aésto'énéó'o ni. blender. Lit: mixer Variant: aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse. See: aésto'épeenēō'o. Category: tools, new.
aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse ni. blender. Lit: mix together grinding thing Category: new. Variant: aésto'eneo'o, aésto'épeeneo'o. Category: tools.
aésto'épeenēō'o ni. blender. Lit: mix together grinder Variant: aésto'énéó'o, aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse. Category: tools, new.
ahaonóveta ni. elk scraper. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, tools.
a'kėstséatȯhohko ni. pin hammer. Lit: compact-head-hammer This kind of hammer has a round head instead of claws. Category: tools.
amȧho'hétsėhetanēō'o ni. car tool. See: tsėhetaneo'o. Plural amȧho'hétsėhetaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
-ane'kȯhemo'he vai. eat with a fork. This refers to the motion of making holes in something to eat it, as you do with a fork. É-ane'kȯhemo'he. He is eating with a fork. Category: tools, eat.
ane'kȯhemó'hestotse ni. fork. See: ane'(k)ȯheo'o. Category: tools.
ane'kȯhēō'o ni. big fork, hay fork. Variant: ane'ȯhēō'o; Plural ane'kȯheonotse. See: táhoheo'o; ane'kȯhemó'hestȯtse. Category: tools.
éehasēō'o na. sharpening stone, whetstone, file. Plural éehaseono. Lit: sharpener vai: -éehasené. See: eohótȧhohtsėstse; ó'ėséena. Category: tools.
e'evonȯhó'o ni. ladder, stepladder, steps, stairway. Lit: crawl.up.thing (another recording) Plural é'evonȯhó'onȯtse; Oblique e'evonȯhó'éva; vai: -e'evonehné. See: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse. Category: tools, house.
é'koo'ohtȯtse ni. binoculars. Lit: looking.through.thing This is a single pair. Plural é'koo'óhtotȯtse. See: -tsėhetóo'ó. Category: tools.
-e'óma'ȯhené vai. hoe. É-e'óma'ȯhēne. He is hoeing. [Planting Corn:12] ni: e'óma'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
e'óma'ȯhēō'o ni. hoe. Plural e'óma'ȯheonȯtse; vai: -e'óma'ȯhené. Category: tools.
-e'óma'ȯxová vai. till, plow. É-e'óma'ȯxōva. He is tilling. [pd1054] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.
e'óma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. walking plow, plow - walking. Plural e'óma'ȯxováhtotȯtse; fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: tools, farm.
e'óová'hasēō'o ni. water pump. for example, an electric water pump. Plural e'óová'haseonȯtse. See: óová'hasēō'o; hóoováneo'o. Category: tools.
e'ȯsé'hasēō'o ni. turner, pancake turner. for example, a pancake turner. See: e'kȯsé'hasēō'o ‘pancake’. Category: tools.
e'xonȯhēō'o ni. scraper. See: sé'senȯhēō'o; mónáhtsėstse. Category: tools.
e'xováxéó'o ni. peeler. See: -e'xovás; É'ėxováhtóva. Category: tools.
éohótȧhohtsėstse na. sharpening stone, whetstone, file. Plural éohótȧhohtseto; Obviative éohótȧhohtseto. See: -éehahtsé; éehasēō'o. Category: tools.
éstová'hasēō'o ni. air pump. See: óová'hasēō'o. Category: tools.
hahénȯhéó'o ni. paintbrush. Plural hahénȯheonȯtse. See: óovȯheo'o. Ques: LH translates this as paint?? Category: check, tools, paint.
hahpanēō'o ni. pliers (a single pair). Etym: *sepenikani (P). Plural hahpaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
hahpenó'estȯtse ni. sewing machine. Plural hahpenó'ėstotȯtse. Category: tools.
háméško1 ni. spoon. Morph: /hámehkón/. Etym: *e·mehkwa·na; *e·mohkwa·na (anim.) (Pi). Plural hámėškonȯtse; Homonym háméško2 ‘beetle’. Category: tools.
hásoo'o ni. crowbar. Plural hásoonȯtse; Diminutive hásohko. Category: tools.
he'konéhe'ōne ni. bone awl. Ques: Is this a real word?? Category: check. See: he'ōne. Category: tools.
he'konóneanēō'o ni. wire stretcher, rope stretcher. Plural he'konóneaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
he'néhahēō'o ni. lifter. for lifting on a stove. Plural he'néhaheonȯtse. Category: tools.
he'one ni. awl. part of Sun Dance equipment. Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check. Plural he'onȯtse; Possessive -htse'one. Etym: cf. M ohka·naeh. See: he'konéhe'ōne. Category: tools.
