Cheyenne Dictionary



éno'eéstomanestȯtse   ni. healing. Category: health.

-hávėsévomóhtahe   vai. feel bad, bad health. This refers to physical health. Ná-hávėsévomóhtahe. I feel bad. fai: -omóhtahe; Antonym -pėhévomóhtahe. See: -háomóhtahe sick. Category: health.

-pȧhávomóhtahe   vai. feel good, be well. refers to physical health. Variant: -pėhévomóhtahe. Usage: This is an older pronunciation than -pėhévomóhtahe. Ná-pȧhávomóhtahe. I feel good. Final -omóhtahe; Antonym -hávėsévomóhtahe. Category: health.

-pėhévomóhtahe   vai. feel good, be well. This refers to physical health; -tanó refers to emotional condition. Variant: -pȧhávomóhtahe. Ná-pėhévomóhtahe. I feel good. Né-pėhévomóhtȧhehe? Are you feeling good? É-pėhévomóhtahe. He is feeling good. Ná-pėhévomóhtȧhéme. We (excl) are feeling good. Variant: pȧhávomóhtahe; fai: -omóhtahe; Antonym hávėsévomóhtahe. Category: health.

-pėhévomóhtȧhéotse   vai. feel good - become, become well. refers to physical health. Ná-pėhévomóhtȧhéotse. I came to feel good. Category: health.

-tóne'xóvomóhtahe   vai. how feel (in your illness). Né-tóne'xóvomóhtahe? How are you feeling (in your illness)? This word assumes some illness and asks about the feeling, whereas -tónetomóhtahe simply asks about physical feeling. See: -tónetomóhtahe how feel (physically). Category: sickness, health.

-tónetomóhtahe   vai. how feel (physically). Né-tónetomóhtahe? How are you feeling? (another recording) Nééšeéva-tónetomóhtahe? How are you back to feeling? Étavé'šėhésto'omenėhénóvo tséssáaméhae-tónetomóhtȧhéhese kȧse'éeheho kȧsováaheho. (Liquor) kills them when they were healthy, young women, young men. [1987:61] Tósa'e násáaxae-tónetomóhtȧhéhe. I did not feel any pain anywhere (in my body). [1987:202] Ques: recheck gloss, especially with DSE?? See: -tóne'xóvomóhtahe how feel (in illness); -tónėšetanó how feel (mentally0; -pėhévomóhtahe feel good. Category: sickness, health, check.

-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe   vai. feel like a bird, bird - feel like a. Hó'ótóva hápó'e náohkeméo-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe. Sometimes I also feel like birds chirping in the morning. Éméo-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe. He is feeling like a bird in the morning. Category: birds, health.