Cheyenne Dictionary



1   sfx. it, them, inanimate theme sign. This suffix is a theme sign that indicates that the object of a verb is inanimate. Takes /n/ after this theme sign when the object is plural. Náhéne'ēn-a. I know it. Évóoht-anȯtse. He saw them (inanimate). Vé'hoohtom-áhéne! Look at it/them then! tséxhestanom-átse when we took it. Except for newer pronunciation today, the -á changes to -ó in negative, inferential, and conjunct verbs. For newer pronunciation, the -á remains unchanged in the negative and inferential. Násáavóóht-óhe. I don't see it. Ésáavóóht-óhe. He did not see it. Ésáavóóht-áhe. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *e·. See: 1; 3. Category: grammar.

2   sfx. linking vowel used in transitive verbs which have -tanó 'want' as an ending. Náhéne'en-átanó'ta. I want to know it. Náhéne'en-átanó'tóvo. I want to know him. Návóom-átanó'tóvo. I want to see him. Category: grammar.

-a   sfx. inverse voice suffix. Náméhot-a. She loves me. Névóom-a. He saw you. Transitive verbs that end with -a are pronounced as -aehe in yes-no questions: Néoom-aehe? Did he hit you? Variant: -ae1. Phon: This form occurs word-finally. Phon: Its alternate, -ae, occurs word-medially. Category: grammar.

á-   pfx. should have. A conjunct (dependent verb) prefix that can take a following /h-/ tense morpheme. Á-hnémenesėstse. He should have sung. Á-némenesėstse. He should have sung (more recent than with áh-...) Néhe á-hnémenėstse. He should have been the one to sing. Á-'oomosėstse. He SHOULD have hit him. That is more forceful than é-me'-oomóho 'he should have hit him. Usage: obsolescing Phon: allomorphs á'-, áx- See: me'-; me'hó'ke-. Category: grammar.

-a   sfx. imperative suffix for transitive verbs where more than one person is commanded to act on a single third person. Vé'hoom-a! Look at him (or her)! Category: grammar.

-āā'e   sfx. 1 • they, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with third person plural subject. Návóom-āā'e. They saw me.

2 • they, other third person ending, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with obviative subject. É-vóomāā'e. The other person(s) saw him. Antonym 2; Variant: -ae2. See: -āā'e; -eé. Category: grammar.

-ae1   sfx. inverse voice suffix. Néoom-aehe? Did he hit you? Násáa'oom-aéhe. He didn't hit me. tséonóom-aevose the one(s) (obv) who called them. Variant: -a. Phon: This form occurs word-medially; its alternate, -a, occurs word-finally. Category: grammar.

-ae2   sfx. they, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with third person plural or obviative subject. Násáavóom-aeheo'o. They did not see me. Ques: aéhe?? Antonym 2; Variant: -aé. See: -āā'e; -eé. Category: grammar, check.

-ae3   sfx. inanimate subject acting on an animate object. Náho'ėhót-aa'e. It came to me. Phon: vs Category: grammar.

-aese   pro. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person obviative subject acting on 3rd person proximate object. tséonóom-aese the one who called him. See: -ose. Category: grammar.

-aesé   pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 2nd person plural object. tséonóom-aēse the one who called you (plural). tséhvóom-aēse when he saw you (plural). Category: grammar.

-aesee'e   Gram: pro pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 2nd person plural object. tséonóom-aesee'e the ones who called you (plural). tséhvóom-aesee'e when he saw you (plural). Category: grammar.

-aetsé   sfx. Gram: pro conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person plural (both inclusive and exclusive) object. tséonóom-aētse the one who called us. tséhméhot-aētse because he loved us. Morph: /aeté/. Category: grammar.

-aetsee'e   sfx. Gram: pro conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 1st person plural (both inclusive and exclusive) object. tséonóom-aetsee'e the ones who called us. Morph: /aetée/. Phon: vs Category: grammar.

áh-   pfx. obligative. an obsolescing conjunct prefix. Áh-némenesėstse. He should sing. See: me'- should. Category: grammar.

-ahtse   sfx. reflexive and reciprocal suffix. This has the meaning of action done to oneself (reflexive) or to each other (reciprocal). To make the reciprocal meaning clear, the particle nonámé'tó'e is sometimes included. Náoom-ahtse. I hit myself. Nonámé'tó'e évóomȧhtseo'o. They saw each other. Morph: /-ahte/. Verbs that end with morphophonemic /h/ or /s/ spell their reflexive suffix as -estse instead of -ahtse. See: -estse REFL. Etym: *etwi. Category: grammar.

-a'é1   sfx. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person object. tséonóom-ā'ėstse the one who called me. Morph: /-a'éht/. Phon: gr (?); the pitch is perceived quite high and may actually be raised to be -á'ėstse See: -ā'ėse. Category: grammar.

-ā'ėse   pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person object. tsé'oom-ā'ėse when he hit me. ȯhvóom-a'esėstse whenever he saw me. [1987:220] Morph: /-a'és/. See: -ā'ėstse. Category: grammar.

-a'ése   pro. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person plural subject and 1st person object. tséonóom-a'ése the ones who called me. Morph: /-a'ésé/. See: -a'évȯse. Category: grammar.

-a'esėstse   sfx. iterative conjunct ending for third person singular acting on first person. ȯhvóom-a'esėstse whenever he saw me. Category: grammar.

-ā'ėstse   sfx. he to me conjunct participle ending. tséonóomā'ėstse the one who called me. Category: grammar.

-a'évȯse   pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject and 1st person object. tsé'oom-a'évȯse when they hit me. tséhvóom-a'évȯse when they saw me. Morph: /-a'évós/. See: -a'ésé. Category: grammar.

-am   fta. removed obviative. Návóom-amóho hee'haho. I saw his son. -am registers the obviative's 'son'. See: -óhó. Category: grammar.

-ané1   sfx. passive suffix for first and second person subjects. Návóom-āne. I was seen. Etym: *eko·Pi. See: -e; -óné. Category: grammar.

-asėstse   sfx. vocative suffix for plural addressee. kȧse'éehéh-asėstse Young ladies! [1980:57:57] Category: grammar.

-áta'e   sfx. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject and 2nd person singular object. tséonóom-áta'e the one who called you. tséhméhot-áta'e because he loved you. This suffix is still known and used by some speakers but it is in the process of being replaced by -eto adue to paradigm regularization. Variant: -aeto. Morph: /-ata'e/. Phon: iah Category: grammar.

-ata'osé   sfx. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 2nd person singular object. tséonóom-ata'ōse the ones who called you. Phon: iah Category: grammar.

-atse   sfx. suffix indicating first person acting on second person. Né-vóomȧtse. I saw you. Variant: -estse. See: -e 2:1. Category: grammar.

-atsé   sfx. 1:2.CNJ. tséhvóom-ātse when I saw you. See: -atse. Category: grammar.

-e1   sfx. local TA suffix indicating second person subject acting on first person object. Népėhévevéstȧhem-e. You helped me in a good way. Né'áahtov-e! (You pl.) listen to me! Né'áahtov-ėstse (You sg.) listen to me! Category: grammar.

1   sfx. TI object agreement marker. This theme sign indicates that the object of a verb is inanimate. Náho'eotsēsts-e. I brought it. Morph: /náho'eotesté/. Námanēsts-e. I made it. Morph: /námanesté/. Etym: *o·. See: 1 FTI. Category: grammar.

-e3   sfx. TA conjunct participle suffix for plural object. tsévóomóse-e'e those (an) who you (pl) see. tséméhototse-e'e those (an) who we love. Category: grammar.

-e4   sfx. voice for unspecified person acting on a third person; passive. Évóom-e. He was seen. Category: grammar.

-e4   sfx. voice for unspecified person acting on a third person, passive voice. Évóom-e. He was seen. Category: grammar.

-e5   sfx. singular noun suffix. men-e berry (cf. menȯtse 'berries'). nama'kaetáam-e my money. Category: grammar.

   sfx. obviative suffix. kȯsán-e (< /kosán -é/) sheep. Category: grammar.

   sfx. animate noun plural suffix. hováhn-e < /hováhn-é/ animals. kȯsán-e < /kosán-é/ sheep (plural). See: -o; -ét. Category: grammar.

   sfx. conjunct suffix for first person singular acting on inanimate object. Variant: . Category: grammar.

é-   pfx. conjunct prefix which functions as a complementizer for verbs of wondering meaning 'whether' or 'if'. Usage: obsolescing seems to require a following preverb, especially he'- or me'-. é-xhe'ȯhketónetȯhomó'hévȯtse however they did that dance. Éhéne'ēna é-me'tȧhešévevo. He knows what I should do. Móstato'senėhešetotóxematanó'tovȯhevovóhe é-me'évȧhešėhestanovȯse They wanted to talk about it that way, how they would get them back. [1987:52] Táaxa'e, hénová'énėse é-me'tameto? Let's see, what could I give him? [1987:184] Naa hénova'étótsénėse é-me'tameto? Now what could I give him? naa éme'nėšenėhēso neme'ko éme'néhnėšévȧhóo'ȯhtsénove and even if your head is like that, just come on back home. (1987:296). the 'whether' preverb éó- may contain this prefix also (it takes past tense as é'ó-): Násáahéne'enóhe éóto'semanėstse. I don't know if (whether) he is going to drink. Náonéstátsésta éóhetómo. I'm testing it to see if it's true. hápó'é 'é'ó-naóotsėstse móxhesétamaehevóhe likewise, "(I don't know) whether he is asleep," she was wondering about him. [1980:66:73] See: tsé-. Category: grammar.

-e   sfx. IMPV. Vé'hoohtom-e! Take it/them (said to more than one person)! Hestanom-eo'o! Take it/them then! See: -om. Category: grammar.

é-   pfx. third person independent prefix. There is no gender marked on the pronoun prefixes of Cheyenne. So the first example, below, can mean either 'He ate (or, is eating)' or 'She ate (or, is eating).'. É-mésehe. He (or She) ate. É-mésėheo'o They ate. É-tonéto. It is cold. Etym: cf. O wi·n he (pronoun) (N). See: he-4 3PS. Category: grammar.

   sfx. locative suffix. mȧheón-e at the house. méón-e on the road. o'hé'-e at the river. ma'háhkėheomēē'e at the old people's lodge. See: -vá. Category: grammar.

