-amoéstóné vai. continue reading, continue school. É-amoéstóne. He is continuing to read. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-amó'ha'en vti. graduate s.t. Lit: ?? Usage: od É-?? É-amó'há'éna. He graduated. ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, school.
-amȯxe'ėstóné vai. continue schooling, continue going to school. É-amȯxe'ėstóne. He continues going to school. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.
-ano'ohtsé vai. run away. É-ano'ōhtse. He ran away. tséohke-ano'ȯhtsese those who play hooky/those who run away. Hee'haho mó'ȯhkėhetóseame-anó'ȯhtsėhevóhe. His son continued to run away (from school). [1987:191] See: -noo'ohtsé. Category: school.
-asėtoéstóné vai. start school, start to read. É-asėtoéstóne. He is starting school. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-asėtȯxe'ėstóné vai. start school, begin to study. É-asėtȯxe'ėstóne. He started school. fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -mȯxe'ėstóne. Category: school, write.
-énoéstóne vai. finish school, quit school, end school, school end. É-énóéstóne. He ended school. See: -má'toéstóné ‘finish school’; -hoéstóné ‘go to school’; -énȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.
-énȯxe'ėstóné vai. stop school, drop out of school. É-énȯxe'ėstóne. He dropped out of school. tsé-énȯxe'ėstónese dropouts. [1987:61] Lit: those who quit school Category: school.
2 • vai. have a flush (in cards). Ná-énȯxe'ėstóne. I have a flush (in a game of cards). fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -énoéstóné. Category: cards.
éškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse ni. pencil, pencil sharpener. Variant: mȯxe'ėstóneéškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse. Category: school.
háehéne'enovȧhestȯtse ni. higher education. Lit: much-learning See: -héne'enovahe. Category: school, new.
-hahénȯhéné vai. paint, color. É-hahénȯhéne. He is painting. See: -hohtȧhévėhahénȯhené. Category: school, paint.
hahénȯhénevȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. colored pencil, crayon. Lit: coloring-writing-NOM Category: school.
-he'kotoo'e vai. be quiet, sit still, be on a break. É-he'kotoo'e. He is still/he is quiet. Néévė-he'kotoehe? Have you been quiet? Néévė-he'kotoēme. You (plural) are on a break. He'kotoo'ėstse! Be quiet! He'kotoo'e! Be quiet! (said to more than one person). (another recording) (another recording) Phon: vs See: -he'konoo'e; -he'kotahtse; -he'kotseóó'e; -ovánėhoo'e; -he'kotóeotse. Category: school, sit.
-héne'enovahe vai. knowledgeable, educated, aware. É-héne'enovahe. He is knowledgeable. Éháe-héne'enovahe. He is very knowledgeable. Tapėhévėhé-hene'enovaestse! Go learn well! ?? Category: school, cognition, check.
heóveamȧho'héhe na. school bus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse; ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: school.
hóehéevo'sóestȯtse ni. recess. Lit: outside-(go).to-play-NOM vai: -évo'soo'e. Category: school.
-hoéstá4 vti. count s.t., read s.t. É-hoésta. He counted/read it. Etym: *akintamwa. Ná-hoésta. I'm counting / reading it. (another recording) É-hoéstánóvo. They read it. Hoéstȯhtse! Read it! Néx-hóéstȯhtse! Read it! Hoéstome! Count them! (said to more than one person). That is said, for example, when playing horseshoes. Tšéške'e náamė-hoésta. I'm reading a little. vta: -hoem. See: -hóooéstá. Category: school, horseshoes.
-hoéstomev vta. read to s.o. É-hoéstomevóho. He read to him. [Croft: 'teach s.o. in school'] Etym: *akintamawe·wa. Néx-hoéstomevėstse! Read to me! Hoéstomeveha! Read to him! See: -hóestomev ‘prevent s.o.’; -vovéstomev ‘teach s.o.’. Category: school.
