Cheyenne Dictionary



aénevo'xȧhtóhono   na. Gram: pl winter underwear, long johns. Lit: winter-pants Variant: aénevȯxȧhtóhono. This word is grammatically plural, referring to both legs or multiple pairs. See: hōhto; asėséo'xāhto. Category: clothing.

aénevȯxȧhtóhono   na. Gram: pl winter underwear, long johns. Lit: winter-pants Variant: aénevo'xȧhtóhono. This word is grammatically plural, referring to both legs or multiple pairs. See: hōhto; asėséo'xȧhtóhono. Category: clothing.

-ahtáhá   m. pants, leggings. Ée't-ȧhtáha. He put his pants on. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Éka'o'-ȧhtáha. He is wearing short pants. Category: clothing.

ȧhtóno'e é'oestȯtse   na. slip. Lit: under skirt Category: clothing.

ȧhtóno'e éstse'he   na. undershirt. Usage: probably a loan translation from English Category: clothing.

ȧhtóno'e hone'óono   na. Gram: pl underwear. Lit: underneath clothes Variant: ȧhtóno'e hone'óonȯtse. Category: clothing.

ȧhtóno'e vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse   na. underpants. Usage: loan transl. Category: clothing.

a'kóhkėha'e   ni. cap (with a bill). Lit: round-hat Variant: a'óeha'e; Synonym ma'ėstóhkėha'e. See: hóhkėha'e hat. Category: clothing.

a'kóhtsėha'e   ni. cap. Variant: a'óeha'e. See: hóhkėha'e hat. Category: clothing.

asėséeéstse'he   na. sweater. Category: clothing. Lit: stretchy-shirt

asėséohkėha'e   ni. stocking cap. Lit: stretchy-cap Category: clothing.

asėséo'xȧhtóhono   na. pieces of underwear, long johns. Lit: stretchy-pants Singular asėséo'xāhto; Variant: asėséovȯxȧhtóhono. The plural refers to a set of long johns, that is, both legs, or to multiple sets. na-asėséo'xȧhtóhono my (pieces of) underwear/my underwear. See: aénevo'xȧhtóhono; aénevȯxȧhtóhono; hōhto. Category: clothing.

asėséovȯxȧhtóhono   na. pieces of underwear, long johns. Lit: stretchy-pants Singular asėséovȯxāhto; Variant: asėséo'xȧhtóhono. The plural refers to a set of long johns, that is, both legs, or to multiple sets. na-asėséovȯxȧhtóhono my (pieces of) underwear/my underwear. See: aénevo'xȧhtóhono; aénevȯxȧhtóhono; hōhto. Category: clothing.

-é'ena'éva   vai. broken arm, cut off sleeve(s). Can refer to a broken arm or a shirt (animate) which has its sleeves ("arms") cut off. É-é'ena'éva. He has a broken arm. Etym: *po·xkwineθke·wa (P). Category: sickness, clothing.

-e'ėsto'haha   vai. put on gloves. É-e'ėsto'haha. He put gloves on. E'ėsto'hááhtse! Put your gloves on! Variant: -e'eto'haha. See: -né'ėsto'haha. Category: clothing.

-e'eto'haha   vai. put on gloves. E'eto'hááhtse! Put your gloves on! Variant: -e'ėsto'haha. Category: groom, clothing.

é'oestȯtse   na. skirt, petticoat. Lit: broken-dress he-é'oestoto her skirt. he-é'oestóvevóho their skirts. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

é'oestóveéstse'he   na. blouse. Lit: skirt-shirt See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

é'ȯhéó'o2   na. anklet. Lit: cut thing?? Plural é'ȯheonȯtse. Ques: é'ȯheo'o?? Phon: vs Ques: Check this word from Lenora Holliman with Montana Cheyennes?? Ques: Same as 'é'ȯhéó'o 'wood chip'?? Homonym é'ȯhéó'o1 wood chip. See: hoxȯhēō'o sock. Category: check, clothing.

-e'seéstse'hená   vai. put on shirt (or coat). É-e'seéstse'hēna. He put on his coat (or shirt). E'seéstse'hēnȧhtse! Put your coat on! E'seéstse'hēna! Put your coat on! (said to more than one person). Antonym -né'seéstse'hená. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing, dress.

e't-2   i. put on. This refers to putting on clothes. Variant: e's-. É-e'toēsta. She put on a dress. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tȧhtáhá   vai. put on pants. É-e'tȧhtáha. He put his pants on. Etym: *pweʔtetaye·wa (P) he puts on his leggings. E'tȧhtááhtse! Put on your pants! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -né'tȧhtáhá. See: -ka'o'ȧhtáhá. Category: clothing, dress.

-e'tóhkėha'á   vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'e. É-e'tóhkėhá'a. He put his hat on. E'tóhkėhá'ȧhtse! Put your hat on! See: -e'sane; -né'tȯhkėha'a. Category: clothing, dress.

-e'tóhkėha'e   vai. put on a hat, don a hat. Variant: -e'tóhkėha'á. É-e'tóhkėha'e. He put on his hat/cap. Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tóhkėha'éoohe   vai. put on a hat quickly, don a hat quickly. E'ȯhke-e'tóhkėha'éoohe. He put on his hat/cap quickly. [The Hat.013] Antonym -né'toeha'é. Category: dress, clothing.

