Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanan   vta. hold s.o. to death. É-áhananóho. He held him until he could not breathe (or, until he died). Category: violence.

-áhaneoestoh(n)   vta. knock dead s.o.swat s.o., beat s.o. to death, kill rapidly s.o. by tool (or on body), knock out s.o., knock s.o. dead. É-áhaneoestȯhnóho. He knocked him dead. Áhaneoestȯheha! Swat him! (for example, a fly).

knocked dead from sleep. Tā'se éxae'-áhaneoestohe. Like he was knocked dead (from sleeping too long). See: -oest; -na'h. Category: violence, death, figurative.

-áhaneoešėšem   vta. kill s.o. in a wreck, kill s.o. by throwing down. for example, in a car accident. É-áhaneoešėšemóho. He caused his death in a wreck. vai: -áhaneoešešé. Category: violence, lie.

-ahanom   vta. bite s.o. É-ahanomóho. He bit him. É-ahanomāā'e. He (obv) bit him. fta: -om1; vti: -ahanóhtá; vai: -ahanósané. Category: violence.

-a'eotsé'tov   vta. attack s.o., charge s.o. É-a'eotsé'tovóho. He attacked him. Éstaosáane-a'eotsé'tovóhoono néhe sásóóvétáne. (The man) went after the water snake. [1987:286] Móhke-a'eotsé'toehevóhe vé'kėseho. The bird must have attacked him (obv). For example, it must have attacked the dog. A bird usually attacks by diving. Vó'keme néto'sėhóse-a'eotsé'toene. Old Man Winter is going to attack us again (= winter is coming; or a winter storm is coming). vai: -a'eotse. Category: violence.

-amo'eéh   vta. abuse s.o. É-amo'eeho. He is abusing him. É-amo'eéhóho. He is abusing him. (newer pronunciation). É-amo'eéhahtseo'o. They are abusing each other. fta: -o'eéh. See: -hávėséve'tov. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-ane'eoestoh(n)   vta. stab s.o. quickly. É-ane'eoestȯhnóho. He stabbed him. [Croft] See: -ováne'eoestoh(n). Category: interpersonal, violence.

-ašéševaen   vta. start fighting with s.o., start warring with s.o. É-ašéševaenóho. He is starting to beat him up. This is the same verb stem as -aséševaen except that here the first "s" has assimilated to the following "š". Non-assimilated -aséševaen. Category: warfare, violence.

-áva'ó'h   vta. rape s.o. É-áva'o'ho. He raped her. É-áva'ó'hóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). Mó'-áva'ó'hohevóhe. He must have raped her (obv). See: -é'ho'oh(n) rape s.o.. Category: violence, vulgar, sex.

-áveanȯxévaen   vta. beat s.o. until they fall over. É-áveanȯxévaenóho. He beat him until he fell over. Category: fall, violence.

-é'eet   vta. hang s.o. É-é'eetóho. He hanged him. É-é'eetahtse. He hung himself. É-é'eehe. He was hanged. See: -e'kotseet hang s.o. by the neck; -hoesem1 hang up s.o.. Category: hang, violence.

-é'ho'eoestoh(n)   vta. rape s.o. quickly, deflower s.o. quickly. Lit: break-suddenly-by.tool The primary meaning of -ého'eoestoh(n) and -ého'oh(n) today seems to be 'to rape s.o.', but presumably the meaning derives from the breaking of the hymen when a man deflowers a woman; Croft (1988:22:21) glossed this verb as 'deflowered' in his 1948 field notes. É-é'ho'eoestȯhnóho. He raped/deflowered her. É'-é'ho'eoestȯhnósesto. He raped her. [Croft 1988:22:21] Medial -oest. See: -é'ho'oh(n); -áva'ó'h; -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: vulgar, violence, sex.

-é'ho'oh(n)   vta. rape s.o. É-é'ho'ȯhnóho. He raped her. É-é'ho'ohe. She was raped. See: -é'ho'eoestoh(n) rape s.o. quickly; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -oó'xevo'oh(n) smash / deflower s.o.. Category: vulgar, sex, violence.

