Cheyenne Dictionary



-áahtomóneóe'tov   vta. stand.listening to s.o. É-áahtomóneóe'tovóho. He is standing listening to him. fai: -óé. Category: hear, stand.

-áahtomónéóó'e   vai. stand listening. É-áahtomónéóó'e. He is standing listening. fai: -óé2. See: -áahtomóné listen; -amóneóó'e sit in line. Category: hear, stand.

-ae'ta'éoe'tov   vta. stand facing s.o. É-ae'ta'éoe'tovóho. He is standing facing him/them. Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-ae'ta'éóó'e   vai. face standing. for example, facing a crowd. É-ae'ta'éóó'e. He is standing facing. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-áestséóó'é   vai. listen standing. É-áestséóó'e. He is standing listening. É'ȯhke-áestséoesesto. They would stand there and listen. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs Category: hear, stand.

-ahkó'enenéóó'e   vai. roll (something) while standing. É-ahkó'enenéóó'e. He rolled (something) while standing. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-a'enó'neóó'e   vai. stand in the dark. É-a'enó'neóó'e. He is standing in the dark. Category: stand.

-a'haveóó'e   vai. stand pouting, pout standing, droop. É-a'haveóó'e. He is standing pouting. Ques: a'kav?? Category: stand, check.

-a'xaaméóó'e   vai. stand crying. É-a'xaaméóó'e. He is standing crying. fai: -óé2. See: -omómeóó'e. Category: stand, cry.

-amóeóó'e   vai. stand, stand (there). One difference between -amóeóó'e and -néé'e is that -amóeóó'e indicates standing for a period of time. -néé'e has no implication of time, either a short amount of time or a longer period of time. É-amóeóó'e. He was (just) standing (there). He'óho tséá'enose anósema é'-amóeóesesesto. Móhnėhnȯhtsevóomaehevóhe. His wife was standing outside. She was looking for him. [1987:171] fai: -óé2. Phon: vs See: -néé'e; -amónoo'e; -he'keamóeóó'e. Category: stand.

-amóneeóeotse   vai. stand in line. É-amóneeóeotseo'o. They stood in line. Éstama'xe-amóneeóeotséhoono henenó'e. Rose bushes (suddenly) appeared in a row. [1987:255] fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-amóneeóó'e   vai. stand in line. only used with plural subjects. É-amóneeóeo'o. They (animate) are standing in line. Amóneeóó'e! Stand in line! (said to more than one person). fai: -óé. See: -nó'ovóneeóó'e. Category: stand.

-anȯhóeóó'e   vai. stand looking down, look down standing. É-anȯhóeóó'e. He is standing looking down. Tsenėhmé'e-anȯhóeóó'e kȧsovááhe. A young man will appear looking down (from the hill). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.032] Éne'ȯhtše-anȯhóeóeo'o. They would stand on top of (the stage) looking down (on the people). [1987:150] fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.

-áveóó'e   vai. lean over. É-áveóó'e. He is standing leaning over. fai: -óé2. See: -nó'ėseóó'e. Category: stand.

-ávooneóó'e   vai. fast standing, stand fasting. This is a traditional form of self-imposed fasting, which typically involved standing in one spot an entire day, sometimes looking at the sun from morning until evening. É-ávóónéóó'e. He is fasting standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-é'e'šenonéóó'e   vai. whistle while standing. É-é'e'šenonéóó'e. He whistled standing. fai: -noné, -óé2. Phon: vs Category: sounds, stand.

-e'óeóó'e   vai. stand looking up. É-e'óeóó'e. He is standing looking upwards. Nátatsėheše-e'óeóó'e. I stand looking upwards toward there. Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.

-é'oeóó'e   vii. broken.stand. Ques: recheck gloss?? Phon: vs É-é'oeóó'e. It is standing broken. Hestse'ésame é'é'oeóetséneho hestsénéva. His pipestem was still in his mouth. ?? Category: stand, check.

-énėhot   vta. stop and stand by s.o. É-énėhoto. He stopped and stood by him. É-énėhótóho. He stopped and stood by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *po·nwehθale·wa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -énȧhót end heat to s.o.. Category: check, stand, weather.

-éneóó'e   vai. stop standing. É-éneóó'e. He stopped standing. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-éseóó'e   1 • vai. stand inside.

2 • vii. stand inside. especially of a thorn or splinter to be under a fingernail. É-éseóó'e. He has a thorn under his fingernail. Etym: *pi·nčika·po·wa (P/L). fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-éstavȧhoeóó'e   vii. stand so deep. Méná'ó'ėstse hákó'e neva mó'-éstavȧhoeóehanevótse. Breastworks were four barriers deep. [1987:311] Phon: vs Category: stand, record.

-éstoeóó'e   vai. stand looking in, look in standing. É-éstoeóó'e. He is standing looking in. See: -éstonoo'e sit looking in. Final -óé2. Category: stand, sight.

-ésto'eóó'e   vai. stand in bushes. for example, when picking berries. É-ésto'eóó'e. He is standing in the bushes. BodyPartMedial -ó'(é)2. Category: stand.

-éva'ȧséóó'e   vai. stand on head. É-éva'ȧséóó'e. He is standing on his head. Ques: séóó'e?? Ques: check all entries for spelling of glottal vowel s sequences 'ės, 'ȧs, 's?? Ques: but not the fall on belly ones?? fai: -óé. See: -éva'kȧseóé. Category: stand, head, check.

