Cheyenne Dictionary



-ae'ta'ee'e   vai. 1 • face sitting. É-ae'ta'ee'e. He is sitting facing. for example, facing a crowd. Phon: vs

2 • chair meeting, be in charge of meeting. Category: figurative, sit, positions.

ȧhtóno'e   p. under, below. Synonym tooxeōne. Category: positions.

a'e'-   i. separate, aside. Variant: a'e'še-. This refers to separating an object to a different location, not to separating the object into parts. É-a'e'hō'ta. It is in another place. É-a'e'hoo'e. He keeps to himself/he is by himself. É-a'e'hāna. He separated it. See: ová'e'h-. Category: positions.

anȯh-   i. down. É-anȯha'hamóho. He threw him down. for instance, to throw s.o. off a car or fence. É-anōha. He lowered it with a tool. Ná-anȯhāna. I put it down / I took it down. Preverb anȯhe-. Category: positions.

anȯheto   p. down. Category: positions.

anȯhoéstá   vii. hang down. É-anȯhoésta. It is hanging down. Category: hang, positions.

anóse   p. outdoors, outside. (another recording) Anóse mótaohke-éno'xėhéhe. He must have left his burden outdoors (that is, you can tell by his actions that he did not leave his burden inside the church as he should have). Anóse and anóséma mean the same. Anóséma has the locative suffix -má but anóse still has a locative meaning. Both anóse and anósema can be used in the same context, as in these sentences: Question: Tósa'e énėhesóotse? Answer: Anóse / Anóséma Question: Where did it happen? Answer: Outside. Anóséma étonéto / Anóse étonéto. It is cold outside. Non-contracted anóséma; Antonym hotómá'e. Etym: *akwači; *akwatyi (P). Category: positions.

anóséma   p. outside, outdoors. (another recording) Anóséma and anóse mean the same. Anóséma has the locative suffix -má but anóse still has a locative meaning. See the entry for anóse for sentences that show that anóse and anóséma can both be used in the same context. Anóséma tȧhénėhešévėstse! Go do that outside! Anóséma tȧhéevo'soo'ėstse! Go play outside! Contracted anóse. Category: positions.

-ávo'tá   vii. tilted, lean. É-ávó'ta. It is tilted. Category: positions.

e'-   i. up, upward, uphill. Variant: e'(e)-. É-e'ȯhomo'he. He danced up. É-e'oése. He floated up. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode uphill on horseback. É-e'eehe. He moved camp uphill. See: he'āma; é'- break. Category: positions.

e'(e)   i. up, upward, uphill. Variant: e'-. É-e'ȯhomo'he. He danced up. É-e'oése. He floated up. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode uphill on horseback. É-e'evonēhne. He climbed up. É-e'eehe. He moved camp uphill.

pv. up, upward, uphill. É-e'eka'a'xėstse! Jump up! (for example, on board on car). Particle he'āma. See: é'- break. Category: positions.

é'otseto   p. over the hill. Néhe ná'ėstse matanáeve'ho'e tȧháóhe é'otseto móxhéstȧhehéhe. One of the policemen was from (another district) over the hill/divide. [Stamper 1991:8] See: nó'ėseto. Category: positions.

ése-   i. into. Mé'tó'e vé'ho'e ésta-éseehesėstse. In turn the whiteman moved in. [Drumming Owls.012]

pv. into. É-éseé'kóó'o. He peeked inside. Etym: *pi·nci within. Category: positions.

éva'ȧs-   i. upside down, backwards, overturn, flip over, face down. É-éva'ȧséna. He turned it over. É-éva'ȧsē'o. He tumbled over. É-éva'ȧsēše. He stumbled and fell on his belly. É-éva'ȧsévoése. He (the moon) is in the last quarter. Category: positions.

éva'ȧsé-   pv. backwards, upside down, opposite. É-éva'ȧséhestáotse. He was born backwards. É-éva'ȧsépȧhoenóhta. He has it 'inside out'/colloq. he has it wrong. Category: positions.

hánȧháóhe   p. over there. distal; old information. See: nȧháóhe; hátȧháóhe; hénėhéóhe. Category: positions.

hánȧhéno   p. over there. See: hánȧháóhe; hátȧhéno. Category: positions.

hánȯse-   pv. backwards, on the back, supine. É-hánȯseovēše. He lay down on his back. Category: positions.

hátȧháóhe   p. over there. distal; new location in discourse. See: tȧháóhe; hátȧhéno; hánȧháóhe; hénėhéóhe; hétsėhéóhe. Category: positions.

hátȧhéno   p. over there. See: hátȧháóhe; tȧhéno. Category: positions.

hato'ōxe   p. outside corners, outside edges. Category: positions.

hátsėstovoóma   p. on either shore. See: héstovoóma on both shores; hoóma on the other side. Category: positions.

heāma   p. on the side, side, beside, alongside. Etym: *wepemenki; cf. O opime-ayi'i· (N). See: he'āma up. Category: positions.

