-a'keoxa'ohe vii. have a compact design. É-a'keoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inan) have a compact/little design.
vai. have a compact design. É-a'keoxa'ohe. He/It has a compact design. Category: designs.
-heóveoxa'ohe vii. be beaded yellow. É-heóveoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are mainly beaded yellow. Category: designs.
-heóvȯhtȧheve vii. have a yellow design. É-heóvȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a yellow design.
vai. have a yellow design. Hoóhtseto éasė-heóvȯhtȧhéveo'o. The trees are beginning to turn yellow (orange, brown, etc., especially in the fall). Final -ȯhtȧhéve. Category: designs, colors.
-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhéné vai. make a part of the paunch design. there are rows of slightly displaced vertical marks as found in this part of the paunch;it is a square blocks design. É-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhéne. He is using the part-of-paunch design. Category: designs.
-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧheve vii. have part of paunch design. É-hesta'énóónótsévȯhtȧhévénėstse. They have a square blocks design. Category: designs.
hetanévȯhtȧhénestȯtse ni. man design. that is, a design for males, for example, on a moccasin. Ques: is there a fem. word, he'évȯhtȧhénestȯtse?? See: -hohtȧhéné. Category: designs, check.
-hetȯhtȧhéné vai. so design. ... é-hetȯhtȧhéne. ... that is how he designed / colored. fai: -ohtȧhéné. Category: designs, colors.
-hetȯhtȧhéve Gram: rr vii. so.colored; so colored; be colored that way, be designed that way. ... é-hetȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) was colored that way. Éhvó'ometsė-hetȯhtȧhévenėsestȯtse véenȯtse. The tepees were of white design. [1987:316]
vai. so colored. Heéstse'heno héováestse móx-hetȯhtȧhévėhevóhe. His coat was variously colored. Medial -ohtȧhé. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve. Category: designs, colors.
-he-vovetȧsónevȯhtȧheve vai. have a whirlwind design.
vii. have a whirlwind design. The design is twirled around as a nautilus, not as concentric circles. É-he-vovetȧsónevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.; for example, moccasins) have a whirlwind design. Category: designs.
hohtȧhé- pv. spotted, designed. Hohtȧhé-vóto Spotted Feathers. See: ohtȧhé-. Category: designs.
-hohtȧhéné vai. design, color. É-hohtȧhéne. He designed/colored. Hohtȧhénėstse! Color (it)! Ques: recheck?? -hohtȧhénené??
vti. Gram: ai+o design s.t., color s.t. Hetanevo'eo'o éohkevé'šėháe-hohtȧhénénóvo. Arapahoes used that color a lot. For example, when they were beading. See: -hohtȧhénené; -hahénȯhené. Category: designs, check.
hohtȧhénestȯtse ni. color, design. especially a design used in beading. Plural hohtȧhénėstotȯtse. Category: colors, designs.
-hohtȧheve vii. spotted, have a design, birth marked, blemished.
vai. spotted, have a design, birth marked, blemished. can refer to a design or a variety of skin marks, such as aging spots. É-hohtȧheve. He (or It) has a blemish/spot/design. See: -tónetȯhtȧheve; hohtȧhé-. Category: designs.
-hohtȧhévėhahénȯhené vai. do artwork, artwork - do. É-hohtȧhévėhahénȯhóne. He did artwork. See: -hohtȧhéné; -hahénȯhéné. Category: designs.
-hohtȧhévȯxe'oh vti. paint s.t., color s.t. É-hohtȧhévȯxe'ōha. He painted/colored it. Category: designs, paint.
-ho'óhomo'évȯhtȧheve vii. have a Sioux design. É-ho'óhomo'évȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have Sioux designs. especially of moccasins. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
-hotóhkeoxa'ohe vii. beaded medicine wheel design - be a. Lit: star-beaded É-hotóhkeoxa'ohe. It is a beaded medicine wheel design. É-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inan.) have a medicine wheel design. Category: designs.
