Cheyenne Dictionary



é'-   i. break. É-é'ahe. He is broken. É-é'á'o. It snapped. Etym: *pi·kw-. Category: break.

-é'ahe   vai. 1 • be broken. É-é'ahe. He is broken. Etym: *po·xkwesiwa (P). Synonym -óo'e'ahe, -óo'e'óe'tó. See: -ó'xahe.

2 • be broke. that is, be out of money. Category: figurative. É-é'ahe. He is broke. Ná-é'ahe. I'm broke. Usage: probably a loan transl. from English, but widely known, and also used in Indian sign language. vii: -é'ó. See: -he-ma'kaataemé. Category: break, money.

-é'a'hahtsé   vti. break s.t. for example, cuts Cheyenne words short when speaking. É-é'a'hāhtse. He broke it. Éohke-é'a'hāhtse hó'ótóva. He sometimes cuts it short. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -e'a'hahtsé throw s.t. up. Category: break.

-é'a'ó   vii. snap, break quickly. É-é'á'o. It snapped.

vai. go broke. Category: figurative. É-é'á'o. He went broke. See: -e'a'ó. Category: money, break.

-é'an   1 • vti. break s.t. É-é'ána. He broke it by hand. Etym: *ešpenamwa > **išpenamwa (L); *po·xkwenamwa (P).

vta. break s.o. by hand.

2 • vta. break s.o. financially. Usage: figurative; loan transl. from English É-é'anóho. He broke him money-wise. See: -é'en. Category: break, money.

-é'ea'onáxé   vai. fall and break shinbone, break shin from falling. É-é'ea'onáxe. He fell and broke his shinbone. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, break.

-é'eesé   vai. broken nose - have a. É-é'eēse. He has a broken nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: sickness, body, break, nose.

-é'eeséh(n)   vta. break nose of s.o. É-é'eesehno. He broke his (other person's) nose. É-é'eeséhnóho. He broke his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eeséhno. I broke his nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose, break.

-é'eeséšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eeséše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes has s > š assimilation: Assimilated -é'eešéšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'eešéšé   vai. break nose from falling, fall and break nose. É-é'eešéše. He fell and broke his nose. Phon: sometimes does not have s > š assimilation: Non-assimilated -é'eeséšé. See: -póeešeše. Category: body, break, nose.

-é'ėhahtáxé   vai. fall and break foot, break foot falling. É-é'ėhahtáxe. He fell and broke his foot. Etym: *po·xkwisite·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -é'ėškóhtavo'ešé fall and break leg. Category: fall, break.

-é'ėhe'oná   vai. break hand. É-é'ėhe'ōna. He broke his (own) hand. Category: hands, break.

-é'ėhevá'sén   vti. break tail of s.t. É-é'ėhevá'séna. He broke the tail of it. See: -po'ėhevá'sén. Category: break.

-é'ėhevá'séšé   vai. break tailbone from falling. É-é'ėhevá'séše. He fell and broke his tailbone. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. Category: break, body.

-é'e'á   vti. break s.t. by foot. for example, to break something by kicking it. É-é'é'a. He broke it by foot. Etym: *po·xkwexkamwa (P). vta: -é'e'ov. See: -é'en; -é'e'ó'tsé; -é'evo'e'á. Category: break.

-é'e'ó'h   vta. 1 • break s.o. É-é'e'o'ho. He broke him. É-é'e'ó'hóho. He broke him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'e'o'hamóho hemoėškōno. I broke his finger. vti: -é'e'ó'tsé. Category: break.

2 • break s.o. financially. Ná-mȧheé'e'o'ha. She completely broke me (I'm penniless). Ná-é'e'ó'hahtse. I caused myself to go broke. See: -e'ahe. Category: money.

