-(a)eta fai. size, weight. Etym: *ekiθ. Épėhév-aeta. He is the right size. ... éhet-aeta. ... he is that big. Variant: -eta; fii: -ao'ó. Category: size, weight.
-áhanaeta vai. extremely big. É-áhanaeta. He is extremely big. the bigness could be from physical swelling. no'ka éšeēva tséhma'xe-áhanaetȧse one day when he was very big. [1987:195] Antonym -áhanáhketa. Category: size.
-áhanȧhketa vai. extremely small, tiny. É-áhanȧhketa. He is extremely small. Antonym -áhanaeta. Category: size.
-áhanao'ó vii. huge, extremely big. É-áhanaō'o. It is extremely big/huge. fii: -o'ó. See: -ma'hao'ó; -tȧhpe'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-áhanóhkona'he vai. very small and skinny. É-áhanóhkona'he. He is extremely small and skinny. See: -tóhkona'he. Category: size.
-a'kasé vai. be fat, have a round belly. É-a'kāse. He is fat. See: -he'kasé; -tȧhpe'asé; -he'keome. Category: size, body.
-asėsee'e vai. get taller, grow. Lit: stretch É-asėsee'e. He is growing. É-asėséeo'o. They grew taller. Phon: vs Category: size.
-éšeome vai. fat. É-éšeome. He is fat. Usage: -háeome may be more commonly said See: -he'keome; -háeome. Category: size.
-eta fai. size, weight. Étȧhp-eta. He is big. Épėhéva-eta. He is the right size. Éháanan-eta. He is heavy. Category: size, weight.
háahketa p. small, little one(s). especially of small or younger people. Antonym móma'haeta. Category: size.
-háahketa vai. be very small, be little. "teensy-weensy"; smaller than -tšėšketa. É-háahketa. He is little. See: -tšėšketa; Veho Ȯxháahketȧhtse. Category: size.
-háahpe'emenoo'e i. be large berry-shaped. É-háahpe'emenoo'e. It is large (berry-shaped).
pv. large. Phon: not vs Category: size.
-háahpe'ene'ho'tá vii. be a big room. É-háahpe'ene'hō'ta. It is a big room. fii: -ene'ho'tá; Antonym -tšėške'ene'ho'tá. Category: size, space, room.
-háahpe'eotse vii. very wide, enlarged. for example, of a river, or of someone's heart. É-háahpe'eotse. It is enlarged. Naa móstȧ-háahpe'eotséhanéhe ó'he'e. And the river was really wide. [1987:291] See: -tȧhpe'eotse. Category: size.
-háahpe'ó vii. huge. É-háahpē'o. It is huge. See: -tȧhpe'ó; -ma'hao'ó; -vonao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-háahpeta vai. huge. É-háahpeta. He is huge. (another recording) See: -tȧhpeta; -ma'haeta. Category: size.
-háa'ého'oése vai. 1 • be high, tall, hang high. Lit: high-hang for example, height of a horse, dog, cow, etc., but not a person. Tallness of a person, and animals that stand on two feet, is referred to with -háa'ėstahe. The height of a clock hanging on a wall is referred to with -hoésená. É-háa'ého'oése. He is high/tall. Antonym -tooho'oésé. See: -hoése. Category: size.
2 • elevated, esteemed, important. Category: figurative.
-háa'ého'omenó vii. high (of a mountain or hill). used of a mountain or hill, but not of a cliff or cut bank. É-háa'ého'omēno. It is a high mountain. Hoéhose é-háa'ého'omēno. The hill is high. Étao'sėtsėhe'ōhtse tséx-háa'ého'omenotse He is going to go to the high mountains. fii: -o'omenó; Variant: -háa'ého'ómene. Category: size, environment.
-háa'éhotoo'e vii. be a deep hole. É-háa'éhotoo'e. It (a hole) is deep. Phon: not vs Antonym -tšėške'éhotoo'e ‘be a shallow hole’. See: -tóne'éhotoo'e ‘how deep?’; -vone'éhotoo'e ‘be a very deep hole’; -tónetaa'ótoo'e ‘how deep is the hole’; -háo'étame ‘deep (of water)’. Category: size.
-háa'esó vii. far, long, tall. -tó'esó seems to be about a longer distance than this word; this word could be used, for example, of a table being long. É-háa'ēso. It is far away. fii: 'esó; Antonym -kásó. See: -tó'esó; -tsėhe'esó; -tsėhe'kesó; háá'ėše; -háa'éhoma'o'e. Category: size, distance.
-háa'ėstahe vai. tall, long. This word can refer to either length or height. It is used of humans and other beings (for example, bears, turkeys, roosters) that stand on two feet; used of babies (because they are human) even though they do not yet stand on their feet. É-háa'ėstahe. He is tall. (another recording) É-háa'ėstȧhehe? Is he tall? Éosee-háa'ėstahe. He is very tall. Né-háa'ėstahe tséxhe'éveto. You are tall for a woman. Vé'ho'e Ȯx-háa'ėstaestse Tall Whiteman. Néhvóo'šešėstse tséno'kė-háa'ėstaestse nemo'ēško! Show me your longest finger! Synonym -tsėhe'ėstahe; Antonym -tšėhe'kėstahe; fai: -e'ėstahe. See: -hátaa'ėstó'ohe; -háa'ého'oése; -tóne'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
-háa'ėstanan vti. lengthen s.t. É-háa'ėstanāna. He lengthened it.
vta. lengthen s.o. É-háa'ėstananóho. He lengthened him (obv). É-háa'ėstananóho hoestoto. She lengthened the dress (obv). Ques: recheck entry?? Category: check, size.
