Cheyenne Dictionary



amėského'ēsta   ni. gas stove. Variant: amėškého'ēsta. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

amėškého'ēsta   ni. gas stove. Variant: amėského'ēsta. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

-amo'asé   vii. fire go along. É-amo'āse. The fire is going along. Éne'-amo'āse. The fire is coming towards here. Category: fire.

-anȯho'asé   vii. fire come down, burn down. É-anȯho'āse. The fire is coming down the hill. Category: fire.

-anoo'asé   vii. burn low, flame low; fire die down, flames die down. É-anoo'āse. The flame is low. See: -éxo'asé. Category: fire.

-asé1   fii. burn, blaze, shine. Éoh-āse. It is on fire. Etym: *ełe· (R). See: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-asėto'asé   vii. start to burn. for example, of a forest fire or prairie fire. É-asėto'āse. It has started burning. šéstotó'ėšé'e tsé'-asėto'ase forest fire (lit. pine woods where it has started burning). fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-asėto'ȧsé'o'sahné   vai. start big fire. refers to starting a forest fire or prairie fire. É-asėto'ȧsé'á'sáhne. He started a big fire. Category: fire.

-asėto'ȧséotse   vii. catch on fire. Ééše-asėto'ȧséotse. It caught on fire. See: -ohaséotse. Category: fire.

-atová   m. smoke, fire. Analysis is uncertain as to what is the first letter of this medial; one possibility is that the first letter will be an /o/ unless the preceding initial ends in a vowel, in which case the /o/ will not be present. Variant: -(o)'tová. Émé'-atōva. Smoke is appearing. Éhá-atōva. There is a lot of smoke. Énėhp-atována. He dampered it. Éhó-atováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. É-asėtatováóó'e. It started smoking. Éhest-atováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). See: he'pó; -otsehe. Category: smoke, fire.

é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse   ni. stovepipe, chimney. Lit: stick.out-fire-thing Variant: é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o. See: hóetovánȧhnestȯtse. Category: fire, house.

é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o   ni. stovepipe. Lit: stick.out-fire-thing Variant: é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: fire.

-énahné   vai. build a fire, set a fire. É-énáhne. He built a fire. Etym: *po·nehθe·wa. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -énȧhót. Category: fire.

-énȧhót   vta. end heat to s.o. E-énȧhótahtse éše'he. There is a sundog. Lit: The sun stopped and stood by itself ?? ȯhto'sema'xetonétoo'ėstse é-énȧhótahtse éše'he éohkeévėhenove... when it's going to turn really cold, sun dogs, it was said... [1987:207] See: -énėhót stop and stand by s.o.. Category: fire.

-énėsto'tovóehá   vii. fire go out. É-énėsto'tovóéha. The campfire went out. Category: fire.

-éno'asé   vii. fire die, fire go out, end burn, stop burning. É-éno'āse. The fire went out. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-éno'tová   vii. fire quit smoking, fire die. É-énó'tóva. The fire died down. fii: -o'tová. See: -éno'asé stop burning; -énotsehe stop smoking (of a person); -énȯse'ėstovóehá fire die down. Category: fire.

-énó'továeotse   vii. lights shut off quickly, fire quit smoking quickly, fire die quickly (fire??) É-éno'továeotse. The lights were shut off quickly. fii: -o'tová. Category: fire, check.

éno'továhenéhe   na. firefighter, fireman. Lit: Plural éno'továhenéheo'o. éno'továhenéheono (alternate plural). Synonym hó'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e fire man. Category: fire, jobs.

-éno'tová'o'h   vta. turn off s.o. right away, extinguish s.o. right away. for example, putting out a fire burning clothes someone is wearing. É-éno'tová'o'hóho. He extinguished him right away. Éno'tová'o'xeha! Extinguish him right away! vti: -éno'tová'o'tsé. See: -hó'tován. Category: fire.

-éno'tová'o'ham   vta. extinguish s.o. quickly. for example, to extinguish a fire that is burning a shirt (animate). É-éno'tová'o'hamóho. He extinguished him quickly. Éno'tová'o'hameha! Extinguish him quickly! ?? Category: check, fire, record.

