a'éevo'ha na. donkey. Lit: humped-horse (?) Variant: a'kéevo'ha; Plural a'éevo'hāme; Obviative a'éevo'hāme. See: -a'eesé; vó'hó'óhta; véhpotseeséhéó'o. Category: horses, animals.
-a'hasó'he fai. ride horse. Éam-a'haso'he. He is riding by on horseback. Éhóxov-a'haso'he. He rode his horse across (for example, across the river). Évovó-a'haso'he. He is in the lead on horseback. Ques: or is it Évovóa'a'haso'he?? Ého'-a'haso'he. He arrived on horseback. Émoméh-a'haso'he. He is galloping on a horse. See: -a'hasó'heohe ‘ride horse quickly’; -a'éno'hamé; -a'ovo'hamé; -(o)'hamé. Category: horses.
-a'hasó'heohe fai. ride horse quickly. Éasėt-a'hasó'heohe. He rode away quickly. Héstove éxho'-a'hasó'heohésesto. On either side of him (two soldiers) rode up to him. [1987:22] Éstaohkeasėt-a'hasó'heohésesto. They would quickly ride off. [1987:26] See: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
a'kéevo'ha na. donkey. Lit: humped-horse (?) Variant: a'éevo'ha; Plural a'kéevo'hāme; Obviative a'kéevo'hāme. See: vó'hó'óhta ‘mule’. Category: horses.
-ama'haso'he vai. ride horse along. É-ama'haso'he. He is riding by on horseback. É-ama'hasó'heo'o. They are riding on horseback. Náéve-ama'haso'he. I rode a horse all over. Ama'haso'hėstse! Ride the horse! fai: -a'hasó'he. See: -táhoo'e. Category: transportation, horses.
-ama'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse along quickly. É-ama'hasó'heohe. He is riding by quickly on horseback. Initial am-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-ama'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock. É-ama'ovo'hāme. He drove horses. fai: -a'ovo'hamé; Variant: -ama'éno'hame. Category: horses, transportation.
-anȧha'haso'he vai. ride horse down. É-anȧha'haso'he. He rode a horse down. especially down hill. Variant: -ana'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-anȧha'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse down quickly. É-anȧha'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse down quickly. especially down hill. Category: horses.
-ana'haso'he vai. ride a horse down. for example, down a hill. É-ana'haso'he. He rode a horse down. Variant: -anȧha'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: move, horses.
-anéa'oo'e vai. have saddle sores. É-anéa'oo'e. He (a horse) has saddle sores. Phon: vs Category: horses.
-anée'ešé vai. be saddlesore. É-anée'ēše. He is saddlesore. See: -anée'ėšéše; -anééše. Category: horses, sickness.
-asėta'haso'he vai. leave on horse. É-aseta'haso'he. He left on horseback. Nėhē'še mó'-aseta'hasó'hehéhe. Then he started loping his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-asėta'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse away quickly, gallop away. faster action than -asėta'hasó'he. É-asėta'hasó'heohe. He rode away quickly. Éstaohke-asėta'hasó'heohésesto. They would quickly ride off. [1987:26] fai: -a'hasó'heohe. Category: horses.
-asėta'ovo'hamé vai. move livestock, chase horses away. É-asėta'ovo'hāme. He chased off horses. Category: horses.
-e'a'haso'he vai. ride horse uphill. É-e'a'haso'he. He rode up the hill on horseback. Initial e'(e)-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-e'a'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse uphill quickly. É-e'a'hasó'heohe. He rode up the hill on horseback quickly. Initial e'(e)-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-e'to'ótano'hamé vai. collar horse(s), necklace horse(s), put necklace/collar on horse(s). É-e'to'ótano'hāme. He is putting a collar on his horse(s). Variant: -ho'ótano'hamé. Category: harness, horses.
-éna'haso'he vai. stop riding horse. É-éna'haso'he. He stopped riding his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-éna'hasó'heohe vai. stop riding on horseback. É-éna'hasó'heohe. He stopped riding on horseback quickly. tséstȧhóseé-a'hasó'heohévȯse when they stopped riding again. [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.018] fai: -a'hasó'he, -ohe. Category: horses.
-éna'ovo'hamé vai. leave livestock. É-éna'ovo'hāme. He left horses (over there). See: -énano'hamé. Medial -o'hamé. Category: horses.
-énano'hamé vai. release livestock. É-énano'hāme. He let his horse(s) go. Ésta-énano'hamésesto hénėhéóhe tóxeo'hé'e. They let their horses go there by the river. [GHOST.TXT] Medial -o'hamé. See: -éna'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-éohová vai. be nervous. especially of a horse, for example, that doesn't want to be caught, or a wife running from her husband, not wanting to be caught. É-éohōva. He is nervous. See: -nonótovahe. Category: horses.
ésėhahtáahtsestȯtse ni. stirrup. Lit: into.foot.thing Plural ésėhahtáahtséstotȯtse; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: horses.
-ésėhahtáno'hamé vai. shoe horses. Lit: into-foot-horse É-ésėhahtáno'hāme. He shoed horses. Category: horses.
-éseoha'ov vta. corral s.o. É-éseoha'ovóho. He corralled them. Category: horses.
-éstȧhtsenáno'hāme vai. put bridle on horse(s). É-éstȧhtsenáno'hāme. He bridled the horse team. Category: horses.
-ésta'haso'he vai. ride horse into. É-ésta'haso'he. He rode his horse into. for instance, riding into a corral. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-éstȯhta'éno'hamé vai. hitch up horse(s). that is, hook up tugs. É-éstȯhta'éno'hāme. I hitched my team to the wagon. BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 ‘abdomen, stomach, intestines’. Category: horses.
-ésto'a'haso'he vai. ride horse into bushes. É-ésto'a'haso'he. He rode his horse into the bushes/brush. Category: horses.
-étovo'hamé vai. fail to find livestock. Ná-étovo'hāme. I looked for my horses but couldn't find them. Usage: less commonly used than -étsevo'hamé Variant: -étsevo'hamé. Category: horses.
-étsevo'hamé vai. fail to find livestock. É-étsevo'hāme. He failed to find his horses. Variant: -étovo'hamé. Usage: This is more commonly used than -étovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-éva'haso'he vai. ride horse about. É-éva'haso'he. He rode here and there on his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-éveno'tsé vai. 1 • graze. É-évenō'tse. He is grazing. É-éveno'tseo'o mo'éhe. Elk are grazing. Category: horses.
2 • search. especially of how an FBI agent searches. See: -évenohe.
-évoa'xe vai. look around nervously, look rolling eyes around. Horses do this, as well as people. É-évoa'xe. He is rolling his eyes looking around. See: -évo'a'xe ‘squirm’; -évo'ó'a'xe. Category: horses.
-évó'ená vai. roll (on the ground). horses do this also; also said of holy-roller Pentecostals. É-évó'éna. He rolled. Medial ó'e1. See: Hotóá'ȯhtsévó'énȧhtse ‘Rolling Bull’. Category: horses.
-háeohévo'hamé vai. have a fast horse. É-háeohévo'hāme. He has a fast horse/fast horses. fai: -o'hamé. Category: horses.
