Cheyenne Dictionary



-ene'ho'tá   fii. room. Éháahpe'-ene'hō'ta. It is a big room. Étšėške'-ene'hō'ta. It is a small room. Évéhp-ene'hō'ta. It (for example, a cabin) was vacant. Éneó'k-ene'hō'ta. It is a small/tight space/room. Ésó'nėheš-ene'hō'ta. It is still the same. [1987:236] É'éetsėhetónoehoo'o kȧsovááhe tséheš-ene'ho'tatse héne vee'e. The young man looked around (to see) what the size of that tepee was. [1980:65:40] Variant: -ne'ho'tá. See: -séesó; -ne'ha'e; -po'o'tá; -a'é'šene'ho'tá. Category: space, room.

-háahpe'ene'ho'tá   vii. be a big room. É-háahpe'ene'hō'ta. It is a big room. fii: -ene'ho'tá; Antonym -tšėške'ene'ho'tá. Category: size, space, room.

-hoéstove   vii. Gram: impers live there, be there. Variant: -hoénove. É-hoéstove. "They live there." Lit: literally, there is living there. vai: -hoo'e. Category: space.

-mȧsého'kešé   vai. lie in a crowded space, crowded lie. É-mȧsého'kēše. He is lying in a crowded space; there is not enough room for him to turn over (or, turn around). Category: lie, space.

-mé'tomev   vta. allow s.o., give s.o. an opportunity, give s.o. a chance. É-mé'tomevóho. He gave him an 'opportunity'/he made room for him. for example, he gave up his bed for him. Ná-mé'tomeva. He gave up space for me. Ná-mé'tomoo'e. He loaned it to me. Ménoo'ėse naa mó=néée-mé'tomóehéhe tséhe'néheto. Luckily your older brother allowed you to do that. ?? Néxȯh-mé'tomónenone nėhe'xóvéva. We were given a choice at that time. [1987:19] Category: space, check.

-ne'ho'tá   fii. room. Éháestȯhe-ne'hō'ta. There are many rooms. ... é-heše-ne'hō'ta. ... it is such a room. Ésó'nėheše-ne'hō'ta. It is still the same. É'éetsėhetónoehoo'o kȧsovááhe tséheše-ne'ho'tatse héne vee'e. The young man looked around (to see) how that tepee was sized up. [1980:65:40] he'ama tsé-ne'hō'ta ceiling. Lit: above in the room Variant: -ene'ho'tá. See: -séesó; -ne'ha'e; -po'o'tá. Category: room, space, house.

-neó'keéstse'hená   vai. have on a tight fitting shirt (or coat). É-neó'keéstse'hēna. He has on a tight fitting shirt. Category: space, size, dress.

-neó'kene'ho'tá   vai. small room - be a, tight room - be a. É-neó'kene'hō'ta. It is a small/tight space/room. fii: -ene'ho'tá. See: -mȧsého'kó. Category: space, house.

-neó'kó   vii. be a tight fit. É-neó'ko. It is a tight fit. vai: -neó'kahe. See: -mȧsého'kó. Category: space.

-ó'otóme'sevó   vii. flow full (for example, of a river). É-ó'otóme'sēvo. It (for example, river) is flowing full. Category: space.

-ó'otómoe   vai. sit full. only used with plural subjects. This word is used when people sit filling up some space, such as in a car, on a wagon, or in a building. É-ó'otómoeo'o. They have filled up the car. That refers to the car being full of them, not them being full, for instance, of food. Mó'ȯhkeée-ó'otómoehevóhe ma'heóneéestsémȧheóne. They used to be packed in the church. [1987:237] Category: space, quantity.

-ó'otómo'en   vta. fill s.o. The filling substance can be of a wide variety of material, for example, liquid, dirt, beans, flour, wood chips, hay, etc. É-ó'otómo'enóho. He filled him. vta: -ó'otómo'enohtsé. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -éto'ehá. Category: space.

-ó'otómo'ená   vii. full. for example, a cup full of liquid, but the meaning has been extended to the fullness of other kinds of containers, such as buildings. É-ó'otómo'ēna. It is full. Is É-ó'otómo an acceptable variant.??

vai. full. É-ó'otómo'enao'o. They (an.) are living there full (for example, in a full house or tepee). Usage: It is not known whether or not this and other 'full' entries are originally natural ways of speaking of people 'filling' a room or building, but they are in use today. Variant: -ó'kotómo'ená. That variant is perhaps obsolescent now. (Croft). Final -o'ená. See: -ná'so'enohe full of food; -éxo'ená ready; -tšėške'o'ená a little filled; -héhenotómo'ená overflow. Category: space, quantity, liquid, check.

-ó'otómo'enohtsé   vti. fill s.t. The filling substance can be of a wide variety of material, for example, liquid, dirt, beans, flour, wood chips, hay, etc. É-ó'otómo'enōhtse. He filled it. Ó'otómo'enōhtsėstse! Fill it up! vta: -ó'otómo'en. See: -ó'otómo'ená; -éto'ehá. Category: space.