-éno'tová'o'tsé   vti. turn off s.t. right away, extinguish s.t. right away. for example, turning off the flow of water in a hose or turning off a car. É-éno'tová'ó'tse. He turned it off right away. Éno'tová'ó'tsėstse! Turn it off right away! vta: -éno'tová'o'h; Antonym -ta'ta'o'tsé. See: -hó'tová'o'tsé extinguish s.t.. Category: car, fire.

-éno'tová'ov   vta. extinguish by foot or body. for example, of stomping out a cigarette (animate). É-éno'tová'ovóho. He stomped him out. Éno'tová'oveha nėstse'pohtȯtse! Stomp out your cigarette! Category: smoke, fire.

-énȯse'ėstovóehá   vii. fire burn down, die down (of a fire). É-énȯse'ėstovóéha. The fire has died down. See: -éno'tová; -hó'tová; -énȯse'ėstovoo'e; -ésenėstovoehá. Category: fire.

-énȯse'ėstovoo'e   vii. die down - fire; hot coals - be. É-énȯse'ėstovoo'e. There are hot coals. Phon: not vs Category: fire.

-ésenėstovoehá   vii. hot coals left. É-ésenėstovóéha. There are hot coals left. See: -énȯse'ėstovóehá. Category: fire.

-éxo'asé   vii. burn. É-éxo'āse. It is on fire/the fire is burning. Éma'xe-éxo'āse. A big fire is burning. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsé'o'h   vta. set s.o. on fire. É-éxo'ȧsé'o'hóho. He set him on fire. Nėhē'še é'-éxo'ȧsé'o'hóvȯhoono. Then they set fire to him. [The Big Bogeyman.145] vti: -éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé. See: -tsé'ėšem. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé   vti. set s.t. on fire. É-éxo'ȧsé'ó'tse. He set it on fire. vta: -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. See: -éxo'ȧsén. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsén   vti. burn, burn s.t., ignite s.t.; set s.t. on fire. É-éxo'ȧséna. He set it on fire. Ná-éxo'ȧséna. I set it on fire. [Croft] Éxo'ȧsénȯhtse! Burn it!

vta. burn s.o., ignite s.o.; set s.o. on fire. É-éxo'ȧseno. He set him on fire. É-éxo'ȧsénóho. He set him on fire. (newer pronunciation). Ná-éxo'ȧséno. I set him on fire. Éxo'ȧséneha! Burn him! Éxo'ȧséneha šéštotó'e! Burn cedar! É-éxo'ȧsene šéštotó'e. Cedar is burning. vti: -éxo'ȧsé'o'tsé. See: -tsé'ėšem light s.o.. Category: fire.

-éxo'ȧsénahné   vai. make a fire. É-éxo'ȧsénáhne. He is making a fire. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -vó'ho'kȧsénahné. Category: fire.

-éxova'ȧsén   vti. warm s.t. up. Éxova'ȧsénȯhtse! Warm it up! (for instance, about getting the house warm). See: -éxovan. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxova'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxova'ȧsénáhne. He keeps the house warm. Variant: -éxovo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-éxovȯhéeóó'e   vai. stand warming, warm stand. É-éxovȯhéeóó'e. He is standing near the fire warming. Category: fire, stand, temperature.

-éxovo'ȧsénahné   vai. warm house, keep house warm. É-éxovo'ȧsénáhne. He keeps (his house) warm. Variant: -éxova'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, temperature.

-háatová   vii. much smoke, big fire. É-háatōva. There is a lot of smoke. Medial -atová. See: -háotsehe. Category: smoke, fire.

-háevó'ho'ėho'tá   vii. bright light, light - bright, bright flame, flame - bright, shine brightly. É-háevó'ho'ėhō'ta. The light/flame is bright. Antonym -anoevó'ho'kasé. See: -vó'ho'ėho'tá shine; -háevo'ėho'tá very hot. Category: light, fire.

-háo'asé   vii. fire burn intensely. É-háo'āse. The fire is burning intensely. Ȯhtavé'easėto'ȧsee'ėstse é'ȯhtše-oháo'āse. When the fire starts it's severe. [Prairie Fires.006] fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-háovȧho'hová   vai. loud sound from heat , noisy muffler. Néoseeho-háovȧho'hōva. Your muffler is really loud. See: -háoho'hová. Category: fire.