-háestȯhé'hamé vai. have many horses. É-háestȯhé'háme. He has many horses. É-háestȯhé'hameo'o. They have many horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: quantity, horses.
-hao'omóhto'eéh vta. pacify, pacify s.o. especially of breaking in a horse. É-hao'omóhto'eeho. He pacified him. É-hao'omóhto'eéhóho. He pacified him. (newer pronunciation). Category: horses, interpersonal.
-hehpa'haso'he vai. ride horse beyond. É-hehpa'haso'he. He rode his horse beyond (a certain point). fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-he'hema'ová vai. speckled hide, spotted hide. É-he'hema'ōva. He (especially a horse) has a spotted hide. Category: appearance, horses.
-he'hemėšéoná vai. have speckled rump, be an Appaloosa horse. É-he'hemėšéóna. He has a speckled rump/he is an Appaloosa. tsé-he'hemėšéónȧhtse Appaloosa (horse). See: he'hemová. Category: horses.
he'hemėšéonávo'ha na. Appaloosa. Lit: spotted-rump-horse Category: horses.
-he'hemová vai. speckled hide. especially of an Appaloosa horse, but not exclusively so. É-he'hemōva. He has a speckled hide. tsé-he'hemōvȧhtse the Appaloosa/the speckled horse. Medial -ová. Category: horses.
-he'konȯhtáet vta. cinch up s.o. tight. É-he'konȯhtáetóho. He cinched him up tight. He'konȯhtáešeha! Cinch him (especially a horse) up tight! BodyPartMedial -ohtá2; Antonym -ho'tonóvȯhtáet. See: -hóhtȯhtáet. Category: horses.
-hema'énanȯhová vai. strike with hoofs. É-hema'énanȯhōva. He strikes at you with his hoofs. Category: horses.
-hémoto'hamé vai. be in heat. said of dogs, cats; derogatory about an attractive woman who has lots of males after her. É-hémoto'hāme. She (for example, a female dog) is in heat. See: -he'šétanó. Category: dogs, horses, sex, cats.
hémotséhno'ha na. stud. Lit: breeding-horse See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
heóvo'ha na. sorrel, yellow horse. Etym: *wesa·waʔθemwa. Category: horses.
-heóvová vai. yellow furred, have a yellow hide. É-heóvóva. He has yellow fur. BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
-hésta'haso'he vai. ride horse from there. Énėx-hésta'haso'he. He rode a horse from there. Tósa'e mó-hésta'haso'hehéhe. He must have ridden from somewhere. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hestomémané vai. barn sour, will not go, hold back. said of a horse that refuses to cooperate. É-hestomémáne. He is barn sour. Category: horses.
-he-stotséhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as pet. É-he-stotséhenoto. He has him as a pet. Náhe-stotséhenȯtse. He is my pet. Hovánee'e esáa-he-stotséhehénoto tsé'tóhe óeškėseho. No one owns these (for example, stray) dogs. Possessive -htotsé. Category: horses.
-hestóxa'haso'he vai. ride horse last. É-hestóxa'haso'he. He is the last one in line riding horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-heta'haso'he vai. ride horse so. ... é-heta'haso'he. ... that is where he ride a horse. Tósa'e nétȧ-heta'haso'he? Where did you ride a horse to? Háá'ėše é-heta'haso'he. Far away he rode a horse. Étaohkė-heta'hasó'heo'o Háa'ėsta'éhe tséhvonanėse. They ride to where Custer was wiped out. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, check.
-heta'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock over there. ... ná-heta'ovo'hāme. ... I drove the horses over there. fai: -a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
hetané'hame na. male (domesticated animal). for example, horse, cat, dog. Etym: cf *na·pe·Ɂθemwa (P). Plural hetané'háme; Obviative hetané'háme. Usage: There is often some kind of constraint against saying this word, as well as the corresponding female form, he'é'hame. Both words often evoke laughter, probably indicating some kind of sexual connotations which are inappropriate for speaking in public. Category: horses.
-hétsėha'xe vai. buck. É-hétsėha'xe. He bucked. -hótsėha'xe seems to be the most common pronunciation today. Variant: -hótsėha'xe, -hótȧha'xe. Category: horses.
heva'ó'xevooma na. saddle blanket. Ques: recheck LH's pronunciation?? Variant: ho'óma'oestȯtse. Category: horses, check.
-hóa'haso'he vai. ride horse out. É-hóa'haso'he. He rode a horse out (of something). fai: a'hasó'he. See: -hóo'haso'he. Category: horses.
-hohkó'sová vai. have chestnut colored hide. É-hohkó'sóva. He (for example, a horse) has a chestnut-colored hide. Medial -ová. Category: horses, colors.
-hóhtȯhtaét vta. cinch up s.o. Ná-hóhtȯhtáéto. I cinched him up. É-hóhtȯhtaeto. He cinched him up. É-hóhtȯhtaétóho. He cinched him up. (newer pronunciation). Hóhtȯhtaéšeha! Cinch him up! See: -he'konȯhtáet; -ho'tonóvȯhtáet. Category: horses.
-ho'a'hasó'he vai. arrive riding horse. É-ho'a'haso'he. He arrived on horseback. Éévȧ-ho'a'haso'he. He returned on horseback. Éto'sė-ho'a'hasó'heo'o Ho'óhomo'eo'o. Siouxs are going to arrive on horseback. fai: a'hasó'he. See: ho'a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-ho'a'hasó'heohe vai. arrive quickly riding horse. É-ho'a'hasó'heohe. He arrived quickly riding a horse. Héstove éxho'-a'hasó'heohésesto. On either side of him (two soldiers) rode up to him. [1987:22] fai: -a'hasó'heohe. Category: motion, horses.
-ho'a'ov vta. herd in s.o.bring in s.o. É-ho'a'ovóho. He herded him/them in. [1987:182] for example, his horses. Nėhéóhe tsėhéóhe tsé'éšė-ho'a'ovovȯse vé'ho'éotóa'o nėhéóhemóstaéetóxėhnėhéhe né=vé'ho'e. After they came with the cattle this whiteman went by there. [1987:182] Lit: cause s.o. to arrive Category: horses, move.
-ho'a'ovo'hamé vai. bring in livestock, arrive with livestock. É-ho'a'ovo'hāme. He brought in the horses. Éstȧ-ho'a'ovo'hamesėstse hevenȯtse tséxho'tatse. He drove his animals to where his tepee was. [1987:171] Category: horses, livestock.
-ho'a'ovo'haméohe vai. bring in livestock quickly, arrive with livestock quickly. É-ho'a'ovo'haméohe. He arrived with livestock quickly. Héva hó'taotá'eévėhoháeméo-ho'a'ovo'haméoestse Like no matter how early in the morning he brings the horses. Category: horses, livestock.
ho'óma'oestȯtse na. saddle blanket. Plural ho'óma'oéstoto; Obviative ho'óma'oéstoto; Variant: heva'ó'xevooma. Category: harness, horses.
-ho'óneeto'hamé vai. halter horse(s). É-ho'óneeto'hāme. He put halters on horse(s). See: -hóxeeséeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-ho'ótano'hamé vai. collar horse(s), put collar on horse(s). É-ho'ótano'hāme. He is putting a collar on his horse(s). Variant: -e'to'ótano'hamé. Category: horses, harness.
