Cheyenne Dictionary



-áhanóné'o   vii. shrivel and die (of vegetation). É-áhanóné'o. It shriveled and died. fii: -óne'ó. See: -hóne'ó. Category: plants.

ȧhkévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl gumweeds. Category: plants.

anonévee'tose   ni. yampah, carrots. Lit: hang-four-together?? Usage: This word is not well known today. Category: check. Refers to either a wild or domesticated plant. Probably traditionally refers to yampa; Grinnell lists this Ch. term as Carum gairdneri (H. & A.) A. Gray); modern term Perideridia gairdneri (H. & A.) Math.; the Cheyenne term seems to have something to do with four wild roots (typically) being together in a bunch. See: heóve-mo'ȯhtá'éne 'yellow turnips'. Category: food, plants.

e'eeháséto   ni. vine. Plural e'eehásétónėstse. Usage: not widely known today See: véškee'ėstse. Category: plants.

é'kotsévó'ėstse   ni. choke weeds. Category: plants.

-é'o'emató   vii. broken growth. for example, of a willow branch. É-é'ó'émáto. It is broken growth. Medial -o'e. See: -e'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-é'o'o'e2   vii. broken vegetation. for example, of a field of grass knocked over due to hail. É-é'o'o'e. The vegetation is broken. Medial -o'e5. See: -é'o'o'e1 broken handle; -é'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-énano'é   vai. plant. É-énanō'e. He planted. Néohke-énano'ehe? Do you plant? tsé'-énano'éstove garden (lit. where there is planting). Medial -o'é3. See: -o'eno'é. Category: plants.

-énano'ot   vta. plant s.o. É-énano'oto. He planted him. É-énano'ótóho. He planted him. (newer pronunciation). Category: farm, plants.

-éxo'o'é   vii. bloom. Ééše-éxo'ō'e. It is fully bloomed. Category: plants.

-éxóne'ó   vii. grown, sprouted. Lit: finish-grow É-éxóné'o. It is grown. Final -óne'ó. See: -hóne'ó grow. Category: plants.

-háa'ėstó'o'e   vii. tall of growth. of something that grows in height. É-háa'ėstó'o'e. It is tall growth. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants, size.

-háa'ėstóné'o   vii. grow tall. for instance, of a corn stalk. É-háa'ėstóné'o. It (or He) grew tall.

vai. grow tall. See: -hóne'ó. Category: plants.

háhnóváso   na. Ques: ni?? wild licorice, cockleburs. Category: check. See: ma'kėháhnóváso. Category: plants.

háhnóvó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl thorny weeds like sand burrs. Category: plants.

-háo'o'e   vii. much grass. É-háo'o'e. There is lots of grass, hay. for example, after some good rains. fii: -o'o'e. Category: plants.

héheotsé-heséeo'ȯtse   ni. vomiting medicine. Category: plants.

he'évánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl woman sage; female sage. probably fringed sage. See: hetanévánó'ėstse. Category: plants.

he'konō'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl buffalo grass. Lit: hard-grasses Category: plants.

-he'konó'o'e   vii. tough growth. for example, tough grass, rough bushes. Phon: iah É-he'konó'o'e. It is tough growth. Category: plants.

hémotséhnó'ėstse   ni. horse weed. Lit: breed-weeds increases stud breeding ability; similar effect to Viagra; given to horses but also used by men. Category: herbs, plants.

henēne   na. rosebud, rosehip, rose bush, tomato. Etym: O ogin (sg); ogini·g (pl) (N); *wekenya (P); *okenya ?. Plural heneno; Obviative heneno. Category: plants.

-heneneve   vai. rose bush. Ná-heneneve. I am a rose bush. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).048] Category: plants.

henenó'e   ni. rose bush. probably another plant also, which is rich in Vitamin C. Medial -ó'(e). Category: plants.

héováéstse tséhetó'o'ee'ėstse   vii. flowers. Lit: various kinds how they grow See: tsépėhévėstséavó'o'e. Category: plants.

heóvėheséeo'ȯtse   ni. yellow medicine. Category: plants.

heóvėhestaahtsémenó'ėstse   ni. yellow currant bushes. Category: plants, berries.

heóvėstséávó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl dandelions. Lit: yellow-headed-weeds Category: plants.

