Cheyenne Dictionary



aénohe   na. 1 • hawk, winter hawk, swift hawk, swifthawk. (another recording) Plural aénȯheo'o; Obviative aénȯhóho; Diminutive aénȯhéso. Etym: cf. M pepo·neʔnaew winter hawk; *pepo·nasiwa. See: hoestomo; aénéva. Category: birds.

2 • Hawk, Winter Hawk, Swift Hawk, Swifthawk. Category: names.

aénȯhemee'e   na. hawk feather. Ques: recheck, aénȯheemee'e, as pronounced?? Category: check. See: mee'e feather. Category: birds.

Aénȯhéso   na. Gram: dim 1 • sparrow hawk. Lit: little hawk Plural aénȯhesono; Obviative aénȯhesono. Category: birds.

2 • Little Hawk. Category: names.

a'o'tsémėstaa'e   na. ground owl. Phon: vs See: méstaa'e. Category: birds.

-ame'háoohe   vai. fly by quickly. É-ame'háoohe. He flew by. See: -ame'há. Category: transportation, birds, motion.

-ee'e   fna. feather, quill. heškóvets-ee'e porcupine quill. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -méená. Category: birds.

-e'e'há   vai. fly up. É-e'ē'ha. He flew up. Etym: *ešpiʔle·wa he flies high. Initial e'-; Final -e'há. See: -he'ame'há. Category: fly, birds.

e'ē'ta   na. blue thrush. Plural e'e'táhne; Obviative e'e'táhne. Category: birds.

-é'etsénoonámas   vta. shoot and break wing of s.o. É-é'etsénoonámȧsóho. He shot and broke his wing. Mó-é'etsénoonámȧxėhéhe. He (bird) must have been shot and gotten a broken wing. Category: body, birds, break.

é'ke'hāso   na. plume. Variant: a'ké'háso; Contracted ké'háso. É'ke'haso éhnéesesto hemé'kóne. A feather stood on his head. [PD471 (pl: é'ke'hasonónėstse ?)] See: mee'e. Category: birds.

-éve'há   vai. fly about, fly around. É-évé'ha. He flew about. Netse Ȯhts-évé'hȧhtse Eagle Flies About. fai: -e'há. See: -ame'há. Category: birds, fly.

háestȯhe'šeméhe   na. mockingbird. Lit: many-sounds.making-one Plural háestȯhe'šeméheo'o; Obviative háestȯhe'šeméheho. Category: birds.

-hahpetsénooná'ó   vai. have closed wings. É-hahpetsénooná'o. His wings are closed. tséx-hahpetsénooná'ȯse when his wings were closed. Category: birds.

he'ékokȯhéaxa   na. hen. Lit: female chicken Plural he'ékokȯhéaxáne. Category: birds.

he'éma'xėhē'ne   na. turkey hen. Masculine hetanéma'xėhē'ne. See: ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.

he'heēno   na. 1 • blackbird. usually the red winged ones (PD). Plural he'heenóne; Obviative he'heenóne. Etym: *aʔsekena·hkwa (P). Category: birds.

2 • Blackbird. Category: names.

-he-méene   vai. have wing(s). hotse'ono tsé-hestseméenese angels. Category: body, birds.

Heméhne   na. Dove, Pigeon. translation uncertain. probably a variant of heméne 'dove, pigeon'. Variant: heméne. Category: birds, names.

heméne   na. dove, pigeon. Usage: obsolescing Plural heméneo'o; Obviative hemeno. Morph: /heméné/. Synonym vé'ho'éheméne. Etym: cf. M omi:ni:w. Category: birds.

héna'e   na. goose. Phon: iah in sg. Plural henā'e. AltPl=hena'eo'o Obviative henā'e. Etym: cf *nexka. See: hénáá'e what. Etym: cf. *nexka. Category: birds.

henenévá'ȯhéáse   na. sharp-tailed grouse. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Category: birds.

henóxease   na. meadowlark. Variant: honóxease, henóxeāso, honóxeāso. Category: birds.

henóxeāso   na. meadowlark. Variant: henóxeāse, honóxeāse, honóxeāso. Category: birds.

heóvȯhkȧho'hé-vé'késo   na. canary, flycatcher. Lit: yellow-blended(?)-bird Plural heóvȯhkȧho'héve'kėseho; Obviative heóvȯhkȧho'héve'kėseho. Category: birds.

hetanékokȯhéaxa   na. rooster. Lit: man-chicken Category: birds.

hetanéma'xėhē'ne   na. gobbler. Lit: male-turkey Feminine he'éma'xėhē'ne. See: ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.

hetanéšé'še   na. drake. Lit: man-duck Plural hetané-še'šeo'o; Obviative hetané-še'xo. See: mȯhtase. Category: birds.