-he-mótȧhkame vai. have a knife; knife - have a. Éno'he-mótȧhkame. He even had a knife. [jg 7/89] See: motšėške. Category: tools.
-he-mótšeške vai. have a knife. Náhe-mótšeške. I have a knife. Phon: š-assimilation IndepNoun mótšėške. Etym: *wemenhehsiwa. Category: tools.
hesó'xȧho'hovahtȯtse ni. iron. Lit: smooth-by.heat-thing Variant: hesó'xȯhéó'o. Category: tools.
hesó'xȯhéó'o ni. iron (appliance). Lit: smoothing thing Etym: *weša·Ɂšahikani. Plural hesó'xȯheonȯtse; Variant: hesó'xȧho'hovahtȯtse. Category: tools.
-hesó'xoh(n) vta. iron s.o. Lit: smooth-by.tool É-hesó'xȯhnóho. She ironed him. Etym: *weša·Ɂšahwe·wa. For example, she ironed a shirt. See: -hesó'xan. Category: tools, housework.
hesto'tonȯheváhestȯtse ni. loom. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, tools.
héška'ó'sanēō'o ni. tongs. that is, a pair of tongs. Category: tools, new.
hevá'xáméško ni. long handled dipper, ladle. Ques: check pitches?? See: háméško ‘spoon’. Category: check, tools.
hévoenēō'o ni. wringer. old style wringer, as on a wringer washing machine. Category: tools.
hoéséó'o ni. hanger. Plural hoéseonȯtse. Category: clothing, tools.
hoéstónéó'o ni. calculator. Category: new. Lit: counter Category: tools.
hóhkȯxe ni. axe. Plural hóhkóxėstse, hóhkȯxehȯtse; Diminutive hóhkȯxéso; instr: hóhkȯxéva; Non-diminutive hóo'ȯxe. Etym: *a·kašwa ??; cf. Ar hóhʔonóóx. See: -htohkȯxe; -monooxané. Category: tools, check.
hóhkȯxéso ni. hatchet. See: hohkȯxe. Category: tools.
hohpo'óesanestȯtse ni. bailer. Variant: hohpo'óeseo'o. Category: tools, farm.
hohpo'óesēō'o ni. binder (for example, for binding wheat), baler (for hay). Plural hohpo'óeseonȯtse. See: hohpo'óesanestȯtse. Category: tools.
hóhtȯxovámota ni. scissors. This is a single pair of scissors. Lit: crosscut-knife Variant: hótȯxovámota; Plural hóhtȯxovámotahȯtse; Possessive htóhtȯxovámota. See: mota; motšėške; -hótȯxátó. Category: tools.
Ho'ėstáónó'e 1 • ni. fire stick. for example, used as a poker or to light fires. Variant: ho'ėstávónó'e. Category: tools, fire.
2 • na. Fire Stick. Category: names.
ho'évoohtsepéenēō'o ni. meat grinder. Category: new, tools, meat.
ho'honáetȯhoo'e na. tomahawk. Lit: rock-hammer Usage: may be a new word See: tȯhoo'e; ma'xetȯhoo'e; tamȯheo'o. Category: tools, warfare.
hó'kȯhtóhe ni. cane, staff. Plural hó'kȯhtȯheonȯtse; Possessive -htó'kȯhtóhe; Variant: hó'ȯhtóhe. Etym: cf. M aahpatah; aahpatahonan (pl). Category: tools.
honóvónó'e ni. meat drying rack. hésévánó'e á'e honóvónó'e Wow! (a cute exclamation). See: hestonóvónó'e; honóvóhko; -htonóvónó'e; ó'óéséó'o; -óvá5 ‘meat’. Category: meat, tools.