-he-mȧxeme   vai. have firewood, firewood - have. Éhe-mȧxeme. He has firewood. Néma'xėhe-mȧxeme. You have lots of firewood. Épėhévėhe-mȧxeme. He has a good amount of firewood. See: -mȧhané get firewood; -mȧxemá; -mȧxeme. Category: fire.

-hóetováóó'e   vii. smoke come out. for example, out of a house. É-hóetováóó'e. Smoke is coming out. Ques: tovaóó?? Ésáa-hóetovaóehane. Smoke is not coming out. Medial ová??; Final óé2. Category: fire, check.

-hóevo'ho'ėho'he   vai. chased out by heat. É-hóevo'ho'ėho'he. He was chased out by heat. Náto'sė-hóevo'ho'ėho'he. I'm going to be chased out by the heat. for example, because it's so hot in your house. See: -hóevo'ėho'he. Category: fire.

-hoháo'asé   vii. bad fire, burn extremly much. É-hoháo'asé. It is a bad fire. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-ho'ėhahtsé   vti. stoke s.t., build fire s.t. É-ho'ėhāhtse. He burned it (for example, trash). Náto'sėhósė-ho'ėhāhtse. I'm going to put more wood in the stove. Hósėhóna'ovė-ho'ėhāhtsėstse! Put more wood on the fire! Ho'ėhāhtse! Put more wood on the fire (said to more than one person)! vai: -ho'ėhasené. -ho'ėstánahné Category: fire.

-ho'ėhasené   vai. build a fire, start a fire, make a fire, add wood to fire, stoke fire. É-ho'ėhasēne. He built a fire. Ho'ėhasēnėstse! Stoke the fire! vti: -ho'ėhahtsé; IndepNoun ho'ėhasēō'o. See: -ho'ėstánahné; -éxo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire.

ho'ėhasēō'o   na. fire starter. That is, something with which you can start a fire. The grammatical plural refers to incense. Plural ho'ėhaseono incense; vai: -ho'ėhasené. Category: fire, ceremonial.

ho'ēsta   ni. fire, stove, battery, fireball, skull on fire. Skull on fire was some object in the sky. Fire was treated as animate in some contexts; a fire or stove were considered extremely important in Cheyenne life, so important that some people considered it sacred; this may account for the sometime animate status of ho'ēsta. Otáxa ho'ēsta éhnéé'e. There was just a stove in (the cabin), it (animate) was standing (there). alternate to meaning of 'battery' is nonóma'e. Plural ho'ėstánėstse; Oblique ho'ėstáva; Possessive -hto'está. The plural is used for the phenomenon of fireballs known as St. Elmo's fire. Fireballs have been seen dancing on ridges and rolling through woods. Ho'ėstánėstse éohkeamoéstánėstse. Fireballs float along. Etym: *eškete·wi; F aškote·wi. See: nonóma'e; -ho'ėstáve. Category: tepee, fire, car.

-ho'ėstánahné   vai. build a fire, make a fire, fire - make a. É-ho'ėstánáhne. He built a fire. tsé-ho'ėstánáhnėstse the fire keeper (especially for a peyote meeting). See: -énahné; -ho'ėhasené; -éxo'ȧsénahné. IndepNoun ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

ho'ėstánéó'o   ni. ember. Plural ho'ėstáneonȯtse. See: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: fire.

Ho'ėstáónó'e   1 • ni. fire stick. for example, used as a poker or to light fires. Variant: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: tools, fire.

2 • na. Fire Stick. Category: names.

ho'ėstáva   loc. in the fire. ni: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

-ho'ėstave   vii. be a fire. É-ho'ėstave. It is a fire / There is a fire. Etym: *eškwete·wiwa (P) > **iškwete·wiwi (P/L). Éx-ho'ėstávénėse anóse. There was a fire outside. [A Ghost Story.027] ni: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

ho'ėstáve'ho'e   na. fire man. This is a person who makes fires, not a person who puts out fires. Category: fire.

ho'ėstávónó'e   ni. fire stick. a stick to remove ashes from a fire or stove. Variant: ho'ėstáónó'e; Medial -ó'é6. See: ho'ėstánéó'o. Category: fire.