-éva'kȧséóó'e   vai. stand looking through one's (own) legs. especially of a child said to be énȯhtsevóomóho 'looking for' its younger sibling. É-éva'kȧséóó'e. He is standing looking through his (own) legs. Ques: séóó'e?? fai: -óé2. See: -éva'ȧséóó'e. Category: stand, check, record.

-évenéeotse   vai. stand around. É-évenéeotse. He stood around. See: -événéohtsé; -néeotse; -éveneotse. Category: stand.

-évoeóó'e   vai. stand looking around. É-évoeóó'e. He is standing looking around. Etym: *ki·wa·pika·po·wa. É-évoeóeo'o. They stood looking about. Ná-évoeóó'e. I am standing looking around. Etym: *neki·wa·pika·pi I stand looking about. fai: -óé. See: -tȯhtáa'évoeóó'e. Category: stand, sight.

-évo'eóó'e   vai. stand wiggling, wiggle standing. É-évo'eóó'e. He is standing wiggling. fai: -óé2. See: -évo'kó'eóó'e. Category: stand.

-évo'kó'eóó'e   vai. stand moving around. É-évo'kó'eóó'e. He is standing moving around. That is, he isn't standing still. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: -évo'eóó'e. Category: stand.

-évo'kó'oné'eóó'e   vai. stand moving feet around. É-évo'kó'oné'eóó'e. (o'né'e??) He is standing moving his feet around. for example, fidgeting rocking on heels and moving feet around. fai: -o'né'e step. Ques: o'n[e'e?? Category: stand, check.

-évotó'keóó'e   vai. stand unstable. É-évotó'keóó'e. He was standing and kept moving like he was about to fall down. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-éxovȧho'héóó'e   vai. stand warming. É-éxovȧho'héóó'e. He is standing getting warm. Phon: vs See: -éxovoo'e. Category: temperature, stand.

-éxoveóó'e   vai. stand warming up. É-éxoveóó'e. He is standing warming up. Etym: *ki·šowika·po·wa (P). fai: óé2. Category: stand, temperature, record.

-éxovȯhéeóó'e   vai. stand warming, warm stand. É-éxovȯhéeóó'e. He is standing near the fire warming. Category: fire, stand, temperature.

-hánȯhóeóó'e   vai. stand looking with head held back. É-hánȯhóeóó'e. He is standing looking with his head held back. Éx-hánȯhóeóehoo'o. He looked backwards(??). (pret). [Bear Tepee.110] Ques: recheck?? Category: stand, sight, check.

-hánȯseóó'e   vai. backwards.lean.stand. for example, to stand leaning back against something. É-hánȯseóó'e. He leaned backwards standing.

vti. Gram: vai + o lean backwards while standing, stand leaning backwards. fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-háo'eóó'e   vii. stand thick. Heškóvó'ėstse éohkėho-háo'eóénėstse. Horns were really thick.047. [The Rolling Head.]

vai. stand thick. É-háo'eóó'e. He (or It) is standing thick. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-hátsėstoveóe'tov   vta. stand on either side of s.o. Étšėšė-hátsėstoveóe'tovovo néhe noto. They stood on each side of that Indian. [1987:150] Non-reduplicated -héstoveóó'e. Category: stand.

-hávėséveóó'e   vai. stand in a bad place. É-hávėséveóó'e. He is standing in a bad place. (another recording) fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-héenėseóó'e   vai. stand firm, brace. É-héenėseóó'e. He stood firmly holding his ground/bracing himself. This is a literal physical action, not an emotional state). Phon: vs Category: stand.

-hehpeóó'e   vii. stick out farther; stand beyond.

vai. stick out farther; stand beyond. for instance, of a nail that is too long for a board it is pounded into and it sticks out some. É-hehpeóó'e. It (or He) is sticking out farther. fii: -óé2. See: -hehpe'ėstahe. Category: stand.

-he'atoeóó'e   vai. look up standing, stand looking up. É-he'atoeóó'e. He is standing looking up. tóe?? Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight, check.

-he'keamóeóó'e   vai. stand still. É-he'keamóeóó'e. He is standing still. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: -amóeóó'e. Category: stand.

-he'keóó'e   vii. stand stuck.

vai. stand stuck. É-he'keóó'e. He/It is standing there stuck in the ground. [pd79, pd1023, pd1023] Phon: vs Initial he'k-; Final -óé2. See: -he'kešé. Category: stand.

-he'koneóó'e   vai. stand erect, stand firm. É-he'koneóó'e. He (or It) stood erect. This is the state of standing, not the process (action). Phon: vs Category: stand.

vii. stay firm, stand firm, be firm. for instance, of a fence post that stays firm. É-he'koneóetse. His (inanimate possessed thing) is standing firm. This can refer to his penis standing erect / he has an erection. Final -óé. See: -he'konȯhoséóó'e. Category: vulgar.

-he'kono'né'éóó'e   vai. 1 • stand steady. fai: -o'né'e step. Category: stand.

2 • backs up word, steadfast, stands on word, reliable. É-he'kono'né'éóó'e. He stands on his word. Category: figurative, personality.

-he'kotseóó'e   vai. stand still. É-he'kotseóó'e. He is standing still. Nėstsevé'momóhta'xe, he'kotseóeo'o! Don't move about, stand still! Phon: vs Final -óé2. See: -he'kotoo'e. Category: stand.

-héne'ėšeóó'e   vai. stand stiff. É-héne'ėšeóó'e. He is standing stiff.?? See: -héne'kėšeóó'e. Category: stand, check.

-hene'ké'šeóó'e   vai. stand on tiptoes, tiptoe stand. Ques: -héne' ... ?? same as -h[ene'k^e^se[o[o'e?? É-hene'ké'šeóó'e. He stood on his tiptoes. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, check.

