Cheyenne Dictionary



-aéstoma'xané   vai. cry for nothing, needlessly cry. É-aéstoma'xāne. He is needlessly crying. Initial aéstom-; fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-áhana'eme   vai. cry intensely. É-áhana'eme. He really cried. See: -áhana'xané collapse from crying. Category: cry, check.

-áhana'xané   vai. collapse from crying. É-áhana'xāne. He collapsed from crying. fai: -a'xané cry. See: -tȧhpe'a'xané cry loudly; -áhana'eme cry intensely. Category: cry.

-áhana'xanéotse   vai. cry extremely hard, cry and pass out. É-áhana'xanéotse. He cried so hard he passed out. Category: cry.

-a'ena'xané   vai. cry for a long time. É-a'ena'xāne. He cried for a long time. Category: cry, time.

-a'xaame   vai. cry. É-a'xaame. He is crying. Névé'e-a'xaame! Don't cry! tséohke-a'xaamese Pentecostals (lit. those who cry). Hénová'e tséhése-a'xaameto? Why are you crying? Variant: Hénová'éto tsé-hésta'xaneto?. ma'a'xaamėstse when he cries. See: -a'xané; omóm-. Category: sounds, cry.

-a'xaamee'e   vai. sit crying. É-a'xaamee'e. He is sitting crying. fai: -e sit. Category: cry.

-a'xaaméóó'e   vai. stand crying. É-a'xaaméóó'e. He is standing crying. fai: -óé2. See: -omómeóó'e. Category: stand, cry.

-a'xaaméotse   vai. cry become. É-a'xaaméotse. He cried out. Category: cry. Névááhe tsésto'se-a'xaaméotsėstse? Who is going to cry? for example, at an Indian wedding. See: -a'xaamé. Category: Indian wedding.

-a'xaamev   vta. cry to s.o. É-a'xaamevóho. He cried to him. [1987:155] Category: cry.

-a'xané   fai. cry. Énomon-a'xāne. He went to sleep crying. Één-a'xāne. He quit crying. Éno'-a'xāne. He cried with (something or someone). Éhá-a'xāne. He cried hard. Éhést-a'xāne. He cried because of (it). Hénova'e tséhést-a'xaneto? Why are you crying? Éhoó'h-a'xāne. He was overheard crying. Émȧh-a'xaneo'o. They all cried. Éhós-a'xāne. He couldn't cry. Éhát-a'xaneo'o. ?? They cried. ?? See: omóme-; a'xaame; -mém. Category: cry.

-ama'xané   vai. continually cry. É-ama'xāne. He is continually crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-ama'xanéhné   vai. cry walk, walk and cry. É-ama'xanéhne. He is crying while walking. É'ȯhkeéevése-ama'xanéhnėsesto néhe hetanéka'ėškóneho. These boys would also walk and cry. [1987:295] See: -ama'xanéohtsé. Category: cry.

-ama'xanéohtsé   vai. cry walking. É-ama'xanéóhtse. He cried while walking along. [1987:266] See: -ama'xanéhné. Category: walk, cry.

-asėta'xané   vai. start to cry. É-asėta'xāne. He started to cry. Category: cry.

-éna'xané   vai. stop crying. É-éna'xāne. He stopped crying. fai: -a'xané. See: -éne stop crying. Category: cry.

-éne   vai. stop crying. Ques: Is there a verb ééne or éene ?? Énėstse! Stop crying! See: -éna'xané. Category: cry, check.

-háá'xané   vai. cry hard. É-háá'xáne. He cried hard. See: -a'xaame cry. Category: cry.

-haéné   m. teary eyed. Émomáhpe'ė-haéne. He has watery eyes. Étó'ėsė-haéne. He has long tears. Énoné'k-ėhaéne. He has tear stains around his eyes. Tovó'kė-haénéhe Japanese person. See: -éné eye; -háéné awful face. Category: face, cry.

-héheehaénéohtsé   vai. teary eyes. É-héheehaénéóhtse. He has teary/watery eyes. BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: eyes, cry.

-hésta'xané   vai. cry because of. É-hésta'xāne. He cried over (it)/because of (it). Hénová'éto tsé-hésta'xaneto? Why are you crying? Variant: Hénová'e tséhése-a'xaameto?. Category: cry.

-heta'xané   vai. Gram: rr so cry, cry that way. ... é-heta'xāne. ... that is why he cried. "Naa ééšenėhevoo'o, ééšenėhevoo'o," éstaohkėxae-heta'xanéhoo'o. "And he did say this, he did say this," she would wail that way. (1987:268). See: -a'xaame cry. Category: cry.