-ho'tonóvȯhtáehe vai. cinched loosely. É-ho'tonóvȯhtáehe. He is cinched up loosely. Category: horses.
-ho'tonóvȯhtáet vta. cinch up s.o. loosely. É-ho'tonóvȯhtáetóho. He cinched him (especially a horse) up loosely. Ná-ho'tonóvȯhtáéto. I cinched him (especially a horse) up loosely. Antonym -he'konȯhtáet. See: -hóhtȯhtáet. Category: horses.
-hó'xa'ov vta. break in s.o., train s.o. especially of breaking in a horse. É-hó'xa'ovóho. He broke him in. Etym: *a·ʔšexkawe·wa ‘he passes, beats him'’. See: -hó'xeeh. Category: horses.
-hó'xa'ovo'hamé vai. break in horse(s). É-hó'xa'ovo'hāme. He broke in a horse(s). [Ranch Life:7] fai: -o'hamé. See: -hó'xo'eeto'hamé; -hó'xeet. Category: horses.
-hó'xeeh vta. train s.o. The one trained can be a person or an animal such as a horse. É-hó'xeehóho. He trained him. Nátaohkėhé-ho'xeehahtse. I go train. This is a new way of using this word, to speak of inadequate child raising: Éhávėsévė-hó'xeehóho. He trained him badly. Ná-hó'xeehoo'o. I trained them. Móxho'nó=tā'se=tā'se=héne'enomévȯhtse tséme'tato'senėhešė-hó'xeeese héne héne'enovȧhestȯtse. They didn't quite know he was going to get that education. [1987:143] É-hó'xeehe. He was trained. Category: horses.
-hó'xeet vta. train s.o., break in s.o. for example, of breaking in a horse. É-hó'xeetóho. He broke him in. É-hó'xeetóho mo'éhno'hāme. He broke in the horse. Synonym -hó'xeeh. See: -hó'xa'ovo'hāme. Category: horses.
-hó'xo'eeto'hamé vai. break in horse(s) for a team. É-hó'xo'eeto'hāme. He broke in horses for a team. See: -hó'xa'ovo'hamé. Category: horses.
-hóma'ó vai. dismount quickly, get off quickly. É-hómá'o. He quickly dismounted. See: -hómevonehné. Category: motion, horses.
-hóneva'haso'he vai. ride out in the country on horseback. É-hóneva'haso'he. He is riding out in the country on horseback. Category: horses.
-hóohta'haso'he vai. ride horse home. É-hóohta'haso'he. He is riding home on horseback. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hóohta'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock home. É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. [1987:171] É-hóohta'ovo'hāme. He drove his horses home. Initial hóoht-; Final -a'ovo'hamé. Category: horses, livestock.
-hóo'haso'he vai. ride horse out. É-hóo'haso'he. He rode horse out. for example, out of the corral. Ques: hóo'a'hasó'he or hóa'has[o'he?? See: -hóa'haso'he. Category: horses, check.
hóome'éxanéeto'haméstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl blinders. Lit: shield-eyes-tie(?)-horse-NOM Category: harness, horses.
-hótoma'ó vai. dismount, get off. É-hótomā'o. He dismounted. ?? Non-reduplicated -hóma'ó. Category: horses, check.
-hótsėha'xe vai. buck. especially of a horse. É-hótsėha'xe. He bucked. Usage: -hótsėha'xe seems to be the most common pronunciation today. Variant: -hétsėha'xe, -hótšėha'xe. Category: horses.
hótsėha'xévo'ha na. bronc. Lit: bucking-horse Variant: hótšėha'xévo'ha. Category: horses.
-hótšėha'xe vai. buck. É-hótšėha'xe. He bucked. Variant: -hótsėha'xe. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstaonaov vta. saddle s.o. É-hova'ó'xėstaonaovóho. He saddled him. Ná-hova'ó'xėstonaōvo. I saddled him. Náto'sė-hova'ó'xėstonaōvo. I'm going to saddle him. Ques: recheck ton or taon?? Névé'-hova'ó'xėstaonaōvo! Don't saddle him! See: -hova'ó'xėstóov ‘saddle s.o.’; hova'ó'xestȯtse ‘saddle’. Category: horses, check.
-hova'ó'xėstonané vai. have saddles. É-hova'ó'xėstonāne. He has saddles. Ná-hova'ó'xėstonāne. I have saddles. Category: horses, check.
hova'ó'xėstoo'o ni. saddle horn. Plural hova'ó'xėstoonevótse. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstoona'hamé vai. saddle. Éhova'ó'xėstoona'hāme. He saddled (horses). Hova'ó'xėstoona'hāmėstse! Saddle up! Variant: -hova'ó'xėstoono'hamé. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstoono'hamé vai. saddle horses. É-hova'ó'xėstoono'hāme. He saddled horses. Hova'ó'xėstoono'hāme! Saddle up! (said to more than one person). Variant: -hova'ó'xėstoona'hamé. Category: horses.
-hova'ó'xėstóov vta. saddle s.o. Hova'ó'xėstóoveha! Saddle him! Ques: to or tó?? See: -hova'ó'xėstaonaov. Category: horses, check.
hova'ó'xestȯtse ni. saddle. he-stovoa'ó'xėstonevōtse their saddles. Etym: cf. Ar hóókuʔóóx. Category: harness, horses.
-hóxȧhtsenáeto'hamé vai. bridle horse(s). É-hóxȧhtsenáeto'hāme. He bridled horses. See: éstȧhtsenáno'hamé. Category: horses.
-hóxeeséetȯhe'hamé vai. halter horse(s). Lit: around-nose-horse É-hóxeeséetȯhe'hāme. He put a halter on his horse(s). Variant: -hóxeeséeto'hamé. See: -ho'óneeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-hóxeeséeto'hamé vai. halter horse(s). Lit: around-nose-horse É-hóxeeséeto'hāme. He put a halter on his horse(s). Variant: -hóxeeséetȯhe'hamé. See: -ho'óneeto'hamé. Category: horses.
hóxeeséeto'hamestȯtse ni. halter. Lit: tied around nose horse thing See: ho'óneetó'hamestȯtse; hósee'ėse. Category: harness, horses.
-hoxo'otsévan vta. castrate s.o. É-hoxo'otsévanóho. He castrated him. Usage: seems to be a less common pronunciation Variant: -hoxotsévan. Category: horses.
-hoxomȯho'hamé vai. feed livestock. É-hoxomȯho'hāme. He fed stock (for example, cattle). Etym: *ahšamaʔθemwe·wa. Hoxomȯho'hāmėstse! Feed the livestock! fai: -o'hamé. Category: horses.
-hoxotsévan vta. castrate s.o. É-hoxotsévanóho. He castrated him (for example, a calf). tsé-hoxotsévanėstse hetane a eunuch (lit. a man who has been castrated). Usage: This is the more common pronunciation of the two variants. Variant: -hoxo'otsévan. See: -po'eta'xevá's ‘cut off testicle(s) of s.o.’. Category: horses, livestock.