-heamá'ó'tsé   vti. set s.t. on its side. É-heamá'ó'tse. He set it on its side. Nétȧ-héamá'otsenone! Let's set it on its side! É-tšėške'heamá'ó'tse. He tipped it over a little. See: -he'ama'ó'tsé lift s.t.. Category: put, positions.

heamáome   p. on the side of a dwelling. Lit: side-lodge Category: positions.

heamáomēē'e   p. beside, on the side of. for example, on the side of a hill. See: heamáome side of a dwelling. Category: positions.

he'am-   i. up, above. É-he'ama'hamóho. He threw him up (into the air). É-he'ama'o'ho. He lifted him up. É-he'amāna. He raised it. Category: positions.

he'āma   p. up, above. Initial e'(e)-. See: heāma on the side. Etym: *ešpemenki. Category: positions.

he'nétóóne   obl. Gram: obl at the door. IndepNoun he'nétoo'o. See: heséóxe. Category: positions.

he'pa'ōne   ni. back, behind. This word probably originated as a noun possessed by a third person. Naa néhe vé'kėséhéso mó'ȯhkeáahtse'-táho'kónoeotséhenotóhe hotoa'o he'pa'ōne. And that little bird (sparrow) would sit on the buffalo's back. [1987:245] Naa tsėhéóhe he'pa'ōne móxho'nótȧxae'éehévé'hóóhto. But behind him he did not look. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.029] See: -'pa'o; hestóxemé'óne. Category: positions.

he'pa'onéome   p. in back of the dwelling, behind the house. Lit: back-lodge Medial -'pa'o. See: hestóxemé'one. Category: positions.

he'pa'onéomēē'e   p. in back of the dwelling, behind the house. Hetane hepa'onéomēē'e énéé'e. The man is standing behind. [1987:222] for example, standing behind a tepee. Category: tepee, positions.

henamósésto   p. on the left side. Hétsėhéóhe henamósésto vóhka'xėstse! Here turn left! Antonym hestseamáxésto. See: -namósé lefthanded; -htsenamósésto to the left (poss.); Námosėstse Lefty. Etym: *namanci (Pi); cf *nemanti·weni (P) left side. Category: positions.

hénėhéno   p. here. See: hénėhéóhe; hánȧhéno. Category: positions.

hénėhéóhe   p. there (proximal, previously mentioned in discourse). (another recording) Hénėhéóhe éxho'sóenove. There was a dance there. ?? Hénėhéóhe nétavé'háhanéóhtse! Don't go near there! See: nėhéóhe; hénėhéno; hétsėhéóhe; hánȧháóhe; hátȧháóhe. Category: positions, check.

hesé'omēē'e   ni. Gram: loc at the ridge. Variant: hesé'omééno. Category: positions.

-hesótseve   vii. butt end - be a. É-hesótseve. It is the butt end.?? Category: positions.

héstove-   pv. both ways, both sides. É-héstoveameōhtse. He walked on both sides. Náohkė-héstovėhéne'ena. I know it both ways. [Cheyenne Flood Story.011] Etym: *i·tawi. Category: positions.

héstove   p. either side, both sides, both ways. Móxhóomoehevóhe Tsétsėhéstȧhese héstove. The Cheyennes ambushed them on both sides. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.016] Etym: *i·tawi. See: héstoveto. Category: positions.

héstovoóma   p. on both sides of the water. for example, on both sides of a river or lake. Etym: *i·tawaka·me· (P). See: hátsėstovoóma; héstove-; ó'hóóma; hoóma. Category: positions.

hestóxemé'one   p. in the back, behind. for example, the back seat of a car. Ques: hestóxemé'óne?? Hestóxemé'one né'é'evonēhnėstse! Get in the back (for example, of a car or pickup)! [1987:27, 277] See: he'pa'onéome. Category: car, positions, check.

hestóxeto   p. behind, back. See: ho'óxe; he'pa'onéomēē'e. Category: positions.

hestseamáxésto   p. on the right side. Hétsėhéóhe hestseamáxésto tavóhka'xėstse! Here turn right! Antonym henamósésto. Usage: obsolescing See: -htšėhešeamáxésto. Category: positions, check.

héšééše   p. in the sun. Héšééše éhoo'e. He is sitting in the sun. Category: positions.

-heta'é'tá   vii. face. ... é-heta'é'tá. ... that is where it is facing. tséx-heta'é'ta where it is facing. for example, the gate area of a house. Medial -a'é. Category: positions.

hetómá'e   p. indoors, inside, within. Usage: less frequently used than hotómá'e Variant: hotómá'e. Etym: iθa·m-enki 'under, inside'. Category: positions.

hétsėhéno   p. here. See: hétsėhéóhe; hátȧhéno. Category: positions.

hétsėhéóhe   p. over here, right here. (another recording) includes idea of pointing to the location. See: hétsėhéno; tsėhéóhe. Category: positions.

hétsėhéto   p. here. See: hétsėhéóhe; hétsėheno; tsėhéto. Category: positions.

hóe-   pv. out. É-hóehéa'hāhtse. He spilled it (for example, dishwater) outside. Nátȧ-hóetsėhetóó'o. I'm looking out. for example, looking out a window. É-hóetsėhetóéše. He was looking outside. for example, while leaning on a window sill. É-hóenaa'e mé'ėševȯtse. The baby was born dead (lit., died (coming) out). É-hóeanā'o. It (or He) fell out. for example, fell out of a pocket. Éhótsė-hóeka'a'xe oónȧha'e. The frog can't jump out. That means the same as English "I have a frog in my throat".

i. out. Ná-hóestāno. I put him out. Éx-hóeohováohesėstse xaevo'ėstane. The Indian fled out (of his tepee). [Drumming Owls.010] Etym: cf *sa·ki 'protruding, emerging'. Category: positions.

hoéhase   p. hill. Usage: less common alternate pronunciation to hoéhose Variant: hoéhose. Category: environment, positions.

hoéhose   ni. hill. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than hoéhase. Variant: hoéhase; Oblique hoéhosēva; fni: -ose2. See: hoéhaséve; vose; néhamose; -pa'óma'o'e. Category: positions, environment.

hóesto'-   pv. outside; off reservation. Éstaohkė-hóesto'héhotse'óheo'o. They would go to work off reservation. Category: positions.

hóestó'éma   p. outside, off the reservation. sfx: -má. Category: positions.