-eé   voice. inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with stems ending in -h(n) and obviative subject. Nátaeváh-éé'e. They measured me. Étaeváh-éé'e. He was measured by him/them. Antonym  DIR. See: -āā'e. Category: grammar.

-ee   voice. inverse suffix for TA verb stems ending in -h(n). Nétaeváh-eene He measured us (incl). Category: grammar.

-eeh   fta. abstract transitive final. Épėhév-eehóho. He treated him well. Ééš-eehóho. He raised him. Category: grammar.

-éh   sfx. possessed noun plural suffix. Ques: Is this an aberrant variant?? nema'kaetóhkon-éhanōtse our (incl) buckets. hestone'óon-éhévo their clothing. [Learning to Plow.010] Category: grammar, check.

-eha   sfx. imperative suffix commanding a singular address to act upon a third person. Vé'hoom-eha! Look at him! Ques: Can this be further split into -e + -ha? See: -ha. Plural -nano. Category: grammar.

-enáno   sfx. suffix for imperative addressed to a single person to act upon plural third persons. Taohkėhéve'hoom-enáno! Go look at them! Ques: Is this morpheme -enáno or -náno?? Vovóeš-enáno! Comfort them! Tȧhé-ve'hoomenáno! Go look at them! Monėškeho né'asėtan-enáno! Pass me the beans! Ques: Vovóešemenano?? See: -náno. Category: check, grammar.

-ene   sfx. passive suffix for TA verb stems ending in -h(n) and -s with unspecified subjects and non-third person semantic objects. Nátaeváh-éne. I was measured. See: -ané; -e; -óné; -ohe. Category: grammar.

-es   sfx. conjunct iterative suffix. Ques: or should this be a hortative suffix?? I think so 9/24/22?? Ques: -e'ėstse or -e'ėse, as in the Floating Eyes text?? Néstsėhe'ȯhtse-e'ėse! Let him come here! [A Man who Looked for a Son-in-law] Na'éxánėstse ánėšeestanevó-ó'ėstse! Let my eyes float upward!" ohkeanȯha'hahtsévoo'ėse hová'éhe they must throw something down. [The Water Monster.034] See: -ha hortative suffix; -ėstse1 inanimate noun and verb plural suffix. Category: grammar, check.

-est   sfx. iterative conjunct suffix, II plural participle suffix, plural participle suffix. Ques: analysis and segmentation uncertain: -e -ht?? Morph: -eht. ȯhnaóotse-sėstse when he sleeps. ȯhto'seaseéestsénovetse-e'ėstse at the beginning of the services (lit. speaking). [1987:150] tsépėhéva'e-e'ėstse those things (inanimate) which are good. Phon: /-eht/ becomes orthographic -e'ėstse by the phonological rule of vs (vowel-stretching) See: -oht. Category: grammar, check.

-estse1   sfx. reflexive and reciprocal suffix. This spelling of the suffix is used with transitive verb stems that end with a morphophonemic /h/ or /s/. Éa'tȯh-estse. He hit himself by accident. Náa'tȧx-estse. I accidentally cut myself. That verb stem ends with morphophonemic /s/, -a'tas 'accidentally cut s.o.'. Nátaeváh-estse. I measured myself. See: -ahtse REFL. Category: grammar.

-ėstse1   sfx. inanimate noun and verb plural suffix. Phon: parallels the conjunct II plural suffix -et éšén-ėstse days. hóhkėhá'-ėstse hats. o'hē'-ėstse rivers. Ého'tán-ėstse. They (inanimate) are (here/there). Épėhéva'én-ėstse. They (inan) are good. See: -ot; /-é/; /-o/. Category: grammar.

-estse2   sfx. suffix indicating first person acting on second person. Phon: allomorph of -atse Néoné'xȧho'h-ėstse. I burned you. See: -atse; -estse1. Category: grammar.

-et1   sfx. third person obviative conjunct suffix. tséhnaóots-etsėse when he (obv) was sleeping. Category: grammar.

-et2   sfx. II plural conjunct suffix. Phon: parallels the inanimate noun and independent order II verb suffix -ét (-nét??) Ques: -est?? -eht?? Ques: to parallel -es?? tséxho'ta-a'ėstse (< /té- h- -ho'tá -et/) when they (inan) were there. tséheóvo-o'ėstse those which are yellow. tsépėhéva'e-e'ėstse those which are good. See: -ėstse1 inanimate noun and verb plural suffix; -es conjunct iterative suffix. Category: grammar, check.

-eto   sfx. AI conjunct participle suffix for verbs with 2nd person singular subjects or objects.?? This is a newer suffix which is replacing -áta'e due to paradigm regularization. Névááhe tséovéstomó-eto? Who is teaching you? Variant: -áta'e. Category: grammar.

-évó   sfx. third person plural subject with inanimate object. tséhvóohtom-évȯse when they saw it. Vé'hoohtom-évoha! Let them look at it! tséhešėsáapėhévátsėstom-éhévȯse since they do not like it. Category: grammar.

-evó   sfx. suffix for nouns with second and third person plural possessors. nėstotséh-évo your (pl) pet. hemȧheón-évo their house. hesémon-evótse their boats. See: -ane; -ané. Category: grammar.

-evó   sfx. third person plural possessor suffix. hemȧheón-évo their house. hevóohestov-evóho their relative(s). hetáhoestov-evóho their mount(s). Category: grammar.

h-1   tns. past tense. Phon: allomorphs are x-; '-; s-; š- by assimilation or dissimilation? Etym: *ki·h (P). In independent verbs this refers to a "distant" past. The degree of distance in the past of h- varies according to context and the point of view of the speaker. Forms unmarked for tense are either present tense or recent past, for example, énéméne 'he is singing' or 'he sang' (recent past). The /h-/ changes to x, ', s, or š, depending on what letter follows: x before h, ' before a vowel, s before s and t, and š before š. In dependent (conjunct) verbs this marks location and cause, as well as past tense, so there it is labeled an oblique (OBL) "tense". É-hnéméne. He sang. (note Énéméne 'He is singing' or 'He sang (recent past)'). É-xhonótovȯsesto. They cooked him. (reportative mode). É-'éenéšeohtsésesto. There were two of them. (reportative mode). É-ssévanóhoono. They slid. (preterite mode). See: h-2 tense, location, cause; -htse1 future. Category: grammar.

h-2   tns. past tense, location, cause in conjunct verbs. The /h-/ changes to x, ', s, or š, depending on what letter follows: x before h, ' before a vowel, s before s, and š before š. It is possible that this is the same block (morpheme) as h- in independent verbs. tsé-hméhotaétse because he loved us. tsé-xho'sóévȯse when they danced/where they danced. See: h-1 past tense. Category: grammar.

-h   sfx. TA final. Náná'-ho. I killed him. Námanē-ho. I made him.\np allomorphs are -š and -x: Néna'-xe. You killed me. Néá'e-še. Thank you (lit. you did me well). Category: grammar.

-ha   sfx. hortative suffix. Vé'hoohto-ha! Let him look at it. Vóvóxe háevenėhešenone-ha! Good for him and his songs! (a sarcastic exclamation). Ho'éetone-ha! Let it snow! Nėhesóne-ha! Let it be so! See: ta-; -es. Category: grammar.

-hané   sfx. negative suffix for inanimate intransitive verbs. Ésáahoo'kȯhó-háne. It did not rain. Variant: -hanéh, -hane. Category: grammar.

-hane   sfx. negative suffix for inanimate intransitive verbs. Usage: /-hane/ seems to be the most common recent pronunciation. In the past sometimes the /-hané/ pronunciation was heard. Ésáapėhéva'é-hane. It is not good. Ésáaho'tá-hane. It is not there. Ésáahotse'óhenovė-hane. There is not working. Variant: -hanéh, -hané. Category: grammar.

-haneh   sfx. negative suffix for II verbs. There is variation among speakers as to whether there is a word-final underlying high pitch or low pitch, -hané or -hane. Variant: -hané, -hane. Ésáaho'táhanehȯtse. They (inan) are not here/there. See: sáa-; -hé. Category: grammar.

-hé1   sfx. negative suffix. Phon: This suffix is phonemically /-hé/ with a high pitch vowel so it contrasts with the yes/no question suffix /-he/ which has a phonemic low pitch vowel. Used in all independent verbs except II verbs; it is used along with the sáa- preverb. Násáahotse'óhé-he. I did not work. Násáahestanó-henȯtse. I did not take them (inan.). tsésáamané-hese those who do not drink. Ésáamésėhé-he. He did not eat. This may be the same suffix that occurs at the end of inferential verbs: Móhmanė-héhe. He must have drunk. Móxhavėséva'éhané-he. It must have been bad. Category: check. See: sáa- NEG.SFX; -he2 INF.SFX; ho'nó- NEG; -he Q. Category: grammar.

-hé2   sfx. inferential suffix. This may be the same suffix that occurs at the end of negative verbs except II verbs. Móhmanė-héhe. He must have drunk. Móxhavėséva'éhané-he. It must have been bad. Category: check. See: sáa- NEG.SFX; -hé1 NEG.SFX; ho'nó- NEG; -he Q. Category: grammar.

he-4   pfx. his, her, third person possessor; third person possessor prefix. he-stónaho his daughter(s). he-hevóho their father(s). he-mȧheonȯtse his houses. See: é- 3; na- 1PS. Etym: *we-. Category: grammar.

