheyenne. É-tsėhéstóéstóne. He reads Cheyenne. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school, languages.
-tsėhésto'ané vai. pronounce Cheyenne. É-tsėhéstó'áne. ?? He pronounced Cheyenne. Épėhéve-tsėhéstó'áne. He pronounces Cheyenne well. "Násáa-pėhévetsėhésto'anéhe," éhevoo'o. "I don't speak Cheyenne well," he said. Náohkėsáa'oné'seómepėhéve-tsėhésto'anéhe. I truly regularly do not pronounce the Cheyenne language well. See: -tsėhésenestse ‘speak Cheyenne’. Category: speak, languages, check.
Tsisinstsistots ni. Cheyenne language. Simplified spelling. Precise Spelling Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse; vai: -tsėhésenestse. Category: languages.
-vé'enėstsém vta. speak the same language as s.o. É-vé'enėstsemo. He speaks (language) like him. É-vé'enėstsémóho. He speaks (language) like him. (newer pronunciation). Né-vé'enėstsémaeneo'o Só'taeo'o. The Suhtaio speak like we do. Category: languages.
-vé'ho'énestse vai., talk English. É-vé'ho'énestse. He talks English. Final -nestse. See: -vé'ho'évó'ané. Category: languages, speak.
vé'ho'énėstsestȯtse ni. English. Oblique vé'ho'énėstséstóva. Category: languages.
-vé'ho'évevestá vti. explain s.t. in English. É-vé'ho'évevēsta. He explained it in English. Category: speak, languages.
-vé'ho'évó'ané vai. utter English, speak English. É-vé'ho'évó'áne. He uttered English. See: -vé'ho'énestse. Category: speak, languages.
-vé'ho'évȯxe'ohá vti. write in English. É-vé'ho'évȯxe'ōha. He is writing it in English. See: -mȯxe'ohá. Category: languages, school.