-heóvėstséávo'o'e   vii. be a yellow flower, yellow flowers (any kind). Lit: yellow-headed-vegetation É-heóvėstséavo'o'e It is a yellow rose. tsé-heóvėstséavo'o'e rose/that which is a yellow-headed plant. tsé-heóvėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse yellow flowers. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: plants.

hesó'xėhestaahtséménó'e   ni. currant bush. Plural hesó'xėhestaahtséménó'ėstse. Category: plants, berries.

hesó'xėho'enóse   ni. rank weed with a yellow flower similar to sunflower, Chinese Chrysanthemum. Category: plants.

hesó'xenó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl sunflowers. Lit: slippery-plants Category: plants.

hestáhpánó'e   ni. yucca, soap weed. Plural hestáhpánó'ėstse. Traditionally used for soap; this weed is also used with a mixture of brains and liver for treating hide during tanning. Category: plants.

hestamóó'káne   ni. sweetroot. grows near the sandrocks; a root that looks like rope; the inner part is sweet. Category: plants.

hestoomo'e   ni. bark (of bush). It is a bush's "robe"; folk etymology. ?? Variant: hestoomo'ke. See: hetané-menó'ė-hestoomo'é-hohpe; hetone'ke. Category: plants, check.

hestoomo'ke   Ques: hestóomo'ke ?? ni. bark (of bush). it is a bush's "robe"; folk etymology ?? hetané-menó'ė-hestóomo'é-hohpe juneberry bark tea. Variant: hestoomo'e. See: hetone'ke. Category: plants, check.

hestovo'ēško   na. mushroom. (another recording) [PD glosses as 'dew claws, dried apples'] Plural hestovo'ėškono; Obviative hestovo'ėškono. See: mo'ēško. Category: plants.

hešėxovávó'e   ni. Gram: pl reed. Plural hešėxovávó'ėstse. See: véesevō'e. Category: plants.

heškóvanēō'o2   ni. wild Sweet William. See: heškóvanēō'o1 weapon. Category: plants.

heškóvėhestaahtsémenó'e   ni. gooseberry bush. Category: plants.

heškóvemata   na. 1 • cactus. Plural heškóvemátaho. See: mata. Category: plants.

2 • Cactus. Category: names.

heškóvemenō'e   ni. thorny bush. Plural heškóvemenó'ėstse. Ques: heškóvemenó'e ?? See: heškóvema'táa'e. Category: plants.

heškóvėstséávó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl thistles. Lit: thorny-headed-weeds Variant: heškóvó'ėstse. Category: plants.

heškóvo'enóse   ni. Gram: pl sunflower-like plant. Category: plants.

-heškóvo'ésáóó'e   vii. thorns stand. Ȯhtséveévo'sóetonȯhtse éohkėhoháeheškóvo'ésáóó'e. Whenever I played there were lots of thorns. [The Rolling Head.054]

vai. thorns stand. Category: stand, plants.

heškóvó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl tumbleweeds, thistles, thorn bushes. That is, any kind of plants with stickers. Often translated as 'tumbleweeds'. Variant: heškóvėstséávó'ėstse. See: éseohtsévó'ėstse. Category: plants.

-heškóvo'ešé   vai. covered with thorns, lie in thorns. É-heškóvo'ēše. He is covered with thorns. [pd311] See: -heškóvo'e'e. Category: plants.

-heškóvo'o'e   vii. be lots of stickers. É-heškóvo'o'e. There's lots of stickers. fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

hetanemenó'e éhestóemó'ėstse   ni. tea bark. of inner bark of juneberry bush. Category: plants.

hetanévánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl man sage, male sage. Only the man sage is used for hitting oneself in the sweat lodge, or for a bedding foundation during a fast. See: he'évánó'ėstse. Category: plants.

-hetó'o'e   vii. Gram: rr such growth, so grown. ... é-hetó'o'e. ... that is how the (plant) growth is. heováéstse tsé-hetó'o'ee'ėstse flowers (plants of various kinds). fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

hexaenó'káne   ni. sweet onion, Mariposa lily. known elsewhere as Mariposa lily. looks like a small lily. See: xaóenėhéstȧhévo. Category: plants.

hexovávó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl a kind of reeds. Category: plants.