-hoxotsévano'hamé vai. castrate livestock. É-hoxotsévano'hāme. He castrated livestock. Category: horses.
-hóxova'haso'he vai. ride horse across. É-hóxova'haso'he. He rode across on horseback. Hénėhéóhe éhnėxxaesóhpė-hóxova'hasó'hesėstse Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe. That's right where Custer came through across (the river). [1987:21] fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-hóxova'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse across quickly. É-hóxova'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse across quickly. Éstaéváhóxova'hasó'heohésesto. They rode back across quickly. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.023] fai: -a'hasó'he, -ohe. Category: horses.
-htotsé na. Gram: poss pet (poss.) This refers to any animal (hōva) that you have as a pet, especially a horse, but it can also be a dog or cat, but not a bird or fish. A small pet, such as a bird, is referred to with the possessed noun stem -néestoo'o. nȧ-htōtse my pet/my horse. nȧ-htotseho my pets. (another recording) nė-stōtse your pet. he-stotseho his pet(s). nȧ-htotséhane our (excl) pet. vai: -he-stotsehe ‘have a pet’; vta: -he-stotséhé'tov ‘have s.o. as a pet’. Morph: /na-htotéh/. Etym: *metayihsikwa 'pet' (Pi); *netaya 'my pet'; K netaya. See: -htotóame; -néestóone; -néestoo'o. Category: cats, horses, dogs, animals.
-kȧhanahe vai. unergetic, slow and tired, sluggish, lethargic. especially of a horse. É-kȧhanahe. He is sluggish/unergetic. Antonym -nȧhahkahe. See: -kávahe ‘sluggish’; -kȧhaneotse ‘tired’. Category: horses.
-kȧhaneotsé'hamé vai. have tired horse(s). É-kȧhaneotsé'háme. His horse(s) is/are tired. Category: horses.
ka'a'éeto'hamestȯtse ni. small harness. See: tóva'eto'haméstotȯtse. Category: harness, horses.
-koká'eohtsé vai. walk friskily, caper, prance. can be said of a horse. É-koká'eōhtse. He walks/goes friskily. [pd210] Category: walk, horses.
-'hamé m. livestock. especially horses or cattle. Évoneotsé-'háme. He lost his herd. Variant: -(o)'hamé. Category: livestock, horses.
-mȧha'haso'he vai. all ride horses. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧha'hasó'heo'o. They are all riding horses. fai: -aha'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-mȧhova'haso'he vai. tired of riding horse. É-mȧhova'haso'he. He is tired of riding horse. Category: horses.
mȧhtamȧháahévo'ha na. old mare; mare - old. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
mȧhtávo'enotovo na. mane. Animate when still on horse, inanimate when detached; used for ceremonial purposes.
ni. Plural mȧhtávo'enotovono. he-mȧhtávo'enotovono his (that is, horse's) mane. mȧhtávo'enotovonȯtse detached manes (used ceremonially). Category: horses.
-mȧhtóhtȯhé'hamé vai. have ten horses. É-mȧhtóhtȯhé'háme. He has ten horses. Ques: [o'ham[e?? Category: horses, numbers, check.
ma'aataévėhahtáno'hamestȯtse ni. horseshoe. Lit: iron-foot-horse-NOM also, the word for the horseshoe used in the game of horseshoes. Plural ma'aataévėhahtáno'haméstotȯtse. Category: games, horses, horseshoes.
ma'háhkėhno'ha na. old horse, old - horse. Final -o'ha. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
-ma'ová vai. have red fur (or hide), be a roan (horse). É-ma'ōva. He is red furred (or has a red hide). for example, of a roan horse. Etym: *meçkwawe·wa. tsé-ma'ōvȧhtse the roan (horse; lit. the one which has red hide). BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
ma'ováhe na. roan. Lit: red-furred-one See: -ma'ová. Category: horses.
-manȯho'hamé vai. water livestock. É-manȯho'hāme. He watered the livestock. Category: horses.
manȯhó'hamestȯtse ni. trough. Lit: giving water to stock thing Plural manȯhó'haméstotȯtse. Category: horses.
-mé'a'haso'he vai. appear riding horse. É-mé'a'haso'he. He came into view riding a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-mé'ovo'hamé vai. find livestock. É-mé'ovo'hāme. He found his horses. Énėh-mé'ovo'hāme. He found his horses (and is bringing them this way). See: -mé'ov. Category: horses.
méo'evo'ha na. war horse. Plural méo'evo'hāme. Category: warfare, horses, check.
-móhea'ovo'hamé vai. gather herd. É-móhea'ovo'hāme. He gathered his herd. Ná-móhea'ovo'hāme. I gathered my herd. fai: -'hamé. Category: horses.
mo'éhno'haméhéso na. horsey. Non-diminutive mo'éhno'ha. See: mo'éhno'haméhése. Category: horses.
mo'éhno'haméme'ko ni. horse hair, Horse Head. Ques: Is this a common word?? Category: check. Ques: possibly also a name, Horse Head See: me'ko. Category: horses, hair.
mo'éhno'hamévenestȯtse ni. horse mask. See: nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse. Category: horses, new.
mo'kéhno'hamēso na. colt. dim. (doubly marked with -k and /-esón/) of mo'éhno'ha. Plural mo'kéhno'hamėsono; Obviative mo'kéhno'hamėsono. See: mo'éhno'hamēso. Category: horses.
mo'ȯhtávo'hame na. black horse. Plural mo'ȯhtávo'hāme; Obviative mo'ȯhtávo'hāme. Etym: *maxkate·waɁθemwa ‘black dog’. See: Mo'ȯhtávo'ha ‘Black Horse’. Category: horses.
-mo'ȯhtávová vai. black hide - have, have black fur. É-mo'ȯhtávóva. He has a black hide. Etym: *maxkate·wawe·wa. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávová; BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
-moméha'haso'he vai. gallop on horse. É-moméha'haso'he. He is galloping on a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-moméha'xe vai. gallop. É-moméha'xe. He (especially a horse) galloped. (another recording) See: -vové'heohtsé ‘trot’. Category: horses.
-moméha'xévó'eohtsé vai. go by a galloping team. É-moméha'xévo'eōhtse. He came on a galloping team. Medial -ó'e1. Category: horses.
nȧhahévo'ha na. wild horse. Plural nȧhahévo'hāme. Category: horses.
nȧha'ónȯsanévo'ha na. roping horse. Variant: nȧha'ónȯsenévo'ha; Medial -ón. Category: horses.
nȧha'ónȯsenévo'ha na. roping horse. Variant: nȧha'ónȯsanévo'ha; Medial -ón. Category: horses.
-néetȯho'hamé vai. pasture livestock. É-néetȯho'hāme. He put his horses out to pasture. Variant: -néeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-néeto'hamé vai. pasture livestock. É-néeto'hāme. He has his horses pastured (over there). Variant: -néetȯho'hamé. Category: horses, check.
-nėhováno'hamé vai. curry horse(s). É-nėhováno'hāme. He curried horses. Category: horses.
-néhovo'hamé vai. chase livestock. É-néhovo'hāme. He chased the horses. Category: horses.
-nėhpa'ovo'hamé vai. guard livestock. É-nėhpa'ovo'hāme. He guarded/watched horses. Category: horses.