-hoháá'ėše   p. very far. Contracted oháá'ėše. See: háá'ėše far; hohátaa'ėše very far apart; háa'eše very late. Category: positions, distance.

hó'hameto   p. hillside, against the side, on the side. for example, on the side of a house. Móstatsėhetóo'ȯhéhe né=hetanéka'ėškóne hó'hameto hoéhose. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).224] See: heama; ho'háméto. Category: positions.

-hó'hamo'tá   vii. be on the hillside, be up against the side of a tepee. É-hó'hamō'ta. It is on the side of the hill. Tsé-hó'hamō'ta Hohtóvamȧhēō'o Decker, Montana. Category: positions, record.

-hó'hamo'tsé   vti. positioned s.t. up against the side, place s.t. against the side, put s.t. against the side. for example, put something on the side of a tepee or against a house. É-hó'hamō'tse. He put it up against the side (of something). Category: positions.

-hó'hamoo'e   vai. sit on hillside. É-hó'hamoo'e. He is sitting on the hillside. See: -ho'xó'oo'e; -hó'homoo'e. Category: positions, sit.

hó'hamose   p. hillside. Oblique hó'hamōse; fni: -ose2. Category: positions.

hó'hamōse   obl. on the hillside. IndepNoun hó'hamose; Final -ose. Category: positions.

ho'hanénoo'e   ni. rock pile marker, small mound of earth in front of a ceremonial lodge, limit, boundary, monument. Cheyennes place piles of rocks where they wish to mark where they have been. Ques: ho'hanonoo'e ?? Category: check. See: ho'honáá'e. Category: positions.

hó'hóma   p. 1 • this side, closer. See: néxhó'hóma this side. Antonym nȧhéstó'e. Category: positions.

2 • before. Tséxhovánee'ėse Náhkȯhno'kaestse hó'hóma móhnėxhósevéstoemȯhevóhe Heséehé'éva. When One Bear died (to whom she was married before), she then married Ridgewalker. [1987:31] Etym: *a·ʔθamenki. See: hehpeto; maato. Category: time.

-hó'homoo'e   vai. sit up against. É-hó'homoo'e. He is sitting up against (something). Etym: *a·ʔθamapiwa. See: ho'xó'oo'e; -hó'hamoo'e. Category: positions, sit.

hó'óse   p. leaned against. Phon: iah See: nó'óse; ho'ose. Category: positions.

ho'óxe-   pv. last, at the end. tsé'ȯhkė-ho'óxeóoméetootse when the last snow squalls come through. [1987:32] Nétȧ-ho'óxenėhetatséme. I'm at the end telling you (pl) (that) (that is, he is almost finished). Ho'óxe-néšeha! Nurse him before you leave! (for example, at the end of your visit). Particle ho'óxeto. See: ho'óxove-. Category: time, positions.

hó'óxe   p. last, on the end. refers to last position in line. Phon: High pitch on the first syllable is probably due to iah. Reduplicated hótó'óxe. See: hestóxe-; ho'óxeto. Category: positions.

ho'óxeto   p. end, last. Preverb ho'óxe-. Category: positions.

-ho'óxeve   vii. last, be the last one, be at the end. É-ho'óxeve. He is the last one. for instance, he is the last one in line. Category: positions.

ho'óxove-   pv. arrive across. naa tsé'tóhe móstaéšėto'se=nėhéóhe = ho'óxovetóhonaoohéhéhe. And this (young lady) had almost swum across to the other side... [The Scalped Man Who Died.118] See: ho'óxe-; hóxove-; ho'(e)-. Category: positions.

ho'xó'e   p. near the wall, against (something). See: nó'óse. Category: positions.

-ho'xó'oo'e   vai. sit against. É-ho'xó'oo'e. He is sitting up against (something). See: -hó'homoe. Category: positions, sit.

hónev-   i. country, hills. Variant: hónev(a)-. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. Category: positions.

hónev(a)-   i. country, hills. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. É-hónéváóhtse. He headed for the hills. É-hónévátáno. He has survival skill. See: hónevato; tóhtoon. Category: positions.

hónevato   p. out to the hills, out in the country. See: onóveto; hoéhose; tóhtoo'e prairie. Category: positions.

hoóma   p. on the other side, across. for example, on the other side of a river, ocean, or road. (another recording) sfx: -má. Phon: nl Etym: *aka·menki. See: hóoma blanket; mosquito; ó'hóóma on the other side. Category: positions.

hoomȧhéva   obl. at the finish line. PD924 and PD140 note that a blanket was held to mark the end of a race. That is how the word for 'finish line', as found in some versions of the story of The Great Race, derives from the word for 'blanket'. See: hooma blanket. Category: positions.