-he5   sfx. interrogative suffix for yes-no questions. Someone who asks a question with this suffix does not have any idea whether the answer will be yes or no. If someone thinks the answer is more likely yes, they can ask a question with the prefix mó-. Néháeana-he? Are you hungry? Nééšemésėhe-he? Did you eat yet? Étonéto-he? Is it cold? Transitive verbs that end with -a are pronounced as -aehe in yes-no questions: Néoomae-he? Did he hit you? Verbs which end with plural -o'o in the affirmative substitute -vo for -o'o before the -he question suffix: Émésėhevo-he? Did they eat? Névóomovo-he? Did you see them (animate)? TI verbs which end in -ȯtse in the affirmative and -otse in questions have this word-final phonologically as /-ot-he/: Vóvotȯtse némésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Némésenotse menȯtse? Did you eat the berries? Névóohtano-tse amȧho'héstotȯtse? Did you see cars? Cheyenne permits negative yes-no questions: Ésáanémenėhe-he? Didn't he sing? Ésáanémenėhevo-he? Didn't they sing? See: mó-. Category: grammar.

he'-1   i. how go, how run, so go, so run. É-he'oohe. That's how he ran/went. See: hé'-; he'-. Category: grammar.

he'-2   pfx. however, whatever, whoever. only occurs in conjunct verbs. he'-tónėšenó'ėstanomevȯhtse however somehow they put it over. he'-tónėšėhesto'tonȯhomévȯse however they wove them (rafts). [1987:3:9] Násáahéne'enóhenȯtse he'-hová'ėheve. I don't know those (things) whatever they are. he'hová'ėheve whatever it is. Násáahéne'enóhe he'-tónėšévėstse. I don't know what he did. Hēā'e néne'éšėhéne'enóene he'-néevá'evėstse. Maybe he already knows about us, whoever he is. [JOURNEY.TXT] This preverb refers to something which has already been done or something which is already known but which the speaker does not understand. with preverb vé'(e)- creates something like a rhetorical question. he'-vé'tónėšévėstse He should have done it, shouldn't he? ?? Category: check. the verb of knowing may be absent but understood: Éstaohkeasėta'hasó'heohésesto tónėstóha he'-taéšeamenéévȯhtse. (I don't know) how many times they had stopped on their way. [1987:26] Méhneo'o mó'ȯhkévėhestȧhevóhe nėhe'xóvéva he'-ȯhketónėstávȯhtsené=méhneo'o. Water monsters used to exist at that time, however they look, these water monsters. [1987:253] this preverb may follow the conjunct prefix é-: Hénėhéóhe tsé'ȯhkėhéseotsévȯhomó'hévȯse éx-he'ȯhketónetȯhomó'hévȯhtse. That's where they would have the Ghost Dance, however they did that dance. [1987:28] Category: check, grammar.

hé'-   i. from there. É-hé'oohe. He ran/went from there. See: he'-; hé'ohtsé. Category: grammar.

he'nó-   pv. NEG. Variant: ho'nó-. Category: grammar.

het-   i. Gram: rr such, so, that way. É-hetóhta'hāne/ He told the story that way. Preverb heše-. Relative roots take non-participle 3rd person conjunct endings, for example, tséheto'eétaese 'what he did', rather than tséheto'eétaestse, and tséhešévėse 'what he did', rather than tséhešévėstse. See: he-7 such. Category: grammar.

-ho1   sfx. OBV. Category: grammar.

-ho2   sfx. preterit suffix, narrative suffix, surprisal suffix, mirative suffix. suffixes to verbs and, sometimes, nouns, to express surprise, otherwise, it marks a verb as belonging to a legend or folktale genre, distant from the current speech situation. AI and TA forms end with -hoo'o and -hoono sequences, analyzed here as /-ho -on/. TI forms end with -noho. II forms end with -neho. Éhvóomó-hoono. He saw him/them (pret). Éxhó'tȧhevá-hoo'o. He won (pret). Éhnémené-hoo'o. Wow, he sang (surp)! Éhoo'kȯhóne-ho! It rained! Hévámóhe tsé'tóhe tsého'sóese kȧsováaheho aénȯhevóoheha-hoono. Apparently these who danced, the young men, (were) jackrabbits (surp). (1980:25:7). In appropriate contexts, subjects with any person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) in the preterit mode are possible with a meaning of surprise: Nénėxoóhtȧhé-moho! You're cute! Nénėxoóhtȧhémané-hoono! (CONFIRM WITH OTHER SPEAKERS?? We are cute! Category: check. Nétaéšėhevéxahé'tovatsé-moho! You ARE already my son-in-law! [1987:174] See: -on PRET; -sest RPT. Etym: cf. PA *-sa(pa) preterit suffix (Proulx); Cheyenne /-ho -on) is the expected reflex.. Category: exclamations, grammar.

-hó   sfx. obviative suffix, other third person suffix. Évóomó-ho. He saw him. (note návóómo 'I saw him'). Návóomamó-ho hestónaho. I saw his daughter. Hee'haho étsėhésenėstó-ho. His son speaks Cheyenne. he'ó-ho woman (obv). See: ; -tse; -ae. Etym: cf. *-ali 'sg.'; -ahi 'pl.'. Category: grammar.

-ht   sfx. 3rd person singular suffix for conjunct participle and negative inferential verbs. tsénéménė-stse the one who is singing (phonemically /té-némené-ht/). móho'nómanė-stse He must not have drunk. tsétȧhósėhóna'oveno'keaénám-ȧhtse the next one who is one year old (1980:3:55). tsépėhévetānȯ-htse the one who is happy. Névááhe tsésáa'éšeéestséé-stse? Who hasn't spoken yet? See: -stse. Category: grammar.

-ht   sfx. Transitive Inanimate verb stem agreement marker. Návóó-hta I see it. énóó-hta He left it. See: -h; -m; -htsé. Category: grammar.

hta-   tns.dir. future tense plus translocative 'away'. Phon: portmanteau morpheme Nȧ-htanėhešéve. I'll do it. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I will arrive. Nȧ-htaévȧhóseevóómo. I'll see him again. Nė-staévȧhósevóomȧtse. I'll see you again. Phon: htse- + ta- (that is, hta-) portmanteau occurs only with first and second person verb prefixes (the preceding pronominal prefix vowel will be voiceless); with third person referential subject there is no portmanteau, rather, the two morphemes (future +translocative) occur as the sequence tse-ta, for example, tsė-tȧ-ho'ēhne 'he will come (there)' See: htse-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.

-htȯtse   sfx. locative nominalizer. This suffixes to an intransitive verb stem to create animate or inanimate nouns. Takes /-ot/ inanimate or /-o/ animate plural suffixes. ame'há-htóva on the airplane. amȧho'he-stȯtse car. mane-stȯtse drink. mésėhe-stȯtse food. šéeše-stȯtse bed. šéešé-stotȯtse beds. méa-htȯtse gift. mésėhe-stȯtse potato (an.) mésėhé-stoto potatoes (an.) héva'kéehe-stȯtse scarf (an.) héva'kéehé-stoto scarfs (an.) he'po-htȯtse cigarette (an.) he'póhtoto cigarettes (an.) naamȧho'hé-sto-nanótse our (excl.) cars. Oblique -htová. Phon: The morpheme-final /t/ of /-htot/ does not appear when the nominalizer is word-medial and there is additional suffixation other than pluralization, for example when a deverbal noun is possessed by a plural possessor. See: -htove IMPERS; -nove IMPERS; -hton; -hé agentivizer. Category: grammar.

-htóv   sfx. nominalizer. Phon: allomorph of -htot suffixed to an intransitive verb stem to create animate or inanimate deverbal nouns. Oblique -htová. hemȯxe'eotsé-stovevóho their picture(s). See: -htot; -htón; -htóve; -nóve; -hé. Category: grammar.

-htová   sfx. oblique nominalizer, locative nominalizer. This has the same spelling regardless of whether a corresponding (nominalized) noun is animate or inanimate. Éhoháahesėstse naa'é-stóva. He was a powerful medicine man (literally, he was very powerful with respect to doctoring). he'pó-htóva by a cigarette. šéešé-stóva on the bed. ame'há-htóva on the airplane. amȧho'hé-stóva on the car. Compare the regular nominalized form: amȧho'he-stȯtse car. Phon: /-hto(t)/ 'nominalizer' + -vá 'oblique suffix' See: -htot. Category: grammar.

-htóve   fii. impersonal verb suffix. Variant: -nove. Phon: Since many AI verbs have a stem-final /e/, this final often occurs as -stove This suffix may be complex, perhaps composed of the deverbal (nominalizer) suffix, -htȯtse /-htot/ (requiring the morpheme-final /t/ to be deleted in composition), plus the equative final -(e)ve. It is easy to show that deverbal nouns and impersonal verbs are both constructed from AI stems, and they appear to share the morpheme-initial/-hto/ sequence. This composite analysis for -htove is semantically plausible, with a composite meaning of something like 'there being such an entity'. Simple impersonals are II verbs. They are analyzed as having no notional (referential) subject, although they require the unmarked third person syntactic "subject" prefix é-. Éméhotȧhtsé-stove. There is love for one another. Émésėhé-stove. There is eating/it is a meal. Émané-stove. There is drinking. Some AI verbs, such as those with the he- 'have' preverb, can take this suffix: Éx-he-amȧho'hé-stove. He had a car. (cf. amȧho'hestȯtse 'car', É-amȧho'he 'he goes by car'). [1987:185] See: -htȯtse. Category: grammar.

htse-1   tns. future tense. Verbs marked with htse- are for action that occurs sooner than verbs with to'se 'going to'. Some speakers have emphasized that there is more certainty with to'se- that something will happen than with htse-. The -h of htse- is omitted with third person subjects (he, she, it, they). Also the third person prefix /é-/ does not occur with the future tense. The vowel of a pronominal prefix is whispered before htse- and stse-. Verbs with the future tense can become something close to a wish, a prayer, or a spiritual statement that causes the future event to occur. Nȧ-htsenéméne. I shall sing. Nȧ-htsėhoo'e. I will be here. Nė-stsepėhéveotse. You will get better. Tsemésehe. He will eat. Nė-stsetoo'hame. You will swim. Mo'éhno'hāme tseta-ama'óheo'o. The horses will be herded. [1987:29] Tóne'xóvéva nė-stseévȧhósevóomȧtse? When will I see you again? Ééšėto'setonóeve, nėhē'še tsė-ho'ééto. It is almost fall, then it will snow. Etym: *eti (P); cf. Arapaho eti- 'future' (Goddard review of The Arapaho Language). See: tse-; hta-; to'se-. Category: time, grammar.