-é'e'ó'tsé   vti. 1 • break s.t. É-é'e'ó'tse. He broke it. Ná-é'e'ó'tse. I broke it. Ná-é'e'ó'tse namotšėške. I broke my knife. Ná-é'e'ó'tóvo hemotšėške. I broke his knife. Nėstavé'e-é'e'ó'tse! Don't break it! vta: -é'e'ó'h. See: -é'en; -péevo'ėhahtsé; -oó'xeotse; -onénėxa'ó'tsé.

2 • take a break. Néta-é'e'ó'tsenone! Let's take a break! That is borrowed from English; it is literally, Let's break it! Category: figurative, break.

-é'e'ov   vta. break s.o. É-é'e'ovóho. He broke him. Etym: *po·xkwexkawe·wa (P). vti: -é'e'á. Category: break.

-é'e'pa'onáh(n)   vta. break back of s.o. É-é'e'pa'onahno. He broke his (another person's) back. É-é'e'pa'onáhnóho. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.

-é'e'pa'oná'ov   vta. break back of s.o. by kicking. É-é'e'pa'oná'ovóho. He kicked him in the back and broke it. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná; vai: -é'e'pa'oná. Category: sickness, break.

-é'e'pe'ov   vta. break rib(s) of s.o. This can be by kicking or body action. É-é'e'pe'ovóho. ?? He broke his (other person's) ribs. Ques: check é'p?? BodyPartMedial -e'pe. Category: break, body, check.

-é'e'péšé   vai. break rib(s) from falling. É-é'e'péše. He fell and broke his (own) rib(s). BodyPartMedial -épé. Category: break, body.

-é'eméenáxé   vai. break wing from fall, break collarbone from fall. É-é'eméenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. BodyPartMedial -méená. Category: body, break, fall.

-é'en   vti. break s.t. by hand. É-é'éna. He broke it by hand. Etym: *pi·kwenamwa (P) > **pi·konamwa (P/L). Nėstsevé'e-é'éna he'ko hotómá'e! Don't break a bone indoors! Especially to get marrow out. This is a cultural taboo. If you break a bone indoors you might break your leg. See: -é'e'o'tsé.

vta. break s.o. by hand. É-é'enóho. He broke him by hand. Etym: *pi·kone·wa (P/L). See: -é'an. Category: break, taboo.

-é'ena'éváxé   vai. break arm from fall. É-é'ena'éváxe. He fell and broke his (own) arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·hšinwa (P). Category: sickness, body, break.

-é'enotováxé   vai. break neck falling, fall and break neck. É-é'enotováxe. He fell and broke his neck. BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: break, fall.

-é'eohá'á   vti. break s.t. by stepping on it. break by body; can refer to sitting on a chair and breaking it. É-é'eohá'a. He broke it. É-é'eohá'anȯtse hestse'konȯtse. He broke his legs. Category: break.

-é'eóhtá   vai. have broken leg. É-é'eóhta. He has a broken leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·wa (P). Variant: -é'ėškóhtá. Category: body, break, check.

-é'eóhtáxé   vai. break leg from falling. É-é'eóhtáxe. He broke his leg from falling. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hšinwa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá. See: -é'ėškóhtáxé fall and break leg; -é'eóhtás cut s.o. at the knee. Category: body, break, fall.

-é'eósé   vai. have a broken finger. É-é'eóse. He has a broken finger. Variant: -é'ėškósé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: hands, break, record.

-é'eoséšé   vai. fall and break nail, break nail falling. É-é'eoséše. He fell and broke his nail. -óséše?? of either a fingernail, toenail, or claw. Assimilated -é'eošéšé; BodyPartMedial -ósé3. Category: fall, break, check.

-é'eošéšé   vai. fall and break nail, break nail falling. É-é'eošéše. He fell and broke his nail. of either a fingernail, toenail, or claw. Non-assimilated -é'eosešé. Category: fall, break.

-é'eotse   1 • become broken.

State -é'ó.vii. É-é'eotse. It (or He) broke.

vai. Namo'ēško é-é'eotse. My finger broke.

