-aéstomóhta'hané vai. tell a false story. É-aéstomóhta'hāne. He told a false story. Category: speak.
-aéstomóhta'haov vta. tell a false story to s.o. É-aéstomóhta'haovóho. He is telling a fase story to him. Nésáa'-aéstomóhta'haovatséhéme. I'm not making up stories to you. A father used to say this to his children. See: -hóhta'háov. Category: speak.
-aéstomó'ané vai. speak falsely, speak untruthfully, break a promise. É-aéstomó'áne. He spoke falsely. fai: -ó'ané. See: -vá'nenėhevoo'o; -hetómé. Category: speak.
-aéstomósem vta. tell a false story about s.o. É-aéstomósemóho. He told a false story about him. See: -hósem; -netsé'e'tov. Category: speak.
-áhanónová vai. talk spectactularly. É-áhanónóva. He talked so spectacularly. fai: -ónová1. Category: speak.
-am2 fta. speak to s.o., speak about s.o. Ná-anóévámo. I calmed him down by talking. See: -em. Category: speak.
-amónová vai. talk. Lit: along-talk É-amónóva. He talked. Énėše-amónóva. He kept on talking. fai: -ónová. See: -éestse; -ne'hónová; -háónová. Category: speak.
-amónóváohtsé vai. walk while talking; talk while walking. É-amónóváóhtse. He is walking while talking. É-amónovaohtseo'o. They are walking while talking. fai: -ónová1. Category: walk, speak.
-amóvȯhta'hané vai. tell story going along. É-amóvȯhta'hāne. He is walking while telling a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-ane'em vta. predict about s.o., prophesy of s.o. Often has the idea that someone tells how someone else will turn out and that is how they do turn out. É-ane'emóho. He told how he was going to turn out (and he turned out that way). See: -ane'ém ‘give power to s.o.’. Category: speak.
-anevo'om vta. knock down s.o. by speaking. Lit: knock down by talking about É-anevo'omóho. He knocked him down by talking about him. É-anevo'omovo. They knocked him down by talking about him. Náéše-anevo'omāā'e. I have quit my job because of their verbal attacks on me. Medial -om. Category: speak.
-anóevam vta. calm s.o. by talking. Lit: down-by.speaking É-anóevamóho. He calmed him down by talking. Ná-anóévámo. I calmed him down by talking. fta: -vam. Category: speak.
-aseéestse vai. phone, telephone, start to talk. Lit: away-talk; start-talk This word refers to an outgoing telephone call, and -ho'eéestse refers to an incoming call. É-aseéestse. He is talking on the telephone. See: -ho'eéestse. Category: speak.
-asėtóhta'hané vai. start to tell story. É-asėtóhta'hāne. He is starting to tell a story. tell a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-asėtónová vai. start to talk. É-asėtónóva. He started to talk. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
éese- i. talk. Ééve-éeseóeo'o. They are standing talking. vai: -éestse. Category: speak.
-éesénome vai. talk during sleep, sleep talk. É-éesénome. He talked during sleep. Éohke-éesénome. He talks during sleep. Ques: recheck Initial éese-; fai: -énóme; Synonym -éestsénome. Category: speak, sleep, check.
-éesoo'e vai. sit talking, talk sitting, sit speaking, speak sitting. É-éesoo'e. He is sitting talking. fai: -oe. Phon: vs Category: speak, sit.
-éestse vai. speak, talk. É-éestse. He is speaking. The difference between -éestse and -ne'hónová is that -éestse is more purposeful, organized speaking, such as a speech that someone gives, while -ne'hónová is talking/chatting, less organized speaking. The final -ó'ané refers to the mechanics of speaking, such as pronunciation. -nestse refers to speaking a particular language. Éestsėstse! ?? Speak! Éma'xe-éestse. He is longwinded. Éoseeháa'éše-éestse. He spoke for a very long time. Énéma'ó'e-éestse. He is talking in circles; he is talking above our heads. Névááhe tsésáa'éestsééstse? Who has not spoken? tsé'-éestseto when you spoke. vta: -éestsėstov; Initial éese-. See: -éestseotse ‘suddenly speak’; -ne'hónová ‘talk’; -heve ‘say’; -het ‘say to s.o.’; -éestséstová; -ó'ané ‘pronounce’; -nestse ‘speak a language’; -háónová ‘talkative’. Etym: *ki:kitowa. Category: speak, check.
éestsé't vta. speak.to. Sóhpeéestsé'tovenáno nevo'ėstanemo! Speak through your people! [A Prayer at a Meeting.019] Category: speak.
-éestsé'tá vti. speak s.t., tell s.t. É-éestsé'ta. He spoke it. Naa hétsetseha héne tā'se nėhéóhe nátȧho'-éestsé'ta. And that is as far as I can tell it now. [1987:100] See: -hósestá; -mé'está. Category: speak.
-éestsénome vai. talk during sleep; sleep talk. É-éestsénome. He talked during sleep. Synonym -éesénome. Category: sleep, speak.
-éestseotse vai. speak suddenly. For example, when someone suddenly speaks up to try to stop an argument. É-éestseotse. He spoke up suddenly. Ques: tséo?? See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak, check.
-éestsėstáotsé'tov vt. talk to s.o. Nátaovóe'-éestsėstáotsé'tóvo. I'll be the first one to talk to him. [Instruction to Children.010] Category: speak.
-éestsėstomev vta. speak something to s.o. É-éestsėstomevóho. He is speaking to him. Ná-éestsėstomēvo. I told something to him. vai: -éestse. See: -het ‘say to’. Category: speak, check.
-éestsėstomósané vai. interpret. É-éestsėstomósáne. He interpreted. Ques: check recording pronunciation?? fai: -ósané. See: -éestsėstósané; -éestsėstomótȧxevá. Category: speak, check.
éestsėstomósanéhe na. interpreter. Plural éestsėstomósanéheo'o. See: éestsėstomótȧxevahe. Category: jobs, speak.
-éestsėstomótah vta. speak for s.o., interpret for s.o. This word can be extended to refer to representing someone. Ques: recheck that?? É-éestsėstomótȧhóho. He interpreted for/spoke on behalf of him. for example, spoke for a mute. fta: -omótah. See: -véstȧhtóohe; -nėhestomótah. Category: speak, check.
-éestsėstomótȧxevá vai. interpret; speak for. This can refer to interpreting or speaking for people who cannot speak for themselves, such as mutes. É-éestsėstomótȧxēva. He interpreted. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.
-éestséstȯsané vai. talk to people, speak to people. especially as in teaching. É-éestséstȯsáne. He is talking, lecturing (to people). Épȧháve-éestséstȯsáne. He (for example, a preacher) speaks well (to you). fai: -ósané; Variant: éestsėstósané. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.
-éestsėstósané vai. speak to people; talk to people, speak to people (especially as in teaching). É-éestsėstósáne. He spoke (to people). Éohke-éestsėstósáne. He speaks (to people). [Training Young People:40] Éohketšėheše-éestsėstósaneo'o tséhátaa'éhahese. This is the way the older people talk (to you). (1987:216). fai: -ósané; Variant: -éestséstȯsané. See: -éestsėstomósané. Category: speak.
-éestsėstóseoneve vai. instructed, spoken to. É-éestsėstóseoneve. He has been instructed. Hēā'e ésáa'-éestsėstóseonévéhe. Maybe he was never talked to. Category: speak.
éestsestȯtse ni. saying, word, talk. (another recording) vai: -éestse; Plural éestséstotȯtse. See: óxo-. Category: speak.
-éestsėstov vta. speak to s.o., talk to s.o. É-éestsėstovóho. He spoke to him. Éestsėstoveha! Speak to him! Né'-éestsėstovėstse! Talk to me! É-éestsėstóheo'o ka'ėškóneho. The children are talked to. Náohkeéve-éestsėstóvȧhtséme. We (not including you) talk to each other. Nátaévȧhé-eestsėstōvo. I apologized to him. (apology is implied; literally, I went back and talked to him). Nėstaévȧhóse-éestsėstovȧtse. I'll talk to you again. Nėstamóneévȧhóse-éestsėstóvatséme. I'm speak to you guys again soon. Nėstamóneévȧhóseméo-éestsėstóvatséme. I'll talk to you guys again soon tomorrow. Háa, naa mȧhvóonā'o hetóéva nėstaévȧhóse-éestsėstóvatséme. Yes and tomorrow evening I'll speak to you plural again. É-pėhéva'e tsé'éestsėstóvatsése. It was good talking to you guys. See: -het ‘tell s.o.’. Category: speak.
-éestséstová vai. speak, talk. built on the root -éestse and seems to have something of a specialized meaning beyond it ?? É-éestséstóva. ?? Épȧháve-éestséstóva. He spoke well. fai: -ová. See: -éestse; -ónová. Category: speak, check.
-éestséšé vai. lie speaking. This is about lying prone. É-éestséše. He is speaking while lying. Category: lie, speak.
-éestsétanó vai. want to talk. É-éestsétáno. He wants to talk. Category: speak.
-éestsev vta. speak for s.o. É-éestsevóho. He spoke for him. Ná-éestsēvo. I spoke for him. See: -éestsėstomótah. Category: speak.
-ehóom vta. curse s.o. refers to putting a curse on someone, not to swearing or uttering profanities at someone. É-ehóomóho. He put a curse on him. Mó'-ehóomȯhevóhe. He must have put a curse on him. Étavé'še-ehóomósesto vo'ėstanóho tséhne'éetónėstá'too'ėse They put a curse on someone that comes against them. [1987:211] vai: -ehóone. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-em fta. speak to s.o., speak about s.o. Étotóx-emóho. He discussed him. Éhávėsév-emóho. He talked badly about him. Émȧhov-emóho. He tired him by speaking. Épėhév-emóho. He spoke well of him. Etym: *im (R). fti: -está. See: -am2 ‘speak to/about s.o.’; -o'ót ‘declare about s.o.’; -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’. Category: sounds, speak.
-émoestotóxem vta. secretly talk about s.o., discuss s.o. secretly. Ná-émoestotóxémo. I talked secretly about him. See: totóxem; émoose-. Category: speak.
-émoohtó'ané vai. speak quietly. for example, so you cannot be heard. É-émoohtó'áne. He spoke quietly/secretly. Category: speak.
-émoohtónová vai. gossip quietly. É-émoohtónóva. He gossiped quietly. fai: -ónová. See: -nonaohtonová; émoose-. Category: speak.
-émooseéestse vai. whisper. Lit: secretly-talk É-émooseéestse. He is whispering. See: -éestse. Category: speak.
-énȯhta'hané vai. end telling story. É-énȯhta'hāne. He ended telling the story. Násáano'mé'ėstóhe tsésta-énȯhta'hanéto. I didn't explain about it when I came to the end of my story. That is, I left something out at the end of my storytelling. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-énonová vai. stop talking. É-énónóva. He stopped talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-ésėhe'oná'ó vai. 1 • put hand into (something) quickly. É-ésėhe'oná'o. He put his hand in. Hestsénéva é-ésėhe'oná'o. She puts her hand in her mouth. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
2 • motor mouth; extremely talkative; talkative - very. idiomatic meaning from image of something getting stuck in your mouth and you just keep on talking. Category: figurative, speak, mouth.
-éseneenáh(n) vta. command s.o. to enter. É-éseneenahno. He commanded him to enter. É-éseneenáhnóho. He commanded him to enter. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éseneenáhno. I commanded him to enter. [pd272] Category: interpersonal, speak.
-está3 fti. by speech.
vti. by speech. Éhóna'ov-ēsta He added to it by speaking. Émé'-ésta. He explained it. Évon-ēsta. He removed it by speaking. Etym: *iht(am) (R); *int (P). fta: -em. Category: speak.
-éstȯhta'hané vai. tell a sexy story, sexy story - tell a. Lit: (go).into-tell.story É-éstȯhta'hāne. He told a sexy story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak, vulgar, sex.
-éšenot vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o., influence s.o. usually the persuasion is to do a good thing. É-éšenotóho. He persuaded him. Nééše-éšenotohe tsésto'sevé'ȯhtsémaétse? Did you yet persuade him to go with us? Éonése-éšenotóho. He tried to persuade him. Mó'éšėto'se-éšenotaehevóhe. They almost convinced him. [Stamper 1991:8)] See: -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'é'ov; -éstavan; -éstseohtséh. Category: speak, influence.
-éšenȯxévaen vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o. This is a faster process than -éšenot. É-éšenȯxévaenóho. He coaxed him. Ná-éšenȯxévaena heávohe. The devil persuaded me. That is, I gave in to him. Éstaéšėto'se-éšenȯxévaenósesto tsésto'sevésee'óoestaáhetsėse. He almost convinced him to be baptized. [Stamper 1991:4)] See: -éšenot; -éše'tov; -éxa'e'ov; -éstavan; -éstava'ov. Category: speak, influence.
-étsėstomo'he vai. keep secret, withhold information. É-étsėstomo'he. He kept (something) secret. See: -netse'e ‘lie’. Category: speak.
-éva'ȧsénestse vai. talk backwards. É-éva'ȧsénestse. He talked backwards. Category: speak.
-éva'ȧsévó'ané vai. pronounce backwards. É-éva'ȧsévó'áne. He said it backwards. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak, check.
-éva'énėstsé'tá vti. say opposite of s.t. É-éva'énėstsé'ta. He said its opposite (antonym). Éva'énėstsé'tȯhtse! Give the antonym! Category: speak.
-évavó'ané vai. say opposite. É-évavó'áne. He said the opposite. Category: speak.
-évȯhta'hané vai. tell story here and there. É-évȯhta'hāne. He told a story here and there. tséohtše-évȯhta'hanéstove how it was talked about here and there. Category: speak.
-évovónováohtsé vai. wander talking. É-évovónóváóhtse. He is wandering around while talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-éxó'ané vai. say completely. É-éxó'áne. He said (something) completely. Ésáatónėše-éxo'anéhe. He can't complete his words (or sentences) (for example, after a stroke). fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
háahpe'- pv. large, loudly, wide. Háahpe'-éestsėstoveha! Speak louder to him! Háahpe'-nėhešeha! Say it loudly! É-háahpe'e-ónėstáóhtse. It (especially the door) opened widely.
i. É-háahpe'onova. He spoke loudly! Háahpe'-oéstónėstse! Read louder! Category: speak, degree.
-háahpe'e'hahe vai. speak loudly; holler loudly. É-háahpe'e'hahe. He is hollering. Háahpe'e'hahe! Holler loudly! (said to more than one person). Medial -e'hahe. See: -háéstá. Category: speak.
-háahpe'ónová vai. talk loudly. É-háahpe'ónóva. He talked loudly. See: -tȧhpe'ónová. Category: speak.
-háanaeéestsėstov vta. seriously talk to s.o., talk seriously to s.o. É-háanaeéestsėstovóho. He is talking serious matters to him. See: -éestsėstov. Category: speak.
-háavo'e'ov vta. affect s.o. strongly. É-háavo'e'ovóho. He said something to him that offended him greatly. É-háavo'e'oo'e. It affected him a lot (for example, got him really mad). See: -hóevo'e'ov. Category: speak.
-háem vta. say something outrageous to s.o., say something outrageous about s.o. É-háemóho. He said something outrageous about him. [Whiteman and the Coyote.029] fai: -em. See: -háeh; -oo'hem; -ná'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-háenávem vta. say something strong about s.o. É-háenávemóho. He said something awful about him. See: -véstaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-háestȯhnóvavenestse vai. speak many languages. É-háestȯhnóvavenestse. He speaks many languages. Category: speak, languages.
-háóéná'tov vta. pray to s.o. É-háoena'tovóho. He prayed to him. Ná-háóéná'tóvo. I prayed to him. vai: -háóéná; Preverb háóénáve-. Category: speak.
-háo'ané vai. say much, say something amazing. É-háó'áne. He said something amazing. Ého-háó'áne. He said something very amazing. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-háo'ót vta. brag about s.o., boast about s.o. É-háo'oto. He bragged about him. É-háo'ótóho. He bragged about him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -o'ót. See: -háe'ót; -háátam; -pėhévo'ót. Category: speak.
-háonová vai. talkative. É-háónóva He is talkative. É-háonovao'o. They are talkative. fai: -ónová; vta: -háonová'tov. See: -ne'hónová ‘chat’; -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak.
-háonová'tov vta. talk a lot about s.o. Ná-háónóvá'tóvo. I grumbled about him/I talked a lot about him. vai: -háonová. Category: speak.