hóoovánéó'o ni. water pump, siphon. Medial -óová; Synonym hóova'hasēō'o. See: óová'hasēō'o; e'óová'haseon; hóova'hasēō'o. Category: liquid, tools.
hóová'hasēō'o ni. windmill. Plural hóova'haseonȯtse; Synonym hóoovánéó'o. Ques: does it also mean siphon?? See: vótȧháéno tsénéma'ó'á'ha ‘windmill’; óová'hasēō'o; hóoovánéó'o. Category: tools.
hovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. umbrella. Non-diminutive hovéo'ȯhēō'o; Possessive -htovéo'kȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
hóxe'óma'ȯhēō'o ni. harrow, grader. levels ground and breaks clods. Category: tools.
-htóhtȯxovámota ni. scissors (poss.) nȧ-htóhtȯxovámota my scissors (single pair). Ques: nȧ-htóhtȧxovámota ?? Category: check. he-stóhtȯxovámota his scissors (single pair). IndepNoun hóhtȯxovámota. Category: school, tools.
-htó'kȯhtóhe ni. Gram: poss cane (poss), staff (poss). nȧ-htó'kȯhtóhe my cane. IndepNoun hó'kȯhtóhe. Category: tools.
-htovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. umbrella (poss). nȧ-htovéo'kȯhēō'o my umbrella. Non-diminutive -htovéo'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
-htovéo'ȯhēō'o ni. shade (poss), arbor (poss). nȧ-htovéo'ȯhēō'o my shade/arbor. Non-diminutive -htovéo'kȯhēō'o; ni: hovéo'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
-htse'one ni. Gram: poss awl. nȧ-htse'one my awl. he-stse'one IndepNoun he'on. Category: tools.
kó'konȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. typewriter, keyboard, keypad. Plural kó'konȯxe'ėstónėstotȯtse. Category: computer, tools.
koósetonó'séó'o ni. mini-refrigerator. Lit: tiny-cooling thing Category: new, tools.
mȧheonénėše'haneo'o mop. Lit: Plural mȧheónenėše'haneonȯtse. Category: tools.
ma'enónestȯtse ni. scraping tool. for scraping hide during tanning; this is hard work. See: ma'enoo'e. Category: tools.
ma'enoo'e ni. scraping tool. Usage: probably older term than ma'enónestȯtse; not well known today See: ma'enónestȯtse. Category: tools.
ma'hao'ónovahtȯtse ni. microphone. Lit: large-talking thing ?? Category: check, new. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. fai: -ónová1. Category: tools.
ma'oméšešenȯheo'o ni. ice scraper. Lit: ice loosener Category: new. Ques: sounds like he says ma'oméšéšenȯheo'o ?? Category: check, car, tools.
ma'xetȯhoo'e ni. sledgehammer. See: tȯhohko; tamȯheo'o. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'éhéó'o ni. shovel, hoe. Some people have used this word for a hoe. Lit: dig-by.tool-(thing) Phon: vs; gr vai: -ménȯhené; Synonym vósȯhéó'o. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'éhestatseo'o ni. shovel. Lit: digging-shoulder(?)(.thing) Phon: vs See: xanéhpe-ménȯhe'éheo'o. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'éhestatseško ni. Gram: dim shovel. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'kéhestatseo'o ni. rake. See: ménȯhe'éheo'o; ménȯhe'éhestatseško. Category: tools.
ménȯheo'o ni. posthole digger. Category: tools.
mochk ni. knife. Simplified spelling. Precise Spelling motšėške. Category: tools.
móhenȯhenestȯtse ni. rake. See: móhenoma'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
móhenȯhēō'o ni. rake, farm rake (a farm implement). Lit: gathering thing ?? Category: check. Phon: vs Plural móhenȯheonȯtse. See: móhenoma'ȯhēō'o; móhonóma'ȯheo'o; tsé-manó'konénéto. Category: tools.
móhenóma'ȯhenestȯtse rake. Category: tools.
móhenoma'ȯhēō'o ni. rake. See: móhenȯhēō'o; móhenȯhenestȯtse; tsé-manó'konénéto. Category: tools.
móhonóma'ȯhēō'o ni. rake. Phon: vs Plural móhonóma'ȯheonȯtse. See: móhenȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
mo'e'étȧho'sēō'o ni. hay rack. Plural mo'e'étȧho'seonȯtse. Phon: vs See: táho'ėhasēō'o. Category: tools, farm.
