Cheyenne Dictionary



ȧhtóno'omēē'e   p. underworld, hell. Lit: underneath-realm This is a longstanding word in Cheyenne referring to the underworld of Cheyenne cosmology. More recently some speakers have the meaning of 'hell' for it. Some say that Heávohe lives here. naa mȧsáavo'ėstanévėhahtsétanóhétse ééšeéxane tótseha ȧhtóno'omēē'e and if we don't want to be saved it's been prepared long ago, hell (1987:117). See: a'enevonėšenahtȯtse; heávȯhenēno. Category: sacred, church.

a'enevonėšenahtȯtse   ni. hell. Category: new. Lit: forever-lost-NOM See: heávȯhenēno; ahtóno'omēē'e. Category: church.

e'óoestaáhe   na. Christian. Lit: baptized-person (that is, water.anointed.on.(head)-person) especially said of Mennonite Christians, but extended to other Protestants and, more recently, to Catholics. Plural e'óoestaáheo'o. E'óoestaáheono (alternate plural). Obviative e'óoestaáheho; vai: -e'óoestaáhová; vta: -e'óoestaáh(n). See: ma'heónevé'ho'e; ma'heónenótaxe. Category: church.

e'óoestaáhe-mano'ȧhestȯtse   ni. church (body). naa nėhē'še 1947 nánėx-hó'xėseōhtse e'óoestaáhemano'ȧhéstóva and then in 1947 I joined the Mennonite Church. [1987:116] Lit: Christian-group See: ma'heóne-éestse-mȧheo'o church building. Category: church, new.

e'óoestaáhenótaxe   na. Christian. Lit: Christian-warrior(that is, society person) Plural e'óoestaáhenótȧxeo'o; Vocative e'óoestaáhenótȧxesėstse. Category: sacred, church.

e'óoestaáhenótȧxévestȯtse   ni. church. Lit: Christian-society See: nótȧxévestȯtse. Category: church.

E'óoestaáhestȯtse   ni. baptism. See: ma'heónenótȧxévestȯtse; e'óoestaahe. Category: church.

-e'óoestaáh(n)   vta. pour water on s.o., baptize s.o. É-e'óoestaahno. He baptized him. É-e'óoestaáhnóho. He baptized him. Ná-e'óoestaaha. He baptized me. É-e'óoestaahe. He was baptized. É-e'óoestaáhestse. He is putting (for example, scooping or patting) water on his (own) head (especially to cool himself off). vai: -e'óoestaáhová. See: -e'óoestoh(n); -e'óh(n)1. Category: church.

e'óoestaáhová   vai. baptize. Lit: put.water.on tséohke-e'óoestaáhóvȧhtse the one who baptizes. vta: -e'óoestaáh(n). See: E'óoestaahe. Category: church.

évo'enáhe   na. holy roller. Lit: about-roll-AGT Plural évo'enáheo'o. Category: church.

-háóéná   vai. pray. É-háóéna. He is praying. Ná-háóéna. I prayed. É-háoenao'o. They are praying. Náohkeméo-háóéna. I pray in the morning. Nétȧ-háoenama! Let's pray! Néx-háóénȧhtse! Pray! Háóéna! Pray! (said to a group). Ééševóonā'o, ohkė-háóéna! It is already morning, pray! (said to a group). Mó'é-háóéna? Is he praying? Néto'sė-háoenahe? Are you going to pray? Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Preverb háóénáve-. See: -óéná; -háóéné; -hoóná close s.t.. Category: church, sacred, pray.

háoenahtȯtse   ni. prayer. Oblique háóénȧhtóva. Category: sacred, church.

háoenámȧhēō'o   ni. church building. Lit: prayer-house vai: -háóéná. See: ma'heóneéestsémȧhéó'o. Category: church, new.

heávȯhenēno   loc. hell. Lit: devil-place See: a'enevonėšenahtȯtse; ahtóno'omēē'e. Category: church.

he'néveneenáhe   na. apostle. Usage: missionary Lit: spread.out-ordered-person vai: -he'néveneenáh(n). Category: church, new.

-hetomóosanéve'hāna   vai. take Communion, eat commemoratively. could refer to eating any kind of symbolic meal, for example eating venison for Thanksgiving. É-hetomóosanéve'hāna He took Communion. Category: church.

-ho'xėstsehné   vai. join. É-ho'xėstsēhne. He joined. (another recording) É-ho'xėstsēhne E'óoestaáhe-mano'ȧhéstóva, He joined the Christian fellowship. that is, became a member of the Christian church. Category: church.

hótȯxáe'óestaahe   na. Catholic. Lit: crossing-Christian literal meaning refers to genuflecting. See: mo'ȯhtávoestá'e. Category: church.