-htse2   sfx. imperative mode suffix, command suffix. Pėhévetānȯ-htse! Be happy! Mésee-stse! Eat! Hestānȯ-htse ! Take it! Nóoohtse ! Ladle it out! Néménėstse! Sing! (cf. é-néméne 'he sang'). Hámėstoo'ėstse! Sit down! (cf. é-hámėstoo'e 'he sat down'). Háóénȧhtse! Pray! (cf. é-háóéna 'he prayed'). Vé'hóóhtȯhtse! Look at it! (cf. é-vé'hóóhta 'he looked at it'). See: -o'o2 delayed imperative suffix; -htse1 future tense. Etym: *me·cyilwe. Category: grammar.

'-2   tns. oblique in conjunct order verbs. In independent verbs this block refers to a "distant" past. The degree of distance in the past of h- varies according to context and the point of view of the speaker. Remote past can be farther back in time than one year or more. Forms unmarked for tense are either present tense or recent past, for example, énéméne 'he is singing' or 'he sang.' The /h-/ changes to x, ', s, or š, depending on what letter follows: x before h, ' before a vowel, s before s, and š before š. In dependent (conjunct) verbs this marks location and cause, as well as tense, so for the conjunct we give it the technical label of an oblique. allomorph of /h/ 'past tense' between vowels. É'-áahtomónėsesto. They were listening (reportative). É-hnéméne. He sang. (note Énéméne 'He is singing' or 'He sang (recent past)'). É-xhonótovȯsesto. They cooked him. (reportative mode). É-'éenéšeohtsésesto. There were two of them. (reportative mode). É-ssévanóhoono. They slid. (preterite mode). Phon: Allomorphs are s- and š- (by assimilation to the following sound) and '- and x- (by dissimilation). See: h-2 tense, location, cause; -htse1 future; h- past tense; '-1 epenthetic vowel. Category: grammar.

-'seh   fta. cause s.o. to. Nánémené-'sého. I made him sing. Námȯxe'eotsé-'sého. I took his picture. Lit: I caused him to be written (that is, pictured) fti: 'sest. Category: grammar.

-'t   ft. transitivizer final. This final takes -á to indicate an inanimate object of TI verbs: Nápėhévé-'ta. I took good care of it. This final takes the generic final -ov to indicate that the object of TA verbs is animate: Phon: The /ov/ of this final contracts to /óe/ word-medially in the inverse voice, for example, návovéstomóéne 'he taught us (excl)'. Phon: If the preceding vowel is phonemically high pitched, most verbs requiring the -'tov final take its allomorph -no(t). In the direct voice this final is especially used to mark ai+o verbs, namely, intransitive verbs, which are secondarily marked to take a syntactic direct object, as in the following verbs: Nápėhévé-'tóvo. I took good care of him. Nápėhéve-'tova. He took good care of me. Nápėhévé-'tóó'e. They took good care of me. Épėhévé-'tóó'e. They/he (obv) took good care of him (prox). Népėhéve-'toene. He took good care of us (incl). Népėhéve-'toevoo'o. They took good care of you (pl). Náháóéná-'tóvo. I prayed to him. (cf. náháóéna 'I prayed'). Náne'étamé-'tova. He depends on me. (cf. náne'étame 'I depend'). Náne'étame-nȯtse. I depend on him. Éne'étamé-noto. He depends on him. Néné'étamé-none. We (incl) depend on him. Éne'étamé-novo. They depend on him. Námoné-'tova. He chose me. Námone-nȯtse. I chose him. Náhešké-'tova. She has me as mother. (cf. náheške 'I have a mother'). Náheške-nȯtse. She is my mother; I have her as mother. Variant: -no. Etym: *-ʔtaw. fti: -'tá; fta: -'tov. See: -ov; -ev; -no. Category: grammar.

-'tov   fta. transitive animate final. This final is actually composed of two smaller finals, -'t and -ov. Náháóéná-'tóvo. I prayed to him. Épėhéve-'tovóho. He was good to him. See: -'t; -ov. Category: grammar.

-ma   sfx. first person plural inclusive suffix. Sometimes has a longer form, -mané, which is composed of the two suffixes -ma and -né. Nétȧhémėsėhe-ma! Let's eat! Variant: -mané. See: -mé. Category: grammar.

-má   sfx. locative suffix. anósé-ma outside; outdoors. séno'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ésto'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ó'hóó-ma on the side. hó'hó-ma closer/on this side (nearer speaker). he'ā-ma up/above. heā-ma on the side. hoó-ma on the other side. nó'ȯsé-ma next to the wall. sétóvóó-ma in the middle of the water. vá'ȯhtá-ma n the place-of-honor. hóestó'é-ma outside/off the reservation. Phon: nl See: -vá; -nó2. Etym: *-menki; cf. *epemenki up. Category: positions, grammar.

mȧh-1   pfx. irrealis conjunct prefix, when, if. Ques: nonfactive?? Refers to events or states which have not yet happened. Phon: The /h/ of this form changes to x, ', s, or š depending on what sound follows. It sometimes takes high pitch and sometimes low pitch. mȧx-ho'ēhnėstse when (or 'if') he comes. máh-ne'évȧho'ehnėstse when he comes back. Naa ma'-éševóomata'óse hé'tóhe anȯheénevaénomeo'o! And when they have seen you, drop this down! [1987:262] See: éó-; tsé-; mȧhvé'(e)-. Category: grammar.

mȧh-vé'(e)-   pfx. Gram: ppl if. The (e) is included if the following sound is a vowel. mȧhvé'-hotse'oestse if he is working. Mȧhvé'e-a'xaamėstse nátȧhóó'óhtse. If he cries I'll go home. Mȧhvé'-naóotsetanoto éme'ovėšenáhtove. If you are sleepy you should go to bed. See: vé'(e)-; mȧh-. Category: grammar.

-mȧse   evid. reportative suffix (for 1st and 2nd persons singular subjects). Náme'tatónėšévé-mȧse? What should I do? Nénémené-mȧse. It is said that you were singing. See: -sėstse1. Category: grammar.

mó-   pfx. inferential mode prefix, yes/no question prefix. Mó- introduces inferential mode verbs, as in: Mó=némenėhéhe. He must have sung / he must be singing. Mó=némenėhevóhe. They must have sung / they must be singing. Móh-manėhéhe. He must have drunk. Mó=hvóomȯhevóhe. He must have seen him. Mó=hoo'kȯhóhanéhe. It must have rained. This prefix is contracted from the full word móhe and attaches to a following word. The Cheyenne inferential mode, which usually takes this form, is very commonly used; special suffixation is required, which includes the negative suffixes -hé (with the high pitch lowered in inferentials) or -hané (for II verbs), and an additional word-final/-hé/. The third person prefix /é-/ does not appear in the inferential mode. Mó- also introduces yes/no questions, in which case in third person subject verbs the é- third person pronominal prefixes appear (cf. regular yes/no questions, under entry -he). A speaker who asks a mó- question may be partially assuming a positive answer from the person questioned. This would be similar to English yes/no questions which are said as statements but with rising question intonation, as in "You're sick?" The assumption of a positive answer is not as strong as with English tag questions such as "You're sick, aren't you?" Some speakers use mó- questions almost exclusvely rather than yes/no questions with the ending -he. Mó=nénaóotse? You're sleeping? Compare the preceding question with the following inferential verb: Mó=naóotsėhéhe. He must be sleeping. Mó'étonéto? It is cold, right? Mónéná'tose? You're cold? Some other examples of mó- questions are: Mó=tsé'tóhe? Do you mean this one (an.)? Mó=tá'tóhe? Do you mean that one (an.)? Mó=hé'tóhe? Do you mean this one (inan.)? mó=héva maybe (compare hévá=móhe). Mó-néhe? You mean that one? Mó-hetóéva? In the evening? Mó=mémééhe tsetȧhé-homōse? Will grandpa go cook? Mó=vé'ho'e naa móhe éóoetanévehe? Is he a whiteman or is he a Crow? Évé'ho'évehe naa móhe éóoetanévehe? Is he a whiteman or is he a Crow? The following questions seem to be kidding someone: Mó=néhoo'e naa mó=nésáahoéhe? Are you here or are you not here? Mó=néhóse'e naa mó=nésáahóse'éhe? ?? Are you pregnant or are you not pregnant? Mónėstse-nomēne? Will you drink (typically, some coffee)? Mó'=énéméne? Is he singing? / Was he singing? Mó=némóneévȧho'eohe? Did you just get back? With the preverb sequence me'-hé 'should-intentive', mó- plus the indicative creates a strong negation: Mó=me'héene'enánóvo. They would *never* understand it. [1987:239] Negative inferentials require conjunct order suffixation and the negative preverb ho'nó-. Many speakers always include the inferential form mó= with negative inferentials, some do not. Mó=ho'nónemenévȯse. They must not have sung. In certain contexts mó- can be used to question verbs of the reportative and preterit modes: Mó'=éhoo'kȯhónėse? Given what you heard, did it rain? Mó'=éxhó'tȧheváhoo'o? Given what was narrated, did he win? Non-contracted móhe. See: héva; -he2; móho'nó-. Category: grammar.

-mó   fti. TI conjunct suffix for first person subject. tsétotóxėstó-mo what I talked about. Category: grammar.

-mo   fti. TI conjunct suffix for second person subject. tsétotóxėsto-mo what you talked about. Category: grammar.

móho'nó-   pfx. must not be, conjunct inferential negative prefix. Formed from mó- + ho'nó-. With past tense, mó=xho'nó-. Some speakers omit mó= saying just ho'nó-. Parallel inferential affirmative verbs are in the independent order. The Independent inferential prefix is mó= (from móhe). Móho'nó-mȧxanēnėstse. He must not have signed. Móho'nó-ešėho'nėhe'xóvetse. It must not be time yet (for example, for her to give birth). Móho'nó-hetsevémȯhtse. He must not be afraid to say anything to him. Variant: móhe'nó-. See: ho'nó-; móhe; mó-. Etym: cf. Cree apwa· ??. Category: check, grammar.

móxho'nó-   pfx. inferential negative prefix sequence. with past tense x-. naa móxho'nótonėšeamȧxēvȯhtse and they could not run away. [1987:51] Phon: inferential particle móhe (as proclitic) + /h/ 'PAST tense' + ho'nó- conjunct inferential negative; this negative sequence only occurs in a morphological conjunct verb, but such a verb functions as an independent verb, parallel to independent affirmative inferentials See: ho'nó-; móhe. Category: grammar.