-héne'kėšeóó'e   vai. stand stiff. É-héne'kėšeóó'e. He is standing stiff.?? Ques: same as -hene'ké'šeóó'e?? See: -héne'ėšeóó'e. Category: stand, check.

-hestomeóó'e   vai. stand prevented. É-hestomeóó'e. He is too busy standing there. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-héstoveóó'e   vai. stand on both sides. É-héstoveóeo'o. They are standing on both sides. fai: -óé; Reduplicated -hátsėstoveóe'tov. Category: stand.

-hestóxeóó'e   vai. stand last. É-hestóxeóó'e. He is standing last in line. fai: -óé2. See: -ho'óxeóó'e. Category: stand.

-hešénéóó'e   vai. Gram: rr be so faced standing. ... é-hešénéóó'e ... he has such a face standing. tséhešénéóó'ėstse the way his/her face appeared while standing. This especially refers to how someone's face looks after they have been reprimanded for not doing something they were asked to do or for misbehaving. BodyPartMedial -éné; fai: -óé2. Category: stand, face.

-heškóvo'ésáóó'e   vii. thorns stand. Ȯhtséveévo'sóetonȯhtse éohkėhoháeheškóvo'ésáóó'e. Whenever I played there were lots of thorns. [The Rolling Head.054]

vai. thorns stand. Category: stand, plants.

-héva'kéóó'é   vai. stand with head covered. É-héva'kéóó'e. He is standing with his head covered. Mó'ȯhkė-héva'kéoehevóhe hoomȧhéva. They would stand (covered) under a blanket (while courting). [WEDDING.TXT] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-hóeóó'e   vii. stick out, stand out. É-hóeóó'e. It (or He) is sticking out. Etym: *sa·kika·po·wa (P). for example, of a nail sticking out from a wall.

vai. stick out, stand out. fii: -óé. See: -hóoeóó'e. Category: stand.

-hoháoeóó'e   vai. stand looking intensely. É-hoháoeóó'e. He stood looking intensely. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: sight, stand.

-hoháo'eóó'e   vii. stand very thick. Heškóvó'ėstse éohkė-hoháo'eóénėstse. Horns were really thick. Phon: redup Phon: vs Category: stand.

-hó'eóé'tov   vta. stand behind s.o. É-hó'eóe'tovóho. He is standing behind him. Category: stand.

-ho'eóó'e   vai. stand first; arrive first standing. Ques: recheck glosses?? É-ho'eóó'e. He is standing first in a line. Phon: vs Initial ho'-; Final -óé. Category: stand.

-hó'kȯhtȯheóó'e   vai. stand leaning on cane. É-hó'kȯhtȯheóó'e. He is standing leaning on his cane. [pd911] Phon: vs fai: -óé2; Variant: -hó'ȯhtȯheóó'e. Category: stand.

-ho'né'šeóó'e   vti. step standing on s.t. É-ho'né'šeóó'e. He is stepped on it and is standing on it. Final -óé2. See: -táxeóó'e. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-ho'óxeóó'e   vai. stand at the end. É-ho'óxeóó'e. He stood at the end. Éstano'kė-ho'óxeóesėstse. (The whiteman) was standing alone at the end (of the line). [The Whiteman and the Mouse.031] fai: -óé2. Phon: vs See: -hestóxeóó'e. Category: stand.

-ho'toveóó'e   vii. be loose, stick out loose. É-ho'toveóó'e. (The tooth) is sticking out loose. vii: -óé. Category: stand.

-hóoeóó'e   vai. stand looking out. for example, looking out of a doorway. É-hóoeóó'e. He is standing looking out. fai: -óé. See: -hóeóó'e stick out. Category: stand.

-hóomeóó'e   vai. stand out of sight. É-hóomeóó'e. He is standing out of sight. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight.

-hóotóeóó'e   vai. stand looking behind, look back standing. É-hóotóeóó'e. He is standing looking back. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, sight.

-hosótomeóó'e   vai. rest standing, stand resting. É-hosótomeóó'e. He rested while standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-hotama'éóó'e   vai. stand with back to the fire. This is the culturally appropriate way to warm oneself at a fire. It is culturally preferred to standing facing afire (or stove) with your hands out in front of you. É-hotama'éóó'e. He was standing warming with his back to the fire. Etym: *aθemexkwe·ka·po·wa. Phon: vs Antonym -hovȯhéóó'e; Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-hótoanáóó'e   vai. be in bad trouble, going to get it. É-hótoanáóó'e. He is in bad trouble / he is going to get it. Lit: difficult-stand fai: -óé; Variant: -hótoanáveóó'e. Category: stand.

-hótoanáveóó'e   vai. stand in a difficult place. É-hótoanáveóó'e. He is standing in a difficult place. Variant: -hótoanáóó'e; Final -óé. Category: stand.

-hotse'óheóó'e   vai. work standing. É-hotse'óheóó'e. He is working standing. fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: work, stand.

-hovéo'eóó'e   vai. stand in shade. É-hovéo'eóó'e. He is standing in the shade. Etym: *awikika·po·wa (P). Phon: vs Category: stand.

-hovȯhéóó'e   vai. stand warming by the fire. É-hovȯhéóó'e. He is standing warming himself by the fire (or stove). Phon: vs There is a cultural taboo against turning your back to a fire. If someone does this, it is said that it will cause tsenėhnóhpama'xėho'eéto 'so that it will snow a lot'. Antonym -hotama'éóó'e; fai: óé2. Category: stand, taboo.

