-amevonehné vai. crawl. Ques: crawl along?? for example, of a baby or snake. É-amevonēhne. He is crawling. (another recording) fai: -vonehné. Category: snakes, babies, check.
-anéotse vai. birth, give birth, lay eggs. É-anéotse. She gave birth. Etym: **penye·palyiwa (P/L?. See: -ané2; -anétanó; -hestáotse. Category: babies, body function.
-anéšé vai. lie birthing. especially refers to giving birth after falling to the ground. É-anéše. She gave birth after a fall. Category: babies.
-é'ėsta'né's vta. cut umbilical cord of s.o. É-é'ėstane'so. She cut his umbilical cord. É-é'ėstané'sóho. She cut his umbilical cord. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial /-hta'né/. See: hesta'he. Category: cut, babies.
-é'ėstané'še'tovohe vai. cut umbilical cord of babies. É-é'ėstané'še'tovohe. She (for example, midwife) cuts the umbilical cords of babies. BodyPartMedial -hta'né; Medial -óvohe. Category: babies.
émooseka'ėškóne na. illegitimate child. See: mé'ánėstse; ka'ėškóne. Category: babies.
émooséso na. illegitimate child. Usage: not commonly used Plural émoosésono; Obviative émoosésono. See: mé'ánėstse. Category: babies.
-énoehné vai. end bearing children. É-énóéhne. She quit childbearing. (another recording) Etym: cf *po·no·nšye·wa (P) ‘she stops bearing children’. Nėstavé'-énoehnéme ta'e ma'taéšėhe'évoehnése! Don't stop having children until you have a girl! This is traditionally said to women; the purpose was tsetaévȧhóseametanénėstove 'to carry on our bloodline'. fai: -óehné. Category: babies.
éva'ȧséve- pv. opposite; upside down; backwards. Ééva'ȧsévė-hestáotse. He was born breach. Category: babies.
-he'évóehné vai. birthe a daughter. É-he'évóéhne. She gave birth to a daughter. Masculine -hetanévóehné. Category: babies.
-he-nésone inc.n. have a child. can be of a man or woman, or animal. Éhe-nésone. He (or she) has a baby. Etym: *weno·nšya·niwa. Néhe-nésonėhehe? Do you have child(ren)? Éhe-nésonėheo'o. They have children. Móxhe-nésonėhehéhe. She must have a baby. tséhe-nésónėhéto the one who is my child. Phon: Word-final -he is omitted in Independent Order affirmative eye-witness mode verbs with singular subjects. IndepNoun -nésó; vta: -he-nésónėhé'tov. Etym: *weni·tya·niwa ‘he has a child’; cf. M oni·cianaehsew. Category: family, babies.
-he-nésónėhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as child. É-he-nésonėhenoto. He has him as child. Ná-he-nésonėhe'tova. He has me as his child. That is, I am his child. Ná-he-nésonėhenȯtse. He is my child. Né-he-nésonėhe'tovemeno. We are your children (can be said in prayer to God). vai: -he-nésone. Category: family, babies.
-hestȧhkėhévóehné vai. bear twins. É-hestȧhkėhévóóhne. She gave birth to twins. See: -nésóehné. Category: babies.
-hestȧhkėhnévóehné vai. bear twins. É-hestȧhkėhnévóéhne. She gave birth to twins. Category: babies.
-hestanóvohe vai. taken from mother, wean and separate baby from mother. This especially refers to the unique custom of buffaloes, that the bull calves are weaned at a different time from the female calves, and separated from their mothers. From then on the bull calves travel in the pack with the bulls, not with the cows. É-hestanóvohe. She/He took the child(ren) (away) from mother. É-hestanóvȯheo'o They take the children (away) / they wean. Final -óvohe. See: -hestan. Category: babies.
-hestáotse vai. born. including for births of animals; this verb stem is probably composed of the verb stem -hesta 'exist' plus the final -otse 'become'. É-hestáotse. He was born. Ééva'sévė-hestáotse. He was born breach. [pd167: "The Cheyenne believed that dead persons (especially young ones) would be born again in the body of another one, either in the tribe or somewhere else."] Éévȧ-hestáotse. He is born again. [1987:188] Naa tséhne'amėhnévȯse éhnėx-hestáotsésesto hestȧhkeho. And while they were coming, twin (boys) were born. [1987:188] See: -anéotse ‘birthe’; -hesta; tséxhestáotsėse. Category: family, babies.