-n   sfx. TI final. This morpheme is used when the object of a verb is inanimate. Náho'ȧhe-nȯtse. I want them (inan). Category: grammar.

-n   sfx. TA final. This is used as a stem-final morpheme for some stems when the object of the verb is animate. Mó'éeonétȧhévene-nȧhtsėhéhe. He changed his face. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.142] Category: grammar.

-n   sfx. Segment which appears as a reflex of PA *n in the history of Cheyenne. It has the allomorph -ne in some forms. Ques: or alternate analysis of -né -t in affixes.txt record for -n Ého'tá-nėstse. They (inan) are here. See: -ne. Category: grammar.

na-   pfx. first person possessor prefix. na-néso my child. na-mȧheónáne our (excl.) house. See: ná- 1; he- 3PS. Etym: *ne-. Category: grammar.

na-   pfx. first person independent order verb prefix preceding future tense. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I'll come there. See: ná- 1; na- 1PS; né- 2; é- 3. Category: grammar.

ná-   pfx. first person independent order verb prefix, I. This verb prefix is high pitched. The high pitch disappears and the vowel is whispered when this prefix is used in a future tense verb. Compare the high pitch of this verb prefix with the low pitch of the corresponding possessive prefix on nouns, as in na-mȧhēō'o 'my house'. Ná-néméne. I sang. Ná-ho'sóéme. We (excl.) danced. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I'll come there. If the next letter after ná- is another "a", some speakers insert a "y" sound. The Cheyenne alphabet does not include a "y" but we will include it here to illustrate this: Ná-asėta'xe. I'm taking off running. Ná-y-asėta'xe. (y pronunciation) Ná-amėhóó'óhtse. I'm going home. Ná-y-amėhóó'óhtse. (y pronunciation) See: na- 1PS; né- 2; é- 3. Category: grammar.

-naho   sfx. imperative suffix for action on plural third person. Vovóeše-naho! Comfort them! Usage: Not as widely used as -nano. Variant: -nano. Category: grammar.

-né1   sfx. TA suffix for first person plural exclusive. Návóomaē-ne. He saw us (excl). See: -ne1 1/2PL. Category: grammar.

-ne1   sfx. first person plural inclusive TA suffix. Névóomae-ne. He saw us (incl). Néhéne'enóe-ne. He knows us (incl). See: -né1 first person plural exclusive TA suffix. Category: grammar.

-ne2   sfx. first person plural inclusive suffix for TI verbs. Variant: -né. Névóohtano-ne. We (incl) saw it. See: -né. Category: grammar.

-né2   sfx. reportative and preterit suffix for II verbs. Ques: Is it justified to combine the reportative and pret here? see discussion of the surprisal under -ho. Éhoo'kȯhó-nėse. They say it's raining. Épėhéva'é-neho! Wow, it's good (pret)! Mȧhaemenȯtse éxxaetsėhetó'a'há-nėsestȯtse. Corn was really waving. See: -ho. Category: grammar.

-né3   sfx. abstract AI final. Éoxa'ȯhē-ne. He is beading. Éhotóhkȯhtȧhé-ne. He is making a star design. Some other finals appear to include this abstract final, such as -sané and -mané. See: -sané; -mané. Category: grammar.

né-   pfx. second person independent verb prefix. Né-manehe? Did you drink? Né-pėhévėho'sóéme. You (pl) danced well. The vowel is whispered if this prefix precedes future tense. Nė-stsepėhévemésehe. You will eat well. Nė-staévȧhósevóomȧtse. I'll see you again later. Mó-nėstsenoméne? Will you drink something hot? Etym: *ke-; cf. O gi·n. See: nė- 2; ne- 2PS. Category: grammar.

ne-   pfx. second person pronominal prefix. The expected né- prefix is pronounced as a low-pitched voiceless prefix before the future tense marker, htse-. Category: grammar.

nė-   pv. backward referring deictic preverb. Ná-nėhesta. I am that (already mentioned) way. Ná-nėhéto. (cf. náhéto 'I told him') I told him that. (previously mentioned). Antonym tsė-. See: néhe; -neh. Category: grammar.

ne-   pfx. second person possessor prefix. Etym: *ke-. etymological note: Ch. /n/ here does not directly reflect PA *k (contra Leman (1980:46.316-318)), rather, it passed through a stage, which I. Goddard (1988:345-60) describes and calls "yodation", to ky, then the k deleted, leaving y which the Ch. /n/ does reflect (?? ne-néso your child. ne-mȧheónévo your (pl) house. See: né- 2; na- 1PS. Category: grammar.

néh-4   pfx. conjunct prefix. néh-néšévȯse both of them. néh-no'kȧhéto I alone. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxévȯse all of them (an.) Ques: morphological analysis is uncertain; possibly these are prefix-less conjunct participles ?? Category: check, grammar.

-nó1   sfx. TI final. Évóóhtá-nóvo. They saw it. Náho'tsé-nonėstse We (excl) have them (inan). Ného'ȧhé-novotse Do you (pl) want them (inan)? Náhestaná-nȯse. I am said to have seen it. Éhvóohta-noho. He saw it (pret). Category: grammar.

-nó3   sfx. TA final which is the allomorph of the -'tov final, used when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: This allomorph itself is used, instead of its low-pitched counterpart, when the subject of the verb is plural. Néméa-nóvoo'o. You gave them (an) away. See: -no; -'tov; -'t. Category: grammar.

-no   sfx. conjunct participle ending for 1st person subject and 3rd person plural object. tséméhótó-no those who I love. tséhvóomō-no when I saw them. tséonóomō-no the ones who I called. Category: grammar.

-no   sfx. first person plural exclusive suffix. Névóomeme-no. You (sg/pl) saw us (excl). Category: grammar.

-no   sfx. direct voice TA final. This is an allomorph of the -'tov final, used when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: This allomorph itself has the allomorph -not when it is the last final of a verb. This allomorph itself has the high-pitched allomorph -nó when the subject of the verb is plural. Néne'étamé-none. We (incl) depend on him. Variant: -'tov. See: -nó; -not. Category: grammar.

-nó   sfx. delayed imperative suffix for third person plural object. Ques: recheck analysis?? Vé'hoomóóno! Look at them (later)! Tanė-hetóóno ného'ééhe naa náhko'ééhe naa navóohestoto...! Tell my father and my mother and my relatives...! Category: grammar, check.

-nove   fii. impersonal verb suffix. Variant: -htove. The two different impersonal suffixes appear to be different in spelling only; there seems to be no difference in meaning; -htove occurs more frequently with most speakers, but some speakers have a higher percentage of -nove forms than do other speakers. Émésėhé-nove. There is eating. Émané-nove. There is drinking. naa tséhešėto'éotsé-nove and (I remember) when you got up (in the morning). [1987:190] Náohkeéenéstomóne tséohkeéeméhaeheto'eétȧhé-nove. I have heard how (the Sun Dance) used to be done. [1987:211] See: -htot. Category: grammar.

1   sfx. This is a direct voice suffix indicating action by a first or second person upon a third person, or by a third person upon another third person. Návóóm-o /ná-vóom-ó/ I saw him. Évóom-óho. He saw him. Antonym -ae inverse voice. Category: grammar.

2   sfx. other third person ending, obviative suffix on AI verbs. Hee'haho émésėh-óho. His son ate. See: -o; -hó; -ae. Category: grammar.

-o3   sfx. obviative suffix, plural suffix in reportative mode. Except for recent regularization among most newer pronunciation today, this allomorph is used when the preceding stem vowel is phonemically high-pitched. še'x-o duck(s) (obv). Éméot-o He fought him/them (obv). Éhvóomósest-o. He is said to have seen him/them (obv; reportative). Éhméotȯhoon-o. He fought him/them (pret). Énen-o. He (obv) nursed. Émev-o. He ate him (obv). ka'ėškóneh-o child(ren). See: -o; ; -o; -hó; -ae. Category: grammar.

3   sfx. inanimate object suffix, it, them. This is a theme sign that indicates that the object of the verb is inanimate. It is an allomorph of -á. It is used by older speakers, in negative and inferential sentences. For many younger speakers this suffix remains -á as in positive sentences. Hestān-ȯhtse! Take it! (cf. éhestāna 'he took it'). Hestan-omeo'o! Take it (then)! Nóo-ohtse! Ladle it out! Ésáa-vóóhtóhe. He did not see it. Ésáa-vóóhtáhe. He did not see it. (newer pronunciation). Móhvóoht-ȯhéhe. He must have seen it (inf.). Násáahéne'en-óhe. I don't know. Násáahéne'enáhe. (newer pronunciation) I don't know. Ésáahéne'en-óhénóvo. They do not know it. tsévóóht-o what he saw. tséxhestanōm-o when I took it. Variant: -ȯhtsé. See: 1; 3. Ques: Is this the same as the TI conjunct suffix?? Etym: *newa·pantansi·ni (R). Category: check, grammar.

-o4   sfx. absentative suffix. This refers to a person who is absent from the scene, including absent by death. tséheškévo-o'o my mother (obv, absentative). tséhéhevo-o'o the one who is my absent father. tsétó'omemȧxamo-o'o the one who I shot stiff. tséhéhevȯse ?? the one who is your absent father. tséhéhévótse ?? the one who is our absent father. perhaps this could be considered a double obviative suffix since it follows the -o obviative suffix?? Ques: Is this related to the AI preterit suffix -on?? Category: check. See: -o3 obviative suffix; -o plural suffix; 1 OBV; -ón2 preterit suffix; -vó3 absentative suffix. Category: grammar.

-o   sfx. conjunct suffix for TI verbs with first person subject and an inanimate singular object. mȧxhestanōm-o if you take it. Variant: . See: -o 2:I. Category: grammar.

-o   sfx. third person plural suffix in the reportative mode. Éhnémenésest-o. They reportedly sang. See: -o; -hó; -ae. Category: grammar.

