Cheyenne Dictionary



Áámėhé'e   na. Always A Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Áameóhné'e   na. Walking Woman. Category: names.

aénohe   na. 1 • hawk, winter hawk, swift hawk, swifthawk. (another recording) Plural aénȯheo'o; Obviative aénȯhóho; Diminutive aénȯhéso. Etym: cf. M pepo·neʔnaew winter hawk; *pepo·nasiwa. See: hoestomo; aénéva. Category: birds.

2 • Hawk, Winter Hawk, Swift Hawk, Swifthawk. Category: names.

Aénohe Néstoohe   na. Howling Hawk, Screeching Hawk. Variant: Aénȯhenéstoohe. Category: names.

Aénohe Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Hawk. vai: -ma'ahe. Category: names.

Aénohe Ȯhno'kaestse   na. Lone Hawk. Category: names.

Aénohe Ȯhtamēhnėstse   na. Walking Hawk, Hawk Walking. Variant: Aénȯheameōhtsėstse. Category: names.

Aénohe Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Hawk. Category: names.

Aénohe Ȯxháa'ého'oesėstse   vai. Gram: ppl High Hawk. Lit: hawk high-hanging Category: names.

Aénȯhea'eotse   na. Attacking Hawk, Charging Hawk. Category: names.

Aénȯhea'kónoo'e   na. Roosting Hawk. Category: names.

Aénȯheameōhtsėstse   na. Walking Hawk, Hawk Walking. Variant: Aénohe Ȯhtamēhnėstse. Category: names.

Aénȯhee'e   na. Sitting Hawk. Phon: vs Category: names.

Aénȯhéévé'hȧhtse   na. Flying Hawk. Category: names.

Aénȯhé'ke   na. Hawk Woman, Little Hawk Woman. Category: names.

Aénȯheméóná'e   na. Hawk Trail Woman. Category: names.

Aénȯhenéhovóhe   na. Chasing Hawk. Category: names.

Aénȯhenéstoohe   na. Howling Hawk, Screeching Hawk. Variant: Aénohe Néstoohe. Category: names.

Aénȯhéso   na. Gram: dim 1 • sparrow hawk. Lit: little hawk Plural aénȯhesono; Obviative aénȯhesono. Category: birds.

2 • Little Hawk. Category: names.

Ahtonóóhtsé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Á'ee'ėse   na. Big Nose, Knob Nose, Pug Nose. translated as Big Nose, but Knob Nose is a better translation. See: Pá'ee'ėse. Category: names.

Á'kavėhe'o   na. Limberhand. Lit: bent-wrist Contracted Kȧhavȯhe'o; Variant: Á'kavėhe'onáhe. Category: hands, names.

Á'kavėhe'onáhe   na. Limberhand. Variant: Á'kavėhe'o. Category: names.

A'kėhahtáhe   na. Clubfoot. Category: names.

A'kėhe'onáhe   na. Clubhand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná hand. Category: hands, names.

A'ko'xéhe   na. Hobo. can be a horse name, as well as a person's name. Category: names.

A'kótseehe   na. Cartridge Belt. Category: names.

A'óéáso   na. Topknot. Category: names.

Amȧhtóohē'e   na. Howls Along Woman. Contracted Tóohē'e. Category: names.

Ámé'há'e   na. Flying Woman, Soaring Woman. See: Ame'háohtsé'e. Category: names.

Áme'háóhtse   na. Flying. Category: names.

Ame'háohtsé'e   na. Flying Woman. See: Ámé'há'e Flying Woman; Soaring Woman. Category: names.

Ame'háooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Flying. Variant: Ȯhtame'háooestse. Category: names.

Áméóhné'e   na. Walksalong Woman. Category: names.

Áméóhtse   na. Walksalong. Category: names.

Ámeohtséhé'e   na. Going Woman, Walking Woman, Traveling Woman. Category: names.

Áméóhtsé'e   na. Walking Woman. See: Áméó'o. Category: names.

Áméó'o   na. Sacred Road Woman, Milky Way, Going Woman, Pemmican Woman. The translation is uncertain. Some speakers say this word refers to a constellation in the stars, especially the celestial road to séáno, the Place of the Dead, which may be the Milky Way. This is also a proper name for a woman. As such, various translations have been offered, such as Milky Way Woman, Going Woman, and Pemmican Woman. See: ame pemmican; meo'o path; Áméóhtsé'e Walking Woman. Category: names.

Ameo'ȯsóná'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Áméóná'e   na. Walking Woman. Ques: Améóná'e?? Contracted Méóná'e. Category: names, check.

Amėstó'eesēō'o   1 • ni. travois. Lit: tie-crosswise (another recording) Diminutive amėstó'keeseo'o; Plural amėstó'eeseonȯtse; Oblique amėstó'eeseōne. See: ho'etoonō'e travois; amėstoéseo'o.

2 • na. Travois. Category: names.

Ámėšké'héhe   na. Grease Woman. Category: names.

Ametané'e   na. Living Woman. Category: names.

Áméváóhtsé'e   na. Noisy Walking Woman. Category: names.

Amevonēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Crawler. Category: names.

Amóné'héhe   na. Guesser Woman, Stands-in-line Woman. translation uncertain. See: -amóneeóó'e stand in line; -amȯhóné guess. Category: names.

Amotsėhé'e   na. Smoking Woman. Category: names.

Ánȧxeve   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Ánéáhtá'e   na. Deaf Woman. See: Onéahtáhe. Category: names.

Anėstaešévá'e   na. Misty Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check, names.

Ánétȧhévéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walks Different. See: nétȧhéve-. Category: names.

Ánétȧhéveóéso   na. Stands Different. Category: names.

Ánétȧhéveóó'e   na. Stands Different Woman. Category: names.

Ánȯhnéó'o   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Ano'ėstséhé'e   na. Runsaway Woman. Category: names.

Anóóhtsé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Ánováóó'o   na. A Girl Beautiful. Colloquial expression difficult to translate but it is used when you see something beautiful and you apply it to the beauty of a girl; this word has been used as a proper name. One elder said the following to explain this word: hová'éhe tsépėhévatamáno'e éháatamee'ėstse étano'evéhé'ta '... (the girl) is named for (the beautiful thing)' (TRANSLATE FULLY ?? Category: check, names.

ao'ėseto   1 • ni. hailstone. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse. Hailstones are walking. Plural ao'ėsetonȯtse; Diminutive ao'ėškēto. Speaking of hailstones 'walking' primarily refers to when you can hear a hailstorm approaching. When the hailstorm actually arrives on scene then you speak of hailstones with verbs like 'falling'. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éana'ónėstse. Hailstones are falling. Ques: recheck mid pitch on this and dim form?? Category: weather, check.

2 • na. Hail. Category: names.

asėséeneehévȧhtsená'héhe   na. 1 • overly talkative, gossipy person.

2 • Stretchy Mouth Woman. made up nickname for a lady who wore braces with lots of rubber bands. Category: names.

Áseške   na. (man's name for a small animal similar to a weasel). Variant: Ášeške. Category: names.

Ášeške   na. (man's name for a small animal similar to a weasel). another recording: Variant: Áseške. Category: names.

Ávóóné'e   na. Fasting Woman, Starving Woman. Category: names.

Ávoonenáhkohe   na. Starving Bear. Category: names.

Éehē'e   na. Camps All Over Woman. Category: names.

Éestséóhtsé'e   na. Talks While Going Woman. Category: names.

É'ėháhtá'e   na. Broken Foot Woman. Category: names.

É'ėškósá'e   na. Broken Finger Woman. Category: names.

É'kome'hahé'e   na. Greasy Voice Woman. Category: names.

É'oestóonáhe   na. Broken Jaw. Category: names.

é'omeahke   na. 1 • pitch.

2 • Oil Gum. Category: names.

É'ometaēso   1 • ni. Little Missouri River, Little Greasy River. Lit: greasy (dim.) Non-diminutive É'ometāā'e. Category: rivers.

2 • na. Little Missouri River. Category: names.

E'še'óhtanéhe   na. High Forehead. Category: names.

Émėškéhá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Éna'hēso   na. Oldie. Lit: old-DIM Category: names.

Énóóhtsé'e   na. Leave Everything Woman. Category: names.

Ésena'hané'e   na. Inside Kills Woman. Category: names.

Éseohtsévá'e   na. Going In Woman. Category: names.

Ésévóná'e   na. Buffalo Cow Woman. Category: names.

Ésevona'kēso   na. Buffalo Calf Woman. See: Mó'kėsa'késo. Category: names.

Ésevonėhóehné'e   na. Buffalo Comes Out Woman. Category: names.

Ésevonemé'ėhné'e   na. Buffalo Appearing Woman. Category: names.

Ésevoneméóná'e   na. Buffalo Road Woman. Category: names.

Éstséóhtsé'e   na. Going Into the Woods Woman. Category: names.

Éstseovóévá'e   na. Sinking Woman. Category: names.

Éšeámėhé'e   na. Daily Woman. Category: names.

Éšeevȧhtamēhnėstse   na. Day Walker. Category: names.

Éšéévá'e   na. Day Woman. Category: names.

Éšeevá'késo   na. Little Day Woman. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Moon. It is unclear whether this shoulld be spellled as one or two words. The pronunciation and meaning are the same. Variant: Éše'hȯhma'aestse; vai: -ma'ahe. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhmé'éhnėstse   na. Rising Sun. Usage: This is the more commn way to say this name. Variant: Éše'hȯhmé'éhne. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Moon. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Two Moon, Two Moons. name of a famous Cheyenne chief. See: Hetane Ȯhnéšesėstse; Ononevóo'xenéhe; Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Sun; Sun Walking. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Sun, Sun Walking. Category: names.

Éše'he Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Moon. Category: names.

Éše'héméó'o   na. Sun Trail, Sun Road. See: méó'o road, trail. Category: names.

Éše'héméóná'e   na. Sun Road Woman. Category: names.

Éše'hénȧhkohe   na. Sun Bear. Category: names.

Éše'héveho   na. Sun Chief. See: veho. Category: names.

Éše'hȯhma'aestse   na. Red Moon. It is unclear whether this shoulld be spellled as one or two words. The pronunciation and meaning are the same. Variant: Éše'he Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.

Éše'hȯhmé'éhne   na. Rising Sun. Variant: Éše'he Ȯhmé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Éše'hȯxháahketa   na. Little Sun. Category: names.

Éškȯseesá'e   na. Sharp Nose Woman. Category: names.

Éškȯseeséhe   na. Sharp Nose. Category: names.

Étȯhovonā'e ??    Category: check.

na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Évana'hāne   na. Killsback. Category: names.

Évana'hané'e   na. Killsback Woman, Turns Kills Woman. Category: names.

Évȧsé'óvá'e   na. Going Back to the River Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Évȧsóva   na. Butcher. Category: names.

Éve'hanáhé'e   na. Eats About Woman. Category: names.

Éve'háooestse   na. Flies About. Category: names.

Éve'háoohe   na. Flies About. Category: names.

Éve'háoohé'e   na. Flies About Woman. Category: names.

Éveméóná'e   na. Making Trails Woman. Category: names.

Évotséta   na. In-Search-of-Food, Rustle. This word refers to rustling around in search of food. Ques: Winfield Woundedeye Said to be the Cheyenne word from which the current family name Russell came. Category: names.

Háahke'éveho   na. Littlechief. Phon: Háahke'éveho ?? Category: check. See: Véhóéso Littlechief; King. Category: names.

Háa'ėstȧhétane   na. Tallman. Category: names.

Háa'ėsta'éhe   na. Long Hair. General George Custer's Indian name. Háa'ėsta'éhe tséh-vonanėse when Custer was wiped out. Variant: Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe. Category: hair, names.

Háa'ėstóo'onáhe   na. Longjaw. Variant: Tsėhe'ėstóo'onáhe. Category: body, names.

Háá'ėše Ȯxhásėstse   vai. Gram: ppl From Far Away. Rev. Alfred Habegger's Indian name. See: -háse ??. Category: check, names.

Háa'háe'ameōhtse   na. Windy Walker, Windwalker. Category: names.

Háa'hóévá'e   na. Wind Woman. Translation uncertain, possibly Wind Woman. Phon: Which pronunciation is correct, Háa'hóévá'e or Háo'hóóvá'e?? Category: check. See: Háo'hóóvá'e. Category: names.

Háanao'xéhe   na. Category: names.

Háeohe'hāme   na. Fast Horse. Category: names.

Háeohémó'ėsá'e   na. Fast Runner Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e; the same man (Háeohémó'ėsá'e) was sometimes called Hohnóhka-mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Háestȯhé'háme   na. Owns Many Horses, Many Horses. Feminine Háestȯhé'hamé'e. Category: names.

Háestȯhé'hamé'e   na. Many Horses Woman. a woman's name. Masculine Háestȯhé'háme. Category: names.

Háestȯhe'háóhtsé'e   na. Flies Many Woman. Category: names.

Háestȯheméó'o   na. Many Trails. Category: names.

Háestȯheméóná'e   na. Many Trails Woman. Category: names.

Háestȯhena'hāne   na. Plenty Coups, Many Kills. This was a Cheyenne name, not just a Crow name. Category: names.

Háestȯhena'hané'e   na. Many Kills Woman. Category: names.

Háestó'tonȯhevéséhe   na. Many Braids. Category: names.

háhkota   na. 1 • grasshopper. Plural háhkotaho; Obviative háhkotaho. Category: bugs.

2 • Grasshopper. Category: names.

Háhnomȧhé'héhe   na. Bee Woman. Category: names.

Hahpėhe'onáhe   na. Closed Hand, Clenched Fist. Category: names.

Há'peé'e   na. Torn Into Pieces Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Hánȯseéeotse   na. Dives Backwards. Category: names.

Háo'emané'e   na. Bossy Woman. Category: names.

Háo'heóévá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Háónóváhe   na. Talkative. Indian name by which Mr. Busby was known. He was the white storekeeper for whom the village of Busby was named. He was talkative. How he was named illustrates one way people were given Indian names, especially non-Cheyennes: names were given which depicted them somehow. Cheyenne children, however, are named soon after birth, usually for a relative. See: Háonovahe Holy God. Category: names.

Hápȧhanaā'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

-hásé   vai. be there. Ques: recheck gloss Háá'ėše Ȯx-hásėstse From Far Away (name). "Éaa! Tósa'e néa'enė-háse?" náhéto. "Nésáatšėhe'ševóomatséhe," náhéto "My! Where have you been all the time?" I said to him. "I never see you," I said to him. [1987:174] Tósa'e tsé'hásėstse! That's the end of him! [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).075] Category: names, check.

Háse'hoveóó'e   na. Victory Woman, Stands By the Fire Woman, Spears In the Ground Woman. Many speakers are unsure of the translation of this name, however, a woman with this name is quite sure of its meaning as Victory Woman. Category: names.

Háškóó'e   na. See Far Woman. translation uncertain; said to have something to do with the meaning of 'far,' so perhaps this is actually Háá'ėškóó'e, contracted to Háškóó'e. Category: names.

Hátavėséveéestsé'e   na. Bad Mouth Woman. Category: names.

Hátavėsévé'háme   na. Bad Horse, His Bad Horse. origin of family name Bad Horse. See: Hátavėséve'haméhe; Hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse. Category: names.

Hátavėséve'haméhe   na. (His) Bad Horse. See: Hátavėsévé'háme; Hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse. Category: names.

Hátavėsévé'hámėstse   na. Bad Horse, His Bad Horse. See: Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Hátavėsévé'háme; Hátavėséve'haméhe. Category: names.

Háto'ėstséáhe   na. Bushy Head, Tangle Hair, Bushy Hair. Category: names.

hátseške   na. 1 • ant. Variant: hátšeške; Simplified Spelling hajesk. This is one of many words in Cheyenne which begin with the letter /h/ but which were vowel-initial in Proto-Algonquian. It is interesting to note that h-initialization in Cheyenne was in-process barely more than 100 years ago. Hayden (1862) and Petter (1915) cite some Ch. words (which have vowel-initial PA etyma) as having initial /h/ and some without. Hayden and Petter seem to have been careful enough in their transcriptions that we can assume that omission of an initial /h/ would not be accidental. All speakers whom W. Leman has worked with since 1971 now have complete h-initialization. Note the following from Hayden (1862), which all occur with initial /h/in the present corpus (Hayden's forms are retranscribed to the current orthography, for easier comparison): o'óhomo'eo'o 'Dakotas', otóhkėsono 'Little Stars, Ogallalas', oóxe'eo'hé'e 'Lodgepole Creek', otoa'e 'male buffalo', etohko 'dish', o'enóse 'tallweed', e'ama 'above'. Cf. Hayden's transcription of initial /h/ in hóma'e 'beaver', hótame 'dog', hoestȯtse 'dress', he'ohko 'pipe', ho'ēsta 'fire', ná-hesóva 'I hiccupped', hóoma 'mosquito', háhnoma 'bee' (H. glosses as 'horse-fly'), he'e 'liver', hē'e 'woman'. Similarly, note that Petter omitted initial /h/ in 'dog' and 'ant'. Category: check. Plural hátšėškeho; Obviative hátšėškeho. Category: bugs.

2 • Ant. Category: names.

hátšeške   na. ant. Variant: hátseške. Hátšėškeho éohkėhéne'enánóvo (ȯh)to'sėhoo'kȯhoo'ėstse; éohkeésevonėhneo'ohátšėškeomēē'e. Ants know when it's going to rain; they crawl into the ant lodge. [1979:204] Plural hátšėškeho; Obviative hátšėškeho; Variant: hátseške. Etym: *e·likwa (P); *e·rikwa (R). Category: names.

Hávėséveéestsé'e   na. Bad Talking Woman. Category: names.

Hávėsévevóonā'o   na. Bad Morning. See: Pȧhávevóonā'o Good Morning. Category: names.

Hávevėstse   na. ?? Category: check, names.

Héáhke   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Heā'ke   na. Young Mule. Ques: Should it be Young Wolf Mule?? Category: check. Phon: short for Ho'néheā'ke Category: names.

He'ámȧhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Stands Above. Category: names.

He'ámȧhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Highwalker. Category: names.

He'amámėhné'e   na. Highwalking Woman. Category: names.

He'amanáhkohe   na. High Bear. See: Náhkȯxháa'ého'oésėstse. Category: names.

He'amanéstoohe   na. Howls Above, Howling Above. Category: names.

He'amavéhonevėstse   na. High Chief. Category: names.

He'āmȧxhoéso'e   na. Highwaters. Variant: He'amȧxhoéso'ėstse. Category: names.

He'āmȧxhoéso'ėstse   vai. Highwaters. This word has been used to refer to "high water" pants, that is, pants whose bottom is higher than normal, as if a person were wading in high water. Variant: He'āmȧxhoéso'e. See: -so'e. Category: names.

He'amȧxhóeso'ėstse   na. Highwaters. BodyPartMedial -só'e2. Category: names.

He'āmȧxhoo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Sits Above. Ques: Joe BCO Category: names.

He'ééné'e   na. (woman's name). Phon: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

He'émé'ėhné'e   na. Appears Woman. Category: names.

He'éméóná'e   na. Trail Woman. Category: names.

He'émóhto   na. Woman Leggings. Category: names.

He'émomé'ėhné'e   na. Goddess Appears Woman. Ques: recheck pitches and translation?? Category: check. See: He'emo Goddess. Category: names.

He'énȧhkȯhá'e   na. She Bear. Category: names.

He'enéstoohé'e   na. Howling Woman. Variant: Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e, Hé'ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

He'évȧsoo'ėstse   na. Sits As a Woman. Category: names.

He'évo'nehe   na. She Wolf. a man's name. See: hó'nehe. Category: names.

He'éxáá'e Hesta'éhe   na. His Wounded Eye. Usage: origin of family name Wounded Eye Category: names.

Hé'heénéhe   na. Wrinkled Face. Category: names.

he'heēno   na. 1 • blackbird. usually the red winged ones (PD). Plural he'heenóne; Obviative he'heenóne. Etym: *aʔsekena·hkwa (P). Category: birds.

2 • Blackbird. Category: names.

He'heēno Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Blackbird. Category: names.

He'heēno Ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. White Blackbird. Category: names.

He'heenóhká'e   na. Blackbird Woman. Category: names.

He'heenóhkeameohtsé'e   na. Blackbird Walking Woman. Category: names.

He'heenóhkéso   na. Little Blackbird. Category: names.

Hé'heško'nehe   na. Wrinkled Wolf. Category: names.

He'kamovéséhe   na. High Hair. refers to hair being tied up high on the head. See: he'āma. Category: names.

He'kāse   na. Soft Belly. Category: names.

He'ké'hame   na. Little Mare. diminutive. See: he'é'hame. Category: names.

He'keo'éváhne   na. Softly Walks Away. Category: names.

He'konenámosėstse   na. Strong Left Hand. See: Námosėstse Lefty. Category: names.

He'konóma'ȯhtse   na. Hard Ground. See: vóhpoma'ȯhtse. Category: names.

He'konovéséhe   na. Hard Hair. Category: names.

He'kóovénéhe   na. Wet Face. Contracted Kóóvénéhe. Robert Bearchum. Category: names.

He'kotomáehé'e   na. Calm Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Calming Woman?? Category: names, check.

He'né'ȯhma'hēō'o   na. (woman's name). Ques: something like Medicine Scattered?? Category: check, names.

He'né'ȯhma'hēō'o   na. (woman's name). Ques: Is it something like Medicine Scattered?? Category: check, names.

He'néšká'e   na. Grave Woman. transl. uncertain. Category: names.

he'ohko   na. 1 • pipe. particularly an Indian pipe. Plural he'óhkono; Obviative he'óhkono; Possessive -htse'ohko; Non-diminutive he'oo'o. Etym: *oxpwa·kana (R); *wexpwa·kana (P). Category: smoke.

2 • Pipe. Category: names.

Hē'ȯhma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Woman. Ques: Two words or one?? Category: check. Usage: This is a man's name. Category: names.

He'ȯhma'evoénėstse   na. Woman Red Painted Face. a man's name. Category: names.

Hē'ȯhma'hēō'o   na. Medicine Woman. See: Heséeotá'e; Má'heóná'e. Category: names.

Hé'ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing Woman. Category: names.

Hé'ȯhnéménėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Singing Woman. Synonym Némené'héhe. Category: names.

Hé'ȯhnéstooestse   na. Howling Woman. Variant: Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e, He'enéstoohé'e. Category: names.

Hé'ȯhnéstoohé'e   na. Howling Woman. Variant: He'enéstoohé'e, Hé'ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

He'óoná'e   na. Pipe Woman. See: He'óonévá'e; he'ohko; he'oo'o; Hestóxe'óoná'e. Category: names.

He'óonévá'e   na. Pipe Woman. See: He'óoná'e; he'ohko; he'oo'o; Hestóxe'óoná'e. Category: names.

He'pé'e   na. Rib Woman. Category: names.

He'pé'héhe   na. Rib Woman. Category: names.

He'pėsā'e   na. Rib Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: names, check.

He'pēso   na. Little Rib. Category: names.

He'pó'héhe   na. Smoking Woman. See: Amotsėhé'e. Category: names.

Hemaahé'e   na. (His) Arrow Woman. Category: names.

Hemáá'ėhéhe   na. Sore Woman. Category: names.

Hemáhkȧse   na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóamaase. Category: names.

Hema'aetánó'e Ȯxhéne'enȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Knowshisgun. Usage: loan translation from Crow Category: names.

Hema'óestáá'e   na. Arrow Tied To Top of Head Woman. translation uncertain. Ques: Louise Bigfoot Category: names.

Hémanéóhtsé'e   na. Going to Get Water Woman, Goes To Drink Woman, Fetch Water Woman. Category: names.

Heméhne   na. Dove, Pigeon. translation uncertain. probably a variant of heméne 'dove, pigeon'. Variant: heméne. Category: birds, names.

Hemé'kóne Ȯhmȧsėhánee'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Crazy Head. Category: names.

Hemé'kónȯhnėševaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Headswift. See: me'ko head. Category: names.

Hemé'kónȯhvéhonevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Head Chief. One of two Cheyenne warriors who did the suicide horse ride down Squaw Hill at Lame Deer, into the waiting fire of the firing squad of Indian policeman, acting for the government. The other warrior was Vó'ho'kȯhtaestse, Young Mule. See: Vó'ho'kȯhtaestse. Category: names.

Hena'é'héhe   na. Goose Woman. Category: names.

Héna'ke   na. Little Goose. Ques: Bernadine Shoulderblade Jr. Category: names.

heó'ȯhtáto   na. 1 • salamander, lizard, water puppy. a kind of lizard; sometimes translated as 'water puppy'. Heó'ȯhtátóne móno'eana'ȯhevóhe. Lizards must be falling. (This has traditionally been said when it is raining.) Heó'ȯhtátóne é'ȯhkeéetáho'né'ėstoveo'o, é'ȯhkėsáaho'ho'enáotséstovėhane. Salamanders were stepped on, (so then) you would not get a leg-ache. (a cultural belief). [1987:214] Plural heó'ȯhtátóne; Obviative heó'ȯhtátóne. Etym: cf *ka·xkata·lya·kwa. See: háo'táoohēso. Category: animals.

2 • Salamander. Category: names.

Héoseamėšké'héhe   na. Tallow Woman. Category: names.

Heóvaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Yellow. Phon: shortened form of Vé'késo Ȯxheóvaestse 'Yellowbird' Category: names.

Heóvȧhéso   na. Little Yellow. a woman's name. Ques: Mrs. Medicinebird Category: names.

Heóva'éhe   na. Yellowhair. Category: names.

Heóvá'é'e   na. Yellowhair Woman. Category: names.

Heóvá'é'ke   na. Yellowhair Woman. Category: names.