-hoéstomósané vai. teach. É-hoéstomósáne. He/She is teaching. Synonym -vovéstomósané. Category: school, Oklahoma.
-hoéstóné vai. count, read, study, go to school. The focus of this word is on counting and reading. The focus of -mȯxe'ėstóné is on writing. Both words have been used for going to school. É-hoéstóne. He is reading. Etym: *akintwa·ke·wa (P). Né-hoéstonehe? Are you going to school? Ná-hoéstóne. I'm reading / counting / studying. É-hoéstoneo'o. They are studying. Ésáa-hoéstonėheo'o. They are not studying. Éme'-hoéstonėstove. There should be studying. Tȧhé-hóéstónėstse! Go to school! (another recording) Tȧhé-hóéstóne! Go to school! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Tapėhévėhé-hoéstoneo'o! Go to school in a good way! (delayed command). Tósa'e néohkė-hoéstóne? Where do you go to school? tsésáahé-hoéstonėhese those who do not go to school. tsé-hoéstonese students/those who read. Mónéohkė-hoéstonėhéhe. You must be studying. vta: -hoem, -hoéstá; fai: -oéstóné. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné; -vá'ȯhtoéstóne. Category: school.
hoéstónéhe na. student, reader, pupil. Lit: reader Plural hoéstonėheo'o; Obviative hoéstonėheho; vai: -hoéstóné. See: mȯxe'ėstónéhe ‘student’. Category: school.
hoéstonemȧhēō'o ni. school. Lit: reading-house Usage: od vai: -hoéstóné; Synonym mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o. Category: school, check.
hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. book. Lit: reading-paper Usage: might not be used as widely as just mȯxe'ėstoo'o for both book and paper Plural hoéstonemȯxe'ėstóonȯtse. See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o; tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: school.
hoéstonestȯtse ni. counting, reading, number, poster. vai: -hoéstóné. See: vé'ho'éhoéstonestȯtse ‘Kindle reader’. Category: school, horseshoes.
ho'xėstanenestȯtse ni. addition. new word for addition in school. Category: numbers, school, new.
-hó'xóéstóne vai. used to reading. É-hó'xóéstóne. He is used to reading. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
hóo'xevápȧhoenēō'o ni. bulletin board. Lit: announce-stick.on(thing) Category: new, school.
-hóooéstá vti. read s.t. É-hóooésta. He is reading it. É-hóooéstánóvo. They are reading it. Ques: how extant is this pronunciation?? See: -hoésta1. Category: school, check.
hóxe'anenéhe na. janitor, custodian. Lit: cleaner Variant: tséohkė-hóxe'anēnėstse. Category: school.
-htóhtȯxovámota ni. scissors (poss.) nȧ-htóhtȯxovámota my scissors (single pair). Ques: nȧ-htóhtȧxovámota ?? Category: check. he-stóhtȯxovámota his scissors (single pair). IndepNoun hóhtȯxovámota. Category: school, tools.
-mȧhovoéstóné vai. tired reading. É-mȧhovoéstóne. He is tired of reading. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-mȧhoxe'ėstóné vai. all write, all go to school. É-mȧhoxe'ėstóneo'o. They are all going to school. Category: school.
mȧhpévoomȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. ink pen. Lit: water-liquid-writing.thing the old dip kind of pen. Category: school.
-má'tóéstá vti. finish s.t. (course of study), graduate s.t. especially of finishing high school. Ééše-má'tóésta. He has finished school. Etym: *me·Ɂtakintamwa (P). Category: school.