-hátavėsévem vta. talk bad about s.o. repeatedly. Éto'sėsáa'ée-hátavėsévemóheho hemėšemo. He won't talk bad about his father-in-law. [Family Harmony.034] Non-reduplicated -hávėsévem. Category: speak.
-hátȯxovȯhta'hané vai. spread stories. Lit: across(REDUP)-story.tell É-hátȯxovȯhta'hāne. He gossips/spread stories. See: -tóxȯhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hávėséváhtse vai. bad mouth, speak bad things. É-hávėséváhtse. He talks bad. -xónetamó'ané Category: speak.
-hávėsévem vta. speak badly about s.o. É-hávėsévemóho. He made a bad remark about him. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-hávėsévenestse vai. be a bad speaker, be a poor speaker. É-hávėsévenestse. He is a poor speaker / his speech is bad. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hávėsévo'ané vai. talk bad. É-hávėsévó'áne. He talked bad. Category: speak.
-hávėsévo'ót vta. declare s.o. bad. Ná-hávėsévo'óto. "I can't say anything good about him." Final -o'ót. Category: speak.
-he3 vai. say. irregular verb; cannot stand alone as a stem; high-pitched in preterit and reportative modes. É-hevoo'o. He said. É-hevoōne. They said. Ná-heve. I said. Néóxȯ-heve? What did you say? Nánė-heve I said (that). Násáa'óxȯ-héhe I didn't say anything. Ésáa'óxȯ-héhe. He didn't say anything. Ná-héme. We (excl.) said. Néhema. We (incl.) said. Né-héme. You (pl) said. tsé-héto what I said. tsé-heese what he said. tsé-hetsėse what he (obv) said. tsé-hévȯse what they said. tséoxȯ-heese that is what he said. Móstaéemé'ėstomóhehéhe héva tsétaévė-hévȯse. He was told what they said. [1987:52] Móhkėxae'éevá'nenė-hehéhe tséohkeévėhetósė-heese. He must just say those things which he always says. [1987:59] Éstaohkema'xė-héhoo'o. Wow, he (it) would holler (pret). [1987:256] Éx-hésesto. It is said they said (reportative). Móxhehéhe. He must have said. Móx-hehevóhe. They must have said. Násáanė-héhe. I did not say that. Ésáanė-héhe. He did not say that. Ésáanė-héheo'o. They did not say that. Ná-héoohe! I said it (with excitement)! vta: -het. See: he-6 ‘have’; -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
-héestáha'ov vta. embolden s.o., give s.o. courage. seems more the idea of causing boldness in s.o. rather than encouragement, but this latter element may be here, also, to some extent. É-héestáha'ovóho. He emboldened him. Ná-héestáha'oo'e. It strengthens me. Néx-héestáhao'ovemeno! Give us courage! Phon: hpo BodyPartMedial -stáhá; vai: -héestáhá. See: -héhnovévam; -héhnovem; - vonȯhóha'ov; -háahe. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hehpa'ósané vai. exaggerate, tell a bigger story than someone else. for example, to tell what is called a fish story in English. É-hehpa'ósáne. He told it in a bigger way. Category: speak.
-hehpan vti. go beyond s.t., twist s.t. for example, to "stretch" the truth. É-hehpāna. He stretched it farther. Ná-hehpāna. I twisted it; stretched it beyond the way it actually is. Etym: *wempenamwa ‘he lifts it up’. Category: speak.
-héhpȯhnóo'xevá vai. scary announce, announce scary things. for example, to announce a disaster or other bad news. É-héhpȯhnóo'xēva. He is announcing something scary. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-he'enestse vai. Gram: rr speak language that way, so speak language. ... é-he'enestse. ... that is how he speaks. tséx-he'enėstsévȯse when they talked. [1987:115] Héovȧhtse é-he'enėstseo'o. They speak various languages. héováestse né-he'enėstsémáne; totáhóésta nénėxhé'ȯhtsémáne; némȧheonétȧhévo'eévama naa oha nėstsema'émáne émano'sééso We speak different languages; we come from different places; we all have different skins but our blood is all together the same. taamááhe tsé-he'enėstsévȯse their own language. Category: speak.
-he'éve'hahe vai. woman's voice - have a. É-he'éve'hahe. He speaks like a woman. Category: voice, speak.
-he'évo'e'hahe vai. talk like a woman, speak like a woman. É-he'évo'e'hahe. He talks like a woman. BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. See: -he'éve'hahe. Category: speak.
-hé'heetovám vta. rudely speak to s.o. É-hé'heetovamo. He is making rude remarks to him. É-hé'heetovámóho. He is making rude remarks to him. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-he'kotó'ané vai. say quietly. É-he'kotó'áne. He is pronouncing quietly. É-he'kotó'anéstove. It is a silent sound. for example, a whispered vowel in Cheyenne. fai: -ó'ané. See: -émoohtó'ané. Category: speak.
-he'névoo'xevá vai. deliver a message, scatter a message. É-he'névoo'xēva. He made a public announcement. See: -hóo'xevá ‘announce’. Category: speak.
-heo'kévo'ané vai. silly - say something. É-heo'kévó'áne. He is saying something silly. Ques: recheck heo'ké / heo'kev?? / heo'kėhév?? Category: check, speak.
-hesané vai. say (to the people). Éx-hesanesėstse. He (Sweet Medicine) said (to the people). [1987:8:39; 1987:12] See: -mé'ėstomósané; -he; -heve; -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
-hesem vta. take (or bring) s.o. by speaking. É-hesemóho He took (or brought) him by speaking. See: -hestsem. Category: speak.
-hestá vti. say s.t., say about s.t. "Épėhéva'e," é-hésta. He said that it is good. ... éohkė-hestánóvo. ... that is what they call it. Éohkė-hestánovȯtse 'véenȯtse' They called them 'véenȯtse' (tepees). vta: -het. Category: speak.
-hestohe vta.PSV. called, told about. Gram: rr This is the passive form of the transitive verb stem -het 'say to'. The stem is an irregular form of -het, but the suffix that follows that verb stem is regular, /-óh -e/. É-hestohe. He was told / he was called that. Etym: *eta·sowa. Éohkė-hestohe 'vé'ho'e'. He is called a 've'ho'e' (whiteman). É-hestóheo'o. That's what they (animate) were called. tsé-hestoestse what he is called.
vti.PSV. called, told about, mean. É-hestohe. It is called that / he is called that. Hénová'e tséohkė-hestohe? What does that mean? Éohkė-hestohe 'amȧho'hestȯtse'. It is called an 'amȧho'hestȯtse' (car). É-hestóhénėstse 'mȧheonȯtse'. They (inan.) are called 'mȧheonȯtse' (houses). See: -óxȯhestohe. Category: speak.
-hésto'eém vta. revile s.o., tease s.o. especially teasing too much about mistakes. É-hésto'eemo. He teased him too much. É-hésto'eémóho. He teased him too much. (newer pronunciation). See: -na'so'eém. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-hésto'ót vta. talk about s.o. from there. É-hésto'oto. He talked about him from there. É-hésto'ótóho. He talked about him from there. (newer pronunciation). Category: speak.
-hesto'tova'hahtsé vti. throw twist s.t. Can refer to twisting two different Cheyenne words into one. É-hestó'tova'hāhtse. He twisted it into one. Category: speak, record.
-hesto'tovenestse vai. twist speaking, slang speak. É-hesto'tovenestse. He is speaking in a slangy way. Category: speak.
-hestomévam vta. hinder urge s.o., urge s.o. hindering. É-hestomévamóho. He urged him to stay. Éxȯhtsévėhestomévamaesesto Tsėhéstáno. They tried to make them stay, the Cheyenne tribe (did). (reportative mode). See: -vovótsevévam. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hestsem1 vta. wound s.o. by speaking. É-hestsemóho. He wounded him by talking. Ná-hestsēmo. I wounded him by talking. See: -hestsem2. Category: speak.
-hestsem2 vta. bring s.o. by speaking, take s.o. by speaking. É-hestsemóho. He brought him by speaking. See: -hestsem1 ‘wound s.o. by speaking’; -hesem ‘take s.o. by speaking’. Category: speak.
hešeha vai. Say it! Nė-hešeha! Tell that to him! (to him??) Néxhósenė-hešeha! Say it again! Óxȯhešeha! Say something! Tšė-hešeha! Say this to him! Category: check, speak.
hešévaen vta. tell s.o. quickly, say to s.o. quickly. Ques: check gloss?? ... é-hešévaenóho. ... that is what he told him quickly. Néohtšėšenė-hešévaenȧtse. I tried to tell that to you. Category: check, speak.
-het vta. tell s.o., say to s.o., tell about s.o., say about s.o. used both about speaking to someone and speaking about someone (although -hósem is more specifically used for the latter meaning). É-hetóho. He said to him. Etym: *eθe·wa ‘he says so to him’. Ná-héto. I told him. Né-heše. You said to me. Éx-hetóhoono. He said to him (preterit mode). Éx-hetóhoono tsévéstoemose. He said that about his wife. [1987:254] "Ma'hēō'o, hahóo," né-hetȧtse. God, "Thank you," I tell you. (often said while praying). "Hahóo," né-hetatsēme. "Thank you," I say to you guys. "Hahóo," né-hetatsemeno. "Thank you," we say to you. Móxhetaehevóhe. He (obv) must have told him. tséévė-hetatséto what I say to you. vai: -he. Category: speak.
-hetaa'óhta'hané vai. how much tell story. Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha that is the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32] fai: -óhta'hané. See: -hóhta'hané ‘tell a story’. Category: speak.
-hetaa'ó'ané vai. how much say. ... é-hetaa'ó'ané. ... that is how much he had to say. ... nétanė-hetaa'ó'áne. ... that is all I have to say. [1987:200] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-hetanévo'ót vta. declare s.o. a man. É-hetanévo'oto. He declared that he (obv) is a man. É-hetanévo'ótóho. He declared that he (obv) is a man. (newer pronunciation). Mó'ȯhkeosée'ée=tā'se=hetanévo'ótȧhtsėhéhe. He would, like, brag how much of a man he was. [1987:58] Final -o'ót. Category: speak.
-hetáohame vii. illustrate, commemorate, parable - be a. Hé'tóhe évá'nė-hetáohame. This is just an example. [1987:11]
vti. commemorate s.t., illustrate s.t. Naa hénėhéóhe hoéhose ésó'vé'šėhetáohaménóvo. And over there on the hill they still commemorate it. [1987:49] É-hetáohaméstove. It is an illustration.
vai. illustrate, commemorate. É-hetáohame. He illustrated. Category: speak.
hetáohame- pv. illustrative. Évá'nė-hetáohameéestse. He was just talking by example. [1987:11] É-hetáohameéestse. He spoke with an illustration. Category: speak.
hetó vii. say. Héne hóema móstaohkevá'nenėhétȯhanetséhe. That robe would say (answer??) [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).054] Ques: recheck analysis and gloss Category: speak, check.
-hetóhta'hané vai. Gram: rr tell story that way, so tell the story. This is said after telling a story. ... é-hetóhta'hāne. ... that is how told (the story). Etym: *eθa·taɁlo·hke·wa. NonRelativeRoot -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hetóhta'haov vta. Gram: rr so tell a story to s.o. ... é-hetóhta'haovóho. ... that is how he told the story to him. Etym: *eθa·taɁlo·hkawe·wa. ... ná-hetóhta'haōvo. ... that is how I told the story to him. Naa hetá'hanéhe tséhetóhta'haovono. And this is how I am telling them the story. tséohkė-hetóhta'haóó'ėse namėšéme what my grandfather told me. [1987:17] vta: -hóhta'haov. Category: speak.
-hetó'a'xe vai. say that. ... éévė-hetó'a'xe. ... he has been saying that. See: -tónetó'a'xe. Category: speak.
-hetómé vai. right - be; correct - be; truth - tell the. -hetómé refers to being correct/right while -oné'seómó refers to being genuine/real. É-hetóme. He is telling the truth. (another recording) Ná-hetómehe? Am I right? (another recording) Ná-hetóme. I'm right. / I'm telling the truth. Né-hetóme. You're right. (another recording) É-hetómeo'o. They are right. Náoné'seómė-hetóme. I am really telling the truth. [1987:175] Ésáa-hetóméhe. He is not telling the truth. [1987:175] Náoné'seómė-hetóme. I am really telling the truth. vii: -hetómétó. See: -hetómahe; -nėhesó; -oné'seómó; -netsé'e ‘lie’. Etym: *weθa·mwe·wa (P); cf. M ona·mow. Category: speak.
-hetómem vta. tell the truth about (or to) s.o. often implies that one is guilty of what is said about them, but what is said about them can be good or bad. É-hetómemóho. He said the truth to him. Etym: *weθa·mime·wa (P). É-hetómeme. He is guilty/'he really did that'. Né-hetómemanehe? Is it true what is said about you? / Are you guilty? Héehe'e, ná-hetómemāne. Yes, it is true what is said about me; yes, I am guilty. vai: -hetómé. See: -mȧheéšem; -hóometátsestá; -ho'é'et; -momáxem; oné'seóme-. Category: speak, legal.
-hetómestá vti. tell the truth about s.t. É-hetómésta. He told the truth about it. Etym: *weθa·mwetamwa (P). Category: speak.
-hetóo'xevá vai. Gram: rr so announce, announce that way. ... é-hetóo'xēva. ... that is how he announced. ... é-hetóo'xevánove. ... that was the (weather) forecast. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hetóo'xevót vta. Gram: rr so herald s.o., so announce about s.o. ... é-hetóo'xevoto. ... that is how he announced about him. É-hetóo'xevótóho. ... that is how he announced about him. (newer pronunciation). Category: speak.
-hetósestá vti. Gram: rr so tell about s.t. ... é-hetósésta. ... that is what he told about it. Hená'hanéhe nátavá'nenė-hetósésta. That's the way I'm just telling about it. [Fishing.056] vti: -hósestá; vta: -hetósem. Category: speak.
-hetotóxeoné'tov vta. Gram: rr go around talking that way about s.o. É-hetotóxeoné'tovóho. He goes around talking that way about him. See: -totóxem. Category: speak.
-hetsevávó'ané vai. negatively say; say negatively. for instance, to threaten to do something harmful, perhaps to hurt yourself, but we don't know if the threat will be carried out. É-hetsevávó'áne. He threatened to do something harmful. Category: speak.
-hetsevem vta. back out of telling s.o. É-hetsevemóho. He backed out of telling him. Ná-hetsevēmo. I hesitate to tell him. [pd545] Ésáa-hetsevemóheho. He tells him as it is. Móho'nó-hetsevēmȯhtse. He must not have backed out from telling him how it is. See: -hetseveh. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-heve vai. say. an irregular stem. for first and second person subjects, affirmative independent indicative only. Ná-heve. I said. É-hevoo'o. He said. É-hevoōne. They said. Né-óxȯheve? What did you say? vta: -het. See: -he; -óxȯheve; -éestse; -ó'ané; -totóxem; -heve; -het; -óxȯhestohe. Category: speak.
-hevoo'o vai. Gram: rr say. third person independent indicative stem. irregular stem. É-hevoo'o. He said. Etym: *ewa ‘he says so’. (another recording) É-hevoōne. They said. vta: -het. See: -heve; -óxȯhevoo'o; -oóoxȯhevoo'o. Etym: cf. M wa·h. Category: speak.
-hevooné vai. say. irregular stem. This follows what they said. ... é-hevoōne. ... that is what they said. ... éohkeméhae-hevoēne. ... they used to say. Éóxȯ-hevoōne? What did they say? ... éohkė-hevoōne. ... they regularly say. vta: -het. See: -he; -heve. Category: speak.
-hoháahtsé vai. have a very big mouth. for example, talks, making things worse than what they are; or, speaks convincingly but never follows through. É-hohááhtse. He has a really big mouth/he is a windbag. Category: speak, mouth, figurative.
-hoháem vta. tell something very amazing about s.o. É-hoháemóho. He told something very amazing about him. Category: speak.
-hoháó'ané vai. say something fantastic, say something spectacular. É-hoháó'áne. He said (something) really big/fantastic. For example, he said he would go kill someone. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-hohátȯhta'hané vai. laugh while story telling, story tell laughing. Éxaenėšė-hohátȯhta'hāne. He is laughing while telling a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: laugh, speak.
-hohátó'ané vai. laugh while talking, talk while laughing. É-hohátó'áne. He is laughing and talking. fai: -ó'ané. Category: laugh, speak.