-háa'ėstó'o'e vii. tall of growth. of something that grows in height. É-háa'ėstó'o'e. It is tall growth. Medial -ó'o'e. Category: plants, size.
-háa'ėsto'tá vii. tall, high. for example, of a building or tent (but not of a tepee, because a tepee has "standing" poles). É-háa'ėstō'ta. It is sitting tall/high. Vé'ho'éome é-háa'ėstō'ta. The tent is tall/high. fii: -o'tá. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: size, sit inan.
-háeome vai. fat. É-háeome. He is fat. Usage: probably more commonly said than -éšeome See: -he'keome; -tȧhpe'asé; -éšeome. Category: size.
-háona'he vai. bony, very skinny. É-háona'he. He is very skinny. See: -tóhkona'he. Category: size.
-háónóto vii. very thick, dense. É-háónóto. It is very thick. Ésáa-háonotȯhane. It is not thick/it is not dense. tsé-háónóto a quarter (coin) (that which is thick). See: -tonovó; -tónótó; tonove-. Category: size.
-hehpao'ó vii. larger, bigger. É-hehpaō'o. It is larger (in size). tsé-hehpaō'o the one that is larger. [0620 193652.WAV@00:59] Táase tsé-hehpao'o? Which one is larger? [0620 193652.WAV@00:59] fii: -ao'ó. See: -hehpėstao'ó. Category: size.
-hehpe'ėstahe vai. taller. for instance, of someone who is taller than the height of a doorway. É-hehpe'ėstahe. He is taller. fai: -'ėstahe. See: -hehpó'ėstahe. Category: height, size.
-hehpe'ėstȧhem vta. be taller than s.o. É-hehpe'ėstȧhemóho. He is taller than him. Ná-hehpe'ėstȧhēmo. I'm taller than him. Ques: recheck?? Category: height, size, check.
-hehpó'ėstahe vai. taller. É-hehpó'ėstahe. He is taller. See: -hehpe'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
-hehpó'ėstȧhem vta. taller than s.o. - be. Ná-hehpó'ėstȧhema. He is taller than me. Category: size, height.
-he'ėstahe vai. be that tall, however tall. ... é-he'ėstahe. ... he is that tall. Hoóhtsetséhéha é-he'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Nėstsetotáxeohé'tova tsé-he'ėstȧhévȯse. He will walk the length of your body. [VISION.TXT] See: -tsėhe'ėstahe. Category: size.
-he'ėstóneo'e vii. Gram: rr so long, that long. ... é-he'ėstóneo'e. ... that is how long it is. Éohketaevánánóvo héne tsé-he'ėstóneo'e vee'e.maato They measure the length of the front of the tepee. [1987:222] Medial -ón(e)2. Category: size.
-he'keome vai. be fat. Lit: soft-belly É-he'keome. He is fat. BodyPartMedial -óme. See: -a'kasé; -éšeome; -he'kasé; -háeome. Category: size.
-he'xóvaneta vai. weigh so much. ... é-he'xóvaneta. ... he weighs that much. Héováéstse é-he'xóvanetao'o. They are of various weights. See: -hetó'ėstóneehe. Category: size, weight.
-heómaeta vai. too big. É-heómaeta. He is too big. vii: -heómao'ó. See: -ma'haeta. Category: size.
-heómao'ó vii. too big. É-heómaō'o. It is too big. vai: -heómaeta. See: -ma'hao'ó. Category: size.
-hetaeta vai. Gram: rr so big, so sized, sized so. ... é-hetaeta. ... he is that big. Etym: *eθekiθwa. naa nėhē'še hóna'oveto tsétanė-hetaetȧhtse and then the next sized one. [1980:3:61] fai: -aeta; vii: -hetao'ó. See: -ma'haeta. Category: size.
-hetó'ėstó'ohe vai. such height of woody growth. ... é-hetó'ėstó'ohe. ... that is how high/tall he (woody) is. Héováéstse é-hetó'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They (woodlike growing things) are of various heights. fai: -ó'ohe. Category: size.
-hetó'ėstóneehe vai. such length (of ropelike objects). ... é-hetó'ėstóneehe. ... that is how long he (ropelike) is. Héováéstse é-hetó'ėstóneeheo'o. They are of various lengths. Medial -ón. See: -háa'ėstóneehe; -he'xóvaneta. Category: size, record.
-hetótaeta vai. so sized, such size, sized so. ... é-hetótaeta. ... he is of that size. Heováéstse é-hetótaetao'o. They (animate) are of various sizes. Category: size.