mo'e'étsėhetȯxovahtȯtse ni. lawn mower. fai: -oxová. Category: tools.
mó'sohko ni. small flint stone, metal point of arrow flint. Usage: This word is not well known toda Plural mo'sóhkonȯtse ??. See: -mo'ó'xoneta; mo'xȯhtse; -ho'kotseve. Category: check, tools.
mónáhtsėstse na. hide scraper. Usage: archaic This word and definition is found in Petter's dictionary, however no one today knows the word with this meaning. Instead, this word only sounds like 'new mouth' to speakers today. These hide scrapers were typically made of elk horns. Plural mónȧhtseto; Obviative mónȧhtseto. See: sé'senȯhēō'o ‘hide scraper’; xomȯhēō'o ‘hide scraper’; é'ėxonȯhēō'o ‘scraper’. Category: tools.
mota ni. knife. Usage: probably archaic; appears in Petter's dictionary (page 662): "large knife"; motšėške "smaller knife" Diminutive motȧhke. See: motšėške ‘knife’; hótȧxovámota ‘knife’. Category: tools.
-mótȧhkame ni. Gram: poss knife (poss.) na-mótȧhkame my knife. Usage: older word than -mótšėškame See: -mótšėškame. Category: tools.
motȧhke ni. knife. Usage: archaic See: motšėške. Category: tools.
-mótšėškame ni. Gram: poss knife (poss), small knife and sheath. for some speakers this refers to a small knife and its sheath. na-mótšėškame my knife. Ques: plural?? namótšėškamȯtse?? 'knife' can also be possessed without the -ame suffix: na-motšėške my knife. Ques: What is the semantic difference with and without the -ame?? Simplified Spelling mochk um; IndepNoun motšėške. See: -mótȧhkame. Category: tools, check.
motšėške ni. knife. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Simplified Spelling mochk; Plural mótšėškehȯtse; AlternatePlural mótšėškeonȯtse (much less commonly used). na-motšėške my knife. na-mótšėškame my knife. for some speakers that refers to a small knife and its sheath. Motšėške éohkėsáavé'šetóhpȯhomó'hestovėhane. A knife is not used to take marrow out (of a bone). Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯsēna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! (a cultural prohibition). Nėstsevé'vé'še-móhtóéhá'éne motšėške. Don't stir soup with a knife (if there is a medicine man living with you; this is a cultural prohibition)! Oblique mótšėškéva; Possessive -motšėške, -mótšėškame. The following words "rhyme" for Cheyennes: motšėške (knife), vetšėške (fat), ho'tšėške (sinew), amėške (grease), and ma'tšėške (bow). Morph: /mótehk/. Etym: *ma·nθehsi (Pi); cf. Ar wóoxe; cf. *ma·nθehsi. See: mota; motȧhke. Category: tools.
mȯxéhéó'o ni. broom. Lit: sweeping(thing) Phon: vs (another recording) Plural mȯxéheonȯtse. Category: tools.
nȧhtovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. my umbrella. ni: hovéo'kȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
na'heeséve'one ni. hayfork, pitchfork. Lit: three-nosed-awl BodyPartMedial -esé. Ques: is the analysis of the underlying form reasonable?? Category: tools, check.
nėhohenéó'o ni. mop. Ques: check recording pronunciation?? Category: check, tools.
nėhohēō'o na. dish towel, dish rag. Lit: wiping (thing) Phon: vs Plural nėhoheono; Obviative nėhoheono. See: -nėhon; -nėhohené. Category: tools.
nėhpeaméneo'o ni. trowel. for example, for daubing cement between logs. Category: tools. Variant: nėhpeaménenestȯtse.
ne'eváhéó'o ni. ruler. Lit: measuring(.thing) Plural ne'eváheonȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Etym: cf. *keθkiwe·honi ‘flag’. Category: tools.
ne'eváohtséstomanestȯtse ni. compass, GPS. Lit: guiding thing Category: new. See: éše'he ‘sun, compass’. Category: tools.
né'tanéhéó'o ni. puller, extractor. Category: tools, check.