-o   sfx. suffix for direct voice; This is a suffix for 1st or 2nd person subject acting on 3rd person object in the conjunct order, and for independent order verbs taking the -no(t) TA final, and 3rd person subject acting on an obviative object when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: Note that the corresponding independent order suffix is high-pitched -ó. tsévéstoem-o my spouse (literally, the one who I sit with; that is, am married to). tséméhot-o the one I love. tséhvóom-o when I saw him. tséhvóom-ȯse when you saw him. tséhvóom-ōtse when we saw him. Náméanot-o. I gave them away. Etym: *-ak. See: -ōno. Category: grammar.

-o   sfx. conjunct suffix for second person acting on an inanimate singular; conjunct inanimate object suffix, it, them. mȧxhestanom-o if you take it. Nééšėho'eotsėstsehe tséto'sėhotse'óhtom-o? Did you bring what you're going to use? See:  1:I. Category: grammar.

-óe   sfx. inanimate subject acting on an animate object. Náa'ta'-oo'e. It accidentally bumped me. Category: grammar.

-óe   sfx. inverse voice. Variant: -óó'e2. Phon: This form results from contraction of TA finals -ov or -ev with inverse morphology, i.e. -ov + -ae, or -ev+ -ae, respectively. Éhnȯhtsėst-óesesto néhe tsévéstoemose. She asked her husband. Éhéne'en-óevóho. They are known by him (obv). tsévovéstom-óó'ėstse the one who teaches me. See: -ov; -ev; -ae. Category: grammar.

ȯh-1   pfx. whenever, iterative (conjunct prefix). Phon: allomorphs oht- when vowel follows; other allomorphs: ȯx-, ȯs-, etc. Many proper name participles take this prefix, such as: Ȯh-nėševaestse Swift. Ȯht-ame'háooestse Flying. Ȯssȯsóa'xėstse Plunging Into the Enemy. Ȯx-hóotóó'ȯhtse Looks Behind. Ȯhméhoestse Beloved (translation of Biblical name David). éhéne'ēna (ȯh)to'sėhoo'kȯhoo'ėstse He knows whenever it's going to rain. ȯx-ho'sóestovetsee'ėstse whenever there is dancing. ȯs-sáamésėhéstovėhanéhetsee'ėstse whenever there is not eating. Móstaohkenéehevóhe ȯh-taónėšeotsétsesėstse heške. They would stop when(ever) her mother would have a contraction. (1987:26). Naa ȯh-tséveévo'sóetonȯhtse ho'e éohkeó'xoma'eotse. And whenever I used to play the earth would crack open. [1987:257] éohkėsáa'évėhéne'enóhehane tséévėhešévėstove heómaa'e ȯh-ta-vé'hestanee'ėstse you don't know what you are doing, too much if you take it (drink). [1987:56] Šéstótó'ke éohkeéenéméne ȯh-tséešé'šenasėstse ȯhvóona'ótsee'ėstse. Pine used to sing when he awakened in the morning. [1987:181] ȯh-vóoma'esėstse whenever he saw me. Sometimes the "o" of this prefix is omitted: x-hotse'óhevosėstse when they are working. Sometimes the ȯh- prefix is omitted: némenesėtstse when(ever) he sings. See: hó'-. Category: grammar.

oh-   pv. independent conjunct preverb. We have been unable to determine the meaning of this block precisely but it seems to give a conjunct verb a more "independent" status, similar to how independent order verbs are usually used.?? Ques: is this analogous to the changed conjunct in other Algonquian languages?? Tsé-ohne'ameōhtsėse hetane. A man was approaching. [The Snakebite.006] Náhtȧhéve'hoeotsé'ta (mȧhēō'o) tsé-ohvéhpene'hō'ta. I went (down) to look at (the cabin), it was vacant. [1987:30] Tsé-ohne'ameohtsėse hetane. A man was approaching. [The Snakebite.006] Naa nėhē'še éstanėšėhováneehéhoo'o áa'e tséoxhe isotse. And then he was gone for a year, that is how long. Usage: obsolescing (cf. 1987:34:fn. 21) Category: grammar, check.

ȯht-   pfx. Gram: ppl conjunct iterative prefix. used in interative conjunct verbs and participles, especially proper names. ȯhtȧséehévosėstse whenever they left/whenever they moved camp. ȯhtameehévosėstse whenever they moved. Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtameohtsėstse Calf Walking. Phon: allomorph of oh- when vowel follows See: oh-; ho'-. Category: grammar.

-ohtsé   fti. Conjunct suffix for 3rd person singular subject and inanimate object. tsévóóht-ȯhtse what he saw (variant of tsévóóhto). Variant: 3. Category: grammar.

-o'o1   sfx. animate plural suffix. Phon: The -o'o animate noun and verb plural suffix is phonemically /-o/. hetane-o'o men. póesono /póesón-o/ cats (note póéso 'cat'). Énémene-o'o. They sang. Návóomo-o'o. I saw them. Éhnémenésest-o. They are said to have sung (reportative). Éhmésėhéhoon-o. They sang (pret). Gram: This /-o/ is pronounced as (allomorph) /-vo/ in question words: Énémene-vohe? Did they sing? Émésėhe-vohe? Did they eat? Etym: *-aki. See: ; -vo. Category: grammar.

-o'o2   sfx. delayed imperative suffix for 2nd person singular addressee; later; then. The delayed imperative adds a meaning to a command of 'later on.'. Phon: vs Áahtovo-o'o! Listen to him (later)! Éemé'etanó'tove-o'o! Think about me (sometime)! Tȧho'ėhne-o'o! Come there then! Né'évȧhósėho'ėhne-o'o! Come again (sometime)! See: -héné; -ht. Category: grammar.

-om2   sfx. TI final. theme sign used in the conjunct to indicate that the object of the verb is inanimate. tséhvóóht-ómo when I saw it. tséhmȯxe'ȯh-omévȯse when they wrote it. [1987:119] Etym: *am. See: 3; 1. Category: grammar.

/-omevót/   fti. TI conjunct ending for third person pl. subjects. tséhvóohtomēvȯhtse when they saw it. Etym: *-amowa·t. Category: grammar.

/-omó(n)/   fti. TI conjunct ending for first person sg. subject. tséhestan-ómo that which I took. tséhestan-omonȯhtse those which I saw. Etym: *-ama·n. Category: grammar.

/-omo(s)/   fti. TI conjunct ending for second person sg. subject. tsévóoht-omo that which you saw. Etym: cf. *-aman. Category: grammar.

-on   sfx. preterit suffix. This is one of two preterit suffixes (-ho -on) which occur together in AI verbs. Preterit suffixes communicate the idea that the speaker is narrating a legend or expressing surprise. Éhvóomóho-ono. He saw him (pret). É'ȯhkėhóe'sevónėho-onȯtse hestovóotȯtse. His ears drained (pret). See: -ho PRET. Category: grammar, check.

-óó'e2   sfx. they. Phon: vs Námé'ėstom-óó'e. They explained it to me. Náhéne'en-óó'e. They know me. Phon: vs See: -óe INV. Category: check, grammar.

-óó'e3   sfx. they (obv), he/she (obv). Phon: vs Éméá't-óó'e. He/they (obv) gave him. Éhéne'enóó'e. He/They (obv) know him. Émé'ėstomóó'e. He/They (obv) explained it to him. Ques: previouosly I had INV:PL and INV:OBV in separate entries?? Ques: I returned to that separation 5/16/22

inverse voice in conjunct order. Tséhvé'ševé'hoeóe't-óó'ėse While he was staring at me. [Deer Meat.034] Ques: recheck?? Phon: vs See: -óe INV. Category: check, grammar, check.

-óó'e   sfx. 3:1. Phon: contraction of -ev/-ov when there is a 3rd plural TA conjunct subject Ques: recheck analysis?? See: -a'é 3:1. Category: grammar, check.

-ȯtse   sfx. iterative suffix for first person singular conjunct verbs. éstsėhnéton-ȯtse whenever I entered. Category: grammar.

-ȯtse   sfx. inanimate plural suffix. Phon: This is the abstract (underlying, phonemic) spelling; it has the surface spelling of -ȯtse. mótšėškeh-ȯtse knives. men-ȯtse berries. mȧheon-ȯtse houses. Návóohtan-ȯtse. I saw then (inan). Émésenov-ȯtse. They ate them (inan). Náhestan-ȯtse. I took them (inan). See: -ót; -et; -not. Category: grammar.

-ová1   fai. abstract intransitive final. frequently a detransitivizer. oo'kóhtȧx-ová-he barber. Éoo'kó'ėx-óva. He is mowing. Éé'ėx-óva. He sawed. Épénoma'ȯx-ōva. He is plowing/disking. tséohkėhóxe'an-ovȧhtse the one who cleanses. Épȧháveéestsést-óva. He speaks well. (cf. -éestse). Étsé'ho'h-ōva. He is lighting a fire. É-tsėhetȧxōva. He did surgery. See: -hé AGT; -htȯtse 'NOM; -ónová talk. Category: grammar.

-pėhéva'éneho   vii. good emphatic. É-pėhéva'éneho. It is emphatically good. This verb ends with the inanimate intransitive suffix -neho which is a Cheyenne way to emphasize something (mirative) or communicate that it happened so long ago that no one today has any personal knowledge of it. This kind of ending is called a preterit by linguists who study Algonquian languages such as Cheyenne. See: -pėhéva'e good - be; -ho2 preterit. Category: grammar, quality.

s-   tns. past tense. allomorph of /h/ 'past tense' before /s/ or /t/. És-sáa'áahtomónéhe. He didn't listen. See: h- past tense. Category: grammar.