-ho'ėšem   vta. light up s.o., lay s.o. on a fire to burn. É-ho'ėšemóho. He is lighting him (obv). (another recording) for example, he lit his cigarette (animate). Etym: *saxkihšime·wa (P). Ná-ho'ėšēmo. I put him (an.; for example, cedar) on (the stove). É'ȯhkeévė-ho'ėšemóho (hestse'óhkono). He would light (his pipe). [1987:220] Éohkė-ho'ėšéménėstse. They (for example, blades of sweet grass) are put on (the stove). Cedar is burned on the top of stoves for the aroma and to cleanse from evil influences or powers. Šéstotó'e ho'ėšemeha! Burn cedar! vai: -ho'eše. See: -tsé'ėšem. Category: fire.

-ho'ėšeme'óoná   vai. light a cigarette. É-ho'ėšeme'óóna. He is lighting a cigarette. tséstȧhestomė-ho'ėšeme'óónȧse while he was lighting his cigarette. [Stamper 1991:10] Possessive -hto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. See: -tsėhe'ėsém; -tšėhešėhasené; tšėhešėhasēō'o; -éxo'ȧsénahné. Category: fire, smoke.

ho'kose   ni. coal, live charcoal. Variant: ho'ose. Usage: ho'ose is more commonly said Category: fire.

Ho'néeho'ēsta   na. Fire Wolf. See: Ó'kȯhoméeho'ēsta. Category: names, fire.

-ho'óemȧhané   vai. bring wood. É-ho'óemȧhāne. He brought firewood. See: -mȧhané; -oó'xoemȧhané. Category: fire.

-ho'óemȧhaov   vta. bring s.o. firewood. É-ho'óemȧhaovóho. He brought firewood for him. Mónėstsenėx-ho'óemȧhaove? Will you bring me firewood? See: -oó'xoemȧhaov. Category: fire.

-ho'o'asé   vii. fire arrive. for example, of a grass fire that reached to one's home. É-ho'o'āse. The fire arrived. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

ho'ose   ni. coal, live charcoal. Variant: ho'kose. Category: fire.

hó'tová-   i. extinguish, douse. É-hó'tována. He turned it (for example, light) off/he extinguished it. É-hó'tová'ó'tse. He extinguished it right away. É-hó'továhéne. He is firefighting. Category: fire.

-hó'tová   vii. die (of fire), fire go out, fire die. É-hó'tóva. It went out. Etym: *a·tawe·wi. See: -atová; -énȯse'ėstovóehá. Category: fire.

-hó'továhá   vti. extinguish fire of s.t. É'ȯhkeamė-hó'továhánóvo. They used to go along extinguishing it. [Prairie Fires.016] Category: fire.

-hó'továhané   vai. fight fire, firefight, extinguish fire, put out fire. É-hó'továháne. ?? He is firefighting. Variant: -hó'továhené. Ques: recheck variant?? Category: fire, check.

hó'továhanémȧhéó'o   ni. fire station. Lit: extinguish fire house Variant: hó'továhenémȧhéó'o. Category: fire, check.

-hó'továhené   vai. fight fire, firefight, extinguish fire, put out fire. É-hó'továhéne. He is firefighting. Etym: cf *a·Ɂte·hike·wa he extinguishes things by tool. Hó'továhénėstse! Put out the fire! Variant: -hó'továhané. Ques: recheck variant?? Category: fire, check.

hó'továhenéhe   na. fireman, firefighter. Lit: Plural hó'továhenéheo'o. Synonym éno'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e fire man. Category: fire, jobs.

hó'továhenémȧhéó'o   ni. fire station. Lit: extinguish fire house Variant: hó'továhanémȧhéó'o. Category: new, fire, record.

-hó'tová'á   vti. extinguish s.t. by foot. É-hó'tová'a. He extinguished it (a fire) by foot. Hó'tová'ȯhtse! Step on it to put it out! Etym: cf *a·ʔte·xkamwa. Category: fire.

-hó'tová'o'tsé   vti. extinguish s.t. right away. É-hó'tová'ó'tse. He extinguished it right away. Hó'tová'ó'tsėstse! Extinguish it right away! See: -éno'tová'o'tsé. Category: fire.

-hó'továnahné   vai. extinguish fire, turn off lights. É-hó'továnáhne. He extinguished the fire; he turned off the lights. See: -hó'tován. Category: fire.