Heóveaénohe   na. Yellow Hawk. Category: names.

Heóvéésá'e   na. Yellow Nose Woman. Category: names.

Heóveeséhe   na. Yellow Nose. Category: names.

Heóvėhó'nehe   na. Yellow Wolf. Synonym Hó'nehe Heóvaestse. Category: names.

Heóvėhoomáhe   na. Yellow Robe. Category: names.

Heóveké'háso   na. Yellow Plume. See: ké'háso plume. Category: names.

Heóveke'héhe   na. Yellow - ?? a man's name. Category: names, check.

Heóvé'e   na. Yellow Woman. Diminutive Heóvé'ke. Category: names.

Heóve'éxanéhe   na. Yellow Eyes. See: -heóvemenoo'éxáne. Category: names.

Heóve'haméhe   na. Yellow Horse. Category: names.

Heóve'hamé'e   na. Yellow Horse Woman. Ques: Mary Teeth ?? Category: check, names.

Heóvé'ke   na. Little Yellow Woman. Non-diminutive Heóvé'e. Category: names.

Heóvema'ėhóóhe   na. Yellow Fox. See: Ma'ėhóóhe. Category: names.

Heóvemé'hahtse   na. Yellow Beard. Ques: George SE's father, Henry Standing Elk Category: names.

Heóvemoméhe'xa'éhe   na. Yellow Tangled Hair. origin of name Yellow Hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: names.

Heóvenáhkohe   na. Yellow Bear. Category: names.

Heóvėsta'é'e   na. Yellow Headed Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Heóvėškemȧsėhá'e   na. Yellow Crazy Woman. Category: names.

Heóvėškevé'ho'e   na. Yellow Whiteman. Category: names.

Heóvevé'késo   na. Yellowbird. See: Vé'késȯxheóvaestse. Category: names.

Heóvȯhkȧho'hēso   na. Little Grayish Yellow Bird. Exact translation uncertain but this is probably close. Category: names.

Heóvo'hāme   na. Yellow Horse. Category: names.

Heséehé'e   na. Ridgewalker, Ridge Camp. man's name; usually translated as Ridgewalker. Obviative Heséehé'éva. Category: names.

Heséeotá'e   na. Medicine Woman, Herb Woman. See: Ma'ėséeotá'e; Ma'xėheséeotá'e. Category: names.

hesé'ome   1 • ni. ridge. See: heseno; -heséohtsé. Category: environment. Etym: *wehšye·xkamikwi (P).

2 • na. Ridge. man's name. Variant: Hosé'ome. Category: names.

Hesé'omeehénȧhkohe   na. Ridge Bear. Ques: P.J. Wilson Variant: Hesé'omeenȧhkohe. Category: names.

Hesé'omeénȧhkohe   na. Ridge Bear. Variant: Hesé'omeehénȧhkohe. Category: names.

Heséovó'ká'e   na. Sandy Hair Woman, Sandy Head Woman. Category: names.

hesó'xemehne   na. 1 • blue racer (snake). Lit: slippery-serpent See: mehne. Category: snakes.

2 • Slippery Monster. Category: names.

hestáa'e   ni. branch, limb, Branch. Morph: /hehtaen/. Phon: vs; iah Plural hestaenȯtse; Oblique hestaenōva. Etym: *wehtehkweni; *wehtehkwani (P). Category: trees, names.

Hestaéhotóá'e   na. Branch Bull. Category: names.

héstahke   na. 1 • twin (male). Plural hestȧhkeho. plural is two boys, or boy and girl twins. Obviative hestȧhkeho. Phon: iah Feminine hestȧhkėhá'e.

2 • Twin. Category: names.

hestȧhkėhá'e   na. 1 • twin (female). Variant: hestȧhtšėhá'e; Plural hestȧhkėhá'eo'o; Masculine héstahke.

2 • Twin Woman. Category: names.

Hestȧhké'héhe   na. Twin Woman. Category: names.

Hesta'éhe   na. Wounded. Category: names.

hésta'he   ni. 1 • umbilical cord, navel, afterbirth, placenta, belly button. Hésta'he and its animate dim. hesta'hēso are translated as 'afterbirth (child)' in the text 1987:349ff. Nȧ-htsésta'he was translated in 1987:27 as 'my afterbirth.' Actually, this term probably does not refer to the entire afterbirth, but rather to the cord. Traditionally, the cord is treated specially. For boy babies the cord was placed in a pouch with a beaded turtle design. For girl babies the pouch had a lizard design. When there was insufficient time to properly save the cord, it might just be hung on a bush. Phon: iah Plural hestā'hėstse; AlternatePlural hesta'hȯtse; Possessive -htsésta'he; Diminutive hesta'hēso; BodyPartMedial -hta'né. See: hestȯhpó'hánóto. Etym: *weci·lwi/wetesi ? his navel. Category: body.

2 • Placenta. Category: names.

Hestámȧxana   na. Touching Food. translation uncertain. Obviative Hestámȧxananeva. Ques: recheck analysis of the obviative?? Category: names, check.

Héstáné'e   na. Nation Woman. Category: names.

Héstaneóó'e   na. Stands Against the Wind Woman, Nation Standing Woman. Stands Against the Wind Woman is probably the older meaning. It is found in Petter's dictionary, printed in 1915, page 1110. Category: names.

hestatsēō'o   1 • ni. shoulderblade, shoulder (cut of meat). Possessive -htsėstatsēō'o; Plural hestatseonȯtse; Diminutive hestatseško. See: hestatamoo'o shoulder; -htsėstatsēō'o; -htatseoná; -htatamoo'o. Category: meat, body.

2 • na. Shoulderblade. Category: names.

hestatseško   ni. Gram: dim 1 • shoulderblade. Plural hestatšėškonȯtse. See: hestatsēō'o. Category: body.

2 • Shoulderblade. Category: names.

Hestoeméstaa'e   na. Strangeowl. Category: names.

Héstoevēhne ??    Category: check.

na. Walking Strange. Category: names.

Hesto'toena'e   na. Braided Hair Woman. Ques: hesto?? Category: names, check.

Hesto'tonȯhevéséhe   na. Braided Locks. Lit: braided-hair-person origin of the Cheyenne Brady family name. Variant: Hesto'tonovéséhe. Category: names.

Hesto'tonovéséhe   na. Braided Locks. Lit: braided-hair-person origin of the Cheyenne Brady family name. Variant: Hesto'tonȯhevéséhe. Category: names.

Héstoveóó'e   na. Standing On Both Sides Woman. Category: names.

Hestovóotséme'hahtse   na. Sideburns. Lit: ear-beard See: -htovoo'ȯtse. Category: names.

Hestóxéhne   na. Walks Last. Category: names.

Hestóxéhnėstse   na. Walks Last. Category: names.

Hestóxėhotóá'e   na. Last Bull. Category: names.

Hestóxe'óoná'e   na. Last Pipe Woman, Last Pipestem Woman. See: he'oo'o; He'óonévá'e. Category: names.

Hestóxenáhkohe   na. Last Bear. Category: names.

Hestóxena'hāne   na. Kills Last, Last Kills, Last Killer. Category: names.

Hestóxena'hané'e   na. Kills Last Woman. Category: names.

Hestóxeóó'ėstse   na. Stands Last, Last Stands. Category: names.

Hestsé'ooné'héhe   na. Elbow Woman. Category: names.

hestsemá'eme   1 • ni. his blood. Category: body.

2 • na. His Blood. Stem -htsemá'eme; IndepNoun ma'e. Category: names.

Heše'éveeséhe   na. Dusty Nose, Dirty Nose. Category: names.

Heše'évėhahtáhe   na. Dusty Foot. Variant: Heše'kévėhahtáhe. Category: names.

héše'ke   1 • ni. dirt, dust. Phon: iah Variant: héše'e. Etym: *ašiškiwi (correct etymon??). Category: check. See: ho'e. Category: environment, ground.

2 • na. Dust. Category: names.

-heše'kévėhahtá   vai. dusty feet, dirty feet. É-heše'kévėháhta. He has dusty/dirty feet. Etym: *ašiškyi·wisite·wa he has muddy feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: names.

Heše'kévėhahtáhe   na. Dusty Foot. Variant: Heše'évėhahtáhe. Category: names.

Heše'óhtanéhe   na. Dirty Forehead. Category: names.

Heškóovo'héhe   na. Picking Teeth. Category: names.

Heškóvema'táa'e   na. Thorny Bushes, Briar Patch. See: heškóvemenō'e. Category: names.

heškóvemata   na. 1 • cactus. Plural heškóvemátaho. See: mata. Category: plants.

2 • Cactus. Category: names.

Heškóvétséso   na. Little Porcupine. Category: names.

Hetane Ȯhnéšesėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Two Man. See: Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse. Category: names.

Hetanénȧhkohe   na. Man Bear. See: Vo'ėstanénȧhkohe Person Bear. Category: names.

Hetanevo'é'e   na. Arapaho Woman. Category: names.

Hetanóhtoo'e   na. Sitting Man. See: Hetanȯxhoo'ėstse. Category: names.

Hetanȯxhávėsévaestse   na. Man Bad. Category: names.

Hetanȯxhoo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Sitting Man. See: Hetanóhtoo'e. Category: names.

Hetóévá'e   na. Evening Woman. Category: names.

Hetóhké'e   na. Star Woman. Variant: Hotóhké'e. Category: names.

Hetóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e   na. Star Woman Walks Through. Variant: Hotóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e. Category: names.

Hetómanéé'e   na. Standing In Lodge Woman, Stands Inside Woman. Variant: Hotómanéé'e. Category: names.

Hetómo'eóó'e   na. Truthful Standing Woman. Category: names.

hetone   na. 1 • haunch, ham. This is the underside of the thigh including the buttock. Etym: cf *nela·na 'my calf of leg'. Plural hetóneho; Obviative hetóneho; Possessive -htsetone; BodyPartMedial -tónaha. See: hénóme thigh. Category: meat, body.

2 • Ham, Haunch. Category: names.

Hetónėhá'e   na. Ham Woman, Haunch Woman. Category: names.

hetone'ke   ni. bark.

na. 1 • bark (of tree). Inanimate for most speakers but may be animate for a few. Variant: hetone'e. Etym: cf *welake·θkwi. See: hestóomo'(k)e.

2 • Bark. Category: names.

Hevée'ėse   na. Teeth. Variant: Hévéése. See: vée'ėse tooth. Category: names.

Hevéesā'e   na. Teeth Woman. Category: names.

Hévéése   na. Teeth. Variant: Hevée'ėse. Category: names.

hevovetāso   na. 1 • whirlwind, whirlwind spirit, dust devil, dragonfly, tornado. Some people also use this word for a tornado; others use ma'xėhevovetāso for a tornado. Usage: This is the most common pronunciation. Others are: Variant: hevovotāso, hovovetāso; Plural hevovetȧsono; Obviative hevovetȧsono. The whirlwind (or tornado) has been considered one of the sacred powers. People are told to stay away from dust devils; they may snatch your spirit. Dust devils are also called méstaeo'o. Hevovetāso éameohe. A tornado is going along. See: ma'xėhevovetāso; mahpe hevovetāso. Category: bugs, weather.

2 • Little Whirlwind. Category: names.

Hevovetāso Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Whirlwind. Category: names.

hexōvo   na. clam. Usage: obsolescing translation uncertain; may mean 'shell' to some people. See: néma'ke. Plural hexovono; Obviative hexovono.

Shell. Category: names.

Hexovóná'e   na. Shell Woman. See: Méne'á'e. Category: names.

hóahno   1 • ni. shield. Some elders say this is the correct pronunciation instead of ho'anoo'o. Phon: vs

2 • na. Shield. See: ho'anoo'o; hóánóhne. Category: warfare, names.

Hoéheóéso   na. Little Hill. Category: names.

Hóe'háooestse   na. Flying Out. Variant: Ȯxhóe'háooestse. Category: names.

Hóe'háoohe   na. Flying Out. fai: -e'há. Category: names.

Hóema'háahe   na. Old Man Winter. Variant: Hoóema'haahe. See: Vó'keme. Category: names.

Hóeóó'e   na. Stands Out Woman. Category: names.

Hoháa'éxanéhe   na. Brave Eye. Category: names.

Hóheehe   na. 1 • Assiniboin. Plural Hóheeheo'o. Etym: cf *sa·hi·wa (P) Plains Cree Indian. Category: tribes.

2 • Swaddled. Category: names.

Hóheehé'e   na. Assiniboin Woman. Category: names.

Hóhkáhne   na. (woman's name). non-contract: Hóhkȧhnónévá'e. Category: names.

Hóhkȧhnónévá'e   na. (woman's name). Contracted Hóhkáhne. Category: names.

Hóhkeehá'e   na. Mouse Woman. Category: names.

Hóhkééhe   na. Mouse. Ques: pitches same as the common noun?? Category: check, names.

Hóhkeehéméó'o   na. Mouse Trail. Category: names.

hohnohka   Contrary, Contrary society member. A contrary is a special person within Cheyenne culture who is expected to do things contrary to cultural norms; this word is also someone's name. Plural hohnóhkao'o. Phon: recheck?? Category: check, societies, names.

Hohnóhka'héhe   na. Contrary Woman. Variant: Nóhká'héhe. Category: names.

Hohnóhkamó'ėsá'e   na. Contrary Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Hohtȧhéaénohe   na. Spotted Hawk. Category: names.

Hohtȧhévéne   na. Spotted Face. Category: names.

Hohtȧhévóto   na. Spotted Feathers, Spotted Tailfeathers. Lit: spotted-tailfeathers Category: names.

Ho'eené'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Ho'eohtséstsé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Ho'ėspenáhkohe   na. Not Quite A Bear, Unsuccessful Bear, Wounded Bear. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Ho'ėstáónó'e   1 • ni. fire stick. for example, used as a poker or to light fires. Variant: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: tools, fire.

2 • na. Fire Stick. Category: names.

Ho'etoestȯtse   na. Bulletproof. Lit: safe from arrows Variant: Ho'otoestse. Category: names.

Ho'étseóó'e   na. Lightning Stands Woman, Lightning Woman. Variant: Ho'ótseóó'e. Category: names.

Ho'évȧhéstóéhnėhé'e   na. Born From the Earth Woman. Final -óehné. Category: names.

Ho'ēvȧhtamēhnėstse   na. Earth Walker. Cheyenne name of Stamper White. Category: names.

Ho'évȧhtoēšėstse   na. Alights On the Ground, Lands On the Ground. Category: names.

Ho'évánéstoohe   na. Howling On the Ground. Category: names.

Ho'évȯhtá'e   na. Earth Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Masculine Ho'evȯhtse. Category: names.

ho'evȯhtse   na. 1 • whiteman, earth man. Ques: ho'evȯtse?? Ques: earth man?? Said to be an older word for whiteman, before ve'ho'e was used. "Ho'evȯhtse tsohkėhestohe," éxhesėstse. "'Earth Man', he (the person--white man--who was to come to the Cheyennes) will be called," he (Sweet Medicine) said (prophesied). [1987:6:11] Ques: R.A., a linguist, says that in Western Cree 'Earth Man' refers to the first man created, perhaps so named since he was made from earth. Usage: obsolete Plural ho'evoto. See: vé'ho'e whiteman; anonéhováhe; ho'évohkȯhtse meat.

2 • Earth Man, Whiteman. Feminine Ho'évȯhtá'e. Ques: recheck fem?? Category: check, names.

Ho'évoohtá'e   na. Meat Woman. Category: names.

ho'évoo'ȯtse   ni. 1 • meat. bigger amount than ho'évohkȯhtse. Plural ho'évootȯtse; Diminutive ho'évohkȯtse.

2 • Meat. Category: names.

Hó'hamó'séó'o   na. Willow Basket. Ques: what does it mean besides 'basket'?? Ques: also inanimate?? Usage: name and common noun Phon: gr This is a basket or container put on the side of a tepee or up against a house. See: Ma'ó'hamó'séó'o; vénȯhó'etohko. Category: containers, names, check.

ho'honáá'e   na. 1 • rock, stone. Plural ho'honáeo'o; Obviative ho'honaa'o; Oblique ho'honáéva; Diminutive ho'honáhke. Morph: /ho'honáé/. Ho'honáá'e né'éstȧho'heha! Bring in a rock! Ho'honáeo'o né'éstȧho'henáno! Bring in rocks! Those sentences are said at sweats. Tā'se ho'honáá'e tséametanénėstse ho'honáeo'o éno'kėháa'éhoeo'o. Like a stone which is living the stones stay (here on earth) the longest. (These words are a traditional song. In essence, they mean 'We all die, you can't live forever.' Grover Wolfvoice would sing this as a casket was being taken out of a building to be buried.) Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o.environment Only the rocks live forever.

2 • Rock. origin of family name Roundstone. Phon: vs Etym: cf. *aʔsenyi. Category: names.

Ho'honáá'ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   na. Black Rock. Category: names.

Ho'honáá'ȯhtaamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Rock. Category: names.

Ho'honáeméó'o   na. Rock Road. origin of family name Rockroads. Category: names.

Ho'honáeméóná'e   na. Rock Road Woman. Category: names.

Ho'honáeve'óhtanéhe   na. Stone Forehead. Ques: Fr. Powell Category: names.

Ho'hónáhke1   na. Little Rock. Ques: compare pitches of common noun and name See: ho'honáhke2. Category: names.

Ho'honáhkenéstoohe   na. Howling Rock. Category: names.

Ho'kóhomō'e   na. Gram: dim Little Sioux. See: Ho'óhomō'e. Category: names.

Ho'néeho'ēsta   na. Fire Wolf. See: Ó'kȯhoméeho'ēsta. Category: names, fire.

Ho'néemé'éhne   na. Rising Wolf. Lit: Wolf Appearing Said to be the Indian name of Jim Blackwolf, Sacred Hat Keeper, who died in April 1998. He was known by his nickname, Kėhemé'éhne, which might be a shortened form of something like Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmé'éhnėstse, literally Coyote Appears. (Note that other 'Coyote' names have been translated by English 'Wolf', as in Ó'kȯhómȯxháahketa for Littlewolf, literally Little Coyote.) See: -me'ehné. Variant: Ho'néemé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Ho'néemé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Rising Wolf, Wolf Appearing. Variant: Ho'néemé'éhne. Category: names.

Ho'néemé'eōhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Rising Wolf, Wolf Appearing. Category: names.

Ho'néené'šeohtsévá'e   na. Wolf Stepping Woman. translation uncertain. See: -ho'né'šeóó'e; -ho'ne'é. Category: names.

Ho'néenéstoohe   na. Howling Wolf. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Ho'néohnéstoohe; Ho'néohnéstooestse; Ho'néheevȧhtóohe. Category: names.

Ho'néevéhaohe   na. Wolfname. See: -véh. Category: names.

hó'nehe   na. 1 • wolf. Phon: iah Plural ho'néheo'o; Obviative ho'neho; Diminutive ho'néhéso. Etym: *a·θke·hsiwa. Category: animals.

2 • Wolf. Category: names.

Hó'nehe Heóvaestse   na. Yellow Wolf. Variant: Heóvėhó'nehe, Ho'néoxheóvaestse. Category: names.

Hó'nehe Ȯhtameméoestse   na. Running Wolf. Category: names.

Hó'nehe Ȯhtóoveotsėstse   na. Gram: ppl Shaking Wolf, Shivering Wolf. Variant: Hó'neohtóoveōhtsėstse. See: -óoveotse. Category: names.

Ho'néheā'ke   na. Wolf Mule. Contracted Heā'ke. Category: names.

Ho'néheameōhtse   na. Wolf Walking. Category: names.

Ho'néheameohtsé'e   na. Wolf Walking Woman. Category: names.

Ho'néheeohtsé'héhe   na. Wandering Wolf Woman. Category: names.

Ho'néheeohtsévá'e   na. Wandering Wolf Woman. Category: names.

Ho'néheevȧhtóohe   na. Howling Wolf. See: Ho'néenéstoohe. Category: names.

Ho'néheévȧhtóohé'e   na. Howling Wolf Woman. Category: names.

Ho'néhemahta   na. Wolf Legging. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Ho'néhemé'éhne   na. Wolf Appears. Category: names.

Ho'néhéméó'o   na. Wolf Road. Category: names.

Ho'néhenótaxe   na. Soldierwolf. See: Nótȧxéó'kȯhóme. Category: names.

ho'néhéso   na. 1 • little wolf. Plural ho'néhesono; Non-diminutive hó'nehe. See: ho'néhéškéso. Category: animals, check.

2 • Youngwolf. Category: names.

Ho'néhéšééše   na. Lying Wolf. This refers to a wolf lying stretched out. See: -šéešé. Category: names.

Ho'néhetane   na. 1 • Pawnee. (another recording) This is the word for a member of the Pawnee tribe as well as a Cheyenne name. Lit: wolf-person Plural Ho'néhetaneo'o. Category: tribes.

2 • Pawnee. Category: names.

Ho'néhetané'e   na. Pawnee Woman. This can be a Cheyenne name as well as a woman who is a Pawnee. Category: names.

Ho'néhevee'ėse   na. Wolf Tooth. a proper name and name of mountains near Busby, Montana. Category: names.

2 • ni. Wolf Tooth Mountains. Oblique Ho'néheveesēva. The locative form (ending in -va) may be more frequently used as the name for the range of mountains. Category: places.

Ho'néhevéhaoohe   na. Wolf Name. Category: names.

Ho'néhévého   na. Wolf Chief. Category: names.

Ho'néheve'hahe   na. Wolf Voice, Wolfvoice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: names.

Ho'néhevetane   na. Wolf Man. Category: names.

Ho'néhevo'ótonáhe   na. Wolf Choker, Wolf Necklace. Category: names.

Ho'néhevo'ováhe   na. Wolflike Fur. Category: names.

Ho'néhevoto   na. Wolf Tailfeathers. Category: names.

Ho'néhevotoomáhe   na. Wolfrobe. Category: names.

Ho'néohma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohma'heónevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohne'taestse   na. Main Wolf. See: hó'nehe wolf; -ne'tahe important. Category: names.

Ho'néohnéstooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Howling Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohnéstoohe   na. Howling Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohno'kaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lone Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohtóoveōhtsėstse   na. Gram: ppl Shaking Wolf, Shivering Wolf. Variant: Ho'néhe Ȯhtóoveotsėstse. Category: names.

Ho'néohtséóhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Wandering Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohvotonevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Tailfeathers. See: voto. Category: names.

Ho'néohvovóéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Comes First, Wolf Leader. Ques: recheck?? Category: names.

Ho'néohvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néohxhóéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Comes Out. Category: names.

Ho'néosóesohtȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Wolf Going Through a Crowd. can also refer to a wolf urinating while going through a crowd. See: sóe- through; -só urinate. Category: names.

Ho'néosóvaaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Turns Back Wolf. See: hosó-. Category: names.

Ho'néoxháaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Brave Wolf. Category: names.

Ho'néoxháahketa   na. Littlewolf. See: Ó'kȯhómȯxháahketa. Category: names.

Ho'néoxháa'ého'oése   vai. Gram: ppl Highwolf. Variant: Hó'neoxháa'ého'oesėstse. Category: names.

Hó'neoxháa'ého'oesėstse   vai. Gram: ppl High Wolf. Variant: Ho'néoxháa'ého'oése. Category: names.

Ho'néoxheóvaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Yellow Wolf. Variant: Heóvėhó'nehe. See: Heóvema'ėhóóhe. Category: names.

Ho'oesto'óoná'e   na. Prayer Cloth Woman. Category: names.

Ho'óhomō'e   na. 1 • Sioux. Plural Ho'óhomo'eo'o; Obviative Ho'óhomo'óho; Feminine Ho'óhomo'é'e. Category: tribes.

2 • Sioux. Category: names.

Ho'óhomo'é'e   na. 1 • Sioux woman. Plural Ho'óhomo'é'eo'o. Category: tribes.

2 • Sioux Woman. Category: names.

Hó'ȯhtȯhená'e   na. Cane Woman. Category: names.

Ho'o'vó'nehe   na. ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: hó'nehe wolf. Category: names.

Ho'otoestse   na. Bulletproof. Lit: safe from arrows Variant: Ho'etoestȯtse. Category: names.

Ho'ótseóó'e   na. Lightning Stands Woman, Lightning Woman. Variant: Ho'étseóó'e. Category: names.

Ho'ótseotsėstse   na. Lightning. a person's name, not a name for lightning. See: -ho'ótseotse. Category: names.

Ho'sȧhtsenámó'ėsá'e   na. Slobbering Calf. a nickname given to one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Ho'sȧhtsenámosėstse   na. Slobbering Lefty. Category: names.

ho'sēō'o   ni. 1 • par fleche, bundle, little suitcase. Plural ho'seonȯtse. typically glossed by speakers as 'par fleche', a word of French origin, possibly supporting the idea of contact between Ch. speakers and French fur traders, perhaps while the Ch. lived in the woodlands west of the Great Lakes; these bags were typically used in tepees for storage and as furniture ?? Category: check. See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: tepee.

2 • Par Fleche. Category: names.

Hó'xotáhe   na. Likes People. Category: names.

Hóma'e Néstoohe   na. Whistling Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhma'haeta   na. Gram: ppl Big Beaver. Variant: Ma'xėhóma'e; vai: -ma'haeta. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhma'heónevėste   vai. Gram: ppl Sacred Beaver. See: Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhmé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Beaver Appears. probably refers to the Beaver constellation; origin of the English personal name Beaver, as of Beaver Two Moons. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Beaver. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhnéstooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Whistling Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Néstoohe. Category: names.

Hóma'e Ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Beaver. Category: names.

Homa'ėhēsta   na. Beaver Heart. origin of Cheyenne family name Hart. Category: names.