-é'kota'ó'h   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. This can refer to strangling someone to death. É-é'kota'o'ho. He strangled him. É-é'kota'ó'hóho. He strangled him. (newer pronunciation). Ques: compare ta'ó here and in the next entry?? Category: interpersonal, violence.

-é'kotan   vta. choke s.o., strangle s.o. É-é'kotanóho. He choked/strangled him. É-é'kotane. He was choked. See: -nėhpotóman. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-é'kotseet   vta. hang s.o. by the neck. É-é'kotseetóho. He hung him by the neck. É-é'kotseetahtse. He hung himself. See: -e'eet. Category: body, violence.

-émeno'h   vta. secretly kill s.o., kill s.o. secretly. É-émeno'hóho. He killed him on the sly. vai: -émeno'é. Etym: *ki·minaθe·wa. Category: violence.

-énėšévaen   vta. stop fighting s.o. É-énėšévaenȧhtséstove. They ceased fighting / the war ended. É-énėšévaenóho. He stopped fighting him. Ná-énėšéváéno. I quit fighting him. Ésáatónėše-énėšévaenóheho. He just couldn't stop beating him up. See: -énet; -méót. Category: violence.

-háahetanó'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o want to fight s.o., act tough toward s.o. Éohkė-háahetanó'tovóho. He acts tough toward him. Hee'haho évé'šė-háahetanónoto. He is acting tough because he knows his son will back him up. For example, maybe the son is a boxer and the father wants his son to fight someone; the father is picking the fight but wants to fight through his son. Nae'ha návé'šė-háahetanonȯtse. I want to start a fight with him thinking my son will defend me. for example, because my son is a boxer. Category: violence.

-háeanot   vta. beat up s.o. badly. É-háeanotóho. He really beat him up. fta: -not. See: -momé'aéveanot; -sȯsévenot. Category: violence.

-háenot   vta. kill much of s.o. ??said of plural objects. É-háenotóho. He killed many of them. ?? fta: -not. Category: violence, check.

-háestȯheno'éoohe   vai. kills many quickly. É-háestȯheno'éoohe. He killed many quickly. fai: -no'é. Category: hunt, violence.

-he'enot   vta. spare kill s.o.that is, spare someone from killing them. É-he'enotóho. He spared him in killing. Éhvá'nė-he'enotósesto. She spared him in killing. (reportative). [1980:14:35] fta: -not. See: -nėhestȯhenot. Category: violence.

-he'kȯhová   vai. stab, puncture, give shots, inject. É-he'kȯhōva. He stabbed. vta: -he'kȯh(n). Category: violence, medicine.

-héseh   vta. Gram: ditrans fight s.o. over something. É-hésėhóho. He fought him over it. Ná-hésého. I fought him over it. Ná-hésėhaa'e. He fought me over it. See: -hésetȧhtsé'tov; -méót; -hésėševáen; -heseh blame s.o.. Category: violence.

-hésetȧhtsé'tov   vta. fight s.o. over s.o. É-hésetȧhtsénovo. They fought over him/her. Éx-hésetȧhtsé'toesesto tsé'tóhe ésevono naa hestatanemo. This buffalo and her brother fought over her. [1987:304] See: -héseh. Category: violence.

-hestȯhenot   vta. so kill all of s.o., kill all of s.o. that way. only used with plural objects. ... é-hestȯhenotóho. ... that is how many of them he killed. É-nėhestȯhénotóho. ?? He killed all of them. fta: -not. Category: violence, check.

-hestsevo'oh(n)   vta. wound s.o. by hitting. É-hestsevo'ȯhnóho. He wounded him (obv) by hitting him. Category: violence.

-hoháeoestoh(n)   vta. hit s.o. very badly with tool. Éáá! É-hoháeoestȯhéhoo'o! My! She really got hit bad! [Croft 1988:30:17] Medial -oest. Category: violence, hit.

-hohkó'se'éxané   vai. have a black eye. É-hohkó'se'éxáne. He has a "shiner". Lit: purple-eyed Medial -'éxané. Lit: be purple-eyed Category: violence, eyes.

-hótȯhéné'o'h   vta. scratch face of s.o., claw face of s.o. É-hótȯhéné'o'hóho. ?? He clawed/scratched his (other person's) face. I scratched his face. Ná-hótȯhéné'ó'ho. I scratched his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -hótȧhenené. Category: violence.