-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhené vai. medicine wheel design bead. É-hotóhkeoxa'ȯhéne. He is beading a medicine wheel design. Category: designs.
-hotóhkevȯhtȧheve vii. have a star design. É-hotóhkevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.) have a star design.
vai. have a star design. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
-hotóhkȯhtȧhené vai. make a star design. É-hotóhkȯhtȧhéne. He is making a star design. Medial -ohtȧhé. Category: designs.
-hováhevȯhtȧheve vii. have an animal design. É-hováhevȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has an animal design. É-hováhevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan.) have an animal design. for example, a design of a deer, horse, or elk.
vai. have an animal design. Category: designs.
-mȧheoxa'ohe vii. all beaded, fully beaded. É-mȧheoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are fully beaded. Category: designs.
-ma'aneeséoxa'ohe vii. be beaded with a large semicircle design. Lit: repeated-nose-beaded É-ma'aneeséoxa'ȯhénėstse They are beaded with a large semicircle design [over the "nose" (instep)]. Category: designs.
-na'heeséoxa'ohe vii. three rows of beads on the nose (of a moccasin). É-na'heeséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They have three beaded rows on the "noses". Medial -esé. Category: designs.
-nėšėškȯhtȧheve vai. striped design. É-nėšėškȯhtȧhévénėstse. They have a striped design. Category: designs.
-no'ȯhtȧheve vii. include design. Éoseeháe-no'ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have a lot of designs. for example, of moccasins (inanimate).
vai. include design. É-no'ȯhtȧheve. He (or It) is included in the design. See: -hohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
-oéškȯseoxa'ohe vai. have a beaded tepee design. É-oéškȯseoxa'ȯhénėstse They are beaded with a tepee design. some Cheyenne men's moccasin designs are tepee, deer, bird including eagle. Category: designs. Ques: women's designs?
-oéškȯsȯhtȧhéné vai. make a pointed design. É-oéškȯsȯhtȧhéne. He is making a pointed design. Category: designs.
-ohtȧhé m. colored, designed. É-hotóhkȯhtȧhéne. He is making a star design. Épe'pe'-ȯhtȧhéneo'o Ho'óhomo'eo'o. They (Siouxs) use "conglomeration" designs. Éoéškȯs-ȯhtȧhéne. He is making a pointed design. fai: -ohtȧhéné. See: -ohtȧhéve. Category: colors, designs.
-ohtȧheve f. design. combines with the equative final /-(é)ve/ in a number of forms, often referring to moccasin designs. Étónet-ȯhtȧheve? What kind of design does it/he have? ... éhet-ȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) is so colored. Épėhév-ȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a nice design. Éheóv-ȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a yellow design. Émo'on-ȯhtȧheve. He (or It) is beautifully colored. If the initial preceding this final ends in a vowel, /v/ is added before it: Éhotóhke-vȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have a star design. Ého'óhomo'év-ȯhtȧhévénėstse They (especially moccasins) have Sioux designs. Medial -ohtȧhé. See: hohtȧhé-; -oxa'ohe. Category: designs.
-ȯhtȧhéve fii. designed, colored.
fai. designed, colored. combines with the equative final /-(é)ve/ in a number of forms, often referring to moccasin designs. ... éhet-ȯhtȧheve. ... it (or he) is so colored. Étónet-ȯhtȧheve? What kind of design does it/he have? Épėhév-ȯhtȧheve. He/It has a nice design. Étónet-ȯhtȧheve? What kind of design does it/he have? Éheóv-ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inan) have a yellow design. Relative Root -hetȯhtȧhéve. See: -hohtȧheve. Category: colors, designs.
-onémȯhtȧheve vii. have a crooked design. É-onémȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have crooked designs.
vai. have a crooked design. This is not desirable. É-onémȯhtȧheve. He (or It) has a crooked design. Category: designs.
-onéstȧhkeoxa'ȯhe vai. have a round design (that is, medicine wheel design). É-onéstȧhkeoxa'ȯhénėstse. They have a round design. Category: designs, designs.