-hoháo'o'é   vii. very much grass, very dense growth. É-hoháo'o'e. There is a dense growth of grass. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

hohnóhkȧ-heséeo'ȯtse   ni. contrary medicine. Category: plants.

hohpa   na. sponge, spatterdock. modern usage for 'sponges'. Plural hohpaho; Obviative hohpaho. See: hohpe soup. Category: plants.

hohpȧhtsenámenó'e   ni. wild grape bush. Category: plants.

ho'enoo'o   na. sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, sunchoke, tuber. modern meaning is 'sweet potato'; previously this word referred to a traditionally used tuber called a Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke in English. The plural of this word sounds almost the same as -ho'enóoné, a verb used about a scout that returns. The similarity is just an interesting coincidence. Plural ho'enóono; Obviative ho'enóono; Diminutive ho'enohko. See: mésėhestȯtse potato (md); aéstomemésėhestȯtse potato; -ho'enóoné return from scouting. Etym: *aškipwa·wa 'groundnut, Indian potato' (P). Category: plants.

ho'enóse   na. tall weed very similar to sunflower(s), sunflowers, lambs quarters. traditional term also used for 'sunflowers' and 'lambs quarters'. Oblique ho'enóséva. Category: plants.

-hóne'ó   vai. grow. Etym: cf *sa·kiwa.

vii. grow (of vegetation), sprout. É-hóné'o. It (or He) grew. Etym: cf *sa·kaškatwi it sprouts. -éšee'e is used for growing of people. See: -pėhévóne'ó; -éšee'e; -asee'e. Category: plants.

hoó'kȯhtséme'hahtse   ni. hair like string next to ear of corn. Category: plants.

hoomȧhévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl "blanket plant", mosquito plant ?? Category: check. This is medicine boiled to clean out kidneys. Category: plants.

-hoónȯhtó'o'e   vii. yard grass gone to weeds while occupants are gone. Lit: lonely vegetation É-hoónȯhtó'o'e. The yard has gone to weeds while the occupants of the house are gone. Category: plants.

hotamemenó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl dogwood. Usage: loan transl. from Petter ?? Category: check, plants.

hotamo'e   ni. Gram: pl smartweed. seems to be similar to nettles; will make skin hurt. Plural hotamó'ėstse. Etym: *aθemwa·xkwi. Category: plants.

hoxo'ȯhtsévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl grass. Lit: green-grass/weeds Usage: possible new word See: mo'ē'ėstse. Category: plants.

-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e   vii. green growth. É-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. There is green growth. Ééšeáahtsé'-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. There is already green growth. Hánȧháóhe éohkėháa'éšė-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'e. The grass stays green for a long time there. Éxxae-hoxo'ȯhtsévo'o'énėse. There was green grass. (reportative mode). [1987:259] See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévoma'o'e. Category: plants.

hoxoméheséeo'ȯtse   ni. stink weed. Lit: rotten-smell-medicine cook this and pour it around a house; it repels snakes. Category: plants, smell.

ka'ėškónȧšé'šestȯtse   ni. children's drink, Grass of Parnassus. Final -asé'še. Category: plants.

mȧhaemenéma'óhkéé'e   ni. corn tassel. Phon: vs Plural mȧhaemenéma'óhkeenȯtse. Category: plants.

mȧheasénó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl bush with bright red berries ?? Category: check, plants.

mȧho'xeno   na. gourd, gourd rattle, peyote gourd. Plural mȧho'xénono; Obviative mȧho'xénono. See: mȧhōō'o; mȧhōhko; šé'šeno. Category: plants, dance.

mȧhpémóxėšéne   water mint. found in slow-moving water. Category: plants, record.

mȧhtovóotsė-heséeo'ȯtse   ni. ear medicine. See: -htovoo'ȯtse. Category: plants.

ma'ėheóvėheškóvó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl golden-weeds. Category: plants.

ma'ėheséeo'ȯtse   ni: red medicine, saxifrage. Category: plants.

ma'emenó'ėšé'e   ni. buffalo berry bush area. Category: plants.

ma'emo'kóhta'e   na. 1 • orange Indian turnips. Category: plants. Variant: ma'emo'óhta'e; Plural ma'emo'kȯhtá'éne.

2 • beet.

ma'éveotsévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl tall weed similar to hemp which emits blood red sap when twisted. Category: plants.

ma'kėháhnóváso   na. Gram: pl 1 • cockleburs, burs. term for both the plant and the reddish burs from the plant. É-mȧhoe'tó'tóó'e ma'kėháhnóváso. He has burs stuck all over him. See: háhnóváso. Category: plants.