-hoxovosé   vai. murder. Petter (PD728) said this literally, has to do with stinking (that is, a murderer having a figurative stench about him), but a Cheyenne elder disagreed. É-hoxovōse. He murdered. Ques: which entry is correct, this one or -hoxȯhevosé?? See: -hoxȯhevosé; -ne'to'éna'hané; -na'h; -na'tóné. Category: violence, check.

hoxovȯséhe   na. murderer. Synonym hoxovȯsétane. Category: violence.

hoxovȯsétane   na. murderer. Plural hoxovȯsétaneo'o; Synonym hoxovȯséhe. Category: violence.

-mȧheno'éoohe   vai. kill all quickly. É-mȧheno'éoohe. He killed all (of them) quickly. fai: -no'é. See: -má'seno'éoohe. Category: violence, death.

-mȧhenot   vta. kill all of s.o. only used with plural subjects or objects. É-mȧhenotóho. He killed them all. fta: -not. See: -má'senot; -mȧhešem. Category: violence.

-mȧhešem   vta. kill all of s.o. É-mȧhešemóho. He killed all of them. Éhma'xe-mȧhešemóvȯsesto nótȧxévé'hó'e. They killed all the soldiers. [1987:48] See: -má'se'not; -mȧhenot. Category: violence.

-ma'éveno'é   vai. bloody when killing or beating. to bloody someone when killing or beating them. É-ma'évenō'e. He bloodied (when killing or beating). fai: -no'é; vta: -ma'évenot. Category: violence.

-ma'évenot   vta. bloody s.o. É-ma'évenotóho. He bloodied him (when killing or beating). to bloody s.o. when killing or beating them. fta: -not. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-má'seno'éoohe   vai. complete killing quickly, kill all quickly. É-má'seno'éoohe. He killed all (of them) quickly. Etym: *me·Ɂtinaxkye·wa (P). fai: -no'é. See: -mȧheno'éoohe. Category: violence, death.

-má'senot   vta. kill all of s.o. only used of plural objects. É-má'senotóho. He killed all of them. Etym: *me·Ɂtinaθe·wa (P). Ná-má'senotoo'o. I killed them all. fta: -not. See: -mȧhenot; -mȧhešem. Category: violence.

má'senȯxévaen   vta. kill all of s.o. quickly. Éhmȧhe-má'senȯxévaenóvȯsesto. They killed every one of them. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.090] fta: -évaen. See: -not kill. Category: violence.

-matomenévo'kȯh(n)   vta. bloody s.o.'s nose. É-matomenévo'kȯhnóho. He bloodied his (other person's) nose. Category: violence.

-mé'é'tȯsané   vai. raid. É-mé'é'tȯsáne. He raided. Etym: *mo·θki·Ɂta·tike·wa (P). Háa'ėsta'éhe Tséh-mé'é'tȯsánėstse Custer Battlefield. Category: violence.

-mémėstané'seh   vta. drown s.o. É-mémėstané'sėhóho. He drowned him. See: -mémėstanot. Category: violence.

-mémėstanot   vta. 1 • drown s.o. É-mémėstanotóho. He drowned him. vti: -mémėstanohtsé. See: -mémėstané'seh.

2 • beat s.o. so bad poop came out. Category: violence.

-mémėstoh(n)   vta. knock the shit out of s.o., screw the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstȯhnóho. He screwed the shit out of her. Mémėstȯheha! Knock the shit out of him! Category: violence, sex, vulgar.

-ménah(n)   vta. charge s.o., tell off s.o., challenge s.o. É-ménȧhnóho. He (for example, a bull) charged at him. [pd337] See: -nameta; -a'eotsé'tov. Category: violence.

-ménohe   vai. charge, fight. Náho'-ménohe. I've come to fight. especially said by a woman to a woman. vta: -ménah(n). Category: violence.

-méósané   vai. fight people. É-méósáne. He fights people. fai: -sané1. See: -ósané. Category: violence.