-e'tȯxeoná   vai. put on sock(s). É-e'tȯxȯheōna. He put his socks on. Etym: *pweʔtašikane·wa. Ques: -e'tȯxȯheoná ?? E'tȯxȯheōnȧhtse! Put your socks on! IndepNoun hoxēō'o; Antonym -né'tȯxeoná. See: -he-vȯxeone. Category: dress, clothing, check.

éstȯhta'énéó'o   ni. buckle. for example, of a belt. Plural éstȯhta'éneonȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ohtá2 abdomen, stomach, intestines. See: hoestáto belt. Category: harness, clothing.

éstse'he   na. shirt, coat. namely, an upper garment. Plural éstse'heno; Obviative éstse'heno. he-éstse'heno his shirt. tónove-éstse'he coat (lit. thick-shirt). ka'e-éstse'he jacket (lit. short-shirt). tsėhe'ėse-éstse'he long coat. táho'ke-éstse'he top coat. hoo'kȯhe-éstse'he rain coat. kȧhkoneone-éstse'he thin shirt. é'oestóve-éstse'he blouse (lit. skirt-shirt). he-éstse'heno his shirt. Plural éstse'heno; Obviative éstse'heno. Morph: /éhte'hen/. Etym: cf. Ar bííxuut. See: -e'seéstse'hená. Category: clothing.

-éstse'hená   m. shirted, coated. Épėhéve-éstse'hēna. He has on a nice shirt. Category: clothing.

-éstse'henáoohe   vai. put on shirt quickly. Nátanėšee'se-éstse'henáoohe. I quickly put on a shirt. [A Fry Bread Lesson.035] Category: clothing.

éškȯseesévoestȯtse   na. dentalium dress. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: kémeōna dentalium shell. Category: clothing.

éškȯsóhkėha'e   ni. reservation cap. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

éxoveéstse'he   na. warm coat, warm shirt. Category: temperature, clothing.

-éxoveéstse'hená   vai. wear a warm coat, wear a warm shirt. É-éxoveéstse'hēna. He has on a warm coat. See: -éxovoestá. Category: clothing, temperature.

éxovenotováahestȯtse   na. muffler, neck scarf. Lit: warm-neck-thing Ques: Check word with speakers?? Category: check. This is not a muffler for a car. See: émooseamévȧho'hóvȧhtóva muffler (for a vehicle). Category: clothing, temperature.

-éxovoestá   vai. wear a warm dress. É-éxovoēsta. She is wearing a warm dress. See: hoestȯtse dress; -éxoveéstse'hená wear a warm coat. Category: clothing, temperature.

-háa'ėsena'éva   vai. have long sleeves. É-háa'ėsena'éva. He has long sleeves ; he has long arms. Antonym -tšėhe'kėsena'éva. Category: clothing, body.

-he-éstse'henove   vai. have a shirt, have a coat. É-he-éstse'henove. He has a shirt on. Náhkȯhého'eeve éxhe-éstse'henóvénȯse. He used a bearskin for a coat. IndepNoun éstse'he. See: -hoestove. Category: clothing.

he'évo'ȯhtóhono   women's pants. Variant: he'évo'xȧhtóhono. See: -vo'ȯhtóhono; hohtóho. Category: clothing.

he'évo'xȧhtóhono   na. Gram: pl woman's pants. one or more pairs. Variant: he'évo'ȯhtóhono. See: hohtoho; -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing.

hestone'óonȯtse   ni. Gram: poss his/her pieces of clothing. Singular hestone'oo'o. See: -htone'oo'o piece of clothing (poss.); hone'oo'o piece of clothing. Category: clothing.

-heše'évėsáne   vai. wear dirty clothes. É-heše'évėsáne. He is wearing dirty clothes. Category: clothing.

hetanévo'ȯhtóhono   man's pants.

na. This is grammatically plural. It can refer to a singular pair of men's pants or more than one pair. Variant: hetanévo'xȧhtóhono. See: -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing.

hetanévo'xȧhtóhono   na. Gram: pl man's pants. This is grammatically plural. It can refer to a singular pair of men's pants or more than one pair. Variant: hetanévo'ȯhtóhono. Category: check, clothing.

-he-to'hahe   vai. have on gloves, gloves - wear. Éhe-to'hahe. He has gloves on. Etym: *weθaɁθehsiwa (P). IndepNoun to'ha. Category: clothing, clothing.

hetsénoonévoestȯtse   na. wing dress. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

héva'kéehestȯtse   na. scarf. Lit: cover-head-NOM Plural héva'kéehéstoto; Obviative héva'kéehéstoto; Variant: héva'éehestȯtse; Medial -a'(k)é. Category: clothing.

hevoestoto   na. Gram: poss her dress(es). IndepNoun hoestȯtse; Stem -voestȯtse. Category: clothing.

-he-voestove   inc.n. have on a dress; wear a dress. É-hevoestove. She has on a dress. Etym: cf *wako·te·wa (P). Éhe-voestóveo'o. They are wearing dresses. IndepNoun hoestȯtse; Preverb he-3. See: -hoestóve be a dress. Category: dress, clothing.

-he-vȯhtohe   vai. wear pants. É-he-vȯhtohe. He is wearing pants. See: hōhto legging; hohtoho pants. Category: clothing.

hevȯhtoho   na. his pants. one or more pairs. Possessive -vohtó; IndepNoun hōhto. Category: clothing.