2 • boyfriends. É-pȧhoeotsé'tóó'e ma'kėháhnovaso. She has lots of boyfriends (lit. cockleburs are stuck to her). Category: figurative, romance.

ma'óhkee'e   ni. tassel, plume, scalplock. originally referred to tassels of corn but extended to plumes worn for powwow dancing. Plural ma'óhkeenȯtse. Phon: vs See: -ee'e feather ; quill; a'ké'háso; voto; hoo'kȯhtse; Ma'óhkeená'e. Category: plants.

ma'ō'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl prairie grass. Lit: red-grasses Category: plants.

ma'óomėhá'eonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl wild Oklahoma tea (plants). Category: plants.

ma'xėheséeo'ȯtse   ni. big medicine. apparently a plant used in many medicinal mixtures. Category: plants.

-mámeno'o'e   vii. huge growth of berry bushes. É-mámeno'o'e. ó'o'?? It is a huge growth. for example, a huge growth of berry bushes. Étaéetšėše-mámeno'o'énėstse vénȯhó'kóhtsėstse. There's a growth of chokecherry bushes here and there. [1987:43] fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants, check.

-manohtsé   vti. water s.t. É-manōhtse. He watered it. for example, to water a plant. vta: -manohá. See: -he'kóovohtsé. Category: liquid, plants.

-manó'ko'o'e   vii. Ques: -manó'o'o'e ?? grove, patch of vegetation. Category: check. Lit: cluster-vegetation.grow Variant: -manó'o'o'e. See: Mano'o'eo'hé'e. Category: plants.

-mano'ó'o'e   vii. Ques: -manó'o'o'e ?? grove. Category: check. Lit: cluster-vegetation.grow Variant: -manó'ko'o'e. See: Mano'o'eo'hé'e. Category: plants.

mata   na. pickle, peyote. Plural mátaho; Obviative mátaho. Morph: /mátah/. Ques: does it also mean cactus?? Category: check. See: véhonemata; heškóvemata; véhonemata; -mátȧhéve'haná; -mátȧhémahpe. Category: plants, food.

Mátȧhó'ómo   ni. 1 • pin cushion cactus. Plural mátȧhó'omonȯtse; AlternatePlural mátȧhó'komonȯtse. These are small cactus plants with little red berries similar to a persimmon; they taste sweet. Category: plants.

2 • Pin Cushion Cactus. Category: names.

matanaéheséeo'ȯtse   ni. milk medicine. This is an herbal medicine to encourage lactation. See: matanaévó'ėstse; matanaémáxėstse. Category: plants.

matanáémáxėstse   ni. milkweed?? Synonym matanáevō'ėstse. Category: plants, check.

matanaévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl milkweed. an herbal medicine for encouraging lactation. this may be a new word, a loan transl. based on the English term; the older Cheyenne may be matanaémáxėstse. See: matanaémáxėstse; matanaé-heséeo'ȯtse. Category: plants.

matomenéheséeo'ȯtse   ni. nosebleed medicine. Category: plants.

méeméa'tóne   ni. good smelling tree. Lit: good smelling incense Category: plants.

méeškaahé'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl short yellow plants similar to goldenrods. perhaps they were used to increase lactation? Variant: méeškaatsėhē'ėstse. Category: plants.

méhnó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl monster plant. used in altar of Sun Dance. See: méhmemenó'ėstse. Category: Sun Dance, plants.

mé'hoomanōhtsėstse   ni. Gram: pl water plants. Lit: hairy-water-?? Category: check. these are hairy, fibrous, like grassy seaweed. Category: plants.

-mé'o'é   vii. appear growing, emerge (of vegetation). É-mé'ó'e. It emerged growing. fii: -o'é. See: -hóne'ó; mé'-. Category: plants.

ménó'e   ni. chokecherry bush, berry bush. Etym: *mi·na·xkwi. Plural ménó'ėstse. See: ménó'ke willow; vénȯhó'kȯhtse chokecherry branch. Category: plants.

méstaehámėškone   ni. owl spoon. pod of milkweed. Category: plants.

mȯhonatone ??    Category: check.

ni ??. reed - a kind of. Category: check. Usage: obsolescent Category: plants.

mo'éhemóxėšéne   ni. elk mint, peppermint. Variant: tóhtoo'émȯxėšéne. Category: plants.

mo'éhno'hamé-heséeo'ȯtse   ni. horse medicine, meadowrue. Category: plants.

mo'éhno'hamémȯxėšéne   ni. horse perfume. Lit: horse-mint a plant. Category: plants.