-hóhta'hané vai. 1 • tell a story, relate. É-hóhta'hāne. He is telling a story. Ques: what is the difference between this word and -hóhta'heónané vta: -hóhta'haov; Relative Root -hetóhta'hané. See: -hetóhta'hané; hóhta'heo'o; -hóhta'heónané. Etym: cf. *a·te'lo·hke·- ??. Category: check, speak.
2 • go to court, testify (in court). Category: legal.
-hóhta'hanee'e vai. tell story sitting. É-hóhta'hanee'e. He is sitting telling a story. ȯhtsée-hóhta'hanéevosėstse when they would sit and tell stories. [Cheyenne Flood Story.002] fai: -e. Morph: /-hohta'hanée/. Phon: vs See: -hóhta'heónanee'e. Category: speak, sit.
hóhta'hanéhe na. storyteller. Ques: recheck?? vai: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak, check.
-hóhta'hanéoohe vai. tell story quickly. Nátao'sė-hóhta'hanéoohe. I'm gonna quickly tell a story. Category: speak.
-hóhta'haohé'tov vta. tell story quickly to s.o. Nétato'sė-hóhta'haohé'tovȧtse. I'm gonna tell it to you right away. Category: speak.
-hóhta'haoohé'tov vta. tell story quickly to s.o. Nétato'sė-hóhta'haoohé'tovȧtse. I'm gonna tell it to you right away. Category: speak.
-hóhta'haov vta. tell a story to s.o. É-hóhta'haovóho. He told him a story. Etym: *a·teʔlo·hkawe·wa. É-hóhta'haóó'e. He (obv) told him a story. Hóhta'haovenáno! Tell them a story! A second object can be included, as shown in the following sentence: Tšéške'e nétao'sevá'nė-hóhta'haovatsénóvo namėšéme. I'm going to tell you (pl) a little about my (great) grandfather. [1987:17] vai: -hóhta'hané. See: -hóhta'heónaov. Category: speak.
hóhta'hēō'o ni. story, legend, myth, folktale.
na. story, legend, myth, folktale. For some speakers this has generally not been considered a historical account. For some speakers this has the sense of 'myth' or 'folktale'. For them, for a historical account uses the word hósėstoo'o 'news, account'. But hósėstoo'o is not known to many current speakers. A hohta'heo'o is inanimate for most speakers today, but in the past this word was animate (hóhta'heono) for some speakers. Plural hóhta'heonȯtse, hóhta'heono. vá'nė-hóhta'heonȯtse regular stories. [1987:170] Ques: re-record that?? Possessive -htóhta'hēō'o; vai: -hóhta'hané. See: hósėstoo'o. Etym: cf. O aadizookaan (N). Category: speak.
-hóhta'heónané vai. tell stories. seems to refer to storytelling as opposed to telling of a specific story. É-hóhta'heónáne. He told stories. Nėstsevé'hóhta'heónáne éšeēva! Nėstsepa'ke'ōna. Don't tell stories in the daytime! You'll become humpbacked. tsé-hóhta'heónanese storytellers. É-hotona'ovė-hóhta'heónáne. He added on another story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hóhta'heónanee'e vai. tell story sitting. É-hóhta'heónanee'e. He is sitting telling a story. Morph: /-hóhta'heónanée/. Phon: vs See: -hohta'hanee'e. Category: speak, sit.
-hóhta'heónaov vta. tell a fairytale to s.o. É-hóhta'heónaovóho. He is telling a fairy tale to him. See: -hóhta'haov. Category: speak.
-ho'eéestsé vai. telephone call arrive. Lit: arrive-speak This word refers to arrival of a telephone call, and -aseéestse refers to an outgoing call. É-ho'eéestse. He called on the telephone. See: -éestse; -aseéestse. Category: speak.
-ho'é'et vta. blame s.o., accuse s.o. É-ho'é'etóho. He blamed/accused him. Éaéstomė-ho'é'ehe. He was falsely blamed. Né-ho'é'etāne. You are accused. See: -ho'é'ėšé'tov; -momáxem; -mé'em; -heseh; -hoómetátam; -hetómem; -nėheto'é'et; -ta'e'ov. Category: speak.
-ho'enestse vai. arrive while talking. Ná-ho'enestse. I've come to this point speaking. vti: -ho'enėstsé'tá; fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-ho'enėstsé'tá vti. arrive at s.t. in speaking. for instance, to get to the point in speaking. É-ho'enėstsé'ta. He arrived at it speaking. Étaohkėsáa-ho'enėstsé'tȯhéhane. It is not reached in speaking. Násáatónėšė-ho'enėstsé'tóhe hová'éhe tsėhéóhe taamááhe tséhnéehóvétotséme'hešėpėhevo'ótatseto. I can't say anything more ?? [PRAISE.TXT] Category: check, speak.
-ho'éváhtá vti. make s.t. come by speaking. É-ho'éváhta. He caused it to come by speaking about it. Nėstsenėx-ho'éváhta. You will make it happen (if you mention it). one should not talk about bad things which could happen because the talking might cause them to occur. vti: -váhtá. Category: speak.
-ho'óhomo'énestse vai. talk Sioux. É-ho'óhomo'énestse. He talks Sioux. Final -nestse. Category: speak.
-ho'óhta'hané vai. arrive at a point in storytelling. Ná-ho'óhta'hāne. I have arrived at that point in the storytelling. Tȧ-ho'óhta'haneo'o tséhešemȧhepėhévomóhtȧhéto! Arrive over there to tell that I'm feeling all good! ?? This is sometimes said to a person who is dying, instructing them to tell this to relatives in the next camp. Category: speak, death.
-ho'ó'ané vai. arrive at in saying, get right to the point. É-ho'ó'áne. He arrived at the point in what he was saying. Tá'e mȧhové'še né-ho'ó'áne! Finally you came to it in speaking! fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-ho'ónová vai. arrive talking. É-ho'ónóva. He arrived talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-hó'ót whoop at s.o. can be done in teasing, for example, teasing a brother-in-law if he has fallen off a horse. É-hó'oto. He whooped at him. É-hó'ótóho. He whooped at him. (newer pronunciation). vai: -hó'hohené. See: -hó'está; -hó'évoné. Category: speak.
-ho'xem vta. threaten s.o. the threat will probably be carried out. É-ho'xemóho. He threatened him. Etym: *aɁšweme·wa (P) ‘he threatens him’. Éévȧ-ho'xemóho. She threatened him back (for example, with revenge). Né-ho'xeme. You threatened me. Some meadowlarks say that. See: -ho'xėsetanevá. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-ho'xėsetanevá vai. threaten. É-ho'xėsetanēva. He threatened. vta: -ho'xem. See: -tanevá. Category: speak.
-hó'xónová vai. used to talking. É-hó'xónóva. He is used to talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-homósem vta. touch (emotionally) s.o., provoke s.o. refers to evoking an emotion from s.o. through what is said to them; this can be when a person's "sore spot" is touched through something negative said, or it can be when their "funny bone" is touched by something humorous. É-homósemóho. He provoked him/touched his "sore spot"/touched his funny bone. See: -homóseh. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-hóna'óestsé vti. add on s.t., connect s.t. colloquially used to speak of adding on a story to the end of another story; traditionally used for continued episodes of storytelling. É-hóna'óéstse. He connected it. Etym: *a·nexko·namwa. Hohkȧse névááhe tséévȧhé-hona'óéstsėstse? Who would add (anything) on to (such a) story?! (that is, no one would want to make it any longer) (1980:60:163). See: -mámȯhevoestsé; -hotona'én; hotona'é-; -too'estsé. Category: speak.
-hóna'ovestá vti. add on to s.t. in speaking. that is, say more. É-hóna'ovēsta. He added on to it by speaking. That is, say something more about it. fti: -está. Category: speak.
-hóna'ovóhta'hané vai. add to the story. É-hóna'ovóhta'hāne. He added on to the story. Tóne'še nȧhtamónėhósė-hóna'ovóhta'hāne. Sometime I will tell more of the story. [Ranch Life.023] fai: -óhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hoó'hónová vai. overheard talking. É-hoó'hónóva. He was overhead talking. Nevá'ėstse é-hoó'hónóva. Someone is overheard saying something. That can be said as a humorous response to farting. fai: -ónová. Category: hear, speak.
-hóo'xevá vai. announce, herald, cry. É-hóo'xēva. He announced. A crier typically announces throughout an encampment or at a giveaway. Traditionally, a crier was to be a special person, in particular, a medicine man or a chief. However, someone who was considered an especially good speaker could also announce. Honóxeaseo'o éohkeméo-hóo'xevao'o matsé'oméva. Meadowlarks announce early in the morning in the spring. Relative Root -hetóo'xevá; vti: -hóo'xevóhtá; fai: -o'xevá. See: -hotonová; -vévȯhe'ševá; -mó'oo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hóo'xeváhné vai. announce while walking. É-hóo'xeváhne. He announced walking. Category: motion, speak.
-hóo'xevóhtá vti. announce about s.t. É-hóo'xevóhta. He announced about it. É-hóo'xevóhta Ma'heóneva tséhetaa'ėse. He is announcing what God told him. (for example, as a prophet). vai: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hóo'xevót vta. announce about s.o., herald s.o. É-hóo'xevoto. He announced about him. É-hóo'xevótóho. (newer pronunciation). fta: -ót; vai: hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-hoonésané vai. warn, counsel. typically, a kind of teaching instruction to family. É-hoonésáne. He is warning. [Training Young People:41] vta: -hoonét. See: -hoonéstȧhtóohe. Category: speak.
-hoonéstá vti. warn about s.t. É-hoonésta. He warned about it. vta: -hoonét. Category: speak.
-hoonéstómané vai. exhort, calm people down, warn people, counsel people. É-hoonéstómáne. He is warning; calming people down. vta: -hoonét. Category: speak.
-hoonét vta. calm down s.o., prohibit s.o., forbid s.o. (from doing something). É-hooneto. He prohibited him (from doing something). É-hoonétóho He prohibited him (from doing something). (newer- pronunciation). Móoxhoonétaehevóhe. He (obv) must have forbade him (from doing something). Hoonéšeha! Tell him (for example, a child) to be quiet!/Warn him!/Calm him down! Néx-hoonéšememeno! Keep us from over-reacting! vai: -hoonéstómané; vti: -hoonéstá; Antonym -amȧhtov. See: -hóonéstȧhtóohe; -hóestomev; -xanánot; -nȧhestov; -oo'háevam; -hestom. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hóováem vta. lie to s.o., scare s.o. out. for example, scare someone out of a house?? É-hóováemóho. ?? Ná-hóováema. He lied to me. [GO 1/25/95] for example, he didn't keep his promise to me. Ques: can we get a more precise English gloss here? How different from -netse'e?? See: -netsé'e ‘lie’. Category: speak, check.
-hósem vta. tell about s.o. É-hósemóho. He told about him. Hóhta'hēō'o néx-hósemeha vé'ho'e tsé'ȯhkeno'ósemėse. Tell me a story in which the ve'ho'e is included. See: -hóhta'haov ‘tell a story about s.o.’; -mé'ėstomev ‘explain to s.o.’; -mé'em ‘tell on s.o.’; -totóxem ‘talk about s.o.’. Etym: *a·cime·wa. Category: speak.
-hóseoesestá vti. tell about s.t. quickly. É-hóseoesēsta. He is telling about it quickly. Nátavá'neéetšėške'nėhešė-hóseoesēsta. I'm just telling this a little like that. [How God Helped Me Forgive.097] See: -hósestá; -mé'eoesestá. Category: speak.
-hósestá vti. tell about s.t. É-hósésta. He told about it. Nátao'sė-hósėstomóvo ného'éehe nā'ėstse hestóhta'heo'o. I'm going to tell this one story of my father's. [1987:149] See: -éestsé'tá; -mé'está. Category: speak.
-hotȧxevėhávėsévo'ót vta. denounce s.o. Ná-hotȧxevėhávėsévo'óta. I denounce him. See: hávėsévo'ót. Category: speak.
-hótoanám vta. say something difficult to s.o. É-hótoanamo. He said something difficult to him. É-hótoanámóho. He said something difficult to him. (newer pronunciation). Hee náma'xė-hótoanámáá'e vé'kėseho. Well, the birds said something difficult to me. [1987:314] Variant: -hótoanávem. Category: speak.
-hótoanávem vta. say something difficult to s.o. É-hótoanávemóho. He said something difficult to him. See: -hótoanám. Category: speak.
-hótoanávenestse vai. speak difficult language. É-hótoanávenestse. He speaks difficult language. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hótoanávȯhta'hané vai. tell a difficult story. for example, tell a story of the Cheyennes' painful Trek north from Okla. É-hótoanávȯhta'hāne. He told a difficult story. fai: -óhta'hané. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-hótoanávó'ané vai. say something difficult, difficult speak. É-hótoanávó'áne. He said something difficult. The next word could be used similar to how people respond with "No problem!" in English: Nésáa-hótoanávo'anéhe. What you said is not difficult/That isn't a problem. for example, to ask for a big favor. Category: speak.
-hoton vta. inform s.o., notify s.o. É-hotonóho. He notified him. vai: -hotonová. See: -hóo'xevót. Category: speak.
-hotonová vai. notify. É-hotonōva. He notified. fai: -ová1; vta: -hoton. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
hotonováhe na. informant. Category: speak.
-hótsem vta. fail to convince s.o. Lit: fail-speak É-hótsemóho. He failed to convince him. Etym: *a·θweme·wa. Éohkėsáa-hótseméhe. He can't say 'no'. That is, he'll do anything you ask. fai: -em. See: -heóme-pėhévoéstomo'he. Category: speak.
-hotset vta. tell s.o. to do something. É-hotsetóho. He told him to do (something). Etym: *aθo·θe·wa ‘he employs him’. É-hotsehe. He was told to do it. For example, so now don't YOU do it for him! tsé-hotseestse his duty/what he is supposed to do. Nā'ėstse móx-hotsėhehéhe kȧsovááhe. One young man was designated. [1987:94] See: -hótsenot; -hótšėševaen; -hotse'ót; -néenáh(n); -hotšėšévaen ‘quickly tell s.o. to do something’. Category: speak.
-hotšėšévaen vta. tell s.o. to do something quickly. Ques: is quickness for both telling and doing?? É-hotšėšévaenóho. He quickly told him to do something. Éstȧ-hótšėšévaenóhoono nā'ėstse kȧsováaheho. He asked one of the young men to take a message. [The Journey.091] See: -hótšėšévaen ‘unable to control s.o.’; -hotset ‘tell s.o. to do something’. Category: speak, check.
-hóxe'enestse vai. talk clean language. É-hóxe'enestse. He talks clean language. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hóxe'évám vta. urge s.o. to be clean. É-hóxe'évamo. He is telling him/them to be clean. É-hóxe'évámóho. He is telling him/them to be clean. (newer pronunciation). fta: -vám. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-hoxomȯho'hamé'tov vta. slander s.o., blackmail s.o. Lit: feed-livestock-FTA The literal meaning apparently arises from the metaphor of feeding the slander to others who can eat it up as livestock eat whatever is fed to themt. É-hoxomȯho'haménoto. He slandered him. Ná-hoxomȯho'hamenȯtse. I slandered him (to someone else). Né-hoxomȯho'hamé'tovȧtse. I slandered/blackmailed you (to them). Category: speak.
-hóxoveéestse vai. speak across. for example, to speak across a short distance. É-hóxoveéestse. He spoke across. See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak.
-hóxovenestse vai. translate. Lit: across-speak.language É-hóxovenestse. He translated. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-hóxovenėstsé'tomev vta. translate for s.o. Hóxovenėstsé'tomóveha nemėšéme! Translate it for your grandfather! Category: speak.
-hóxovó'ané vai. translate. É-hóxovó'áne. He is translating. Synonym -hóxovenestse. Category: speak.
-káhohta'hané vai. tell a short story, short story - tell a. É-káhohta'hāne. He told a short story. Category: speak.
-ka'ó'ané vai. speak briefly. Lit: short-pronounce É-ka'ó'áne. He spoke briefly. Category: speak, check.
-ka'ósem vta. tell a short story about s.o. É-ka'ósemóho. He told something short about him. É-ka'óseme. It (or He) is told short. For example, the story is short. See: -hósem; -tšėhe'kėstóseme. Category: speak.
-kánomó'ané vai. talk without sense, speak meaninglessly. É-kánomó'áne. He talked meaninglessly. É'ée-kánomó'áne. He is just talking (it doesn't count). [My Testimony.080] Nėše-kánomó'aneha! Just let him say what he wants to say (even if it's bad). fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-'óhtá ?? Category: check.
fii. declare s.t. to be . See: -'ót ??. Category: check, speak.