Homa'eose   na. Beaver Claws. Category: names.

Hóma'ke   na. Gram: dim Little Beaver. Phon: iah Variant: Hóma'tše (traditional male speech); Non-diminutive hóma'e. See: homa'kēso. Category: names.

Hóma'ke Ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Little White Beaver. Category: names.

Homa'óestaā'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Hóma'ȯhtsē'hȯhtse   vta. Gram: ppl Afraid of Beavers. Stacy Wolfchief's name. Category: names.

Hómėstáhné'e   na. Escaped Woman. Category: names.

Honéohnéhomo'hėstse   na. Wolf Hunter. vai: -néhomó'he. Category: names.

Hóneonáxe   na. Loosebones. Category: names.

Honėškā'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

honóxeāse   na. 1 • meadowlark. In the meadowlarks' distinctive song, Cheyennes hear them sing, "Vétanovéo'hé'e nánėxhé'óhtse," 'I've come from Tongue River', and mock people, calling them "méstaevóo'xénéhe" 'boogeyman-nose-person!' They also say, "nétamȯhenėšemámáne," 'Let's play cards!'. Plural honóxeaseo'o. Honóxeaseo'o éohkeméohoó'hevao'o matsé'oméva. Meadowlarks are heard singing early in the morning in the spring. [1979:205] Nevá'esėstse mónéhoxomaehénotóhe honóxeasóho.meadowlarks.mp3 Someone must have fed you a meadowlark. That is an idiom to tease someone about being so talkative. Obviative honóxeasóho; Variant: honóxeāso, henóxeāso. Category: birds.

2 • Meadowlark. Category: names.

Hoóema'háahe   na. Old Man Winter. a name. Variant: Hóema'haahe. See: má'hahe. Category: names.

Hoo'kȯhévénéhe   na. Rain In the Face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: names.

hoó'kȯhtá'é   na. 1 • corn woman.

2 • Corn Woman. Variant: Hoó'ȯhtá'e. See: Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.

Hoó'kȯhtséme'hahtse   na. Corn Beard. See: mé'hahtse beard. Category: names.

Hoó'ȯhtá'e   na. Corn Woman. Variant: Hoó'kȯhtá'e. See: Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.

Hoomȧhénȧhkohe   na. Bear Robed. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check. Variant: Náhkȯhenóoma, Náhkȯhehóoma. Category: names.

Hóotóó'ȯhtse   na. Looks Behind. Variant: Ȯx-hóotóó'ȯhtse. Category: names.

Hotámȧhtóevaaestse   vai. Gram: ppl (unknown translation). Category: names.

Hotaméamėške   na. Greasy Dog. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Hotaméhéve   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Hotamémaase   na. Dog Chips. Variant: Hotamématse. the ending /-máase/ (/-máese/ ?) is probably morphologically related to the ending of hemáhkȧse 'chips, animal excrement'. See: Hotóamaase; Ováhemaase; máase. Category: names.

Hotamématse   na. Dog Chips. Variant: Hotamémaase. See: matse. Category: names.

Hotamétane   na. Gram: pl Dog Soldier. This can be a person's name or a member of the Dog Soldiers. Plural Hotamétaneo'o. from Grinnell: an "ancient" society; PD777ff. See: Hotamémȧsėhao'o Crazy Dogs. Category: societies, names.

Hotamȯxhooheóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Dog Standing On a Hill. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Hotóáhé'e   na. Bull Woman. Category: names.

Hotóahe'pe   na. Buffalo Rib. Category: names.

Hotóahemahkȧse   na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóamaase. Category: names.

Hotóahetone   na. Bull Thigh. Ques: Albert Tallbull Category: names.

hotóá'e   na. male buffalo, buffalo bull, buffalo. (another recording) Phon: vs Some speakers use this as the general word for a buffalo. Others use it only for a male buffalo. Most Cheyenne speakers say hotóá'e but hotóá'a has been heard. A phonological rule of Vowel Stretching changes underlying (phonemic) /hotóá/ to the pronunciations heard above. Some other words for which we would expect the rule of Vowel Stretching to produce a word-final "a" have a word-final "e" for many speakers. See also -mea'e, -htsea'e; also some people say maéstoo'e 'throat' instead of maéstoo'o. Morph: /hotóá/. Etym: *aya·pe·wa (P) 'buck' Smith 1949:80 lists word-final front vowel, as the entry here. Plural hotóao'o, (another recording); Obviative hotoa'o; Possessive -htotóame; Feminine ésevone. See: -hotóave buffalo - be a; ésevone1 female buffalo, buffalo herd; hotóhpa'éhe steer; hotóhpéso buffalo bull calf; -htotóame; vé'ho'éotóá'e cow; hévoetanȧháve'ho'éotoa'e milk cow. Category: animals, names.

Hotóá'e Ȯhmé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bull Comes Out, Buffalo Comes out. origin of name Bull Coming. Category: names.

Hotóá'e Ȯhnotama'ee'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl North Facing Buffalo. Category: names.

Hotóá'e Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Bull, White Buffalo. Category: names.

Hotóá'e Ȯxháa'ého'oésėstse   vai. Gram: ppl High Bull, High Buffalo Bull. See: Aénohe Ȯxháa'ého'oésėstse. Category: names.

Hotóá'héhe   na. Buffalo Woman. See: Hotóává'e; Ésévóná'e. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Buffalo, Red Buck, Red Bull. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯhma'haetȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Big Buffalo. vai: -ma'haeta. See: Ma'háehnotóá'e Old Bull. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing Bull. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhnéšese   vai. Gram: ppl Two Bulls. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhnétaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Other Bull. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯhpėhévaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Good Bull, Good Buffalo. Cheyenne name of Soldierwolf. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Bull, Walking Buffalo. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhtsévéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bull Moving About, Wandering Buffalo. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Bull Flies About. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯhtsévó'énȧhtse   vai. Ques: ppl Rolling Bull. vai: -évó'ená roll. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯhtšėhe'kėstaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Short Bull. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Bull. See: Ma'heónȯhvó'komaestse White Bull. Category: names.

Hotóá'ȯxháa'ėstaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Tall Bull, Tallbull. Category: names.

Hotóa'ȯxhoo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Sitting Bull. Usage: Cheyenne translation of a Sioux chief's name vai: -hoo'e. Category: names.

Hotóamaase   na. Buffalo Chips. See: Hotóahemahkȧse; Hotamémaase; Ováhemaase; Hemáhkȧse. Category: names.

Hotóama'hēō'o   na. Medicine Bull. Category: names.

Hotóámėhné'e   na. Buffalo Walking Woman. Category: names.

Hotóamé'éhne   na. Buffalo Appearing; Bull Comes Out, Bullcoming. See: Hotóamé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Hotóamé'éhnėstse   na. Buffalo Appearing, Bull Comes Out, Bullcoming. Variant: Hotóamé'éhne. Category: names.

Hotóamé'hahtse   na. Bull Beard. Category: names.

Hotóámó'e   na. 1 • bull elk.

2 • Bull Elk. Category: names.

Hotóanȧhkohe   na. Bull Bear. See: náhkohe. Category: names.

Hotóanámose   na. Bull Lefthand. Variant: Hotóanámosėstse. Category: names.

Hotóanámosėstse   na. Bull Lefthand. Variant: Hotóanámose. Category: names.

Hotóanéstoohe   na. Howling Bull, Bull Howling, Bellowing Bull. See: Hotoa'e Ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Hotóaó'ó'éne   na. Blind Buffalo. Category: names.

Hotóáso   na. 1 • small buffalo. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.

2 • Little Buffalo. Morph: /hotóásón/. Category: names.

Hotóává'e   na. Buffalo Woman. Category: names.

Hotóavá'ohe   na. Bulltail, Bobtailed Bull. Category: names.

Hotóávé'áhe   na. Goes With the Buffalo, Lame Bull. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Hotóávé'kése   na. Bull Bird. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Hotóavéno'hoo'ȯtse   na. Bull Stomach. Category: names.

Hotóávėséhe   na. Buffalo Horn. Category: names.

Hotóavétanove   na. Bull Tongue. Category: names.

Hotóavóhtane   na. Bull Skin. Category: names.

Hotóavó'hee'ėse   na. Bald Faced Bull. Category: names.

Hotóavoomáhe   na. Bull Robe. Category: names.

Hotóavóoo'e   na. Bull Hump, Buffalo Hump. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.

hotohke   na. 1 • star. This pronunciation is more common than hetohke. Ques: What is the obviative? Plural hotóhkeo'o; Obviative hotohko. hotóhkeo'o tsénésȯhtȯxese the seven stars (Pleiades). Possessive -htotóhke; Variant: hetohke. Etym: *aθa·nkwa (P); *aɬa·nkwa (R). Category: celestial.

2 • Star. Category: names.

Hotóhké'e   na. Star Woman. Usage: This seems to be the most common traditional pronunciation for Star Woman. Variant: Hetóhké'e, Hotóhké'hé'e. Category: names.

Hotóhké'hé'e   na. Star Woman. Ques: This pronunciation is uncertain. See: Hotóhké'e Star Woman. Category: names, check.

Hotóhkema'aestse   na. Red Star. Variant: Hotóhkȯhma'aestse. Category: names.

Hotóhkeméóná'e   na. Star Road Woman. Category: names.

Hotóhkemo'ȯhtávaestse   na. Black Star, Star Black. Category: names.

Hotóhkenéstoohe   na. Howling Star. Category: names.

Hotóhkeo'o Ȯhna'hese   vai. Gram: ppl Three Stars. Category: names.

Hotóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e   na. Star Woman Walks Through. Variant: Hetóhkėsó'ėhnévá'e. Category: names.

Hotóhketanā'ȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Falling Star. See: -ana'ó fall. Category: names.

Hotóhkȯhma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Star. Variant: Hotóhkema'aestse; vai: -ma'eta; vii: -ma'ó. Category: names, colors.

Hotóhkȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Star. Category: names.

Hotóhpėhéévá'e   na. Buffalo Rope Woman. The English translation is sometimes confused in pronunciation as Buffalo Robe Woman. See: heévaho rope. Category: names.

Hotómanéé'e   na. Standing In Lodge Woman, Stands Inside Woman. Phon: contraction < hotómá'e énéé'e 'Inside she is standing.' Variant: Hetómanéé'e. This pronunciation appears to be more commonly used than the variant, Hetómanéé'e. Category: names.

Hotómó'óme   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Hotómo'oméhé'e   na. (woman's name). Picked On Woman ?? Category: check, names.

Hotóomeē'e   na. Shelter Woman. Category: names.

Hotóomeēso   na. Little Shelter. Category: names.

Hotse'óso   na. Little Worker. Category: names.

Hotséoméó'o   na. (man's name). Meaning might be something about a road. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Hotsévo'ota   na. (man's name). Might mean something about a choker. See: ho'ota choker. Category: names.

Hóvahēso   na. Little Animal. abbreviated to Vóahēso. Phon: Notice the difference in pitches on the first syllable between this name and the common noun hováhéso 'little animal'. This is a fairly frequent phenomenon, that names have an unexpected high pitch on their first syllable. See: hováhéso little animal. Category: names.

hovē'še   na. 1 • snipe, sandpiper. 'snipe' is the typical translation given but identity of this bird is uncertain. Hayden 1860:292 calls this 'long-billed curlew' (Numenius longirostris). Usage: This bird name is not well known today. Plural hove'šeo'o; Obviative hove'xóho. Category: birds.

2 • Snipe. Category: names.

Hove'xá'e   na. Snipe Woman. Category: names.

Hovéo'kē'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Flies in the Shade. Category: names.

Hóxeeséehe   na. Bandaged Nose. Category: names.

Hoxoméésá'e   na. Smelly Woman. Contract: Méésá'e. Category: names.

Hóxovena'hāne   na. Counts Coup Across, Kills Across. Actually, this refers to committing the act of coup during battle, not the later recounting of the act, which is called "counting coup" in English. Ques: Cheyenne name of Harry Littlebird Category: names.

Hóxovena'hané'e   na. Kills Across Woman. Category: names.

Hóxovȯho'o   1 • ni. bridge. Lit: across-?? Plural hóxovȯho'onȯtse; Variant: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse, hóxovėhnestȯtse.

2 • na. Bridge. Category: names.

Kȧhamȧxéhá'e   na. Stick Woman. Category: names.

Kȧhamȧxéveóhtáhe   na. Woodenlegs. Category: names.

Kȧhamȧxévėšeo'o   na. Wooden Thigh. Lit: wooden-rump Category: names.

Kȧhaveesené'e   na. Purse Woman. Category: names.

Kȧhavéo'óseoná'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Kȧhavȯhe'o   na. Limberhand. Contracted Á'kavėhe'o. Category: names.

Kȧhe'óó'o   na. Short Pipe Woman. Ques: Kȧhe'óó'e ?? Category: check. See: he'ohko; He'óoná'e. Category: names.

Kȧhéóéso   na. Standing Tired, Tired Standing. Category: names.

Kȧheoonā'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Káhkóémésta   na. Flat Belly. Category: names.

Káhkóéné'e   na. Flat Faced Woman. Category: names.

Kȧhkoneta   na. Thin Waist. Category: names.

Kȧho'hēso   na. (a name). Category: names.

Kȧhó'séó'o   na. Medicine Rock. Ques: recheck if this is a Cheyenne name?? Category: check. See: Ma'heónėho'honáá'e. Category: names.

Káhoosané'e   na. Looking Close Woman. Category: names.

Ka'e   na. (woman's name or nickname). Category: names.

Ká'ee'ėse   na. Pug Nose. Category: names.

Ka'ėho'óhomo'e   na. Short Sioux. See: Ho'óhomo'e Sioux. Category: names.

Ka'ėstaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Short. Diminutive Ka'kėstaestse. Category: names.

Ka'ėstȧhé'héhe   na. Short Woman. Category: names.

Ka'ėškóne Ȯhvéhonevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Chief Child. Category: names.

Ka'ėškóneveho   na. Little Chief, Child Chief. usually translated as Little Chief. Lit: child-chief See: Ka'ėškone Ȯhvéhonevėstse. Category: names.

Ka'evé'ho'e   na. 1 • short whiteman. said to be what white people were first called because they were short compared to Cheyennes. Category: nationalities.

2 • Short Whiteman. Cheyenne name for a certain half-breed man. Category: names.

Ka'évėséhe   na. Stump Horn. Category: names.

Ka'kėsėhoohtsėstse   na. Short Tree. Category: names.

Ka'kėstaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Short. Non-diminutive Ká'ėstaestse. Category: names.

Ka'kėstȧhé'héhe   na. Short Woman. Category: names.

Kámėhé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

kásé'e   na. 1 • little girl. Variant: kátsé'e, kásé'késo. Usage: colloq. term of endearment See: kȧse'éehe.

2 • Close Woman. Translation of this proper name is uncertain. Category: names.

Káváhtse   na. Drooping Mouth. Category: names.

Kávoō'e   na. Slouching Woman. Category: names.

Kėhaénéhe   na. Slit Eyes, Squint Eye, Chinese person. Lit: slit-eyed-person proper name as well as one of the words for a 'Chinese person'. Plural Kėhaénėheo'o. See: Hesto'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Tótšėške'ėhaénéhe Japanese person; Tšėške'matsénéhe Squint Eyes. Category: names.

Kėhaéné'e   na. Squint Eye Woman, Chinese woman, China Woman. Category: names.

Kėhemé'éhne   na. Coyote Appearing. Might be a contraction of Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmé'éhnėstse; this was the nickname for Jim Blackwolf, Sacred Hat Keeper, who died April 1998. Category: names.

Ké'hásȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing Plume. Phon: first part of word is shortened from a'ké'háso See: a'ké'háso; ké'háso. Category: names.

Ketaā'e   na. Small Woman. translation uncertain. non-contract: Tšėšketaā'e. Phon: This is probably a shortened form of Tšėšketaā'e 'Small Woman'. See: -tšėšketa. Category: names.

Kevé'ėse   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Kóéhá'e   na. Flat Hat Woman. translation uncertain. See: hóhkėha'e; kȧhko(e)-. Category: names.

Kȯheāso   na. (name). Category: names.

Kȯhenaa'é'e   na. Bear Doctor Woman. Non-contracted Náhkȯhenaa'é'e. Category: names.

Kȯhénáhke   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Kȯhenoné'e   na. Bear Sings Woman. Non-contracted Náhkȯhenoné'e. Category: names.

Kȯheóó'e   na. Bear Stands Woman. Non-contracted Náhkȯheóó'e. Category: names.

Kȯheoso   na. Bear Claws. a woman's name. Phon: short for Náhkȯhósá'e or perhaps Náhkȯheóse Ques: Esther Big Head Category: names.

Kȯhoméhá'e   na. Coyote Woman. Non-contracted Ó'kȯhoméhá'e. Category: names.

Kȯhómȯhnéstooestse   na. Howling Coyote. John Fisher. Non-contracted Ó'kȯhómȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Kȯhópehe   na. Kopehe. Simplified Spelling Kopehe. Category: names.

Kokóhkoeoésanéhe   na. War Bonnet Wearer. This is an old name that refers to a person who wears a war bonnet. It was a special war bonnet that had a pouch which could hold things, especially money. See: mámaa'e. Category: names.

Ko'á'e   na. Promiscuous Woman. Non-contracted Mé'ėško'á'e. Chief American Horse's daughter. See: ka'ō'e pistol. Category: names.

Kó'ana   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Ko'ého'o   na. Rolling Stone. Ques: recheck with others?? Category: check, names.

Kó'emáese   na. Instep-sinew ?? Category: check, names.

Ko'emeta   na. Rolling, Marble (?? Variant: Ko'ometa. Phon: shortened from something like ȧhko'eneo'o 'marble'?? Category: check, names.

Ko'ėstse   na. Dud, Misfire. Ques: Hubert Seminole's father See: -kó'ȯhtseha. Category: names.

Ko'kȧsóóhtsėstse   na. (man's name). Lorraine Waters' father's name. Category: names.

Kó'konȯhó'é'héhe   na. Woodpecker Woman. Ques: recheck if this is a real Cheyenne name and recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Ko'ometa   na. (man's name). Variant: Ko'emeta. Category: names.

Komaestse   na. White. non-contract: Ȯhvó'komaestse. Category: names.

Kómenȧhé'e   na. Pure Woman ?? Category: check, names.

Kómeóó'e   na. Pure Standing Woman. Category: names.

Kónape   na. (man's name). Cheyenne nickname of John Woodenlegs, Sr.; his real Cheyenne name meant Morning Star. Category: names.

Kónoō'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Kónoō'e   na. Lonely Woman, Lookout Woman. uncertain translation. Category: names.

Kóoheóéso   na. Little Standing. Category: names.

Koóhtá'e   na. Tiny Woman. Category: names.

Kóomaa'ėse   na. Decent Man. vai: -kóomahe. See: kóomaa'ėstse pitiful thing. Category: names.

Koomaestse   na. Chaste. vai: -koomahe. See: kóomaa'ėstse. Category: names.

Koomȧhé'e   na. Chaste Woman. Ques: extant ?? Category: check, names.

Kóomeóó'e   na. Standing Motionless Woman. Category: names.

Koomȯhomo'he   na. Chastity Dancer. Another meaning suggested is Dancing By Herself. woman's name. See: Koomȯhomó'hestȯtse Chastity Dance. Category: names.

Kóóséné'e   na. Small Faced Woman. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: names.

Kóovénéhe   na. Wet Face. Non-contracted He'kóóvénéhe. Category: names.

Kópehe   na. This word is said by some to be a sound translation from the English word "coffee". This name is pronounced with an aspirated ("hard") k so the technical spelling is Kȯhopehe. Variant: Kȯhópehe. Category: names.

kōsa   na. 1 • sheep, goat. Plural kȯsáne; Obviative kȯsáne. See: -kȯsáetáhoo'e; péhpe'ékósa. Category: animals.

2 • Sheep. Category: names.

3 • fig., Great Northern train car. Mónésó'-táhoenȯtse kōsa? Are you still riding the goat? (=separated from spouse). Nééšeéva-anȧha'hamaehe kōsa? Have you gotten bucked off by the goat? (=reconciled with separated spouse). for the idiom 'ride the goat,' see explanation under -kȯsáe-táhoo'e. Category: sayings, animals, names.

kȯsáéso   na. Gram: dim lamb, little goat. Plural kȯsáesono; Obviative kȯsáesono; Non-diminutive kōsa. Category: animals, names.

Kósanēso   na. Little Bites. See: Kósánėstse. Category: names.

Kósánėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bites, Sheep. Not an accurate translation. The English "Bites" here is the origin of the Bites family name, said to be based on mishearing the English word for what a sheep does, "butts". See: Kósanēso. Category: names.

Kóséváhe   na. (man's name). Category: names, check.

Kovááhe   na. Youngman. Non-contracted kȧsovááhe. Category: names.

maahe   1 • ni. arrow. Plural maahōtse; alternate plural: maahotȯtse, maahōtsėstse; Oblique maahéva; vai: -maahévané. mó'xȯhtséve-maahe metal-pointed arrow. ho'honáe-maahōtse stone-tipped arrows. maahé-votōnėstse arrow (tail)feathers. Maahōtse éma'événėstse. The (Sacred) Arrows are stained. After a Cheyenne commits murder the Arrows are bloody and need to be renewed. Etym: *mekwehsi awl (P). See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; Maahōtse; he'one awl. Category: warfare.

2 • na. Arrow. Ques: maahe or maāhe?? Category: names, check.

Maahe'ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Arrow Walking. Category: names.

Maahe'ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Arrow Walking. Category: names.

Mah hi vist   na. Redbird. official spelling: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.

Mȧheameoestse   vai. Gram: ppl All Runner. Category: names.

Mȧhemátsévéhe   na. Pus All Over. there is a story about him. Category: names.

Mȧhoéve'ho'e   na. All Over Whiteman. Category: names.

Mȧhpévȧhtsévé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Flying In the Water. Category: names.

Mȧhpévamé'ėhné'e   na. Appears On the Water Woman. Category: names.

Mȧhpévana'hāne   na. Kills On the Water. Category: names.

Mȧhpévanéstoohe   na. Howling Water. Category: names.

Mȧhpévatameōhtsėstse   na. Goes On the Water. Category: names.

Mȧhpévatáxeóhtsé'e   na. Walks On the Water Woman. Category: names.

Mȧhpévé'áhtse   na. Good Tasting Water. Abraham Spotted Elk. Category: names.

Mȧhpévȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing In Water. Category: names.

Mȧhta'sóhká'e   na. Scalped Woman. Category: names.

mȧhta'sóoma   na. 1 • shadow. May be inanimate for some people. This word is sometimes used for the unseen spirit of a living person. It contrasts with seo'ȯtse which is the spirit of a deceased person. It also contrasts with voxȯtse which is 'body'. Cheyenne, like many languages, does not have a trichotomous body/soul/spirit distinction; instead, the distinction for the immaterial part of a person is upon whether it is of a living or deceased person. Plural mȧhta'sóomaho. na-mȧhta'sóoma my shadow. he-mȧhta'sóomaho his shadow/soul. Obviative mȧhta'sóomaho; Oblique mȧhta'sóomȧhēva.

2 • soul, spirit. Ma'heóne-mȧhta'sóoma Holy Spirit (post-missionary term). Névéé'ėše éévoésenaho he-mȧhta'sóomaho. His spirit is hanging around for four days. (the amount of time that the spirit of a deceased hangs around after a Cheyenne death). Nėhéóhe névo'ėstanéheve "mȧhe-mȧhta'sóoma," tséhetaneto. There you are living, "All Spirit", as you are called. (1987:103). Etym: cf. *meteʔcya·kwa soul, shadow. The PA seems to be more closely cognate with Ch. mȧhtā'so. See: mȧhtā'so; séo'ȯtse; hovéo'ȯheo'o; hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma; voxȯtse body. Category: sacred.

3 • Spirit. Mȧhta'sóoma is a Cheyenne name. Category: names.

Mȧhtovóotsemé'hahtse   na. Ear Whiskers. Category: names.

Mákeeta   na. Littleman. Category: names.

Ma'aataéestse'henáhe   na. Iron Shirt. Category: names.

Ma'aataéoméné'e   na. Iron Lodge Woman. Category: names.

Ma'aataévėhe'ōna   na. Iron Hand. Category: names.

Ma'aataévėhe'onáhe   na. Iron Hand. Category: names.

Ma'aataévonené'e   na. Iron Tooth Woman. Category: names.

Má'eehéhe   na. (man's name) Red Woman ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Má'ee'ėse   na. Red Nose. Category: names.

Ma'ėháne'e   na. Red Nape, Red Neck. translated as Red Neck. Lit: red-nape Variant: Ma'kėháne'e. See: Ma'enotováhe. Category: names.

Ma'ėheóvo'hame   na. Orange Horse. can be a horse name. Category: names.

ma'ėhó'nehe   na. 1 • red wolf. See: ma'ėhóóhe.

2 • Redwolf. Variant: Ma'o'néhe. Category: animals, names.

ma'ėhóóhe   na. 1 • fox, red fox. sometimes used generically of a fox and sometimes specifically of the red fox. (another recording) Etym: *meʔθa·kwehsa (P). Ques: ma'hóohe?? cf PA Plural ma'ėhóoheho. alternate plural = ma'ėhóoheo'o Obviative ma'ėhóoheho. See: vóhkése; ma'ėhó'nehe. Category: animals.

2 • Redfox. See: Heóvema'ėhóóhe. Category: names.

Ma'ėhóóhévȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Shield, Red Hoof, Red Fox (society member?? Plural Ma'ėhóohevase. Category: check. Medial -óohevá. See: Vóhpóóhévȧhtse; ma'ėhóóhe. Category: names.

