-á'ėhahtsévoena'tov vta. thank s.o. in prayer. Naa, Ma'hēō'o, né-á'ėhahtsévoena'tovȧtse. And, God, I thank you in prayer. [PRAISE.TXT] fai: -óená. Category: pray.
-háóéná vai. pray. É-háóéna. He is praying. Ná-háóéna. I prayed. É-háoenao'o. They are praying. Náohkeméo-háóéna. I pray in the morning. Nétȧ-háoenama! Let's pray! Néx-háóénȧhtse! Pray! Háóéna! Pray! (said to a group). Ééševóonā'o, ohkė-háóéna! It is already morning, pray! (said to a group). Mó'é-háóéna? Is he praying? Néto'sė-háoenahe? Are you going to pray? Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Preverb háóénáve-. See: -óéná; -háóéné; -hoóná ‘close s.t.’. Category: church, sacred, pray.
-háoena'heóneve vai. be a prayerful person. É-háoena'heóneve. He is a prayerful person. tsé-háoena'heónevėstse the one who is a prayerful person. Category: pray.
-háoenavȯhóov vta. motion s.o. to pray. É-háoenavȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to pray. Ná-háoenavȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to pray. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign, pray.
-háoenavomotah vta. pray for s.o. É-háoenavomotȧhóho. He prayed for him. Ná-háoenavomotāho. I'm praying for him. Né-háoenavomotȧhatséme. I am praying for you (plural). Né-háoenavomotȧhatsemeno. We are praying for you. Nétamȧhe-háoenavomotȧhone! Let's all pray for him! Háoenavomotȧxeha! Pray for him! Pray for him Wayne.mp3. Néx-háoenavomotaxėstse! Pray for me! Naa tsėhéóhe náéetšėhešė-háoenavomotȧhoo'o tsé'tóhe tsėhéóhe tséhéstanovese. And I prayed for all the people here. [1987:99] Category: pray.
-háóénáxe vai. pray lying down, lie praying. É-háóénáxe. He is praying lying down. fai: -šená. Category: lie, pray.
hetáóéná -hetáóéná. vai. Ques: rr pray so. ... é-hetáóéna. ... that is how he prayed. "Hápó'e náohkėhetáóéna," éhevoo'o. Also I pray this way," she said. [Ke'eehe.03] fai: -áóéná. See: -háóéná. Category: pray.
-hetóéna vai. Gram: rr so pray, pray that way. ... é-hetóéna. ... that is how he prayed. ... ná-hetóéna. ... that is how I prayed. Category: pray.
htáoenahtot ni. Gram: poss prayer. Morph: /-htáóénáhtot/. nȧ-htáoenahtȯtse my prayer. [Hymn 97] Category: pray.
-kávoena'tov vta. plead with s.o. in prayer, pray pleading with s.o. É-kávoena'tovóho. He prayed pleading with him. See: -momóhtsem; -háóéná. Category: pray.
-momóhtsem vta. plead with s.o., beg s.o. Can be said in prayer to God, for example, Némomóhtsemȧtse 'I plead with you, or Né-momóhtsematsemeno 'We plead with you'. If you plead with someone based on the memory of one of their deceased loved ones, it is very powerful. They feel a lot of pressure to give you what you are pleading for. É-momóhtsemóho. He pleaded with him. Né-momóhtsematséme. We plead with you. Náéve-momóhtsemoo'o. I pleaded with them. Náonése-momóhtsemoo'o. I tried to motivate them. See: momóxe-; -kávoena'tov. Category: speak, pray, interpersonal.
-momóhtsemóéna'tov vta. plead in prayer to s.o. Ná-momóhtsemóéná'tóvo. I'm pleading while praying to him. See: -momóhtsem; -háóéná'tov; -háóéna. Category: pray.
nėhesóneha vii. amen, Let it be that way! This is the way Petter translated the meaning of the original Hebrew word "amin" which is pronounced as "amen" in English. The Hebrew word meant "let it be that way". Some Cheyennes use this word, nėhesóneha, at the end of their prayers. Other Cheyennes use the words hena'háanéhe or nėhē'še at the end of their prayers which were traditionally used at the end of stories, speeches, or prayers. See: hena'háanéhe; nėhē'še. Category: pray.
-óéná fai. pray. Éhá-óéná. He prayed, worshipped. Éomóm-óéna. He prayed weeping. Éém-óéna. He prayed secretly. Één-óéna. He stopped praying. Énėhet-óena'tovóho. He prayed that way to him. Category: pray.
-omómóéná vai. cry praying, pray weeping. É-omómóéna. He prayed weeping. fai: -óéná. See: -háóéná ‘pray’. Category: cry, pray.