-he-vȯxeone   vai. have sock(s) (on), wear socks. É-he-vȯxeone. He has on socks. Nééšė-he-vȯxeonehe? Do you already have your socks on? IndepNoun hoxēō'o. Category: clothing.

hoéséó'o   ni. hanger. Plural hoéseonȯtse. Category: clothing, tools.

hoestáto   ni. belt. Plural hoestátónėstse; Possessive -voestáto. See: oxa'ȯhévoestáto beaded belt. Category: groom, clothing.

hoestó   na. dress. This is not a complete word; it is an allomorph of hoestȯtse. hoestóva on the dress. See: hoestot. Category: clothing.

hoestȯtse   na. dress. Plural hoestoto; Obviative hoestoto; Possessive -voestȯtse; Locative hoestóva; fai: -oesta1. Etym: *ako·tayi skirt. See: tsėhe'ėstoestȯtse long dress; é'oestȯtse petticoat. Category: clothing.

hoestóva   ni. Gram: loc on the dress. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

-hoestove   vai. be a dress. É-hoestove. It is a dress. É-hoestóveo'o. They are dresses. See: -he-voestove wear a dress. Category: clothing.

hóhkėha'e   ni. 1 • hat, hooded cradleboard. Ques: also for cap?? (another recording) When used of a cradleboard, this is the soft backed kind. Plural hóhkėhá'ėstse; Possessive -vóhkėha'e; Final -óhkėha'e; Old Male Speech hóhtšėha'e. See: a'kóhkėha'e; pȧhoešestȯtse; ésevone. Category: handcraft, babies, clothing.

2 • Sacred Hat. This is a newer word for the Sacred Buffalo Hat; the older word is Ésevone. See: ésevone. Category: ceremonial, check.

hōhto   ni. legging. This is a single legging, not a pair of leggings, hohtóhonȯtse. A traditional legging is not made of cloth so it is not animate. But the related word for pants is animate because pants are made from cloth. Plural hohtóhonȯtse. The plural is used for one or more pairs of leggings. Petter (page 649) has hohtoho for a pair of leggings. Possessive -vohtó. See: vó'aehno'xāhto; vó'ėšévo'xāhto; kokóhkono'xāhto; he-vȯhtohe; vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse. Category: clothing.

hohtoho   na. pants, panties, bloomers, female leggings. This word can refer to a pair of pants. This word originated with the word for a legging, hōhto. Plural hohtóhono; Obviative hohtóhono; Singular hōhto; Possessive -vohtoho. Etym: cf. O nenta·ss; Ar wóto(o). See: hōhto legging; pair of pants; vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse pants; hetanévo'xȧhtóhono men's pants; he'évo'xȧhtóhono women's pants; -hevȯhtohe wear pants; -ahtáhá pants; -vo'ȯhtóhono. Category: clothing, check.

hohtȯhtȧhéve-éstse'he   na. nice shirt. for example, of silk or satin. Category: clothing.

hohtȯhtȧhévenóhe-éstse'he   na. ribbon shirt. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

-hohtȯhtȧhévoestá   vai. wear a silk (or satin) dress. É-hohtȯhtȧhévoēsta. She wore a silk (or satin) dress. Synonym -séokáevoestá. Category: clothing.

hóhtšėha'e   ni. hat. Usage: old man speech Variant: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

ho'ota   1 • ni. choker, necklace. Plural ho'ótanȯtse; Possessive -vo'ota.

2 • na. necktie. Plural ho'ótano. Category: clothing.

ho'sohtsėstse   na. diaper. Usage: less commonly used than nėhpe'ėhestȯtse Lit: dirty thing Plural ho'sóhtseto; Obviative ho'sóhtseto. See: nėhpe'ėhestȯtse. Category: clothing.

-hone'átanó'tá   vti. want to wear s.t. Ná-hone'átanó'ta. I want to wear it. Category: clothing.

hone'kōmo   na. button. Possessive -htone'kōmo; Variant: hone'ōmo; Plural hone'komono; Obviative hone'komono. See: hone'oo'o. Category: clothing.

hone'oo'o   ni. piece of clothing, clothing piece.

na. piece of clothing, clothing piece. Usage: not commonly used as a singular The plural refers to pieces of clothing. This word is animate for some speakers, but inanimate for others. Phon: vs Plural hone'óono pieces of clothing (animate); hone'óonȯtse pieces of clothing (inanimate). See: -htone'oo'o piece of clothing (poss.); hone'kōmo button. Category: clothing.

-hone'ov   vta. 1 • wear s.o. É-hone'ovóho. He is wearing him (for example, a shirt, animate). Mónétáho'kė-hone'ovȯhéhe. You must be wearing it over something else. vti: -hone'á. See: -hone'ó'tov. Category: dress, clothing.

2 • wear s.o. spiritually. can be used figuratively of wearing (having) a spiritual being such as the Holy Spirit or a demon: Éhone'ovóho heávȯhóho. He is wearing the devil. That can be said of a misbehaving child. É-hone'ovóho ma'heónemȧhta'sóomaho. He is got the Holy Spirit. Category: figurative.

hoo'kȯhéestse'he   na. rain coat. Variant: hoo'kȯhóveéstse'he. Category: clothing.

hoo'kȯhóveéstse'he   na. rain coat. Variant: hoo'kȯhéestse'he. new word (probably a loan translation). Category: clothing.

hóxáse   ni. breechcloth belt, "G-string". Lit: tied.around-belly(-thing) ?? Category: check. Possessive -htóxasé. Category: clothing.

hóxe'ėséehestȯtse   na. sash, girdle, something wrapped around the waist, bustle. such as a shawl that sun dancers wrap around themselves. Lit: wrap.around-buttocks-NOM Plural hóxe'ėséehéstoto. Category: clothing.