-he-tsénoone   m. wing, have wings. Éhe-tsénoone. He (for example, bird) has wings/he is 'winged'. vé'ho'á'eo'o tséhe-tsénoonese angels (lit. white women who have wings; 1980:40:14)) (many Cheyennes regard this term as a misconception and prefer a term such as he'amȧhotse'ono 'heavenly workers' or Ma'hēō'o hestotse'ono 'God's workers'). See: -méená. Category: birds.

hoestome   na. chicken hawk. Variant: hoestomo, oestome; Plural hoestomeo'o. Usage: nearly obsolescent ; pronunciation uncertain Etym: *sahkwatamo·wa. Category: birds.

hoestomo   na. hawk. (one kind of hawk; chicken hawk?? Plural hoestomono. Usage: word is nearly obsolescent Variant: hoestome. See: aénohe; pe'e; netse. Category: birds, check.

hohtȧhé'še   na. mallard. Ques: meaning uncertain ?? Ques: (ask TR) Plural hohtȧhé'šeo'o; Obviative hohtȧhe'xo ??. Category: check. See: šé'še; hetané-šé'še; mȯhtase. Category: birds.

ho'néhetanévé'késo   na. American blue jay. Lit: wolfman(Pawnee)-bird Category: birds.

honóxeāse   na. 1 • meadowlark. In the meadowlarks' distinctive song, Cheyennes hear them sing, "Vétanovéo'hé'e nánėxhé'óhtse," 'I've come from Tongue River', and mock people, calling them "méstaevóo'xénéhe" 'boogeyman-nose-person!' They also say, "nétamȯhenėšemámáne," 'Let's play cards!'. Plural honóxeaseo'o. Honóxeaseo'o éohkeméohoó'hevao'o matsé'oméva. Meadowlarks are heard singing early in the morning in the spring. [1979:205] Nevá'esėstse mónéhoxomaehénotóhe honóxeasóho.meadowlarks.mp3 Someone must have fed you a meadowlark. That is an idiom to tease someone about being so talkative. Obviative honóxeasóho; Variant: honóxeāso, henóxeāso. Category: birds.

2 • Meadowlark. Category: names.

honóxeāso   na. meadowlark. Plural honóxeaseo'o; Obviative honóxeasóho; Variant: honóxeāse, henóxeāso. Category: birds.

hótȯxáveeséhe   na. crossbill. Usage: probable loan transl. from English. Plural hótȯxáveeséheo'o; Obviative hótȯxáveeséheho. Category: birds.

hovē'še   na. 1 • snipe, sandpiper. 'snipe' is the typical translation given but identity of this bird is uncertain. Hayden 1860:292 calls this 'long-billed curlew' (Numenius longirostris). Usage: This bird name is not well known today. Plural hove'šeo'o; Obviative hove'xóho. Category: birds.

2 • Snipe. Category: names.

htsevȯhe ison   ni. Gram: poss nest. nė-stsevȯhe iso your nest. Category: birds.

kokėhéaxa   na. chicken. Plural kokėhéáxáne; Variant: kokȯhéaxa; Varient: kotšėhéaxa. Category: birds.

kokȯhéaxa   na. chicken. Probably onomatopoeia for a pecking sound. This word may have been borrowed from Lahkota kokeyahula. Plural kokȯhéáxáne; Obviative kokȯhéáxáne; Diminutive kokȯhéaxaēso; Variant: kokėhéaxa; Old Male Speech kotšėhéáxa. Etym: cf Lahkota kokeyahula. Category: birds.

kokȯhéaxáémȧhéó'o   ni. chicken coop. Lit: chicken-house Category: birds.

kokȯhéaxaēso   na. Gram: dim chick. Plural kokȯhéaxáesono; Non-diminutive kokȯhéáxa. Category: birds.