hóose-   i. home. É-hóosetó'hóna. He swam home. Ná-hóoseehe. I moved home.

pv. home. Ná-hóosėhéovēše. I'm going home to bed. É-hóesėsévanóohe. He slid home (as in baseball). Nátaohkė-hóosevé'ȯhtsémo tséheváseméto. I go home with my younger sibling. Phon: sounds the same as hóese- which means 'outside' See: -hóo'ȯhtsé go home; hóese- outside. Category: positions.

hóotóe-   pv. behind, back. É-hóotóevé'hoomóho. He turned back around to look at him. É-hóotóeaseváéna. He threw it behind (himself). É-hóotóehahpanetse heme'ko. Her hair is clasped in the back (for example, in a ponytail). See: he'pa'onéome. vai: -hóotóo'o. Category: positions.

hosó-   i. backwards. This is about moving backwards without turning around. É-hosóóhtse. He walked backwards. Éanȯhe-hosóvonēhne. He came down backwards. (for example, down a steep hill crawling feet first).

pv. Etym: *ašye·-. É-hosóameōhtse. He walked backwards. See: hánoe-; hánȯse-; hóotoe-. Category: positions.

hosóve-   pv. backwards, reverse. Ná-hosóvėhe'oná'o. I withdrew my hand. [Croft] Category: positions.

hotame-   i. turn around, reverse, turn one's back. Ná-hotama'éóó'e. I was standing warming with my back to the fire.

pv. turn around, reverse, turn one's back. É-hotamease. He turned around and left. É-hotamemésehe He turned around to eat (ate the other direction). Hotamenoota! Turn around and leave him! (1987:231). Tȧxaetšėhe'kė-hotameasėstse! Just turn around and leave! Hénáá'e tséhésė-hotamenooxeto? Why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46). nėhē'še éhne'évatšėšė-hotameasesėstse Then she turned around and left. (1987:259). Initial hotam-. Etym: *aθemi. See: hosó-. Category: positions.

hótó'óxe   p. on each side, on either side. for example, on both the right and left sides. Naa hótó'óxe ó'hóóma tsėhéóhe náme'ȯhkėšééše naa hápó'e tȧháóhe ó'hóómanéme'ȯhkėšééše. And my bedding would be on one side (of the tepee) and yours would be on the other side. [1987:259] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated hó'óxe. Category: positions.

hotómá'e   p. indoors, inside, within. hotómá'e mȧheóne inside the house. Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e! Don't break a bone indoors! (especially to get marrow out) (If you do you might break your leg. A cultural prohibition.) Mó'ȯhkeésevóomaehevovóhe hotómá'e. They were found by (the soldiers) inside (the caves). [1987:43] Etym: *aθa·menki (P). Variant: hetómá'e; Antonym anóse. See: hotáma'e. Category: positions.

hóxovėhoóma   p. across, Europe. Lit: across-on.other.side See: hoóma; hóxovoóma. Category: positions.

hóxoveto   p. across. Néstaveto mó'éševóomȯhevovóhe nȧháóhe hóxoveto tsé'ama'hasó'hévȯsenótȧxévé'hó'e. Beforehand, (Cheyennes) had seen the soldiers there across (the river) as they (soldiers)went along on horseback. [1987:21] Category: positions.

hóxovoóma   p. across. Lit: across-on.other.side See: hóxovėhoóma; sétovooma; hoóma. Category: positions.

-htsenamósésto   Gram: poss p. to the left of s.o. (poss.) nȧ-htsenamósésto to my left. See: henamósésto. Category: positions.

-htsėsótsevá   Gram: poss obl. at the lower part, at the butt (poss.) nȧ-htsėsótséva on the lower part (for example, of my clothes). Oblique hesótséva. Category: positions.

-htšėhešeamáxésto   ni. Gram: poss right side. Mósto'seovėšenȧhéhe tsėhéóhe he-stšėhešeamáxésto. He was going to lie down here towards his right side. [The Big Bogeyman.059] See: hestseamáxésto. Category: positions.

káhkėse   p. near, close. káhkėse tsénėxho'eohtsévȯse close they came. [1987:53] á'e káhkėse close. Reduplicated kokáhkėse; Synonym á'e. Category: positions, distance, horseshoes.

kavėse   p. down. See: anȯheto; hóme-; ȧhtóno'e. Category: positions, record.

-má   sfx. locative suffix. anósé-ma outside; outdoors. séno'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ésto'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ó'hóó-ma on the side. hó'hó-ma closer/on this side (nearer speaker). he'ā-ma up/above. heā-ma on the side. hoó-ma on the other side. nó'ȯsé-ma next to the wall. sétóvóó-ma in the middle of the water. vá'ȯhtá-ma n the place-of-honor. hóestó'é-ma outside/off the reservation. Phon: nl See: -vá; -nó2. Etym: *-menki; cf. *epemenki up. Category: positions, grammar.

maato   p. front, in the future, ahead. for example, the front seat of a car, or in the future. This word can be an indication of cultural resignation, similar to fatalism, something like English, "Well, someday, maybe it will happen, maybe it won't, we won't worry about it today, and we don't have much concern about the situation or motivation to do anything about it." Maato náhešeává'o. I fell forward. Lit: forward that is how I fell Naa néhe ná'ėstse maato móstsėheta'hasó'heohehéhe. And the other (soldier) rode up to the front (of him). [1987:22] Naa maato nétaohkevé'hoohtanone tsépėhéva'e. And let's look ahead for what is good. [1987:241] Maato né'e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! See: ma'kėse-; nȧhéstó'e; tá'e; nȯse'to; máto. Category: time, positions.

mȧheónéva   loc. on the house, at the house. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. he-mȧheónéva at his house. See: mȧheóne at the house. Category: positions.