Má'ėhoomáhe   na. Red Robe. See: Ma'oomȧhtse; Má'kėhoomáhe. Category: names.

Ma'emé'ėhné'e   na. Red Rising Woman. Category: names.

-ma'emé'hahtse   vai. red beard - have a. É-ma'emé'háhtse. He has a red beard. See: mé'hahtsená. Category: names.

Ma'emé'hahtse   na. Red Beard. Category: names.

Ma'eméstahke   na. Red Owl. See: Méstaa'e Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.

Ma'enáhkȯhá'e   na. Red Bear Woman. Category: names.

Ma'ena'éváhe   na. Red Arm. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: names.

Ma'énéhá'e   na. Red Face Woman. See: Ma'kénéhe. Category: names.

Ma'énéhe   na. Red Face. Category: names.

Ma'enetse   na. Red Eagle. See: netse eagle. Category: names.

ma'ēno   na. 1 • turtle. (another recording) Ma'enóne éohkepėhéveénėheo'o ȯxhonóhevosėstse naa máto ȯxho'oehévosėstse. Turtles taste good when they are baked and also when they are boiled. [1979:205] Ma'ēno énėhpoése. It is foggy (lit. turtle is hanging closed; this expression must have something to do with beliefs about turtles)., Some people just say ma'ēno for fog. Etym: *mexkena·hkwa (Go88); *meʔkena·hkwa (Pi) snapping turtle. Plural ma'enóne; Obviative ma'enóne; Diminutive ma'enó'késo. Category: reptiles, animals.

2 • someone who copies others. Category: figurative. like little turtles which follow a leader and hide in their shells.

3 • someone who won't listen. Category: figurative. Ma'enóné-áhe éhešė-hesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles (that is, he won't listen). Someone who won't listen is said to have ears like turtles. This is an effective and humorous idiom, since it is considered that turtles basically have no ears (or just small flaps which hardly count as ears).

4 • Turtle. Category: names.

Ma'enóehe'pe   na. Turtle Rib. a woman's name. Ques: recheck?? See: he'pe rib. Category: check, names.

Ma'enóéméó'o   na. Turtle Road. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Ma'enóhkevo'eha   na. Turtle Moccasin. name of a character in a Cheyenne story. See: ma'ēno turtle; mo'keha moccasin. Category: names.

Ma'ēnȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Turtle. Category: names.

Ma'énȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Turtle. Category: names.

Ma'enóó'e   na. Turtle Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Ma'enotováhe   na. Red Neck. Medial -notová. See: Ma'ėháne'e Red Nape. Category: names.

Má'enóvá'e   na. Turtle Woman. Category: names.

Ma'eomenē'e   na. Red Lodge Woman. Category: names.

Ma'eómotome   na. Red Breath. Category: names.

Ma'eonéhavo'ke   na. Red Beads. Ques: Is Ma'eonéhávó'kėstse a new formation?? Category: check, names.

Ma'eóome   na. Red Water. See: Má'oome; -ma'óome. Category: names.

Ma'ėséeotá'e   na. Red Medicine Woman, Red Herb Woman. See: heséeo'ȯtse. Category: names.

Ma'ėsėhéna'e   na. Red Goose Woman. See: héna'e goose. Category: names.

Ma'ėsėhoná'e   na. Head Hanging Low Woman. See: Ma'ėstȯhoná'e. Category: names.

Ma'ėstȯhoná'e   na. Bending Over Woman. See: Ma'ėsėhoná'e. Category: names.

Ma'etomoná'e   na. Red Paint Woman. Category: names.

Ma'etsévȯxeoná'e   na. Red Dust Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Ma'eváhkotsévá'e   na. Red Fawn Woman. Category: names.

Ma'evéhpotá'e   na. Red Leaf Woman. (another recording) Category: names.

Ma'eve'ėse   na. Redbird. another spelling: Mah hi vist. See: Ma'evé'késo; vé'kése. Category: names.

Ma'evé'ho'á'e   na. German Woman. Plural Ma'evé'ho'á'eo'o. See: Ma'evé'ho'ká'e. Category: names.

Ma'evé'ho'ká'e   na. Little German Girl. See: Ma'evé'ho'á'e. Category: names.

Ma'evé'késo   na. red bird, cardinal, Red Bird. Lit: red-bird Plural ma'evé'kėseho; Obviative ma'evé'kėseho; Variant: ma'evé'éso. Category: birds. possibly Ma'eve'ėse is more commonly used. See: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.

Ma'évóéná'e   na. Red Paint Face Woman. Category: names.

Ma'evoénėstse   na. Red Painted Face. BodyPartMedial -voéné. Category: face, names.

Ma'evoto   na. Red Tailfeather. See: voto. Category: names.

Ma'evotoná'e   na. Red Tailfeather Woman. Category: names.

Ma'háehnotóá'e   na. Old Bull, Big Buffalo. See: hotóá'e buffalo; Hotóa'ȯhma'haetȧhtse Big Buffalo. Category: names.

ma'háhko'e   na. 1 • badger. traditional spirit animal for Cheyennes. Phon: iah Plural ma'hahkō'e. AltPl=ma'hahkó'eo'o [1987:188] Obviative ma'hahkō'e. Etym: *meʔθakwaθkwa. Category: animals.

2 • Badger. Category: names.

Ma'heehéhe   na. (man's name). Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Má'heeta   na. Red Sleeve. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ameōhtse   vai. Medicine Walking. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ȯhmé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Appears, Medicine Comes In Sight. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ȯhnéé'ėstse   na. Spirit Stands, Standing Medicine, God Standing, Medicine Standing. possibly Ma'héó'ȯhnéé'ėstse. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Walks About. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ȯhtséóhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Wandering, Holy Walks About, Medicine Walks About. Category: names.

Ma'hēō'o Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Medicine, White Spirit. Category: names.

Ma'heóná'e   na. Medicine Woman, Holy Woman. See: Hē'ȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.

Ma'heóneámėhné'e   na. Medicine Walking Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heóneameōhtse   na. Holy Walker, Medicine Walker. Category: names.

Ma'heóneámeohtsé'e   na. Holy Walking Woman. Ques: Ma'heóneámeohtsé'e or Ma'heóneameohtsé'e?? Category: check, names.

Ma'heóneéestsé'e   na. Holy Speaking Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heóneévé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Flying. Category: names.

Ma'heóneévo'ha   na. Medicine Horse. Category: names.

Ma'heóneévo'sóó'e   na. Medicine Playing Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónėhóéhné'e   na. Medicine Comes Out Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónėho'ėhné'e   na. Holy Comes Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónėho'honáá'e   na. Medicine Rock. Ques: recheck if this is a Cheyenne name?? See: ho'honáá'e; Kȧhó'séó'o. Category: check, names.

Ma'heónėhoo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Holy Sitting. Category: names.

Ma'heónema'óhkeená'e   na. Holy Tassel Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónemé'eohtsé'e   na. Holy Appearing Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónenáhkohe   na. Medicine Bear. See: Náhkȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.

Ma'heónenémené'e   na. Holy Singing Woman. Ques: Margaret Brady; Némené'e for short Category: names.

Ma'heóneóó'e   na. Holy Standing Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heónevéhaohe   na. Holy Calling?? Category: names, check.

Ma'heóneve'haestse   na. Holy Calling. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Ma'heóneve'hahe   na. Holy Calling. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Ma'heónevé'késo   na. Medicine Bird. See: Vé'késȯhma'heónevėstse. Category: names.

Ma'heónevé'šeesēō'o   na. Holy Medicine Bag. Category: names.

Ma'heónevoo'e   na. Medicine Sitting. Variant: Ma'héonévoo'e. Crazy Mule's Indian name. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.

Ma'heónȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Bull. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Hotóá'ȯhvó'komaestse White Bull. Category: names.

Ma'heóno'honē'e   na. Holy Tepee Circle Woman. See: Ma'heóno'ȯhnē'e. Category: names.

Ma'heóno'ȯhnē'e   na. Medicine Shinny Woman. See: no'ȯhēō'o; Ma'heóno'honē'e. Category: names.

Ma'heóno'sóéhe   na. Holy Dancer, Medicine Dancer. Category: check, names.

Ma'heóno'sóó'e   na. Holy Dancer Woman, Medicine Dancer Woman. Category: names.

Ma'heóno'xé'e   na. Holy Packs Woman. Albert Foote's wife. Category: names.

Ma'heónoo'e   na. Holy Sitting Woman. Ques: recheck penultimate pitch?? Category: names, check.

Ma'heónoó'kȯhtá'e   na. Holy Corn Woman. See: hoo'kȯhtse. Variant: Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.

Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e   na. Holy Corn Woman, Medicine Corn Woman. Variant: Ma'heónoó'kȯhtá'e. See: hoo'kȯhtse. Category: names.

Ma'heónoomá'e   na. Holy Robe Woman. See: hóoma robe, blanket. Category: names.

Ma'kaataévonené'héhe   na. Iron Teeth Woman. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: names.

Má'kȧsé'e   na. Big Belly Woman. See: Má'kėsé'héhe. Category: names.

Má'kȧsé'héhe   na. Big Belly Woman, Red Berries Cactus Woman. translation uncertain. Ques: Má'kėsé'héhe ?? Category: check. See: Má'kȧsé'e. Category: names.

Ma'kėháne'e   na. Red Nape, Red Neck. Lit: red-nape Typically translated as Red Neck. Variant: Ma'ėháne'e. See: Ma'enotováhe. Category: names.

Má'kėhoomáhe   na. Red Robe. See: Má'ėhoomáhe. Category: names.

Má'keme   na. (man's name). Category: names.

ma'kemenȯtse   ni. Gram: pl buffalo berries, bull berries, sumac. Lit: red-berries (another recording) Etym: **meskwiminali. Usage: rare as singular Singular ma'kemene. Etym: **meskwimini. Variant: ma'emenȯtse. See: no'aneonō'e. Category: berries, names.

Ma'keméóná'e   na. Red Road Woman. Category: names.

Ma'kénéhe   na. Red Faced. name given to a German man. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Ma'énéhá'e. Category: names.

Ma'keve'ėse   na. Red Bird. oms: Ma'tševe'ėse. Category: names.

Ma'kȯheomenéhe   na. Little Lodge. Category: names.

Ma'kȯhóóhe   na. (man's name). Simplified Spelling Ma'koohe. Category: names.

ma'ko'sá'e   1 • na. youngest girl child.

2 • pn. Youngest Girl Child. Masculine ma'kō'se. Category: ages, names.

Ma'koohe   na. (man's name). Precise Spelling Ma'kȯhóóhe. Category: names.

Ma'méhá'e   na. Red Woman. Category: names.

Ma'oestá'e   na. Red Dress Woman. Category: names.

Ma'óhkééná'e   na. Red Tassel Woman, Red Feather Woman, Red Rust Woman, Corn Silk Woman. (another recording) This is an old name that is difficult to translate; sometimes translated as Red Rust Woman or Corn Silk Woman. See: Náhkȯhema'óhkééna'e Bear Plume Woman; Vé'kėséhema'óhkééná'e Bird Red Feather Woman. Category: names.

Ma'óhkėha'e   na. Red Hat. Category: names.

Ma'óhkėha'éhe   na. Red Hat. Category: names.

Ma'ó'hamó'séó'o   ni. Red Willow Basket. Usage: obsolete See: hó'hamó'séó'o. Category: handcraft, names.

Ma'ó'kéné'e   na. Red Blind Eye Woman. Category: names.

Ma'o'néhe   na. Red Wolf. Variant: Ma'ėhó'nehe. See: hó'nehe. Category: names.

má'ome   1 • ni. ice. Oblique ma'omēva. Etym: *mexkwamya. Phon: iah See: -ohta2. Category: environment.

2 • na. Ice. Category: names.

Ma'one'komónȧhaehéhe   na. Red Buttons. Ques: recheck pronunciation; longer word is pronounced as heard?? Category: check. Ma'one'kōmo Red Buttons (shorter word, made up) ?? See: hone'kōmo button. Category: names, check.

Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e   na. Red Corn Woman. See: hoo'kȯhtse; ma'óhkéé'e. Category: names.

Ma'óó'xénéhe   na. Red Roman Nose. Category: names.

Ma'oomȧhtse   na. Red Robe. Variant: Má'ėhoomáhe, Ma'kėhoomáhe. See: hóoma robe, blanket. Category: names.

Ma'ovésá'e   na. Red Haired Woman. Category: names.

Ma'ovéséhe   na. Red Hair. Category: names, hair.

Má'sėškóovo'áhe   na. He Runs Out of Toothpicks. Category: names.

ma'táa'e   1 • ni. forest, timber, brush. Plural ma'taā'ėstse; Locative ma'taā'e. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔtekwaxkyi (P); cf. *meʔteko·ki trees. See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; mátȧhaa'e; hoohtsėstse tree; éstávóne grove. Phon: not vs Category: environment, trees.

2 • na. Forest. Category: names.

Ma'taa'é'e   na. Forest Woman, Timber Woman. Category: names.

Ma'taa'éméóná'e   na. Forest Road Woman. Category: names.

Ma'taa'éna'hané'e   na. Kills In the Forest Woman. Category: names.

Ma'táá'ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Stands In Timber. Cheyenne name of the late Cheyenne tribal historian, John Stands In Timber, who co-authored the book "Cheyenne Memories." The current family name comes from him. It is sometimes shortened to "Timber" in English. Category: names.

Ma'táá'ȯhtsévéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walks Around Timber. Category: names.

Ma'tševe'ėse   na. Red Bird. Usage: tš is palatalized old man speech unpalatalized variant: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.

Ma'xeāso   na. Thumb, Big Monster ?? Category: check. See: ma'haa'é-mo'ēško. Category: names.

Ma'xėhē'e   na. Big Woman. See: hē'e woman; ma'xėhē'ne turkey. Category: names.

ma'xėhē'ne   na. 1 • turkey. Ma'xē'ne is historically expected, but several speakers insist that ma'xėhē'ne is the correct pronunciation; one elder suggests 'turkey' means 'big woman' (which would be ma'xė-hē'e), which may be a folk etymology, so perhaps ma'xėhē'ne has been historically reanalyzed based on this folk etymology. Morph: /ma'šehe'né/. Plural ma'xėhe'neo'o; Obviative ma'xėhe'nóho; Diminutive ma'xėhē'ne ??. Category: check. Etym: *meʔči'ʔe·wa; cf. M mese·ʔnaew. Category: birds.

2 • Turkey. Category: names.

Ma'xėhe'néveóhtáhe   na. Turkey Legs. Category: names.

Ma'xėheséeotá'e   na. Big Medicine Woman. See: Heséeotá'e. Category: names.

Ma'xėhestáa'e   na. Big Branch. Category: names.

Ma'xėhetane   na. Bigman. Category: names.

Ma'xėhó'nehe   na. Big Wolf. Category: names.

Ma'xėhóma'e   na. Big Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Ȯhma'haeta. Category: names.

Ma'xekȧsovááhe   na. Big Young Man. Category: names.

Ma'xe'pa'o   na. Big Back. Category: names.

má'xeme   1 • na. apple. Usage: Montana dialect Lit: big-berry Plural ma'xemeno; Obviative ma'xemeno. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔšimini.

2 • ni. apple. Apple is animate for some speakers in Oklahoma but inanimate for others. Usage: Oklahoma dialect Plural ma'xemenȯtse. ma'xemenėsonȯtse apples (alternate used in Oklahoma).

2 • ni. plum, apple. 'plum' is inanimate in Mont. and Okla.; 'apple' is inanimate in Okla. Plural ma'xemenȯtse. ma'xemenėsonȯtse apples (diminutive alternate used by some speakers in Oklahoma). See: heóvemá'xeme; mene; tóhtoo'éma'xeme. Etym: *meʔšiminali (Pi). Category: berries.

3 • ni. plum. 'plum' is inanimate in Montana and Oklahoma. Plural ma'xemenȯtse. See: heóvemá'xeme; mén; tóhtoo'éma'xeme.

4 • na. Big Berry. Category: fruit, Oklahoma, Montana, names.

Ma'xemené'e   na. Apple Woman. Category: names.

Ma'xeméó'o   1 • ni. highway. Lit: big-road

2 • na. Big Road. See: méó'o road. Category: names.

Ma'xemó'ėsá'e   na. Big Calf. Category: names.

Ma'xenáhkohe   na. Big Bear. Category: names.

Ma'xenámosėstse   na. Big Left Hand. See: Námosėstse; ; -henamóse. Category: names, hands.

Ma'xenéstooestse   na. Big Howler. See: Ma'xevé'késȯhnéstooestse Big Howling Bird. Category: names.

Ma'xenotse   na. Big Foreigner. Usage: a nickname for a large man from another tribe who was married to a Cheyenne lady See: notse. Category: names.

Ma'xėstséáhe   na. Big Head. Category: names, head.

Ma'xevé'ho'e   na. Big Whiteman. Category: names.

Ma'xevé'késȯhnéstooestse   na. Big Howling Bird. See: Ma'xenéstooestse Big Howler. Category: names.

Mamȧhka'é'e   na. Curly Haired Woman. Variant: Mamȧhkėhé'héhe. Category: names.

Mámȧhka'éve'ho'e   na. Curly Haired Whiteman. Category: names.

Mámahke   na. Curly. can be the name of a man or a horse. See: Péhpe'e Bushy. Category: names.

Mamȧhkėhé'héhe   na. Curly Haired Woman. Variant: Mamȧhka'é'e. Category: names.

Mamȧhkévo'ha   na. Curly Horse. Usage: horse name See: Mámahke Curly. Category: names.

Mámotsé'héhe   na. Full Mouth Woman. Category: names.

Manėstónéhe   na. 1 • maker.

2 • Maker. See: Manėstóonéhe. Category: names.

Mánȯhévá'e   na. Fetch Water Woman. It may be that this name is actually Mánȯhóvá'e meaning something like 'Medicine Woman.'. See: Mánȯhóvá'e. Category: names.

Mánȯhóhká'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Mánȯhóvá'e   na. Medicine Woman. Spelling and translation uncertain. Some people translate this as Fetch Water Woman, Mánȯhévá'e. Mrs. Habeggar was given a name which sounded like this; many people have analyzed the name as Mánȯhévá'e 'Fetch Water Woman', but this entry may actually be the correct spelling of the name. See: Mánȯhévá'e; -mȧhtȯhóvá; Mo'éhenóvave. Category: names.

Mȧséano'kehe   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Mȧsėháa'éevo'ha   na. Crazy Mule. Contracted Mȧsėháe'ke. Category: names.

Mȧsėháe'ke   na. Crazy Mule. non-contract: Mȧsėháa'éevo'ha. Category: names.

mȧsėhá'e   na. 1 • loose woman, crazy woman, prostitute. (another recording) See: mátȧháá'e; mȧsėháve'ho'á'e; mȧsėháá'e. Category: people.

2 • Crazy Woman. Category: names.

Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe   na. Crazy Roman Nose. Indian name of Chief Two Moons. See: Éše'heo'ȯhnéšese; Ononevóo'xénéhe. Category: names.

Mátȧhémó'ėsá'e   na. Peyote Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Mátȧhó'ómo   ni. 1 • pin cushion cactus. Plural mátȧhó'omonȯtse; AlternatePlural mátȧhó'komonȯtse. These are small cactus plants with little red berries similar to a persimmon; they taste sweet. Category: plants.

2 • Pin Cushion Cactus. Category: names.

Mátováhé'e   na. Peyote Woman. Category: names.

Matse'ėstáhe   na. Running Ear. Category: ears, names.

matsénėstse   na. 1 • kingfisher. Category: birds. Lit: eyes.with.matter-(one) Variant: matsénéhe ??. Category: check. Plural matsénėheo'o; Obviative matsénėheho.

2 • Kingfisher. Category: names.

Matséóhné'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Matseōse   na. Festering Finger. Category: names.

matšėškōme   na. 1 • raccoon. Plural matšėškomeho; Obviative matšėškomeho. Category: animals.

2 • Raccoon. Category: names.

Mȧxaaehma'heóná'e   na. Medicine Eagle Feather Woman. Category: names, check.

Mȧxaaehma'heóná'e ??   na. Medicine Eagle Feather Woman. Category: names, check.

Méanȯhová'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: joe fox sr.'s mother Category: names.

Méávé'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Mée'aahē'e   na. Indian doll. man's name. apparently short for Méeškaatsėhē'e or Mee'aatsėhē'e. See: Méeškaatsėhē'e; Mee'aatsėhē'e. Category: check, names.

Mée'aatsėhē'e   na. Indian Doll. Variant: Méeškaatsėhē'e. See: Mée'aahē'e. Category: names.

Méenévoestá'e   na. Feathered Dress Woman. See: Méenóhevoestá'e. Category: names.

Méenóhevoestá'e   na. Quilled Dress Woman. Category: names.

Méésá'e   na. Smelly Woman. non-contract: Hoxoméésá'e. Category: names.

méeškaatsėhē'e   1 • ni. buckskin Indian doll, Queen Anne's lace. For some speakers this also refers to a certain plant with a yellow flower. possibly also used by some speakers to refer to ferns or moss ?? Category: check. seems to be Queen Anne's lace, which a lady in Busby used to pick. Plural méeškaatsėhē'ėstse. See: méeškaahé'ėstse.

2 • na. Hummingbird, Indian Doll. This was the name of a medicine man, who had a spirit helper (nésemoo'o), a hummingbird that he kept in his pouch. This man, with the spiritual power of his nesemoo'o, helped the Northern Cheyennes who escaped from Oklahoma to return on the Great Trek, with much hardship, to Montana. Variant: Mée'aatsėhē'e. Category: names.

Méheana   na. (man's name). Indian name of American Horse. Category: names.

Méhenóhevoestá'e   na. ?? Ques: Dress Woman ?? Category: names, check.

Méhnénóhka   na. (man's name). Ques: Frank Littlewolf ?? Category: check, names.

Mé'ėhné'e   na. Appears Woman. Category: names.

Mé'ėhnévá'e   na. Appears Woman. Category: names.

Mé'ėhnonéhné'e   na. Appears Singing Woman. Variant: Mé'enonéhné'e. Category: names.

Mé'e'háóhtsé'e   na. Flies In Sight Woman. Mé'e'háóhtsé'événo at Flies In Sight Woman's (=Jenny Spang's) house. [1987:397] Category: names.

Mé'enonéhné'e   na. Comes In Sight Singing Woman, Singing Crane Woman. some may translate this as Singing Crane Woman. Variant: Mé'ėhnonéhné'e. Category: names.

Mé'eōhtse   na. Appearing. Category: names.

Mé'eōhtse   na. Appearing. Category: names.

Mé'eohtsévá'e   na. Appearing Woman. Category: names.

Mé'eóó'e   na. Stands In Sight Woman. Category: names.

mé'ėškó'e   na. 1 • rascal.

2 • Mexican man, loose person. Esp. of an unsettled single young man who does naughty things. See: mé'ėško'á'e; Tsėhésemé'ėško'e; mé'šeeséve'ho'e.

3 • Rascal. Feminine mé'ėško'á'e. Category: names.

mé'hahtse1   1 • ni. beard, moustache. Lit: fuzzy/hairy-mouth Plural mé'hahtsenȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Etym: *mi·Ɂθetona·ni (P). Category: body.

2 • na. Beard. Category: names.

mé'koná'e   na. 1 • council woman. Plural mé'koná'eo'o. See: me'ko. Category: jobs, government.

2 • Head Woman. Category: names.

Mé'konēso   na. Little Head. See: Ma'xėstséáhe Big Head. Category: names.

Mé'o'ȧsé'e   na. Fire Appearing Woman, Glow Appearing Woman. See: -éxo'ȧse. Category: names, fire.

Mé'ó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl 1 • surfaced person. This refers to a person who was not previously known for anything as he was growing up, but now he has made it, and I think he is somebody now (that is, he has surfaced/appeared); it may (but is not required to) also mean that the person referred to thinks he knows more than others.

2 • Appearing, Surfaced One. for example, appearing out of water or out of a group of people. See: -mé'ané; mé'ánėstse. Category: names.

Mé'ševėséhe   na. Hairy Horn, Velvet Antlers. BodyPartMedial -evesé. Category: names.

Ména'éva   na. Crooked Arm. a Crow Man who Cheyennes called by this name. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: names.

Ménėhóhta   na. Ménėhóhta. Category: names.

Méne'á'e   na. Chokecherry Woman, Shell Woman, Doll Woman : Little China Doll. Shell Woman (possible translation given by some speakers). Doll Woman (possible translation given by some speakers). Category: berries, names.

Méne'éméóná'e   na. Shell Road Woman. See: meo'o. Category: names.

Méne'ké'héhe   na. Shell Woman, Doll Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Ménevoto   na. Shell Feathers. Ques: recheck and record?? Category: check. See: voto. Category: names.

Ménótó'e   na. 1 • close in age person. Can be pronounced something like an epithet, functionally equivalent to saying 'too many children' about someone; used of someone who is considered to have too many children, often in stair step succession one year apart. Variant: ménótó'ke; Plural ménotó'eo'o. Category: family.

2 • Close In Age. Category: names.

Ménoveóó'e   na. Stands Bad Woman. See: hávėséve-. Category: names.

Méóhá'e   na. Running Woman. Category: names.

Méomé'éhne   na. Appears In the Morning. Category: names.

Méomé'ėhné'e   na. Appears In the Morning Woman. Category: names.

Méóná'e   na. Trail Woman. See: Náhkȯheméóná'e; Améóná'e. Category: names.

Méona'hāne   na. Morning Killer. See: Vóona'hanē'e. Category: names.

Méona'hané'e   na. Kills In the Morning Woman, Morning Killer Woman. See: méo-; -na'hané. Category: names.

