Heévȧhevetanévȯhkėha'etane na. Arab. Lit: rope-rimmed-hat-person Category: nationalities.
He'ame'éxanéhe vai. Chinese person. See: Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities.
Hestó'tonȯhéve'ho'e na. Chinese. Plural Hestó'tonȯhévé'hó'e. See: Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities, record.
Kȧhamȧxévo'kėhanáhe na. Dutch person. Lit: wooden-shoe person Plural Kȧhamȧxévo'kėhanáheo'o. Category: nationalities.
Ka'evé'ho'e na. 1 • short whiteman. said to be what white people were first called because they were short compared to Cheyennes. Category: nationalities.
2 • Short Whiteman. Cheyenne name for a certain half-breed man. Category: names.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'ká'késo na. Mexican girl. Plural Mé'šeeséve'ho'ká'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'kēso na. little Mexican boy. Category: nationalities.
Mo'e'évoestáhe na. Hawaian person. Lit: grass-dressed one Plural Mo'e'évoestáheo'o. See: hoestȯtse. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e1 na. Negro woman, black woman. Lit: black-ve'ho'a'e Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'eo'o; Homonym mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e ‘black widow spider’. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e1 na. African-American, black man, Negro. Lit: black-ve'ho'e Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e; Obviative mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e. Cheyennes often point out that this term is literally humorous, because, to them the word ve'ho'e primarily means 'whiteman', so they would give the literal meaning of this term as 'black-whiteman' which sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, see discussion under the entry ve'ho'e. See: vé'ho'e. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'ká'késo na. black girl, African-American girl. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'ká'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'kēso na. black boy, African-American boy. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
Náhkȯhehetane na. Russian. Lit: bear-person so named because of bear robes they have often been pictured wearing. Plural Náhkȯhehetaneo'o. Category: nationalities.
Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéhe na. Chinese person. Lit: around.(head)-braided-person Plural Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéheo'o. See: Kėhaénéhe ‘Chinese person’. Category: nationalities.
Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e na. Chinese person. Plural Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e. See: Hestó'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities.
Óeta'xaénéhe na. Japanese person. See: Tótšėške'ėhaénéhe; Tovó'kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities.
ó'xevé'ho'e na. breed, half-breed. Lit: half-whiteman Usage: Some use this word for half-breeds. For others the preferred word is tsėhésevé'ho'e. Plural ó'xevé'hó'e. See: tsėhésevé'ho'e; pó'evé'ho'e; ó'xevé'ho'á'e. Category: nationalities, tribes.
-ó'xevé'ho'eve vai. breed - be a, half-breed - be a. Évé'ho'eve naa é-ó'xevé'ho'eve? Is he white or (?? Category: nationalities.
Toháano'éve'ho'á'e na. French woman, Spanish woman. Plural Toháano'éve'ho'á'eo'o. Usage: od Category: nationalities.
Toháano'éve'ho'e na. Frenchman, Spaniard. Plural Toháano'évé'hó'e. Usage: od Category: nationalities.
Toháano'éve'ho'ká'késo na. French boy, Spanish boy. Plural Toháano'éve'ho'ká'kėsono. Usage: od Category: nationalities.
Toháano'éve'ho'kēso na. French boy, Spanish boy. Usage: od Category: nationalities.
Tó'ėstoestátane na. Arab. Category: nationalities. Lit: long-dressed-person Plural Tó'ėstoestátaneo'o.
Tótšėške'ėhaénéhe na. Japanese person, Squint Eyes. Lit: small.eyed-one Plural Tótšėške'ėhaénėheo'o. See: Tovó'kėhaénéhe ‘Japanese person’; Kėhaénéhe ‘Chinese person’. Category: nationalities.
Tovó'kėhaénéhe na. Japanese person. Lit: sliteyed-person Variant: Tótšėške'ėhaénéhe; Plural Tovó'kėhaénėheo'o; Medial -haéné. See: Tovó'ėhaénéhe ‘Cracked Eye’. Category: nationalities.
-vé'ho'á'ame na. Gram: poss white woman (poss.) for example, used when an Indian man is speaking of his white wife. na-vé'ho'á'ame my white woman. See: -vé'ho'á'one. Category: nationalities.
-vé'ho'á'eve vai. be a white woman. É-vé'ho'á'eve. She is a white woman. Category: nationalities.