-s   sfx. reportative mode suffix for II verbs. Éhoo'kȯhónė-se. They say it's raining. Category: grammar.

sáa-   pv. not. requires suffix -hane for II (intransitive verbs with inanimate subjects) and -hé for all others. Ná-sáamanéhe. I did not drink. É-sáamésėhéheo'o. They did not eat. É-sáahéne'enóhénóvo. They do not know it. É-sáatȧhpe'óhane. It is not big. É-sáatonétȯhane. It is not cold (weather). Ná-sáavóóhtóhe. I did not see it. Ná-sáatónėšévéhe. I'm not doing anything. Nétȧ-sáanėšemésėhéhema! Let's not just eat! (for example, let's just leave now and eat when we get there). sáa- with preverb tónėše- gives meaning of 'cannot': Ná-sáatónėšenėhe'ȯhtséhe. I can't go. (for example, I am unable to go). sáa- with tónėše- and hótse- gives forceful positive meaning of 'absolutely can': Ésáa-tónėšėhótsevo'ėstanévėstómanéhe. (God) can absolutely save. [1987:117] sáa- with preverb tšėhe'še- gives meaning of 'never', often with the idea of 'not for a very long time': Né-sáatšėhe'ševóomatséhe. I have never seen you. That can be said when the person hasn't been seen for what seems like a long time. sáa- can be part of negative questions: Né-sáa'éšemésėhehe? Didn't you eat yet? É-sáanémenėhevohe? Didn't they sing? Né-sáaoóoxȯhetaehehe? Didn't he criticize you. Negative inferentials require the preverb ho'nó- (with mó- at the beginning for many speakers) and the conjunct order: Mó-ho'nónéménėstse. He must not have sung. Mó-ho'nóhoo'kōho. It must not have rained. See: me'hé- absolutely would not; hótse- cannot; -hé negative suffix; -hane negative suffix for II verbs. Category: grammar.

-sané1   fai. abstract AI final. Ques: definition ?? É-vóó-sáne. He sees. Éméhó-sáne. He loves. Épéó-sáne. He hates. Éméó-sáne. He is fighting people. Variant: -sené. See: -né; -mané; -ané; -ené; -ósané; -ová; -hé agentivizer. Category: grammar, check.

-se1   sfx. third person conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotsė-se when he was sleeping. tséhmanė-se when he drank. tséhvóómȯ-se when he saw him. tsé'onóómȯ-se when he called him. See: -s; stse-; -ht; -ose; -aese; -óvose. Category: grammar.

-se3   sfx-cj. conjunct ending for 2nd person subject acting on 3rd person object. tséhvóomȯ-se when you saw him. Morph: /-ós/ ?? See: -to1; -ose; -aese; -óvose. Category: grammar, check.

-se4   sfx. second person relational conjunct suffix. tséhvoneotsevȯ-se when you were lost. See: -se; -stse; -htse; -ose; -aese; -óvose. Category: grammar.

-sé   sfx-cj. second person plural conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotsé-se when you (plural) were sleeping. tséhmanē-se when you (pl) drank. Tsétsėhéstȧhé-se you (pl) who are Cheyennes. tséhvóohtomā-se when you (pl) saw it/them (inan.) Variant: -só2. Usage: Some speakers pronounce this ending as -sé and other pronounce it as -só. Etym: *-ye·kwe (conjunct order ending after vowels) for example, apiye·kwe 'you (pl) are (there)' (Go88). Category: grammar.

-sest   sfx. reportative mode suffix for verbs involving animate third persons, wonder. Ques: -seht?? The reportative mode indicates information which has come to the speaker by hearsay. This mode has also be called the attributive mode. reportative suffixes which do not involve animate third persons include -nės (< /-né -s/), -mȧse, etc. É-hvóomósesto. He is said to have seen him. Étsėhésenėtsé-sesto. It is said they talk Cheyenne. If word-internal question verb roots are used, the meaning changes to wondering, instead of hearsay. Étónėšévė-sesto? What could they be doing? / I wonder what they are doing. Étónėšéve-sėstse. I wonder what he is doing. Tóne'še ého'eohtse-sėstse. I wonder when he came. See: -ho PRET; -on PRET. Category: grammar.

-só2   sfx-cj. conjunct suffix for second person plural forms. Nápėhévetanóotse tsésto'sevéstȯhmó'hémó-so nanésoneho. I'm happy because you're going to dance with my children. [You Talk Cheyenne Too.015] Épėhéva'e tséhvóomatsē-so. It is good to see you guys. Épėhéva'e tsé'éevésta'éé-so. It is good that you (plural) joined the meeting. Etym: -ye·kwe (conjunct order ending after vowels) for example, apiye·kwe 'you(pl) are (there)' (Go88). Variant: -sé. Usage: Some speakers pronounce this ending as -só and others pronounce it as -sé. Category: grammar.

-so   sfx. AI conjunct suffix for third person plural participles. This is a variant of -se which is more commonly used today. tsémane-so those who drink. Usage: probably not used by as many speakers as -se Variant: -se. Category: grammar.

stse-   tns. future tense. The future tense htse- is spelled stse- when it follows the second person prefix né-. Nė-stseévapėhévomóhtȧhéotse. You will feel better again. Variant: htse-1, tse-. Category: grammar.

-stse   fai. suffix for third person singular subject for AI conjunct participles. tsémanė-stse the one who drinks. compare the following which is not a participle but takes the same ending. mȧxho'ēhnė-stse when he comes. Phon: allomorph of /-ht/ See: -ht; -s. Category: grammar.

š-   p. past tense. allomorph of /h/ 'past tense' before /š/. Éš-šééše. He was lying there. See: h- past tense. Category: grammar.

-t   fta. abstract TA final. parallels -ht 'TI final'. Éméo-to. He fought him. Nánoō-to. I left him. Námého-ta. He loves me. Némého-xe. You love me. Etym: *-θ. fti: -ht. Phon: has allomorph x- in conjugations when followed by /e/ Category: grammar.

ta-2   pv. let, hortative. Né-ta-évo'sóémáne! Let's play! Né-tanėšeasema! Let's just leave! Né-tȧ-hémėsėhémáne! Let's go eat! Né-tȧ-sáanėšemésėhéhema! Let's not just eat! (for example, let's just leave now and eat when we get there). Náme'ta- Let me try ... Ná-ta-néméne! Let me sing! Ná-taonésenėhešéve! Let me try to do it! See: vé'-2. Category: grammar.

-tó1   sfx-cj. first person singular AI conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotsé-to when I was sleeping. tséxhomȯsé-to when I cooked. tséhmané-to when I drank. ȯhnaóotsé-tonȯhtse when I sleep. ȯhmané-tonȯhtse when I drink. Etym: *-ya·ni (Go2000); *-(y)a·n. Category: grammar.

-to2   sfx-cj. you, second person sg. AI conjunct suffix, second person sg. TI conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotse-to when you were sleeping. tsé'éestse-to when you spoke. tséhmane-to when you drank. Hénová'e tsémése-to? What did you eat? This suffix has also been extended by some newer pronunciation to TA verbs, such as: Épėhéva'éneho tséhvóomo-to hotóá'e. It is wonderful that you say the buffalo. Variant: -se1. Etym: *-(y)an. Category: grammar.

-tó3   sfx. conjunct suffix for inanimate singular subject. tséhnéehóvé-to it itself. See: -tón. Category: grammar.

-to   sfx. adverbializer. táxeto upon. oné'seómeto truly. ameto as time went on. Category: grammar.

-to   sfx. conjunct suffix for TA verbs with first and/or second person subject or objects. tsévóomatsemeno-to when we saw you (sg/pl). Category: grammar.

-tose   sfx. second person (with third person plural object) conjunct participle. tséhemėšéme-tose your grandfathers. Phon: /-to-se/ Variant: -tose. Category: grammar.

tová-   pv. COMP. Ques: COMP?? Móstaévėhéne'enóehevóhe étaée-továtonėšėtoo'ėhesėstse. He found out all about him, how he came to be put in jail. [1987:183] See: hešėtová- ??. Category: check, grammar.

-tse   sfx. obviative suffix. registers third person possession of inanimate nouns on verbs and obviation in conjunct verbs. Phon: takes -tsé allomorph in the preterit mode Variant: -tsé. tsépėhéva'e-tse that which is good (obv). Hemȧheo'o éma'o-tse. his house is red (cf. namȧhēō'o émá'o 'my house is red'). Hee'haho émése-tse ho'évohkȯhtse. His son is eating meat. (cf. nae'ha émese ho'évohkȯhtse 'my son is eating meat'). Évóomóho tséa'xaem-étsese. He saw the one who was crying. (cf. návóómo tséa'xaemėstse 'I saw the one who was crying'). Hemaahe nánȧha'e'oe-tse. His arrow hit me. (cf. nemaahe nánȧha'e'oo'e 'your arrow hit me'). Tséhvóona'o-tse étaaseehe. In the morning he moved camp (cf. tséhvóonā'o nátaaseehe 'in the morning I moved camp'). See: -hó OBV. Category: grammar. Etym: *-ili ??. Category: check.

-tsé   pro. first person plural (both inclusive and exclusive) conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotsé-tse when we were sleeping. tséhmésėhé-tse when we ate. See: -sé. Category: grammar.

-tse   sfx. TI final. Náná'-tse. I killed it (cf. náná'ho 'I killed him'). Category: grammar.

tsé-   pfx. dependent (conjunct) prefix (for participles and realis modes), when, the one who, those who. tsé-némenese those who sing/the singers. tsé-ho'sóese those who are dancing. tsé-néménėstse the singer. tsé-hnéménėse when he sang. tsé-hnaóotsetsėse when he (obv) was sleeping. tsé-hnémenēvȯse when they sang. tsé-xháéánȧse when he was hungry. tsé-xhomȯséto when I cooked. tsé-hnaóotséto when I was sleeping. tsé-'éestseto when you spoke. tsé-staméovóonā'o when it was early morning. tsé-hešepėhévanómo the way I am fixing it. Névááhe tsé-néménėstse? Who is singing? tsé-véstoemo the one who is my spouse. See: mȧh-; oh-; momóxe- etc.; tse- future tense (with 3rd person subjects). Category: grammar.

-tsé   sfx. OBV. Phon: allomorph of -tse in reportative and preterit modes Category: grammar.