Méonéstoohe   na. Howling In the Morning, Morning Holler. Category: names.

Méonéstoohé'e   na. Howling In the Morning Woman. Category: names.

Méonóvá'e   na. Morning Blessing Woman. Ques: translation uncertain See: Nóvává'e Medicine Woman. Category: names.

Méoóhtsé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Mésėhé'e   na. 1 • Northern Cheyenne woman. Variant: Ȯhmésėhé'e.

2 • Northern Cheyenne Woman. This is both a common noun and a proper name. Category: names.

mésó'ke   na. 1 • swallow. Plural méso'keo'o. AltPl = méso'keho Obviative méso'keho.

2 • Swallow. See: ménó'ke. Category: names.

Méstaa'e Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Owl. See: Ma'eméstahke. Category: names.

Méstaa'e Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Owl, Owl Black. Category: names.

Méstaa'ėhéhe   na. Owl Woman. See: Méstaehē'e Ghost Woman. Category: names.

Méstaehē'e   na. Ghost Woman. See: Méstaa'ėhéhe Owl Woman. Category: names.

Méstaéhotóá'e   na. Ghost Bull. Category: names.

Méstaéma'háahe   na. Ghost Chum. Category: names.

Méstaénėstó'e   na. Ghost ?? Ques: Ghost Land Woman?? See: ho'e land. Category: check, names.

Méstovákósa   na. Pouting Sheep. Category: names.

Mévaevó'nehe   na. Starving Wolf, Eating Wolf. Known in English as Starving Wolf but literally means Eating Wolf. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Móhenóó'e   na. Gathering Stands Woman. Category: names.

Móhkávé'e   na. Lynx Woman, Bobcat Woman. Category: names.

Móhkėheno'e   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Mȯhó'óhtse   na. (man's name) ?? Category: check, names.

Mȯhoneohtsévá'e   na. Drifted Snow Woman. Usage: translation uncertain Ques: Go Everywhere Woman ?? Category: check, names.

Mȯhonooná'e   na. Gros Ventre Woman. Category: tribes, names, check.

Mȯhonóóne   na. Gros Ventre Indian, Gros Ventre person. Lit: scouting all over (one) Mȯhonoōne?? tribal name as well as a Cheyenne proper name. Plural Mȯhonooneo'o; Variant: Pȯhonóene. See: Ónone Ree, Arikara; -mȯhonóoné scout. Category: names.

Mȯhonooné'e   na. Gros Ventre Woman, Mandan Woman, Hidatsa Woman. Category: names.

Mókéé'e   na. 1 • Little Woman. Diminutive Mókéé'éso.

2 • moon stage. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Mókéé'éso   na. Gram: dim Little Woman. Non-diminutive Mókéé'e. Category: names.

Mókééné'e   na. Small Faced Woman. Category: names.

Mo'éhá'e   na. Elk Woman. See: Mó'kėhá'e; Mo'éhevá'e. Category: names.

Mo'éheméó'o   na. Elk Road. Phon: check with speakers?? Category: check, names.

Mo'éheméóna'e   na. Elk Road Woman. Category: names.

Mo'éhenóave   na. Medicine Elk. Ques: possibly Mo'éhenóvave See: Nóáhe1; Nóává'e; Nóávóse. Category: names.

mo'éhénóxe   na. meadow hawk, chicken hawk, Chicken Hawk. a white-tailed hawk that soars around close to the ground. Plural mo'éhenȯxeo'o; Obviative mo'éhenȯxóho. See: honóxeaso. Category: birds, names.

Mo'éheó'he'e   na. Elk River. personal name. Phon: Note the difference in pitch between this proper name and the name of the river, Mo'éheo'hé'e. See: Mo'éheo'hé'e. Category: names.

Mo'éhéso   na. Little Elk. Category: names.

Mo'éhévá'e   na. Elk Woman. See: Mo'éhá'e; Mó'kėhá'e. Category: names.

Mo'éhévése   na. Elk Horns. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'ha Nonétse'omaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Tame Horse. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Horse. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhvéhonevėstse   na. Horse Chief. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Horse. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'ha Ȯxháóénȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Horse Praying. Category: names.

Mo'éhno'haméméó'o   na. Horse Road. Category: names.

Mo'e'ā'e   na. Grass Woman. Variant: Mo'ke'ā'e. Category: names.

mo'ē'ha   na. magpie, Magpie. Mo'e'háhne éohkenomáhtseo'o. Magpies steal. Ques: Is mo'e'háne an alternate pl/obv? Plural mo'e'háhne; Obviative mo'e'háhne. Etym: *ma·çkiʔle·wa (Pe); cf. Ar wooʔúh'ei (Go90:10). Category: birds. Diminutive Mo'e'háhkéso, Mo'e'háéso. Category: names.

Mo'ē'ha Ma'etȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Magpie. Category: names.

Mo'ē'ha Néstoohe   na. Whistling Magpie. Category: names.

Mo'ē'ha Ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Magpie, Magpie Walking. Category: names.

Mo'ē'ha Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Traveling Magpie. Category: names.

Mo'e'háéméó'o   na. Magpie Road. Category: names.

Mo'e'háéso   na. Little Magpie. See: Mo'e'háhkéso Little Magpie; mo'ē'ha magpie. Category: names.

Mo'e'háévá'e   na. Magpie Woman. Category: names.

Mo'e'háévóto   na. Magpie Tailfeather. See: voton. Category: names.

Mo'e'háevotoná'e   na. Magpie Tail Feathers Woman. See: voto. Category: names.

Mo'e'hahke   na. Gram: dim 1 • old magpie.

2 • Old Magpie. Category: names.

Mo'e'háhkéso   na. Gram: dim Little Magpie. See: Mo'e'háéso; mo'ē'ha. Category: names.

Mo'e'háne Oxháestȯxese   vai. Gram: ppl Many Magpies. John Heap of Birds of Oklahoma had this Indian name, and it may be that Heap of Birds was the tribal roll translation of this Cheyenne name. Category: names.

Mo'e'kā'e   na. Grass Woman. Category: names.

Mo'emé'ėhné'e   na. Elk Appears Woman. See: Mó'ȯhmé'ėhné'e. Category: names.

Mo'enéstoohe   na. Whistling Elk, Howling Elk. Variant: Mo'onéstoohe. Ques: George Brady; Elmer Brady Category: names.

Mo'eohtóoveotse   na. Shaking Elk. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Mo'éohvésévȯhtse   vta. Gram: ppl Goes With Elk. Category: names.

Mó'eōse   na. Elk Hooves. Category: names.

mó'ėsá'e   na. 1 • calf. Diminutive mó'kėsá'e. less commonly used than mó'kėsá'e. See: mónėškėhéso. Etym: cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Category: animals.

2 • Calf. At one time there were a number of men who had the name Mo'ėsa'e; to distinguish them people added something to describe each man. Some of these names are here: Mo'ȯhtáe-mó'ėsá'e Black Calf. Mátȧhé-mó'ėsá'e Peyote Calf. Ho'sȧhtsená-mó'ėsá'e Slobbering Calf. Oéve-mó'ėsá'e Scabby Calf. Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e Fast Runner Calf. The same man (Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e) was sometimes called: Hohnóhka-mó'ėsá'e Contrary Calf. Category: animals, names.

Mo'ėškóne   na. Fingers. Category: names.

Mo'etá'e   na. (woman's name). Variant: Mo'otá'e. Category: names.

Mó'kėhá'e   na. Elk Woman, Little Elk Woman ?? See: Mo'éhá'e. Category: names, check.

Mó'kėhemé'éhne   na. Young Elk Appearing. Category: names.

Mó'kėheméóná'e   na. Elk Road Woman. Category: names.

Mo'kėhenémo'eehe   na. Little Braided Elk. Simplified Spelling Mo'kenémo'eehe. See: -némo'eehe. Category: names.

Mo'kéhéso   na. Little Elk. a woman's name. See: Mo'éhá'e. Category: names.

Mo'ke'ā'e   na. Grass Woman. Variant: Mo'e'ā'e. Category: names.

mó'kėsá'e   na. 1 • calf. Etym: cf *ma·xkwa (P) fawn, calf; cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Non-diminutive mó'ėsá'e; Plural mó'kėsa'eho; Obviative mó'kėsa'eho. See: mónėškėhéso; mó'kėsa'éhéso; vóestae'kēso; heóvó'ėsá'e. Category: animals.

2 • Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhnéstooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Bawling Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Calf Walking, Walking Calf. See: Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtameōhtsėstse Calf Walking. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Calf Walking, Walking Calf. See: Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtamēhnėstse Calf Walking. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtohāā'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Rising Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtsévo'soo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Playing Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsa'kéhéso   na. Little Calf. Category: names.

Mó'kėsa'késo   na. Little Calf. a woman's name. See: Ésevona'kēso. Category: names.

Mo'kóhta'e   na. 1 • wild turnip, Indian turnip, prairie turnip, breadroot. Plural mo'kȯhtá'éne; Obviative mo'kȯhtá'éne. Phon: iah Variant: mo'óhta'e.

2 • Indian Turnip. Category: names.

Mo'kȯhtávéné'e   na. Black Painted Face Woman. Ques: Eva Woodenthigh Category: names.

Mo'kȯhtávo'ha   na. Black Horse. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Elk. Grover Wolfvoice. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhmé'ėhné'e   na. Elk Appears Woman. Variant: Mo'emé'ėhné'e. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhmé'éhnėstse   na. Elk Appears. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Elk. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Mō'ȯhnȧha'éváóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Elk Stands With Wife. This name refers to how some animals, like horses, stand close, shoulder-to-tail, to each other. This name is the origin of the family name Elkshoulder. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing Elk. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhno'kaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lone Elk. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhno'keóó'e   na. Elk Stands Alone. Variant: Mō'ȯhno'keóó'ėstse. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhno'keóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Elk Stands Alone. Variant: Mō'ȯhno'keóó'e. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhnotóá'e   na. Bull Elk, Elk Bull. Category: names.

mo'ȯhtáeheséeo'ȯtse   ni. 1 • bitter root, biscuitroot, biscuit root. Lit: black-medicine Variant: mo'ȯhtávė-heséeo'ȯtse ??. Category: check.

2 • Black Medicine. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáemó'ėsá'e   na. Black Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáenáhkohe   na. Black Bear. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáenáhkȯhéso   na. Little Black Bear. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáená'atsėhe'e   na. Black -- ?? Category: check. man's name. See: Ná'atsėhe'e. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáepéhpe'e   na. Black Shaggy. probably an animal, especially horse name. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáeváótséva   na. Black Deer. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Elk. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáveaénohe   na. Black Hawk. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávénéhe   na. Black Face. a horse name. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávéné'e   na. Black Faced Woman. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáveó'ėséenáhe   na. Black Whetstone. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáveó'kȯhóme   na. Black Coyote. Variant: Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtáveónone   na. Black Ree. Variant: Mo'ȯhtáeónone. Category: names.

mo'ȯhtávetoo'o   1 • ni. cast iron pot. Lit: black kettle Etym: *maxkate·wila·kani. See: -vetoo'o. Category: containers.

2 • na. Black Kettle. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávoestá'e   na. 1 • nun. Lit: black-dressed-woman Plural Mo'ȯhtávoestá'eo'o; fai: -oestá. See: hotȯxa-e'óestaahe. Category: church.

2 • Black Dressed Woman. an Indian name. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávȯheomene   na. 1 • black lodge person, Lame Deer person. The people of the Lame Deer, Montana, reservation district were called Black Lodge people. Plural Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneho.

2 • Black Lodge Man. The people of the Lame Deer, Montana, reservation district were called Black Lodge people. Plural Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneho. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávo'ha   na. Black Horse. See: mo'ȯhtávo'hame black horse. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávo'nehe   na. Black Wolf, Wolfblack, Blackwolf. This name has been translated into English each of these three ways. Category: names.

Mo'ȯhtávoohēvȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Nails, Blackshield. See: Vóhpoohēvȧtse. BodyPartMedial -oohevá. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhtávóónėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Starving Elk, Black Painted Face. Ques: recheck translation?? Category: check. Ques: Would Starving Elk be Mó'e Ȯhtávóónėstse?? Category: check. Ques: Would Black Painted Face be Mó'ȯhtávóénėstse Category: names.

Mó'ȯhtséméhé'e   na. Elk Woman. exact translation uncertain. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhtsévȧhtóoestse   vai. Gram: ppl Whistling Around Elk. See: Mō'e énéstoohe. Category: names.

Mó'ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Elk. Category: names.

Mō'ȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Elk. Category: names.

Mo'onéstoohe   na. Whistling Elk. Variant: Mo'enéstoohe. Category: names.

Mo'otá'e   na. (woman's name). Variant: Mo'etá'e. Category: names.

mo'otsenáhkohe   na. brown bear ?? Category: check, animals, names.

Mó'otseóó'e   na. Stands Moving Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Reduplicated Momó'otseóó'e. Category: names.

Mo'ȯxháahketa   na. Little Elk. Category: names.

Mó'sėhá'e   na. Scabby Faced Man. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Móma'xėhahtáhe   na. Big Foot. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated Ma'xėhahtáhe. Category: names.

Móma'xėstaemá'héhe   na. Has Large Head Lice Woman. Ques: margaret yelloweyes Category: names.

Moméhe'xa'éhe   na. Tangled Hair. Category: names.

Mónáhtsėstse   na. New Mouth. Category: names.

Mónȧhtsetá'e ??    Category: check.

na. Shoot Woman ?? Category: check. a name which appears in frontier Cheyenne literature. Category: names.

Mónenetse   na. New Eagle. Category: names.

Móneó'he'e   na. New River. Category: names.

Móneóó'ėstse   na. New Standing. Category: names.

Monėškóne   na. (man's name). Ques: Charles White Dirt Category: names.

mónevata   na. 1 • young bird, nestling. See: vé'kėséhéso. Category: birds.

2 • Youngbird. Category: names.

Móo'sóone   na. Spear. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Móoná'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

mótȧhkó'e   1 • ni. scabbard, sheath. Plural mótȧhkó'ėstse. See: vé'hano'ȯtse. Category: containers.

2 • na. Sheath. Category: names.

Mótȯhavā'e   na. In Sad Shape Woman. See: -mótȯheotse. Category: names.

Mótováhé'e   na. Ash Tree Woman. translation uncertain. an old name which has been used in Oklahoma. Ques: Buffalo Calf Woman?? Category: check. See: mótó'e. Category: names.

Motsé'eóeve   na. Sweet Medicine, Sweet Medicine Standing, Sweet Root Standing. Sweet Medicine is the Cheyenne prophet who predicted the coming of the horse, cow, whiteman, etc. to the Cheyennes (1987:6-16; 1987:99); he was named for sweetgrass. See: Motsé'eóó'e; motsé'eonȯtse; vé'hó'ȯhtse. Category: names.

Motsé'eóó'e   na. Sweet Medicine Stands Woman, Sweet Root Stands Woman, Sweetgrass Woman. See: Motsé'eóeve. Category: names.

Motséóhné'e   na. No Naming Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Motšėške Ȯhnėxáhpo   Gram: ppl vii. Dull Knife. Ques: extant ?? See: Vóóhéhéve. Category: names.

Móxėšéhá'e   na. Mint Woman. Category: names.

Naehevó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Mink. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check. See: náa'e mink. Category: names.

Naesóhtȯheóeve   na. Six Stands. Category: names.

Náha'ē'ta   na. Stands In Front. this name refers to the honored tepee in a camp. Category: camp, names.

Náhkoestse   na. (man's name) ?? Category: check, names.

Náhkȯhá'e   na. Bear Woman. Simplified Spelling Nahka (seen on a license plate). Category: names.

náhkohe   na. 1 • bear. (another recording) Plural náhkȯheo'o, (another recording) bears; Simplified Spelling nahgo bear; nahkoyo bears; Obviative náhkȯhóho; Diminutive náhkȯhéso. See: náhko'e Mother!; vóhpȧhtsenáhkohe grizzly bear. Category: animals.

2 • Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯheamēhne   na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯhtameōhtsėstse Walking Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯheamėhōhtsėstse   na. Bear Tracks. Lit: bear goes along leaving tracks See: Náhkȯheamȯhōhtse. Category: names.

Náhkȯheameōhtsėstse   na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯheamēhne Walking Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯheamȯhōhtse   na. Bear Tracks. Lit: bear goes along leaving tracks See: Náhkȯheamėhōhtsėstse. Category: names.

Náhkȯhééstóso   na. Bearquiver. Category: names.

Náhkȯhéestse'henáhe   na. Bear Shirt. name by which Cheyennes called General Nelson Miles. Miles City, Montana, is named for him. Category: names.

Náhkȯhehēsta   na. Bear Heart. Category: names.

Náhkȯhehóahno   na. Bear Shield. See: hóahno shield. Category: names.

Náhkȯheho'ēsta   na. Fire Bear. Category: names, fire.

Náhkȯheho'ose   na. Bear Coal, Coal Bear. called Kope in English, from mispronunciation of Coal Bear. See: ho'ose coal. Category: names.

Náhkȯhehóoma   na. Bear Robe. Variant: Náhkȯhenóoma, Hoomȧhénȧhkohe. Category: names.

Náhkȯhehóváhne   na. Bear Animal. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Náhkȯhemȧhta'sóoma   n. Spirit Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯhemȧhtamȧhááhe   na. Old She Bear. a man's name. Lit: bear-old. Woman See: mȧhtamȧhááhe. Category: names.

Náhkȯhema'háahe   na. Bearchum. Variant: Náhkȯhéma'hahe. See: náhkȯxháahketa; Méstaema'haahe. Category: names.

Náhkȯhéma'hahe   na. Bearchum. Variant: Náhkȯhema'háahe. See: Náhkȯxháahketa; Méstaema'háahe. Category: names.

Náhkȯhema'óhkeená'e   na. Bear Plume Woman. See: Ma'óhkeená'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯhema'ta   na. Bearbow. apparently ma'ta is an obsolescent term for 'bow'. See: ma'tšėške. Category: names.

Náhkȯheméeotse   na. Bear Smell, Stinking Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯhemé'hahtse   na. Bear Beard. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Náhkȯheménȯhá'e   na. Digging Bear Woman. vai: -ménȯhené dig. Category: names.

Náhkȯhéméó'e   na. Fightingbear. Usage: probably Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse is preferred ?? Category: check. Variant: Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse. See: Náhkȯhemēō'o Bear Road. Category: names.

Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse   na. Fightingbear. Usage: This pronunciation is probably preferred over Náhkȯhkéméó'e. Variant: Náhkȯhéméó'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯhemēō'o   na. Bear Trail, Bear Road. Feminine Náhkȯheméóná'e. See: Náhkȯhéméó'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯheméóná'e   na. Bear Road Woman. Masculine Náhkȯhemēō'o. See: Méóná'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯhenaa'é'e   na. Bear Doctor Woman. See: Kȯhenaa'é'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯhena'hané'e   na. Bear Kills Woman. Category: names.

Náhkȯhenėxāhe   na. Bear Orphan. See: -nėxȧheve. Category: names.

Náhkȯhenóhnéhe   na. Lame Bear. See: -nóhne'kahe lame. Category: names.

Náhkȯhenoné'e   na. Bear Sings Woman. Contract: Kȯhenoné'e. Category: names.

Náhkȯhenóoma   na. Bear Robe. Variant: Náhkȯhehóoma, Hoomȧhénȧhkohe. Category: names.

Náhkȯheo'émȯxo'eha   na. Bear Sole. See: o'émȯxo'eha sole. Category: names.

Náhkȯheo'o Ȯhnévese   vai. Gram: ppl Four Bears. Category: names.

Náhkȯheósá'e   na. Bear Claws Woman. Masculine Náhkȯheóse. Category: names.

Náhkȯheóse   na. Bear Claws. Feminine Náhkȯheósá'e. See: Kȯheoso. Category: names.

Náhkȯheósóáme   na. Groaning Bear. Variant: Náhkȯheósóváme. See: -évoamé. Category: names.

Náhkȯhepánestse   na. Bear Breaking Wind, Bear Fart. vai: -pánestse break wind, fart. Category: names.

náhkȯhéso   Gram: dim na. 1 • bear cub; little bear. Plural náhkȯhesono; Obviative náhkȯhesono.

2 • Youngbear. Simplified Spelling Nahkoso (seen on a license plate). See: Náhkȯxháahketa.

3 • little ball of snow, fine snow, snow - fine. smaller than a snowflake. Category: names, weather.

Náhkȯhevóesta   na. Bear Swan (man's name). Category: names.

Náhkȯhevóestse   na. Bear ?? Ques: Rafael Bigleft Hand; Gordon Bigback Category: names.

Náhkȯhevotonevėstse   na. Bear Tail Feathers. Category: names.

Náhkȯhma'hēō'o   na. Medicine Bear. Ques: Did someone say this is a woman's name?? Ques: Are both Náhkȯhma'hēō'o and Náhkȯhma'heóná'e names?? Category: check. Variant: Ma'heónenáhkohe. See: Náhkȯhma'heóná'e; Ma'heónenáhkohe. Category: names.

Náhkȯhma'heóná'e   na. Bear Medicine Woman. See: Náhkȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.

Náhkȯhno'kaestse   vai. Gram: ppl One Bear, Lone Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯhnoo'ėstse   na. Beartusk. Category: names.

Náhkȯhnóvéhnėstse   na. Bear Slow Walking. Category: names.

Náhkȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bear Walking. Category: names.

Náhkȯhtameōhtsėstse   na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯheamēhne Walking Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯhtséva'eotsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bear Turns Back. Ques: Bear Hooded?? Category: check, names.

Náhkȯhtsévo'soo'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Playing Bear. Category: names.

Náhkȯhvéesā'e   na. Beartooth Woman. Ques: Náhkȯhéveesā'e?? Category: check, names.

Náhkȯhvó'omaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Bear. See: Vóhpenáhkohe. Category: names.

Náhkȯsóéhnėstse   na. Bear Walks Through. This name might have implied walking through the woods. Category: names.

Náhkotanōhtse ??   na. Bear Tail Feathers ?? Category: check, names.

Náhkȯxháaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Brave Bear, Smart Bear. See: náhkohe bear; -háahe smart. Category: names.

Náhkȯxháahketa   na. Little Bear. Origin of Bearchum family name which was translated incorrectly to English; should have been translated as Little Bear. See: Náhkȯhéma'hahe; Náhkȯhéso. Category: names.

Náhkȯxháa'ého'oésėstse   vai. Gram: ppl High Bear. See: He'ámánáhkohe. Category: names.

Náhkȯxheóvaestse   na. Yellow Bear. Ques: Oliver yelloweyes (Ashland) Category: names.

Náhkȯxhóeheóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bear Stands On Top. Category: names.

Náhkȯxhóé'éhne   na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náoxhóé'éhne, Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náoxhóé'éhnėstse, Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. Category: names.

Náhkȯxho'óxeóó'ėstse   n. Bear Stands Last, Last Bear Standing. Category: names.

Náhkȯxhónétséstȧhtse   na. Lazy Bear. See: -hónétséstá lazy. Category: names.

Náhkȯxhovéo'eóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bear Stands In the Shade. See: hovéo'ȯheo'o. Category: names.

Ná'atsėhe'e   na. (man's name). See: Mo'ȯhtáená'atsėhe'e. Category: names.

Na'hané'e   na. Kills Woman. Category: names.

Na'hanévého   na. Chief Kills. Category: names.

Na'heoséhe   na. Three Fingers. Ques: óséhe?? Category: names, check.

Námȯsé'héhe   na. Left-handed Woman. Category: names.

námosėstse   na. 1 • left-handed person.

2 • Lefty. See: Ma'xenámosėstse; -henamósé; He'konenámosėstse. Category: hands, names.

Nanomóné'e   Peacemaker Woman.

na. Category: warfare, names.

nanóse'hame   na. 1 • cougar; mountain lion; lion; panther; tiger. (another recording) Plural nanósé'háme; Obviative nanósé'háme.

2 • Cougar, Mountain Lion. Category: animals, names.

Náoxhóé'éhne   na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. See: náhkohe. Category: names.

Náoxhóé'éhnėstse   na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse, Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. See: náhkohe. Category: names.

néhovanováhe   na. 1 • wrestler. Plural néhovanováheo'o.

2 •  Néhovanováhe Wrestler. Category: names.

Néma'ē'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Flies Around, Flies Circling, Soaring Around. Category: names.

Néma'eōhtse   vai. Walks Around. Category: names.

Néma'eóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Standing Around. Phon: vs Category: names.

Némee'ėse   na. Crooked Nose. name given to a clerk. Morph: /némees/. Phon: vs Category: names.

Néme'óoná'e   na. Crooked Pipe Woman. Category: names.

Némené'héhe   na. Singing Woman. Synonym He'ȯhnéménėstse. Category: names.

Némeōhtse   vai. Crooked Walking. Category: names.

Nemevota   Rain Being. a sacred being. See: nonóma'e. Category: sacred, names.

Némo'eehe   na. Wrapped Hair, Braided Locks. Lit: Wrapped Braid origin of family name Brady. Variant: Némo'keehe. Category: names.

Némo'keehe   na. Wrapped Hair. Variant: Némo'eehe, Némo'tšeehe. Category: names.

Neohné'e   na. Walking Towards Woman. translation uncertain ?? Category: check. Ques: Ann wolfchief Category: names.

Nésoehnéhe   na. Two Babies. Category: names.

Nésȯhtȯhééhá'e   na. Seven Days Woman. Category: names.

Nésȯhtȯheméóná'e   na. Seven Trails Woman. Category: names.

Nésȯhtȯhena'hané'e   na. Seven Kills Woman. Category: names.

Néso'eóeve   na. Twenty Stands. Feminine Néso'eóó'e. Category: names.