-ho'a'xanéohtsé   vai. arrive crying. É-ho'a'xanéóhtse. He arrived crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-ho'évám   vta. bring s.o. by calling. É-ho'évamo. He brought him by talking about him. É-ho'évámóho. He brought him by talking about him. (newer pronunciation). For example, you're talking about someone and they show up at your house. Néto'sė-ho'évámo. You are going to bring him back. This is especially said to tell someone to stop crying for a departed loved one. If they keep crying, it is believed that it can bring his spirit back and take our breath away. The mourner is also told, "He'konetānȯhtse!" "Be strong! (that is, hide your emotions). fta: -vám. Category: cry.

-hoó'ha'xané   vai. heard crying. É-hoó'ha'xāne. He was heard crying. Lit: he was overheard crying Category: cry.

-hósa'xané   vai. unable to cry; fail to cry. that is, try to cry but be unable to do so. É-hósa'xāne. He couldn't cry. Ná-hósa'xāne. I couldn't cry. See: -a'xaame. Category: cry.

-mȧha'xane   vai. all cry. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧha'xaneo'o. They all cried. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-mém   vta. cry for s.o. for example, of a child who cries when his parents leave. É-memo. He cried for him. É-mémóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *mawime·wa (P). Névé'-mémoo'o! Don't cry for them! vti: mémo'tá. See: -nėšéševe. Category: cry.

-mémo'tá   vti. cry over s.t. É-mémó'ta. He cried over it. [pd 722] vta: -mém. Category: cry.

-ná'ta'xané   vai. exhausted from crying. É-ná'ta'xāne. He was exhausted from crying. Category: cry.

-nėhaéneh(n)   vta. wipe tears of s.o. Ná-nėhaénéhno. I wiped his tears. É-nėhaénehno. He wiped his (obv) tears. É-nėhaénėhnóho. He wiped his (obv) tears. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhohené wipe. Category: cry, face.

-ne'eváva'xané   vai. recognized by cry. É-ne'eváva'xāne. He is recognized by his cry. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-nóhta'xanéhne'tov   vta. go crying to s.o. for help. É-nóhta'xanéhne'tovósesto. He would cry to them for help (reportative). This especially refers to a man who has pledged to go through the Sun Dance going his soldier society for help in procuring the remaining items for the dance which he and his wife had not been able to gather. Category: cry.

-nȯhtóva'xané   vai. know how to cry. É-nȯhtóva'xāne. He knows how to cry. Náohkėsáa-nȯhtóva'xanéhe. I don't know how to cry. Category: cry, record.

-no'a'xané   vai. cry with (something or someone). É-no'a'xāne. He cried with (something or someone). fai: -a'xané; vta: -no'a'xané'tov. See: -vésta'xané. Category: cry.

-no'a'xané'tov   vta. cry with someone. É-no'a'xanénoto. He cried with him. vai: -no'a'xané. See: -vésta'xaném. Category: cry.

-no'ka'xané   vai. cry alone. É-no'ka'xāne. He is crying by himself. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-no'ka'xanéóó'e   vai. cry alone standing, stand crying alone. É-no'ka'xanéóó'e. He is standing crying by himself. Category: cry.

-nomona'xané   vai. sleep cry, fall asleep crying. É-nomona'xāne. He went to sleep crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry, sleep.

-noné'kėhaéné   vai. tear stains around the eyes. É-noné'kėhaéne. He has tear stains around his eyes. BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: eyes, cry.

-óeomȧhtsená'ó   vai. have weepy quivering lips. É-óeomȧhtsená'o. Her lips are quivering as if she is about to start crying. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: cry.

-óeomȧhtsenáotse   vai. have quivering lips from sorrow. É-óeomȧhtsenáotse. Her lips are quivering as if she is about to start crying. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: cry.

-óeoméné'o   vai. have a weepy face. É-óeoméné'o. He has a weepy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: cry, face.

-óeometanó   vai. be weepy; be in a crying mood; sad. for example, at the death of one's child. É-óeometāno. He is feeling weepy. See: omóme-; -ánovetanó. Category: emotions, cry.

omóm-   i. cry. É-omómahe. He is a weepy person.?? É-omómȧho'he. He is crying from the heat. É-omómanóho. He made him cry. See: -a'xaame cry; óeom-; -mém. Category: cry.

-omómȧho'he   vai. cry from heat. É-omómȧho'he. He is crying from the heat. typically said of a baby. Category: weather, cry.

-omóma'ó   vai. cry lurch, cry run. Éhma'xemé'eése-omóma'óhoono hevésėsono. Her sibling came running in. [The Big Bogeyman.029] Category: cry, motion.

-omóma'xe   vai. run while crying. É-omóma'xe. He is running and crying. See: -omómeméohe. Category: cry, run.

-omóman   vta. make s.o. cry. É-omómanóho. He made him cry. See: -omómo'eéh. Category: cry.

-omómanené   vta. cry while doing something?? É-omómanēne. He is crying while doing something.?? Initial omóm-, -anené. Category: cry, do.