kó'konȯhó'e   na. woodpecker. Lit: pecking(-one) See: vóo'kooma. Plural kó'konȯhó'eo'o; Obviative kó'konȯho'o. Category: birds.

koohkóva'e   na. quail, bobwhite. Phon: iah Plural koohkovā'e; Obviative koohkovā'e. Phon: iah Etym: cf. *paxpaxkiwa 'ruffled grouse, partridge' (Pe79.377). Category: birds.

kotšėhéaxa   na. chicken. Usage: old man speech Variant: kokȯhéaxa, kokėhéaxa. Category: birds.

mȧhkema   na. mudhen. Variant: xȧhkema; Plural mȧhkemaho; Obviative mȧhkemaho. Usage: less common pronunciation than xȧhkema Category: birds.

mȧhóomoehávé'késo   na. seagull. Lit: ocean-bird Variant: mȧhpé-aénohe. Category: birds, new.

mȧhpé-aénohe   na. seagull. Lit: water-hawk Variant: mȧhóemoehá-vé'késo. Category: birds.

ma'ėšeeonáhe   na. robin. Lit: red-chested-one (another recording) Plural ma'ėšeeonáheo'o; Obviative ma'ėšeeonáheho; BodyPartMedial -šeeoná; Variant: ma'ėšenévé'késo. Category: birds.

ma'ėšenévé'késo   na. robin. Lit: red-chested-bird Variant: ma'ėšeeonáhe. Category: birds.

ma'evé'éso   na. cardinal, red bird. Lit: red-bird Plural ma'evé'ėseo'o; Obviative ma'evé'ėseho; Variant: ma'evé'késo, ma'evé'kése. See: vé'késo bird. Category: birds.

Ma'evé'késo   na. red bird, cardinal, Red Bird. Lit: red-bird Plural ma'evé'kėseho; Obviative ma'evé'kėseho; Variant: ma'evé'éso. Category: birds. possibly Ma'eve'ėse is more commonly used. See: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.

ma'kaataevé'késo   na. hummingbird. Lit: metal-bird Variant: ma'kaataevé'kése; Plural ma'kaataevé'kėseho; Obviative ma'kaataevé'kėseho. Category: birds.

ma'kėháhovahne   na. mudhen; coot. See: xȧhkema; ma'kėhane; mȧhkema. Plural ma'kėháhováhneo'o. Category: birds.

ma'kėháne   na. mudhen. probably less commonly used than other possible terms here for 'mudhen'. See: xȧhkema; mȧhkema; ma'kėháhovahne ??. Category: check, birds.

ma'xėhē'ne   na. 1 • turkey. Ma'xē'ne is historically expected, but several speakers insist that ma'xėhē'ne is the correct pronunciation; one elder suggests 'turkey' means 'big woman' (which would be ma'xė-hē'e), which may be a folk etymology, so perhaps ma'xėhē'ne has been historically reanalyzed based on this folk etymology. Morph: /ma'šehe'né/. Plural ma'xėhe'neo'o; Obviative ma'xėhe'nóho; Diminutive ma'xėhē'ne ??. Category: check. Etym: *meʔči'ʔe·wa; cf. M mese·ʔnaew. Category: birds.

2 • Turkey. Category: names.

ma'xėhe'némee'e   na. turkey feather. Plural ma'xėhe'némeeno. See: mee'e feather. Category: birds, check.

ma'xėhe'nēso   na. young turkey. Non-diminutive ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.

ma'xeméstaa'e   na. 1 • big spook, great horned owl. (another recording) Plural ma'xeméstaeo'o. Category: birds.

2 • big bogeyman. Ma'xeméstaa'e nȧhtsėho'ėhota. A big bogeyman will come to me.

3 • giant. See: Ma'xėhahtáhe. Category: people.

ma'xevé'késo   eagle, great bird. Lit: big-bird Plural ma'xevé'kėseho; Obviative ma'xevé'kėseho. Usage: This word is used in Okla. and in some ceremonies for 'eagle.' See: netse; vóaxaa'e. Category: birds, ceremonial.

manēhe   na. pelican. Morph: /manehé/. Usage: not well known today Lit: drinker Plural manėheo'o. AltPl = manéheo'o ?? [Smith listed a 'speckled eagle' and seems to have spelled it mane; perhaps it is this same bird. Petter (PD420) seems to list this same bird, manēhe (or manėhéhe (??), and glosses it as 'a kind of eagle or vulture'.] Obviative manėheho. Etym: *mekesiwa bald eagle. Category: check, birds.

matsénėstse   na. 1 • kingfisher. Category: birds. Lit: eyes.with.matter-(one) Variant: matsénéhe ??. Category: check. Plural matsénėheo'o; Obviative matsénėheho.