nėše'hanenéó'o ni. washing machine, washer. This pronunciation seems to be better than nėše'hanēō'o. Variant: nėše'hanēō'o, nėše'hanenestȯtse; Plural nėše'haneonȯtse. Phon: vs; gr See: amȧho'hénėše'hanenēō'o ‘car wash’; še'hanéó'o. Category: tools.
nėše'hanenestȯtse ni. washing machine. Variant: nėše'hanenéó'o. Category: tools.
nėška'óséó'o ni. washboard. Lit: rippled (thing) ?? Oklahoma Dialect nėškėháséó'o. Phon: vsr Category: tools, check.
nėškėháséó'o ni. washboard. Phon: vsr Montana Dialect nėška'óséó'o. Category: tools.
nóohanestȯtse ni. dipper. Category: tools.
óenenēō'o ni. combine. See: óeneo'o ‘thresher’. Category: tools.
óenenestȯtse ni. thresher, threshing machine. Category: tools.
óenēō'o ni. thresher, threshing machine. See: óenenēō'o ‘combine’. Category: tools.
ó'a'hasenestȯtse ni. clothes dryer. Variant: ó'a'hesenestȯtse, ó'a'hasēō'o. See: ó'óéséó'o. Category: tools.
ó'a'hasēō'o ni. clothes dryer. Variant: ó'a'hasenestȯtse; Plural ó'a'haseonȯtse. Category: tools.
ó'a'hesenestȯtse ni. clothes dryer. Variant: ó'a'hasenestȯtse. See: ó'óéséó'o. Variant: ó'a'haseo'o. Category: tools.
ó'ėséena na. whetstone, sharpening stone, file. Oblique ó'ėséenȧhēva; Diminutive ó'kėséena. See: éehasēō'o; eohótȧhohtsėstse; vé'ho'éo'ėséena. Category: tools.
onéma'ó'anēō'o ni. wrench. See: onéma'ta'éne'taneo'o ‘wrench’. Category: tools.
onéma'ta'éne'tanēō'o ni. wrench. See: onéma'ó'anēō'o ‘wrench’. Category: tools, record.
onéma'táo'aneo'o ni. screwdriver. Ques: also wrench ?? Category: check. Variant: onéma'táo'eneo'o; Plural onéma'táo'aneonȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Category: tools.
onéma'táo'enēō'o ni. screwdriver. Phon: apoc; vs Ques: also wrench ?? Category: check. Variant: onéma'táo'aneo'o; Plural onéma'táo'eneonȯtse. Category: tools.
onóvoeha'ēō'o ni. big fork for lifting food (not just meat) out of a cooking pot. Phon: This entry undergoes Vowel-Stretching Raising (VSR), which may be a subclass of Glottal Raising (GR). In VSR there is a slight elevation of expected low pitches to something like mid pitches on the word-final vowel sequence of Vowel-Stretched forms. It is quite possible that we should not even record such pitch raising, but we do so for attention to accuracy. Probably not all speakers have the rule of VSR. Some other forms which undergo VSR are:(RECHECK?? Plural onóvoehá'eonȯtse ??. Category: check. See: -onóvoehá'ené; -onóvȧhá'ené. Category: tools.
oo'kemé'hahtsenáhestȯtse ni. whisker puller, shaver, razor, razor blade, shaving accessory. Plural oo'kemé'hahtsenáhestotȯtse; Variant: oo'kemé'hahtsenahtȯtse. Category: tools, groom.
oo'kemé'hahtsenahtȯtse ni. tweezers, whisker plucker. Plural oo'kemé'hahtsenáhtotȯtse; Variant: oo'kemé'hahtsenáhestȯtse. Category: tools.
oo'kevé'henȯsénȧhtsestȯtse ni. tweezers. This is grammatically singular and refers to a single unit. Lit: make.bare-eyebrow-thing Category: tools.
oo'kóhtȧxestȯtse ni. hair clippers. a single pair. (another recording) Variant: oo'kóhtȧxovahtȯtse. Category: tools.
oo'kó'ėxovahtȯtse ni. mowing machine, lawnmower, mower. vai: oo'kó'ėxová. See: oo'kó'ȯheo'o. Category: tools.
oo'kó'ȯhéó'o ni. mower, mowing machine. Phon: apocope; vs Plural oo'kó'ȯheonȯtse. See: oo'kó'ėxovahtȯtse. Category: tools.