-má'toéstóné vai. graduate. Lit: finish-writing É-má'tóéstóne. He graduated. Tósa'e né-má'tóéstóne? Where did you graduate? Éoseepėhéva'e tséh-má'toéstoneto. It is really good that you finished school. That is, congratulations on graduating. Éoseepėhéva'e tséh-má'toéstonése. It is really good that you (plural) finished school. That is, congratulations on graduating. tséée-má'toéstonese graduates. Lit: those who have finished going to school fai: oéstóné. See: má'tóéstá. Category: school.
matanaéve'ho'e na. policeman, truancy officer, milkman. (another recording) Lit: breast-ve'ho'e (refers to the badge pinned on the chest) Some speakers point out that this can also mean 'milkman', but the term almost exclusively refers to 'policeman' today. Plural matanaévé'hó'e; Obviative matanaévé'hó'e. Category: school.
momóonémȧhéó'o ni. boarding school. Lit: captive-house Synonym nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o. Category: school.
-mónėhó'eóó'e vai. stand in line (shoulder to shoulder), line up. É-mónėhó'eóeo'o. They are standing in line. Mónėhó'eóó'e! Get in line! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -amóneoo'e ‘sit in line’. Category: school, stand.
-mȯxe'ėstóné vai. go to school, write, study. The focus of this word is on writing. The focus of -hoéstóné is on reading. Both words have been used for going to school. É-mȯxe'ėstóne. He is writing. Né-mȯxe'ėstónehe? Are you writing? fai: -oxe'ėstóné; vti: -mȯxe'oha. Etym: cf. *masina·hike·- ‘write, draw’. See: -hoéstóné ‘read, go to school’. Category: school, write.
mȯxe'ėstóneéškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse ni. pencil sharpener, pencil. Lit: pencil-sharp-nose-cutting-thing Category: new. Variant: éškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstónéhé na. student. Lit: writer Plural mȯxe'ėstónėheo'o; Obviative mȯxe'ėstónėheho; Feminine mȯxe'ėstóné'e. See: hoéstónéhe ‘student’. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstóné'e na. female student. See: mȯxe'ėstónéhe. Category: school.
-mȯxe'ėstóne'seh vta. cause s.o. to go to school. Ná-mȯxe'ėstóne'seha. He made me go to school. Násáa'évȧhémȯxe'ėstóne'sėhaeheo'o. That's the reason they did not make me go back to school. [My Older Sister.023] Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o ni. school. Lit: writing-house Oblique mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne. Ques: record the oblique?? Category: check. See: hoéstonémȧhéó'o. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. pencil, pen, wireless printer. Lit: writing thing Variant: mȯxo'ėstónestȯtse; Plural mȯxe'ėstónėstotȯtse. Ques: recheck meaning of wireless printer?? Category: school, computer.
mȯxe'ėstoo'e ni. paper, book; letter. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse; Variant: mȯxe'ėstoo'o, xe'ėstóon. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. paper, book, letter. primarily means paper, but some have also used this word for books and letters. Some say hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o or tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o for a book. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse; Variant: mȯxe'ėstoo'e, mȯxo'ėstoo'o, xe'ėstoo'o. Etym: cf. M mase·nahekan. See: hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o; tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstóoného'emanéhe na. school superintendant. Synonym véhonevėstse mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne. Category: jobs, school.
mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse tsé'ȯhketáhó'ta vii. bookshelf. Lit: books where.they.are.put.on Category: school.
-mȯxe'ohá vti. write s.t., draw s.t. has final 'by tool', that is, this is writing with a pen or pencil. É-mȯxe'ōha. He wrote it. Mȯxe'óóhtse! Write it! Category: school.
mȯxo'ėstónestȯtse ni. pencil, pen, wireless printer. Lit: writing thing Variant: mȯxe'ėstónestȯtse; Plural mȯxo'ėstónėstotȯtse. Ques: recheck meaning of wireless printer?? Category: school, computer, check.