-hovȯhéoo'e   vai. sit warming by the fire. É-hovȯhéoo'e. He is sitting warming himself by the fire (or stove). Phon: vs See: -hovȯhéóó'e stand warming by the fire; -éxovoo'e sit warm. Category: stand.

-hóvo'eóó'e   vai. stand covered with a blanket. É-hóvo'eóó'e. She is standing covered in a blanket. [1987:342] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-káva'éóó'e   vai. stand with head down. Horses do this, as well as people. É-káva'éóó'e. He is standing with his head down. É-káva'éoeo'o. They are standing with heads down. Category: stand, head.

-káveóó'e   vai. stand drooped. É-káveóó'e. He is standing drooped. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-koomenóó'e   vai. stand still. É-koomenóó'e. He stood still. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: -kóemenóo'e; -koomeóó'e. Category: stand.

-koomeóó'e   vai. stand by oneself. É-koomeóó'e. He is standing by himself. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-mȧhenóeóe   vai. all stand looking. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhenóeóeo'o. They are all standing looking. Énėxxaehóemȧhenóeóeo'o. They were all simply standing looking. [Young Bird.011] See: -mȧhóeóé. Category: stand, sight.

-mȧheóé   vai. all stand. É-mȧheóeo'o. They are all standing. [The Corn and Meat.065] Etym: *mesika·po·waki (P/L). Ná-mȧheóéme. We all stood. See: -óó'e; -mȧhóeóé. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-mȧhoveóó'e   vai. tired standing. É-mȧhoveóó'e. He is tired of standing. Initial mȧhov-; fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-ma'éveóó'e   vai. stand bloody. for instance, standing bloody after being beaten up. É-ma'éveóó'e. He is standing bloody. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-ma'kėseóó'e   vai. stooped over, stand stooped over. Variant: -ma'ėseóó'e. É-ma'kėseóó'e. He is standing stooped over. É-ma'kėseóeo'o. They are standing stooped over. fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-má'seóó'e   vai. finish standing, complete standing. É-má'seóó'e. He finished standing. Category: stand.

-manéóó'e   vai. drink standing. É-manéóó'e. He drank standing. tséh-manéóó'ėstse when it was drinking standing. Morph: /-manéóé/. Phon: vs fai: -óó'e. Category: drink, stand.

-manȯhó'eóé   vai. stand together. only used with plural subjects. É-manȯhó'eóeo'o. They are standing together. Synonym -mano'eóé. Category: stand.

-mano'eóé   vai. stand together. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'eóeo'o. They are standing together. See: -manȯhó'eóé. Category: stand.

-mano'eóeotse   vai. stand together become. É-mano'eóeotseo'o. They became standing together. Category: stand.

-mé'eóó'e   vii. stand in view, stand exposed, poke out.

vai. stand in view, stand exposed, poke out. Lit: appear-stand É-mé'eóó'e. He (or It) stands in view / it is poking out. can be of a nail that is poking out of something. Etym: *mo·θkika·po·wa (P). Phon: vs Category: sight, stand.

-mésėhé'hanáóó'e   vai. eat standing, stand eating. É-mésėhé'hanáóó'e. He ate standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -mésėhéóó'e. Category: stand, eat.

-méseóó'e   vai. stand sobering up. É-méseóó'e. He is standing sobering up. fai: -óé2. Phon: vs Category: stand, drink.

-momáta'ėhéóó'e   vai. stand mean, angrily stand, stand angry. É-momáta'ėhéóó'e. He is standing mean. fai: -óé. See: -ta'oveóó'e. Category: stand.

-moméno'eóé   vii. stand in a group. Otáxa he'konȯtse é'éetšėšemoméno'eóenėsestȯtse. Just bones were (there) piled up. [The Snipe Man.056]

vai. stand in a group. Phon: vs É-moméno'eóeo'o. They are standing in groups. tséohkeévėheše-moméno'eóestove tsėhéóhe mȧhoéve'ho'éno where they always stand in bunches here in town. [1987:173] fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-momóseóó'e   vai. move standing, stand moving. É-momóseóó'e. He is moving while standing. Etym: *ma·tika·po·wa. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-mónėhó'eóó'e   vai. stand in line (shoulder to shoulder), line up. É-mónėhó'eóeo'o. They are standing in line. Mónėhó'eóó'e! Get in line! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -amóneoo'e sit in line. Category: school, stand.

-mȯxe'ėstóneóó'e   vai. write standing. É-mȯxe'ėstóneóó'e. He is writing standing. Ques: tóné?? fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-nȧha'néóó'e   vai. stand with husband. É-nȧha'néóó'e. She is standing with her husband. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, marriage.

-náheóó'e   vai. stand in front. an honored position. É-náheóó'e. He is standing up front (in the honored position). Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: Náha'ē'ta. Category: stand.

-na'heóhtáóó'e   vai. stand on three legs, tripod - be a. can refer to a tepee tripod. É-na'heóhtáóó'e. He is standing on three legs / It is a tripod. Etym: *neɁθwika·te·ka·po·wa (P). É'éšenéhove-na'heóhtáóó'e. after the tripod (for the tepee) was standing. [1987:179] Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -óhtá; fai: -óé2. See: -néveóhtáóó'e. Category: stand, tepee.

-nééh   vta. 1 • stand up s.o., line s.o. up. Category: stand.

2 • nominate s.o. É-néeho. He nominated him. Énééhóho. He nominated him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *ni:po·he·wa (P) he makes him stand. Émé'-néeho. He nominated him. (lit., he-appear-stand.up-him). Ná-néého. I chose him (for example, to do a special job). vai: -néé'e. See: -née'tov. Category: stand.