-ma'ėseóó'e   vai. bend over. including bending over for sex. É-ma'ėseóó'e. He/She bent over. Ma'ėseóó'e! Bend over! (said to a group). That could be said before a spanking. Variant: -ma'kėseóó'e; fai: -óé2 stand. Category: sex, positions.

-mé'ta'omehné   vai. come in front of, block the way, get in the way. É-mé'ta'omēhne. He came in front of/blocked the way. See: nehp-; -ta'omehné. Category: positions.

méóne   ni. on the road. See: méó'o; méónéva. Category: positions.

méónéva   obl. on the road. See: méóne; méó'o. Category: positions.

náésėháma   p. just anyplace. Énaóotse naesėhama. ?? She sleeps anywhere. for example, how a mátȧháá'e (loose woman) sleeps around. Variant: nóhásėháma. Category: positions, check.

naestseto   p. all on one side, all in one place. Initial naest-. Category: positions.

nȧháóhe   p. there (distal; old in discourse). See: hánȧháóhe; tȧháóhe; tsėhéóhe; nėhéóhe. Category: positions.

nȧhéno   p. there. distal; previously mentioned location in discourse. Nȧhéno ná-vee'e. I live over there. Nȧhéno Jesus tsé'éšeáahtse'hósenéstȧhámȯhtáeóétse over there (where?) Jesus has already prepared a place for us. See: nȧháóhe; hánȧhéno. Category: positions.

nȧhéstó'e   p. beyond, further, farther. that is, further on in front of, not foreground front, as with maato. hóvéhno nȧhéstó'e a little further. This word can be used as a functional command for someone to go further. Naa nȧhéstó'e xāō'o móhne'amenéhe'ȯhéhe hápó'e héne meo'o. And further on a skunk was following that same road. [Croft 1988:15:4-5] Antonym hó'hóma. See: maato; tšėhéšėstó'e. Category: positions, distance.

-na'ho'tá   vii. be at this side. Há'tóhe vee'e tséhnėhna'hō'ta nȧhéno éšéešenasėstse. That tepee, the one on this side, he is lying down there. [The Seven Young Men.082] Category: positions, check.

-namósé   vai. lefthanded. É-namóse. He is lefthanded. Variant: -henamósé. See: henamósésto; Ma'xenámosėstse. Etym: *namanci (Pi) left side. Category: hands, positions.

néhamose   ni. hillside. Oblique néhamōse on the other side of the hill; Final -ose. See: hoéhose. Category: positions.

nėhéóhe   p. there (proximal; old location information in discourse). See: hénėhéóhe; nȧháóhe; tsėhéóhe. Category: positions.

-néman   vti. slant s.t. É-némána. He put it on a slant. Etym: **opye·mena·ni (R); *pyi·menamwa (P).

vta. slant s.o. É-némanóho. He put him on a slant. Etym: *pyi·mene·wa (P) he twists, rolls it by hand; cf. M pi·menam. Category: put, positions.

névavo'ome   ni. Four Directions ?? Category: check. See: névėstanevóo'e. Category: positions.

névėstanevóo'e   na. Gram: pl Four Directions. This is a ceremonial term for the sacred powers at the four points of the compass. The traditional words for the four directions are ceremonial words. Many speakers today do not know them. Here are the four directions as given by an elder in 2021: héséne east. sóvóne south. ónėsóvóne west. notamota north. A good number of speakers know descriptive words for east and west in 2021: éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east (literally, where the sun appears). éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west (literally, where the sun sets). See: névavo'ome. Category: sacred, ceremonial, positions.

néxhó'hóma   p. this side. Antonym nȧhéstó'e. See: hó'hóma this side. Category: positions.

-nó2   fni. place, area, district. Onónéno Ree district. Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno Black Lodge district. Heévȧhetanēno Oklahoma. mȧhoéve'ho'éno town. Tsėhéstáno Cheyenne nation; reservation. Oévemanȧhéno Birney, Montana; Watonga, Okla. He'konemȧhoéve'ho'éno Hardin, Montana. nótȧxéve'ho'éno barracks. See: -venó; šē'e; -ma'o'omenó; -má; . Category: positions.

nó'ėse-   i. É-nó'ėsevonēhne. He climbed over.

pv. over. É-nó'ȯseka'a'xe. He jumped across. Ná-nó'ėseáva'onȯtse ho'honáá'e. I fell over the rock. Category: positions.

nó'ėseto   p. over (especially over a hill); on the other side of the hill. See: hoóma; é'otseto. Category: positions.

no'héve-   pv. aside, to the side. Éh-no'héveka'a'xéhoo'o xao'o. The skunk jumped to one side. [Croft 1988:16:30] É-no'hévetáhoo'e. He rode to the side. Particle no'héveto. Category: positions.

no'héveto   p. aside, on the side. Preverb no'héve-. Category: positions.

nó'óse   p. next to the wall. for example, where person sleeps next to wall in a two-person bed; especially referred to position next to wall in tepee. Nó'óse nášééše. I lay next to the wall (that is, not in the edge of bed position). Variant: nó'ȯséma. See: no'óhtó'e; ho'xō'e; hó'óse; nó'ȯse-. Category: positions.

nó'ȯséma   p. next to the wall. Variant: nó'óse. See: no'óhtó'e. Category: positions.

nó'ovóne-   i. lined up, in a row. É-nó'ovóneehánėstse. They (inanimate) are lying lined up. É-nó'ovóneanēne. He has a straight in cards. É-nó'ovóneoeo'o. They sat in a row. É-nó'ovóneeóeo'o. They are standing single file. É-nó'ovóneešéne. They are lying side by side. É-nó'ovóneo'tánėstse. They (for example, chairs) are lined up in a row. for example, where they are stored. Category: positions.