-méót   vta. fight s.o. Ná-méóto. I fought him / I'm fighting him. É-méoto. He fought him. É-méótóho. He fought him (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mi:ka·θe·wa (P). Ná-méota. He is fighting me. Ná-méótáá'e. They fought me. Ná-méotoo'o. I fought them. Nátȧhé-meotoo'o. I went to fight them. É-méotȧhtseo'o. They are fighting each other. Etym: **mi·ka·θetwiwaki (P/L). Násáa-méótóhe. I'm not fighting him. Násáa-méotȯheo'o. I'm not fighting them. Ná-méotoneo'o. We fought them. Násáa-méotȯhéneo'o. We did not fight them. Nétȧhé-meotóneo'o! Let's go fight them! Nétȧhé-meotȧhtsémáne! Let's go box! This word can be extended to certain games, especially boxing. This verb stem illustrates that there are two main "dialects" with regard to how high pitches on obviated verbs are treated by Cheyenne speakers. With verbs having a proximate third person subject and an obviated third person object, the older style is to cause a phonemic high pitch on the last syllable of the stem to drop to a low pitch when adding the direct voice obviation marker /o/. Among newer pronunciation, the newer strategy is to regularize such verb stems to follow the same pattern as verb stems having a phonemic low pitch on the last syllable of the stem, and add the longer direct voice obviative suffix /oha/, and maintain the underlying phonemic high pitches as phonetic high pitches. We call this newer obviation pattern Obviation Regularization (abbreviated as OR). Some older speakers are sufficiently accustomed to the older un-regularized obviation pattern for stems ending in a phonemic high pitch that they will insist that the OR pattern is "incorrect". Some other verbs stems which illustrate these two obviation pitch contours are: -moat' love s.o.' (older speakers: é-meo'o 'he loves him', newer pronunciation: é-méhótóho); -mév 'eat s.o.' (older speakers: é-mevo 'he ate him', newer pronunciation é-mévóho); -vovóhnėhešéh 'take care of s.o.' (older speakers: é-vovóhnėhešeho 'he took care of him', newer pronunciation: é-vovóhnėhešéhóho), and -asénoót 'sing an honor song to s.o.' (older speakers: é-asénooto 'he sang an honor song to him', newer pronunciation: é-asénoótóho). Intransitive verb stems ending in a phonemic high pitch can also experience the "dialectal" differences in pitch contours when taking an obviated subject. Some examples are: -méó'é 'fight', -háóéná, and -mó'é 'invite to a feast'. With these intransitive stems there can be from one to four pitch and suffix variants among older speakers when they utter an obviated verb. And nouns with a phonemic high pitch preceding an obviative suffix experience the two main dialectal pitch contours, also: for example, šé'še 'duck', še'xo 'duck (obv.; older speakers), šé'xóho 'duck (obv.; younger speakers); pe'e 'nighthawk', pe'o 'nighthawk (obv.; older speakers), pé'óho 'nighthawk (obv.; newer pronunciation). (For a technical description of the obviation pitch contours, see the article "Cheyenne Obviation Pitch Alternations" by W. Leman,1987.) vai: -méósané; vti: -méóhtá. See: -méoxevaen; -héseh. Category: phys. ed., interpersonal, violence, warfare.

-méoxevaen   vta. fight s.o. aggressively. This is more aggressive action than -méót. É-méoxevaenóho. He is fighting him aggressively. É-méoxevaenȧhtseo'o They are fighting each other. Ná-méoxevaenȧhtséme. We (not including you) are fighting. Néme'nėše-méoxevaēno. You should fight him. [1987:287] fta: -éváen. See: -méót. Category: interpersonal, violence.

-métsėstóm   vta. mistreat s.o., torture s.o., persecute s.o., ridicule s.o., suffer - cause s.o. to. É-métsėstomo. He tortured/mistreated him. É-métsėstómóho. He tortured/mistreated him. (newer pronunciation). Né-métsėstómemeno. You're persecuting us. Reduplicated -mométsėstóm. See: -métsėstóvo'eéh. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-mo'ȯhtáve'éxané   vai. have black eyes. This refers to eye color, but can also be a loan translation referring to having a "shiner" (black eye); the traditionally more natural term for the latter is -hohkó'se'éxané (lit.purple-eyed) but this is less well known by newer pronunciation today. É-mo'ȯhtáve'éxáne. He has black eyes. Etym: *maxkate·wiški·nšekwe·wa. Category: violence.