-hóxe'ėsee'e   vai. have on a girdle, girdle - wear a. É-hóxe'ėsee'e. She has a girdle on. BodyPartMedial -'ésé. Phon: vs Category: clothing.

hoxēō'o   na. sock. Lit: rotten (thing) Phon: pronounced as hoxȯhēō'o Etym: *ašikana. Plural hoxeono; Obviative hoxeono. Phon: vs Variant: hoxēō'o; Possessive -vȯxēō'o; fai: -hoxeoná. Category: check, clothing.

-hoxeoná   m. sock(s) - wear. Éoó'xė-hoxeōna. He is wearing torn socks. Ques: -hoxȯheoná ?? IndepNoun hoxȯhēō'o. Category: clothing.

hóxėstséaahestȯtse   ni. headband. Lit: tie.around-head-NOM Variant: hóxėstséáhéó'o; Medial -htséá. See: néma'o'ėhaseo'o; hóxȧhtsenáeseo'o. Category: clothing.

hóxėstséáhéó'o   ni. headband. Variant: hóxėstséaahestȯtse. Category: clothing.

hóxetanȧháahestȯtse   ni. Medial -tanahá. brassier. Category: clothing. Lit: wrap.around-breast-NOM

hoxȯhēō'o   na. sock, hose. Lit: rotten (thing) (another recording) Etym: *ašikana. Plural hoxȯheono; Obviative hoxȯheono. Hoxȯhēō'o éasenáotse. The sock is unraveling. Phon: vs Variant: hoxēō'o; Possessive -vȯxȯhēō'o; fai: -hoxȯheoná. Ques: recheck this word?? Category: check, clothing.

hóxoneehestȯtse   ni. crown, hatband. Lit: ?? See: néma'ó'ėhasēō'o hatband. Category: check, clothing.

-htone'komó   na. Gram: poss button (poss.) nȧ-htone'kōmo my button. IndepNoun hone'kōmo. Category: clothing.

-htone'oo'o   ni. Gram: poss piece of clothing (poss). nȧ-htone'oo'o my piece of clothing. nȧ-htone'óonȯtse my clothes. he-stone'óonéhevótse their clothes. The following word seems to have a mass (noncount) noun status, like the English word "clothing": he-stone'óonéhévo their clothing. [Learning to Plow.010] IndepNoun hone'oo'o. Usage: rare as sg. Category: clothing.

-htóome   na. Gram: poss blanket (poss.), shawl (poss.), robe (poss.) nȧ-htóome my blanket. nȧ-htoomo my blankets. nė-stóome your blanket. nė-stoomaneo'o our (inclusive) blankets. he-stoomo (he-stoome ??) his blanket (1987:195). he-stoomevóho their blanket(s). Phon: iah IndepNoun hóoma; vai: -he-stoome. Category: clothing, check.

-htóxasé   ni. Gram: poss breechcloth belt (poss.) nȧ-htóxáse my breechcloth belt. IndepNoun hóxáse. Category: clothing.

kȧhkoeéstse'he   na. thin shirt. Category: clothing.

kȧhkoešé'honónevoestȯtse   na. thin cloth dress. Category: clothing.

ka'eéstse'he   na. jacket. Lit: short-shirt/coat See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

ka'evé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse   na. capri pants. This is a single pair. The plural word, below, is more than one pair. Lit: short-pants Plural ka'evé'še'ėsénȯhestoto; BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: new. See: vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse pants. Category: clothing.

-ka'oestá   vai. wear a short dress. É-ka'oēsta. She has on a short dress. Final -oestá; Antonym -tsėhe'ėstoestá. See: ka'oésená. Category: dress, clothing.

-ka'o'ȧhtáhá   vai. wear short pants. for example, shorts, or cutoffs, or pants rolled up. É-ka'o'ȧhtáha. He is wearing short pants. É-ka'o'ȧhtáhao'o. They are wearing short pants. [GO 8/95] Medial -ahtáhá. See: -e'tȧhtáha. Category: clothing.

kémeōna   na. dentalium shell, shell - dentalium. used in making shell dresses. Plural kémeonáhne; Obviative kémeonáhne. See: éškȯseesénema'ke dentalium shell. Category: clothing.