-nėhetoéstóné vai. so count, count that way, so read. É-nėhetoéstóne. He counted that way. See: -hoéstóné. Category: school.
nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o ni. boarding school. Lit: locked up school Variant: nėhpo'eemȯxe'ėstónémȧhéó'o; Synonym momóonémȧhéó'o. Category: school.
nėhpo'eemȯxe'ėstónémȧhéó'o ni. boarding school. Lit: locked up school Variant: nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o. Category: school.
né'evėhéne'enovȧhestȯtse mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o ni. college. Lit: keep on learning school Category: new, school.
nésovavenėstsestȯtse ni. bilingualism, bilingual class. Category: school, new. Final -nestse. Lit: two.ways-speak.language-thing
nesta tsééše-mȯxe'ėstónese vai -pl. kindergarten students. Lit: those who have already previously studied (that is, in Head Start) Category: school.
nesta tsééše-mȯxe'ėstónese vai -pl. kindergarten students. Lit: those who have already previously studied (that is, in Head Start) Category: school.
nesta tsééšemȯxe'ėstónese vai -part. kindergarten students. Category: school.
-nėševoéstóné vai. read fast, quickly read. É-nėševoéstóne. He read fast. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school, speed.
-nétȧhévoéstóne vai. read differently, count differently. É-nétȧhévóéstóne. He didn't read right. Category: school.
-nȯhtóvoéstóné vai. know how to read. É-nȯhtóvóéstóne. He knows how to read. Etym: *nehta·wakintwa·ke·wa (P). naa móéve-nȯhtóvoéstonėhevóhe and they know how to read. [1987:192] fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-nó'ovóneeóó'e vai. stand single file, stand in a straight line. É-nó'ovóneeóeo'o. They are standing single file. Nó'ovóneeóó'e! Get in line (single file)! (said to more than one person). (another recording) See: -nó'ovóneoo'e ‘sit in line’; -amóneeóó'e ‘stand in line’. Phon: vs Final -óé2. Category: school, stand.
-nóvóéstóne vai. read slowly, slowly read. É-nóvóéstóne. He is reading slowly. fai: -oéstóné. See: -nóvȯxe'ėstóné ‘write slowly’. Category: school.
-oéstóné fai. read, count. Épėhév-óéstóne. He reads well. Éam-oéstóne. He is continuing to read. Émá't-óéstóne. He graduated. Émȧhov-oéstóne. He is tired of reading. Énóv-óéstóne. He is reading slowly. Évóon-oéstóne. He studied all night. É-vést-óéstóne. He is reading with (others). vai: -hoéstóné. See: -oestóné ‘make an offering’; -ȯxe'ėstóné ‘write’. Category: school.
-onéstȧhkóneeóé vai. stand in a circle. É-onéstȧhkóneeóeo'o. They are standing in a circle. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: school.
oo'hátané hoéstonestȯtse ni. scientific calculator. Category: new. Ques: recheck connection between the words?? Category: check, school.
otó'xemȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. smart board. Lit: smart writing thing Category: new, school.
-ovéstomósané vai. teach. É-ovéstomósáne. He is teaching. Non-contracted -vovéstomósané. Category: school.
ovéstomósanéhe na. teacher. Plural ovestomósanéheo'o; Obviative ovéstomósanéheho; Variant: vovéstomósanéhe. Category: school, jobs.
-ȯxe'ėstóne fai. write; study; attend school. Éasėt-ȯxe'ėstóne. He started school. Ékó'kon-ȯxe'ėstóne. He is typing. É-nóvȯxe'ėstóne. He writes slowly. Étsėhet-ȯxe'ėstóne. He writes like this. vai: -mȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.
pȧhoe'ovéstomósanéhe na. teacher's aide. Lit: 'stick.alongside'-teacher Non-contracted pȧhoevovéstomósanéhe. Category: school.
pȧhoeotsestȯtse na. picture. Lit: stuck (on wall) thing Plural pȧhoeotséstoto. Usage: Oklahoma dialect See: pȧhovanēō'o ‘stamp’; mȯxe'eotsestȯtse ‘picture (Montana dialect)’. Category: school.
pȧhoevovéstomósanéhe na. teacher's aide. Lit: alongside-teacher Category: school.
-pėhévóéstóne vai. read well. É-pėhévóéstóne. He reads well. fai: -oéstóné. See: -pėhévȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.
