Cheyenne Dictionary



-aéno'tsé   vai. camp all winter. É-aénó'tse. He camped all winter. É'ȯhke=nėhéó='ée'-aéno'tseo'o nėhéóhe tóxeo'hé'e nėhéóhe é'ȯhkemaehéhoéstoneo'o ka'ėškóneho They used to camp there all winter near the banks of the river where the children went to school. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.007] fai: -o'tsé. Category: camp.

-amȧxéveehe   vai. break camp in a hurry, move in a rush, flee moving camp. É-amȧxéveeheo'o They broke camp in a hurry. Variant: -amȧxéehe; fai: -éehe. Category: camp.

-ameehe   vai. move to another residence. É-ameehe. He is moving. Etym: *pemikwesiwa (P). tsé-ameehese the travelers. [1987:18] Éne'-ameehéstove. There is moving of camp (towards speaker). It is the "second coming" (an elder says this term is used to speak of a second coming which Cheyennes have believed in. fai: -eehe. See: -aseehe; -heséehe. Category: camp, motion.

-aseehe   vai. move away. É-aseehe. He is moving away. fai: -ehe. See: -ameehe. Category: camp.

-axaehe   vai. camp hunting. É-xaaehe. He is camped while hunting. É-axaeheo'o. They are camped while hunting. [1987:251] fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.

-eehe   fai. move camp. Ée'-eehe. He moved camp up. Eam-eehe. He moved camp along. Ého'-eehe. He arrived moving camp. Éhes-éehe. He moved camp to the ridge. Mó'ȯhkeévėhéo'enemená-eehéhevóhe vo'ėstaneo'o. The people used to go on berry picking camping trips. [1987:287] Variant: -ehe. Etym: *ikosi (R). See: -vée'e camp. Etym: cf. M peme·kosew. Category: camp.

-ehe   fai. move, move camp. Éase-ehe. He is moving away. Nátao'sėheše-ehe. I'm going to move there. Náto'setsėhe'-ehe. I'm going to move over there. Étsėhe'-ėhéoohe. He moved there quickly. Mé'tó'e vé'ho'e éstaése-ehesėstse. In turn the whiteman moved in. [Drumming Owls.012] Variant: -eehe. Etym: *ehi ?. Category: camp.

-e'eehe   vai. move camp uphill. É-e'eehe. He moved camp up. for example, up into the hills. Initial e'-; fai: -eehe. See: -é'eehe; -e'ehné. Category: camp.

-émȯhóneehe   vai. camp and hunt. that is, camp while hunting. É-émȯhóneehe. He is campiing while hunting. É-émȯhóneeheo'o They are camping and hunting. fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.

-énoneo'tsé   vai. end camp. É-énoneō'tse. He stopped camping. tsésta-énoneo'tséstove ?? where the camp ended. fai: -o'tsé1. Ques: recording is éneo'tsé?? Category: camp, check.

-évaveehe   vai. move back. É-évaveehe. He moved back. É-évaveeheo'o. They moved back. fai: -eehe. See: -vee'e. Category: motion, camp.

-évaveehéohe   vai. move back, turn back. É-évaveehéohe. He moved back. Ésta-évaveehéohésesto hósėstse. Some of them turned back. [1987:4:21] Category: motion, camp.

-hé'ehe   vai. move from there. ... é-hé'ehe. ... that is where he moved from. Énėx-hé'ehe. He moved from there. fai: -ehe. Category: motion, camp.

-heséehe   vai. move camp to a ridge. É-heséehe. He moved camp to a ridge. fai: -eehe. See: -heseehe. Category: camp.

heto'honée'tá   vii. along the edge of camp. Ques: recheck gloss Tséheto'honée'tatse é'amėhnesėstse. Along the edge of camp he walked. [A Man Who Looked for a Son-in-law] Category: camp.

heto'tsé   -heto'tsé. vai. Gram: rr so camp. ... é-hetō'tse. ... that is where he camped. Naa nėhē'še náohkeamenéma'ó'tóxėšenáme tséheto'tséstove. And then we would ride in a circle in a parade in front of the camp. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.058] fai: -o'tsé. Category: camp.

hevenȯtse   ni. Gram: poss his home. Oblique hévénótse. See: hévénóve his home. Category: house, camp.

-he-vénove   inc.n. have a dwelling, have a home. É-he-vénove. He has a tent/dwelling/home. Ésáa-he-vénóvéhe. He doesn't have a home. Tsé'ameehénove tósa'etsésáa-hešėtao'o=tā'se=tae-hevénovėstovėhane When they were moving about (nomadic), when there was no permanent home. [1987:96] See: -he-stóo'ȯhtséstove; -he-mȧheóné. Category: camp, house.

hévénóve   ni. Gram: poss his camp, his home. Ques: recheck the first high pitch?? Usage: obsolescing See: énóváne our camp; hevenȯtse his camp; hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse his home. Category: camp, check.