-va   sfx. obviative suffix for nouns. Ma'heóne-va God (an alternate obviative to ma'heono). Ma'méha'eva Red Woman. [1987:245] This suffix can appear in combination with the more usual -ho obviative suffix, for example: Johnevaho John. See: -vá oblique. Category: grammar.

vé'(e)-1   pv. if, since, because, conditional conjunct preverb. Phon: The pronunciation vé'e- is used preceding a vowel. sáa-vé'nėhešemá'totse'óhééstse if he had not finished working. [1987:199] Phon: takes morpheme-final /e/ when followed by a vowel We label this a conditional preverb, but its range of meaning appears broader than that of a prototypical conditional morpheme. There is an element of conditionality or dependency in each use of this preverb, however. It apparently has a slightly different meaning from the hése- causal preverb, even when vé'(e)- is used with causal type meanings. (?? Category: check. often used with preceding /mah-/ conjunct prefix in conditionals with "real" modality: Náto'seméohotse'ohe ma'ta-vé'pėhévatamáno'e (or manėh-vé'pėhévatamáno'e) I'm going to work tomorrow if it's a nice day. éohkėsáa'évėhéne'enóhehane tséévėhešévėstove heómaa'eȯhta-vé'hestanee'ėstse you don't know what you are doing, too much if you take it (drink)(1987:56). in counterfactual conditional sentences vé'(e)- occurs in the protasis and the preverb me'- in the apodosis: tséh-vé'nėševátsėstaese because he is caring. Náme'ánovetāno vé'hoo'kōho. I would be sad if it rained. Hétsetseha vé'só'eametanénėstse ho'néoxháaestse na'nóhtȯhnó'ehóhtȧhnésȯhtoha éme'nėhestȯheaénáma Now if Jim One Bear (Brave Wolf) were still living, he would be 87 years old. (1987:32). oha tā'se hápó'e vé'-pėhéveéšeevetseéme'nėhešėháa'éšėho'ȯhtseo'o but had it been a good day they would have gone further (1987:42). oha eho vé'hého'enȯhevato néme'nėhešenȧha'enemeno only if you use your father for bait, that is the only way you're going to catch us. [1987:314] vé'-sáanééhéto if I had not been standing. naa tséh-vé'hoháetonéto hénėhéóhe móhnėxxaevá'netšėšeo'omeésevonėhnėhevóhe vóxéva but because it was so cold there they had to crawl inside those caves(1987:42-43). mó'évȧhóseméo'étanȯhevóhe tsé'tó=tsésta-vé'vonanevȯse héva éxhésenėhešėtanóohtsėhevóhe (the Siouxs) wanted to fight because of these (Cheyennes?) that had been killed, that is probably the reason they thought that way (1987:44). éstaosee=tā'se=havėsévetanóotséhoo'o tsé'tó=kȧse'éeheheéháme tséssáa-vé'ho'vé'hahtséhetsėse like, this young lady really felt bad because her husband did not come(1987:58). See: mȧhvé'-; ȯhvé'-; hése-; homá'xe-; vé'še-; vé'(e)-. Category: grammar.

vé'(e)-2   pv. don't, prohibitive. It is possible that this preverb is the same morpheme as the conditional preverb (vé'-), but if so, it is a morpheme which is polysemous, since the conditional and prohibitive meanings do not appear to share much semantically. Phon: preverb-final /e/ is used when a vowel follows Né-vé'nėhešéve! Don't do that! Né-vé'nėhešévéme! Don't do that (said to more than one person)! Né-vé'e-a'xaame! Don't cry! Né-vé'némenéme Don't sing! (said to more than one person). Nėstse-vé'mésehe! Don't (future) eat! Nėstse-vé'eóxȯheve! Don't (future) say anything! Apparently this is the same preverb that can appear in contexts in which something is referred to which should not be the case; here non-second person, as well as second person, subjects can occur, and verbs can be of either the independent or conjunct orders (but the vé'(e)- cannot occur as the first conjunct prefix, giving a conditional meaning, as found in some examples in the preceding entry): Ma'háhkėseho éohke-vé'no'oestsénove. Old people can't hide it (for example, some story). É-vé'na'xévaenóho. He beat her up (lit. killed her; an idiom for beating up one's wife; the vé'-here gives some or all of the following meaning: he did that over there; he wasn't supposed to do it; he had no consideration for what else was going on there, for example, in a meeting). Heé, nééšetaome-vé'nėhetóhta'haove. Hey, you had already told me that story yourself. [1987:175] Éta-vé'nétȧhévotse'óhtánóvo. They use it in a different way. [1987:211] É-vé'nėhešéve. He shouldn't do that. tsé-vé'tótoesėstse the one who opened his eyes. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.012] Ques: does that mean 'the one who should not have opened his eyes'?? See: vé'- ' oh-; hótse-; sáa-; ho'nó-. Category: grammar, check.

vé'še-   pv. by, with, because, instrumental. primarily registers instrumentality but, by extension, can indicate some causality; the primary causality preverb, however, is hése-. Ná-vé'šepėhévetanóotse. It made me happy. Ná-vé'šeoomaa'e kȧhámáxe. He hit me with a stick. (compare náooma 'he hit me'). É-vé'šėhe'pónoto he'óhkono. He smoked (with) a pipe (obv). [1987:30] Hotáma'e ho'éévéva náme'taéva-vé'šėho'eanȯhestóseohé'tóvo. On a hide I could easily haul her back down (the hill). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.105] Héne násáa'o'ée-vé'šėtsėhe'ȯhtséhénóne That is not the reason why we came. See: hése-; vé'(e)-. Category: grammar.

-venó   fni. place, town. Háonovȧhé-véno Busby (lit. talkative-place) (name not well known for Busby; named after Mr. Busby who was a talkative whiteman). Mé'e'háóhtsé'é-véno at Flies In Sight Woman's (=Jenny Spang's) house/place. See: -nó2. Category: places, grammar.

-vo1   sfx. conjunct order relational suffix. See discussion in Leman's grammar (1980:201:fn. 5). Petter called this form oratio obliqua in his grammar (1952:105). This suffix appears when a conjunct verb is in relation to an independent order verb which has a third person subject. If -vo is absolutely word-final, the subject of the verb is first person. This -vo is an allomorph of the independent order relator suffix -vó, but differs functionally slightly from its independent order use in that the latter indicates a relationship to an object possessed by a third person, but in the conjunct usage it is simply the presence of the third person which triggers usage of the relational suffix. tséhnaóotse-vo when I was sleeping (relational). tsé'óetsetano-vo Ma'hēō'o náháóéná'tóvo when I was troubled I prayed to God. [Hymn 97] compare use of the ordinary conjunct indicative, tsé'óetsetanóto, here. tséhvonėšena-vo návéstȧhema when I was lost he helped me. tséhnéehóve-vo myself (cf. tséhnéehóvéto). tséhvoneotse-vȯse when you were lost. tséhvoneotsé-vóse when you (plural) were lost. tséhvoneotsé-vótse when we were lost. naa oha no'pėhévemé'ėstomevoono tsé'tóhe héva tsétó'nėšėhešetano-vo but explain to them how I am thinking (1987:53). éne'ameōhtse hápó'e tséstaameohtse-vo He was coming along just when I was going along (1987:174). tséhmése-vo émomáta'eotse when I ate it he got mad. tsé'tó=hé'e étȧho'hénȯhtsevóomóho tséhešké-voo'o This woman came looking for my mother (obv; 1987:10) (cf. tséheškéto 'the one who is my mother'). tséhéhe-voo'o my father. Ného'éehe évóomóho tséhe'néhevoo'o. My father saw my older brother. See: -vó2 TI independent order relational suffix. Category: grammar.

-vó1   sfx. second and third person plural suffix. especially for conjunct ?? Category: check. Ques: also for Inferentials? Ques: also for II questions? Ques: combine AI and TI -vó ?? Category: check. Phon: -vo > -vó / hé# (of inferential verbs) ?? Névóohtano-vȯtse. You (plural) saw them (inan). Ného'ȧheno-vohe? Do you (plural) want it? tséhmané-vȯse when they drank. mȧhnémenē-vȯhtse when ('future') they sing. hó'mané-vȯhtse whenever they drank. Móhvéehe-vóhe. They must have camped. "Néto'sėho'a'ó'tóé-vo vo'ėstane," éxhesanesėstse. "A person will come to you (plural)," (Sweet Medicine) said. [1987:6:9] Category: grammar, check.

-vó2   sfx. TI independent order relational suffix. See explanation of this suffix under the entry -vo. Návóohtomó-vo hemȧhēō'o. I saw his house. Éhestanomó-vo hemȯxe'ėstónestȯtse. He took his pencil. Éhestanomó-vonovȯtse hesémonevótse. They took their boats. Náé'ó'tó-vo hestse'ko. I broke his leg. Námése-vonȯtse hemȧhaemenȯtse. I'm eating his corn (pl) (compare námésenȯtse mȧhaemenȯtse 'I'm eating corn'). See: -vo1 conjunct order relational suffix. Category: grammar.

-vo2   sfx. TA obviative suffix. Évóomae-vohe? Did he/they see him? Category: grammar.

-vo3   sfx. inanimate plural suffix. Ého'tane-votse? Are they (inan) here? Gram: This morpheme is an allomorph of the inanimate plural suffixes /-né-t/ in II interrogatives. Ques: recheck analysis?? Ques: ?? Category: check, grammar.

-vó3   sfx. absentative suffix. This suffix indicates that the speaker was absent from the scene that they are describing. Anóse náhtanéé-vo. I was standing outside (while the action was taking place inside). [My Testimony.031] See: -o4 absentative suffix. Category: grammar.

-vo4   sfx. third person plural AI interrogative suffix. /-vo/ is the allomorph of the AI third person plural suffix /-o/ in interrogatives. Névóomo-vohe? Did you see them (an)? Émésėhe-vohe? Did they eat? Category: grammar.

-vo5   sfx. OBV.Q. Éhéne'enovo-vo. They know him/them (obv). /-vo/ is an allomorph of the AI third person plural suffix /-o/ in interrogatives: Évóomo-vohe? Did he see him/them (obv)? Category: grammar.

-vo6   sfx. second and third person plural TA and TI suffix. allomorph of -vó. Évóomo-vo. They saw him/them (obv).. Éhestanáno-vȯtse. They took it. Névóohtano-vȯtse. You (plural) saw them (inanimate). Évóohtano-vȯtse. They saw them (inanimate). See: -vó. Category: grammar.

-vȯse   sfx. third person plural conjunct suffix. tséhnaóotsé-vȯse when they were sleeping. Category: grammar.

-vȯtse   see -vȯhtse (AI conjunct suffix third person plural subject). See: -vȯhtse. Category: grammar.

x-   tns. past tense. allomorph of /h/ 'past tense' before /h/. Éx-ho'sóeo'o. They danced. See: h- past tense; š- past tense. Category: grammar.