-hótȯxánaesetse   vai. genuflect, cross sign. especially as a Catholic. É-hótȯxánaesetse. He made the sign of the cross. See: -hótȯxávȯhoné. Category: church.

-hótȯxátó   vii. cross. É-hótȯxáto. It is crossed. tséx-hótȯxáto where it is crossed. tsé-hótȯxáto cross (lit. that which is crisscrossed). tsé-hótȯxátoo'ėstse crosses. Category: church.

-hótȯxávȯhoné   vai. cross hands repeatedly during hand game guessing, make sign of the cross, cross sign. É-hótȯxávȯhóne. He is crossing his hands back and forth during hand game guessing. Usage: loan transl. for sign of the cross?? Category: check. fai: -ohoné. See: -hótȯxánaesetse. Category: handgame, church.

ma'hēō'o   na. sacred power, god, God, medicine, mystery, Creator. Note: The term seems to be untranslatable, at least in the sense of a literal translation. But one elder recently translated it as 'holy one', which makes sense since all verbal forms based on the noun refer to being 'holy, sacred'. The meaning sense of 'medicine' does not refer to something for treating the body, which is heséeo'ȯtse 'herbal (or chemical) medicine'. Instead, it refers to the Indian idea of something sacred or a sacred mystery, sacred power. A Cheyenne ma'hēō'o is only a benevolent power. Simplified Spelling Maheo, Mahiu. Phon: apocope, vs Plural ma'heono; Obviative ma'heóneva. ma'heónevaho god (obviative; alternate pronunciation). Note: Some people say ma'heono for the obviative; others avoid ma'heono as the obviative. The following vocative is addressed to the sacred powers. It is not used for speaking about the possibility due to homophony with the plural which they want to avoid so as not to invite the inference of polytheism. sacred powers, which would be the plural ma'heono. Vocative Ma'heónasėstse Sacred powers!. Énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o. God is hollering. (what some people say during thunder). Hayden 1862:309 only has this Cheyenne form under the English entry 'mystery', not under entries for 'god', 'deity', or 'God'; Hayden has the following for this entry: "mysterious, medicine, mystery, spiritual". Anything that the Indians do not understand they consider supernatural, or 'medicine'." Note: The plural has often been used in traditional Cheyenne discourse for various sacred powers. Note: This word has commonly been written maheo. It does not mean "All Father" as claimed by Petter (for example, in his 1915 dictionary, p. 517, under entry 'God') and, following him, Powell (for example, in his book about Sweet Medicine, p. xxi), Ashabranner (Morning Star, Black Sun, p. 10), Moore ("Cheyenne Names and Cosmology", p. 295), and Newcomb (Morning Star, 1983). Apparently Petter's claim originated from lack of phonetic detail in his orthography. The Cheyenne morpheme for 'all' is mȧhe- (mā- in his system); the morpheme for 'father' is /hé-/. If it is even possible to create a word meaning 'All Father' it would not be spelled ma'hēō'o, which, at a minimum lacks the required complex syllable of mȧhe- 'all', contains an important glottal stop before the letter -h, and lacks the high phonemic pitch needed on Cheyenne /hé-/ 'father'. There IS a word which starts with the complex syllable mȧhe, although it does not mean 'all' in this case, and ends identically as ma'hēō'o does; it is mȧhēō'o meaning 'house. There is no relationship to the word ma'hēō'o. So then, the widely publicized meaning of Ma'hēō'o as All-Father, is erroneous. Náho'ėhótáá'e ma'heono taa'eva. Spirits came to me last night (for example, can be said at a peyote meeting). Much less commonly 'God' is called Ma'xema'hēō'o 'the big God' (1987:216). See under ma'heono for names of some of the most important Cheyenne sacred powers. See: ma'heono; nonóma'e; -ma'heóname; he'amavé'ho'e; Nóáhe1; nésemoo'o; Háonováhe. Category: sacred, church.

ma'heóneéestsémȧheón   ni. church building. Lit: holy-speaking-house See: ma'heóneve'ho'éno; e'óestáahemano'ȧhestȯtse. Category: church.

ma'heóneéestséve'ho'e   na. preacher, pastor, minister, priest. Lit: holy-speaking-ve'ho'e possibly used for 'priest' also. See: ma'heónevé'ho'e. Category: church.

ma'heóneéestséve'ho'éve   vai. preacher. Category: church.

ma'heónėhóo'xeváhe   na. prophet. Lit: holy-crier Category: new, church.

ma'heónėhósėstoo'o   ni. holy news, gospel. Usage: post-missionary term See: pȧhávėhósėstoo'opȧhávėhósėstoo'o. Category: church.

ma'heónėhotsē'o   na. angel. Lit: holy-worker Plural ma'heónėhotse'ono. Category: church, new.