-mȧheéšem vta. tell the truth about s.o. É-mȧheéšemóho. He told the truth about him. Ná-mȧheéšema. He told the truth about me. See: -hetómem. Category: speak.
-mȧhónová vai. all talk at the same time. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhónovao'o. They are all talking at the same time. Éma'xe-mȧhónovao'o. They are all talking a lot at the same time. See: -háónová ‘talkative’. Category: speak.
-mȧhovem vta. tire s.o. by speaking. É-mȧhovemóho. He tired him by speaking. Ná-mȧhovema. He tired me by his speaking. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-mȧhovenestse vai. tired of talking. É-mȧhovenestse. He is tired of talking. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-mȧhtsénané vai. gossip. É-mȧhtsénáne. He is gossiping. Éohke-mȧhtsénáne. He gossips. É-mȧhtsénaneo'o. They are gossipy. See: -mév. Category: speak.
-mȧhtsénaov vta. gossip about s.o. É-mȧhtsénaovóho. He gossiped about him. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-ma'anóhta'hané vai. repeat.tell.story. É-ma'anóhta'hāne. He told the same story over and over. Category: speak.
-ma'heóneéestse vai. preach. Lit: holy-speak É-ma'heóneéestse. He is preaching. Éto'se-ma'heóneéestseo'o. There is going to be a church service. See: ma'heónevé'ho'e; -éestse. Category: speak.
-ma'heónevo'ót vta. call s.o. holy. É-ma'heónevo'oto. He is calling him holy. É-ma'heónevo'ótóho. He is calling him holy. (newer pronunciation). Né-ma'heónevo'otȧtse. I'm calling you holy. Category: interpersonal, speak, sacred.
-má'setsėhésenestse vai. exhaust speaking Cheyenne. É-má'setsėhésenestse. He ran out of things to say in Cheyenne. Category: speak, languages.
-má'sevé'ho'énestse vai. exhaust speaking English. that is, run out of things to say in English. É-má'sevé'ho'énestse. He ran out of things to say in English. Ná-má'sevé'ho'énestse. I ran out of things to say in English. Category: speak, languages.
-má'tȯhta'hané vai. finish telling a story. É-má'tȯhta'hāne. He finished telling a story. Etym: *me·Ɂta·taɁlo·hke·wa. fai: -óhta'hané. Category: speak.
-má'tó'ané vai. finish speaking, finish pronouncing. É-má'tó'áne. He finished speaking/he finished pronouncing. Né-má'to'anehe? Did you finish speaking/pronouncing? Ná-má'tó'áne. I finished speaking/pronouncing. for example, complete the sentence. Category: speak.
-má'tónová vai. finish speaking. É-má'tónóvá He finished talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-mé'avó'sem vta. remind s.o. É-mé'avó'semóho. He reminded him. Variant: -mé'ovó'sem. Category: speak.
-mé'em vta. tell on s.o., report s.o. This can be a negative action, as in telling on someone, but it doesn't have to be negative. É-mé'emóho. He told on him. Etym: *mi·xko·me·wa (P). Névé'-mé'eme! Don't tell on me! Névé'-mé'emoo'o! Don't tell on them! Nátavá'neée-mé'emoo'o tsé'tóhe ma'háhkėseho. I just talk about these old people. [1987:187] Táaxa'e, naa né'éenonó'ke-mé'emahtse! Let's see, one by one talk about yourselves! See: -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’; -het ‘say to s.o.’; -hóhta'haov; -momáxem; -ho'é'et; -mé'emeh ‘bother s.o.’. Category: speak.
-mé'eoesestá vti. tell s.t. quickly. É-mé'eoesēsta. He told it quickly. Ná-mé'eoesēsta. I told it right then and there. [How God Helped Me Forgive.001] Haa, nátavá'ne-mé'eoesēsta. Yes, I'm just telling it quickly. Nátavá'neéenėheše-mé'eoesēsta tónetáa'e. I'm just telling it that way however much. See: -hóseoesestá. Category: speak.
-mé'eoestá vti. report s.t. É-mé'eoēsta. He reported it. [Custer and the Scouts.009] Category: speak.
-mé'ėsetanevá vai. snitch, tell all, reveal, rat. É-mé'ėsetanēva. He 'squealed'/he told everything/he 'spilled the beans.'. Variant: -mé'ėstanevá. Category: speak.
-mé'está vai. explain something, confess, tell. É-mé'ésta. He explained. (another recording) É-mé'ėstao'o. They explained. Éhótoaná-me'ėstáhtove. It is difficult to explain. Nátȧhé-mé'ésta. I'm going to confess (especially at a Catholic Church).
vti. explain s.t. É-mé'ésta. He explained it. Etym: *mi·xko·tamwa (P). É-mé'ėstánóvo. They explained it. Népėhéve-mé'ésta. You explained it well. fai: -está3; vta: -mé'ėstomev. See: -hósestá; -hóhta'hané. Category: church, speak.
-mé'ėstanevá vai. tell on, rat, whistle blow, snitch. É-mé'ėstanēva. He squealed / told on. Variant: -mé'ėsetanevá. See: émoosemé'ėstaneváhe. Category: speak.
mé'ėstanevá'héó'o na. whistleblower, snitch, tattletale. Plural mé'ėstanevá'heono. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve vai. be a tattletale person. É-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve. He is snitching. Éne-mé'ėstanevá'heónevėstse! Stop snitching! Category: speak, personality.
-mé'ėstomáoehé'tov vta. explain something to s.o. É'ase-mé'ėstomáoehé'tovósesto tséhešėtováto tsé'e'óoestaáhenove. He began telling him the meaning of baptism. [Stamper 1991:4] Ques: How does this differ from -mé'ėstomev?? Category: check. See: -mé'ėstomev. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomev vta. explain (something) to s.o., tell s.o. often translated to English as 'tell'. É-mé'ėstomevóho. He explained it to him. Etym: *mi·xko·tamawe·wa (P). Mé'ėstomeveha! Explain it to him! Mé'ėstomevenáno! Explain it to them! Néh-mé'ėstomevėstse! Explain it to me! É-mé'ėstomohe. A message was given to him (for example, in a vision). É-mé'ėstomóheo'o ka'ėškóneho. Children are taught/explained to. Náéše-mé'ėstomeva. He already explained to me. Náéšeáahtsé'-mé'ėstomoo'e tséheše'hānȧhtse.. He already told me what he ate. Naa héne nétavá'ne-mé'ėstomévatsénóvo. And I just explained that to you (plural). See: -mé'ėstomáoehé'tov; -het. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósané vai. explain. É-mé'ėstomósáne. He explained something (to people). Éstaéšėhetósema'xe-mé'ėstomósanesėstse. (Sweet Medicine) was constantly explaining a lot. [1987:8:42] fai: -ósané; Variant: mé'ėstomósené. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósené vai. explain. É-mé'ėstomósáne. He explained it (to people). Variant: mé'ėstomósané. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósené'tá vai. explain s.t. É'ȯhkeévemé'ėstomósenénóvó. They explained it. Category: speak.
-mé'evám vta. remind s.o. of something similar. Ná-mé'évámo. I reminded him of something similar. Category: cognition, speak.
-mé'oo'xevá vai. appear announcing. É-mé'oo'xēva. He appeared announcing. Category: speak. See: -hóo'xevá.
-mé'ovó'ėstomo'he vai. remind. Éohke-mé'ovó'ėstomo'he. She reminds. [Training Young People:42] Category: speak.
-mé'ovó'sem vta. remind s.o. É-mé'ovó'semóho. He reminded him. Ma'háhko'e némé'ovó'semaene. Through the badger we have been reminded. [1980:20:71] É-mé'ovó'semeo'o ka'ėškóneho. Children are reminded. Variant: -mé'avó'sem. See: -mé'ėstomev; -óo'háevam. Category: speak.
-méseévám vta. talk sense into s.o., exhort s.o., counsel s.o. É-méseévamo. He talked sense into him. É-méseévámóho. He talked sense into him. (newer pronunciation). Éame-méseévameo'o sé'ea'e tsénėhmóneaseéšéévȯse. (Children) are encouraged right away from when they are just starting to grow (in traditional Indian child raising). Éme'-méseévame! Talk some sense into him! (lit. he should be talked sense into). fta: -vam. See: -oné'evám. Category: family, speak.
-móheévam vta. call together s.o., gather s.o. by calling. É-móheévamo. He called them together. É-móheévámóho. He called them together. (newer pronunciation). Móheévama! Call them together! (said to more than one person). fta: -vám. Category: speak.
-mó'oo'xevá vai. announce inviting to a feast. É-mó'oo'xēva. He announced inviting (people) to a feast. See: -mó'é ‘invite to feat’; -hóo'xevá ‘announce’. Category: speak.
-momȧhtáeestse vai. chant as a medicine man, talk in a religious chant, ceremonially speak. Ques: -momȧhtȧhéeestse ?? É-momȧhtáeestse. He spoke the sacred language. See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: ceremonial, speak, check.
momȧhtáeestsestȯtse ni. ceremonial language. Category: ceremonial, speak.
-momȧhtȧhévó'ané na. ceremonially - pronounce, speak a ceremonial word; speak as a medicine man. É-momȧhtȧhévó'áne. He spoke a ceremonial word/he spoke in a traditional religious way. É-momȧhtȧhévo'anéstove. It is a sacred (or ceremonial) word. fai: -ó'ané. See: -ma'heónó'ané. Category: speak, ceremonial.
-momáta'em vta. talk mean to s.o. É-momáta'emóho. He talked mean to him. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-momáta'enestse vai. talk angrily, angrily talk. É-momáta'enestse. He talked angrily. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-momáta'évam vta. anger s.o. while speaking. for example, when someone is drunk. É-momáta'évamahtse. He got himself angry as he talked. Category: emotions, interpersonal, speak.
-momáta'ónová vai. angrily talk, talk angrily. É-momáta'ónóva. He is talking angrily. Category: speak.
-momáta'ónováotse vai. speak disgusted. É-momáta'ónováotse. He was speaking in a disgusted way. Category: speak, emotions.
-momáxem vta. turn in s.o., tell on s.o., complain about s.o. É-momáxemóho. He told on him/he complained about him. Etym: *mešime·wa (P). Násé'hé-momáxémo. I'm turning him in to the law/police/judge/agency (lit., I-into(agency)-INTENT-punish-DIR). éaéstome-momáxemóho He turned him in for nothing/falsely. [1987:182] for example, he didn't do anything wrong; could be used of betrayal, as of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Phon: The first m often is elided, yielding -omáxem See: -mé'em; -totóxem; -hósem; -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-momáxeoesem vta. tell on s.o., give a bad report on s.o. É-momáxeoesemóho. He gave a bad report on him. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).170] Category: speak.
-momáxėstanevá vai. complain. É-momáxėstanēva. He is complaining. BodyPartMedial -tanevá; vta: -momáxem. Category: speak.
-momáxomenestse vai. speak language slowly. É-momáxomenestse. He is talking slowly. For example, when a person talks Cheyenne slowly and deliberately, thinking as he speaks. Category: speak.
-momáxomó'ané vai. say slowly. É-momáxomó'áne. He spoke slowly. Néh-momáxomó'ánėstse! Say it slower (to me)! fai: -ó'ané. See: -nóvó'ané. Category: speak.
-moméhe'em vta. talk good about s.o. É-moméhe'emóho. He talked good about him. fta: -em. See: -pėhévo'ót; -moméhem. Category: speak.
-moméhem vta. encourage s.o., build up s.o. É-moméhemóho. He encouraged/built him up. See: -pėhévo'ót; -moméhe'em. Category: speak.
-momé'hemem vta. talk to s.o. so it sounds desirable; talk with false promises; sweet talk s.o. Ques: check ge gloss É-momé'hememóho. He talked to him so it sounds desirable. Mó'ȯhkema'xeée-momé'hememaehevóhe tséohkėhešėhoháepėhéveénėhetsėse. (The people) made everything sound real good to him how (beavers) tasted real good. [1987:275] Category: speak, interpersonal, check.
-momé'hemó'ané vai. speak without carrying through. É-momé'hemó'áne. He says things which he doesn't carry out. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-momé'sema'éstse talk with head together ?? For example, they are talking so quietly you can't hear them. only used with plural subjects. É-momé'sema'éstseo'o. They are talking with their heads together. Category: speak, check.
-moméno'ónová vai. talk in a group. É-moméno'ónovao'o. They are talking in a group. Ná-moméno'ónováme. We (excl) are talking in a group. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-momóhtsem vta. plead with s.o., beg s.o. Can be said in prayer to God, for example, Némomóhtsemȧtse 'I plead with you, or Né-momóhtsematsemeno 'We plead with you'. If you plead with someone based on the memory of one of their deceased loved ones, it is very powerful. They feel a lot of pressure to give you what you are pleading for. É-momóhtsemóho. He pleaded with him. Né-momóhtsematséme. We plead with you. Náéve-momóhtsemoo'o. I pleaded with them. Náonése-momóhtsemoo'o. I tried to motivate them. See: momóxe-; -kávoena'tov. Category: speak, pray, interpersonal.
-nȧha'em vta. hit the nail on the head about s.o. É-nȧha'emóho. He hit the nail on the head about him. Lit: catch-speak.about Category: speak.
-náho'ané vai. make excuses. Éohkėsáatónėšenonáho'anéstovėhane. There was no making excuses and no explanations. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.071] Category: speak.
-na'nóvavó'ané vai. say in three ways. É-na'nóvavó'áne. He spoke in three ways. Móhnėše-na'nóvavó'anėhéhe. He explained himself those three ways. [1987:53] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-ná'so'eém vta. tease s.o. (with words). É-ná'so'eemo. He is teasing him (with words). É-ná'so'eémóho. He is teasing him (with words). (newer pronunciation). Névá'neée-ná'so'eématséme; nává'nenėheve. I'm just teasing you (plural); I'm just saying (it). See: -háo'eém; -ná'so'eéh; -ná'so'eévo'sóem; -háaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-náno'tó'ané vai. pronounce strongest. É-náno'tó'áne. He pronounced (something) strongest. ?? Taase é-náno'to'anéstove? Which is the strongest (in pronunciation)? fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak, check.
-néhamó'áne vai. make excuses, beat around the bush. É-néhamó'áne. He is beating around the bush / he is making excuses. Category: speak.
-nėhe-he vai. Gram: interrog say that (anaphoric). Né-nėhehe Did you say that? See: -heve; óxo-. Category: speak.
-nėhe'enestse vai. speak language that way. É-nėhe'enestse. He speaks language that way. that is, in some way mentioned previously. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-nėhe'oesem vta. say that to s.o. É-nėhe'oesemóho. That is what he said to him. Category: speak.
Nėhešeha! vta. Tell it to him! Ta-nėhešeha! Tell it to him! Taome-nėhešeha! Tell him yourself! (him?? or no him??) See: hešeha; -nėhet ‘tell that to s.o.’. Category: speak, check.
Nėhešeha! vti. Say it! Hóse-nėhešeha! Say it again! Néxhóse-nėhešeha! Say it again (to me)! Sá'-nėhešeha! Say it now! See: hešeha; -nėhet; -nėheve. Category: speak.
-nėhet vta. so say to s.o., tell s.o. so. É-nėhetóho. He told him that. Ná-nėheta. He/She told me that. Nééše-nėhetȧtse. I already told you that. See: -het. Category: speak.
-nėhetse'e vai. lie; not tell the truth. Variant: netsé'e. -netse'e seems to be the older and more widely used variant. É-nėhetse'e He lied. Násáa-nėhetsé'hehe. ?? I'm not lying. Category: speak, check.
-nėheve vai. say that way. that is, to say some way which has been expressed previously in the conversation. used with first and second person singular subjects; third person forms are -hevoo'o and -hevooné. Né-nėheve. You said (something) that way. Náme'-nėheve. I should have said it that way. Névé'-nėheve! Don't say that! Nává'ne-nėheve. I'm just saying that. Náto'seévȧhóse-nėheve. I'm going to repeat it. See: -he; -het. Category: speak.
-nėhevoo'o vai. so say, say so. Mó'éoné'seóme-nėhevoo'o? Did he really say that? Phon: vs See: -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
-nėhpe'onová vai. talk loudly. Usage: This is a subdialectal pronunciation. É-nėhpe'ónóva. He talked loudly. É-nėhpe'ónováto. It is loud talking (for example, on radio). Variant: -tȧhpe'onová; fai: -ónová. Category: speak, sounds, check.