/-hk/ ??. diminutive consonantal symbolism. sometimes both diminutives /-hk/ and /-són/ appear in a form. mȧhōō'o vs. mȧhōhko 'melon' vs. 'little melon'. šé'še vs. šé'šėškéso /šé'šehkesón/ 'duck' vs. 'duckling'. póéso vs. póhkéso 'cat' vs. 'kitty'. also there is diminutive /-'k/ for NonDiminutive /-'/. o'hé'késo ? (cf. ó'he'e 'river'; ó'he'ke 'creek') 'horse' vs. 'colt'. See: -són. Category: size.
-hoháahpe'ó vii. huge. É-hoháahpē'o. It is very huge. See: -háahpe'ó; -tȧhpe'ó; -ma'hao'ó; -vonao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-hoháahpeta vai. very huge - be. É-hoháahpeta. He is very huge. Contracted -oháahpeta. Category: size.
-hoháeome vai. very fat. É-hoháeome. He is very fat. Non-reduplicated -háeome. See: -he'keome; -tȧhpe'asé. Category: size.
-ka'en vti. make s.t. shorter. É-ka'ēna. He made it shorter.
vta. make s.o. shorter. can be said of someone who pulls their pants up to wade through water. É-ka'enóho. He made him shorter. Category: size.
-ka'eotse 1 • vii. shrink.
2 • vai. shrink. É-ka'eotse. He (or It) shrank. for example, of a shirt (animate). See: -tšėške'óováotse. Category: size.
-ka'ėstahe vai. short. Usage: less commonly used than -tšėhe'kėstahe É-ka'ėstahe. He is short. vii: -ka'esó. See: -tšėhe'kėstahe. Category: size.
-koóhtahe vai. be tiny. É-koóhtahe. He is tiny. Náonéseéva-koóhtahe. I'm trying to lose weight. Lit: be tiny again See: -koóséné; -nėxoóhtahe. Category: size.
-koóhta'e vii. be tiny. É-koóhta'e. It is tiny. Category: size.
koós- i. tiny. É-kóóséne. He has a tiny face. Variant: koóht-. Category: size.
-koósenóno'e vii. look tiny. É-koósenóno'e. It looks tiny. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance, size.
-'esó fii. long, length. Éháa-'ēso. It is far away. Étsėhe-'ēso. It is long. Category: size.
-'ėstahe fai. height, length, high, long. Étsėhe-'ėstahe. He is tall. É-tšėhe'kėstahe. He is short. Éhehpe-'ėstahe. He is taller. fii: -'esó. Category: height, size.
-ma'haa'an vti. make s.t. louder, turn up volume of s.t., enlarge s.t. Ques: also 'enlarge s.t.?? É-ma'haa'āna. He made it louder. Etym: *meʔθekexkwenamwa.
vta. Etym: *meɁθekexkwene·wa (?) (P). É-ma'haa'anóho. ?? He enlarged him. ?? See: -tȧhpe'an. Category: size, check.
-ma'haa'eotse vii. wide, large, big. É-ma'haa'eotse. It widened. tsé-ma'haa'eotse méó'o the wide (road). [Stamper 1991:4] Category: size.
-ma'haatamáno'e vii. great magnitude - be of. É-ma'haatamáno'e. átamáno'e?? It is of great magnitude. fii: -átamáno'e. Category: size, check.
-ma'haeta vai. large, big. É-ma'haeta He is big. Etym: *meʔθekiθwa (P). vii: -ma'hao'ó. See: -tȧhpeta. Category: size.
-ma'hao'ó vii. big, large. bigger than -tȧhpe'ó but smaller than -háahpe'ó. É-ma'haō'o. It is big. fii: -o'ó. Phon: not vs vai: -ma'haeta. See: -tȧhpe'ó; -háahpe'ó; -vonao'ó; -heómao'ó; ; -áhanao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
mám- i. huge, big, outsized, bulky, mammoth. É-máméne. He has a big face. É-mámoése. He is hanging outsized. Preverb máme-. Category: size.
máme- pv. big, bulky. É-mámenėhpoo'e. He is big blocking the door (for example, a big rock (animate) or a fat man). É-mámenéé'e. He is standing big (for example, a big tree, a semi-truck). Initial mám-. See: ma'xe-; -ma'haetá; -tahpetá. Category: size.
-mámenóno'e vii. appear huge, look huge. É-mámenóno'e. It looks huge. Initial máme-; fii: -nóno'e; fai: -nóohe. Category: sit, size.
-mámenóohe vai. appear huge, look huge. É-mámenóohe. He looks huge. Initial máme-; fai: -nóohe. Category: sit, size.
-mámo'tá vii. set huge. could be used of a huge hill; also -mámėho'tá. É-mámó'ta. It sets (there) huge. [PD31] Initial mám-. Category: lie, size.
-móma'haa'ó vii. huge. Ésáa'éemóma'haa'óhane. (The farmland) was not huge.?? [Planting Corn.003] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ma'haa'ó. Category: size.
-nėhe'ého'oéstá vii. be so high; be so tall. Móho'nóh-nėhe'ého'oésta ? móxhehpėháe'ého'oéstȧhanéhe. (The pit) wasn't so shallow (that a deer could jump out), it was much higher. [1987:95] Category: size.
-nėhe'esó vai. so long, that long, so far, that far. ... é-nėhe'ēso. ... it is that far/it is so long. See: -he'esó; -háa'esó. Category: size.