2 • Kingfisher. Category: names.

matsénoono   na. Gram: pl wings. Stem -tsénoono. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: méeno. Category: Sun Dance, birds.

mée'e   1 • na. feather, collarbone, quill. inanimate for a few speakers. Phon: apoc Phon: vs Plural méeno; Obviative méeno; Medial -méená.

2 • ni. feather. Feathers are inanimate for some speakers. Plural méenȯtse. Etym: *mi:kwana; mi:kwanaki (pl). See: -tsénoo'o wing (poss.); -ee'e feather ; quill; ma'óhkee'e tassel; voto tailfeather. Category: dance, birds.

-méená   mbp. collarbone, feather. Éé'e-méenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. See: mée'e; -tsénooná; -ee'e. Category: birds, body.

méeno   na. feathers. Feathers are usually animate, but they are inanimate (méenȯtse) for some speakers. See: méenȯtse. Category: birds.

méenȯtse   ni. Gram: pl wings. Feathers are usually animate as méeno, but they are inanimate (méenȯtse) for some speakers. Singular mee'e. See: méeno. Category: birds.

-mé'eóešé   vai. appear while alighting, appear while landing. É-mé'eóéše. He (especially a bird) came into sight as it landed. Category: birds.

méstaa'e   na. bogeyman, spook, ghost, owl. Plural méstaeo'o; Obviative méstaoho. A méstaa'e says "errh"; caregivers say this to children to scare them, for example, so they won't venture out into danger at night, or so that they will "toe the line" in behavior. Phon: vs Diminutive méstahke, méstaēso. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat (pl) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a cultural injunction). An owl is believed to foretell the death of a person within a house it lands on: énóto'xēva 'he (owl) is warning'; éná'so'eéstomaneo'o 'they (especially owls) play tricks (on people)'. See: vé'kėséhemėstaa'e; hevovetāso. Morph: /méhtae/. Etym: cf. *mya·θwe·wa he is an owl; cf. Ar bíitéí 'ghost'; bééθei 'owl'. Category: birds.

méstaēso   ni. little owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e; Synonym méstȧhkéso. Category: birds.

méstahke   na. Gram: dim screech owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e. Usage: used for a child who throws a tantrum Plural méstȧhkeo'o. AltPl=méstȧhkeho Obviative méstȧhkeho. See: méstȧhkéso; -méstová. Category: birds.

méstȧhkéso   na. little owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e; Synonym méstaēso. See: méstahke. Category: birds.

mȯhtase   Ques: mȯhtaso?? Category: check.

na. Ques: Is this sg. & pl. ?? mallard. Category: check. See: hetanéšé'še; hohtȧhé'še. Category: birds.

mo'éhénóxe   na. meadow hawk, chicken hawk, Chicken Hawk. a white-tailed hawk that soars around close to the ground. Plural mo'éhenȯxeo'o; Obviative mo'éhenȯxóho. See: honóxeaso. Category: birds, names.

mo'ē'ha   na. magpie, Magpie. Mo'e'háhne éohkenomáhtseo'o. Magpies steal. Ques: Is mo'e'háne an alternate pl/obv? Plural mo'e'háhne; Obviative mo'e'háhne. Etym: *ma·çkiʔle·wa (Pe); cf. Ar wooʔúh'ei (Go90:10). Category: birds. Diminutive Mo'e'háhkéso, Mo'e'háéso. Category: names.

mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse   na. sagehen, grouse, prairie chicken. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéaseo'o; Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáso, mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéóse; BodyPartMedial -šené. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Category: birds.

mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéóse   na. sagehen, grouse. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéoseo'o; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Medial -šené. Category: birds.

mo'ohtávėšenéva'ȯhéóso   na. sagehen, grouse, prairie chicken. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéoseo'o; Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse; Medial -šené. See: vá'ȯhéáse; vá'ȯhéáso; vá'kȯhéáso. Category: birds.

mónevata   na. 1 • young bird, nestling. See: vé'kėséhéso. Category: birds.