2 • vai. run out of money. Category: figurative. Ná-é'eotse. I went broke (that is, ran out of money). Reduplicated -óo'e'eotse; State -é'ahe broken. See: -oó'xeotse crack; -é'oneeotse break (ropelike); -e'eotse go up. Category: break, money.

-é'ėstatamóonešé   vai. break shoulder from falling. É-é'ėstatamóonēše. He broke his shoulder from falling. Category: break, fall, body.

-é'ėstsé'oonáxe   vai. fall and break elbow, break elbow falling. É-é'ėstsé'oonáxe. He fell and broke his elbow. Category: body, fall, break. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná.

-é'ėstséstonáotse   vai. break ankle, ankle - break. É-é'ėstséstonáotse. He broke his ankle. Category: break.

-é'ėstséstonáxe   vai. fall and break ankle, break ankle falling. É-é'ėstséstonáxe. He fell and broke his ankle. Category: fall, break.

-é'ėškóhtáh(n)   vta. break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtȧhnóho. He broke his (other person's) leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·hwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -(šk)óhtá. Category: break.

-é'ėškóhtavo'emas   vta. break leg of s.o. by shooting, shoot and break leg of s.o. É-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧsóho. He shot and broke his (obv) leg. Mó'ée'-é'ėškóhtavo'emȧxėhéhe. His leg was broken from the gunshot. [1987:191] fta: -emas. Category: break, shoot.

-é'ėškóhtavo'ešé   vai. break leg falling. Ná-é'ėškóhtavo'ēše. I broke my leg falling. See: -é'ȧhahtáxé fall and break foot. Category: break, body.

-é'ėškȯséh(n)   vta. break finger(s) of s.o. Ná-é'ėškȯséhno. I broke his finger(s). Category: break.

-é'etsénoonámas   vta. shoot and break wing of s.o. É-é'etsénoonámȧsóho. He shot and broke his wing. Mó-é'etsénoonámȧxėhéhe. He (bird) must have been shot and gotten a broken wing. Category: body, birds, break.

-é'evo'ėhahtsé   vti. break s.t. through falling. É-é'evo'ėhāhtse. He broke it through a fall. Ná-é'evo'ėhāhtse na'ahtse. I fell and broke my arm. Medial -evo'. Category: break.

-é'evo'e'á   vti. break s.t. by foot or body. for example, to break a chair. É-é'evo'ē'a. He broke it by foot or body. Ná-é'evo'ē'a nȧhtse'ko. I fell and broke my leg. Náé'evo'e'(h)anȯtse na'ȧhtsenȯtse. ?? I broke my legs. Category: check. Medial -evo'. See: -oó'xevo'oh. Category: break.

-é'evo'koh(n)   vta. 1 • break s.o. with a tool. É-é'evo'kȯhnóho. He broke him with a tool.

2 • break s.o. in a card game. Usage: likely borrowed from English Naa hāne ó'ometaa'éva á'e ná-é'evo'kȯhēē'e. But the other night they broke me right away. [1987:397.] Category: cards, figurative, break.

-é'ó   vii. broken. for example, of a desk, handle, or table leg, but not of a broken window which requires the verb stem -ó'xó. É-é'ó. It is broken. vai: -é'ahe; vti: -é'evo'e'h; Inchoative -é'eotse. See: -ó'xó. Category: break.

-é'ohá   vti. break s.t. by tool, chop s.t. especially, to chop something in two with a tool such as an axe. É-é'óha. He broke it by tool. Etym: *ki·škahamwa. fta: -é'oh(n). Category: break.

-é'ȯhomo'he   vai. demarrow, break bone to eat marrow. É-é'ȯhomo'he. He is breaking a bone (and eating the marrow). The é'- initial refers to breaking of the bone for getting the marrow. See: -tóhpȯhomo'he take out marrow from a bone; -e'ȯhomó'he dance up. Category: meat, break.