-nėhetaeta vai. so big, big that amount. É-nėhetaeta. He is that big. naa nėhē'še hóna'oveto tséta-nėhetaetȧhtse and then the next sized one. [1980:3:61] vii: -nėhetao'ó. Category: size.
-nėhetao'ó vii. so big, big that amount. ... é-nėhetaō'o. ... it is that big. [1980:66:79] Éxhoháananótseneho móhnóh-nėhetao'ótseho. (Her leg) was very heavy; it was very big. vai: -nėhetaeta. Category: size.
-neó'keéstse'hená vai. have on a tight fitting shirt (or coat). É-neó'keéstse'hēna. He has on a tight fitting shirt. Category: space, size, dress.
-neó'ko'xȯhtaha vai. wear tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtaha. He is wearing tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtáhao'o. They are wearing tight pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, size.
-nėškómo'eotse vii. narrow. É-nėškómo'eotse. It narrowed. ?? for example, of a road that narrows at some point. Category: size, check.
-nėškómoma'o'e vii. narrow ground. É-nėškómoma'o'e. It is a narrow way. for example, about a narrow path. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: size.
no'ka ho'né'ėstóva obl. one step length. approximately one yard. Category: size.
nóvȯse p. less. Ques: nōvȯse?? Émá'seotse nóvȯse. It didn't quite fit (for example, words on a cassette tape) (that is, it finished before the end of the speaking). Nóvȯse énėhetaō'o. It is not as large/it is smaller. naa máto nóvȯse étaénoestoneo'o tsémóneéšeese and also, they quit school too soon (because of liquor), those who have just grown. [1987:61] Nóvȯse énėhe'xóvatamóho he'óho. He thinks less of women (for example, treats them as less important than males). Preverb novȯse-; Antonym hehpe-. See: nėhē'še; maato; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva. Category: size, quantity.
-oháahpeta vai. very huge - be. É-oháahpeta. He is very huge. Non-contracted -hoháahpeta. Category: size.
-o'etame fii. depth of water. Etym: *-yi·tem- (P) ‘deep water’. Éhá-o'etame. It (water) is deep. É-tóneto'etame? How deep is (the water)? Variant: -o'ketame. See: -otoo'e ‘depth of a hole’. Category: size.
-o'etame f. depth of water. Éhá-o'etame. It (water) is deep. Évon-o'etame. It (water) is deep. É-tóneto'etame? ?? How deep is (the water)? Variant: -o'(k)etame. See: -otoo'e. Category: size, check.
-ó'hoésta vii. be a high cliff. É-ó'hoésta. It is a deep/high cliff (for example, the Grand Canyon). tsé-ó'hoésta cliff (lit. that which is hanging high?) tsé-ó'hoéstaa'ėstse cliffs. See: ó'xeano. Category: size.
-o'ketame fii. depth of water. Etym: *-yi·tem- (P) ‘deep water’. Étšėh-o'ketame. It (for example, river or lake) is shallow. Variant: -o'etame. See: -otoo'e ‘depth of a hole’. Category: size.
-otoo'e fii. depth of hole. Éháa'éh-otoo'e. It (hole) is deep. Étsėhe'éh-otoo'e. It is a deep hole. Étšėške'éh-otoo'e. It is shallow. Étóne'éh-otoo'e? How deep is it (a hole)? Phon: not vs See: -o'(k)etame. Category: size.
-pėhévaeta vai. right size, good size. É-pėhévaeta. He is the right size. fai: -eta. Category: size.
-pėheveome vai. look well, fat - be. Being fat was apparently considered as a sign of good health. É-pėhéveome. He looks well/fat. ?? [pd1101] BodyPartMedial óme. See: -he'keóme; -tȧhpe'asé; -háeome. Category: size.
-séestó'ėstó'ohe vai. same height (of a tree-like object). Hoóhtseto é-séestó'ėstó'ȯheo'o. The trees are of the same height. Category: size.
-séetó'ėstovan vti. make s.t./s.o. the same length. É-séetó'ėstovāna. He made it the same length.
vta. É-séetó'ėstovanóho. He made him the same length. See: -taeván. Category: size.
-séetónotó vii. be of the same thickness. É-séetónóto. It is of the same thickness. [PD30] Category: size.
-séetótaeta vai. be of the same size. É-séetotaeta. He is of the same size. [PD30] É-séetótaetao'o.?? They are the same size. Ques: recheck pitch -séetotaeta?? See: -háahpeta. Category: size, check.
-séetotao'ó vii. be the same size. É-séetotaō'o. It is of the same size. [pd30] Category: size.
-só1 sfx. diminutive; little. diminutive noun suffix. Náhkȯhé-so little bear. vé'ho'kē-so little white boy. hóhkȯxe-so hatchet. háo'táoohē-so lizard (literally, little fast runner). hóhkeehē-so (cf. hóhkeehe 'mouse') little mouse. Náhkȯhé-so little bear. vé'ho'kēso little white boy. hóhkȯxeso hatchet. háo'táoohē-so lizard (literally, little fast runner). hóhkeehē-so (cf. hóhkeehe 'mouse') little mouse. póhké-so kitty. É'ometaē-so (cf. É'ometāā'e 'Missouri River') Little Greasy River. The "n" of this suffix appears in plural forms, such as: vé'ho'kė-sono little white boys. hóhkeehe-sono little mice. póhkė-sono kitties. /-hk/ also gives diminutive meaning, for example, mȧhōō'o 'melon' vs. mȧhōhko 'little melon'; sometimes both /-só/ and /-hk/ appear in a form, for example, šé'še 'duck' vs. šé'šėškéso /šé'šehkesón/'duckling'; also there is diminutive /-'k/ for NonDiminutive /-'/. Variant: -esón. Category: size.