2 • Youngbird. Category: names.

mónevátȧhéso   na. little nestling. See: mónevata. Plural mónevátȧhesono; Obviative mónevátȧhesono. Category: birds.

mȯséškanetsénoonáhe   na. bat. Lit: buckskin-winged-one (the buckskin probably refers to the color of skin) Usage: not well known word Plural mȯséškanetsénoonáheo'o; Obviative mȯséškanetsénoonáheho; Medial -tsenooná; Variant: mȯšéškanatsénoonáhe, mȯšéškonetsénoonáhe. See: méšenonetsénóne bat; sáotse bat. Category: animals, birds.

nȧhahévé'késo   na. wild bird. Category: birds.

-néestoo'o   na. Gram: poss pet. small animal, especially a bird. A larger pet (especially horse, but also dog or cat) has the possessive stem -htotséh. na-néestoo'o my pet bird. na-néestóono my pet birds. he-néestóono his pet bird(s). he-néestóonéhevóho their bird(s). See: -htotsé. Morph: /-néehtóon/. Phon: vs Category: birds, animals.

ne'potátse   na. crane, stork, blue heron. Plural ne'potátseo'o; Obviative ne'potátseho ??. Category: check. See: voestāso; nee'póhehe. Category: birds.

netse   na. eagle. Simplified Spelling nits; Plural netseo'o; Obviative netseho. Usage: starting to obsolesce Etym: *keliwa golden eagle (Go88). See: vóaxáa'e; tó'too'he; hoestomo. Category: birds.

netsemee'e   na. eagle feather. Plural netseméeno. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Netsévóto Eagle Tailfeather; mee'e feather; voto tailfeather. Category: birds.

-netseve   vai. eagle - be an. É-netseve. It is an eagle. [pd420] Category: birds.

Netsévóto   na. Eaglefeathers. Lit: eagle tailfeather See: netse eagle; voto tailfeather. Category: names, birds.

-nȯho'honá   vai. lay eggs. É-nȯho'hōna. She lay eggs. See: -nȯho'honaa'e. Category: birds.

-nȯho'honaa'e   sit laying eggs. Lit: set sitting É-nȯho'honaa'e. She sat laying eggs. É-nȯho'honáeo'o. They are sitting laying eggs. Morph: /-noho'honáe/. See: -nȯho'honá. Phon: vs Category: birds.

-oeseméená   vai. molt. É-oesemééna. He molted. É-oeseméenao'o. They molted. Lit: discharge-feathers Ques: what about snakes? Medial -méená. Category: birds.

óestome   na. chicken hawk. Variant: hoestome; Plural óestómėheo'o; Obviative óestómeho. Category: birds.

-óešé'tov   fta. alight on s.o., land on s.o. É-óešé'tovóho. It (animate) landed on him. Nėstáxe-óešé'tova ma'xevé'késo. A big bird will land on you. [VISION.TXT] fai: -óeše. See: -óešem; -táxeóešé'tov; -óeh. Category: birds.

ókohke   na. crow. Plural ókȯhkeo'o. AltPl = ókȯhkeho Obviative ókȯhkóho. Ókȯhkeo'o éohketsėhésenėstseo'o. Crows (birds) talk Cheyenne. [1979:205] Cheyennes sometimes use the name of the birds, ókȯhkeo'o, to refer to the Crows, their neighbors and historical enemies, especially if there are Crows nearby who can hear them and would know that the Cheyennes are talking about them if they used the Cheyenne word for 'Crows,' Óoetaneo'o, which they know. Phon: hpo: High Push-Over is a process in which a phonemic high pitch is realized as a low pitch if it is preceded by a high and followed by a phonetic low. This is like a row of dominoes standing up in which the first domino remains standing but pushes over all dominoes standing next to it. High pitches on certain prefixes and preverbs do not trigger HPO. Some other examples of HPO are: né-háoenama /né-háóénáma/ 'we (incl.) prayed'; né-méhotone /né-méhótóne/ 'we(incl.) love him'; é-pėhévatamáno'e /é-pehévátamano'e/ (with iah)'it's a nice environment, pretty countryside'. This rule applies iteratively, until there are no other high pitches to push over. Phon: cf. contracted form /óóe-/ in Óoetane 'Crow' Morph: /ókóhke/. Non-diminutive Óoetane Crow person. Etym: *ka·ka·kiwa. Category: birds.