-nééhá   vii. stand, be at. É-nééha. It is standing (there). Móhma'xeéetšėše-néehanevótse ma'xemenó'ėstse. There were a lot of plum bushes. [1987:288] vai: -néé'e. Category: stand.

-néé'e   vii. stand. Móhma'xeéetšėše-néehanevótse ma'xemenó'ėstse. There were a lot pf plum bushes standing. [The Scalped Man Who Died.031]

vai. stand (position), stop, be at. that is, to stand in place, not the process of standing up. É-néé'e. He was standing. Etym: *ni·po·wa (P). É-néeo'o. They are standing. (another recording) Nonónóó'e énéé'e. A rainbow is standing. Amȧho'héhe é-néé'e. The car is standing (there). Móstaohke-néehevóhe ȯhtaónėšeotsétsesėstse heške. They would stop whenever her mother would have a contraction. [1987:26] Phon: vs vta: -née'tov. See: -néeotse; -néhoveóó'é stand (process); -amóeóó'e stand. Antonym -amónoo'e. Category: stand.

-néé'tá   vti. stand with reference to s.t., represent s.t., stand up to, be in charge of, do with reference to s.t., take the blame for s.t., represent s.t. É-néé'ta. He stood up to it; he stood against it; he is the one that did it; he is in charge of it. Etym: *ni·po·ʔtamwa (P). Émȧhe-néé'ta. He did it all; he is in charge of it all now (for example, so now I can do whatever I want, not having the responsibility he now has). Éme'tšėheše-néé'ta. He should stand (for example, live; be) like this. Hotse'óhestȯtse ... tseéepėhéve-néé'tánóvo. (I prayed that) they will perform their jobs well. (1987:99). Naa hēā'e náéšee'óestaāhe ná'ȯhkėhešėtāno hotȧhtsemóxho'nóxaepėhéve-néé'tómo. And maybe I used to think, "I am already baptized," but I had not fully attained good standing.(was not mature?) [1987:195] Náhóovene'étamenȯtse naa ésáaxae-néé'tóhe. Naa náne'évȧhéne'étamenȯtse. I mistakenly depended on him and he did not do what he said (lit. did not stand to it). And I would not again depend on him. (that is, he disappointed me). Násáakánomenėhešévéhe, oha nȧhtanėše-néé'ta. Even though I did not do it, I will take the blame for it. Ho'e ná-néé'ta, nama'háhko'eve. I represent the earth, I am the badger. (from the badger quitting song). vta: -néé'tov. Category: stand.

-néé'tov   vta. stand beside s.o., represent s.o. É-née'tovóho. He stood by him/represented him (for example, in court). Etym: *ni·po·ʔtawe·wa (P). Návése-néé'tóvo I'm standing with/for him. Tȧhé-nee'toveha he'pa'óne! Go stand behind him! vai: -néé'e; vti: -néé'tá. See: -nééh; -véseóém. Category: stand.

-néeotse   vai. stand. É-néeotse. He stood (there. Éstaosáane-néeotséhoo'o. So she just stood there where she was. [1987:296] Ques: also vii?? See: -néé'e. Category: stand.

-néétó   vii. stand (position); parked. É-nééto. It is parked (there) (lit., standing, for example, a car). É-só'-nééto naamȧho'hestȯtse. My car is still there (lit. my car is still standing). vai: -néé'é. See: -ho'tá. Category: stand.

-nėhešeóóhévá   vai. stand ground. for example, as a member of a suicide troop. É-nėhešeóóhéva. He stood his ground. Category: stand, warfare.

-néhove'haná   vai. stand eating. É-néhove'hāna. He stood up eating. See: -mésėheóó'e. Category: eat, stand.

-néhove'hanáóó'e   vai. stand eating. É-néhove'hanáóó'e He is standing up eating. Category: stand.

-néhovénome   vai. sleep standing. É-néhovénome. He slept standing. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, stand.

-néhoveóéh   vta. stand up s.o. Éohke-néhoveóehovo he'nétóóne tséto'senéé'ėstse. They put up (the tepee pole) that is going to be by the door. [1987:223] Category: stand.

-néhoveóeotse   vai. stand for a moment. É-néhoveóeotse. He stood for a moment. See: -néé'é stand (state); -néhoveóó'e stand (process). Phon: vs Category: stand.

-néhoveóó'é   vai. stand up. É-néhoveóó'e. He stood up. É-néhoveóeo'o. They stood up. Néhoveóó'ėstse! Stand up! (another recording) Néhoveóó'e! Stand up! (said to more than one person). Násáataometónėše-néhoveóéhe. I can't stand on my own. This could be said literally, or, as in 'I am powerless, can't make it on my own (for example, over alcohol)'. Final -óé2 stand. See: -néé'é stand (state); -néhoveóeotse stand for a moment; -ohāā'e arise; -to'e get up from sleep. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-nėhpenonéóó'e   vai. stand in doorway singing. for example, singing for money. É-nėhpenonéoeo'o. They are standing by the door singing. Category: sing, stand.

-nėhpeóó'e   vai. stand in doorway, stand in the way, stand obstructing. É-nėhpeóó'e. He is standing in the doorway. Etym: *kepika·po·wa (P). Né-nėhpeóó'e. You're standing in the way. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-nėhpėsóó'e   vai. urinate standing in the way. É-nėhpėsóó'e. He is urinating standing in front/in the way. Etym: *kepišye·ka·po·wa (P). fai: -óé, -só3. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-né'poeóó'e   vai. look over standing, stand looking over. É-né'poeóó'e. He is standing looking over (something). Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.