-nėhpeeséetȯhe'hamé vai. nose mask horse(s). É-nėhpeeséetȯhe'hāme. He put a nose mask on his horse(s). to keep flies from bothering the horse's face. Variant: -nėhpeeséeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-nėhpeeséeto'hamé vai. nose mask horse(s). É-nėhpeeséeto'hāme. He put a nose mask on his horse(s). to keep flies from bothering the horse's face. Variant: -nėhpeeséetȯhe'hamé. Category: horses.
nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse ni. horse mask. Lit: cover-nose-livestock-NOM word made up for an occasion by HL, to try to get a label for a beaded horse mask. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: nėhpeeseehestȯtse; mo'éhno'hamévenestȯtse. Category: horses.
-né'tȧhtsenáno'hamé vai. unbridle horses. É-né'tȧhtsenáno'hāme. He is unbridling his horse(s). (another recording) Variant: -né'tȯhta'éno'hamé. Category: horses.
-né'tȯhta'éno'hamé vai. unbridle horses. É-né'tȯhta'éno'hāme. He is unbridling his horse(s). Variant: -né'tȯhtsenáno'hamé. Category: horses.
-néma'a'haso'he vai. ride a horse in a circle. É-néma'a'haso'he. He rode a horse in a circle. fai: -a'hasó'he. See: -néma'ó'a'hasó'heohe. Category: horses.
-néma'a'hasó'heohe vai. ride a horse in a circle quickly. É-néma'a'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse in a circle quickly. See: -néma'ó'a'hasó'he. Category: horses, record.
-néma'ó'haso'he vai. ride horse in a circle. É-néma'ó'haso'he. He rode a horse in a circle. Ques: néma'ó'a'hasó'he?? É-néma'ó'a'haso'he He rode a horse in a circle. (another pronunciation). Category: horses, check.
-néma'ó'hasó'heohe vai. ride a horse in a circle quickly. Éohke-néma'ó'hasó'heoheo'o. They ride horses in a circle. Category: horses.
-néše'hamé vai. two horse - have, have two horses. Ná-néše'hāme. I have two horses. Category: horses, quantity.
-néšeóhtaeto'hamé vai. hobble horses. É-néšeóhtaeto'hāme. He hobbled the horse(s). [GHOST.TXT] Category: horses. Medial -o'hamé. Lit: two-leg-tie(?)-livestock
-nėševa'haso'he vai. ride horse fast. É-nėševa'haso'he. He rode horse fast. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, speed.
-nétȧhéva'haso'he vai. ride horse differently. É-nétȧhéva'haso'he. He rode horse in a different way. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-néveóhtá vai. have four legs. for example, the horse; Sweet Medicine predicted that an animal, the horse, would come to the Cheyennes having four legs. É-néveóhta. He has four legs. Etym: *nye·wika·te·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: horses.
-néxa'hasó'he vai. ride horse together, ride horse double. É-néxa'hasó'heo'o. They are riding horse together. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nóhta'ovo'hamé vai. go after horses. É-nóhta'ovo'hāme. He went to get horses. See: -nȯhtsevo'hamé. Category: horses.
-nȯhtóva'haso'he vai. know how to ride horse ?? É-nȯhtóva'haso'he. He knows how to ride a horse. Initial nȯhtóv-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nȯhtsevo'hamé vai. look for livestock, look for horses. É-nȯhtsevo'hāme. He looked for the horses. (another recording) Etym: *natawaɁθemwe·wa (P). See: -nóhta'ovo'hamé. Category: horses, sight.
-nȯhtsevo'haméoohe vai. look for livestock quickly, look for horses quickly. É-nȯhtsevo'haméoohe He looked for his horses quickly. Category: horses, sight.
-nó'ėsta'haso'he vai. ride horse over. for example, to ride a horse over a hill. É-nó'ėsta'haso'he. He rode his horse over (a hill). fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-no'héva'haso'he vai. ride horse aside quickly. É-no'héva'haso'he. He rode his horse out of the way. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-no'héva'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse aside quickly. É-no'héva'hasó'heohe. He quickly rode his horse out of the way. Category: horses.
-no'ka'éestsé vti. pull s.t. with one horse. É-no'ka'ééstse. He pulled with one horse. É'ȯhke-no'ka'ééstse amóma'ȯxovahtȯtse. One horse pulled the plow. ?? [A Plowing Story.008] Ques: recheck Ch and glosses See: -heseestsé ‘pull s.t.’. Category: horses, check.
-no'ka'éetȯho'hāme vai. one horse work, use one horse. That is, work with one horse, as when plowing. Nėhe'xóvéva é'ȯhke-no'ka'éetȯho'hāme. At that time he used one horse for plowing. [A Plowing Story.007] Category: horses.
-no'ka'haso'he vai. ride horse alone. É-no'ka'haso'he. He is the only one riding a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-no'ke'hamé vai. have one horse. É-no'ke'hāme. He has one horse. Category: horses.
-nomáhto'hamé vai. steal horses. É-nomáhto'hāme. He stole horses. Etym: cf *manaɁθemwe·wa ‘he gathers dogs, he steals horses’. fai: -(o)'hamé. See: -moné'hamé ‘pick a horse’. Category: horses.
-nomona'haso'he vai. fall asleep riding horse. É-nomona'haso'he. He fell asleep riding horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nonáxomahe vai. tame. É-nonáxomahe. He is tame. For example, of a horse. See: -nonétse'omahe. Category: horses.
-nonétse'omahe vai. tame, gentle. especially of animals but also may be of humans. É-nonétse'omahe. He is tame. [PD: gentle, meek, peaceful, mild] Non-reduplicated -nétse'omahe. See: -nonáxomahe. Category: horses.
-nonomėšéoná vai. have a shaky rump, be a pacer horse. É-nonomėšéóna He has a shaky (or quivering) rump/he is a pacer horse. tsé-nonomėšéónȧhtse pacing horse. Lit: one whose rump quivers, i.e. moves from side to side ?) Category: horses.
-nóva'haso'he vai. ride horse slowly. É-nóva'haso'he. He rode horse slowly. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, speed, motion.
nóvėše'évo'ha na. racehorse. Plural nóvėše'évo'hāme. Category: horses.
-nóvėše'évo'hamé vai. race horses. É-nóvėše'évo'hāme. He is racing horses. Category: horses.
nóvȯhésėstómanévo'ha na. running racehorse. Plural nóvȯhésėstomanévo'hāme. Category: horses.
-o'ha(m) fna. horse, livestock, domesticated animal. mo'éhn-o'ha horse (elk-domesticated one). vóhp-o'ha white horse. heóv-o'ha sorrel (lit. yellow-horse). The original meaning of 'dog' was extended other domesticated animals, especially the horse. Etym: *-aʔθemw (P13) ‘dog’. See: hótame. Category: horses, animals.