-ho'eehe   vai. arrive moving camp. É-ho'eehe. He moved here. Etym: *saxkikwesiwa (P); cf. M pi·hkosew 'he moves camp hither'. Náhtavésė-ho'eehe I went there to camp. [1987:179] fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-ho'hooné'tá   vii. be a camp in a circle. É-ho'hooné'ta. It is a camp in a circle. See: -onéstȧhko'honé'tá. Category: camp.

-ho'hooné'tsé   vai. camp in a circle. only used with plural subjects. É-ho'hooné'tseo'o. They are camped in a circle. Category: camp.

-hosóehe   vai. move camp backwards, backwards - move camp. É-hosóehe. He moved camp backwards. fai: -ehe camp. Category: camp.

-hóxoveehe   vai., move camp across. É-hóxoveehe. He moved camp across. Éx-hóxoveehésesto. They moved across. (reportative). [1987:17] fai: -ehe. Category: camp.

-mȧhé'tá   vii. all be camped. Éxxae-mȧhé'tánėse. There were many tepees. [A Man Who Looked for a Son-in-law] Category: camp.

-mȧho'tsé   vai. all camp together. used only in the plural. É-mȧho'tseo'o. They are all camped together. fai: -o'tse1. See: -eehe. Category: camp.

-mȧhoveehe   vai. tired of moving. É-mȧhoveehe. He is tired of moving. fai: -ehe. Category: camp.

-móheehe   vai. only used with plural subjects. É-móheeheo'o. They gathered as camp. Tsėhéóhe Méave'ho'éno tséhnésovaotse éohke-móheehéstove. here at the Forks (of Lame Deer) there was a gathering. [1987:179] See: -móheeohtsé. Category: camp.

-mȯhtáené   vai. stake out a camping spot. É-mȯhtáéne. He staked out a camping spot. Etym: *matempwehke·wa he makes a house frame (Go88). Synonym -mȯhtáenené. See: mȧhtáa'e tepee ring. Category: camp.

-mȯhtáenené   vai. stake out a camping spot, make camp. É-mȯhtáénéne. He is making camp. Synonym -mȯhtáené, -mȯhtaa'e. Category: camp.

-mȯhtáeov   vta. stake out a camping spot for s.o., make a home for s.o. É-mȯhtáeovóho. He make a home for him. Etym: *matempwehkawe·wa. vai: -mȯhtáené. See: -éstseov. Category: camp.

mȯhtáevestȯtse   ni. campground. See: tsé'ȯhkevéestove campground. Category: camp.

-moméno'o'tse   vai. camp in bunches. for example, to camp in separate clusters. only used with plural subjects. É-moméno'ó'tseo'o. They camped in bunches. Ques: is this better than -moméno'é'tsé?? fai: -o'tse; Variant: -moméno'é'tsé. Category: camp, check.

-naesto'tsé   vai. all camped on one side. only used with plural subjects. É-naesto'tseo'o. They are all camped on one side. fai: -o'tsé. See: -ová'e'ho'tsé; -mȧho'tsé. Category: camp.

Náha'ē'ta   na. Stands In Front. this name refers to the honored tepee in a camp. Category: camp, names.

-netsėstomo'he   vai. stake out a place. É-netsėstomo'he. He is staking out his place. See: -neta'ov; -mȯhtáeov. Category: camp.

-no'eehe   vai. Gram: ai+o move camp with (s.t.) É-no'eehe. He moved (with something). Mó'ȯhkėhátȯxove-no'eehéhenovóhe ma'heóneome. They (Israelites) moved back and forth with the Tabernacle. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-no'keeno'tsé   vai. camp one night. É-no'keenō'tse. He camped one night. fai: -o'tsé1. Category: camp.

-no'ké'tsé   vai. camp alone. for example, not camping with the rest of the group. É-no'ké'tseo'o. They are camping by themselves. Variant: -no'ko'tsé2. Category: camp.

-no'ko'tsé2   vai. camp alone. É-no'kō'tse. He camped by himself. É-no'ko'tseo'o. They are camped by themselves. Variant: no'ké'tsé. See: naesto'tsé. Category: camp.

-noo'ėhé'tá   vti. abandon s.t. when moving, leave s.t. when moving. É-noo'ėhé'ta. He abandoned it when moving camp. See: -noohtá. Category: camp.

-ó'enánonėstove   vii. Gram: impers take down camp, break camp. É-ó'enánonėstove. There is breaking of camp/there is taking down of tepee(s) (or tents). Category: camp.

-o'enemenáehe   vai. harvest berries while camping, pick berries camping. Mó'ȯhkeévėhé-o'enemenáehéhevóhe vo'ėstaneo'o. The people used to go on berry picking camping trips. [The Scalped Man Who Died.027] fai: -eehe. Category: camp, berries.

-o'omeehe   vai. camp elsewhere. É-o'omeehe. He bypassed the rest of the camp, to camp elsewhere. See: -sé'ėspotseehe. Ques: ó'om?? Category: camp, check.

-o'tsé1   fai. camp. Évést-ó'tse. He is camping with/he is living with. Émȧh-o'tseo'o. They are all camped together. Éénone-ō'tse. He stopped camping. Éno'keen-ō'tse. He camped one night. See: -eehe; -ohtaené. Category: camp.