-kémeonáhevoestá   vai. wear a dentalium shell dress. É-kémeonáhevoēsta. She wore a dentalium shell dress. Category: dress, clothing.

kémeonáhevoestȯtse   na. shell dress. Variant: néma'kéhevoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

koešé'honónevoestȯtse   na. cloth dress. Plural koešé'honónevoestoto. Category: clothing.

kokóhkono'xāhto   ni. legging with a flat flap along the outside edge. Plural kokóhkono'xȧhtóhonȯtse. See: hōhto. Category: clothing.

kȯsáeéstse'he   na. sheepskin coat. Category: clothing.

mȧhesanestȯtse   na. suit (clothes). Plural mȧhesanéstoto; Obviative mȧhesanéstoto. Category: clothing.

ma'ėstóhkėha'e   ni. cap (with a bill). Synonym a'kóhkėha'e. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

-ma'oestá   vai. wear a red dress. É-ma'oēsta. She is wearing a red dress. fai: -oestá. See: -heóvoestá. Category: clothing, colors.

méenóhevoestȯtse   na. quilled (buckskin) dress. See: hoestȯtse dress. Category: clothing.

mé'šeéstse'he   na. fur coat. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

-mé'šėškonėsané   vai. dressed in leather. É-mé'šėškonėsāne. He is dressed in leather. Category: clothing.

méta'xeéstse'he   na. scalp shirt, war shirt. It is decorated with fringes. Category: clothing, warfare.

-méta'xeéstse'hená   vai. wear a scalp shirt. É-méta'xeéstse'hēna. He is wearing a scalp shirt. Né=tsévéhonevėstse móh-méta'xeéstse'henȧhéhe this chief (officer) had on a scalp shirt. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.029] Category: clothing.

mo'eha   ni. moccasin, shoe. Variant: mo'keha. Category: shoes, clothing.

mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse   na. elk teeth dress. Variant: mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse   na. elk tooth dress. Variant: mo'éhnoesó'hevoestȯtse, mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse dress. Category: clothing.

mo'éhnoesó'hevoestȯtse   na. elk tooth dress. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse, mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse dress. Category: clothing.

mo'e'évȯhkėha'e   ni. straw hat. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

mo'keha   ni. moccasin, shoe. Plural mo'kėhanȯtse. he-mo'kėhanónévo on their moccasin. [1987:214] he-mo'kėhanónevótse their moccasins. [1987:310] Variant: mo'eha. Usage: mo'eha is less commonly used Final -o'keha. See: -tsėhésto'keha moccasin. Etym: *maxkeseni. Category: shoes, clothing.

mo'kėhanȯtse   ni. Gram: pl shoes; moccasins. Singular mo'keha. Na-mo'kėhanȯtse éhe'kóovánėstse. My shoes are wet. Category: shoes, clothing.

-mo'ȯhtáveéstse'hená   vai. black shirt - wear a. É-mo'ȯhtáveéstse'hēna. He has on a black shirt. See: éstse'hen. Category: clothing.

-mo'ȯhtávėsané   vai. dressed in black. É-mo'ȯhtávėsáne. He is dressed in black. See: -mo'ȯhtávoestá. Category: clothing.

-mo'ȯhtávoestá   vai. wear a black dress. É-mo'ȯhtávóésta. She is wearing a black dress. tsé-mo'ȯhtávóéstȧhtse Catholic. tsé-mo'ȯhtávoestase Catholics. Category: colors, clothing.

-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha   vai. wear black paints. Ques: o'xȯhtahe?? É-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha. He is wearing black pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, colors.

-mónoestá   vai. wear a new dress. É-mónoēsta. She has on a new dress. IndepNoun hoestot. Category: clothing.

naóotsévo'keha   ni. slipper. Lit: sleep-shoe Plural naóotsévo'kėhanȯtse. Category: clothing.

navoestȯtse   na. Gram: poss my dress. Possessive -voestȯtse. Category: clothing.

navóhkėha'e   ni. Gram: poss my hat. Possessive -vóhkėha'e; IndepNoun hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

navōhto   na. my pants. a single pair. Plural navȯhtoho; Possessive -vohtó. Category: clothing.

navo'ota   ni. Gram: poss my choker. Category: clothing. Stem -vo'ota.

navȯxȯheono   na. Gram: poss my socks. Possessive -vȯxȯhēō'o. Category: clothing.

nėhpe'ėhestȯtse   na. diaper, chastity belt. Lit: cover-NOM Plural nėhpe'ėhéstoto; Obviative nėhpe'ėhéstoto. perhaps originally had meaning of 'chastity belt'. Nánétȧhévanamóho he-nėhpé'ėhestovevóho. I changed their diapers. vai: -nėhpe'ehe. See: ho'sohtsėstse; nėhpėsó'ėhestȯtse breechcloth. Category: clothing.

-né'ėsto'hahá   vai. remove; doff gloves. É-né'ėsto'haha. He took his gloves off. Né'ėsto'hááhtse! Take your gloves off! Antonym -e'ėsto'haha. See: -né's; -né't. Category: clothing.

-né'eve'ėsé'ham   vta. pull up pants. Né'eve'ėsé'hameha! Pull up your pants (hurriedly)! BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: clothing.

-né'toeha'é   vai. remove hat. É-né'toehā'e. He took his hat off. Antonym -e'tóhkėha'é. Category: clothing.

néma'kéhevoestȯtse   na. shell dress. Variant: kémeonáhevoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

néma'ó'ėhasēō'o   ni. hatband. Plural néma'ó'ėhaseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: hoxėstséahestȯtse; hóxoneehestȯtse hatband. Category: clothing.

-neó'ke'ėsee'e   vai. wear pants too tight. É-neó'ke'ėsee'e. His pants are too tight. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Phon: vs Category: clothing.

-neó'kóésta   vai. wear a tight fitting dress. É-neó'kóésta. She has on a tight fitting dress. fai: -oestá. Category: clothing.