-hó'továoestóhta   vti. blow out s.t., extinguish s.t. by blowing. for instance, to blow out a candle. É-hó'továoestóhtá. He blew it out. Etym: cf *a·ʔte·po·ta·tamwa he extinguishes it by blowing. Hó'továoestóhtȯhtse! Blow it out! fti: -óhtá. Category: fire.

-hó'továvóovot   vta. douse s.o., extinguish s.o. with water. Lit: extinguish with water É-hó'továvoovotóho. ?? He extinguished him with water. Category: fire, check.

homȯsého'ēsta   ni. cook stove. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

-hónevavo'asé   vii. fire go up hill. É-hónevavo'āse. The fire is going up the hill. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-hto'está   ni. fire (possessed). nȧ-hto'ēsta my fire. he-sto'ēsta his/her fire. Nȧ-hto'ėstámane ného'hémetaenone. He brought us our fire. IndepNoun ho'está. Category: fire.

-hto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse   na. Gram: poss lighter; lighter stick. Móxhóomanȯhéhe he-sto'ėšeme'óonahtȯtse. He shielded his match/lighter (from the wind). [Stamper 1991:10] vai: -ho'ėšeme'óoná. Category: fire.

kȧhamaxe   ni. 1 • stick. especially firewood stick. for example, for firewood; smaller piece of wood than māxe. Plural kȧhamāxėstse. AltPl=kȧhamȧxehȯtse Ques: re-record alternate plural?? Category: check. Oblique kȧhamȧxéhéva, kȧhamȧxēva. See: -kȧhamȧxévėstonane; xamaekȧhámáxėstse. Category: fire, wood.

2 • penis. See: vétoo'ȯtse penis. Category: vulgar, sex.

kȯsáeho'ēsta   ni. sheep stove. namely, a wood burning camp stove made of heavy tin. Category: fire.

-mȧhané   vai. get firewood. É-mȧháne. He is gathering firewood. Etym: *mehθehke·wa. Tȧhé-mȧhánėstse! Go get firewood! Énóhtoe-mȧhāne. He is going after firewood. Ého'óe-mȧhāne. He brought firewood. Éó'xoe-mȧhāne He chopped wood. See: -mane; -oó'xoemȧhané; maxe; -he-mȧxeme have firewood; -mȧxemá. Category: wood, fire.

ma'aataeho'ēsta   ni. metal stove, cast iron stove. Plural ma'aataeho'ėstánėstse. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.

-má'tȧho'hová   vai. exhaust ammunition, run out of ammunition; exhaust fuel, run out of fuel, run out of firewood. É-má'tȧho'hōva. He ran out of fuel (for example, firewood). Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁsa·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȧho'hōva. I used up all my shells / gas / firewood. fai: -aho'hová. Category: car, hunt, fire.

-má'tatová   vii. fire run out of smoke. É-má'tatōva. The fire ran out of smoke / He quit.

vai. give up, quit. Category: figurative, fire.

-má'tatováotse   vii. run out of smoke suddenly.

vai. give up suddenly, quit suddenly. É-má'tatováotse. The fire ran out of smoke suddenly / He gave up suddenly. See: -má'tatová. Category: figurative, fire.

-má'to'asé   vii. fire go out. É-má'to'āse. The fire went out. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-má'to'ȧséotse   vii. fire go out, fire run out of wood. É-má'to'ȧséotse. The fire ran out of wood. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-manȯhéanohtsé   vti. flare up s.t. É-manȯhéanōhtse. He made it flare up. Category: fire.

maxe   ni. piece of wood, firewood, log (especially a firewood log). māxe is a larger piece of wood than kȧhámáxe. Plural mȧxehȯtse, māxėstse. See: -mȧhané; -mȧxemé; kȧhamaxe. Etym: *mehši. Category: fire.

-mȧxemá   vai. have firewood. Épėhéve-mȧxēma. He has a good amount of firewood. See: -mȧxemé. Category: fire.

-mȧxemé   vai. have firewood. Éma'xe-mȧxēme. He has a lot of firewood. Ques: -he-mȧxeme?? See: -mȧxemá; -he-mȧxeme. Category: fire.