-mo'e'ámané   vai. grass - make, make grass, create grass, grass - create. Ná-mo'e'ámáne. I created the grasses. Category: plants.

mo'e'é-   pv. grass, weeds.

pn. grass, weeds. É-mo'e'éméá'ha. It smells like hay. See: mo'ó'e-. Category: plants.

mó'e'e   ni. hay, weed, grass (single blade). Usage: The singular is rare; almost always occurs as a grammatical plural because there are many blades of grass. xamae-mo'ē'ėstse blue joint grass (lit. ordinary-weeds). [1987:117 (sg. occurs here as generic)] Phon: iah Plural mo'ē'ėstse. Phon: iah fni: -o'e plant; vegetation; Medial -ó'(e)2 wood; tree; bush. Etym: *maškixkyiwi. See: hoxo'ȯhtsévó'ėstse. Category: plants.

mo'ē'ėstse   ni. grass, weeds, hay. (another recording) This is grammatically plural, referring to multiple blades of grass. The singular, mó'e'e, is rarely said. Singular mó'e'e. Category: plants.

-mo'e'eve   1 • vii. É-mo'e'eve. It is weedy.

2 • vai. weedy. É-mo'e'eve. He is weedy. Etym: *maškixkyi·wiwa. Náxxae-mo'e'évémȧse. (they say) I was just all weedy. [1987:27] Category: plants.

-mo'e'évėstséá'e   vai. 1 • have grass in hair. can connote having been in the bushes making out. É-mo'e'évėstséá'e. He has grass in his hair.

2 • make out. Category: figurative, hair, plants, romance.

mo'ȯhtáevánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl black sage, ragweed. used for bowel cramps and to stop bloody stools. See: vánó'ėstse. Category: plants.

mo'omėstaso   ni. reeds ?? Category: check, plants.

motsé'eonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl sweetgrass. has a sweet scent, especially when burned. See: vé'hó'ȯhtse; Motsé'eóeve; Motsé'eóó'e. Category: plants.

móxėšéne   ni. mint. Category: plants.

-ná'someotse   vai. withered. É-ná'someotse. It (or He) withered. for example, a flower. See: -noóneotse; -ó'eotse. Category: plants.

-nėševóne'ó   vii. grow fast, fast grow. É-nėševóné'o. It is growing fast. See: -hone'ó grow. Category: plants.

-nétȧhévo'o'e   vii. different vegetation - be. É-nétȧhévo'o'e. It is different vegetation. Final -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

no'aneono   na. Gram: pl mixtures, leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. no'aneono is animate, while no'aneonȯtse is inanimate. Apparently some speakers consider this smoking mixture animate, while others consider it inanimate.

ni. no'aneonȯtse See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.

no'aneonō'e   ni. sumac. Plural no'aneonō'ėstse; fni: -o'e. See: ma'kemenȯtse. Category: plants.

no'aneonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl mixtures for smoking, herbs. leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. Ques: Lenora No'aneonȯtse náhe'ponȯtse. I'm smoking sumac leaves mixed with kinnikinnic.

na. no'aneono See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.

no'e'hanávó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl locoweed. Lit: poison-weeds Category: plants.

-nonó'ko'o'e   vii. grow as single stem. only used with plural subjects. É-nonó'ko'o'énėstse hetanévánó'ėstse. Man sage grows as single stems. fii: -ó'o'e. Phon: redup Category: plants.

-noóno'o'e   vii. withered grass. É-noóno'o'e. It (grass) is old and withered. [Stamper 1991:6] Medial -ó'o'e; Final -o'e. Category: plants.

oévėheséeo'ȯtse   ni. scabby medicine. See: heséeo'ȯtse medicine. Category: plants.

-o'é3   m. vegetation, plant, grass, weed. Éénan-ō'e. He is planting. Énomáht-ó'e. He stole from a garden. Etym: *-ašk (P14). Medial -o'é5. See: -ó'o'e; -ó'(e)2; -ó'é4. Category: plants.

-o'é5   fni. vegetation, plant, grass, weed. he'kon-ō'ėstse buffalo grass (lit. hard-weeds). ván-ó'ėstse sage. ma'-ō'ėstse prairie grass (lit. red-grass). véesév-ó'ėstse tall rank grass (lit. teeth-weeds). fii: -o'é3. See: mó'e'e; -ó'o'e; -ó'(e)2; -ó'é4. Etym: *-aškw grass (medial). Category: plants.