ó'ome   p. bypass, detour. Ó'ome móháomóhtȧhéotsėhéhe. He must have pneumonia. Etym: *kaθkami (P) by a shortcut. Phon: iah See: -o'omehné; hoómá. Category: positions.

o'ome-   i. bypass, detour, skip.

pv. bypass, detour. É-o'omeméohe. He ran past.

bypass, detour, skip. É-o'omeameōhtse. He skipped crawling. That is, he went straight to walking. É-o'omenootóho. He passed by and left him. É-o'omėsóhpa'otse. It (obv.) dashed through as on a detour. equivalent of English "It went in one ear and out the other". naa hāne o'ome-taa'éva ... But the other night... Nėhē'še náta-o'omėtsėhe'oohe Oévemanȧhéno. Then I went to Birney. See: o'omeotse. Category: positions.

onóveto   p. out in the country, outskirts. Émónėhohtóva mȧhēō'o onóveto. He just bought a house out in the country. See: hónevato; tóhtoo'e; táhta; o'eto; hónéváohtsé. Category: positions.

oóoxėse   p. elsewhere, other places. refers to more than one other place; oxėse refers to a single other place. Oóoxėse éohkeéveōhtse. He goes around to other places. Non-reduplicated oxėse. Phon: redup Category: positions.

otá'tavo'omēē'e   ni. sky. Lit: blue-realm There is no widely used word for sky. Usage: not well known Category: positions.

ová'e'še-   pv. separated. É-ová'e'šėho'tánėstse vóvotȯtse. The eggs are separated from each other. for example, so they won't break. Category: positions.

óxėse   p. elsewhere, other place. Óxėse tšėhešėhetamėstse! Sneeze the other way! óxėse héstánóva in another country. Óxėse énėxhéso. It is from some other place. [1987:12] Tósa'e óxėse ésáahésȯháne hé'tóhe. From nowhere else did this come. [1987:236] Reduplicated oóoxėse. Category: positions.

óxėse-   pv. elsewhere, other place. Náto'sevéseaseóxėsėhéhotse'óhétáno. I'm going to go work somewhere else. [How God Helped Me Forgive.36.] Category: positions.

péáhéške   p. far in front, long lead. Category: positions.

sé'eto   in town, downtown, in the creek. Category: positions.

sétóve   p. middle, center. For example, in the middle of a tepee. The sétóve 'center' is where the tally sticks are kept for hand game. Sétóve énė-hetaa'o'enánėstse. They (inan.) are half filled. Sétóve tséohkeévo'soo'ėstse éháa'ėstȧhehe? Is the one who plays center (in basketball) tall? Variant: sétóvo. Usage: sétóve is the more common pronunciation See: o'xe. Category: tepee, positions, basketball.

sétovéeno   p. center of tepee. Taéstá'xėstse sétovéeno! Go inside to the center of the tepee! [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend:31] Ques: v[e[eno?? Category: positions, check.

sétóvo   p. middle, center. Variant: sétóve. Sétóvo ho'ema'ēnȯhtse! Turn to the middle of the book! See: o'xe. Category: positions.

sétovó'óma   p. middle of a ravine ?? Category: check, positions.

sétovó'ome   ni. zenith, middle of the sky ?? Category: check. fni: -o'ome. Category: positions.

sétóvóóma   p. middle of the water. for example, in the middle of a river. Náooo, hápó'e tae-sétóvóóma éhne'éšėhóseametó'honáoohesėstsevétséno móstaéšėho'óxetó'honȧhéhe. My, (the man) was swimming right in the middle of the river by the time she got across (swimming). [1987:292] sfx: -má. Category: positions.

sóhpeto   p. through. See: sóeto. Category: positions.

sȯsóhpe-   pv. through. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated sóhpe-. See: sȯsóe-; sóe-. Category: positions.

taa'éstove   p. even with, equally. Category: positions.

tȧháóhe   p. there (distal; new in discourse). (another recording) See: hátȧháóhe; nėhéóhe; tsėhéóhe; nȧháóhe; tȧhéno. Category: positions.

tȧhéno   p. there. Ques: recheck word and meaning?? Category: check. See: tȧháóhe; hátȧhéno. Category: positions.

táho'k   i. on top. É-táho'kō'ta. It is on top. See: -táho'tá. Category: positions.

tȧhtaēto   p. about, around ?? Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check. See: éve-. Category: positions.

táhta'e-   pv. out in the open, openly. É-táhta'eameōhtse. He is walking out in the open. É-táhta'eéestse. He is speaking openly. See: táhtanoove-. Category: positions.