-momáta'a'hahtsé   vti. shake s.t. angrily, angrily shake s.t. Lit: angrily-throw É-momáta'a'hāhtse. He shook it angrily. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: violence, throw.

-momáta'a'ham   vta. shake s.o. angrily, angrily shake s.o. Lit: angrily-throw É-momáta'a'hamóho. He shook him angrily. fta: -a'ham. Category: violence.

-momé'aéveanot   vta. beat s.o. bloody. É-momé'aéveanotóho. He beat him bloody. See: -sȯsévenot; -háeanot. Category: violence.

-momé'aévenóoh   vta. bloody s.o. É-momé'aévenóohóho. He bloodied him. Ques: -nóohe?? Category: violence, check.

-náhkȯhnȧho'he   vai. gang-raped, sexually abused. This was a practice occasionally carried out when a man wanted to punish a woman, typically his wife; he would take her "out on the prairie" where she would be gang-raped, typically by members of the man's soldier society; the men felt little pride later over the action (see discussion in Hoebel and Llewelyn?? É-náhkȯhnȧho'he. She was gang-raped/"taken turns with" by several men. See: -ná'so'eeh; -péeet. Category: sex, vulgar, violence, check.

-na'sené   vai. 1 • kill (people). É-na'sēne. He killed/fig. he overate. Etym: *neʔčikwe·wa (P/L). Mó'ȯhkema'xėho'hé-na'senėhevóhe netao'o hováhne. All the animals used to come over to kill (all the people). [The Great Race.045] See: -na'hané.

2 • overeat. See: -na'h. Category: violence.

-ná'so'eéh   vta. turn against s.o., tease s.o., play tricks on s.o., rape s.o. General term; can be with actions. Can refer to sexual overtures, even rape; when it does it seems to have the idea of mocking a person by raping them. É-ná'so'eeho. He raped her. É-ná'so'eéhóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). É-ná'so'eéhovo. They raped her (lit. teased/played tricks on her). Éohketóxe-ná'so'eeho he'óho. He goes around messing with women. See: -ná'so'eém tease s.o. with words; -péeet tear up s.o.; -náhkȯhnȧho'h(n) gang-rape s.o.; -háaenóvem play tricks on s.o.; -véstaenóvem have fun with s.o.; -áva'ó'h rape s.o.; -e'ho'ȯh(n) rape s.o.. Category: violence, sex, interpersonal.

-ná'so'ēē'e   vai. raped, have tricks played on. É-ná'so'ēē'e. She (or He) was raped/had tricks played on. Phon: vs vta: -ná'so'eéh. See: -náhkȯhnȧho'he. Category: sex, violence, vulgar.

na'xeha   vta. Gram: impv Kill him! vta: -na'h. Category: violence.

-na'xévaen   vta. kill s.o. quickly. É-na'xévaenóho. He killed him quickly. (another recording) See: -ne'to'éna'xévaen murder s.o. quickly. Category: violence.

-nėhestȯhénȯxévaen   vta. quickly kill all of s.o. that way. plural object required. Á'e hēva tséme'he'éše'haáotsėse hetane náhta-nėhestȯhénȯxévaenóneo'onótȯxévé'hó'e. As fast as a (hungry) man eats, that is how quickly we killed all of them. For example, killing at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Category: violence.

-nėhpa'éešévaen   vta. smother s.o. quickly. É-nėhpa'éešévaenóho. He smothered him quickly. Nėsta-nėhpa'éešévaena. She'll smother you. For example, she will take a rag and smother you with it. This can be a threat to get children to obey. Category: violence.

-nėhpotóman   vta. suffocate s.o., smother s.o. É-nėhpotómanóho. He smothered him. See: -hóvo'a'o'h. Category: violence.

-ne'enéseh   vta. 1 • beat up s.o. É-ne'enésėhóho. He beat him up. Náma'xe-ne'enésého. I really beat him up. Category: violence.

2 • beat s.o. with a sickness. Category: figurative. Náma'xe-ne'enéseha He'haévėháne. I came down with a bad cold (lit. Cold beat me up bad). See: -ne'enéšėšéváen; -oom; -na'xévaen; -sȯsévenot. Category: sickness.