-mé'atovánahné   vai. make smoke. É-mé'atovánáhne. He is making smoke. Aéstomevé'hó'e ééšėhóse-mé'atovánȧhneo'o. The little devils are making fire (literally, smoke) again. That was said when smoke arose out of a reservation coal mine. Category: smoke, fire.

-mé'o'asé   vii. fire appear. for example, the fire appeared over the horizon. É-mé'o'āse. The fire appeared. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

Mé'o'ȧsé'e   na. Fire Appearing Woman, Glow Appearing Woman. See: -éxo'ȧse. Category: names, fire.

-mémėstavonȧho'hová   vai. burn up, shitty burn up. Né-mémėstavonȧho'hōva. You burned (it) up. For example, you almost burned up your house. Category: fire.

-menoeho'he   vai. spark. É-menoeho'he. He sparked. Naa héovȧtse éxheše-menoeho'héhoo'o. And there were several kinds of sparks. [1980:66:92] See: -pó'e'tová. Category: fire.

-mo'ȯhtávȧho'tá   vii. burned black. Lit: black-by.heat É-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta. It is burned black. for instance, where a prairie fire burned. Etym: *maxkate·hθaɁte·wi. Menȯtse é-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'tánėstse. The chokecherries are ripe. Ésáa'éše-mo'ȯhtávȧho'táhanehȯtse. They are not ripe yet. tsé-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta soot. Category: fire.

-momá'o'asé   vii. flame red, red flames - be. É-momá'o'āse. The flames were red. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-momá'o'ȧsé'hasené   vai. burn with red sparks. Éhóe-momá'o'ȧsé'hasēne. He is making sparks come out of his chimney. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

Náhkȯheho'ēsta   na. Fire Bear. Category: names, fire.

-nėhpatován   vti. damper s.t. É-nėhpatována. He dampered it.

vta. damper s.o. especially for dampering a fire. Medial -atová. Category: fire.

nėhpatovaneo'o   ni. damper. Category: fire.

-nėhpotómeoestȧho'he   vai. suffocate in fire. É-nėhpotómeoestȧho'he. He suffocated in a fire. [PD986] fai: -aho'he. Category: fire, death.

-nėševo'asé   vii. fire go fast. É-nėševo'āse. The fire is going fast. Initial nėšev-; fii: -o'asé. Category: fire, speed.

-nėševo'ȧséotse   vii. burn rapidly, burn fast. É-nėševo'ȧséotse. The fire is going rapidly. This is more rapid than -nėševo'asé. fii: -o'asé. See: -nėševo'asé. Category: fire.

-nó'ėsto'asé   vii. burn over the hill, fire go over the hill. É-nó'ėsto'āse. The fire burned over the hill. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-no'ko'asé   vii. burn alone, shine alone. for instance, of a single light. É-no'ko'āse. It is burning alone. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-ohasé   vii. burn, burn, on fire. É-ohāse. It is on fire. fii: -asé1. Etym: *pansete·wi it is set on fire, it burns. See: -ohasé'še; -ohaséhené; -éxo'asé. Category: fire.

-ohaséotse   vii. catch on fire. É-ohaséotse. It/He caught on fire.

vai. catch on fire. See: -asėto'ȧséotse; -éxo'ȧséotse. Category: fire.

-o'asé   fii. fire, burn, flame, blaze, shine. Éasėt-o'āse. It has started burning. for example, of a forest fire or prairie fire. Ééx-o'āse. It is on fire/the fire is burning. Émomá'-o'āse. The flames were red. Évóon-o'āse. The fire burned all night. Variant: -o'kasé. See: -ó'tová; -asé1; -ohasé. Etym: cf. *-eθe·- burn, blaze (II final). Category: fire.

-(o)'tová   m. smoke, fire. analysis is uncertain as to what is the first letter of this medial; one possibility is that the first letter will be an/o/ unless the preceding initial ends in a vowel, in which case the /o/ will not be present. Variant: -atová. Ésé-'továóó'e. There is smoke (or steam) ascending. Één-ó'tóva. the fire died down/quit smoking/burning. Één-o'továvóhta. He blew it (for example, candle) out. Éh-ó'továhéne. He is firefighting. Éh-ó'továotse. It went out. for example, a light or cigarette went out. Éh-ó'továvóhta. He extinguished it (by blowing; for example, candle). Nevá'ėsesto héá'ėháma éh-ó'továvoovȯxevaenáá'e. Maybe somebody doused him with water. for example, he had previously been "on fire", full of ideas. Éhóa-'továóó'e. atová?? Smoke is coming out. See: -o'asé; -he'pó; -sé'továóó'e. Category: fire, check.