-omómȧše'še   vai. drink crying. É-omómȧše'še. He is drinking crying. Category: cry, drink.

omóme-   pv. with tears; crying; weeping. É-omómeameōhtse. He is weeping while walking. Category: cry.

-omóméaná   vai. cry from hunger. É-omóméána. He cried from hunger. Final -aná. See: -háéána. Category: cry.

-omóme'eéh   vta. make s.o. cry. É-omóme'eeho. He made him cry. Variant: -omómo'eéh. Category: cry.

-omóme'hahe   whine. É-omóme'hahe. He is whining. Medial -e'hahe. Ques: whine?? weepy voice?? Category: cry, check.

-omóme'hahetsėstov   vta. whine at s.o. É-omóme'hahetsėstovóho He is whining at him. Category: cry.

-omómeméohe   vai. cry while running, run while crying. É-omómeméohe. He is crying while running. fai: -méohe. See: -omóma'xe. Category: run, cry.

-omómenome   vai. cry while sleeping. É-omómenome. He cried in his sleep. for example, to cry during a nightmare. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, cry.

-omómeohe   vai. arrive quickly crying. Ého'e-omómeohe. He arrived quickly crying. Category: cry.

-omómeóó'e   vai. cry standing, stand crying. É-omómeóó'e. He is crying standing. See: -a'xaaméóó'e. Category: cry, stand.

-omómepėhévetanóotse   vai. be so happy there is crying. É-omómepėhévetanóotse. He was so happy he cried. Category: cry, emotions.

-omómešé   vai. lie crying. É-omóméše. He lay crying. Category: lie, cry.

-omómevo'oh(n)   vta. make s.o. cry. Ná-omómevo'ohe. ?? She/He made me cry. See: omómo'eéh. Category: cry.

-omómóéná   vai. cry praying, pray weeping. É-omómóéna. He prayed weeping. fai: -óéná. See: -háóéná pray. Category: cry, pray.

-omómóéná'tov   vta. pray weeping to s.o. Náhtaohkenėhēto Ma'hēō'o náhtaohke-omómóéná'tóvo. I would tell that to God (and) pray weeping to him. [1987:197] Category: cry.

-omómoh(n)   vta. make s.o. cry (by tool). É-omómȯhnóho. He made him cry by tool. Éxxamae'-omómȯhnósesto tsévéstoemose. He (whiteman) just made his wife cry (by jabbing her). [The Whiteman and the Mouse.044] Category: cry.

-omómo'eéh   vta. make s.o. cry. É-omómo'eeho. He made him cry. É-omómo'eéhóho. He made him cry. (newer pronunciation). See: -omómevo'oh(n); -omóman. Category: cry.

-omómo'eesó'hetó   vii. cause to cry. Étató'tšėšeée=tā'se=ma'xe-omómo'eesó'héto hé'tóhemanestȯtse. This liquor makes you cry. [1987:61] Category: cry.

-omómo'o'enehe   vai. cry poor. É-omómo'o'enehe. He crying and poor. Category: cry.

-omómomóhtahe   vai. feel like crying. É-omómomóhtahe. He feels like crying. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: cry.

-omómonoo'e   vai. sit crying, cry sitting. É-omómonoo'e. He is sitting crying. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: sit, cry.

-omómose   vai. cry from cold. Ná-omómose. I am crying from the cold. Né-omómȯsehe? Are you crying from cold? fai: -ose. Category: cry.

-pėhéva'xané   vai. cry nicely, cry in a good way. É-pėhéva'xāne. He is crying in a nice way. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-sé'ha'xané   vai. awaken crying. É-sé'ha'xāne. He woke up crying. Ná-sé'ha'xāne. I woke up crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-taa'éva'xāne   vai. cry until night. É-taa'éva'xāne. He cried until night. Category: cry.

-tȧhpe'a'xané   vai. cry loudly. É-tȧhpe'a'xāne. He cried loudly. Reduplicated -tótȧhpe'a'xané; fai: -a'xané. See: -áhana'eme cry intensely. Category: cry.

-tó'ėsėhaéné   vai. have long tears. É-tó'ėsėhaéne. He has long tears. Category: cry.

-véhpa'xané   vai. cry until hoarse, cry until no more tears. Lit: hollow-cry É-véhpa'xāne. She used up all her tears (from crying). fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.

-vésta'xané   vai. cry with. É-vésta'xāne. He cried with. vta: -vésta'xaném. See: -a'xaame cry. Category: cry.

-vésta'xaném   vta. cry with s.o. É-vésta'xanemo. He cried with him. É-vésta'xanémóho. He cried with him. (newer pronunciation). See: -no'a'xané'tov; -a'xaame cry. Category: cry.

-vóona'xané   vai. cry all night. É-vóona'xāne. He cried all night. fai: -a'xané. See: -vóonȧhtóohe. Category: cry.