-onéstȧhko'honé'tá   vii. be set in a circle. especially, of a camp. É-onéstȧhko'honé'ta. It is set in a circle. See: ho'hooné'tá. Category: camp.

-onótoveehe   vai. move in a hurry. É-onótoveehe. He is moving in a hurry. Non-assimilated -nonótoveehe; fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-onóveehe   vai. move away from town. É-onóveehe. He moved out into the country. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-ová'e'ho'tsé   vai. camp separately. É-ová'e'hō'tse. He is separate. É-ová'e'ho'tseo'o. They are camped separately. for example, Crows here, Shoshonis there. Initial ová'e'h-; Final -o'tsé. Category: camp.

-sé'eehe   vai. move into town. É-sé'eehe. He moved to town. Ého'-sé'eehe. He arrived moving into town. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-séno'ó'tsé   vai. camp in the woods, camp in the brush. É-séno'ó'tse. He is camping in the brush. Medial -o'é3; fai: -ó'tsé1. Category: camp.

-séto'tsé   vai. remain camping. É-sétó'tse. He remained behind camping. Nėhéóhe mós-séto'tsėhevóhe háesto. Many of them stayed there. [1987:17] fai: -o'tsé. Category: camp.

sétovo'ėho'e   p. middle of the camp. Hé'tóhe honóvóhko naa hé'tóhe vetšėške nȧháóhe ta-nėhe'otsēstsėstse sétovo'ė-ho'e! This drymeat and this fat, take it there to the middle of the camp! [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).260] See: ho'e. Category: camp.

-sóhpeehe   vai. move through. É-sóhpeehe. He moved through. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-tata'eehe   vai. move out of sight, disappear moving. É-tata'eehe. He moved out of sight. Phon: redup fai: -eehe. Category: camp, sight.

tó'hovȯhenéhe   na. staker, one who sets up camp. Plural tó'hovȯhenéheo'o. Category: camp, check.

-tóne'ehe   vai. where camp. É-tóne'ehe? Where is he camped? É-tóne'ėheo'o? Where are they camped? fai: -ehe. Category: camp, record.

-tónėstȯheeno'tsé   vai. camp for how many nights. É-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did he camp? Né-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did you camp? fai: -o'tsé1. Category: camp, quantity, time.

-tóxeehe   vai. move about. Éohke-tóxeehe. He keeps moving all over. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.

-tsėhe'ehe   vai. move there. Ná-tsėhe'ehe. I moved there. Náto'se-tsėhe'ehe. I'm going to move over there. É-tsėhe'ėheo'o. They moved there. tséameehese tsénės-tsėhe'ėhese Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva the travelers that were coming to the Black Hills. [1987:18] fai: -ehe. See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -eehe; -aseehe. Category: camp.

tsé'ȯhke-véestove   vii. Gram: ppl campground. Lit: where there is regularly camping vii: vée'e. See: mȯhtáevestȯtse campground. Category: camp.

-vee'e   vai. camp. É-vee'e. He camped. É-véeo'o. They camped. (another recording) tséh-véévótse where we were camping. É-véestove. There is camping / it is a campground. tsé'ȯhke-véestove campground. Lit: where there is regularly camping Tósa'e né-vee'e? Where are you camping? [pd909] Some speakers also use that for 'Where do you live?'. Nȧhéno ná-vee'e. I live over there. Phon: vs IndepNoun vee'e. See: -eehe; -oe. Category: tepee, camp, live.

-véestove   vai. Gram: impers be camping. É-véestove. There is camping. tsé'ȯhke-véestove campground. Lit: where there is regularly camping vai: vée. Category: camp.

-vésto'ó'tsé   vai. camp with. Ques: reck variants ?? É-vésto'ó'tse. He is camping with (others). fai: -ó'tsé; Variant: -vésto'tsé. Category: camp, check.

-vésto'tsé   vai. camp with. É-véstó'tse. He is camping with. Variant: -vésto'ó'tsé; fai: -o'tsé1; vta: -vésto'tsém camp with s.o.. Category: camp.

-vésto'tsém   vta. camp with s.o. É-vésto'tsemo. He is camping with him. É-vésto'tsémóho. He is camping with him. (newer pronunciation). tsé-vésto'tsémotsee'e our neighbors. Lit: those who are camped with us fai: -o'tsé; vai: -vésto'tsé camp with. See: -véstotsėhém smoke with s.o.; -véstse'enám live with s.o.. Category: camp.

-vévohe   vai. move camp, break camp. É-vévohe. He moved. Ȯh-vévȯhévosėstse móhnėhvovóevévȯhehéhe Héna'e. When they broke camp Swan was the first to break camp. [1987:17] See: -vévoxe carry a pack. Category: motion, camp.

-vévȯhe'ševá   vai. announce breaking of camp. É-vévȯhe'šēva. He announced breaking of camp. See: -hóo'xevá. Category: camp, speak.

-vévȯheotse   vai. break camp. É-vévȯheotse. He broke camp/he took down his tent (quick action). Antonym -to'hovȯhené, -hámȯhtsehné. See: -vévohe. Category: camp.