Cheyenne Dictionary



-ao'ėsetónévóma'é   vai. hailstone-painted. É-ao'ėsetónévómá'e. He is hailstone-painted. fai: -óma'é. Category: paint.

-hahénȯhéné   vai. paint, color. É-hahénȯhéne. He is painting. See: -hohtȧhévėhahénȯhené. Category: school, paint.

hahénȯhéó'o   ni. paintbrush. Plural hahénȯheonȯtse. See: óovȯheo'o. Ques: LH translates this as paint?? Category: check, tools, paint.

-hahénoh(n)   vta. paint s.o. É-hahénȯhnóho. He painted him. is there also -hahén 'rub by hand'?? See: -mȯxe'oh(n). Category: paint, check.

-háo'táoohesonevóma'é   vai. lizard-painted, salamander-painted. É-háo'táoohesonevómá'e. He is lizard-painted. fai: -óma'é. See: -heo'ȯhtátónevóma'é lizard painted. Category: paint.

-heo'ȯhtátónevóma'é   vai. lizard-painted. É-heo'ȯhtátónévómá'e. He is lizard-painted. See: -háo'táoohesonevóma'é. Category: paint.

heóvonehe   na. yellow paint. See: ho'éheóvonehe. Category: paint.

-hohtȧhévȯxe'oh   vti. paint s.t., color s.t. É-hohtȧhévȯxe'ōha. He painted/colored it. Category: designs, paint.

ho'éheóvonehe   na. yellow paint. a Sun Dance paint. See: heóvonehe. Category: paint.

ma'etōmo   na. red paint, earth paint. used for decorating one's body; a Sun Dance paint; used in the altar of the Sun Dance. Etym: *meçkwelamana (P). Plural ma'etomono; Obviative ma'etomono. Category: paint, colors, check.

-ma'évoénéné   vai. red paint on face. This is traditionally a sign of mourning after a death. É-ma'évóénéne. He had red paint on his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: paint.

otá'tavóetséna'e   blue paint. a Sun Dance paint. Category: paint.

pėhévȯxe'énahtȯtse   ni. makeup. Category: new, face, paint.

-tsėhéstóma'é   vai. be painted this way ?? Category: check. É-tsėhéstómá'e. He is painted (a certain way; translation uncertain). Final -óma'é. Category: paint.

tsé-hohkó'so   vii. purple. a Sun Dance paint. vii: -hohkó'só. Category: paint.

tsé-hoxo'ȯhtsévo   vii. green. used as a Sun Dance paint. Category: paint, colors.

tsé-ma'óma'ȯhtsévo   vii. pink. Lit: This is one of the Sun Dance paints. See: -ma'ó red - be. Category: paint.

tsé-mo'ȯhtávo   vii. black. a Sun Dance paint. Category: paint.

-vóaxaa'évómá'e   vai. eagle-painted. É-vóaxaa'évómá'e. He is eagle-painted. fai: -óma'é. Category: paint.

-vóhpenová   vai. Sun Dance paint. The Sun Dance pledgers and dancers are painted. É-vóhpénóva. He is painting (that is, painting the Sun Dance pledgers and dancers). tsé-vóhpénóvȧhtse the painter. tsé-vóhpenovase the painters. Final -ová. See: -hahénȯhéné. Category: paint.

-vóhpohá   vti. whitewash s.t., lighten s.t., paint s.t. white. É-vóhpóha. He painted it whitish. Etym: *wa·pahamwa. See: -véhpanan lighten s.t. (in weight). Category: colors, paint.

-vóhpoh(n)   vta. whiten s.o., lighten s.o. (in color), paint s.o. white. É-vóhpȯhnóho. He painted him white. Etym: *wa·pahwe·wa (P). Ná-vóhpóhno. I painted him white. [Croft] Category: colors, paint.

-vóhpóma'é   vai. white painted. especially for the Sun Dance. É-vóhpómá'e. He is painted white. Etym: *wa·pa·mexkye·wa (P/L). É-vóhpoma'eo'o. They are painted white. See: -vóhpéné. Category: paint.

-xaóhkevȯxe'é   vai. be yellow painted. Lit: skunk-painted É-xaóhkevȯxē'e. He is yellow-painted on his face. Category: paint.