-o'kohné   vai. dig wild turnips, dig tubers. É-o'kōhne. He is digging wild turnips. Nétȧhé'-o'kȯhnémáne! Let's go dig wild turnips! See: -ó'ohe tree, tuber. Category: plants.

-ó'o'(e)   m. vegetation, plant, grass, weed. Épėhév-o'o'e. The grass is growing well. Éhohá-o'o'e. There is a dense growth of grass. Éháa'ėst-ó'o'e. It is tall growth. Énoón-o'o'e. The grass is withered. tséhmano'k-ó'o'e grove ; clump of trees/bush. Lit: lit. where there is growing in a bunch Etym: -. See: -ó'(e)2 vegetation; plant; grass; weed; -o'é3 wood; tree; bush; -hóne'ó grow. Category: plants.

-óne'ó   f. grow. É-asėtóné'o. It (or He) is starting to grow. Ééx-óné'o. It is grown. Éáhan-óné'o. It shriveled and died. Ééšėhó-óné'o nȧhto'eo'o. My garden has already come through. Énėšev-óné'o. It is growing fast. vii: -hóne'ó. Category: farm, plants.

onėškevéesevó'ėstse   a kind of reed. Category: plants, check.

ónonevonėškemóxėšéne   ni. prairie dog perfume. Category: plants.

-oo'kó'enené   vai. weed. É-oo'kó'enēne. He is weeding. Category: plants.

otá'tavėheséeo'ȯtse   ni. blue medicine. Category: plants.

otá'tavō'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl alfalfa. Lit: blue-weeds Oklahoma Dialect póovónáévó'ėstse. Category: plants, Montana.

-pėhévo'o'e   vii. good growth. É-pėhévo'o'e It is a good field / It is good grass. fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

-pėhévóne'ó   vii. grow well.

vai. grow well. É-pėhévóné'o. It (or He) is growing well. Hoóhtseto éohkease-pėhévone'oo'o. Trees start to grow well. See: -hóne'ó grow. Category: plants.

póovónáévó'ėstse   ni. alfalfa. Usage: od Montana Dialect otá'tavō'ėstse. Category: plants.

séotsémȧhóó'o   na. wild melon. Lit: ghost-melon Category: plants.

šé'šenovotséheséeo'ȯtse   ni. rattlesnake medicine, prairie coneflower. Category: plants.

šé'šenovotsévó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl snakeweeds. Variant: šé'šenovotsé-mȧhtamȯtse. Category: plants.

tȧhpenonó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl flute shrub. wood used to make flutes. Category: plants.

tóhtoo'émȯxėšéne   ni. elk mint. Lit: prairie-mint Ques: re-record?? Variant: mo'éhemóxėšéne. Category: record, plants, check.

tóhtoo'éotá'tavō'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl prairie clover. Category: plants. Usage: loan translation?

-tóne'ėstó'ohe   vai. how high (of something growing). This is about a tree or turnip. É-tóne'ėstó'ohe? How high is he (tree)? fai: -ó'ohe. Category: size, plants.

tsé-háaeéno'e heséeo'ȯtse   vii. gray strong medicine. Category: plants.

tséh-mano'kó'o'e   vii. small grove, small clump of trees, small bush. Lit: where there is vegetation growing in a bunch Medial -ó'o'e. See: Mano'o'eo'hé'e. Category: plants.

tsépėhévėstséavó'o'e   ni. flower. Lit: It is quite likely that there was no historical word for 'flower'. Plural tsépėhévėstséavó'o'ee'ėstse. See: pėhévėstséávó'ėstse; heováéstse tséhetó'o'ee'ėstse. Category: plants.

tsépėhévėstséavó'o'e   ni. Gram: pl flowers. Lit: pretty-headed-weed Plural tsépėhévėstséávó'ėstse. Ques: tsépėhévėstséavoo'ėstse ?? See: vehpȯtse. Category: plants, check.

váno'é-   pv. sagebrush. This functions like an adjective. The plural, vánó'ėstse, refers to a sagebrush plant or plants. See: vánó'ėstse. Category: plants.

vánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl sage brush. Locative váno'ēva. There are names for a number of different varieties of plants which are considered by Cheyennes to be various kinds of sage, for example: hetanévánó'ėstse 'man sage'; he'évánó'ėstse 'woman sage'; mo'ȯhtáevánó'ėstse 'black sage'; xamaevánó'ėstse 'natives age'; vé'ȯhkevánó'ėstse 'bitter sage.'. This is usually pronounced as a grammatical plural because it is regarded as plants, just as Cheyenne 'grass' is usually plural. Category: plants.

váno'éšé'e   ni. sagebrush area. See: šé'e; váno'éva. Category: plants.

véeno'e'e   ni. reed. See: véesevó'e. Ques: is this word known today?? Category: check, plants.

véesevō'e   ni. reed. Lit: tooth-weed Plural véesevō'ėstse. Southern Cheyennes used these for windbreaks; they have sharp-edged blades. Synonym véeno'e'e. See: hešėxovávó'ėstse. Category: plants.