-(o)'hamé fai. livestock, herd. especially horses or cattle. Ése'a'ov-o'hāme. He watered livestock. Évoneotsé-'háme. He lost his herd. Énomáht-o'hāme. He stole horses. Étoo'et-o'hāme. He tied up horses. Éháeohév-o'hāme. He has a fast horse/fast horses. Éháestȯhé-'hameo'o. They have many horses. Éhoxomȯh-o'hāme. He fed stock (for example, cattle). See: -a'ovo'hamé; -a'éno'hamé; -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-o'hohtánová vai. kick. É-o'hohtánóva. He (for example, a horse) kicked. Category: horses.
-o'oma'haso'he vai. ride horse past. É-o'oma'haso'he. He bypassed riding his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, check.
-onéha'eno'hamé vai. untie horses, turn loose horses. É-onéha'eno'hāme. He turned the horses loose. fai: -a'eno'hamé; Antonym -too'eto'hamé. Category: horses.
-onótova'haso'he vai. go fast by horse. É-onótova'haso'he. He is going fast on his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-óova'ėše'še vai. buck rear legs. É-óova'ėše'še. He (especially a horse) bucked his rear legs. Variant: -óova'kėše'še. Category: horses.
-óova'kėše'še vai. buck rear legs. É-óova'kėše'še. He (especially a horse) bucked his rear legs. Variant: -óova'ėše'še. Category: horses.
-óoveotse vai. shake. especially to shed water, for example, of horses or dogs shedding water. É-óoveotse. He shook. See: -oéveotse; Ho'néohtóoveōhtsėstse. Category: horses.
oóxa'e'oo'o 1 • ni. spur. Phon: vs Plural oóxa'e'óonȯtse.
2 • na. Spur. Category: names, horses.
otá'tavováhe na. blue roan. See: ma'ováhe. Category: horses.
-otá'tovová vai. have blue hide; have blue fur. É-otá'tovōva He has blue hide. [JOURNEY.TXT] for example, of a horse with dark markings. See: -vóhpe'xoené. Category: colors, horses.
-ovóa'hasó'he vai. ride horse first. Naa nā'ėstse hetane mó'ȯhkeovóa'hasó'hehéhe. And one man rode ahead on horseback. [Custer and the Scouts.005] Phon: contract Non-contracted -vovóa'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he; Variant: -ovóa'a'hasó'he. Category: horses, check.
-pȧhpone'ó vai. balk, refuse to go, stay put. É-pȧhponē'o. He refuses to leave. Etym: cf *napakexke·wa (P). Vó'keme é-pȧhponē'o. Old Man Winter refuses to leave. Éohke-pȧhponē'o anóse. He (for example, my baby) just stays outside (he likes the outdoors). Category: horses.
-pėhéva'haso'he vai. ride horse well. É-pėhéva'haso'he. He rode his horse well. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-pó'kevovó'hásé vai. gray pinto. É-pó'kevovó'háse. He is a gray pinto. tsé-pó'kevovó'hásėstse the gray pinto. Category: horses, colors.
-po'ȯhtá'ov vta. spur s.o. Lit: kick him in the belly É-po'ȯhtá'ovóho. He spurred him. Po'ȯhtá'oveha! Spur him! BodyPartMedial -ohtá. See: -pó'po'onȯhtá'ov. Category: horses.
-pó'po'onȯhtá'ov vta. spur s.o. especially of spurring a horse. It can be done with just legs not with actual spurs. É-pó'po'onȯhtá'ovóho. He spurred him. BodyPartMedial -ohtá. See: -po'ȯhtá'ov. Category: horses.
-pó'poo'éšešé vai. bounce in the saddle. Lit: bounce-butt É-pó'poo'éšéše. He is bouncing in the saddle. Phon: š-assim. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: horses.
-pónoma'eéxoo'e vai. ride bareback. É-pónoma'eéxoo'e. He rode bareback. tsé-pónoma'eéxoo'ėstse bareback rider. Ques: cf. previous? See: -pónoma'oo'e; -pónoma'eéxoo'e; -táhoo'e. Category: horses, sit.
-pónoma'etáhoo'e vai. ride bareback. É-pónoma'etáhoo'e. He rode bareback. Phon: vs See: -pónoma'oo'e; -pónoma'eéxoo'e; -táhoo'e. Category: horses, sit.
-pónoma'oo'e vai. ride bareback, sit on bare ground. É-pónoma'oo'e. He is riding bareback (or, he is sitting on bare ground). See: -oo'e; -pónoma'etáhoo'e; -pónoma'ešé; -pónoma'eéxoo'e. Phon: vs Category: horses, ground, sit.
-poo'ȯhené vai. stomp; clap. É-poo'ȯhēne. He stomped his hoofs. for example, when drinking at a creek; makes a popping noise in the water. naa ȯhtséeotsévosėstse mó'ȯhketšėšeno'ma'xe-poo'ȯhenėhevóhehomā'e And when beavers dive they make a tremendous clap. [1987:277] See: -póe'é'hahtáxé. Category: horses.
-sé'a'haso'he vai. ride horse to town. É-sé'a'haso'he He rode into town on a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, motion.
-sé'a'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock to water. É-sé'a'ovo'hāme. He drove livestock to water/he watered horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: liquid, horses.
-sé'oone vai. water. Nėhéóhe mó'ȯhkėho'ė-sé'oonėhevóhe. There they came to water. [Mountain stories.125] Category: horses, livestock.
-sé'ooneano'hamé vai. water horses. É-sé'ooneano'hāme. He watered horses. Category: horses, check.
-séno'ó'a'haso'he vai. ride horse into the brush. É-séno'ó'a'haso'he. He rode his horse into the bushes/brush. Category: horses.
-séno'o'haso'he vai. go into brush on horse. É-séno'o'haso'he. ?? He went into the brush on his horse. Medial -o'é3. Category: horses, check.
-sévooné vai. die of thirst. perhaps only of horses, not humans. É-sévóóne. He died of thirst. ?? Ééšėto'sė-sévóóne. He is about to die of thirst. ?? BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -séveotse; -ávooné ‘fast’. Category: horses, check.
-sóhpa'haso'he vai. ride horse through. for example, to ride a horse through a crowd or through a forest. É-sóhpa'haso'he. He rode horse through. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-sóhpa'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse through quickly. for example, to ride a horse through a crowd or through a forest quickly. É-sóhpa'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse through quickly. fai: a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-šénoma'e'ó vai. be left behind, come in last. especially in a horse race. É-šénoma'ē'o. He came in last. For example, that race horse was left in the dust. See: hestóxeohtsé. Category: horses.
-šéxa'éno'hamé vai. unharness horses. É-šéxa'éno'hāme. He unharnessed horses. Initial šé(x)-; Final -a'éno'hamé. Category: horses.
táhoehóxȧhtsenáeseo'o ni. riding horse bridle. Category: harness, horses.