-héstoehné vai. born from there ?? É-héstóéhne. He is born from there. ?? fai: -óehné. See: Ho'évȧhéstóéhnėhé'e. Category: babies, check.
-hetanévóehné vai. birthe a son. Lit: man-birthed É-hetanévóéhne. She bore a son. fai: -óehné; Feminine -he'évóehné. Category: babies.
-héva'kévoheehe vai. wrapped in a hood - be. Lit: covered.head-wrapped especially for babies. É-héva'kévoheehe. He is wrapped in a hood. See: -hóheehe. Category: babies.
-hóenaa'e vai. born dead, come out dead, stillborn - be. É-hóenaa'e mé'ėševȯtse. The baby was born (came out) dead. vai: -naa'e; Preverb hóe-. Category: death, babies.
-hóheehe vai. be swaddled, be wrapped. especially of a baby. É-hóheehe. He is wrapped/swaddled. vta: -hóheet. See: hóhkėha'e; -héva'kévoheehe; -éxovóheehe; -totóovóheehe; -vé'hoo'e; -too'et ‘tie s.o.’. Category: babies.
-hóheestóvohe vai. 1 • wrap baby. É-hóheestóvohe. She is wrapping a baby. This is an intransitive verb in Cheyenne, so one could express the meaning of a verb which has a third person singular subject as 'She is baby-wrapping.'.
2 • go to baby shower. Nátȧhé-hoheestóvohe. I'm going to baby-wrap (used idiomatically today for "I'm going to a baby shower"). Final -óvohe. Category: babies.
-hóheet vta. swaddle s.o., wrap s.o. as a baby. É-hóheetóho. She swaddled him. Hóheešeha nenéso! Wrap your child up! vai: -hóheesané. See: -pėhévoheet. Category: babies, social events.
-hóhkėha'aov vta. make hooded cradleboard for s.o. É-hóhkėha'aovóho. She made a (hood type) cradleboard for him. Category: babies.
hóhkėha'e ni. 1 • hat, hooded cradleboard. Ques: also for cap?? (another recording) When used of a cradleboard, this is the soft backed kind. Plural hóhkėhá'ėstse; Possessive -vóhkėha'e; Final -óhkėha'e; Old Male Speech hóhtšėha'e. See: a'kóhkėha'e; pȧhoešestȯtse; ésevone. Category: handcraft, babies, clothing.
2 • Sacred Hat. This is a newer word for the Sacred Buffalo Hat; the older word is Ésevone. See: ésevone. Category: ceremonial, check.
-ho'sȧhtsenáótse vai. drool; slobber. for example, when cutting teeth or when drunk. É-ho'sȧhtsenáóhtse. He is drooling. Medial -o'sahtsená. Category: babies.
-hó'xan vta. spoil s.o. especially refers to holding a baby so much that it wants to be held all the time. É-hó'xanóho. He spoiled him. É-hó'xane. He is spoiled. Category: interpersonal, babies.
-hóováotse vii. gush out. É-hóováotse. (Water) is gushing out. Mahpe é-hóováotse. Water is gushing out; her water (placenta) broke. Category: liquid, babies.
-hová'evóehné vai. birth what gender of child? É-hová'evóéhne? What kind (gender) of child did she bear? fai: -óehné. Category: babies.
-htsésta'he ni. Gram: poss umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth. mȧ-htsésta'he afterbirth. nȧ-htsésta'he my afterbirth. he-stsésta'he his umbilical cord. he-stsésta'hevótse their navels. Naa tósa'e nėhéóhe nȧ-htsésta'he héva éstȧxaevá'neésto'a'haméhanéhe. And somewhere there my afterbirth must have just been thrown into the bushes. [1987:27] IndepNoun hésta'he; Medial -hta'né ??. Category: check. Phon: iah? Etym: *neteʔsyi 'my navel'. Plural mȧ-htsésta'hėstse ??. Category: check, body, babies.
