-ahanóhtá vti. bite s.t. É-ahanóhta. He bit it. Ahanóhtȯhtse! Bite it! fti: -óhtá; vta: -ahanom. See: -nȧha'óhtá. Category: surface, mouth.
-ane'oh(n) vta. pierce s.o., puncture s.o., sting s.o. É-ane'ȯhnóho. He pierced him. Ná-ane'ȯhēne. I was punctured; I was stung (for example, by a mosquito). See: -ana'koh(n); -otaah(n); -otaan; -ane'koh(n). vai: -ane'hová. Category: surface.
-axeen vti. scratch s.t. É-axeēna. He scratched it. for example, to relieve itching. Etym: *keši·penamwa.
vta. scratch s.o. É-axeenahtse. He is scratching himself. Éma'éve-axeenahtse. He scratched himself until he was bloody. See: -hótȧhan. Category: surface.
-hahéan vti. rub s.t. É-hahéána. He rubbed it.
vta. rub s.o. É-hahéanóho. He rubbed him. Etym: cf. M seso·nam. See: -maméean. Category: surface.
-hahéanené vai. rub. É-hahéanēne. He is rubbing. Initial hahé(e)-; fai: -anené; vti: -hahéan. Category: surface.
-hahénohá vti. paint, paint s.t. É-hahénóha. He painted it. Etym: cf *šešo·namwa 'he rubs it on'. Category: surface.
-he'kohá vti. pierce s.t.stick s.t.prick s.t. with a tool, such as a needle or awl. É-he'kōha. He pricked it. Néx-he'koohtse! Stick it! vta: -he'koh(n). Category: surface.
-hesó'xan vti. smooth, make slippery, polish s.t./s.o. É-hesó'xána. He made it slick. Etym: *weša·Ɂšenamwa.
vta. Etym: *weša·Ɂšene·wa (P). É-hesó'xanóho. He smoothed him out. Ná-hesó'xáno. I made her slippery (this can refer to causing a woman to be lubricated in the vagina prior tointercourse). See: -hesó'xoh(n); -é'komeotse; -mȧhóová. Category: surface, sex.
-hesó'xohá vti. iron s.t. É-hesó'xóha. He ironed it. Etym: *weša·Ɂšahamwa. Category: surface.
héšk- i. barely. this is more superficial surface contact than with initial he'k-. É-héškóhta. He nicked it with his teeth / he barely bit it. Category: surface, degree.
-héška'ó'tsé vti. pinch s.t. É-héška'ó'tse. He pinched it. vta: -héška'ó'h. Category: surface.
-hohpo'hahe vai. non-skid, non-slippery, dry. É-hohpo'hahe. He is non-slippery (so you can't slip on it). for example, of a rug (animate). vii: -hohpo'hó. Category: surface.
-maméean vti. rub s.t. É-mamééána. He rubbed it.
vta. rub s.o. See: -hahéan. Category: surface.
-mȧxa'á vti. touch s.t. with foot or body. É-mȧxá'a. He touched it with foot or body. Etym: *mešexkamwa (P). É-mȧxa'ánóvo. They touched it with foot or body. vta: -mȧxa'ov. See: -mȧxan ‘touch s.t. by hand’; -mȧxa'ó'tsé ‘touch s.t. quickly’; -tsé'en ‘touch s.t./s.o.’. Category: surface, touch.
-mȧxehá vii. touch. É-mȧxéha. It is touching. That is, it is touch something. Initial mȧx-; Final -ehá. Category: cut, handcraft, surface.
-mé'eman vti. feel s.t. by hand. É-mé'emāna. He felt it with his hand. for example, he felt his nose.
vta. feel s.o. by hand. See: -onéstan. Category: surface.
-mȯxehá vti. sweep s.t. for example, to sweep a room or gymnasium, or to sweep grass cuttings off a sidewalk. É-mȯxéha. He swept it. vai: -mȯxéhené. Category: surface.
-ohasén vti. shine s.t./s.o., polish s.t./s.o. É-ohaséna. He shined/polished it. See: -ohasé'hahtsé. Category: surface.
-o'hohtá'á vti. kick s.t. É-o'hohtá'a. He kicked it. O'hohtá'ȯhtse! Kick it! See: -o'ha'oh(n). Category: surface.
-oné'xoenėstanéše vai. fall and scrape knee. É-oné'xoenėstanéše. He fell and scraped his knee. Medial -nėstané. Category: surface.