Néso'eóó'e   na. Twenty Stands Woman. Contracted So'eóó'e; Masculine Néso'eóeve. Category: names.

Néstónéváhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Noisy Walker. See: Ȯx-háevánóhtsėstse. Category: names, sounds.

Néstónéváóhtsėstse   na. Noisy Walker. See: Néstónéváhtsėstse; Háévánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, names.

Néstónéváóó'e   na. Noisy Woman, Wind Sounds Woman. Category: sounds, names.

Néstseenáhné'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Néstsééná'e   na. Away Two Days Woman ??, Rustling Sound Woman, Rustling Corn Woman. Ques: translation uncertain, possibly Rustling Sound Woman, Rustling Corn Woman, or Away Two Days Woman See: Néšeenáhné'e Away Two Days Woman; néstseená'hove. Category: names.

néstseená'hove   ni. 1 • rustling corn ?? Category: check. See: mȧhaemenȯtse; hoo'kȯhtse.

2 • Rustling Corn ?? Category: check, check. See: Néstsééná'e. Category: names.

Néstsémėhé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Néstseovóévá'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Néšeenáhné'e   na. Away Two Days Woman. See: Néstsééná'e. Category: names.

Néšeenóóna   na. Fasting Two Nights. Feminine Néšeenóóná'e. Category: names.

Néšeenóóná'e   na. Fasting Two Nights Woman. Masculine Néšeenóóna. Category: names.

Néšeéstóso   na. Two Quivers. Category: names.

Nėševaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Swift. Variant: Ȯhnėševaestse. Category: names, speed.

Néševá'e   na. Two Shoes Woman. Ques: translation and pitches uncertain?? Category: check, names.

Nėševeváohénamosėstse   na. Swift Throwing Left Arm. Category: names.

Nėševóné'e   na. Fast Growing Woman. Final -óne'ó. Category: names.

Néševotonȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Two Tail Feathers. Variant: Ȯhnéševotonȯhtse. Category: names.

Nétȧhévena'hāne   na. Kills Different. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhma'haata   na. Big Eagle. Ques: pronunciation and spelling uncertain Category: names.

Netse Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Black Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhno'kaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lone Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Eagle Flies About. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhvéhonevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Eagle Chief. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯxháaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Brave Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯxháahketa   na. Little Eagle. Category: names.

Netse Ȯxheóvaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Yellow Eagle. Category: names.

Netséméóná'e   na. Eagle Trail Woman. (another recording) See: Vóaxaa'éméóná'e Bald Eagle Trail Woman. Category: names.

Netsévȯhé'so   na. Eagle Nest. See: netse; vȯhe iso. Category: names.

Netsévóhto   na. Eagle Leggings. Usage: woman's name See: -vohtó legging. Category: names.

Netsévóto   na. Eaglefeathers. Lit: eagle tailfeather See: netse eagle; voto tailfeather. Category: names, birds.

Néxana'hāne   na. Kills Twice, Two Kills, Counts Coups Twice. Category: check, names.

Néxana'hané'e   na. Kills Twice Woman, Two Kills Woman, Counts Coups Twice Woman. Ques: Nexa Na'hané'e?? Category: check, names.

Nóá'héhe   na. Giving Woman. See: Nóává'e; Nóávóse1. Category: names.

Nóává'e   na. Medicine Woman. alt: Nóvává'e. spelling is uncertain between Nóává'e and Nóvává'e.?? See: Mo'éhenóave; Nóáhe1. Category: names, check.

Nóhka'héhe   na. Contrary Woman. Non-contracted Hohnóhka'héhe. Category: names.

Nóhné'áhe   na. Cripple. Category: names.

Nóhne'kaestse   na. Limpy. Category: names.

Nóhne'kȧhé'héhe   na. Limpy Woman, Lame Woman. Category: names.

Nóhne'kȧhéso   na. Little Limpy. Category: names.

Nóhto'hōva   na. Pot Dance. translation uncertain. Category: names.

no'ée'e   na. 1 • squirrel. Plural no'éeo'o; AlternatePlural no'éeho; Obviative no'éeho; Variant: no'kée'e; Diminutive no'kéehēso. No'éeho éohkėhóvȯhtsénovȯtse šéstotó'eoó'xȯseonȯtse. Squirrels store pine nuts. [1979:205] Etym: *na·xkwehsiwa (?) (P); cf. Ar nóʔouhʔú. Category: animals, check.

2 • Squirrel. Category: names.

No'kena'hāne   na. Lone Kill, One Kills. Category: names.

No'kena'hané'e   na. Lone Kills Woman, One Kills Woman. Category: names.

No'kévėséhe   na. One Horn. See: Ka'évėséhe. Category: names.

Noma'é'e   na. North Facing Woman. See: Notamé'e. Category: directions, names.

Nóma'he Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Fish. Variant: Nomá'heohma'aestse. Category: names.

Nomá'heméóná'e   na. Fish Trail Woman. Category: names.

Nomá'heohma'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Red Fish. Variant: Nóma'he Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.

nomá'héškéso   na. Gram: dim 1 • minnow. See: noma'kēso. Category: fish.

2 • Fisher. origin of the Cheyenne family name Fisher, more accurately translated as 'little fish' or 'minnow. Category: names.

nóma'ne   na. 1 • fish (one). Usage: probably more commonly said than nóma'he Ques: does underlying nomá'hn (with hn) work?? Phon: iah Variant: nóma'he; Plural nomá'ne; Obviative nomá'ne; Diminutive noma'kēso, nomá'héškéso. Category: fish.

2 • Fish. Category: names.

Nómemé'éhne   na. Appears From the North. Variant: Nómemé'éhnėstse. See: Nómeōhtse; notamá. Category: names.

Nómemé'éhnėstse   na. Appears From the North. Variant: Nómemé'éhne. See: Nómeōhtse; notāma. Category: names.

Nómeōhtse   na. Going With the Wind, North Walker. See: Nómemé'éhne. Category: names.

Noné'otoénéhe   na. Smeared Face. Category: names.

nonóma'e   na. 1 • thunder, thunder god, battery. (another recording) (another recording) In Cheyenne cosmology thunder has been personified and considered a sacred power. It is possible that some people have translated the name of this power as 'thunderbird', as it has been written in some anthropological works on Cheyennes. Nonóma'e éamȧhtóohe. The thunder came through (thundering). Nonóma'e énéstoohe. Thunder is hollering (compare also énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o 'God is hollering' (this is what some people used to say during thunder; there was fear of the thunder). Éhoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xepónenēne nonóma'e. The thunder made a loud cracking sound. Nonóma'e énaeotse. The battery died. Phon: iah Etym: *nenemexkyiwa. See: Nemevota; ma'heono; nomá'he; -ho'ótseotse.

2 • Thunder. Category: sacred, sounds, car, names.

Nonóma'é'e   na. Thunder Woman. Category: names.

Nonoma'évoo'xénéhe   na. Thunder Crooked Nose. Category: names.

Nonóma'ȯhtsévéhnėstse   na. Gram: ppl Thunder Walks About. Category: names.

Nonóma'ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Thunder Flies About. Category: names.

Noo'ȯhová'tovėstse   na. Left Behind. See: Tanoohtsé'e Left Behind Woman. Category: names.

Nóomehe   na. Traveling South. Category: names, check.

Noónėhešeo'o   na. Withered Hip, Withered Thigh. Category: names.

Noóno'e   na. Old Grass. Category: names.

Notamé'e   North Woman. An old blind lady with this name helped the leaders guide the Cheyennes in the long trek north from Oklahoma; even though she was blind she could sense when the soldiers were near. Variant: Notamé'héhe. See: notāma; Noma'é'e. Category: directions, names.

Notamé'héhe   na. North Woman. this longer spelling may be preferred to Notamé'e. Variant: Notamé'e. Category: directions, names.

Nótȧxéméó'o   na. Warrior Trail. See: nótaxe warrior; méó'o trail. Category: names.

Nótȧxéó'kȯhóme   Soldier Wolf, Soldier Coyote. Lit: warrior-coyote Soldierwolf's name was translated wrongly as 'Soldierwolf'; his personal Cheyenne name was Hotóá'ȯhpėhévaestse 'Goodbull'. See: Ho'néhenótaxe Soldierwolf. Category: names.

Nóvá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Nóvá'éso   na. Mist, Slow Growing Woman ?? Category: check. Usage: translation uncertain See: Nóvá'késo. Category: names.

Nóvá'héhe   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Nóvá'késo   na. Slow Growing Woman ?? Category: check. Usage: translation uncertain Ques: also Nóvá'éso possibly meaning Mist ?? Category: check. See: Nóvá'éso. Category: names.

Nóvává'e   na. Medicine Woman. alt: Nóává'e. spelling is uncertain between Nóvává'e and Nóává'e?? See: Nóvávóse Bear Butte. Category: names, check.

Nóvėhné'héhe   na. Slow Walking Woman. Category: names, speed.

Oestóné'e   na. Sacrifice Woman. Category: names.

Oeškėséhá'e   na. Dog Woman. Category: names.

Oévemana   na. Scabby, Birney person. Plural Oévemanaho Scabbies, Birney persons. See: Oévéta. Category: names, bands.

Oévemó'ėsá'e   na. Scabby Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Oévenáhkȯhá'e   na. Scabby Bear Woman. Category: names.

Oévéta   na. Scabby. See: Oévemana. Category: names.

Ȯhméhoestse   na. Loved, David. This is the word Petter used to translate the name of David in the Bible. Category: names.

Ȯhméseestse   Gram: ppl vai. 1 • Northern Cheyenne person. Lit: eater can be a proper name for a person (1987:170) as well as a tribal label; the plural of this term, often with the addition of the preverb for 'north', Notaméohmésėhese, is the term used when a distinction is desired to refer to those Cheyennes who preferred the northern part of the Plains area where the Cheyenne bands roamed; the group usually contrasted when such a distinction is made are the Heévȧhetaneo'o, which is now used for Cheyennes who live in Oklahoma. Ȯhméseestse is used mostly by Cheyennes in Oklahoma for Cheyennes in Montana. Cheyenne in Montana, as well as those in Oklahoma, prefer to simply refer to themselves as Tsétsėhéstȧhese (Tsitsistas). AltPl=Notaméohmésėhese Plural Ȯhmésėhese. See: Heévȧhetane; Tsétsėhéstaestse; tsėhéstahe.

2 • Eater. Category: tribes, names, bands.

Ȯh-méseestse   vai. Gram: ppl 1 • Northern Cheyenne person. Lit: eater can be a proper name for a person (1987:170) as well as a tribal label; the plural of this term, often with the addition of the preverb for 'north', Notaméohmésėhese, is the term used when a distinction is desired to refer to those Cheyennes who preferred the northern part of the Plains area where the Cheyenne bands roamed; the group usually contrasted when such a distinction is made are the Heévȧhetaneo'o, which is now used for Cheyennes who live in Oklahoma. Ȯhméseestse is used mostly by Cheyennes in Oklahoma for Cheyennes in Montana. Cheyenne in Montana, as well as those in Oklahoma, prefer to simply refer to themselves as Tsétsėhéstȧhese (Tsitsistas). AltPl=Notaméohmésėhese Plural Ȯhmésėhese. See: Heévȧhetane Southern Cheyenne; Tsétsėhestaestse Cheyenne person; -tsėhéstahe be a Cheyenne. Category: tribes.

2 • Eater. Category: names.

Ȯh-mésėhé'e   na. 1 • Northern Cheyenne woman. Variant: Mésėhé'e. Category: tribes.

2 • Northern Cheyenne Woman. Category: names. both a common and proper name.

Ȯh-mésėhé'e   na. 1 • Northern Cheyenne woman. Variant: Mésėhé'e.

2 • Northern Cheyenne Woman. both a common and proper name. Category: tribes, names.

Ȯh-néhovaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Stands. Category: names.

Ȯhnėševaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Swift. Variant: Nėševaestse. Category: names.

Ȯhnéševotonȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Two Tail Feathers. Variant: Néševotonȯhtse. Category: names.

Ȯhtame'háooestse   Gram: ppl vai. Flying. Variant: Ame'háooestse. Category: names.

Ȯht-ame'háooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Flying. Variant: Ame'háooestse. Category: names.

Ȯhtamevonēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Crawler. Variant: Amevonēhnėstse. Category: names.

Ȯhtane'emaxėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Shot At. Category: names.

Ȯht-óoveotsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Shaking, Shaker. This is shaking as a horse or dog might do to shed water. See: -óoveotse. Category: names.

Ȯhtséémėhé'e   na. (woman's name). Variant: Otséémėhé'e. Category: names.

Ȯh-tsévatóéhné'e   na. Dusty Walking Woman. Category: names.

Ȯh-vó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White. Contracted Komaestse. father of Stamper White. Category: names.

Ókemé'éhne   na. Crow Appears. Phon: shortened to Ókemé'éhne Ques: recheck?? Non-contracted Ókȯhkemé'éhne. Category: check, names.

Ókohke Ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Crow Stands. Category: names.

Ókohke Ȯhvó'omaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Crow. Variant: Ókȯhkevó'omaestse. Category: names.

Ókȯhkėho'ēsta   na. Firecrow. See: ho'ēsta. Category: names.

Ókȯhkemé'éhne   na. Crow Appears. Phon: shortened to Ókemé'éhne Ques: recheck?? Contracted Ókemé'éhne. Category: check, names.

Ókȯhkeméóná'e   na. Crow Road Woman. Category: names.

Ókȯhkeméseestse   vai. Gram: ppl Crow Eater. Category: names.

Ókȯhkeo'o Ȯhnéšese   vai. Gram: ppl Two Crows. Category: names.

Ókȯhkéso   na. Little Crow. Category: names.

Ókȯhkeveho   na. Crow Chief. Category: names.

Ókȯhkevó'omaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Crow. Variant: Ókohke Ȯhvó'omaestse. Category: names.

Ókȯhkevóo'xénéhe   na. Humped Nose Crow. Category: names.

okom   na. 1 • coyote. okom (or, okome) is a simplified spelling. The precise spelling is ó'kȯhóme but it is difficult to read. Precise Spelling ó'kȯhóme. Category: animals.

2 • Coyote. Category: names.

3 • conniver, sly person. Category: figurative, personality.

ó'he'ke   ni. Gram: dim 1 • creek. (another recording) Plural o'hé'kėstse. Phon: iah Non-diminutive ó'he'e. Category: liquid.

2 • Creek. See: Tšėške'eó'he'e. Category: names.

Ó'kénėstse   na. One Eye. Cheyenne name of Fred Last Bull. Category: names.

ó'kȯhóme   na. 1 • coyote. (another recording) refers only to 'coyote', but sometimes translated (erroneously) as 'fox' or 'wolf'. Simplified Spelling okom. Plural ó'kȯhomeho; AlternatePlural ó'ȯhoméheo'o; Obviative ó'kȯhomeho; Variant: ó'ȯhóme (far less common than ó'kȯhóme). Etym: cf. Ar kooʔoh(o)wúhu'. Ó'kȯhóme, néstáme! Coyote, (here's) your food! (said during the coyote play game). Ó'kȯhomeho éoseehoháohtsétseveo'o. Éohkenéhovovo ónonevonėškeho. Coyotes are really sneaky. They chase prairie dogs. [1979:205] Etym: cf *pa·xkahamowiwa 'he is a coyote'. Category: animals.

2 • Coyote. Category: names.

3 • conniver, sly person. Simplified Spelling okom or okome. Category: figurative, personality.

Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse   na. Black Coyote. Variant: Mo'ȯhtáveó'kȯhóme. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhno'kaestse   na. Lone Coyote. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhóme Ȯxhooheóó'ėstse   Gram: ppl vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Stands On the Ridge. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhoméeho'ēsta   na. Coyote Fire. sometimes mistakenly translated as Wolf Fire or Fire Wolf, which is Ho'néeho'ēsta. See: Ho'néeho'ēsta Wolf Fire. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhoméeotse   na. Stinking Coyote, Coyote Smells. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Ó'kȯhoméhá'e   na. Coyote Woman. Contracted Kȯhóméhá'e. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhoméhemȧhtovóo'ȯtse   na. Coyote Ears. See: mȧhtovóo'ȯtse. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhoméhéso   na. 1 • little coyote, coyote pup. Naa tsé'tóhe kȧsovááhe móhnȧha'enȯhevóhe ó'kȯhoméhesono. Once this young man caught a coyote pup. [1987:300] Plural ó'kȯhoméhesono; Obviative ó'kȯhoméhesono.

2 • Little Coyote. See: O'kȯhomȯxháahketa. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Standing. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhnéstooestse   na. Howling Coyote. Contracted Kȯhómȯhnéstooestse. John Fisher. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhno'kaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lone Coyote. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Walking. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhtameōhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Walking. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Walking, Walking Coyote, Traveling Wolf. sometimes translated as Traveling Wolf but the correct translation is Walking Coyote. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhtáxeóó'ėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Stands On Top. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhvó'komaestse   vai. Gram: ppl White Coyote. origin of family name White Wolf. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯhvotonevėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Coyote Tail Feathers. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯxháahketa   vai. Gram: ppl Little Coyote. Origin of family name Littlewolf, which was a mistranslation. Simplified Spelling O'komȯxhaahketa. See: Ho'néoxháahketa Littlewolf; ho'néhéso little wolf. Category: names.

Ó'kȯhómȯxhooheóó'ėstse   Gram: ppl vai. Coyote Stands On the Ridge, Coyote Stands On the Hill. The following is the same name, just spelled as two words: Variant: Ó'kȯhóme Ȯxhooheóó'ėstse. See: hoéhose. Category: names.

Ó'xȧséhe   Cut Belly. BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: names, body.

Ó'xeeséhe   na. Cut Nose. Category: names.

Ó'xenáhkohe   na. Half Bear. Category: names.

Onéahtáhe   na. Deafy. See: Anéáhtá'e. Category: names.

Onéáhtȧhéso   na. Little Deafy. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Onéhá'e   na. Ponca Woman. Category: names.

Oné'seómeónone   na. Real Ree. See: Ónone Ree. Category: names.

Ónone   na. Ree, Arikara. Lit: meaning said to have something to do with 'teeth'; for example, 'taking off (something) with teeth' but this may be a folk etymology Plural Ónoneo'o. There is an area on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation between Busby and the Muddy Creek area, Ónónéno, where the people are called Ónoneo'o 'Ree district people.'. See: -onené; ónonevóneške prairie dog; Mȯhonoōne Gros Ventre. Etym: cf. *akwaθkwa woodchuck/groundhog. Category: tribes, names, bands.

Ónóné'e   na. Ree Woman. Category: names.

Ónonevóo'xénéhe   na. Ree Roman Nose. Indian name of Chief Two Moon. See: Éše'he Ȯhnéšėstse; Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe; méstaévoo'xénéhe; Vóo'xénéhe. Category: names.

Oo'enáhkohe   na. Hairless Bear. Category: names.

Óo'énéhe   na. Blind. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Oo'ėstséáhe   na. Baldy, Shaved Head. Category: names.

Oo'kāxe   na. Cut Hairless. Category: names.

Oo'kemánȯhóvá'e   na. Bare Medicine Woman. See: Mánȯhóvá'e. Category: names.

Oo'kóenóohe   na. Looks Bare. possibly refers to one who looks at things so much that his vision goes bare ?? Category: check. See: -óenoosané. Category: names.

Oó'xetoo'o   na. Broken Bowl. Category: names.

oónȧha'e   na. 1 • frog. Phon: iah Plural oonȧhā'e. AltPl = oonȧhá'eo'o Obviative oonȧhā'e; Diminutive oonȧha'esón. mȧxhevéesēvȯhtse oonȧhā'e when frogs have teeth [fig., never; especially I will help you as soon as frogs grow teeth (which, of course, they never do)]. Category: animals, sayings.

2 • Frog. This is also the name of an important nésemoo'o 'familiar'. This familiar spirit could especially help its owner locate lost things, such as lost horses. See: oonȧha'é'héhe frog. Category: names.

oóxa'e'oo'o   1 • ni. spur. Phon: vs Plural oóxa'e'óonȯtse.

2 • na. Spur. Category: names, horses.

Ȯssȯsóa'xėstse   Gram: ppl vai. Plunging Into the Enemy. a man's name. vai: -sȯsóa'xe. See: Sóena'hané'e. Category: names.

Ȯssȯsóa'xėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Plunging Into the Enemy. a man's name. vai: -sȯsóa'xe. See: Sóena'hané'e. Category: names.

Otá'tavaestse   vai. Gram: ppl Blue. Category: names.

Otá'taveaénohe   na. Blue Hawk. Category: names.

Otá'taveenóvá'e   na. Blue Feather Woman, Blue Tepee Woman, Blue Wing Woman. Both meanings have been given by native speakers; Blue Feathers is the meaning given in an old list of Cheyenne names. Contracted Taveenóvá'e. Category: names.

Otá'tavemo'éhno'ha   na. Blue Horse. Category: names.

Otá'tavevé'kėséhá'e   na. Bluebird Woman. Category: names.

otá'tavevé'késo   na. 1 • bluebird. Category: birds.

2 • Bluebird. Category: names.

Otó'xovȧhé'hé'e   na. Skilled Woman. name given to linguist, Dr. Sarah Murray. Category: names.

Otséeme   na. Brave. meaning no longer known by most speakers, but an elder has given this as the meaning. Category: names.

Otséémėhé'e   na. Brave Woman. Variant: Ȯhtséémėhé'e. meaning no longer known by most speakers, but an elder has given this as the meaning. See: -hotséehe. Category: names.

Otséemeóó'e   na. Brave Standing Woman ?? Category: check, names.

Ótséhné'e   na. Serving Woman ?? Category: names, check.

Otséóhné'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Otséóhtsé'e   na. Going for Provisions Woman. Ques: translation uncertain; from MS: Can't Make It to the Other Side See: -évotsétȧhéohtsé; Évotséta. Category: names.

Otséstáóó'o   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Otsévé'ėhá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Otséveóó'e   na. Stands On Purpose Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Otsévóhto   na. Leggings. See: hōhto. Category: names.

Ováhemáase   na. Magical Chips. translation not well known today, but cited in PD. See: Hotamémaase; Hotóamaase. Category: names.

Ova'héhe   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Ováma'háahe   na. (man's name). Variant: Ováma'hahe. Category: names.

Ováma'hahe   na. (man's name). Variant: Ováma'háahe. Category: names.

Ȯx-hátavėsévé'hámėstse   vai. Gram: ppl (His) Bad Horse. See: Hátavėsévé'hámėstse; Hátavėsévé'háme; Hátavėséve'haméhe. Category: names.

Ȯx-hávėsévenėhetó'ánėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Bad Talker. fai: -ó'ané. Category: names, speak.

Ȯxhe-vo'ótanėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Wearing Choker. ni: ho'ota. Category: names.

Ȯxhóe'háooestse   vai. Gram: ppl Flying Out. Variant: Hóe'háooestse. Category: names.

Ȯx-hóotóó'ȯhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Looks Behind. Variant: Hóotóó'ȯhtse; vai: -hóotóo'ó. Category: names.

Páeta   na. Powder Man, Ash man. Category: names.

Páévénéhe   na. Powder Face. Feminine Páévéné'e. Category: names.

Páévéné'e   na. Powder Face Woman. Masculine Páévénéhe. Category: names.

Pȧháhné'héhe   na. Woman. translation unknown. Ques: Susie tallwhiteman Wilson Category: names.

Pȧhápa'e   ni. (a boy's nickname). Category: names.

Pȧháveameōhtse   na. Walks Nice. Simplified Spelling Paveameohtse; Variant: Pėhéveameōhtse. Category: names.

Pȧhávééná'e   na. Pretty Feathers Woman, Good Feathers Woman, Aging Well Woman. Category: names.

Pȧhávėhá'e   na. Good Woman. Ques: Florence Seminole Category: names.

Pȧhávemé'éhne   vai. Gram: ppl Appearing Good. Variant: Pȧhávemé'éhnėstse. Category: names.

Pȧhávemé'éhne   na. Good Appearing. Category: names.

Pȧhávemé'éhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Appearing Good. Variant: Pȧhávemé'éhne. Category: names.

Pȧháveméóná'e   na. Good Trail Woman. Category: names.

Pȧhávena'hané'e   na. Killsnice Woman. Category: names.

Pȧhávevé'késo   na. Pretty Bird. Category: names.

Pȧhávevóonā'o   1 • na. Good Morning. a Cheyenne name. See: Hávėsévevóonā'o Bad Morning. Category: names.

2 • p. Good morning. Usage: used as a greeting today; it is a loan translation from English Simplified Spelling Pavevoona'o; Variant: Pėhévevóonā'o. Category: greetings.

Pȧhávoomȧhtse   na. Good Robe. Category: names.

Pȧhávoomā'e   na. Good Robe Woman. Category: names.

Páhkééhe   na. Ashes ?? Category: check. Usage: This is a nickname. Category: names.

Pȧhoevotoná'e   na. Attached Feathers Woman. See: voto. Category: names.

Pákehe   na. Powder Face. Usage: nickname Non-contracted Páévénéhe. Category: names.

Pá'ahtse   na. Lump Mouth. Category: names.

Pá'ee'ėse   na. Lump Nose. See: Pá'kee'ėse. Category: names.

Pá'eesá'e   na. Lump Nose Woman. Category: names.

Pa'ėhahtáhe   na. Knobbed Foot. Variant: Pa'kėhahtáhe. Category: names.

Pa'ėháne'e   na. Knobbed Neck, Knobbed Nape. Lit: Knobbed Nape Ques: Cedric Spottedelk's nickname Category: names.

Pa'e'ohko   na. Knob Pipe. See: he'ohko. Category: names.

Pá'kee'ėse   na. Lump Nose. See: Pá'ee'ėse. Category: names.

