Hema'tanónėheo'o na. Gram: pl Bowstring Society. pronunciation uncertain. See: Héma'tanóohese; ma'tāno. Category: societies.
Héma'tanóohese vai. Gram: ppl Gram: pl Bowstrings. Lit: those who have bowstrings ?? Category: check. from Grinnell: a "modern" society. See: ma'tāno. Category: societies.
Hémo'eoxēso na. Spear Man, Elk Soldier, Elk society person, Kitfox society person. Usage: translation uncertain Plural Hémo'eoxėsono, Hémo'eoxeo'o ‘Elk Society’. Petter called this society Headed-lances (or Ó'ȯhoménotȧxeo'o Coyote-warriors) (pd777ff.) Grinnell: an "ancient" society. See: xomoo'o. Category: societies.
hohnohka Contrary, Contrary society member. A contrary is a special person within Cheyenne culture who is expected to do things contrary to cultural norms; this word is also someone's name. Plural hohnóhkao'o. Phon: recheck?? Category: check, societies, names.
Ho'néhenótȧxeo'o na. Gram: pl Wolf Warriors. Category: societies.
-hotamémȧsėhánoné vai. sing Crazy Dogs songs. É-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He is singing Crazy Dogs songs. Éhvóonė-hotamémȧsėhánóne. He sang Crazy Dog songs all night. [1987:30] fai: -noné. See: mȧseha. Category: sing, societies.
Hotamémȧsėhao'o na. Gram: pl Crazy Dogs. from Grinnell: a "modern" society. (another recording) Singular Hotamémȧseha. See: Hotamétane ‘Dog Soldier’. Category: societies.
Hotamétane na. Gram: pl Dog Soldier. This can be a person's name or a member of the Dog Soldiers. Plural Hotamétaneo'o. from Grinnell: an "ancient" society; PD777ff. See: Hotamémȧsėhao'o ‘Crazy Dogs’. Category: societies, names.
Hotóanótȧxeo'o na. Gram: pl Buffalo Bull Warriors. a society. See: nótaxe ‘warrior’. Category: societies.
Ma'ėhoohēvȧhtse cj. Red Shields society person. Plural Ma'ėhoohevase; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
Ma'ėhóohevase cj. Red Shields, Red Fox society, lazy group. Lit: red-nails(shields)-plural Phon: gr (Má'ėhoohevase) Variant: Ma'ėhóohevaso, Ma'ėhóoheo'o. which society this was is uncertain; From Grinnell: "an ancient society"; Red Shields (he says "also called 'Bull Soldiers, Hotóanótȧxeo'o"). Singular Ma'ėhóohēvȧhtse; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
Ma'ėhóohevaso cj. Red Shields, Red Fox society, lazy group. Lit: red-nails(shields)-plural Phon: gr (Má'ėhoohevase) Variant: Ma'ėhóohevase, Ma'ėhóoheo'o. which society this was is uncertain; From Grinnell: "an ancient society"; Red Shields (he says "also called 'Bull Soldiers, Hotóanótȧxeo'o"). Singular Ma'ėhóohēvȧhtse; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
Mónėsóonetane na. Gram: pl Kitfox Society person, Flint man. Plural Monėsóonetaneo'o. Ques: Mónėsóonetane?? Category: check. Flintmen (Society) (?? Category: check. There is a fair amount of uncertainty today about the number, names, and meaning of the society names; this society should probably not be translated as Kitfox Society, but it has apparently been so translated by some speakers. Variant: Motsėsóonetane. See: Vóhkėséhetane. Category: societies.
mónėsóonetanénootȯtse Gram: pl ni. Kitfox society songs. Variant: mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse. Category: sing, societies.
Mótsėsóonetane na. Kitfox society man, Flint man. Plural Mótsėsóonetaneo'o; Variant: Mónėsóonetane. See: Vóhkėséhetane. Category: societies.
mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse ni. Gram: pl Kitfox society songs. Variant: mónėsóonetanénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing, societies.
nótȧxé'e na. 1 • society woman, society sister. Ques: Can it also mean Warrior Woman?? Category: check. This is a woman who a male society adopts. They would call her their sister.
2 • Warrior Woman, Society Woman. Category: societies.
-nótȧxévėhoneve vai., be head man of a society. É-nótȧxévėhoneve. He is head man of a society. See: veho ‘chief’; -véhoneve ‘be a chief’. Category: societies.
nótȧxévestȯtse ni. warrior society, soldier society. Plural nótȧxévėstotȯtse. See: e'óoestaáhenótȧxévestȯtse. Category: societies.
O'ȯhomé-notȧxeo'o na. Gram: pl Coyote Warriors. a society. Category: societies.
onéhanótaxe na. war dancer, Omaha dancer. Plural Onéhanótȧxeo'o. The plural is the name of a society, which some translate only as 'Omaha Dancers'; Petter said this was "a dancing club started some 24 years ago and made up of the younger men" (a "newer organization"; PD777ff.) See: nótaxe. Category: societies, dance.
Véhonenótȧxeo'o Chief Soldiers. Probably corresponds to the name of véhoo'o for a society. See: véhoo'o. Category: check, societies.
véhoo'o na. Gram: pl chiefs. (another recording) This is a common noun and the name of one of the societies. Singular veho. Category: societies.
-véstaxe vai. belong to a society, be a member of the group, society, or committee. Ná-véstaxe. I'm in that group. See: -éstȧhtóohe; nótaxe. Category: societies.
Vóhkėséhetane na. Gram: pl Swift Fox man. Variant: Vóhkėsétane; Plural Vóhkėséhetaneo'o. See: Tóvȯhkéso; vóhkéso; Mótsėsóonetane; Mónėsóonetane. Category: societies, check.
Vóhkėsétane na. Gram: pl Swift Fox man. Variant: Vóhkėséhetane; Plural Vóhkėsétaneo'o. See: vóhkéso; Mótsėsóonetane; Mónėsóonetane. Category: societies.