-pėhévȯxe'ėstóné vai. write well. É-pėhévȯxe'ėstóne. He writes (or draws) well. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné; -pėhévoéstóné. Category: school.
-pėhévȯxe'ešé vai. pass. especially in school. É-pėhévȯxe'ēše. He 'passed'. Category: school.
-pėhévȯxe'ohá vti. write s.t. well. É-pėhévȯxe'ōha. He wrote it well. É-pėhévȯxe'ohe. It is written well. Category: school.
-sóhpėhné'ta vti. go through s.t.; pass through s.t. (especially a school grade). É-sóhpėhné'ta. He went through it. (can refer to going through something difficult). tsésáa-sóhpėhné'tȯhese tséna'nóhtȯhatse those who did not pass from 8th grade. tsé-sóhpėhné'tose tsénaesóhtȯhatse those who passed from 6th grade. Category: school.
táhoxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. desk. Lit: upon-writing-thing See: táxemȯxe'ėstónestȯtse. Category: school, furniture.
táxemȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. desk. Lit: upon-write-thing (another recording) Variant: táhoxe'ėstónestȯtse. Category: school, furniture.
-tóoxe'ohá vti. copy s.t. by tool. for example, with a pen. É-tóoxe'ōha. He is copying it. Category: school.
tséénȯxe'ėstónėstse vai. Gram: ppl dropout. Lit: who-end-school-3 Plural tsé-énȯxe'ėstónese. Category: school.
tsé-háa'ého'oésta mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o vii. high school. Lit: school See: -hoháa'ého'oésta. Category: school. Usage: recent artificial loan translation; not commonly used
-tsėhéstoéstóné vai. read Cheyenne. É-tsėhéstóéstóne. He reads Cheyenne. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school, languages.
tséhmámȯheveáhto'hohévȯse ka'ėškóneho vóxéva Gram: cjt vai. boarding school cemetery. Lit: where the children are buried together See: mámȯheve-; áhto'hohn. Category: school, death.
tséhné'evėhéne'enovȧhéstove vii. higher education. See: héne'enovahe; né'eve-. Category: school.
tsé-hoháa'ého'oésta mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o vii. college, university. Lit: that which is very high school Category: school.
tsé-hóna'ovevéhonevėstse mȯxe'ėstóne-mȧheóne vai -part. school principal. Lit: school-at The school superintendent would be first in charge. See: tsé-ne'tȧhé'tóvȯtse mȯxe'ėstónėheho. Category: school.
tsé'ȯhkė-héstoeméahtove mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse vii. Gram: impers-cj supply room. Lit: from where books are given out Category: school.
tsé'ȯhkevovéstomósanéstove vii. classroom. Lit: where there is teaching Category: school.
tsé'ova'é'šene'hó'ta vii. schoolroom, room. Category: school, house.
tsémá'toéstónėstse vai. Gram: cjt graduate. Lit: the one who has finished going to school tsé-má'toéstonese graduates. tséée-má'toéstonese graduates. Category: school, record.
tsé-má'toéstose tséna'nóhtȯhatse vai. 8th grade graduates. Category: school.
tsé-móneasėtȯxe'ėstónese vai. Gram: ppl Head Start Program students, new students. Category: school. Lit: those.who-recently-started-studying
tsé-naesóhtȯhatse tséhoéstose vti. Gram: ppl sixth graders. See: naesóhtoha. Category: school.
tsé-na'hatse tséhoéstose vti. Gram: ppl third graders. See: na'ha. Category: school.
tsé-na'nóhtȯhatse tséhoéstose vti. eighth graders. Category: school.
tsé-ne'tȧhé'tóvȯhtse mȯxe'ėstónėheho vta. Gram: ppl school principal, principal - school. Lit: the one who supervises students See: tséhóna'ovevéhonevėstse mȯxe'ėstóne-mȧheóne. Category: school.
