ametó'honaoohe vai. swim along quickly. É-ametó'honaoohe. He is swimming along quickly.. fai: -tó'hóná. Category: swim.
-énȯhoo'e vai. stop swimming, stop wading. É-énȯhoo'e. He stopped swimming. fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-évȯhoo'e vai. wade about, swim about. É-évȯhoo'e. He is wading/swimming about. fai: -ohoo'e. Phon: vs Category: swim.
ho'etó'hóná vai. arrive swimming. É-ho'etó'hóná. He arrived swimming. tséstaéšė-ho'etó'hónȧse when she arrived swimming. [The Scalped Man Who Died.127] fai: -tó'hóná. Category: swim.
hóosetó'honá vai. swim home. É-hóosetó'hóna. He swam home. Initial hóose-; fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-hóxovetó'honá vai. swim across. É-hóxovetó'hóna. He swam across. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-hóxovetó'honaoohe vai. swim across, across swim. Tȧhóóhe o'xe nȧhtatšėhešė-hóxovetó'honaoohe. I'll just swim across to the other side. [1987:283] Category: swim.
-hóxovȯhoo'e vai. swim across (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al); wade across (of people). For people swimming -too'hamé and -tó'honá are used. É-hóxovȯhoo'e. He swam across. É-hóxovȯhoeo'o. They (for example, children) are wading across. Nétȧhé-hoxovȯhóémáne! Let's go wade in the water! Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -too'hamé; -tó'hóná. Category: liquid, swim.
-mȧhetó'honá vai. all swim. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhetó'honao'o. They are all swimming. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-mé'ȯhoo'e vai. appear swimming, appear wading. É-mé'ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Énėh-mé'ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Hóma'e ééšeéva-mé'ȯhoo'e. The Beaver (constellation) has swum into view (in the Spring). Hóma'e éohkėhevoone móhkeéva-mé'ȯhoehéhe tsėhe'xóvéva. The beaver (constellation), they say, shows up at this time. [1987:207] Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e; Antonym -ta'ȯhoo'e. Category: swim, celestial.
-nésȯhoe vai. both swim, both wade. for example, swim: of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wade: of people. É-nésȯhoeo'o. They are both wading. Compáre É-néšėhoeo'o. 'They are both sitting there.'. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-nȯhtóvetó'hóna vai. know how to swim. É-nȯhtóvetó'hóna. He knows how to swim. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-ohoo'e fai. wade, swim. swimming of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wading of people. Éam-ȯhoo'e. He waded/swam along. Épėhév-ȯhoeo'o. They are swimming nicely. Éhóxov-ȯhoo'e. He swam across. Étónet-ȯhoo'e? How does he swim/wade? Énés-ȯhoeo'o. They are both wading. Phon: compare énéšėhoeo'o 'they are both sitting there' Één-ȯhoo'e. He stopped swimming. Éést-ȯhoo'e. He swam into. Éonóv-ȯhoo'e. He waded ashore. Ésé'-ȯhoo'e. He waded into the water. Émé'-ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Étata'-ȯhoo'e. He waded out of sight. Phon: vs See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -too'hame; -hoo'e; amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse. Category: motion, swim.
-onéstȯhoo'e vai. try to wade, try to swim. É-onéstȯhoo'e. He tried to wade. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-onóvetó'honá vai. swim ashore. É-onóvetó'hóna. He swam (or climbed) out of (the water). [The Scalped Man Who Died.139] fai: -tó'honá. See: -onóvonehné. Category: swim.
-onóvȯhoo'e vai. swim ashore (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al); wade (of people)ashore. É-onóvȯhoo'e. He waded ashore. Etym: cf *akwa·ya·šawi·wa (P) ‘he climbs out of the water’. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-onóvonehné vai. swim ashore, wade ashore. Móstȧhéne'enovȯhevóhe tsénėxhešeame-onóvonėhnetsėse. He knew that he was swimming ashore. [The Journey.072] See: -onóveto'honá; -onóvevonehné. Category: swim.