-óoetanéoxa'ohe vta. Gram: pass beaded with Crow designs. especially Crow flower designs. É-óoetanéoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are beaded with Crow designs. Category: designs.
-óoetanévȯhtȧhéheve vai. have Crow designs.
vii. have Crow designs. É-óoetanévȯhtȧhéhévénėstse. They (for example, moccasins) have Crow designs (especially Crow flower designs). Ques: -óoetanévȯhtȧheve?? Category: designs.
-otá'taveoxa'ohe vai. beaded blue. É-otá'taveoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are beaded blue. Category: designs, colors.
-pėhévȯhtȧheve vai. good.designed.
vii. nice design, designed well, good design - have a. É-pėhévȯhtȧheve. It/He has a nice design. Final -ohtȧheve. Category: designs.
-pėhévóma'é vai. nice paint. É-pėhévómá'e. He is nicely painted. Final -óma'é. Category: ceremonial, designs.
-pe'pe'ȯhtȧhéné vai. use a conglomeration design. É-pe'pe'ȯhtȧhéneo'o Ho'óhomo'eo'o. They (Siouxs) use "conglomeration" designs. for example, numerous intricate geometric designs; Cheyennes view this as complicated; Cheyenne designs are simple and basic such as triangles, blocks, half-moons). Medial -ohtȧhé. Category: designs.
-pe'pe'ȯhtȧheve vai.
vii. have conglomeration design, have a Sioux design, have a messy design. É-pe'pe'ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (Sioux moccasins) have a conglomeration of designs. Category: designs.
-séetȯhtȧheve vii. same color (or design) - have the.
vai. same color (or design) - have the. É-séetȯhtȧheve. It/He is of the same color. [PD30] Category: colors, designs.
-sóhkomeeséoxa'ohe vai. have a long simple row of beads on the nose (of a moccasin). É-sóhkomeeséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They have a long simple row (on the "nose"). Medial -esé. Category: designs.
-tónetȯhtȧheve vii. how designed, how colored. É-tónetȯhtȧheve? What kind of design/color does it (or he) have? (another recording) Following are some answers: É-heóvȯhtȧheve. It (or He) has a yellow design. Évó'komȯhtȧheve. It (or He) is white-colored. Éheóvo. It is yellow. Évó'kómo. It is white. Émo'ȯhtávo. It is black. Éotá'távo. It is blue. Éhoxo'ȯhtsévo. It is greeen. Éhohkó'so. It is purple. É-tónetȯhtȧhévénėstse? How are they (inanimate) designed/colored? É-ma'ónėstse. They (inanimate) are red.
vai. how designed, how colored. É-tónetȯhtȧheve? What kind of design/color does he (or it) have? Following are some answers: Émo'ȯhtávahe. It (animate) is black. Éma'eta. It (animate) is red. Évó'komahe. It (animate) is white. Éhoxo'ȯhtsévahe. It (animate) is green. É-tónetȯhtȧhéveo'o? What kind of design/color do they (animate) have? Éheóvȧheo'o. They (animate) are yellow. Final -ohtȧhéve. See: -hetȯhtȧheve. Category: designs.
-véhpotsévȯhtȧheve vai. have a flower design.
vii. have a flower design. É-véhpotsévȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have a flower design.
vai. flower design - have a. Hoestȯtse é-véhpotsévȯhtȧheve. The dress (an.) has a floral pattern. Category: designs.
-véhpotsévoneane vii. flower design - have long bead strands. É-véhpotsévoneanēnėstse, They (Crow moccasins) have flower designs of long bead strands. Category: designs.
-vé'kėséhevȯhtȧheve vai. have a bird design. É-vé'kėséhevȯhtȧhévénėstse. They have a bird (incl. eagle) design. Category: designs.
-vóhpeoxa'ohe vai. be (mainly) beaded white. É-vóhpeoxa'ȯhénėstse They (inan.) are mainly beaded white. Category: designs.
-vó'omeoxa'ohe vii. be beaded white. that is, have a white background. É-vó'omeoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inan.) are mainly beaded white. Category: designs.