-ne'enéšėšéváen   vta. beat up s.o. severely, work over s.o. fast. É-ne'enéšėšévaenóho. He really beat him up/he 'worked him over fast'. See: -ne'enéseh. Category: violence.

-ne'to'éna'h   vta. murder s.o. É-ne'to'éna'hóho. He murdered him. See: -na'h. Category: violence.

-ne'to'éna'hané   vta. murder. É-ne'to'éna'hāne. He murdered. vta: -ne'to'éna'h. See: -hoxȯhevosé; -na'h kill s.o.. Category: check, violence.

-ne'to'éna'xévaen   vta. murder s.o. quickly, kill s.o. quickly. É-ne'to'éna'xévaenóho. He murdered him quickly. Nėhéóhe anóséma ésta-ne'to'éna'xévaenaehoono néhe nahkȯhóho néhe hetane. The man was killed by the bears there outside. [1987:262] Final -eváen. See: -na'xévaen. Category: violence.

-netan   vta. stop fighting of s.o., interfere in fighting of s.o. É-netanóho. He stopped him from fighting. vai: -netanová. Category: violence.

-no'é   fai. kill. Ééme-nō'e. He killed on the sly. Émȧhe-no'éoohe. He killed all (of them). fta: -not. See: -nó'é. Category: violence.

-no'ka'ov   vta. 1 • corner s.o. alone. could refer to rape. É-no'ka'ovóho. He cornered her.

2 • have s.o. alone. Né-no'ka'ovȧtse. I have you by myself. Category: violence, possession.

-not   fta. kill s.o. Éháe-notóho. He killed many of them. ?? Émȧhe-notóho. He killed them all. Némȧhe-notatséme. I('ll) kill all of you (plural). [1980:16:117] Éhvá'nėhe'e-notósesto. She just didn't destroy (one of them). [1980:14:35] Nénėhestȯhé-notatséme. I'll kill however many there are of you (plural). [1980:14:68] Ésȯséve-notóho. He beat him to a pulp. Námá'se-notoo'o. I killed them all. fai: -no'é; fti: -nohtsé; vai: -na'h. Etym: *nał (R). See: -nót sew s.o.. Category: violence.

-o'hohtá'ov   vta. kick s.o. É-o'hohtá'ovóho. He kicked him. O'hohtá'oveha! Kick him! (for example, a ball, animate)! Nétȧhé-o'hohtá'ovone hóhtséme! Let's go play football/soccer! (lit. refers to kicking the ball). Áhaneo'hohtá'ova! Kick him to death! (from the Vohkooheso song). Etym: *paʔsetye·xkawe·wa he kicks the body of him. See: -a'á; -a'ov; -tóo'ėsé'ov. Category: violence.

-oo'hohta'ov   vta. kick s.o. É-oo'hohta'ovóho. He kicked him. fta: -a'ov. Category: feet, violence.

-oó'xȧhtsená'o'h   vta. tear mouth of s.o. É-oó'xȧhtsená'o'hóho. He stretched (or tore) his mouth until it broke. Náme'tavotá'e-oó'xȧhtsená'ó'ho. I could just go over there and split open his mouth. That is, I am so angry I feel like going to him and split his face apart by pulling on both sides of his mouth; strikes hearers as humorous. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: violence, tear.

-oom   vta. hit s.o., strike s.o. É-oomóho. He hit him. Etym: *pakame·wa (P). Ná-oōmo. I hit him. Né-oomaehe? Did he hit you? Névé'e-oōmo! Don't hit him! Mónėsta-oomȧtse? Shall I hit you? That is a threatening thing to say. vta: -oohtá. Etym: *nepakama·wa I hit him.. See: -e'óoestoh(n). Category: hit, violence.

-ováhanoh(n)   vta. club s.o. É-ováhanȯhnóho. He clubbed him. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.011] Category: violence, hit.

-ováne'eoestoh(n)   vta. stab s.o. quickly. É-ováne'eoestȯhnóho. He stabbed him quickly. É-ováne'eoestȯhōō'e. He (obv) stabbed him quickly. See: -he'kėhahtsé; -ane'eoestoh(n). Category: violence.