-neó'ko'xȯhtaha   vai. wear tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtaha. He is wearing tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtáhao'o. They are wearing tight pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, size.

nésta'omeé-hone'óonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl traditional pieces of clothing. Category: clothing. Usage: probably new word

nevōhto   na. your pants. a single pair. nevȯhtoho your pairs of pants. Possessive -vohtó. See: navōhto my pants. Category: clothing.

nó'ėstóneehaseono   na. Gram: pl suspenders. Category: clothing. Lit: over.stringlike (things) Medial -ón.

oésena'éva'ohtȯtse   na. vest. Lit: put.into-arms-thing Plural oésena'éva'ȯhtoto. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -na'évá. See: oo'ena'eveéstse'he. Category: clothing.

-oestá3   fai. wear a dress. É-ma'oēsta. She is wearing a red dress. She has on a torn dress. É-neó'kóésta. She has on a tight fitting dress. Étsėhést-óésta. She has on a Cheyenne dress. Éka'-oēsta. She has on a short dress. Éé'om-oēsta. She has on a greasy dress. Épėhév-oēsta. She has on a nice dress. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. See: -he-voestove. Category: dress, clothing.

-óhkėha'e   fni. cap. asėsé-ohkėha'e stocking cap ?? a'kóhkėha'e cap (short-hat) ?? IndepNoun hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

-o'ėhaná   fii. moccasin, shoe. Variant: -o'kėhaná. Pėhév-o'ėhaná'e Good Moccasins Woman. Category: clothing.

ó'óéséó'o   ni. clothesline, meat drying rack. Usage: used for meat drying rack on Okla. Lit: dry-hang(-thing) Phon: gr; hle Plural ó'oéseonȯtse; Initial ó'-; Final -oése. See: ó'a'hasenestȯtse; honóvónó'e. Category: clothing, housework.

oó'ena'éveéstse'he   na. t-shirt. Lit: broken-sleeve-shirt See: éstse'he; tamena'eveéstse'he; oesena'éva'ohtȯtse. Category: clothing.

-oó'xėhoxȯheoná   vai. torn sock(s) - wear, holes in sock(s), sock(s) with holes - wear. É-oó'xėhoxȯheōna. He is wearing torn socks. fai: -hoxȯheoná. See: hoxēō'o sock. Category: clothing, record.

ȯxa'ȯhéoneoésena'éva'ohtȯtse   na. beaded vest. Category: clothing.

ȯxa'ȯhéonévo'ota   ni. beaded choker. Category: clothing.

oxa'ȯhévoestáto   ni. beaded belt. See: hoestáto belt. Category: clothing.

-péestse'ham   vta. tear shirt of s.o. É-péestse'hamóho. He tore his (other person's) shirt. See: éstse'he shirt. Category: clothing, tear.

-pénoestá   vai. wear a torn dress. É-pénoēsta. She has on a torn dress. Synonym -oó'xoestá. Category: clothing, tear.

-sané2   fai. dress. Ée'sė-sāne. He is dressing. Éné'sė-sáne. He is undressing. Émȧhe-sāne. He is wearing a suit (literally, all-dressed). É-pėhévėsáne. He is nicely dressed. Évó'omė-sāne. He is dressed in white. Éka'ėškónévė-sáne. He is wearing children's clothing. Éohkeméhae'éevá'nenėhešė-saneo'o Comanches. Comanches used to just dress like that. See: -oestá wear a dress; -hone'á wear s.t.; he-3 have ; wear. Category: dress, clothing.

séokáeéstse'he   na. fancy shirt, dress shirt. séok- is a sound borrowing from English "silk". na-séokáeveéstse'he my fancy shirt. Ques: k[aeve or k[ae[e?? káest?? Category: clothing, check.

séokáevoestȯtse   na. fancy dress, silk dress, satin dress. Usage: partial sound transl. from English "silk" See: hoestȯtse. Category: material, clothing.

séokáevȯxȯheono   na. Gram: pl silk stockings. Category: clothing, check.

-sóve'ėsée'tó   vai. pants hang down. hang down lower than pants used to. Éohkeamė-sóve'ėsée'too'o. Their pants hang down. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: dress, clothing.

stone'óonéhe   inc.n. have clothing. Netao'o éhestone'óonéhénóvo ho'éevȯtse vó'kaehevotȯtse. They used the skins of the animals, antelope skins, to have as their clothes. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.096] Category: clothing.

šé'hóno   na. 1 • cloth, fabric. The singular today can also mean 'garter.' The plural usually means 'garters', but could mean 'pieces of cloth.'. Éme'ta'omāne šé'hóno. āne āna?? He used the cloth as a doorway for a tepee. Plural šé'honono; Obviative šé'honono. See: tónovėšé'hóno canvas; koešé'hóno cloth.

2 • garter. nė-šé'hóno your garter. he-šé'honono her garter(s). Category: clothing, material, check.

šé'honono   na. Gram: pl cloth, garters. The plural refers to garters. /šé'honón/ is used in compound words that refer to cloth. See: pé'hešé'honono bit and pieces of cloth. Category: clothing.

-taa'évėsané   vai. night-clothed, wear night clothes. É-taa'évėsáne. He is wearing night clothes, pajamas. Category: clothing.

taa'évėsanestȯtse   na. pajamas (a single pair). Lit: night-dress-NOM Plural taa'évėsanéstoto. Category: clothing.

taa'évoestȯtse   na. nightgown. Lit: night-dress See: hoestȯtse; -voestȯtse. Category: clothing.

táho'keéstse'he   na. top coat. Usage: probably a loan transl. Category: clothing.