-táhoé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o ride s.o., be mounted on s.o., mount s.o. can be used to refer to mounting someone in intercourse. Ná-táhoenȯtse. I rode him (for example, a horse). É-táhoénoto. He is riding him. É-táhoé'tovóho. He is riding him. That pronunciation would be understood, but not usual. The preceding ai+o pronunciation of é-táhoénoto is usual. É-táhoénoto mo'éhno'hāme. He is riding a horse. Mo'éhno'hāme náohkeée-táhoénoto. I ride horses. Mónésó'-táhoenȯtse kōsa? Are you still riding a goat? That is an idiom that asks if you are still separated from your spouse. This wording refers to the goat that used to be pictured on the side of train cars. Nėstseohke-táhóénóvo hoháá'ėše. You'll ride (the horse) very far away. (predicted Sweet Medicine). [1987:7:20] Né=tséno'kėhováneehétsese mós-táhoehénotóhe. He was riding the one that was missing. [1987:171] vai: -táhoo'e; vti: -táhoé'tá. Etym: *te·hθapi·ʔtawe·wa (P). See: -táhoeotsé'tov. Category: horses, sex.
táhoenótaxe na. mounted warrior. Plural táhoenótȧxeo'o. Category: warfare, horses.
-táhoeotsé'tov vta. ride s.o. quickly, ride up to s.o. quickly. Nátaovóe-táhoeotsenȯtse mo'éhno'ha! Let me ride the horse first! Éstȧho'e-táhoeotsé'tovósesto. He rode up to her. [The Lost Horse.023] See: -táhoé'tov. Category: horses.
táhoestȯtse na. mount, horse. Etym: *te·hθapintaya (P/L). Plural táhoestoto. na-táhoestȯtse my mount/horse. he-táhoestoto his mount(s). he-táhoestovevóho their mounts. ne-táhoestovevoo'o your (plural) mounts. See: mo'éhno'ha ‘horse’. Category: horses.
táhoévo'ha na. saddlehorse. Lit: riding-horse Category: horses.
-táhoo'e vai. ride, be on. Lit: upon-sit Phon: vs É-táhoo'e. He is riding. Etym: *te·hθapiwa. É-táhoeo'o. They are riding. Nátȧhé-tahoo'e. I went riding. É-táhoo'e ame'háhtóva. He rode in an airplane. Éame-táhoo'e. He is riding along (for example, along the trail). Énó'ovónee-táhoeo'o. They rode single file. Hóhtséme é-táhoo'e táxemésėhéstóva. The ball is on the table. Reduplicated -totáhoe.
vti. Gram: ai+o vta: -táhoé'tov. See: /-oe/; -hoo'e; -ama'hasó'he ‘horse ride’. Category: horses, transportation, sit.
-ta'oma'haso'he vai. ride horse obstructing. É-ta'oma'haso'he. He got in the way riding horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-tame'ėstá'o vai. have ears laid back, especially of a horse. É-tame'ėstá'o. He is got his ears back. Category: horses.
-tame'ėstáotse vai. lay ears back. especially of a horse. É-tame'ėstáotse. He lay his ears back. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: horses.
-tata'a'haso'he vai. ride horse out of sight. É-tata'a'haso'he. He rode horse out of sight. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-táxevonėhné'tov vta. get on s.o., climb on s.o. Mó'osáane-táxevonėhnéhenotóhe. He got on (the horse). [1987:170] Category: horses.
-toeno'hamé vai. hold horses. for example, to hold them by the reins. É-toeno'hāme. He is holding his horse(s). See: -toen. Category: horses.
-to'a'eto'hamé vai. hitch up horses. É-to'a'eto'hāme. He hitched up his horse(s). tsé'éšeévato'a'eto'hāmėse after he hooked the horses back up. [Young Bird.008] Category: horses.
-tó'a'haso'he vai. rein horse to a stop. É-tó'a'haso'he. He reined his horse to a stop. Category: horses.
-tó'ha'éet vta. rein in s.o., stop s.o. by pulling on reins. See: -tó'han. É-tó'ha'éetóho. He reined him in. Onésetó'ha'éeta nétáhoestovevoo'o! Try to stop your mounts! See -mȧsėhánee'e for the complete saying. See: -tó'han; -mȧsėhánee. Category: horses, sayings.
-tó'ha'éeto'hamé vai. stop horses with reins. É-tó'ha'éeto'hāme. He stopped the horses with the reins. Category: horses.
-tó'ha'éno'hamé vai. hold back horses. É-tó'ha'éno'hāme. He is holding back the horse(s). The horse is moving but maybe going downhill, so he is holding it back. Initial tó'h-; Final -a'éno'hamé. Category: horses.
-tó'hova'haso'he vai. ride horse between. É-tó'hova'haso'he. He rode horse between. for example, between the other riders. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-tó'toe'pa'oná vai. swayback - be a. especially of a horse. É-tó'toe'pa'ōna. He is a swayback. Category: horses.
-tóne'ého'oése vai. hang how high?; be how tall? É-tóne'ého'oése? How high is he "hanging"?/How tall is he (especially horse)? Variant: -tóne'ehoésená. Category: size, horses.
-too'eto'hamé vai. tie horses, hitch up horses. É-too'eto'hāme. He hitched up horse(s). for example, he brought a horse for a gift at an Indian wedding. fai: -(o)'hamé; Antonym -onéha'eno'hamé. See: -tóva'eto'hamé. Category: horses, Indian wedding.
tooxo'hamēso na. Shetland pony, donkey. Usage: meaning of 'donkey' for at some speakers; others prefer a'kéevo'ha for 'donkey' Lit: low-horsey Plural tooxo'hamėsono. See: a'kéevo'ha. Category: horses, animals.
tóva'ėseono na. Gram: pl harness. Inanimate tóva'ėseonȯtse. See: tóva'hévo'ha; tóva'eto'haméstotȯtse. Category: harness, horses.
tóva'ėseonȯtse ni. Gram: pl harness. Animate tóva'ėseono. See: tóva'hévo'ha; tóva'eto'haméstotȯtse. Category: harness, horses.
-tóva'et vta. hitch s.o. for example, to hitch a horse to a wagon. É-tóva'etóho. He hitched him up. tséohke-tóva'etose his team (lit. those which he hitched up). [1987:181] See: -tóva'eto'hamé; -too'et. Category: horses.
-tóva'etȯho'hamé vai. hitch up horse(s). É-tóva'etȯho'hāme. He is hitching up the horse(s). Variant: -tóva'eto'hamé. Category: horses.
-tóva'eto'hamé vai. hitch up horse(s). É-tóva'eto'hāme. He hitched up the horse(s). Variant: -tóva'etȯho'hamé. See: -tȯhevo'áeto'hamé; -too'eto'hamé. Category: horses.
tóva'hévo'ha na. work horse. Lit: harnessed-horse See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
-tóxa'haso'he vai. ride horse along the edge, ride a horse all over. É-tóxa'haso'he. He rode horse along the edge. / He rode all over on a horse. for example, riding along the edge of a creek. Mónétaée-tóxa'hasó'hehéhe. You must have ridden a horse all over. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
tséhe'hemėšéónȧhtse vai. Appaloosa. vai: he'hemėšéoná. Category: horses.
tséhe'hemōvȧhtse vai. speckled horse. Category: horses.
tsėhésto'ha na. Indian pony. See: vé'ho'évo'ha; tsėhést- ‘Cheyenne; Indian’. Category: horses.
-tsėheta'éet vta. rein s.o. É-tsėheta'éetóho. He reined him/pulled on his reins. Category: harness, horses.
-tsėheta'éno'hamé vai. rein horse(s). É-tsėheta'éno'hāme. He controlled horse(s) with reins. Ná-tsėheta'éno'hāme. I controlled horse(s) with reins. Category: horses.