tsé-nésȯhtȯhatse tséhoéstose vti. seventh graders. Category: school.
tsé-névatse tséhoéstose vti. Gram: ppl fourth graders. See: neva. Category: school.
tsé-néxatse tséhoéstose vti. Gram: ppl second graders. See: nexa ‘twice’. Category: school.
tsé-nóhonatse tséhoéstose vti. fifth graders. See: nóhona. Category: school.
tsé-no'ka'etse tséhoéstose vii. Gram: ppl first graders. See: no'ka ‘once’. Category: school.
tséohkė-hoemee'ėstse vii. book. Ques: recheck with others?? Category: check. vii: -hoeme. See: mȯxeėstoo'o. Category: school.
tséohkė-ho'emanese mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne vai. Gram: ppl school board. Lit: those who make the laws at school Category: school.
tsé-sóohtȯhatse tséhoéstose vti. ninth graders. Category: school.
tsé-véhonevėstse (mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne) vai. Gram: ppl school superintendent. Synonym mȯxe'ėstóoného'emanéhe. Category: school.
tséx-hóvȯhtó'ta mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse vii. library. Lit: where books are stored Category: school.
tséxhóvȯhto'taa'ėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse vii. library. Lit: where books are stored See: -hóvȯhto'tá. Category: school, new.
-vá'ȯhtoéstóné vai. complete school to the maximum. typically refers to completing the highest level of education possible, such as graduating from college. É-vá'ȯhtoéstóne. He completed school to the maximum. See: -hoéstóné; -má'toéstóné. Category: school.
-vé'ho'évóéstóne vai. read English. É-vé'ho'évóéstóne. He is reading English. Category: school.
-vé'ho'évȯxe'ohá vti. write in English. É-vé'ho'évȯxe'ōha. He is writing it in English. See: -mȯxe'ohá. Category: languages, school.
-véstóéstóne vai. read with. É-véstóéstóne. He is reading with (others). Etym: *wi·takintwa·ke·wa. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-véstȯxe'ėstóné vai. study with. É-véstȯxe'ėstóne. He is studying with (others). tséh-véstȯxe'ėstónéto my school (lit. where I with-study). Category: school.
vóetséna'e ni. white paint, white clay. might also refer today to chalk, as used in school. This is also a Sun Dance paint. Etym: *wa·paθo·neθki. Category: school, Sun Dance.
vóetséna'évȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. chalk. Lit: clay-writing.thing Category: school.
vóhpevóetséna'évȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. white chalk. Category: school.
vonȯhánestȯtse ni. eraser. Variant: vonȯhenestȯtse, vonȯhēō'o. Category: school.
vonȯhenestȯtse ni. eraser. Variant: vonȯhánestȯtse, vonȯhēō'o. Category: school.
vonȯhēō'o ni. eraser. for example, an eraser for a chalkboard. Etym: *wanahikani. Variant: vonȯhenestȯtse, vonȯhénestȯtse; Plural vonȯheonȯtse. AltPl = vonȯheono Variant: vonȯhenestȯtse. Category: school.
-vóonoéstóné vai. study all night. É-vóonoéstóne. He studied all night. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-vovéstomósané vai. teach. É-vovéstomósáne. He is teaching. É-vovéstomósaneo'o. They are teaching. Hénėhéóhe nátȧhé-vovéstomósáne. I went there to teach. tséh-vovéstomósánėse when he taught. tsé'-ovéstomósánėse when he taught. Phon: often contracted to é-ovéstomósáne Variant: -vovéstomósené; Contracted -ovéstomósané; vta: -vovéstomev. See: -hoéstomósané; -hoonéstȧhtóohe; -véstomósané. Category: school.
vovéstomósanéhe na. teacher. Variant: ovéstomósanéhe; Plural vovestomósanéheo'o; Obviative vovéstomósanéheho. Category: school, jobs.
xe'ėstoo'o ni. paper, book. newer pronunciation of mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Variant: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: school.