-sóhkomahe vai. be slim, be long and slender, tall and skinny, skinny and tall. É-sóhkomahe. He is tall and skinny. See: -tóhkona'he; -sósȯhkahe; -šéškahe; -kȧhkonó. Category: size.
-sósȯhkahe vai. slim. É-sósȯhkahe. He is slim. Phon: redup ?? Category: check. Variant: -sóšėškahe. See: -sóhkomahe; -tóhkona'he. Category: size.
-sóšėškahe vai. be slim. Ná-sóšėškahe I'm slim. Category: size. Variant: -sósȯhkahe (probably more widely used).
taa'é'ėse Ques: tae-'é'ėse?? Category: check.
p. right in half. Taa'é'ėse mó'éšemȧheetȯhevóhe. He (the big watersnake) had already halfway swallowed him (the frog). [1987:285] See: é'ėse. Category: size.
-taeváhené vai. measure. É-taeváhéne. He is measuring. See: -taevá'ȯsané ‘measure by foot’; -taohené ‘survey’. Category: size.
taeváhéó'o ni. ruler, foot. Phon: vs Plural taeváheonȯtse; Oblique taeváhéóne. See: taoheóne ‘mile’. Category: tools, size, distance.
-taeváh(n) vta. measure s.o. É-taevahno. He measured him. É-taeváhnóho. He measured him. (newer pronunciation' variant). Ná-taevahe. He measured me. Taevaestse! Measure me! Ná-taeváhnoo'o. I measured them (an.). See: -taeván; -ne'eváh(n). Category: size.
-taeváhnėhahtán vta. measure feet of s.o. É-taeváhnėhahtano. He measured his (other person's) feet. É-taeváhnėhahtánóho. He measured his (other person's) feet. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: size, feet.
-taeván 1 • vti. measure s.t. Éohke-taevánánóvo héne tséhe'ėstóneo'e vee'e maato. They measure the length of the front of the tepee.
2 • vta. measure s.o. By semantic extension this can refer to division. É-taevano. He measured him. É-taevánóho. He measured him. (newer pronunciation). Taeváneha! Measure him! Reduplicated -totáeván. See: -taeváh(n). Category: size.
-tȧhketa vii. be small, be tiny. É-tȧhketa. He is small. See: -tšėšketa. Category: size.
tȧhpe'- i. big. É-tȧhpe'āna. He made it bigger/he made it (for example, radio) louder. É-tȧhpe'átamaō'o. He laughed loudly. É-tȧhpe'ene'hō'ta. It (room) is big. Category: size.
-tȧhpe'an vti. enlarge s.t., make s.t. bigger, make s.t. louder. É-tȧhpe'āna. He enlarged it. This can also be said for turning up the volume of radio.
vta. enlarge s.o., make bigger s.o. É-tȧhpe'anóho. He made him bigger. See: -ma'haa'an. Category: size.
-tȧhpe'enóohee'e vai. sit looking big. É-tȧhpe'enóohee'e. He is sitting looking big. fai: -nóohe. Category: size, sit, appearance.
-tȧhpe'eohtsé vii. become big.
vai. become big. É-tȧhpe'eōhtse. It is becoming big. Category: size.
-tȧhpe'eotse vii. become bigger.
vai. bigger; become bigger. É-tȧhpe'eotse. He (or It) got bigger. Antonym -tšėške'eotse. See: -háahpe'eotse; -tšėške'ó; -tšėšketa. Category: size.
-tȧhpe'ó vii. big. É-tȧhpé'o. It is big. É-tȧhpe'otse. It (obv) is big. vai: -tȧhpeta; Antonym -tšėške'ó. See: -háahpe'ó. Category: size.
-tȧhpe'ónoo'e vai. sit big. É-tȧhpe'ónoo'e. He is sitting big. That is, the person described is big and is sitting. Category: sit, size.
-tȧhpeta vai. big. É-tȧhpeta. He is big. É-tȧhpetao'o. They are big. Ques: record the plural?? fai: -eta; vii: -tȧhpe'ó; Reduplicated -tótȧhpeta; Antonym -tšėšketa. See: -vonaetá; -háahpeta. Category: size, check.
taoheóne obl. of so many miles in distance. Etym: *tepahikani (P). nexa taoheóne two miles (in distance). See: taeváheó'ó ‘foot, ruler’. Category: size.
-tóhkona'he vai. skinny and bony - be, thin - be. É-tóhkona'he. He is skinny and bony. (another recording) tsé-tóhkona'hėstse the skinny bony one. fai: -ona'he. See: -sóhkomahe; -šéškahe; -kȧhkonó. Category: size, appearance.
-tó'ėho'omené vii. be a high hill. É-tó'ėho'omēne. It (mountain or hill) is high/tall. fii: -o'omené. Category: size.