-ka'ėškónemaov vta. act as a child to s.o. This especially refers to when a baby gets used to someone, like a non-family members, so much that he takes advantage of his new attachment to her, thinks he can get by with anything with her. The old ladies used to smile when a baby would act like this, partly because they knew it meant the baby was getting braver, going to other people and, to use an English expression, "wrapping them around his finger." É-ka'ėškónemaovóho He is acting as a child to her, taking advantage of his child relationship to her. Category: babies.
-kéavo'ta vai. barren (of a woman). É-kéavo'ta. She is barren. An apparent synonym, more commonly known, is ésáatónėšėhenésonėhéhe 'she cannot have child(ren)'. See: -he-nésone. Category: babies.
mááhe ni. go to sleep. See: mahpe; maahe. Category: babies, baby talk.
-mé'ėševotame na. Gram: poss baby (poss.) na-mé'ėševotame my baby. he-mé'ėševotamevóho their baby/babies. Category: relatives, babies.
mé'ėševȯtse na. baby. The baby may be born or still unborn, that is, there is no lexical difference such as between English 'baby' and 'fetus.'. Diminutive mé'ėškevȯtse, mé'ėškevȯtse, mé'ėškevotsēso; Plural mé'ėševoto; Obviative mé'ėševoto. Category: babies, people.
mé'ėševȯtse he'amó'enēō'o ni. stroller, baby buggy. Lit: baby's wagon Category: babies.
mé'ėševotséamó'enēō'o ni. baby buggy. Category: transportation, babies.
-mé'ėševotseve vai. be a baby. É-mé'ėševotseve. He/She is a baby. [Stamper 1991:10] Category: babies.
mé'ėškevȯtse na. Gram: dim baby. Plural mé'ėškevoto; Obviative mé'ėškevoto. This is a diminutive of mé'ėševȯtse, although the diminutive sense may not be as strong here as with other morphological diminutives of Cheyenne. Non-diminutive mé'ėševȯtse. Category: babies.
-mé'ėškevotsémaov vta. baby s.o. (Ésta)-mé'ėkevotsémaovósesto henésono hestónaho. She would baby her child, her daughter. [1987:58] Category: babies.
mé'ėškevotsēso na. Gram: dim little baby. a double diminutive, with dim. /k/ and suffix /-esón/. Plural mé'ėškevotsėsono; Obviative mé'ėškevotsėsono; Non-diminutive mé'ėševȯtse. Category: babies.
-ménetó'kėhnóehné vai. bear too many children. É-ménetó'kėhnóéhne. She bore too many children. Variant: -ménotó'evóehné. Category: babies.
-ménotó'evóehné vai. bear too many children, bear children too closely spaced to each other. É-ménotó'evóéhne. She has her children spaced too closely together. See: -vé'soehné. Variant: -ménetó'kėhnóehné. Category: babies.
-ménotó'kėhnóehné vai. bear children close together. É-ménotó'kėhnóehneo'o. They have their children close together in age. Category: ages, babies.
-méohtovohe vai. love baby (or small child). This is traditionally considered a very difficult thing, since it requires great sacrifice on the part of the parent, and often great expense of gift-giving to appropriate parties. É-méohtovohe. She/he loves her/his child/baby/children. Medial -óvohe. Category: family, babies.
-mónėhestáotse vai. newborn - be. É-mónėhestáotse. He is newborn. See: móne-; -hestáotse. Category: babies.
na'sohtsėstse na. stillborn baby. Plural na'sóhtseto; Obviative na'sóhtseto. Category: babies.
-ná'tomóehné vai. bear first child. É-ná'tomóéhne. She bore her first child. Category: babies, family.
-ná'tootó vai. 1 • sated from nursing, full from nursing. can be from breastfeeding or nursing from a bottle. É-ná'toōto. He is full from nursing.
2 • finish visiting with one's mother. Usage: humorous when used figuratively like this See: -néne; -ná'so'enohe; -ná'tȧše'še. Category: drink, babies.
-neevávoo'koh(n) vta. wipe up poop of s.o. can be said about wiping up a dirty baby. É-neevávoo'kȯhnóho. He wiped him (obv) up after he pooped. Variant: -neevávoo'oh(n). See: -nėhoh(n); -nėhe'ėséh(n). Category: babies.