-ne'tȧhéóó'e   vai. stand important. É-ne'tȧhéóó'e. He is standing important. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-néma'eóó'e   vai. stand in a circle. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-néma'eóó'e. He is standing in a circle. ?? Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-néma'óneeóé   vai. stand in a circle. É-néma'óneeóeo'o. They are standing in a circle. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-néma'óneeóe'seh   vta. cause s.o. to stand in a circle. Éstȧ-néma'óneeóe'sėhósesto. He had them all stand in a circle. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).009] Category: stand.

néma'óneóe   vai. stand in a circle. É-néma'oneóeo'o. They are standing in a circle. Ésó'éemae-néma'óneóeo'o ho'honáeo'o. There is still a circle of rocks. [Black Hills Claim.021] Category: stand.

-némenéóó'e   vai. stand singing, sing standing. É-némenéóó'e. He stood dancing. [Lover's Leap.012] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand, sing.

-néneóó'e   vai. nurse standing, stand nursing, suckle nursing. for example, how a calf nurses. É-néneóó'e. He is standing nursing. Category: stand.

-néseméeóó'e   vai. stand smelly, smelly stand. É-néseméeóó'e. He is standing smelly. Category: smell, stand.

-nėševátameóó'e   vai. stand pitifully, pitifully stand. É-nėševátameóó'e. He is standing pitifully. Category: stand.

-nétȧhéveóó'e   vai. stand different. É-nétȧhéveóó'e. He is standing differently. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-néveóhtáóó'e   vai. burial scaffold be on, stand on four legs. Phon: vs this was a traditional place to lay the body of a deceased person. É-néveóhtáóó'e. He is standing on four legs, he is on a burial scaffold. [1987:266] Etym: *nye·wika·te·ka·po·wa (P). fai: -óé2. Category: death, stand.

-nóhta'eóé'tov   vta. stand facing s.o. Oha ná-nóhta'eóé'tóvo Ma'hēō'o. I'm only looking toward God. See: -ae'ta'éoe'tov; -tsėheta'éoe'tov. Category: stand.

-nȯhtsevóeóé'tá   vti. look for s.t. while standing, stand looking for s.t. É-nȯhtsevóeóé'ta. He was standing looking for it. Final -óé2. See: -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tá. Category: sight, stand.

-nȯhtsevóeóé'tov   vti. look for s.o. quickly while standing, stand looking for s.o. quickly. É-nȯhtsevóeóe'tovóho. He was standing looking for him. See: -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tov. Final -óé2. Category: sight, stand.

-no'eóó'e   vti. Gram: ai+o hold s.t. while standing, stand holding s.t. É-no'eóó'e. He is holding it while standing. Etym: *naθpika·po·wa (P). Category: stand.

-nó'ėseóó'e   vai. lean over (something).

vti. Gram: vai + o lean over s.t. É-nó'ėseóó'e. He is leaning over (it). See: -áveóó'e. Category: stand.

-no'héóó'e   vai. aside stand, stand out of the way. É-no'héóó'e. He is standing out of the way. Category: stand.

-no'keóó'e   vai. stand alone. É-no'keóó'e. He is standing alone. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-nó'ovóneeóó'e   vai. stand single file, stand in a straight line. É-nó'ovóneeóeo'o. They are standing single file. Nó'ovóneeóó'e! Get in line (single file)! (said to more than one person). (another recording) See: -nó'ovóneoo'e sit in line; -amóneeóó'e stand in line. Phon: vs Final -óé2. Category: school, stand.

-nomenéóó'e   vai. drink something heated while standing. É-nomenéóó'e. He is standing drinking (hot liquid, especially coffee). Phon: vs Category: stand, drink.

-nonónéóó'e   vai. stand fishing, fish standing. É-nonónéóó'e. He is standing fishing. Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-novoeóó'e   vii. stand obstructing.

vai. stand obstructing. É-novoeóó'e. He (or It) is standing obstructing. Éstamáme=tā'se=sé'tšėše-novoeóesėstse hoohtsėstse. A tree was going across fallen part way over the water. [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.009] Ques: check "part way"?? Final -óé2. Phon: vs See: hóxove-. Category: stand, check.

-óé2   fai. stand. Émésėhé-óó'e. He is eating while standing. Ékoome-óó'e. He is standing still. Énéveóhtá-óó'e. He is standing on four legs. Néhove-óó'ėstse! Stand up! Énéhove-óeo'o. They stood up. Etym: *(i)ka·pawe (R). Do the following verbs end with this -óé final??

fii. stand, stick out. É-sé'továóó'e. There is smoke (or steam) ascending. É-hestatováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). Variant: -óó'e1. Phon: vs See: -néé'e stand; -oe sit, be (there).

stand, stick out. Éése-óó'e. It is stuck in. Éhóe-óó'e. It is sticking out. Category: stand.

-ohāā'e   vai. arise, get up, stand up. for example, to move from a sitting to a standing position. -to'é refers to getting up from sleeping; -ohaa'e refers to getting up from a lower position. É-ohāā'e. He arose/got up. Etym: *pasekwi·wa (P). É-ohaeo'o. They got up. Ohāā'ėstse! Get up! Ohāā'e! Get up (said to more than one person)! Morph: /-ohaé/. used with preverb éva- for 'arise (as in Christ's resurrection)' in missionized Cheyenne; more natural Cheyenne would be -éva-ametanéné 'live again'. Phon: vs vii: -ohaé'tá. See: -ohaéta'ó; -néhoveóó'e; -to'é; -to'éotse. Category: stand.