-ne'hó'etová'tov vta. bawl out s.o. Náma'xe-ne'hó'etová'tova. He was really getting after me. [LF 8/93] See: -vé'hoét; -vé'hoéševaen. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-ne'hónová vai. converse, talk, chat. The difference between -éestse and -ne'hónová is that -éestse is more purposeful, organized speaking, such as a speech that someone gives, while -ne'hónová is talking/chatting, less organized speaking. É-ne'hónóva. He is talking/chatting. É-ne'hónovao'o. They are chatting. Émȧhe-ne'hónovao'o. They are all talking at the same time. fai: -ónová. See: -éestse; -háónová. Category: speak.
-ne'hónovaa'e vai. sit chatting, sit talking. É-ne'hónovaa'e. He sat chatting. Morph: /-ne'hónovae/. Final -ónová. Phon: vs Category: speak.
-ne'hónovaohtsé vai. go along discussing, go along chatting. Ná-ne'hónovaohtséme. vá?? We went along discussing. fai: -ónová. Category: speak, check.
-ne'tovenestse vai. mumble, mix up speech. É-ne'tovenestse. He is mumbling. Category: speak.
néóxȯheve vai. What did you say? See: -óxȯhevoo'o. Category: speak.
-nésovavenestse vai. bilingual, speak two languages. É-nésovavenestse. He is bilingual. fai: -nestse. See: -nésovavo'eétahe. Category: speak.
-nésta'omeénestse vai. speak the old language. É-nésta'omeénestse. He speaks the old language. Éohkėhoháe-nésta'oménestse. She really talks the old language. [Comments on Sweet Medicine.006] Variant: -nésta'omeévenestse; fai: -nestse. Category: speak, languages.
-nésta'omeévenestse vai. speak old language. É-nésta'omeévenestse. He is speaking the old language. Néhéne'anánone tsėhésenėstéhe hovéhno éohke-nésta'omeévenestse. We know Petter slightly talked the old language. [1987:237] Variant: -nésta'omeénestse. Category: speak.
-nésta'omeévó'ané vai. pronounce the old language, speak the old language. Éohke-nésta'omeévó'áne. She was speaking the old language. [Sweet Medicine Comments.110] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-nėstov vta. ask s.o. Variant: -nȯhtsėstov. Usage: This is a newer pronunciation of -nȯhtsėstov. É-nėstovóho. He asked him. É-nėstóó'e. He (obv) asked him. Nėstoveha! Ask him! Tȧhé-nėstoveha neško! Go ask your mother! Tse-nėstsėstovóho. He will ask him. Nétȧhóse-nėstovȧtse. Let me ask you another question. Ques: also get another recording of that?? Néto'se-nėstóvatséme. I'm going to ask you (plural). Náto'seovóe-nėstōvo. I'm going to ask him first. Náéše-nėstovoo'o tá'tóhe Heévȧhetaneo'o. I have already asked those Oklahoma people. Nóohē'še hápó'e nėstoveha nevá'esėstse! Let's go, likwise ask someone else! Category: speak, record.
-nestse fai. speak language. Étsėhése-nestse. He speaks Cheyenne. Évé'ho'é-nestse. He talks English. Énótseve-nėstseo'o. They talk an alien language. Éohkenėševe-nestse. He talks fast. Éhóxove-nestse. He translated (lit. across-spoke.language). Etym: *keto (R). See: -éestse; -het. Category: speak.
-nėstsestá vta. ask s.t. É-nėstsésta. He asked it. This is a newer pronunciation than -nȯhtsestá. Variant: -nȯhtsestá. Category: speak.
-nėstsėstov vta. speak.language.to. Nátsėhésenėstsėstovoo'o. I spoke Cheyenne to them. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-nėšeoesem vta. tell off s.o., tell s.o. how difficult life is. É-nėšeoesemóho. He told him off. Category: speak.
-nėševátamónová vai. talk with pity. that is, to talk in a way that others can sense the speaker takes pity on people. É-nėševátamónóva. He talks with pity. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-nėševem vta. tell s.o. how it is. like laying down the law for a person. É-nėševemóho. He told him how it is. Category: speak.
-nėševenestse vai. talk fast. É-nėševenestse. He talks fast. fai: -nestse. See: -vé'ėstovenestse ‘rapidly talk’. Category: speak, speed.
-nėševó'ané vai. say fast. É-nėševó'áne. He speaks rapidly. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nėševenestse; -nonótovó'ané. Category: speak, speed.
-nétȧhévenestse vai. speak a different language; speak differently; talk language differently; speak a different language. É-nétȧhévenestse. He talks different. [1987:142] Mó-nétȧhévenėstsėhevóhe. They had a different language. Category: speak.
-nétȧhévevé'ho'énestse vai. different.whiteman.speak.language, speak a foreign language. that is, talk a non-Indian language. É-nétȧhévevé'ho'énestse. He talks a foreign (non-Indian) language. Category: speak.
-nétȧhévo'a'hahtsé vti. 1 • throw s.t. different.
2 • sing off-key. Category: figurative. É-nétȧhévo'a'hāhtse. He sang off-key.
3 • say s.t. differently. Category: figurative, sing, throw, speak.
-nétȧhévó'áne vai. pronounce differently. É-nétȧhévó'áne. He pronounced differently. Náta-nétȧhévó'áne. I pronounced differently. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-netse'e vai. lie, not tell the truth. Variant: -nėhetse'e. Phon: recheck for complex syllables and negatives and plurals?? Category: check. É-netse'e He lied. Etym: *kelo·θkiwa. Éohke-netse'e. He lies. É-netsé'eo'o. They are lying. Násáa-netsé'éhe. I'm not lying. Éma'xe-netse'e. He told a big lie. vta: -netsé'em, -netsé'e'tov. Morph: /-neté'e/. vta: -netsé'em. See: -netsé'e'heóneve ‘be a liar’; -étsėstomo'he; -netsést; -aéstomó'ané; -vá'nenėhevoo'o; -hóováem. Category: speak.
netsé'é'héó'o na. liar. Plural netsé'e'heono. Category: speak.
-netsé'e'heóneve vai. be a lying person. É-netsé'e'heóneve. He is a lying person. Category: personality, speak.
-netsé'e'tov vta. lie to s.o. É-netsé'e'tovóho He lied to him. Etym: *kelo·xkyi·ʔtawe·wa. Ná-netsé'é'tóvo I lied to him. vai: -netse'e. See: -aétomósem; -netsé'em. Category: speak.
-netsé'em vta. lie about s.o. É-netsé'emóho. He lied about him. vai: -netse'e. Category: speak.
netsé'estȯtse ni. lie. vai: -netse'e. Category: speak.
-netse'óhta'hané vai. lie telling a story. É-netse'óhta'hāne. He lied telling a story. Variant: -netsé'ȯhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: -netse'e ‘lie’. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'hané vai. lie telling a story. É-netsé'ȯhta'hāne. He lied telling a story. [Custer and the Scouts] Hósėstse éohkema'xe-netsé'ȯhta'haneo'o. Some lie a lot when telling stories. Variant: -netse'óhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'hané'tov vta. lie about s.o. É-netsé'ȯhta'hané'tovóho. He lied about him. See: -netsé'e'tov; -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'haov vta. lie telling a story to s.o. É-netsé'ȯhta'haovóho. He lied telling a story to him/them. [Custer and the Scouts.090ries.mp3] Variant: netse'óhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-nėxoóhtȯhta'hané vai. tell cute story. É-nėxoóhtȯhta'hāne. He told a cute story. fai: -ohta'hané. See: -hohta'hané. Category: speak.
-nėxoóhtó'ané vai. say cute. É-nėxoóhtó'áne. He talks cute. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-nėxoóhtȯsem vta. tell a cute story about s.o. É-nėxoóhtȯsemóho. He told a cute story about him (obv). See: -hósem. Category: speak.
-nėxoósenestse vai. speak in a cute way. É-nėxoósenestse. He talks cute. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvenestse vai. know how to talk. É-nȯhtóvenestse. He knows how to talk (language). typically said of babies when they learn to talk. Ésáa-nȯhtóvenėstséhe. He doesn't know how to talk/he is mute (dumb). Étaomėhótse-nȯhtóvenestse napȧhpóneehéhame. My tapeworm can almost talk by itself. That is, my stomach is growling. See: -nȯhtóvó'ané. Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvenėstsétanó vai. want to know how to talk. Sé'ea'e éohkeasenȯhtóvenėstsétanoo'o ka'ėškóneho. Right away children start to want to know how to talk. (Family Harmony:65). Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvó'ané vai. know how to say words. É-nȯhtóvó'áne. He knows how to pronounce words. Ésáa-nȯhtóvo'anéhe. He doesn't know how to say words. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nȯhtóvenestse. Category: speak.
-nȯhtsem vai. ask for s.o., inquire about s.o. É-nȯhtsemóho. He asked for him. Etym: *natweme·wa. Náhóove-nȯhtsēmo. I tried to contact him (for example, but he was gone). vti: -nȯhtsestá. See: -nȯhtse'ov; -nȯhtsėstov ‘question s.o.’; -nȯhtsevátam; -véem ‘ask for s.o.’; -véestomev ‘ask for something from s.o.’. Category: speak.
-nȯhtsestá vti. Gram: ai+o ask about s.t., inquire about s.t. É-nȯhtsésta. He asked about it. Etym: *natwehtamwa (P). Hová'éhe éohkėsáapo'-nȯhtsėstáhénóvo vé'hó'e. No matter what, whites ask questions about anything. Variant: -nėstsestá; vta: -nȯhtsėstov, -nȯhtsem. See: -nȯhtsėst; -véestá. Category: whites, speak.
-nȯhtsėstá'tov vta. ask for s.o. Nȧhtsene'évȧho'hénȯhtsėstá'tova. He will come back to ask for me. [Cheyenne Tribal History.074] Category: speak, check.
-nȯhtsėstomev vta. ask about something of s.o. É-nȯhtsėstomevóho. He asked him about something. Etym: *natwetamawe·wa (P). Néta-nȯhtsėstomevȧtse. Let me ask you about something. See: -nȯhtsėstov; -véestomev. Variant: -nėstomev. Category: speak.
-nȯhtsėstomevé'tov vti. ask about s.t. Né-nȯhtsėstomevenȯtse. You asked me about them (inan).
vta. ask about s.o. Né-nȯhtsėstomevénoto. You asked me about them (an.). Category: speak.
-nȯhtsėstov vta. ask s.o., question s.o. Variant: -nėstov. Usage: Many speakers in the early 21st century pronounce this as -nėstov. Older speakers in the 1970s and 1980s still pronounced this as -nȯhtsėstov. Petter wrote 'I questioned him' as nanōztovo in his dictionary, page 879. Petter's transcription corresponds to the current spelling of nánȯhtsėstóvo 'I questioned him.' The Cheyenne language has two separate verbs for 'question', with different meanings. Some speakers, perhaps especially younger ones, tend to use this verb,-nȯhtsėstov, for both meanings. (This may be some interference from English which has only a single verb "ask".) This Cheyenne verb 'ask' means ' to question s.o.'. The other 'ask' verb, -véestomev, means 'to ask s.o. for something'. For example, when Cheyenne pray, they often say, "Ma'hēō'o, névéestomevȧtse...", 'God, I ask you for...'. É-nȯhtsėstovóho. He asked him. Etym: *natwehtawe·wa (P). Naa vo'ėstanóho móh-nȯhtsėstovȯhevóhe tséohkeévėhešévėstóvetseéme'hešena'hėstse nā'ėstse hóma'e. And he asked somebody what to do to kill a beaver. [1988:275] See: -véestomev ‘ask him for (something)’; -vovóhpona'ov ‘interrogate s.o.’. vti: -nȯhtsestá. Etym: cf. *natwe·we·me·wa 'he asks him'. Category: speak.
-no'enestse vai. include something while speaking. É-no'enestse. He included something along with his talk. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-no'enėstsé'tá vti. include s.t. when speaking a language. ȯhtaée-nó'enėstsé'tomévosėstse nésta'omeé'éestséstotȯtse when they use that old language, old traditional language. [1987:145] Category: speak.
-no'está vai. answer. É-no'ēsta. He answered. Etym: *naθkwehtamwa (P) ‘he answers it’. vta: -no'ėstov; vti: -no'ėstá'tá. Category: speak.
-no'ėstá'tá vti. answer s.t. for example, to answer a letter. É-no'ėstá'ta. He answered it. vai: -no'está. Category: speak.
-no'ėstósané vai. answer. É-no'ėstósáne. He answered (people). Etym: *naθkwehta·tike·wa (P). Category: speak.
-no'ėstov vta. answer s.o. É-no'ėstovóho. He answered him. Etym: *naθkwehtawe·wa (P). No'ėstoveha! Answer him! Éstšėheše-no'ėstóehoono. They answered him this way (content to follow this verb). vai: -no'está; Reduplicated -nonó'ėstov; Antonym -nȯhtsėstov. Category: speak.
-no'ósem vta. include s.o. while telling. É-no'ósemóho. He included him (obv) while telling. Hóhta'hēō'o néxhósemeha vé'ho'e tsé'ȯhke-no'ósemėse. Tell me a story in which the ve'ho'e is included. See: -hósem. Category: speak.
-nomonévam vta. make s.o. drowsy by talking. An adult would often tell stories to children at bedtime to help them fall asleep. É-nomonévamóho. He made him drowsy by talking. Néške'éehe ná'ȯhke-nomonévama. My grandmother would make me drowsy (from story-telling). Category: sleep, speak.
-nonȧháxem vta. make excuses to s.o. É-nonȧháxemóho. He is making excuses to him. Naa hó'éemȧhešeéestóó'ėstse mó'ȯhketónėše-nonȧháxemȯhevóhe. And every time he spoke to him about it he would make an excuse. [Stamper 1991:2] Variant: -nonáxem; vai: -nonȧháxetanó. Category: speak.
-nonáhó'ané vai. make excuses. É-nonáhó'áne. He is making excuses. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nonáxetanó. Category: speak.
-nonáohtó'ané vai. say deliberately. É-nonáohtó'áne. He pronounced slowly and carefully. fai: -ó'ané. See: -momáx... ??. Category: check, speak.
-nonáxem vta. make excuses to s.o. É-nonáxemóho. He made excuses to him. Variant: -nonȧháxem. See: -nonáxan. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-nonó'está vai. sass, talk back, protest. É-nonó'ésta He talked back. Non-reduplicated -no'está. Phon: redup Category: speak.
-nonó'ėstáoohé'tov vta. sass s.o.talk back to s.o.retort to s.o. probably even stronger than -nonó'ėstov. Náhta-nonó'ėstáoohé'tovo I retorted to him. [1987:30] probably even stronger than -nonó'ėstov. Náhta-nonó'ėstáoohé'tovo I retorted to him. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.105] Non-reduplicated -no'ėstáoohé'tov. Category: speak.
-nonó'ėstov vta. sass s.o., talk back to s.o., retort to s.o. considered culturally improper. É-nonó'ėstovóho. He talked back to/sassed him. Énonó'ėstóvȧhtseo'o. They are talking back to each other. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated no'ėst. Category: speak.
-nonótovévam vta. hurry s.o. (through speaking). É-nonótovévamo. He hurried him (by speaking). For example, he persuaded him to hurry. É-nonótovévámóho. He hurried him (by speaking). (newer pronunciation). fta: -am2. Category: speak, check.
-nonótovó'ané vai. pronounce fast. É-nonótovó'áne. He pronounces fast. fai: -ó'ané; Contracted -onótovó'ané. See: -nėševó'ané. Category: speak.
-nonótovónová vai. talk fast. É-nonótovónóva. He talks fast. Contracted -onótovónová; fai: -ónóvá. See: -háónová. Category: speak.
-noohtó'ané vai. omit (something) while talking. É-noohtó'áne. He left (something) out during talking. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-noónȯhta'hané vai. tell outdated story. É-noónȯhta'hāne. He told an outdated story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-noosem vai. omit s.o. in speaking, leave out s.o. in speaking. Ná-noosēmo. I left him out in speaking. Náhóenavomotȧhoo'o, vo'ėstane násáa-noosemóhe. I prayed for (everyone), I didn't leave anybody out. [1987:99] Category: speak.
-noosestá vti. omit s.t., leave out s.t. Hósėstse nȧhtseonȧháxe-noosēsta. I might leave some out. [1987:222] Category: speak.