-neevávoo'oh(n) vta. wipe up poop of s.o. can be said about wiping up a dirty baby. É-neevávoo'ȯhnóho. He wiped him up after he pooped. Variant: -neevávoo'koh(n). See: -nėhoh(n); -nėhe'ėséh(n). Category: babies.
-néh3 vta. suckle s.o.nurse s.o.breastfeed s.o. É-neho. She nursed (breastfed) him. É-néhóho. She nursed him. (newer pronunciation). vai: néne3. Etym: *no·nle·wa. See: -néh; -néh; -néstovohe; -nénót; -nénom; -néstovȯhet; matana. Category: babies.
-nėhestȯheéše'hamá vai. so many months; so many months old. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. She is full term. Category: babies, time.
-némoéstánené vai. off schedule. É-némoéstánéne. He (especially baby) is not on schedule. for example, of a baby not on its'family's eating schedule. Category: babies.
-nene vai. 1 • nurse, suckle. suck at breast or bottle. This word is used of humans and animals that nurse. É-nene. He is nursing. É-néneo'o. They are nursing.
2 • visit mother. Étȧhé-nene. He went to nurse. This is teasingly said about someone going home to visit their mother. vta: -nénót. See: -néneotse ‘nurse’; -néh ‘nurse s.o.’; -néstovohe ‘nurse children’; -néstovȯhet ‘nurse s.o.’; he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’; nénestȯtse ‘bottle’. Morph: /-néne/. vta: -néh. Etym: *no·nwa. Category: babies.
nénééhe p. Come nurse!, bottle, milk. Usage: baby talk said to nursing child, for example, for him to come nurse on his bottle vai: -néne. Category: babies, baby talk.
-néneotse vai. nurse, suckle. Étȧhé-neneotse. He went to nurse. (can be humorous, referring to someone going home to visit their mother). faster action than -nene. See: -nene. Category: babies.
nénestȯtse ni. bottle. he-nénestȯtse his bottle. Lit: sucking thing See: he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’. Category: babies.
-nénešé vai. lie nursing. É-nénéše. He is lying nursing. Category: lie, babies.
-nénétanó vai. nurse - want to. É-nénétáno. He wants to nurse. See: -nene. Category: babies, check.
-nénom vta. suck on s.o., nurse on s.o. É-nénomóho. He sucked on her (or him). É-nénomóho hemo'ėškono. He sucked his thumb. vai: -néne. See: -nénót; -né'om; -hé'hevom. Category: babies.
-nénót vta. nurse on s.o., suckle on s.o. É-nénoto. He nursed on her. É-nénotóho. (newer pronunciation). vai: -néne. See: -nénom; -néh. Etym: cf. M no·na·nae·w; *no·na·θe·wa 'he sucks at him'. Category: babies.
nésetȯxeváhe ?? na. wet nurse. Category: babies, check.
-néso na. child. Gram: poss. This refers to one's child by birth, while ka'ėškóne simply means 'child'. Some speakers may not use this term for a child older than a toddler. na-néso my child. na-nésoneho my children. ne-néso your child. ne-nésoneho your children. na-nésónėháne our (excl) child. na-nésonėhaneo'o our (excl) children. ne-nésonėhane our (incl) child. ne-nésonėhaneo'o our (incl) children. ne-nésónėhévo your (plural) child. ne-nésonėhevoo'o your (plural) children. he-nésono his/her child(ren). he-nésonėhevóho their child(ren). na-nésonėhasėstse my children (voc.) Obviative na-nésoneho ‘my child(ren)’. ma-néso child. [1980:82:69] ma-nésoneho children. vai: -he-nésone. Morph: /-nésón/. See: ka'ėškóne ‘child’. Etym: *neno·nšya·na ‘my child’. See: -nésóneh ‘child’. Category: babies, relatives.
-néstovohe vai. breastfeed, suckle, nurse child(ren). É-néstovohe. She nursed child(ren). Etym: *no·nla·wasowa (P). Medial -óvohe; vta: -néh. See: -néh; néstovȯhet; -néné. Category: babies.
-néstovȯhee'e vai. sit nursing. É-néstovȯhee'e. She is sitting nursing. Category: sit, babies.