-ootó'e m. handle. of an ax, knife, hoe, cooking pot, etc. Émo'ȯhtáv-ootó'eve. It has a black handle. Ékȧhamȧxév-ootó'eve. It has a wooden handle. See: hóótó'e; hoóneanāto; hestsėhéva'xe; -e'o'o'e; -e'o'evo'ȧhahtsé; -o'é. Category: tools.
óovȯhēō'o ni. brush. used for cleaning. Plural óovȯheonȯtse. See: hahénȯhéó'o. Category: tools.
otaohēō'o ni. auger. Etym: *palepahikani (P). Plural otaoheonȯtse. Category: tools.
pano'ȯhēō'o ni. spreader, butter knife. See: he'né'hasēō'o; pano'ėhasēō'o ‘syrup’. Category: tools.
peaménenestȯtse ni. trowel. Category: tools.
péenēō'o ni. grinder. Phon: vs Etym: *pi·kwenikani (P). Plural péeneonȯtse. See: pénȯhemenahtȯtse. Category: tools.
pénȯhemenahtȯtse na. mortar, pounding rock. These are rocks for pounding on. They are round, often partially hollowed out. Women used a smaller rock (pestle, Cheyenne péeneo'o) to pound berries on these rocks. Plural pénȯhemenáhtoto; Obviative pénȯhemenáhtoto. See: péenēō'o. Category: tools.
pénȯheného'honáá'e na. millstone. Lit: pounding-rock Category: tools.
pénoma'ȯxēō'o ni. plow. Synonym pénoma'ȯxovahtȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Category: farm, tools.
pénoma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. plow. Plural pénoma'ȯxováhtotȯtse; Synonym pénoma'ȯxēō'o. Category: tools, farm.
sé'senȯhēō'o ni. hide scraper. Phon: redup See: mónáhtsėstse; é'ėxonȯhēō'o; xomȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
šéa'hasēō'o ni. sifter. Category: tools.
še'hanéó'o washing machine. Usage: Some people pronounce it this way, without "nė" at the beginning, since it is difficult to hear. See: nėše'hanenéó'o. Category: tools.
šénoovánenestȯtse ni. strainer, sieve, colander. Variant: šénoováneo'o; Plural šénoovánenéstotȯȯtse. Category: tools.
šénoovánéó'o ni. strainer, sieve, colander. Variant: šénoovánenestȯtse. Phon: vs Plural šénoováneonȯtse. Category: tools, containers.
taeváhéó'o ni. ruler, foot. Phon: vs Plural taeváheonȯtse; Oblique taeváhéóne. See: taoheóne ‘mile’. Category: tools, size, distance.
táhoetsėhetóma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. riding plow, plow - riding. Category: farm, tools.
táhohēō'o ni. hay fork, lifter, dustpan, stove lid lifter. Etym: *te·hθahikani (P). Plural táhoheonȯtse. Phon: vs See: ané'kȯheo'o. Category: tools.
ta'ta'enenēō'o ni. can opener. Variant: ta'ta'ȯhenestȯtse. See: ta'ta'ȯhēō'o ‘key’. Category: tools.
ta'ta'ȯhenestȯtse ni. can opener. Lit: opening-thing Variant: ta'ta'enenēō'o; Plural ta'ta'ȯhenéstotȯtse. See: ta'ta'ȯhēō'o; ta'ta'enenēō'o. Category: tools.
ta'ta'ȯhēō'o ni. key. Lit: opener (another recording) Plural ta'ta'ȯheonȯtse. Phon: vs See: ta'ta'enenēō'o; ta'ta'ȯhenestȯtse. Category: tools.
tȯhevóse'šēō'o ni. saw. Lit: gap.cutting(-thing) Phon: first /s/ may assimilate, yielding tȯhevóše'šeo'o Plural tȯhevóse'šeonȯtse. See: tovó'(k)-. Category: tools.
tȯhohko ni. hammer, mallet, tomahawk. (another recording) Etym: cf *θahθa·ni ‘flint-knapping tool (P)’. Plural tȯhóhkonȯtse; Non-diminutive tȯhóo'o. Ques: also tȯhóo'e?? Category: check. vai: -tonȯhené. See: tȯhoo'e. Category: tools.
