-nėhešé'tov vta. do that to s.o. can imply a sexual act, but can refer to other actions, also. É-nėhešé'tohe. That was done to him. É-nėhešé'tovóho. He did that to him/her. Hápó'e nȧhtató'eéva-nėhešé'tóvo (tséhešé'tóó'ėse). I'll do the same (usually bad) thing back to him (as he did to me. vai: -nėhešévé. See: -mȧhé'tov; -évaešé'tov; -tónėšé'tov. Category: revenge, vulgar.
-póeneoestoh(n) vta. Medial -éné. slap s.o. in the face, hit s.o., punch s.o. suddenly in the face. Nȧhta-póeneoestōhno. I'll slap her in the face! Reduplicated -pó'poeneoestoh. Ques: recheck glosses Category: violence, revenge.
-póestséáh(n) vta. punch s.o. in the head, hit s.o. in the head, slap s.o. in the head. This is one of the ways of referring to an act of revenge against an offender. É-póestséahno. He punched him in the head. É-póestséáhnóho. He punched him in the head. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·kintepe·hwe·wa (P). Ná-póestséáhno. He punched him in the head. I punched him in the head. Hotóhkeo'o náma'xevóomoo'o tsés-póestséahenéto. I saw stars when I got bumped on the head. That saying is in use and probably is a loan translation from English. BodyPartMedial -stséá. See: -póeneoestoh; -vé'eestséáh(n). Category: revenge, violence, head.
-pó'poéneoestoh(n) vta. slap s.o. around on the face. can be a typical threatened form of revenge by women against women offenders. Náma'xe-pó'poéneoestōhno. I really slapped him around (on the face). Non-reduplicated -póeneostoh(n). Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -póénéh(n). Category: revenge, hit.