-néstovȯhešé vai. lie nursing (a baby). of a woman or a nursing dog. É-néstovȯhēše. She is lying nursing her baby. Category: lie, babies.
-néstovȯhet vta. breastfeed s.o., suckle s.o., nurse s.o. É-néstovȯhetóho. She breastfed him. Synonym -néh. Category: babies.
-nėševėstónané vai. teethe. É-nėševėstónáne He is teething. See: -he-véesané. Category: babies.
-nétȧhévan vti. change s.t. É-nétȧhévána. He changed it (by hand). See: -nétȧhéva'o'tsé.
vta. change s.o. É-nétȧhévanóho. He changed him (for example, a baby with a soiled diaper). Nétȧhévaneha! Change him! For example, change the baby's diaper. Mónėsta-nétȧhévanȧtse? Shall I change you? A mother could say that to her baby. Category: babies.
-néveóhtavonehné vai. crawl on all fours. This is with the body lifted off the ground by both arms and both legs. É-néveóhtavonēhne. He is crawling on all fours. BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: babies, motion.
-nėxoósevonehné vai. cute crawl. É-nėxoósevonēhne. He is crawling in a cute way. fai: -vonehné. Category: babies.
-no'eóé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o stand holding s.o., hold s.o. standing. É-no'eóenoto. He is holding him while standing. Ná-no'eóenȯtse. I'm standing up holding him. Final -óé. See: -no'ėhné'tov; -amóešem; -no'oo'e. Category: babies.
-no'eóe'tovohe vai. stand holding baby. É-no'eóe'tovohe. She is standing holding her child. Medial -óvohe. See: -no'oé'tovohe. Category: babies.
-no'oé'tov vti. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.t., include s.t. sitting.
vta. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.o., include s.o. sitting. Ná-no'oenȯtse. I'm holding him in my lap. É-no'oénoto. He held him in his lap. Etym: *naθpapi·Ɂtawe·wa (P). É-no'oé'tóó'e. She (obv.) is sitting in his lap. vai: -no'oé'tovohe; vti: -no'oo'e. Category: babies.
-no'oé'tovohe vai. hold in the lap. É-no'oé'tovohe. She is holding her baby (intransitive verb). Nátȧhé-no'oé'tovȯhema! Let's go hold the baby! That is especially said about going to hold a newborn baby. vta: -no'oé'tov; Medial -óvohe. See: -no'eóe'tovohe. Category: babies.
-óehné fai. bear child, birth. especially of the mother but can be of either or both parents. Énés-óéhne. She has borne two children. Éno'k-óehneo'o. They have borne one child. Énóhon-óéhne. She bore five children. Éháestȯhn-óéhne. She has borne many children. Námon-óehnenȯtse. I adopted him. Lit: I-choose-birthe-him Category: family, babies.
-ó'otómo'xévaen vta. fill s.o. quickly. can refer to a man filling a woman's womb with a baby. É-ó'otómo'xévaenóho. He filled her up quickly. Mó'-ó'otómo'xévaenȯhevóhe. He filled her quickly (with a baby). Category: sex, babies, quantity.
-óvohe m. child, children. Variant: -veestóvohe. Ques: variant or redo analysis of -veestóvohe?? Éno'oé't-ovohe. She is holding her baby on her lap. É-vávaóestovohe. She is rocking her baby to sleep. Éméoht-ovohe. She loves her child/baby. Énést-ovohe. She breastfed/nursed. Éhóheest-óvohe. She wrapped/swaddled her baby (modern=went to a baby shower). É-na'tóvohe. He beats his child(ren). Épáo'-óvohe. She is carrying her baby on her back. Épáo'-óvȯheóó'e. She is standing carrying her baby in a blanket on her back. Énésta'omeéšeest-óvohe. He/she is child-rearing in the old/traditional way. Évé'ho'éešeest-óvohe. He/she is child-rearing in the white way. Etym: *-a·wahso (R). Category: babies, family.
-pȧhoeméohe vai. strain to be close. for example, of a baby wanting to be close to someone. É-pȧhoeméohe. He wants to be close. fai: -méohe. Category: babies.
pȧhoešestȯtse ni. cradleboard. pȧhoešestȯtse refers to a beaded one; hóhkėha'e to a plain one ?? This is a hard backed cradleboard. Category: check. Plural pȧhoešéstotȯtse. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: handcraft, babies.