-ma'heónekóhkonȯheonéve'haná   vai. take Communion; take Eucharist; take the Lord's Supper. É-ma'heónekóhkonȯheonéve'hāna. He took Communion. See: -xo'ome; -hetomóosanéve'haná. Lit: holy-bread-eat Category: church.

ma'heónemȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. Bible. Lit: holy-book Contracted Ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o. See: pȧhávėhósėstoo'o. Category: church.

ma'heónenótaxe   na. Christian. Lit: spiritual-warrior Plural ma'heónenótȧxeo'o. See: E'óoestaáhe. Category: church.

ma'heónevé'ho'á'e   na. preacher's wife, Christian woman, nun. Lit: holy white woman Usage: can be used for a Cheyenne Christian woman, sometimes pejoratively Plural ma'heónevé'ho'á'eo'o. Category: church.

ma'heónevé'ho'e   na. pastor, minister, priest, preacher, Christian. (another recording) Plural ma'heónevé'hó'e. Usage: sometimes used pejoratively for 'Christian', especially for a Cheyenne Christian See: e'óoestaáhe; ma'heóneéestséve'ho'e; ma'heóneéestséhetane. Category: church.

ma'heónevé'ho'éno   ni. church property, church grounds. Lit: holy-place See: ma'heóneéestsémȧhéó'o. Category: church.

-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsané   vai. wear minister's clothes, wear priest's clothes. É-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing the clothes of a minister/priest. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, church.

ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o   ni. Bible. Lit: sacred-book Non-contracted: ma'heónemȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper, church.

Ma'heónȯxo'éstaánaa'ėstse   vai. Christ. Category: church. Usage: missionary term Lit: one anointed by God Variant: Ma'heónėxo'éstaenėstse.

-mé'está   vai. explain something, confess, tell. É-mé'ésta. He explained. (another recording) É-mé'ėstao'o. They explained. Éhótoaná-me'ėstáhtove. It is difficult to explain. Nátȧhé-mé'ésta. I'm going to confess (especially at a Catholic Church).

vti. explain s.t. É-mé'ésta. He explained it. Etym: *mi·xko·tamwa (P). É-mé'ėstánóvo. They explained it. Népėhéve-mé'ésta. You explained it well. fai: -está3; vta: -mé'ėstomev. See: -hósestá; -hóhta'hané. Category: church, speak.

Mo'ȯhtávoestá'e   na. 1 • nun. Lit: black-dressed-woman Plural Mo'ȯhtávoestá'eo'o; fai: -oestá. See: hotȯxa-e'óestaahe. Category: church.

2 • Black Dressed Woman. an Indian name. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávoestá'éno   ni. Catholic church. Mo'ȯhtávoestá'éno ého'xėstȧheo'o They are Catholics. Lit: they belong to the black-dressed group Category: church. Lit: black-dressed-place

-nėhetao'o'xe   vai. carry that way. É-nėhetao'o'xe. He is carrying (it) that way. Éohkeévaase-nėhetao'o'xe. He carries up his burden again. For example, he doesn't leave it at church. Category: church, carry, record.

noónėho'emanestȯtse   ni. Old Testament. Lit: old-law Category: new, church.

-nótováeohtsé   vai. roam wild, roam free, backslide. É-nótováéóhtse. He is free to roam on the range. Éohkeéva-nótováéóhtse. He went back to his old sinful ways. Usage: obsolescing Category: church.

-nótovahe   vai. be an outsider, backslide, be light, be not serious. É-nótovahe. He is not serious (in character or mood) / he is a backslider. or example, gone back from Christian living. ?? Category: check. See: -onótovahe. Category: church.

tóxeohtséveneenáhe   na. evangelist. Category: new. Lit: go.around-sent-person Category: church.

Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe   na. lifegiver, reviver, Savior. Usage: has the meaning of 'Savior' among Christians in the post-missionary period vai: -vo'ėstanévėstómané. Category: church.

-xo'ome   vai. 1 • put in mouth, ingest.

vti. Gram: ai+o put in mouth, ingest. Né-xo'oménone. We're taking it into our mouths.

2 • take Holy Communion, take the Eucharist; literally, refers to placing something in one's mouth, but now especially refers to partaking in the rite of Communion. É-xo'ome. He is taking Communion. Nátȧhé-xo'ome. I'm going to take Communion. [Stamper 1991:10] Final -om1. See: hetomóosanéve'hanahtȯtse; -ma'heónekóhkonȯheonéve'haná; -xo'oma'ó'h. Category: church.