Pa'kėhahtáhe   na. Knobbed Foot. Variant: Pa'ėhahtáhe. Category: names.

Papėhééhe   na. Limpnose, Limpman. Ques: Pȧhapėhééhe ?? Category: check. Usage: translation uncertain Ques: john Seminole, the old man (john woodenleg's father) Category: names.

Pavevoona'o   1 • na. Good Morning. a Cheyenne name. Category: names. See: Hávėsévevóonā'o.

2 • p. Good morning. Usage: used as a greeting today; it is a loan translation from English Precise Spelling Pȧhávevóonā'o; Variant: Pėhévevóonā'o. Category: greetings.

Péekaā'e   na. Piegan Woman. Category: names.

Pėhévanéstoohe   na. Sings Good, Sings Nice. See: -néstoohe. Category: names.

Pėhéveameōhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Walks Nice. Variant: Pȧháveameōhtse. Category: names.

Pėhévėhetane   n a. Good Man. Category: names.

Pėhévenáhkohe   na. Good Bear. Category: names.

Pėhévena'hāne   n. Kills Nice, Good Killer. Simplified Spelling Pevena'hane; Feminine Pėhévena'hané'e. Category: names.

Pėhévena'hané'e   n. Kills Nice Woman, Good Killer Woman. Simplified Spelling Pevena'hane; Masculine Pėhévena'hāne. Category: names.

Pėhévėstsévé'hȧtse   na. Flies Around Well. Category: names. See: -éve'há.

Pėhévo'ėhaná'e   na. Good Moccasins Woman. Category: names.

Péhpe'e   na. Curly, Bushy. Lit: bushy See: Mámahke Curly. Category: names.

Pe'ā'e   na. Disorderly Woman. especially a nickname for a woman who is in disarray, for example, has messy hair, but especially refers to being scatter-brained or otherwise not culturally constrained. Non-contracted Pe'pe'ā'e. See: Pe'eēse. Category: names.

Pe'ee'ėse   na. Big Nose. non-contract: Táhpe'ee'ėse. Category: nose, names.

Pé'ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse   na. Nighthawk Flies About. See: pe'e nighthawk; -éve'há fly about. Category: names.

Pe'óvá'éta   na. Jagged Rock, Bumpy Rock. Non-contracted: Pe'pe'óvá'éta. Category: names.

Pe'pe'ā'e   na. Disorderly Woman. Usage: humorous; often used as a humorous nickname for someone contracted: Pe'ā'e. Category: names.

Pe'pe'óvá'éta   na. Jagged Rock, Bumpy Rock. Contracted Pé'óvá'éta. Category: names.

pénȯhéó'o   ni. flour, wheat, barley, grain. Lit: ground usually refers to flour. (another recording) Ná-he'kóóvóhtse pénȯhéó'o. I wet the flour (for kneading bread).

Wheat, Flour. Category: names.

Póevónae'héhe   na. Navaho Woman. Category: names.

Po'enómáhe   na. Lost Leg. Lit: Broken Off Leg Category: names.

Pó'eta2   na. Gray. name of a dog. vai: -pó'eta1. Category: names.

Pó'ėxáó'o   na. Gray Skunk. Category: names.

Pó'oomá'e   na. Gray Blanket Woman. Category: names.

Pónaeheve   (man's name). Category: names.

Pónevonėstse   na. Bang. vii: -pónevone. Category: sounds, names.

Pónȯhéne   na. Drummer. Category: names.

Póo'heeno   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Sásóó'ȯhné'e   na. (woman's name). See: sásóóvéta. Category: names.

Séano'ehe   na. Happy Hunting Grounds. Category: names.

Sé'henȯhkevóestaā'e   na. Eyes Darting Around White Buffalo Calf Woman. a nickname given to one of several ladies who had the name of Vóestaā'e; she must have been a person who seemed to look around and scrutinize everything. Category: names.

Sé'ȯhtȧhonoo'o   na. Roasted In. See: honoo'o. Category: names.

Sé'továóó'ėstse   na. Rising Smoke. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sé'továotse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Simplified Spelling Setovaatse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sénáka   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Séonéóhtse   na. Wandering Around. Category: names.

Séonéóhtsé'e   na. Wandering Around Woman. Category: names.

Séotā'e   na. Ghost Woman. Etym: cf *či·pe·θkwe·wa (P/L). Category: names.

Sétováatse   na. Smoke Appears, Smokey, Smoke Rising. Precise Spelling Sé'továotse. Category: names, fire, smoke.

Sétovena'hané'e   na. Kills In the Center Woman. Category: names.

Sétovo'omé'hé'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Sévo'ká'e   na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.

Sóena'hané'e   na. Kills Through the Enemy Woman. Lit: Kills Through Woman (the meaning of 'enemy' is implied) See: Ȯssȯsóa'xėstse. Category: names.

Sóeōhtse   na. Goes Through the Enemy. vai: -sóeohtsé. Category: warfare, names.

Só'aahevá'e   na. Clean Hair Woman. translation uncertain; meaning is unknown to most speakers today. Category: names.

Só'taa'e   na. Sutai person, Sutai, Suhtai. This refers to a person of this band that is related to the Cheyennes. It is also a proper name. Socio: Sutai or Sutai 'Sutai person'; Sutaio or Sutaio 'Sutai persons'. Phon: vs Plural Só'taeo'o. This band or tribe spoke an Algonquian language mutually intelligible with Cheyenne. Before written records existed, the Sutaiu joined the Cheyennes after meeting at a famous battle. They stopped fighting because they could understand each other. They were assimilated into Cheyenne life and left their mark upon the way of life created by their union. Some families today trace their ancestry to Só'taeo'o origins. It seems impossible today to accurately determine any part of the Cheyenne language which uniquely came from the Só'taeo'o people. Category: names, bands.

Só'taa'ėhéhe   na. Sutai Woman. Category: names.

Sósėskeameohtséhé'e   na. Slimwalking Woman. name of an ugly, mangy buffalo cow in the famous story of the Great Race. Category: names.

Sósȯhkevata   na. Slender Youngbird. See: mónevata. Category: names.

Sóváóhtsé'e   na. Sniffs the Ground Woman. Category: names.

šéhéso   na. little snowbird. Non-Dim: šehe.

2 • na. Little Snowbird. man's name. Category: names.

Šé'šenovotsé'e   na. Snake Woman. Category: names.

šé'šėškema   na. 1 • wart. Plural šé'šėškemaho. Morph: /šé'šéhkemah/. Etym: *ci·ʔci·kwama (Pe79.374). Category: body.

2 • Wart. Category: names.

Šéstotó'á'e   na. Pine Woman, Cedar Woman. Category: names.

šéstótó'e   na. 1 • pine tree, cedar, evergreen tree. This can mean 'cedar' especially for cedar used in a ceremony. Ques: recheck preceding history?? AltPl = šéstotó'eho Plural šéstotó'e; Obviative šéstotó'é. Etym: cf *šenta. See: móma'xėšéstoto'e. Category: trees.

2 • Pine. Diminutive Šéstótó'ke. Category: names.

Šéstotó'eahké'e   na. Pine Gum Woman, Cedar Gum Woman. Category: names.

Šéstotó'eméóná'e   na. Cedar Trail Woman. Category: names.

Šéstótó'ke   na. Little Pine. Non-diminutive šéstótó'e. Category: names.

Ševóné'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Šéxo'óhtsé'e   na. Scraping Woman, Gnawing Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.

Taa'éamé'e   na. Night Pemmican Woman. Category: names.

Taa'évȧhó'nehe   na. Night Wolf. Category: names.

Taa'évȧho'ne'e   na. Night Stepper. Category: names.

Taa'évȧhoo'ėstse   na. Night Sitting. Category: names.

Taa'évȧhtamēhnėstse   na. Nightwalker. Category: names.

Taa'évȧhtsévé'hȧhtse   na. Flies At Night. Category: names.

Taa'évanáhkohe   na. Night Bear. See: Taa'évenáhkohe. Category: names.

Taa'évȧxhoo'ėstse   na. Night Sitting. Category: names.

Taa'éveameōhtse   na. Nightwalker; Walks At Night. Category: names.

Taa'évenáhkohe   Night Bear. See: Taa'évánáhkohe. Category: names.

Taa'évena'hāne   na. Killsnight. Category: names.

Taa'évena'hané'e   na. Killsnight Woman. Category: names.

Taa'éveóhtsé'e   na. Nightwalking Woman. Category: names.

Táaxeme   na. Wallowing. refers to standing in a buffalo wallow?; translation uncertain. Category: names.

Táaxemeóó'e   na. Wallowing Woman, Buffalo Wallowing Woman. Lit: Standing In Buffalo Wallow Woman; trans. uncertain Category: names.

Tȧhóvo'eóó'e   na. Wrapped In a Blanket Woman. See: -hóvo'eóó'e. Category: names.

Tȧhpe'ȧséhe   Big Belly. a nickname. Category: names.

Táhpe'ee'ėse   Big Nose. Contracted Pe'ee'ėse. See: -tȧhpe'eesé. Category: names, nose.

Táhpeta   na. Big. nickname for a deceased policeman in Ashland. Ques: ben bighead vai: -tȧhpeta. Category: names.

Táhtaámėhé'e   na. Plain View Woman, Clear Walker Woman. Category: names.

táhtaenotováhe   na. 1 • killdeer. Plural táhtaenotováheo'o; Obviative táhtaenotováheho. Lit: marked.around-neck-NOM Variant: possibly also tóhtaenotováhe; Medial -notová.

2 • Killdeer. Category: names.

Táhtanóma'ō'e   na. Smooth Ground. Category: names.

Ta'e'háóhtsėstse   na. Flies Out of Sight. See: -ta'ta'e'há. Category: names.

Ta'ovéné'e   na. Frowning Woman. Category: names.

Tameesá'e   na. Cut Nose Woman. Category: names.

Tanoohtsé'e   na. Left Behind Woman. See: Noo'hová'tovėstse Left Behind. Category: names.

Taveenóvá'e   na. Blue Feather Woman. Non-contracted Otá'taveenóvá'e. Category: names.

Táxena'hāne   na. Killsontop. Category: names.

Táxena'hané'e   na. Killsontop Woman. Category: names.

Tóéhné'e   na. Holding Woman. See: -toen. Category: names.

Tóestȯhēne   na. Stringing Beads. Category: names.

Tóestȯhené'e   na. Stringing Beads Woman. Category: names.

Toháéno   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Tȯhevena   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Tȯhevénaa'héhe   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Tȯhovóéhné'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Tóhtonóma'o'e   Flat Ground. Category: names.

Tóhtoo'ā'e   na. Prairie Woman. Category: names.

Tóhtoo'énȧhkohe   na. Prairie Bear. Category: names.

Tóhtoo'évé'késo   Prairie Bird. Category: names.

Tó'ėsėhahtáve'ho'e   Longfeet. name given to a whiteman. Category: names.

Tó'ėstonené'héhe   Long Teeth Woman. Category: names.

Tó'kėseóhtáhe   na. Short Legs. Category: names.

To'óoná'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Tomȯsénéhe   Erect Face. Category: names, face.

Tomȯsévėséhe   na. Erect Horns. a legendary Cheyenne hero, along with Motsé'eóeve. Category: names.

Tónėšenóve'éo'hé'e   ni. Crazy Woman Creek. This is a tributary of the Powder River in Wyoming, now known as Crazy Woman Fork. Category: rivers, names.

-tónėševéhe   vai. how named, named how. Simplified Spelling -donshivih. Né-tónėševéhe? What is your name? (another recording) (another recording) É-tónėševéhe? What is his name? Word parts for specific language names can be included: Né-tónėšėtsėhésevéhe? What is your Cheyenne name? É-tónėšėtsėhésevéhe? What is his Cheyenne name? Né-tónėševé'ho'évevéhe? What is your English name? See: véhestȯtse; -tónėšévé; -tsėhésevéhé; -vé'ho'évevéhe. Category: names.

Tonȯhēne   na. Hammer. a nickname. Category: names.

Tóohé'e   na. Howls Along Woman. Non-contracted Amȧhtóohē'e. Category: names.

Tóoveóhtsé'e   na. Doubling Back Woman. possibly Shaking Off Woman. Usage: translation uncertain See: -ooveohtsé. Category: names.

Tóoveotse   na. Folded, Shaking Off. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Tooxeóse   na. Little Fingernail. See: tšėške'emo'ēško little finger. Category: names, check.

Tótšėške'ematsénéhe   na. Squint Eyes. Ques: ém?? Non-reduplicated Tšėške'ematsénéhe Squint Eye. Category: names, check.

Tovóéhné'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

tóvȯhkéso   na. 1 • swift fox. See: vóhkéso; ma'ėhóóhe; Vóhkėsétane. Category: animals.

2 • Swift Fox. Category: names.

Tovó'ȧhtsenáve'ho'e   na. Harelip Whiteman. Category: names.

Tovó'ėhaénéhe   na. Cracked Eye. See: Tovó'kėhaénéhe. Category: names.

Tovó'ke'ėstáhe   na. Dented Ear. Category: ears, names.

Tséáhe   Head. Category: names.

Tseenáóó'e   (woman's name; something about feathers). Category: names.

Tsėhe'ėstónééhe   na. Long String. Final -óneehe. Category: names.

Tsėhe'ėstónéhe   na. Longstring. Category: names.

Tsėhe'ėstóo'onáhe   na. Longjaw. Variant: Háa'ėstóo'onáhe. Category: names.

Tsėhésėhé'e   Cheyenne Woman. Category: names.

Tsėhésemé'ėškó'e   na. Mexican Cheyenne. See: mé'šeškó'e. Category: names.

Tsėhésenėstséhe   na. Cheyenne Talker. Petter's Indian name; not an original Cheyenne name. Tséstȧsé'hove=tā'se=hápó'e=tsėhésenestsėsetséstano'nėheševéese Tsėhésenėstséhe tsétȧhešėhestoese. When he did likewise speak Cheyenne, he was named Cheyenne Talker, he was called that. [1987:144] Category: names.

Tsévatóéhné'e   na. Dusty Walking Woman. Category: names.

tšėhešėhasēō'o   1 • ni. match. for lighting a fire. Variant: tsėhesėhasēō'o; Plural tšėhešėhaseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: -tsėhe'ėsém. Category: fire.

2 • na. Match. Category: names.

Tšėške'ematsénéhe   na. Squint Eye. Reduplicated Tótšėške'ematsénéhe. Ques: is there also a Tšėške'matsénéhe variant?? See: Kėhaénéhe. Category: names, check.

Tšėške'énėstse   na. Little Face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: names.

Tšėške'eó'he'e   1 • ni. little creek. See: ó'he'e river; ó'he'ke creek. Category: rivers.

2 • na. Little Creek, Little River, Milk River. This is a tributary of the Missouri River in Montana and Alberta. It is also a proper name. See: ó'he'ke creek. Category: names.

Tšėške'oomahe   n. Little Robe, Small Blanket. See: hóoma blanket; robe. Category: names.

Tšėške'óvo'ēhne   na. Robe Too Small. Ques: original recording was for Tšėške'eóvo'ēhne?? Category: names, check.

Tšėšketaā'e   na. Small Woman. Contracted Ketaā'e. See: Tšėšketá'e Small Woman. Category: names.

Tšėšketáhe   na. Small. See: Ketaā'e. Category: names.

Tšėšketá'e   na. Small Woman, Tiny Woman. See: Tšėšketaā'e Small Woman. Category: names.

Váhkótsé'e   na. Little Noisy Walking Woman. derived from Améváóhtsé'e. Ques: grace flying bear quiver Simplified Spelling waodzif, waotsifa. Category: names.

Vá'kȯhé'haméhe   Bobtailed Horse. (another recording) Category: names.

Vá'kȯhéso   na. Little Bobtail. Category: names.

Vánȧhéóéso   na. Little Sage Standing. Category: names.

Vánȧhéoeve   na. Standing Sage. Category: names.

Vánȧhéó'o   na. Sage Woman. Category: names.

Váno'eméóná'e   na. Sagebrush Trail Woman. Category: names.

Váno'évo'néhe   na. Wolf Sage. See: hó'nehe. Category: names.

Vánó'ke   na. Little Sage. Category: names.

Váotseváhéméó'o   na. Deer Road Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Veho Ȯxháahketȧhtse   na. Little Chief. Variant: Véhóéso; vai: -háahketa. Category: names.

Véhóéso   na. Littlechief. This name is the origin of the current family name King. Variant: Veho Ȯxháahketȧhtse. See: Háahke'éveho. Category: names.

Véhóná'e   na. 1 • queen. Cheyennes have not had queens, but "queen" is a reasonable translation of this Cheyenne word. Lit: chief-woman Plural véhona'eo'o.

2 • Chief Woman. Category: names.

véhonema'kaata   1 • ni. gold. Lit: chief-metal perhaps only refers to gold coins, with the véhone- "chief" modifier referring to the Indian chief head which has appeared on some old gold coins. See: heóvema'kaata. Category: metal.

2 • na. Chief Gold. Category: names.

Véhonemé'éhnėstse   na. Chief Appears in Sight, Chief Appearing. Category: names.

Véhonemé'ėškó'e   Mexican Chief. Category: names.

Véhonemónáhtsėstse   Chief Young Wolf. Category: names.

Véhonena'hāne   na. Chief Kills. Category: names.

Véhonena'hané'e   na. Chief Kills Woman. Category: names.

Véhonėsé'hasēne   na. Chief Sopping. Category: names.

Véhpȧhoo'ȯtse   1 • ni. hollow piece of wood. Plural véhpȧhootȯtse. Morph: /véhpahoot/. Etym: *wi·mpehθakwi (P). Category: wood.

2 • na. Hollow Wood. Category: names.

Véhpotá'e   na. Flower Woman, Leaf Woman. Category: names.

Vé'eénėhé'e   na. Sweet Woman. Category: names.

Vé'ése   Bird. See: vé'kése. Category: names.

Vé'ėséhéméó'o   na. Bird Trail. Variant: Vé'kėséhéméó'o. Category: names.

vé'ho'á'e   na. 1 • white woman. Plural vé'ho'á'eo'o; Obviative vé'ho'a'o; Masculine vé'ho'e. Tósa'e éhéstahe tsé'tóhe vé'ho'á'e? Where is this white woman from? This was a put down said to a Cheyenne woman. See: vé'ho'á'ame. Category: people.

2 • queen (of cards). Category: cards.

3 • White Woman. Variant: ma'xevéhóná'e, Vé'ho'ká'e. Category: people, cards, names.

Vé'ho'á'éso   na. Little White Woman. Category: names.

vé'ho'e1   na. 1 • whiteman, non-Indian. (another recording) Plural vé'hó'e; Obviative vé'hó'e; Homonym vé'ho'e2 spider; Feminine vé'ho'á'e; Diminutive vé'ho'ke. Etym: *wi:ʔsahke·tya·hkwa culture hero; cf. C wi·sahke·ca·hk. aéstome-vé'ho'e literally, false-whiteman; an epithet used of Cheyenne Indians who don't have some of the traditional characteristics of Cheyennes; especially said of Cheyennes who don't talk Cheyenne (this term is often used to tease them or put them down). ó'xe-vé'ho'e half breed; literally, half-whiteman. tsėhése-vé'ho'e literally, Cheyenne-whiteman (extant?? How is this used??) [PD38: American (note that Petter also translates vé'ho'e as 'non-Indian')] vé'ho'e ésáavésėstánóvéhe nėhe'xóvéva évaveto The whiteman was not living (here) at that time in the past. [PD38: American (note that Petter also translates vé'ho'e as 'non-Indian')] That sentence illustrates that a singular may be used as a generic, as in English. Lexically, it can be shown from contrasts between words that vé'ho'e today "means "something like 'non-Indian', for example, ma'e-vé'ho'e 'German (literally, red-vé'ho'e)'. The word mo'ȯhtáe-ve'ho'e 'Negro (literally, black-vé'ho'e) is considered humorous by speakers because, to them, it initially sounds like a contradiction in terms, that is, black-whiteman. The term vé'ho'e, presumably in the 'non-Indian' sense is also extended to certain occupational roles which are today increasingly held by Indians, for example, matanaé-ve'ho'e 'policeman (literally, chest-vé'ho'e, perhaps so named because of the policeman's medal worn on the chest). The humor in apparent contradiction in the meaning of the term for 'policeman' is also pointed out by speakers. This relatively short word is one of the most important terms in the cultural, emotive scheme of Cheyenne life, and it can be seen from this discussion that it also has a very complicated semantic conceptualization, including historical development, semantic extension, folk reanalysis, and intense emotive associations. The preverb, vé'ho'é-, typically has the meaning of 'good, modern, top-quality', contrasting with ordinary, Indian things, which are sometimes viewed as inferior. See discussion under vé'ho'é-mȧhéó'o 'modern house' and vé'ho'évo'ha 'top quality horse'. There can also be strong pejorative connotations associated with terms for 'whiteman', for example, see discussion under ma'heóne-vé'ho'e. The verb é-vé'ho'éveotse 'he turned into a whiteman' is strongly negative in emotive association. The words for 'whiteman' and 'spider' are the same in two Plains Algonquian languages, Cheyenne and Arapaho. This homonymy is often discussed by Cheyenne speakers. Various folk etymologies are given by Cheyenne speakers to account for the use of vé'ho'e as the designation for the whiteman; the two most frequent folk etymologies are: (1a) The whiteman was given the same name as the spider because he fenced in the rangelands making it look like a spider's web. (1b)A variant of the folk etymology connecting the whiteman and the spider is that the whiteman was perceived as being intelligent and ingenious as the spider is said to be perceived by Cheyennes. (But many people question that Cheyennes perceive the spider as being particularly intelligent.) (2) Sweet Medicine predicted that a person (vo'ėstane) would come to the Cheyennes who would be wrapped up (tsevé'hoo'e 'he will be wrapped up'), in the whiteman's non-Indian clothing which entirely covers the body, not the looser, sparser traditional clothing of the Indian. According to one folk etymology, the word vé'ho'e 'whiteman', then, is a contraction of the verb stem which Sweet Medicine used, -vé'hoo'e. Historically, the word vé'ho'e descends by regular sound rules from the old Algonquian word for 'trickster' or 'culture hero'. The Algonquian trickster continues in Cheyenne folk tales today. Cheyenne stories frequently highlighted the trickster vé'ho'e long before the whiteman was ever encountered. Semantically, to native speakers, today, the word vé'ho'e almost always conjures up the meaning of 'whiteman', with various emotive connotations, ranging from stinginess, greed, prejudice, sneakiness, to prestige. (Many speakers are aware that the word also means 'spider', but this is not the first meaning that comes to mind when they hear the word vé'ho'e.)Although extant Cheyenne folk tales clearly indicate the historical nature of the meaning of 'trickster', this meaning seems to be never offered by native speakers today. When vé'ho'e stories are translated into English the trickster word vé'ho'e seems always to be translated as 'whiteman'. From a technical linguistic viewpoint, one would say that Cheyennes gave the Algonquian trickster term to the whiteman because the whiteman was perceived to have many of the qualities of the trickster. It is probably an accident of history that the word is homophonous with the term for 'spider'. The Cheyenne prophet, Motsé'eóeve (Sweet Medicine), told the Cheyennes of the coming of a person (vo'ės. person is going to come to you (plural). He will be all sewed up (enclosed in clothes), nowhere will he not be sewed up, this person who is going to come to you. He is going to destroy for you everything that you used to depend on, he is going to destroy everything....And this one who is going to come to you will take over all the land throughout the world. (1980:4-5) (It has been repeatedly pointed out that Sweet Medicine never said that the ve'ho'e was going to come to the Cheyennes. Likewise, it is pointed out, that he never said a vóhpė-hetane 'white man' would come to the Cheyennes. Instead, he simply said that a vo'ėstane 'person' was going to come to the Cheyennes.) This Algonquian 'culture hero' term is reflected in English by the phrase "Whiskey-Jack", which, to English ears, sounded close to the Algonquian word. See: ho'evȯtse; anonéhováhe; He'amavé'ho'e; mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e.

2 • Whiteman. This has apparently been a longtime Cheyenne personal name. In the mid to late1800's, when English translations of this name were given to government agents, the word vé'ho'e had already apparently come to mean almost exclusively 'whiteman', rather than its original Algonquian meaning of 'trickster'. Category: names.

3 • trickster. The meaning of 'trickster' is now obsolescent for Cheyenne ve'ho'e, except that many Cheyenne legends include the Algonquian trickster.

Vé'ho'e Ȯxháa'ėstaestse   na. Tall Whiteman. vai: -háa'ėstahe. Category: names.

Vé'ho'énȯhnéhe   Lame Whiteman. Spelled Vehoenxne in the literature, this is the name of a Cheyenne who was killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Where he fell is now marked with a sign. See: Nóhné'áhe. Category: names.

Vé'ho'éo'kénéhe   na. One-eyed Whiteman. Category: names.

vé'ho'évo'ha   na. 1 • top quality horse, beautiful horse. Lit: whiteman horse This has been cited by native speakers to illustrate that there has been a Cheyenne feeling of inferiority to the whiteman. See: mo'éhno'ha. Preverb vé'ho'é-; Final -o'ha.

2 • American Horse. A proper name which became the Cheyenne family name, American Horse. Category: horses, names.

Vé'ho'évonȧhé'e   na. White Medicine Bundle Woman. See: Vonȧhé'e. Category: names.

Vé'ho'ká'e   Gram: dim na. Gram: dim 1 • little white woman. Non-diminutive vé'ho'á'e.

2 • Little White Woman. See: Vé'ho'kevá'e. Category: names.

vé'ho'ká'késo   na. Gram: dim little white girl. (another recording) Plural vé'ho'ká'kėsono; Obviative vé'ho'ká'kėsono; Non-diminutive vé'ho'á'e; Masculine vé'ho'kēso. Category: whites, names.