-páo'kóvohe vai. carry baby in a blanket on the back, carry a papoose. É-páo'kóvohe. She carries children on her back (in a blanket). Variant: -páo'óvohe. Category: carry, babies.
-páo'óom vta. carry s.o. in a blanket on the back. a traditional way of carrying a baby. É-páo'óomóho. She is carrying him in a blanket on her back. Nés-páo'óomėstse! Carry me on your back! vai: -páo'óvohe. See: -amo'xe; -nȯxehné; -no'ėhné'tov; -no'eóé'tov. Category: babies, carry, check.
-páo'óvohe vai. carry baby in a blanket on the back, carry a papoose. This was a traditional way for women to carry babies. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than -páo'kóvohe. É-páo'óvohe. She is carrying her baby on her back. Variant: -páo'kóvohe; vta: -páo'oom; Medial -óvohe. See: -amo'xe. Category: babies, carry.
-páo'óvȯheóó'e vai. stand carrying (a baby) in a blanket on the back. É-páo'óvȯheóó'e. She is standing carrying her baby in a blanket on her back. Phon: vs Final -óvohe. Category: babies, carry.
-pėhévoheet vta. wrap s.o. well, swaddle s.o. well. É-pėhévȯheetóho. ?? She wrapped him well. especially refers to wrapping up a baby. See: -hóheet. Category: babies, check, record.
-po'otan vta. wean s.o. É-po'otanóho. She weaned him. See: -néstovohe. Category: babies.
-po'otane vai. weaned. É-po'otane. He is weaned. Category: babies.
-pónoetanȧhá'ó vai. dry up at the breasts, breasts dry up. É-pónoetanȧhá'o. Her breasts have dried up. BodyPartMedial -tanahá; Antonym -háetanȧháóhtsé; Synonym -ó'etanȧháohtsé. Category: babies, body function.
-tȧhpe'asé vai. big belly - have a, show large in pregnancy. This word or -tȧhpeta can be used when referring to a woman who is far along in her pregnancy. É-tȧhpe'āse. He has a big belly. (another recording) Ééše-tȧhpe'ȧsehe? Is she showing yet (in her pregnancy)? BodyPartMedial -asé; Antonym -tšėške'asé. See: -tȧhpeta; -pa'kȧséotse; -hóse'e. Category: babies, body.
-toenová vai. midwife - be a, deliver baby. Lit: hold on, that is, to catch a baby É-toenōva. She delivered the baby. Etym: *tahkwena·wasowa (P). Étóxe-toenōva. She goes around as a midwife. tsé-toenōvȧhtse she who is a midwife. tsé-toenovase those who are midwives. [1987:26] See: -é'ėstané'še'tovohe. Category: babies.
-to'émeohe vai. strain to get up from bed. for example, of babies who do not know how to get up yet. É-to'émeohe. He is trying to get up from bed. Category: babies.
-too'ėstané's vta. tie umbilical cord of s.o. É-too'ėstane'so. (-too'ėsta'ne'so ?? She tied his umbilical cord. See: hésta'he ‘umbilical cord’. Category: babies, check.
-totóovóheehe vai. wrapped in layers. especially of a baby. É-totóovóheehe. He is wrapped in layers. See: -hóheehe; -tónovėsané. Category: babies.
-vávaóestovohe vai. rock baby to sleep, lull. É-vávaóestovohe. She is rocking her baby to sleep. Medial -óvohe; fta: -vávaóesem. Category: babies.
-vé'seva'ham vta. bounce s.o. É-vé'seva'hamóho. He bounced him (for example, baby). Initial vé'sev-; fta: -a'ham. See: -poo'ėšem. Category: babies, throw.
-vé'soehné vai. have babies rapidly close together, bear children rapidly close together. É-vé'sóéhne. She had babies rapidly close together. See: -ménotó'evóehné. Category: babies.
-vovéešem vta. cuddle s.o. É-vovéešemóho mé'ėševoto. She is cuddling the baby (obv). alt: vovóešem. Category: babies.