-ováne'oh(n)   vta. stab s.o. É-ováne'ȯhnóho. He stabbed him. É-ováne'ȯhōō'e He (obv) stabbed him. See: -ováne'eoestoh(n) stab s.o. quickly. Category: violence.

-pa'ȯhtá'ov   vta. kick s.o. in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtá'ovóho. He kicked him in the stomach. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2. See: -pa'ȯhtán. Category: violence, hit.

-pa'ȯhtán   vta. kick s.o. in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtano. He kicked him in the stomach. É-pa'ȯhtánóho. He kicked him in the stomach. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -ohtá. See: -pa'ȯhtá'ov. Category: violence, hit.

-péeet   vta. tear apart s.o., tear up s.o., rape s.o. for example, of tearing up a pillow or tearing clothes off s.o. É-péeetóho. He tore him apart. Etym: *pi·kwipiθe·wa (P) he breaks him by pulling. See: -péeot; -ná'so'eéh; -náhkȯhnȧho'he; -ó'xeet. Category: violence, tear, interpersonal.

-póeneoestoh(n)   vta. Medial -éné. slap s.o. in the face, hit s.o., punch s.o. suddenly in the face. Nȧhta-póeneoestōhno. I'll slap her in the face! Reduplicated -pó'poeneoestoh. Ques: recheck glosses Category: violence, revenge.

-póeomenéh(n)   vta. hit s.o. in his dwelling. É-póeomenehno. He hit him in his dwelling. É-póeomenéhnóho. He hit him in his dwelling. (newer pronunciation). Nȧhtama'xe-póeomenéhno (ne'éeme). I'll hit you hard in your dwelling (of your snot). that is, in your nose; a slangy humorous threat. Simplified Spelling pois, poiso, poyso. Category: violence.

-póestséáh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the head, hit s.o. in the head, slap s.o. in the head. This is one of the ways of referring to an act of revenge against an offender. É-póestséahno. He punched him in the head. É-póestséáhnóho. He punched him in the head. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pa·kintepe·hwe·wa (P). Ná-póestséáhno. He punched him in the head. I punched him in the head. Hotóhkeo'o náma'xevóomoo'o tsés-póestséahenéto. I saw stars when I got bumped on the head. That saying is in use and probably is a loan translation from English. BodyPartMedial -stséá. See: -póeneoestoh; -vé'eestséáh(n). Category: revenge, violence, head.

-póešenéh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the chest, hit s.o. in the chest. É-póešenehno. He punched him in the chest. É-póešenéhnóho. He punched him in the chest. (newer pronunciation). Ná-póešenéhno. I punched him in the chest. BodyPartMedial -šené. Category: violence.

-po'evo'ham   vta. knock off something from s.o. Náma'xe-po'evo'hamóvo heme'ko. I sure knocked his head off. Category: move, hit, violence.

-pó'poestséa'ov   vta. slap head of s.o. repeatedly. Nánėšepėhéve-pó'poestséa'ōvo. I slapped him around good on the head. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal, violence, hit.

-póoeséh(n)   vta. punch s.o. in the nose, hit s.o. in the nose. Ná-póoeséhno. I hit him in the nose. É-póoesehno. He punched him in the nose. Névááhe tsé-póoeséheta'e? Who hit you on the nose? See: pó-. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: violence.

-póo'énéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face. É-póo'énehno. He slapped his (obv) face. É-póo'énéhnóho. He slapped his face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -póéneh(n), -vé'eénéh(n). Category: violence, face.

-sévenot   vta. beat up s.o. É-sévenotóho. He beat him up. Ná-sévenōto I beat him up. Reduplicated sȯsévenot. Category: violence, interpersonal.

-só'soestséá'e   vai. get a crushed head. É-só'soestséá'e his head was crushed. for example, in a car accident. Category: violence.

-sȯsévenot   vta. beat s.o. to tiredness, beat s.o. to a pulp. É-sȯsévenotóho. He beat him to a pulp. Éhma'xė-sȯsévenotaesesto. He (obv) was really beaten up by him. (reportative mode). [The Journey.277] fta: -not; Non-reduplicated -sévenot. See: -ne'enéseh. Category: violence.