-é'o'emató   vii. broken growth. for example, of a willow branch. É-é'ó'émáto. It is broken growth. Medial -o'e. See: -e'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-é'o'evo'ėhahtsé   vti. break handle of s.t. É-é'o'evo'ėhāhtse. He broke the handle of it. See: -é'o'o'e1. Category: break.

-é'o'o'e1   vii. broken at the handle. Ques: uncertain word, LP doesn't know it?? Category: check. É-é'o'o'e. ?? The (for example, ax) handle is broken. Usage: obsolescent Medial -ó'é ??. Category: check. See: -é'o'o'e2 broken vegetation; -é'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break.

-é'o'o'e2   vii. broken vegetation. for example, of a field of grass knocked over due to hail. É-é'o'o'e. The vegetation is broken. Medial -o'e5. See: -é'o'o'e1 broken handle; -é'o'evo'ėhahtsé; hoóto'e; -ootó'e. Category: break, plants.

-é'onea'ham   vti. break s.t. ropelike.

vta. break s.o. ropelike. probably has more of a meaning of a jerking kind of breaking than does -é'ónean. É-é'onea'hamóho. He broke him. for example, he broke a strand of sinew. Medial -ón. See: -po'ónea'ham. Category: break, ropelike.

-é'ónea'ó   vii. break quickly (of something ropelike). É-é'ónéá'o. It broke.

vai. break quickly (of something ropelike). Heévaho é-é'onea'oo'o. The rope broke. Rope is grammatically animate and plural. See: -e'ónea'ó fly up (of something ropelike). Category: break, ropelike.

-é'ónean   vti. break s.t. ropelike by hand. É-é'ónéána. He broke it.

vta. break s.o. (ropelike). É-é'oneanóho. He broke him (something animate and ropelike). Medial -ón. See: -e'ónean pull up s.t./s.o. by rope. Category: break, ropelike.

-é'oneeotse   vii. break ropelike. of something ropelike. É-é'oneeotse. It/He broke.

vai. See: -é'eotse. Category: break, ropelike.

-é'otse'konán   vta. 1 • break neckbone of s.o. Ná-é'otse'konana. He broke my neck bone.

fall for s.o. (romantically). The idiomatic use of this term is apparently older than idiomatic usage of -péehahtsé and -pé'peeotse. Category: figurative, romance, break.

-é'otse'konáxé   vai. fall and break neckbone. É-é'otse'konáxe. He broke his neck from a fall. Category: break, fall, sickness.

-hóestsé'ooná'ó   vai. piston break. É-hóestsé'ooná'o. The piston broke. BodyPartMedial -htsé'ooná. Category: car, break.

-ó'xahe   vai. split, broken open. É-ó'xahe. He is broken open. Etym: *pa·xkesiwa (P). Reduplicated -oó'xahe. See: -é'ahe. Category: break, check.

-ó'xȧho'há   vti. crack s.t. by heat, break open s.t. by heat. É-ó'xȧhó'ha. He cracked it with heat. Category: break.

-ó'xȧho'h(n)   vta. crack s.o. by heat, break open s.o. by heat. É-ó'xȧho'nóho. He cracked him by heat. Etym: *pa·ʔθkeswe·wa. Category: break.

-ó'xa'ó   vii. shatter; rip; tear. Etym: *pa·ʔθexke·wi (P).

vai. shatter; rip; tear. É-ó'xá'o. He (or It) tore in half. Etym: *pa·Ɂθexke·wa (P). Reduplicated -oó'xa'ó. Category: break, tear.

-ó'xan   vti. break open s.t.tear s.t. É-ó'xána. He broke it open by hand. Ques: break open or just break?? Etym: *pa·Ɂθenamwa (P); *pa·xkenamwa.

vta. break open s.o., tear s.o., rip s.o. É-ó'xanóho. He broke it open by hand. [Turtles.007] Etym: *pa·ʔθkene·wa (P). Category: break, tear.