-ókȯhkéve   vai. crow - be a. É-ókȯhkeve. He is a crow (bird). Reduplicated -oókȯhkéve. Category: birds.

ókohtše   na. crow. Usage: old male palatalized pronunciation Variant: ókohke; Plural ókȯhtšeo'o. Category: birds.

-o'kȯhóvá   vai. hatch. É-ó'kȯhóva. He hatched. Etym: *pa·xkaha·we·wa (P) he breaks an egg. É-ó'kȯhóvao'o. They hatched. Medial -óvá6. Category: birds.

oo'héhe   na. buzzard. Plural oo'héheo'o; Obviative oo'héheho. Etym: cf. *awe·ʔe·wa hawk (any species)'. Category: birds.

-oo'keméen   vta. pluck feathers of s.o. É-oo'keméenóho. He plucked his feathers. Category: birds.

otá'tavȧho'hé-vé'késo   na. blue jay. Category: birds.

otá'tavevé'késo   na. 1 • bluebird. Category: birds.

2 • Bluebird. Category: names.

pe'e   na. nighthawk. HL: High-Lowering causes a phonemic high pitch ('nighthawk' is phonemically /pé'e/) which precedes a phonemic word-final low pitch to be realized as a low pitch. A lowered high is the same in pitch as a normal low pitch, clearly lower in pitch than a mid pitch. Some other examples of HL are mene /méne/ 'berry'; motšėške /mótehk/ 'knife'; é-he'eve /é-he'éve/ 'she is a woman'. Pé'eo'o éohkepánėstseo'o. Nighthawks fart (it is said they make a sound like farting). Plural pé'eo'o; Obviative pe'o. Morph: /pé'e/. Etym: *pi:škwa. Category: birds.

šéenévé'késo   na. sandrock bird. Category: birds.

šehe   na. snowbird, junco, wren. Plural šéheo'o; Obviative šeho; Diminutive šéhéso. Category: birds.

šé'še   na. duck. Simplified Spelling shi'sh, shi'shi, she ishe; Plural šé'šeo'o; Obviative še'xo; Diminutive šé'šėškéso. Morph: /šé'šé/. Etym: *ši·ʔši·pa. Phon: š-Backing: the obviative /šé'š-o/ illustrates the process in which a phonemic /š/ is backed to phonetic |x| when it occurs next to a back vowel, either /a/ or /o/. Other examples with š-Backing are: xāō'o/šaón/ 'skunk'; é-háóénáxe /é-háóénášé/ 'he prayed lying down' (with the AI final -(e)šé with allomorph -(e)šená); é-nėše'xāhtse 'he gargled' (with initial /neše'š-/, with surface |š| seen in é-nėše'šévóéne 'he washed his (own) face'); é-nexo /é-néšo/ 'there are two of them' (cf. é-néšeo'o 'there are two of them'). Category: birds.

šé'šėškéso   na. Gram: dim duckling. Plural šé'šėškėsono; Obviative šé'šėškėsono. See: šé'še duck. Category: birds.

-táxeóešé   vai. alight on; land on. É-táxeóéše. He alighted on. Éohkeévee'heo'o vékėséhemėstaeo'o máto mȧheónehó'éetáxeóešenávȯhtse nėhéóhe vo'ėstane tséhéemȧheónėstsemato mó'ȯhkeévėhováneehehéhe máto é'ȯhkeméhaenėheto'e'heo'o Owls are also feared. When they alighted on a house, there the person who owned the house, also he would die, that was what they (owls) were blamed for. [1987:214] vta: táxeóešé't. Category: birds.

tó'ėsėhevá'séhe   na. pheasant. Lit: longtailed-one Variant: tó'ėsevotonáhe, tsėhe'ėsevotonáhe; Plural tó'ėsėhevá'sėheo'o; Obviative tó'ėsėhevá'sėheho; Medial -hevá'sé. Category: birds.

tó'ėsevotonáhe   na. pheasant. Lit: long-tailfeathered-one Variant: tsėhe'ėsevotonáhe, tó'ėsėhevá'séhe; Plural tó'ėsevotonáheo'o; Obviative tó'ėsevotonáheho. Category: birds.

tó'too'he   na. black tailed eagle. Plural tó'too'heo'o; Obviative tó'too'hóho. Usage: obsolescing See: netse. Category: birds.