-o'omeóó'e   vti. Gram: vai + o taller than s.t. Lit: bypass-stand É-o'omeóó'e. He is taller than it. Initial o'om-; Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-ó'ȯseóó'e   vai. stand in wrong place. É-ó'ȯseóó'e. He is standing in the wrong place. Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-omómeóó'e   vai. cry standing, stand crying. É-omómeóó'e. He is crying standing. See: -a'xaaméóó'e. Category: cry, stand.

-ónėšeóó'e   vai. stand in pain, painfully stand. É-ónėšeóó'e. He is standing in pain. Category: stand.

-onó'eóó'e   vai. stand in straight line. for example, of a straight fence. É-onó'eóó'e. He is standing straight. Category: stand.

-onóveóó'e   vai. stand out of the water. É-onóveóó'e. He is standing out of the water. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-óó'e1   f. stand. Variant: -óé2. Énéhove-óó'e. He stood up. Éséesta'é-óó'e. He is facing the same way. Etym: *(i)ka·po·wa (P). Phon: vs See: -óó'e2 INV. Category: stand.

-oo'hetanónaóó'e   vai. stand thinking. É-oo'hetanónaóó'e. He is standing thinking. Phon: vs See: -oo'hetanó. Category: stand, cognition.

-oo'xeta'éóó'e   vai. stand with legs spread apart. É-oo'xeta'éóó'e. He is standing with his legs spread apart. Phon: vs See: -tséo'eóó'e. Category: stand.

-ováveóó'e   vai. wobbly, start to fall over. for example, of a drunk or a sick animal. É-ováveóó'e. He is wobbly. fai: -óé2. See: -ovávehné. Category: stand.

-ovóeóó'e   vai. stand first. for example, to stand first in line. É-ovóeóó'e. He stood first. Non-contracted -vovóeóó'e. Category: stand.

-pȧhoeóó'e   vai. stand alongside. É-pȧhoeóó'e. He is standing alongside. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-pėhéveóó'e   vai. stand in a good place, stand well. É-pėhéveóó'e. He is standing in a good place. Category: stand.

-séesta'éóó'é   vai. face the same way. É-séesta'éóó'e. He is facing the same way. Émȧhe-séesta'éoeo'o. They are all facing the same way. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -a'é; fai: -óó'e1. for instance, livestock all facing out of the wind. Category: stand.

-sé'eóó'e   vai. stand in water, lead into water. É-sé'eóó'e. He is standing in the water. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-séno'ó'eóó'e   vai. stand in bushes. É-séno'ó'eóó'e. He is standing in the bushes. Medial -o'é3. Category: stand.

-sétoeóó'e   vai. remain behind standing. É-sétoeóó'e. He remained behind standing. See: -sétoo'e remain behind sitting. Category: stand.

-šéšeóó'e   vai. stand peeing, pee standing. É-šéšeóó'e. He is peeing while standing. Synonym -xaeóó'e. Category: stand, body function.

-taa'éveóó'e   vai. stand until night. É-taa'éveóó'e. He stood there until night. See: -vóoneóó'e stand all night. Category: stand, time.

-táeóó'e   vai. fit standing. É-táeóó'e. He takes up the space standing. See: -táeotse; -táoo'e. Category: space, stand.

-táhoeóó'e   vai. ride standing, ride standing still, stand still while riding. for example, to sit in a car or on a horse while it is standing still. É-táhoeóó'e. He is sitting on while his car/horse is standing still. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand, sit.

-táho'keóó'e   vai. stand on top of (something). É-táho'keóó'e. He is standing on top of (something). Etym: *te·hθa·xkwika·po·wa (P). Final -óé2. Category: stand.

-táho'né'eóó'e   vai. stand stepping on (something). É-táho'né'eóó'e. He is standing stepping on (something). É-táho'né'eóeo'o. They are standing stepping on (something). fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-tȧhtáa'évoeóó'e   vai. stand looking around. É-tȧhtáa'évoeóó'e. He stood looking around in a circle. Phon: vs Final -óé2. See: évoeóé; táhta. Category: stand, sight.

-ta'omeóó'e   vai. stand in the way. É-ta'omeóó'e. He is standing in the way. fai: -óó'e. See: -ta'omešé lie in the way; -ta'omoo'e sit in the way. Category: stand.

-ta'omóeóó'e   vai. stand by the side of the road. É-ta'omóeóó'e. He was standing at the side of the road. Category: stand.

-ta'oveóó'e   vai. stand angry, stand mad. É-ta'oveóó'e. He is mad standing (there). See: -momáta'ėhéóó'e. Category: stand.

-távoeóó'e   vai. stand looking goofy. É-távoeóó'e. He is standing with a goofy look. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-táxeóó'e   vai. stand on (something). É-táxeóó'e. He is standing on (something). Etym: *te·hšika·po·wa. fai: -óé2. See: -ho'né'šeóó'e.

vti. Gram: vai + o stand on (something). Category: stand.

-tóe'eóé'tov   vta. face s.o. É-tóe'eóe'tovóho. He is face to face with him. Category: interpersonal, stand.

-tȯhtáa'évoeóó'e   vai. stand looking around. É-tȧhtáa'évoeóó'e. He stood looking around in a circle. Phon: vs Category: stand, sight. See: /-óé/; -évoeóé.

-tó'heóó'e   vai. stand firm. É-tó'heóó'e. He stood firm. fai: -óé2. Phon: vs See: -he'kešé. Category: stand.