ta'eto   p. out of sight. Náhtatsėhe'ōhtse ta'eto. I went over there out of sight. [1987:157] Category: positions.

ta'om-   i. way (be in the), obstruct, block, interrupt. Reduplicated -totá'om-. See: mé'ta'om-. Category: positions.

ta'ome-   pv. in the way; in the road; hinder; obstruct; block; interrupt. É-ta'omeameōhtse He is walking in the way (for example, hindering someone's progress). Éhnės-ta'ome-éestseotse. He interrupted. [Rebuke.010] É-ta'omenéé'e. He stood in the way (for example, "Jesus has stood in the way to protect us, to shield us from punishment; i.e. he took the rap for us"). É-ta'omeéškȯsa'ovóho. ?? He blocked him off. for example, blocked off a calf so it could be branded. See: mé'ta'ome-; -hestomahe. Category: positions, check.

-tameotse   vai. become bent over. É-tameotse. He can't straighten up. for example, from a sore back. Category: positions.

táx-   i. top, on top. É-táxȧše'še. He was drinking (while driving my car).?? É-táxéhne. He walked on top (of something). É-táxėhóhtse His tracks are on top. Variant: táh-. Category: positions.

táxe-   pv. upon. É-táxe-ameōhtse. He is walking upon. táxe-mésėhestȯtse table (lit. upon-eating-thing). É-táxė-séoxemóho. He spread him (for example, tablecloth) upon (for example, upon a table). Táxė-séoxemeha! Spread him out! Ná-táxe-áva'onȯtse ho'honáá'e. I fell on top of the rock. Etym: *te·hši. See: táho'ke-. Category: positions.

táxeto   p. upon; on top; the divide. for example, the divide between Lame Deer and Ashland. Category: positions.

tó'hov-   i. between. Preverb tó'hove-; Reduplicated totó'hov-. Category: positions.

tó'hove   p. between, among, nowhere. Etym: *θaɁθawi (P). Tó'hove ééóhtse. He is homeless. See: -nėxȧheve. Category: positions.

-tó'hovo'tá   vii. be between. É-tó'hovō'ta. It is in between. Category: positions.

-tóo'á'eóe'tov   vta. face to face with s.o. É-tóo'á'eóe'tovóho. He is face to face with him. [Hymn 96] See: -tóo'e'ov; -xamaa'é'o'tov. Category: positions.

toox-   i. low. É-tooxēhne. He is walking low. É-tooxanóho. He bent him low. É-tooxo'ȧhéotse. He is running crouched down. Category: positions.

tooxeōne   p. underneath. Éhne'ametooxėhnesėstse ȧhtóno'e tšėše-tooxeōne. He was coming towards (her) underneath the brush. [1987:289] Synonym ȧhtóno'e. Category: positions.

tósa'e   p. where, somewhere, nowhere, sometime. Tósa'e néhoo'e? Where are you? (another recording) Some speakers also say that for 'Where do you live?'. Tósa'e néhotse'ohe? Where do you work? Tósa'e nétao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse? Where are you going? Tósa'e nétȧhénéméne? Where did you go to sing? Tósa'e nétȧhémėsehe? Where did you go to eat? Tósa'e náto'sėsáatsėhe'ȯhtséhe. I'm not going anywhere. That sentence shows that tósa'e can mean 'anywhere' when said in a non-question sentence. Tósa'e éhó'ta navóhkėha'e? Where is my cap? Tósa'e énéé'e nėstōtse? Where is your horse (lit. Where is your pet standing)? Tósa'e éhoe'tónėstse? Where are the berries (lit. Where are they clinging)? Tósa'e nééšėho'oéstóne? How far have you read? A: Tósa'e nétao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse? B: Méave'ho'éno nátao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse. A: Where are you going? B: I'm going to the agency. A: Tósa'e nénėxhé'óhtse? B: Ho'óseo'hé'e nánėxhé'óhtse. A: Where did you come from? B: I came from Colstrip. A: Tósa'e ného'ōhtse? B: Noma'héo'hé'e nátȧho'ōhtse. A: Where did you go? B: I went to Kingfisher. A: Tósa'e néhotse'ohe? B: Méamȧheóne náhotse'ohe. A: Where do you work? B: I work at the BIA building. Tósa'e némá'tóéstóne? Where did you graduate? Tósa'e néhéstahe? Where are you from? Tósa'e éhéstahe? Where is he from? Tósa'e éhéstahe tsé'tóhe vé'ho'á'e? Where is this white woman from? Tósa'e nééšee'e? Where did you grow up? Tósa'e névo'ėstanéheve? Where do you live? Tósa'e means 'somewhere' when it is not in a question: nėhéóhe tósa'e someplace there. Tósa'e mótaéšeévatóne'ȯhtsėhevóhe. They must have gone somewhere else. Tósa'e means 'nowhere' when it is in a negative sentence that is not a question: Tósa'e násáaho'ȯhtséhe. I went nowhere. ?? Reduplicated totósa'e. See: naa; tóne'še. Category: positions, check.

tósa'ėhāma   p. Just where at? Category: positions.

totáhóésta   p. here and there. Éxxamae'ée=totáhóésta=hešenȧha'enenéhoo'o náhkohe. The bear was just grabbing here and there in every direction. [Croft 1988:17:31] See: totósa'e. Category: positions.