Vé'ho'ke   na. Gram: dim 1 • little white boy. Non-diminutive vé'ho'e.

2 • Little Whiteman. Category: names.

vé'ho'kēso   na. Gram: dim 1 • little white boy. Non-diminutive vé'ho'ke; Feminine vé'ho'ká'késo.

2 • Little Whiteman. See: Vé'ho'ke. Category: names.

Vé'ho'kevá'e   na. Little White Woman, Little White Girl. See: vé'ho'á'e; vé'ho'ká'e. Category: names.

Vé'hó'kȯhtse   na. Sweetgrass. See: vé'hó'ȯhtse sweetgrass. Category: names.

Vé'ho'kȯhtsēso   na. Little Sweetgrass. Category: names.

vé'hó'ȯhtse   1 • ni. sweetgrass. Variant: Vé'hó'kȯhtse; Plural vé'hó'óhtsėstse. See: motsé'eonȯtse. Category: plants.

2 • na. Sweetgrass. See: Vé'hó'kȯhtse; Motsé'eóeve. Category: names.

Vé'keeménó'ká'e   na. Sweet Willow Woman. Ques: a made-up name but it seems to work Category: names.

Vé'kėséhá'e   na. Bird Woman. (another recording) Category: names, birds.

Vé'kėséhema'evo   na. Bird Nose. Usage: a kind of sound translation which originated from the family name Beardneau Category: names.

Vé'kėséhema'óhkééná'e   na. Bird Red Feather Woman. See: Ma'óhkééná'e. Category: names.

Vé'kėséhéméó'o   na. Bird Trail. Variant: Vé'ėséhéméó'o. Category: names.

Vé'kėséhenȧhkohe   na. Bird Bear. See: náhkohe. Category: names.

Vé'kėséhévého   na. Bird Chief. See: Vé'késȯhvéhonevėstse; vého. Category: names, birds.

Vé'kėséhévéhóná'e   na. Bird Chief Woman. Category: names.

Vé'kėséohnéšese   na. Two Birds. Variant: Vé'késȯhnéšese. Category: names.

Vé'kėseoxháestȯxese   na. Heap Of Birds, Many Birds. Lit: birds which are many John Heap of Birds, of Oklahoma, composed several Cheyenne spiritual songs. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhma'heónevėstse   na. Medicine Bird. See: Ma'heónevé'kése. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhméonéstooestse   na. Bird Sings In the Morning. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Vé'késȯhnéstooestse   na. Howling Bird. Variant: Vé'késȯhnéstoohe. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhnéstoohe   na. Howling Bird. Variant: Vé'késȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhnéšese   na. Two Birds. Vé'kėséohnéšese (variant). Vé'késȯhnéšéso (variant). Category: names, birds.

Vé'késȯhnėševe'háooestse   na. Bird Flies Fast. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhno'kaestse   na. One Bird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhtamā'ȯhtse   na. Diving Bird. vai: -ama'ó. Category: names, check.

Vé'késȯhtameōhtsėstse   na. Walking Bird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhtohāā'ėstse   na. Rising Bird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhtooxē'hȧhtse   na. Bird Flying Low. See: -tooxe'há fly low. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhvéhonevėstse   na. Bird Chief. See: Vé'kėséhévého. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Bird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Bird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯxháahketa   na. Littlebird. Category: names.

Vé'késȯxheóvaestse   na. Yellow Bird. Phon: contracted to Heóvaestse See: Heóvevé'késo. Category: names.

Vé'ȯhké'héhe   na. Bitter Woman. Category: names.

Vé'ȯhkenáhkȯhá'e   na. Bitter Bear Woman. Category: names.

Vé'otsé'e   Warpath Woman. Category: warfare, names.

Vé'otsénȧhkohe   na. Warpath Bear, Journeying Bear. Category: names.

Vé'otséna'hané'e   na. Warpath Kills Woman. Category: names.

Vé'séévá'e   na. Pretty Feathers Woman. Ques: recheck spelling and translation?? Category: check, names.

Vé'sėhéévá'e   na. Fine Haired Woman. Category: names.

Véno'hoo'ȯtse   1 • ni. tripe, paunch. Phon: vs Etym: *wi·na·ʔθakayi 'rumen'. Diminutive véno'hohkȯtse.

2 • na. Paunch. Category: names.

Véstoō'e   Sitting With Woman. woman's name. Category: names.

Vóahēso   na. Little Animal. said to be abbreviated form of Hóvahēso. Category: names.

Vóahevé'e   na. Separated Woman. translation uncertain; has also been translated as First Woman; PD804 translates it as Pelican Woman. See: -hovóaheve. Category: names.

Vóaxaa'e Néstoohe   na. Screeching Eagle. Variant: Vóaxaa'ȯhnéstooestse. Category: names.

Vóaxaa'é'e   na. Bald Eagle Woman. Category: check, names.

Vóaxaa'éma'heóná'e   na. Bald Eagle Medicine Woman. Category: names.

Vóaxaa'éméóná'e   na. Bald Eagle Trail Woman. See: Netséméóná'e Eagle Trail Woman. Category: names.

Vóaxaa'ȯhnéstooestse   na. Screeching Eagle, Screaming Eagle, Whistling Eagle. Variant: Vóaxaa'e Néstoohe. Category: names.

Vóaxaa'ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Eagle. Category: names.

Vóehevá'e   na. Does First Woman. Category: names.

Vóe'ameohtsévá'e   na. First Walking Woman. See: Vóóhe Ameohtsévá'e Rabbit Walking Woman. Category: names.

Vóemé'éhne   na. First Appearing. Category: names.

Vóemé'ėhné'e   na. First Appearing Woman. Category: names.

Vóena'hāne   na. First Kills. Category: names.

Vóena'hané'e   na. First Kills Woman. Category: names.

Vóestaahévėhnévá'e   na. White Buffalo Calf Walking Woman. Ques: spelling and translation uncertain Dolly Rockroad's name. Category: names.

Vóestaā'e   na. White Buffalo Calf Woman. This name is very common for women; at one time there were so many women with this name that people rather humorously distinguished the various women by different prenouns attached to Vóestaā'e: Mo'ȯhtáe-vóestaā'e Black White Buffalo Calf Woman. Ho'sotsé-voestaā'e Dirty White Buffalo Calf Woman. Momáta'é-voestaā'e Angry White Buffalo Calf Woman. Kȧhkoe-vóestaā'e Flat White Buffalo Calf Woman. Vóo'xené-voestaā'e Roman Nose White Buffalo Calf Woman. Sé'henȯhke-vóestaā'e Eyes Darting Around White Buffalo Calf Woman. Ka'e-vóestaā'e Short White Buffalo Calf Woman. See: Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.

Vóestaa'e Ameōhtse   na. White Buffalo Calf Going. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Vóestaehnévá'e   na. White Buffalo Calf Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

vóestae'kēso   na. 1 • buffalo calf. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.

2 • Little White Buffalo Calf (Woman). Ques: recheck translation?? Category: check, names.

Vóestaemé'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Vóestaēso   na. Little White Male Buffalo Calf. man's name. See: vóestāso. Category: names.

Vóestȧhmo'ȯhtávaestse   na. Black Crane. Ques: Voes?? Category: check, names.

Vóestanėstsévá'e   na. (woman's name). Category: names.

Vóestanóehné'e   na. Bears White Buffalo Calf Woman. Category: names.

Vóestaoheoevá'e   na. Healing Rock Woman. Usage: translation uncertain Category: names.

Vóestāso   na. 1 • crane, white crane, sand crane. Ques: also sandcrane?? Category: check. some may translate as this as 'swan'. Plural vóestȧsono; Obviative vóestȧsono. Usage: obsolescing Morph: /vóehtasón/. Etym: *wa·pitecya·hkwa; wa·pitecya·hkwaki (pl) 'white crane, whooping crane(?)' (Go88). See: Vóestaēso; ne'potátse. Category: birds, check.

2 • Little Crane. Category: names.

Vóestȧsóeméóná'e   na. Crane Trail Woman, Swan Trail Woman. Category: names.

Vóestȧsóenȧhkohe   na. Crane Bear, Eagle Bear. This name has been translated by some as Eagle Bear. Category: names.

Vóestȧsóeve   na. Crane, Whitecrane. Category: names.

Vóestȧsóevé'e   na. Whitecrane Woman, Crane Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.

Vóestásȯhnéstoohe   na. Howling Crane. Category: names.

Vóestásȯhtamēhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Crane. Category: names.

Vóesto'ámeōhtsėstse   na. Walks Ahead ?? Category: check, names.

Vóešē'e   na. Happy Woman. Ques: Phyllis fisher; Happy Old Crow Category: names.

Vóešeméóná'e   na. Glad Road Woman. Category: names.

vȯhe'so   1 • ni. nest. Plural vȯhe'sonȯtse; vai: -vȯhe'sonané. Etym: *wašiʔθayi (G); wasyeʔθanwi (S).

2 • na. Nest. See: Netsévȯhé'so Eagle Nest. Category: names.

Vóhkaestse   Bent. Usage: possible new word for a U.S. cavalry officer ?? Category: check, names.

Vóhkȧhé'hé'e   na. Bent Woman. Category: names.

Vóhkee'ėse   Crooked Nose. Variant: Vóhtšee'ėse. Category: names, nose.

Vóhkéésá'e   na. Crooked Nose Woman. Ques: Lena Yellownose Category: names.

Vóhkeóhtá'héhe   na. Crooked Leg Woman. Category: names.

Vóhkeósá'e   na. Crooked Finger Woman. Category: names.

Vóhkėséehévá'xe   na. Foxtail. See: vóhkéso. Category: names.

Vóhkėséhéméó'o   vai. Swift Fox Road. Category: names.

Vóhkėséhetané'e   na. Gram: pl Swift Fox Woman. Ques: Is this a name and is it spelled right?? Category: check. Variant: Vóhkėsétané'e. Category: names.

Vóhkėsétané'e   na. Gram: pl Swift Fox Woman. Ques: correct?? Category: check. Variant: Vóhkėséhetané'e. Category: names.

Vóhkésȯhtameōhtsėstse   na. Kit Fox Walking. Category: names.

Vóhkėšeo'o   na. Crooked Rump. Category: names.

Vóhko'xénéhe   na. Roman Nose. See: Vóo'xénéhe. Category: names.

vóhkóóhe   na. 1 • rabbit. (another recording) (another recording) Plural vóhkooheho; Obviative vóhkooheho; Diminutive vóhkóóhéso; Variant: vóóhe. See: aénȯhevóhkóóhe jackrabbit; heóvėsé'táhe cottontail rabbit. Category: animals.

2 • Rabbit. Category: names.

Vóhkóóhe Ȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Rabbit. Category: names.

Vóho'kase   na. Light. Variant: Vó'ho'kase. Category: names.

-vóho'kase   vii. be light. Variant: Vó'ho'kase. Category: names.

Vóhpȧhéso   na. Little Gray, Little Light. name of Cheyenne artist, Daniel Little Chief. Category: names.

Vóhpȧhtsená'héhe   na. White Mouth Woman. Category: names.

Vóhpá'é'e   na. Whitehaired Woman; Grayhaired Woman. Ques: Thelma twotwo Category: names.

Vóhpeaénohe   na. White Hawk. one of the Old Bull men, Mary Old Bull's husband. See: Aénohe Ȯhvó'komaestse. Category: names.

Vóhpėhevá'séhe   na. White Tail. BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. See: Vó'omėheva'se White Tail. Category: names.

Vóhpe'éxanéhe   na. White Eyes. Category: names.

Vóhpe'hamé'e   na. White Horse Woman. Category: names.

Vóhpe'xoé'haméhe   na. Gray Face Horse. Category: names.

Vóhpe'xoénéhe   na. Gray Face. a horse name. Category: names.

Vóhpe'xoéne'haméhe   na. Gray Face Horse. Category: names.

Vóhpeméhé'e   na. White Cow Woman. See: mehe. Category: names.

Vóhpeméstaa'e   na. White Owl. Category: names.

vóhpenáhkohe   na. 1 • polar bear. Lit: white-bear Usage: probably a new word for the meaning of 'polar bear' See: náhkohe; vóhpȧhtse-náhkohe.

2 • White Bear. See: Náhkȯhvó'omaestse. Category: names.

Vóhpenonóma'e   na. White Thunder. See: nonóma'e thunder. Category: names.

Vóhpeoónȧha'e   na. White Frog. Category: names.

Vóhpevo'e   na. White Cloud. Category: names.

Vóhpo'hāme   na. White Horse. Feminine Vóhpo'hamé'e. Category: names.

Vóhpo'hamé'e   na. White Horse Woman. Masculine Vóhpo'hāme. Category: names.

vóhpoma'ȯhtse   ni. salt. Lit: white-dirt Vóhpoma'ȯhtse mó'éohkeno'ane, hénová'éto Quizlet, tséohkėhestohe, mó'éohkemésėstove? Is salt put on it, what is Quizlet, as it is said, is it eaten? That is a humorous way of responding to something new and not understood, such as the word "Quizlet". Ques: Is this also a Cheyenne name?? Etym: cf *wa·pa·mexkye·wi (P) it is white ground. See: ma'oma'ȯhtse red earth. Category: food, names, sayings.

Vóhponeo'koestá'e   na. White Skirt. man's name. refers to the white dancing skirt worn by Sun Dancers. Category: names.

Vóhpóóhe   na. Whiteshield, White Claw. shortened nickname for a man whose Indian name was Vóhpóóhévȧhtse. Non-contracted Vóhpóóhévȧhtse. Category: names.

Vóhpóóhéva   na. Whiteshield, White Claw. origin of family name Whiteshield. Variant: Vóhpóóhévȧhtse. See: Ma'ėhóóhévȧhtse. BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: names.

Vóhpóóhévȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Whiteshield, White Claw. origin of family name Whiteshield. Variant: Vóhpóóhéva. See: Ma'ėhóóhévȧhtse. BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: names.

vóhtáne   ni. skin. Plural vóhtánėstse. na-vóhtáne my skin. Etym: cf *natehkwe·pyi (P). he-vóhtáne his skin. Etym: cf. *watehkwe·pyi his skin. Mó'ȯhkevá'netoo'ėstsėhéhe hétsėhéóhe he'óhtáá'e he-vóhtáne. He used to tied his skin up on his forehead. [The Scalped Man Who Died.013] BodyPartMedial -o'eevá. Morph: /vóhtané/. See: -htsevóhtáne skin (poss); vȯhtā'se skin; ho'éeve; -ot skin, hide. Category: body.

na. Skin. Category: names.

Vȯhtase   na. Fat, Leaflard ?? Category: check. See: vȯhtā'se; vóhtáse; vóhtáne. Category: names.

vȯhtsetá'e   1 • na. Scraped Off Flesh Woman ?? Category: check, names.

2 • ni. matter scraped off flesh side of a hide. used to thicken pudding. See: vȯhtase; vóhtáne; vóhtáse.

Vóhtšee'ėse   na. Crooked Nose. Variant: Vóhkee'ėse. Category: names.

Vó'aa'e   na. 1 • antelope. Variant: vó'kaa'e; Plural vó'aeho; Obviative vó'aeho. Category: animals.

2 • Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'aa'ȯhmése'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Antelope Bowels Moving. Category: names.

Vó'aa'ȯhnéstoohe   na. Howling Antelope, Whistling Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'áá'ȯhnóhne'aestse   vai. Gram: ppl Lame Antelope. origin of the place name which was mistranslated as 'Lame Deer'. Category: names.

Vó'aehevȯtse   na. 1 • antelope buckskin, buckskin. Diminutive vó'kaehevȯtse.

2 • Antelope Buckskin. Category: names.

Vo'ėstanénȧhkohe   na. Person Bear. See: náhkohe bear; Hetanénȧhkohe Man Bear. Category: names.

Vo'évȧhtamēhnėstse   na. Walking On Clouds. Category: names.

Vo'évȧhtoēšėstse   na. Alights On the Cloud. Category: names.

Vo'évého   na. Cloud Chief. See: vo'e cloud; vého chief. Category: names.

Vó'heeséhe   na. Bald Face. a horse name. Category: names.

Vó'ho'kase   na. Light. Variant: Vóho'kase. Category: names, light.

Vó'ho'kȯhtaestse   n. Young Mule, Mule - Young. Young Mule was one of two warriors who rode their horses in a suicide ride down Squaw Hill in Lame Deer against U.S. soldiers. The other warrior was Hemé'kónȯhvéhonevėstse, Head Chief. See: Hemé'kónȯhvéhonevėstse. Category: names.

Vó'hóváse   na. (man's name). Category: names.

vó'kaa'e   na. 1 • antelope. Variant: vó'aa'e; Plural vó'kaeho; Obviative vó'kaeho.

2 • Antelope. Category: names, animals.

Vó'kaa'e Ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaa'e Ȯhno'kaestse   na. Lone Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaa'e Ȯhtameméoestse   na. Running Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaa'e Ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaa'e Ȯhvovó'haestse   vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaa'ȯhma'aestse   na. Red Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'kaehéso   na. Gram: dim Little Antelope. Category: names.

Vó'keme   na. Old Man Winter, Santa Claus. PD: originally, Vó'keme was a Cheyenne who froze to death in a blizzard. Vó'keme ééšėho'e-a'eotse. Old Man Winter has arrived attacking. Vó'keme néto'sėhóse-a'eotsé'toene. Old Man Winter is going to attack us again (= winter is coming; or a winter storm is coming). Vó'keme éé'e'še. Old Man Winter is whistling (= winter wind is whistling). Vó'keme énéstoohe. Old Man Winter is hollering (= winter wind is whistling). Vó'keme évoneohé'tóó'e. Old Man Winter made him get lost (for example, in a winter snowstorm). Vó'keme hestse'emo móne'évȧhósėhómėstoehevóhe;móévȧhósėhóo'oohé'tovȯhevóhe. Old Man Winter's wife must have taken off on him again; he is taking her back home (north) again. (said when there is a spring snowstorm or squalls). Vó'keme nánȧha'enaēne. Old Man Winter caught us. Vó'keme étó'ha'ó'tse. Old Man Winter stopped it (for example, my plans). Vó'keme Vó'keme éoseetonéto. Vó'keme náhéne'enehe (?), náhéne'enehe. Vó'keme Vó'keme éoseetonéto. Vó'keme náhéne'enehe, náhéne'enehe. (song) Old Man Winter, Old Man Winter, it's very cold. Old Man Winter (?? Category: check. See: Hóema'háahe; -vó'keme obsession (poss). Category: weather, names.

Vó'komeéše'he   na. White Moon. Category: names.

Vó'kome'hahé'e   na. White Voice Woman. Category: names.

Vó'koméné'e   na. White Faced Woman. Variant: Vó'oméné'e. Category: names, face.

Vó'komepáa'e   na. White Ashes. Category: names.

Vó'komevó'kaa'é'e   na. White Antelope Woman. Ques: recheck?? See: vó'kaeh. Category: names.

Vo'ȯhmā'o   na. Red Cloud. See: -ma'ó be red. Category: names.

Vó'omėheva'se   na. White Tail. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check. See: Vóhpėhevá'séhe White Tail. Category: names.

Vó'ome'hahe   na. White Voice. Category: names.

Vó'ome'hahé'e   na. White Voice Woman. Category: names.

Vó'oméné'e   na. White Faced Woman. Variant: Vó'koméné'e. Category: face, names.

Vo'tanéma'hahe   na. Cheeks Chum. what Rev. Wenger was often called; see Votanéma'hahe. Category: names.

Vonȧhéámėhné'e   na. Ceremonial Walking Woman. See: -amehné. Category: names.

Vonȧhé'e   na. Ceremonial Woman, Medicine Bundle Woman. translated as 'Priestess' in PD858. See: vonȧhéome; vonȧhé'xa'e; Vé'ho'évonȧhé'e. Category: names.

Vonȧhé'kȧsé'héhe   na. Young Ceremonial Woman. Category: names.

Vonėstáhavó'nehe   Lost Heart Wolf.

na. Variant: Voonėstáhavó'nehe; Medial -htáhá. See: hó'nehe; vone-. Category: names.

Vonėstséáhe   na. No Brains. Category: names.

Vóóhe Ameohtsévá'e   na. Rabbit Walks Woman. maybe instead: Vóe'ameohtsévá'e. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Vóe'ameohtsévá'e. Category: names.

Vóóhe Ȯhtameōhtsėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walking Rabbit. Category: names.

Vóóhéhá'e   na. Morning Star Woman. Ques: recheck?? Variant: Vóóhéhévá'e. Category: names, check.

Vóóhéhévá'e   na. Morning Star Woman. Variant: Vóóhéhá'e. Category: names.

Vóóhéhéve   na. 1 • morning star. Variant: vóóhe2. Usage: This pronunciation seems to be more commonly used than vóóhe.

2 • Morning Star. the Indian name of Chief Morning Star, more famous by his nickname of Dull Knife. Variant: Vóóhéve; Simplified Spelling Vohihiv, Wohihif. See: Motšėške Ȯhnėxāhpo. Category: names.

Vóohémé'ėhné'e   na. Morning Star Appears Woman. Category: names.

Vóohéméó'o   na. Morning Star Road. Category: names.

Vóóhéve   na. Morning Star. another recording Variant: Vóóhéhéve; Simplified Spelling Wohif. Category: names, celestial.

vóo'kooma   na. 1 • redheaded woodpecker. translation uncertain. Lit: white(?)-blanket ?? Category: check. Variant: vóo'ooma; Plural vóo'koomaho; Obviative vóo'koomaho. See: kó'konȯhó'e; hóoma. Category: birds.

2 • Redheaded Woodpecker. Category: names.

Vóo'xénéhe   na. Roman Nose. can be a horse name. See: Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe; méstaevoo'xénéhe; Ononevóo'xénéhe; Vóhko'xénéhe. Category: names.

Vóonȧhtóoestse   na. Howls All Night. Category: names.

Vóona'hané'e   na. Morning Kills Woman. See: Méona'hanē'e. Category: names.

Vóonemé'ėhné'e   na. Morning Appears Woman. Category: names.

Voonėstáhavó'nehe   Lost Heart Wolf.

na. Phon: note extra o first morpheme Variant: Vonėstáhavó'nehe; Medial -htáhá. See: hó'nehe; vone-. Category: names.

Vósȯhtaxe   na. Hollowbreast. translation uncertain; something about a haircut; translated into English wrongly as Hollowbreast. Category: names.

Votō'ėstse   na. (man's name). Category: names.

Votoná'e   na. Tailfeathers Woman. Category: names.

Votonēso   na. Little Feathers, Little Tail Feathers. Category: names.

Votōnėstse   na. Tailfeathers. See: voton. Category: names.

Votonéve'haméhe   na. Winged Horses Owner, Feathered Horse, Horsefeathers. See: voto. Category: names.

Votséno'hōva   na. Issues Food. Category: names.

Vovóéhnėstse   vai. Gram: ppl Walksfirst. Category: names.

Vovóehóehné'e   na. Comes Out First Woman. Category: names.

Vovóé'hȧhtse   vai. Gram: ppl Flies First. Ques: Vovóee'hȧhtse ?? Category: check, names.

Vovó'hasé'haméhe   na. Spotted Horse. Category: horses, names.

vovȯtse   1 • ni. egg. (another recording) Etym: *wa·wani. Plural vóvotȯtse, (another recording). Etym: *wa·wali. Vóvotȯtse némésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Category: food.

2 • na. Egg. Category: names.

Vóvotsēso   na. Little Egg. Category: names.

Xáa'ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Ermine, White Weasel. Category: names.

Xaehá'e   Weasel Woman. Ques: henry little coyote's wife > Clara Harris Category: names.

Xaehénȧhkohe   na. Weasel Bear. Category: names.

Xáévánóhtsėstse   na. Noisy Walker. See: Néstónéváhtsėstse. Category: names, sounds.

Xaóemáese   na. Skunk Foot. Category: names.

Xaóeméhé'e   na. Skunk Smell Woman. Obviative Xaóeméhe'eva. Category: names.

xaóhkéso   na. Gram: dim 1 • little skunk. Plural xaóhkėsono; Obviative xaóhkėsono; Non-diminutive xāō'o. Category: animals.

2 • Little Skunk. Category: names.

xāō'o   na. 1 • skunk. Plural xaóne; Obviative xaóne; Diminutive xaóhkéso. Hetóéva náévotsėhetȧhéóhtse HE. Nenótovenaóotsėstse HE! Náovēše HE HE. Násóhkomėhahtáxe In the evening I was out hunting food. Hurry, go to sleep! I'm going to bed. I'm lying down with long, skinny feet. (Skunk Song). another version of the Skunk Song; transcribe it?? Translate it?? Category: check, check. See: -xaóeva'ó. Morph: /šaón/. Etym: *šeka·kwa skunk; *šeka·kwaki skunks (Go88). Category: animals.

2 • Skunk. Category: names.

3 • tree skunk. a vertical victory structure usually made of pieces of ash. Ques: Why is it named skunk?? Category: check, ceremonial.

Xaó'ȯhnéé'ėstse   vai. Skunk Standing, Standing Skunk. Category: names.

Xaó'ȯhvó'komaestse   na. White Skunk. Category: names.

Xo'ėhéhe   na. Raw Woman. Ques: Is this the same name as Xó'héhe?? Category: check. See: -ho'e raw; Xó'héhe. Category: names.

Xó'héhe   na. (woman's name). Ques: Is this the same name as Xo'ėhéhe?? Category: check. See: Xo'ėhéhe Raw Woman. Category: names.

Xomóó'e   na. Lance Woman, Spear Woman. See: xomoo'e. Category: names.