-nóto'xevá vai. warn, sound alarm, announce the enemy. É-nóto'xēva. He sounded the alarm of arrival of enemies. [pd783] É-nóto'xeváhtove. Arrival of enemy is being announced. Owls do this, landing on a house and foretelling a death of someone who lives in it. "Vé'kėséhe-mėstaeo'o ... éohke-nóto'xevao'o vo'ėstane to'sėhováneehesėstse ...," éohkėhevoōne. "Owls warn when a person is going to die," they say. [1980:41:7] fai: -o'xevá. See: -hóo'xevá; -néto'xevá. Category: death, speak.
-nótsevenestse vai. speak an alien language. É-nótsevenestse. He talks a foreign (Indian) language. Category: speak.
-nóvenestse vai. speak slowly. É-nóvenestse. He speaks slowly. Category: speak.
-nóvó'ané vai. say slowly. É-nóvó'áne. He is pronouncing slowly. fai: -ó'ané; Antonym -nėševó'ané. See: -onótovó'ané; -momáxomó'ané. Category: speak.
-oe'kėhévo'ané vai. speak in a tricky manner. É-oe'kėhévó'áne. He speaks tricky/connivingly. Category: speak.
-oé'tovenestse vai. stutter, stammer, stumble in speaking language. É-oé'tovenestse. He stumbled in speaking/he is "rusty". Phon: redup fai: -nestse. See: -é'tovan ‘stumble on s.t.’. Category: speak.
-oéšem vta. disparage s.o., speak negatively about s.o. difficult to translate; not as intense as -oo'hem. É-oéšemóho. He disparaged him. See: -óešem; -oo'hem; -oóoxȯhevoo'e. Category: speak.
-oéšenot vta. convince; coax s.o. É-oéšenotóho. He convinced him. See: -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhósem. Category: speak, influence.
-óešeoesem vta. tell off s.o. É-óešeoesemóho. He told him off. See: -vé'hoét. Category: speak.
-óetsetanóm vta. pester s.o. by speaking. for example, when a child keeps begging for something over and over. É-óetsetanómóho. He pestered him by speaking. Category: speak.
-óetsetanónave-éestse vai. complain, speak in a troubled fashion. É-óetsetanónaveééstse. He complained/he spoke in a troubled fashion. See: -éestse. Category: speak.
óhta'hané fai. tell.story. Épėhév-ȯhta'hāne. He told a good story. Énėxo-óhtȯhta'hāne. He told a cute story. vai: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-ó'ané fai. say, utter, pronounce, articulate, speak. This refers to the mechanics (details) of speaking, while -éestse refers to the overall actor speaking. -ó'ané can refer to pronunciation, but it can be broader than pronunciation, including the use of specific words. The final -nestse refers to speaking a particular language. Épėhév-ó'áne. He said it correctly. Námá't-ó'áne. I have spoken everything (I had to say). Ésáatónėše-ó'anéstovėhane. It cannot be uttered. Náohkėsáaoné'sómepėhévetsėhést-o'anéhe. I truly do not pronounce Cheyenne well. Éohkėsáahetsev-ó'anéhe. He is not afraid to say anything. See: -nestse ‘speak a language’; -heve ‘say’; -ónová; -éestse ‘speak’. Category: speak.
-o'hohtanaveéestse vai. devil's advocate, speak opposite opinions. É-o'hohtanaveéestse. He creates opposite opinions. See: -éestse. Category: speak.
-ó'ȯhtó'áne vai. mispronounce. Ná-ó'ȯhtó'áne. I mispronounced. Reduplicated -oó'o'ȯhtó'ané; fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-ó'ȯsem vta. speak mistakenly about s.o., misallege concerning s.o. É-ó'ȯsemóho. He did not mean to say something about him. Category: speak.
-o'ót fta. declare about s.o. Variant: -ót. Épėhév-o'oto. He praised him/he talked about how good he is. Épėhév-o'oto Ma'heóneva. He praised God. Épėhévo'-ótóho Ma'heóneva. He praised God. (newer pronunciation). Éhá-o'ótahtse. He is bragging. [1987:58] Lit: talking big about himself Mó'ȯhkeosée'ée=tā'se=hetanév-o'ótȧhtsėhéhe. He would, like, brag how much of a man he was. Náma'heónev-o'óto. I praise him (declare him to be God). [1987:296] See: -átam; -em. Category: speak, check.
-omómem vta. speak to s.o. causing to cry. É-omómemóho. He spoke to him in a way that caused him to cry. Category: speak.
-onéhama'kȯhová vai. throw hints. É-onéhama'kȯhōva. He is throwing hints. fai: -ová. Ques: which final?? Synonym -totónetó'ané. Category: speak, check.
-onéhamó'ané vai. hint; speak indirectly; beat around the bush. É-onéhamó'áne. He beats around the bush/doesn't come straight out/hints. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-oné'evám vta. counsel s.o., urge s.o. to be straight, talk sense into s.o. É-oné'evamo. He talked sense into him. É-oné'evámóho. (newer pronunciation). See: -méseevám. Category: speak.
-oné'vam vta. warn s.o. Ná-oné'vámo. ?? I warn him. [Croft] Category: check. See: -óo'haévam. Category: speak.
-onésem vta. test s.o., question s.o. É-onésemóho. He tested him (by speaking) / he asked him to see if he would say yes or no. Etym: *kwetime·wa (P). Ques: maybe 'try to get s.o. to do something' See: -nȯhtsėstov; -oo'hátam. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-onéstó'ané vai. try to say. É-onéstó'áne. He tried to talk (for example, a new language learner). fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-onó'ané vai. pronounce correctly. É-onó'áne. He pronounced correctly. fai: -ó'ané. See: -pėhévó'ané. Category: speak.
-onó'anom vta. correct pronunciation of s.o. É-onó'anomóho. He corrected his pronunciation. Ma'taó'ȯhtó'anéto ne'éva-onó'anomeo'o! If I mispronounce, correct me! Category: speak.
-onó'em vta. speak to s.o. to be straight, speak about s.o. that is straight. É-onó'emóho. He spoke to him giving him advice how to live straight/correct. Category: speak.
-onó'evám vta. counsel s.o. É-onó'evamo. ?? He counseled him. É-onó'evamóho. He counseled him. fta: -vám ??. Category: speak, check.
-ononávó'ané vai. talk nonsense. É-ononávó'áne. He is saying things that are not exactly the truth / he is talking nonsense. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-ononésem vta. confuse s.o. É-ononésemóho. He confused him. See: -ononésta'ov. Category: speak.
-ononéstó'ané vai. say goofy things. Vé'ho'e ... mó'-ononésto'anėhéhe. The whiteman said some goofy things. [1987:366] Category: speak.
-onóom vta. call s.o., summon s.o., invite s.o. É-onóomóho. He summoned him. Né-onóoma. He invites/calls you. For example, to receive a gift at a giveaway. Ná-onóomāā'e. They invited me. Návése-onóomāne. I was also invited. Ééva-onóomeo'o. They (mourners) are called back. That is traditionally done at the end of a year of mourning. This is called a "call back" in English. Ééva-onóomóho hemȧhta'sóomȧhevóho. She called back their spirits. That is traditionally done before leaving where children are playing or a berry patch to go back home. Nápėhévetāno tséhvése-onóomanéto. I feel good that I was invited. See: -onóeoesem ‘call s.o. urgently’; -mó'ot ‘invite s.o. to a feast’. Category: speak.
-onóosetanevá vai. announce invite, call to come, beckon, summon, page. for example, inviting people to come to a feast or meeting. É-onóosetanēva. He announced inviting. See: -hóo'xevá ‘announce’; -onóom ‘invite s.o.’. Category: speak.
-onótovó'ané vai. say rapidly. É-onótovó'áne. He pronounces rapidly. fai: -ó'ané; Antonym -nóvó'ané; Non-contracted -nonótovó'ané. See: -nonótovahe; -nėševó'ané; -nėševenestse. Category: speak.
-ónová1 fai. talk. Né-pėhévónóva. You talked well. Éne'h-ónóva. He chatted/talked. Éhá-ónóva. He is talkative. Éémooht-ónóva. He gossiped quietly. Énonótov-ónóva. He talks fast. See: -onóvá ‘meat hang’; -éestse ‘speak’; -em ‘speak to/about s.o.’; -nestse ‘speak a language’; -ó'ané ‘pronounce’. Etym: cf. *-owe· (medial). Category: speak.
-óohnenėhet vta. criticize s.o. É-óohnenėhetóho. He criticized him. Category: speak.
-oó'évá vai. argue, quarrel. É-oó'éva. He argued. É-oó'evao'o. They argued. vta: -oó'evot. Category: speak.
-oó'evót vta. argue with s.o., quarrel with s.o. É-oó'evoto. He argued with him. É-oó'evótóho. He argued with him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-oó'evota. He is arguing with me. Náéve-oó'evota. He was arguing with me. Náéve-oó'évóto. I was arguing with him. É-oó'evótȧhtseo'o. They are arguing with each other. Náhátȯxove-oó'evótȧhtséme. We (excl) argued back and forth. Nátaéenėšeame-oó'evótȧhtséme. We went along quarreling with each other. [1987:176] Variant: -oó'ovót. See: -oóoxȯhet ‘say things about s.o.’. Category: speak.
-oó'evȯxévaen vta. argue with s.o. suddenly. Mó'ase-oó'evȯxévaenȧhtsėhevóhe. They started to argue. Category: speak.
-óo'haahtóohe vai. warn, caution. considered a good way of traditional teaching; this is cautioning whereas -hoonéstȧhtóohe is more on the order of warning by prohibition (for example, Don't...) É-óo'haahtóohe He cautioned. vta: -óo'háevám; Final -ahtóohe. See: -hoonéstȧhtóohe; -oné'vam. Category: speak.
-óo'haévam vta. caution s.o., advise s.o., warn s.o., counsel s.o. an important part of traditional child raising. É-óo'haévamóho. He cautioned/advised/counseled him. É-óo'haévameo'o ka'ėškóneho. The children are cautioned. vai: -óo'haahtóohe; fta: -vam. See: -oné'vam; -hoonét; -vovéstomev. Category: family, speak.
-oo'hem vta. mock s.o., cut down s.o., insult s.o. É-oo'hemóho. He insulted him. Néohke-oo'hemaevohe honóxeaseo'o? Do mockingbirds mock you? See: -totó'hósém; -oéšem; méstaevóo'xénéhe. Category: speak.
-oó'o'ȯhtó'ané vai. mispronounce. É-oó'o'ȯhtó'áne. He pronounces wrongly. Non-reduplicated -ó'ȯhtó'áne; fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-oó'o'ȯsenestse vai. err in pronouncing language. É-oó'o'ȯsenestse. He made a mistake in pronouncing language. Náohke-oó''ȯsenestse hó'ótóva. Sometimes I make mistakes in speaking. See: -ó'ȯhtó'ané. Category: speak.
-oó'ovót vta. argue with s.o. É-oó'ovoto. He argued with him. Ná-oó'óvóto. I argued with him. Ná-oó'ovota. He argued with me. Né-oó'ovotaehe? Did he argue with you? Násáa-oó'ovotaéhe. He did not argue with me. Variant: -oó'evót. Category: speak.
oóoxo- pv. repeatedly say. typically implies saying things in a strongly negative way or hinting around. É-oóoxȯhetóho. He said things to him. Mé'ėstse éohke-oóoxȯhevoo'o. He is always complaining. Névé'e-oóoxȯhéme! Don't say things! (said to more than one person). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated óxo-. Category: speak.
-oóoxȯhet vta. say things to s.o., say things about s.o., criticize s.o., threaten s.o. usually implies that what is said is negative. É-oóoxȯhetóho. He said things to him. Ná-oóoxȯheta. He said things about me. Ná-oóoxȯhēto. I said things about him. Náéve-oóoxȯheta. He was saying things about me. Náéve-oóoxȯhēto. I was saying things about him. Né-oóoxȯhetaehe? Did he criticize you? Nésáa-oóoxȯhetaehehe? Didn't he criticize you. Násáa-oóoxȯhetaéhe. He did not criticize me. Násáa'ée-oóoxȯhetaehehe? Didn't he criticize me. Mónáéve-oóoxȯhetaehéhe. He must be saying things about me. Mónáéve-oóoxȯhetȯhéhe. I must have been saying things about him. Nėstsevé'e-oóoxȯhetahtse! Don't say things to yourself! vai: -oóoxȯhevoo'o. See: -oó'evót ‘argue with s.o.’. Category: speak.
-oóoxȯhevoo'o vai. say repeatedly. typically implies speaking negatively or hinting around. É-oóoxȯhevoo'o. He is hinting around. Non-reduplicated -óxȯhevoo'o; vta: -oóoxȯhet. See: -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
-oóoxó'ané vai. threaten, speak negatively. É-oóoxó'áne. He is threatening. Phon: redup fai: -ó'ané. See: -oéšem; óxo-; -ho'xem. Category: speak.
-ót fta. declare s.o., call s.o. Variant: -o'ót. Éhó-'oto. He whooped at him. fti: -óhtá ??. See: -átam. Category: cognition, speak, check.
otoése- pv. strange. É-otoésenėstseo'o. They talk strange. É-otoéseéestse. He speaks in a strange way (for example, when a child has a speech infirmity). Ná-otoéseováxe. I had strange dream. É-otoéseméa'xe. He has a strange smell. Category: speak.
-otoésenestse vai. talk strange. É-otoésenėstseo'o. They talk strange. Category: speak.
-otoéstó'ané vai. talk strangely. É-otoéstó'áne. He talked strangely/mysteriously. Category: speak.
-ováxevóhta'hané vai. interpret dreams, dreams interpret. É-ováxevóhta'hāne. He interprets dreams. See: -ováxé ‘dream’; -hóhta'hané ‘tell story’. Category: speak.
Ȯx-hávėsévenėhetó'ánėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bad Talker. fai: -ó'ané. Category: names, speak.
óxȯ- pv. what say. This refers to the content of speaking. Né-óxȯheve? What did you say? Ná-óxȯheve? What did I say? É-óxȯhevoo'o? What did he say? (cf. é-hevoo'o 'he said'). É-óxȯhevoōne? What did they say? Éohke-óxȯhestohe "frybread"? How is "frybread" said? Éohke-óxȯhenove "noon"? How is "noon" said? Éohkeóxȯhenove is said when trying to get the Cheyenne translation of an English word. Éohke-óxȯhestóheo'o "dogs"? What are dogs called? Óxȯhešeha! Say something! naa nȧhtaéemé'ėstomēvo naa tse-óxȯhevoo'o I will tell him and he will answer back. [1987:52] Mé'ėstse éohkeéšėhó'ko-óxȯhevoo'o. He is always complaining. (Note: phonetically, there is a y-offglide in the sequence ko(y)ox). É-óxȯhetóho What did he say to him? Ésáa'-óxȯhetóheho He didn't say anything to him (compare ésáahetóheho 'he didn't speak to him'). Ésáa'óxȯ-héhe. He didn't say anything. (another recording) Násáa'-óxȯhéhe. I didn't say anything. Násáa'éveéva-óxȯhéhe I'm not saying anything anymore. For example, I'm not saying anything that might sound like bragging. Ésáa'-óxȯhéhe. He didn't say anything. Éohkėsáa'e'se-óxȯhéhe. He says (it) without fear when someone speaks with total confidence, knowing the truth of what he is saying). Névé'e-óxȯheve! Don't say (it)! Névé'e-óxȯheše! Don't say anything to me! Násáa'éeháe'-óxȯhéhe I didn't say very much this time. Ótsėhámóhe é-óxȯhesėstse? Oops, what did she say? (has the impact of English 'I forgot what she said,' and "Oh, what "in the world" did she say?") sayings such as the longer sentences in this entry were a common part of traditional Cheyenne teaching: Náohkenéstomóne namėšéme hápó'e tséohkėheševovéstomósénėse hápó'e hee'haho tséévėhétȯse, tsé'oó'haevámȯse hévavovéstomóseo'o tséhmétȯse, vo'ėstane hó'eéve-óxȯhetaése hápó'e nėstsevé'hetovo, hotamenoota, é'ȯhkėhéhoo'o namėšéme. I heard my grandfather, like the way that he taught, likewise, to his sons the way he told them, the way he gave them advice, like, teaching which he gave them, "Whenever someone says anything (bad) to you (pl), likewise don't say anything to him, turn around and leave him," said my grandfather. né-óxȯhetaenone What is it (some discourse) saying to us (incl.)? Nóhásȯháma énėše-óxȯhevoo'o. He says anything. "Naa óxȯhešeha!" éxhetósesto né=Ma'aetaeéstse'henáheho. "Well, say something!" she told that Iron Shirt. [The First Introduction of Liquor to the Cheyennes:193] Nėstseonaxeée-óxȯhéme naa máto héva nėstseonáxeéenėstovéme? What will you (plural) maybe say or what will you maybe ask me? Reduplicated oóoxo-. See: -heve; -het. Category: speak.