-oó'xoemȧhaov   vta. chop wood for s.o. É-oó'xoemȧhaovóho. He chopped wood for him. See: -mȧhané. Category: fire.

páa'e   ni. ashes, powder. Oblique páéva; Diminutive pahke. Phon: vs Etym: *penkwi. See: Páeo'hé'e; tsé-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta soot / that which is burned black. Category: fire.

páéva   obl. in the ashes. Category: fire.

-páevo'ená   vai. be full of ashes. É-páevo'ēna. He is full of ashes. This can be an idiom that means, 'he is got a lot of B.S.'. See: ó'otómo'ená. Category: fire, figurative.

-pėhéve'xóvȧho'tá   vii. good temperature. É-pėhéve'xóvȧho'tahe. Was it the right temperature? for example, asking about the temperature of a sweat. Category: fire.

-pėhévemȧxemá   vai. have a good amount of firewood. É-pėhévemȧxēma. He has a good amount of firewood. Category: fire.

-pėhévo'asé   vii. burn well. É-pėhévo'āse. It is burning well. Category: fire.

-pó'atová   vii. gray smoke - be. É-pó'atōva. It is gray smoke. ?? Category: fire, check.

-pó'atováotse   vai. smoke gray. É-pó'atováotse. There is gray smoke (from the fire). Category: fire.

-pó'e'tová   vii. spark (of fire). É-pó'e'tōva. It is sparking. ?? héne tsé-pó'e'tōvȧse those sparks. [1980:66:94] Final -(o)'tová. See: -menoeho'he. Category: fire, check.

-sé'o'asé   vii. fire go to river, fire burn toward town. É-sé'o'āse. It is burning toward town/river. Category: fire.

-sé'tová   vii. smoke. É-sé'tóva. It is smoking. Etym: *θe·Ɂte·wi > ** θe·Ɂtawa·wi (P). fii: -atová. See: -sé'továóé. Category: fire.

-sé'tová'eóó'e   vii. smoke issue. É-sé'tová'eóó'e. It is smoking. Phon: vs Synonym -sé'továóó'e. Category: fire, smoke.

-sé'tován   vti. smoke s.t./s.o. É-sé'tována. He made it smoky. See: -vóhpoma'ȯhtséván.

2 • vta. tsé-sé'továnėstse éškȯseeséhotame smoked pork. Category: fire.

-sé'továnahné   vai. make a smoky fire, smudge. especially about smudging with cedar to repel mosquitoes. É-sé'továnáhne. He is making a smudgy/smoky fire. Category: fire.

-sé'továóó'e   vii. smoke issue, steam issue. É-sé'továóó'e. It is smoking / smoke is rising. Éháe-sé'továóó'e. It is a lot of smoke. Variant: -só'továóé. Phon: vs Final -(o)'tová; Synonym -sé'tová'eóó'e. See: -mé'atová; -véno'tá; -sé'tová; -éstatováóé. Category: smoke, fire.

Sé'továóó'ėstse   na. Rising Smoke. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sé'továotse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Simplified Spelling Setovaatse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sétováatse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Precise Spelling Sé'továotse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

-tȧhpe'o'ȧsénahné   vai. build a big fire. É-tȧhpe'o'ȧsénáhne. He built a big fire. Mós-tȧhpe'o'ȧsénȧhnėhéhe ma'táá'e. He built a big fire in the timber. [1987:319] Category: fire.

-tata'o'asé   fire go out of sight. É-tata'o'āse. The fire went out of sight. Phon: redup Category: sight, fire.

tsėhesėhasēō'o   ni. match. for lighting a fire. Variant: tšėhešėhasēō'o; Plural tsėhesėhaseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: -tsėhe'ėsém. Category: fire.

-tsé'han   vti. ignite s.t. É-tsé'hána. He ignited it. Nėstseéševé'-tsé'hánóvo! Don't ignite it yet! (said to more than one person). See: -tsé'ho'há. Category: fire.