-ó'xas   vta. split s.o., break open s.o. É-ó'xȧsóho. He split him. Etym: *pa·ʔθkešwe·wa. Category: break.

-ó'xaxá   vti. split s.t. É-ó'xáxa. He split it (open). Etym: *pa·ʔθešamwa (P). Category: cut, break.

-ó'xevo'ehá    Category: check.

vii. break. É-ó'xevo'ēha. It broke. Hetohko é-ó'xevo'ēha. The dish broke. Category: lie, break.

-ó'xohá   vti. break open s.t. by tool. É-ó'xóha. ?? He broke it open with a tool. Etym: *pa·xkahamwa (P). Category: break.

-ó'xoh(n)   vta. split s.o. with a tool. for example, of splitting a tree (animate). É-ó'xȯhnóho. He split him with a tool. Etym: *pa·Ɂθahwe·wa (P). Móstó'nėšema'xeamee'e-ó'xȯhnȯhevóhe né=šéstotó'e. He kept splitting that tree every time he charged. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).070] Category: break.

-onénėšenohtsé   vti. break s.t., damage s.t., destroy s.t. É-onénėšenōhtse. He destroyed it. É-onénėšenȯhtsevȯtse They destroyed it. See: -onénėševo'há; -péenohtsé; -vonenohtsé. Category: break.

-onénėšeotse   vii. break, break down. for example, of a car. É-onénėšeotse. It broke down. See: -óo'e'eotse. Category: break.

-onénėševo'ėhahtsé   vti. break s.t. by dropping. The dropping can be accidental or deliberate. É-onénėševo'ėhāhtse. He dropped it, breaking it. See: -onénėxa'hahtsé. Category: lie, break.

-onénėševo'ešé   vai. lie destroyed, broken from dropping - be, lie in pieces. É-onénėševo'ēše. He lay in pieces, torn apart. [PD653] Category: break, lie.

-onénėxahtsé   vti. break s.t. for example, to break something which hasn't been used for years and so may be rusted by now. É-onénėxáhtse. He broke it. See: -péa'hahtsé; -onénėševo'ėhahtsé; -onénėxa'hahtsé. Category: break.

-onénėxa'ó'tsé   vti. break s.t. É-onénėxa'ó'tse. He broke it. See: -péa'hahtsé; -pée'ó'tsé; -onénėševo'ėhahtsé; -onénėxahtsé; -é'e'ó'tsé. Category: break.

-óo'e'eotse   vii. broken. É-óo'e'eotse. It is broken. Non-reduplicated -é'eotse. See: -é'ó; -onénėšeotse. Category: break.

-oó'xeotse   vii. break up, crack, tear, split. Vó'nȧhanestȯtse é-oó'xeotse. The window broke. Má'ome mó'-oó'xeotséhanéhe. The ice broke up. [1987:4:19]

vai. break up, crack, tear, split. É-oó'xeotse. He (or It) is cracked. Éstse'he é-oó'xeotse. The shirt is torn. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ó'xeotse; vti: -oó'xovo'ohá. See: -oó'xeohtsé; -asenáotse; -asėtó'toeotse; -he'kotȧxeotse; -oó'xan; -é'eotse break. Category: break, tear.

-oó'xevo'ehá   vii. break. for example, from dropping or bumping into something. É-oó'xevo'ėhánėstse. They (inanimate) broke. for example, of eyeglasses. Category: break.

-oó'xevo'ėhahtsé   vti. break s.t. É-oó'xevo'ėhāhtse. He broke it. Ná-oó'xevo'ėhahtsenȯtse. I broke them (for example, eyeglasses). Phon: redup See: -péevo'ėhahtsé. Category: break.

-oó'xó   vii. full of holes - be; torn - be. É-oó'xo. It is full of holes/torn. Non-reduplicated -ó'xó. See: -é'ó. Category: break.