-tseena'ó   fai. wings spread. Éséhpe-tseenā'o. (The bird) has its wings spread out. See: -tsénooná; -méená. Category: birds.

tsėhe'ėsevotonáhe   na. pheasant. Lit: long-tailfeathered-one Variant: tó'ėsevotonáhe; Plural tsėhe'ėsevotonáheo'o; Obviative tsėhe'ėsevotonáheho. Usage: Not all Cheyennes know this word for pheasant. See: vá'kȯhéáso. Category: birds.

-tsénoo'o   ni. Gram: poss wing (poss). Inanimate for some speakers, but animate for others. he-tsénoo'e his wing. he-tsénoo'o (alternate pronunciation). he-tsénoonȯtse his wings. na-tsénoo'o my wing. Etym: neθenkwi·kani my armpit, my wing (of bird'. na-tsénoonȯtse my wings. Plural ma-tsénoonȯtse.

na. wing (poss.) ma-tsénoono wings. he-tsénoono his wings(s). na-tsénoono my wings. É'ȯhkeamėstósemóho he-tsénoono. He (a sage hen) would drag his wings. [1987:177] he-tsénoonevóho their wings. [1987:177] See: mée'e feather. Category: birds, body.

vá'kȯhéáse   na. prairie chicken, pheasant. Plural vá'kȯhéaseo'o; Obviative vá'kȯhéasóho; Variant: vá'kȯhéáso, vá'ȯhéáso. Category: birds.

vá'kȯhéáso   na. prairie chicken, pheasant. Variant: vá'kȯhéáse, vá'ȯhéáso; Plural vá'kȯhéaseo'o; Obviative vá'kȯhéasóho. See: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáso; tsėhe'ėsevotonáhe. Category: birds.

vá'ȯhéáse   na. prairie chicken. Variant: vá'kȯhéáse, vá'kȯhéáso. Category: birds.

vá'ȯhéáso   na. pheasant. Variant: vá'kȯhéáso. See: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáso. Category: birds, record.

vé'ee'e   na. flicker (bird). Phon: vs Plural vé'eeho; Obviative vé'eeho. Usage: obsolescing Category: birds.

vé'ho'éheméne   na. pigeon. Lit: whiteman-dove Plural vé'ho'éheméneo'o; Obviative vé'ho'éhemeno; Synonym heméne. Category: birds.

vé'kése   na. bird. This is likely the older of the two pronunciations, vé'kése and vé'késo. Some modern Ch. speakers have reanalyzed the /-sé/endings of some nouns, now apparently regarding them as having the diminutive ending /-só/. Some examples are: vé'kése 'bird', oeškēse 'dog', ma'háhkése 'old man', vóhkése '(kit) fox', honóxeāse 'meadowlark', vá'kȯhéáse 'prairie chicken'. Variant: vé'késo; Plural vé'kėseho; Obviative vé'kėseho. Etym: *wi·çkeθawa. See: Vé'ése. Category: birds.

Vé'kėséhá'e   na. Bird Woman. (another recording) Category: names, birds.

vé'kėséhemėstaa'e   na. owl. Lit: bird-spook Plural vé'kėséhemėstaeo'o; Variant: méstaa'e. Éohkeévee'heo'o vékėséhemėstaeo'o. Máto mȧheónehó'éetáxeoešenávȯhtse nėhéóhe vo'ėstane tséhéemȧheónėstsemato mó'ȯhkeévėhováneehehéhe. Matoé'ȯhkeméhaenėheto'e'heo'o. Owls are also feared. When they alight on a house, there the person who owned the house, also (it was believed) he would die, that was what they (owls) were blamed for. [1987:214] Vé'kėsémėstaeo'o éohkėhevoōne, "Kóhkonȯheo'o néxhéoxomėstse!" Owls say, "Feed me bread!" [1979:205] Phon: vs Obviative vé'kėséhemėstaoho. Category: birds.