totá'om-   i. way (be in), obstruct, block, interrupt. Non-reduplicated -ta'om-. See: mé'ta'om-. Category: positions.

totósa'e   p. here and there. Totósa'e nává'neéemé'ėstomóvo tsé'ȯhkeévėhetóhta'hānėse néške'éehe. I've just told things here and there what my grandmother used to tell. [1987:32] áháso totósa'e other places. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated tósa'e. See: totáhóésta; totóne'še. Category: positions.

tóx-   i. edge, around. É-tóxéha. It is at the edge. É-tóxȧhá'éne. She takes food around. É-tóxa'haso'he. He rode horse along the edge. Category: positions.

tóxéha   p. edge, on the edge, beside. For example, this would be the side of the bed away from the wall; it could also be used of the edge of a river, namely, along the river. See: tóxeo'hé'e. Category: positions.

tóxeo'hé'e   loc. on the edge of the river. See: tóxeha. É'ȯhke=nėhéó='ée'aéno'tseo'o nėhéóhe tóxeo'hé'e nėhéóhe é'ȯhkemaehéhoéstoneo'o ka'ėškóneho. (People) used to camp there all winter near the banks where the children went to school. [1987:181] Category: positions.

-tóxeotse   vii. close to the edge - be. For example, close to the edge of a river or mountain. É-tóxeotse. It is close to the edge. taotá'-tóxeotse. It is very close to the edge.

vai. Ques: also for a person?? Category: positions.

-tóxóe'ó   vai. float along the edge.

vii. float along the edge. É-tóxóé'o. He/It floated along the edge. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid, positions.

tsėhéno   p. here. Nenáasėstse tsėhéno! Come here! (some (all?) speakers would not accept tsėhéóhe here). Tsėhéno he'ameo'hé'e éhéstahe hetane. Here, up the river, the man is from. [1987:173] See: tsėhéóhe; hétsėhéno. Category: positions.

tsėhéóhe   p. here. See: hétsėhéóhe; nėhéóhe; tsėhéno. Category: positions.

-tsėheta'ée'tá   vti. sit facing s.t., face sitting s.t. É-tsėheta'éé'ta. He is sitting facing it. É-tsėheta'éé'ta ho'ēsta. He is sitting facing the stove. See: -nóhta'ée'tov; -ae'ta'ée'tov. Category: positions, sit.

-tsėheta'ée'tov   vta. sit facing s.o., face sitting s.o. especially for person-to-person communication. É-tsėheta'ée'tovóho. He is sitting facing him. See: -nóhta'ée'tov; -ae'ta'ée'tov. Category: positions, sit.

-tsėheta'éšėstósem   vta. drag s.o. to face towards. Éše'he tséne'ȯhkėhésemé'éhnėse móstamȧhe-tsėheta'éšėstósemėhevóhe. (The animals) were all placed with their heads towards the east. [1987:96] BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: positions.

tsėhéto   p. here. See: hétsėhéto; tsėhéóhe; tsėhéno. Category: positions.

tšėhešėhéstó'e   p. on the side. See: nȧhéstó'e. Category: positions.

-tšėheše'ėsé'ó   vai. face butt this way. that is, when someone points their butt toward you. É-tšėheše'ėsé'o. He faced his butt this way. BodyPartMedial 'esé. See: -tšėheše'ėšéše. Category: positions, vulgar.

-tšėheše'ėšéše   vai. lie with butt this way. É-tšėheše'ėšéše. He is lying with his butt faced this way. BodyPartMedial 'esé. Phon: assim See: -tšėheše'ėsé'ó. Category: positions, vulgar.

tšėhéšėstó'e   p. to the side, side - to the, side - on the. Ques: recheck spelling?? Naa hóvéhno tšėhéšėstó'e éohkėhoése. And just a little to the side hangs (one star). [1987:312-13] See: nȧhéstó'e. Category: positions, check.

-vá   sfx. oblique (locative and instrumental) suffix. méoné-va (cf. meo'o; méóne) on the road. kȧhamȧxéhé-va (cf. kȧhámáxe) with the stick. mȧheóné-va (cf. mȧhēō'o; mȧheóne) on the house. Táxemésėhéstó-va náamónoo'e. I'm sitting at the table. naa móhnáno'tȧhehéhe ameméohéstó-va and she was the best one at running (1987:245). Évovéstomohe hahpenó'ėstó-va. She was taught sewing. See: /-é/; -va obviative. Category: positions.

-venȯtse   ni. Gram: poss home, tepee, tent, dwelling, camp, lodge. na-venȯtse my tent/my dwelling. he-venȯtse his camp. he-vénóvo his home. [1987:96] he-vénovēvo their home. [Planting Corn.015] nánóváne our (excl.) home (probably older form than navénónáne). na-vénónáne our (excl.) home. énóváne our (incl.) home. né-vénóvévo your (pl) home. Ques: Can this also mean 'my marrow'?? allomorph: -vénov. Category: check. Oblique -vénótse. See: -ome; mȧhēō'o; vee'e; hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse; énóváne. Category: positions.

vóhne'še   p. medium distance away, a little bit longer, so long. See: vó'héé'ėse. Category: positions, distance.

vovó-   i. first, ahead. É-vovóahe. He is first/he is foremost/he is prior/he is up front. É-vovóa'haso'he. He is in the lead on horseback. É-vovóéhne. He is walking first/he is walking in front. Category: positions.