-tó'esó vii. long. seems to be longer than -háa'esó. Phon: redup É-tó'éso. It is long. É-tó'ėsónėstse. They (inan. for example, moccasins) are long. They (inanimate for example, moccasins) are long. Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'esó. See: -tó'kesó; -háa'esó. Category: size.
-tó'ėstahe vai. tall. only used with plural subjects. É-tó'ėstȧheo'o. They are tall. Mó'osee-tó'ėstȧhehevóhe. They were very tall. [The Journey.225] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'ėstahe; fai: -'ėstahe. Category: height, size.
-tó'ėstó'eše vai. have long fringes. É-tó'ėstó'eše. He (especially a shawl) has long fringes. Phon: redup Category: size.
-tó'ėstó'ohe vai. be tall (of a tree or turnip). É-tó'ėstó'ȯheo'o. They (especially trees) are tall. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'ėstó'ohe; Final -ó'ohe. Category: trees, size.
to'ėstoo'é vii. tall. Ques: esp of grass ?? Ques: tó'ėstoo'é ?? Ma'ō'ėstse é'ȯhketá'to'ėstoo'énėstse. Red grass used to be tall. [Prairie Fires.005] Non-reduplicated tsėhe'ėstoo'é. Ques: recheck NonRedup?? Category: check, size.
-tó'kesó vai. short. É-tó'késo. It is short. É-tó'kėsónėstse. They (inanimate for example, moccasins) are short. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tsėhe'kesó. See: -tó'esó. Category: size.
-tóne'ého'oése vai. hang how high?; be how tall? É-tóne'ého'oése? How high is he "hanging"?/How tall is he (especially horse)? Variant: -tóne'ehoésená. Category: size, horses.
-tóne'éhoma'o'e vii. how far distant, however far distant. É-tóne'éhoma'o'e? How far away is it? for example, how far is it from Busby to Hardin? éta-tóne'éhoma'o'éhanéhe. the area, however big it was. [1987:95] Category: size.
-tóne'éhotoo'e vii. how deep. of a hole. É-tóne'éhotoo'e? How deep is it (a hole)? Phon: not vs Final -otoo'e. See: -tsėhe'éhotoo'e; -vé'evótoo'e; -háa'éhotoo'e; -háo'etame; -tóneto'etame. Category: size, record.
tóne'es- i. how long?, how far? É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? See: tóne'ėst-. Category: size, distance.
-tóne'esó vii. be how long?, be how far away? É-tóne'ēso? How long is it?/How far away is it? vai: tóne'ėstahe. See: tóne'éh-. Category: size, distance.
tóne'ėst- i. how far?, how long? Né-tóne'ėstahe? How tall are you? É-tóne'ėstó'ohe? How high is he (a tree)? Category: size.
-tóne'ėstahe vai. how tall. É-tóne'ėstahe? How tall is he? Né-tóne'ėstahe? How tall are you? Tséohkėhešené'poo'óhtove. Tall enough to peak over. That is a humorous reply to the preceding question. vii: -tóne'esó. See: -háa'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
-tóne'ėstó'ohe vai. how high (of something growing). This is about a tree or turnip. É-tóne'ėstó'ohe? How high is he (tree)? fai: -ó'ohe. Category: size, plants.
-tónėsta'é vai. how long hair. É-tónėstá'e? How long is his hair? BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: size.
-tónetaa'ene'ho'tá vii. how big be a room. É-tónetaa'ene'hō'ta? How big is the room? Medial -ene'ho'tá ??. Category: check, size.
-tónetaa'ótoo'e vii. how deep (of a hole), deep - how. É-tónetaa'ótoo'e? How deep is it (a hole)? See: -háa'éhotoo'e ‘be deep’. Category: size.
-tónetaeta vai. how sized, of what size. É-tónetaeta? What size is he? vii: -tónetao'ó. See: -ma'haeta; -tȧhpeta; -háahpeta; -háahketa. Category: size.
-tónetao'ó vii. what size, such size - be. É-tónetaō'o? What size is it? Mós-tónetao'óhanéhe héne. No one knows the proportion of that (Ark). [1987:236] vai: -tónetaeta. Category: size.
-tónetó'ėsėhahtá vai. How big feet. É-tónetó'ėsėháhta? How big feet does he have? See: tó'esó. Category: feet, size.
-tóneto'etame vii. how deep (water). É-tóneto'etame? How deep is (the water)? fii: -o'(k)etame. See: -tóne'éhotoo'e. Category: size.
-tónetónotó vii. how thick. É-tónetónóto? How thick is it? Category: size.
-tónetótaa'emenoo'é vii. what size (of berry shaped objects). only of pl. subjects. É-tónetótaa'emenoo'énėstse? What size are they (berries; inan.)? Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tónetaa'emenoo'é. Category: size, berries.
-tónetótaa'ónėstse vii. be of what size. Phon: redup only of pl. subjects. É-tónetótaa'ónėstse? What size are they (inan.)? Category: size.
-tónohe vai. thick. É-tónohe. He is thick. for example, of a blanket (animate). É-tónohe hóoma. The blanket is thick. vii: -tónotó. Category: size.
-tónotó vii. thick. É-tónóto. It is thick. vai: -tónohe. See: -tonétó; -kȧhkonó; -tónovó. Category: size.