-óxȯhenove vii. Gram: impers what be said. É-óxȯhenove? What's the news? / What's being said? Category: speak. See: -henove.
-óxȯhesané vai. what say? Éohkėsáahetseve-óxȯhesanéheo'o. Nothing stops them from saying whatever they are thinking. Whites are perceived as being like this. Ques: redo?? Category: whites, speak, check, record.
-óxȯhestá vti. say something about s.t., what say about s.t.? Névé'e-óxȯhésta! Don't say anything about it! vai: -óxȯheve. Category: speak.
-óxȯhestohe vii. how called? See: -óxȯheve. Éohke-óxȯhestohe? What is it called?/What is he called? éohke-óxȯhestohe 'stick' How do you say 'stick' (in Cheyenne)? See: óxȯheve. Category: speak.
-óxȯhet vta. what say to s.o.?, say something to s.o. Né-óxȯheta? What did he say to you? Nėstsevé'e-óxȯhétó! Don't say anything to him! Ésáa'-óxȯhetóheho. He didn't say anything to him. Násáa'-óxȯhetaéhe. I didn't say anything to him. Category: speak.
-óxȯheve vai. what say, say something. Né-óxȯheve? What did you say? Névé'e-óxȯheve! Don't say anything! Nėstsevé'e-óxȯheve! Don't say anything (in the future)! Névé'tsėšepėhéve-óxȯheve! Don't you dare say that! See: óxo-; -heve; -óxȯhevoo'o. vti: -óxȯhestá. Category: speak.
-óxȯhevoo'o vai. say what, what say. É-óxȯhevoo'o? What did he/she say? (another recording) É-óxȯhevoōne? What did they say? Reduplicated -oóoxȯhevoo'o. See: néóxȯheve ‘What did you say?’; -hevoo'o; -tónetó'a'xe. Category: speak.
-óxȯhevooné vai. say what. É-óxȯhevoōne? What did they say? See: -óxȯhevoo'o; -hevoōne. Category: speak.
pȧhávėhósėstoo'o ni. gospel. Usage: probably a term introduced by missionaries; it is not recognized by all current speakers. Lit: good-news See: hósėstoo'o; ma'heónėhósėstoo'o. Category: speak.
-pėhéve'ót vta. honor s.o., praise s.o., call s.o. good. É-pėhéve'oto. He honored him (called him good). Usage: less commonly said variant of -pėhévo'ót See: -pėhévo'ót. Category: speak.
-pėhévem vta. 1 • speak well of s.o., speak well to s.o. É-pėhévemóho. He spoke well of him.
2 • tell off s.o. very badly. This is the use of Cheyenne pėhév- to mean 'intensely negative,' the opposite of its normal meaning of 'good, well.' This is similar to English 'good' as in "He really did him in good." fta: -em. Category: speak.
-pėhévenestse vai. speak well. É-pėhévenestse. He speaks well. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-pėhévevam vta. urge s.o. to be good. Ná-pėhévevāmo. (vévám??) I urged him to be good.?? Final -vam. Category: interpersonal, speak, check.
-pėhévȯhta'hané vai. tell a good story. É-pėhévȯhta'hāne. He told the story well. hótȧhtse é'osee'ée-pėhévȯhta'hanésesto ?? here, they told how they had been treated well. [1987:57] Category: check, speak.
-pėhévo'a'xe vai. sing well, talk well. É-pėhévo'a'xe. He sang well. See: -pėhévenoné ‘sing well’. Category: sing, speak, check.
-pėhévó'ané vai. say well, pronounce well. É-pėhévó'áne. He pronounced well. Né-pėhévó'áne. You pronounced well. fai: -ó'ané; Reduplicated -popėhévo'ané. Category: speak.
-pėhévo'emaov vta. advise s.o. in a good way, give good advice to s.o., guide s.o. in a good way. É-pėhévo'emaovóho. He gave him good advice. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-pėhévo'ót vta. praise s.o., speak well of s.o., talk good about s.o. É-pėhévo'oto. He spoke well of him. É-pėhévo'ótóho. He spoke well of him. (newer pronunciation). Ma'hēō'o, né-pėhévo'otȧtse. God, I praise you. [PRAISE.TXT] fta: -o'ót; Variant: -pėhéve'ót. See: -háo'ót; -pėhévo'óxeváen; -moméhe'em; -moméhem. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-pėhévo'ótam vta. honor s.o. by speaking ?? Né-pėhévo'ótamȧtse. I am speaking respectfully about you to you. ?? Ques: átam?? fta: -o'ót. Category: speak, check.
-pėhévo'óxeváen vta. praise s.o. quickly, speak well of s.o. quickly. É-pėhévo'óxeváenóho. He spoke well of him quickly. Nétao'sevá'netšėške'-pévo'óxevaenȧtse. I'm just going to tell a few good things about you. Final -éváen. See: -pėhévo'ót. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-pėhévónová vai. talk well. Né-pėhévónóva. You spoke well. fai: -ónová. See: -pėhévonóvá ‘hang drymeat nicely’. Category: speak.
-pe'pe'em vta. talk about s.o. in a scattered way. É-pe'pe'emóho. He talked about him in all kinds of ways. Category: speak.
-pe'pe'éstá vai. 1 • holler, yell, scream, be noisy. É-pe'pe'ésta. He is hollering. Šé'šeo'o éohke-pe'pe'éstao'o. Ducks holler. (1979:204). can be of a human or an animal (for example, duck). vta: -pe'pe'ésta'tov. See: háéstá; -nóono'é; -hovéhpo'emá; -hó'éstá; -tȧhpe'e'hahe.
2 • have domestic (especially marital) conflict. Final -éstá. É-pe'pe'éstao'o. They are having marital trouble. Category: speak, figurative.
-pe'pe'ésta'tov vta. holler at s.o. É-pe'pe'ésta'tovóho He hollered at him. vai: -pe'pe'éstá. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-pe'pe'évám vta. distract s.o. by talking. Ná-pe'pe'évámáá'e. They distract me with their talking. See: -pe'pe'ónova. Category: speak.
-póevávevé'ho'énestse vai. speak English without going to school. É-póevávevé'ho'énestse. He learned to speak English without going to school. See: -vé'ho'énestse ‘speak English’. Category: speak, languages.
-popėhévó'ané vai. say well, pronounce well. É-popėhévó'áne. He pronounced well repeatedly. Éohtaohkėháe-popėhévo'anéhoo'o. He tried to pronounce really nicely. [Floating Eyes:045] fai: -ó'ané; Non-reduplicated -pėhévo'ané. Category: speak.
-sáahetsevó'anéhé vai. fearless to say something. requires a negative preverb (?? Category: check. Éohkėsáa-hetsevó'anéhe. He is not afraid to say anything. Móho'nó-hestsevó'ánėstse. He must not be afraid to say anything. This means that someone is not afraid to speak about something or anything, and has a different meaning from nóhásȯháma énėšeóxȯhevoo'o 'he says anything'. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-sée'enestse vai. speak the same language. É-sée'enestse. He speaks the same language. É-sée'enėstseo'o Heávȧhetaneo'o naa Notameohmésėhetaneo'o Southern Cheyennes and Northern Cheyennes speak the same language. Category: speak.
-séesenestse vai. talk the same in language. É-séesenestse. He speaks the same language. Émȧhe-séesenėstsénovehe? Does everyone speak the language the same (for example, about a certain word)? fai: -nestse. See: -séetó'ané. Category: speak, languages.
-séetó'ané vai. pronounce the same. É-séetó'áne. He pronounced the same (or similarly). Éto'ėsto'-séetó'anéstove. There is such close pronunciation (for example, of two words). [1987:232] fai: -ó'ané. See: -séesenestse. Category: speak.
-sé'oe'o'h vta. put s.o. in water, nominate s.o., tell people s.o. can do something well. Ná-sé'oe'o'ha. He told people I can do something well. Mónėstsėxae-sé'oe'ó'xehe? Are you going to set me adrift? ?? See: -mé'nééh. Category: speak, check.
-senóvem vta. speak badly about s.o. É-senóvemóho. He spoke badly about him. Éáhanė-senóvemóho. He said something very bad about him. Néoseema'xe-áhanėsenovema. He said something really bad to you. [FAMILY.TXT] fta: -em. See: -senóvahe. Category: speak.
-séotsévȯhta'hané vai. tell a ghost story. Náto'sė-séotsévȯhta'hāne. I'm going to tell a ghost story. [A Ghost Story] See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-sóhpenėstsé'ta vti. talk through s.t. É-sóhpenėstsé'ta. He talked through it. Usage: probably a new word, likely based on English Category: speak. fai: -nestse.
-sóhpónová vai. talk through some experience. É-sóhpónóva. He talked through (some experience). fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-só'taénestse vai. speak the Sutai dialect. É-só'taénestse. He speaks the Sutai dialect. Variant: -só'taévenestse; fai: -nestse. Category: speak, languages, tribes.
-só'taévenestse vai. speak the Sutai dialect, speak Sutai anguage. É-só'taévenestse. He talks the Sutai dialect/language. Variant: -só'taénestse. See: -só'taévó'ané ‘pronounce the Sutai language’. Category: speak, tribes.
-só'taévó'ané vai. pronounce Sutai language, pronounce Sutai dialect. Névá'nė-só'taévó'áne. You're just pronouncing the Sutai language. See: -só'taévenestse ‘speak the Suhtai language’. Category: tribes, speak, record.
-taa'évónová vai. talk until night. Énės-taa'évónóva. He talked until night/dark. Category: speak, time.
-táho'kenestse vai. speak in surface terms. É-táho'kenestse. He spoke on the surface / didn't go into the subject deeply. Né-táho'kenėstséme. You (plural) are talking on top. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-tȧhpe'enestse vai. talk loudly. É-tȧhpe'enestse. He talks loudly. fai: -nestse. See: -tȧhpe'ónová. Category: speak.
-ta'omónová vai. interrupt, cut into a conversation. É-ta'omónóva. He interrupted / cut into the conversation. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-ta'ovónová vai. talk until angry. É-ta'ovónóva. He talked until he was angry. fai: -ónová. Category: speak, emotions.
taoseéestsestȯtse ni. voicemail. Lit: saved-talk Category: speak, new.
-távónová vai. talk foolishly, goofy talk. É-távónóva. He is talking foolishly. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
tóhtȯhósema p. Of all the many stories that will be told about him! strong epistemic particle of exclamation. possibly related to -hósem 'tell about'?? See: -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’. Category: speak.
-tó'hevam vta. stop s.o. by speaking, persuade s.o. to stop. É-tó'hevamóho. He stopped him by speaking (to him). Category: speak.
-tónetó'a'xe vai. what say. This is an idiom ("byword") that means about the same as asking what someone has said, Éóxȯhevoo'o? 'What did he say?'. Né-tónetó'a'xe? What did you say? fai: -ó'a'xe. See: -óxȯhevoo'o. Category: speak.
-tónetó'ané vai. What talk about?, How say something? É-tónetó'áne? What is he talking about? / How did he say that? Né-tónetó'áne? What are you talking about? / How did you say that? Reduplicated -totónetó'ané. Category: speak.
-tónetónová vai. what talk about. É-tónetónóva? What was he talking about? fai: -ónová. See: -tónetonóvá; -óxȯheve. Category: speak.
-tónetóo'xevá vai. how announce. É-tónetóo'xēva? What is he announcing? Category: speak.
-tóohevávó'ané vai. be repetitive in pronunciation. É-tóohevávó'áne. He was repetitive (in words). Reduplicated totóohevávó'ané; fai: -ó'ané. See: -totóevó'ané; -tóo'ėstséstómané. Category: speak.
-tóo'ėsevó'ané vai. imitate pronunciation. that is, to imitate the pronunciation of someone else. Étóo'ėsevó'áne. He is imitating the pronunciation. Category: speak.
-tóo'ėstséstómané vai. repeat words ceremonially. refers to saying words twice ceremonially. És-tóó'ėstséstómáne. He ceremonially repeated words. [My Naming Ceremony.007] See: -totóohevávó'ané; -totóevó'ané; tóe-. Category: speak, ceremonial.
-totá'omó'ané vai. interrupt. Lit: block-pronounce É-totá'omó'áne. He is interrupting. Névé'hetóse-totá'omó'áne! Don't keep interrupting! Category: speak.
-totátsem vta. speak contemptuously about s.o. É-totátsemóho. He spoke contemptuously about him. See: -tátsetanó'tov; -totó'hosem. Category: speak.
-totó'hohtó'ané vai. mockingly say, tease. É-totó'hohtó'áne. He joked. fai: -ó'ané. See: -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: speak.
-totó'hosem vta. ridicule s.o., mock s.o., make fun of s.o., criticize s.o. ; É-totó'hosemóho. He made fun of him. Non-reduplicated -tó'hosem. See: na'so'eéséó'o; -hósem; -tó'hohtahe. Category: speak.
-totó'hosenėhet vta. ridicule s.o., mock s.o., make fun speaking to s.o. É-totó'hosenėhetóho. He made fun of him. Category: speak.
-totónėšenėhet vta. speak scornfully to s.o. É-totónėšenėhetóho. He spoke to him scornfully. Category: speak.
-totónetó'áne vai. throw hints. Lit: repeatedly say something É-totónetó'áne. He is throwing hints. Non-reduplicated -tónetó'ané; Synonym -onéhama'kȯhová. Category: speak.
-totóohevávó'ané vai. repeat words. See: tóe-. Móho'nóevavóhpone'ée-totóohevávo'anénove. You do not have to repeat words (praying) over and over. [1987:232] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tóohevávó'ané; Final -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-totóova'ó vai. repeat. Ééva-totóovā'o. He repeated again. Category: speak.
-totóovenestse vai. repeat speaking. É-totóovenestse. He is repeating himself when he speaks. Category: speak.
-totóovó'ané vai. repeat; repetitious. É-totóovó'áne. He repeated (himself). See: -tóó'ėstséstómané; -tóohevávó'ané; -totóova'ó. Category: speak.
-totóxem vta. talk about s.o., discuss s.o. É-totóxemóho. He discussed him. Ná-totóxémo. I talked about him. Móná-totóxemȯhéhe. I must have talked about him. Móná-totóxemaehéhe. He must have talked about me. Nevá'esėstse móné-totóxemaehéhe. Someone must be talking about you. That is commonly said to someone when they sneeze. fta: -em; vti: -totóxestá. See: -hósem; -mé'em; -totáxetanó't; -oóoxȯhet ‘say things about s.o.’. Category: speak, sayings.
-totóxeoesem vta. discuss.instantly. Éohkeée-totóxeoesemohe ma'ēno. A turtle is instantly discussed. [Turtles.001] Category: speak.
-totóxėsetanevá vai. talk about people, gossip. É-totóxėsetanēva. He talks about people/he discusses people. Medial -tanevá. See: -mȧhtsénané. Category: speak.
-totóxestá vti. talk about s.t., discuss s.t. É-totóxésta. He talked about it/he discussed it. Náta-totóxėstánóne. We (not including you) discussed it. Náto'sė-totóxėstánóne. We (not including you) are going to discuss it. vta: -totóxem. Category: speak.
-totóxėstanevé'heóneve vai. talks about people. É-totóxėstanevá'heóneve. He has the characteristic of talking about people. Category: speak.
-tóxȯhta'hané vai. carry news around, spread rumors. Lit: around-tell.story É-tóxȯhta'hāne. He carries news from person to person/spreads rumors. See: -hátȯxovȯhta'hané. Category: speak.
-tsėhe'enestse vai. speak language like this. É-tsėhe'enestse. This is how he spoke language. tȧháóhe háá'ėše tóne'še tsé'éeméhaehéševo'ėstanéhévévȯse tsé-tsėhe'enėstsévȯse how they used to live long ago, those who talked this (Cheyenne) language. [1987:96] See: -he'enestse. Category: speak.