-ta'ta'emėstaa'e   vai. zipper open, unzipped. É-ta'ta'emėstaa'e. His zipper is open. Phon: vs Synonym -ta'ta'oo'e. See: -ta'ta'ėsó'ee'e. Category: clothing.

-ta'ta'oo'e   vai. zipper open. É-ta'ta'oo'e. His zipper is open. Synonym -ta'ta'emėstaa'e. Category: clothing.

tamena'éveéstse'he   na. t-shirt. Lit: stubby-sleeved-shirt See: oó'ena'eveéstse'he. Category: clothing.

tȯhé'kėsaévȯhkėha'e   ni. cowboy hat. (another recording) See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.

tȯhevo'éehestȯtse   ni. shoestring. See: vóho'e. Lit: crisscross-NOM Plural tȯhévo'éehéstotȯtse; Variant: tȯhevo'áahestȯtse. Category: clothing.

tó'ėstó'ėšévoema   na. fringed shawl. See: hóoma blanket. Ques: She pronounces oema at the end; should all other 'blanket' words be updated?? Category: check. See: tse'tse'xóoma; hóoma1 blanket. Category: clothing.

to'ha   na. glove, mitten. Plural to'haho; Obviative to'haho. See: -to'e. Morph: /to'hah/. Etym: *θa'θehsa (Pi). Category: clothing.

tó'kėsena'évaveéstse'he   na. short sleeved shirt. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: clothing.

tónoveéstse'he   na. overcoat, thick coat, winter coat. Plural tónoveéstse'heno. Category: clothing.

tsėhe'ėseéstse'he   na. long coat. Usage: probable new word or loan transl. Plural tsėhe'ėstseéstse'heno. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

tsėhe'ėsenáestse'he   na. jacket. Lit: What is the literal meaning?? Category: check. Ques: re-record?? Category: check. Plural tsėhe'ėsenáestse'heno. Ques: wrong pitch on tsé' of plural?? Category: check. Usage: od?? Category: check. See: ka'eéstse'he jacket. Category: clothing, Oklahoma.

-tsėhe'ėsena'évá   vai. be long sleeved. É-tsėhe'ėsena'éva. He (a shirt, animate) is long sleeved. BodyPartMedial -na'évá; Reduplicated -tó'ėsena'évá. See: -háa'ėsena'éva. Category: clothing, body.

tsėhe'ėstoestȯtse   na. long dress. Plural tsėhe'ėstoestoto. See: hoestȯtse dress. Category: clothing.

tsėhésėhone'óonȯtse   ni. Gram: pl Cheyenne clothes. Category: clothing. Usage: probably a new word, prompted by the greater salience of comparisons between Indian and non-Indian clothing today

Tsėhéstoestȯtse   na. Cheyenne dress. See: hoestȯtse dress. Category: clothing.

tse'tse'xóoma   na. shawl. Lit: fringed-blanket (another recording) Plural tse'tse'xoomaho; Obviative tse'tse'xoomaho. See: tó'ėstó'ėšévoema; hóoma. Category: clothing.

-tšėhe'kėsena'éva   vai. short arms, short sleeved. É-tšėhe'kėsena'éva. He has short arms ; (the shirt) is short sleeved. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: clothing, body.

-tšėhe'kėstoestá   vai. wear short dress. É-tšėhe'kėstoēsta. She is wearing a short dress (or skirt). Category: clothing. See: hoestȯtse dress.

-vé'ho'évo'kėhané   vai. have on shoes. Lit: (be.)whiteman-shoed Ná-vé'ho'évo'kėhāne. I have on shoes. See: mo'keha shoe. Category: clothing.

vé'kenȯhestȯtse   ni. pocket. Plural vé'kenȯhestotȯtse. Náévenō'ho he-vé'kenȯhéstotȯtse hes?? I searched in his pockets. See: vé'kevenóhe; -vé'ketó.

na. pocket. Animate for some speakers. Category: containers, clothing, check.

vé'kevenóhe   Ques: nohe?? Category: check.

na. pocket. See: vé'kenȯhestȯtse. Plural vé'kevenóheo'o. Category: clothing.

vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse   na. pants, jeans, blue jeans, levis, wranglers, trousers, bloomers. This is a single pair. The plural word, below, is more than one pair. Lit: enclosed-rump-thing Usage: considered a humorous word; -vohtoho seems to be more widely known Plural vé'še'ėsénȯhestoto; BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -vé'hoo'e; -vȯhtoho; -mȧhove'šee'e; ka'evé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse. Category: clothing.

-voestátó   ni. Gram: poss belt (poss.) na-voestáto my belt. hevoestátonevótse their belts. Navoestáto ného'ȧhehe? Do you want my belt? (= idiom, Do you want a spanking?) IndepNoun hoestáto. Category: clothing.

-voestón   na. Gram: poss dress. Gram: poss ne-voestónaneo'o our (incl.) dresses. This is an allomorph of the stem -voestȯtse 'dress'. See: -voestȯtse dress (poss.). Category: clothing.