-tsėheta'haso'he vai. ride horse there. É-tsėheta'haso'he. He rode there on horseback. Naa nėhē'še étaohkėhóse-tsėheta'hasó'heo'o Vóhpoométanéno. And then they ride on to Busby. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-tsėheta'ov vta. herd s.o. É-tsėheta'ovóho. He herded him/them there. Ques: there?? Náée-tsėheta'ovamóho hestotseho. I herded his horses. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.020] Category: horses, check.
-tsėheta'óvo'hamé vai. herd livestock. É-tsėheta'óvo'hāme. He is herding livestock. Category: horses, livestock.
-tsėhetátseeše'še vai. flared nostrils - have. especially of a horse. É-tsėhetátseeše'še. His nostrils are flared/he is breathing hard. BodyPartMedial -htátseemá ‘nostril’. Category: horses.
tsé-ma'ōvȧhtse vai. roan. Lit: See: -ma'ová. Category: horses.
tsé-ma'ōvȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Lit: the one which has red hide vai: -ová. Category: horses.
tsé-momé'šėháhtȧhtse vai. Persian horse. Plural tsémomé'šėhahtase; fai: -momé'šėhahtá. Category: horses.
tsé-nonomėšéónȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl pacing horse. vai: -nonomėšéoná. Category: horses.
tsé-pó'kevovó'hásėstse vai. Gram: ppl gray pinto. Category: horses.
tsé-vó'névóvȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl bay (horse). Category: horses.
tsévovó'hásėstse vai. pinto. Category: horses.
-vá'kohe vai. bobtailed. for example, of a dog or horse. É-vá'kohe. He is bobtailed. Variant: -vá'ohe. Category: horses.
-vá'kȯhé'hamé vai. have a bobtailed horse. É-vá'kȯhé'háme. He has a bobtailed horse. Category: horses.
-vé'eoho'hamé vai. whip horse(s). É-vé'eoho'hāme He whipped horse(s). Variant: -vé'he'eo'ho'hamé; fai: -o'hamé. Category: horses.
vé'eoho'hamestȯtse ni. whip. Lit: whipping-livestock-NOM Plural vé'eoho'haméstotȯtse. See: póeva'hasēō'o; o'hamévoo'xe; -vé'he'eohová. Category: horses.
-vé'he'eoho'hamé vai. whip horse. É-vé'he'eoho'hāme. He whipped his horse(s). Variant: -vé'eoho'hamé. Category: horses.
-vé'he'eo'ho'hamé vai. whip horse. É-vé'he'eo'ho'hāme. He is whipping his horse. Variant: -vé'he'eoho'hamé, -vé'eoho'hamé. Category: horses.
vé'ho'évo'ha na. 1 • top quality horse, beautiful horse. Lit: whiteman horse This has been cited by native speakers to illustrate that there has been a Cheyenne feeling of inferiority to the whiteman. See: mo'éhno'ha. Preverb vé'ho'é-; Final -o'ha.
2 • American Horse. A proper name which became the Cheyenne family name, American Horse. Category: horses, names.
-vé'oohé'seh vta. race s.o. that is, cause s.o. (for example, a horse) to run in a race. É-vé'oohé'sėhóho. He ran him. for example, in a race. É-vé'oohé'sėhóho novėše'évo'hāme. He ran a horse (in the race). Category: horses.
-vésta'haso'he vai. ride horse along with. É-vésta'haso'he. He is riding horse along with (others). fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-vésta'hasó'hem vta. ride horse with s.o. Category: horses.
-vésto'hame na. Gram: poss fellow horse (poss.) he-vésto'hamono his (horse's) fellow horse(s). Final -o'ha(m). See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
-vóhka'haso'he vai. change course riding horse, turn on horseback. This word is used for going around the pole at the Sun Dance, rather than charging straight at it on horseback. É-vóhka'haso'he. He changed course while riding horse. Category: horses.
-vóhkoenee'o'h vta. turn around leading s.o. Hestotseho móstaéva-vóhkoenee'o'hohevóhe. He turned his horse around for him. [1987:22] Category: move, horses.
-vóhpe'xoéné vai. gray faced. especially of a horse. É-vóhpe'xoéne. He is gray faced. Éh-vóhpe'xoénėsesto. He (horse) was gray faced (pret). [1987:170] Ques: especially of a roan?? Medial -éné. See: -otá'tavová. Category: colors, face, horses.
vóhpo'ha na. white horse. Plural vóhpo'hāme; Obviative vóhpo'hāme. Morph: /vóhpo'ham/. Etym: *wa·paʔθemwa ‘white dog’. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
-vó'he'óhtané vai. be white-spotted on the forehead. especially of a horse. É-vó'he'óhtáne. He is white-spotted on the forehead. BodyPartMedial -'óhtané. See: -'óhta; -'óhtané. Category: horses.
vó'hó'óhta na. mule, burro. Variant: vó'ho'kóhta; Plural vó'ho'ȯhtáhne; Obviative vó'ho'ȯhtáhne. See: a'éevo'ha; a'kéevo'ha. Category: horses, animals.
-vó'komová vai. have white fur. É-vó'komōva. He has white fur (or hide). tsé-vó'komōvȧhtse the white hided one (especially horse). BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
-vó'neová vai. have bay colored hide. especially of a horse. É-vó'neōva. He is bay colored in his hide. tsé-vó'néóvȧhtse a bay (horse). Variant: -vó'nevová. Category: horses.
-vó'névová vai. bay colored in hide. especially of a horse. É-vó'névóva. He (especially horse) is bay colored in his hide. Variant: -vó'neová. Category: horses, colors.
-vona'haso'he vai. lost riding horse. É-vona'haso'he. He got lost riding a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-voneotsé'hamé vai. lose livestock; lose horses. É-voneotsé'háme. He lost his horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: horses.
-vóona'haso'he vai. ride horse all night. É-vóona'haso'he. He rode horse all night. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
vové'he- pv. at a trot. É-vové'heameōhtse. He is trotting along. Category: horses.
-vové'heohtsé vai. trot, walk fast. É-vové'heōhtse. He is walking fast, trotting. Category: horses.
-vové'ho'eohtsé vai. arrive on a trotting team (of horses). É-vové'ho'eōhtse. He arrived on a trotting team. Category: horses.
-vovóa'haso'he vai. ride horse first. É-vovóa'haso'he. He is in the lead on horseback. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-vovóhka'haso'he vai. ride horse crooked. É-vovóhka'haso'he. He rode his horse crookedly. fai: a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-vovó'hasé vai. be a pinto (horse). É-vovó'háse. He is a pinto. Hestotseho é-vovó'hasóho. His horse (literally, pet) is a pinto. Category: horses.
vovó'haséhe na. pinto. Variant: tsé-vovó'hasėstse. Category: horses.
-vovó'hasé'hamé vai. have spotted horses. É-vovó'hasé'háme. He has spotted horses. Category: horses.
Vovó'hasé'haméhe na. Spotted Horse. Category: horses, names.
-xanova'haso'he vai. ride horse straight. É-xanova'haso'he. He rode horse straight. Category: horses.