-véhpotseve   vai. be in leaf, leaves - already have. This is especially about trees. É-véhpotseve. He is in leaf. Etym: cf *ni·piwiwa (P) he is leafy. Ééše-véhpotséveo'o. They already have leaves.

vii. be in leaf, leaves - already have. Category: trees, plants.

vé'hó'ȯhtse   1 • ni. sweetgrass. Variant: Vé'hó'kȯhtse; Plural vé'hó'óhtsėstse. See: motsé'eonȯtse. Category: plants.

2 • na. Sweetgrass. See: Vé'hó'kȯhtse; Motsé'eóeve. Category: names.

vé'hó'óhtsėstse   ni. sweetgrass. grammatically plural. Singular vé'hó'ȯhtse. See: motsé'eonȯtse; Motsé'eóeve. Category: plants.

-vé'ho'ȯhtsévo'o'é   vii. sweet grass grow. tsé-vé'ho'ȯhtsévo'ō'e where sweetgrass grows. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

vé'keeheséeo'ȯtse   ni. sweet medicine. probably a loan translation from English, given to Grinnell; perhaps motsé'eonȯtse or vé'hó'ȯhtse was intended. See: Motsé'eóeve; motsé'eonȯtse; vé'hó'ȯhtse. Category: plants.

vé'ȯhkėheséeo'ȯtse   ni. bitter medicine. that is, horsemint. Category: plants, medicine.

vé'ȯhkémȯxėšéne   ni. bitter perfume, sweet flag. See: móxėšéne. Category: plants.

vé'ȯhkevánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl bitter sage. See: vánó'ėstse. Category: plants.

vénȯhó'kȯhtse   ni. chokecherry branch. sometimes the "bush" is called ménó'e. Plural vénȯhó'kóhtsėstse. These branches are used in the altar of the Sun Dance. See: véno'hohkȯtse tripe; ménó'e chokecherry busy. Category: plants.

vénȯho'kȯhtšėše'e   ni. chokecherry bush area. Category: plants.

-véstó'o'e   vii. be with among growth. É-vésto'o'e. It is growing with (other plants). Naa tótseha móh-vésto'o'éhanéhe héne mó'e'e. And long ago this weed was there amongst the others. [1987:238] fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants.

véškee'éhemenó'ėšé'e   ni. strawberry area, raspberry area, blackberry bush grove. Category: plants.

véškee'évó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl sand lily ?? Category: check. small plants with tubular flowers having white petals; you can suck on the flower; they taste sweet. Category: plants. Variant: véškee'émȧhtamȯtse ??.

vétánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl cattails. Category: plants.

vóhkoohémenó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl rabbit-brush. Category: plants.

vóhpėstséávó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl white flowers. Lit: white-headed-weeds for example, daisies. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: plants.

-vóhpo'eeséotse   vii. blossom, turn white headed (of plants). É-vóhpo'eeséotse. It (for example, plant) is blossomed out/it has turned white. Ȯhtséše-vóhpo'eeséotsee'ėstse menō'ėstse naa ma'xemenō'ėstseéénano'éstove. When chokecherry and plum bushes are in bloom you can plant. Category: plants.

vóhpó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl whiteweed, gromwell, cabbage. Category: plants.

-voné'emátó   vii. lots of thick bushes. É-voné'émátó. There's lots of thick bushes. Category: plants.

xamaemo'ē'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl blue joint grass. Category: plants.

xamaevánó'ėstse   ni. Gram: pl native sage. Category: plants.

xaóemata'xevoto   na. Gram: pl onions, wild onion(s). Lit: skunk-testicles See: xaóenėhéstȧhévo onion; ta'xevȯtse testicle. Category: plants, vulgar.

xaóenėhéstȧhévo   na. onion, onions. including wild onion. See: xaóemata'xevoto. Category: plants.