-vé'kėséhemėstaévéné   vai. owl face. É-vé'kėséhemėstaévéné. He has an owl looking face. Category: face, birds.

vé'kėséhéso   na. Gram: dim little bird. Plural vé'kėséhesono; Obviative vé'kėséhesono; Non-diminutive vé'késo. See: mónevata young bird. Category: birds.

-vé'kėséheve   vai. bird - be a. É-vé'kėséheve. It (animate) is a bird. See: -hováheve be an animal. Category: birds.

Vé'kėséhévého   na. Bird Chief. See: Vé'késȯhvéhonevėstse; vého. Category: names, birds.

-vé'kėséheve'šeme   vai. sound like a bird. É-vé'kėséheve'šeme. He is making a sound like a bird. Category: sounds, birds.

-vé'kėséhéveotse   vai. turn into a bird. Hótȧhtse móstavé'kėséheveotsėhéhe tsé'tóhe. Here this (Ma'ko'se) turned into a bird. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).034] Category: birds.

-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe   vai. feel like a bird, bird - feel like a. Hó'ótóva hápó'e náohkeméo-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe. Sometimes I also feel like birds chirping in the morning. Éméo-vé'kėséhevomóhtahe. He is feeling like a bird in the morning. Category: birds, health.

vé'késo   na. bird. See discussion of the variant endings under vé'kése. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Variant: vé'kése; Plural vé'kėseho; Obviative vé'kėseho; Diminutive vé'kėséhéso. Category: birds.

Vé'késȯhnéšese   na. Two Birds. Vé'kėséohnéšese (variant). Vé'késȯhnéšéso (variant). Category: names, birds.

vóaxáa'e   na. bald eagle. Phon: not vs Phon: iah Plural vóaxaa'eo'o; Obviative vóaxaa'óho. The bald eagle is sacred to Cheyennes. If a vow is made and a bald eagle is sighted soon after, it is viewed as confirmation of the vow. Etym: *wa·pehšehkexkwe·wa. See: netse eagle; hoestomo. Category: birds.

Vóestāso   na. 1 • crane, white crane, sand crane. Ques: also sandcrane?? Category: check. some may translate as this as 'swan'. Plural vóestȧsono; Obviative vóestȧsono. Usage: obsolescing Morph: /vóehtasón/. Etym: *wa·pitecya·hkwa; wa·pitecya·hkwaki (pl) 'white crane, whooping crane(?)' (Go88). See: Vóestaēso; ne'potátse. Category: birds, check.

2 • Little Crane. Category: names.

-vȯhe isonané   vai. make a nest. É-vȯhe isonāne. He is making a nest. Etym: *wašiɁθe·hke·wa. IndepNoun vȯhe iso. Category: birds.

vóo'kooma   na. 1 • redheaded woodpecker. translation uncertain. Lit: white(?)-blanket ?? Category: check. Variant: vóo'ooma; Plural vóo'koomaho; Obviative vóo'koomaho. See: kó'konȯhó'e; hóoma. Category: birds.

2 • Redheaded Woodpecker. Category: names.

vóo'ooma   na. redheaded woodpecker. Variant: vóo'kooma. Category: birds.

vóonȧhtóohéhe   na. nightingale. Lit: all.night-howler Final -ahtóohe; Plural vóonȧhtóohéheo'o; Obviative vóonȧhtóohéheho. See: -néstoohe. Category: birds.

voto   ni. tailfeather, pinfeather, plume. Plural votōnėstse. See: mee'e; Netsévóto; maahévotōnėstse; netsemee'e. Etym: *waθanyi his (the bird's) tail feather. Category: birds.

-votoná   mbp. tailfeathers. tséohtšemo'ȯhtávėstáe-votonase those that have black tailfeathers. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.066] Category: body, birds.

xȧhkema   na. mudhen, mud duck, northern shoveler.

possibly the coot or grebe. Plural xȧhkemaho. Usage: obsolescing; this pronunciation was more common than mȧhkema in the past. Variant: mȧhkema; Obviative xȧhkemaho. Etym: *šenkiʔma (P) water hen, grebe (Pe79:379); cf. M sekeemeh diver duck.Spatula clypeata • na. Category: birds.

xamaevé'késo   na. sparrow. meaning of 'sparrow' not widely known. Lit: ordineary-bird Variant: xamaevé'kése. Category: birds.