-pėhévȯhoo'e vai. swim well, wade well. Épėhév-ȯhoo'e. He is swimming well. Épėhév-ȯhoeo'o. They are swimming well. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: motion, swim.
-sé'a'ó vai. jump into (water), dive into. É-sé'á'o. He jumped into the water. Éne'évȧ-sé'á'o. He dove back in. Final -a'ó; Variant: -sé'ó'a'ó. Category: motion, liquid, swim.
-sé'ȯhoo'e vai. swim into, wade into. swimming of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al; wading of people. É-sé'ȯhoo'e. He waded into the water. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-ta'ȯhoo'e vai. swim (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al); wade (of people). É-ta'ȯhoo'e. He waded out of sight. Phon: vs The following warning would be given to people, cautioning them to be alert to the dangers of winter blizzards: Háá'ėše nėstavé'ho'ȯhtséme. Étaéšė-ta'ȯhoo'e Hóma'e. Óohkenonéšeōhtse ma'taamėhéemȯhonéstove. Don't go far from the camp. The Beaver (constellation) has swum out of sight (in the Fall). Go in pairs when you go hunting. Final -ohoo'e; Antonym -mé'ȯhoo'e. Category: swim.
-tata'ȯhoo'e vai. wade out of sight, swim out of sight. É-tata'ȯhoo'e. He waded out of sight. fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-tó'hóná fai. swim. Swimming of this kind can be done by people, dogs, horses, perhaps some other quadrupeds, and fish. Phon: This word is morphologically /tó'hóná/ for some speakers but /tó'honá/ for others. Éame-tó'hóna. He is swimming by. Ého'e-tó'hóná. He arrived swimming. Éonóve-tó'hóna. He swam ashore. Énȯhtóve-tó'hóna. He knows how to swim. Éhóxove-tó'hóna. He swam across. Émȧhe-tó'honao'o. They are all swimming. Ésáa'ame-tó'honȧheo'o. They are not swimming along. Variant: -tó'honá. See: -too'hame; -ohoe. Category: motion, swim.
-tó'honá fai. swim. Swimming of this kind can be done by people, dogs, horses, perhaps some other quadrupeds, and fish. Phon: This word is morphologically /-tó'hóná/ for some speakers but /-tó'honá/ for others. Éame-tó'hóna. He is swimming by. Éstȧsé'ease-tó'honáoohéhoo'o. He swam away. [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle (Howlingcrane).021] Variant: -tó'hóná. Etym: cf *laʔla·namwa 'he swims it'. See: -ohoo'e ‘wade, swim’; -too'hame ‘swim, bathe’. Category: motion, swim.
-tó'honáoohe fai. swim quickly. Tȧhóóhe ó'xe nȧhtatšėhešėhóxove-tó'honáoohe. I'll just swim across to the other side. [1987:283] See: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-tó'omȯhoo'e vai. swim in one spot; stationary swim. É-tó'omȯhoo'e. He is swimming in one spot. fai: -ohoe. Category: swim.
-tónetȯhoo'e vai. how swim (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, et al), wade (of people). É-tónetȯhoo'e? How does he swim/wade? Tósa'e étónet-ȯhoo'e? ?? Which way (direction) is he swimming? Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -tónetoo'e. Category: swim, check.
-too'hame vai. bathe, swim. It may be that only people can do this. Compare -tó'honá 'swim' which can be also be done by four-footed animals. É-too'hame. He took a bath / he swam. É-too'hameo'o. They took a bath / they swam. Nétȧhé-too'hamémáne! Let's go swim! Nééšeméo-too'hamehe? Did you already bathe this morning. Nėstse-too'hame. You will swim. See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -ohoo'e. Category: motion, swim.
-véstȯhoo'e vai. wade with. É-véstȯhoo'e. He waded with (others). fai: -ohoe. Category: swim.
-vovóetó'honá vai. swim in front; swim first. É-vovóetó'hóna. He is swimming in front. Category: swim.