-tónovan vti. thicken s.t., thick - make s.t. É-tónovāna. He made it thick. for example, about thickening gravy. Initial tónov-. See: -háonovan. Category: texture, size.
-tooho'oésé vai. be short, be low. É-tooho'oése. He is short. Lit: low-hand for example of a horse. Lit: low-hang Antonym -háa'ého'oésé. Category: size.
-tótȧhpe'emenoo'énėstse vai. big (of berries). É-tótȧhpe'emenoo'énėstse. They (berries) are big. Category: size.
-tótȧhpeta vai. REDUP.big. É-tótȧhpetao'o. They (animate) are big. Non-reduplicated -tȧhpeta. Category: size.
-tótšėške'ahe vai. small. only used with plural subjects. É-tótšėške'ȧheo'o he'āma. (The poles) are small at the tip. [1987:224] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tšėške'ahe; vii: -tótšėške'ó. Category: size.
-tótšėške'e'está vai. small ears. É-tótšėške'e'ēsta. He has small ears. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tšėške'e'está ‘have a small ear’. Reduplication in Cheyenne is a process in which the first syllable of a stem (or part of that syllable) is repeated. There is often a vowel change and/or a shift in the pitch. See the technical description of Cheyenne reduplication, with examples of different classes of this morphological process, in E. Leman (??). Semantically, reduplication generally "extends" the meaning of a verb stem, for example, through indicating that an action (or quality) is done by(or asserted of) plural participants, to plural recipients, on repeated occasions (iteratively), or in a kind of intensive fashion. One interesting semantic subcategory is that some reduplication typically implies something negative: cf. Oxo- 'what say' and nóoo- 'say bad things'; -tónėstá'tov 'how act toward s.o. and -totónėstá'tov 'act badly toward s.o.'; -ho'ēsta 'answer' and -nonó'está 'sass, talk back'. See: -totšéške'e'está ‘ears protrude’. Category: ears, size.
-tótšėške'emenoo'é vii. small berry shaped. only of plural subjects. É-tótšėške'emenoo'énėstse. They (for example, berries) are small and round. Category: size. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tšėške'emenoo'é.
-tótšėške'ó vii. small. only used with plural subjects. É-tótšėške'ónėstse. They (inanimate) are small. [1987:3:9] tsé-tótšėške'oo'ėstse those (inan.) which are small. [1987:3:9] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -tšėške'ó. Category: size.
-tsėhe'éhotoo'e vii. deep hole - be a; be a deep hole. É-tsėhe'éhotoo'e. It is a deep hole. Phon: not vs Antonym -tšėške'éhotoo'e; fii: -otoo'e. See: -háo'etame; -vé'evótoo'e; -tóne'éhotoo'e. Category: size.
-tsėhe'ėsėsóhkomahe vai. be tall and slender. É-tsėhe'ėsėsóhkomahe. He is tall and slender. See: -sóhkomahe; tsėhe'ėse-. Category: size.
-tsėhe'esó vii. long - be. É-tsėhe'ēso. It is long. fii: -'esó; Reduplicated -tó'esó; Antonym -tšėhe'kesó. Category: size.
tsėhe'es(t)- i. long. Category: size.
-tsėhe'ėstahe vai. long - be, tall - be. This word is used for both meanings, 'tall' and 'long'. É-tsėhe'ėstahe. He is tall. Reduplicated -tó'ėstahe; Final -'ėstahe; Synonym -háa'ėstahe; Antonym -tsėhe'kėstahe, -tšėhe'kėstahe. See: -tsėhe'ėsta'é. Category: size, height.
-tsėhe'ėstóeotse vii. become long. Ques: toeotse?? Tséstaaseta'otse héne maahe éstanėšema'xėhe'ame-tsėhe'ėstóeotsesėstse ho'honáá'e. When it left that arrow formed into a long upwards-extending rock. [Bear Tepee.112] Category: size, check.
-tsėhe'ėstóne'ó vai. grow tall. É-tsėhe'ėstóné'o.?? It grew tall. ?? Reduplicated tó'ėstóne'ó; Final -óne'ó. Category: size.
-tsėhe'kesó vii. be short. É-tsėhe'kēso. It is short. Phon: The first s will often be pronounced as š due to the following k. Variant: -tšėhe'kesó. Category: size.
-tsėhe'kėstahe vai. be short. É-tsėhe'kėstahe. He is short. Assimilated -tšėhe'kėstahe. Phon: assim., often pronounced -tšėhe'kėstahe Category: size.
-tšėhe'kėsėhévá'sé vai. have a short tail. É-tšėhe'kėsėhévá'se. He has a short tail. [The Fox and the Bear.025] Category: size.
-tšėhe'kesó vii. short. É-tšėhe'kēso. It is short. Antonym -tsėhe'esó. See: -tsėhe'kesó; tšėhe'kėstahe; -háa'esó. Category: size.
-tšėhe'kėstahe vai. be short. É-tšėhe'kėstahe. He is short. (another recording) Násáa-tšėhe'kėstȧhéhe. I'm not short. Phon: assim. from -tsėhe'kėstahe Non-assimilated -tsėhe'kėstahe; Antonym -tsėhe'ėstahe; Final -'ėstahe. See: -háa'ėstahe. Category: size, height.
