Cheyenne Dictionary



-asėtoeme   vta. beginning of the month. É-asėtoeme. It is the start of the month. Ééšeáahtsé'hóse-asėtoeme. It is already the next month. Émóne-asėtoeme. It is recently the beginning of the month. June ma'tȧhóse-asėtoemėstse sixty-nine nȧhtanėhe'éhahe At the beginning of June I'll be 69. [1987:157] Category: months.

É'omeéše'he   na. Greasy Moon, June. latter part of June and first part of July (possible alternative month name); probably less commonly known than Énano'eéše'he. See: Énano'eéše'he Planting Moon. Category: months.

Énano'eéše'he   na. Planting Moon, June. This is a possible alternative month name. It may originally have included the latter part of May and the first part of June. This is probably better known than É'omeéše'he. See: É'omeéše'he Greasy Moon. Category: months.

He'koneneéše'he   na. Hard Face Moon, November. which current month this term referred to is uncertain; might be January. pronunciation He'koneéše'he (hard-moon) may be in error. Variant: He'konenéhe. See: Ma'xėhe'koneneéše'he. Category: months.

He'konenéhe   na. Hard Face, November. This might have been a month name. Variant: He'konenéeše'he. Category: months.

Hémotséeše'he   na. Rutting Moon, August, September. latter part of August and first part of September. possible alternative month name. See: Óenenéeše'he. Category: months.

Heše'événéhe   na. Dusty Face, March. Variant: Heše'kévénéhe. possible alternative month name. Category: months.

Heše'kévénéhe   na. Dusty Face, March. Variant: Heše'événéhe. possible alternative month name. Category: months.

Heše'kévénėstse   Dirt In the Face (Moon), October. possible alternative month name. See: Se'má'omevé-eše'he; Se'ené-eše'he. Category: months.

Hohtseéše'he   na. Hoop Moon, January. See: He'konenéeše'he; hóhtséme. Category: time, months.

Ma'xėhe'koneéše'he   na. January. Lit: big-hard-moon Variant: Ma'xėhe'konéneéše'he. Category: months.

Ma'xėhe'konéneéše'he   Big Hard Face Moon, December, November, January. which calendar period referenced is uncertain. Medial -éné; Variant: Ma'xėhe'konénéhe, Ma'xėhe'koneéše'he. See: He'konenéeše'he; Sétoveaéneeše'he. Category: months.

Ma'xėhe'konénéhe   na. Big Hard Face, January. This is one word which has been used for January. Synonym Ma'xėhe'konenéeše'he; BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Tšėške'he'konénéhe. Category: months.

Ma'xėhohtseéše'he   na. Big Hoop Moon, February. See: Hohtseéše'he; Tšėške'hohtséeše'he; He'konenėhesóeše'he. Category: months.

Matsé'oméeše'he   na. Spring Moon, May. See: Véhpotséeše'he. Category: months.

Méanéeše'he   na. Summer Moon, July, June. The precise modern calendar period is uncertain. See: Énano'éeše'he; É'oméeše'he. Category: months.

-nétȧhévoeme   vii. next month - be the. É-nétȧhévoeme. It is the next month (following this month). Category: months.

Óenenéeše'he   na. August, Harvest Moon. See: O'enenéeše'he; Hemotséeše'he. Category: months.

O'enenéeše'he   na. Picking Moon, August. suggested alternative to Oenenéeše'he. Category: months.

Pónoma'ėhasenéeše'he   na. Drying up Moon, March. Variant: Pónoma'ėhasenéhe. Category: months.

Pónoma'ėhasenéhe   na. Drying up, March, April. possible alternative month name. Variant: Pónoma'ėhasenéeše'he. Category: months.

Sé'eneéše'he   na. Facing Into Moon, October. Variant: Sé'énéhe. possible alternative month name. See: Heše'kévenėstse; Se'má'omevéeše'he. Category: months.

Sé'énéhe   na. Facing Into (Moon), October. Ques: November?? Category: check. Variant: Sé'eneéše'he. refers to when thin ice begins to form on ponds and rivers. Usage: probably was more commonly used more than Sé'eneéše'he Category: months.

Se'ma'omeveéše'he   na. Starting to Freeze Moon, October. possible alternative month name. See: Heše'kévenėstse; Se'enéeše'he. Category: months.

Sétoveaéneéše'he   Middle of Winter Moon, December. one of the names suggested for December. See: Ma'xėhe'konenéeše'he. Category: months.

Sétoveméanéeše'he   na. Middle of Summer Moon, July. one of the names suggested for July. Category: months.

Tonóeše'he   na. Cool Moon, September. possible alternative month name. Variant: Tonóeveéše'he. Category: months.

Tonóeveéše'he   Fall Moon, September. Variant: Tonóeše'he. Category: months.

Tšėške'he'konénéhe   na. Small Hard Face, February. one name which has been used for February. See: Ma'xėhe'konénéhe. Category: months.

Tšėške'hohtséeše'he   na. Little Hoop Moon, February. possible alternative month name. See: He'konenėhesóeše'he; Ma'xȯhohtséeše'he. Category: months.

Véhpotseéše'he   na. Leaf Moon, May, April. possible alternative month name; may have covered part of April also. See: Matse'oméeše'he. Category: months.