-tsé'ho'há   vti. ignite s.t. by tool; set s.t. on fire by tool. É-tsé'hóha. He ignited it (with a tool). Ná-tsé'hóha. I ignited it. [Croft] Synonym -éxo'ȧsén. See: -tsé'han. Category: fire.

-tsé'ho'h(n)   vta. touch s.o. with fire, ignite s.o. by tool. É-tsé'ho'nóho. He touched him with fire, ignited him by tool. Ná-tsé'hó'no. I set him on fire. [Croft] Synonym -éxo'ȧsén. Category: fire.

-tsé'ho'hová   vai. light a fire. É-tsé'ho'hōva. He is lighting a fire. fai: -ová1. Category: fire.

tsé-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta   vii. soot. Lit: that which is burned black (from heat) See: páa'e soot. Category: fire.

tsémo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta   vii. Gram: cjt soot. Lit: that which is black by heat vii: -mo'ȯhtávȧho'tá. Category: fire.

-tšėhešėhasené   vai. strike match (or matches). É-tšėhešėhasēne. He is striking matches. See: -ho'ėšeme'óoná. Category: fire.

tšėhešėhasēō'o   1 • ni. match. for lighting a fire. Variant: tsėhesėhasēō'o; Plural tšėhešėhaseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: -tsėhe'ėsém. Category: fire.

2 • na. Match. Category: names.

-véno'tá   vii. smoky, hazy. for example, smoky in the atmosphere or tepee. É-vénó'ta. It is smoky. Etym: *wi·naɁte·wi (P) it is placed dirty. See: -véno'távoománo'e; -me'atova; -sé'továóó'e. Category: weather, fire.

-vó'ho'kȧsénahné   vai. have a light on. refers to a person having a light on, for example, a lamp burning. É-vó'ho'kȧsénáhne. He has his lights on. ésó'-vó'ho'kȧsénáhne. He still has his lights on. Návóone-vó'ho'kȧsénáhne. I kept the lamp burning all night. Mónéohkevóone-vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnėhéhe. You must be burning the midnight oil. Variant: -vóho'kȧsénahné. See: -ho'ėhasené. Category: fire.

-vonȧho'há   vti. burn up s.t. Lit: remove-by.heat for example, to burn up trash. É-vonȧhō'ha. He burned it up. Etym: *wanehθaɁsamwa (P). vta: -vonȧho'h(n). Category: fire.

-vonȧho'he   vai. burned up. É-vonȧho'he. He is burned up. Etym: *wanehθaɁsowa (P). fai: -aho'he. Category: fire.

-vonȧho'h(n)   vta. burn up s.o. É-vonȧho'nóho. He burned him up. Etym: *wanehθaɁswe·wa (P). É-vonȧho'hestse. He burned (to death). É-vonȧho'he. He was burned up. fta: -aho'h(n). Phon: Stem-final /h/ is not pronounced when /n/ is present vti: -vonȧho'há. See: -voneoestȧho'h(n). Category: fire.

-vonȧho'hová   vai. burn up. that is, the act of burning things up. É-vonȧho'hōva. He is burning up things. for example, burning weeds. Etym: *wanehθaɁsa·we·wa (P). See: -vonȧho'he. Category: fire.

-vonȧho'tá   vii. burn up; be destroyed by heat or burning. É-vonȧhō'ta. It burned up. Etym: *wanehθaɁte·wi. Category: fire.

-voneoestȧho'h(n)   vta. burn up s.o. quickly, annihilate s.o. by fire quickly. É-voneoestȧho'nóho. He burned him up (instantly). Phon: h is not pronounced when n is present See: -vonȧho'h(n). Category: fire.

-voneoestȧho'tá   vii. disappear quickly by burning. for example, bread while cooking or a house; includes meaning of 'instantaneous action'. É-voneoestȧhō'ta. It burned up quickly. fii: -aho'tá. See: vonȧho'tá. Category: fire.

-vóono'asé   vii. fire burn all night. É-vóono'āse. The fire burned all night. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.

-vóono'ȧsénáhne   vai. burn fire all night. É-vóono'ȧsénáhne. He had the fire going all night. Category: fire.