-ó'otómoová   vii. full of water. É-ó'otómóóva. It is full of water. Final -óóvá. Category: space, liquid.

-ó'otómoováto   vii. overflow, full of water. É-ó'otómoováto. It is full of water; it is overflowing. Category: space, liquid.

-pȧhonohtá   vai. have a flat stomach, have an empty stomach, be hungry. that is, he is rather slender. É-pȧhonōhta. He has a flat stomach. See: -pónohtá. Category: space, body.

-po'anomóhtá   vti. leave room for s.t., reserve room for s.t. É-po'anomóhta. He left room/space for it. vta: -po'anomev. Category: space.

-po'o'tá   vii. space, room, have time, time - have. 'have time' is a newer idiomatic meaning. É-po'ō'ta. There is room. É-po'otahe? Is there room? / Do you have time? Éma'xe-po'ō'ta. There is a lot of room. Ésó'-po'ō'ta. There is still room. naa o'xe hooma é'ȯhke-po'ō'ta and on the opposite side there was an open space (1987:177). Ésáa-po'o'táháne. There is no room. Naa mósó'-po'o'táhanéhe nėstsemó'ȯxéme. And there must still be room you will invite us to the feast. Nȧhéstó'e tsés-po'ō'ta náhtȧhámėstoeotse. Farther on where there was room I sat down. vti: -po'anomóhtá. See: -ne'ho'tá. Category: space, room, time.

-táa'á   Ques: recheck that analysis for word from Deer Meat.016 vti. fit s.t. É-táá'a. He fits it. Ná-táá'a. I fit it. É-táá'a tséhvéstoemo'séóse vo'ėstanóho. He has authority to marry people. Ésáa-táa'óhe. He doesn't fit it/he isn't qualified for it. É-táá'a hevoestato. His belt fits him (lit. he fits to his belt). É-táa'anȯtse. They fit him (lit. he fits to them). É-táa'anȯtse hemo'kėhanȯtse. His shoes fit him (lit. he fits to his shoes). Phon: not vs Etym: *te·pexkamwa. vta: -táa'ov. Category: space, check.

-táehné   vai. disperse, spread, go all over. É-táéhne. He has gone all over. for example, he has gone all over looking for a lost cow. É-táéhne éše'he. The sun(shine) is all over/goes all over. for example, it shines all over the area. Etym: cf *tašwiwa he spreads out. See: -táehasené; -pe'pe'ėhasené. Category: space, walk.

-táeóó'e   vai. fit standing. É-táeóó'e. He takes up the space standing. See: -táeotse; -táoo'e. Category: space, stand.

-táeotse   vai. fit.

vii. fit. É-táeotse. He (or It) fits. Etym: *te·palyiwi (P/L). Éestsestȯtse é-táeotse. The word fits. See: -taa'e; -táoo'e; -taotse. Category: space.

-táeotsé'tá   vti. occupy s.t., fit to s.t. É-táeotsé'ta. He occupied it. Vé'ho'e tsemȧhe-táeotsé'ta ho'e. The whiteman will take over all the land. Móxho'nó'ȯhkemȧhe-táeotsé'tomévȯhtse. They (the Northern Cheyennes) did not fit it (Oklahoma). [Cheyenne Tribal History.118] Category: space.

-táestá   vii. fit. for example, of something that should fit into something else. É-táéstá. It fits. Ésáa-táestáhane. It doesn't fit in there. See: -táeotse. Category: space.

-táho'po'tá   vii. take up room. É-táho'pō'ta. It is taking up room. Reduplicated -totáho'po'tá. Category: space.

-tȧhpe'ene'ho'tá   vai. be a big room. É-tȧhpe'ene'hō'ta. It (room) is big. Initial tȧhpe'-. Category: space.

-táoo'e   vai. fit. É-táoo'e. He fits. Émȧhe-táoeo'o. They all fit. vti: -táa'á. Phon: vs See: -táeotse; -táeóó'e. Category: space.

-totáho'po'tá   vii. take up room. É-totáho'pō'ta. It is taking up room. Non-reduplicated -táho'po'tá; Initial totáho'p-. Category: space.

-tšėške'ene'ho'tá   vii. be a small room. É-tšėške'ene'hō'ta. It is a small room. Medial -ene'ho'tá; Antonym háahpe'ene'ho'tá. Category: space.

-véhpan   1 • vti. hollow s.t., empty s.t. É-véhpána. He emptied it out ; he hollowed it out. Etym: *wi·mpenamwa. See: -véhpanan.

2 • vta. empty s.o., hollow s.o. É-véhpanóho. He hollowed him by hand. Etym: *wi·mpene·wa (P). Category: space.

-véhpehá   vii. empty. Lit: empty-lie É-véhpéha. It is empty. Etym: *wi·mpihθenwi. vti: -véhpėhahtsé; Synonym -véhpo'ená; fii: -ehá; vai: -véhpešé. See: -hehpehá. Category: lie, space.

-véhpo'ená   vii. empty. of a container. É-véhpo'ēna. It is empty. Synonym -véhpehá; Antonym -ó'otómo'ená. Category: space.