-voestȯtse   na. Gram: poss dress (poss.) na-voestȯtse my dress. ne-voestȯtse your dress. ne-voestónaneo'o our (incl) dresses. he-voestoto her dress(es). he-voestóvevóho their dresses. IndepNoun hoestȯtse. Category: clothing, dress.

-vóhe'e   ni. shoestring, shoelace, moccasin lace. he-vȯhe'amevōtse their shoestrings. na-vóhe'e my shoestring. na-vȯhē'ėstse my shoestrings. Plural vȯhē'ėstse. AltPl=subdialectal vóhé'ėstse ?? Category: check. See: -tȯhevȯhe'éehe tie shoestrings. Category: clothing, shoes.

-vóhkėha'e   ni. Gram: poss hat (poss), cap (poss). Ques: cap?? na-vóhkėha'e my hat. (another recording) ne-vóhkėha'e your hat. he-vóhkėha'e his hat. na-vóhkėhá'ėstse my hats. ne-vóhkėha'anótse our (incl) hats. hevóhkėha'evótse their hats. IndepNoun hóhkėha'e; Old Male Speech -vóhtšėha'e. Category: clothing, check.

-voho   ni. Gram: poss bracelet (poss.) na-voho my bracelet. he-vóhonȯtse her bracelets. IndepNoun hoho. Category: clothing.

-vȯhtoho   na. pants, pair of pants (poss.) This refers to a pair of pants. This word for pants originated with the traditional word for a legging, -vōhto. Pants are animate because they are usually made from cloth (animate). Leggings are inanimate because they are usually made from skins. na-vȯhtoho my (pair of) pants. na-vȯhtóhono my pairs of pants. ne-vȯhtoho your pairs of pants. he-vȯhtóhono his pants (obv., either a pair or pairs). (another recording) ?? recheck he-vȯhtóhevóho ?? their pants. ne-vȯhtóhaneo'o our (incl.) pants. IndepNoun hohtoho. See: -vohto leggings; vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse. Category: clothing, check.

-vóhtšėha'e   ni. Gram: poss hat. Usage: old male speech na-vóhtšėha'e my hat. Variant: -vóhkėha'e; IndepNoun hóhtšėha'e. Category: clothing.

-vó'aehesané   vai. buckskin suit, wear a buckskin outfit. É-vó'aehesāne. He is wearing a buckskin outfit. fai: -sané2. Category: clothing, dress.

vó'aehesanestȯtse   na. buckskin suit. Lit: antelope-dress-NOM Plural vó'aehesanéstoto. Ques: vó'aahe?? Category: check, clothing.

vó'aehevȯhtóho   na. buckskin pants. Category: clothing.

vó'aehnoestȯtse   na. buckskin dress. Lit: antelope-dress Variant: vó'aenėhoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

vó'aehno'xāhto   ni. buckskin legging. Plural vó'aehno'xȧhtóhonȯtse. The plural refers to a pair or pairs. See: vó'aehōhto; hōhto. Category: clothing.

vó'aehōhto   ni. buckskin pants. Ques: Is this one leg of a pair of buckskin pants?? Category: check. Plural vó'aehohtóhonȯtse. The plural refers to a pair or pairs. Ques: recheck if this is used by other speakers and in Montana?? See: hōhto; vó'aehno'xāhto. Category: clothing.

vó'aenėhoestȯtse   na. buckskin dress. Variant: vó'aehnoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

vó'aenȯheéstse'he   na. buckskin shirt, antelope shirt. See: vó'ae'éestse'he. Category: clothing.

vó'ėšévo'xāhto   ni. fringed legging. Plural vó'ėšévo'xȧhtóhonȯtse. See: hōhto. Category: clothing.

vó'kae'éestse'he ??   na. buckskin shirt. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.

-vo'ȯhtóhono   na. pants. hetanévo'ȯhtóhono man's pants. he'évo'ȯhtóhono women's pants. See: he'évo'xȧhtóhono; hohtoho. Category: clothing.

-vo'ȯhtóhono   na. pants. hetanévo'ȯhtóhono man's pants. he'évo'ȯhtóhono women's pants. See: he'évo'xȧhtóhono; hohtóho. Category: clothing.

-vó'omoestá   vai. wear a white dress. É-vó'omoēsta. She is wearing a white dress. fai: -oestá. See: -voestove; hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.

-vó'omo'xȧhtahe   vai. wear white pants. É-vó'omo'xȧhtahe. He is wearing white pants. Ques: check plural to get the underlying form?? See: -ahtáhá pants. Category: clothing, colors, check.

-vo'ota   ni. Gram: poss choker, necklace. na-vo'ota my choker. IndepNoun ho'ota. Category: clothing.

-vósee'ėse   ni. earring (poss.) na-vósee'ėse my earring. na-vóseestȯtse my earrings. IndepNoun hósee'ėse. Category: clothing.

-vovéhpoet   vai. hang loose on s.o., baggy on s.o. Ná-vovéhpoēto. I have on baggy clothes. É-vovéhpoetóho. His clothes (animate; obviate) are baggy. Éxae'éše-vovéhpoetóho hevȯhtóho. He pants are already just hanging loose (for example, low on his waist). Category: clothing.

-vȯxēō'o   na. sock (poss), stocking (poss). na-vȯxēō'o my sock. na-vȯxeono my socks. he-vȯxeono his/her socks. Ques: vȯxȯhēō'o ?? IndepNoun hoxēō'o. Category: clothing, check.