-tó'hoveóó'e   vai. stand between. É-tó'hoveóó'e. He is standing between. for instance, of a horse standing among cows. Etym: θaʔθawika·po·wa (P/L). fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-tó'omeóó'e   vai. stand still, stand motionless. É-tó'omeóó'e. He is standing absolutely motionless. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.

-tomȯseóó'e   vai. stand up (from lower position). É-tomȯseóó'e. He stood up erect. Etym: *θematika·po·wa (P). Phon: vs fai: -óé2; Reduplicated -totómȯseóó'e; vti: -tomȯseóéstsé. See: -tomȯhtoo'e. Category: stand.

-tóne'éšeóó'e   vai. how long stand, stand how long. É-tóne'éšeóó'e? How long did he stand? fai: -óé2. See: tóne'éše-. Category: time, stand, record.

-tónoveóó'e   vai. stand thick. used only with plural subjects. É-tónoveóeo'o. There's a big crowd. Lit: sitting thick Category: stand.

-too'ėhéóó'e   vai. stand in jail, stand punished. can refer to standing in a corner of a schoolroom for punishment. É-too'ėhéóó'e. He is standing in jail. Category: stand.

-tooxeóó'e   vai. stoop, stand stooped over, stand with stooped back. É-tooxeóó'e. He is standing stooped over. Etym: *tapahšika·po·wa (P). Category: stand.

-tótȧhpe'tótoeóó'e   vai. stand with eyes wide open. É-tótȧhpe'tótoeóó'e. He is standing with his eyes wide open. See: -tótóo'ó. Category: stand, eyes.

-tóxeóó'e   vai. stand on the edge. could be standing on the edge of a cliff or river. É-tóxeóó'e. He is standing on the edge (of something). Category: stand.

-tsėhe'ėseóó'e   vai. high. Lit: stand tall for example, how high a skyscraper is. É-tsėhe'ėseóó'e. It is high / he is standing tall. Antonym -tsėhe'kėseóó'e. Category: stand.

-tsėhe'kėseóó'e   vai. short. Lit: stand short for example, of a fence post that is not as tall as it should be. É-tsėhe'kėseóó'e. It (or He) is standing short. Antonym -tsėhe'ėseóó'e. Category: stand.

-tsėhetóeóó'e   vai. stand looking (at something), look (at something) standing. É-tsėhetóeóó'e. He looked while standing. Ques: tóéóó'e ?? É-tsėhetóeóeo'o. They are standing looking. Phon: vs fai: óé2. See: -tsėhetónoo'e. Category: stand, sight.

-tséo'eóó'e   vai. stand with legs spread. É-tséo'eóó'e. He is standing with his legs spread. Etym: *to·nkika·po·wa (P). See: -oo'xeta'éóó'e. Category: stand.

-vé'hoeóe'tov   vta. stand watching s.o. É-vé'hoeóe'tovóho. He stood watching him. Ná'ȯhkeée-vé'hoeóe'tovoo'o. I used to stand and watch them. [1987:222] Éhvone'ėše-vé'hoeóe'toesesto. (The skunk; obv.) stood there staring at him for quite some time. [1987:283] Category: stand, sight.

-véseóém   vta. stand with s.o. É-véseóemo. He stood with him. É-véseóémóho. ?? He stood with him. (newer pronunciation). Véseóememeno! Stand with us! Final -óé. See: -née'tov; -vésev. Category: stand.

-véseóev   vta. stand with s.o. É-véseóevóho. ?? He is standing with him. Final -óé2. See: -véseóém. Category: stand, record, check.

-véseóó'e   vai. stand with. That is, to stand with others. É-véseóó'e. He is standing also (with others). Etym: *wi·čika·po·wa. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-vóeóó'e   vai. first stand, stand first, be a leader. É-vóeóó'e. He is a leader / he is standing first. Synonym -vovóeóó'e. Etym: *wa·pika·po·wa. Category: stand.

-vóhkeóó'e   vai. crooked - be, slanted - be; stand crooked. É-vóhkeóó'e. He (or It) is standing crooked. Etym: *wa·kika·po·wa. for example, about a fence post that is not positioned as vertically as it should be. Category: stand.

-vóoneóó'e   vai. stand all night. É-vóoneóó'e. He stood all night. for example, of a Sun Dancer. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Etym: *wa·panika·po·wa (P). See: -taa'éveóó'e stand until night. Category: Sun Dance, stand.

-vovóeóó'e   vai. stand first, stand in front, be boss. É-vovóeóó'e. He is standing first in line. (another recording) Contracted -ovóeóó'e; fai: -óé; Synonym -vóeóó'e. Phon: vs Category: stand.

-vovóneóó'e   vai. stand surrendered. É-vovóneóó'e. He is standing surrendered. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.

-xaeóó'e   vai. urinate standing, stand urinating. É-xaeóó'e. He is standing urinating. Etym: *šekika·po·wa (P). See: -šéšeóó'e. Category: stand.

-xamaa'éóó'e   vai. stand with bowed head. É-xamaa'éóó'e. He stood with bowed head. Variant: -xama'a'éóó'e; vta: -xamaa'é'o'tov. Category: stand.

-xama'a'éóó'e   vai. stand with bowed head. Variant: -xamaa'éóé. É-xama'a'éóó'e. He stood with bowed head. vta: -xamaa'é'o'tov. Category: stand.

-xanoveóó'e   vai. stand straight. Phon: vs É-xanoveóó'e. He is standing straight. fai: -óé2. See: -onó'eóó'e. Category: stand.