-sȯsévenȯxévaen   vai. beat s.o. until he is tired out. faster action than -sȯsévenot. Ná-sȯsévenȯxévaēno. I beat him up until he was tired out. Category: violence.

-šéen   vta. rob s.o. É-šéenóho. He robbed him. Etym: *ši·kwene·wa. vai: -šéenová. See: -nėhpa'éehe'tov; -šéenomev; -nomáhtseh. Category: violence.

-taa'é'tov   vta. spouse beat s.o. É-taa'é'tovóho. He beat her (his wife) up. vai: -taa'é. Category: violence.

-taa'éoohe   vai. beat spouse. É-taa'éoohe. He/She committed domestic violence. faster action than -taa'é. See: -taa'é. Category: violence.

-ta'xȧhtsenávo'oh(n)   vta. cut lip of s.o. É-ta'xȧhtsenávo'ȯhnóho. He busted his (other person's) lip. Category: cut, violence.

-távenaoestoh(n)   vta. knock out s.o. This refers to knocking someone out so that they are unconconscious. Knocking a ball (animate) out (as in a home run) is -hóesto'ovo'oh(n). É-távenaoestȯhnóho. He knocked him out. Távenaoestȯheha! Knock him out! See: -hóesto'ovo'oh(n). Category: violence.

-tȯhovóoná'ov   vta. kick s.o. in the crotch. É-tȯhovóoná'ovóho. He kicked him in the crotch. See: -vȯhónotsé. Category: violence.

-tó'omenaoestoh(n)   vta. knock s.o. senseless. Ná-tó'omenaoestōhno. I knocked him senseless. Category: violence.

-tó'omeoesemas   vta. shoot s.o. suddenly, kill s.o. on the spot. Hotȧhtse mósta-tó'omeoesemȧxėstsėhéhe. Here, she must have killed herself. [1987:59] Category: violence, shoot.

-tó'omoh(n)   vta. knock s.o. senseless. É-tó'omȯhnóho. He knocked him senseless. Ná-tó'omōhno. I knocked him senseless. Initial tó'om-; Final -oh(n). Category: hit, violence.

-tónėševo'e'ov   vta. 1 • how inflict injury on s.o. É-tónėševo'e'ovóho? How much did he injure him? Né-tónėševo'e'ōvo? How much did you injure him?

2 • how chase s.o. Tósa'e né-tónėševo'e'ōvo? Where did you chase him to? Category: interpersonal, violence.

-tsévatoešem   vta. flop s.o. on the ground so dust flies. É-tsévatoešemóho. He flopped him on the ground so hard the dust flew. Nėstama'xe-tsévatoešemȧtse. I'll throw you so hard the dust will fly (a threat). Category: violence.

-vé'eénéh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the face. É-vé'eénehno. He slapped him in the face. É-vé'eénėhnóho. He slapped him in the face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -póo'énéh(n). See: vé'eestséáh(n). Category: face, violence.

-vé'eestséáh(n)   vta. slap s.o. in the head. É-vé'eestséahno. He slapped him in the head. É-vé'eestséáhnóho. He slapped him in the head. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vé'eestséáhno. I slapped him in the head. See: -póestséáh(n); -vé'eénéh(n). Category: head, violence.

-vonenot   vta. annihilate s.o., destroy s.o. É-vonenotóho. He destroyed him. Nėstse-vonenotaēvo He (the whiteman) will do away with your way of life. [1987:12] vti: -vonenohtsé; fta: -not. See: -má'senot; -vonéanot. Category: violence.

-vovéhénéh(n)   vta. scar s.o. in the face. É-vovéhenehno. He scarred him in the face. É-vovéhénėhnóho. He scarred him in the face. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vovéhénéhno. I scarred him in the face. Category: body, violence.

-xá'xanȯhta'ov   vta. crush s.o. by stomping. Ques: reck first pitch with other speakers tsé'éšemá'sė-xá'xanȯhta'ovȯse after he got through stomping them. [Croft 1988:25:42] See: -xó'xoeohá'ov. Category: violence.

-xó'xoeoha'ov   vta. smash s.o. with the feet. É-xó'xoeoha'ovóho. He stomped him. See: -xá'xanȯhta'ov. Category: feet, violence.