-oó'xovo'ohá   vti. crack s.t., break s.t. for example, to break a window. Ná-oó'xovo'ōha. I cracked it. vii: -oó'xeotse. Category: break.

-pée'ó'h   vta. tear s.o., rip s.o. É-pée'o'ho. He tore him. É-pée'ó'hóho. He tore him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -pée'ó'tsé. Category: break, tear.

-pée'ó'tsé   vti. tear s.t., rip s.t., break s.t. É-pée'ō'tse mȯxe'ėstoo'o. He tore the paper. See: -ó'xa'ó; -onénėxa'ó't. Category: break, tear.

-péenohtsé   vti. shred s.t. É-péenōhtse. He crushed/shredded it. See: -onénėševo'há. Category: tear, break.

-péeoešėšem   vta. make s.o. break. É-péeoešėšemóho. He made them (an.) break up. Category: break.

-péestséa'ov   vta. break head of s.o. by stepping on it. É-péestséa'ovóho. He broke his head by stepping on it. Category: head, break.

-péevo'ehá   vii. broken into pieces, shattered, lie shattered. É-péevo'ēha. It is shattered. Hé'tóhe ménā'ėstse éhnėsóhpe-péevo'ėhánovȯsestȯtse. Those breastworks were broken into pieces. [1987:308] Category: break, lie.

-péevo'ėhahtsé   vti. break s.t. into pieces. for example, what can happen to china dolls. É-péevo'ėhāhtse. He broke it into pieces. See: -péehahtsé. Category: break.

po'an   vti. É-po'āna. He broke it off. Category: break.

-po'eotse   vii. break off, loosen.

vai. break off, loosen. É-po'eotse. It/He is broken off. See: -po'óneeotse; -pe'peeotse; -é'eotse; -ó'xeotse; -šéšeotse; -pó'keotse. Category: break.

-po'ohá   vti. break off s.t. by tool. É-po'ōha. He broke it off with a tool. Reduplicated po'po'ohá. Category: break.

-po'oh(n)   vta. 1 • break off s.o. by tool. É-po'ȯhnóho. He broke him off (with some tool). Etym: *paθkahwe·wa (P). Ná-po'ōhno. I broke him off (with some tool).

2 • break off with a love triangle. É-po'ȯhnóho. He broke it off with her. ?? Ques: recheck precise meaning of this gloss?? Category: break, romance.

-po'ónea'ham   vta. break s.o. (ropelike). É-po'ónea'hamóho. He broke him (ropelike). Ná-po'ónea'hamoo'o heévaho. I broke the rope. Initial po'-; Medial -ón. See: -é'ónea'ham. Category: ropelike, break.

-po'óneeotse   vii. break (ropelike).

vai. break (ropelike). of string or other ropelike object. É-po'óneeotse. It/He broke. É-po'óneeotsetse tséhméhaevávaaese. It broke off where he was swinging (for example, the swing broke when he was on it). Medial -ón. See: -po'óneo'e; -po'eotse; -é'eotse; -onénėšeotse; -ó'xeotse. Category: ropelike, break.

-po'óneexá   vti. break s.t. (ropelike). of string or other ropelike object. É-po'óneēxa. He broke it. É-po'óneexomovo hestsésta'he. She (midwife) cut his umbilical cord. Ques: cut?? Medial -ón. See: -po'óneo'e; -po'eotse; -é'eotse; -onénėšeotse; -ó'xeotse. Category: ropelike, break, check, cut.

-po'po'ohá   vti. break off s.t. Éstšėševá'kė-po'po'ȯhánovoho. They chipped it off little by little. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.042] Non-reduplicated -po'ohá. Category: break.

-po'po'óneo'e   vii. broken (in several places, of a ropelike object). É-po'po'óneo'e ma'kaata. The wire is broken in several places. Non-reduplicated -po'óneo'e. Phon: redup Category: break.