Cheyenne Dictionary



-ahkȯheohtsé   vai. play hoop game. É-ahkȯheōhtse. He is playing the hoop game. [1980:2:3] Naa tséhvóonā'o é'-ȧhkȯheohtsésesto kȧsováaheho. And the next morning the young men played the hoop game. [1980:2:3] See: xȯhéono. Category: play.

ȧhkó'enēō'o   ni. marble. Plural ȧhkó'eneonȯtse.

na. marble. Plural ȧhkó'eneono marbles (animate, for some speakers). Category: play.

-ahkó'ȯhené   vai. spin a top, roll hoops. Ques: get noun for 'top' É-ahkó'ȯhéne. He is spinning a top. Mónėstȧhé-ahkó'ȯhenémáne? Shall we go spin our tops? Nétȧhé-ahkó'ȯhenémáne! Let's go roll hoops! Category: play.

ahkó'ȯhéó'o   na. hoop. Lit: roll(-thing) Plural ahkó'ȯheono. See: hóhtséme. Category: play.

-ahkó'o'tá   vii. round.sit, sit round, round sit. for example, be a round pile, or be a round thing sitting somewhere. É-ahkó'ó'ta. It is sitting as a round thing. Category: sit inan, play.

amėsévanohtȯtse   ni. hoverboard, sleigh, roller skate. Plural amėsévanóhtotȯtse. See: -sévanó; sévanohtȯtse. Category: play, new.

anȯhesévanohtȯtse   ni. sled. Lit: slide down thing Plural anȯhesévanohtotȯtse; Synonym hesó'xo'enēō'o. See: sévanohtȯtse skate, sled. Category: play.

-asėto'soo'e   vai. start to play. É-asėto'soo'e. He started to play. É-asėto'sóeo'o. They started to play. Phon: vs Initial aset-; fai: -o'sóe. See: -évo'soo'e play. Category: play.

-éno'soo'e   vai. quit playing, stop playing. É-éno'soo'e. He stopped playing. fai: -o'sóe. Category: play.

éstovóséó'o   ni. balloon. Lit: inflated (thing) Etym: *po·tawa·tikani (P). Plural éstovóseonȯtse. Category: play.

évo'sóesēō'o   ni. toy. Lit: play(-thing) Plural évo'sóeseonȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Category: play.

-évo'soo'e   vai. play. Phon: vs É-évo'soo'e. He is playing. É-évo'sóeo'o. They are playing. Néto'se-évo'sóémáne. We are going to play. Nétȧhé-evo'sóémáne! Let's go play! Nétȧhóehé-evo'sóémáne! Let's go out and play! tsé'ȯhke-évo'sóévȯse ka'ėškóneho gym (lit. where children regularly play). Tȧhé-evo'soo'e! Go play! (said to more than one person). Éto'se-évo'sóeo'o hóhtseme. ?? They are going to play ball. Ééšėhóseévo'sóeo'o. They have played again. éseváohehóhtseme tsé'-évo'soévȯse when they played basketball. fta: -o'sóe. Category: play, check.

-háa'ého'soo'e   vai. play a long time. É-háa'ého'soo'e. He played for a long time. Initial háa'éh-; Final ho'sóe. Category: play.

hesta'séamėsévanohtȯtse   ni. ski. Lit: snow-sliding-thing Plural hesta'séamėsévanóhtotȯtse. Category: play.

-ho'ėspo'soo'e   vai. inconsistent play. É-ho'ėspo'soo'e. He was inconsistent playing. Hó'ótóva éohkė-ho'ėspo'sóeo'o. Sometimes they are inconsistent playing. That could be said of a ball team that has ups and downs. fai: -o'sóe. Category: play.

-hoó'haaenove   vai. heard playing. É-hoó'haaenove. (haenove??) He was heard playing. See: -háaenove. Category: sounds, play, check.

ma'oméamėsévanóhtȯtse   ni. ice skate. Plural ma'oméamėsévanóhtotȯtse; vai: -sévanó. Category: play.

méne'kēso   na. doll. Plural méne'kėsono; Obviative méne'kėsono. Category: play.

néstoneva'hasēō'o   ni. whirligig. Category: play.

-nȯhtóvo'soo'e   vai. know how to play. for example, knows how to play the game. É-nȯhtóvo'soo'e. He knows how to play (the game). Final -o'sóe. Category: play.

-o'soo'e   i. play. Éasėt-o'soo'e. He started to play. Épėhév-o'sóeo'o. They played well. Éasėt-o'sóeo'o. They are starting to play. Één-o'soo'e. He quit playing. Éévo'soo'e. He is playing. Énȯhtóv-o'soo'e. He knows how to play (the game). vai: -évo'sóe. Category: play.

-onésto'soo'e   vai. try to play. É-onésto'soo'e. He is trying to play. For example, it is this person's first time to play a particular game. Initial oné(st)-; fai: o'sóo'e. See: -évo'soo'e play. Category: play.

sévanohtȯtse   ni. skate, sled. Plural sévanóhtotȯtse. See: anȯhesévanohtȯtse sled; amėsévanohtȯtse hoverboard. Category: play.

-tse'ko'a'xe   vai. seesaw, teeter-totter. É-tse'ko'a'xe. He is seesawing. Nétȧhé-tse'ko'a'xémáne! Let's go seesaw! fai: -a'xe. Category: phys. ed., play.

-vésto'sóem   vta. play with s.o. É-vésto'sóemóho. He played with him. Vésto'sóemeha! Play with him! Néxhé-vėsto'sóemėstse! Come play with me! (another recording) See: -évo'sóeh; -évo'soo'e; -ná'so'eem. Category: play.

-vono'soo'e   vai. gone playing. É-vono'soo'e. He is gone playing. Éta-vono'sóeo'o. They are gone playing. [The Frog and Her Children:21] Phon: vs Category: play.