-tsėhésenėstov vta. speak Cheyenne language to s.o., talk Cheyenne to s.o. É-tsėhésenėstovóho. He spoke Cheyenne to him. Tsėhésenėstoveha! Speak Cheyenne to him! Nés-tsėhésenėstovėstse! Speak Cheyenne to me! (another recording) Néta-tsėhésenėstovȧtse. Let me talk to you in Cheyenne. Névé'-tsėhésenėstove! Don't speak Cheyenne to me! Náohkeémoose-tsėhésenėstóvȧhtséme. We would secretly talk Cheyenne to each other. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.009] Ques: -tsėhésenėstov?? Category: speak, languages, interpersonal, check.
-tsėhésenestse vai. talk Cheyenne. É-tsėhésenestse. He talks Cheyenne. Né-tsėhésenėstsehe? Do you talk Cheyenne? Ná-tsėhésenestse. I talk Cheyenne. Néta-tsėhésenėstsémáne! Let's talk Cheyenne! Néta-tsėhésenėstsema! (shorter version) Let's talk Cheyenne! Ohke-tsėhésenestsėstse! Speak Cheyenne! Ohke-tsėhésenestse! Speak Cheyenne! (said to more than one person). Néohkevé'-tsėhésenėstséme! Don't talk Cheyenne! (said to more than one person). Náohkeémoosė-tsėhésenėstséme. We (not including you) secretly spoke Cheyenne. tsé-tsėhésenėstsese Cheyenne speakers. Népėhéve-tsėhésenestse. You spoke Cheyenne well. Násáapėhéve-tsėhésenėstséhe. I don't speak Cheyenne well. Náame-tsėhésenėstséme. We continue speaking Cheyenne. Simplified Spelling Etsisinestse.; fai: -nestse; vta: -tsėhésenėstov. See: tsisi-; -tsėhéstó'ané. Category: speak, languages.
-tsėhésenėstséotse vai. talk Cheyenne suddenly. É-tsėhésenėstséotse. He suddenly talked Cheyenne. Ée-tsėhésenėstséotsėstse! Talk Cheyenne suddenly! See: -tsėhésenestse. Category: speak, languages.
-tsėhestá vti. call s.t. this. É-tsėhésta. He called it this way. Hé'tóhe néta-tsėhestánone vó'kaenoonestȯtse. Let's call this the antelope song. [1987:94] See: -tsėhesta ‘be like this’. Category: speak.
-tsėhésto'ané vai. pronounce Cheyenne. É-tsėhéstó'áne. ?? He pronounced Cheyenne. Épėhéve-tsėhéstó'áne. He pronounces Cheyenne well. "Násáa-pėhévetsėhésto'anéhe," éhevoo'o. "I don't speak Cheyenne well," he said. Náohkėsáa'oné'seómepėhéve-tsėhésto'anéhe. I truly regularly do not pronounce the Cheyenne language well. See: -tsėhésenestse ‘speak Cheyenne’. Category: speak, languages, check.
-tsėhet vta. say this to s.o. É-tsėhetóho ... He said this to him ... Ná-tsėhéto, "..." I said this to him, "..." See: -tšėhešeha; -tšėhešėšévaen; -het; -nėhet. Category: speak.
tséhéto vai. what I said. tséheto what you said. tséheese what he said. tséhétse what we said. tséhése what you (plural) said. tséhévȯse what they said. Stem -he1. Category: speak.
-tsėhevoo'o vai. say so, say like this. É-tsėhevoo'o ... He said it like this ... See: -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
Tsétsėhésenėstsese vai. Gram: ppl Cheyenne speakers. Tsitsisinstsis is a simplified spelling that should be easier for people to read than the official spelling, Tsétsėhésenėstsese. Simplified Spelling Tsitsisinstsis; vai: -tsėhésenestse. Category: speak.
-tsisinists vai. speak Cheyenne, talk Cheyenne. This is a easier way to spell this verb. The official way is -tsėhésenestse. itsisinists He/She speaks Cheyenne. Precise Spelling tsėhésenestse. Category: speak.
Tsitsisinstsis Gram: cjt vai. Cheyenne speakers. This is a simplified spelling that should be easier for people to read than the official spelling, Tsétsėhésenėstsese. Precise Spelling Tsétsėhésenėstsese. Category: speak.
tšėhešeha vta. Gram: impv Say this to him! Ques: to him?? Phon: non-imperative stem is -tsėhet See: -tsėhet; -tšėhešėšévaen. Category: speak, check.
-tšėhešėšévaen vta. tell s.o. off, say things to s.o. É-tšėhešėšévaenóho. He told him off. Náma'xe-tšėhešėšéváéno. I told her off; I said things to him. See: -tšėhešet. Category: speak.
-tšėhešéváen vta. tell off s.o. Náma'xe-tšėhešéváéno. I really told him off. Category: speak.
-tšėške'ónová vai. talk quietly, quietly talk. É-tšėške'ónóva. He is talking quietly. fai: -ónóvá. Category: speak.
-váhtá fti. urge, persuade. Ques: -éváhtá?? Ého'é-váhta. He caused it to come by speaking about it. Étó'hé-váhta. He stopped it by persuasion. fta: -vám. Category: speak.
-vá'nenėhevoo'o vai. break promise, just say (something). É-vá'nenėhevoo'o. He is just saying that. See: -aéstomó'ané. Category: speak.
-vám fta. urge. Ques: -évám?? Émóheé-vamóho. He called them together. Éóo'haé-vamóho. He cautioned him (literally, careful-urged). [pd1080] Éméseé-vamo. He talked sense into him. Évovótsevévámóho He urged him to stay. Nápėhéve-vámo. I urged him to be good.?? Ého'é-vámóho. He brought him by talking about him. fti: -váhtá. See: -em. Category: speak, influence, check.
-véem vta. ask for s.o. É-véemóho. He asked for him. vti: -véestá, -véestan. Etym: *wi·hkwime·wa ‘he calls him hither’. See: -véestomev. Category: speak.
-véestá vti. ask for s.t. É-véésta. He asked for it. Etym: *wi·hkwintamwa ‘he asks for it’. Násáa-véestáhe. I didn't ask for it. Eéšėhó'ta nevenȯtse tsé-véestomo. Your tepee is there that you wished for. [1987:260] vta: véem. See: -véestan ‘ask for s.t.’; -nȯhtsestá ‘ask about s.t.’. Category: speak.
-véestan 1 • vti. ask for s.t., request s.t. This is asking for in the sense of requesting. É-véestāna. He asked for it.
2 • vta. ask for s.o., request s.o. É-véestanóho. He asked for him. See: -véem ‘ask for s.o.’; -véestá ‘ask for s.t.’; -nȯhtsestá ‘ask about s.t.’; -nȯhtsėstov ‘ask s.o.’; -nȯhtsem ‘ask for s.o.; inquire about s.o.’. Category: speak.
-véestomev vta. request from s.o.ask for something from s.o., request (something) from s.o. This verb has a different meaning from -nȯhtsėstov which means 'to question s.o.', but some speakers sometimes use -nȯhtsėstov to cover both meanings. É-véestomevóho. He asked for (something) from him. Etym: *wi·hkwintamawe·wa (P). Nétavá'ne-véestomevatsenȯtse mȧhtohto? May I borrow $10 from you? Ques: mévatse?? Ma'hēō'o né-véestomevȧtse. God, I ask you for (it). Ná-véestomoo'e. He asked me for it. Etym: *wi·hkwintamawe·wa ‘he asks for it from him’. See: -véstomev; -nȯhtsėstov. vai: -véestomo'he. Category: speak, check.
-véestomósáne vai. ask of people. É-véestomósáne. He asked (for something) from people. Category: speak.
-véh vta. call s.o. by name. É-veho. He called him by name. É-véhóho. He called him by name. (newer pronunciation). Nétónėše-véhe? What is your name? (lit. How are you called?) Ná-véhoo'o. I mentioned them. É-veho vé'ho'éotoa'o. He promised a beef. Névááso tséno'e-véheto? Who are you named for? Étónėše-véhéto? What is its (for example, a city) name? Reduplicated -vovéh. See: -oesevéh; -vého'ót; -vového'ót. Etym: *wi:nle·wa. Category: speak.
-vé'ėstovenestse vai. rapidly speak, talk fast. É-vé'ėstovenestse. He speaks rapidly. See: -nėševenestse. Category: speak.
-vé'hoéševaen vta. reprimand s.o., rebuke s.o., bawl out s.o., castigate s.o. É-vé'hoéševaenóho. He reprimanded him. appears to be harsher and/or of more sudden action than -vé'hoét. Náma'xe-vé'hoéševaena He really bawled me out. Final -éváen. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-vé'hoét vta. rebuke s.o., reprimand s.o., scold s.o., bawl out s.o. seems to include that the rebuke is done with anger. É-vé'hoeto. He rebuked him. É-vé'hoétóho. He rebuked him. (newer pronunciation). Vé'hoéšeha! Reprimand him! (cf. vé'hoešeha 'Wrap him up!'). Naa móhma'xe-vé'hoétaehevóhe néhe má'kó'se. And (the older son; obv.) got after the youngest one. [1987:315] É-vé'hoehe. He was scolded. See: -vé'hoéševaen; -vé'hoet; -hóet; -ne'hó'etová'tov; -óešeoesem. Category: speak, check.
-vé'ho'énestse vai. English.talk.language, talk English. É-vé'ho'énestse. He talks English. Final -nestse. See: -vé'ho'évó'ané. Category: languages, speak.
-vé'ho'évevestá vti. explain s.t. in English. É-vé'ho'évevēsta. He explained it in English. Category: speak, languages.
-vé'ho'évo'ané vai. explain in English. Né'éva-vé'ho'évó'ánėstse! Explain (it) in English! fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-vé'ho'évó'ané vai. utter English, speak English. É-vé'ho'évó'áne. He uttered English. See: -vé'ho'énestse. Category: speak, languages.
-vé'ho'évoo'xevá vai. announce in English. É-vé'ho'évoo'xēva. He announced in English. See: hóo'xevá; -hóo'xevá. Category: speak.
-vé'ȯhkahtse vai. negative talk, talk negatively, negative. Lit: bitter-mouth É-vé'ȯhkáhtse. He speaks negatively. Category: speak.
-vé'senestse vai. speak rapidly. É-vé'senestse. He speaks rapidly. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-vénem vta. anger s.o. through talking. É-vénemóho. He angered him through talking. Category: speak.
-vénom vai. offend s.o. by speaking. Ná-vénómo. I offended him by what I said. É-vénomóho. He offended him by what he said. See: -véneh; -vénátsest. Category: speak.
-véstȧhtóohe vai. speak for a side. É-véstȧhtóohe. He is speaking for that side. Néh-véstȧhtóohémemeno! Speak on our behalf! fai: -ahtóohe; vta: -véstȧhtóohem. See: -véstȧhévá; -amȧhtóohe; -hoonéstȧhtóohe; -néstoohe; -éestomótȧxevá. Category: speak.
-véstȧhtóohém vta. speak for the side of s.o., speak on behalf of s.o. Lit: with-sound for É-véstȧhtóohemo. He spoke for his side. É-véstȧhtóohémóho. He spoke for his side. (newer pronunciation). Ná-véstȧhtóohema Ma'hēō'o. God is on my side. That is, he speaks for my side. fta: -ahtóohém. See: -véstamáotsé'tov. Category: speak.
-véstomev vta. promise s.o. É-véstomevóho. He promised him. Ná-véstomeva. He promised me. Ná-véstomoo'e. He promised it to me. tsétó'heše-véstomeveto exactly as you promised me. Ná-véstomēvo hová'éhe. I promised him something. Ná-véstomevonȯtse noho ma'kaataānėstse. I promised him $5. É-véstomevónoto mo'éhno'hāme. He promised him a horse. vti: -véstá. If someone breaks a promise to another, it is said that he -netse'e or -hotame to that person, both verbs meaning 'lie'. See: -véstomóo'hané; -véestomev; -vovéstomev. Category: speak.
-véstomevónot vta. promise s.o. to s.o. É-véstomevónoto mo'éhno'hāme. He promised him a horse. Category: speak.
-véstomóo'hané vai. vow, pledge. appears to be a stronger speech act than -véstomósané. É-véstomóó'háne. He made a vow/pledged/promised. É-véstomóo'haneo'o tsésto'seénemanēvȯse. They made a vow to quit drinking. Usage: not well known by newer pronunciation today ?? It has been said that in the Cheyenne way "you can break a promise but not a vow"; something MUST be done if it is vowed. See: -véstá; -véstomev; -véstomósané; -sóhpo'eétahe; -nėheto'xevá; -hoxéhé'ševá. Category: speak, check.
-véstomósané vai. promise. É-véstomósáne. He promised. Usage: more commonly used than -véstomósené Variant: -véstomósené; vta: -véstomev. Ques: Petter (PD359) glossed this as 'demonstrate, explain, show'. If this is accurate, might this be the unreduplicated form of -vovéstomósané 'teach'?? Category: check. See: -véstomóo'hané; -vovéstomósané. Category: speak.
-véstonová vai. discuss with. É-véstónóva. He is discussing with (somebody). fai: -ónová. See: -né'honová. Category: speak.
-véstonováem vta. sit discussing with s.o. É-véstonováemóho. He is sitting there talking with him/them. fai: -ónová. Category: speak, sit.
-vévȯhe'ševá vai. announce breaking of camp. É-vévȯhe'šēva. He announced breaking of camp. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: camp, speak.
-vone'éhohta'hané vai. tell a very long story. É-vone'éhohta'hāne. He told a long story. fai: -óhta'hané; vai: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-vone'éhónová vai. talk on and on, talk for a long time. É-vone'éhónóva. He talked on and on. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-vonestá vti. remove s.t. by speaking. É-vonēsta. He removed it by speaking. Etym: *wanintamwa (P). fti: -está3. Category: speak.
-vonȯhósem vta. persuade s.o., prod s.o., urge s.o., say sic 'em to s.o., tempt s.o., instigate s.o. the expression hótšėše is used to tell a dog to "sic 'em". É-vonȯhósemóho. He persuaded him/he urged him (for example, said "sic 'em" to a dog or applauded someone). Tȧhé-vonȯhósemeha! Go shoo, persuade him! Vonȯhósemenano! Tell them to hurry up, to go do it! See: -vonȯhóha'ov; -vám. Category: speak, influence.
-vonónová vai. talk so much that other things going on are not noticed. for example, talk so much something is forgotten. É-vonónóva. He talked so much something was forgotten. Final -ónová. See: -háónová. Category: speak.
-vóonéstá vai. holler all night. É-vóonésta. He hollered all night. Category: speak. Final -éstá.
-vovéem vta. placate s.o., bribe s.o. by speaking. É-vovéemóho. He placated him (by speaking). See: -hotséeh; -vovéeh; -vovéahe; -vovéahé'tov. Category: speak.
-vovéh vta. repeatedly call s.o. by name, praise s.o. É-voveho. He kept saying his name; he called them by name. É-vovéhóho. He kept saying his name. (newer pronunciation). Néta-vovéhone Ma'hēō'o! Let's praise God! Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -véh. Etym: cf. F wa·wi:š-. See: -vového'ót; -vovéeh. Category: speak.
-vovóem vta. speak first about s.o. É-vovóemóho. He spoke first about him. Category: speak.
-vovóhpona'ov vta. question s.o. repeatedly, interrogate s.o. É-vovóhpona'ovóho. He kept questioning him. See: -nȯhtsėstov. Category: speak.
-vovónem vta. speak about s.o. that is weak. É-vovónemóho. He spoke about him that he is weak. Etym: *wanime·wa (P). Phon: redup Category: speak.
-xá'xanom vta. chew s.o. É-xá'xanomóho. He chewed him. Etym: *šekwame·wa (P). Ná-xá'xánómo. I chewed him. fta: -om. Category: eat.
2 • vta. gossip about s.o. Category: speak.
-xónetamahtsé vai. talk filthy. Lit: filthy-mouth É-xónetamāhtse. He talks filthy. Category: speak.
-xónetameéestse vai. talk filthy, talk dirty, filthy talk, dirty talk, talk nasty, nasty talk. É-xónetameéestse He is talking dirty. See: -éestse. Category: speak.
-xónetamem vta. talk filthy to s.o. É-xónetamemóho. He talked dirty to him. Category: speak.
-xónetamenestse vai. speak filthy language. É-xónetamenestse. He speaks filthy. Category: speak.
-xónetamó'ané vai. talk dirty. É-xónetamó'áne. He talks dirty. Lit: muddy-talk Variant: -xȯxónetamó'ané; fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.