-oné'xoestsé'oonáxená vai. fall and scrape elbow. É-oné'xoestsé'oonáxe He fell and scraped his elbow. Category: surface.
-oné'xonohá scrape s.t. by tool. for example, scrape old paint off a chair before repainting it. É-oné'xonōha. He scraped it. Category: surface.
-oné'xovan vti. peel s.t. for example, an egg or an apple. É-oné'xovāna. He peeled it (for example, an egg).
vta. peel s.o. É-oné'xovanóho. He peeled him (for example, an orange). See: -oné'xoeotse; -e'xovan. Category: surface.
-onéstan vti. test s.t. by touching. for example, to determine its identity or texture. É-onéstána. He tested it by feeling. Etym: *kwetenamwa (P).
vta. test s.o. by touching. É-onéstanóho. He checked him out by touching him. Etym: *kwetene·wa (P). Category: surface.
-oo'kován vti. scrape s.t./s.o. É-oo'kována (āna??) He is "baring" it. that is, making it bare, for example, scraping hair off deer hide. Category: surface, check, record.
-óovohá vti. brush off s.t. by tool. the surface is what is brushed off. for example, to brush off a tent with a broom. É-óovōha. He brushed it off with a tool. vta: -óovoh(n). Category: surface.
-otaan vti. pierce s.t. É-otaāna. He pierced it/made a hole in it. Etym: *palepenamwa (P).
vta. pierce s.o. É-otaanóho. He punched a hole in him. Etym: *palepene·wa (P). See: -ane'oh(n). Category: surface.
-pȧhoen vti. stick on s.t., affix s.t. É-pȧhoēna. He stuck it on.
vta. stick on s.o., affix s.o. É-pȧhoenóho. He stuck him on (to something). Tonóéva éohke-pȧhoenóho hesta'sémȧhtse'kono. In the fall he puts on the snow tires. naa he'nétoo'o éohke-pȧhoenánóvo and they put on the door (of the tepee). [1987:224] Category: surface.
-pano'ohá vti. spread on s.t. É-pano'ōha. He spread it (for example, butter) on. Heóveame ná-pano'ōha. I spread on butter. Heóveamėške ná-pano'ōha. I spread on butter. (another pronunciation). Násáa-pano'ȯhóhe. I did not spread it on. Pano'óóhtse! Spread it on! Návé'šė-pano'ōha. That's what I used to spread it. vai: -pano'ȯhené. See: -séo'o'tsé. Category: surface.
-pónȯhené vai. drum. hit drum surface once; reduplicated form is for hitting a surface repeatedly. as in the traditional way of divorcing a wife with one hit on a drum. Phon: sounds like -pónȯhȯné which it might be, instead ?? Category: check. É-pónȯhéne. He drummed (hit the drum surface once). Etym: *pa·kahaxkehkwe·wa; cf. M pa·kahekae·w. Reduplicated -pó'ponȯhené. See: onéhávó'e. Category: surface, drum.
-séhpan 1 • vti. stretch out s.t., spread out s.t., unfold s.t. É-séhpána. He stretched it out. Etym: *ši:penamwa. Séhpánȯhtse! Stretch it out! Antonym -tóovan.
2 • vta. stretch out s.o., spread out s.o., unfold s.o. É-séhpanóho. He stretched him out. Náévȧ-séhpáno hóoma. I unfolded (literally, stretched back out) the blanket. Séhpaneha! Stretch him out! Etym: *ši·pene·wa ‘he stretches him’. See: -séhpėšem. Category: surface.
-táho'né'eotse 1 • vai. step on. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on (something).
Gram: ai+o vti. step on s.t. É-táho'né'eotse. He stepped on it. Hénová'e tsé-táho'né'eotseto? What did you step on? That can be a humorous response to farting. See: -táho'né'e. Category: walk.
2 • vti. speed. Nėhē'še é-táho'né'eotse. Then he stepped on it. That is a humorous loan translation for speeding. fai: -o'né'e ‘step’. Category: surface, car.
-xo'en vti. grease s.t. É-xo'ēna. He greased it (by hand).
vta. salve s.o., grease s.o. É-xo'enóho. He greased him. (another recording) Ná-xo'ēno. I greased it. See: -xo'oh(n). Category: surface.
-xo'oh vti. grease s.t. É-xo'ōha. He greased it. for example, greased a wagon wheel. vta: -xo'oh(n). Category: surface.
-xó'xonó vii. dented. É-xó'xóno. It is dented. Etym: cf *ša·Ɂšakye·wi (P) ‘it is straight, level’. Category: surface, shapes.