-tšėhe'kėsta'é vai. have short hair. É-tšėhe'kėstā'e. He has short hair. NonAssim -: tsėhe'kėsta'é. Category: size.
-tšėhe'kėstan vti. shorten s.t. É-tšėhe'kėstāna. He shortened it. [pd707] See: -káhoma'o'tsé. Category: size.
-tšėhe'kėstanené vti. shorten. É-tšėhe'kėstanēne. He is shortening (something). [pd707, pd965] fai: -anené. Category: size.
-tšėhe'kėstóneo'e vai. short ropelike. É-tšėhe'kėstóneo'e. He is short and ropelike. fai: -óneo'e. See: -háa'ėstóneo'e. Category: size.
-tšėhe'kotame vii. shallow. É-tšėhe'kotame. It is shallow (water). Variant: -tšėhe'ketame; Antonym -háo'otame. Category: liquid, size.
-tšėho'ketame vii. shallow (water) - be. É-tšėho'ketame. It (for example, river or lake) is shallow. Variant: -tsėho'ketame, -tšėhe'kotame; Antonym -háo'etame, -tóne'éhotoo'e. Category: liquid, size.
-tšėške'ahe vai. small. É-tšėške'ahe. He is small. Variant: -tšėšketa; Reduplicated -tótšėške'ahe. Category: size.
tšėške'(e)- pv. a little, small amount, little amount. Ná-tšėške'tsėhésenestse. I speak Cheyenne a little. É-tšėške'mésehe. He is eating a little. Éoháe-tšėške'emenoo'e. "Hey, it's really too small. [Floating Eyes:075] See: tšėške'e-; tšėškėse-; ma'xe-; háe-. Category: size.
tšėške'e i. small.amount; a little; small amount; little amount. Éoháe-tšėške'emenoo'e. "Hey, it's really too small. See: tšėške'-; tšėškėse-; ma'xe-; háe-. Category: size.
-tšėške'éhotoo'e vii. shallow hole - be a. É-tšėške'éhotoo'e. It is a shallow hole. Antonym -háa'éhotoo'e; Final -otoo'e. See: -tšėho'ketame. Category: size.
-tšėške'éné vai. small face - have a. É-tšėške'éne. He has a small face. (another recording) Antonym -tȧhpe'éné. Category: face, size.
-tšėške'eotse vii. become smaller.
vai. become smaller. É-tšėške'eotse. He (or It) got smaller. Antonym -tȧhpe'eotse. See: -tšėške'ó; -tšėšketa. Category: size.
-tšėške'hóne'tá vii. be piled shallow. É-tšėške'hóné'ta. It is a shallow pile. See: -háo'etame; -hóné'tá. Category: size.
-tšėške'ó vii. small, little. É-tšėšké'o. It is small. Reduplicated -tótšėške'ó; Particle tšéške'e; vai: -tšėšketa; Antonym -tȧhpe'ó. Category: size.
tšėškėse- pv. small. É-tšėškėse-manėstóne. He makes things small. See: tšėške'(e)-. Category: size.
-tšėškėstóné vai. make things small. É-tšėškėstóne. He made things small. See: -manėstóné. Category: size.
-tšėšketa vai. small, little. É-tšėšketa. He is small. Variant: -tšėške'ahe; vii: -tšėške'ó. See: -tȧhketa. Antonym -tȧhpetá. Category: size.
-vé'ėstȧhém vta. same height as s.o. É-vé'ėstȧhemo. He is the same height as he is. É-vé'ėstȧhémóho. He is the same height as he is. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vé'ėstȧhémo. I'm the same height as he is. Éto'ėstó'-vé'ėstȧhemo. He is almost as tall as he is. Éto'ėstó'-vé'ėstȧhémóho. He is almost as tall as he is. (newer pronunciation). Category: size.
-vé'semenoo'e vii. be tiny (berry shaped). É-vé'semenoo'énėstse. They (berries) are tiny. Category: size.
-vóhnėhetao'ó vii. be of medium size. É-vóhnėhetaō'o. It was of medium size. See: -nėhetao'ó; nóhne-. Category: size.
-vonaetá vai. big. É-vonaeta. He is big. Mo'éhno'ha é-vonaeta. The horse is big. Usage: od See: -tȧhpetá; -ma'haeta. Category: size, Oklahoma.
-vonao'ó vii. colossal. bigger than 'huge', -háahpe'ó. Lit: lose.count-size É-vonaō'o. It is colossal/"humongous" in size. fii: -o'ó. See: -háahpe'ó; -ma'hao'ó; -tȧhpe'ó. Category: size.
-vone'éhotoo'e vii. be a very deep hole. É-vone'éhotoo'e. It is a very deep hole. Ésáa-vone'éhotoo'éhane. It is not a very deep hole. Phon: not vs See: -háa'éhotoo'e. Category: distance, size.
-vone'esó vii. extremely long; long extremely. Lit: lost-length É-vone'ēso. It is extremely long. Category: size.
-vone'ėsta'é vai. long hair. É-vone'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -tsėhe'ėsta'é; -tó'ėsta'é; -háa'ėsta'é. Category: hair, size, quantity.