tóhpȯheo'o ni. poker, pool stick. Plural tóhpȯheonȯtse. Category: tools.
tonó'sanestȯtse ni. refrigerator. Lit: cooling thing Variant: tonó'séó'o; Plural tonó'sanéstotȯtse. Phon: vs See: tootómȯhéó'o; he'konȯhtáve'ho'sēō'o; koosetono'séó'o. Category: tools.
tonó'séó'o ni. refrigerator. Lit: cooler Variant: tonó'sanestȯtse, tono'sēō'o. Ques: recheck HL: tono'sēō'o ?? Category: check. Plural tonó'seonȯtse. Phon: vs See: tootómȯhéó'o; he'konȯhtáve'ho'sēō'o; koosetono'séó'o. Category: tools.
-toóneohené vai. hammer; nail. É-toóneohēne. He hammered. See: -tonȯhené. Category: tools.
toóneohēō'o ni. nail. Lit: hold(.down)(.thing) Plural toóneoheonȯtse. (male voice) vai: -toóneohené. Phon: vs Etym: cf. Sh θakkika·ni. See: -toen ‘hold s.t./s.o.’; vóhka'étoóneohēō'o ‘staple’. Category: tools.
toóneoheonéne'tanēō'o ni. wrecking bar. Lit: nail-puller Category: tools.
tootómȯhéó'o vai. cooler, fan. (another recording) Néta'ta'ēna tootómȯhéó'o. You turned on the air conditioner. See: tonó'séó'o ‘refrigerator’; vá'vanȯhēō'o ‘fan’; tootóma'hasēō'o ‘air conditionins’. Category: tools.
tsėheta'hasēō'o ni. pump. Category: tools.
tsėhetanēō'o ni. tool. Plural tsėhetaneonȯtse. he-tsėhetaneonevōtse their tools. [1987:28] Category: tools.
tsėhetóma'ȯxovahtȯtse ni. walking plow, plow - walking. fai: -óma'ȯxová; vii: -tsėhetóma'o'e. Category: tools, farm.
tsémanó'konénéto vii. Gram: ppl rake. Lit: that which has teeth together vii: -manó'konéné. See: móhenȯhēō'o; móhenȯhenestȯtse. Category: tools.
vá'vanȯhēō'o ni. fan. This can be a side wing of an eagle used as a fan. Plural vá'vanȯheonȯtse. Phon: redup; vs Non-reduplicated Vánȯhéó'o. Etym: cf. O wewese'igan. See: tootómȯhéó'o ‘cooler’; -vá'vanoh(n) ‘fan s.o.’; no'óestotȯtse. Category: tools.
vé'ho'éo'ėséena na. file. Lit: whiteman-sharpening.stone See: ó'ėséena. Category: tools.
vóhka'étoóneohēō'o ni. staple. Lit: bent-nail Phon: vs See: toóneohēō'o ‘nail’. Category: tools.
vóhkȯhtoóneohēō'o ni. stapler. Lit: bent-nail Phon: vs See: toóneohēō'o ‘nail’. Category: tools.
-vonoh(n) vta. remove s.o. by tool. É-vonȯhnóho. He removed him by tool. Etym: *wanahwe·wa (P). Ná-vonōhno. I removed him by tool. Category: tools.
vósenėhestȯtse ni. shovel. Category: tools.
vósȯhéó'o ni. shovel. Synonym vósenėhestȯtse, ménȯhe'éhéó'o. See: xanéhpoeo'o ‘spade’. Category: tools, check.
vové'sȯheo'o ni. wood splitter. Category: new, tools.
xanéhpe-ménȯhe'éheo'o ni. spade, shovel. xanéhpe- has something to do with being 'scoop-shaped'. Phon: vs See: ménȯhe'éhestatseo'o; -ménȯhené. Category: tools.
xanéhpoeo'o 0ni. spade. Plural xanéhpoenȯtse. Category: check, tools.
xomȯhēō'o ni. hide scraper. Usage: obsolescent See: mónáhtsėstse; sé'senȯhēō'o. Category: tools.